Internet DRAFT - draft-lucas-dtls-multicast


tls                                                           R. Lucas 
Internet Draft                              Cisco International Limited 
Intended status: Standards Track                     September 13, 2017 
Expires: March 17, 2018 
                             DTLS Multicast 
  This proposal to provide a secure multicast 1-to-N or M-to-N device 
  capability, with the same level of reliability as the underlying 
  multicast network, also aims to be light-weight and supported  
  by a very constrained device. Guaranteed reliability would be 
  provided by an additional protocol working in co-operation with it. 
  The aim is to support end to end secure communications in the edge 
  device world of IoT where the transport methods will vary or at 
  least change once the IP realm is left. Hence there is no 
  dependence on Ipv6 or IP or CoAP and no restrictions that might be 
  introduced if too specific an end node application was implied. It 
  is network independent, it just must be possible to transmit and 
  receive frames in multicast. 
  This can be achieved with simply a minimal change to the DTLS 
  behavior and using current DTLS libraries. DTLS headers are not 
  changed, additional headers are used in the packets before the DTLS 
  DTLS Multicast keeps the layer concept pure and independent, hence 
  it can be used for routing something that is not CoAP. 
Status of This Memo 
   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the 
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. 
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute 
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet- 
   Drafts is at 
   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six 
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents 
   at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference 
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." 
   This Internet-Draft will expire on March 17, 2018. 
Copyright Notice 
   Copyright (c) 2017 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the 
   document authors. All rights reserved. 
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Internet-Draft               DTLS Multicast              September 2017 
   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal 
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents 
   ( in effect on the date of 
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents 
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with 
   respect to this document. 
   Code Components extracted from this document must include Simplified 
   BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal 
   Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the 
   Simplified BSD License. 

1.  Introduction                                                     3 
2.  Background                                                       4 
3.  Restrictions / Assumptions                                       4 
4.  Terminology                                                      4 
5.  DTLS Multicast Proposal                                          5 
6. Significant differences between DTLS Multicast and DTLS Unicast    7 
7.  Logical Traffic Types become Channels                             7 
7.1  CLIENT channel format                                           8 
7.2  ELECTION channel format                                         8 
7.3  CONTROL channel format                                          8 
7.4  SUBGROUP channel format                                         9 
7.5  SENDER channel format                                           9 
8.  Message definitions                                              9 
9.  How to use the DTLSMulticast structures                          12 
9.1  DTLSMulticastRADIUS                                            12 
9.2  DTLSMulticastJoin                                              13 
   9.2.1  sender_channel                                            13 
   9.2.2  max_subgroups                                             13 
   9.2.3  Group controller election flags NE and EL                  14 
   9.2.4  Member send ability flags TX and RX.                      14 
9.3  DTLSMulticastAddSA                                             14 
9.4  DTLSMulticastDropSA                                            15 
9.5  DTLSMulticastReconnect                                         15 
10.  Joining a DTLS multicast group                                  16 
11.  Notes on cipher suites                                         17 
12.  Receiving DTLS multicast data                                  17 
13.  Sending DTLS multicast data                                    19 

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14.  Leaving a DTLS multicast group                                  20 
15.  DTLS multicast group key rotation                               20 
16.  Use of CONTROL, SUBGROUP and CLIENT channels for key rotation   21 
17.  DTLS multicast controller failure detection and election protocol
18.  Acknowledgements                                               26 
19.  Security Considerations                                        26 
20.  IANA Considerations                                            26 
21.  References                                                     27 
21.1  Normative References                                          27 
21.2  Informative References                                        27 
Author's Address                                                    27 
1.  Introduction 
  This proposal provides a secure multicast M-to-N device (or 1-to-N) 
  capability with the same level of reliability as the underlying 
  multicast network. This proposal does not provide guaranteed 
  reliability by itself, this would be provided by an additional 
  protocol working in co-operation with it. 
  There is no assumption that the DTLS will be transported over IPv6 
  or IPv4 or even IP at all. This allows the method to be used both 
  inside and outside the IP realm making it very useful for end to end 
  security in the world of IoT and edge field devices that may use 
  other transport methods. 
  Machines from the most powerful servers to very constrained edge 
  devices may be connecting via several different indirect methods 
  hence all communication must take place inside the multicast domain 
  and a DTLS multicast group must handle additional messaging between 
  the machines in that group. Importantly, to do this, the proposal 
  maintains close compatibility with the existing DTLS protocol with 
  the simple exception of using additional headers in the packets 
  before the DTLS traffic. 
  The header structures and message definitions are defined herein 
  followed by descriptions of how to use them. (There is no actual 
  implementation code.) 
  This proposal provides solutions to assure the following and 
  explains them in more detail in chapter five:- 
  o  Establishment of a GSA (Group Security Association, see RFC 3740) 
     where all group members use the same multicast data security 

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  o  Forward security. Ex-members can no longer decrypt group messages 
     nor send new encrypted messages 
  o  Backward confidentiality. A new members cannot decrypt messages 
     sent before it became a member. 
  o  Support for both 1-to-N and M-to-N topologies. 
  o  Group size is limited only by RAM constraints. 
  o  Multicast data confidentiality. 
  o  Multicast data replays are protected. Can be detected and 
  o  Multicast data group authentication. Only guarantee data 
     integrity if all members are trusted. 
  Note that this proposal does not provide a solution for source 
  authentication and data integrity. Authentication knows which group 
  sent a message, not which member sent it. 
2.  Background 
  DTLS is currently a point-to-point communications protocol. In the 
  past there have been draft proposals to expand this to be multicast 
  and to deal with security. Notably, and listed under informative 
  references, keoh-tls-multicast-security and 
  keoh-dice-multicast-security which have both expired. They are in 
  the author's opinion interesting proposals but they assume DTLS over 
  IPv6 (see keoh-dice-multicast-security-08 sec 4.4) which may not 
  always be true. DTLS cannot be assumed to be transported over IPv6 
  (or even IP for that matter). KEOH-DICE also breaks compatibility 
  with the existing DTLS header. 
  This DTLS-Multicast draft proposal seeks to be network independent 
  and to use existing headers. 
3.  Restrictions / Assumptions 
   Any machine may be connecting to a DTLS multicast group via a 
   gateway (NAT, firewall or even protocol translator) so all  
   communication must take place within the multicast domain only. 
   A DTLS multicast group must therefore handle any additional  
   messaging to allow for the agreement of any keys, configuration data 
   and behaviours between the machines in the group. 
4.  Terminology 
  The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
  document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119]. 
  In this document, these words will appear with that interpretation 
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  only when in ALL CAPS. Lower case uses of these words are not to be 
  interpreted as carrying significance described in RFC 2119. 
  In this document, the characters ">>" preceding an indented line(s) 
  indicates a statement using the key words listed above. This 
  convention aids reviewers in quickly identifying or finding the 
  portions of this RFC covered by these keywords. 
This specification also uses the following terminology: 
   o  Group Controller (or just Controller): The entity that is 
      responsible for creating a multicast group, establishing security 
      associations among authorized group members and renewing/updating 
      the security associations. 
      Note that a controller (or member capable of being a controller) 
      must also be a sender. 
   o  Sender: The Sender is an entity that sends data to the multicast 
      group. In a 1-to-N multicast group only a single sender transmits 
      data to the group.  In an M-to-N multicast group (where M <= N), 
      M group members are senders.  All senders must also be listeners. 
   o  Listener: A Listener is an entity that receives multicast 
      messages from a multicast group. All listeners must be Members. 
   o  Member: An entity that has joined the group.             
   o  (SA) Security Association: A set of policy and cryptographic 
      keys that provide security services to network traffic that 
      matches that policy. 
      Note that different types of traffic in the multicast group may 
      be protected by different security associations. 
   o  Group Security Association (GSA): A set of Security Associations 
      (SAs) that together define how a group communicates securely 
   O  Keying material: Data that is specified as part of the SA which 
      is needed to establish and maintain a cryptographic security 
      association, such as keys, key pairs, and IVs [RFC4949]. 
5.  DTLS Multicast Proposal 
  This proposal provides a secure multicast M-to-N device capability 
  with the same level of reliability as the underlying multicast 
  This proposal does not provide guaranteed reliability by itself, 
  this would be provided by an additional protocol working in  
  co-operation with it. 
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  This proposal aims to be as light-weight as possible so that it can 
  be supported (in its minimal form) by a very constrained device.  
  This proposal maintains compatibility with the existing DTLS 
  protocol with the exception of additional headers in the packets 
  before the DTLS traffic. 
   This proposal provides a solution for: 
   a.   Establishment of a GSA: A secure mechanism to distribute 
        keying materials, multicast security policies and security 
        parameters to members of the multicast group. 
   b.   Multicast data security ciphersuite: All group members use the 
        same ciphersuite to protect the authenticity, integrity and 
        confidentiality of multicast messages.  The ciphersuite is part 
        of the GSA. 
   c.   Forward security: Devices that leave the group will not have 
        access to any future GSAs. This ensures that a past member 
        device cannot continue to decrypt confidential data that is 
        sent in the group.  It also ensures that this device cannot 
        send encrypted and/or integrity protected data after it leaves 
        the group. 
        The GSA update mechanism is part of the key management scheme. 
        Note that the controller can weaken this as part of the 
        key management policy for performance reasons and/or to reduce 
        network traffic overhead.  
   d.   Backward confidentiality: A new device joining the group will 
        not have access to any old GSAs. This ensures that a new member 
        device cannot decrypt data sent before it joins the group. The 
        key management scheme should ensure that the GSA is updated to 
        ensure backward confidentiality.  Note that the controller can 
        weaken this as part of the key management policy for 
        performance reasons and/or to reduce network traffic overhead. 
   e.   Multicast communication topology: Both 1-to-N (one sender with 
        multiple listeners) and M-to-N (multiple senders with multiple 
        listeners) communication topologies are supported 
   f.   Multicast group size: The number of listeners is limited by the 
        RAM on the group controller. The protocol allows for up to 
        2^128 unique listeners. 
        The number of senders is limited by the RAM on the listeners. 
        The protocol allows for up to 2^31 unique senders. 
        Note that all Senders must also be Listeners.  
   g.   Multicast data confidentiality: Multicast messages can be 
        encrypted according to the cipher suite selected by the 
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   h.   Multicast data replay protection: Replayed messages can be 
        detected and ignored. 
   i.   Multicast data group authentication: Multicast messages can be 
        authenticated according to the cipher suite selected by the 
        Group Controller. The multicast group key (which is known to 
        all group members) is used to provide authenticity to the 
        multicast messages. It does not guarantee data integrity unless 
        all group members are trusted. 
  This proposal does not provide a solution for: 
   a.   Source authentication and data integrity: Messages can be 
        authenticated to have come from a member of the group, but 
        cannot be tracked to a specific member within the group.  
6. Significant differences between DTLS Multicast and DTLS Unicast 
  Additional headers are added before the DTLS and other encrypted 
  traffic to allow the traffic types to be identified. 
  The existing DTLS (unicast) standard allows either party to trigger 
  a key rotate and associated epoch change. DTLS Multicast allows this 
  on the CLIENT channel but key rotation and epoch change on all other 
  channels are managed by the group controller. 
  Message acknowledgement and retry is not supported by any channel 
  apart from the CLIENT channels. If the network is lossy then the 
  listeners may not receive all the control or data messages. Any 
  protocol using DTLS multicast must be designed to expect this and 
  act appropriately. 
7.  Logical Traffic Types become Channels 
  To allow both control and data traffic to be carried on the same 
  multicast group, this proposal inserts an additional header at the 
  start of the data frame to allow the different logical traffic types 
  to be separated into "channels". 
  This header is defined as: 
    struct { 
        unit32 channel; 
    } DTLSMulticast; 
Channels are assigned as follows: 
    Channel range       Name              Description 
    0                   CLIENT            Client traffic channels 
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    1                   ELECTION          Controller election channel 
    2                   CONTROL           Controller management channel 
    3 .. 0xFFFF_FFFF    SUBGROUP/SENDER   Data channels 
7.1  CLIENT channel format 
  The CLIENT channel is used by members to connect to the multicast 
  group and communicate with the group controller. 
  Messages on the CLIENT channel start with a 
  DTLSMulticastClientPrefix header to allow individual client's 
  connections to be identified. 
  This is defined as:   
    struct { 
        uint8  client[16]; 
    } DTLSMulticastClientPrefix; 
  The "client" value should be chosen randomly each time an entity 
  attempts to join the multicast group. 
  Normal DTLS traffic follows the DTLSMulticastClientPrefix header. 
  The encrypted data frames are DTLSMulticastClient messages. 
  Apart from the additional DTLSMulticast and 
  DTLSMulticastClientPrefix headers, the CLIENT channel is a normal 
  DTLS connection. 
7.2  ELECTION channel format 
  The ELECTION channel is used to handle election of controllers when 
  the Active controller fails and controller election has been 
  permitted for the group. 
  Messages on the ELECTION channel are sent as a DTLSCiphertext using 
  The Election security association.  The election security 
  association is provided to the member in a DTLSMulticastAddSA 
  message over the CLIENT, CONTROL or SUBGROUP channels. 
  The encrypted data frames are DTLSMulticastElection messages. 
7.3  CONTROL channel format 
  The CONTROL channel is used for key distribution and other 
  Management actions by the controller. 
  Messages on the CONTROL channel are sent as a DTLSCiphertext using 
  the Group security association.  The group security association is 
  initially provided to the member in a DTLSMulticastAddSA message 
  over the CLIENT channel. The controller may update the group 
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  security association using a DTLSMulticastAddSA message over the 
  The encrypted data frames are DTLSMulticastControl messages. 
7.4  SUBGROUP channel format 
  The SUBGROUP channels are used by the controller to restrict key 
  distribution and other management actions to the members of the 
  Messages on the SUBGROUP channel are sent as a DTLSCiphertext using 
  the Specific sub-group security association. The sub-group security 
  association is initially provided to the member in a 
  DTLSMulticastAddSA message over the CLIENT channel. The controller 
  may update the group security association using a DTLSMulticastAddSA 
  message over the CLIENT, CONTROL or SUBGROUP channels. 
  The encrypted data frames are DTLSMulticastControl messages. 
7.5  SENDER channel format 
  The SENDER channels are used to carry the application data. A member 
  with transmit privileges will only be allowed to transmit on a 
  singleSENDER channel and will be the only member allowed to send on 
  that channel. 
  Messages on the SENDER channel are sent as a DTLSCiphertext using 
  the group security association.  The group security association is 
  initially provided to the member in a DTLSMulticastAddSA message 
  over the CLIENT channel. The controller may update the group  
  security association using a DTLSMulticastAddSA message over the 
  Note: The encrypted data frames are application data - their format 
  is NOT defined in this standard and varies according to the 
8.  Message definitions 
    enum { 
        radius(0), joinReq(1), joinRsp(2), leave(3), acknack(4), 
        addsa(5), dropsa(6), reconnect(7), heartbeatReq(8), 
        heartbeatRsp(9), reqsa(10), 
    } DTLSMulticastType; 
    struct { 
        uint8  code; 
        uint8  identifier; 
        uint16 length; 
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        uint8  data[length - 4]; 
    } DTLSMulticastRADIUS; 
    struct { 
        uint32 sender_channel;  // Current sender channel (0 if 
                                // listener only) 
        uint32 max_subgroups;   // Maximum number of subgroups 
                                // supported 
        uint8  flags;           // Mode and capability flags 
                                //   xxxx xxx0 "NE": Member cannot 
                                //   take part in controller elections 
                                //   xxxx xxx1 "EL": Member can take 
                                //   part in controller elections 
                                //   xxxx xx0x "RX": Member wishes to 
                                //   listen only 
                                //   xxxx xx1x "TX": Member wishes to 
                                //   be a sender 
                                //   0000 00xx "ZZ": For future  
                                //   expansion 
    } DTLSMulticastJoinReq; 
    struct { 
        uint32 firstSenderChannel;  // First sender channel (inclusive) 
        uint32 lastSenderChannel;   // Last sender channel (inclusive) 
    } DTLSMulticastJoinRsp; 
    struct { 
      // Empty structure 
    } DTLSMulticastLeave; 
    enum { 
        noError (0), 
        unknown (1), 
        unauthorised (2), 
        resourcesExceeded (3), 
        notJoined (4), 
    } DTLSMulticastErrorCodes; 
    struct { 
        DTLSMulticastErrorCodes error; 
        uint8 subcode; 
    } DTLSMulticastAckNack; 
    struct { 
        uint16 epoch;           // DTLS multicast epoch for the key 
        uint8  flags;           // Mode and capability flags 
                                //   xxxx x000 "EL":  SA is for the 
                                //   election channel 
                                //   xxxx x001 "GP":  SA is the group 
                                //   SA 
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                                //   xxxx x010 "SG":  SA is for a 
                                //   subgroup channel 
                                //   xxxx x011     :  Reserved for 
                                //   future expansion 
                                //        ...         ... 
                                //   xxxx x111     :  Reserved for 
                                //   future expansion  
>>                              //   xxxx 0xxx "RX":  Member MUST NOT 
                                //   send on the channel 
>>                              //   xxxx 1xxx "TX":  Member MAY send 
                                //   on the channel  
                                //   0000 xxxx "ZZ":  For future 
                                //   expansion, must be zero 
        uint8  timeout;         // Channel timeout period (sec)  
        uint32 channel;         // Channel number 
        SecurityParameters key; // Encryption/MAC parameters, see 
                                // RFC5246:A.6 
    } DTLSMulticastAddSA; 
    struct { 
        uint32 channel; 
    } DTLSMulticastDropSA; 
    struct { 
        uint32 controller_magic; 
    } DTLSMulticastReconnect; 
    struct { 
      uint32 magic;                 // Random number to match Req/Rsp 
    } DTLSMulticastHeartbeatReq; 
    struct { 
      uint32 magic;                 // Echo of 
    } DTLSMulticastHeartbeatRsp; 
    struct { 
      uint32 channel;  
    } DTLSMulticastReqSA; 
    enum { 
        addsa, dropsa, reconnect, (255) 
    } DTLSMulticastControlType; 
    struct { 
        DTLSMulticastControlType type; 
        select (type) { 
            case addsa:         DTLSMulticastAddSA; 
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            case dropsa:        DTLSMulticastDropSA; 
            case reconnect:     DTLSMulticastReconnect; 
        } content; 
    } DTLSMulticastControl; 
    enum { 
        radius, addsa, dropsa, join, leave, heartbeatReq, heartbeatRsp, 
        acknack, reqsa, (255) 
    } DTLSMulticastClientType; 
    struct { 
        DTLSMulticastClientType type; 
        select (type) { 
            case radius:        DTLSMulticastRADIUS; 
            case addsa:         DTLSMulticastAddSA; 
            case dropsa:        DTLSMulticastDropSA; 
            case join:          DTLSMulticastJoin; 
            case leave:         DTLSMulticastLeave; 
            case heartbeatReq:  DTLSMulticastHeartbeatReq; 
            case heartbeatRsp:  DTLSMulticastHeartbeatRsp; 
            case acknack:       DTLSMulticastAckNack; 
            case reqsa:         DTLSMulticastReqSA; 
        } content; 
    } DTLSMulticastClient; 
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
    struct { 
        uint32  age; 
        uint8   uuid[16]; 
    } DTLSMulticastElectionVote; 
    enum { 
        vote(0), (255) 
    } MulticastElectionType; 
    struct { 
        MulticastElectionType type; 
        select (type) { 
            case vote:          DTLSMulticastElectionVote; 
        } content; 
    } DTLSMulticastElection; 
9.  How to use the DTLSMulticast structures 
9.1  DTLSMulticastRADIUS 
>> The multicast group MAY choose to authenticate clients before they 
  are authorised to become members of the multicast group.  If this is 
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  required, the RADIUS protocol may be used with encapsulation in 
  DTLSMulticastRADIUS messages. Once the RADIUS handshake has 
  completed and the client has been authorised to join the group, the 
  client proceeds with a DTLSMulticastJoin message. 
>> If the group requires authorisation of clients, the controller MUST 
  respond to all messages apart from DTLSMulticastRADIUS messages with 
  an "unauthorised" DTLSMulticastAckNack message until the client is 
  If the group does not require authorisation of clients, the 
>> controller MUST consider the client as authorised as soon as the 
  DTLS CLIENT channel is established and the client can immediately 
  send a DTLSMulticastJoin message. 
  Note that the controller is not required to use RADIUS to 
  authenticate the client. The controller may instead use any 
  information from the client DTLS connection to authenticate the 
  client using some other protocol. Alternatively, the controller may 
  simply allow all clients to join the group. 
9.2  DTLSMulticastJoin 
  The DTLSMulticastJoin is sent by a client to the controller on 
  CLIENT Channels to indicate a client's wish to become a member of 
  the group. The controller must respond with a DTLSMulticastAckNack 
  to indicate if the request was successful. 
>> The controller MUST respond to all messages apart from 
  DTLSMulticastRADIUS and DTLSMulticastJoin messages with a 
  "notJoined" DTLSMulticastAckNack message until the client has 
  successfully joined the group. 
  The parameters in the DTLSMulticastJoin message are described below. 
9.2.1  sender_channel 
  If the sender is sending a join message as a result of receiving a  
  DTLSMulticastReconnect, it should indicate its previously assigned 
  sender channel in this field so that the same channel can be 
  reassigned by the new controller (as the new controller may not have 
  the channel assignment list from the previous controller). 
  This field should be set to 0 if the listener had no sender channel 
9.2.2  max_subgroups 
  This is used to indicate the capabilities of the member. Constrained 
  devices may have limited memory and may only be able to support a 
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  small number of subgroups and possibly none at all. Devices with 
  larger memory and processing capabilities may be able to support 
  many sub-groups. A member should try to set this as large as 
  possible so that the controller is not constrained in how it assigns 
  and manages the subgroups. 
9.2.3  Group controller election flags NE and EL 
  A group may or may not support group controller elections. If a 
  group does not support elections, the sysadmin must ensure that an 
  alternative solution is in place to ensure the availability of a 
  group controller. Alternative solutions are beyond the scope of this 
  If any member wishes to take part in group controller elections, it 
  should set the DTLSMulticastJoin.flags.EL otherwise it should set  
9.2.4  Member send ability flags TX and RX. 
  Some members may only be listeners to the group. These members do 
  Not need to be able to send and do not need a SENDER channel 
  assigned. Theyshould set the DTLSMulticastJoin.flags.RX flag. 
  Some members may wish to take be able to send data to the group. 
  They should set the DTLSMulticastJoin.flags.TX flag. 
>> The group controller MUST track the assigned sender channels so that 
  the same sender channel is never simultaneously assigned to multiple 
  The controller should respond to the "join" with an "ack" or "nack". 
  If the controller requires the client to authenticate before it is 
  allowed to join the group, the controller should return an 
  "unauthorised" error. The client should then begin a RADIUS 
  authentication using DTLSMulticastRADIUS messages (which simply 
  encapsulate standard RADIUS frames). If the RADIUS authentication is 
  successful then the client should re-send its DTLSMulticastJoin 
  message to join the group. 
  If the client join is successful, the controller will then send one 
  or more DTLSMulticastAddSA messages to provide the appropriate 
  security keys to the client. 
9.3  DTLSMulticastAddSA 
  This message is sent by a controller to provide a security 
  association to one or more members. This allows access to a channel 
  and allows new security associations to be provided for a channel 
  (e.g. during epoch change). 
  The group security association is sent with the GP flag set. The 
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  same security association is used for the CONTROL channel and all 
  SENDER channels. If the member is only allowed to listen then the RX 
  flag is set. If the member is allowed to send data then the TX flag 
  is set and the assigned SENDER channel is indicated in the "param" 
  The SUBGROUP channel security associations are sent with flags 
  ZZ, RX and SG. 
  The SUBGROUP channel is indicated in the "channel" field.  Only the 
  active controller is allowed to send traffic on a SUBGROUP channel. 
  The ELECTION channel security association is sent with flags ZZ, EL 
  and TX. 
>> The controller SHOULD set the "channel" field to the unix timestamp 
>> when the member joined the group. The member MUST store this value 
  and use it as the "age" field in later  ***JS 
  The timeout field is used to indicate the timeout/repeat value in 
  seconds for that channel. 
  The DTLSMulticastAddSA message can be sent by the controller on a  
  CLIENT channel, in which case it must be acknowledged with an "ack" 
  Or Rejected with a "nack". 
  The DTLSMulticastAddSA message can also be sent by the controller on 
  A CONTROL or SUBGROUP channel, in which case it is not acknowledged. 
9.4  DTLSMulticastDropSA 
  This message is sent by a controller used to tell one or more 
  listeners that a security association is no longer required. It 
  should not be used as part of the group security because the 
  controller has no guarantee that the listener has complied with the 
  request. It is instead provided to allow the controller to help the 
  listener maintain a minimal memory footprint. 
  The message can be sent by the controller on a CLIENT channel, in 
  which case it must be acknowledged with an "ack" or rejected with a 
  The message can be sent by the controller on a CONTROL or SUBGROUP 
  channel, in which case it is not acknowledged. 
  9.5  DTLSMulticastReconnect 
  This message is by a group controller used to tell listeners on the 
  sub-channel to reconnect. This message is only sent by a new group 
  controller after a group controller election has completed and is 
  used to ensure that the listeners establish new CLIENT connections 
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  to the new group controller. 
  Each time a controller wants clients to reconnect, it generates a 
  new "controller_magic" value.  The controller then sends as many 
  reconnect messages as necessary on the CONTROL or SUBGROUP channels 
  until it is confident that all listeners have reconnected. If a 
  listener receives multiple "reconnect" messages (e.g. due to 
  retransmission on a single channel or received on multiple 
  channels), the listener can use the "controller_magic" field to 
  determine if this is a new reconnect request or simply a repeat of 
  an earlier reconnect message. 
  The message can be sent by the controller on the CONTROL or SUBGROUP 
  channels and is not acknowledged. 
  When a listener receives a reconnect message with a new  
  "controller_magic" value, it should discard its CLIENT connection 
  and repeat the JOIN process. 
  The listener does not need to discard any other security association 
  information so can continue to receive (and send) messages on the  
  SENDER channels.  This ensures that the multicast group continues to 
  operate normally during the controller election and recovery 
10.  Joining a DTLS multicast group 
  This takes place after the standard IGMP Multicast JOIN for IPv4 
  and/or appropriate other actions for other protocols. 
>> An entity MUST use the following sequence to join a DTLS multicast 
  group and obtain the multicast key material. 
  When an entity wishes to JOIN a DTLS multicast group, it generates a 
  new random 16 byte client ID then connects to the group controller 
  on the CLIENT channel as defined above. Note that the CLIENT channel 
  has DTLSMulticast and DTLSMulticastClientPrefix headers before the 
  DTLS traffic. 
  The DTLS handshake takes place in the usual way and the CLIENT 
  channel is established. 
  The joining entity has now become a member of the group. It then 
  sends a DTLSMulticastJoin message on the CLIENT channel. The 
  controller will reply with an "ack" or "nack". If the controller 
  responds with a "nack" then the client will not be given the 
  decryption keys for the group's traffic and the controller will 
  close the DTLS connection. 
  If the controller responded with an "ack" then the controller 
  follows up with one or more "addsa" messages on the CLIENT channel 
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  to allow the member to become a listener (and possibly a sender) on 
  the appropriate channels. 
11.  Notes on cipher suites  
  Equivalent cipher suites must be used for all security associations 
  including the CLIENT channels. Clients may need to authenticate to 
  the group controller using different identity keys, but must use 
  equivalent encryption and hash modes. 
  For example, the following are considered equivalent cipher suites 
  because all use AES-128 in CBC mode with a SHA-256 hash even though 
  they use different identity keys. 
      TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256          = {0x00,0x3C}; 
      TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256  = {0xC0,0x23}; 
      TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256   = {0xC0,0x25}; 
      TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256          = {0x00,0xAE}; 
  A cipher suite that used AES-256, a different mode (such as CTR or 
  GCM) or a different hash (such as SHA-1 or SHA-384) would not be 
  considered equivalent. 
  All security associations apart from the CLIENT channel have 
  explicitly shared security parameters and should indicate the 
  equivalent TLS_PSK_xxx cipher suite. 
12.  Receiving DTLS multicast data 
  A listener should apply the following rules in the order below when 
  deciding whether to accept a message: 
>> The active group controller MUST listen to all messages on the 
  CLIENT channel so that it can communicate with all the members and 
  handle join requests from new entities. 
>> All standby group controllers MUST listen to messages on the CLIENT 
  channel to detect a failure of the active group controller to 
  respond to new join requests. 
  A listener  
>>     MUST ignore all messages on the CLIENT channel apart from those 
      identified with its own client ID. 
>>     MUST ignore all messages on any SUBGROUP channels for which it 
      does not have a security association. 
>>-    MUST ignore all messages that are not on the last known good 
      epoch for that channel, the "current" epoch or the "next" epoch. 
>>     MUST ignore CONTROL, SUBGROUP and SENDER messages on the last 
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      known good epoch for that channel and with an earlier or equal 
      sequence number to the last known good sequence number for that 
  A listener 
>>     SHOULD accept all remaining messages. 
>>     SHOULD attempt to decrypt and authenticate all accepted 
      If the message is valid, the client should update its values for 
      last known good epoch and sequence number for that channel then 
      process the message content. 
  There is no retry mechanism for DTLS multicast traffic so the 
  listener must take this into account when handling lost or 
  fragmented packets. Fragmentation *is* supported for DTLS multicast 
  but the listener must be able to discard incomplete fragmented 
  A client should only ever need to store a maximum of two security 
  associations for a channel (remember that all SENDER channels share 
  the same group security association). 
  These are either: 
      "last" + "current" 
          This is the situation after a key rotation where not all 
          senders have switched to the "current" epoch 
      "current" + "next" 
          This is the situation during a key rotation when no senders 
          have switched to the "next" epoch. 
>> A client SHOULD track the following information for all channels 
  that it is listening on: 
      channel_id          4 bytes 
      epoch               2 bytes 
      sequence_number     6 bytes 
  where "epoch" and "sequence_number" are the epoch and 
  sequence_number from the last good packet received on that channel. 
  If a key rotation takes place and the client is still tracking 
  senders on the "last" epoch, the client can discard its security 
  association for the "last" epoch.  Note that a client may choose to 
  keep the "last" security association for a short period of time (a  
  few seconds) to allow for any delayed packets on the "last" security 
  association to be received and decrypted. 
  When the listener receives a message on the "next" epoch security 
  association but has no security association for that epoch, it 
  should send a "reqsa" message to the controller to request the 
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  necessary security association data. The controller will respond 
  with an "ack" or "nack". If the controller responds with an "ack", 
  it will then send the listener an "addsa" message with the security 
  association which the listener should "ack" in the usual way. If the 
  controller responded with a "nack" then the the listener is not 
  permitted to access data in the new epoch. 
13.  Sending DTLS multicast data 
>> A sender MUST NOT send messages on a channel unless it has been 
  granted the right to transmit on that channel by the controller in 
  the security association. 
>> A sender MUST send messages in the normal DTLS manner with 
  incrementing sequence numbers starting from zero. 
  When sending encrypted packets, the sender MUST ensure that the 
  packets do not have duplicate IV with any other packets sent with 
  the same security association including packets sent by other 
  devices. Two possible ways to ensure this are: 
   1)  Ensure that the packet's IV is truly random, so a collision is 
       not likely given the size of the IV compared to the maximum 
       number of packets sent on that security association 
   2)  Use the channel ID for the top 32 bits of the IV and use any 
       other suitable method to derive the remaining bits. For some 
       cipher modes, this may allow a sequential number assignment 
       (which is lower overhead than random number generation). For 
       other cipher modes, a pseudo-random number with suitable 
       entropy gathering may be sufficient. 
>> A sender MUST use the security association of the "current" 
  multicast epoch. 
  If this would cause the sequence number would wrap, the sender MUST 
  NOT send any more messages on its channel. The sender must instead 
  LEAVE then JOIN the TLS multicast group indicating a sender_channel 
  value of zero so that it obtains a new channel and can safely 
  restart its sequence number from zero. 
  Note that the group controller should have performed a key rotation 
  on the channel before any sequence counters were due to wrap, so 
  this scenario indicates either a fault in the group controller or a 
  network with very high packet loss. 
  All changes of epoch are co-ordinated by the group controller as 
  part of the key rotation. 
  When the sender receives a valid message on the "next" epoch 
  security association, it should: 
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      discard the security association information for the "last"  
      copy the security association information from the "current" 
      epoch to the "last" epoch 
      copy the security association information from the "next" epoch 
      to the "current" epoch 
      clear the security association information for the "next" epoch 
      set the "next" epoch to the "current" epoch + 1 
      reset its sender sequence number for the "current" epoch to zero 
14.  Leaving a DTLS multicast group 
>> All members SHOULD indicate their wish to leave a DTLS multicast 
  The member sends a DTLSMulticastLeave message to the controller on 
  its CLIENT channel. The controller will acknowledge this message. 
  The listener has now left the group. 
>> When a listener leaves the group, the controller SHOULD perform a 
  key rotation on all channels that the listener had access to so that 
  the listener can no longer send or receive messages on the multicast 
  A controller can consider the listener as having left the group if 
  its CLIENT channel connection is lost (e.g. explicit close or no 
  response to heartbeats from the controller). 
15.  DTLS multicast group key rotation 
  The group controller must maintain the integrity and correct 
  operation of the group. 
  This requires the group controller to: 
  o  Update the necessary security associations if listeners leave the 
  o  Update a security association before any sender's sequence number 
  The group controller may also choose to update security associations 
  at other times depending on policy that is outside the scope of this 
  Group key rotation takes place for a security association as 
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  o  The controller generates a new random key 
  o  The controller calculates the "next" epoch by adding 1 to the 
     "current" epoch 
  o  The controller sends DTLSMulticastSA messages containing the new  
     security association to the appropriate listeners using the 
     SUBGROUP and/or CLIENT channels   
  o  The controller sends one or more an empty messages on the CONTROL 
     channel using the new security association and a sequence number 
     of zero. 
  If no multicast messages are lost, all senders will see the empty 
  message on the CONTROL channel and all subsequent messages will be 
  sent using the "next" epoch. 
  If multicast messages are unreliable, some senders may not see the 
  empty message on the MASTER channel and may continue to send 
  messages on what they think is the "current" epoch. As soon as they 
  see a message on the "next" epoch from one of the other senders, 
  however, they will switch to the "next" epoch. 
  If a controller sees multiple messages from a sender on what the  
  controller considers to be the "last" epoch (and what the sender 
>> considers to be the "current" epoch), the controller MAY repeat one 
  or more empty messages on the CONTROL channel so that the sender 
  sees them and switches to the "next" epoch. 
16.  Use of CONTROL, SUBGROUP and CLIENT channels for key rotation 
  For groups with few members, it is feasible to use the CLIENT 
  channels for key rotation as this is a reliable mechanism.  The 
  group controller can simply update each listener's security 
  association individually. 
  The group controller can therefore easily ensure that: 
      1)  The new security association is only delivered to the 
          appropriate listeners 
      2)  The listener has received the new security association  
  This is a simple approach, but does not scale well as the number of 
  members of the group increases. Although the approach is still 
  technically possible, the time required to provide the key to each 
  listener is an O(N) problem and will therefore cause an increasingly 
  large delay between when the key rotation starts and when the key is 
  available for use by the group.  This approach also generates an 
  O(N)amount of traffic on the network. 
  To allow for faster key distribution, the controller may choose to 
  distribute the key using the CONTROL or SUBGROUP channels. This is 
  not a reliable distribution mechanism as these messages are not 
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  acknowledged, but it does take advantage of the multicast nature of 
  the group. The controller may choose to send the same "addsa" 
  message multiple times to reduce the impact of message loss before 
  considering the key rotation complete. 
  The CONTROL group uses the Group Security Association so all 
  listeners can receive messages on this channel. If a listener 
  "leaves" the group, if it does not discard its group security 
  association information, it can continue to receive and decrypt 
  messages on this channel. If the CONTROL channel is used to provide 
  the new security association, such a listener could decrypt the 
  information for the new security association and therefore continue 
  to decrypt the messages on the channel. 
  This does not provide "Forward security" so an alternative solution 
  must be available for the controller to rotate keys after a listener 
  has left without forcing the controller to update each remaining 
  listener individually on its CLIENT channel. 
  When the controller accepts a member into the group, the controller 
>> MAY add the member to one or more SUBGROUP channels. Each SUBGROUP 
  Channel has its their own security association so any traffic to a 
  SUBGROUP cannot be decrypted by listeners that are not members of 
  the sub-group. 
  When a key rotation is required and a listener must be excluded from 
  receiving the new security association, the controller can use the 
  SUBGROUP channels to send the "addsa" messages to the sub-groups 
  that the listener is *not* a member of. 
  The controller may add listeners to multiple SUBGROUPs (e.g. using a 
  binary tree) so that the number of messages required to update the 
  security association can be significantly reduced. 
  To see the advantage of the subgroup approach, consider the 
  situation when a member leaves a group: 
  For a group with 10 remaining listeners, a simple key rotation using 
  the CLIENT channels would require a minimum of 
  {listeners * (addsa + ack)} = 20 messages to distribute the new 
  security association. 
  For a larger group with 1,000 remaining listeners, the minimum 
  number of messages required is now {listeners * (addsa + ack)}= 
  2,000 messages to distribute the new security association over the 
  CLIENT channels. 
  If, however, the controller had organised the listeners into a 
  binary tree and assigned a SUBGROUP channel to each branch, the 
  original 1,000 listeners would require a binary tree with a depth of 
  10. Each branch on the tree would be assigned a subgroup to allow 
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  multicast communication with all members below that branch. 
  After a member leaves the group, the controller can update the group 
  security association for all the other members by sending an "addsa" 
  message to the SUBGROUP channels on the branches that do not include 
  the member that has just left, recursing down the branch as 
  necessary to ensure all remaining members have received the message. 
  This would require 9 "addsa" messages to be sent to SUBGROUP 
  channels and one "addsa" + "ack" handshake on the remaining 
  listener, a total of 11 messages. 
  The controller would also need to perform a key rotation on the 
  subgroups that the departing member was part of so that future 
  messages to that subgroup could not be eavesdropped. The member 
  would have been part of 9 groups so following the same approach, the 
  number of additional messages required would be: 
      Group branch depth      # members       # messages    
          1                       512             8 + 2 
          2                       256             7 + 2            
          3                       128             6 + 2            
          4                        64             5 + 2            
          5                        32             4 + 2            
          6                        16             3 + 2            
          7                         8             2 + 2            
          8                         4             1 + 2            
          9                         2             0 + 2 
      Total messages:                                54 
  With a simple binary tree approach, the number of messages required 
  to rotate the keys after a listener leaves is reduced from 2,000 to 
  a minimum of 65. The tree would require 1024 SUBGROUP channels. 
  With a larger number of branches at each level of the tree, the 
  depth of the tree could be reduced. This would in turn reduce both 
  the number of SUBGROUP channels required and the number of messages 
  required for key rotation after a member leaves the group. 
  Note that constrained listeners that are not able to join a 
  sufficient number of subgroups may still need to be individually 
  updated by the controller in some circumstances. 
  If a listener has not received the new security association but  
>> receives messages on the new epoch, the listener SHOULD request the 
  information using the "reqsa" message on its CLIENT channel. If the 
  listener is unable to buffer the messages on the new security 
  association whilst waiting for the controller to provide the 
  security association details, the listener will be forced to drop 
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  the packets and data loss will occur. 
17.  DTLS multicast controller failure detection and election protocol 
>> All DTLS multicast groups MUST have a controller.  Some groups may  
  allow controller election whereas others may have a fixed controller 
  (which should be highly available if the group is to be reliable). 
>> Groups that allow controller election MUST implement the DTLS 
  multicast controller election protocol. 
>> A member MUST NOT take part in the election unless it has been 
  provided with the security association for the ELECTION channel and 
  has been granted permission to send on that channel. 
>> A member SHOULD NOT attempt to monitor the controller for failure 
  unless it has been allowed to take part in the election.  
>> Members allowed to take part in the election SHOULD monitor the 
  controller for failure. 
>> A member monitoring the controller MUST consider it to have failed 
  if the following occurs: 
  o  The member has lost its CLIENT channel connection AND the 
     controller has not responded to at least 3 subsequent JOIN 
     messages from the member  
  o  No group key rotation has occurred but the sequence number on any 
     SENDER channel has both MSBs set 
  o  No subgroup key rotation has occurred but the sequence number on 
     a valid packet on a SUBGROUP channel has both MSBs set 
>> A member MAY consider the controller to have failed if the following 
  o  At least 2 JOIN messages have been seen from a 3rd party on the 
     JOIN channel but no controller response has been seen. 
>> A member MUST trigger an election if it considers the controller to 
  Have failed. 
  The election uses the DTLSMulticastElection messages.  These are 
  always sent as a DTLSCiphertext content on the ELECTION channel and 
  protected by the election security association. 
  If a member wishes to trigger an election or join an active 
  election, it first generates a random UUID if it does not have one 
  already. It then sends a DTLSMulticastElectionVote message on the 
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  ELECTION channel with the "current" epoch and sequence number zero, 
  setting the "age" field to the "channel" value from the 
  DTLSMulticastAddSA it received for the ELECTION channel and "uuid" 
  field with its UUID. 
>> If the current controller has not failed, it MUST join the election 
  and send a DTLSMulticastElectionVote with age of 0 and its UUID. 
  If any member of the election sees a DTLSMulticastElectionVote 
  message with a LOWER age than its own, it should withdraw from the 
  If any member of the election sees a DTLSMulticastElectionVote 
  message with the SAME age as its own AND with a lower UUID, it 
  should withdraw from the election. 
  All members of the election should retransmit their 
  DTLSMulticastElectionVote message after the ELECTION timeout period 
  (as defined in the DTLSMulticastSA message for the ELECTION 
  A member of the election can consider itself the elected master if 
  it is still a member of the election after two timeout periods have 
  expired with no DTLSMulticastElection messages seen from other 
  The above election process is not intended to be fair. It is instead 
  deliberately designed to prioritise the election as follows: 
          The existing controller (if it is still running) 
          The oldest member in the election group 
          The newest member in the election group 
  If the controller has changed as a result of the election, the new 
  controller must trigger all members of the group to re-connect to it 
  so it can reconstruct the details of the group and hence be able to 
  handle JOIN, LEAVE and key rotation as necessary. 
  The controller triggers all members to reconnect as follows: 
     1)  It generates a random 32-bit number as the "controller_magic" 
     2)  It sets its next sequence number to 0x8000_0000 for the 
         CONTROL channel. 
     3)  It sends a DTLSMulticastReconnect on the CONTROL channel. 
     4)  It waits for DTLSMulticastSA[CONTROL].timeout seconds. 
     5)  It repeats DTLSMulticastReconnect on the CONTROL channel. 
     6)  It waits for DTLSMulticastSA[CONTROL].timeout seconds. 
     7)  It repeats DTLSMulticastReconnect on the CONTROL channel. 
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     8)  It waits for DTLSMulticastSA[CONTROL].timeout seconds. 
     9)  It continues to wait if any clients are still joining the 
     10) It performs a key rotation for the CONTROL channel in the 
         usual way. 
  All listeners will receive the DTLSMulticastReconnect messages on 
  the CONTROL channel in the usual way. Each listener inspects the 
  "controller_magic" value and if it is new, drops its current MEMBER 
  connection (which is no longer valid) and reconnects to the new 
  group in the usual way. 
>> A listener MUST ignore DTLSMulticastReconnect messages if they have 
  the same "controller_magic" value as a previous 
  DTLSMulticastReconnect message and the listener has already 
  reconnected (or is in the process of reconnecting) to the group as a 
  result of the earlier message. 
>> The new controller SHOULD attempt to preserve the SENDER channel 
  assigned to each sender when it reconnects to the group unless there 
  is a conflict. 
  Even if a controller fails, normal application traffic can continue 
  to flow on the SENDER channels while the detection, election, 
  reconnect and key rotation actions are taking place. If these 
  actions all complete before any of the sender sequence numbers would 
  need to wrap, there will be no impact on the flow of application 
  New clients will not be able to connect to the group after a 
  controller has failed until the election process has completed. 
18.  Acknowledgements 
  Parts of this document are a byproduct of the "aSSURE" project, 
  partially funded by Innovate UK. It is provided "as is" and without 
  any express or implied warranties,including, without limitation, the 
  implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. The views 
  and conclusion contained herein are those of the author and should 
  not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official 
  policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of the aSSURE 
  project or Innovate UK. 
19.  Security Considerations 
  DTLS Multicast is all about security. Minor changes, for example 
  adding headers in the frame before the traffic data helps 
  establishes secure channels between 1 to N or M to N end nodes. 
20.  IANA Considerations 
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21.  References 
21.1  Normative References 
  [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate 
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997. 
  [RFC4279]  Eronen, P., Ed., and H. Tschofenig, Ed., "Pre-Shared Key 
             Ciphersuites for Transport Layer Security (TLS)", RFC 
             4279, DOI 10.17487/RFC4279, December 2005, 
  [RFC5246]  Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security 
             Protocol Version 1.2", RFC 5246, DOI 10.17487/RFC5246, 
             August 2008, 
  [RFC5847]  Badra, M., "Pre-Shared Key Cipher Suites for TLS with 
             SHA-256/384 and AES Galois Counter Mode", RFC 5487, 
             DOI 10.17487/RFC5487, March 2009, 
21.2  Informative References 
  [RFC3740]   Hardjono, T. and B. Weis, "The Multicast Group Security 
              Architecture", RFC 3740, DOI 10.17487/RFC3740, March 2004, 
  [I-D.  keoh-dice-multicast-security] 
             Keoh, S., Kumar, S., Garcia-Morchon, O., Dijk, E., and A. 
             Rahman, "DTLS-based Multicast Security in Constrained 
             Environments", expired, draft-keoh-dice- 
             multicast-security-08, July 2014, 
  [I-D.  keoh-tls-multicast-security] 
             Keoh, S., Kumar, S., Garcia-Morchon, O., Dijk, E., 
             "DTLS-based Multicast Security for Low-Power and  
             Lossy Networks (LLNs), expired, draft-keoh-tls-multicast- 
             security-00, October 2012, 
Author's Address 
Lucas                   Expires March 17, 2018                [Page 27] 

Internet-Draft               DTLS Multicast              September 2017 
  Roger Lucas 
  c/o Cisco International Limited 
  10, New Square Park 
  Bedfont Lakes 
  TW14 8HA 
  United Kingdom 

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