Internet DRAFT - draft-mendes-rtgwg-rosa-use-cases


Network Working Group                                          P. Mendes
Internet-Draft                                                    Airbus
Intended status: Standards Track                          J. Finkhaeuser
Expires: 10 January 2024                                   Interpeer gUG
                                                           LM. Contreras
                                                              D. Trossen
                                                     Huawei Technologies
                                                             9 July 2023

    Use Cases and Problem Statement for Routing on Service Addresses


   The proliferation of virtualization, microservices, and serverless
   architectures has made the deployment of services possible in more
   than one network location, alongside long practised replication
   within single network locations, such as within a CDN datacentre.
   This necessitates the potential need to coordinate the steering of
   (client-initiated) traffic towards different services and their
   deployed instances across the network.

   The term 'service-based routing' (SBR) captures the set of mechanisms
   for said traffic steering, positioned as an anycast problem, in that
   it requires the selection of one of the possibly many choices for
   service execution at the very start of a service transaction,
   followed by the transfer of packets to that chosen service endpoint.

   This document provides typical scenarios for service-based routing,
   particularly for which a more dynamic and efficient (in terms of both
   latency and signalling overhead) selection of suitable service
   execution endpoints would not exhibit the overheads and thus latency
   penalties experienced with existing explicit discovery methods.
   Related drafts introduce the design for an in-band service discovery
   method instead, named Routing on Service Addresses (ROSA), based on
   the insights from the use case and problem discussion in this draft.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

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Internet-Draft                    ROSA                         July 2023

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   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 10 January 2024.

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   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Deployment and Use Case Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  CDN Interconnect and Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.2.  Distributed user planes for mobile and fixed access . . .   8
     3.3.  Multi-homed and multi-domain services . . . . . . . . . .   9
     3.4.  Micro-service Based Mobile Applications . . . . . . . . .  11
     3.5.  Constrained Video Delivery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     3.6.  AR/VR through Replicated Storage  . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     3.7.  Cloud-to-Thing Serverless Computing . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     3.8.  Metaverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     3.9.  Popularity-based Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     3.10. Data and Processing Sovereignty . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     3.11. Web Browsing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   4.  Issues Observed Across the Use Cases  . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
   5.  Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
   6.  Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
   9.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
   10. Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
   11. Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35

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1.  Introduction

   Service provisioning in recent years has been largely driven by two
   trends.  Firstly, virtualization has enabled service provisioning in
   more than one network location, progressing from virtual machines to
   containers, thus enabling sub-second service execution availability.
   Secondly, the cloud-native paradigm postulates agile development and
   integration of code, decomposing applications into smaller micro-
   services, to be deployed and scaled independently, yet chained
   towards a larger common objective.  Micro-service deployment may be
   done following a serverless model where a third-party provider
   allocates resources to the micro-services in different network
   locations when an application is triggered and re-assigning them
   elsewhere when the application is no longer active.  Such deployment
   flexibility allows to bring services 'closer' to consumers, but also
   poses challenges such as the need for a service discovery and
   selection process that aligns with the needed dynamicity in selecting
   suitable service endpoints, with a particular emphasis on minimizing
   the latency from the initiating client request to the actual service

   Service-level communication, captured through the term 'service-based
   routing' (SBR) throughout this document, has been realized with a
   decades-old DNS-based model to map service domains onto one of a set
   of IP addresses, often based on load or geo-information.  Those IP
   addresses and port assignments identify network interfaces and
   sockets for service access.  Contrasting against the aforementioned
   trends of evolved resource availability, deployment flexibility and
   location independence, those assignments typically remain static.

   We recognize that the Internet community has developed solutions to
   cope with the limitations of the DNS+IP model, such as Global Server
   Load Balancing (GSLB) [GSLB], DNS over HTTPS [RFC8484], HTTP
   indirection [RFC7231] or, more recently, at transport level through
   QUIC-LB [I-D.ietf-quic-load-balancers].  At the routing level,
   [TIES2021] outlines a solution to map URL-based services onto a small
   set of IP addresses, utilizing virtual hosting techniques at the
   incoming Point-Of-Presence (PoP) to suitably distribute the request
   to the computational resource that may serve it.  However, such
   solutions compound the centrality of service provisioning through
   Content Delivery Networks (CDNs).

   This centralization of Internet services has been well observed, not
   just in IETF discussions [Huston2021]
   [I-D.nottingham-avoiding-internet-centralization], but also in other
   efforts that aim to quantify the centralization, using methods such
   as the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index [HHI] or the Gini coefficient
   [Gini].  Dashboards of the Internet Society [ISOC2022] confirm the

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   dominant role of CDNs in service delivery beyond just streaming
   services, both in centralization as well as resulting market
   inequality, which has been compounded through the global CV19
   pandemic [CV19].

   While we recognize that many of the existing Internet services are
   well served with existing solutions, it is our key observation in
   this draft is that those existing solutions and overall developments
   equally create pain points for use cases, where the dynamic selection
   among the set of possible choices is a key requirement, together with
   the need to reduce service completion time, and thus minimize
   latencies for explicit resolution steps, while possibly improve
   resource utilization across all deployed service endpoints.

   In the remainder of this document, we first introduce a terminology
   in Section 2 that provides the common language used throughout this
   document and all related drafts.  We then follow with the use cases
   in Section 3, each one structured along a description of the
   experienced service functionality and the aforementioned pain paints
   that may arise when utilizing existing service discovery and
   selection capabilities.  We then summarize those pain points in
   Section 4, finally leading us to the formulation of a problem
   statement for service-based routing in Section 5.

2.  Terminology

   The following terminology is used throughout the remainder of this
   document, as well as all the related drafts:

   Service:  A monolithic functionality that is provided according to
      the specification for said service.

   Composite Service:  A composite service can be built by orchestrating
      a combination of monolithic (or other composite) services.  From a
      client perspective, a monolithic or composite nature cannot be
      determined, since both will be identified in the same manner for
      the client to access.

   Service Instance:  A running environment (e.g., a node, a virtual
      instance) that supports the execution of the expected service.
      One service may be deployed in several instances running within
      the same ROSA network at different network locations.

   Service Address:  An identifier for a specific service.

   Service Instance Address:  A locator for a specific service instance.

   Service Request:  A request for a specific service, addressed to a

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      specific service address, which is directed to at least one of
      possibly many service instances.

   Affinity Request:  An invocation of a specific service, following an
      initial service request, requiring steering to the same service
      instance chosen during the initial service request.

   Service Transaction:  A request for the execution of a specific
      service, encompassing at least one service request, and zero or
      more affinity requests.

   Service Affinity:  Preservation of a relationship between a client
      and one service instance, created with an affinity request.

   ROSA Provider:  Entity realizing the ROSA-based traffic steering
      capabilities over at least one infrastructure provider by
      deploying and operating the ROSA components within the defined
      ROSA domain.

   ROSA Domain:  Domain of reachability for services supported by a
      single ROSA provider.

   ROSA Endpoint:  A node accessing or providing one or more services
      through one or more ROSA providers.

   ROSA Client:  A ROSA endpoint accessing one or more services through
      one or more ROSA providers, thus issuing services requests
      directed to one of possible many service instances that have
      previously announced the service addresses used by the ROSA client
      in the service request.

   Service Address Router (SAR):  A node supporting the operations for
      steering service requests to one of possibly many service
      instances, following the procedures outlined in a separate
      architecture document.

   Service Address Gateway (SAG):  A node supporting the operations for
      steering service requests to service addresses of suitable
      endpoints in the Internet or within other ROSA domains.

3.  Deployment and Use Case Scenarios

   In the following, we outline examples of use cases that exhibit a
   degree of service distribution in which a service management scheme
   through explicit mapping and/or gatewaying may become complex and a
   possible hindrance for service performance.  The following sections
   illustrate several examples, which complement other work, such as the
   BBF Metro Compute Networking (MCN) [MCN], which have developed

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   similar but also additional use cases.

3.1.  CDN Interconnect and Distribution

   Video streaming has been revealed nowadays as the main contributing
   service to the traffic observed in operators' networks.  Multiple
   stakeholders, including operators and third party content providers,
   have been deploying Content Distribution Networks (CDNs), formed by a
   number of cache nodes spread across the network with the purpose of
   serving certain regions or coverage areas with a proper quality
   level.  In such a deployment, protection schemas are defined in order
   to ensure the service continuity even in the case of outages or
   starvation in cache nodes.

   In addition to that, novel schemes of CDN interconnection [RFC6770]
   [SVA] are being defined allowing a given CDN to leverage the
   installed base of another CDN to complement its overall footprint.

   As result, several caches are deployed in different PoPs in the
   network.  This means that for a given content requested by an end
   user, several of those caches could be candidate nodes for data
   delivery.  From a service perspective (a service being defined either
   at the level of a video service, expressed as a service domain name
   or at the level of individual content streams), specific caches
   represent service instances, i.e., possible candidates to serve the
   content and thus realize the desired service.

   Currently, the choice of the cache node to serve the customer relies
   solely on the content provider logic, considering only a limited set
   of conditions to apply.  For instance, the usage of cache-control
   [RFC7234] allows data origins to indicate caching rules downstream.
   For instance, the Targeted Cache Control (TCC) [RFC9213] defines a
   convention for HTTP response header fields that allows cache
   directives to be targeted at specific caches or classes of caches.
   The original intent was quite limited: to operate between the data
   source and the data consumer (browser).

   We can observe the following pain points when realizing such scenario
   in today's available systems:

   1.  Time-to-first-byte: There exist several aspects that cause
       latencies and thus increase the time-to-first-byte at the
       consumer end.  Firstly, the service name needs resolution, thus
       involving, e.g., DNS services, to map the service name to the
       routing locator.  This, however, assumes a traditional end-to-end
       model for providing the video stream.  The insertion of caches
       changes this model in making a decision at the CDN ingress node
       as to which cache shall serve the incoming request for content,

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       assigning a specific cache to serve requests.  Once a cache is
       found, the delivery will directly commence from this caching
       point.  Depending on the nature of the cache, however, additional
       possibly application-level operations, including the decryption
       of the HTTP request, may happen to direct the incoming request
       more fine-grained to the specific cache as well as decide upon
       the availability of the requested content in the cache.  This, in
       addition, may incur latencies.  Interpreting video services or
       even specific (e.g., highly popular) content as service instances
       in a service routing system could be seen as a way to reduce some
       of this complexity and thus the latencies incurred.

   2.  Dynamicity: Decisions on which caches to be used best may be
       dynamic and may even change during the lifetime of the overall
       service, thus requiring to revisit the process to decide about
       the most appropriate CDN node, thus worsening the latency issue
       observed in the previous point.  An example encompasses the usage
       of satellites to enhance the content distribution efficiency in
       cooperation with terrestrial networks.  Combining satellites with
       CDNs may not only leverage the mobility of Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
       satellites to deliver content among different static caches in
       terrestrial CDNs, but also include mobile satellites serving as
       couriers.  Furthermore, the AR/VR use case that will follow in
       Section 3.6 represents a case where frequent change of the cache,
       in case of several caches available for the desired content, may
       be desirable for improving on the deliver latency variance
       experienced at the end user.

   3.  Service-specific cache/service selection: The performance can be
       improved by considering further conditions in the decision on
       which cache node to be selected.  Thus, the decision can depend
       not only on the requested content and the operational conditions
       of the cache itself, but also on the network status or any other
       valuable, often service-specific, semantic for reaching those
       nodes, such data validity, end to end delays, or even video
       analytics.  The latter is relevant since as the number of video
       files grows, so does the need to easily and accurately search and
       retrieve specific content found within them.

   4.  Security: The decision on whether and wherefrom to retrieve the
       cached content may require decryption operations, depending on
       the nature of the used cache.  This, in turn, may require
       suitable certificate sharing arrangements between content owner
       and CDN, which may raise security (as well as privacy) issues.

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3.2.  Distributed user planes for mobile and fixed access

   5G networks natively facilitate the decoupling of control and user
   plane.  The 5G User Plane Function (UPF) connects the actual data
   coming over the Radio Area Network (RAN) to the Internet.  Being able
   to quickly and accurately route packets to the correct destination on
   the internet is key to improving efficiency and user satisfaction.
   For this, the UPF terminates the tunnel carrying end user traffic
   over the RAN permitting to route such traffic in the 5G network
   towards its destination, e.g., providing reachability to edge
   computing facilities.

   Currently, the UPF is planned to be deployed in two parts of the (5G)
   cellular system, namely in the Core Network and at the Edge inside a
   Multi-Access Edge Controller (MEC).  However, in a future 6G network,
   it is envisioned that several UPFs can be deployed in a more
   distributed manner, not only for covering different access areas, but
   also with the attempt of providing access to different types of
   services, linked with the idea of network slicing as means for
   tailored service differentiation, while also allowing for
   frontloading services to minimize latency.

   For instance, some UPFs could be deployed very close to the access
   for services requiring either low latency or very high bandwidth,
   while others, requiring less service flows, could be deployed in a
   more centralized manner.  Furthermore, multiple service instances
   could be deployed in different UPFs albeit scaled up and down
   differently, depending on the demand in a specific moment at the
   specific UPF (and its serving area).

   Similarly to mobile access networks, fixed access solutions are
   proposing schemas for the separation of control and user plane for
   Broadband Network Gateway (BNG) elements [I-D.wadhwa-rtgwg-bng-cups]
   [BBF].  From the deployment point of view, different instances can be
   deployed based on different metrics such as coverage, and temporary

   As a complement to both mobile and fixed access scenarios, edge
   computing capabilities are expected to complement the deployments for
   hosting service and applications of different purposes, both for
   services internal to the operator as well as third party services.

   We can observe the following pain points when realizing such scenario
   based on today's available solutions:

   1.  Time-to-first-byte: Low latency in finding suitable service
       instances, and thus the (distributed) UPF where the chosen
       service instance is located, is crucial for many of the

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       envisioned (e.g., mobile edge) scenarios that 5G networks
       envision.  Furthermore, the mobile nature of many of the
       envisioned scenarios also pose specific requirements on service
       session initiation time, thus the initiation time is key to an
       acceptable service experience.  Thus, the latencies involved in
       resolving service names into the appropriate routing locator are
       a key issue.

   2.  Dynamicity: The mobile nature of many scenarios for, e.g., mobile
       edge computing and other application areas for 5G systems,
       necessitates dynamic decisions, particularly over the runtime of
       the overall application use case.  For instance, a video session
       with an initial selection of a UPF and associated video server
       may quickly deteriorate due to, e.g., increasing delay to the
       initial selection of the video server caused by the user's
       movement.  Also, demands on edge resources may fluctuate with the
       ephemeral nature of mobile users joining and leaving, while at
       the same time those edge resources are often more limited in
       capacity in comparison to centralized resources, consequently
       requiring a more frequent and, thus, dynamic revisiting of the
       initial selections of service instances for traffic engineering
       and thus ensuring a suitable user experience.

   3.  Service-specific selection: Either for both selection of the
       specific user plane termination instance, or from that point on,
       selection of the service instance connected to that user plane
       function, service-specific semantics (and enabling mechanisms)
       for the selection choice may be required.

3.3.  Multi-homed and multi-domain services

   Corporate services usually define requirements in terms of
   availability and resiliency.  This is why multi-homing is common in
   order to diversify the access to services external to the premises of
   the corporation, or for providing interconnectivity of corporate
   sites (and access to internal services such as databases, etc).

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   A similar scenario in which external services need to be reached from
   within a specific location, is the Connected Aircraft.  Solutions
   that allow for the exploitation of multi-connected aircrafts (e.g.,
   several satellite connections, plus air-to-ground connectivity) are
   important to improve passenger experience, while helping make the
   crew more productive with networking solutions that enable seamless,
   high-speed broadband.  Managing a multi-connected Aircraft would
   benefit from mechanisms that would enable the selection of the best
   connection points based on service-specific semantics, besides the
   traffic related parameters considered by solutions such as SD-WAN,
   which aims to automate traffic steering in an application-driven
   manner, based on the equivalent of a VPN service between well defined

   Multi-homing issues in connection with aircrafts also extend to
   Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).  Rather than focusing on passenger
   experience, multi-homing over commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
   communications modules such as 5G or IEEE 802.11 provide command,
   control and communications (C3) capabilities to Unmanned Aerial
   Vehicles (UAV; drones).  Here, regulatory frameworks mandate fail-
   over and minimum response times that require active management of
   connectivity to the aircraft.

   An architectural approach common to the Connected Aircraft as well as
   UAS is to view network functions physically located on the aircraft
   as services, which are multi-homed due to the communications fail-
   over capabilities of the aircraft.  Additionally, objects in flight
   will regularly change network attachment points for the same physical
   link, which may require updates to service routing information.

   The diversity of providers implies to consider service situations in
   a multi-domain environment, because of the interaction with multiple
   administrative domains.

   From the service perspective, it seems necessary to ensure a common
   understanding of the service expectations and objectives
   independently of the domain traversed or the domain providing such a
   service.  Common semantics can facilitate the assurance of the
   service delivery and a quick adaptation to changing conditions in the
   internal of a domain, or even across different domains.

   The pain points for multi-homed and multi-domain services are:

   1.  Time-to-first-byte: A service often requires a short completion
       time, often constrained by regulatory requirements.  Hence,
       explicit resolution steps may present a challenge to meet those
       completion times, particularly when being additionally met with a
       dynamicity in the network conditions, as discussed next.

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   2.  Dynamicity: In the afore discussed multi-homing environments,
       paths may become entirely unavailable or desirable to change due
       to new network attachment points becoming available or network
       conditions dynamically changing.  Decisions on which service
       instance to utilize (exposed through different routing locators
       on different network attachments) may thus need to become highly
       dynamic so to ensure restoration of a service to or from an
       endpoint.  This does not only require fast decision making,
       questioning the use of explicit resolution mechanisms, but also
       mandates a fast update to the conditions that drive the selection
       of the right instance (and thus locator in the multi- homed
       environment) being used for completition of the service.

   3.  Reliability: Many of the aforementioned scenarios for a multi-
       homed environments require high reliability irrespective of the
       dynamicity of the environment in which it operates (some domains
       impose regulatory requirements on that reliability).  Overall,
       reliability is the constraining requirement in these scenarios.
       Hence, while multi-homing is a means by which reliability may be
       achieved, any solution exploiting multi-homing must take the
       scenario's specific dynamicity into account.

3.4.  Micro-service Based Mobile Applications

   Mobile applications usually install a monolithic implementation of
   the device-specific functionality, where this functionality may
   explicitly utilize remote service capabilities, e.g., provided
   through cloud-based services.

   Application functionality may also be developed based on a micro-
   service architecture, breaking down the application into independent
   functions (services) that can work and communicate together.  When
   such services are jointly deployed (i.e., installed) at the mobile
   device, its overall functionality resembles that of existing

   However, the services may also be invoked on network devices other
   than the mobile device itself, utilizing service-based routing
   capabilities to forward the service request (and its response) to the
   remote entity, effectively implementing an 'off-loading' capability.
   Efforts such as the BBF MCN work [MCN] capture this aspect as 'edge-
   to-edge collaboration', where in our case here the edge does include
   the end user devices themselves.

   A distributed system developed based on a micro-service architecture
   inevitably introduces additional complexity as multiple independent
   services need to be synchronized in a way that allows them to work as
   a unified software system.  If services are split across servers that

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   multi-faceted infrastructure will need to be provisioned not just in
   resource allocation but also in its steering of traffic across those
   resources.  This is where a service-centric network solution able to
   coordinate the chain of such services could play an important role.

   The work in [I-D.sarathchandra-coin-appcentres] proposes such micro-
   service approach for mobile applications.  The simple example in
   [I-D.sarathchandra-coin-appcentres] outlines the distribution of
   video reception, processing, and displaying capabilities as
   individual services across many network locations.  As a result,
   display service instances may be switched very quickly based on,
   e.g., gaze control mechanisms, providing display indirection
   capabilities that utilize display hardware other than the original
   device's one, while image processing may be offloaded to one or more
   processing service instances; given the possible stateless nature of
   the processing, each individual video frame may be processed by
   another processing service instance to improve overall latency
   variance, as shown in [OnOff2022].

   As also discussed in [I-D.sarathchandra-coin-appcentres], such micro-
   service design may well be integrated into today's application
   development frameworks, where a device-internal service registry
   would allow for utilizing device-local service instances first before
   directing the service invocation to the network, the latter relying
   on a service-based routing capability to steer the request to a
   'suitable' service endpoint.

   We can observe the following pain points when realizing such
   scenarios based on explicit discovery mechanisms:

   1.  Time-to-first-byte: Steering service requests requires up-to-date
       service instance information.  A dedicated resolution service,
       such as the DNS or even a purely local mDNS system, would add
       several milliseconds (in CDN systems, [OnOff2022] cites 15 to
       45ms for such latency) to the completion time for a request.
       Performing such resolution (repeatedly) for every request is thus
       not possible for services such as those outlined in
       [I-D.sarathchandra-coin-appcentres] where the request arrival
       time corresponds to framerates in a video scenario.  The
       resulting violation of the available delay budget (defined
       through the framework) would thus impact the time-to-first-byte
       for every single (frame) request and ultimately negatively impact
       the user experience.

   2.  Dynamicity: User interaction may be one driver for dynamicity in
       those scenarios.  For instance, the aforementioned display
       indirection may take place at high frequency, triggered by
       sensory input (e.g., gaze control) to decide which instance is

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       best to direct the video stream to.  This may be beneficial for
       new, e.g., gaming experiences that utilize immersive device
       capabilities.  Other examples may include the offloading of
       processing capabilities (in case of 'better', i.e., more capable,
       processing being available elsewhere).  This requires service
       instances to be switched over quickly, either through
       provisioning new ones or by deciding to use an available yet
       previously unused service instance, such as in the aforementioned
       display indirection scenario.  Utilizing a newly deployed service
       instance may be needed for efficiency purposes, e.g., moving the
       client from a loaded instance to another one available.  Even if
       utilizing a switch-over mechanism, in which the 'old' service
       instance would used (if this is possible) before switching over
       to the new one requires that the mapping information is updated
       in a suitably timely manner, thus needing to align the desired
       switchover time with the possible mapping update time.  Given
       that DNS updates, even in local environments, can take seconds,
       while ranging towards minutes or even longer in remote DNS
       environments, switchover to newly available service instances
       would be significantly limited.  With this, the micro-service
       based applications would be executed over rather static sets of
       deployed service instances, not utilizing the possible computing
       diversity that the edge computing environment possibly provides
       them with.

   3.  Service-specific selection: The choice of service instance may be
       highly dependent on the application, e.g., driven by user
       interaction specific to the realized application, and its
       specific micro-services that are executed in the distributed
       environment.  While network parameters like latency and bandwidth
       are useful for instance selection, they are also limiting when
       instance- and service-specific criteria are key.  For instance,
       the processing micro-service in our application example above may
       be realized across N service instances, instead just one,
       allowing to have a sequence of frames being processed in a round
       robin fashion with the result of reducing the latency variance of
       the processed frame, as shown albeit in a different scenario in
       [OnOff2022].  Embodying this service-specific selection beyond
       purely network-centric metrics is key, while linking back to the
       dynamicity pain point in that those decisions may occur at high
       frequency, here at every frame request.

   4.  Distributed network locations for service instances: Service
       instances may be highly distributed, driven by the chained nature
       of the overall application experience and its realization in
       separate service (chain) instances.  In turn, the service
       instance locations may not reside in a single, e.g., edge
       network, but span access networks and technologies alike, while

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       also relying on (central) cloud-based resources or even remotely
       located resources provided by users directly (e.g., in visiting
       scenarios where users may rely services executed in their home
       network, e.g., for file retrieval).

   5.  Diversity of application identifiers: While, for instance, a
       REST-based model of service invocation may be used, thus
       positioning URIs as the key application identifier, the possible
       integration into an application framework, such as for Android or
       iOS, may also favour more application-specific identifiers, which
       are used for what effectively constitutes a procedure call in the
       (now distributed) application.  Thus, a single application
       identifier scheme may not exist, thus requiring suitable,
       possibly separate, mapping schemes beyond the DNS to resolve onto
       a suitable network locator.

3.5.  Constrained Video Delivery

   Chunk-based video delivery is often constrained to, e.g., latency or
   playout requirements, while the content itself may be distributed as
   well as replicated across several network locations.  Thus, it is
   required to steer client requests for specific content under specific
   constraints to one of the possibly many network locations at which
   the respective content may reside.

   The work in [I-D.jennings-moq-quicr-arch] proposes a publish-
   subscribe metaphor that connects clients to a fixed infrastructure of
   relays for delivering the desired content under specific constraints.
   Within our context of service-based routing, the relays realize the
   selection of the 'right' service instance, deployed by different
   content providers, where this selection is being constrained by the
   requirements for the video's delivery to the client.  However, the
   publish/subscribe operations in [I-D.jennings-moq-quicr-arch]
   manifest an explicit discovery step, plus require the deployment of
   an explicit relay overlay across possibly many network provider

   We can observe the following pain points when realizing such scenario
   through explicit overlays such as those proposed by QUICr:

   1.  Time-to-first-byte: [I-D.jennings-moq-quicr-arch] aligns with
       well-established service routing capabilities in that it still
       relies on an explicit discovery step through the pub/sub
       operation in order to 'find' the appropriate relay that may serve
       or point to a serving endpoint.  This incurs additional latency
       before the actual end-to-end data transfer may commence.

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   2.  Dynamicity: Due to the explicit pub/sub-based discovery step,
       dynamic changes of serving endpoints will repeatedly incur the
       aforementioned latency for the brokering between client and
       serving endpoint.  With that, there will likely be a tendency to
       aggregate content at the level, e.g., of a movie, or at least
       larger number of chunks.  Thus, video provisioning may well be
       distributed, but the delivery of a selected piece of content will
       still be limited to few or just a single serving endpoint for the
       duration of the content delivery.

   3.  Distributed network locations for the serving endpoints: Although
       QUICr acknowledges the need for distributing the serving
       endpoints, it relies on a fixed hierarchy of overlay relays/
       brokers with a single point of failure in the root relay.
       Instead a routing-based approach may provide the needed
       resilience against overlay changes and/or failures, thus not
       disrupting the video discovery capability of the system.

   4.  Diversity of application identifiers: QUICr is a very good
       example for a system that introduces, here for efficiency
       purposes, its own application identifier scheme (a 128bit
       identifier, comprised of user, group and content information)
       instead of relying on long URIs used to express the desired
       content.  However, this in turn requires the QUICr overlay to not
       just direct client requests but also provide an application-
       specific mapping from those identifiers onto the routing locators
       of the service endpoint.

3.6.  AR/VR through Replicated Storage

   AR/VR scenarios often utilize stored content for delivering immersive
   experiences, albeit with interaction capabilities stemming from the
   nature of the used equipment, e.g., headsets.  This interaction may
   lead to varying content retrieval patterns, e.g., due to early
   termination of an ongoing content retrieval caused by a user moving
   the headset and thus changing the field of view.

   In addition, AR/VR underlies stringent latency requirements.  Among
   others, [I-D.liu-can-ps-usecases] outlines typical delay budgets for
   such scenarios.  Thus, minimizing latencies for the overall delivery
   for each chunk is desirable.

   Furthermore, the delivery of content to a group of clients often uses
   replicated storage, i.e., clients may be served from one of possibly
   many replicated content storages throughout the network.  Given the
   stateless nature of content chunk retrieval in such replicated setup,
   it may be desirable to make decisions of where to send a client
   request at EVERY chunk request per client.

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   Expressed in notations of a queuing system, a system of N clients is
   suggested to be retrieving content chunks from k service instances,
   where each chunk request is directed to any of the possible k
   instances; given the stateless nature of this service, any of the k
   instances is able to serve the chunk without knowledge of any
   previous one.

   Current systems usually employ a load balancing system, which
   determines which content storage to use at the beginning of a session
   as part of the DNS lookup for the video server, using techniques such
   as Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB [GSLB]).  In the notation of a
   queuing system, only one server exists but serving N/k clients, if
   there are k replicas and N clients overall.

   We can observe the following pain points when realizing such scenario
   in today's available systems that utilize per-session load balancing

   1.  Time-to-first-byte: Explicit lookup systems incur latencies,
       often lying between 15 to 45ms (or significantly more for
       services not being resolved by the first hop resolver)
       [OnOff2022].  As outlined in [I-D.liu-can-ps-usecases], the delay
       budgets for AR/VR are small in their constituents, requiring not
       just delivery but storage retrieval, decoding, rendering and
       other aspects to come together in time.  Thus, explicit discovery
       lookups are to be avoided, pushing the system towards linking a
       client to a single replica at the start of the session, therefore
       avoiding any needed lookup for the session remainder.

   2.  Dynamicity: As shown in [OnOff2022], a retrieval that utilizes
       any of the k replicas significantly reduces the variance of the
       retrieval latency experienced by any of the N clients compared to
       groups of N/k clients retrieving content from only one replica
       each.  Such reduced variance positively impacts the user
       experience through less buffering applied at the client side but
       also better adhering to the overall latency budget (often in the
       range of 100ms in AR/VR scenarios with pre-emptive chunk
       retrieval).  Although pre-emptive retrieval is also possible in
       systems with explicit lookup operations, the involved latencies
       pose a problem, as discussed in the previous point.

   3.  Distributed network locations for content replica: the
       consequence of the two previous points on latency and dynamicity
       is the centralization of video delivery in a single network
       location (e.g., a Point-of-Presence DC), in which service
       provisioning platforms such as K8S may be used to dynamically
       select one of the possibly many assigned replica resources in the
       data centre.  Such centralization, however, poses an economic and

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       social problem to many content producers in that it, possibly
       unduly, increases the economic power of content delivery
       platforms.  Instead, federated and distributed platforms may be
       preferable by some communities, such as those represented by the
       'fediverse', albeit wanting similar traffic steering capabilities
       within the distributed network system in which content replica
       may be deployed.

3.7.  Cloud-to-Thing Serverless Computing

   The computing continuum is a crucial enabler of 5G and 6G networks as
   it supports the requirements of new applications, such as latency and
   bandwidth critical ones, using the available infrastructure.  With
   the advent of new networks deployed beyond the edge, such as
   vehicular and satellite networks, researchers have begun
   investigating solutions to support the cloud-to-thing continuum, in
   which applications distribute logic (services) across the network
   following a micro-service architecture.  In this scenario storage,
   computing and networking resources are managed in a decentralized way
   between cloud, the edge (most liked MEC) and the adhoc network of
   moving devices, such as aircraft and satellites.

   In this scenario, a serverless-based service architecture may be
   beneficial for the deployment and management of interdependent
   distributed computing functions, whose behavior and location can be
   redefined in real-time in order to ensure the continuous operation of
   the application.  Serverless architecture is closely related to
   micro-services.  The latter is a way to design an application and the
   former a way to run all or part of an application.  That is the key
   to their compatibility.  It is possible to code a micro-service and
   run it as a serverless function.

   The combination of a microservice architecture with a serverless
   model is a driver for dynamicity in Cloud-to-Thing scenarios where a
   third-party cloud provider takes care of the deployment od all
   services encompassing each application.  In this situation as soon as
   the application code is triggered, the server allocates resources to
   all its services in different locations and draws them back when the
   application is no longer active.

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   The consideration of serverless architectures is important for the
   Cloud-to-Thing continuum, since resources beyond the edge, in the
   adhoc part of the continuum, may be constraint and intermittently
   available.  Hence it makes sense to leverage a serverless
   architecture in which applications consists of a set of functions
   (services) that are not permanently available.  On contrary, services
   have a lifecycle as they are triggered, called, executed, runs and is
   then removed as soon as it is no longer needed.  Serverless services
   only run when they are needed, potentially saving significant

   In this scenario, the combination of a service oriented data plan
   with a model capable of delegating and adapting serverless services
   in a Cloud-to-Thing continuum is important.  The former need to be
   aware of the presence of different services/functions in order to be
   able to execute applications based on the correct selection and
   invocation of different services, within their lifetime.  Most
   importantly, this awareness of the servies is likely to be highly
   dynamic in the nature of its distribution across network-connected

   We can observe the following pain points when realizing such scenario
   in today's available systems based on explicit mapping and/or

   1.  Time-to-first-byte: The computing continuum aims to support the
       requirements of new applications, including latency and bandwidth
       critical ones, using the available infrastructure.  However, in a
       cloud-to-thing scenario high latency may occur due to the need to
       resolve service names in faraway servers (e.g.  DNS).  Hence,
       performing DNS resolution for every request in a cloud-to-thing
       continuum in which the far edge may be intermittently connected
       is not desirable.  The violation of the available delay budget
       would impact the time-to-first-byte for every single request over
       the Cloud-to-Thing continuum, having a negative impact on the
       user experience.

   2.  Dynamicity: In a Cloud-to-Thing scenario, a serverless-based
       service architecture may be beneficial for the deployment and
       management of interdependent distributed computing functions,
       whose behavior and location can be redefined in real-time in
       order to ensure the continuous operation of the application based
       on the dynamic behaviour of the network.  Service awareness is
       likely to be highly dynamic due to its distribution in a set of
       heterogeneous network-connected nodes.

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   3.  Service-specific selection: A serverless architecture brings
       benefits to a Cloud-to-Thing continuum, where resources beyond
       the edge may be intermittently available, since applications
       consist of a set of services that are not permanently deployed.
       In this scenario and due to the intermittent characteristics of
       the network, different instances may be deployed in different
       places.  In this context the choice of service instance may be
       highly dependent on serverless functions currently deployed in a
       distributed fashion, as well as of the network conditions.

   4.  Distributed network locations for service instances: In a Cloud-
       to-thing scenario, the usage of a service oriented data plan to
       delegate and adapt serverless services is important and needs to
       be aware of the distributed presence of different services,
       potentially spanning different networks, in order to be able to
       execute applications based on the correct selection and
       invocation of different services, within their lifetime.

3.8.  Metaverse

   Large-scale interactive and networked real-time rendered tree
   dimension Extended Reality (XR) spaces, such as the Metaverse, follow
   the assumption that applications will be hosted on platforms,
   similarly to current web and social media applications.  However, the
   Metaverse is supposed to be more than the participation in isolated
   three dimension XR spaces.  The Metaverse is supposed to allow the
   internetworking among a large number of XR spaces, although some
   problems have been observed such as lock-in effects, centralization,
   and cost overheads.

   In spite of the general understanding about potential internetworking
   limitations, current technical discussions are ignoring the
   networking challenges altogether.  From a networking perspective, it
   is expected that the Metaverse will challenge traditional client-
   server inspired web models, centralized security trust anchors and
   server-style distributed computing, due to the need to take into
   account interoperability among a large number of XR spaces, low
   latency and the envisioned Metaverse pervasiveness.

   Current Metaverse platforms rely on web protocols and cloud services,
   but suffer from performance limitations when interconnecting XR
   spaces.  Some of the challenges pass by consistent throughput to
   handle high resolution XR applications, and fast response times to
   computational requests.  This leads to the need to bring cloud
   computing and storage resources towards the edge to reduce long round
   trip times.

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   To support Metaverse low latency requirements taking into account the
   constrained resource of heterogeneous devices in the Cloud-to-Thing
   continuum, a service-centric networking framework should be based on
   micro-services executed as serverless services/functions inside
   selected devices.  The motivation to look at serverless functions is
   related to their capability to simplify service management on
   heterogeneous devices.

   In this context, an open and decentralized Metaverse, able to allow
   the internetworking of a large number of XR spaces, may be supported
   by intertwining distributed computing and networking.  Hence it is
   expected that Metaverse applications may gain from a service-centric
   network framework able to support the execution of services while
   taking advantage of storage, networking, and computing resources
   located as close as possible from users, with a dynamic assignment of
   client requests to those resources.

   While the usage of isolated XR spaces is currently a reality, the
   deployment of a large scale Metaverse should relies in a
   decentralized networking framework, of which Distributed Ledger
   Technology (DLT) is a major driver, facilitating the deployment of
   several Metaverse features such as streaming of payments and NFTs
   that make digital ownership possible in the Metaverse.  Moreover, DLT
   makes it possible to identify oneself in a secure way in the
   Metaverse, being also a major web3.0 building block.  The Web3.0
   builds Internet services on decentralized platforms, being the
   ownership of the platform tokenized and the users' own tokens are
   calculated based on their contribution to the platform.  For instance
   Web3.0 domain names are DLT-based DNS addresses that allow users to
   create and manage their own personalized domains.

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   Development of DLT based on a service-centric networking approach
   brings several benefits.  To start with, designing DLT applications
   as microservices allow many software engineering initiatives to run
   in parallel, reduce dependencies between software development, and
   allow for the support of multiple technologies, languages and
   frameworks.  Moreover developing DLT on a service-centric networking
   framework may help to solve the DLT scalability problem, allowing the
   implementation of data sharding techniques, in which the storage of
   the ledger and/or the data used to recreate the ledger is divided
   across many shards, which are distirbuted between different devices.
   This process reduces individual nodes storage requirements at any
   given time to that of a single shard or small set of shards. a
   service-centric networking approach may also support the need for
   data availability sampling, providing a method for the network to
   check that data is available without putting too much strain on any
   individual node.  This will allow DLT to prove that historical data
   needed to reconstruct part of the ledger was available at one point
   (i.e. when the block was produced) without nodes actually having to
   download all the data themselves.

   We can observe the following pain points when realizing such scenario
   in today's available systems based on explicit mapping and/or

   1.  Time-to-first-byte: Massive interactive immersive spaces based on
       virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality or spatial
       computing will have more demanding network requirements than
       current applications, especially latency-wise.  On the other
       hand, Internet technologies induce significant end-to-end
       latency, such as explicit lookup systems and congestion control.
       The former incur latencies, often between 15 to 45ms, or
       significantly more for services not being resolved by the first
       hop resolver.  On the other hand, end-to-end congestion control
       relies on inducing latency.  Additionally, the internet runs on
       shared infrastructure or frequencies, and Internet Services
       Providers have no incentives or simple means to change that.
       Hence, it will be beneficial to run web-based Metaverse service
       on top of a framework able to avoid explicit lookup systems and
       end-to-end traffic.

   2.  Dynamicity: To fulfill the user experience and Quality-of-Service
       (QoS) requirements, the Metaverse indeed requires extremely
       intensive and dynamic resource demands that have never been seen
       before.  To address the Metaverse resource management challenge,
       multi-tier computing architectures can be considered, in which
       case we need to deploy a system able to select a proper set of
       services to run Metaverse applications, handling the dynamic
       needs of different applications over time.

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   3.  Distributed network locations for service instances: An open and
       decentralized Metaverse, able to allow the internetworking of a
       large number of XR spaces, may be supported by intertwining
       distributed computing and networking.  In this scenario,
       computing intensive tasks, e.g. of real-time graphic and audio,
       rendering from different metaverse services may be processed in
       different network locations based on a collaborative computing
       paradigm, which will benefit from a system able to find the most
       suitable service instances in a distributed networking

   4.  Service-specific selection: The choice of service instance may be
       highly dependent on the metaverse application, and they may be
       located in different places in the network.  Hence there is the
       need to find not only the closest service instance, but the one
       that fullfils the needs of specific applications.

   5.  Diversity of application identifiers: A metaverse application may
       encompass a significant set of heterogeneous services, such as
       video, 3D models, spatial sound, voice, IoT, each of which with a
       specific set of identifiers and semantics.  Thus, a single
       application identifier scheme may not exist, thus requiring
       suitable, possibly separate, mapping schemes beyond the DNS to
       resolve onto a suitable network locator.

   6.  Selection sovereignty: Utilizing a global resolution system may
       not be desirable in the case of Metaverse applications, since a
       centralizing DNS resolution system may run significantly counter
       the desire to not reveal service usage patterns to large
       corporations.  Distributing also the service selection itself,
       maybe even governed under a regional/national or organizational
       body more directly associated to the service category itself, may
       also address the sovereignty concerns of those service providers
       and users alike.

3.9.  Popularity-based Services

   The BBF MCN use case report [MCN] outlines 'popularity' as a criteria
   to move from current explicit indirection-based approaches (such as
   DNS, GSLB, or Alto) to active service-based routing approaches.

   Here, popularity, e.g., measured in service usage over a period of
   time, is being used as a trigger to announce a popular service to an
   active service-based routing platform, while less popular services
   continue to be served via existing (e.g., DNS-based) methods.
   Equally, services may be unannounced, thus retracted, from the
   service-based routing overlay to better control the overall cost for
   the provisioning of the service-based routing overlay.

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   With this, one could foresee the provisioning of a service-based
   routing overlay, such as ROSA, as an optimization for a CDN platform
   provider, either through commercially interfacing to a separate ROSA
   provider or providing the ROSA domain itself.

   We can observe the following pain points when realizing such scenario
   in today's available systems based on explicit mapping and/or

   1.  Time-to-first-byte: Popular services desire low latency in
       delivering their responses.  Such popular services may be popular
       videos (e.g., routing based on the video title), but also popular
       elements in webpages with the aim to reduce the overall page
       loading time.  Resolution latency adds to the time-to-first-byte,
       thus removing or reducing that latency is key.  Particularly for
       webpages, the latency incurred for objects that reside on popular
       albeit distinct websites may compound the overall latency penalty
       due to the distinct resolution required to be performed.

   2.  Dynamicity: Popularity may vary as a function for different types
       of content, e.g., being time dependent for video content while
       being type-specific for webpages (of certain categories).  Most
       importantly, the popularity may change based on that function,
       requiring the system to adjust its announcement into the active
       service routing platform.  Furthermore, the service routing
       capability for those popular service may not just foresee to
       serve the popular service from dedicated resources but even
       dynamically assign the specific resource to be used.  This aligns
       dynamicity here with that observed in the use case of
       Section 3.6, e.g., wanting to serve popular content from a set of
       replicated resources, possibly distributed across more than one
       network site.

   3.  Distributed network locations for the serving endpoints:
       Continuing from the previous point, popular services must not
       just be served from dedicated resources but distributed ones.
       More so, the assignment policy may depend not just on the service
       but the network region in which requests are being initiated.

3.10.  Data and Processing Sovereignty

   Data access of any kind, be it for personal as well as curated
   content or for social media, has become essential to our lives, yet
   its implementation is fraught with problems.  Content as well as
   service hosts are forced to use CDNs to effectively distribute their
   data, or choose to rely on one of the big platforms entirely.  As a
   result, the transport from host to receiver is overseen by a
   conglomerate of giant multi-national corporations, as also observed

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   in various Internet metrics like the GINI of HHI metric.  For an end
   user, data governance but also realization of the significant (often
   cloud) infrastructure of those corporations are thus difficult to
   oversee as a result.

   As a result, this mode of organizing data transport has created
   structural inefficiencies in our service provisioning infrastructure,
   e.g., for those distributed end user created video content.  In
   contrast, a public video streaming infrastructure, which takes
   content from various hosts and distributes it in an efficient fashion
   without involvement of a centralized entity, may be preferable from a
   data governance and ownership standpoint, while still wanting to
   maintain the desired service quality.  Yet, dominant video streaming
   providers are not incentivized to develop such technologies, since it
   reduces the barrier of entry for competitors.  Instead, if necessary
   technologies were developed, big economic blocks like the EU could
   commission the creation of such an infrastructure on their territory
   even incentivize its use to foster decentralization and localized
   data governance.  Such an undertaking could both possibly reduce the
   resource footprint for service provisioning as well as open the
   heavily concentrated market of service provisioning platforms.

   We envision, for instance for accessing a video, that a user would
   access a service address, which in turn would be resolved to a
   regional service instance.  This instance would either use local
   caches or connect to the wider video streaming infrastructure to
   retrieve the requested video in the most efficient manner.  Within
   the video streaming infrastructure, techniques such as proximal
   caching or multicasting could be used to minimize resource usage.

   Key here is not the ability to build such service provisioning
   infrastructure per se, but link the resolution of the service address
   to an IP address to a service category specific resolution overlay
   that is not just reducing the latencies experienced in today's DNS
   systems but allows for being deployed entirely independent from large
   corporations but instead from decentralized communities, such as for
   instance the 'fediverse'.

   We can observe the following pain points when realizing such scenario
   in today's available POP-based systems:

   1.  Dynamicity: Decentralization of infrastructure may increase the
       dynamicity of assignments between executing service entities, not
       just from clients to initial services but also among (chained)
       services.  This dynamicity may serve the localization of data
       traffic but also result from permissionless participation in the
       service, such as for blockchain or similar services.

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   2.  Distributed network locations for the serving endpoints: Data
       localization, as one consequence for increasing national and/or
       regional data and processing sovereignty, may lead to a higher
       distribution of serving endpoints in the network and thus will
       need support in the respective service endpoint selection

   3.  Service-specific selection: The localization requirements may
       differ from one service to another, hence a one-size-fits-all,
       e.g., through geo-locating, will not suffice.  Instead, services
       may want to employ their specific choice of selection.

   4.  Diversity of application identifiers: While domain services have
       proliferated in service provisioning, many particularly local
       services may rely on application-specific identifiers, thus not
       relying on the DNS and its associated governance of the

   5.  Selection sovereignty: Utilizing a global resolution system may
       not be desirable for localized, including community driven
       services.  But more so, the drive to centralizing DNS resolution
       through CDN provider based HTTP-over-DNS solutions, may run
       significantly counter the desire to not reveal service usage
       patterns to large corporations.  Distributing also the service
       selection itself, maybe even governed under a regional/national
       or organizational body more directly associated to the service
       category itself (e.g., for fediverse social media), may also
       address the sovereignty concerns of those service providers and
       users alike.

3.11.  Web Browsing

   Web browsing remains an important usage of the Internet, including
   during mobile use.  Whether it is browsing through pages of places,
   e.g., linked through mapping services, or view the results of a
   search performed before, users often view and thus access pages on
   the Internet through the HTTP protocol suite.  This is unlike, e.g.,
   social media or over-the-top video services, which often underlie
   strict traffic engineering to ensure a superior user experience and
   are mainly accessed through dedicated, e.g., mobile, applications.
   However, for web browsing as outlined here, content delivery networks
   (CDNs) may be used for frequently visited websites, utilizing CDNs as
   large web caches to improve page loading times.

   Key to the browsing experience is that webpages include links, often
   to other sites, for additional content.  For instance, in 2019, a web
   page loaded on a desktop included on average 70 resources (75 for as
   mobile page) [MACHMETRIC], many of which may require their own DNS

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   resolution if pointing to other URLs than those previously resolved
   (within the browsed page or in other pages visited before).  Further,
   according to [MACHMETRIC], the time to first bye (TTFB) was 1.28s for
   a desktop and 2.59s for mobile pages in the same year, while it took
   on average about 4.7s to load the overall page, with 11.9s for a
   mobile page .

   Key here is that the DNS latency for resolving one URL may
   significantly accumulate due to the many objects a web page may
   include.  While CDNs reduce page loading time, Internet-based
   resources (thus those not hosted by the local CDN), still require
   resolving the URL, often at significantly higher latency than the
   CDN-based resolver; with [OnOff2022] positioning Internet resources
   at more than 100ms to resolve through the DNS, while CDN-hosted
   resources may be resolved within 15 to 45ms.

   We can observe the following pain points when realizing such scenario
   in today's available POP-based systems:

   1.  Time-to-first-byte (TTFB): A lot of emphasis is given in web
       design on improving the TTFB, particularly to render the initial
       information for the end user.  However, as observed above, that
       TTFB remains high, which may also be a factor of users not just
       browsing popular sites, which often are very well traffic
       engineered, but encountering websites, e.g., in mapping
       applications, that are hosted outside the CDN, i.e., within the
       wider Internet.

   2.  Accumulated latency: While we have recognized the impact of
       resolution latency in the different use cases of this document,
       web browsing often exhibits a strong accumulated effect of
       individual DNS resolutions needing to happen.  Sure, this effect
       is highly dependent on the linked character of the resources on
       the web page.  For instance, if rendering a media gallery with
       images stored at the same server that provides the initial frame
       layout, no further DNS resolution is required since all resources
       reside within the same URL.  But if the same 'gallery' experience
       were to show images from distributed websites, additional DNS
       resolution, possibly for every image, would be required, thus
       significantly worsening the latency experienced by the end user.

   From the above, we can identify the explicit resolution step,
   requiring a lookup request with response, before the actual HTTP-
   based transfer may commence, as a key source for impacting the page
   retrieval time (we note that other aspects like client rendering and
   server performance are impacting the overall page loading time but
   this lies outside the scope of the discussions here).

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   With the above in mind, we postulate that an in-band signalling of
   URL to IP mapping requests may significantly reduce the overall page
   retrieval time, particularly for those scenarios in which no other
   traffic engineering methods, such as the careful balancing between
   CDN caches, is applied, as it is usual for popular sites.

   In a preliminary evaluation of such in-band benefits, we positioned
   the in-band element, realizing the functionalities outlined in
   [I-D.trossen-rtgwg-rosa-arch] as the Service Access Router and the
   Service Access Gateway, at the CDN ingress.  This enables access to
   ROSA-hosted resources as well as resources hosted by both the CDN and
   the wider Internet through the same CDN ingress point.

   We assumed a client-CDN RTT of 20ms and we were able to show a
   reduction for up to 60% of page retrieval time in a simple model
   where a single page is being retrieved, followed by a parallelized
   retrieval of all objects included in the initial page.  Further, the
   time-to-first-byte (i.e., the retrieval of the initial object of up
   to 14kB size) was reduced by up to 70% for CDN-hosted objects.
   Although those results are preliminary, they outline the potential
   that moving from explicit resolution to in-band resolution could

4.  Issues Observed Across the Use Cases

   Several observations can be drawn from the use case examples in the
   previous section in what concerns their technical needs:

   1.  Anycast behaviour: Service instances for a specific service may
       exist in more than one network location, e.g., for replication
       purposes to serve localized demand, while reducing latency, as
       well as to increase service resilience.

   2.  Dynamic decisions: Selections of the 'right' or 'best' service
       instance in the aforementioned anycast behaviour may be highly
       dynamic under the given service-specific decision policy and thus
       may change frequently with demand patterns driven by the use
       case.  For instance, in our examples of Distributed Mobile
       applications (Section 3.4) and Metaverse (Section 3.8), human
       interaction may drive the requirement for selecting a suitable
       service instance down to few tens of milliseconds only, thus
       creating a need for high frequency updates on the to-be-chosen
       service instance.  As a consequence, traffic following a specific
       network path from a client to one service instance, may need to
       follow another network path or even utilize an entirely different
       service instance as a result of re-applying the decision policy.

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   3.  Ephemeral Service Instances: While the deployment of service
       instances may follow a longer term planning cycle, e.g., based on
       demand/supply patterns of content usage, it may also have an
       ephemeral nature, e.g., scaling in and out dynamically to cope
       with temporary load situations as well as with the temporary
       nature of serverless functions.  In existing methods, that impose
       significant delays in updating the mappings between service name
       and IP locator, those newly established resources may often
       remain unused since updated mapping are not available in due

   4.  Latency: Minimizing the latency from the initiating client
       request to the actual service response arriving back at the
       client is crucial in many of our scenarios.  Any improvement on
       utilizing the best service instance as quickly as possible, thus
       taking into account any 'better' alternative to the currently
       used one, may have a direct contribution to reducing latency.
       With this, the latencies incurred by explicit resolution steps
       may often add a significant amount to the available delay budget,
       often even exceeding it, as discussed in Section 3.6.  The work
       in [OnOff2022] outlines the possible impact of reducing the use
       of explicit resolution method, thus removing the frequent latency
       imposed by them.  Furthermore, the latency for DNS resolution may
       be accumulative, as discussed in our browsing use cases in
       Section 3.11, possibly significantly worsening the latency impact
       on the overall user experience.

   5.  Service-specific selection: Knowing which are the best locations
       to deploy a service instance is crucial and may depend on
       service-specific demands, realizing a specific service level
       agreement (with an underlying decision policy) that is tailored
       to the service and agreed upon between the service platform
       provider and the communication service provider.

   6.  Support for service distribution: Typical application or also
       L4-level solutions, such as GSLB, QUIC-based indirection, and
       others, lead effectively to egress hopping when performed in a
       multi-site deployment scenario in that the client request will be
       routed first to an egress as defined either through the DNS
       resolution or the indirection through a central server, from
       which the request is now resolved or redirected to the most
       appropriate DC site.  In deployments with a high degree of
       distribution across many (e.g., smaller edge computing) sites,
       this leads to inefficiencies through path stretch and additional
       signalling that will increase the request completion time.
       Instead, it would be desirable to have a more direct traffic
       towards the site where the service will eventually be executed.

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   7.  Namespace mapping: The namespace for services and applications is
       separate from that of routable identifiers used to reach the
       implementing endpoints, i.e., the service instances.  Resolution
       and gateway services are often required to map between those
       namespace, adding management and thus complexity overhead, an
       observation also made in [Namespaces2022].

   8.  Service chaining: A specific service may require the execution of
       more than one service instance, in an intertwining way, which in
       turn requires the coordination of the right service instances,
       each of which can have more than one replica in the network.

   We can conclude from our observations above that (i) distribution (of
   service instances), (ii) dynamicity in the availability of and
   choosing the 'best' service instance, and (iii) efficiency in
   utilizing the best possible service instance are crucial issues for
   our use cases.

5.  Problem Statement

   This document presented a number of use cases for service-based
   routing.  Common across all those use cases is the inherent need for
   a dynamic anycast decision, i.e., the frequent (re-)assignment of
   service instances among a set of possible service endpoints.

   Additionally, this (re-)assignment is driven by service-specific
   policies that capture not just performance-oriented metrics but also
   possible user-centric interactions with other services, which are
   jointly composed towards a larger, chained experience.

   Existing methods, such as DNS, Alto, and others, already handle the
   (re-)assignment between service name and routing locator.  For this,
   they employ an out-of-band resolution step, initiated by the client
   in relation to whatever service the client may want to use and
   resulting in returning the chosen IP address to the client, after
   which the latter initiates a direct communication with the now
   resolved IP address of the chosen service instance.  This method has
   been well proven for the many services as they exist in the Internet

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   However, we must also note that those resolution steps incur explicit
   resolution latencies that add to the end-to-end communication between
   client and service instance.  Furthermore, solution-specific lags may
   exist in updating the name-locator assignments, while each resolution
   solution supports its specific application identifier domain, such as
   domain names (DNS), URLs (ALTO) or others.  In our use cases, these
   issues, together with others, cause problems to the realization and
   performance of the use cases and/or the user experience they set out
   to offer.

   WHAT IF a similar end-to-end procedure of data communication between
   a client and a 'best' choice of service instances (out of set of
   possibly many) existed that significantly reduced the aforementioned
   latency, while it allowed for updating the assignments at rates that
   are more aligned with the possibility to establish new service
   instances in distributed locations?

   We assert that the following problems need to be addressed in
   providing such improved procedure:

   1.  How can we make decisions on anycast-based service instance
       assignments at high rate, even down to every service request,
       raising the question on how to possibly remove the need for an
       explicit out-of-band discovery step, which incurs additional
       latencies before any data transfer can commence?

   2.  How could we improve on the update speed for the assignments
       between service name and 'best' IP locator for the service
       instance to be used, e.g., using insights into routing-based
       approaches, where one desirable capability would to align the
       rate of the possible anycast assignment update with that of the
       possible availability of the service instance resource?

   3.  How could we allow for incorporating service-specific policies
       into the anycast selection mechanism?

   4.  How can we support any application identifier space (within the
       governance defined for that identifier space) beyond domain

   5.  How could the chaining of more than one service be realized
       without explicit discovery latency incurred?

   6.  Most current SBR methods, specifically the DNS, are initiated by
       the client in sending an explicit resolution request, followed by
       subsequent IP-based transfer of the data, that transfer being
       constrained through the routing policies defined by the (possibly
       multi-domain) networks across which those IP packets will

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       traverse.  This leaves transaction management entirely to the
       endpoints, driven by a repeated resolution, if renewed decisions
       are needed.  How can we possibly preserve such client-driven
       operation, and thus avoid transaction state in the network?

   We argue that existing solutions do not provide adequate answers to
   the above problems, which we will separately deepen in our separate
   gap analysis, leading us to formulate requirements for possible
   answers in the same draft, with a first proposal for a solution
   framework and architecture in a separate document.

6.  Conclusions

   Flexible and even highly dynamic service-based routing is key for a
   number of emerging and existing use cases, as we outlined in this

   As we outlined with a range of use cases, there exist a number of
   issues when realizing those use cases, leading us to formulate a
   problem statement for needed work in the IETF to identify adequate
   answers.  In our companion documents, we present our current
   understanding on the shortcomings of existing solutions to SBR,
   together with requirements for a possible improved answer to those

7.  Security Considerations

   To facilitate the decision between service information (i.e., the
   service address) and the IP locator of the selected service instance,
   information needs to be provided to the ROSA service address routers.
   This is similar to the process of resolving domain names to IP
   locators in today's solutions, such as the DNS.  Similar to the
   latter techniques, the preservation of privacy in terms of which
   services the initiating client is communicating with, needs to be
   preserved against the traversing underlay networks.  For this,
   suitable encryption of sensitive information needs to be provided as
   an option.  Furthermore, we assume that the choice of ROSA overlay to
   use for the service to locator mapping is similar to that of choosing
   the client-facing DNS server, thus is configurable by the client,
   including to fall back using the DNS for those cases where services
   may be announced to ROSA methods and DNS-like solutions alike.

8.  IANA Considerations

   This draft does not request any IANA action.

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9.  Acknowledgements

   Many thanks go to Ben Schwartz, Mohamed Boucadair, Tommy Pauly, Joel
   Halpern, Daniel Huang, Peng Liu, Hannu Flinck, and Russ White for
   their comments to the text to clarify several aspects of the
   motiviation for and technical details of ROSA.

10.  Contributors

               Johann Schoepfer

               Emilia Ndilokelwa Weyulu

11.  Informative References

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Authors' Addresses

   Paulo Mendes
   82024 Taufkirchen

   Jens Finkhaeuser
   Interpeer gUG
   86926 Greifenberg

   Luis M. Contreras
   Ronda de la Comunicacion, s/n
   Sur-3 building, 1st floor
   28050 Madrid

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   Dirk Trossen
   Huawei Technologies
   80992 Munich

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