Internet DRAFT - draft-mglt-lurk-tls-requirements


Network Working Group                                         D. Migault
Internet-Draft                                                     K. Ma
Intended status: Standards Track                                Ericsson
Expires: July 22, 2016                                  January 19, 2016

Authentication Model and Security Requirements for the TLS/DTLS Content
                  Provider Edge Server Split Use Case


   In the TLS/DTLS Content provider Edge Server Split use case, a TLS
   Client uses TLS/DTLS to authenticates the Content Provider while
   establishing a TLS/DTLS session with the Edge Server.  Such
   authentication scheme is designated as Split Authentication in this

   In most cases, the Edge Server does not even belong to the Content
   Provider, but instead to a third party like, for example, a Content
   Delivery Network.  As a result, the Content Provider and the Edge
   Server must be able to interact and/or share some information.
   Interactions and shared information constitutes a split
   authentication model varies with the authentication method involved
   in the TLS session.

   For each TLS/DTLS authentication method, the document provides the
   associated split authentication model that makes possible a split
   authentication.  The split authentication model is associated to
   security requirements and an analysis to show it does not introduce
   any weakness compared to the standard TLS authentication model.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on July 22, 2016.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2016 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Conventions Used in This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   4.  Handshake Authentication Methods for DTLS1.2 / TLS1.2 . . . .   4
     4.1.  RSA Authentication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       4.1.1.  Standard TLS Authentication Description . . . . . . .   6
       4.1.2.  Split Authentication Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       4.1.3.  Security Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.2.  DH_DSS, DH_RSA, ECDH_ECDSA, ECDH_RSA  . . . . . . . . . .   8
       4.2.1.  Standard TLS Authentication Description . . . . . . .   9
       4.2.2.  Split Authentication Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.2.3.  Security Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.3.  DH_anon, ECDH_anon  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       4.3.1.  Standard TLS Authentication Description . . . . . . .  11
       4.3.2.  Split Authentication Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       4.3.3.  Security Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.4.  DHE_DSS, DHE_RSA, ECDHE_RSA, ECDHE_ECDSA  . . . . . . . .  12
       4.4.1.  Standard TLS Authentication Description . . . . . . .  12
       4.4.2.  Split Authentication Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       4.4.3.  Security Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     4.5.  PSK, DHE_PSK, RSA_PSK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       4.5.1.  Standard TLS Authentication Description . . . . . . .  16
       4.5.2.  Split Authentication Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       4.5.3.  Security Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     4.6.  Client Hash and Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   5.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   7.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22

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   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22

1.  Introduction

   TLS is commonly used by applications to authenticate their counter
   part.  Although the client part of the application and the TLS Client
   are likely to be hosted on the same node, this is no longer true on
   the server endpoints.  As presented in [draft-mglt-tls-session-key-
   interface-use-cases], split scenarios considers that the TLS endpoint
   (Edge Server) and the application endpoint (Content Provider) may be
   hosted on different nodes that may not even share a common
   administrative domain.

   Authentication of the Content Provider while establishing a TLS/DTLS
   session with the Edge Server is designated in this document as a
   split authentication.  How split authentication can be performed
   varies on the TLS authentication method involved between the TLS
   Client and the Edge Server.  The requirements on the information that
   can be shared between the Content Provider and the Edge Server, as
   well as the interactions between these two entities constitute a
   split authentication model.

   This document provides a split authentication model for each TLS
   method.  The model is often expresses as a list of requirements.
   These split authentication models are designed to avoid the leak of
   secret authentication credentials of the Content Provider, and
   matched against the standard TLS/DTLS authentication model.  More
   especially, the split authentication models are designed not to
   introduce vulnerabilities or weakness compared to the standard TLS
   authentication model.

2.  Conventions Used in This Document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

3.  Terminology

   In addition to the terminology used in [draft-mglt-tls-session-key-
   interface-use-cases], the current document defines

   Split Authentication :   designates the case when a TLS Client
         authenticates the Content Provider, while establishing a TLS
         session with a Edge Server.  This is a three party
         authentication as the Edge Server may not necessarily belong to
         the Content Provider, nor share authentication credentials -
         like private keys for example - with the Content Provider.  Use

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         cases can be found in [draft-mglt-tls-session-key-interface-

   Split Authentication Model :   designates the information that can be
         shared as well as the interactions between the Edge Server and
         the Content Provider in order to enable the split
         authentication.  In most cases, each TLS authentication method
         comes with a specific authentication model.

   Standard TLS Authentication Model :   designates the standard
         authentication model for TLS, i.e. between the TLS Client and
         the TLS Server.

   DH:   Diffie Hellman

   ECDH  Elliptical Diffie Hellman

4.  Handshake Authentication Methods for DTLS1.2 / TLS1.2

   TLS has been designed for end-to-end security.  This means that the
   TLS Client is expected to authenticate and set up a secure channel
   with the other end point of the communication designated as TLS

   TLS provides multiple KeyExchangeAlgorithm to authenticate the TLS
   Server by the TLS Client.  Current authentication methods for DTLS
   1.2 [RFC6347] TLS 1.2 [RFC5246] are dhe_dss, dhe_rsa, dh_anon, rsa,
   dh_dss and dh_rsa.  [RFC4492] defines the additional ecdh_ecdsa,
   ecdhe_ecdsa, ecdh_rsa, ecdhe_rsa and ecdh_anon.  In addition,
   [RFC4279] defines psk, dhe_psk and rsa_psk.

   For each authentication method, this section provides a brief
   description of the authentication method.  The authentication
   involves multiple credentials usually associated to the Content
   Provider.  For each of these credential this section specifies
   whether it can be shared with the Edge Servers or not, and if not
   what information the Content Provider needs to provide to the Edge
   Server so the TLS session can be agreed between the TLS Client and
   the Edge Server.

   Authentication in TLS1.2 is performed during the Handshake Protocol
   -- see section 7.3 in [RFC5246].  The messages involved in the
   authentication are Certificate, the ServerKeyExchange, the client
   Certificate, and the ClientKeyExchange message.  Not all of them are
   always involved, and the following sections provides a high level
   description on how authentication is performed with the different
   methods.  Figure 1 illustrates the various messages exchanges during
   a full handshake protocol in TLS1.2.

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   Client                                               Server

   ClientHello                  -------->
                                <--------      ServerHelloDone
   Finished                     -------->
                                <--------             Finished
   Application Data             <------->     Application Data

   * Indicates optional or situation-dependent messages that
     are not always sent.

                      Figure 1: TLS1.2 Full Handshake

   The purpose of the authentication in TLS is that the TLS Client and
   the TLS Server can agree on a master_secret that will be used to
   derive all necessary keys to secure the channel between the TLS
   Client and the TLS Server.  This master_secret is derived from a
   pre_master agreed between the TLS Client and the TLS Server.
   [RFC5246] and [RFC7627] define different ways to generate the
   master_secret from the pre_master.

   For information, in [RFC5246], the master_secret is generated as

      master_secret = PRF(pre_master_secret, "master secret",
                             ClientHello.random + ServerHello.random)

      struct {
                   uint32 gmt_unix_time;   # 4 bytes
                   opaque random_bytes[28];
               } Random;


   [RFC7627] defines the Extended Master Secret Extension where the
   "master_secret" is defined as follows:

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    master_secret = PRF(pre_master_secret, "extended master secret",
       - session_hash = Hash(handshake_messages)
       - handshake_messages is the concatenation of all the exchanged
         Handshake structures, as defined in Section 7.4 of [RFC5246].
       - Hash is as defined in Section 7.4.9 of [RFC5246]

   Note that in TLS1.2 section 5 mentions "New cipher suites MUST
   explicitly specify a PRF and, in general, SHOULD use the TLS PRF with
   SHA-256 or a stronger standard hash function."  This means that
   TLS1.2 provides the necessary cryptographic agility that allow the
   use of different hash function to generate the master secret from the
   premaster secret is collision free.

4.1.  RSA Authentication

4.1.1.  Standard TLS Authentication Description

   When key exchange method chosen by the TLS Server is rsa, the TLS
   Server provides a ServerCertificate message that contains the public
   RSA key.  This RSA key will be used for encryption.  The TLS Client
   checks the public key provided by the certificate is associated to
   the requested entity, and then checks the binding between the RSA
   public key and the Content provider is certified by a trusted
   Certification Authority.  This later operation requires that the TLS
   Client and the TLS Server share a common trusted Certification
   Authority as well as the TLS Client is able to check the signature
   embedded in the certificate.  More specifically, the TLS must support
   the necessary hash and signature algorithms to check the certificate.
   The TLS Client does not inform the TLS Server what are the TLS
   Client's trusted CA, on the other hand, it provides the supported
   hash and signature - see Section 4.6.

   The TLS Client sends the EncryptedPreMasterSecret, a premaster
   encrypted with the RSA public key of the TLS Server - provided in the
   Certificate - in a ClientKeyExchange message.  The TLS Client does
   not provide any Certificate message.

   The TLS Server is considered authenticated, if it can provide a proof
   of ownership of the private key associated to the public key provided
   in the certificate.  In the case of the rsa key exchange algorithm,
   the TLS Server, needs the private key to decrypt the premaster secret
   in order to derive the master secret and all session keys, and have
   the same sessions keys as the TLS Client.  Without the private key
   the TLS Server will not be able to decrypt the premaster secret and

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   thus not be able to agree with the TLS Client the session keys.  In
   other words, the TLS session cannot be established.

4.1.2.  Split Authentication Model

   This section lists the requirements to use the RSA authentication in
   a split authentication model.  The requirements regarding the
   credential information shared between the Content Provider and the
   Edge Server are:

   REQ1:  The Content Provider SHOULD share the RSA public key with the
          Edge Server.  The RSA public key is public information and is
          conveyed in the ServerCertificate message.

   REQ2:  The Content Provider MUST NOT share the private RSA key with
          the Edge Server.  The RSA private key is associated to the
          Content Provider and SHOULD be kept in a secure place.

   The RSA private key is necessary to the Edge Server to decrypt the
   premaster secret so the TLS Server and the TLS Client can set the
   session keys.  These operations can only be performed by the owner of
   the private key, that is in our case the Content Provider.  Thus, the
   requirements regarding interactions between the Content Provider and
   the Edge Server are:

   REQ3:  The Content Provider MUST provide RSA decryption facilities to
          the Edge Servers.  The Edge Server SHOULD be able to provide
          the EncryptedPremasterSecret - as well as additional necessary
          parameters - and be returned the clear text premaster or the
          master secret so the Edge Server and the TLS Client can agree
          and set the TLS channel.

4.1.3.  Security Analysis

   This section provides a security analysis of the split authentication
   model versus the standard TLS authentication model with RSA used as
   an authentication method.  The purpose of this section is to show
   that the Content Provider in the split authentication model does not
   leak more information on its secret credential than the TLS Server
   does in the standard TLS model.

   In the split authentication model, the Content Provider receives the
   EncryptedPremasterSecret and returns the cleartext premaster.  This
   is exactly the information provided by the TLS Server to the TLS
   Client in the TLS standard authentication model.

   The Edge Server can perform a chosen cipher text attack as it can
   send ciphered text to the Content Provider and get the corresponding

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   clear text.  Such attack cannot be performed by the TLS Client in the
   standard TLS authentication model as the TLS Client generate the
   premaster and does not get the clear text premaster from the TLS
   Server, and retrieving the premaster from the session key is believe
   to be unfeasible.

   Another difference between the split authentication model and the
   standard TLS model is that unlike the TLS Server, the Content
   Provider cannot check whether the computation of the premaster leads
   to an effective TLS session.  This may be detected by the Edge Server
   and not by the Content Provider.  On the other hand, the Content
   Provider centralizes the operations of all TLS Servers, which
   provides the ability to detect orchestrated or cipher text attacks.
   Also some of the discussion are discussed in the architecture
   document, on a model comparison, one can say that the split
   authentication model exposes the Content Provider to a cipher text
   attack, which can be prevented by the appropriated choice of the RSA

   REQ4:  RSA parameters MUST be chosen to make cipher text attack

   REQ5:  The Content Provider MUST be able to provide the master secret
          or the extended master secret instead of the premaster.  This
          could mitigate the cipher text attack as it is believe to be
          infeasible to retrieve the premaster secret from the master or
          extended master secret.

   REQ6:  The Content Provider SHOULD be able to provide the premaster

   In order to protect the TLS session between the TLS Client and the
   Edge Server, the master secret or the premaster secret must not be
   disclosed.  Follows the security requirements on the Content Provider
   / Edge Server channel:

   REQ7:  The communication between the Edge Server and the Content
          Provider MUST be authenticated and encrypted.

   As a result, the split authentication model is not expected to leak
   more information than the standard TLS authentication model as long
   as RSA parameters are appropriately chosen.


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4.2.1.  Standard TLS Authentication Description

   With Diffie Hellman fixed values, the TLS Server provides a
   ServerCertificate which contains a certificate that contains the
   fixed DH or ECDH value.  The DH or ECDH fix value is authenticated by
   the Certification Authority with a specific signature algorithm -
   RSA, DSS or ECDSA for example.  As the DH or ECDH keys are used to
   establish a shared secret from public values, the purpose of the key
   is limited to the key agreement and the certificate is expected to
   have the key usage set to key agreement - e.g. the key is not used
   for signing or encrypting.

   In order to compute the shared secret, the TLS Server expects to
   receive the TLS Client DH / ECDH counter part fix value.  Optionally,
   the TLS Server can send a Certificate Request with the type
   corresponding to the key agreement method: rsa_fixed_dh,
   dss_fixed_dh, rsa_fixed_ecdh, ecdsa_fixed_ecdh.

   Upon receiving the ServerCertificate message and optionally the
   CertificateRequest from the TLS Server, the TLS Client sends back a
   ClientCertificate with the same type as the ServerCertificate
   (rsa_fixed_dh, dss_fixed_dh, rsa_fixed_ecdh, ecdsa_fixed_ecdh).

   Once the TLS Client and the TLS Server have exchanged their fixed DH
   / ECDH value, the pre_master can be derived by both the TLS Client
   and the TLS Server by combining the public and private DH / ECDH key.
   The premaster is then agreed between the TLS Server and the TLS
   Client and session keys can be derived from both the TLS Server and
   TLS Client.

4.2.2.  Split Authentication Model

   This section lists the requirements to use the DH_DSS, DH_RSA,
   ECDH_ECDSA, ECDH_RSA authentication in a split authentication model.
   The requirements regarding the credential information shared between
   the Content Provider and the Edge Server are:

   REQ8:  The Content Provider SHOULD share the DH or ECDH public key
          with the Edge Server.  The DH or ECDH public key is public
          information and is conveyed in the ServerCertificate message.

   REQ9:  The Content Provider MUST NOT share the private DH or ECDH key
          with the Edge Servers.  The DH or ECDH private key is
          associated to the Content Provider and SHOULD be kept in a
          secure place.

   The DH or ECDH private key is necessary to the Edge Server to decrypt
   the premaster secret so the TLS Server and the TLS Client can set the

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   session keys.  These operations can only be performed by the owner of
   the private key, that is in our case the Content Provider.  Thus, the
   requirements regarding interactions between the Content Provider and
   the Edge Server are:

   REQ10: The Content Provider SHOULD provide the Edge Server facilities
          to compute the DH or ECDH shared secret, the premaster, the
          premaster or the extended master to the Edge Server.

4.2.3.  Security Analysis

   This section provides a security analysis of the split authentication
   model versus the standard TLS authentication model with DH_DSS,
   DH_RSA, ECDH_ECDSA, ECDH_RSA used as an authentication method.  The
   purpose of this section is to show that the Content Provider in the
   split authentication model does not leak more information on its
   secret credential than the TLS Server does in the standard TLS model.

   When the Content Provider receives the public key of the TLS Client,
   it may return the shared DH / ECDH secret to the Edge Server.  In
   that case, the Edge Server is exactly aware of the shared secret as
   well as the respective public keys of the Content Provider and the
   TLS Client.  The situation differs from a node intercepting the DH /
   ECDH exchange as this node never gets the resulting secret.  On the
   other hand, such information are also exchanged between the TLS
   Server and the TLS Client in the TLS standard authentication model.

   As a result, interactions between the Edge Server and the Content
   Provider is not expected to leak more information then the TLS Server
   leak information to the TLS Client in [RFC5246].

   Similarly to Section 4.1.3 the Content Provider can hardly
   distinguish the premaster that are being requested in order to
   perform an attack to the premasters that ends up into a TLS session.
   As a result,

   REQ11: DH / ECDH parameters MUST be chosen to make guessing attacks

   REQ12: The Content Provider MAY provide the master secret or the
          extended master secret instead of the premaster.  This could
          mitigate the cipher text attack as it is believe to be
          infeasible to retrieve the premaster secret from the master or
          extended master secret.

   In order to protect the TLS session between the TLS Client and the
   Edge Server, the master secret or the premaster secret must not be

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   disclosed.  Follows the security requirements on the Content Provider
   / Edge Server channel:

   REQ13: The communication between the Edge Server and the Content
          Provider MUST be authenticated and encrypted.

   As a result, the split authentication model is not expected to leak
   more information than the standard TLS authentication model as long
   as DH / ECDH parameters are appropriately chosen.

4.3.  DH_anon, ECDH_anon

4.3.1.  Standard TLS Authentication Description

   With anonymous DH or ECDH - as opposed to fixed DH - the Certificate
   message is not appropriated to carry the DH or ECDH parameters, as
   they are not expected to be signed by a CA.  As a result, the TLS
   Server provides the DH / ECDH parameters in a ServerDHParams
   structure or a ECParameters carried by a ServerKeyExchange message.

   Upon receipt of the ServerKeyExchange, the TLS Client responds with a
   ClientKeyExchange with the associated DH / ECDH parameters.

   Once the TLS Client and the TLS Server have exchanged the fixed DH /
   ECDH value, the pre_master is agreed between the TLS Server and the
   TLS Client and session keys can be derived from both the TLS Server
   and TLS Client.

4.3.2.  Split Authentication Model

   This section lists the requirements to use the DH_anon or ECDH_anon
   authentication in a split authentication model.  The requirements
   regarding the credential information shared between the Content
   Provider and the Edge Server are:

   REQ14: The DH or ECDH public and private keys SHOULD be generated by
          the Edge Servers.  In other words, the DH or ECDH keys used
          SHOULD NOT be generated and associated to the Content
          Provider.  As no authentication is provided to the TLS Client,
          there is no need to use private information of the Content

4.3.3.  Security Analysis

   This section provides a security analysis of the split authentication
   model versus the standard TLS authentication model with DH_anon or
   ECDH_anon used as an authentication method.  The purpose of this
   section is to show that the Content Provider in the split

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   authentication model does not leak more information on its secret
   credential than the TLS Server does in the standard TLS model.

   The DH_anon and ECDH_anon authentication methods do not involve any
   authentication credentials from the Content Provider, so the risks of
   leakage of Content Provider authentication are not considered in this

   As a result, the split authentication model is not expected to leak
   more information than the standard TLS authentication model.


4.4.1.  Standard TLS Authentication Description

   With ephemeral DH or ECDH - as opposed to fixed DH - the Certificate
   message is not appropriated to carry the DH / ECDH parameters.  In
   fact, with ephemeral DH / ECDH, the DH / ECDH parameters are not
   signed by a CA.  Instead, they are signed by a signature-capable
   certificate, which has been signed by the CA.

   Since Certificate messages are not appropriated to carry the DH /
   ECDH parameters, the TLS Server provides the DH / ECDH parameters in
   a ServerDHParams structure or a ECParameters carried by a
   ServerKeyExchange message.  This is the same structure as for
   anonymous DH / ECDH.  In order to authenticate, a proof of ownership
   is added.  This proof of ownership takes the form of a signature of a
   combination of the DH / ECDH parameters associated with the
   ClientHello.random and the ServerHello.random.  The exact structure
   signed_params for DHE_RSA or ECDHE_RSA is defined in section 7.4.3 of
   [RFC5246], or Signature for ECDSA_ECDSA is defined in section 5.4 of
   [RFC4492].  In order to check the signature associated to the DH /
   ECDH parameters, the TLS Server provides the necessary public key
   associated to the TLS Server.  These keys are carried in a
   ServerCertificate signed by a CA.  These certificates are used to
   check the signature only.

   Upon receipt of the ServerKeyExchange and the ServerCertificate, the
   TLS Client provides the DH / ECDH parameters to the TLS Server via
   the ClientDiffieHellmanPublic defined in section of [RFC5246]
   or ClientECDiffieHellmanPublic structure defined in section 5.7 of
   [RFC4492].  Both structures are conveyed by the ClientKeyExchange
   message.  This message does not carry any signatures that enable the
   TLS Server to authenticate the TLS Client.  The TLS Client can be
   authenticated by providing a signing key in a ClientCertificate.  The
   key is signed by a CA.  On the other hand, the proof of ownership of
   the key by the TLS Client is provided by sending a CertificateVerify.

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   The CertificateVerify message is the generic mechanism to
   authenticate the TLS Client over the global TLS exchange.

4.4.2.  Split Authentication Model

   This section lists the requirements to use the DHE_DSS, DHE_RSA,
   ECDHE_RSA, ECDHE_ECDSA authentication in a split authentication
   model.  The requirements regarding the credential information shared
   between the Content Provider and the Edge Server are:

   REQ15: The Content Provider SHOULD share the public key with the Edge
          Server.  The public key is used for signing the DH ECDH
          parameters.  The public key is respectively a DSS public key
          when DHE_DSS is selected, a RSA public key when ECDHE_RSA is
          selected or a ECDSA public key when ECDHE_ECDSA is selected.
          The public key is public information and is conveyed in the
          ServerCertificate message.

   REQ16: The Content Provider MUST NOT share the private RSA DSS or
          ECDSA key with the Edge Server.  The private key is associated
          to the Content Provider and SHOULD be kept in a secure place.

   The DSA, RSA or ECDSA private key is necessary to the Edge Server to
   sign the DH or ECDH parameters sent by the Edge Servers to the TLS
   Clients.  These operations can only be performed by the owner of the
   private key, that is in our case the Content Provider.  Thus, the
   requirements regarding interactions between the Content Provider and
   the Edge Server are:

   REQ17: The Content Provider MUST provide DSS, RSA or ECDSA signing
          facilities to the Edge Servers.  The Edge Server SHOULD be
          able to provide the extended parameters to be signed (that is
          the signed_params ClientHello.random, ServerHello.random and
          ServerKeyExchange.params) or their hash - as well as
          additional necessary parameters - and be returned the signed
          value so the Edge Server can send the ServerKeyExchange
          message to the TLS Client and the TLS Client.

   [DISCUSSION: the DHE_DSS / DH_DSS are mentioned for TLS1.2 but do not
   seems to have specific actions associated to.  I expected similar
   behavior for dhe_dss as for dhe_rsa, but section A.4.2.  "Server
   Authentication and Key Exchange Messages" specifies no specific
   payload when dhe_dss is selected.  I would like to clarify how
   DHE_DSS should be considered.]

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4.4.3.  Security Analysis

   This section provides a security analysis of the split authentication
   model versus the standard TLS authentication model with DHE_DSS,
   DHE_RSA, ECDHE_RSA, ECDHE_ECDSA used as an authentication method.
   The purpose of this section is to show that the Content Provider in
   the split authentication model does not leak more information on its
   secret credential than the TLS Server does in the standard TLS model.

   The Content provider is expected to provide some signatures
   associated to a given clear text.  Such information provided by the
   Content Provider to the Edge Server and the TLS Client in the split
   authentication model are exactly the same information provided by the
   TLS Server to the TLS Client in the standard TLS authentication

   The main difference between the two models is that the Content
   Provider does not have any means to check whether the corresponding
   signature effectively result in a running session or is part of an
   attack.  In order to mitigate the surface of such attacks:

   REQ18: Signature scheme and associated parameters MUST be chosen to
          be resistant to adaptive chosen cleartext attacks, i.e. the
          computation of signatures MUST NOT reveal information of the
          private key during the lifetime of the private key.

   REQ19: The Edge Server SHOULD provide the complete clear text instead
          of the hash to be signed.  In fact, providing the complete
          clear text provide the opportunity of the Content Provider to
          check what is being signed.  With secure signature scheme it
          is believe that a collision with another clear text content
          has a very low probability.  On the other hand, if the Edge
          Server simply provides the hash of the clear text, the Content
          Provider does not have any means to check what it is signing.
          In this case, the Content Provider relies on the Edge Server
          to provide appropriated content and legitimated content, which
          implies a strong trust relationship between the Content
          Provider and the Edge Server.

   The Edge Server can provide the complete cleartext or a hash of the
   cleartext.  An attacker may want to usurpate the Content Provider's
   identity and provides content associated with the signature of the
   content provider.  In this case, the attacker may generate the
   malicious content and hash it.  By submitting the hash to the Content
   Provider for signing, the Content Provider has no ways to check the
   content that is expected to be signed by the Content Provider.  In
   other words, when hashes are submitted for signing, the content check
   and validation is expected to be left to the Edge Server.  On the

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   other hand, when the whole content is provided to the Content
   Provider, the Content Provider is able to approve the content before
   signing it.  In this case, the Edge Server is not assigned the role
   of checking the content.  Instead, this role is left to the Content
   Provider, thus limiting the trust in the Edge Server.  This limits
   the surface of attacks.

   When the Edge Server provides the complete content to the Content
   Provider, an attacker that wants to usurpate the Content Provider's
   identity has the following possibilities:

   a)  It can provide a malicious content that is not detected as
       malicious by the Content Provider, and so get signed by the
       Content Provider.  In order to address such vector of attack, the
       Content Provider should be provided some means to control the
       content that are signed.  Otherwise, this function is delegated
       to the Edge Server, and the model implies the Edge Server is a
       trusted entity.  When the clear text is provide instead of hash,
       the Content Provider has means to check the content its signs.
       On the other hand the Content Provider cannot check the signed
       clear text corresponds to an effective and legitimate TLS

   b)  It can generate the malicious content such that its hash matches
       an already known hash.  Such attack is known as a hash collision.
       To address this vector of attack, the hash function is expected
       to be resistant to pre-image, second pre-image and collision

   c)  It can guess the signature given the corresponding between
       cleartext and their corresponding signatures.  In order to
       address this vector of attack, the signature is expected to be
       resistant to the adaptive chosen message attack.

   Only a) is introduced by the split model.  In fact, in the TLS model,
   the TLS Server signs content it generates and so assumes it is
   legitimate.  As explained, this is not anymore always true in the
   split model where the Content Provider is not supposed to trust the
   Edge Server.  Vector of attack mentioned in b) and c) are common in
   the split model and the standard TLS model, as an Edge Server in the
   split model does not have any additional information than a TLS
   Client in the TLS model.  As a result:

   REQ20: The Content Provider MUST be able to sign cleartext content
          rather than the resulting hash.  In addition, the Content
          Provider MUST verify the cleartext content provided as input
          to avoid signature usurpation.

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   REQ21: The Content Provider SHOULD enable hash signature.  When the
          Content Provider chose to sign hashes, the Edge Server MUST be
          a trusted node.

   The signature is not expected to be secret.  As a result, the
   information exchanged between the Content Provider and the Edge
   Server does not require confidentiality.  In addition, the
   information provided to the Content Provider is not protected so
   confidentiality is not mandatory.  On the other hand, it is of
   primary importance that only the legitimate Edge Server have access
   to the signing service.

   REQ22: The communication between the Edge Server and the Content
          Provider MUST be authenticated.

   As a result, the split authentication model is not expected to leak
   more information than the standard TLS authentication model.


4.5.1.  Standard TLS Authentication Description

   When PSK, DHE_PSK or RSA_PSK [RFC4279] are selected by the TLS Server
   for authentication, the TLS Server sends the TLS Client
   ServerKeyExchange message with a psk_identity_hint to indicate the
   TLS Client the PSK to select.  When PSK has been selected, no
   additional information is provided by the TLS Server.  When DHE_PSK
   is selected, the TLS Server adds the ServerDHParams to the
   ServerKeyExchange.  When RSA_PSK is selected, the TLS Server provides
   the RSA public key of the TLS Server in a ServerCertificate message.
   The key will be used for encryption.

   Upon receipt of the ServerKeyExchange message, the TLS Client
   responds with a ClientKeyExchange that contains the psk_identity.
   When PSK has been selected, no additional information is provided.
   The premaster includes the PSK designated by the psk_identity, and
   TLS session keys are derived based on the shared secret.  In case the
   PSK is not known by both the TLS Client and the TLS Server, the
   premaster will not be agreed upon.

   When DHE_PSK is selected, in addition to the psk_identity, the TLS
   Client provides the DH parameters in a ClientDiffieHellmanPublic
   structure that is added to the ClientKeyExchange message.  The
   premaster is derived by the TLS Client and the TLS Server and
   includes both the DH shared secret as well as the PSK itself.  Only
   if the TLS Server and the TLS Client share the same PSK, the
   premaster is not agreed upon.

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   When RSA_PSK is selected, in addition to the psk_identity, the TLS
   Client provides and EncryptedPreMasterSecret structure conveyed by
   the ClientKeyExchange message.  The EncryptedPreMasterSecret contains
   among other informations a 46-byte random value and the PSK.  When
   receiving this message, the TLS Server decrypts the premaster and
   check the validity between the PSK and the claimed psk_identity
   before the premaster is agreed.

   To sum up PSK DHE_PSK key exchange methods requires up to five
   messages to be exchanged: ServerKeyExchange and ClientKeyExchange.
   RSA_PSK requires the TLS Server to provide an additional

4.5.2.  Split Authentication Model

   This section lists the requirements to use the PSK, RSA_PSK or the
   DHE_PSK authentication in a split authentication model.  The
   requirements regarding the credential information shared between the
   Content Provider and the Edge Server are:

   REQ23: The Content Provider MAY share the psk_identity_hints and
          associated profile with the Edge Servers.  This information
          may be shared after an evaluation that they are public
          information and that profiles do not leak confidential,
          critical or privacy related information.  In addition the
          Content Provider must also evaluate how the distribution of
          the hints profiles may be distributed and updated on the Edge
          Servers.  Hints is definitely public as opposed to the PSK
          that is secret, so the list of psk_identity_hints associated
          to profiles may be provided to the Edge Servers.  On the other
          hand, there might be privacy issues related to providing a
          complete list of hints, as well as management issues
          associated to maintaining up-to-date lists between multiple
          Edge Servers.

   REQ24: The Content Provider SHOULD be able to provide
          psk_identity_hints on a per request basis.  More especially,
          the Edge Server SHOULD be able to send a ClientHello message
          or specific parameters to the Content Provider in order to get
          the corresponding psk_identity_hint.  Such interaction is
          necessary when privacy and management issues may require the
          profiles and psk_identity_hints be kept in a safe and
          centralized place.

   REQ25: The Content Provider MUST NOT share the PSK with the Edge
          Server.  The PSK is associated to the Content Provider and
          MUST be kept in a secure place.

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   When PSK is selected, the requirements regarding interactions between
   the Content Provider and the Edge Server are:

   REQ26: The Content Provider SHOULD provide the Edge Server master
          secret generation from the psk_identity as well as additional
          information.  As the premaster conveys the PSK in cleartext,
          the Content Provider MUST NOT provide the cleartext premaster,
          but instead should compute the master in order to avoid
          transmitting the PSK to the Edge Server.

   When PSK_RSA is selected, the requirements regarding interactions
   between the Content Provider and the Edge Server are similar as those
   to the RSA case except that the PSK SHOULD NOT be returned by the
   Content Provider.  More especially:

   REQ27: The Content Provider SHOULD share the RSA public key with the
          Edge Server.  The RSA public key is public information and is
          conveyed in the ServerCertificate message.

   REQ28: The Content Provider MUST NOT share the private RSA key with
          the Edge Server.  The RSA private key is associated to the
          Content Provider and SHOULD be kept in a secure place.

   REQ29: The Content Provider MUST provide RSA decryption facilities to
          the Edge Servers.  The Edge Server SHOULD be able to provide
          the EncryptedPremasterSecret - as well as additional necessary
          parameters - and be returned the clear master so the Edge
          Server and the TLS Client can agree and set the TLS channel.
          As the premaster conveys the PSK in cleartext, the Content
          Provider MUST NOT provide the cleartext premaster, but instead
          should compute the master in order to avoid transmitting the
          PSK to the Edge Server.

   When DHE_PSK is selected, the DH exchange may be performed by the
   Edge Server or by the Content Provider.  When the DH exchange is
   performed between the Edge Server and the TLS Client, the Edge Server
   needs to provide the DH share secret - and the psk_identity - to the
   Content Provider which in turn generates the master secret with its
   PSK.  Note that performing the DH with the Edge Server requires the
   Edge Server to provide a Certificate with a public key signed by a CA
   trusted by the TLS Client.  This key may also be associated to the
   Content provider URL.  When the exchange is performed between the
   Content Provider and the TLS Client, the agreed DH shared secret as
   well as the PSK are only known by the Content Provider, which limits
   the possibilities for the Edge Server to guess the PSK for example.

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   When the DH exchange is performed by the Edge Server and the TLS
   Client, the requirements regarding interactions between the Content
   Provider and the Edge Server are:

   REQ30: The Content Provider MUST be able to generate a master from
          the shared secret agreed between the Edge Server and the TLS
          Client and the psk_identity provided by the TLS Client.

   REQ31: As the premaster conveys the PSK in cleartext, the Content
          Provider MUST NOT provide the cleartext premaster, but instead
          should compute the master in order to avoid transmitting the
          PSK to the Edge Server.  This requirement assumes that the
          Edge Server is performing the DH exchange.

   When the DH exchange is performed between the Content Provider and
   the TLS Client, the requirements regarding interactions between the
   Content Provider and the Edge Server are:

   REQ32: The Content Provider SHOULD share the private DH key with the
          Edge Server.  These DHParams will be sent to the TLS Client by
          the Edge Server in the ServerKeyExchange message.

   REQ33: The Content Provider SHOULD be able to generate a master from
          the psk_identity and TLS Client DHParams - in addition to
          potential additional parameters.  As the premaster conveys the
          PSK in clear, the Content Provider MUST NOT provide the
          cleartext premaster, but instead should compute the master in
          order to avoid transmitting the PSK to the Edge Server.

4.5.3.  Security Analysis

   This section compares the PSK, DHE_PSK, RSA_PSK authentication method
   as described in [RFC4279] in a standard TLS model to the split model
   described in this document - that is when it is split between the
   Edge Server and the Content Provider.  The main question considered
   is how the split model exposes the authentication credential compared
   to the standard TLS model described in [RFC5246].

   All PSK, DHE_PSK, RSA_PSK assumes the PSK owned by the Content
   Provider MUST NOT be provided to the Edge Server.  The difference
   between the split authentication model and the standard TLS
   authentication model is that in the standard TLS model, the TLS
   Server owns the PSK and derives the master secret from the PSK.  On
   the other hand, the split authentication model assumes that the Edge
   Server is not aware of the PSK while being aware of the master
   secret.  The difference is that the TLS standard model assumes all
   parties (TLS Server and TLS Client) share the PSK, whether the split
   model assumes the PSK is not shared between all parties.  As a

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   result, the PSK leakage analysis is out of scope of the standard TLS
   model and is specific to the split model.

   The PSK is used to generate the master secret using a hash function.
   The leakage of the PSK information in the master depends on the
   hashing function and its collision free properties.  [RFC4279].  As a
   result, we can assume that the master secret does not leak
   information about the premaster to the Edge Server.

   For PSK_RSA, the authentication credential of the Content provider
   are a RSA key and a PSK.  Section 4.1 addresses the requirements
   associated to the leakage of the RSA credential.  Similarly to the
   RSA analyzed in Section 4.1.3:

   REQ34: RSA parameters MUST be chosen to make cipher text attack

   For DHE_PSK, the DH exchange may be performed between the TLS Client
   and the Content Provider or between the TLS Client and the Edge
   Server.  When the DH exchange is performed between the TLS Client and
   the Content provider, the Content Provider provides the public key
   used to sign the DHparams structure.  In this case the analysis is
   similar to Section 4.4.  When the DH exchange is performed between
   the Edge Server and the TLS Client, the Content Provider does not
   share any additional authentication credentials.  Similarly to DH /

   REQ35: DH parameters MUST be chosen to make guessing attacks

   In order to protect the TLS session between the TLS Client and the
   Edge Server, the master secret or the premaster secret must not be
   disclosed.  Follows the security requirements on the Content Provider
   / Edge Server channel:

   REQ36: The communication between the Edge Server and the Content
          Provider MUST be authenticated and encrypted.

   As a result, the split authentication model is not expected to leak
   more information than the standard TLS authentication model.

4.6.  Client Hash and Signature

   These are provided in the SignatureAndHash which is an Hello
   Extension.  As detailed in [RFC5246], if this extension has not been
   provided, and rsa has been chosen as KeyExchangeAlgorithm, than the
   server behaves as if the TLS Client had provided sha1 for the hash
   function and rsa for the supported signatures.  If the TLS Client

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   does not support sha1, than it has to use the extension to indicate

5.  Security Considerations

   The scope of this document is to avoid that secret information
   information associated to authentication credentials is spread over
   multiple Edge Servers.  Such models would assume that all Edge Server
   remain trusted and reliable over time while being exposed on the
   Internet.  Instead the secret information is kept in one secured
   place own by the Content Provider.  Authentication of the Content
   Provider by the TLS Clients is performed through the Edge Servers.
   Such model designated in this document as the split model requires
   some interactions between the Edge Servers and the Content Provider.
   This document described what are the necessary interactions between
   the Edge Servers and the Content Provider as well as the information
   that can be shared between the Edge Servers and the Content Provider
   and the information that must not be shared and that must remain
   secret.  These interactions as well as the shared and non shared
   information do not expose the split model to additional risks of
   secret leakages than in the standard TLS model.

   The security associated to the authentication relies on the
   authentication protocols defined in [RFC5246], [RFC4279] and
   [RFC4492] and practices provided by [RFC7525].  As a result, security
   consideration of these document apply.

6.  IANA Considerations

   There is no IANA considerations in this document.

7.  Acknowledgements

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/
              RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC4279]  Eronen, P., Ed. and H. Tschofenig, Ed., "Pre-Shared Key
              Ciphersuites for Transport Layer Security (TLS)", RFC
              4279, DOI 10.17487/RFC4279, December 2005,

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   [RFC5246]  Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security
              (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", RFC 5246, DOI 10.17487/
              RFC5246, August 2008,

   [RFC6347]  Rescorla, E. and N. Modadugu, "Datagram Transport Layer
              Security Version 1.2", RFC 6347, DOI 10.17487/RFC6347,
              January 2012, <>.

   [RFC7525]  Sheffer, Y., Holz, R., and P. Saint-Andre,
              "Recommendations for Secure Use of Transport Layer
              Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security
              (DTLS)", BCP 195, RFC 7525, DOI 10.17487/RFC7525, May
              2015, <>.

   [RFC7627]  Bhargavan, K., Ed., Delignat-Lavaud, A., Pironti, A.,
              Langley, A., and M. Ray, "Transport Layer Security (TLS)
              Session Hash and Extended Master Secret Extension", RFC
              7627, DOI 10.17487/RFC7627, September 2015,

8.2.  Informative References

   [RFC4492]  Blake-Wilson, S., Bolyard, N., Gupta, V., Hawk, C., and B.
              Moeller, "Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Cipher Suites
              for Transport Layer Security (TLS)", RFC 4492, DOI
              10.17487/RFC4492, May 2006,

Authors' Addresses

   Daniel Migault
   8400 boulevard Decarie
   Montreal, QC   H4P 2N2

   Phone: +1 514-452-2160

Migault & Ma              Expires July 22, 2016                [Page 22]
Internet-Draft       TLS Split Authentication Models        January 2016

   Kevin Ma J
   43 Nagog Park
   Acton, MA    01720

   Phone: +1 978-844-5100

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