Internet DRAFT - draft-marin-yang-edhoc-oscore


CORE Working Group                                   R. Marin-Lopez(Ed.)
Internet-Draft                                           G. Lopez-Millan
Intended status: Standards Track                    University of Murcia
Expires: 1 September 2023                                     L. Toutain
                                                            A. Fernandez
                                                        28 February 2023

  A YANG data model for SDN-based key management with EDHOC and OSCORE


   This document defines YANG data models which allow a Software-Defined
   Networking (SDN) Controller (Controller) using NETCONF, RESTCONF or
   CORECONF to provide configuration and monitoring Internet-of-Things
   devices (Things) that support Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE
   (EDHOC) and/or OSCORE.  In particular, a YANG data model defines the
   required configuration parameters to perform EDHOC between two Things
   (EDHOC case).  Another YANG data model is to configure the OSCORE
   contexts directly into the Thing (OSCORE case).  The service
   described in this document allows the configuration and monitoring of
   Things that supports EDHOC and OSCORE or only OSCORE by allowing a
   protected Thing-to-Thing communication based on CoAP.

   This document focuses on providing YANG data models for configuring
   EDHOC or OSCORE.  This allows OSCORE establishment with minimal
   intervention by the network administrator.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 1 September 2023.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  SDN-based key management for EDHOC and OSCORE . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  EDHOC Case: EDHOC+OSCORE in the Things  . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  OSCORE case: only OSCORE in the Things  . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  EDHOC case vs OSCORE case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   5.  Entities interaction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.1.  EDHOC case overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.2.  OSCORE case overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.3.  Renewal of the OSCORE security context  . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.4.  Thing to non constrained devices communication  . . . . .  12
     5.5.  Thing bootstrapping, registration and discovery . . . . .  12
     5.6.  Thing state loss  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   6.  YANG Data Models  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     6.1.  EDHOC case  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       6.1.1.  Data model overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       6.1.2.  YANG module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       6.1.3.  Example usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     6.2.  OSCORE case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       6.2.1.  YANG module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       6.2.2.  Example usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     8.1.  EDHOC case  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     8.2.  OSCORE case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   9.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     9.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     9.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   Appendix A.  YANG data model for EDHOC case . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   Appendix B.  EDHOC case example usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
   Appendix C.  YANG data model for OSCORE case  . . . . . . . . . .  33
   Appendix D.  OSCORE case example usage  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  41

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   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42

1.  Introduction

   Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an architecture that enables
   administrators to directly program, orchestrate, control, and manage
   network resources through software.  The SDN paradigm relocates the
   control of network resources to a centralized entity, namely the SDN
   Controller (from now on, the Controller).  Controllers configure and
   manage distributed network resources and provide an abstracted view
   of the network resources to SDN applications.  SDN applications can
   customize and automate the operations (including management) of the
   abstracted network resources in a programmable manner via this
   interface [RFC7149] [ITU-T.Y.3300] [ONF-SDN-Architecture]

   Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC, [I-D.ietf-lake-edhoc]) is
   a very compact and lightweight authenticated key exchange protocol
   designed for highly constrained devices.  The main objective for
   EDHOC is to be a matching security handshake protocol to Object
   Security for Constrained RESTful Environments (OSCORE) [RFC8613],
   i.e., to provide authentication and session key establishment for IoT
   use cases such as those built on Constrained Application Protocol
   (CoAP) [RFC7252] involving 'Things' with embedded microcontrollers,
   sensors, and actuators.  EDHOC reuses the same lightweight primitives
   as Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments (OSCORE)
   [RFC8613], Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) [RFC8949] and
   CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) [RFC9052], and specifies
   the use of CoAP, but is not bound to a particular transport protocol.

   OSCORE is a method for application-layer protection (integrity and
   confidentiality) of CoAP, using COSE.  OSCORE provides end-to-end
   protection between Things communicating using CoAP or CoAP-mappable

   With the growth of SDN-based scenarios where network resources are
   deployed and managed in an autonomous and dynamic manner, a mechanism
   to configure EDHOC and OSCORE from a centralized entity (the
   Controller) may become more relevant in the industry.  Nowadays, this
   security association management has been standardized with IKEv2 and
   IPsec [RFC9061], even for contrained devices.

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   This document defines two YANG data models for two different cases:
   EDHOC case, where the Thing supports EDHOC (and OSCORE); and OSCORE
   case, where the Thing only supports OSCORE and not EDHOC.  An
   external entity, such as the Controller can configure parameters into
   the EDHOC and/or OSCORE implementation that allow protecting CoAP
   messages between Things.

   In summary, the objectives of this document are:

   *  To describe the architecture for SDN-based key management for
      EDHOC and OSCORE, which allows the establishment and management of
      OSCORE contexts from the Controller in order to protect specific
      CoAP exchanges in a Thing-to-Thing communication.

   *  To define the interfaces required to manage and monitor EDHOC and
      OSCORE in the Thing from an SDN Controller.  YANG data models are
      defined for configuration and state data for EDHOC and OSCORE.
      The YANG data models can be used via existing protocols, such as
      the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) [RFC6241], RESTCONF
      [RFC8040], or CORECONF [I-D.ietf-core-comi] (RECOMMENDED).  Thus,
      this document defines two YANG modules (see Section Section 6) but
      does not define any new protocol.

2.  Conventions and Definitions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

3.  SDN-based key management for EDHOC and OSCORE

   As mentioned in Section Section 1, two cases are considered,
   depending on whether the Thing ships both EDHOC and OSCORE, or only
   OSCORE: the EDHOC case and the OSCORE case, respectively.

3.1.  EDHOC Case: EDHOC+OSCORE in the Things

   In this case, the Thing implements EDHOC and OSCORE.  The Controller
   is in charge of managing and applying EDHOC connection information,
   determining which Thing will act as EDHOC Initiator or EDHOC
   responder; identifying the resources to be protected with OSCORE,
   deriving and delivering EDHOC identities, credentials, etc.) and
   other EDHOC configuration parameters (e.g., cryptographic algorithms)
   to the Thing, necessary for EDHOC negotiation.

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   With this information, the EDHOC implementation can operate to
   establish the OSCORE contexts.  The Administrator establishes the
   general security requirements (through the Northbound Interface), and
   the Controller translates these requirements into EDHOC configuration
   that will be installed into the Thing (through the Southbound
   Interface).  With that information, the device can just run EDHOC
   with other Things to establish OSCORE contexts (when the access to
   the resource mandates so).  Figure 1 shows the different layers and
   corresponding functionality.

            |            Key Management System          | Administrator
                                 |  Northbound
                                 |  Interface
            |              EDHOC Configuration          | SDN
            |                  Generation               | Controller
                                 |  Southbound
                                 |  Interface (CORECONF,RESTCONF,...)
            |                    EDHOC                  | Thing
            |                    OSCORE                 |

              Figure 1: EDHOC Case: EDHOC+OSCORE in the Thing

   To support this case, a YANG data model for EDHOC configuration data
   and state data needs to be defined for the Southbound Interface (see
   Section 6).

3.2.  OSCORE case: only OSCORE in the Things

   In this case, the Thing does not deploy EDHOC and, therefore, the
   Controller has to provide the OSCORE contexts and to manage them.

   As shown in Figure 2, when an Administrator enforces protection
   policies through the Northbound Interface, the Controller translates
   these requirements directly into OSCORE contexts, which are installed
   in the Thing.

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             |         Key Management System           | Administrator
                                 |  Northbound
                                 |  Interface
             |                 OSCORE                  | SDN
             |           contexts generation           | Controller
                                 |  Southbound
                                 |  Interface (CORECONF,RESTCONF,...)
             |                 OSCORE                  | Thing

         Figure 2: OSCORE Case: only OSCORE (No EDHOC) in the Thing

   In order to support the OSCORE case, a YANG data model for OSCORE
   configuration data and state data MUST be defined for the Southbound
   Interface (see Section 6).  Specifically, the OSCORE case assumes
   that the Controller has to perform some security functions that EDHOC
   typically does, specifically the OSCORE context generation and

4.  EDHOC case vs OSCORE case

   In principle, the EDHOC case offloads the Controller the tasks of
   monitoring, generating and configuring specific OSCORE contexts,
   including cryptographic material generation.  However, the Things
   require more resources, such as memory for the EDHOC implementation
   and computation because it involves Diffie-Hellman (DH) exchanges.
   Beside, if Things run EDHOC, the data plane network traffic between
   Things increases due to the additional EDHOC protocol exchange, so it
   should be taken in account in very constrained data plane networks.

   Alternatively, the OSCORE case may benefit of the deployment in more
   resource-constrained Things, because EDHOC does not need to be
   performed between two Things.  Additionally, the network data plane
   is not overloaded with the EDHOC traffic.  On the contrary, the
   complexity of creating and managing OSCORE contexts, including
   cryptographic material, is shifted to the Controller since EDHOC is
   not in the Thing.  As a consequence, this may result in a more
   complex implementation in the Controller side in comparison with the
   EDHOC case.  This complexity may create some scalability and
   performance issues when the number of Things is high.

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   Nevertheless, literature around SDN-based network management using a
   centralized controller is aware of scalability and performance
   issues, and solutions have been already provided and discussed (e.g.,
   hierarchical controllers, having multiple replicated controllers,
   dedicated high-speed management networks, etc.).

   Another way to reduce the overhead and the potential scalability and
   performance issues in the Controller is to apply the EDHOC case
   described in this document since the OSCORE contexts are managed
   between Things without the involvement of the Controller, except by
   the initial configuration provided.

   In terms of security, the EDHOC case provides better security
   properties than the OSCORE case, as discussed in Section Section 8.
   The main reason is that the Things generate the session keys and not
   the Controller.

5.  Entities interaction

5.1.  EDHOC case overview

   Figure 3 describes the application of the EDHOC case when a CoAP
   exchange needs to be protected in the path between Thing A and Thing
   B, and Things support EDHOC and OSCORE:

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                 |         Key Management System          |
                (1)     Security            Northbound
                   Protection Policy        Interface
                 |         |                               |
                 |         |    Controller                 |
                 |         V                               |
                 |  +---------------+ (2) +--------------+ |
                 |  |Translate into |---->|   CORECONF/  | |
                 |  |EDHOC Conf     |     |   RESTCONF   | |
                 |  +---------------+     +--------------+ |
                 |                         |     |         |
                          Southbound       |     |
                          Interface        |     |
                                           | (3) |
                    |----------------------+     +---|
                    V                                V
             +----------------+   (4) EDHOC     +----------------+
             |      EDHOC     |<--------------->|      EDHOC     |
             |     OSCORE     |  (5)CoAP+OSCORE |     OSCORE     |
             |    CoAP Client | --------------> |   CoAP Server  |
             +----------------+                 +----------------+
                  Thing A                           Thing B

                       Figure 3: EDHOC case overview

   1.  The network administrator establishes the general security
       protection policies, including security policies for protecting
       resources between A and B.  The Controller looks for the involved
       Things (A and B).

   2.  The Controller translates these policies into EDHOC configuration
       for the specific Things (connection identifiers, authentication
       credentials, cipher suites, authorization data, etc.), following
       the requirements described in

   3.  The Controller sends these EDHOC configurations to both Thing A
       and Thing B.  Due to one may have the role of EDHOC responder
       (e.g.  Thing B) and the other the role of EDHOC initiator (e.g.
       Thing A), it is advised to send configurations first to the EDHOC
       responder and, once it is successfully finished, to the EDHOC
       initiator.  If some of the operations described above fail (e.g.,

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       Things A reports an error when the Controller is trying to
       install the EDHOC configuration), the Controller MAY perform a
       rollback operation by deleting any previous EDHOC configuration
       that had been successfully installed in the other Thing (e.g.
       Thing B) and stop the process.  Note that the Controller MAY
       retry several times before giving up.  NOTE: It is assumed that a
       security association has been previously setup between the
       Controller and each Thing.

   4.  If the previous steps are successful, the EDHOC initiator can
       start the EDHOC exchange.  It is worth noting that EDHOC may be
       started by the initiator either only when the traffic need to be
       protected or just after the EDHOC configuration is applied in the
       Thing, instructed by the Controller.

   1.  After completion of the EDHOC exchange, OSCORE contexts are
       created in Things A and B, and the CoAP traffic can be protected.
       Finally, the Controller may associate a lifetime to renew OSCORE
       contexts, as described in Section 5.3.

5.2.  OSCORE case overview

   Figure 4 describes the application of the OSCORE case when a CoAP
   exchange needs to be protected in the path between Thing A and Thing
   B, and Things support OSCORE, but does not support EDHOC:

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                 |         Key Management System          |
                (1)     Security            Northbound
                   Protection Policy        Interface
                 |         |                               |
                 |         |    Controller                 |
                 |         V                               |
                 |  +---------------+ (2) +--------------+ |
                 |  |Translate into |---->|   CORECONF/  | |
                 |  |OSCORE Contexts|     |   RESTCONF   | |
                 |  +---------------+     +--------------+ |
                 |                         |     |         |
                          Southbound       |     |
                          Interface        |     |
                                           | (3) |
                    |----------------------+     +---|
                    V                                V
             +----------------+                 +----------------+
             |     OSCORE     |  (4)CoAP+OSCORE |     OSCORE     |
             |   CoAP Client  |<--------------->|   CoAP Server  |
             +----------------+                 +----------------+
                  Thing A                           Thing B

                       Figure 4: OSCORE case overview

   1.  The network administrator establishes the general security
       protection policies, including security policies for protecting
       resources between A and B.  The Controller looks for the involved
       Things (A and B).

   2.  The Controller translates these policies into specific OSCORE
       contexts (Common, Sender and Recipient) for the specific CoAP
       service.  Following the requirements described in [RFC8613].  It
       generates the cryptographic keys and salts using random values.

   3.  The Controller sends these OSCORE contexts to both Thing A and
       Thing B.  Due to one may have the role of CoAP server (e.g.
       Thing B) and the other the role of CoAP client (e.g.  Thing A),
       it is advised to send the contexts first to the CoAP server and,
       once it is successfully finished, to send the contexts to the
       CoAP client.  If some of the operations described above fail
       (e.g., Things A reports an error when the Controller is trying to
       install the OSCORE contexts), the Controller MAY perform a

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       rollback operation by deleting any OSCORE context that had been
       successfully installed in the other Thing (e.g.  Thing B) and
       stop the process.  Note that the Controller MAY retry several
       times before giving up.

   4.  If the steps 1 to 3 are successful, the CoAP exchanges between
       Thing A and Thing B are protected with OSCORE.  It is worth
       mentioning that the Controller associates a lifetime to the new
       OSCORE contexts.  When this lifetime expires, the Controller will
       update the OSCORE contexts.

5.3.  Renewal of the OSCORE security context

   In this version of the document we have only considered four ways to
   configure the renewal of the OSCORE contexts.  Two of them are
   possible for the EDHOC case and another two for the OSCORE case.

   *  EDHOC case:

      -  OSCORE contexts are renewed after a full EDHOC re-run.  The
         Controller can configure the Thing to perform the EDHOC re-run
         each certain time (reauth time).

      -  An SDN-based renewal where the Controller sends a context to
         the Things used for the EDHOC_KeyUpdate (Appendix I in
         [I-D.ietf-lake-edhoc]).  With this context, the Things can call
         EDHOC_KeyUpdate to generate a new PRK and, therefore, new keys
         for the OSCORE context.

   *  OSCORE case:

      -  An SDN-based renewal where the Controller is in charge of
         sending new OSCORE contexts periodically following an internal
         policy (e.g. each 8 hours).  The cryptographic material
         generated for the OSCORE contexts is completely fresh and
         separated from previous contexts.

      -  The mechanism explained in OSCORE [RFC8613] (section B.2.
         Security Context Derived Multiple Times) where the Controller
         only sets the length of the nonces R1, R2, and R3 in each

   Editor's note: Future updates of this document will include
   extensions to the model to support OSCORE KUDOS.  At this point, the
   model assumes that the Controller is in charge or renewing the OSCORE
   contexts periodically following an internal policy.

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5.4.  Thing to non constrained devices communication

   Although the architecture described in this document insists on the
   communication between Things, it is also common the communication
   between a Thing and a non-so constrained device.  Two main situation
   are envisaged:

   *  If both entities (the Thing and the non-so constrained device) are
      under the management of the Controller.  The solution described
      here applies with no change.  The only comment here is that the
      protocol for carrying the configuration to the non-so constrained
      device can be less constrained (e.g.  NETCONF or RESTCONF).

   *  Only the Thing is managed by the Controller, then it is assumed
      that the non-so constrained device is configured somehow (out of
      scope this document) and the Controller only configures the Thing
      to communicate securely with this non-so constrained device.  The
      YANG data models are still applicable in this case.

5.5.  Thing bootstrapping, registration and discovery

   Initial security setup (bootstrapping) for a Thing refers to any
   process that takes place before a device can become operational
   [I-D.irtf-t2trg-secure-bootstrapping].  The initial security setup
   process, among other processes, involves network discovery and
   selection, access authentication, configuration of necessary
   credentials and parameters.

   Thus, bootstrapping is the process to provide the Thing with the
   required information (i.e. credentials) to authenticate to the IoT
   network.  We assume that the Thing is preconfigured with the required
   information and credentials to carry out the bootstrap process.  It
   enables the Thing to run an authenticated registration process with
   the Controller in order to enable the management in the particular
   domain under the Controller.

   The assumption in this document is that, before a Thing can operate
   in the IoT network, it MUST be registered in the Controller.  In this
   way, when the Thing starts, it establishes a security association
   with the Controller.  This security association, which can be based
   on DTLS, EDHOC+OSCORE, or only OSCORE, allows the protected exchange
   of information between the Controller and the Thing.  After the
   bootstrapping process, the Thing is valid for joining the
   Controller's security domain.

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   The Controller MUST discover certain capabilities of this Thing, such
   as the supported cryptographic suites, the authentication method, the
   support of the EDHOC case and/or the OSCORE case, resources, network
   addressing, etc.  This information is incorporated into a list of
   Things under its control.

   The registration and discovery processes are out of the scope of this

5.6.  Thing state loss

   If one of the Thing restarts, it may lose the OSCORE state (affected
   Thing).  By default, the Controller can assume that all the state has
   been lost and, therefore, it will have to send new configuration
   information for EDHOC to the affected Thing in the EDHOC case, and
   new OSCORE contexts in the OSCORE case.

   In both cases, the Controller is aware of the affected Thing (e.g.,
   by using some keep alive mechanism such as the "CoAP Ping" or because
   the TCP connection is broken with the affected Thing).  The
   Controller keeps a list of Things registered and can determine what
   are the affected ones.

   In the EDHOC case, the Controller may need to configure the affected
   Thing with the new EDHOC information.  Alternatively, EDHOC
   configuration MAY be made permanent between Thing reboots without
   compromising security by means of non-volatile memory in the Thing.
   This way, each time an Thing reboots, it will use that configuration
   for each rebooting.  It would imply avoiding contact with the
   Controller.  Finally, the Controller may also need to send new
   parameters (e.g., a new authentication credentials, etc.) to the
   Things that had security associations with the affected Thing.

   In the OSCORE case, the Controller SHOULD delete the old OSCORE
   contexts in the non-failed Things established with the affected
   Thing.  Once the affected Thing restarts, the Controller MUST take
   the necessary actions to reestablish the OSCORE contexts between the
   failed Thing and those others having security associations with the
   affected one.  How the Controller implements an algorithm for
   managing a potential Thing state loss is out of the scope of this

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6.  YANG Data Models

   In order to support the EDHOC case and the OSCORE case, YANG data
   models are provided for the different parameters and values that must
   be configured to manage EDHOC and OSCORE.  Specifically, the EDHOC
   case requires modeling EDHOC configuration parameters such as Thing's
   identity and authentication information, and when to run EDHOC,
   besides parameters to define how the OSCORE context should be
   established.  The OSCORE case requires configuration YANG data models
   for the definition of OSCORE contexts.  Two modules have been
   defined: ietf-core-edhoc (Section 5.2, case EDHOC), and ietf-core-
   oscore (Section 5.3, case OSCORE).

6.1.  EDHOC case

6.1.1.  Data model overview

   The YANG data model defines the configuration data for EDHOC.  The
   model provides four lists: 'auth-entry', 'connection', 'target
   resource' and 'local resource'.

   *  The list 'auth-entry' contains a set of leafs that contain
      authentication information for running EDHOC in this Thing (such
      as Thing credential identity, preferred authentication method and
      public and private key credentials).  Each Thing may be configured
      with several 'auth-entry' elements.  Each element in the list may
      be used by one or more 'connections' defined to other Things.

   *  The list 'connection' contains a list of containers and leafs that
      specifies different connections between this Thing (local) and a
      peer (remote), for example, another Thing.  This list specifies
      the local credentials that will be used for this Thing with the
      remote peer (with a reference to an entry in the list 'auth-
      entry'), and the credentials that will be required to authenticate
      the remote peer.  For the local Thing, it also specifies the
      connection identifier, cipher suites, and authorization data
      depending on the role defined by this Thing (EDHOC initiator or
      responder).  Additionally, other EDHOC parameters may be defined,
      such as EDHOC key confirmation option, the automatically
      establishment of an OSCORE context between local and remote
      Things, or rekey management options and lifetimes.

   *  The list 'target-resource' stores policies (bypass, discard,
      protect) related with the target resource (URI) that this Thing
      can access.  In case OSCORE protection is required, an entry in
      this list defines a reference to a list 'connection' entry to run

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   *  The list 'local-resource' stores policies related with the local
      resources provided by this Thing.

     module: ietf-core-edhoc
     +--rw edhoc
        +--rw auth-entry* [name]
        |  +--rw name           string
        |  +--rw id-cred-x      binary
        |  +--rw auth-method?   auth-method-t
        |  +--rw cred-x         binary
        |  +--rw private-key    binary
        +--rw connection* [name]
        |  +--rw name                  string
        |  +--rw local
        |  |  +--rw autostartup?     boolean
        |  |  +--rw auth-cred-ref    string
        |  |  +--rw c-x?             binary
        |  |  +--rw suites-x?        binary
        |  |  +--rw ead-x
        |  |     +--rw ead-a?   binary
        |  |     +--rw ead-b?   binary
        |  +--rw remote
        |  |  +--rw id-cred-x      binary
        |  |  +--rw auth-method?   auth-method-t
        |  |  +--rw cred-x         binary
        |  +--rw key-confirmation?     boolean
        |  +--rw set-oscore?           boolean
        |  +--rw key-update-context?   binary
        |  +--rw reauth-time
        |     +--rw soft?   uint32
        |     +--rw hard?   uint32
        +--rw target-resource* [target]
        |  +--rw target      inet:uri
        |  +--rw policy?     policy-t
        |  +--rw conn-ref?   string
        +--rw local-resource* [local]
           +--rw local       inet:uri
           +--rw policy?     policy-t
           +--rw conn-ref?   string

                      Figure 5: EDHOC data model tree

   NOTE: Although EDHOC is independent of OSCORE, the EDHOC model
   considers the fact that OSCORE will be used after running EDHOC.  In
   any case, the model has incoporated a flag 'set-oscore' when EDHOC is
   configured and OSCORE is not required (e.g. for example, EDHOC could
   be used to derive key material to protect the link-layer).
   Nevertheless, the list of policies ('target-resource' and 'local-

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   resource') defined in the model only considered the case when the
   access with CoAP to a particular URI is required.  To include
   additional uses cases this policy should be extended to consider, for
   example, MAC addresses or IP addresses (TBD).

6.1.2.  YANG module

   The detailed YANG module for the EDHOC case is described in
   Appendix A.

6.1.3.  Example usage

   Appendix B shows an example of an EDHOC case configuration.

6.2.  OSCORE case

   This version includes the YANG data model taking into account the
   information in OSCORE.  The model contains three main lists:
   'context', 'target-resource', 'local-resource'.

   *  The list 'context' stores the OSCORE contexts in this Thing.  Each
      node in the list 'context' contains three specific contexts:
      common ('common-ctx'), sender ('sender-ctx') and recipient
      ('recipient-ctx'). 'common-ctx' defines the common context ID,
      authentication encryption algorithms, key derivation function,
      master key and master salt used by this OSCORE context. 'sender-
      ctx' defines the sender context ID, and 'recipient-ctx' defines
      the recipient context ID and the replay-window value, as described
      in [RFC8613].  For each OSCORE context this container also defines
      how the context renew has to be carried out by the Things.  As
      described in section Section 5.3, two options are included in this
      model, SDN-based and OSCORE-based.

   *  The list 'target-resource' stores policies
      (bypass,discard,protect) related with the target resource that
      this Thing can access.  In case of protection with OSCORE, a node
      in the list has a reference to a node in the list 'context'.

   *  The list 'local-resource' stores policies related with the local
      resources provided by this Thing, acting as server of a particular

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     module: ietf-core-oscore
     +--rw oscore
        +--rw context* [id-entry]
        |  +--rw id-entry         binary
        |  +--rw common-ctx
        |  |  +--rw id?            binary
        |  |  +--rw aead-alg?      uint32
        |  |  +--rw hkdf-alg?      uint32
        |  |  +--rw master-key?    binary
        |  |  +--rw master-salt?   binary
        |  +--rw sender-ctx
        |  |  +--rw id?   binary
        |  +--rw recipient-ctx
        |  |  +--rw id?              binary
        |  |  +--rw replay-window?   uint64
        |  +--rw renew-ctx
        |     +--rw (method)?
        |        +--:(multiple-times)
        |        |  +--rw ctx-derivation
        |        |     +--rw r1-length?   uint64
        |        |     +--rw r2-length?   uint64
        |        |     +--rw r3-length?   uint64
        |        +--:(sdn-based)
        |           +--rw sdn-based?        empty
        +--rw target-resource* [target]
        |  +--rw target          inet:uri
        |  +--rw policy?         policy-t
        |  +--rw id-entry-ref?   binary
        +--rw local-resource* [local]
           +--rw local           inet:uri
           +--rw policy?         policy-t
           +--rw id-entry-ref?   binary

                      Figure 6: OSCORE data model tree

6.2.1.  YANG module

   The detailed YANG module for the EDHOC case is described in
   Appendix C.

6.2.2.  Example usage

   Appendix D shows an example of an EDHOC case configuration.

7.  IANA Considerations


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8.  Security Considerations

   First of all, this document shares all the security issues of SDN
   that are specified in the Security Considerations sections of
   [ITU-T.Y.3300] and [RFC7426].

   On the one hand, it is important to note that there MUST exist a
   security association providing confidentiality and integrity between
   the Controller and the Things to protect the critical information
   (cryptographic keys, configuration parameter, etc.) exchanged between
   these entities.  The nature of and means to create that security
   association is out of the scope of this document (i.e., it is part of
   device provisioning or bootstrapping).

   On the other hand, the default policy MUST be to drop (DISCARD) CoAP
   messages to prevent information leaks.  This default policy MUST be
   preconfigured in the non-volatile memory in the Thing before the
   Thing contacts the Controller.  Moreover, the non-volatile memory
   MUST be also preconfigured with the required ALLOW policies that
   allow the Thing and the Controller to communicate each other.  This
   preconfiguration step is not carried out by the Controller but by
   some other entity before the Thing deployment.  In this manner, when
   the Thing starts/reboots, it will always first apply the
   configuration in the non-volatile memory before contacting the

   Finally, this section is divided in two parts in order to analyze
   different security considerations for both cases: Thing with
   EDHOC+OSCORE (EDHOC case) and Thing without EDHOC (OSCORE case).  In
   general, the Controller, as typically happens in the SDN paradigm, is
   a target for different type of attacks, see [SDNSecServ] and
   [SDNSecurity].  Thus, the Controller is a key entity in the
   infrastructure and MUST be protected accordingly.  In particular, the
   Controller will handle cryptographic material; thus, the attacker may
   try to access this information.  The impact is different depending on
   the EDHOC case or the OSCORE case.

8.1.  EDHOC case

   In the EDHOC case, the Controller MAY send EDHOC credentials (public/
   private keys, certificates, etc.) to the Things using the security
   association between the Controller and Things.  The Controller MUST
   NOT store the EDHOC credentials after distributing them.  Moreover,
   the Controller MUST NOT allow the reading of these values once they
   have been applied into the Thing (i.e., write-only operations).  One
   option is to always return the same value (i.e., all 0s) if a read
   operation is carried out.

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   If the attacker has access to the Controller during the period of
   time that key material is generated, it might have access to the key
   material.  Since these values are used during authentication in
   EDHOC, it may impersonate the affected Things.  Several
   recommendations are important:

   *  In the EDHOC case, the Controller MAY generate both public key and
      private key for the authentication process.  In such a case, the
      Controller MUST remove the associated private key immediately
      after distributing them to the Things.

   *  Alternatively, the Thing MAY generate the private key and export
      only the public key to the Controller.  How the Thing generates
      these cryptographic materials (public key/ private keys) and
      exports the public key is out of scope of this document.

   *  If certificates are used, the Thing MAY generate the private key
      and export the public key for certification to the Controller.
      How the Thing generates these cryptographic material (public key/
      private keys) and exports the public key is out of scope of this

8.2.  OSCORE case

   In the OSCORE case, the Controller sends the OSCORE contexts that
   includes the session keys required for integrity and encryption.  The
   Controller MUST NOT store these keys after distributing them.
   Moreover, the Thing receiving the OSCORE context MUST NOT allow the
   reading of these keys by any other entity (including the Controller
   itself) once they have been applied (i.e., write-only operations)
   into the Thing.  Nevertheless, if the attacker has access to the
   Controller during the period of time that key material is generated,
   it may obtain these values.  In other words, the attacker might be
   able to observe the CoAP traffic and decrypt, or even modify and re-
   encrypt, the CoAP exchanges between Things.

   Finally, the security association between the Controller and the
   Things MUST provide, at least, the same degree of protection as the
   one achieved by the session keys used in the OSCORE contexts.  In
   particular, the security association between the Controller and the
   Things MUST provide forward secrecy if this property is to be
   achieved in the OSCORE contexts that the Controller configures into
   the Things.  Similarly, the encryption algorithms used in the
   security association between the Controller and the Things MUST have,
   at least, the same strength (minimum strength of a 128-bit key) as
   the algorithms used to establish the OSCORE contexts.

9.  References

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9.1.  Normative References

              Veillette, M., Van der Stok, P., Pelov, A., Bierman, A.,
              and I. Petrov, "CoAP Management Interface (CORECONF)",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-core-comi-11,
              17 January 2021, <

              Palombini, F., Tiloca, M., Höglund, R., Hristozov, S., and
              G. Selander, "Profiling EDHOC for CoAP and OSCORE", Work
              in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-core-oscore-edhoc-
              06, 23 November 2022,

              Selander, G., Mattsson, J. P., and F. Palombini,
              "Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC)", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-lake-edhoc-19, 3
              February 2023, <

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC6241]  Enns, R., Ed., Bjorklund, M., Ed., Schoenwaelder, J., Ed.,
              and A. Bierman, Ed., "Network Configuration Protocol
              (NETCONF)", RFC 6241, DOI 10.17487/RFC6241, June 2011,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8613]  Selander, G., Mattsson, J., Palombini, F., and L. Seitz,
              "Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments
              (OSCORE)", RFC 8613, DOI 10.17487/RFC8613, July 2019,

9.2.  Informative References

              Mattsson, J. P., Selander, G., Raza, S., Höglund, J., and
              M. Furuhed, "CBOR Encoded X.509 Certificates (C509

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              Certificates)", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              ietf-cose-cbor-encoded-cert-05, 10 January 2023,

              Sethi, M., Sarikaya, B., and D. Garcia-Carrillo,
              "Terminology and processes for initial security setup of
              IoT devices", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              irtf-t2trg-secure-bootstrapping-03, 26 November 2022,

              "Y.3300:Framework of software-defined networking", June
              2014, <>.

              "OpenFlow Switch Specification, Version 1.4.1 (Wire
              Protocol 0x05)", March 2015, <

              "SDN architecture, Issue 1", June 2014,

   [RFC5280]  Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S.,
              Housley, R., and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
              (CRL) Profile", RFC 5280, DOI 10.17487/RFC5280, May 2008,

   [RFC5869]  Krawczyk, H. and P. Eronen, "HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand
              Key Derivation Function (HKDF)", RFC 5869,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5869, May 2010,

   [RFC7149]  Boucadair, M. and C. Jacquenet, "Software-Defined
              Networking: A Perspective from within a Service Provider
              Environment", RFC 7149, DOI 10.17487/RFC7149, March 2014,

   [RFC7252]  Shelby, Z., Hartke, K., and C. Bormann, "The Constrained
              Application Protocol (CoAP)", RFC 7252,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7252, June 2014,

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   [RFC7426]  Haleplidis, E., Ed., Pentikousis, K., Ed., Denazis, S.,
              Hadi Salim, J., Meyer, D., and O. Koufopavlou, "Software-
              Defined Networking (SDN): Layers and Architecture
              Terminology", RFC 7426, DOI 10.17487/RFC7426, January
              2015, <>.

   [RFC8040]  Bierman, A., Bjorklund, M., and K. Watsen, "RESTCONF
              Protocol", RFC 8040, DOI 10.17487/RFC8040, January 2017,

   [RFC8392]  Jones, M., Wahlstroem, E., Erdtman, S., and H. Tschofenig,
              "CBOR Web Token (CWT)", RFC 8392, DOI 10.17487/RFC8392,
              May 2018, <>.

   [RFC8949]  Bormann, C. and P. Hoffman, "Concise Binary Object
              Representation (CBOR)", STD 94, RFC 8949,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8949, December 2020,

   [RFC9052]  Schaad, J., "CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE):
              Structures and Process", STD 96, RFC 9052,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9052, August 2022,

   [RFC9061]  Marin-Lopez, R., Lopez-Millan, G., and F. Pereniguez-
              Garcia, "A YANG Data Model for IPsec Flow Protection Based
              on Software-Defined Networking (SDN)", RFC 9061,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9061, July 2021,

              Scott-Hayward, S., Callaghan, G. O., and P. Sezer, "SDN
              Security A Survey", November 2013,

              Kreutz, D., Ramos, F., and P. Verissimo, "Towards secure
              and dependable software-defined networks", August 2013,

Appendix A.  YANG data model for EDHOC case

   module ietf-core-edhoc {
     yang-version 1.1;
     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-core-edhoc";
     prefix edhoc;

     import ietf-inet-types {

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       prefix inet;
         "RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types.";

     import ietf-netconf-acm {
       prefix nacm;
         "RFC 8341: Network Configuration Access Control

       "IETF CORE Working Group";
       "WG Web:  <>
        WG List: <>

        Author: Rafael Marin-Lopez
        Author: Gabriel Lopez-Millan
       "This module contains the EDHOC Case YANG model for the
        SDN-based Key Management for EDHOC.

        The key words 'MUST', 'MUST NOT', 'REQUIRED', 'SHALL',
        'NOT RECOMMENDED', 'MAY', and 'OPTIONAL' in this
        document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14
        (RFC 2119) (RFC 8174) when, and only when, they appear
        in all capitals, as shown here.

        Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
        authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
        without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
        to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
        set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
        Relating to IETF Documents

        This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX; see
        the RFC itself for full legal notices.";

     revision 2022-11-28 {

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         "Initial version. The YANG data model defines the
         configuration data for EDHOC. The model provides four lists
         'auth-entry', 'connection', 'target resource' and 'local

         The list 'auth-entry' contains a
         set of nodes that contain authentication information for
         EDHOC run for this local Thing.

         The list 'connection' contains a set of nodes that specifies
         different connections between this Thing and a peer Thing.
         This list specifies what credentials will be used for the
         local Thing (with a
         reference to an entry in the list 'auth-entry' and the
         credential that will be required to authenticate the remote

         The list 'target-resource' stores policies
         (bypass,discard,protect) related with the target resource
         that this Thing can access. In case of protection, a node in
         the list has a reference to a node in the list 'connection'
         to run EDHOC.

         The list 'local-resource' stores policies related with the
         local resources provided by this Thing.";



     typedef auth-method-t {
       type enumeration {

         enum signature-key {
             "Authentication Key is a Signature Key.";
         enum static-dh-key {
             "Authentication Key is a Static DH Key.";

         "The authentication method can include Signature Key or
         Static Diffie-Hellman Key.";

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     typedef policy-t {
       type enumeration {
         enum protect {
             "PROTECT the traffic with OSCORE.";
         enum bypass {
             "The CoAP resource does not require
             OSCORE protection";
         enum discard {
             "The CoAP message to a resource is
           "The policy applicable to access a CoAP resource.
           There are three possible values: BYPASS
           (the CoAP message is unprotected), PROTECT
           (the CoAP message MUST be protected with OSCORE),
           and DISCARD (the CoAP message is discarded).";

     grouping auth-cred-grouping {

       leaf id-cred-x {
         type binary;
         mandatory true;
           "ID_CRED_X, X=I or R.
           COSE header maps and contains one or more
           COSE header parameters";

       leaf auth-method {
         type auth-method-t;
         default "signature-key";
           "Type of authentication method
           (signature key, static DH key).";

       leaf cred-x {
         type binary;

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         mandatory true;
           "X.509 certificates [RFC5280], C509 certificates
           [I-D.ietf-cose-cbor-encoded-cert], CWTs [RFC8392]
           and CWT Claims Sets (CCS) [RFC8392]. Static DH Public
           and RPK are also included here. If this information is
           associated to the other peer , it contains the information
           required to verify the Signature_or_MAC field.";
         "This grouping contains the ID_CRED_X for a particular
         entity X=I or X=R and authentication method and the public
         information of the CRED_X information about the
         authentication credential";

     } /*grouping auth-cred-grouping*/

     container edhoc {

         "EDHOC configuration for a Thing. It includes authentication
         credentials for this Thing. EDHOC connection information that
         is a represented with a list of 'connection'. Each connection
         contains information about the remote EDHOC peer and the
         information to authentication against that node.";

       list auth-entry {
         key "name";
         ordered-by user;
           "Authentication information entry for the Thing.
           It is a list of entries ordered by the
           Controller, and each entry is
           unequivocally identified by a name.";

         leaf name {
           type string;
             "Unique name to identify this entry.";

         uses auth-cred-grouping;

         leaf private-key {
           type binary;
       mandatory true;

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             "The private key used for this auth-entry associated to
             the public key contained in the Authentication
             Credential. This value can be set either by the
             Controller or the node can generate it so that
             it is not known by the Controller.";
       } /*list auth-entry*/

       list connection {

         key "name";
         ordered-by user;
           "List of connections defined between and the Thing A
           (local peer) and B (remote peer). The list is ordered
           by the Controller, and each entry is
           unequivocally identified by a name.";

         leaf name {
           type string;
             "Unique name to identify this entry.";

         container local {

           leaf autostartup {
             type boolean;
             default 'false';
               "True: the EDHOC implementation starts immediately
               after setting the configuration of this connection.";

           leaf auth-cred-ref {
             type string;
             mandatory true;
               "Local peer authentication information.
               This node points to a specific entry in
               the list 'auth-entry' where the authentication
               information about this peer is stored.
               It MUST match a 'name' in the list.";

           leaf c-x {
             type binary;

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               "Connection identifier. This value is optional since,
               in general, the connection identifier can be generated
               by the node.";

           leaf suites-x {
             type binary;
               "Array of cipher suites which the peer acting as
               Initiator or Responder supports. In case the node acts
               as Initiator (X=I) the array is in order of preference,
               the first cipher suite in network byte order is the
               most preferred by the Initiator, the last is the one
               selected by the Initiator for this session. The order
               of the cipher suites in SUITES_R has no significance.
               If the most preferred cipher suite is selected then
               SUITES_I contains only that cipher suite and is encoded
               as an int. Since the controller has information
               about the nodes in the connection can set the suitable
               cipher suite to avoid any crypto suite negotiation.";

           container ead-x {
             leaf ead-a {
               type binary;
                 "This value contains the EAD 1 when the peer acts
                 as the initiator or EAD 2 when it is the responder.";

             leaf ead-b {
               type binary;
                 "This value is EAD 3 when the peer is the initiator
                 or EAD 4 when it is the responder.";
             description "To set the EAD in EDHOC (if any).";

             "Local node authentication information.";

         } /*container local*/

         container remote {
           uses auth-cred-grouping;
             "Remote node authentication information.";

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         } /*container remote*/

         leaf key-confirmation {
           type boolean;
           default 'false';
             "True: message 4 will be sent (if the node is acting as
            initiator or it has to be received is if the initiator)";

         leaf set-oscore {
           type boolean;
           default 'true';
             "True when after EDHOC we require to establish an
             OSCORE Security Context.";

         leaf key-update-context {
           type binary;
             "The controller sets a context so that EDHOC-KeyUpdate
             can be performed. Each time this value is update the
             EDHOC-KeyUpdate is performed.";
             "Appendix I. Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC)

         container reauth-time {
           leaf soft {
             type uint32;
             units "seconds";
             default "0";
               "Soft lifetime. After reaching this time the EDHOC
               re-authentication will start.";
           leaf hard {
             type uint32;
             units "seconds";
             default "0";
               "Hard lifetime. After reaching this time the EDHOC
               session will be removed.";
           description ".";

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         } /*container reauth-time*/
       } /* list connection */

       list target-resource  {

           "This list contains the resources that this peer
           (acting as CoAP client) will access and that requires
           OSCORE protection (depending on the policy) in the other
           peer (acting as a CoAP server). They may be discovered by
           some other means by the Thing but installing them allows
           the device to protect immediately the CoAP
           message. The list is ordered by the controller. An node in
           the list is evaluated before the next node in the list.
           If there is a match the evaluation is stopped and the
           policy applied. That is nodes at the beginning of the list
           has more priority that final nodes.";

         key "target";
         ordered-by user;

         leaf target {
           type inet:uri;
             "URI to the target resource to be protected with this
             OSCORE Sender Context. If the URI is an empty string it
             means ANY";

         leaf policy {
           type policy-t;
           default 'protect';
             "The policy applied to this resource. Default policy is
             protect. If there is no common context to protect the
             CoAP message is discarded. If the list is empty is not
             possible to access to any resource.";

         leaf conn-ref {
           when "../policy = 'protect'";
           type string;
             "Byte string used to identify the connection in the list
             'connection' that must be used to protect this message.
             The Thing will act as EDHOC initiator. If the EDHOC
             session is already set and cryptographic material is
             available the message will be protected.";

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       } /*list target-resources*/

       list local-resource {

           "This list contains the resources that may require
           protection (depending of the policy) in this peer (acting
           as a CoAP server).";

         key "local";
         ordered-by user;

         leaf local {
           type inet:uri;
             "URI of the local resources to be protected with
             this OSCORE Recipient Context.";

         leaf policy {
           type policy-t;
           default 'protect';
             "The policy applied to this resource. Default policy is
             protect. If there is no common context to protect the
             CoAP message is discarded.";

         leaf conn-ref {
           when "../policy = 'protect'";
           type string;
             "Byte string used to identify the connection in the list
             'connection' that must be used to protect this resource.
             The Thing will act as EDHOC responder. If the EDHOC
             session is already set and cryptographic material
             is available the message will be protected.";
       } /*list local-resource*/
     } /* container edhoc */
   } /* module ietf-core-edhoc */

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Appendix B.  EDHOC case example usage

   This example shows an XML representation of the configuration sent by
   the SDN Controller to establish an EDHOC-derived OSCORE context to
   Thing 't1' using "signature-key" authentication (RSA) when accessing
   the resource "coap://2001:db8:cafe:123::200/res1".  (Some values are
   simplified for brevity with "base64encodedvalue==").

                                   |   SDN Controller |
                                  Southbound |
                                   Interface |
                          /                                   \
                         /                                     \
                    +--------+                             +--------+
                    |   t1   |======= EDHOC/OSCORE ======= |t2 /res1|
                    +--------+                             +--------+
                            :100                         :200


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        <edhoc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-core-edhoc"

Appendix C.  YANG data model for OSCORE case

   module ietf-core-oscore {

     yang-version 1.1;
     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-core-oscore";
     prefix oscore;

     import ietf-inet-types {
       prefix inet;

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         "RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types.";

     import ietf-netconf-acm {
       prefix nacm;
         "RFC 8341: Network Configuration Access Control

       "IETF CORE Working Group";
       "WG Web:  <>
        WG List: <>

        Author: Rafael Marin-Lopez
        Author: Gabriel Lopez-Millan

       "Data model for OSCORE case (RFC 8613) in the SDN-based
        OSCORE flow protection service.

        The key words 'MUST', 'MUST NOT', 'REQUIRED', 'SHALL',
        'NOT RECOMMENDED', 'MAY', and 'OPTIONAL' in this
        document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14
        (RFC 2119) (RFC 8174) when, and only when, they appear
        in all capitals, as shown here.

        Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons
        identified as authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
        without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
        to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD
        License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal
        Provisions Relating to IETF Documents

        This version of this YANG module is part of ; see
        the RFC itself for full legal notices.";

     revision 2022-11-28 {

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         "Initial version. This version only includes the YANG Data
         model taking into account the information in Object
         Security for Constrained RESTful Environments (OSCORE).

         The model contains three main lists: context,
         targer-resource and local-resource.
         The list 'context' stores the OSCORE context in this
         Thing. Each node in the list 'context' contains three
         contexts: common ('common-ctx'), sender ('sender-ctx') and
         recipient ('recipient-ctx') contexts.

         The list 'target-resource' stores policies (bypass,
         discard, protect) related with the target resource that
         this Thing can access'. In case of protection, a node in
         the list has a reference to a node in the list 'context'.

         The list 'local-resource' stores policies related with the
         local resources provided by this Thing.";
       reference ".";

     typedef policy-t {
          type enumeration {
            enum protect {
                "PROTECT the traffic with OSCORE.";
            enum bypass {
                "The CoAP resource does not require
                OSCORE protection";
            enum discard {
                "The CoAP message to a resource is
            "The policy applicable to access a CoAP resource. There
            are three possible values: BYPASS (the CoAP message is
            unprotected), PROTECT (the CoAP message MUST be
            protected with OSCORE), and DISCARD (The CoAP message
            is discarded).";

     container oscore {

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         "Container for configuration of the OSCORE
         case. The container contains a list of OSCORE contexts.
         Each node of the list contains three possible contexts.
         Common Context, Sender  Context and Recipient Context. The
         Controller configures at least the Common Context and
         configure a Sender Context or a Recipient Context or

       list context {

         key "id-entry";
         ordered-by user;

         leaf id-entry {
           type binary;
             "Unique name to identify this entry.";

         container common-ctx {
             "This container carries the
             configuration of an OSCORE Common Context.";

           leaf id {
             type binary;
             default 0x00;
               "Optional variable-length byte string providing
               additional information to identify the Common
               Context and to derive AEAD keys and Common IV. The
               use of ID Context is described in Section 5.1 in RFC

           leaf aead-alg {
             type uint32;
             default "10";
               "The COSE AEAD algorithm to use for encryption.";

           leaf hkdf-alg {
             type uint32;
             default "1";
               "An HMAC-based key derivation function (HKDF,

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               [RFC5869]) used to derive the Sender Key, Recipient
               Key, and Common IV.";

           leaf master-key {
             type binary;
               "Variable length, random byte string (see
               Section 12.3) in RFC 8613 used to derive AEAD keys
               and Common IV.";

           leaf master-salt {
             type binary;
               "Optional variable-length byte string
               containing the salt used to derive AEAD
               keys and Common IV.";

         } /*container common-ctx*/

         container sender-ctx {

             "This container carries the
             configuration of an OSCORE Sender Context.";

             leaf id {
               type binary;
               default 0x00;
                 "Byte string used to identify the Sender Context,
                 to derive AEAD keys and Common IV, and to
                 contribute to the uniqueness of AEAD nonces.
                 Maximum length is determined by the AEAD

         } /*container sender-ctx*/

         container recipient-ctx {

             "This container carries the
             configuration of an OSCORE Recipient Context.";

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             leaf id {
               type binary;
               default 0x01;
                 "Byte string used to identify the Recipient
                 Context, to derive AEAD keys and Common IV, and to
                 contribute to the uniqueness of AEAD nonces.
                 Maximum length is determined by the
                 AEAD Algorithm.";

             leaf replay-window {
               type uint64;
               default "32";
                 "To set the anti-replay window size.
                  The default value is set to 32,
                  following the recommendation in RFC 8613.";
                 "RFC 8613: Object Security for Constrained
                 RESTful Environments (OSCORE),
                 Section 3.2.2.";

         } /*container recipient-ctx*/

         container renew-ctx {
             "This container includes information to update the
             OSCORE contexts.";

           choice method {
             default sdn-based;
             case multiple-times {

               container ctx-derivation {
                 leaf r1-length {
                   type uint64;
                   default 8;
                     "R1 length.";
                 leaf r2-length {
                   type uint64;
                   default 8;
                     "R2 length.";

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                 leaf r3-length {
                   type uint64;
                   default 8;
                     "R3 length.";
                   "This container allow configuring the required
                   information so that the security context
                   derivation in Appendix B.2 is implemented. The
                   Controller is in charge of providing the length
                   of R1, R2 and R3. If a node is acting as
                   initiator in this procedure, R1 and R3 lengths
                   are defined. If it is acting as responder R2
                   length applies.";
                   "Appendix B.2 Security Context Derived Multiple
                   Times - RFC 8613";
               } /*container ctx-derivation*/

                 "Appendix B.2. protocol in RFC 8613 is used to
                 renew OSCORE context.";
             } /*case multiple-times*/

             case sdn-based {
               leaf sdn-based {
               type empty;
                 "The OSCORE context is updated by the Controller.";
                 "The Controller manages the OSCORE renewal time
                 and update the contexts when it decides so.";
             } /*case sdn-based*/

           "Different methods to update OSCORE context according
           to RFC 8613 and this document.";
          } /*choice method*/
        } /*container renew-ctx*/

           "The OSCORE contexts is represented as a list of OSCORE
           context entries, where each entry contains a OSCORE
           common context, sender context and recipient context
           associated to the OSCORE common context.";

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       } /*list contexts*/

       list target-resource  {
           "This list contains the resources that this peer (acting
           as CoAP client) will access and that requires OSCORE
           protection (depending on the policy) in the other peer
           (acting as a CoAP server). They may be discovered by
           some other means by the Thing but installing them allows
           the device to protect immediately the CoAP message. The
           list is ordered by the Controller. A node in the list is
           evaluated before the next node in the list. If there is
           a match the evaluation is stopped and the policy
           applied. That is nodes at the beginning of the list has
           more priority that final nodes.";

         key "target";
         ordered-by user;

         leaf target {
           type inet:uri;
             "URI to the target resource to be protected with this
             OSCORE Sender Context. If the URI is an empty string
             it means ANY";

         leaf policy {
           type policy-t;
           default 'protect';
             "The policy applied to this resource. Default policy
             is protect. If there is no common context to protect
             the CoAP message is discarded. If the list is empty is
             not possible to access to any resource.";

         leaf id-entry-ref {
           when "../policy = 'protect'";
           type binary;
             "Byte string used to identify the context in the list
             'context' that will be used for this target source.";
       } /*list target-resources*/

       list local-resource {

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           "This list contains the resources that may require
           OSCORE protection (depending of the policy) in this peer
           (acting as a CoAP server).";

         key "local";
         ordered-by user;

         leaf local {
           type inet:uri;
             "URI of the local resources to be protected with this
             OSCORE Recipient Context.";

         leaf policy {
           type policy-t;
           default 'protect';
             "The policy applied to this resource. Default policy
             is protect. If there is no common context to protect
             the CoAP message is discarded.";

         leaf id-entry-ref {
           when "../policy = 'protect'";
           type binary;
             "Byte string used to identify the context in the list
             'context' that  will be used for this local source.";
       } /*list local-resources*/

     } /*container oscore*/

   } /*module ietf-core-oscore */

Appendix D.  OSCORE case example usage

   This example shows an XML representation of the configuration sent by
   the SDN Controller to establish an OSCORE context to Thing 't1' using
   "signature-key" authentication (RSA) when accessing the resource
   "coap://2001:db8:cafe:123::200/res1".  (Some values are simplified
   for brevity with "base64encodedvalue==").

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                                   |   SDN Controller |
                                  Southbound |
                                   Interface |
                          /                                   \
                         /                                     \
                    +--------+                             +--------+
                    |   t1   |=========== OSCORE ========= |t2/res1 |
                    +--------+                             +--------+
                            :100                         :200


                  <id>MEY=</id><!-- 0F -->


   Authors want to thank

Authors' Addresses

Marin-Lopez(Ed.), et al.Expires 1 September 2023               [Page 42]
Internet-Draft              yang-edhoc-oscore              February 2023

   Rafa Marin-Lopez
   University of Murcia
   Murcia 30100

   Gabriel Lopez-Millan
   University of Murcia
   Murcia 30100

   Laurent Toutain
   Institut Mines Telecom Atlantique
   2 rue de la Chataigneraie CS 17607 35576 Cesson-Sevigne Cedex

   Alex Fernandez
   Institut Mines Telecom Atlantique
   2 rue de la Chataigneraie CS 17607 35576 Cesson-Sevigne Cedex

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