Internet DRAFT - draft-mity-nvo3-use-case


Network working group                                           L. Yong
Internet Draft                                                   Huawei
Category: Informational                                          M. Toy
                                                               A. Isaac
                                                              V. Manral
                                                              L. Dunbar

Expires: April 2013                                  October 22, 2012

             Use Cases for DC Network Virtualization Overlays


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MITY                      Expires April 2013                   [Page 1]
Internet-Draft          NVO3 Use Case                      October 2012

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   This draft describes the general NVO3 use cases. The work intention
   is to help validate the NVO3 framework and requirements as along
   with the development of the solutions.

Conventions used in this document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [RFC2119].

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction...................................................3
   2. Terminology....................................................4
   3. Basic Virtual Networks in a Data Center........................4
   4. Interconnecting DC Virtual Network and External Networks.......6
      4.1. DC Virtual Network Access via Internet....................6
      4.2. DC Virtual Network and WAN VPN Interconnection............7
   5. DC Applications Using NVO3.....................................9
      5.1. Supporting Multi Technologies in a Data Center............9
      5.2. Tenant Virtual Network with Bridging/Routing.............10
      5.3. Virtual Data Center (VDC)................................11
      5.4. Federating NV03 Domains..................................13
   6. OAM Considerations............................................13
   7. Summary.......................................................13
   8. Security Considerations.......................................14
   9. IANA Considerations...........................................14
   10. Acknowledgements.............................................14
   11. References...................................................15
      11.1. Normative References....................................15
      11.2. Informative References..................................15
   Authors' Addresses...............................................16

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1. Introduction

   Compute Virtualization has dramatically and quickly changed IT
   industry in terms of efficiency, cost, and the speed in providing a
   new applications and/or services. However the problems in today's
   data center hinder the support of an elastic cloud service and
   dynamic virtual tenant networks [NVO3PRBM]. The goal of DC Network
   Virtualization Overlays, i.e. NVO3, is to decouple a communication
   among tenant end systems (VMs) from DC physical networks and to
   allow the network infrastructure to provide: 1) traffic isolation
   among one virtual network and another; 2) independent address space
   in each virtual network and address isolation from the
   infrastructure's; 3) Flexible VM placement and move from one server
   to another without any physical network limitation. These
   characteristics will help address the issues in the data centers.

   Although NVO3 may enable a true virtual environment where VMs and
   net service appliances communicate, the NVO3 solution has to address
   how to communicate between a virtual network and a physical network.
   This is because 1) many traditional DCs exist and will not disappear
   any time soon; 2) a lot of DC applications serve to Internet and/or
   cooperation users; 3) some applications like Big Data analytics
   which are CPU bound may not want the virtualization capability.

   This document is to describe general NVO3 use cases that apply to
   various data center networks to ensure nvo3 framework and solutions
   can meet the demands. Three types of the use cases are:

   o  A virtual network connects many tenant end systems within a Data
      Center and form one L2 or L3 communication domain. A virtual
      network segregates its traffic from others and allows the VMs in
      the network moving from one server to another. The case may be
      used for DC internal applications that constitute the DC East-
      West traffic.

   o  A DC provider offers a secure DC service to an enterprise
      customer and/or Internet users. In these cases, the enterprise
      customer may use a traditional VPN provided by a carrier or an
      IPsec tunnel over Internet connecting to an overlay virtual
      network offered by a Data Center provider. This is mainly
      constitutes DC North-South traffic.

   o  A DC provider uses NVO3 to design a variety of DC applications
      that make use of the net service appliance, virtual compute,
      storage, and networking. In this case, the NVO3 provides the
      virtual networking functions for the applications.

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   The document uses the architecture reference model and terminologies
   defined in [NVO3FRWK] to describe the use cases.

2.  Terminology

   This document uses the terminologies defined in [NVO3FRWK],
   [RFC4364]. Some additional terms used in the document are listed

   CUG: Closed User Group

   L2 VNI: L2 Virtual Network Instance

   L3 VNI: L3 Virtual Network Instance

   ARP: Address Resolution Protocol

   CPE: Customer Premise Equipment

   DNS: Domain Name Service

   DMZ: DeMilitarized Zone

   NAT: Network Address Translation

   VNIF: Internal Virtual Network Interconnection Interface

3. Basic Virtual Networks in a Data Center

   A virtual network may exist within a DC. The network enables a
   communication among tenant end systems (TESs) that are in a Closed
   User Group (CUG). A TES may be a physical server or virtual machine
   (VM) on a server. A virtual network has a unique virtual network
   identifier (may be local or global unique) for switches/routers to
   properly differentiate it from other virtual networks. The CUGs are
   formed so that proper policies can be applied when the TESs in one
   CUG communicate with the TESs in other CUGs.

   Figure 1 depicts this case by using the framework model. [NVO3FRWK]
   NVE1 and NVE2 are two network virtual edges and each may exist on a
   server or ToR. Each NVE may be the member of one or more virtual
   networks. Each virtual network may be L2 or L3 basis. In this
   illustration, three virtual networks with VN context Ta, Tn, and Tm
   are shown. The VN 'Ta' terminates on both NVE1 and NVE2; The VN 'Tn'
   terminates on NVE1 and the VN 'Tm' at NVE2 only. If an NVE is a
   member of a VN, one or more virtual network instances (VNI) (i.e.
   routing and forwarding table) exist on the NVE. Each NVE has one

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   overlay module to perform frame encapsulation/decapsulation and
   tunneling initiation/termination. In this scenario, a tunnel between
   NVE1 and NVE2 is necessary for the virtual network Ta.

   A TES attaches to a virtual network (VN) via a virtual access point
   (VAP) on an NVE. One TES may participate in one or more virtual
   networks via VAPs; one NVE may be configured with multiple VAPs for
   a VN. Furthermore if individual virtual networks use different
   address spaces, the TES participating in all of them will be
   configured with multiple addresses as well. A TES as a gateway is an
   example for this. In addition, multiple TESes may use one VAP to
   attach to a VN. For example, VMs are on a server and NVE is on ToR,
   some VMs may attach to NVE via one VLAN.

   A VNI on an NVE is a routing and forwarding table that caches and/or
   maintains the mapping of a tenant end system and its attached NVE.
   The table entry may be updated by the control plane or data plane or
   management plane. It is possible that an NVE has more than one VNIs
   associated with a VN.

                      +------- L3 Network ------+
                      |       Tunnel Overlay    |
         +------------+--------+       +--------+-------------+
         | +----------+------+ |       | +------+----------+  |
         | | Overlay Module  | |       | | Overlay Module  |  |
         | +---+---------+---+ |       | +--+----------+---+  |
         |     |Ta       |Tn   |       |    |Ta        |Tm    |
         |  +--+---+  +--+---+ |       |  +-+----+  +--+---+  |
         |  | VNIa |..| VNIn | |       |  | VNIa |..| VNIm |  |
    NVE1 |  ++----++  ++----++ |       |  ++----++  ++----++  | NVE2
         |   |VAPs|    |VAPs|  |       |   |VAPs|    |VAPs|   |
         +---+----+----+----+--+       +---+----+----+----+---+
             |    |    |    |              |    |    |    |
       ------+----+----+----+------   -----+----+----+----+-----
             | .. |    | .. |              | .. |    | .. |
             |    |    |    |              |    |    |    |
            Tenant End Systems            Tenant End Systems

          Figure 1    NVo3 for Tenant End-System interconnection

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  One virtual network may have many NVE members and interconnect
  several thousands of TESs (as a matter of policy), the capability of
  supporting a lot of TESs per tenant instance and TES mobility is
  critical for NVO3 solution no matter where an NVE resides.

  It is worth to mention two distinct cases here. The first is when
  TES and NVE are co-located on a same physical device, which means
  that the NVE is aware of the TES state at any time via internal API.
  The second is when TES and NVE are remotely connected, i.e.
  connected via a switched network or point-to-point link. In this
  case, a protocol is necessary for NVE to know TES state.

  Note that if all NVEs are co-located with TESes in a CUG, the
  communication in the CUG is in a true virtual environment. If a TES
  connects to a NVE remotely, the communication from this TES to other
  TESes in the CUG is not in a true virtual environment. The packets
  to/from this TES are exposed to a physical network directly, i.e. on
  a wire.

   Individual virtual networks may use its own address space and the
   space is isolated from DC infrastructure. This eliminates the route
   changes in the DC underlying network when VMs move. Note that the
   NVO3 solutions still have to address VM move in the overlay network,
   i.e. the TES/NVE association change when a VM moves.

   If a virtual network spans across multiple DC sites, one design is
   to allow the corresponding NVO3 instance seamlessly span across
   those sites without DC gateway routers' termination In this case,
   the tunnel between a pair of NVEs may in turn be tunneled over other
   intermediate tunnels over the Internet or other WANs, or the intra
   DC and inter DC tunnels are stitched together to form an end-to-end
   tunnel between two NVEs.

4. Interconnecting DC Virtual Network and External Networks

   For customers (an enterprise or individuals) who want to utilize the
   DC provider's compute and storage resources to run their
   applications, they need to access those end systems hosted in a DC
   through Carrier WANs or Internet. A DC provider may want to use an
   NVO3 virtual network to connect these end systems; then it, in turn,
   becomes the case of interconnecting DC virtual network and external
   networks. Two cases are described here.

4.1. DC Virtual Network Access via Internet

   A user or an enterprise customer may want to connect to a DC virtual
   network via Internet but securely. Figure 2 illustrates this case.

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   An L3 virtual network is configured on NVE1 and NVE2 and two NVEs
   are connected via an L3 tunnel in the Data Center. A set of tenant
   end systems attach to NVE1. The NVE2 connects to one (may be more)
   TES that runs the VN gateway and NAT applications (known as net
   service appliance). A user or customer can access the VN via
   Internet by using IPsec tunnel [RFC4301]. The encrypted tunnel is
   established between the VN GW and the user machine or CPE at
   enterprise location. The VN GW provides authentication scheme and
   encryption. Note that VN GW function may be performed by a net
   service appliance or on a DC GW.

                       +--------------+ +----------+
                       |    +------+  | | Firewall | TES
                  +----+(OM)+L3 VNI+--+-+ NAT      | (VN GW)
                  |    |    +------+  | +----+-----+
             L3 Tunnel +--------------+      ^
                  |               NVE2       |IPsec Tunnel
         +--------+---------+            .--.  .--.
         | +------+-------+ |           (    :'   '.--.
         | |Overlay Module| |        .-.'    :         )
         | +------+-------+ |       (    Internet       )
         |  +-----+------+  |       (        :         /
         |  |   L3 VNI   |  |        '-'     :      '-'
    NVE1 |  +-+--------+-+  |            \../+\.--/'
         +----+--------+----+                |
              |  ...   |                     V
          Tenant End Systems               User Access

             DC Provider Site

      OM: Overlay Module;

             Figure 2 DC Virtual Network Access via Internet

4.2. DC Virtual Network and WAN VPN Interconnection

   A DC Provider and Carrier may build a VN and VPN independently and
   interconnect the two at the DC GW and PE for an enterprise customer.
   Figure 3 depicts this case in a L3 overlay (L2 overlay is the same).
   The DC provider constructs an L3 VN between the NVE1 on a server and
   the NVE2 on the DC GW in the DC site; the carrier constructs an
   L3VPN between PE1 and PE2 in its IP/MPLS network. An Ethernet
   Interface physically connects the DC GW and PE2 devices. The local
   VLAN over the Ethernet interface [VRF-LITE] is configured to connect
   the L3VNI/NVE2 and VRF, which makes the interconnection between the

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   L3 VN in the DC and the L3VPN in IP/MPLS network. An Ethernet
   Interface may be used between PE1 and CE to connect the L3VPN and
   enterprise physical networks.

   This configuration allows the enterprise networks communicating to
   the L3 VN as if its own networks but not communicating with DC
   provider underlying physical networks as well as not other overlay
   networks in the DC. The enterprise may use its own address space on
   the L3 VN. The DC provider can manage the VM and storage assignment
   to the L3 VN for the enterprise customer. The enterprise customer
   can determine and run their applications on the VMs. From the L3 VN
   perspective, an end point in the enterprise location appears as the
   end point associating to the NVE2. The NVE2 on the DC GW has to
   perform both the GRE tunnel termination [RFC4797] and the local VLAN
   termination and forward the packets in between. The DC provider and
   Carrier negotiate the local VLAN ID used on the Ethernet interface.

   This configuration makes the L3VPN over the WANs only has the
   reachbility to the TES in the L3 VN. It does not have the
   reachability of DC physical networks and other VNs in the DC.
   However, the L3VPN has the reachbility of enterprise networks. Note
   that both the DC provider and enterprise may have multiple network
   locations connecting to the L3VPN.

   The eBGP protocol can be used between DC GW and PE2 for the route
   population in between. In fact, this is like the Option A in
   [RFC4364]. This configuration can work with any NVO3 solution. The
   eBGP, OSPF, or other can be used between PE1 and CE for the route

         +-----------------+           +-------------+
         |  +----------+   |           | +-------+   |
    NVE2 |  | L3 VNI   +---+===========+-+ VRF   |   |
         |  +----+-----+   |   VLAN    | +---+---+   | PE2
         |       |         |           |     |       |
         | +-----+-------+ |          /+-----+-------+--\
         | |Overly Module| |         (       :           '
         | +-------------+ |        {        :            }
         +--------+--------+        {        : LSP Tunnel }
                  |                  ;       :            ;
                  |GER Tunnel         {  IP/MPLS Network }
                  |                    \     :          /
         +--------+---------+           +----+------+  -
         | +------+-------+ |           | +--+---+  | '
         | |Overlay Module| |           | | VRF  |  |

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         | +------+-------+ |           | +--+---+  | PE1
         |        |Ta       |           |    |      |
         |  +-----+------+  |           +----+------+
         |  |   L3 VNI   |  |                |
    NVE1 |  +-+--------+-+  |                |
         |    |  VAPs  |    |               CE Site
              |  ...   |                Enterprise Site
          Tenant End Systems

             DC Provider Site

     Figure 3 L3 VNI and L3VPN interconnection across multi networks

   If an enterprise only has one location, it may use P2P VPWS [RFC4664]
   or L2TP [RFC5641] to connect one DC provider site. In this case, one
   edge connects to a physical network and another edge connects to an
   overlay network.

   The interesting feature in this use case is that the L3 VN and
   compute resource are managed by the DC provider. The DC operator can
   place them at any location without notifying the enterprise and
   carrier because the DC physical network is completely isolated from
   the carrier and enterprise network. Furthermore, the DC operator may
   move the compute resources assigned to the enterprise from one sever
   to another in the DC without the enterprise customer awareness, i.e.
   no impact on the enterprise 'live' applications running these
   resources. Such advanced feature brings some requirements for NVO3

5. DC Applications Using NVO3

   NVO3 brings DC operators the flexibility to design different
   applications in a true virtual environment without worry about
   physical network configuration in the Data Center. DC operators may
   build several virtual networks and interconnect them directly to
   form a tenant virtual network and implement the communication rules
   through policy; or may allocate some VMs to run tenant applications
   and some to run net service applications such as Firewall, DNS for
   the tenant. Several use cases are given in this section.

5.1. Supporting Multi Technologies in a Data Center

   Most likely servers deployed in a large data center are rolled in at
   different times and may have different capacities/features. Some
   servers may be virtualized, some may not; some may be equipped with

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   virtual switches, some may not. For the ones equipped with
   hypervisor based virtual switches, some may support VxLAN [VXLAN]
   encapsulation, some may support NvGRE encapsulation [NVGRE], and
   some may not support any types of encapsulation. To construct a
   tenant virtual network among these servers and the ToRs, it may use
   two virtual networks and a gateway to allow different
   implementations working together. For example, one virtual network
   uses VxLAN encapsulation and another virtual network uses
   traditional VLAN.

   The gateway entity, either on VMs or standalone one, participates in
   to both virtual networks, and maps the services and identifiers and
   changes the packet encapsulations.

5.2. Tenant Virtual Network with Bridging/Routing

   A tenant virtual network may span across multiple Data Centers. DC
   operator may want to use L2VN within a DC and L3VN outside DCs for a
   tenant. This is very similar to today's DC physical network
   configuration. L2 bridging has the simplicity and endpoint awareness
   while L3 routing has advantages in aggregation and scalability. For
   this configuration, the virtual gateway function is necessary to
   interconnect L2VN and L3VN in each DC. Figure 5 illustrates this

   Figure 5 depicts two DC sites. The site A constructs an L2VN that
   terminates on NVE1, NVE2, and GW1. An L3VN is configured between the
   GW1 at site A and the GW2 at site Z. An internal Virtual Network
   Interconnection Interface (VNIF) connects to L2VNI and L3VNI on GW1.
   Thus the GW1 is the members of the L2VN and L3VN. The L2VNI is the
   MAC/NVE mapping table and the L3VNI is IP prefix/NVE mapping table.
   Note that a VNI also has the mapping of TES and VAP at the local NVE.
   The site Z has the similar configuration. A packet coming to the GW1
   from L2VN will be descapulated and converted into an IP packet and
   then encapsulated and sent to the site Z. The Gateway uses ARP
   protocol to obtain MAC/IP mapping. Note that both the L2VN and L3VN
   in the figure are carried by the tunnels supported by the underlying
   networks which are not shown in the figure.

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            +------------+                  +-----------+
         GW1| +-----+    | '''''''''''''''' |   +-----+ |GW2
            | |L3VNI+----+'    L3VN        '+---+L3VNI| |
            | +--+--+    | '''''''''''''''' |   +--+--+ |
            |    |VNIF   |                  |  VNIF|    |
            | +--+--+    |                  |   +--+--+ |
            | |L2VNI|    |                  |   |L2VNI| |
            | +--+--+    |                  |   +--+--+ |
            +----+-------+                  +------+----+
             ''''|''''''''''                 ''''''|'''''''
            '     L2VN      '               '     L2VN     '
        NVE1 ''/'''''''''\'' NVE2      NVE3  '''/'''''''\'' NVE4
        +-----+---+  +----+----+        +------+--+ +----+----+
        | +--+--+ |  | +--+--+ |        | +---+-+ | | +--+--+ |
        | |L2VNI| |  | |L2VNI| |        | |L2VNI| | | |L2VNI| |
        | ++---++ |  | ++---++ |        | ++---++ | | ++---++ |
        +--+---+--+  +--+---+--+        +--+---+--+ +--+---+--+
           |...|        |...|              |...|       |...|
           TESs          TESs               TESs        TESs

                DC Site A                    DC Site Z

          Figure 4 Tenant Virtual Network with Bridging/Routing

5.3. Virtual Data Center (VDC)

   Enterprise DC's today may often use several routers, switches, and
   service devices to construct its internal network, DMZ, and external
   network access. A DC Provider may offer a virtual DC to an
   enterprise customer to run enterprise applications such as
   website/emails. Instead of using many hardware devices, with the
   overlay and virtualization technology of NVO3, DC operators can
   build them on top of a common network infrastructure for many
   customers and run service applications per customer basis. The
   service applications may include firewall, gateway, DNS, load
   balancer, NAT, etc.

   Figure 6 below illustrates this scenario. For the simple
   illustration, it only shows the L3VN or L2VN as virtual and overlay
   routers or switches. In this case, DC operators construct several L2
   VNs (L2VNx, L2VNy, L2VNz in figure 6) to group the end tenant
   systems together per application basis, create an L3VNa for the
   internal routing. A server or VM runs firewall/gateway applications
   and connects to the L3VNa and Internet. A VPN tunnel is also built
   between the gateway and enterprise router. The design runs

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   Enterprise Web/Mail/VoIP applications at the provider DC site; lets
   the users at Enterprise site to access the applications via the VPN
   tunnel and Internet via a gateway at the Enterprise site; let
   Internet users access the applications via the gateway in the
   provider DC. The enterprise operators can also use the VPN tunnel or
   IPsec over Internet to access the vDC for the management purpose.
   The firewall/gateway provides application-level and packet-level
   gateway function and/or NAT function.

   The Enterprise customer decides which applications are accessed by
   intranet only and which by both intranet and extranet; DC operators
   then design and configure the proper security policy and gateway
   function. DC operators may further set different QoS levels for the
   different applications for a customer.

   This application requires the NVO3 solution to provide the DC
   operator an easy way to create NVEs and VNIs for any design and to
   quickly assign TESs to a VNI, and easily configure policies on an

                         Internet                      ^ Internet
                            ^                        +-+----+
                            |                        |  GW  |
                            |                        +--+---+
                            |                           |
                    +-------+--------+                +-+----+
                    |FireWall/Gateway+---VPN Tunnel---+Router|
                    +-------+--------+                +-+--+-+
                            |                           |  |
                         ...+...                        |..|
                  +-----: L3VNa :--------+              LANs
                  |      .......         |
                  |          |           |         Enterprise Site
               ...+...    ...+...     ...+...
              : L2VNx :  : L2VNy :   : L2VNz :
               .......    .......     .......
                 |..|       |..|        |..|
                 |  |       |  |        |  |
               Web Apps   Mail Apps    VoIP Apps

                        Provider DC Site

     * firewall/gateway may run on a server or VMs

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                Figure 5 Virtual Data Center by Using NVO3

5.4. Federating NV03 Domains

   Two general cases are 1) Federating AS managed by a single operator;
   2) Federating AS managed by different Operators. The detail will be
   described in next version.

6. OAM Considerations

   NVO3 brings the ability for a DC provider to segregate tenant
   traffic. A DC provider needs to manage and maintain NVO3 instances.
   Similarly, the tenant needs to be informed about tunnel failures
   impacting tenant applications.

   Various OAM and SOAM tools and procedures are defined in [IEEE
   802.1ag, ITU-T Y.1731, RFC4378, RFC5880, ITU-T Y.1564] for L2 and L3
   networks, and for user, including continuity check, loopback, link
   trace, testing, alarms such as AIS/RDI, and on-demand and periodic
   measurements. These procedures may apply to tenant overlay networks
   and tenants not only for proactive maintenance, but also to ensure
   support of Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

   As the tunnel traverses different networks, OAM messages need to be
   translated at the edge of each network to ensure end-to-end OAM.

   It is important that failures at lower layers which do not affect
   NVo3 instance are to be suppressed.

7. Summary

   The document describes some basic potential use cases of NVO3. The
   combination of these cases should give operators flexibility and
   power to design more sophisticated cases for various purposes.

   The main differences between other overlay network technologies and
   NVO3 is that the client edges of the NVO3 network are individual and
   virtualized hosts, not network sites or LANs. NVO3 enables these
   virtual hosts communicating in a true virtual environment without
   considering physical network configuration.

   NVO3 allows individual tenant virtual networks to use their own
   address space and isolates the space from the network infrastructure.
   The approach not only segregates the traffic from multi tenants on a
   common infrastructure but also makes VM placement and move easier.

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   DC applications are about providing virtual processing/storage,
   applications, and networking in a secured and virtualized manner, in
   which the NV03 is just a portion of an application. NVO3 decouples
   the applications and DC network infrastructure configuration.

   NVO3's underlying network provides the tunneling between NVEs so
   that two NVEs appear as one hop to each other. Many tunneling
   technologies can serve this function. The tunneling may in turn be
   tunneled over other intermediate tunnels over the Internet or other
   WANs.  It is also possible that intra DC and inter DC tunnels are
   stitched together to form an end-to-end tunnel between two NVEs.

   A DC virtual network may be accessed via an external network in a
   secure way. Many existing technologies can achieve this.

   The key requirements for NVO3 are 1) traffic segregation; 2)
   supporting a large scale number of virtual networks in a common
   infrastructure; 3) supporting highly distributed virtual network
   with sparse memberships 3) VM mobility 4) auto or easy to construct
   a NVE and its associated TES; 5) Security 6) NVO3 Management

8. Security Considerations

   Security is a concern. DC operators need to provide a tenant a
   secured virtual network, which means the tenant traffic isolated
   from other tenant's and non-tenant VMs not placed into the tenant
   virtual network; they also need to prevent DC underlying network
   from any tenant application attacking through the tenant virtual
   network or one tenant application attacking another tenant
   application via DC networks. For example, a tenant application
   attempts to generate a large volume of traffic to overload DC
   underlying network. The NVO3 solution has to address these issues.

9. IANA Considerations

   This document does not request any action from IANA.

10. Acknowledgements

   Authors like to thank Sue Hares, Young Lee, David Black, Pedro
   Marques, Mike McBride, David McDysan, and Randy Bush for the review,
   comments, and suggestions.

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Internet-Draft          NVO3 Use Case                      October 2012

11. References

11.1. Normative References

   [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997

   [RFC4364] Rosen, E. and Y. Rekhter, "BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private
             Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4364, February 2006.

   [IEEE 802.1ag]  "Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks - Amendment 5:
             Connectivity Fault Management", December 2007.

   [ITU-T G.8013/Y.1731] OAM Functions and Mechanisms for Ethernet
             based Networks, 2011.

   [ITU-T Y.1564] "Ethernet service activation test methodology", 2011.

   [RFC4378] Allan, D., Nadeau, T., "A Framework for Multi-Protocol
             Label Switching (MPLS) Operations and Management (OAM)",
             RFC4378, February 2006

   [RFC4301] Kent, S., "Security Architecture for the Internet
             Protocol", rfc4301, December 2005

   [RFC4664] Andersson, L., "Framework for Layer 2 Virtual Private
             Networks (L2VPNs)", rfc4664, September 2006

   [RFC4797] Rekhter, Y., etc, "Use of Provider Edge to Provider Edge
             (PE-PE) Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) or IP in
             BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private Networks", RFC4797, January

   [RFC5641] McGill, N., "Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol Version 3 (L2TPv3)
             Extended Circuit Status Values", rfc5641, April 2009.

   [RFC5880] Katz, D. and Ward, D., "Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
             (BFD)", rfc5880, June 2010.

11.2. Informative References

   [NVGRE]  Sridharan, M., "NVGRE: Network Virtualization using Generic
             Routing Encapsulation", draft-sridharan-virtualization-
             nvgre-01, July 2012

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   [NVO3PRBM] Narten, T., etc "Problem Statement: Overlays for Network
             Virtualization", draft-ietf-nvo3-overlay-problem-
             statement-00, September 2012

   [NVO3FRWK] Lasserre, M., Motin, T., and etc, "Framework for DC
             Network Virtualization", draft-ietf-nvo3-framework-01,
             October 2012

   [VRF-LITE] Cisco, "Configuring VRF-lite",

   [VXLAN]  Mahalingam,M., Dutt, D., etc "VXLAN: A Framework for
             Overlaying Virtualized Layer 2 Networks over Layer 3
             Networks", draft-mahalingam-dutt-dcops-vxlan-02.txt,
             August 2012

 Authors' Addresses

   Lucy Yong
   Huawei Technologies,
   4320 Legacy Dr.
   Plano, Tx75025 US

   Phone: +1-469-277-5837

   Mehmet Toy
   1800 Bishops Gate Blvd.,
   Mount Laurel, NJ 08054

   Phone : +1-856-792-2801
   E-mail :

   Aldrin Isaac

   Vishwas Manral
   Hewlett-Packard Corp.
   191111 Pruneridge Ave.
   Cupertino, CA  95014

   Phone: 408-447-1497

MITY                      Expires April 2013                  [Page 16]
Internet-Draft          NVO3 Use Case                      October 2012

   Linda Dunbar
   Huawei Technologies,
   4320 Legacy Dr.
   Plano, Tx75025 US

   Phone: +1-469-277-5840

MITY                      Expires April 2013                  [Page 17]