Internet DRAFT - draft-mjsraman-panet-tcam-power-ratio



PANET Working Group                                        Shankar Raman
INTERNET-DRAFT                                Balaji Venkat Venkataswami
Intended Status: Experimental RFC             Prof.Kamakoti Veezhinathan
Expires: August 2013                                          IIT Madras
                                                        February 3, 2013

          Computing Power Saving Paths using TCAM Power Ratio


   A power saving scheme for switching of TCAM banks of fine granularity
   is discussed in [ID-TCAM-POWER-EFF]. This scheme switches of TCAM
   banks of fine granularity and their corresponding SRAM banks
   depending on the occupancy of routes and their rewrites within the
   TCAM of a intelligent router line card (where one or more such TCAM
   entities along with their SRAM banks may reside) by using an
   algorithm specified in [ID-TCAM-POWER-EFF]. This takes care of
   switching off TCAM and SRAM banks within a router's line card and
   correspondingly saves power when the traffic matrix is not large with
   respect to the routes the packets lookup where the occupancy of such
   routes is low in the line card. This is with reference to both single
   and multi-chassis devices. The algorithm specified therein tends to
   switch off banks which are not in use. The aim of this draft is to
   use the device level characteristic in the form of a TCAM Power Ratio
   and disseminate it as a metric within an area or an Autonomous system
   (where multiple such areas exist within an AS) to compute power
   saving paths through the set of routers where the TCAM-POWER-RATIO is
   low. The TCAM-POWER-RATIO is arrived at by dividing the number of
   bits in the TCAM banks that are switched off by the Total Available
   TCAM bank space in bits. This ratio is then subjected to the CSPF
   algorithm as an additional constraint or the only constraint as the
   case may be in a link state protocol like OSPF or IS-IS with Traffic
   Engineering Extensions with available utilization on the links also
   being a factor. This way those routers that have more TCAM banks
   switched off are avoided and those with higher power consumption but
   with available bandwidth are used hence not increasing the total
   power consumed within the area and hence within the AS. This could be
   achieved by using a PCE like entity that calculates the power
   shortest paths using this TCAM-POWER-RATIO.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.


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INTERNET DRAFT Power saving paths using TCAM power ratio   February 2013

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Table of Contents

   1  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     1.1  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   2.  Methodology of the Proposal  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     2.1 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   3  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
   4  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
   5  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     5.1  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     5.2  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
   APPENDIX - A : References for power saving related material  . . .  8
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9


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1  Introduction

   A power saving scheme for switching of TCAM banks of fine granularity
   is discussed in [ID-TCAM-POWER-EFF]. This scheme switches of TCAM
   banks of fine granularity and their corresponding SRAM banks
   depending on the occupancy of routes and their rewrites within the
   TCAM of a intelligent router line card (where one or more such TCAM
   entities along with their SRAM banks may reside) by using an
   algorithm specified in [ID-TCAM-POWER-EFF]. This takes care of
   switching of TCAM and SRAM banks within a router's line card and
   correspondingly saves power when the traffic matrix is not large with
   respect to the routes the packets lookup where the occupancy of such
   routes is low in the line card. This is with reference to both single
   and multi-chassis devices. The algorithm specified therein tends to
   switch off banks which are not in use. The aim of this draft is to
   use the device level characteristic in the form of a TCAM Power Ratio
   and disseminate it as a metric within an area or an Autonomous system
   (where multiple such areas exist within an AS) to compute power
   saving paths through the set of routers where the TCAM-POWER-RATIO is
   low. The TCAM-POWER-RATIO is arrived at by dividing the number of
   bits in the TCAM banks that are switched off by the Total Available
   TCAM bank space in bits. This ratio is then subjected to the CSPF
   algorithm as an additional constraint or the only constraint as the
   case may be in a link state protocol like OSPF or IS-IS with Traffic
   Engineering Externsions with available utilization on the links also
   being a factor. This way those routers that have more TCAM banks
   switched off are avoided and those with higher power consumption but
   with available bandwidth are used hence not increasing the total
   power consumed within the area and hence within the AS. This could be
   achieved by using a PCE like entity that calculates the power
   shortest paths using this TCAM-POWER-RATIO.

1.1  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2.  Methodology of the Proposal

   Consider a topology shown in Figure 1.0 that comprises several
   chassis devices (in this case single chassis ones) that have multiple
   line cards within each of them each of them having ports and
   respective TCAM banks along with their corresponding SRAM banks that
   contain the next-hop information and necessary re-write information.
   The TCAM banks contain the routes where packets are subject to
   longest prefix match lookup.

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   Consider the following topology...

   Router A               Router B              Router C
   +---+---+             +---+---+             +-------+
   |   |   |             |   |   |             |   |   |
   |LC1|LC2|             |LC1|LC2|             |LC1|LC2|
   |   |   |             |   |   |    L11      |   |   |
   | P1| P1|             | P1| P1|-------------- P1| P1|---+
   | P2| P2|--+          | P2| P2|    L12      | P2| P2|   |
   | P3| P3|  |   L4     | P3| P3|-------------- P3| P3|   |
   | P4| P4|--+----------- P4| P4|         +---- P4| P4|   |
   | P5| P5|  |       +----P5| P5--+    L5 |   | P5| P5|   |
   | | | | |  |       |  |   |   | |       |   |   | | |   |
   +-|-+-|-+  |L3     |  +---+---+ |       |   +---+-|-+   | L13
     |   |    |       +------------+-------+         |     |
     |   |L2  |                L5  |                 |     |
     |   +----+------------+       |                 |     |
     |        |            |       |                 |     |
     |L1      |            |       |L6               |     |
     |        | Router D   |       |   Router E   L12|     | Router F
     |        | +---+---+  |       |  +---+---+      |     |+-------+
     |        | |   |   |  |L2     |  |   |   |      |     ||   |   |L
     |        | |LC1|LC2|  |       |  |LC1|LC2|      |     ||LC1|LC2|1
     |        | |   |   |  |       |  |   |   |      |     ||   |   |4..
     |        +-| P1| P1---+       |  | P1| P1|------+     || P1| P1|-> 
     |          | P2| P2|     L7   +--- P2| P2|            +--P2| P2|-> 
     |          | P3| P3|-------------- P3| P3|   L10       | P3| P3|-> 
     +----------| P4| P4|         +---- P4| P4|-------------- P4| P4|
                | P5| P5|         | +-- P5| P5|        +----- P5| P5|
                | | |   |         | | |   |   |        |    |   |   |
                +-|-+---+     L8  | | +---+---+  L9    |    +---+---+
                  +---------------+ +------------------+

   It is given that the power-saving scheme in [ID-TCAM-POWER-EFF] is in
   vogue in each of these routers. It is possible that some of them are
   not running the algorithm specified in the [ID-TCAM-POWER-EFF]. Each
   of these routers consolidate the total number of bits in the TCAM
   banks that have been switched off and the total number of bits
   available in the TCAM banks.

   The above 2 pieces of information or data are used to compute the
   following TCAM-POWER-RATIO.

   Here TCAM-POWER-RATIO = Bits in TCAM Banks switched off 
                           Total number of Bits in TCAM Banks.


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   The said ratio is further fed into a computation which is as follows.

   Link-Power-Metric = TCAM-POWER-RATIO 
                      Available bandwidth of the said link on the line 
                      card on which TCAM-POWER-RATIO is calculated.

   The Link-Power-Metric is calculated for all the links on the line
   cards within a router and advertised using a suitable TLV in the
   opaque LSA or LSP packet in the IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol) such
   as OSPF or IS-IS as a link metric. 

   The advertised Link-Power-Metric has 2 attached end-points for a link
   in the above mentioned topology. The overall Link-Power-Metric for a
   link is arrived at by assigning the Link-Power-Metric between the 2
   attached end-points in the ingress direction towards the router which
   is a candidate next-hop towards the prefix to be reached.

   This is then used in the CSPF algorithm to choose the least cost
   power path in the topology through which the packet can travel from
   the head-end to tail-end within the area of the AS. This is primarily
   an area specific calculation which ends up calculating the paths
   through those routers in the area that are in lesser power saving
   mode compared to other routers who are in more power saving mode and
   have shut off more than their fair share of TCAM banks and their
   corresponding SRAM banks.

   Those routers that do not employ this scheme are given a TCAM-POWER-
   RATIO of 1 since they are not employing the power saving scheme as
   outlined in [ID-TCAM-POWER-EFF]. 

   It is important to note that the TCAM banks switched off are not used
   in the ratio as a discrete quantity but rather as in an interval of
   thresholds. The Available bandwidth as well are calculated not in
   discrete quantities but in intervals of thresholds. These intervals
   are uniformly to be undertaken in all the routers where the scheme is


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2.1 Discussion

   Consider the following topology with the appropriate Link-Power-
   Metric assigned to the links contained within it.

   The shortest path is through A,B,D,X rather than through A,C,E,D and
   X. This primarily owing to the reason that the Link-Power-Metric that
   takes the TCAM-POWER-RATIO and the Available bandwidth on those links
   is the least in the CSPF path.

       0.2      0.1      0.2
    |                 ^
    |0.2      0.02    | 0.2

   It is to be noted that if the prefix for the traffic whose Longest
   prefix match entry is not loaded in the TCAM bank which is in ON
   state in any of the chosen routers along the path, the usual scheme
   in [ID-TCAM-POWER-EFF] kicks in and loads the prefix and its
   associated re-write information on the traffic hitting the router in
   the chosen power saving path. For more information read the reference
   for scheme in [ID-TCAM-POWER-EFF].


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3  Security Considerations

   There are no new security considerations within the scope of this

4  IANA Considerations

   A suitable TLV to carry the Link-Power-Metric is to be defined for
   this purpose.

5  References

5.1  Normative References

5.2  Informative References

              [ID-TCAM-POWER-EFF] Shankar Raman, "TCAM power
              reduction and optimization in Routers", draft-mjsraman-
              panet-tcam-power-efficiency-00 (work in progress), 2012.

APPENDIX - A : References for power saving related material

              S.Raman, B.V. Venkataswami, K. Veezhinathan, G. Raina,
              "TCAM power reduction and optimization in Routers", draft-
              mjsraman-panet-tcam-power-efficiency-00 (work in progress)

              M. Zhang, J. Dong, B. Zhang, "Use Cases for Power-Aware
              Networks", draft-zhang-panet-use-cases (work in progress)

              B. Nordman, K. Christensen, "Nanogrids", draft-nordman-
              nanogrids-00 (work in progress)

              T. Suzuki, T. Tarui, "Requirements for an Energy-Efficient
              Network System", draft-suzuki-eens-requirements (work in

              Z. Cao, "Synchronization Layer: an Implementation Method
              for Energy Efficient Sensor Stack", draft-cao-lwig-syn-
              layer (work in progress)

              A. Junior, R. Sofia, "Energy-awareness metrics global
              applicability guideline", draft-ajunior-energy-awareness-
              00 (work in progress)

              B. Zhang, J. Shi, M. Zhang, J. Dong, "Power-aware Routing

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INTERNET DRAFT Power saving paths using TCAM power ratio   February 2013

              and Traffic Engineering: Requirements, Approaches, and
              Issues", draft-zhang- greennet (work in progress)

              T. Suganuma, N. Nakamura, S. Izumi, H. Tsunoda, M.
              Matsuda, K. Ohta, "Green Usage Monitoring Information
              Base", draft-suganuma-greenmib (work in progress)

              S. Raman, B. V. Venkataswami, G. Raina, V. Srini, "Power
              Based Topologies and TE-Shortest Power Paths in OSPF",
              draft-mjsraman- rtgwg-ospf-power-topo-01 (work in

              S. Raman, B. V. Venkataswami, G. Raina, V. Srini,
              "Building power optimal Multicast Trees", draft-mjsraman-
              rtgwg-pim-power-02 (work in progress)

              S. Raman, B. V. Venkataswami, G. Raina, "Reducing Power
              Consumption using BGP", draft-mjsraman-rtgwg-inter-as-psp-
              03 (work in progress)

              S. Raman, B. V. Venkataswami, G. Raina, "Building power
              shortest inter-Area TE LSPs using pre-computed paths",
              draft-mjsraman-rtgwg- intra-as-psp-te-leak-02 (work in

              S. Raman, B. V. Venkataswami, G. Raina, V. Srini,
              "Reducing Power Consumption using BGP path selection",
              draft-mjsraman-rtgwg-bgp- power-path-02 (work in progress)

Authors' Addresses

   Shankar Raman
   Department of Computer Science and Engineering
   IIT Madras
   Chennai - 600036


   Balaji Venkat Venkataswami
   Department of Electrical Engineering,
   IIT Madras
   Chennai - 600036

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INTERNET DRAFT Power saving paths using TCAM power ratio   February 2013


   Prof.Kamakoti Veezhinathan
   Department of Computer Science and Engineering
   IIT Madras
   Chennai - 600036


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