Internet DRAFT - draft-lopez-pce-use-cases-initiated-pce


     PCE Working Group                                      Victor Lopez 
     Internet Draft                               Oscar Gonzalez de Dios 
     Intended status: Informational                  Telefonica I+D/GCTO 
     Expires: September 20, 2016                              
                                                               Zafar Ali 
                                                           Cisco Systems 
                                                          Xian Zhangxian 
                                                           Haomian Zheng 
                                                          March 21, 2016 

        Use cases for remote-initiated LSPs via Path Computation Element 
                         Communication Protocol (PCEP) 

     Status of this Memo 

     This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the 
     provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. 

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     This Internet-Draft will expire on September 20, 2016. 
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     Expires September 2016                                  [Page 1] 

     Internet-Draft    draft-lopez-pce-use-cases-initiated-pce-01.txt 
     This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF 
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     Thanks to the extensions defined in [I-D. draft-ietf-pce-pce-
     initiated-lsp] and [I-D.draft-ietf-pce-remote-initiated-gmpls-lsp], 
     it is possible to initiate LSP Setup in a Stateful PCE Model for 
     MPLS and GMPLS scenarios. This document complements previous 
     documents by providing an explanation of the use cases to use such 
     PCEP extensions.  

     This document presents single layer and multi-layer use cases, 
     where not only the PCE is involved, but also other modules defined 
     in IETF, such as Virtual Network Topology Manager and Provisioning 

     Conventions used in this document 

     The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
     this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 

     Table of Contents 

        1. Introduction ....................................... 3 
        2. Single-layer provisioning from active stateful PCE . 3 
        3. Bandwidth-on-demand for multi-layer networks ....... 4 
          3.1. Higher-layer signaling trigger ................. 5 
          3.2. NMS-VNTM cooperation model (separated flavor) .. 6 
        4. Provisioning manager in Application Based Network 
        Operations (ABNO) ..................................... 8 
        5. Security Considerations ............................ 8 
        6. References ......................................... 8 
          6.1. Normative References ........................... 8 

                          Expires September 2016               [Page 2] 

     Internet-Draft    draft-lopez-pce-use-cases-initiated-pce-01.txt 
          6.2. Informative References ......................... 9 
     1. Introduction 

        The Path Computation Element communication Protocol (PCEP) 
        provides mechanisms for Path Computation Elements (PCEs) to 
        perform route computations in response to Path Computation 
        Clients (PCCs) requests. PCEP extensions for PCE-initiated LSP 
        setup in a stateful PCE model draft [I-D. draft-ietf-pce-
        stateful-pce] describes a set of extensions to PCEP to enable 
        active control of MPLS-TE and GMPLS tunnels.  

        [I-D. draft-crabbe-pce-pce-initiated-lsp] describes the setup 
        and teardown of PCE-initiated LSPs under the active stateful PCE 
        model, without the need for local configuration on the PCC, thus 
        allowing for a dynamic network that is centrally controlled and 
        deployed. However, this specification is focused on MPLS 
        networks, and does not cover the GMPLS networks (e.g., WSON, 
        OTN, SONET/ SDH, etc. technologies). 

     2. Single-layer provisioning from active stateful PCE 

        Figure 1 presents a network with MPLS control plane, where a PCE 
        intends to create a LSP from R1 to R2. The PCE sends a 
        PCInitiate message to the source router, which can then use 
        control plane to set up such a connection. 

                             [Please see pdf version] 

        Figure 1. Single-layer provisioning from active stateful PCE in 
        a MPLS domain.  

        Similarly, Figure 2 shows a single-layer topology with optical 
        nodes with a GMPLS control plane. In this scenario, the active 
        PCE can dynamically instantiate or delete L0 services between 
        client interfaces. The reason to create this connections can be 
        a new network configuration or a re-optimization process.  

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                           [Please see pdf version]

        Figure 2. Single-layer provisioning from active stateful PCE in 
        a GMPLS domain.  

        PCEs in this scenario can obtain the resources information via 
        control plane collecting LSAs messages or via Border Gateway 
        Protocol - Link State (BGP-LS). The request contains, at least 
        two interfaces, so PCE computes the path and sends a message to 
        the optical equipment with ERO path information. 

     3. Bandwidth-on-demand for multi-layer networks 

        This use case assumes there is a multi-layer network composed by 
        routers and optical equipments. In this scenario, there is an 
        entity, which decides it needs extra bandwidth between two 
        routers. This certain moment a GMPLS LSP connecting both routers 
        via the optical network can be established on-the-fly. This 
        entity can be a router, an active stateful PCE or even the 
        Network Management System (NMS) (with or without human 

        It is important to note that the bandwidth-on-demand interfaces 
        and spare bandwidth in the optical network could be shared to 
        cover many under capacity scenarios in the L3 network. For 
        example, in this use-case, if we assume all interfaces are 10G 
        and there is 10G of spare bandwidth available in the optical 
        network, the spare bandwidth in the optical network can be used 
        to connect any router connected to the optical nodes, depending 
        on bandwidth demand of the router network. For example, if there 
        are three routers, it is not known a priori if the demand will 
        make bandwidth-on-demand interface at R1 to be connected to 
        bandwidth-on-demand interface at R2 or R3.  

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     Internet-Draft    draft-lopez-pce-use-cases-initiated-pce-01.txt 
        According to [RFC5623], there are four options inter-layer path 
        control models: (1) PCE-VNTM cooperation, (2) Higher-layer 
        signaling trigger, (3) NMS-VNTM cooperation model (integrated 
        flavor) and (4) NMS-VNTM cooperation model (separated flavor). 
        In all scenarios there is a certain moment when entities are 
        using an interface to request for path provisioning. In this 
        document we have selected two use cases in a scenario with 
        routers and optical equipments to obtain the requirements for 
        this draft, but it is applicable to all options listed above. 

     3.1. Higher-layer signaling trigger 

        Figure 3 depicts a multi-layer network scenario similar to the 
        presented in section 4.2.2. [RFC5623], with the difference that 
        PCE is an active stateful PCE [I-D. draft-ietf-pce-stateful-

                           [Please see pdf version] 

        Figure 3. Use case higher-layer signaling trigger.  

        In this example, O1, O2 and O3 are optical nodes that are 
        connected with router nodes R1, R2 and R3, respectively. The 
        network is designed such that the interface between R1-O1, R2-O2 
        and R3-O3 are setup to provide bandwidth-on-demand via the 
        optical network.  

        The example assumes that an active stateful PCE is used for 
        setting and tearing down bandwidth-on-demand connectivity. 
        Although the simple use-case assumes a single PCE server (PCE1), 
        the proposed technique is generalized to cover multiple co-
        operating PCE case. Similarly, although the use case assumes 
        PCE1 only has knowledge of the L3 topology, the proposed 
        technique is generalized to cover multi-layer PCE case.   

        The PCE server (PCE1) is assumed to be receiving L3 topology 
        data. It is also assumed that PCE learns L0 (optical) addresses 
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        associated with bandwidth-on-demand interfaces R1-O1, R2-O2 and 
        R3-O3. These addresses are referred by OTE-IP-R1 (optical TE 
        link R1-O1 address at R1), OTE-IP-R2 (optical TE link R2-O2 
        address at R2) and OTE-IP-R3 (optical TE link R3-O3 address at 
        R3), respectively. How PCE learns the optical addresses 
        associated with the bandwidth-on-demand interfaces is beyond the 
        scope of this document.  

        How knowledge of the bandwidth-on-demand interfaces is utilized 
        by the PCE is exemplified in the following. Suppose an 
        application requests 8 Gbps from R1 to R2 (recall all interfaces 
        in Figure 1 are assumed to be 10G). PCE1 satisfies this by 
        establishing a tunnel using R1-R4-R2 path. PCEP initiated LSP 
        using techniques specified in [I-D. draft-crabbe-pce-pce-
        initiated-lsp] can be used to establish a PSC tunnel using the 
        R1-R4-R2 path. Now assume another application requests 7 Gbps 
        service between R1 and R2. This request cannot be satisfied 
        without establishing a GMPLS tunnel via optical network using 
        bandwidth-on-demand interfaces. In this case, PCE1 initiates a 
        GMPLS tunnel using R1-O1-O2-R2 path (this is referred as GMPLS 
        tunnel1 in the following). 

        As mentioned earlier, the GMPLS tunnel created on-the-fly to 
        satisfy bandwidth demand of L3 applications cannot be pre-
        provisioned in IP network, as bandwidth-on-demand interfaces and 
        spare bandwidth in the optical network are shared. Furthermore, 
        in this example, as active stateful PCE is used for managing 
        PCE-initiated LSP, PCC may not be aware of the intended usage of 
        the PCE-initiated LSP. Specifically, when the PCE1 initiated 
        GMPLS tunnel1, PCC does not know the IGP instance whose demand 
        leads to establishment of the GMPLS tunnel1 and hence does not 
        know the IGP instance in which the GMPLS tunnel1 needs to be 
        advertised. Similarly, the PCC does not know IP address that 
        should be assigned to the GMPLS tunnel1. In the above example, 
        this IP address is labeled as TUN-IP-R1 (tunnel IP address at 
        R1). The PCC also does not know if the tunnel needs to be 
        advertised as forwarding and/ or routing adjacency and/or to be 
        locally used by the target IGP instance. Similarly, egress node 
        for GMPLS signaling (R2 node in this example) may not know the 
        intended usage of the tunnel (tunnel1 in this example). For 
        example, the R2 node does not know IP address that should be 
        assigned to the GMPLS tunnel1. In the above example, this IP 
        address is labeled as TUN-IP-R2 (tunnel IP address at R2).  

     3.2. NMS-VNTM cooperation model (separated flavor) 

        Figure 4 depicts NMS-VNTM cooperation model. This is the 
        separated flavor, because NMS and VNTM are not in the same 

        A new L3 path is requested from NMS, because there is an 
        automated process in the NMS or after human intervention. NMS 
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        does not have information about all network information, so it 
        consults L3 PCE. For shake of simplicity L3-PCE is used, but any 
        other multi-layer cooperating PCE model is applicable. In case 
        that there is enough resource in the L3 network, the L3-PCE 
        returns a L3 only path. On the other hand, if there is a lack of 
        resources at the L3 layer, the response does not have any path 
        or may contain a multilayer path with L3 and L0 (optical) 
        information in case of a ML-PCE. In case of there is not a path 
        in L3; NMS sends a message to the VNTM to create a GMPLS LSP in 
        the lower layer. When the VNTM receives this message, based on 
        the local policies, accepts the suggestion and sends a similar 
        message to the router, which can create the lower layer LSP via 
        UNI signaling in the routers, like in use case in section 2.3.1. 
        Similarly, VNTM may talk with L0-PCE to set-up the path in the 
        optical domain (section 2.2). This second option looks more 
        complex, because it requires VNTM configuring inter-layer TE-

        Requirements for the message from VNTM to the router are the 
        same than in the previous use case (section 2.3.1). Regarding 
        NMS to VNTM message, the requirements here depends on who has 
        all the information. Three different addresses are required in 
        this use case: (1) L3, (2) L0 and (3) inter-layer addressing. In 
        case there is a non-cooperating L3-PCE, information about inter-
        layer connections have to be stored (or discovered) by VNTM. If 
        there is a ML-PCE and this information is obtained from the 
        network, the message would be the same as the ones in section 

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                                    [Please see pdf version]

        Figure 4. Use case NMS-VNTM cooperation model 

     4. Provisioning manager in Application Based Network Operations 

        The Provisioning Manager is the unit in charge of configuring 
        the network elements in the ABNO architecture [I-D. draft-
        farrkingel-pce-abno-architecture]. This module receives a 
        request from the ABNO controller or the active PCE and it can 
        configure the resources through the data plane or by triggering 
        a set of actions to the control plane. Therefore, the 
        provisioning manager can require to translate from PCEP to OF, 
        CLI or Netconf depending on the protocols supported by the 
                           [Please see pdf version]

        Figure 5. Provisioning the End-to-End LSP 


     5. Security Considerations 

        To be added in future revision of this document.  

     6. References 

     6.1. Normative References 

         [I-D. draft-ietf-pce-stateful-pce] E. Crabbe, I. Minei, J. 
                  Medved, R. Varga "PCEP Extensions for Stateful PCE", 
                  work in progress. 


                          Expires September 2016               [Page 8] 

     Internet-Draft    draft-lopez-pce-use-cases-initiated-pce-01.txt 
         [I-D. draft-crabbe-pce-pce-initiated-lsp] Crabbe, E., Minei, I., 
                  Sivabalan, S., Varga, R., "PCEP Extensions for PCE-
                  initiated LSP Setup in a Stateful PCE Model", draft-
                  crabbe-pce-pce-initiated-lsp, work in progress.  

        [I-D. draft-ietf-pce-remote-initiated-gmpls-lsp] Z. Ali, S. 
                  Sivabalan, C. Filsfils, R. Varga, V. Lopez, O. 
                  Gonzalez de Dios, "Path Computation Element 
                  Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for remote-
                  initiated GMPLS LSP Setup", draft-ietf-pce-remote-
                  initiated-gmpls-lsp, wrok in progress. 

        [RFC5623] Oki, E., Takeda, T., Le Roux, JL., and A. Farrel, 
                  "Framework for PCE-Based Inter-Layer MPLS and GMPLS 
                  Traffic Engineering", RFC 5623, September 2009. 

        [I-D. draft-farrkingel-pce-abno-architecture] D. King, A. Farrel 
                  "A PCE-based Architecture for Application-based 
                  Network Operations", work in progress. 

     6.2. Informative References 


     Authors' Addresses 

        Victor Lopez 
        Telefonica I+D 
        Oscar Gonzalez de Dios  
        Telefonica I+D  
        Zafar Ali 
        Cisco Systems 
        Xian Zhang 
        Huawei Technologies 
        Haomian Zheng 
        Huawei Technologies 

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