Internet DRAFT - draft-malhotra-bess-evpn-centralized-anycast-gw


BESS WorkGroup                                          N. Malhotra, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                          K. Ananthamurthy
Intended status: Standards Track                              A. Sajassi
Expires: 5 September 2024                                   L. Krattiger
                                                           Cisco Systems
                                                              J. Rabadan
                                                            4 March 2024

           Centralized Anycast Gateway in Ethernet VPN(EVPN)


   EVPN Integrated Routing and Bridging (IRB) fabrics provide a flexible
   and extensible method for Layer-2 and Layer-3 overlay network
   connectivity.  [EVPN-IRB] defines operation for symmetric and
   asymmetric EVPN IRB using distributed anycast gateway architecture
   (DAG).  In a DAG architecture, both bridging and first-hop routing
   functions for overlay subnets are located on leaf PEs, with first-hop
   routing provided by a distributed anycast gateway provisioned across
   the leaf PEs.  This document describes an architecture and operation
   for EVPN Centralized Anycast Gateway (CAG), which allows the first-
   hop routing function for overlay subnets to be centralized on
   designated IRB GWs while the bridging function is still located on
   the leaf PEs.  The documents also covers trade-offs of deploying a
   CAG as compared with DAG.  It further describes operation for inter-
   op between CAG and DAG based EVPN-IRB network overlays.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 5 September 2024.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Requirements Language and Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Control Plane Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  Requirements for L2 PE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.2.  Requirements for CAG PE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Data Plane Operation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.1.  Intra-Subnet Bridging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.2.  Inter-Subnet Routing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  MAC/IP Mobility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   6.  CAG deployment models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     6.1.  CAG Placement as an Interconnect  . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       6.1.1.  Control Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       6.1.2.  Tunnel Adjacencies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       6.1.3.  Split Horizon domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       6.1.4.  Data Plane  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11  Inter-subnet - L2 fabric to Symmetric IRB
                 fabric  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11  Inter-subnet - Symmetric IRB fabric to L2
                 fabric  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11  Intra-subnet - Symmetric IRB fabric to L2 fabric
                 unicast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12  Intra-subnet - L2 fabric to Symmetric IRB fabric
                 unicast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12  Intra-subnet - Symmetric IRB fabric to L2 fabric
                 BUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12  Intra-subnet - L2 fabric to Symmetric IRB fabric
                 BUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     6.2.  CAG Placement on DAG L2/L3PEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       6.2.1.  Dual role of DAGs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       6.2.2.  Operation on CAG as L2/L3 GW  . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       6.2.3.  FHG Load-sharing and resiliency . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       6.2.4.  FHG Localization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14

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       6.2.5.  Comparison between the approaches . . . . . . . . . .  14  Operational simplicity  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14  Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   7.  Operational Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   10. Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   11. Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   12. Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

1.  Introduction

   In a CAG routing architecture, overlay endpoints connect to Layer-2
   EVPN gateways that provide VPN bridging function for overlay subnets.
   This VPN bridging function enables intra-subnet flows across the
   overlay while routing function between end-points in different
   subnets and to/from end-points external to the fabric is located on
   designated L2+L3 (IRB) gateways.

   First-hop routing for each overlay subnet is deployed using a subnet
   Anycast GW that is hosted on one or more designated IRB GW nodes.  A
   key attribute that defines this architecture is that the first-hop
   routing function for an overlay subnet is decoupled from the EVPN
   leaf that only provides intra-subnet bridging service for that
   subnet.  This decoupling in-turn results in first-hop routing for
   overlay endpoints being "centralized" on designated IRB nodes.  Note
   that the Anycast GW for each subnet is still distributed across these
   "centralized" IRB GW nodes.

   It is common to deploy first-hop Anycast routing for all overlay
   subnets in a fabric on the same set of IRB nodes.  While not
   necessarily required, as is covered later in the document, this is
   often done for operational simplicity and optimal routing.  It is
   also common for this first-hop routing function to be hosted on
   border nodes that also act as interconnect GWs to external L2 or L2/
   L3 domains.  Optionally, the CAG IRB nodes may also have directly
   connected end-points.

   CAG architecture essentially uses a Layer-2 EVPN overlay and first-
   hop routing operation on CAG is identical to asymmetric routing as
   defined in [EVPN-IRB].  Figure below shows a reference L2 fabric with
   CAG topology that is also used to illustrate the procedures specified
   in later sections.

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     |             L2/L3 Interconnect to external domains              |
     |                             |                                   |
     |                             |                                   |
     |                             |                                   |
     |                             |           CAGs with Anycast IP    |
     |                +-----------------------+                        |
     |                |   +------+  +------+  |  IRB1: [IP10, M10]     |
     |                |   | CAG1 |  | CAG2 |  |  IRB2: [IP20, M20]     |
     |                |   +------+  +------+  |  IRB3: [IP30, M30]     |
     |                +-----------------------+                        |
     |                                                                 |
     |                                                                 |
     |                                                                 |
     |                     +---------------+                           |
     |                     |               |                           |
     |                     |     EVPN      |                           |
     |                     |               |                           |
     |                     +---------------+                           |
     |                                                                 |
     |                                                                 |
     |                                                                 |
     |                                                                 |
     | +------+  +------+    +------+  +------+   +------+  +------+   |
     | |L2 PE1|  |L2 PE2|    |L2 PE3|  |L2 PE4|   |L2 PE5|  |L2 PE6|   |
     | +------+  +------+    +------+  +------+   +------+  +------+   |
     |    \         /            \         /           \         /     |
     |     \       /              \       /             \       /      |
     |      \     /                \     /               \     /       |
     |      +\---/+                +\---/+               +\---/+       |
     |      | \ / |                | \ / |               | \ / |       |
     |      +--+--+                +--+--+               +--+--+       |
     |         |                      |                     |          |
     |         |                      |                     |          |
               |                      |                     |
       EVI1 H11:[IP11, M11]                              H13:[IP13, M13]
       EVI2 H21:[IP21, M21]        H22:[IP22, M22]
       EVI3 H31:[IP31, M31]                              H33:[IP33, M33]

                                  Figure 1

   *  L2 PE1..L2 PE6 are L2-Only GWs.

   *  IRB1/IRB2/IRB3 are IRB interfaces on CAGs for EVI1, EVI2 and EVI3.

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   *  Hosts H11/H13 are in EVI1, H21/H22 are in EVI2 and H31/H33 are in

   *  CAG1 and CAG2 form a redundant anycast CAG pair for EVI1, EVI2,
      and EVI3.

2.  Requirements Language and Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

   *  CAG: Centralized Anycast Gateway

   *  DAG: Distributed Anycast Gateway

   *  EVI: An EVPN instance spanning the Provider Edge (PE) devices
      participating in that EVPN

   *  FHR: First Hop Router

   *  IRB: Integrated Routing and Bridging

   *  L2-GW: Layer-2 Only Gateway

   *  L2-Only GW: Layer-2 Only Gateway

3.  Control Plane Operation

   This section defines control plane procedures required on L2 PE and
   CAG PE for a CAG architecture based deployment.

3.1.  Requirements for L2 PE

   *  ARP/ND snooping MUST be enabled on L2-PEs.  Locally connected host
      IP and MAC is learnt by L2 PE via ARP/ND snooping and advertised
      using EVPN RT-2 with a single label that represents the EVI.  This
      enables a significant simplification in CAG operation to avoid the
      need for data plane learning and syncing of ARP/ND tables across
      redundant CAGs.

   *  L2-PEs MUST handle ARP refreshes when MAC ages out or ARP ages out
      in order to relearn the host MAC and IP to avoid traffic loss.  If
      a host does not respond to an ARP refresh, then the previously
      advertised EVPN RT-2 by the L2-PE MUST be withdrawn.  If the host
      responds to host MAC/IP, then ARP MUST be refreshed.  EVPN RT-2
      SHOULD NOT be re-advertised

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   *  L2-PEs on receiving GW MAC/IP RT-2 from CAG, in addition to
      installing the MAC in the MAC-VRF, MUST also install a GW MAC/IP
      entry in the ARP/ND suppression cache.  This enables L2-PEs to act
      as a proxy for CAG by using the entry in the suppression cache to
      respond to ARP requests from hosts for GW MAC/IP.  If enabled,
      this avoids flooding of ARP/ND requests across the fabric and
      avoids duplicate ARP responses from redundant CAGs.

3.2.  Requirements for CAG PE

   *  A set of redundant CAG PEs that act as the FHR for the same subnet
      MUST be provisioned with the same anycast GW IP and MAC.

   *  For each subnet for which CAG is an FHR, CAG MUST advertise
      Anycast GW MAC/IP using EVPN RT-2 with Default Gateway Extended
      Community as defined in [RFC7432].  In Figure 1, CAG1/2 advertise
      IRB1/2/3 MAC and IP using EVPN RT-2 with Default Gateway Extended
      Community with nexthop as anycast IP.

   *  In case of VXLAN encapsulation, set of redundant CAG PEs
      provisioned as FHR for a common set of subnets MAY advertise the
      anycast GW MAC/IP RT-2 with an anycast VTEP IP as the next-hop.
      This enables the GW MAC to be installed with a single BGP path on
      L2 PEs and hence enables interworking with low end L2 devices that
      may not be capable of MAC multi-pathing.  It also results in a
      much simplified solution that avoids a need for virtual ESI
      provisioning on CAG PE as well as a need for MAC multi-pathing and
      fast convergence procedures on CAG and L2 PEs.  Note that this
      anycast VTEP IP is solely for the purpose of GW MAC/IP RT-2
      advertisement and all directly connected end-points (single-homed
      or multi-homed) will continue to be advertised with a non-anycast
      VTEP IP as the next-hop.  ESI multi-homing procedures specified in
      [RFC7432] apply as-is to directly connected end-points multi-homed
      via ESI LAG.

   *  Upon receiving RT-2 advertisements from Egress EVPN L2-PE, CAG
      MUST import MACs into MAC-VRFs, thus establishing Host MAC
      reachability via Layer-2 EVPN encapsulation and tunnel to Egress
      L2 PE.  In Figure 1, L2-GW1/2 advertise RT-2 for hosts H11, H21
      and H31.  CAG MUST import M11, M21 and M31 in corresponding MAC-
      VRFs.  CAG will perform the Asymmetric IRB procedures defined in
      [RFC9135] with IP-to-MAC binding resolved via respective
      adjacency/next-hop table entry.

   *  It should be noted that reachability to a remote host layer-3
      adjacency is still resolved by host MAC reachability via a Layer-2
      VPN tunnel to the Egress L2-PE.

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4.  Data Plane Operation

4.1.  Intra-Subnet Bridging

   Intra-subnet host to host flow is identical to that in symmetric or
   asymmetric distributed anycast GW based IRB deployments as defined in
   [EVPN-IRB].  When the ingress L2 PE receives a packet from its
   locally attached host, it does a destination MAC lookup in its VLAN
   which yields an L2 VPN and tunnel encapsulation towards the egress L2
   PE.  The ingress L2 PE then encapsulates the original packet and
   sends to the egress L2 PE.  Egress L2 PE decapsulates the packet and
   does a destination MAC lookup in the local VLAN (MAC VRF) table
   identified by the received L2 VPN label.  This yields a local VLAN
   Port.  The egress L2GW then sends the decapsulated packet to the

4.2.  Inter-Subnet Routing

   Inter-subnet host to host flow destined to default GW MAC is bridged
   to CAG PE with the L2 VPN encapsulation learnt via default GW RT-2
   from the CAG PE.  CAG decapsulates the packet and does a destination
   MAC lookup in the local MAC VRF identified by the received L2 VPN
   encapsulation that results in my MAC.  This yields the local IRB
   interface.  CAG then does a destination IP lookup in IP VRF attached
   to the IRB interface.  If the destination subnet is local/attached to
   the CAG node, IP lookup yields a local host adjacency on the
   destination subnet IRB interface.  This results in host MAC rewrite,
   followed by host MAC lookup that results in the packet being bridged
   to the egress L2 PE with L2 VPN and tunnel encapsulation learnt via
   RT-2 from egress L2 PE.  On the egress L2 PE, packet is decapsulated,
   local MAC VRF is resolved by the received L2 VPN encapsulation.  The
   packet is then bridged to the local host via local MAC VRF lookup.

   If the destination subnet is not local to the CAG node, IP lookup
   yields the destination subnet prefix that resolves via L3 VPN
   encapsulation and tunnel to the next-hop CAG PE that is the FHR for
   the destination subnet.  Packet is hence routed to another CAG, where
   the packet is decapsulated, received L3 VPN encapsulation resolves
   the local IP VRF, and IP lookup now yields a local host adjacency on
   the destination subnet IRB interface.  Packet is then bridged to the
   destination L2 PE with the L2 VPN encapsulation as described above.

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5.  MAC/IP Mobility

   GW MAC/IP route advertised by CAG MUST follow default gateway best
   path selection procedures specified in [RFC7432bis] to ensure that GW
   MAC is treated as static and is always preferred over any duplicate
   host MAC across the L2 overlay.  Beyond BGP best path selection,
   forwarding implementations MUST ensure that a locally learnt
   duplicate MAC will never overwrite the forwarding entry for the GW
   MAC route.  Hosts attached to L2-PEs follow existing mobility
   procedures as defined in [RFC7432].

6.  CAG deployment models

   Fabrics with symmetric IRB are widely deployed.  This section
   discusses how a CAG architecture discussed in the earlier sections
   may be deployed together with a symmetric IRB fabric with L2 and L3
   overlays that extend across symmetric IRB and CAG based fabrics.  Two
   deployment models are discussed:

   *  CAG Placement as an Interconnect

   *  CAG Placement on DAG L2/L3PEs

6.1.  CAG Placement as an Interconnect

   In this model, CAG is placed as an interconnect or hub between the
   Layer-2 fabric consisting of L2-PEs and the symmetric IRB fabric
   consisting of L2/L3 PEs.  CAG device essentially performs the CAG
   function for hosts connected to L2 only fabric and in addition, also
   performs an L2/L3 overlay interconnect function between the L2 only
   fabric and the symmetric IRB fabric.

    EVI1 H24:[IP24 M24]
    EVI2 H14:[IP14,M14]         H25:[IP25, M25]         H15:[IP15]
             |                      |                       |
  |          |                      |                       |       |
  |          |                      |                       |       |
  |        +--+--+                +--+--+                   |       |
  |        | / \ |                | / \ |                   |       |
  |        +-----+                +-----+                   |       |
  |         /   \                  /   \                    |       |
  |        /     \                /     \                   |       |
  |       /       \              /       \                  |       |
  |    +-----+   +-----+      +-----+   +-----+          +-----+    |
  |    | PE7 |   | PE8 |      | PE9 |   | PE10|          | PE11|    |

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  |    +-----+   +-----+      +-----+   +-----+          +-----+    |
  |                                                                 |
  |               IRB1: [IP10, M10]                                 |
  |               IRB2: [IP20, M20]                                 |
  |                                                                 |
                                                Symmetric IRB Fabric

                   +-----------------------+  CAGs with Anycast IP as Interconnect
                   |   +------+  +------+  |  IRB1: [IP10, M10]
                   |   | CAG1 |  | CAG2 |  |  IRB2: [IP20, M20]
                   |   +------+  +------+  |  IRB3: [IP30, M30]

                                                 Layer-2 EVPN Fabric
  |                                                                 |
  |  +-----+   +-----+      +-----+   +-----+     +-----+   +-----+ |
  |  | PE1 |   | PE2 |      | PE3 |   | PE4 |     | PE5 |   | PE6 | |
  |  +-----+   +-----+      +-----+   +-----+     +-----+   +-----+ |
  |    \         /            \         /           \         /     |
  |     \       /              \       /             \       /      |
  |      \     /                \     /               \     /       |
  |      +\---/+                +\---/+               +\---/+       |
  |      | \ / |                | \ / |               | \ / |       |
  |      +--+--+                +--+--+               +--+--+       |
  |         |                      |                     |          |
  |         |                      |                     |          |
            |                      |                     |
    EVI1 H11:[IP11, M11]                              H13:[IP13, M13]
    EVI2 H21:[IP21, M21]        H22:[IP22, M22]
    EVI3 H31:[IP31, M31]                              H33:[IP33, M33]

                               Figure 2

   *  IRB1/IRB2 are IRB interfaces on L2/L3 PEs PE7- PE10.

   *  PE11 is L3-only PE

   *  CAG pair consisting of CAG1/CAG2 is placed an Interconnect between
      Layer-2 only and Symmetric IRB fabric.

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6.1.1.  Control Plane

   In addition to the control plane operation described in Section 3,
   the following operations must be done at CAG to enable seamless
   interworking between the fabrics.

   *  MAC/IP RT-2s learnt on CAGs from L2 PEs in the Layer-2 only EVPN
      Fabric MUST be re-originated by all CAGs towards the L2/L3 PEs and
      L3-only PEs in the Symmetric IRB Fabric with CAG as the tunnel

   *  MAC/IP RT-2s learnt on CAGs from L2 PEs in the Layer-2 only EVPN
      Fabric MUST be re-originated by all CAGs towards the L2/L3 PEs and
      L3-only PEs in the Symmetric IRB Fabric in symmetric IRB format
      with both L2 and L3 VPN local labels.  Essentially, these MAC-IP
      routes are learnt from L2 PEs with only L2 label and re-originated
      with locally provisioned or allocated L2 and L3 labels.

   *  MAC/IP RT-2s learnt from L2/L3 PEs in the Symmetric IRB fabric
      MUST be re-originated towards the Layer-2 only fabric with CAG as
      the tunnel next-hop.

   *  MAC/IP RT-2s learnt from L2/L3 PEs in the Symmetric IRB fabric and
      re-originated towards the L2 PEs MAY have L3 label and L3 RTs
      removed resulting in re-origination with only locally assigned L2
      VPN label and L2 RTs.  L2 PEs in the Layer-2 only fabric ignore
      the L3 label and RTs if they are present.

6.1.2.  Tunnel Adjacencies

   This results in the following overlay tunnel adjacencies at CAG:

   *  L2 and L3 VPN tunnel adjacencies between CAG and L2/L3 PEs in
      symmetric IRB fabric.  In above topology, Layer-2 and Layer-3
      tunnel adjacencies are formed between L2/L3 PEs PE7-PE10 and CAG.

   *  L3 VPN tunnel adjacencies between CAG and L3 only PEs in symmetric
      IRB fabric.  In above topology, Layer-3 tunnel adjacencies are
      formed between L3-only PE11 and CAG.

   *  L2 VPN tunnel adjacencies between CAG and L2 PEs in L2 fabric.  In
      above topology, Layer-3 tunnel adjacencies are formed between L2
      PEs PE1-PE6 and CAG.

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6.1.3.  Split Horizon domains

   CAG MUST consider the two fabrics as separate split horizon domains
   and hence apply split-horizon procedures specified in [RFC9014].  As
   a result, The BUM traffic from one domain is distributed to the other
   domain.  For e.g.  ARP requests from symmetric IRB domain are
   distributed to the Layer-2 domain and vice versa.

6.1.4.  Data Plane

   In addition to the data plane operation described in Section 4, the
   following operations must be done at CAG to enable seamless
   interworking between the fabrics.  Inter-subnet - L2 fabric to Symmetric IRB fabric

   Intersubnet traffic is sent from host in the Layer-2 only fabric
   destined to host IP attached to the symmetric IRB fabric and GW MAC
   on CAG.  The L2 PE performs a Gateway MAC lookup in MAC-VRF and
   tunnels traffic to CAG with L2 VPN label and tunnel encapsulation to
   CAG.  CAG performs a GW MAC lookup in the MAC-VRF followed by an IP
   lookup in IP-VRF.  This results a route to the L2/L3 PE next-hop.
   CAG tunnels the packet to L2/L3 PE with L3 VPN label and tunnel
   encapsulation to L2/L3 PE.  L2/L3 PE performs a lookup in the IP-VRF
   which results in an adjacency to the destination host, using which
   traffic is routed to the attached destination host.

   In the topology above, traffic sourced from H11 destined to H24 is
   sent to M10 and IP24.  PE1/2 perform a lookup of M10 and tunnel
   traffic to CAG1/2.  CAG1/2 perform a lookup of M10 in the MAC-VRF,
   followed by lookup of IP24 in IP-VRF, which results in a route to
   PE7/8.  CAG1/2 tunnel Layer-3 traffic to PE7/8.  PE7/8 perform a
   lookup of IP24 in IP-VRF, which results in adjacency to H24.  PE7/8
   bridge traffic to H24 destined to M24.  Inter-subnet - Symmetric IRB fabric to L2 fabric

   Intersubnet traffic is sent from host in symmetric IRB fabric
   destined to host IP attached to Layer-2 only fabric and DAG MAC on
   L2/L3 PE.  L2/L3 PE performs GW MAC lookup in MAC-VRF followed by an
   IP lookup in the IP-VRF.  This results in a route to the CAG next-
   hop.  L2/L3 PE tunnels the packet to the CAG with L3 VPN label and
   tunnel encapsulation to CAG.  CAG performs destination IP lookup in
   IP-VRF resolved by L3 VPN label, which results in an adjacency to the
   destination host.  CAG performs a MAC lookup of destination host MAC
   and tunnels traffic to L2 PE next-hop with L2 label and tunnel
   encapsulation to L2 PE.  L2-only PE performs a MAC lookup in the MAC-
   VRF and bridges the packet to the destination host.

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   In the topology above, traffic sourced from H24 destined to H11 is
   sent to M20 and IP11.  PE7/8 perform a lookup of M20 followed by IP11
   lookup in IP-VRF and tunnels Layer-3 traffic to CAG.  CAG performs a
   lookup of IP11 in IP-VRF, which results in adjacency to H11.  CAG
   perform lookup M11 and tunnels traffic to PE1/2.  PE1/2 perform
   lookup of M11 and bridge traffic to H11.  Intra-subnet - Symmetric IRB fabric to L2 fabric unicast  Intra-subnet - L2 fabric to Symmetric IRB fabric unicast  Intra-subnet - Symmetric IRB fabric to L2 fabric BUM  Intra-subnet - L2 fabric to Symmetric IRB fabric BUM

6.2.  CAG Placement on DAG L2/L3PEs

   In this placement approach, all L2/L3 PEs in the Symmetric IRB fabric
   that locally host an EVI assume an additional role of a CAG for hosts
   in that EVI that are attached to L2 only fabric.

    EVI1 H14:[IP14 M14]
    EVI2 H24:[IP24,M24]         H25:[IP25, M25]
                 |                      |
  |              |                      |                          |
  |              |                      |                          |
  |           +--+--+                +--+--+                       |
  |           | / \ |                | / \ |                       |
  |           +-----+                +-----+                       |
  |            /   \                  /   \                        |
  |           /     \                /     \                       |
  |          /       \              /       \                      |
  |       +-----+   +-----+      +-----+   +-----+                 |
  |       | PE7 |   | PE8 |      | PE9 |   | PE10|                 |
  |       | CAG |   | CAG |      | CAG |   | CAG |                 |
  |       +-----+   +-----+      +-----+   +-----+                 |
  |                                                                |
  |                   IRB1: [IP10, M10]                            |
  |                   IRB2: [IP20, M20]                            |

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  |                   IP-VRF                                       |
                                   Symmetric IRB Fabric/CAG pair

                               |               |
                               |     EVPN      |
                               |               |

                                                        Layer-2 EVPN Fabric
  |                                                                        |
  |       +-----+   +-----+      +-----+   +-----+      +-----+   +-----+  |
  |       | PE1 |   | PE2 |      | PE3 |   | PE4 |      | PE5 |   | PE6 |  |
  |       +-----+   +-----+      +-----+   +-----+      +-----+   +-----+  |
  |          \         /            \         /            \         /     |
  |           \       /              \       /              \       /      |
  |            \     /                \     /                \     /       |
  |            +\---/+                +\---/+                +\---/+       |
  |            | \ / |                | \ / |                | \ / |       |
  |            +--+--+                +--+--+                +--+--+       |
  |               |                      |                      |          |
  |               |                      |                      |          |
                  |                      |                      |
    EVI1 H11:[IP11, M11]                               H13:[IP13, M13]
    EVI2 H21:[IP21, M21]        H22:[IP22, M22]

                               Figure 3

   *  Symmetric IRB Fabric is EVPN fabric consisting of L2/L3 PEs and
      L3-only PEs operating in Symmetric IRB mode.

   *  PE7- PE10 are L2/L3 PEs and participate in EVI/EVI2 and host IP-
      VRF which has subnets for EVI1/EVI2.

   *  PE7 - PE10 are L2/L3 PEs and also CAG to Layer-2 only fabric.

   *  IRB1/IRB2 are IRB interfaces on PE7/CAG - PE10/CAG.

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6.2.1.  Dual role of DAGs

   In this placement method, each DAG in the symmetric IRB fabric plays
   a dual role of DAG and CAG.  Thus, the CAG for an EVI comprises of
   each L2/L3 PE DAG node in the symmetric IRB fabric that hosts the
   EVI.  Such a placement results in forming a full mesh of tunnels
   between the L2-only PEs and every DAG/CAG.

6.2.2.  Operation on CAG as L2/L3 GW

   The operation on the CAG remains the same as described in section FIX
   and MUST be performed by each member of the CAG pair that hosts the

6.2.3.  FHG Load-sharing and resiliency

   As the CAG pair is comprised of all L2/L3 PEs that host the EVI, the
   FHG function can be load-shared across a larger number of CAGs.  As
   all members of the pair advertise the GW MAC/IP to all the L2-only
   PEs, this opens up an opportunity on the L2-only PEs for creating a
   scheme optimal load-sharing, load-balancing, failure resiliency and
   achieving faster convergence during failure events.  As an example,
   the L2-only PEs may choose to pick one CAG per EVI as the FHG,
   resulting in load-sharing traffic across the pair or the L2-only PEs
   may pick a subset of CAGs for per EVI as FHGs which provides failure
   resiliency, faster convergence in failure events while providing
   load-sharing across the members of the CAG pair.

6.2.4.  FHG Localization

   If the use case requires FHG function to be localized on a subset of
   members of the CAG pair for a given EVI, only this subset MUST be
   configured to advertise the GW MAC/IP to the L2-only PEs.  Thus
   forming two sub-clusters within the CAG cluster.  The subset which
   does not advertise the GW MAC/IP form a CAG non-FHG sub-cluster
   whereas, the other cluster forms a CAG FHG sub-cluster.  As the non-
   FHG cluster does not advertise GW MAC/IP, it does not attract inter-
   subnet traffic from L2-only PEs.  Both sub-clusters MUST perform the
   operations as described in section FIX.

6.2.5.  Comparison between the approaches  Operational simplicity

   In the full mesh placement approach, the operation on CAGs is largely
   simplified as re-origination of routes as described in section FIX is
   not required and thus, does not require and additional functionality
   on the CAG for seamless interworking between the fabrics.

Malhotra, et al.        Expires 5 September 2024               [Page 14]
Internet-Draft                  EVPN CAG                      March 2024  Scalability

   The interconnect placement approach requires re-origination of routes
   by CAG between the two fabrics.  This results in logically separated
   domains.  As a result, segregated tunnel domains are be created, thus
   making this approach more scalable.  In the full mesh placement, as a
   full mesh of tunnels is formed between the L2-only PEs and CAG, thus
   making this approach less scalable.

7.  Operational Considerations


8.  Security Considerations

   Security considerations discussed in [RFC7432] and [RFC9135] apply to
   this document.

9.  IANA Considerations

10.  Acknowledgements

   Authors would like to thank Aparna Pattekar for spending considerable
   time on and contributing multiple sections to rev0 of this draft.

11.  Contributors

   Aparna Pattekar
   Cisco Systems

12.  Normative References

   [EVPN-IRB] Sajassi, A., Salam, S., Samil, S., Drake, J., Rabadan, J.,
              and , "Integrated Routing and Bridging in EVPN", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, Integrated Routing and Bridging
              in EVPN, 26 July 2021,

              Malhotra, N., Sajassi, A., Pattekar, A., Rabadan, J.,
              Lingala, A., Drake, J., and , "Extended Mobility
              Procedures for EVPN-IRB", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-extended-mobility-17, 16
              October 2023, <

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Internet-Draft                  EVPN CAG                      March 2024

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC7432]  Sajassi, A., Ed., Aggarwal, R., Bitar, N., Isaac, A.,
              Uttaro, J., Drake, J., and W. Henderickx, "BGP MPLS-Based
              Ethernet VPN", RFC 7432, DOI 10.17487/RFC7432, February
              2015, <>.

              Sajassi, A., Brudet, L.A., Rabadan, J., Drake, J., and ,
              "BGP MPLS-Based Ethernet VPN", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-ietf-bess-rfc7432bis-08, 13 February 2024,

   [RFC9014]  Rabadan, J., Sathappan, S., Henderickx, W., Sajassi, A.,
              Drake, J., and , "Interconnect Solution for Ethernet VPN
              (EVPN) Overlay Networks", 26 May 2021,

Authors' Addresses

   Neeraj Malhotra (editor)
   Cisco Systems
   170 W. Tasman Drive
   San Jose, CA 95134
   United States of America

   Krishnaswamy Ananthamurthy
   Cisco Systems
   170 W. Tasman Drive
   San Jose, CA 95134
   United States of America

   Ali Sajassi
   Cisco Systems
   170 W. Tasman Drive
   San Jose, CA 95134
   United States of America

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Internet-Draft                  EVPN CAG                      March 2024

   Lukas Krattiger
   Cisco Systems
   170 W. Tasman Drive
   San Jose, CA 95134
   United States of America

   Jorge Rabadan
   777 E. Middlefield Road
   Mountain View, CA 94043
   United States of America

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