Internet DRAFT - draft-mhkk-dmm-srv6mup-architecture


Internet Engineering Task Force                            S. Matsushima
Internet-Draft                                                 K. Horiba
Intended status: Standards Track                                 A. Khan
Expires: 25 April 2024                                       Y. Kawakami
                                                             T. Murakami
                                                                K. Patel
                                                             Arrcus, Inc
                                                                M. Kohno
                                                               T. Kamata
                                                            P. Camarillo
                                                                 J. Horn
                                                     Cisco Systems, Inc.
                                                                D. Voyer
                                                             Bell Canada
                                                                S. Zadok
                                                               I. Meilik
                                                              A. Agrawal
                                                              K. Perumal
                                                         23 October 2023

  Mobile User Plane Architecture using Segment Routing for Distributed
                          Mobility Management


   This document defines the Mobile User Plane (MUP) architecture using
   Segment Routing (SR) for Distributed Mobility Management.  The
   requirements for Distributed Mobility Management described in
   [RFC7333] can be satisfied by routing fashion.

   Mobile services are deployed over several parts of IP networks.  An
   SR network can accommodate a part of those networks, or all those
   networks.  IPv6 dataplane option (SRv6) is suitable for both cases
   especially for the latter case thanks to the large address space, so
   this document illustrates the MUP deployment cases with IPv6

   MUP Architecture can incorporate existing session based mobile
   networks.  By leveraging Segment Routing, mobile user plane can be
   integrated into the dataplane.  In that routing paradigm, session
   information between the entities of the mobile user plane is turned
   to routing information.

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Internet-Draft              MUP Architecture                October 2023

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 April 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Architecture Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Mobile User Plane Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.1.  IPv6 Dataplane  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  Distribution of Mobile User Plane Segment Information . . . .   7
     5.1.  Direct Segment Discovery Route  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.2.  Interwork Segment Discovery Route . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   6.  Distribution of Session Transformed Route . . . . . . . . . .   9
     6.1.  Type 1 Session Transformed Route  . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     6.2.  Type 2 Session Transformed Route  . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     6.3.  MUP Controller  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   7.  Illustration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10

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     7.1.  SR Network Accommodating Existing Mobile Network
           Services  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     7.2.  MUP PE Deployment at All SR Domain Edges  . . . . . . . .  12
     7.3.  Adding Direct Segment with New MUP PE . . . . . . . . . .  14
     7.4.  Collapsed MUP PE Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   9.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   10. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     10.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     10.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

1.  Introduction

   Mobile services require IP connectivity for communication between the
   entities of mobile service architecture [RFC5213][TS.23501].  To
   provide the IP connectivity, Segment Routing (SR) [RFC8402]can be a
   candidate solution.

   In PMIPv6 [RFC5213], IP connectivity between LMA and MAG can be
   provided over SR networks, as well as LMA and Internet.  In 3GPP 5G
   [TS.23501], IP connectivity for N3 interface between gNodeB(es) and
   UPFs can also be provided by SR, as well as for N6 interface between
   UPFs and DNs (Data Network).

   These IP connectivities may be covered by multiple SR networks, or
   just one SR network, depending on the size of the deployment.  In the
   latter case, it is expected that the address space of the SR network
   should be large enough to cover a vast number of nodes, such as
   millions of base stations.  For this reason, use of IPv6 for the SR
   dataplane looks sufficiently suitable.

   SRv6 is an instantiation of SR over IPv6 dataplane in which a single
   network can accommodate all entities of mobile services thanks to the
   huge available address space and network programming capability
   described in [RFC8986].

   Meanwhile, SRv6 network programmability enhances SRv6 dataplane to be
   integrated with mobile user plane [I-D.ietf-dmm-srv6-mobile-uplane].
   It will make an entire SRv6 network support the user plane in a very
   efficient distributed routing fashion.

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   On the other hand, the requirements for Distributed Mobility
   Management (DMM) described in [RFC7333] can be satisfied by session
   management based solutions.  [RFC8885] defines protocol extension to
   PMIPv6 for the DMM requirements.  3GPP 5G defines an architecture in
   which multiple session anchors can be added to one mobility session
   by the session management.

   As a reminder, the user plane related requirements in [RFC7333] are
   reproduced here:

   REQ1: Distributed mobility management
           IP mobility, network access solutions, and forwarding
           solutions provided by DMM MUST enable traffic to avoid
           traversing a single mobility anchor far from the optimal
           route.  It is noted that the requirement on distribution
           applies to the data plane only.

   REQ3: IPv6 deployment
           DMM solutions SHOULD target IPv6 as the primary deployment
           environment and SHOULD NOT be tailored specifically to
           support IPv4, particularly in situations where private IPv4
           addresses and/or NATs are used.

   REQ4: Existing mobility protocols
           A DMM solution MUST first consider reusing and extending IETF
           standard protocols before specifying new protocols.

   REQ5: Coexistence with deployed networks/hosts and operability
   across different networks
           A DMM solution may require loose, tight, or no integration
           into existing mobility protocols and host IP stacks.
           Regardless of the integration level, DMM implementations MUST
           be able to coexist with existing network deployments, end
           hosts, and routers that may or may not implement existing
           mobility protocols.  Furthermore, a DMM solution SHOULD work
           across different networks, possibly operated as separate
           administrative domains, when the needed mobility management
           signaling, forwarding, and network access are allowed by the
           trust relationship between them.

   This document defines the Mobile User Plane (MUP) architecture using
   Segment Routing for Distributed Mobility Management.  MUP is not a
   mobility management system itself, but an architecture enables the SR
   dataplanes to integrate mobile user plane into it for the IP

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   In this routing paradigm, session information from a mobility
   management system will be transformed to routing information.  It
   means that mobile user plane specific nodes for the anchor or
   intermediate points are no longer required.  The user plane anchor
   and intermediate functions can be supported by SR throughout an SR
   domain (REQ1), not to mention that MUP will naturally be deployed
   over IPv6 networks (REQ3).

   MUP architecture is independent from the mobility management system.
   For the requirements (REQ4, 5), MUP architecture is designed to be
   pluggable user plane part of existing mobile service architectures.
   Those existing architectures are for example defined in [RFC5213],
   [TS.23501], or if any.

   The level of MUP integration for mobile networks running based on the
   existing architecture will be varied and depending on the level of SR
   awareness of the control and user plane entities.

   Specifying how to modify the existing architecture to integrate MUP
   is out of scope of this document.  What this document provides for
   the existing architecture is an interface for MUP which the existing
   or future architectures can easily integrate.

1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2.  Terminology

   MUP:    Mobile User Plane

   MUP Segment:  Representation of mobile user plane segment

   MUP PE:  MUP aware Provider Edge node

   MUP Controller:  Controller node for an SR network

   UE:     User Equipment, as per [TS.23501]

   MN:     Mobile Node, as per [RFC5213]

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3.  Architecture Overview

   In the MUP architecture, a network segment consists of a mobile
   service is represented as a MUP segment.  This document introduces
   new segment types of MUP segment called "Direct segment", and
   "Interwork Segment".  Other segment types may be specified in another
   document in the future.  A MUP PE may accommodate MUP segment(s),
   such as an Interwork Segment and/or a Direct Segment.  Figure 1
   depicts the overview.

                             *   Mobility   *
                              * Management *
                               *  System  *
                            Session Information
        _______       /           |MUP-C|           \       _______
       /       \     /            +-----+            \     /       \
      /Interwork\__  |                               |  __/ Direct  \
      \ Segment /  \ |-------+                +------| /  \ Segment /
       \_______/    \| MUP PE|       SR       |MUP PE|/    \_______/
        _______     /|-------+     Network    +------|\     _______
       /       \   / |                               | \   /       \
      / Direct  \_/   \                              /  \_/Interwork\
      \ Segment /      \____________________________/     \ Segment /
       \_______/                                           \_______/

                   Figure 1: Overview of MUP Architecture

   This document also defines new routing information called "Segment
   Discovery route" and "Session Transformed route".  A MUP PE sends
   and/or receives these types of routing information, and does the
   dataplane action indicated by the routing information at wherever the
   MUP PE instantiated.  The illustrations are described in Section 7.

   To carry these new routing information, this architecture requires
   extending the existing routing protocols.  Any routing protocol can
   be used to carry this information but this document recommends using
   BGP.  Thus, this document describes extensions on BGP as an example.

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4.  Mobile User Plane Segment

   This document defines two new types of Mobile User Plane (MUP)
   segment.  A MUP segment represents a network segment consisting of a
   mobile service.  The MUP segment can be created by a MUP PE which
   provides connectivity for the mobile user plane.

   Direct Segment is a type of MUP segment that provides connectivity
   between MUP segments through the SR network.  Interwork Segment is
   another type of MUP segment.  It provides connectivity between a user
   plane protocol of existing or future mobile service architecture and
   other MUP segments through the SR networks.

   A MUP PE may be instantiated as a physical node or a virtual node.
   The MUP PE may also be instantiated on a device which accomodates a
   mobile user plane node of a mobility management system.

4.1.  IPv6 Dataplane

   An SRv6 SID (Segment Identifier) can represent a MUP segment.  The
   SID can be any behavior defined in [RFC8986],
   [I-D.ietf-dmm-srv6-mobile-uplane], or any other extensions for
   further use cases.  The behavior of the MUP segment will be chosen by
   the role of the representing MUP segment.

   For example, in case of a MUP PE interfaces to 5G user plane on the
   access side defined as "N3" in [TS.23501], the MUP PE accommodates
   the N3 network as Interwork Segment in a routing instance and then
   the behavior of created segment SID by the MUP PE will be
   "End.M.GTP4.E", or "End.M.GTP6.E".  In this case, the MUP PE may
   associate the SID to the routing instance for the N3 access network

   Another example here is that a MUP PE interfaces to 5G DN on the core
   side defined as "N6" in [TS.23501], the MUP PE accommodates the N6
   network in a routing instance as Direct Segment and then the behavior
   of the created segment SID by the MUP PE will be "End.DT4",
   "End.DT6", or "End.DT2".  In this case, the MUP PE may associate the
   SID to the routing instance for the N6 data network (N6DN).

5.  Distribution of Mobile User Plane Segment Information

   Distribution of MUP segment information can be done by advertising
   routing information with the MUP segment for mobile service.  A MUP
   PE distributes MUP segment information when a MUP segment is
   connected to the MUP PE.

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   A MUP Segment Discovery route is routing information that associates
   the MUP segment with network reachability.  This document defines the
   basic discovery route types, Direct Segment Discovery route, and
   Interwork Segment Discovery route.  Other types of segment discovery
   route may be mobile service architecture specific.  Defining the
   architecture specific network reachability is out of scope of this
   document and it will be specified in another document.

5.1.  Direct Segment Discovery Route

   When a MUP PE accommodates a network through an interface or a
   routing instance as a Direct Segment, the MUP PE advertises the
   corresponding Direct Segment Discovery route for the interface or the
   routing instance to the SR domain.  The Direct Segment Discovery
   route includes an address of the MUP PE in the network reachability
   information with an extended community indicating the corresponding
   Direct Segment, and the SID for the segment.

   For example in 3GPP 5G specific case, an MUP PE may connect to N6
   interface on a DN side, an MUP Segment Discovery route for the DN
   will be advertised with an address of the MUP PE, corresponding SID
   and Direct Segment extended community to the routing instance for the
   DN from the MUP PE.

   When a MUP PE receives a Direct Segment Discovery route from other
   PEs, the MUP PE keeps the received Direct Segment Discovery route in
   the RIB.  The MUP PE uses the received Direct Segment Discovery route
   to resolve Type 2 session transformed routes reachability, described
   in Section 6.2.  If the Direct Segment Discovery route resolves
   reachability for the endpoints, and match the Direct Segment extended
   community of the Type 2 session transformed routes, the MUP PE
   updates the FIB entry for the Type 2 session transformed route with
   the SID of the matched Direct Segment Discovery route.

5.2.  Interwork Segment Discovery Route

   When a PE accommodates a network through an interface or a routing
   instance for the user plane protocol of the mobile service
   architecture as an Interwork Segment, the PE advertises the
   corresponding Interwork Segment Discovery route with the prefixes of
   the Interwork Segment and the corresponding SID of the prefixes to
   the SR domain.

   For example in 3GPP 5G specific case, an Interwork Segment Discovery
   route for N3 network accommodating RAN will be incorporated in an
   N3RAN segment discovery route associated with a RAN segment SID.

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   When a MUP PE receives a Interwork Segment Discovery route, the MUP
   PE keeps the received Interwork Segment Discovery routes in the RIB.
   The MUP PE uses the received Interwork Segment Discovery routes to
   resolve the reachability for remote endpoint of Type 1 session
   transformed routes, described in Section 6.1.  If the Interwork
   Segment Discovery route resolves the reachability for Type 1 session
   transformed routes, the MUP PE updates the FIB entry for the prefix
   of Type 1 session transformed route with the SID of the matched MUP
   segment discovery route.

   The received Interwork Segment Discovery routes MUST be used to
   resolve reachability for the remote endpoints of Type 1 session
   transformed routes.  The connectivity among the routing instances for
   Interwork Segments may be advertised as VPN routes.  This is to avoid
   forwarding entries to the prefixes of Interwork Segment mingled in
   the other type of routing instance.  A MUP PE may discard the
   received Interwork segment discovery route if the Route Target
   extended communities of the route does not meet the MUP PE's import

6.  Distribution of Session Transformed Route

   MUP architecture defines two types of session transformed route.

6.1.  Type 1 Session Transformed Route

   First type route, called Type 1 Session Transformed route, encodes IP
   prefix(es) for a UE or MN in a BGP MP-NLRI attribute with associated
   session information of the tunnel endpoint identifier on the access
   side.  The MUP controller advertises the Type 1 Session Transformed
   route with the Route Target extended communities for the UE or MN to
   the SR domain.

   A MUP PE may receive the Type 1 Session Transformed routes from the
   MUP Controller in the SR domain.  The MUP PE may keep the received
   Type 1 Session Transformed routes advertised from the MUP Controller.
   The receiving MUP PE will perform the importing of the received Type
   1 Session Transformed routes in the configured routing instances
   based on the Route Target extended communities.  A MUP PE may discard
   the received Type 1 Session Transformed route if the MUP PE fails to
   import the route based on the Route Target extended communities.

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6.2.  Type 2 Session Transformed Route

   Second type route, called Type 2 Session Transformed route, encodes
   the tunnel endpoint identifier of the session on the core side in a
   BGP MP-NLRI attribute with the nature of tunnel decapsulation.
   Longest match algorithm for the prefix in this type of session
   transformed route should be applicable to aggregate the routes for
   scale.  The MUP controller advertises the Type 2 Session Transformed
   route with the Route Target and Direct Segment extended communities
   for the endpoint to the SR domain.

   A MUP PE may receive the Type 2 Session Transformed routes from the
   MUP Controller in the SR domain.  The MUP PE may keep the received
   Type 2 Session Transformed routes advertised from the MUP Controller.
   The receiving MUP PE will perform the importing of the received Type
   2 Session Transformed routes in the configured routing instances
   based on the Route Target extended communities.  A MUP PE may discard
   the received Type 2 Session Transformed route if the MUP PE fails to
   import the route based on the Route Target extended communities.

6.3.  MUP Controller

   A MUP controller provides an API.  A consumer of the API inputs
   session information for a UE or a MN from mobility management system.
   The MUP controller transforms the received session information to
   routing information and will advertise the session transformed routes
   with the corresponding extended communities to the SR domain.

   The received session information is expected to include the UE or MN
   IP prefix(es), tunnel endpoint identifiers for both ends, and any
   other attributes for the mobile networks.  For example in a 3GPP 5G
   specific case, the tunnel endpoint identifier will be a pair of the
   F-TEIDs on both the N3 access side (RAN) and core side (UPF).

7.  Illustration

   This section illustrates possible MUP deployments with IPv6
   dataplane.  3GPP 5G is an example mobile service for the deployment
   cases in this section.

7.1.  SR Network Accommodating Existing Mobile Network Services

   Figure 2 shows how SR networks can accommodate existing mobile
   network service before enabling MUP.  The PEs S1, S2, and S3 compose
   an SR network.  A routing instance is configured to each network of
   the mobile service.  N6DN in S1 and S2 are providing connectivity to
   edge servers and the Internet respectively.

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   VRF (Virtual Routing Forwarding) is the routing instance to
   accommodate MUP segments in this section.  All example cases in this
   section follow the typical routing policy control using the BGP
   extended community described in [RFC4360] and [RFC4684]

             __ N3   /-----------+-----+------------\
            /  \RAN /            |MUP-C|             \
           / V/v\_  |            +-----+             | N6   __
           \    / \ |----+                      +----| DN  /  \
            \__/   \| S1 |                      | S2 |----/W/w \
             __    /|----+                      +----|    \    /
            /  \__/ |             +----+             |     \__/
           / E/e\N6 \             | S3 |             /
           \    /DN  \------------+----+------------/
            \__/             N3UPF  /\ N6UPF
                               X/x /  \ Y/y
                                 | UPF |

                                  Figure 2

   The following routing instances are configured:

   *  N3RAN in S1

      -  export route V/v with route-target (RT) community C1

      -  import routes which have route-target (RT) community C1 and C2

   *  N6DN in S1

      -  export route E/e with RT C4

      -  import routes which have RT C3 and C4

   *  N6DN in S2

      -  export route W/w with RT C4

      -  import routes which have RT C3 and C4

   *  N3UPF in S3

      -  export route X/x with RT C2

      -  import routes which have RT C1

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   *  N6UPF in S3

      -  export route Y/y with RT C3

      -  import routes which have RT C4

   Note:  The above configurations are just to provide typical IP
         connectivity for 3GPP 5G.  When the above configurations have
         been done, each endpoint in V/v and X/x can communicate through
         S1 and S3, but they can not communicate with nodes in E/e, W/w
         and Y/y.

7.2.  MUP PE Deployment at All SR Domain Edges

   Here, the PEs S1, S2 and S3 are configured to enable MUP as follows:

   *  S1

      -  advertises Interwork type discovery route: V/v with SID S1::

      -  set S1:: behavior End.M.GTP4.E or End.M.GTP6.E

   *  S1

      -  advertise Direct type discovery route: MUP Direct Segment
         community D1 and SID S1:1::

      -  set S1:1:: behavior End.DT4 or End.DT6 for the N6DN in S1

   *  S2

      -  advertise Direct type route: MUP Direct Segment community D1
         and SID S2::

      -  set S2:: behavior End.DT4 or End.DT6 for the N6DN in S2

   S1 adopts the local N6DN to prioritize the closer segment for the
   same Direct Segment.  Another PE may adopt D1 from S2, if the PE has
   no local N6DN for D1 and closer to S2 than S1.

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          U/u                       v
            \__ N3   /-----------+-----+------------\
            /  \RAN /            |MUP-C|             \
           / V/v\_  |            +-----+             | N6   __
           \    / \ |----+                      +----| DN  /  \
            \__/   \| S1 |                      | S2 |----/W/w \
             __    /|----+                      +----|    \    /
            /  \__/ |             +----+             |     \__/
           / E/e\N6 \             | S3 |             /
           \    /DN  \------------+----+------------/
            \__/             N3UPF  /\ N6UPF
                               X/x /  \ Y/y
                                 | UPF |

                                  Figure 3

   Now, session information U1 is put to a MUP Controller, MUP-C, and
   MUP-C is configured to transform U1 to the routes as follows:

   *  MUP-C

      -  attach the MUP Direct Segment ID D1 and RT C3 to the DN in U1

      -  transforms UE's prefix U/u, the F-TEID on access side (gNB) and
         QFI in U1 to the Type 1 session transformed route for the
         prefix U/u with the F-TEID, the QFI, and RT C3

      -  transforms F-TEID on core side (UPF) X in U1 to the Type 2
         session transformed route for X with MUP segment-ID D1 and RT

   Then N3RAN and N6DN import route X and U/u respectively.  S1 and S2
   resolves U/u's remote endpoint with V/v and then install SID S1:: for
   U/u in FIB.  S1:: will not appear in the packet from E/e to U/u over
   the wire.

   As S1 adopts local N6DN for D1, N3RAN in S1 decapsulates GTP-U
   packets from V/v to X and then lookup the inner packets from U/u in
   N6DN after the decapsulation.

   Note:  When the above configurations have been done, MUP is applied

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         only to the packets from/to U/u.  Each endpoint in U/u, W/w and
         E/e can communicate through S1 and S2.  The rest of traffic
         from/to other UEs go through the usual 3GPP 5G user plane path
         using UPF via S3.

7.3.  Adding Direct Segment with New MUP PE

   Another case shown in Figure 4 is that S4 joins the SR network and
   accommodates edge servers in the N6DN in S4.

          U/u                       v                       __
            \__ N3   /-----------+-----+------------\      /  \
            /  \RAN /            |MUP-C|             \  __/W/w \
           / V/v\_  |            +-----+        +----|_/N6\    /
           \    / \ |----+                      | S2 |  DN \__/
            \__/   \| S1 |                      +----|      __
             __    /|----+                      +----|_    /  \
            /  \__/ |             +----+        | S4 | \__/E/e \
           /    \N6 \             | S3 |        +----/  N6\    /
           \    /DN  \------------+----+------------/   DN \__/
            \__/             N3UPF  /\ N6UPF
                               X/x /  \ Y/y
                                 | UPF |

                                  Figure 4

   The following routing instances are configured:

   *  N3RAN in S1 (same with the previous case)

      -  export route V/v with RT C1

      -  import routes which have RT C1 and C2

   *  N6DN in S1

      -  export no route

      -  import routes which have RT C4

   *  N6DN in S2 (same with the previous case)

      -  export route W/w with RT C4

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      -  import routes which have RT C3 and C4

   *  N3UPF in S3 (same with the previous case)

      -  export route X/x with RT C2

      -  import routes which have RT C1

   *  N6UPF in S3 (same with the previous case)

      -  export route Y/y with RT C3

      -  import routes which have RT C4

   *  N6DN in S4

      -  export route E/e with RT C4

      -  import routes which have RT C3 and C4

   Here, the PEs are configured to enable MUP as following:

   *  S1 (same with the previous case)

      -  advertises Interwork type route: V/v with SID S1::

      -  set S1:: behavior End.M.GTP4.E or End.M.GTP6.E

   *  S1

      -  advertise Direct type route: MUP Direct Segment community D1
         for the local N6DN

      -  set S1:1:: behavior End.DT4 or End.DT6 for the N6DN in S1

   *  S2 (same with the previous case)

      -  advertise Direct type route: MUP Direct Segment community D1
         and SID S2::

      -  set S2:: behavior End.DT4 or End.DT6 for the N6DN in S2

   *  S4

      -  advertise Direct type route: MUP Direct Segment community D2
         and SID S4::

      -  set S4:: behavior End.DT4 or End.DT6 for the N6DN in S4

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   As in the previous case, S1 adopts the local N6DN for D1 as long as
   S1 prioritizes the closer segment for the same MUP Direct Segment.
   The Direct type route from S4 for D2 with SID S4:: will be kept in

   *  MUP-C (same with the previous case)

      -  attach the MUP Direct Segment ID D1 and RT C3 to the DN in U1

      -  transforms UE's prefix U/u, the F-TEID on access side (gNB) and
         QFI in U1 to the Type 1 session transformed route for the
         prefix U/u with the F-TEID, the QFI, and RT C3

      -  transforms F-TEID on core side (UPF) X in U1 to the Type 2
         session transformed route for X with MUP Direct Segment
         community D1 and RT C2

   Then N3RAN and N6DN import route X and U/u respectively.  S2 and S4
   resolve U/u's remote endpoint with V/v and then install SID S1:: for
   U/u in FIB.

   As in the previous case, S1 adopts local N6DN for D1, N3RAN in S1
   decapsulates GTP-U packets from V/v to X and then lookup the inner
   packets from U/u in N6DN after the decapsulation.

   For D2 on the other hand, no corresponding N6DN existed in S1.
   However, E/e with RT C4 from S4 is imported into N6DN in S1 as a VPN
   route, E/e is reachable from U/u via N6DN for D1 in S1.

   If a session U1' includes the DN corresponding to D2, MUP-C
   advertises Type 2 session transformed route X' with MUP Direct
   Segment community D2, and then N3RAN in S1 instantiates H.M.GTP4.D or
   End.M.GTP6.D for X with S4:: as the last SID in the received Direct
   type route from S4.

   Note:  When the above configurations have been done, MUP is applied
         only to the packets from/to U/u.  Each endpoint in U/u, W/w and
         E/e can communicate through S1, S2 and S4.  The rest of traffic
         from/to other UEs go through the usual 3GPP 5G user plane path
         using UPF via S3.

7.4.  Collapsed MUP PE Deployment

   In this case only S1 enables MUP in a collapsed fashion.  S2 and S3
   are L3VPN PEs without MUP capability.  In this section, S2 and S3 are
   illustrated as SRv6 nodes.  But they can be non-SR nodes if S1
   provides SR independent connectivity to S2 and S3.

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          U/u                       v
            \__ N3   /-----------+-----+------------\
            /  \RAN /            |MUP-C|             \
           / V/v\_  |            +-----+             | N6   __
           \    / \ |----+                      +----| DN  /  \
            \__/   \| S1 |                      | S2 |----/W/w \
             __    /|----+                      +----|    \    /
            /  \__/ |             +----+             |     \__/
           / E/e\N6 \             | S3 |             /
           \    /DN  \------------+----+------------/
            \__/             N3UPF  /\ N6UPF
                               X/x /  \ Y/y
                                 | UPF |

                                  Figure 5

   The difference between the previous case in Section 7.1 for the
   routing instance configuration is following:

   *  N6DN in S1

      -  export route E/e with RT C4

      -  import routes which have RT C3, C4 and C5

   Here, S1 is configured to enable MUP and S2 as an L3VPN PE is
   configured as follows:

   *  S1

      -  may not advertise Interwork type discovery route for V/v

      -  may not advertise Direct type discovery route with MUP Direct
         Segment community D1 and S1:1::

      -  set S1:1:: behavior End.DT4 or End.DT6 for the N6DN in S1

   *  S2

      -  set S2:: behavior End.DT4 or End.DT6 for the N6DN in S2

   Now, session information U1 is added to the MUP Controller, MUP-C,
   and MUP-C and S1 is configured to transform U1 to the routes as

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   *  MUP-C

      -  attach the MUP Direct Segment ID D1 and RT C5 to the DN in U1

      -  transforms UE's prefix U/u, the F-TEID on access side (gNB) and
         QFI in U1 to the Type 1 session transformed route for the
         prefix U/u with the F-TEID, the QFI, and RT C5

      -  transforms F-TEID on core side (UPF) X in U1 to the Type 2
         session transformed route for X with MUP Direct Segment
         community D1 and RT C2

   *  S1

      -  advertises U/u as an L3VPN route with RT C4 and SID S1:1::,
         when the Type 1 session transformed route is imported into the

   Then the N3RAN and N6DN import route X and U/u respectively.  S1
   resolves U/u's remote endpoint with V/v and then create the
   corresponding GTP encap entry for U/u into the N3RAN FIB.  S2 will
   create a regular L3VPN routing entry for U/u with SID S1:1:: in the
   N6DN when S2 imports the L3VPN route with RT C4 for U/u advertised
   from S1.

   As S1 adopts local N6DN for D1, N3RAN in S1 decapsulates GTP-U
   packets from V/v to X and then lookup the inner packets from U/u in
   N6DN after the decapsulation.

   Note:  When the above configurations have been done, MUP is applied
         only to the packets from/to U/u.  Each endpoint in U/u, W/w and
         E/e can communicate through S1 and S2.  The rest of traffic
         from/to other UEs go through the usual 3GPP 5G user plane path
         using UPF via S3.

8.  IANA Considerations

   This memo includes no request to IANA.

9.  Security Considerations


10.  References

10.1.  Normative References

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Internet-Draft              MUP Architecture                October 2023

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC7333]  Chan, H., Ed., Liu, D., Seite, P., Yokota, H., and J.
              Korhonen, "Requirements for Distributed Mobility
              Management", RFC 7333, DOI 10.17487/RFC7333, August 2014,

   [RFC8402]  Filsfils, C., Ed., Previdi, S., Ed., Ginsberg, L.,
              Decraene, B., Litkowski, S., and R. Shakir, "Segment
              Routing Architecture", RFC 8402, DOI 10.17487/RFC8402,
              July 2018, <>.

   [RFC8986]  Filsfils, C., Ed., Camarillo, P., Ed., Leddy, J., Voyer,
              D., Matsushima, S., and Z. Li, "Segment Routing over IPv6
              (SRv6) Network Programming", RFC 8986,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8986, February 2021,

10.2.  Informative References

              Matsushima, S., Filsfils, C., Kohno, M., Camarillo, P.,
              and D. Voyer, "Segment Routing IPv6 for Mobile User
              Plane", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-dmm-
              srv6-mobile-uplane-24, 17 January 2023,

   [RFC4360]  Sangli, S., Tappan, D., and Y. Rekhter, "BGP Extended
              Communities Attribute", RFC 4360, DOI 10.17487/RFC4360,
              February 2006, <>.

   [RFC4684]  Marques, P., Bonica, R., Fang, L., Martini, L., Raszuk,
              R., Patel, K., and J. Guichard, "Constrained Route
              Distribution for Border Gateway Protocol/MultiProtocol
              Label Switching (BGP/MPLS) Internet Protocol (IP) Virtual
              Private Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4684, DOI 10.17487/RFC4684,
              November 2006, <>.

   [RFC5213]  Gundavelli, S., Ed., Leung, K., Devarapalli, V.,
              Chowdhury, K., and B. Patil, "Proxy Mobile IPv6",
              RFC 5213, DOI 10.17487/RFC5213, August 2008,

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   [RFC8885]  Bernardos, CJ., de la Oliva, A., Giust, F., Zúñiga, JC.,
              and A. Mourad, "Proxy Mobile IPv6 Extensions for
              Distributed Mobility Management", RFC 8885,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8885, October 2020,

   [TS.23501] 3GPP, "System architecture for the 5G System (5GS)", 3GPP
              TS 23.501 17.2.0, 24 September 2021,


   The authors would like to thank Jeffrey Zhang for his review and
   discussions with the authors.


   Clarence Filsfils
   Cisco Systems, Inc.

Authors' Addresses

   Satoru Matsushima

   Katsuhiro Horiba

   Ashiq Khan

   Yuya Kawakami

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Internet-Draft              MUP Architecture                October 2023

   Tetsuya Murakami
   Arrcus, Inc.
   United States of America

   Keyur Patel
   Arrcus, Inc.
   United States of America

   Miya Kohno
   Cisco Systems, Inc.

   Teppei Kamata
   Cisco Systems, Inc.

   Pablo Camarillo Garvia
   Cisco Systems, Inc.

   Jakub Horn
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   Czech Republic

   Daniel Voyer
   Bell Canada

   Shay Zadok

Matsushima, et al.        Expires 25 April 2024                [Page 21]
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   Israel Meilik

   Ashutosh Agrawal
   United States of America

   Kumaresh Perumal
   United States of America

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