Internet DRAFT - draft-mjsraman-panet-tcam-power-efficiency



PANET Working Group                                        Shankar Raman
INTERNET-DRAFT                                Balaji Venkat Venkataswami
Intended Status: Experimental RFC                  Kamakoti Veezhinathan
                                                            Gaurav Raina
Expires: November 5, 2013                                     IIT Madras
                                                             May 4, 2013

           TCAM power reduction and optimization in Routers 


   This specification entails enabling power and performance management
   in Routers (multi-chassis and single chassis) with respect to TCAM
   and SRAM usage on intelligent router line cards  that implement
   Virtual Aggregation of routes.

   The version 00 of this document had several errata that have been
   addressed in this version. This scheme relates to unicast alone since
   multicast entries are programmed only after consultation with the
   unicast entries in the software plane in the Route processor. Hence
   this scheme does not apply to multicast. 

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
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   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

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Copyright and License Notice

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INTERNET DRAFT  TCAM power reduction methods in Routers      May 4, 2013

   Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
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   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     1.1  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   2.  Methodology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     2.1 Packet flow and its consequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     2.2 Switching off the TCAM banks which are unused  . . . . . . .  7
       2.2.1 Algorithm for switching off and switching on TCAM 
             banks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
       2.2.2 Prefix entry population latency  . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     2.3 Using Aggregate routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     2.4 Route Processor as the DLC/BDLC  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     2.5 Advantages of this scheme  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
   3  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   4  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   5  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     5.1  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     5.2  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


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1  Introduction

   This specification / draft entails enabling power and performance
   management in Routers (multi-chassis and single chassis) with respect
   to TCAM / SRAM usage on intelligent router line cards that implement
   Virtual Aggregation.

   Distributed line cards in a routers have intelligence to forward
   packet without interference from the central control plane, once
   their TCAMs and associated SRAMs are populated. Since memory and TCAM
   are the most power hungry components in these line cards, we should
   effectively manage the line card power usage by optimally using their
   SRAM memory and TCAM banks. 

   When a packet enters a distributed line card, the packet switching   
   logic extracts information from  the header. It then  looks up the 
   entry in the appropriate TCAM (CAM in L2  switches or both in Multi-
   layer switches), and then passes the packet to the outgoing line
   card. The packet is then placed onto the outgoing port. The TCAM
   banks used in the line cards typically carry the entire forwarding
   table as tabulated by the central control processor card/cards (when
   in plurality used for redundancy). All line cards do not need the
   entire forwarding table as each line card may serve a set of sources
   and destinations. This is true especially in smaller networks but may
   also apply to routers in the Internet, especially  ASBRs and POP
   border routers facing the customers of the ISP. Switching on the 
   entire set of TCAMs (in the worst case) and downloading the entire
   forwarding table atop each of the line cards in the chassis leads to 
   a sub-optimal way of  switching packets

   Current status quo on this (apart from VPN route localization) is a
   proof that as far as Internet destinations go, all line cards on the 
   backbone routers  or even within a small campus or a medium sized
   ISP, carry the entire forwarding table built by the routing table
   manager on these routers. In order to obviate the necessity of
   carrying routes which are unused (by this term. we mean those that
   are unreferenced  for making forwarding decisions) and to reduce TCAM
   space (applicable  to switching as well which involves CAMs), we
   suggest a solution where a couple of Linecards are considered to be
   Designated and Backup Designated linecards. 

   Designated Linecards are filled with all the entries from the control
    plane. The rest of the Linecards are provided with entries leftover
   from aging other entries which were not used over a period of time.
   An entry may not be available in these Linecards after they have been
   aged out (because of not being referenced and/or modified), these
   non- DLC linecards (as they are called), refer to the DLC/BDLC
   linecards for the first packet of a flow and retrieve the prefixes

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   associated with the hit on the DLC/BDLC. They populate these
   retrieved entries in their respective TCAM banks. Periodically on the
   non-DLC linecards a Route aggregation similar to the S-VA or the
   simple Virtual Aggregate with exception entries is generated  to
   further reduce the TCAM occupation. The TCAM banks which are not
   occupied as a result of this scheme may be switched off. This in turn
   can switch off their associated SRAM banks as well which contain the
   rewrite information. The document also opens up the specification to
   simulations which help strengthen the argument for this scheme.

1.1  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2.  Methodology

   Distributed line cards in a routers have intelligence to forward
   packet without interference from the central control plane, once
   their TCAMs and associated SRAMs are populated.  

   Since memory and TCAM are  the most power hungry components  in these
   line cards, we should effectively manage the line card power usage by
   optimally using their SRAM memory and TCAM banks.

   When a  packet enters a distributedline card,  the packet switching
   logic extracts information from the header. It then  looks up the
   entry in the appropriate TCAM (CAM in L2 switches or both in Multi-
   layer switches), and then passes the packet to the outgoing line
   card. It is then placed onto the outgoing port. The TCAM banks used
   in the line cards typically carry the entire forwarding table as
   tabulated by the central control processor card/cards (when in
   plurality used for redundancy). All line cards do not need the entire
   forwarding table as each line card may serve a set of sources and
   destinations. This is true especially in smaller networks but may
   also apply to routers in the internet, especially ASBRs and POP
   border routers facing the customers of the ISP. Switching on the
   entire set of TCAMs (in the worst case) and downloading the entire
   forwarding table atop each of the line cards in the chassis leads to 
   a sub-optimal way of  switching packets. 

   Current status quo on this (apart from VPN route localization) is a
   proof that as far as internet destinations go, all line cards on the
   backbone routers  or even within a small campus or a medium sized
   ISP, carry the entire forwarding table built by the routing table
   manager on these routers. In order to obviate the necessity of

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   carrying routes which are unused (by this term. we mean those that
   are unreferenced for making forwarding decisions) and to reduce  TCAM
   space (applicable to switching as well which involves CAMs), we
   suggest the following solution:

   a) At initialization time the entire forwarding table that is
   constructed in the control processor is downloaded to all line cards.
   This is the current implementation in most routers today.

   b) Begin a clock algorithm on these routes using a referenced bit and
   modified bit that is appended to each TCAM entry in the line card.

   a. When a TCAM entry is accessed for  forwarding decision in the
   router on a specific line card, the referenced bit associated with
   that entry is set. 

   b. When a TCAM entry is modified as a result of a routing entry being
   modified either with respect to its next-hop or any other reason the
   modified bit is set.

   c. A timer called the ReferenceTimer  is started  with a suitable

   d. When the ReferenceTimer clock ticks down to 0, the TCAM entries in
   the line card are scanned and those that have the following values
   are not disturbed.

       1. Referenced bit = 1, Modified bit = 1 
       2. Referenced bit = 0, Modified bit = 1

   e. A timer called ModifiedDecayTimer  is also started  using a
   suitable time interval.

   f. The ModifiedDecayTimer is a single global timer which is started
   whenever a route change that modifies the nexthop to a set of route
   entries is downloaded to  the line card (which is the status quo as
   of now). Each line card has its own respective ModifiedDecayTimer.

   g. On expiry of the ModifiedDecayTimer the TCAM entries with modified
   bit = 1 are set to modified bit = 0. 

   h. Similarly each TCAM entry has a 32 bit counter that counts down to
   0, which is in effect a ReferencedDecayTimer. A suitable value may be
   appended to this counter at the time of initialization and when the
   TCAM entry  is referenced for forwarding. This counter is active only
   for the active banks of TCAM. A suitable alternative with or without
   the counter would be an LRU policy that removes and adds entries as

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   i. When the ReferencedDecayTimer counts down to 0, the referenced bit
   for that TCAM entry is cleared.

   j. Continuing from (d) the TCAM entries with Modified bit = 0 and
   Referenced bit = 0 are removed from the TCAM when the ReferencedTimer
   expires. Further optimization on the TCAM may be done at regular
   intervals whenever the ReferencedTimer expires. This would involve
   re-arranging the TCAM to optimize on storage. The specific method
   relates to understanding the spread of TCAM entries with different
   mask lengths. Usually the TCAM entries are arranged in descending
   order of mask lengths with enough gaps to accommodate for different
   prefixes in their respective mask lengths. The algorithms in current
   software for populating the TCAM entries with enough gaps to
   accommodate for new additions are many. These however are out of
   scope of this document. Such algorithms allow for a fair amount of
   spread of the TCAM entries across the TCAM space thus allowing for
   several banks of TCAMs to be left empty if not used. 

2.1 Packet flow and its consequences

   We will consider the initial condition on how these entries get
   populated. If a packet enters a line card on one of its ports and the
   switching logic finds that the TCAM entry is absent  or  has been
   cleared from its entry in the TCAM. We use a mechanism by which such
   a packet is first forwarded to one of the DLC (or designated Line
   cards which may be elected from the set of line cards in the chassis)
   where the entire forwarding table is always stored. There may be a
   Primary DLC and a backup DLC for redundancy purposes. When the packet
   hits the ingress line card which does not  have the required TCAM
   entry for forwarding, it routes the packet within the chassis to the
   DLC. The DLC receives the packet or just the packet header  and does
   the following:

      i) Looks up its full forwarding table, 

      ii) Picks up the result and along with it the TCAM entry or
   entries  which accumulate to all the set of related routes (perhaps
   all the routes with the same prefix that is rounded off to the
   nearest major class network boundary) and 

      iii) sends them across to the ingress line card in question. 

   The ingress line card uses the result to forward the packet and
   populates the TCAM with the group  of entries dispatched to it by the
   DLC or the Backup DLC. One could use per-destination load-balancing
   within the ingress line card to distribute the lookup  in such a way
   that the load is effectively shared by picking the DLC OR the Backup
   DLC.   Once the set of routes sent back from the DLC is accumulated

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   and  loaded into the TCAM, it may be periodically scanned and
   compressed even at a later point in time using the S-VA mechanism as
   explained in later sections.

   Now the ingress line card has the required entries. It is thus made
   possible that  the flows that go to the desired  destinations from
   then on would hit the TCAM entries that are populated according to
   the method discussed above.

   Thus, long lived TCP / UDP flows would have TCAM entries populated
   for the duration of their existence in the respective scheme-deployed
   linecards. Smaller timed flows too would have entries populated but
   this could be throttled by the timer mechanisms that have been

   With respect to  multicast routes, all multicast routing entries are
   programmed in the hardware after consultation with their respective
   unicast companions in the Route Processor. So the lookup for
   programming the (*,G) and (S,G) entries in the hardware are done in
   the software plane in the Route Processor. Hence the multicast
   entries are not affected by this scheme. This specification relates
   to unicast routing alone and TCAM entries that relate to it. 

   Additionally a set  threshold   called QueryThreshold  is configured
   on the DLC slots. If this is exceeded in terms of rate of packets
   coming to DLCs from other linecards in the form of the first packet
   query for a TCAM entry lookup, a periodic full download of the entire
   forwarding table is done to the those  linecards  which deploy this
   scheme. A further purge is then done using the Timers mentioned
   above. It is also possible to think of deploying this scheme
   selectively on a set of line cards. In this method, the rest of the
   line cards can act as TCAM entry route servers. Such an arrangement
   can help in load balancing the packets involved in the first query
   process on to the route server line cards in a sticky fashion for DLC
   lookup. A suitable hashing algorithm can be used to do this load-

2.2 Switching off the TCAM banks which are unused

   The TCAM banks which are not occupied as a result of this scheme may
   be switched off completely along with their associated SRAM banks as
   well which contain the rewrite information. The specification opens
   up the idea to simulations which help strengthen the argument for
   this scheme.

2.2.1 Algorithm for switching off and switching on TCAM banks 

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   It is important to note that one cannot switch off all TCAM banks
   that are empty. If there is a sudden rush / burst of traffic at
   points in time which may be pretty regular for most deployments if
   the exact number of used TCAM banks alone are set on there would be a
   problem with respect to not being able to accommodate all the new
   flows in the switched on TCAM banks. Thus there would be an overflow
   and that would mean switching TCAM banks that are switched off to ON
   when it is too late. The latency of switching ON and off TCAMs will
   be an issue. If it takes too much time to do it packet loss could
   occur owing to non-availability of TCAM banks.

   In order to alleviate the problem specified above the following
   algorithm among several methods can be used.


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   1   // At Initialization time

   2   All TCAM banks are filled with entries in the non-DLC linecards;

   2.1 // When Timers start working

   3   Timer mechanisms are used to age out entries that are not used;

   4   When TCAM banks become empty NOT all of them are switched off;

   5   Say X % of the TCAM banks are switched off;

   6   X is determined by the number of active TCAM banks used;

   7   if (number of TCAM banks used is greater than say 75%)

   8   then

   9       X = 0; // This would mean switching on all TCAM banks
                  // even those that are empty

   10  elseif (number of TCAM banks is lesser than 75 but 
   11          closer to 50%)
   12      X = 25%; // This would mean switching on the rest
                    // of the empty TCAM banks

       // TCAM banks switched off = literal 25%. Rest of the
       // TCAM banks are switched ON.

   13  elseif (number of TCAM banks is much lesser than 50%
   14          but greater than 35%)
   15      X = 30%;

       // TCAM banks switched off = literal 30%. Rest of the
       // TCAM banks are switched ON.

   16  elseif (number of TCAM banks is lesser than 35%)
   17      X = 45%;

       // TCAM banks switched off = literal 45%. Rest of the
       // TCAM banks are switched ON.

   18  endif

   The percentages are rounded off to the ceiling of the TCAM banks

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   existent on the linecard.

   Note : TCAM banks that are empty but switched ON are ready to be
   populated with entries if the bursty traffic trigger the first-packet
   lookup the DLC/BDLC linecards.

   This could be seen as a conservative approach in making sure there
   are no major events owing to overflow. Underflow is always to be
   considered to be a good thing. This loop is run periodically and more
   frequently when the first packet re-direction to the DLC/BDLC is
   happening frequently.

   Thus there is always a buffer of TCAM banks that are ready to be
   populated in this conservative approach. Simulation results will be
   published in the next version of the draft.

2.2.2 Prefix entry population latency

   When the first-packet is sent to the DLC/BDLC linecards it is
   possible that there is a latency in populating the resultant prefix +
   mask entry in the linecard requesting the lookup. It is to be
   understood that till the lookup entry is populated for the requesting
   linecard all preceding lookups are forwarded to the DLC/BDLC

2.3 Using Aggregate routes

   Also periodically on the non-DLC linecards a Route aggregation
   process similar to the S-VA or the simple Virtual Aggregate with
   exception entries is used to further reduce the TCAM occupation.

2.4 Route Processor as the DLC/BDLC

   It is possible that the linecard which is designated as the DLC/
   Backup DLC can be the Route processor itself. In such a case the same
   Network Processor Unit chipset that is available on the linecard
   would be available on the Route Processor itself. There could be more
   than one Route Processor each with the NPU chipset. Thus the DLC /
   BDLC could be the Route Processor and backup Route Processor.

2.5 Advantages of this scheme

   The TCAM banks unused as a result of this scheme save power when they
   are empty since they are switched off. Existing commercial chipsets
   provide the capability of banks of TCAM to be switched off. Also the
   upcoming chipsets provide for TCAM banks which are smaller than a set
   of a few large TCAM banks. 


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   Power consumption of related SRAM banks that map to these TCAM banks
   , which store datum connected to route entries represented in the
   respective TCAM entries are also saved from being refreshed. The
   advantage is realized if the SRAM banks are also granularized to be
   in the form of sets of smaller banks than a set of few large banks.

   A finer granularity of TCAM banks with respect to their size and the
   number of TCAM entries that occupy these banks can be achieved to
   derive maximum benefit from this scheme.

3  Security Considerations

   There are no security considerations with regard to this

4  IANA Considerations

   No IANA considerations need to be considered as part of this

5  References

5.1  Normative References


5.2  Informative References


Authors' Addresses

   Shankar Raman
   Department of Computer Science and Engineering
   IIT Madras
   Chennai - 600036


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INTERNET DRAFT  TCAM power reduction methods in Routers      May 4, 2013

   Balaji Venkat Venkataswami
   Department of Electrical Engineering
   IIT Madras
   Chennai - 600036


   Prof.Kamakoti Veezhinathan
   Department of Computer Science and Engineering
   IIT Madras
   Chennai - 600036


   Prof.Gaurav Raina
   Department of Electrical Engineering
   IIT Madras
   Chennai - 600036


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