Internet DRAFT - draft-mihaly-tp-flexibility


Internet Engineering Task Force                           Attila Mihaly
Internet-Draft                                            Lars Westberg
Intended status: Informational                              Robert Skog
Expires: September 2015                                        Ericsson
                                                           March 6, 2015

   Flexibility of Transport Layer Protocols: Use Cases


   This document argues for increasing the flexibility of the transport
   layer protocols to be possible to tailor the transport protocols to
   different needs (today and tomorrow) of different applications and
   access networks. We discuss various use cases to show that there is
   a need for transport protocol flexibility.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
   at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

   This Internet-Draft will expire on September 6, 2015.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document. Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with
   respect to this document.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction...................................................2
   2. Use Cases......................................................3
      2.1. Cloud-based gaming........................................3
      2.2. Data-center load-balancer.................................4
      2.3. Optimal Web-response......................................5
      2.4. Local hosting.............................................5
      2.5. Endpoint differentiation..................................6
      2.6. Network differentiation...................................6
      2.7. Multipath transport.......................................7
      2.8. Media transfer............................................7
      2.9. Confidentiality, security and encryption..................7
      2.10. Sensor communication.....................................8
      2.11. Transport layer caching..................................8
   3. Summary........................................................8
   4. Conventions used in this document..............................9
   5. Security Considerations........................................9
   6. IANA Considerations............................................9
   7. Conclusions....................................................9
   8. References.....................................................9
      8.1. Normative References......................................9
      8.2. Informative References...................................10
   9. Acknowledgments...............................................10

                          1. Introduction

   This problem statement reflects on the trends that can be identified
   in relation to the evolution of the transport protocols. TCP has
   been seen as the single transport protocol solution for many years.

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   However, recently there have been more and more proposals,
   discussions and architecture work on new transport protocols that
   are more aligned with the requirements emerging from the evolution
   of networked society, expecting 50+ billion connected devices in
   near future. What is generally identified is the need for lower
   latency of connection setup and data transfer and in the case of
   cellular access, better radio utilization. It has turned out that
   existing transport protocols do not provide these features. TCP for
   instance has slow connectivity setup because the TCP-SYN and SYNACK
   messages introduce an RTT overhead.   Another problem with the TCP
   relates to the so-called Head-of-Line blocking problem: when a TCP
   packet is delayed or lost no forthcoming packets may be server to
   the application layer. This will result in inefficient transfer of
   the streams in a HTTP2 connection since a low-priority packet could
   effectively block the transfer of a high-priority one.

   A general trend is that the new transport protocol features are
   proposed and implemented in the application space using UDP at the
   transport layer. The reason is that this provides possibility for
   fast adaptation of the protocol to the emerging application needs.
   It is also straightforward to correct potential problems that are
   observed in the newly implemented protocols by e.g., providing new
   browser updates.

   In the following we argue that there are some application and access
   network related features that should also be supported by transport
   protocol; moreover, the transport protocol should provide
   flexibility in utilizing these features.

                          2. Use Cases

2.1. Cloud-based gaming

   Today there is no "single" transport protocol that could be used for
   cloud-based gaming. This is because the game control messages and
   the rendered video streamed to the client require un-reliable
   transport. UDP may be used today for this. However, if one would
   like to include also the other communication with the server, e.g.,
   setup of the game, than this should be done on a reliable transport.
   Thus, one would need to build a retransmission scheme and likely a
   congestion control mechanism on the top of UDP. SCTP implementations
   like libusrsctp supports partial reliability (RFC3758), still SCTP
   lacks for instance FEC, in which case FEC must be added on the
   application layer with the risk of suboptimal performance.

   Note that similar conclusions may be drawn related to other
   conversational services. For example, there is an rtcweb activity in

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   IETF (cooperating with W3C) targeting plug-in free real-time
   communication between Web browsers [WEBRTC] that is defining a
   protocol suite especially for supporting the primitives that are
   designed by W3C to support this kind of service. Having a transport
   protocol solution accessible by HTTP that may be configured to
   support real-time services if needed would result in more simplified
   design and would provide the extensibility for other web-based
   services if needed.

2.2. Data-center load-balancer

   The load-balancer is important for distributing load among the
   servers in a Cloud. However, to let the load-balancer having an
   efficient operation, the load-Balancer needs information about the
   current server load. If one of the servers is highly loaded, the
   Load-balancer can re-distribute the new session to less loaded
   servers or inform the orchestrator that new servers needs to be

   In general, the above functionality is achieved by using proprietary
   protocols between the virtual machines in the cloud and Load-
   balancer. There are, however, cases when the ISPs or mobile
   operators will have Cloud as a part of their infrastructure, in
   which case such a solution is not feasible, as shown in Figure 1

   Therefore, the protocol should transport an indication about the
   server load to the load-balancer (LB). This LB entity may also
   multiplex streams from different Servers to one stream to the same
   Applications, for efficiency reasons.

   The load balancer is connected to internet but also has a relation
   to other server in the same Cloud. We may only need to have a subset
   of the transport functions in the cloud due to internal security
   protection with FW, substantial overprovisioned transport compared
   to path over internet.

   The above use case highlights the following support from the
   transport layer protocol used:

     . Support for the applications to communicate with a load
        balancer that act as a trusted middlebox on the transport layer
     . Support for a load-balancer, as a trusted middlebox, to adapt
        transport protocol to the different network conditions.
     . Allowing for Cloud specific features for enhancing the
        interaction of the orchestration system.

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     +------+                                 +-----------+
     |      |                                 | Cloud     |
     |      |                                 |           |
     |Mobile|                                 |     S  S  |
     |      |     +--------+    +-------+     |     |  |  |
     |      |-----+Cellular|----|Network|--------LB-+--+  |
     |      |     |Access  |    |       |     |           |
     +------+     +--------+    +-------+     +-----------+

   Figure 1    Architecture for hosted cloud in a cellular network with
   a Load Balancer (LB) controlling different Servers (S)

2.3. Optimal Web-response

   As stated above, TCP may become the bottleneck for web page
   downloads. The transport layer protocol should be adaptable to web
   transfers by providing short page load times and fast rendering of
   information on screen. Some example features achieving that goal are

      . Using Forward Error Correction (FEC) for trading bandwidth
        consumption of decreased latency of short transfers of end of
      . Using multiplexed stream delivery that on one hand eliminates
        the head-of-line blocking of TCP, and, on the other hand, makes
        it possible for differentiated stream transfers over the
        available resources.

   These features should be possible to switch on and off on demand,
   e.g., FEC feature to be switched on only for content of a certain
   type or a certain size etc.

2.4. Local hosting

   The mobile operators will have Cloud as a part of their
   infrastructure, see Figure 1. The local network conditions are
   dynamically varying over time and different time-scale: peak hour vs
   night-hour, TCP-bursts<->session. The congestion control of current
   transport protocols can more or less cope with the fast
   fluctuations. The transport protocol should be adaptable by re-
   configuration to slow fluctuation. This makes sense when an
   application is hosted in a local datacenter where the networking
   conditions are known. A management interface that allows for
   reconfiguration of the transport protocol is therefore needed.

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2.5. Endpoint differentiation

   Different applications require different end-points congestion
   control. In TCP several congestion control are available i.e CUBIC
   and LEDBAT and similar differentiation is also needed in the future.

   A future transport protocol should be flexible enough to accommodate
   different congestion control mechanisms, depending on the
   application that is running on the top of it. If the transport
   protocol multiplexes streams with different QoS/QoE requirements,
   then the following has to be supported:

     . separate congestion handling is needed for each stream with
        it's own re-transmission function. The parameters of this
        function shall be controllable by the application
     . multiplexed transport should represent an aggregated congestion
        control that maps the aggregated feedback onto the individual

2.6. Network differentiation

   Some applications require differentiated handling also in the
   different network domains, e.g., on-line gaming and cloud gaming
   requires expedited forwarding for the control packets. Also, special
   (low-priority) treatment of background traffic is needed in order to
   use the bottleneck resources more efficiently (endpoint benefits for
   such treatment would e.g., be lower price for these types of

   However, assuming that the network does some traffic differentiation
   i.e., treats the packets of the different streams differently, a
   connection-level differentiation is no longer meaningful in a
   transport protocol multiplexing different streams. Indeed, the
   result of differentiation is that the different stream groups
   undergoing a certain QoS-treatment experience different congestion
   levels. Thus, a per-stream group congestion avoidance behavior is
   needed in such cases. Note that there may or may not be traffic
   differentiation at the bottleneck, depending on the destination,
   congestion situation etc., in which case a per-connection congestion
   control is the more efficient solution. A congestion control
   solution is therefore needed in the transport protocol that is able
   to react to whether there is traffic differentiation among the
   streams in the network or not.

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2.7. Multipath transport

   The importance of supporting the multi-path feature in a transport
   protocol has been already realized and proposals exist, e.g., for a
   Multipath TCP [MPTCP].

   Multipath transport may be affectively used e.g., part for bundling
   WIFi &LTE access for increased efficiency. Switching some legs ON
   and OFF (e.g., when going out of the WIFI coverage), which implies
   some signaling between the endpoint and the network.

2.8. Media transfer

   The transport protocol should deliver media (video, audio) optimized
   for different access networks.

   The deliver should cater for the choice of full download as fast as
   possible to pacing along with characteristics with access network in
   the path. The latter would allow a battery-optimized delivery for
   the mobile clients.

2.9. Confidentiality, security and encryption

   The end-to-end encryption is more and more prevalent to provide
   confidentiality for the data transferred. There may be benefits with
   applying the encryption directly on the transport layer, e.g.,
   elimination of the head-of-line blocking by encryption and
   protection of the transport layer from unexpected input by third
   party (change of protocol fields, extension header injection etc.)
   which is a security hole.

   There may be cases when the access provider provides transport level
   performance enhancement solutions to improve the end-to-end quality.
   However, all these actions are only possible if middleboxes can
   unencrypt the transport layer.

   In other cases end-to-end transport layer encryption may not be
   needed at all. For example, in the case of DRM-protected data
   transfer applying an additional encryption at the transport layer is
   redundant. In the case when there is a trust relation between the
   service provider and network provider (e.g., hosted CDN) this is a
   valid option from security perspective.

   A transport protocol should therefore be capable to switch between
   different encryption methods if needed.

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2.10. Sensor communication

   Certain type of sensors may dynamically change the information that
   is sent to the servers, depending on certain conditions; this may
   require that different transport layer protocol features should be
   used in the different cases. For example, a video sensor may have
   three modes of operation:

   . Dormant mode, where only keep-alive signals are sent out. Here the
     requirement for the transport protocol should be lightweight
     operation for battery savings purpose.
   . Surveillance mode, where still pictures are sent regularly.
   . Alert mode (triggered e.g., by movements) when video is streamed.
     This would require a transport layer protocol optimized for video

2.11. Transport layer caching

   Transport layer caching is an interesting caching alternative, which
   benefits from the fact that it is more generic than an application
   layer caching solution. Proposals for transport layer caching
   already exist, see e.g., [TCPSEG]. Note that not all objects are
   subject of caching, thus the caching property of the transport layer
   protocol should be controllable by the applications.

                          3. Summary

   As we have shown in the use cases in the previous section, transport
   protocols shall be flexible regarding the following aspects (based
   on network or application indication):

     . Switch retransmission mechanisms on and off
     . Support for the applications to communicate with a trusted
        middlebox on the transport layer. E.g., receive load
        information in a load balancer from the servers in a cloud
     . Support for a trusted middlebox to apply transport protocol
        enhancements, e.g., be able to support stream (de-)multiplexing
        feature at a Load balancer
     . Be able to support transport layer caching if needed
     . Switch FEC on and off
     . Change local settings based on received information about the
        local access network
     . Apply different congestion control mechanisms for the different
        streams in the same connection

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     . Accommodate its internal mechanisms (e.g., congestion control)
        based on indication about utilization of network
     . Switch one or more legs of a multipath transfer on and off
        based on network indication
     . Switch between different encryption methods
     . Switch access network specific media transfer on and off
     . Switch between features based on application request, e.g.,
        switch to battery saving mode
     . Switch to transport layer segment caching based on application

                          4. Conventions used in this document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [RFC2119].

   In this document, these words will appear with that interpretation
   only when in ALL CAPS. Lower case uses of these words are not to be
   interpreted as carrying RFC-2119 significance.

                          5. Security Considerations

   The draft includes a set of features and implementation of these
   features should follow specific design rules allowing for data
   integrity and confidentiality if needed. See also related
   description in section 2.9.

                          6. IANA Considerations

   This draft presently does not pose any requirements to IANA.

                          7. Conclusions

                          8. References

8.1. Normative References

    [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

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8.2. Informative References

   [WEBRTC] Rtcweb Status Pages,

   [MPTCP]  Multipath TCP (mptcp) charter:

   [TCPSEG] TCP Segment Caching,

                          9. Acknowledgments

   This document was prepared using

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors
   of the code. All rights reserved.

   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
   modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license
   terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section
   4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents

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Authors' Addresses

   Attila Mihaly
   H-1117 Budapest, Irinyi Jozsef u 4-20, Hungary

   Phone: +36-30-486-1730

   Lars Westberg


   Robert Skog


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