Internet DRAFT - draft-lopez-qirg-qi-multiplane-arch


Quantum Internet Research Group                                 D. Lopez
Internet-Draft                                                Telefonica
Intended status: Informational                                 V. Martin
Expires: 5 September 2024                                            UPM
                                                                B. Lopez
                                                          IMDEA Networks
                                                         L. M. Contreras
                                                            4 March 2024

      A Multiplane Architecture Proposal for the Quantum Internet


   A consistent reference architecture model for the Quantum Internet is
   required to progress in its evolution, providing a framework for the
   integration of the protocols applicable to it, and enabling the
   advance of the applications based on it.  This model has to satisfy
   three essential requirements: agility, so it is able to adapt to the
   evolution of quantum communications base technologies,
   sustainability, with open availability in technological and
   economical terms, and pliability, being able to integrate with the
   operations and management procedures in current networks.  This
   document proposes such an architecture framework, with the goal of
   providing a conceptual common framework for the integration of
   technologies intended to build the Quantum Internet infrastructure
   and its integration with the current Internet.  The framework is
   based on the already extensive experience in the deployment of QKD
   network infrastructures and on related initiatives focused on the
   integration of network infrastructures and services.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   The latest revision of this draft can be found at
   multiplane-arch.html.  Status information for this document may be
   found at

   Discussion of this document takes place on the Quantum Internet
   Research Group Research Group mailing list (,
   which is archived at
   Subscribe at

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   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 5 September 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Base Technologies: QKD Experience and Evolved SDN Concepts  .   4
     3.1.  A QKD Multi-Plane Architecture  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.2.  Interfacing with Classical Networks . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.3.  CLAS and Quantum Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   4.  A Framework Architecture for the Quantum Internet . . . . . .   8
     4.1.  Strata for Quantum Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.2.  Identification of Interfaces and Protocols  . . . . . . .  12
       4.2.1.  The Role of Synthetic Environments  . . . . . . . . .  12
   5.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   6.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     6.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     6.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

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   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

1.  Introduction

   As another case of the "classical vs quantum" apparent
   contradictions, the nature of quantum communications [QTTI21],
   associated with natural physical effects that require a specific
   infrastructure to be used for communications, poses a significant
   challenge in the definition of any network reference architecture to
   be used for such communications.  Nevertheless, the growing interest
   on quantum networking, its applications, and the eventual
   availability of a Quantum Internet, require of consensus on an
   architecture framework able to support the definition and evolution
   of different protocols and interfaces.

   Several steps have been taken in this direction, including the
   identification of architectural principles and base technologies made
   in [RFC9340], the description of relevant use cases [QUCS], and
   specific approaches to layered models for Quantum Networking,
   summarized and discussed in [QIPS22].  While the principles provide
   an extremely valuable common ground for further collaboration among
   quantum and network practitioners, they are not intended to provide
   the solid framework required for progressing in the definition of
   specific protocols and other interfaces for common network management
   tasks and interactions with user applications.  On the other hand,
   the proposals made for a layered approach provide interesting
   insights on requirements and potential mechanisms to structure
   quantum communications, but, first, they do not include essential
   aspects for a network at scale and, second and most important, they
   do not take into account the need for direct interactions beyond the
   layered structure, such as those between classical and quantum
   networking services, between applications and the quantum network,

   In parallel, the operational experience with the first kind of
   infrastructures using quantum communication technologies to provide
   an actual network service, those focused on Quantum Key Distribution
   (QKD), has allowed practitioners to explore the solution space and
   identify design patterns that seem applicable to the general case of
   a Quantum Internet.  A corpus of architectural proposals [Y3802],
   experimental deployments [MADQCI23] and pilot infrastructures
   [EUROQCI] have become available in the recent years, and can be used
   to derive useful conclusions, especially if combined with recent
   proposals in network architecture [RFC8597], intended to address the
   complexity of management and integration at scale beyond the basic
   layered constructs supporting connectivity.

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   This document proposes a multi-plane reference architecture for the
   Quantum Internet, derived from available proposals and the
   operational experience with QKD infrastructure.  The proposal
   attempts to define a framework with three essential properties to
   guarantee a seamless evolution of the technology, and the
   consolidation of applications and management practices:

   *  Agility: Provide abstractions able to incorporate new protocols
      and interfaces as the technology evolves, avoiding a tight
      coupling with specific physical technologies.

   *  Sustainability: Considering it at all levels and in full scale,
      especially regarding environmental and social impacts, including
      open availability in technological and economical terms, and
      fostering infrastructure reuse.

   *  Pliability: Facilitate the seamless integration of classical and
      quantum network operational procedures, applying and adapting best
      practices in use by the Internet community.

   And trying to address three essential characteristics already
   identified in [PSQN22]:

   *  Universality, so a quantum network can accommodate any

   *  Transparency, so quantum networks can share physical media with
      classical networks.

   *  Scalability, so quantum networking protocols can support the
      growth of the network.

2.  Conventions and Definitions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

3.  Base Technologies: QKD Experience and Evolved SDN Concepts

   The design and deployment of QKD infrastructures has followed a
   number of design principles, based on the best practices in network
   architecture and management established during the lifetime of the
   Internet (and even before), and focused on the separation of
   concerns, that have been converging on the trends around open
   disaggregation strategies, and the identification of separate data

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   and control planes, connected by means of open interfaces.

   In what relates to the evolution of SDN concepts, the Cooperating
   Layered Architecture for Software-Defined Networking (CLAS) [RFC8597]
   described a SDN architecture structured in two different strata,
   namely Service Stratum and Transport Stratum.  On one hand, the
   Service Stratum contains the functions related to the provision of
   services and the capabilities offered to external applications.  On
   the other hand, the Transport Stratum comprises the functions focused
   on the transfer of data between the communication endpoints, e.g.,
   between end-user devices, between two service gateways, etc.

3.1.  A QKD Multi-Plane Architecture

   Applying the SDN and disaggregation principles, QKD infrastructures
   have been essentially structured around three different planes
   [QTTI21].  While we are not talking about a rigid, layered structure,
   where a given layer can only provide services to the immediate upper
   layer and consume services from the immediate lower layer, it is
   worth noting that interactions among elements in the different planes
   must use well-defined interfaces [ETSI04] [ETSI14] [ETSI15] [ETSI18],
   and these interactions may incorporate a layered approach.

   In this approach, the Quantum Forwarding Plane (QFP) is in charge of
   performing the operations (quantum and classical) to ensure the
   forwarding of the quantum signals or enable the utilization of
   persistent quantum resources, like persistent, distributed
   entanglement.  In QKD, the QFP encapsulates all the functionality
   required to obtain an end-to-end secret key across the network.  This
   implies the transmission of the quantum signals and the execution of
   any associated protocols.  Note this would require the use of
   classical procedures, either via a separated physical "classical
   channel" [QTTI21] or the reuse of a common channel, as proposed in
   "packet-oriented" approaches [PSQN22].  In this sense, the forwarding
   of the keys at intermediate nodes in the multi-hop chains used to
   overcome current limitations in propagation of quantum signals or
   states, has to be considered part of the QFP, since it is done
   exclusively on behalf of the QKD functionality.

   On its side, the Service Overlay Plane (SOP) supports the use of the
   keys derived from the QFP by applications.  This includes the
   storage, identification, delivery, and lifecycle management of the
   units of consumption (keys of different length, delivered according
   to specific patterns) at the endpoints of the network.  All network
   functionalities at this plane can be considered application-oriented,
   with a clear mapping to an overlay data plane in a classical network,
   though the SOP elements should be aware of the nature and specific
   needs of the QFP they interact with.  Key management mechanisms,

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   beyond key forwarding by intermediate nodes, fit within the SOP.
   This comprises methods such as hybridization and augmentation
   techniques, or the means for synchronizing key identifiers across API

   Finally, the Control and Management Plane (CMP) is made of the
   elements that create and supervise the state of the network.  This
   decoupling between network configuration and (general) data
   forwarding is supported by the controller, a mediation logically
   centralized element between the control capabilities supported by the
   elements in the QFP and SOP and the management and control functions.
   These management and control applications rely on the controller,
   taking advantage of the centralization it provides, to guarantee the
   best performance of the network and avoid diverging local control
   decisions that might lead to sub-optimal configurations.

   It is worth noting this management centralization does not contradict
   the distributed principles generally applied in current networks.
   Local control decisions are intended to be coordinated by centralized
   management.  While the communication between the controller and the
   controlled elements relies on some kind of SDN protocol, the
   controller exposes a consistent abstract model of the network devices
   and topology, that can be structured in a hierarchy of abstractions,
   from lower-level, element-focused ones, up to application-oriented

   In summary, QKD infrastructures are converging into an extended SDN
   model, with two differentiated data planes, controlled in a
   coordinated manner through a common Control and Management Plane,
   that supports aggregated mechanisms for further orchestration.  The
   QFP/SOP duality constitutes a common abstract foundation for a
   general approach to quantum communications networks, regardless of
   their final purpose.

3.2.  Interfacing with Classical Networks

   The interface of QKD infrastructures with classical networks
   (commonly identified as OTN, Optical Transport Networks) has been
   based on three basic principles, related to the ones we mentioned
   above: facilitate the reuse of physical infrastructure
   (sustainability and transparency), apply the abstractions commonly
   used in open and disaggregated networks (agility and universality),
   and reuse the best practices in network management being applied in
   current infrastructures (pliability and scalability).  We can
   classify the interface mechanisms according to the level at which
   they occur.

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   At the application level, end-to-end key management and end-to-end
   key creation are obviously the main target.  Since many applications
   of these keys are related to classical communications (direct
   encryption, key derivation for symmetric algorithms, peer identity…)
   there is a clear interface for the SOP, with classical network
   functions acting as consumers of the keys or, in general terms, the
   bit streams generated by the QFP.  Further on, the application of NFV
   mechanisms to any network function allows for its implementation
   through software virtualization techniques (virtual machines, para-
   virtualization containers, unikernels, etc.), irrespectively of their
   application environments or specific plane.  The lifecycle management
   of all network functions, of any nature, under a common MANO stack
   [NFV06], seems the most reasonable option.

   At the control and management level, the distinct nature of network
   elements and the mediation nature of the controller role do not make
   advisable the use of common quantum/OTN controllers, but there are
   common abstractions able to support cross-interactions among
   controllers and management applications, especially regarding:

   *  Quantum management applications requiring operations on topologies
      and physical paths in the OTN mediated by an OTN controller.

   *  OTN management applications requiring operation on quantum
      topologies mediated by the quantum controller.

   *  Topology updates exchanged between quantum and OTN controllers.

   *  The coordination through an integrated controller (commonly
      referred as "orchestrator"), able to provide a common view to
      application network functions.

   At the forwarding level, there is a radical difference between the
   network elements in quantum networks and OTN, and therefore
   interactions in data forwarding are not feasible, with only two
   exceptions: the possibility of sharing physical media, and the use of
   classical channels to support QKD algorithms, as it is the case of
   distillation channels in protocols like BB84.  In this case, a proper
   control of the path and physical parameters has to be applied to
   minimize interferences of any nature and guarantee OTN connectivity
   for the quantum algorithms.

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3.3.  CLAS and Quantum Networks

   As discussed above, SDN principles have enabled the base abstractions
   for the conceptualization of QKD infrastructures, including the
   services they provide and the required interactions in the use of
   classical infrastructure to support the required connectivity
   patterns.  The original CLAS archiecture, as defined by [RFC8597],
   addresses SDN evolution considering the forwarding (transport) and
   service aspects in two separated but coordinated planes.  This
   approach matches the multi-plane approach described for QKD
   infeastructures, though it seems somehow limited to address the
   required interactions with physical connectivity, as well as to
   incorporate general requirements regarding automation to support
   convergence with operational practices.

   The new extension of the CLAS architecture, as defined in
   [CLASEVO], intends to address the current evolution of networks and
   the services they support introducing new aspects, in particular the
   considerations of distributed computing capabilities attached to
   different points in the network, and the introduction of evidence-
   driven techniques, such as Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
   and Machine Learning (ML) to improve operations by means of closed-
   loop automation.

   The CLAS framework provides a sound foundation for incorporating the
   experience gained with QKD deployments in a general proposal
   applicable to the Quantum Internet, as it is essentially compatible
   with the architectural lessons learned within the QKD fields, and at
   the same time supports additional degrees of freedom regarding the
   integration of control mechanisms, and the interplay with the
   (shared) infrastructure and its management.

4.  A Framework Architecture for the Quantum Internet

   Based on the available experience on the deployment of existing QKD
   infrastructures and on the evolution of SDN-enabled architectures
   described in the previous section, this document proposes an
   architecture framework intended to offer a conceptual common
   framework for the integration of technologies intended to build the
   Quantum Internet infrastructure and its integration with the current

   Once we presented in the previous section the lessons learned from
   QKD deployments, introducing a general architecture applicable to
   those deployments, in this section we propose the generalization of
   such architecture towards a Quantum Internet, augmented by the
   extended SDN approach proposed by the evolved CLAS in [CLASEVO].  In
   what follows,we will discuss how this framework architecure would

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   support the required properties: agility, allowing for technology
   evolution, sustainability, fostering infrastructure reuse, and
   pliability, supporting operational best practices.

   Furthermore, we propose here a general network architecture trying to
   incorporate relevant trends such as cloud nativeness, the integration
   of zero-touch management, or the considerations about intent.  With
   this in mind, in what follows a CLAS-based architecture frameworks
   for quantum communications networks is introduced, including the
   proposed strata and their main characteristics.

4.1.  Strata for Quantum Networks

   The CLAS architecture was initially conceived from the perspective of
   exploiting the advantages of network programmability in operational
   networks, complementing and going beyond the traditional layered
   structured of the original SDN proposal.  Following the CLAS
   philosophy, as proposed in its recent update [CLASEVO] of decoupling
   services, additional functionality, and base connectivity, the
   architecture of a quantum network should be composed of:

   *  A Service Stratum, dealing with the functionality related to the
      purpose of the quantum network, and aligned with SOP described for
      QKD networks above.  At this moment, the most general service,
      beyond QKD key management, is obviously entanglement distribution
      in a general quantum network.  Others can be considered, as time
      synchronization, identity assurance or sensing.  The service
      stratum would consider the relevant service units (keys, shared
      states, identities, timelines...), deal with their appropriate
      forwarding and routing, and deliver these service units as
      requested by the user application functions.

   *  A Quantum Forwarding Stratum, in charge of the direct application
      of quantum protocols and algorithms between the two endpoints of a
      quantum link, even when it is a multi-hop one, very much as the
      QFP we described as part of QKD deployments.

   (TBD: The term "Quantum Forwarding" seems to not gather full
   consensus.  A proposal for a better term would be welcome!!)

   *  A Connectivity Stratum, taking care of providing the paths to
      support the quantum links used by the quantum forwarding and
      service strata.  Typically, the connectivity stratum would be
      supported by OTN infrastructure, via fiber and/or open-space
      links, and would follow a common connectivity paradigm,
      specifically a circuit-based or packet-based one.  While current
      quantum links deal with OTN infrastructure according to a circuit-
      based paradigm, recent proposals are addressing the idea of

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      "quantum packets" [PSQN22] and the connectivity stratum would have
      to deal, in general terms, with the classical headers of such

   This architecture, following the CLAS proposal itself, is built under
   the assumption that planes within and across strata communicate
   through well-defined, open interfaces supporting programmability, as
   a generalization of the common SDN architecture that defines a
   controller as a mediator between application and network (forwarding)
   devices.  It includes the archetypal case of a centralized
   controller, but is not limited to that particular realization.  These
   broader implications of SDN principles are among the main motivation
   of the original CLAS proposal in [CLASEVO], and it is the main reason
   for using it as the base for the framework proposed by ths document.

   Based on the images used to illustrate the strata proposed in
   [CLASEVO] and [RFC8597], the relationship among the strata described
   above would be as shown in the following diagram:

                                       Application Functions
           | Service Stratum                     ||             |
           |                                     \/             |
           |  +--------------+     ...........................  |
           |  | Telemetry Pl.|     . SDN Intelligence        .  |
           |  |              |<===>.                         .  |
           |  +-----/\-------+     .        +--------------+ .  |
           |        ||             .        |   Mgmt. Pl.  | .  |
           |        ||             .  +--------------+     | .  |
           |  +-----\/-------+     .  |  Control Pl. |-----+ .  |
           |  | Resource Pl. |     .  |              |       .  |
           |  |              |<===>.  +--------------+       .  |
           |  +--------------+     ...........................  |
           |                                /\             /\   |
           |                                ||             ||   |
                            Standard API -- || --          ||
           +--------------------------------||-----+       ||
           | Quantum Forwarding Stratum     ||     |       ||
           |                                \/     |       ||
           |  +----------+    ...................  |       ||
           |  | Telemetry|    . SDN             .  |  Std. ||
           |  | Plane    |<==>. Intelligence    .  |  API  ||
           |  +-----/\---+    .    +----------+ .  |    -- || --
           |        ||        .    | Mgmt. Pl.| .  |       ||
           |        ||        .  +----------+ | .  |       ||

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           |  +-----\/---+    .  | Control  |-+ .  |       ||
           |  | Resource |    .  | Plane    |   .  |       ||
           |  | Plane    |<==>.  +----------+   .  |       ||
           |  +----------+    ...................  |       ||
           +----------------------------------/\---+       ||
                              Standard API -- || --        ||
                          | Connectivity      ||           ||     |
                          | Stratum           ||           ||     |
                          |                   \/           \/     |
                          |  +----------+    ...................  |
                          |  | Telemetry|    . SDN             .  |
                          |  | Plane    |<==>. Intelligence    .  |
                          |  +-----/\---+    .    +----------+ .  |
                          |        ||        .    | Mgmt. Pl.| .  |
                          |        ||        .  +----------+ | .  |
                          |  +-----\/---+    .  | Control  |-+ .  |
                          |  | Resource |    .  | Plane    |   .  |
                          |  | Plane    |<==>.  +----------+   .  |
                          |  +----------+    ...................  |

   Essentially, this architecture model incorporates the findings from
   QKD deployments, and addresses the requirements for providing a
   general framework for quantum networks towards the Quantum Internet.
   It is intended to support the evolution of network base technologies,
   provide the degrees of freedom necessary to encompass different
   deployment models, and align with relevant trends in network
   operation, while considering the practical aspects related to
   classical connectivity.

   The proposed architecture will address the evolution of network base
   technologies by providing abstractions able to accommodate to this
   evolution.  Considering the stages analyzed in [QIROAD18], the QKD
   deployment patterns described in the previous section already cover
   "Trusted Repeater Networks" and "Prepare and Measure Networks", and
   the general architecture proposed here is able to accommodate the
   more evolved stages, namely "Entanglement Distribution Networks",
   "Quantum Memory Networks", "Few Qubit Fault-Tolerant Networks", and
   "Quantum Computing Networks".  As immediate examples we can consider
   the integration of features in the Connectivity Stratum with the
   other two strata to support entanglement forwarding among different
   locations, or the incorporation of future quantum repeaters into the
   Quantum Forwarding Stratum to support more ellaborated behaviors of
   the Service Stratum.

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   In addition, these network abstractions are intended to provide
   specific degrees of freedom for network design and deployment,
   through the incorporation of independent resource and control planes
   at each stratum.  Given the control mechanisms identified as "SDN
   intelligence" on the diagram above are able to expose open
   interfaces, the approach for coordinating the different strata via
   mechanisms like those defined in [ETSI18] is totally feasible, and
   different aggregation patterns (multi-stratum, multi-domain...) and
   models (federated, hierarchical...) can be applied.  These
   aggregation mechanisms are equally applicable in the case of
   telemetry data and their integration with closed-loop mechanisms for
   automation, in support of the required quantum network agility.

   The evolved CLAS proposal in [CLASEVO] explicitly incorporates
   current trends in network automation, in whatever the flavor
   including AI and intent expressions.  This architecture guarantees
   the future pliability of quantum networks, in alignment with the
   evolution of best practices in general network management.

   Finally, by explicitly addressing the issues related to the
   connectivity of quantum links, the architecture considers the
   interactionis with any other relevant oparational aspects required
   for providing quantum network services.  The direct integration of a
   stratum focused on this aspects makes the proposed architecture
   better aligned with the sustainability goal.

4.2.  Identification of Interfaces and Protocols

   This section, TBP once there is agreement on the architecture
   framework, will include a discussion on the applicable and foreseen
   protocols and interfaces to be used for intra-stratum (SDN and
   telemetry, essentially) and inter-stratum (APIs and models
   applicable) interactions, as well as the capability exposure
   mechanisms to support the aggregation mechanisms mentioned above.

4.2.1.  The Role of Synthetic Environments

   Due to the early stage of many, if not all, quantum technologies,
   experimenting with quantum devices and equipment can be seriously
   hindered by high costs and limited availabilty.  This is especially
   true for experimentation at the scale required to validate network
   protocolos and inter- and intra-strata interfaces.  In this context,
   it becomes appropriate the use of synthetic testbeds where it is
   feasible to emulate the deployment of quantum networks, thus enabling
   the execution of experiments and trials, where even potential network
   attacks can be analyzed without compromising the integrity of an
   already built quantum network or a signinficant number of physical
   devices.  Based on the results introduced in [QKNDT24] for QKD

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   networks, a characterization of such Quantum Network Digital Twin
   (QNDT) will support a better understanding of the properties of the
   different interfaces and protocols, and the applicability of the
   architecture proposed in this document.

   A more detailed description of the features of a generalized QNDT,
   based on [QKNDT24] findings and the principles of the architecture
   described in this document is being produced, and will be integrated
   in a future version.

5.  Security Considerations

   This section is TBP in detail, as the identification of interfaces
   and protocols progresses.  The general considerations made in
   [RFC8597] apply, as well as an elaboration on the following points

   *  The requirements on mutual authentication in the channels used for
      quantum interactions, as they should require methods rooted at
      physical properties.

   *  Specific physical attacks related to the particular quantum
      mechanisms in use by the quantum forwarding stratum.

   *  The interaction of these physical attacks with classical attacks
      to the control and monitoring activities, possibly translating
      into a threat surface augmentation.

6.  References

6.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8597]  Contreras, LM., Bernardos, CJ., Lopez, D., Boucadair, M.,
              and P. Iovanna, "Cooperating Layered Architecture for
              Software-Defined Networking (CLAS)", RFC 8597,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8597, May 2019,

6.2.  Informative References

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   [CLASEVO]  Contreras, L. M., Boucadair, M., Lopez, D., and C. J.
              Bernardos, "An Evolution of Cooperating Layered
              Architecture for SDN (CLAS) for Compute and Data
              Awareness", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              contreras-coinrg-clas-evolution-02, 23 October 2023,

   [ETSI04]   "ETSI GS QKD 004: Quantum Key Distribution (QKD);
              Application Interface", August 2020,

   [ETSI14]   "ETSI GS QKD 014: Quantum Key Distribution (QKD); Protocol
              and data format of REST-based key delivery API", February
              2019, <

   [ETSI15]   "ETSI GS QKD 015: Quantum Key Distribution (QKD); Control
              Interface for Software Defined Networks", April 2022,

   [ETSI18]   "ETSI GS QKD 018: Quantum Key Distribution (QKD);
              Orchestration Interface for Software Defined Networks",
              April 2022, <

   [EUROQCI]  "The European Quantum Communication Infrastructure
              (EuroQCI) Initiative", September 2023, <https://digital-

   [MADQCI23] Martin, V., Brito, J. P., Ortíz, L., Brito-Méndez, R.,
              Vicente, R., Saez-Buruaga, J., Sebastian, A. J., Aguado,
              D. G., García-Cid, M. I., Setien, J., Salas, P.,
              Escribano, C., Dopazo, E., Rivas-Moscoso, J., Pastor-
              Perales, A., and D. Lopez, "The Madrid Testbed: QKD SDN
              Control and Key Management in a Production Network", July
              2023, <>.

   [NFV06]    "ETSI GS NFV 006: Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV)
              Release 4; Management and Orchestration; Architectural
              Framework Specification", December 2022,

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   [PSQN22]   DiAdamo, S., Qi, B., Miller, G., Kompella, R., and A.
              Shabani, "Packet switching in quantum networks: A path to
              the quantum Internet", October 2022,

   [QIPS22]   Illiano, J., Caleffia, M., Manzalini, A., and A. S.
              Cacciapuoti, "Quantum Internet Protocol Stack: a
              Comprehensive Survey", August 2022,

   [QIROAD18] Wehner, S., Elkouss, D., and R. Hanson, "Quantum internet:
              A vision for the road ahead", October 2018,

   [QKNDT24]  Martin, R., Lopez, B., Vidal, I., Valera, F., and B.
              Nogales, "Service for Deploying Digital Twins of QKD
              Networks", January 2024,

   [QTTI21]   Martin, V., Brito, J. P., Escribano, C., Menchetti, M.,
              White, C., Lord, A., Wissel, F., Gunkel, M., Gavignet, P.,
              Genay, N., Moult, O. L., Abellan, C., Manzalini, A.,
              Pastor-Perales, A., Lopez, V., and D. Lopez, "Quantum
              Technologies in the Telecommunications Industry", July
              2021, <

   [QUCS]     Wang, C., Rahman, A., Li, R., Aelmans, M., and K.
              Chakraborty, "Application Scenarios for the Quantum
              Internet", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-irtf-
              qirg-quantum-internet-use-cases-19, 16 October 2023,

   [RFC9340]  Kozlowski, W., Wehner, S., Van Meter, R., Rijsman, B.,
              Cacciapuoti, A. S., Caleffi, M., and S. Nagayama,
              "Architectural Principles for a Quantum Internet",
              RFC 9340, DOI 10.17487/RFC9340, March 2023,

   [Y3802]    "ITU-T Recommendation Y.3802: Quantum key distribution
              networks. Functional architecture", April 2021,

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   This document is based on work partially funded by the EU Horizon
   Europe project QSNP (grant 101114043), the Spanish UNICO project
   OPENSEC (grant TSI-063000-2021-60), and the MadridQuantum–CM project
   (funded by the EU, NextGenerationEU, grant PRTR-C17.I1, and by the
   Comunidad de Madrid, Programa de Acciones Complementarias).

Authors' Addresses

   Diego Lopez

   Vicente Martin

   Blanca Lopez
   IMDEA Networks

   Luis M. Contreras

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