Internet DRAFT - draft-mjsraman-l2vpn-vpls-tictoc-label-hop



L2VPN Working Group                                        Shankar Raman
Internet-Draft                                Balaji Venkat Venkataswami
Intended Status: Experimental RFC                           Gaurav Raina
Expires: October 10, 2013                                     IIT Madras
                                                        Bhargav Bhikkaji
                                                           April 8, 2013

 Securing Model-C Inter-Provider L2 VPNs with Label Hopping and TicToc


   In certain models of inter-provider Multi- Protocol Label Switching
   (MPLS) based Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) spoofing attack against
   VPN sites is a key concern. For example, MPLS-based VPN inter-
   provider model "C" for VPLS, or any L2 VPN purpose is not favoured,
   owing to security concerns in the dataplane, even though it can scale
   with respect to maintenance of routing state. Since the inner labels
   associated with VPN sites are not encrypted during transmission, a
   man-in-the-middle attacker can spoof packets to a specific L2 VPN
   site. In this paper, we propose a label-hopping technique which uses
   a set of randomized labels and a method for hopping amongst these
   labels using the time instant the packet leaves the port from a
   sending Provider Edge Router. To prevent the attacker from
   identifying the labels in polynomial time, we also use an additional
   label. The proposed technique can be applied to other variants of
   inter-provider MPLS based VPNs where Multi-Protocol exterior-BGP (MP-
   eBGP) multi-hop is used. As we address a key security concern, we can
   make a case for the deployment of MPLS based L2 VPN inter-provider
   model "C". Specifically we use the TicToc based Precision Time
   Protocol LSP to provide the timing for determining the time instant
   at which the packet is sent from the remote end Provider Edge Router
   and hence calculating when it must have left that peer at the
   Provider Edge Router in the near / receiving end.

   This version of the document suggests a better method for gaining
   more finely granular time slices. This is done by running the PTP LSP
   between the ASBRs in the ASes that are providing the inter-AS L2VPN

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.


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Table of Contents

   1  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     1.1  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   2.  Methodology of the proposal  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
       2.1.1 MPLS L2 VPN model "C"  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
       2.1.2 PE configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
       2.1.3 Control and data-plane flow  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     2.2 LABEL-HOPPING TECHNIQUE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
       2.2.1 Algorithm 1 Control-plane PEne algorithm . . . . . . . .  8
       2.2.2 Algorithm 2 Control-plane PEfa algorithm . . . . . . . . 10
       2.2.3 Algorithm 3 Data-plane PEfa algorithm  . . . . . . . . . 11
       2.2.4 Algorithm 4 Data-plane PEne algorithm  . . . . . . . . . 12

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       2.2.1 Illustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     2.3 SIMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
       2.3.1 Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
       2.3.2 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
       2.3.3 Running the PTP LSP and label hopping at the ASBRs . . . 15
     2.4 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     2.5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
   3  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
   4  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
   5  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     5.1  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     5.2  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18


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1  Introduction

   Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) [6] technology uses fixed size
   labels to forward data packets between routers. By stacking labels,
   specific customer services such as Layer 2 Virtual Private Networks
   (L2-VPNs) such as VPLS (Virtual Private Lan Service) based on Border
   Gateway Protocol (BGP) extensions are widely deployed in the
   Internet. BGP-based MPLS L2-VPN services are provided either on a
   single Internet Service Provider (ISP) core or across multiple ISP
   cores. The latter cases are known as inter-provider MPLS L2-VPNs
   which are broadly categorized and referred to as models: "A", "B" and

   Model "A" uses back-to-back VPN Routing and Forwarding (VRF)
   connections between Autonomous System Border Routers (ASBRs). Model
   "B" uses eBGP redistribution of labelled L2 VPN routes from
   Autonomous Systems (AS) to neighbouring AS. Model "C" uses multi-hop
   MP-eBGP redistribution of labelled L2 VPN routes and eBGP
   redistribution of L2 VPN routes from an AS to a neighbouring AS.
   Model "C" is more scalable for maintaining routing states and hence
   preferred for deployment in the Internet; refer to [2] for more
   details. Security issues in MPLS, especially MPLS-based VPNs has
   attracted attention [1]. The security of model "A" matches the
   single-AS standard proposed in [9]. Model "B" can be secured well on
   the control-plane, but on the data-plane the validity of the outer-
   most label (Label Distribution or Resource Reservation Protocol
   label) is not checked. This weakness could be exploited to inject
   crafted packets from inside an MPLS network core. A solution for this
   problem is proposed in [2]. Model "C" can be secured on the control-
   plane but has a security weakness on the data-plane. The Autonomous
   System Border Routers (ASBRs) do not have any VPN information and
   hence the inner-most label cannot be validated. In this case, the
   solution used for Model "B" cannot be applied. An attacker can
   exploit this weakness to send unidirectional packets into the VPN
   sites connected to the other AS. Therefore, ISPs using model "C" must
   either trust each other or not deploy it [4].

   Control plane security issue in model "C" can be resolved by using
   IPSec. If IPSec is used in the data-plane then configuring and
   maintaining key associations could be extremely cumbersome. Even
   though model "C" is highly scalable for carrying VPN Routing and
   Forwarding (VRF) L2 VPN routes, the vulnerability of the data-plane
   renders it unusable. The current recommendation is that model "C"
   must not be used. In model "C", there are at least two labels for
   each packet: the Provider Edge (PE) label, which defines the Label
   Switched Path (LSP) to the egress PE, and the VPN label, which
   defines the VPN associated with the packet on the PE.


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   In [5], the authors propose encryption techniques, such as IPSec, for
   securing the provider edge (PE) of the network. The authors also
   highlight that the processing capacity could be over-burdened.
   Further, if an attacker is located at the core of the network, or in
   the network between the providers that constitute an inter-provider
   MPLS VPN, then spoofing attacks are possible. The vulnerability of
   MPLS against spoofing attacks and performance impact of IPSec has
   been discussed in [3]. If the inner labels that identify packets
   going towards a L2 VPN site are spoofed, then sensitive information
   related to services available within the organizational servers can
   be compromised. As far as we know, there is no scheme available for
   installing an antispoofing mechanism for these L2 VPN service labels.

   This paper outlines a label-hopping technique that helps to alleviate
   the data-plane security problem in model "C". We propose a scheme
   that changes the inner L2 VPN labels dynamically based on the time
   instant the packet is sent from the remote-end PE router. By using a
   mix of algorithms and randomized labels, we can guard against
   spoofing and related attacks. The advantage of our scheme is that it
   can be used wherever Multiprotocol-external BGP (MP-eBGP) multi-hop
   scenarios arise.

1.1  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2.  Methodology of the proposal


   In this section, we briefly review the network topology for model
   "C", the PE configuration and the control-plane exchanges needed for
   our proposed scheme.

2.1.1 MPLS L2 VPN model "C"

   The reference MPLS-eBGP based L2 VPN network for model "C" as
   described in [11] is shown in Figure 1, which also shows the control
   plane exchanges. The near-end PE (PEne) and far-end PE (PEfa) are
   connected through the inter-provider MPLS core. The VPN connectivity
   is established through a set of routers from different Autonomous
   Systems (AS) and their ASBRs. In the L2 VPN, MP-eBGP updates are
   exchanged for a set of MAC based Forward Equivalence Classes (FECs).
   These FECs, which have to be protected, originate from the MAC
   addresses / FECs behind PEne in a L2 VPN site or a set of L2 VPN

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2.1.2 PE configuration

   Various configurations are needed on the PEs to implement the label
   hopping scheme. A set of "m" algorithms that generate collision-free
   labels (universal hashing algorithms) are initially implemented in
   the PEs. Each algorithm is mapped to an index A = (a1; a2; . . . am)
   where m >= 1. The bit-selection pattern used by the PEs for
   generating the additional label is also configured. PEne must be
   configured for a FEC or a set of FECs represented by an aggregate
   label (per VRF label) which will use the label-hopping scheme. For
   each FEC or a set of FECs, a set of valid labels used for hopping, K
   = (k1; k2; k3; . . . kn) where n >= 1 and, ki != kj if i != j, is
   configured in PEne. For the set of labels K time slices TS = (TS1;
   TS2; TS3 . . . TSn) are also exchanged. These time slices can be
   periodically changed and a new set of TS ranging from TS1 to TSn can
   be exchanged after a time duration TS_Exchange_Interval which itself
   can be randomized from time to time.In the case of bi-directional
   security, the roles of the PEs can be reversed. In addition to these
   data sets a random seed is also exchanged. This Random Seed which we
   will henceforth as Rseed is used to generate the label for the next
   time slot.

2.1.3 Control and data-plane flow

   Initially, set K, set TS and the bit-selection pattern used by the
   PEs are exchanged securely over the control-plane. Optionally an
   index from A, representing a hash-algorithm, could also be exchanged.
   We propose that only the index is exchanged between the PEs, as it
   enhances the security, for two reasons. First, the algorithm itself
   is masked from the attacker. Second, the algorithm can be changed
   frequently, and it would be difficult for the attacker to identify
   the final mapping that generates the label to be used for a packet.
   Figure 1 depicts this unidirectional exchange from PEne to PEfa.

   The control plane exchanges also involve a-priori constructing a
   Precision Time Protocol (PTP) LSP for deriving the clock at the PEne
   and PEfa for a forwarding direction. For the reverse direction
   another PTP LSP can be constructed as well. In the example that we
   illustrate we discuss about only a single forwarding direction. The
   PTP LSP port assigned for a forwarding direction is tied in with the
   configuration that goes into the inter-PEne-PEfa exchanges to setup
   the labelling control plane. So each pair of PEne and PEfa knows
   which PTP port and corresponding PTP LSP as per [12] to be used for
   the traffic. The PTP LSP is intended for providing the clocking
   between a pair of PEne and PEfa. The clock / timestamp derived from
   this PTP LSP is used in the data plane operation to determine which

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   label is valid at that time instant as will be seen in the Algorithms
   provided below.

   Once the secure control-plane exchanges are completed, we apply the
   label-hopping technique, and PEfa forwards the labelled traffic
   towards PEne through the intermediate routers using the label-
   stacking technique (Figure 2). The stacked labels along with the
   payload are transferred between the AS and ASBRs before they reach
   PEne. Using the label-hopping algorithm PEne verifies the integrity
   of labels. Upon validation, PEne uses the label information to
   forward the packets to the appropriate L2 VPN service instance or
   site. This data-plane exchange from PEfa and PEne is depicted in
   Figure 3. We now present the label-hopping scheme.


   In this section, we describe the label-hopping technique and discuss
   some implementation aspects.  Once a data packet destined to the PEne
   arrives at the PEfa (a) a first-label is chosen using set K and set
   TS, and the random seed Rseed,  and a first-label selected. Next (b)
   a selected number of bytes from the payload is chosen as input to the
   hashing algorithm. The hash-digest obtained as a result is used to
   obtain the additional label for the packet. The agreed bit-selection
   pattern is then applied on the hash-digest to obtain an additional
   label, which is then concatenated with the first label. Once PEne
   receives these packets it verifies both the labels.

   The implementation steps for the control-plane at the PEne and PEfa
   are given by Algorithms 1 and 2. The implementation steps for the
   data-plane at the PEfa and PEne are given by Algorithms 3 and 4.  


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2.2.1 Algorithm 1 Control-plane PEne algorithm


   * FEC[] Forward Equivalence Classes, 
   * K[] valid labels, 
   * TS[] valid time slices, 
   * A[i] hash algorithm instance, 
   * I[] the bit-selection pattern chosen for the inner label.
   * Random seed "Rseed" which is used for generating the index into set
   K (set of labels).
   * PTP port and PTP LSP information

   packet = makepacket(FEC,K, TS, A[i], I, Rseed);
   CP-SendPacket(PEfa, MP-eBGP, packet);

   Note: The values in K need not be contiguous and can be randomly
   chosen from a pool of labels to remove coherence in the label space.
   Also the algorithms used could be either vendor dependent or a set of
   standard algorithms mapped the same way by the PEne and PEfa. If the
   two PEs involved are from different vendors we assume that a set of
   standard algorithms are used. 

   Note: Also the values in set TS should be of a coarse granularity of
   seconds recommended to be higher than 2 seconds.


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    _______[AB1]________________         ___________[AB2]___________
   (       /  |                 )        (           /             )
   (      /   +-----------+      )       (          /              )
   ( Net:PE_ne        Net:PE_ne   )      (     Net:PE_ne  Net:PE_ne )
   ( LDP Label:POP    LDP Label:L1 )     (LDP Label:L3  LDP Label:L4)
   (        |                 |    )     (  |                |      )
   (        |                 |    )     (  |                |      )
     |      ^                                                      ^  |
     |      +-------------- MP-eBGP   L2-VPN session --------------+  | 
     |                                                                |                            
                                  NH: PE_ne                      
    <(FEC[] Forward Equivalence Classes), (K[] valid labels), 
     (TS[] valid time slices), (A[i] hash algorithm instance), 
     (I[] the bit-selection pattern chosen for the inner label),
     (Rseed - A random seed to generate the next label to be used in set
     (PTP port and PTP LSP information)>.

         Exchange all details as per Algorithm 1.

   	Figure 1: Control-plane exchanges for model C [11]

                <------- Label Stack ------>
   | Frame L2 | Label 1 | Label 2 | Label 3 | L2/+L3 | Payload |
   | Header   |         |         |         | Header |         |
                 S = 0     S = 0     S = 1
   Figure 2: Label stack using scheme outlined for Model "C"

    _______[AB1]________________         ___________[AB2]___________
   (       /  |                 )        (         /                )
   (      /   +-----------+      )       (        /                 )
   (IL1:SL:L2 FRAME       L1:IL1:SL:L2 FRAME     /                  )
   (        |           L3:IL1:SL:L2 FRAME   <-+ L4:IL1:SL:L2 FRAME  )
   (        |                 |    )     (  |                 |      )
   (        |                 |    )     (  |                 |      )
     |                                                              |
   L2 VPN Site (1)        L2:IL1:SL:        L2 VPN Site (2)

   Figure 3: Data-plane flow for model C [11]


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2.2.2 Algorithm 2 Control-plane PEfa algorithm

   Require: None
   packet = CP-ReceivePacket(PEne); // from PEne
   FEC[] = ExtractFEC(packet); // extract FECs
   K[] = ExtractLabels(packet); // extract the labels
   TS[] = ExtractTimeSlices(packet); // extract the time slices
   Rseed = ExtractRandomSeed(packet); // extract the Rseed value.
   selectHashAlgorithm(A[i]); // hash algorithm to use
   RecordValues(FEC); // information for PEfa
   RecordValues(I); // bit-selection pattern to be used


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2.2.3 Algorithm 3 Data-plane PEfa algorithm

   Require: None

   Initialization : 

   One Time Init :


   CurrentTimeSliceIndex = 0;

   CurrentMasterClock = PTP LSP Master Clock Timestamp;

   CurrentTimeInstant = CurrentMasterClock;

   NextTimeInstant = CurrentMasterClock + TS[CurrentTimeSliceIndex];


   packet = DP-ReceivePacket(Interface);
   match = CheckFEC(packet); // Is the algorithm enabled?
   if match == 0 then
   	return; // no match
   end if
   hash-digest = calculateHash(A[i],packet);
   if (CurrentTimeInstant <= NextTimeInstant ((+ or -) configured
   seconds)) then
   	// do nothing;
   	if CurrentTimeSliceIndex == n then // check to wrap around
   		CurrentTimeSliceIndex = 0;
   	end if
   	CurrentTimeInstant = NextTimeInstant;
   	NextTimeInstant = CurrentTimeInstant + TS[CurrentTimeSliceIndex];
   end if
   first-label = K[GenerateRandom(Rseed) MOD n(K)];
   end if
   additional-label = process(hash-digest,I)
   DP-SendPacket(PEne, first-label, additional-label, packet);


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2.2.4 Algorithm 4 Data-plane PEne algorithm

   Require: None
   Initialization : 
   One Time Init :

   CurrentTimeSliceIndex = 0;
   CurrentMasterClock = PTP LSP Clock Timestamp;
   CurrentTimeInstant = CurrentMasterClock;
   NextTimeInstant = CurrentMasterClock + TS[CurrentTimeSliceIndex];

   packet = DP-ReceivePacket(Interface);
   match = CheckFEC(packet);
   if match == 0 then
   	return; //no match
   end if

   label-in-packet=extractPacket(packet, LABEL);
   inner-label=extractPacket(packet, INNER-LABEL);
   if (CurrentTimeInstant <= NextTimeInstant ((+ or -) configured
   seconds)) then
   	// do nothing;
           // Save the old RseedIndex into set K
           OldRseedIndex = RseedIndex;
           RseedIndex = (GenerateRandom(Rseed) MOD n(K));
           NextRseedIndex = 
             LookAheadRseedIndex(GenerateRandom(Rseed) MOD n(K));
           RollbackRseed(Rseed by 1);
           if CurrentTimeSliceIndex == n then // check to wrap around
   		CurrentTimeSliceIndex = 0;
           end if
   	CurrentTimeInstant = NextTimeInstant;
   	NextTimeInstant = CurrentTimeInstant + TS[CurrentTimeSliceIndex];
   end if
   // Check if label used before in the previous | current or future
   // time slot can be used
   // Check with OldRseedIndex, RseedIndex and NextRseedIndex
   first-label-range = K[RseedIndex (+or- 1)];
   additional-label = process(hash-digest,I)
   if label-in-packet ! in first-label-range then
   	error(); return;
   end if

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   if inner-label != additional-label then
   	error(); return;
   end if
   DP-SendPacket(CE1, NULL, NULL, packet);

   Here configured seconds could be a fraction as well. 

   In order to avoid too many processing cycles in the line cards of
   PEne and PEfa, the hash- digest is calculated over a predefined size
   of the payload. An additional inner label is further added to enhance
   protection against spoofing attacks. With an increased label size, an
   attacker spends more than polynomial time to guess the VPN instance
   label for the site behind PEne. There could be two hash-digests that
   generate the same label. In this case, the two hash-digests is
   differentiated using the additional label. Collisions can be avoided
   by re-hashing or any other suitable techniques that are proposed in
   the literature [8]. If collisions exceed a certain number, then
   Algorithms 1 and 2 can be executed with a set of new labels.

   Note :

   It is to be noted that the change in the algorithm to randomly pick
   up a label for the next time slot will help in avoiding man-in-the-
   middle attackers from synchronizing with the time slots and the
   labels which in the previous version of the algorithm was predictable
   if a large number of packets were observed. The Random seed agreed
   upon will generate in lock step with the time slots at both the PEfa
   and PEna, the correct label to be used and that will throw off the
   attacker from synchronizing with such label changes. Thus even replay
   attacks may be harder to attempt in such a case.

2.2.1 Illustration 

   We now briefly illustrate the label-hopping scheme. In Figure 1,
   using Algorithms 1 and 2, a set of labels are forwarded from PEne to
   PEfa. The roles of PEne and PEfa are interchanged for reverse
   traffic. Figure 2 shows a packet from the data-plane for model "C",
   with the proposed scheme. In the figure, "Label 1" refers to the
   outermost label, while "Label 2" refers to the label generated from
   the set K and set TS and "Label 3" refers to an additional label
   generated as in Algorithm 3. This additional label has bottom of
   stack bit (denoted by S in Figure 2) set. These labels are stacked
   immediately onto the packet and the path labels for routing the
   packets to appropriate intermediary PEs are added. Figure 3 also
   shows these path labels used by the data packet to reach PEne. When
   the packet passes through the core of an intermediary AS involved in
   model "C", or through the network connecting the intermediary AS, the

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   intruder or the attacker has the capability to inspect the labels and
   the payload. However, the proposed scheme prevents the attacker from
   guessing the right combination of the labels. We can increase the
   size of the additional inner-labels thereby reducing threats from
   polynomial time attacks.


   In this section, we present the preliminary simulation results on
   performance, comparing the label-hopping technique with deep packet
   inspection where we encrypt and decrypt the complete packet. We also
   briefly highlight some implementation issues.

2.3.1 Simulation

   Implementing the label-hopping scheme for all set of FECs belonging
   to any or all VPN service instances may cause throughput degradation.
   This is because the hashdigest computation and derivation of the
   inner-label / additional inner label calculation can be computation
   intensive. We therefore compared our technique by choosing a part of
   the payload as input to our hashing algorithm. We simulated our
   algorithm on a 2.5 GHz processor Intel dual processor quad core
   machine. We compared the performance of the label-hopping technique
   with a deep packet inspection technique where the complete packet was
   encrypted before transmission and decrypted on reception. These
   simulation figures indicate that we were able to process 10 million
   packets per second when we used 64-byte for hashing on a payload of
   size 1024 bytes. For a hash using 128-byte, we were able to process
   about 6.3 million packets per second. However with a deep packet
   inspection where we encrypted and decrypted the complete packet, we
   were able to process only about 1 million packets per second. In
   cases where performance becomes a bottleneck, this label-hopping
   scheme can be applied to specific traffic which are mission-critical,
   sensitive and most likely need to be protected as they travel from
   the PEfa to the PEne. Selective application of this service which
   could be offered as a premium for a selected set of FECs is a
   suitable option, there by protecting the traffic of organizations
   that are paranoid about the integrity of the switched traffic into
   their VPN sites.

2.3.2 Implementation

   One of the concerns in the scheme is the use of payload for
   generating the random inner label / additonal label. If the payload
   does not vary between two packets then the control-plane exchanges
   have to be renegotiated with a different algorithm to be used for the
   hashing for the subsequent packets. The other concern in the scheme
   is to tackle the problem of fragmentation that can occur along the

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   path from PEfa to PEne. We can fragment the packet at PEfa and ensure
   that the size of the packet is fixed before transmission. We could
   also employ the Path Maximum Transfer Unit (Path-MTU) discovery
   process so that packets do not get split into multiple fragments. If
   packets are fragmented this scheme fails. However, networks usually
   employ the Path-MTU discovery process to prevent fragmentation and
   hence this problem may not occur.

2.3.3 Running the PTP LSP and label hopping at the ASBRs

   The ASes participating in the inter-AS L2VPN Option-C type service
   connect with each other using ASBRs that connect one AS to another.

   It would be prudent to run the PTP LSP and the label-hopping
   algorithm between the ASBRs instead of between the PEs. Since these
   ASBRs are usually one-hop away from each other or in the worst case a
   couple of hops away, the granularity of the time slices can be a lot
   more finer than when running between the PEs. At more granular time
   slices it will be even harder for an attacker to pump in packets that
   utilize the slack of + or - microseconds or milliseconds configured
   in Algorithm 4.

   Hence spoofing and replay attacks are less likely to succeed.

   To make it clear the innermost label which is the hash digest
   computed on the first 128 or 64 byte portion of the payload which is
   binary anded with an arbitrary bit pattern known to both PEs in the
   topology , serves as an added binary pattern which has to be guessed
   by the intruder intending to spoof the packet into the VPN's PE onto
   the CE.

   Thus the effective label space that has to be guessed by the intruder
   is the label for that time slice and the binary pattern computed on
   the payload (result of the hash-digest ANDed with the arbitrary bit

   This makes it essentially a 40 bit label space. The hash-digest was
   not intended to be a ICV. It could serve as an ICV as well.

   Since the binary pattern exchanged through the control plane is not
   known to the intruder, and the hash algorithm used is not known to
   the intruder (unless of course both of them are compromised in the
   control plane exchange which is of course secure) the resulting
   innermost label extends the label space to 40 bits (including the
   label for that time slice) that has to be guessed.

   As to whether there might be a flood of replay packets with the + or
   - 1 time slice being in place, the previous label used would be known

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   but the one after the current time slice would be hard to guess owing
   to the random number generation function being used to determine
   which the next label should be. It should be possible to jam for that
   time slice with the same packet with the 2 labels (previous and
   current) for that time slice being repeated again and again. This is
   solved by finely granularizing the time slices to microseconds or
   milliseconds. This is especially the case if the scheme is run
   between the ASBRs and not between the PEs.


   In this paper, we proposed a label-hopping scheme for inter-provider
   BGP-based MPLS L2 VPNs that employ MPe-BGP multi-hop control-plane
   exchanges. In such an environment, without label-hopping, the data-
   plane is subject to spoofing attacks.

   The technique proposed uses a time-based label hopping scheme in
   addition to the use of the payload to generate an inner label to
   prevent attackers from easily deciphering labels and their respective
   VPNs. The scheme is less computationally intensive than encryption-
   based methods. It prevents the spoofed packets from getting into a
   VPN site even if the attacker is in the core or at an intervening
   link between ISPs. In our scheme, we chose the time instant that the
   packet leaves the first Provider Edge on the far end and this time
   instant serves as the variable component that the attacker cannot
   decipher.  This requires the use of time synchronization mechanism.
   This is provided by the PTP LSP constructed for this purpose.


   The authors would like to acknowledge the UK EP-SRC Digital Economy
   Programme and the Government of India Department of Science and
   Technology (DST) for funding given to the IU-ATC. The authors would
   also like to thank Chandrasekhar.R and Narayana Swamy for his review
   and valuable comments during the writing of this draft.


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3  Security Considerations

   The main objective of this proposal is to secure the Inter-Provider
   MPLS L2 VPN Model-C data plane by preventing spoofing attacks and
   other unidirectional attacks against the customer site in this model.
   The suggestions and algorithms provided will mitigate these attacks
   to a large extent. The attacker will have many barriers to break
   through before he/she can successfully mount an attack against the
   customer site in this model with these algorithms implemented. The
   availability of TicToc as a method of clocking helps a great deal in
   this direction.

4  IANA Considerations

   Appropriate IANA indicators would have to be provided to exchange the
   set of values that Algorithm 1 outlines in order to implement this

5  References

5.1  Normative References

5.2  Informative References

              [1] S. Alouneh, A. En-Nouaary and A. Agarwal, "MPLS
              security: an approach for unicast and multicast
              environments", Annals of Telecommunications, Springer,
              vol. 64, no. 5, June 2009, pp. 391-400,

              [2] M. H. Behringer and M. J. Morrow, "MPLS VPN security",
              Cisco Press, June 2005, ISBN-10: 1587051834.  

              [3] B. Daugherty and C. Metz, "Multiprotocol Label
              Switching and IP, Part 1, MPLS VPNS over IP Tunnels", IEEE
              Internet Computing, May-June 2005, pp. 68-72, doi:

              [4] L. Fang, N. Bita, J. L. Le Roux and J. Miles,
              "Interprovider IP-MPLS services: requirements,
              implementations, and challenges", IEEE Communications
              Magazine, vol. 43, no. 6, June 2005, pp. 119-128, doi:

              [5] C. Lin and W. Guowei, "Security research of VPN

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              technology based on MPLS", Proceedings of the Third
              International Symposium on Computer Science and
              Computational Technology (ISCSCT 10), August 2010, pp.
              168-170, ISBN- 13:9789525726107.

              [6] Y. Rekhter, B. Davie, E. Rosen, G. Swallow, D.
              Farinacci and D. Katz, "Tag switching architecture
              overview", Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 85, no. 12,
              December 1997, pp. 1973-1983, doi:10.1109/5.650179.

              [7] E. Rosen and Y. Rekhter, "BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private
              Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4364, Standard Track, February,

              [8] T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest and C.
              Stein, "Introduction to algorithms", 3rd edition, MIT
              Press, September 2009, ISBN-10:0262033844.

              [9] C. Semeria, "RFC 2547bis: BGP/MPLS VPN fundamentals",
              Juniper Networks white paper, March 2001.

              [10] Advance MPLS VPN Security Tutorials [Online],
              Part+II+Advanced+MPLS+VPN+Security+Issues/", [Accessed:
              10th December 2011]

              [11] Inter-provider MPLS VPN models [Online], Available:
     ch07lev1sec4.html", [Accessed 10th
              December 2011] 

              [12] Davari.S, Transporting PTP messages (1588) over
              MPLS networks, "
              ietf-tictoc-1588overmpls/?include_text=1", Work in
              Progress, October 2011.

Authors' Addresses

   Shankar Raman
   Department of Computer Science and Engineering
   IIT Madras
   Chennai - 600036


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INTERNET DRAFT   L2 VPN using Label Hopping with TicToc    April 8, 2013


   Balaji Venkat Venkataswami
   Department of Electrical Engineering
   IIT Madras
   Chennai - 600036


   Prof.Gaurav Raina
   Department of Electrical Engineering
   IIT Madras
   Chennai - 600036


   Bhargav Bhikkaji
   350 Holger Way
   San Jose, CA


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