Internet DRAFT - draft-mackenzie-bess-evpn-l3mh-proto


BESS Working Group                                     M. MacKenzie, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                         P. Brissette, Ed.
Intended status: Standards Track                                   Cisco
Expires: 10 August 2024                                    S. Matsushima
                                                                  W. Lin
                                                              J. Rabadan
                                                         7 February 2024

               EVPN multi-homing support for L3 services


   This document introduces the utilization of EVPN Multi-Chassis Link
   Aggregation Group (MC-LAG) technology to enhance network availability
   and load balancing for various L3 services in EVPN.

Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 10 August 2024.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Problems with unicast load-balancing from core to CE  . .   4
     1.2.  Problems with multicast from core to CE . . . . . . . . .   4
     1.3.  Problems with IGP adjacencies over the LAG port . . . . .   5
     1.4.  Problems with supporting multiple subnets on same ES in all
           active mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     1.5.  Acronyms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     1.6.  Requirements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   2.  Solution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     2.1.  Usage of L3VRF route target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     2.2.  Usage of EVPN instance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     2.3.  Mapping for L3 Interface to ESI . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     2.4.  Mapping for L3 Sub-Interface to Attachment Circuit ID . .  12
     2.5.  Route sync for ARP/ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       2.5.1.  Local adjacency (ARP/ND) learning . . . . . . . . . .  12
       2.5.2.  Remote ARP/ND learning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     2.6.  Route sync for IGMP/MLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       2.6.1.  Local IGMP/MLD Join/Leave learning  . . . . . . . . .  13
       2.6.2.  Remote IGMP/MLD Join/Leave learning . . . . . . . . .  14
       2.6.3.  Upstream PIM Join/Prune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     2.7.  Customer Subnet Route sync using Route type-5 . . . . . .  14
       2.7.1.  ESI based approach  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
       2.7.2.  IP Gateway based approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     2.8.  Mapping for VLAN to ETAG  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   3.  Extensions to RT-2, RT-5, RT-7 and RT-8 . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   4.  Convergence Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   5.  Overall Advantages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18

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   Appendix A.  Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19

1.  Introduction

   Resilient L3VPN service to a CE requires multiple service PEs to run
   a Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation Group mechanism, which previously
   required a proprietary ICL control plane link between them.

   This extension to [RFC9135] and to [RFC9136] brings EVPN based MC-LAG
   all-active multi-homing load-balancing to various services (L2 and
   L3) delivered by EVPN.  Although this solution is also applicable to
   some L2 service use cases, (example Centralized Gateway) this
   document focuses on the L3VPN [RFC4364] use case to provide examples.

   EVPN ESI-LAG is completely transparent to a CE device, and provides
   link and node level redundancy with load-balancing using the existing
   BGP control plane required by the L3 services.

   For example, the L3VPN service can be MPLS, VxLAN or SRv6 based, and
   does not require EVPN signaling to remote neighbors.  The EVPN
   signaling is limited to the redundant service PEs sharing a Ethernet
   Segment Identifier (ESI).  This is used to synchronize ARP/ND,
   multicast Join/Leave, and IGP routes replacing need for ICL link.

                       | PE3 |
                    |  MPLS/IP  |
                    |   CORE    |
                  +-----+   +-----+
                  | PE1 |   | PE2 |
                  +-----+   +-----+
                     |         |
                     I1       I2
                       \     /
                        \   /

                       Figure 1: EVPN MC-LAG Topology

   Figure 1 shows a MC-LAG multi-homing topology where PE1 and PE2 are
   part of the same redundancy group providing multi-homing to CE1 via
   interfaces I1 and I2.  PE1, PE2 and PE3 are attached to the same

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   L3VPN thru the core (running [RFC4364] and/or [RFC9136] procedures).
   Interfaces I1 and I2 are Bundle-Ethernet interfaces running LACP
   protocol.  The CE device can be a layer-2 or layer-3 device
   connecting to the redundant PEs over a single LACP LAG port.  In the
   case of a layer-3 CE device, this document looks to solve the case of
   an IGP adjacency between PEs and CE.  Further study is needed to
   support BGP PE to CE protocols.  The core, shown as IP or MPLS
   enabled, provides wide range of L3 services.  MC-LAG multi-homing
   functionality is decoupled from those services in the core and it
   focuses on providing multi-homing to CE.

   To deliver resilient layer-3 services and provide traffic load-
   balancing towards the access, the two service PEs advertise layer-3
   reach-ability towards the layer-3 core and both be eligible to
   receive traffic and forward towards the Access.

1.1.  Problems with unicast load-balancing from core to CE

   The layer-2 hashing performed by CE over its LAG port means that its
   possible for only one service PE to populate its ARP/ND cache.  Take
   for example PE1 and PE2 from Figure 1.  If CE1 ARP/ND response
   happens to always hash over I1 towards PE1, then PE2 ARP/ND table
   remains empty.  Since unicast traffic from remote PEs can be received
   by either service PE, traffic that reaches the service PE2 does not
   find an ARP entry matching the host IP address and traffic is dropped
   until its ARP/ND table is updated.

   If the CEs hash implementation always calculates the ARP/ND response
   towards PE1, the resolution on PE2 never succeeds and traffic load
   balanced to PE2 is permanently dropped.

   The route sync solution is described in Section 2.5

1.2.  Problems with multicast from core to CE

   Like the unicast behavior above, multicast IGMP/MLD join messages
   from CE to LAG link may always hash to a single PE.

   When PIM runs on both redundant layer-3 PEs, both serving multicast
   for the same access segment, PIM hello messages [RFC7761] issued by
   I1 (Figure 1) are not received by I2, and, vice versa; PIM hello
   messages issued by I2 are not received by I1.  This is due to the CE
   not being able to switch traffic between the two members of the same
   LAG.  Both PEs therefore become PIM Designated Router (DR).  The PIM
   DR is responsible for tracking local multicast listeners and
   forwarding traffic to those listeners.  The PIM DR is also
   responsible for sending local Join/Prune messages towards the RP or
   source.  However, due to the CE hashing, a particular IGMP join for a

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   given multicast group is received by only one of the PEs.  Only that
   PE programs the multicast route for the group and issues a PIM join

   The multicast route sync solution is described in Section 2.6

1.3.  Problems with IGP adjacencies over the LAG port

   A layer-3 CE device/router that connects to the redundant PEs may
   establish an IGP adjacency on the bundle port.  In this case, the
   adjacency is formed to one of the PEs and IGP customer route(s) is
   only present on that PE.

   This prevents the load-balancing benefits of redundant PEs from
   supporting this use case, as only one PE is aware and advertising the
   customer routes to the core.

                               | IGP Adj
       +-------+               |
       |       |    |
       | PE1   +-----------+   |
       |       |           |   |
       |       |           |   +
       +-------+           |
           +               |  +------+
     RT5   |             L |  | CE1  +------>H1
     Sync  |             A +->+      |
           v             G |  |      |
                           |  |      +------>R1
       +-------+           |  +------+
       |       |           |
       | PE2   +-----------+
       |       |
       |       |

                   Figure 2: IGP Adjacency over LAG Port

   Figure 2 provides an example of this use case, where CE1 forms an IGP
   adjacency with PE1 (example: ISIS or OSPF), and advertises its H1 and
   R1 routes into the IP-VRF of PE1.  PE1 may then redistribute this IGP
   route into the core as an L3 service.  Any remote PEs are only aware
   of the service from PE1, and cannot load balance through PE2 as well.

   Further study is required to support the case of BGP PE to CE

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   A solution to this is described in Section 2.7

1.4.  Problems with supporting multiple subnets on same ES in all active

   In the case where the L3 service is L3VPN such as [RFC4364], it is
   likely the CE device could be a layer-2 switch supporting multiple
   subnets through the use of VLANs.  In addition, each VLAN may be
   associated with a different customer VRF.

   When ARP/ND routes are synchronized between the PEs for ARP proxy
   support using RT-2, a similar problem is encountered as described by
   Section 1.1 of [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-ac-aware-bundling].  The PE
   receiving RT-2 is unable to determine which sub-interface the ARP/ND
   entry is associated with.

   When IGMP/MLD routes are synchronized between the PEs using RT-7 and
   RT-8, a similar problem is encountered as described by Section 1.2 of
   [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-ac-aware-bundling].  The PE receiving RT-7 and
   RT-8 is unable to determine which sub-interface the IGMP join is
   associated with.

   This document proposes to use the solution defined by Section 4 of
   [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-ac-aware-bundling] to solve both these cases.
   All route sync messages (RT-2, RT-5, RT-7, RT-8) carry an Attachment
   Circuit Identifier Extended Community to signal which sub-interface
   the routes were learnt on.

   This document focuses on configuration models over access-facing
   interfaces with L3 sub-interfaces.  Models with both L2 and L3 sub
   interfaces on a interface are left for future study.

1.5.  Acronyms

   BD:  Broadcast Domain

   BE:  Bundle Ethernet

   DF:  Designated Forwarder

   DR:  Multicast Designated Router

   EC:  BGP Extended Community

   ES:  Ethernet Segment.  When a customer site (device or network) is
      connected to one or more PEs via a set of Ethernet links, then
      that set of links is referred to as an 'Ethernet Segment'.

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   ESI:  Ethernet Segment Identifier.  A unique non-zero identifier that
      identifies an Ethernet Segment is called an 'Ethernet Segment

   ESI-LAG:  This refers to multi-homing scenario where peering PEs,
      connected to same CE, are two, three or more.

   ETAG:  Ethernet Tag. An Ethernet tag identifies a particular
      broadcast domain, e.g., a VLAN.  An EVPN instance consists of one
      or more broadcast domains.

   EVI:  An EVPN instance spanning the Provider Edge (PE) devices
      participating in that EVPN.  It is used to assist a L3 VRF for
      route synchronization.

   GRT:  Global Routing Table

   ICL:  Inter Chassis Link

   IGMP:  Internet Group Management Protocol

   IGP:  Interior Gateway Protocol

   IP-VRF:  A VPN Routing and Forwarding table for IP routes on an PE.
      The IP routes could be populated by EVPN and IP-VPN address
      families.  An IP-VRF is also an instantiation of a layer 3 VPN in
      an PE.

   L3AA  All-Active Redundancy Mode for Layer 3 services.  When all PEs
      attached to an Ethernet segment are allowed to forward known
      unicast traffic to/from that Ethernet segment for a given VLAN,
      then the Ethernet segment is defined to be operating in All-Active
      redundancy mode.

   MAC-VRF:  A Virtual Routing and Forwarding table for Media Access
      Control (MAC) addresses on a PE.  A MAC-VRF is also an
      instantiation of an EVI in a PE

   MC-LAG:  Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation Group (MC-LAG).

   MLD:  Multicast Listener Discovery.

   PE:  Provider Edge.

   PIM:  Protocol Independent Multicast.

   RD:  Route Distinguisher used in BGP.

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   RP:  Multicast Rendezvous Point.

   RT:  Route-Targets used in BGP

   RT-2:  EVPN route type 2, i.e., MAC/IP advertisement route, as
      defined in [RFC7432].

   RT-5:  EVPN route type 5, i.e., IP Prefix route, as defined in
      Section 3 of [RFC9136].

   RT-7:  EVPN route type 7, i.e., Multicast Join Synch Route, as
      defined in Section 9.2 of [RFC9251].

   RT-8:  EVPN route type 8, i.e., Multicast Leave Synch Route, as
      defined in Section 9.3 of [RFC9251].

1.6.  Requirements

   1.  The multi-homing solution MUST support Layer-3 access interface

   2.  The multi-homing solution MUST support Layer-3 access sub-

   3.  The solution MUST support unicast and multicast VPN services

   4.  The solution SHOULD support IGP synchronization

   5.  The solution SHOULD support unicast and multicast global routing

   6.  The solution MUST support all-active load-balancing mode

   7.  The solution MAY support single-active load-balancing mode

   8.  The solution MUST support port-active load-balancing mode

2.  Solution

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   |     +-------+ BE1.1 (
   | PE1 || BE1  +---------------------------------+
   |     || ESI-1|                                 |
   |     ||      | BE1.2 (              |
   |     ||      +-------------------------+       |
   |     +-------+                         |       |
   |     |                                 |       |
   |     +-------+ BE2 (        |       |
   |     || BE2  +------------------+      |       |
   |     || ESI-2|                  |      |       |
   |     ||      |                 +v----+ |       |
   |     ||      |                 |CE1  | |       |
   |     +-------+                 |.2   | |       |
   +------                         |CUST1| |       |
                                   +^----+ |       |
   +------                          |     +v-----+-v----+
   |     +-------+ BE2 ( |     |SW1   |      +-->H1(.2)
   | PE2 || BE2  +------------------+     |CUST2 |CUST1 |
   |     || ESI-2|                        +^-----+-^----+
   |     ||      |                         |       |
   |     ||      |                         |       |
   |     +-------+                         |       |
   |     |                                 |       |
   |     +-------+ BE1.2 (      |       |
   |     || BE1  +-------------------------+       |
   |     || ESI-1|                                 |
   |     ||      | BE1.1 (              |
   |     ||      +---------------------------------+
   |     +-------+


   CUST1-Subnet1: (VLAN 1)
   CUST2-Subnet1: (VLAN 2)


           Figure 3: ARP/ND synchronization over different VRF(s)

   Consider the Figure 3 topology, where two AC aware bundling service
   interfaces are supported.  On first bundling interface BE1, PE1 and
   PE2 share a LAG interface with switch 1 (SW1) and have two separate

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   (but overlapping) customer 1 and customer 2 subnets.  CUST1 Subnet 1
   is resolving over sub-interface VLAN 1 (.1), and CUST2 Subnet 1 is
   resolving over sub-interface VLAN 2 (.2).

   On second bundling interface BE2, both PEs share a LAG interface with
   Customer Edge device 1 (CE1) and only a single Customer (CUST1)
   subnet on native VLAN.

   Main interface BE1 on PE1 and PE2 is shared by customer 1 and 2, and
   represented by ESI-1.

   Main interface BE2 on PE1 and PE2 is only used by customer 1, and
   represented by ESI-2.

   If we focus on CUST1, there are 2 cases visible.

   Case 1: For CE1, if its ARP requests hash towards PE2, then PE1 is
   unaware of its presence.  For PE2 to synchronize this information to
   PE1, in addition to CE1 IP address ( and MAC address (m1),
   two additional unique identifiers are needed:

   1.  IP-VRF.  CUST 1 VRF is represented by associated L3 route targets
       (IP-VRF RT(s))

   2.  Interface.  BE2 Interface is represented by ESI-2

   Case 2: For Host 1 (H1), if its ARP request hash towards PE2, then
   PE1 is unaware of its presence.  For PE2 to synchronize this
   information to PE1, then in addition to H1 IP address ( and
   MAC address (m2), three additional unique identifiers are required.

   1.  IP-VRF.  CUST 1 VRF is represented by corresponding L3 route
       target (IP-VRF RT(s))

   2.  Main Interface.  BE1 Interface is represented by ESI-1

   3.  Sub-Interface.  Subnet/VLAN 1 is represented by Attachment
       Circuit ID 1.

2.1.  Usage of L3VRF route target

   The synchronization of information between peering PEs is done via
   various EVPN route types.  For instance, adjacencies in ARP/ND tables
   are synchronized by leveraging EVPN route type-2.  When dealing with
   Layer-3 interface, basic principles described in [RFC9136] are
   leverage.  By default, any routes used for synchronization are
   advertised with IP-VRF route targets.

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   Alternatively, EVPN routes may be advertised with ES-import route
   targets along with EVI-RT EC equal to associated IP-VRF route target.
   This allows BGP to distribute the route(s) to only the PEs attached
   to the associated ESI, and also allows routes to be applied to the
   respective IP-VRF(s) at receiving end.

   In the example Figure 3, route synchronization from CUST1 has IP-VRF1
   RT(s) and CUST2 has IP-VRF2 RT(s).  As an optimization, route
   synchronization uses ES-import RT(s).  On top of that, CUST1 has EVI-
   RT BGP Extended Community (EC) with IP-VRF1 RT(s), and CUST2 EVI-RT
   BGP Extended Community (EC) has IP-VRF2 RT(s).

2.2.  Usage of EVPN instance

   [RFC7432] eases the auto-generation of BGP constructs such as route-
   distinguisher and route targets per MAC-VRF, based on a unique value
   for the Broadcast Domain that, in this document, we referred to as
   EVI.  Similarly as in [RFC9136], the usage of EVI is not required
   when dealing with L3VPN multi-homing scenarios.  The RD may be auto-
   generated locally with a unique Id and associated RT(s) may be taken
   from the IP-VRF

   The synchronization over GRT is different.  In that specific
   situation, an EVPN instance may be assigned to support non-VPN
   layer-3 services.  The assignment is only serving the purpose of
   providing route targets as requested by [RFC7432]; where RT(s) are
   mandatory per EVPN route.

   EVPN enhances the multi-homing layer 3 service with the following
   synchronization routes:

   *  ARP / ND

   *  IGMP / MLD

   *  IP (for customer subnets learned from IGP adjacency)

2.3.  Mapping for L3 Interface to ESI

   The ESI represents the L3 LAG interface between PE and CEs.  This ESI
   is signaled using RT-4 with the ES-Import Route Target as described
   in Section 8.1.1 of [RFC7432] so that the service PE peers can
   discover each other's common ES.

   In the example Figure 3, route-syncs from interface BE1 have IP-VRF
   RT(s) or ES-Import RT and EVI-RT EC with ESI 1 as an optimization.

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2.4.  Mapping for L3 Sub-Interface to Attachment Circuit ID

   The Attachment Circuit ID represents the sub-interface subnet on the
   L3 LAG interface between PE and CEs.  The AC-ID is signaled using RT-
   2, RT-5, RT-7 and RT-8 by attaching Attachment Circuit ID Extended
   community as described in Section 6.1 of

   In the example Figure 3, route-syncs from sub-interface BE1.1 (VLAN1)
   have Attachment-Circuit-ID EC with ID 1

2.5.  Route sync for ARP/ND

   This document proposes solving the issue described in Section 1.1
   using RT-2 IP/MAC route sync as described in Section 10 of [RFC7432]
   with a modification described below.

2.5.1.  Local adjacency (ARP/ND) learning

   In EVPN or/and EVPN-IRB ([RFC7432] or/and [RFC9135]) where multi-
   homing is enabled through L2 access interfaces, peering PEs learn
   local adjacencies upon receiving ARP and/or ND messages.  Using EVPN
   route type-2 (MAC/IP), adjacencies are synchronized between peering
   PE sharing common Ethernet Segments.  This allows for proper layer-2
   forwarding chain establishment based on configured load-balancing
   mode.  Locally learned MAC may also be synchronized for some Layer-2

   Similarly with L3 interfaces, local ARP/ND learning triggers an EVPN
   route type-2 synchronization to any peer PE.  However, there is no
   need for local MAC learning or synchronization since there is no
   layer-2 service being offer.  The MAC-only RT-2 route is NOT
   advertised to peer PE and L2 forwarding chains should not be

   Section 9.1 of [RFC7432] describes different mechanisms to learn
   adjacency routes locally.

   ARP/ND route synchronization (refer as ARP/ND sync route in this
   document), uses EVPN non-zero ESI EVPN type-2 (MAC/IP) routes to
   exchange between peering PE all locally learned adjacencies.  Few
   more add-ons are needed to allow proper behavior:

   *  An ARP/ND Sync route SHOULD carry the IP-VRF Route Target of
      associated VRF

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   *  Optionally, an ARP/ND Sync route MAY carry exactly one ES-Import
      Route Target extended community, the one that corresponds to the
      ES on which the ARP or ND was received.  This is in replacement of
      the IP-VRF RT(s) mentioned previously.  Moreover, if an ES-Import
      Route Target extended community is used instead of the IP-VRF
      Route target, the ARP/ND Sync route MUST also carry exactly one
      EVI-RT extended community corresponding to the associated IP-VRF
      on which the ARP or ND was received.  See Section 9.5 of [RFC9251]
      for details on how to construct the EVI-RT extended community.

   *  In the case where PE supports AC aware bundling, it MUST also
      carry one Attachment Circuit ID Extended Community.  The circuit
      ID maps the sub-interface (or subnet) where this route was
      received.  For details on how to encode and construct this
      Extended Community, see section 6.1 of

2.5.2.  Remote ARP/ND learning

   When consuming a remote EVPN route type-2 synchronization route:

   *  BGP only imports layer-3 sync route(s) based on IP-VRF Route-
      targets or optionally when both ES-Import and EVI-RT extended
      communities match those locally configured

   *  The main interface is derived from the ESI

   *  The VLAN / sub-interface is derived from the AC-ID provided in the
      Attachment-Circuit-ID extended community

2.6.  Route sync for IGMP/MLD

   This document proposes solving the issue described in Section 1.2
   using RT-7 and RT-8 route sync as described by [RFC9251].

   Local IGMP/MLD join and leave triggers a RT-7/8 route sync to peer

2.6.1.  Local IGMP/MLD Join/Leave learning

   An IGP Join or Leave triggers a RT-7/8 route sync to any peer PE.

   Section 9.1 of [RFC7432] describes different mechanisms to learn
   adjacency routes locally.

   *  As per unicast, multicast routes SHOULD carry associated IP-VRF
      route targets.

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   *  Optionally, an Multicast Join or Leave Sync route MAY carry
      exactly one ES-Import Route Target extended community, the one
      that corresponds to the ES on which the IGMP/MLD Join or Leave was

   *  It MAY also carry exactly one EVI-RT EC, the one that corresponds
      to the associated VRF on which the IGMP Join or Leave was
      received.  See Section 9.5 of [RFC9251] for details on how to
      encode and construct the EVI-RT EC.

   *  In case where the PE supports multiple sub-interfaces within the
      same Ethernet Segment, the Multicast Sync routes MUST also carry
      one Attachment Circuit ID extended community.  The circuit ID maps
      the sub-interface (or subnet) this route was received.  For
      details on how to encode and construct this Extended Community,
      see section 6.1 of [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-ac-aware-bundling].

2.6.2.  Remote IGMP/MLD Join/Leave learning

   When consuming a remote multicast RT-7 or RT-8 sync route:

   *  A PE only imports Multicast Sync routes received with either a
      Route Target or an EVI-RT that matches one of the local IP-VRF(s)
      (assuming the ES-import Route Target matches the Route Target of
      one of the local Ethernet Segments).

   *  The layer-3 VRF is derived from the matching EVI.

   *  The main interface is derived from the ESI.

   *  The VLAN / sub-interface is derived from the AC-ID provided in the
      Attachment-Circuit-ID extended community.

2.6.3.  Upstream PIM Join/Prune

   With the IGMP join/leave sync routes, both the PEs have the
   membership request from a multi-homed receiver.  Both the PEs are DR
   and send a PIM join/prune message to the RP.  Both the PEs are added
   as leaf nodes in the multicast distribution tree.  Hence, both the
   PEs get traffic.  The PE that is the DF for the multicast flow will
   send the traffic on the Ethernet Segment to the receiver.  The NDF PE
   will drop the traffic.

2.7.  Customer Subnet Route sync using Route type-5

   Section 3 of [RFC9136] provides a mechanism to synchronize layer-3
   customer subnets between the PEs in order to solve problem described
   in Section 1.3.

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   Using Figure 2 as example, if PE1 forms the IGP adjacency with CE, it
   is the only PE with knowledge of the customer subnet R1.  BGP on PE1
   advertises R1 to remote PEs using L3-VPN signaling, either based on
   [RFC4364] IP-VPN routes or [RFC9136] EVPN IP Prefix routes.

   Although PE2 has the same ES connection to the CE, and could provide
   load balancing to remote PEs, since it has not formed an IGP
   adjacency with CE, it is not aware of the customer subnet R1.

   This is solved by PE1 signaling R1 to PE2 using a RT-5
   synchronization route.  PE2 can then advertise this customer subnet
   R1 towards the core as if it was locally learned through IGP, and
   provide load-balancing from the remote PEs.  There are two possible
   options to achieve synchronization:

   1.  ESI based approach.

   2.  IP Gateway based approach.

2.7.1.  ESI based approach

   The procedures differ depending on whether the core is running
   [RFC4364] IP-VPN or the [RFC9136] EVPN IP-VRF-to-IP-VRF model:

   *  If the core is running [RFC4364] IP-VPN, the PE receiving the R1
      IGP route from the CE advertises R1 in a RT-5 with the ESI of the
      Ethernet Segment, and also in an IP-VPN route.  Both routes carry
      the IP-VRF Route Target(s).  The peer PE attached to the same
      Ethernet Segment (PE2 in Figure 2) imports both routes for R1, but
      treats the non-zero ESI RT-5 as if it was a local route associated
      to the local Ethernet Segment.  Therefore the RT-5 route is
      selected over the IP-VPN route for R1, and PE2 advertises a new
      IP-VPN route for R1 so that the remote PEs in the IP-VPN network
      can load balance R1 traffic to both, PE1 and PE2.

   *  If the core is running [RFC9136] EVPN (IP-VRF-to-IP-VRF model),
      the PE with the IGP adjacency (PE1) advertises R1 in a RT-5 with
      the corresponding ESI as before, and PE2 synchronizes the route as
      per section 4.2 of [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-ip-aliasing].  The
      advertisement of the IP A-D routes (for the ESI) from PE1 and PE2
      guarantees that the remote EVPN PEs load balance the R1 traffic to
      both PEs attached to the Ethernet Segment (section 4 of

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2.7.2.  IP Gateway based approach

   The procedures is very similar depending on whether the core is
   running [RFC4364] IP-VPN or the [RFC9136] EVPN IP-VRF-to-IP-VRF

   *  If the core is running [RFC4364] IP-VPN, the PE receiving the R1
      IGP route from the CE advertises R1 in a RT-5 with the IP gateway
      field equal to the R1 nexthop, and also a corresponding IP-VPN
      route.  Both routes carry the IP-VRF Route Target(s).  The peer PE
      imports both routes for R1 where the RT-5 route is selected over
      the IP-VPN route for R1.  Due to the adjacency synchronization
      done via EVPN RT-2, peer PE resolves R1 over the IP gateway
      pointing to the local interface.  Peering PE advertises a new IP-
      VPN route for R1 so that the remote PEs in the IP-VPN network can
      load balance R1 traffic to both, PE1 and PE2.

   *  If the core is running [RFC9136] EVPN (IP-VRF-to-IP-VRF model),
      the mechanism works exactly like before without the need to select
      EVPN RT-5 over IP-VPN route.  Furthermore, there is no need to
      generate IP-VPN route but only EVPN-RT5 for R1 so that the remote
      PEs can load balance R1 traffic to both, PE1 and PE2.

2.8.  Mapping for VLAN to ETAG

   [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-ac-aware-bundling] proposes the use of an
   Attachment Circuit ID Extended Community to carry specific VLAN
   identification.  To avoid the usage of EC, the Ethernet-tag field may
   be used to signal VLAN/sub-interface identification between service
   PE peers in RT-2, RT-5, RT-7 and RT-8 as opposed to the Attachment
   Circuit Extended Community.

3.  Extensions to RT-2, RT-5, RT-7 and RT-8

   This document proposes extending the use case of Extended communities
   already defined in other drafts for the route types RT-2, RT-5, RT-7
   and RT-8.

   *  EVI-RT Extended Community as defined in Section 9.5 of [RFC9251].

   *  Attachment Circuit ID Extended Community as defined in Section 6.1
      of [I-D.ietf-bess-evpn-ac-aware-bundling].

4.  Convergence Considerations

   Left for future study.

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5.  Overall Advantages

   The use of EVPN ESI-LAG all active multi-homing brings the following
   benefits to L3 BGP services:

   *  Open standards based per interface all-active redundancy mechanism
      that eliminates the need to run ICCP and LDP.

   *  Agnostic of underlay technology (MPLS, VXLAN, SRv6) and associated
      services (L3, L3-VPN).

   *  Replaces legacy MC-LAG ICCP-based solution, and offers following
      additional benefits:

      -  Fast convergence with mass-withdraw is possible with EVPN.

      -  Avoid the need of a dedicated ICCP channel between peering PEs.

   *  Requires signaling already defined in existing EVPN RFCs
      [RFC7432], [RFC9136], [RFC9251] and draft

   *  Removes the burden of having the need for ICL link and any
      proprietary protocols.

6.  Security Considerations

   The same Security Considerations described in [RFC7432] are valid for
   this document.

7.  IANA Considerations

   There are no IANA considerations.

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

              Sajassi, A., Mishra, M. P., Thoria, S., Rabadan, J., and
              J. Drake, "AC-Aware Bundling Service Interface in EVPN",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ac-
              aware-bundling-04, 15 November 2023,

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              Sajassi, A., Rabadan, J., Pasupula, S., Krattiger, L., and
              J. Drake, "EVPN Support for L3 Fast Convergence and
              Aliasing/Backup Path", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ip-aliasing-00, 1 December 2023,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC9135]  Sajassi, A., Salam, S., Thoria, S., Drake, J., and J.
              Rabadan, "Integrated Routing and Bridging in Ethernet VPN
              (EVPN)", RFC 9135, DOI 10.17487/RFC9135, October 2021,

   [RFC9136]  Rabadan, J., Ed., Henderickx, W., Drake, J., Lin, W., and
              A. Sajassi, "IP Prefix Advertisement in Ethernet VPN
              (EVPN)", RFC 9136, DOI 10.17487/RFC9136, October 2021,

   [RFC9251]  Sajassi, A., Thoria, S., Mishra, M., Patel, K., Drake, J.,
              and W. Lin, "Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) and
              Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Proxies for Ethernet
              VPN (EVPN)", RFC 9251, DOI 10.17487/RFC9251, June 2022,

8.2.  Informative References

   [RFC4364]  Rosen, E. and Y. Rekhter, "BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private
              Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4364, DOI 10.17487/RFC4364, February
              2006, <>.

   [RFC7432]  Sajassi, A., Ed., Aggarwal, R., Bitar, N., Isaac, A.,
              Uttaro, J., Drake, J., and W. Henderickx, "BGP MPLS-Based
              Ethernet VPN", RFC 7432, DOI 10.17487/RFC7432, February
              2015, <>.

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   [RFC7761]  Fenner, B., Handley, M., Holbrook, H., Kouvelas, I.,
              Parekh, R., Zhang, Z., and L. Zheng, "Protocol Independent
              Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Protocol Specification
              (Revised)", STD 83, RFC 7761, DOI 10.17487/RFC7761, March
              2016, <>.

Appendix A.  Contributors

   The following people has contributed substantially to this document:

   Jiri Chaloupka

   Jayashree Subramanian

Authors' Addresses

   Michael MacKenzie (editor)
   Cisco Systems

   Patrice Brissette (editor)
   Cisco Systems

   Satoru Matsushima

   Wen Lin

   Jorge Rabadan

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