Internet DRAFT - draft-mandyam-rtcweb-data-synch


RTCWeb Working Group G. Mandyam 
Internet Draft Qualcomm Innovation Center 
Intended status: Informational Vijay Suryavanshi 
Expires: January 30, 2013 Qualcomm 
July 30, 2012 

RTCWeb Data Stream and RTP Synchronization 


The RTCWeb working group in the IETF is tasked with developing 
standards that will ensure interoperability between web browsers 
establishing rich communications sessions. This working group is 
tasked with delivering the specifications necessary to establish 
real-time transport sessions between browsers (e.g. those based on 
real-time protocol, i.e. RTP). Moreover, the group is also tasked 
with providing a means for application data streaming between 
browsers (i.e. opaque data streaming). Much like RTP 
synchronization sources (SSRC's) can be temporally synchronized, 
there are use cases that require opaque data stream synchronization 
with the real-time communications stream between browsers in an 
RTCWeb session. This document provides some options for temporally 
associating an opaque data stream with a voice/video stream as part 
of RTCWeb communications. 

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Internet-Draft RTCWeb Data Stream and RTP Synchronization July 2012 

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Table of Contents 

1. Introduction...................................................2 
2. SCTP-Based Data Streaming......................................3 
2.1. SCTP Multi-Channel Impacts................................4 
3. Opaque Data Synchronization and In-band RTP Signaling..........5 
4. Security Considerations........................................7 
5. IANA Considerations............................................7 
6. Conclusions....................................................7 
7. References.....................................................7 
7.1. Normative References......................................7 
7.2. Informative References....................................8 
8. Acknowledgments................................................8 
1. Introduction 
The RTCWeb effort seeks to define the necessary interoperability 
specifications required for real-time peer-to-peer communications 
sessions between browsers. These communications sessions normally 
involve multimedia data transmission (audio, video, or both). 
However, RTCWeb will also include the ability for web applications 
to initiate data streaming sessions between browsers. 

One of the recommended transports for audio or video in RTCWeb 
sessions is real-time protocol (RTP) [I-D.-rtcweb-rtp-usage]. An 
RCTWeb session can include one or more RTP streams, each stream 
identified by an SSRC (synchronization source) included in the RTP 
frame header. 

There has been some concern about whether existing mechanisms in RTP 
standards allow an RTP session endpoint to be able to render 

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multiple SSRC's in a time-synchronized manner [I-D.-draftalvestrand-
rtcweb-msid]. As a result, several mechanisms have been 
proposed that would allow an RTCWeb endpoint to definitively 
determine which SSRC's are temporally synchronized and must be 
rendered as such. 

Assuming the problem of associating temporally-synchronized SSRC's 
will be solved by one of the proposed mechanisms, there still can be 
cases where an SSRC may have a temporal relationship with 
application-generated data that would also be streamed as part of 
the RTCWeb session. An example is video overlay based on web touch 
events during a video telephony session. In this case, a web 
application detects an animation over the video preview window 
(based on the end user drawing an image using the device touch 
surface), and is required to send such information to the RTCWeb 
endpoint so that the animation can be rendered. 

This document discusses three approaches to synchronization of data 
streams, along with associated recommendations. 

2. SCTP-Based Data Streaming 
[I-D.-jesup-rtcweb-data-protocol] describes an approach that could 
be adopted in RTCWeb for data streaming, leveraging the Stream 
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), and [I-D.ietf-mmusic-sctp-sdp] 
provides the necessary extensions to Session Description Protocol 
(DSP) to describe an SCTP stream. SDP is the mechanism by which 
multimedia sessions are described RTCWeb, usually as part of the 
invite or call announce. 

The m-line in the SDP message (as per [I-D.ietf-mmusic-sctp-sdp]) 
should include sufficient information to describe the SCTP session 

(e.g. plain SCTP, SCTP over DTLS, etc.). For example, an SDP 
message from an offerer at address xxx.xx.xx.xx using port yyyyy for 
SCTP communication, then a possible SDP offer would include 
m=application yyyyy SCTP * 
c=IN IP4 xxx.xx.xx.xx 

If there is an additional RTP-based media source sent by the offerer 
that needs synchronization with the SCTP stream, the ideal case 
would be to leverage existing SDP grouping mechanisms. The mid 
attribute of RFC 5888 could potentially be leveraged: 

c=IN IP4 xxx.xx.xx.xx 

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a=group:LS 1 2 
m=application yyyyy SCTP * 
m=video zzzzz RTP/AVP 

There are some issues with this approach, as highlighted in [I-D.draft-
alvestrand-rtcweb-msid] (e.g. multiple SSRC's in each RTP 
stream). Nevertheless, SDP grouping can provide a sufficient 
solution to synchronizing the SCTP stream to an RTP stream as long 
as there is one SSRC per RTP stream. SDP grouping should also be 
applicable in the case where multiple SSRC's are part of the offer 
and are associated with a canonical name (CNAME), using the 
attribute guidelines of RFC 5576 (e.g. "a=ssrc:<ssrc-id> 
cname:<cname>" along with "a=mid:..."). 

2.1. SCTP Multi-Channel Impacts 
[I-D.-jesup-rtcweb-data-protocol] provides an SCTP-encapsulated 
control protocol for the RTCWeb data channel that takes advantage of 
the multistreaming capabilities of SCTP. SCTP allows for individual 
stream identifiers and associated sequence numbers for any given 
data chunk. This allows for flow control on individual streams 
within an SCTP session. Streams are also further identified by a 
label attribute as defined in [I-D.-jesup-rtcweb-data-protocol] as 
part of the logical channel request. Since the streams are dynamic, 
to associate an SCTP stream at any given instant in time with an RTP 
session is not straightforward. In addition, SCTP can be 
multihomed, i.e. endpoints can be associated with more than one IP 
address. Some of the current unresolved issues are: 

a. Should the SDP attribute describing the data channel stream be 
based on logical channel label or SCTP stream ID? 
b. What is the required receiver behavior if the data channel stream 
identifier provided in the SDP offer does not match with 
information sent in-band? Note that a comparable issue also 
exists for RTP streams using CNAME and SSRC. 
In order to address these issues in a simpler manner, the following 
guideline is proposed for RTCWeb: the SDP grouping mechanism should 
not address individual streams within an SCTP session. In other 
words, once a temporal relationship is established between an RTP 
stream and an SCTP session, that relationship will apply to all 
streams in the SCTP session. 

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3. Opaque Data Synchronization and In-band RTP Signaling 
Web application generated data may have a temporal relationship with 
an RTP-based media stream, but if is relatively infrequent and 
therefore requires much less throughput than the media stream itself 
it could make more sense to multiplex the application-specific data 
into the RTP stream. Sec. 5.3.1 of RFC 3550 describes the RFC 
Header Extension mechanism, by which an application-specific payload 
can be inserted into an existing RTP stream without affecting the 
media flow. 

In the RTP header, and extension bit X can be set. This indicates 

the existence of an extension header. 



| defined by profile | length | 


| header extension | 

| .... | 

Figure 1 : RTP Extension Header 

Referring to Figure 1, the value of 16-bit profile field in the 
extension header is implementation specific. This field could be 
used in place of the channel label in the SCTP-based data channel. 
Otherwise, this field can be ignored by the receiver. 

The signaling of the use of an extension header as the means of 
opaque data transfer could be agreed upon by the two RTCWeb 
endpoints by means of an offer/answer protocol like SDP. The outof-
band signaling channel can be used to indicate to the receiver to 
create a data channel based on the RTP extension header. RFC 5576 
can also be leveraged in this case using a new source-specific 
attribute 'data': 

a=ssrc:<ssrc-id> data 

The SDP exchange is not strictly required, however. This is because 
the SSRC of the RTP stream has already been negotiated, and the 
extension header is in fact really part of the RTP media stream 

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Ideally, a message-based Data Channel API from the WebRTC 
specification (see [W3C.WD-webrtc-20120530]) would be leveraged by 
the web application in such a way that the underlying user agent 
would multiplex application data onto an existing RTP stream using 
the RTP extension header. Borrowing from the JSEP messaging flow [ID.-
rtcweb-jsep], the PeerConnection setup will proceed as normal 
from the offerer perspective: 

OffererJS->OffererUA: var pc = new PeerConnection(config, null); 
OffererJS->OffererUA: pc.onicecandidate = onIceCandidate; 
OffererJS->OffererUA: pc.addStream(stream); 
OffererJS->OffererUA: var offer = pc.createOffer(null); 
OffererJS->OffererUA: pc.setLocalDescription("offer", offer); 

... Answerer creates PeerConnection and sends answer 

AnswererUA->OffererUA: <media> 

// Send opaque data from Offerer to Answerer 

OffererJS->OffererUA: var chan = pc.createDataChannel(10); 
// Numeric label means opaque data to be sent with extension 

OffererJS->OffererUA: chan.send("Some Payload"); 

AnswererUA->OffererUA: <media> with extension header 

AnswererUA->AnswererJS: pc.ondatachannel = function({...}); 
// Answerer creates DataChannel listener on existing 
PeerConnection based upon firing of onDataChannel event 

OffererUA->OffererJS: datachannellistener.onmessage({}); 

Note that in the approach above, the creation of a data channel with 
a numeric label is what triggers the OffererUA to use the extension 
header. The numeric label can be directly sent as part of the 
profile field in the extension header (provided that the numeric 
label does not exceed 16 bits) The initial receipt of RTP data with 
an extension header triggers the onDataChannel event to fire from 
the AnswererUA. 

3.1. Other Uses of the RTP Extension Header 
Section 5.2 of [I-D.-rtcweb-rtp-usage] clearly discusses (but does 
not call for requiring) additional uses of the RTP extension header. 
These uses include a rapid synchronization feature (which allows 
timing metadata to be inserted into the RTP stream), client-to-mixer 
audio level, and mixer-to-client audio level. The profile space 

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that may be consumed by these uses of the header extension can be 
avoided for RTCWeb logical data channels that also use the header 

4. Security Considerations 

5. IANA Considerations 

6. Conclusions 
The ability to send and receive opaque data streams that are 
syncronized to existing RTP media sessions will greatly enhance 
RTCWeb. It will open up a several new possibilities for user 
interactions around telephony sessions (video or voice). The 
existing specifications in both the W3C and IETF do not address how 
such a feature would be implemented. This document provided two 
methods for achieving this feature that leveraged as much as 
possible the specifications currently under consideration in RTCWeb 
and the W3C. 

7. References 
7.1. Normative References 
[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate 
Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997. 

[RFC2234] Crocker, D. and Overell, P.(Editors), "Augmented BNF for 
Syntax Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234, Internet Mail 
Consortium and Demon Internet Ltd., November 1997. 

[RFC4566] Handley, M., Jacobson, V., and C. Perkins, "SDP: Session 
Description Protocol", RFC 4566, July 2006. 

[RFC5576] Lennox, J., Ott, J., and T. Schierl, "Source-Specific 
Media Attributes in the Session Description Protocol 
(SDP)", RFC 5576, June 2009. 

[RFC5888] Camarillo, G. and H. Schulzrinne, "The Session 
DescriptionProtocol (SDP) Grouping Framework", RFC 5888, 
June 2010. 

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[RFC6222] Begen, A.,Perkins, C. and D. Wing, "Guidelines for 
Choosing RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Canonical Names", RFC 
6222, April 2011. 

[RFC5576] Lennox, J., Ott, J., and T. Schierl, "Source-Specific 
Media Attributes in the Session Description Protocol 
(SDP)", RFC 5576, June 2009. 

[RFC3550] Schulzrinne, H., Casner, S., Frederick, R., and V. 
Jacobson, "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real Time 
Communications", RFC 3550, July 2003. 

[I-D.-rtcweb-rtp-usage] Perkins, C., Westerlund, M. and J. Ott, "Web 
Real-Time Communication (WebRTC): Media Transport and Use 
of RTP", draft-ietf-rtcweb-rtp-usage-03, June 2012. 

[W3C.WD-webrtc-20120530] Bergkvist, A., Burnett, D., Narayanan, A., 
and C. Jennings, "WebRTC 1.0: Real-time Communication 
Between Browsers", World Wide Web Consortium WD WD-webrtc20120209, 
Editor's Draft, 30 May 2012. 

[I-D.-rtcweb-jsep] Uberti, J. and C. Jennings, "Javascript Session 
Establishment Protocol", draft-ietf-rtcweb-jsep-01, June 

7.2. Informative References 
[I-D.-jesup-rtcweb-data-protocol] Jesup, R., Loreto, S. and M. 
Tuexen, "WebRTC Data Channel Protocol", draft-jesuprtcweb-
data-protocol-01, June 2012. 

[I-D.-draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-msid] Alverstand, H., "Cross Session 
Stream Identification in the Session Description 
Protocol", draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-msid-02, May 2012. 

[I-D.ietf-mmusic-sctp-sdp] Loreto, S. and G. Camarillo, "Stream 
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)-Based Media Transport 
in the Session Description Protocol (SDP)", draft-ietfmmusic-
sctp-sdp-01(work in progress), March 2012. 

8. Acknowledgments 
This document was prepared using 

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Authors' Addresses 

Giridhar Mandyam 
Qualcomm Innovation Center 
5775 Morehouse Drive 
San Diego, CA 92121 


Vijay Suryavanshi 
Qualcomm Inc. 
5775 Morehouse Drive 
San Diego, CA 92121 


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