Internet DRAFT - draft-mingqiang-mmusic-session-mobility-attribute


MMUSIC Working Group                                        X. Mingqiang
Internet-Draft                                                 D. Komiya
Expires: April 27, 2006                                     S. Kawaguchi
                                                               M. Rahman
                                                                B. Kumar
                                                                 E. Shim
                                                        October 24, 2005

 Extensions of Session Description Protocol (SDP) for Seamless Session

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   Session mobility allows a user to transfer an ongoing communication
   session from one device to another device.  Seamless session mobility
   is  important  for  real  time  multimedia  applications.  This

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   document describes requirements for seamless session mobility, which
   will guide development of seamless session transfer mechanisms and
   associated Session Description Protocol (SDP) extensions.

1.  Introduction

   IP-based multimedia streaming applications are important usages of
   mobile devices.  Mobile devices provide convenience of mobility but
   have limited capability compared to stationary devices; for example,
   smaller screens and computing power than stationary devices.  Session
   mobility allows a user to transfer an ongoing communication session
   from one device to another device.  Session mobility between mobile
   devices and stationary devices enable users to use best devices at
   hand without terminating existing sessions and starting new ones.
   There can be various forms of disruptions in media play during
   session transfer.  Some portion of media may be lost or skipped.
   There can be noticeable and annoying pause or delay until media play
   starts in the target device.

   The general approach to achieve session mobility in SIP [1] including
   discovery process to locate  transfer  target  devices,  and
   signaling  needed  for  the transfer  of  session  has  been
   described  in [6] .  In [6], the following is described as a
   requirement of session mobility: "Session transfer should be as
   seamless as possible.  It should involve minimum disruption of media
   flow and should not appear to the remote participant as a new call."
   3GPP proposed seamless session mobility as a part of the vision of
   3GPP All-IP Networks in  [7].

   Starting a streaming application at the receiver usually takes some
   time which MAY involve reading system parameters and initializing
   local buffer.  Streaming clients typically have a receiver buffer
   that is capable of storing a relatively large amount of data [5]
   initially, when a streaming session is established, a client does not
   start playing the stream back immediately.  Rather, it typically
   buffers the incoming data in a play back buffer for a short duration.
   This duration could range from a few milliseconds to a few seconds
   depending upon the property of the decoder at the receiver.  This
   buffering at the receiver helps maintain continuous playback.  In the
   event of occasionally increased transmission delays or network
   throughput drops, the client can decode and play buffered data.
   Otherwise, without initial buffering, the client has to freeze the
   display, stop decoding, and wait for incoming data.

   Therefore, in order for a session transfer to be seamless, we need to
   parallelize the process of selecting the transfer target device and
   creating the necessary playback buffer at the target device to
   eliminate pre-roll delay.  We define pre-roll delay as the time that

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   it takes for the receiver buffer to fill to a desired level so that
   playback can begin instantly.  The SIP REFER based session transfer
   mechanism as specified in [4] clearly is inadequate to deal with the
   lapse caused by the disruption of media stream at the new receiver.

   The purpose of this document is to identify requirements of seamless
   session transfer and extensions of Session Description Protocol (SDP)
   [3] useful to implement seamless session transfer.  It will take
   development of thorough seamless session transfer mechanisms to
   identify all necessary extensions of SDP and other protocols, which
   is a challenge requiring more efforts.  The current version of this
   document defines performance metrics that can be used to assess
   sesson transfer mechanisms and requirements of seamless session
   transfer mechanisms.  Extenstions of SDP will be described in the
   future version.

2.  Terminology

   In this document, the key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED",
   and "OPTIONAL" are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC 2119

   Device: A software or hardware appliance, which is represented by a
      SIP UA.

   PAN (Personal Area Network): PAN is a collection of one or more
      logically associated devices that share the same physical
      communication medium within a close proximity of each other (e.g.,
      network formed by devices that can be accessed by near field radio
      like Bluetooth).

   Session: A session is a set of senders and receivers and the data
      stream flowing from senders to receivers.  A multimedia conference
      is an example of a session.

   Seamless: A user experience that is unaffected by changes in the
      mechanisms used to provide services to a user.  Note:	The
      determination of whether something satisfies the requirement for
      being seamless or not is dependent on the user's perception of the
      service being received and not necessarily the technology used to
      provide the service.

   Session mobility: The ability for a communication session to be moved
      from one device to another under the control of the user.

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   Session Transfer: The act of moving a communication session from one
      device to another under the control of the user.

   Seamless Session Transfer: Session transfer in which a  seamless
      session with no perceivable interruption from a user perspective
      is maintained during a change in access system.

   Session Source: The device that was holding the session before
      session transfer.

   Session Destination: The device to which the session is transferred.

   Correspondent Node (CN): The device participating in the session with
      the Session Source.

   Media Synchronization: Coordination of the media playback timings.

   Time Gap: The time difference between the Session Destination's
      playback start and the Session Source's playback stop.

   Time Shift: The time difference between the Session Source and the
      Session Destination for the same point of the stream.

   Media Gap: The difference of the first frame played by the Session
      Destination and the last frame played by the Session Source.

   Response Delay: The time duration from when the human user requests
      session transfer to when the Session Destination plays its first

   Pre-roll Delay: The time duration a media player spends to buffer
      media data before starting playback.

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      +--------------+                                           |
      |      3       |                                           |
      +--------------+                                           |
      |      4       | ------------------------------------------|Tc
      +--------------+                                           |
      |      5       |                                           |
      +--------------+                                           |
      |      6       |                                           |
      +--------------+                                           |
      |      7       |                                           |
      +--------------+ Session Source stops playback ------------|Ts
      |     (8)      |                                           |
      +--------------+ ------------------------------------------|Tv
       Session Source                                            |
                                     +--------------+ -----------|Td
                                     |     9        |            |
                                     +--------------+            |
                                     |     10       |            |
                                     +--------------+            |
                                     |     11       |            |
                                     +--------------+            |
                                     |     12       |            |
                                     +--------------+            |
                                             |                   |
                                             v                   |
                                     +--------------+            |
                                     |              |            |
                                     +--------------+            |
                                   Session Destination           |

       Figure 1: A media playback scenario during session transfer

   Figure 1 illustrates a media playback scenario during session
   transfer, in which a command to execute a session transfer was issued
   by a human user at time Tc, the Session Source stopped media playback
   at Ts and its last frame was frame 7, and the Session Destination
   started playback at Td and its first frame was frame 9.  Frame 8 was
   not played by either device.  Tv is the time the frame 9 should be
   played if the media stream was played continously by the Session

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   Source.  In this scenario, Time Gap is (Td - Ts), Time Shift is (Td -
   Tv), Media Gap is 9 - 7 + 1 = 1 (frame), and Response Delay is (Td -

3.  Issues with Session Transfer

   This section describes potential problems in session transfer that
   can cause disruption to the user experience.

   If the Session Destination does not start playing media a noticeable
   amount of time after the Session Source stopped playing media,
   continuity of media breaks.  In particular, if the session is for
   interactive communications like VoIP, media during the delay will be
   lost.  If a noticeable amount of media is skipped, i.e., neither the
   Session Source nor the Session Destination plays some portion of
   media, the user experience can degrade substantially.  For media like
   music, the impact of media loss is significant.  If the Session
   Source and the Session Destination play different portion of media at
   the same time, it causes a problem, too.  For example, different
   sounds from the two devices will mix and hamper user's reception
   significantly.  In an ideal session transfer, the Session Destination
   will start playing media without any media loss or duplication right
   after the Session Source stops playing media.

   Even if the Session Source plays media until the Session Destination
   is ready to play media and thus there is no loss or duplication or
   media or time gap, a user may not tolerate if the Session
   Destination's playing media is delayed beyond a certain time period.
   How much response delay is tolerable varies depending on situations
   and users.

   Studies show that synchronous end-to-end (round-trip) delays that
   consistently exceed about 250 ms are often unacceptable from the user
   point of view when the interaction is conducted in the key-stroke-by-
   keystroke mode [8][9][10].

   [11] states that time delay or high response time is a major problem
   of most user interfaces on the World Wide Web and gives the following
   guidelines regarding response times:

      Approximately one tenth of a second is the limit for having the
      user feel that the system is reacting instantaneously.
      Consequently, no special feedback is necessary except to display
      the result;

      Approximately one second is the limit for the user's flow of
      thought to remain uninterrupted, even though the delay is noticed
      by the user.  With delays of more than 0.1 but less than 1.0

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      second, the user does lose the feeling of operating directly on
      the data, but no special feedback is necessary;

      Approximately ten seconds is the limit for keeping the user's
      attention focused on the dialogue.  For longer delays, users turn
      to other tasks while waiting for the computer to finish.

   It is difficult to decide the tolerable response delay limit of
   session transfer before conducting an experiment with a sample system
   and a significant number of users.  But the above studies show it is
   preferable to bound the response delay in session transfer below a

   MPEG families such as MPEG1,2 and 4 are widely used for video
   streaming applications these days and have significant commonality
   with RealVideo from Real Networks, Inc. and Windows Media Video from
   Microsoft that are widely used in the Web. All these video
   compression techniques use motion prediction and generate video
   frames that depend on adjacent video frames for decoding.  These
   MPEG-like video formats raise another challenge for session transfer.

   What happens if a MPEG video streaming session is transferred at a
   random point of time?  If the Session Destination receives video data
   from an intermediate frame of a GOP but not the first frame (I
   frame), the Session Destination cannot decode the video frames within
   the GOP.  In such a simple session transfer scenario, video play is
   disrupted until the Session Destination reaches the beginning of the
   next GOP.  The span of damage on video play in the Session
   Destination depends on the location of the first video frame it
   received within the first GOP.  In average, we can say a half of GOP
   won't be played properly in the Session Destination.

   The degree of this damage depends on the length of the GOP, which
   depends on specific applications or encoder settings.  Literature
   says a GOP consists of 15 to 35 frames or 8 to 24 frames.  The frame
   rate for NTSC is 30 frames/sec and for PAL is 24 frames/sec.  One can
   infer that a typical GOP is from a half second to a second in time
   length from the above literature.  But there are lots of low frame
   rate video streams as well in the Internet, which makes it difficult
   to infer typical time length of a GOP.  Nevertheless, we can notice
   that a GOP time length is easily longer than half a second and a
   simple session transfer can cause at least a quarter second of video
   disruption.  In the worst cases, there can be disruption in video
   play for a second or longer, which will be noticeable to most users.
   The problem of media synchronization in session transfer is how to
   coordinate the Session Destination and the Session Source, in
   particular, their handling of media data, to minimize the disruption.

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4.  Requirements for Seamless Session Transfer

   This section describes requirements for media synchronization in
   multimedia streaming session transfer.

4.1  Minimal Time Gap

   A large time gap means that there is a long pause in media playback.
   There SHOULD be minimal time gap between the first moment of video
   display by the Session Destination and the last moment of video
   display by the Session Source.

4.2  Minimal Media Gap

   There SHOULD be minimal media gap between the first frame to be
   displayed by the Session Destination and the last frame by the
   Session Source.  One can think of a negative media gap.  For example,
   if the last frame for the Session Source is frame 9 and the first
   frame for the Session Destination is frame 6, the media gap becomes
   -3, which means three frame overlap between the two devices.  A
   positive media gap means some portion of media is skipped without
   being played by either the Session Source or the Session Destination.
   The idea media gap is zero.  There should be minimal media gap (in
   the absolute value) between the Session Destination and the Session
   Source, that is, minimal media skipping or overlapping.

4.3  Minimal Response Delay

   There SHOULD not be too much response delay from the human user's
   perspective in session transfer.

   The above three requirements are fundamental and common requirements
   for seamless session transfer in general.  Time Gap, Media Gap and
   Response Delay can be common criteria in evaluating the performance
   of session transfer mechanisms.  Minimal Time Shift can be another
   requirement of seamless session transfer.  But Time Shift can be
   derived from Time Gap and Media Gap. Any two of these three metrics
   can be chosen as performance metrics of session transfer in addition
   to Response Delay.

   Each of the following four requirements can be an issue in some cases
   but not in every case.

4.4  Supporting MPEG-like media

   Seamless session transfer schemes SHOULD support MPEG-like video that
   uses prediction-based coding.  As described earlier, MPEG video
   requires more sophisticated coordination between the Session Source

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   and the Session Destination than other simpler video formats.  The
   Session Destination is supposed to handle from the beginning of a GOP
   or should able to decode even from an intermediate frame of the first
   (partial) GOP it handles.

4.5  Supporting Different Buffer Sizes

   The Session Source and the Session Destination may have different
   capabilities.  An important capability is the media playback buffer
   size.  Simply transferring the whole buffer content from the Session
   Source to the Session Destination does not work if the Session
   Destination has a smaller buffer because it will cause buffer
   overflow in the Session Destination and eventually media data loss.
   Seamless session transfer schemes SHOULD work when the Session
   Destination and the Session Source have different playback buffer

4.6  Supporting Different Network Characteristics

   The network environment of the devices affects media streaming.  An
   example of such a situation is when the Session Source is attached to
   the network backbone via WLAN and a corporate broadband access
   network and the Session Destination (mobile handset) is attached via
   a 3G cellular network which provides smaller bandwidth.  This access
   network bandwidth difference affects the time to achieve buffering in
   the media buffer.  Seamless session transfer schemes SHOULD work when
   the Session Source and the Session Destination have different network

4.7  Supporting Media Characteristics Change

   Transcoding technologies enable change of media characteristics of
   the same media content such as resolution or bit rate to optimize the
   media quality in heterogeneous network environments and device
   capabilities.  Transcoding techniques were widely exploited to
   support adjustable media streaming in heterogeneous networks like the

   If the streaming application system has the capability of changing
   dynamically media characteristics during a session and performs the
   change when the Session Destination takes over the session from the
   Session Source, the media data sent to the Session Source may not fit
   into the Session Destination at all.Seamless session transfer schemes
   SHOULD work when media characteristics change during session

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5.  IANA Considerations

   There is no need for IANA consideration from the current version of
   this document.

6.  Security Considerations

   There are some security concerns that must be addressed while a
   Mobile Node intends to establish communication sessions with devices
   in PAN.  The Mobile Node needs to authenticate itself with the
   devices in PAN in order to limit the accessibility of devices in PAN
   by unauthorized users.  Some of the security concerns are already
   addressed in [2] and additional security concerns will be addressed
   in the future revision.

7.  References

7.1  Normative References

   [1]  Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston, A.,
        Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M., and E. Schooler, "SIP:
        Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 3261, June 2002.

   [2]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirements
        Levels", RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [3]  Handley, H. and V. Jacobson, "SDP: Session Description
        Protocol", RFC 2327, April 1998.

   [4]  Handley, H., "The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) REFER
        Method", RFC 3515, April 2003.

   [5]  Wenger, S., Hannuksela, M., Westerlund, T., and D. Singer, "RTP
        Payload Format for H.264 Video", RFC 3984, February 2005.

7.2  Informative References

   [6]   Shacham, R., Schulzrinne, H., Thakolsri, S., and W. Kellerer,
         "Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Session Mobility",
         draft-shacham-sippin-session-mobility-01 (work in progress),
         July 2005.

   [7]   Sancho, ed., "All-IP Network (AIPN) Feasibility Study, Release
         7", 3GPP TR22.978, 2005.

   [8]   Bitzer, M. and D. Bitzer, "Teaching nursing by computer: an
         evaluation study", Computers in Biology and Medicine 3, 187-
         204, 1973.

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   [9]   Kauer, P., "An Analysis of North Carolina State University's
         Network Performance", M.S. Thesis Department of Computer
         Science, NCSU, 1995.

   [10]  Dixit, P., "Quality of Service Modeling ofr Wide Area Network-
         Based Systems,", Ph.D. Thesis North Carolina State University,
         May 1998.

   [11]  Nielsen, J., "Designing Web Usability: The Practice of
         Simplicity", New Riders Publishing Indianapolis, USA, 1999.

Authors' Addresses

   Xu Mingqiang
   Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.(Panasonic)
   4-5-15 Higashi-shinagawa
   Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo


   Daisaku Komiya
   Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.(Panasonic)
   4-5-15 Higashi-shinagawa
   Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo


   Sachiko Kawaguchi
   Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.(Panasonic)
   4-5-15 Higashi-shinagawa
   Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo


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   Mahfuzur Rahman
   Panasonic Digital Networking Laboratory
   Two Research Way, 3rd Floor
   Princeton, NJ  08540


   Brijesh Kumar
   Panasonic Digital Networking Laboratory
   Two Research Way, 3rd Floor
   Princeton, NJ  08540


   Eunsoo Shim
   Panasonic Digital Networking Laboratory
   Two Research Way, 3rd Floor
   Princeton, NJ  08540


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