Internet DRAFT - draft-mihaly-enablers-for-tlp-evolution


Internet Engineering Task Force                           Attila Mihaly
Internet-Draft                                        Szilveszter Nadas
Intended status: Informational                                 Ericsson
Expires: September 2015                                   March 9, 2015

              Enablers for Transport Layer Protocol Evolution


   In this document we collected requirements for TLP evolution. These
   requirements are the consequence of removing obstacles of TLP
   evolution. This results in a higher variety of expected TLP
   implementations and lower trust level in these. Confidentiality of
   communication and security is more and more important. Middleboxes
   which today are one of the obstacles of the evolution shall be taken
   into account and incentivized to cooperate in the future landscape.
   Resulting from the requirements we propose areas for further

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
   at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
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   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on September 9, 2015.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document. Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with
   respect to this document.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction...................................................3
      1.1. Main obstacles to TLP evolution...........................3
         1.1.1. Kernel-based TLP implementations.....................3
         1.1.2. Middleboxes..........................................4
   2. Requirements on the TLP framework..............................4
      2.1. Enforce expected TLP behavior.............................4
      2.2. Enable application access to TLPs.........................5
      2.3. Allow for consistent TLP selection........................5
      2.4. Allow the path influencing TLP selection..................5
      2.5. Ensure expected TLP performance characteristics...........5
      2.6. Ensure that the access providers can be part of the value
      2.7. Ensure confidentiality of end-to-end communication........6
      2.8. Ensure security of end-to-end communication...............6
      2.9. Ensure user control.......................................7
   3. Ideas for framework evolution..................................7
      3.1. API definitions for TLP selection within the host.........7
      3.2. Generic TLP related functions and APIs....................9
      3.3. Mechanisms for consistent TLP selection...................9
      3.4. Security solutions for multiple trust domains............10
      3.5. In-band protocol for Middlebox communication.............10
   4. On open source TLP implementations............................12
   5. Related work..................................................12
   6. Conventions used in this document.............................13
   7. Security Considerations.......................................13
   8. IANA Considerations...........................................13
   9. Conclusions...................................................13
   10. References...................................................14
      10.1. Normative References....................................14
      10.2. Informative References..................................14

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   11. Acknowledgments..............................................15

1. Introduction

   In this document we collect requirements for TLP evolution. These
   requirements are the consequence of removing obstacles of evolution.
   Note that we are not after the requirements on the TLP development
   as such, but rather the requirements on the eco-system that allow
   fast evolution and deployment of new TLPs. When deriving the
   requirements we consider the interest of all actors: users,
   application developers, network operators, equipment vendors as well
   as operating system vendors to result in an infrastructure where
   cooperation between the parties becomes possible.

   The premise of all the discussion is that TLPs need to evolve, and
   potentially at a faster pace than it is allowed today. A few use
   cases are collected to demonstrate the potential need for many
   application and access network related TLP features that should be
   available in a flexible way[FLEX].

   Based on the requirements, in the second part we discuss the new
   features that are needed and provide ideas to meet these

1.1. Main obstacles to TLP evolution

   The following obstacles were discussed at a related IAB workshop

1.1.1. Kernel-based TLP implementations

   One problem with the innovation in the TLP area is that the
   transport protocols are currently implemented in the kernel. Kernel
   updates are generally slow. The proprietary TLP implementations that
   would require modifications of the existing transport protocols in
   the clients are therefore not usable. Each new modification needs to
   undergo a long standardization process, followed by a period until
   it is deployed in the operating systems. This process may take

   The solution to this problem, which is also observed today in some
   of the new TLP designs (QUIC, WebRTC), is that, instead of the
   kernel, they are implemented in the application space on the top of
   UDP. This is a way to speed up the innovation on the transport
   protocol layer in the current eco-system.

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1.1.2. Middleboxes

   The ubiquitous deployment of middleboxes is another main reason of
   what is called the 'ossification' of the transport layer. Firewalls
   and NATs often inspect packets beyond the IP header and often drop
   packets based on port numbers or other identified protocol and
   application characteristics or, more commonly, because of non-
   identified protocol characteristics. The only 100 percent 'safe'
   protocol to be transmitted through middleboxes is HTTP and HTTPs
   over TCP. Even the UDP-based traffic is often dropped or policed.

   Note that there may be means to implement improved TLPs with framing
   format embedded over the TCP layer to avoid potential problems with
   middleboxes. However, this introduces additional complexity and

   Another, often neglected reason why the above approach is not
   advisable is that middleboxes and the policies they enforce have an
   important role in the eco-system. The internet is a critical
   infrastructure a number of services are using from emergency
   services to banking systems, which should therefore be protected
   against misbehaving protocols. Middleboxes that filter out unknown
   TLP implementations together with miss-behaving kernel-based TLP
   implementations are the means to keep the Internet stable.

   In conclusion, a solution is needed that lets the middleboxes not
   block user space TLP implementations but in a way that protects
   against miss-behaving TLPs.

2. Requirements on the TLP framework

   Overcoming the abovementioned obstacles need changes in the TLP
   framework. Also, when the above obstacles are overcome new
   requirements result from the changed ecosystem.

2.1. Enforce expected TLP behavior

   One conclusion that relates to both user space TLP implementations
   and new TLP behavior is that protection is needed against buggy
   and/or malicious TLP implementations. This serves the interest of
   all parties and has two aspects:

     . Protecting the other flows of the same user.

     . Protecting the other customers using the network domain from
        the potential negative effect of other traffic. One can always
        gain a lot of capacity in a shared network just by being

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        aggressive. If there are no regulating network mechanisms then
        both the overall network utility and fairness of assessing
        network resources are compromised.

   The behavior that needs to be verified in proprietary TLP
   implementations is e.g., congestion control aggressiveness, packet
   size, packet shaping.

2.2. Enable application access to TLPs

   Introducing a proprietary TLP causes a 'walled-garden' effect, i.e.,
   the new protocol with the new features is only available for the
   services provided by the developer of the transport protocol.
   Commercialization of the new TLPs and re-usage of open-source
   implementations both support fast TLP innovation, but require that
   the new TLPs SHOULD be selectable by different applications.

2.3. Allow for consistent TLP selection

   While the previous requirement 2.2. relates to TLP selection within
   the host, this requirement states that the framework SHOULD allow
   for a consistent TLP selection for a given connection towards a
   certain remote host through certain legacy paths. That is, the
   finally selected TLP should be supported by the other endpoint as
   well as the network domains on the path. This is to guarantee
   interoperability during gradual deployment of new TLPs and their
   support in the network.
2.4. Allow the path influencing TLP selection

   Note that middleboxes on path may explicitly be part of the TLP
   selection process. They may favor the usage of certain TLPs because
   of some enhancement functions that they could offer (see discussion
   in 2.6. )
2.5. Ensure expected TLP performance characteristics

   By TLP performance characteristics we mean the non-functional, i.e.,
   performance-related TLP features. Interactions needed for the
   selection and usage of proper TLPs (including within-the-host
   interactions as well as interactions with the other party and the
   network domain) SHOULD not result in significant degradation of
   expected TLP performance characteristics. For example, if a
   transport protocol has been designed for low setup latency then this
   should be preserved by introducing a framework that achieves the
   above goals.

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   Note that the above requirement is strictly valid for the case when
   communicating to a known party through a known network domain. In
   other cases a more complex setup procedure (including e.g., the
   exchange of security credentials with the other party or the
   middlebox) may be needed. In some cases it MAY be also allowed that
   the very first session is delayed until a proper TLP is downloaded
   if one of the parties does not possess the required TLP. But such
   cases should be as rare as possible, e.g., a browser downloading the
   unsupported TLP once when first demand is encountered and then
   storing it for future usage.
2.6. Ensure that the access providers can be part of the value chain

   The framework SHALL allow access providers (ISPs and Mobile
   operators) provide a cooperative middlebox environment for user
   space TLP implementations. Middleboxes can generate value for the
   hosts in a number of different scenarios; we direct the reader to
   our recent position paper where we gave a summary of potential
   middlebox roles for Mobile Broadband [MBC].
   Naturally, content providers and users who are not willing to
   participate in this cooperation and want to avoid any unwanted
   traffic manipulation by middleboxes MUST be able to do that. Also,
   the cooperation with middleboxes SHOULD be possible on different
   trust levels. When there is a high trust level in a middlebox, the
   middlebox should be able to access and manipulate higher layers,
   i.e., TLP or application layers.
2.7. Ensure confidentiality of end-to-end communication

   A valid demand from the end-users and content providers is that the
   eco-system SHALL allow for confidentiality of end-to-end
   communication. A trend in data communication is to encrypt
   everything including the transport layer and above. However, if
   middlebox communication requires access and manipulation of the TLP
   fields, then object security solutions are needed to guarantee
2.8. Ensure security of end-to-end communication

   The framework SHOULD also make all possible actions to avoid that a
   hostile entity along the path cannot cause any harm to the hosts by
   exploiting the flaws in the user space TLP implementations (at least
   not by using reasonable amount of processing resources).
   Unfortunately it is very hard to prepare TLP implementations to be
   robust against any harmful change in the protocol fields. Middlebox
   interaction may however require that some of the TLP fields can be
   accessed or modified by trusted middleboxes.

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2.9. Ensure user control

   It SHOULD be possible allow the users to control TLP behavior.
   On the host side this means that the user may keep control on what
   TLP should be selected for a certain application. Moreover, it
   SHOULD be possible to control the transmission resource sharing
   between the different applications or streams. Otherwise, specific
   TLP behavior can override user expectations on the transmission
   resource sharing and this may cause unwanted effect on the user
   experience. Note that such resource sharing problems are also
   apparent today e.g., file sharing using a broadband access may cause
   bad Skype or video streaming experience.
   The above requirement also has relevance for Middlebox
   communication, i.e., the user SHOULD have the possibility to decide
   what information is sent out related to a certain application or
3. Ideas for framework evolution

3.1. API definitions for TLP selection within the host

   New APIs are needed to support a consistent TLP selection as
   specified in 2.3.  Figure 1 depicts the new interfaces (shown by
   question marks) that a user space TLP suite brings in, in addition
   to the existing selection alternatives.

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   +---+   +---+             +---+   +---+   +----+
   |APP|   |APP|             |APP|   |APP|   |APP |
   +-^-+   +-^-+             +-^-+   +-^-+   +----+
     |       |                 |       |     +----+
     |       |                 |       |     |TLP3|
     |    +--v-------+         |       |     +-^--+
     |    |Middleware|         |       |       |
     |    +^------^--+         |       |       |
     |     |      |            |       |       |
     |     |      |            |       |       |
     |     | +----v------------v----+  |       |
     |     | |Protocol Selection API|  |       |
     |     | +^---------^-----------+  |       |
     |     |  |         |              | ?     |
     |     |  |         | ?            |       |
     |     |  | +-------v--------------v-+     |
     |     |  | |(User Space TLPs)       |     |
     |     |  | |                        |     |
     |     |  | | +----+   +----+        |     |
     |     |  | | |TLP1|   |TLP2|  ...   |     |
     |     |  | | +----+   +----+        |     |
     |     |  | +-+----+^--+----+--------+     |
     |     |  |         |                      |
     |     |  |         | ?                    |
   | (Operating System)                          |
   |                      +---+   +---+          |
   |                      |TCP|   |UDP|    ...   |
   |                      +---+   +---+          |

   Figure 1 : Transport protocol selection alternatives with User Space
                    transport protocol implementations

   It is apparent that using middleware and high-level TLP selection
   APIs (like that proposed in [TAPS]) is advantageous for a framework
   involving user space TLPs since they separate application
   development from TLP development and make new, innovative TLP
   solutions possible also for legacy applications. However, direct
   selection of TPLs by the applications should also be possible. Low-
   level APIs to the new functions residing in the operating system are
   also needed (see discussion in 3.2. )

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3.2. Generic TLP related functions and APIs

   It is apparent that there is some generic functionality needed
   (i.e., transport layer functionality that applies on the top of the
   different user space TLP flavors) in order to fulfill the
   requirements in section 2. :
     . Resource control component for the total transmission resources
        in the host, to fulfill requirement 2.9.

     . Trust API that enforces a certain trust level, i.e., controls
        what different features and APIs a certain TLP has access to in
        the operating system. For example, some TLPs may control the
        resource control parameters, others not. This is needed because
        TLPs may be designed by different parties and not every TLP
        should be allowed to use all kernel functions.

     . API in the operating system for time-critical processing, e.g.,
        packet shaping. Time-critical processing is one functionality
        that may only be done efficiently in the operating system

     . A common policing function (needed to fulfill the requirements
        in 2.1. and 2.9. on host side)
     . Congestion control communication component with standard
        framing on congestion control 'classes' (needed to fulfill the
        requirements in 2.1. and 2.9. on the network side)
     . Other middlebox communication component for exchanging
        information about the 'service' required (to support
        requirement 2.6. )
     . A security function that verifies the different TLP
        implementations requested and downloaded from remote sources
   Note that there may be other common features and APIs required
   besides those listed above. It is FFS to identify all necessary

3.3. Mechanisms for consistent TLP selection

   There is a need for fast TLP identification and negotiation
   mechanisms, which is derived from the requirements in 2.2. and 2.5.
   , respectively. The selection mechanisms may potentially involve
   middleboxes in the path. There can be many alternatives for this
   which is outside the scope of this document.
   The selection may include communication with a trusted part of code
   at the other end, which provides some proof about the TLP

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3.4. Security solutions for multiple trust domains

   As stipulated in 2.8. , it is important that the TLP fields should
   not be easily changeable by nodes along the path because this can
   help exploiting bugs in a TLP implementation. A potential solution
   is to also authenticate the transport layer. However, network side
   enhancements on different layers could lead to improved end-to-end
   quality, as we discuss in 2.6. In some cases, this implies that the
   middleboxes should be able to modify information on the transport
   layer or above: transcoder proxies, parental control, TLP proxies
   translating between an 'old' and a 'new' TLP, etc.

   The conclusion from the above is that security solutions are needed
   that enable that different entities have access to the information
   at the different layers. If there is a hint on the expected
   capabilities of the other end on a certain layer, the setup messages
   for the different layers can be grouped together in order to speed
   up the connection establishment, in the spirit of requirement 2.5.

3.5. In-band protocol for Middlebox communication

   The smooth and fair networking so far has been highly aided by the
   TCP/IP "narrow-waist", i.e., the assumption that all sources use
   TCP-like congestion avoidance mechanisms. Misbehaving sources have
   been possible to identify because of the fact that TCP wire format
   (ACKs and sequence numbers) allows to identify both the congestion
   signal and the congestion avoidance action, i.e., how many data is
   sent upon the detection of packet losses. The proliferation of UDP-
   based traffic in the network with many new features with unknown and
   untested behavior could make even the simple traffic management that
   guarantees that all users get their share quite troublesome.

   Middleboxes may need to enforce expected behavior in the network
   domain because of conflicting interests, as specified in the
   requirement 2.1.  A potential help in that is the identification of
   the expected congestion behavior of TLPs (e.g., congestion control
   used, constant bitrate flow, or chatty flow not adapting etc.) on
   the network side. We recognize that any information from hosts that
   would represent negative discrimination is useless, since all hosts
   would evidently use the indication that implies the best treatment.
   However this 'best treatment' is not obvious and the preferred
   congestion treatment depends on application needs. For example, an
   application using CBR-type of traffic would 'sacrifice' additional
   bandwidth (e.g., by a rate-limiter in the network) for zero packet
   loss provided by the network up to a certain congestion level. To
   fully avoid misuse of certain congestion indicators, the network
   should be able to ensure some kind of fairness for the different

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   congestion control mechanisms, to avoid scenarios where a certain
   congestion behavior indicated would take more resources than others
   over arbitrary period of time.

   By default, when there is no indication on the congestion control
   behavior used, the network could enforce a TCP-friendly behavior for
   the flow, without requiring any specific knowledge about TLP
   specifics (or apply a traffic treatment that result in comparable
   congestion 'volumes'. However, we foresee that new TLPs providing
   features tailored for specific application needs will have different
   congestion control behavior. For these flows the network may enforce
   a different congestion control behavior than default, given it
   receives the needed information.
   Middlebox communication shall be made in a way that does not impede
   TLP evolution, which is likely faster than middlebox evolution. This
   requires that the framework should not require that all middleboxes
   should know all details (e.g., frame structure) of the TLPs. This
   hints towards an in-band signaling solution as proposed in [SPUD],
   where a new independent layer is introduced for middlebox
   communication and where the parameters conveyed are independent from
   the specific TLP used, but rather standardized information pointing
   to a well-defined congestion behavior.

   Communication from the middlebox towards the hosts is motivated by
   the consistent TLP selection requirement 2.3. The end hosts may be
   informed about middlebox capability on coping with a certain TLP to
   be able to select a TLP that is supported by the network middleboxes

   In addition to communication about TLP congestion behavior, other
   TLP capabilities could be exchanged and negotiated with a middlebox
   in order to make use of some TLP enhancement functions. Such a
   middlebox signaling layer also allows the endpoint convey additional
   IP-layer (delay, loss targets, etc.) or application-layer (proxy,
   transcoding feature negotiation etc.) information about their
   traffic (if they want to) in order to enable additional services in
   the spirit of the requirement 2.6. However, to support these
   features, the framework should allow middleboxes to setup a
   signaling connection in-band using the already setup user plane
   connection in the end-to-end communication in an authenticated way
   to advertise their services and communicate to the endpoints in a
   secure way.

   Requirement 2.5. implies that the performance overhead of the above
   in-band signaling protocol should be minimal in the generic case,
   and the communication setup should be fast. Certain scenarios may be

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   exception to the rule, e.g., setting up communication to a new
   middlebox along a path, exchanging context to another middlebox due
   to handovers, etc.

4. On open source TLP implementations

   Open source implementation may facilitate TLP evolution. The user
   space TLP (feature) implementations become faster, allowing smaller
   players leverage on the existing features that are designed and
   validated by bigger players. This may be further facilitated by pre-
   agreed software design rules for TLPs.

   However, the eco-system should allow also for non-open source.
   Firstly, because nothing would prevent big players come out with
   their own user space implementations. Further, it creates a
   competitive eco-system allowing e.g., start-ups to design and
   commercialize new proprietary TLP implementations. This helps

   In conclusion, open source does not bring in any specific
   requirements to the eco-system compared to other user space
   implementations. However, there could be TLP designs that facilitate
   re-use of open source and thus contribute to faster TLP evolution.

5. Related work

   There is an on-going activity and WG in IETF targeting the
   definition of a transport-layer interface exposed to the
   applications, on which, instead of specifying a protocol, a
   'transport service' is specified [TAPS]. The primary scope for the
   activity is to make it possible to select the best transport
   protocol implementation for the applications, i.e., to use the
   existing transport protocol implementations in the clients, which
   are currently never of seldom used.

   There is also an EU horizon 2020 activity proposal with similar
   scope proposing to solve issues for NAT traversal, Path MTU
   discovery and falling back to a semantically-equivalent service in
   the selection layer, i.e., completely hidden from the application
   [NEAT] . As mentioned above, TLP selection layers are advantageous
   since they separate application development from TLP development.
   However, they should consider the framework extensions identified in
   this document.

   The recently formed IAB program [SEMI] and resulting BoF discussions
   [SPUD] started from the very same understanding that middleboxes in
   the network have expectations on the packet and flow structures,

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   which block TLP evolution. The workshop held in January 2015
   identified that a mechanism is needed for applications at the end as well
   as boxes along the path to explicitly declare their assumptions and
   intentions. The design goals identified in this document for such a
   communication are intended to serve as input to the protocol discussion.

6. Conventions used in this document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [RFC2119].

   In this document, these words will appear with that interpretation
   only when in ALL CAPS. Lower case uses of these words are not to be
   interpreted as carrying RFC-2119 significance.

7. Security Considerations

   We argue in 2.7. 2.8. and 3.4.  that other means that end-to-end
   encryption mechanisms involving the transport layer are necessary to
   address middlebox communication and also ensure the confidentiality
   and integrity of end-to-end communication.

   Exposing additional information to kernel functions and also to the
   network middleboxes raises a number of security questions about what
   should be exposed, how should be exposed etc. The present document
   does not address these issues, but they should be talked in future
   framework discussions.

8. IANA Considerations

   This draft presently does not pose any requirements to IANA.

9. Conclusions

   In this document we collected requirements for TLP evolution. These
   requirements are the consequence of removing obstacles of evolution.
   This results in a higher variety of expected TLP implementations and
   lower trust level in these. With the evolved TLPs even better
   performance is expected. Confidentiality of communication and
   security is more and more important. Middleboxes which today are one
   of the obstacles of the evolution shall be taken into account and
   incentivized to cooperate in the future landscape.

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   Resulting from the requirements we have identified the following
   ideas for further investigation.

     . API definitions for TLP selection within the host

     . Generic TLP related functions and APIs

     . Mechanisms for consistent TLP selection

     . Security solutions for multiple trust domains
     . In-band protocol for Middlebox communication
   We would like to invite the community to complete this analysis
   based on potential missing pieces of the problem space to address,
   further requirements, or further design goals that are useful for
   fast TLP evolution.

10. References

10.1. Normative References

   [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

10.2. Informative References

   [FLEX]   Flexibility of Transport Layer Protocols: Problem Statement

   [TAPS]   Transport Services Charter,

   [NEAT]   A New, Evolutive API and Transport Architecture for the
             Internet (NEAT), project proposal to Call ICT 5-2014
             'Smart Networks and Novel Internet Architectures", on the
             Horizon 2020 Work programme

   [SEMI]   IAB Workshop on Stack Evolution in a Middlebox Internet

   [SPUD]   A new BoF called 'Session Protocol for User Datagrams'
             (SPUD) is proposed for IETF92, see
    Stack. The
             background of it has been discussed in a recent IAB
             workshop 'Evolution in a Middlebox Internet' (SEMI), see

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   [MBC]    Nadas, S. and Loreto, S: Middleboxes in Cellular Networks,
             position paper to SEMI WorkShop,

11. Acknowledgments

   This document was prepared using

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors
   of the code. All rights reserved.

   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
   modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license
   terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section
   4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents

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Authors' Addresses

   Attila Mihaly
   H-1117 Budapest, Irinyi Jozsef u 4-20, Hungary


   Szilveszter Nadas
   H-1117 Budapest, Irinyi Jozsef u 4-20, Hungary


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