Internet DRAFT - draft-mcmillion-keytrans-architecture


Key Transparency                                            B. McMillion
Internet-Draft                                           5 December 2023
Intended status: Informational                                          
Expires: 7 June 2024

                     Key Transparency Architecture


   This document defines the terminology and interaction patterns
   involved in the deployment of Key Transparency (KT) in a general
   secure group messaging infrastructure, and specifies the security
   properties that the protocol provides.  It also gives more general,
   non-prescriptive guidance on how to securely apply KT to a number of
   common applications.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   The latest revision of this draft can be found at
   architecture.html.  Status information for this document may be found

   Discussion of this document takes place on the Key Transparency
   Working Group mailing list (, which is
   archived at
   Subscribe at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 7 June 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Protocol Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  User Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     4.1.  Out-of-Band Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   5.  Deployment Modes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.1.  Contact Monitoring  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.2.  Third-Party Auditing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.3.  Third-Party Management  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   6.  Security Guarantees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     6.1.  Privacy Guarantees  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       6.1.1.  Leakage to Third-Party  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   7.  Implementation Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   9.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13

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1.  Introduction

   Before any information can be exchanged in an end-to-end encrypted
   system, two things must happen.  First, participants in the system
   must provide the service operator with any public keys they wish to
   use to receive messages.  Second, the service operator must somehow
   distribute these public keys amongst the participants that wish to
   communicate with each other.

   Typically this is done by having users upload their public keys to a
   simple directory where other users can download them as necessary, or
   by providing public keys in-band with the communication being
   secured.  With this approach, the service operator needs to be
   trusted to provide the correct public keys, which means that the
   underlying encryption protocol can only protect users against passive
   eavesdropping on their messages.

   However most messaging systems are designed such that all messages
   exchanged between users flow through the service operator's servers,
   so it's extremely easy for an operator to launch an active attack.
   That is, the service operator can provide fake public keys which it
   knows the private keys for, associate those public keys with a user's
   account without the user's knowledge, and then use them to
   impersonate or eavesdrop on conversations with that user.

   Key Transparency (KT) solves this problem by requiring the service
   operator to store user public keys in a cryptographically-protected
   append-only log.  Any malicious entries added to such a log will
   generally be visible to all users, in which case a user can detect
   that they're being impersonated by viewing the public keys attached
   to their account.  However, if the service operator attempts to
   conceal some entries of the log from some users but not others, this
   creates a "forked view" which is permanent and easily detectable with
   out-of-band communication.

   The critical improvement of KT over related protocols like
   Certificate Transparency [RFC6962] is that KT includes an efficient
   protocol to search the log for entries related to a specific
   participant.  This means users don't need to download the entire log,
   which may be substantial, to find all entries that are relevant to
   them.  It also means that KT can better preserve user privacy by only
   showing entries of the log to participants that genuinely need to see

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2.  Conventions and Definitions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   *End-to-end Encrypted Communication Service:*  A communications
      service that allows end-users to engage in text, voice, video, or
      other forms of communication over the Internet, that uses public
      key cryptography to ensure that communications are only accessible
      to their intended recipients.

   *End-user Device:*  The device at the final point in a digital
      communication, which may either send or receive encrypted data in
      an end-to-end encrypted communication service.

   *End-user Identity:*  A unique and user-visible identity associated
      with an account (and therefore one or more end-user devices) in an
      end-to-end encrypted communication service.  In the case where an
      end-user explicitly requests to communicate with (or is informed
      they are communicating with) an end-user uniquely identified by
      the name "Alice", the end-user identity is the string "Alice".

   *User / Account:*  A single end-user of an end-to-end encrypted
      communication service, which may be represented by several end-
      user identities and end-user devices.  For example, a user may be
      represented simultaneously by multiple identities (email, phone
      number, username) and interact with the service on multiple
      devices (phone, laptop).

   *Service Operator:*  The primary organization that provides the
      infrastructure and software resources necessary to operate an end-
      to-end encrypted communication service.

   *Transparency Log:*  A specialized service capable of securely
      attesting to the information (such as public keys) associated with
      a given end-user identity.  The transparency log is usually run
      either entirely or partially by the service operator.

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3.  Protocol Overview

   From a networking perspective, KT follows a client-server
   architecture with a central _Transparency Log_, acting as a server,
   which holds the authoritative copy of all information and exposes
   endpoints that allow users to query or modify stored data.  Users
   coordinate with each other through the server by uploading their own
   public keys and/or downloading the public keys of other users.  Users
   are expected to maintain relatively little state, limited only to
   what is required to interact with the log and ensure that it is
   behaving honestly.

   From an application perspective, KT works as a versioned key-value
   database.  Users insert key-value pairs into the database where, for
   example, the key is their username and the value is their public key.
   Users can update a key by inserting a new version with new data.
   They can also look up the most recent version of a key or any past
   version.  Users are considered to *own* a key if, in the normal
   operation of the application, they should be the only one making
   changes to it.  From this point forward, "key" will refer to a lookup
   key in a key-value database and "public key" or "private key" will be
   specified if otherwise.

   KT does not require the use of a specific transport protocol.  This
   is intended to allow applications to layer KT on top of whatever
   transport protocol their application already uses.  In particular,
   this allows applications to continue relying on their existing access
   control system.

   Applications may enforce arbitrary access control rules on top of KT
   such as requiring a user to be logged in to make KT requests, only
   allowing a user to lookup the keys of another user if they're
   "friends", or simply applying a rate limit.  Applications SHOULD
   prevent users from modifying keys that they don't own.  The exact
   mechanism for rejecting requests, and possibly explaining the reason
   for rejection, is left to the application.

4.  User Interactions

   As discussed in Section 3, KT follows a client-server architecture.
   This means that all user interaction is directly with the
   transparency log.  The operations that can be executed by a user are
   as follows:

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   1.  *Search:* Performs a lookup on a specific key in the most recent
       version of the log.  Users may request either a specific version
       of the key, or the most recent version available.  If the key-
       version pair exists, the server returns the corresponding value
       and a proof of inclusion.

   2.  *Update:* Adds a new key-value pair to the log, for which the
       server returns a proof of inclusion.  Note that this means that
       new values are added to the log immediately and are not queued
       for later insertion with a batch of other values.

   3.  *Monitor:* While Search and Update are run by the user as
       necessary, monitoring is done in the background on a recurring
       basis.  It both checks that the log is continuing to behave
       honestly (all previously returned keys remain in the tree) and
       that no changes have been made to keys owned by the user without
       the user's knowledge.

   These operations are executed over an application-provided transport
   layer, where the transport layer enforces access control by blocking
   queries which are not allowed:

   TODO diagram showing a search request over an application-provided
   transport layer getting accepted / rejected

4.1.  Out-of-Band Communication

   It is sometimes possible for a Transparency Log to present forked
   views of data to different users.  This means that, from an
   individual user's perspective, a log may appear to be operating
   correctly in the sense that all of a user's requests succeed and
   proofs verify correctly.  However, the Transparency Log has presented
   a view to the user that's not globally consistent with what it has
   shown other users.  As such, the log may be able to associate data
   with keys without the key owner's awareness.

   The protocol is designed such that users always require subsequent
   queries to prove consistency with previous queries.  As such, users
   always stay on a linearizable view of the log.  If a user is ever
   presented with a forked view, they hold on to this forked view
   forever and reject the output of any subsequent queries that are
   inconsistent with it.

   This provides ample opportunity for users to detect when a fork has
   been presented, but isn't in itself sufficient for detection.  To
   detect forks, users must either use *out-of-band communication* with
   other users or *anonymous communication* with the Transparency Log.

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   With out-of-band communication, two users gossip with each other to
   establish that they both have the same view of the log's data.  This
   gossip is able to happen over any supported out-of-band channel, even
   if it is heavily bandwidth-limited, such as scanning a QR code or
   talking over the phone.

   With anonymous communication, a single user accesses the Transparency
   Log over an anonymous channel and tries to establish that the log is
   presenting the same view of data over the anonymous channel as it
   does over authenticated channels.

   In the event that a fork is successfully detected, the user is able
   to produce non-repudiable proof of log misbehavior which can be

   TODO diagram showing a user talking to a log over an authenticated &
   anonymous channel, gossipping with other users

5.  Deployment Modes

   In the interest of satisfying the widest range of use-cases possible,
   three different modes for deploying a Transparency Log are supported.
   Each mode has slightly different requirements and efficiency
   considerations for both the transparency log and the end-user.

   *Third-Party Management* and *Third-Party Auditing* are two
   deployment modes that require the transparency log to delegate part
   of its operation to a third party.  Users are able to run more
   efficiently as long as they can assume that the transparency log and
   the third party won't collude to trick them into accepting malicious

   With both third-party modes, all requests from end-users are
   initially routed to the transparency log and the log coordinates with
   the third party itself.  End-users never contact the third party
   directly, however they will need a signature public key from the
   third party to verify its assertions.

   With Third-Party Management, the third party performs the majority of
   the work of actually storing and operating the service, and the
   transparency log only signs new entries as they're added.  With
   Third-Party Auditing, the transparency log performs the majority of
   the work of storing and operating the service, and obtains signatures
   from a lightweight third-party auditor at regular intervals asserting
   that the tree has been constructed correctly.

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   *Contact Monitoring*, on the other hand, supports a single-party
   deployment with no third party.  The cost of this is that executing
   the background monitoring protocol requires an amount of work that's
   proportional to the number of keys a user has looked up in the past.
   As such, it's less suited to use-cases where users look up a large
   number of ephemeral keys, but would work ideally in a use-case where
   users look up a small number of keys repeatedly (for example, the
   keys of regular contacts).

   | Deployment Mode        | Supports ephemeral keys? | Single party? |
   | Contact Monitoring     | No                       | Yes           |
   | Third-Party Auditing   | Yes                      | No            |
   | Third-Party            | Yes                      | No            |
   | Management             |                          |               |

                  Table 1: Comparison of deployment modes

5.1.  Contact Monitoring

   TODO diagram showing user request going to transparency log, followed
   by monitoring queries later.

5.2.  Third-Party Auditing

   With the Third-Party Auditing deployment mode, the transparency log
   obtains signatures from a lightweight third-party auditor attesting
   to the fact that the tree has been constructed correctly.  These
   signatures are provided to users along with the responses for their

   The third-party auditor is expected to run asynchronously,
   downloading and authenticating a log's contents in the background, so
   as not to become a bottleneck for the transparency log.

   TODO diagram showing a user request going to a transparency log and a
   response with an auditor signature coming back.  Batched changes
   going to auditor in background.

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5.3.  Third-Party Management

   With the Third-Party Management deployment mode, a third party is
   responsible for the majority of the work of storing and operating the
   log, while the transparency log serves mainly to enforce access
   control and authenticate the addition of new entries to the log.  All
   user queries are initially sent by users directly to the transparency
   log, and the log operator proxies them to the third-party manager if
   they pass access control.

   TODO diagram showing user request going to transparency log,
   immediately being proxied to manager with operator signature.

6.  Security Guarantees

   A user that correctly verifies a proof from the Transparency Log (and
   does any required monitoring afterwards) receives a guarantee that
   the Transparency Log operator executed the key-value lookup
   correctly, and in a way that's globally consistent with what it has
   shown all other users.  That is, when a user searches for a key,
   they're guaranteed that the result they receive represents the same
   result that any other user searching for the same key would've seen.
   When a user modifies a key, they're guaranteed that other users will
   see the modification the next time they search for the key.

   If the Transparency Log operator does not execute a key-value lookup
   correctly, then either:

   1.  The user will detect the error immediately and reject the proof,

   2.  The user will permanently enter an invalid state.

   Depending on the exact reason that the user enters an invalid state,
   it will either be detected by background monitoring or the next time
   that out-of-band communication is available.  Importantly, this means
   that users must stay online for some bounded amount of time after
   entering an invalid state for it to be successfully detected.

   Alternatively, instead of executing a lookup incorrectly, the
   Transparency Log can attempt to prevent a user from learning about
   more recent states of the log.  This would allow the log to continue
   executing queries correctly, but on outdated versions of data.  To
   prevent this, applications configure an upper bound on how stale a
   query response can be without being rejected.

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   The exact caveats of the above guarantees depend naturally on the
   security of underlying cryptographic primitives, and also the
   deployment mode that the Transparency Log relies on:

   *  Third-Party Management and Third-Party Auditing require an
      assumption that the transparency log and the third-party manager/
      auditor do not collude to trick users into accepting malicious

   *  Contact Monitoring requires an assumption that the user that owns
      a key and all users that look up the key do the necessary
      monitoring afterwards.

   In short, assuming that the underlying cryptographic primitives used
   are secure, any deployment-specific assumptions hold (such as non-
   collusion), and that user devices don't go permanently offline, then
   malicious behavior by the Transparency Log is always detected within
   a bounded amount of time.  The parameters that determine the maximum
   amount of time before malicious behavior is detected are as follows:

   *  How stale an application allows query responses to be (ie, how
      long an application is willing to go without seeing updates to the

   *  How frequently users execute background monitoring.

   *  How frequently users exercise out-of-band communication.

   *  For third-party auditing: the maximum amount of lag that an
      auditor is allowed to have, with respect to the most recent tree

6.1.  Privacy Guarantees

   For applications deploying KT, service operators expect to be able to
   control when sensitive information is revealed.  In particular, an
   operator can often only reveal that a user is a member of their
   service, and information about that user's account, to that user's
   friends or contacts.

   KT only allows users to learn whether or not a lookup key exists in
   the Transparency Log if the user obtains a valid search proof for
   that key.  Similarly, KT only allows users to learn about the
   contents of a log entry if the user obtains a valid search proof for
   the exact key and version stored at that log entry.

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   Applications are primarily able to manage the privacy of their data
   in KT by relying on these properties when they enforce access control
   policies on the queries issued by users, as discussed in Section 3.
   For example if two users aren't friends, an application can block
   these users from searching for each other's lookup keys.  This
   prevents the two users from learning about each other's existence.
   If the users were previously friends but no longer are, the
   application can prevent the users from searching for each other's
   keys and learning the contents of any subsequent account updates.

   Service operators also expect to be able to control sensitive
   population-level metrics about their users.  These metrics include
   the size of their userbase, the frequency with which new users join,
   and the frequency with which existing users update their keys.

   KT allows service operators to hide the total size of their userbase
   from end-users and other outside observers.  It also allows service
   operators to obscure the rate at which changes are made to the tree
   by padding real changes with fake ones, causing outsiders to observe
   a baseline constant rate of changes.  Note however, that this
   information is not obscured from a third-party manager or auditor if
   one is used.  Since the third-party plays a crucial role in ensuring
   correct operation of the log, it necessarily is able to distinguish
   real changes from fake ones, and therefore also the total number of
   real keys.

6.1.1.  Leakage to Third-Party

   In the event that a third-party auditor or manager is used, there's
   additional information leaked to the third-party that's not visible
   to outsiders.

   In the case of a third-party auditor, the auditor is able to learn
   the total number of distinct keys in the log.  It is also able to
   distinguish between real and fake modifications to the tree, and keep
   track of when individual keys are modified.  However, auditors are
   not able to learn the plaintext values of any keys or values.  This
   is because keys are masked with a VRF, and values are only provided
   to auditors as commitments.

   In the case of a third-party manager, the manager generally learns
   everything that the service operator would know.  This includes the
   total set of plaintext keys and values and their modification
   history.  It also includes traffic patterns, such as how often a
   specific key is looked up.

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7.  Implementation Guidance

   Fundamentally, KT can be thought of as guaranteeing that all the
   users of a service agree on the contents of a key-value database.
   Using this guarantee, that all users agree on a set of keys and
   values, to authenticate the relationship between end-user identities
   and the end-users of a communication service takes special care.
   Critically, in order to authenticate an end-user identity, it must be
   both _unique_ and _user-visible_. However, what exactly constitutes a
   unique and user-visible identifier varies greatly from application to

   Consider, for example, a communication service where users are
   uniquely identified by a fixed username, but KT has been deployed
   using an internal UUID as the lookup key.  While the UUID might be
   unique, it is not user-visible.  When a user attempts to lookup a
   contact by username, the service operator must translate the username
   into its UUID.  Since this mapping (from username to UUID) is
   unauthenticated, the service operator can manipulate it to eavesdrop
   on conversations by returning the UUID for an account that it
   controls.  From a security perspective, this is equivalent to not
   using KT at all.  An example of this kind of application would be

   However in other applications, the use of internal UUIDs in KT may be
   appropriate.  For example, many applications don't have this type of
   fixed username and instead use their UI (underpinned internally by a
   UUID) to indicate to users whether a conversation is with a new
   person or someone they've previously contacted.  The fact that the UI
   behaves in this way makes the UUID a user-visible identifer, even if
   a user may not be able to actually see it written out.  An example of
   this kind of application would be Slack.

   A *primary end-user identity* is one that is unique, user-visible,
   and unable to change.  (Or equivalently, if it changes, it appears in
   the application UI as a new conversation with a new user.)  A primary
   end-user identity should always be a lookup key in KT, with the end-
   user's public keys as the associated value.

   A *secondary end-user identity* is one that is unique, user-visible,
   and able to change without being interpreted as a different account
   due to its association with a primary identity.  Examples of this
   type of identity include phone numbers, or most usernames.  These
   identities are used solely for initial user discovery, in which
   they're converted to a primary identity that's used by the
   application from then on.  A secondary end-user identity should be a
   lookup key in KT, for the purpose of authenticating user discovery,
   with the primary end-user identity as the associated value.

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   While likely helpful to most common applications, the distinction
   between handling primary and secondary identities is not a hard-and-
   fast rule.  Applications must be careful to ensure they fully capture
   the semantics of identity in their application with the key-value
   structure they put in KT.

8.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

9.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC6962]  Laurie, B., Langley, A., and E. Kasper, "Certificate
              Transparency", RFC Editor, DOI 10.17487/rfc6962, June
              2013, <>.

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.


   TODO acknowledge.

Author's Address

   Brendan McMillion

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