Internet DRAFT - draft-mlevy-ixp-jumboframes


Network Working Group                                            M. Levy
Internet-Draft                                        Hurricane Electric
Intended status: Informational                         November 14, 2011
Expires: May 17, 2012

       Jumbo Frame Deployment at Internet Exchange Points (IXPs)


   This document provides guidelines on how to deploy Jumbo Frame
   support on Internet Exchange Points (IXP).  Jumbo Frame support
   allows packets larger than 1,500 Bytes to be passed between IXP
   customers over the IXPs layer 2 fabric.  This document describes
   methods to enable Jumbo Frame support and keep in place existing
   1,500 Byte communications.

   This document strongly recommends that IXP operators choose 9,000
   Bytes for their Jumbo Frame implementation.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on May 17, 2012.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2011 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect

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   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     1.1.  Defining MTU values  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     1.2.  Jumbo Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     1.3.  IXPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     1.4.  IP Backbones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     1.5.  IP Traffic today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     1.6.  NRENs and Jumbo Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     1.7.  Requirements Language  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
   2.  The Property of an IXPs Switch Fabric  . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
   3.  MTU Size Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     3.1.  Jumbo Frame size recommendation  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     3.2.  Jumbo Frame size example router configurations . . . . . .  9
     3.3.  Jumbo Frame size limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     3.4.  Consistent MTU Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
   4.  Methods of coordinating MTU changes or adding a larger MTU
       values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   5.  Changing MTU using a Flag-Day approach . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   6.  Testing customer MTU values  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     6.1.  MTU Testing Example  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   7.  Customer affecting issues  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
   8.  Addressing Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     8.1.  IPv4/IPv6 Addressing Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     8.2.  VLAN Numbering Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
   9.  IXPs Operating Route Server Configuration  . . . . . . . . . . 16
   10. Known issues for IXPs to consider  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     10.1. PMTU (Path MTU) issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     10.2. IXP Customer BGP sessions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
     10.3. IXP Operator Service Level Agreements (SLAs) . . . . . . . 18
   11. Customer Requirements outside of the IXP operator's control  . 18
   12. IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
   13. Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
   14. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
   15. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     15.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     15.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
   Author's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

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1.  Introduction

   The standard Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) value, for IP packets
   encapsulated within an Ethernet frame, is 1,500 Bytes.  This is
   described in RFC 894 [RFC894] and RFC 1042 [RFC1042].

   The specific size of a Jumbo Frame is not defined by the IEEE.  Many
   sizes can be chosen depending on the hardware vendor or hardware
   platform.  This document strongly recommends that IXP operators
   choose 9,000 Bytes for their Jumbo Frame implementation.

1.1.  Defining MTU values

   All MTU sizes, including the default 1,500 Byte size, refers to the
   IP packet/payload size vs. the full Ethernet frame size.  The
   standard Ethernet frame size is 1,514 Bytes (1,500 + 6 + 6 + 2) or
   1,518 (1,500 + 6 + 6 + 4 + 2) Bytes depending on the use of IEEE
   802.1Q (VLAN) tags [IEEE802_1Q].  The Preamble and CRC lengths are
   not used in the count.

   Non IEEE 802.1Q Enabled
   +--------+----+---+---------+-----/ /----+---+
   |Preamble|Dest|Src|EtherType| IP Payload |CRC|
   +--------+----+---+---------+-----/ /----+---+
                                \           \
                                 \           \
                                  \           \
                                   \           \
                                    \           \
                                     \           \
                                      \           \
                                       \           \
   +--------+----+---+---------+-------+-----/ /----+---+
   |Preamble|Dest|Src|EtherType|VLAN ID| IP Payload |CRC|
   +--------+----+---+---------+-------+-----/ /----+---+
   IEEE 802.1Q Enabled

   All sizes listed within this document references the IP payload
   portion of the Ethernet frame only.

1.2.  Jumbo Frames

   Jumbo Frames are considered to be Ethernet frames that can carry an
   IP payload greater than 1,500 Bytes [MATHIS2002] [SAUVER2003].  Jumbo
   Frames are sometimes called "Giant Jumbo", "Mini Jumbo" or "Baby
   Jumbo" [TULYU2011].  This document recommends the use of the wording
   "Jumbo Frame" as the terminology within the IXP industry.  This
   document only uses the wording "Jumbo Frame" to represent a frame

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   capable of transporting a payload above 1,500 Bytes MTU.

   If customers require end-to-end Jumbo Frame support and an IXP within
   the path only provides 1,500 Byte MTU connections, then the end-to-
   end provided Path MTU (PMTU) can only be 1,500 Bytes.  This document
   recommends ways for IXP operators to provide networks with Jumbo
   Frame support and potentially allowing larger end-to-end PMTU.

   Additional protocols that exceed 1,500 Byte MTU are "FCoE", "iSCSI",
   "MPLS", "IEEE 802.1AS", "IEEE 802.3AE", etc.  None are applicable to
   the IXP industry.

1.3.  IXPs

   An Internet Exchange Points (IXP) is a layer 2 service allowing one
   network to communicate with one or more networks over a shared
   fabric.  These days an IXP is normally built using high availability
   Ethernet switches and historically provided the IEEE defined default
   Ethernet Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size of 1,500 Bytes for each

   As the Internet has grown, both in geography and speed, IXPs has
   mainly stuck to 1,500 Byte MTU size.  A study done in 2008 of the
   peering community showed interest in larger MTU peering

    |    IXP   |    Location   |  Provided MTU | Comments             |
    |  AMS-IX  | Amsterdam, NL |         1,500 | Untagged ports       |
    |   Any2   |       US      |         1,500 | Untagged ports       |
    |  DE-CIX  | Frankfurt, DE |         1,500 | Untagged ports       |
    |  Equinix |  US & others  |         1,500 | Untagged ports       |
    |   HKIX   | Hong Kong, HK |         1,500 | Untagged ports       |
    |   JPIX   |   Tokyo, JP   |         1,500 | Untagged ports       |
    |   JPNAP  |   Tokyo, JP   |         1,500 | Untagged ports       |
    |   LINX   |   London, UK  |         1,500 | Untagged ports       |
    | NASA-AIX | Palo Alto, US | 1,500 & 9,000 | Two VLANs on request |
    |  NETNOD  | Stockholm, SE | 1,500 & 4,470 | Two VLANs by default |
    | Telx TIE |       US      |         1,500 | Untagged ports       |

                          Table 1: IXP MTU sizes

   There is no extensive study of IXP operators and MTU values.  This is
   just a minimal review to show it exists.

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1.4.  IP Backbones

   Some IP backbones have implemented larger MTU sizes on backbone links
   [NANOG2008]; however, it's safe to say that nearly every broadband
   user is connected at 1,500 Byte MTU size, or less.  Broadband or
   dialup connections using PPPoE are configured at 1,492 Bytes.  See
   RFC 2516 [RFC2516].

   The same limitation of 1,500 Bytes can be said for most sources of
   content.  (CITATION NEEDED)

   Allowing end-to-end system to communicate with larger MTUs can reduce
   end-system CPU usage, provide less per-packet overhead and improve
   TCP performance [NANOG2003] [Internet2_LSR].  Applications that do
   mass data transfer (backups, replication, NNTP, etc) benefit from
   larger MTU paths.

   VPNs that require MTU sizes of 1,500 Bytes could use larger MTU paths
   to handle the additional header bytes.  Presently VPNs provide a
   smaller end-to-end MTU size.

   There's not expected to be much value to VoIP traffic, simple DNS
   requests or other similar protocols that nearly always send small
   packets.  (DNS zone transfers could use larger packets).  Operating
   on a larger MTU Path should have no adverse affect on the end-to-end

1.5.  IP Traffic today

   It's acknowledged that a majority of Internet traffic today uses
   small MTU size packets.  A study of IP traffic at the AMS-IX IXP in
   Amsterdam showed the following breakdown [TULYU2011].

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       |              Size | Current | Average | Maximum | Minimum |
       |      0 - 63 Bytes |    0.0% |    0.0% |    0.0% |    0.0% |
       |    64 - 127 Bytes |   41.2% |   41.1% |   45.7% |   38.7% |
       |   128 - 255 Bytes |    3.5% |    3.4% |    4.9% |    2.8% |
       |   256 - 511 Bytes |    2.1% |    1.9% |    2.2% |    1.6% |
       |  512 - 1023 Bytes |    2.7% |    2.5% |    2.8% |    2.1% |
       | 1023 - 1513 Bytes |   28.8% |   27.8% |   29.4% |   24.8% |
       |        1514 Bytes |   21.8% |   23.3% |   26.1% |   21.5% |
       |      > 1514 Bytes |    0.0% |    0.0% |    0.0% |    0.0% |

    Weekly Graph - 25 October 2011 to 1 November 2011 (Note: This table
    is shown in Ethernet frame sizes, ie: 14 Bytes greater than IP MTU)

                  Table 2: AMS-IX Frame Size Distrubution

   The AMS-IX IXP does not provide customer ports configured to anything
   other than 1,500 Bytes; hence, today AMS-IX will never measure
   traffic in the final row of this table. (ie: Above 1,500 Bytes IP MTU
   size).  It's safe to say that any IXP operating at the default 1,500
   Byte MTU will never see packets above 1,500 Bytes.  This means that
   there's no way to measure the potential traffic until Jumbo Frames on
   the IXP are enabled.

1.6.  NRENs and Jumbo Frames

   Research network (NRENs etc) have long-standing operational
   experiences with Jumbo Frame enabled networks.  They have taken the
   time to test and deploy larger MTU sized networks globally [JET2007]

1.7.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2.  The Property of an IXPs Switch Fabric

   An IXP configuration can vary dramatically.  It can be a very simple
   switch without monitoring or it can be a multi-site multi-terabit
   infrastructure with 24/7 NOC support and extensive portal support for
   network customers.

   This document only addresses Ethernet based IXPs (which is today the

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   near de-facto technology).  Ethernet ports can be configured in two

   a.  Untagged ports with all traffic destined for the shared fabric.

   b.  Tagged ports with traffic controlled by a Virtual LAN (VLAN)
       identifier.  Frames are placed into whatever configured virtual
       fabric the switch is configured with.  This could include some
       configurations where only two customer ports communicate

   Customers connecting to an IXP need to be operating in the correct
   tagged or untagged mode.  Untagged packets sent into a tagged port
   will not propagate.  This should be considered part of an IXPs
   standard customer configuration review and install testing process.

   This document assumes that the IXP is operating a hardware platform
   that can provide its customers with a large MTU service.  Most modern
   hardware provides support for Jumbo Frames.

   If an IXP can only operate at 1,500 Byte MTU, then this document is
   not appropriate till the IXP upgrades the hardware platform.

   Its quite possible that an existing IXP is operating today with an
   MTU value above 1,500 Bytes; but has never told its customers.  This
   is not recommended; but is known to work.  It is not recommended that
   customers take advantage of this without the coordination of the IXP
   operator.  See below.

3.  MTU Size Considerations

   The default payload MTU on Ethernet is 1,500 Bytes.  This is defined
   by the IEEE 802 specification.  There is normally no configuration
   required by network or IXP operators to ensure that clean
   communications is provided to interconnected networks (IXP customer-
   to-customer communications).  All Ethernet hardware operates at 1,500
   Byte MTU, including switches, routers, servers, end-user computers,

   Jumbo Frame support is provided by many hardware vendors and some
   non-Ethernet based systems also have greater than 1,500 Byte MTUs.
   As IP packets can be transported by many different media types
   (Ethernet, Token rings or FDDI rings, POS, Radio links, VPNs,
   Tunnels, etc), the IP protocol can handle nearly any MTU side.

   IXPs mainly use Ethernet fabrics and layer 2 communications on
   Ethernet fabrics require matching MTU sizes.

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   Adding support for Jumbo Frames means that a higher MTU value needs
   to be picked.

   1,500 Bytes This is the default from the IEEE 802 specifications.

   4,352 Bytes FDDI as defined in RFC 1390 [RFC1390].

   4,470 Bytes SONET POS links along with older switches use this.

   9,000 Bytes Less than an absolute maximum value; but a number that's
               easy to remember [JET2007].

   9,170 Bytes Used by some hardware.

   9,174 Bytes Used by some hardware.  Used by CERN.

   9,180 Bytes Used by some hardware.  Used by Internet2/Abilene
               Backbone [SUMMERHILL2003], CalREN, etc.

   9,192 Bytes Used by some hardware.

   9,216 Bytes Used by some hardware.

   An extensive study of Jumbo Frame sizes can be found in a
   presentation by Joe St Sauver in 2003 [SAUVER2003].

   The MTU size picked needs to also address the potential of a frame
   being transported via an encapsulation protocol that reduces overall
   frame size.  Encapsulation could exist within the transport from the
   router to the IXP and reduce the customers MTU.  This means that
   using the absolute maximum value of the hardware platform could cause
   issues for customers.

   The IXP operators can choose from many hardware vendors.  There's no
   industry standard for an exact Jumbo Frame size; so it varies by
   vendor and sometimes even by platform.  Add to that, an IXP operator
   and can configure the fabric to nearly any size below their hardware

3.1.  Jumbo Frame size recommendation

   It's RECOMMENDED that Jumbo Frames are defined as 9,000 Bytes.

   The choice of 9,000 Bytes is based on experience at the Networking
   and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) - Large
   Scale Network (LSN) Joint Engineering Team (JET) community [JET2007].
   It's considered to be an easy to recall number and hence reduces

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   If an IXP operator is going to introduce a Jumbo Frame service, it's
   RECOMMENDED that they pick 9,000 Bytes.  Smaller numbers are not
   useful anymore (the 4,470 value is a legacy value).  While values
   substantially over 9,000 Bytes may be supported by some vendors,
   support for substantialy larger values is incomplete at best.

   9,000 Bytes easily provides support for a TCP or UDP payload of 8,192
   Bytes.  Protocols like NFS and iSCSI use 8,192 Bytes for data as this
   matches multiples of physical disk sector sizes along with CPU
   virtual memory mapping systems.

   The value 9,100 Bytes SHOULD NOT be used as this can not be supported
   by all hardware (even if it's also an easy number to recall).

3.2.  Jumbo Frame size example router configurations

   Cisco example.

   interface gigabitethernet 1/1
    mtu 9216
    ip mtu 9000
    ipv6 mtu 9000

   interface vlan 1000
    mtu 9216
    ip mtu 9000
    ipv6 mtu 9000

   Juniper example.

   interface xe-0/1/0
     mtu 9000
     unit 0
       family inet
         mtu 9000
       family inet6
         mtu 9000

   Brocade/Foundry example.

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   default-max-frame-size 9216
   interface ve 81
    ip mtu 9000
    ipv6 mtu 9000

3.3.  Jumbo Frame size limitations

   There is a maximum to the size of an Ethernet frame as long at its
   represented within the link layer size field.  Hardware design
   normally dictates that a memory buffer needs to be reserved or
   configured into hardware of a specific size.  This usually limits the
   maximum size of a packet.

   Every Ethernet frame has a calculated CRC value to make sure the data
   does not get a bit-level error.  With the size of the CRC used by the
   IEEE 802 Ethernet specifications it's not clear than frames larger
   than approximately 9,000 Bytes are well protected.  Updates to the
   IEEE 802 specification to implement larger CRCs could allow
   protection of larger frames; however this subject is outside of the
   scope of this document.

   Jumbo frame links that are surrounded by standard MTU valued links
   will never be used by end-to-end communications.  For example a 9,000
   Byte MTU link surrounded by 1,500 Byte MTU links will never see a
   packet greater than 1,500 Bytes pass via the IXP.

      ---------       ---------         ---------       ---------
   ---| RTR-A |-1,500-| RTR-B |--9,000--| RTR-C |-1,500-| RTR-D |---
      ---------       ---------         ---------       ---------

   This could simply be put down to future-proofing a network link.  In
   fact many IP backbones operate with 4,470 Byte or ~9,000 Byte long-
   haul links without any detrimental issues, even if customer only see
   a 1,500 Byte end-to-end service.

3.4.  Consistent MTU Sizes

   A maximum sized packet can be sent from a device with a smaller MTU
   to a device with a larger MTU; however a larger MTU device can't send
   to a smaller MTU device.  A frame sent that's larger than the
   receivers MTU will produce an incoming error.

   A vast majority of Ethernet users have never experienced this issue,
   as it's unique to the Jumbo Frame configurations.  Users have simply
   lived with the default 1,500 Byte packet size preconfigured on each

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   and every device.

   When two devices communicate over a shared fabric, it's important
   that both entities have the same MTU value.  On an IXP fabric where
   all peering networks are using the default MTU value of 1,500 Bytes,
   there's no issue with communications.  Should a network configure a
   different MTU value than other devices on a shared fabric, there's a
   possibility of a packet not being received by the destination device.

   That means IXP operator have to coordinate with every customer any
   change to the fabrics MTU.  If an additional MTU is provided it must
   be keep on different hardware-platform, specific ports or specific

4.  Methods of coordinating MTU changes or adding a larger MTU values

   Various methods exist for IXPs to operate with more than one MTU

   a.  Provide two untagged ports, one with the de-facto MTU of 1,500
       Byte packets and one for the larger MTU value.  The IXP fabric
       should be configured so the two different MTUs are kept seperate.
       This assumes the IXP and customer has additional network ports to
       support the larger MTU.  Billing for additional ports is not
       within the scope of this document.

   b.  Add a duplicate IXP hardware platform configured with the larger
       MTU value.  With this configuration the two different MTU values
       never touch.  This assumes the IXP operator has additional
       hardware for the new fabric and that the customer has additional
       network ports to connect to that new IXP fabric.  This assumes
       the IXP operator has additional space and power for the new
       fabric; along with the additonal operational overhead required.
       Billing for additional fabric and ports is not within the scope
       of this document.

   c.  Coordinate a specific cutover date/time and have all IXP
       customers reconfigure at that cutover time.  Customers that don't
       reconfigure will run the risk of loosing operational abilities.
       This also assumes that every customer has network hardware
       capable of the larger MTU value.  This is not a recommended
       solution as it removes support for 1,500 Byte MTU communications.

   d.  Add a second IP range on the existing switch fabric dedicated for
       the larger MTU range and coordinate a time to increase all switch
       interfaces to the larger MTU size.  Existing 1,500 Byte MTU
       communications can continue as-is using the existing IP range.

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       New larger MTU communications can use a new IP range.  It's
       unclear this configuration works in the real world as MTU values
       are defined by port or virtual port vs. by IP.  This is not a
       configuration recommended by this document.

   e.  Provide each customer a tagged port with one VLAN setup for 1,500
       Byte MTU services and another VLAN setup for the larger MTU
       service.  Existing customers, who want to implement Jumbo Frame
       support, can choose a cutover time to move from untagged to
       tagged ports.  Existing 1,500 Byte MTU sessions will continue on
       a VLAN on that tagged port.  New customers can be enabled with
       tagged ports at service delivery time.  This is the configuration
       recommended by this document.

   All methods require coordination with the customer to verify
   configuration correctness.  All methods assumes the IXP operator has
   the additonal operational overhead required to support this offering.
   IXPs that presently use quarantine ports or VLANs already have
   processes in place to verify new customers are configured correctly.
   Providing Jumbo Frame support requires the customer to adjust their
   configuration and be in-sync with the IXP configuration.

   Whatever method is chosen; it's in the interest of the IXP and it's
   customers to encourage customers to enable Jumbo Frame support.

5.  Changing MTU using a Flag-Day approach

   IXP operators can assign a flag-day to coordinate a change to the MTU
   value.  This requires communications and coordination with all
   customers.  It also assumes all customers on that fabric are capable
   of Jumbo Frames.

   One advantage of a flag-day is that it allows the IXP provider to
   remove legacy setups rather than support them forever.

   This is also needed if a current Jumbo Frame enabled VLAN is being
   updated from one size Jumbo Frame to a different one (e.g., from
   4,470 bytes to 9,000 bytes).

6.  Testing customer MTU values

   An IXP operator can test the customer port MTU setting via a simple
   ping [PING] packet.  ICMP filtering on the customers router could
   impeed this testing.  Assuming the test host is connected via a large
   MTU size path to the IXP, the testing setup can check each customer
   port to confirm the MTU configuration is correct.

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   To use a ping packet with IPv4 you are required to set the DF bit.
   For IPv6 there's no fragmentation during transmission of packets,
   it's only done at the host level.  If you use a server for testing,
   then the "ping6 -m" (or equivalent option) should be used to control
   the kernel packet processing and force no fragmentation at the packet

   Assuming the customer responds to an ICMP ping packet, then a ping
   with a incrementing packet size will measure the customer-configured
   MTU value.  Commands like tracepath or tracepath6 [TRACEPATH] can be
   used for these tests.

   It's important that the IXP provider has each-and-every customer
   setup with the identical MTU value.

6.1.  MTU Testing Example

   A existing IXP did a review of it's Jumbo Frame enabled customers.
   The IXP has a 4,470 Byte MTU VLAN and had informed all its customers
   to operate at 4,470 Bytes MTU.

      | Customer | Measured MTU | Correct? | Works?                |
      |   Most   |     4,470    |    Yes   | Yes                   |
      |  Cust-X  |     1,500    |    No    | Incorrect!            |
      |  Cust-Y  |     4,484    |    No    | Incorrect (but works) |
      |  Cust-Z  |     9,000    |    No    | Incorrect (but works) |

              Data from testing on a Jumbo Frame enabled IXP

                      Table 3: Testing IXP customers

   The customer responding with the 1,500 Byte MTU should be having
   operational issues with other peers at that IXP.  Any packet greater
   than 1,500 Bytes sent towards that customer port will be dropped.  A
   small MTU router can send a packet to a large MTU router; however, if
   a large MTU router sends a packet to a small MTU router and that
   packet is greater than the receiver MTU; then the packet will be
   dropped by the receiver with a layer 2 framing error.  The customer
   operating with an MTU of 4,484 or 9,000 Bytes may have it's IP MTU
   set at 4,470 Bytes and hence operate correctly.  Or they may just be
   lucky and never see a large packet flow across their links.

   Further investigating showed that with at least one IP router
   platform there's a Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) size on the Ethernet
   interfaces that's based on the physical interfaces memory size.  This

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   allows inbound packets that are larger than the MTU setting.  In the
   case of a ping packet with the DF bit set, the response is fragmented
   to match the routers MTU.

7.  Customer affecting issues

   Customers may not like changes within the IXP setup.  IXP operators
   have various choices when it comes to implementing Jumbo Frames.

   a.  Decide to completely ignore the requirement and define the IXP as
       a 1,500 Byte MTU only IXP.

   b.  Decide to implement Jumbo Frames at the point when the IXP
       operator announces and creates the IXP (this assumes we are
       talking about a new IXP).

   c.  Allow customer to pick how they connect to the IXP.  Customer can
       choose to connect with only one port and only one MTU size, from
       two or more ports (untagged) each set and allowing access to the
       MTU values operated by the IXP, one single port (tagged) allowing
       access to the MTU values operated by the IXP or some other method
       specific to the IXP.

   d.  For IXP operators that allow for private VLAN between customers,
       the MTU value should be defined and if the IXP implements Jumbo
       Frames, then the value should be communicated to the customers at
       each port associated with the private VLAN.

   There's no need to provide each customer with the same setup;
   however, operational issues should be addressed if customer
   configuration is not consistent.  Clear documentation and
   provisioning process will be required.

8.  Addressing Plans

   Adding support for Jumbo Frames within an IXP could require
   additional addressing schemes for layer 2 and layer 3.  This assumes
   the existing 1,500 Byte MTU customer-connection stays.

8.1.  IPv4/IPv6 Addressing Plans

   Technically a large MTU path between two networks could be parallel
   to the same connection as a standard 1,500 Byte MTU.  If that is the
   case, then it's useful for the IXP operator to provide a different IP
   network range; but using a similar IP addressing schemes for each
   path.  This means that if a specific prefix is used for an IPv4 /24

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   or an IPv6 /64 allocated to an exchange fabric with the rest of the
   address allocated to the customer; then the same final part of the
   address should be used for the large MTU connection.  For example
   repeat the last octet if it's an IPv4 address or the last 64 bits
   with an IPv6 address.

   For example, if the IXP used (or 2001:DB8:10::/64) today
   and has (or 2001:DB8:11::/64) allocated for the new
   Jumbo Frame services; then:

      192.0.2.NN for customer NN

      198.51.100.NN for customer NN on Jumbo Frame service

   Or for IPv6:

      2001:DB8:10::NN for customer NN

      2001:DB8:11::NN for customer NN on Jumbo Frame service

   The goal is to make sure that customers always communicate with
   customers setup with a like MTU value.

   It's noted that IXP operators will have to acquire additional IP
   space for the Jumbo Frame network addressing.  This is left outside
   the scope of this document.

8.2.  VLAN Numbering Plans

   If the IXP operator provides tagged ports to implement different MTU
   values; then the operator should allocate VLAN numbers that are
   compatible with the customer base.

   IXP operators can choose to:

   a.  Some IXP hardware platforms will require the same VLAN number to
       be used for all customer ports.

   b.  Some will allow the VLAN number to be set on a per-port per-
       customer basis.

   Allowing the VLAN to be set on a per-port per-customer basis could
   cause confusion and/or provisioning issues.  This is for the IXP
   operator to decide.

   Customers may have limited choices on their VLAN configuration.  Some
   customer hardware platforms do not allow the same VLAN number to be
   used for different purposes on the same router.

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   IXP operators should consider coordinating with other IXP operators
   in their region so the VLAN numbers are not overlapping.

   The IXP operator can choose an arbitrary VLAN numbers from the IEEE
   802.1Q [IEEE802_1Q] specification range.  VLAN number 0 and 4,095 are
   reserved, as per the specification.  VLAN number 1 is used by many
   platforms to denote the default VLAN and hence should also be

   The IEEE 802.1ad [IEEE802_1AD] Provider Bridges standard, commonly
   called Q-in-Q, is not applicable to IXP operators implementing Jumbo

9.  IXPs Operating Route Server Configuration

   If a route server is provided by the IXP operator on the 1,500 Byte
   MTU fabric, then another instance of the route server has to operate
   on the Jumbo Frame MTU fabric and be configured with the correct
   Jumbo Frame MTU.  Hence the Jumbo Frame route server hardware needs
   to support Jumbo Frames on it's Ethernet interface.

   It's important that a customer network is never provided a next hop
   that's on a port that would drop an incorrectly sized packet.

   BGP sessions have the possibility of using larger MSS and MTU sizes
   when a peering session is initiated.  The ability to choose a
   different MSS is very dependent on the configuration each side of the
   BGP configuration.  For IXPs that implement Jumbo Frames on their
   route servers; they should report the negotiated MSS size for each
   BGP session.

10.  Known issues for IXPs to consider

   Increasing the MTU size has a cost at the network layer.  These
   issues should be considered by the IXP operation for performance,
   reliability, cost and operational issues.

   a.  As stated above, it's not clear that frames larger than
       approximately 9,000 Bytes are well-protected by the existing IEEE
       802 checksum method.  IXP operators that measure error counters
       on interfaces should consider providing customers access to their
       port error statistics (along with their traffic statistics).

   b.  Jumbo Frames do not have a defined size by the IEEE and hence the
       strong recommendation that IXP operators choose 9,000 Bytes for
       their Jumbo Frame implementation.  It's true that each IXP can

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       choose a different number; however, consistency amongst IXP
       operators will be a plus.

   c.  IXP operators should understand that a larger MTU packet will
       potentially require additional transmission time and buffer
       memory.  Packets may have a larger packet delay and potentially a
       different or greater jitter value.

   d.  IXP operators should realize that any mis-configured customer-to-
       customer communications, with disparate MTU values, will have a
       potential of failing without any useful reporting at the IP or
       layer 4 level.  No PMTU (Path MTU) packet will be generated
       should a large MTU packet be sent to a port configured with a
       smaller MTU.

   e.  Jumbo Frame support is not intended to change existing end-to-end
       packet communications if the end-nodes are configured at 1,500
       Byte MTU (or lower).  Only end-to-end communications where a
       larger MTU path exists along the whole source to destination path
       will take advantage of IXPs with larger MTUs.

   IXPs should consider recommending existing and new customers enable
   the larger MTU connection along with the existing 1,500 Byte
   connections as this provides a potential larger MTU should an end-to-
   end packet require it.

   This document does not address how an IXP will present these issues
   to its customers or charge for any mitigation of these issues.

   In order to encourage the deployment of Jumbo Frames, it's
   recommended that IXP operators only charge customers if there is a
   physical difference in their offering.

10.1.  PMTU (Path MTU) issues

   The IP protocol has two Path MTU Discovery (PMTU) mechanisms to
   handle packets traveling along a path with varying MTU values for
   various links in the path.

   The IPv4 Path MTU Discovery protocol, RFC 1191 [RFC1191], is
   considered often NOT to work.  See RFC 2923 [RFC2923] [SAUVER2003].
   In IPv6, Path MTU Discovery protocol, RFC 1981 [RFC1981], is
   considered to work.

   However neither the IPv4 or IPv6 PMTU methods will work if the layer
   2 fabric has a mismatched value.

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10.2.  IXP Customer BGP sessions

   IXP Customers setup BGP session via an IXP to enable inter-customer
   routing.  For Jumbo Frame enabled IXPs the customers can setup one
   session or more than one session depending on the MTU match between
   the two customers.

   |     Customer-A MTU |     Customer-B MTU | Choices                |
   |         1,500 Byte |         1,500 Byte | Can only do 1,500 Byte |
   |         1,500 Byte |         9,000 Byte | Can't communicate      |
   |         1,500 Byte | 9,000 & 1,500 Byte | Can only do 1,500 Byte |
   |         9,000 Byte |         1,500 Byte | Can't communicate      |
   | 9,000 & 1,500 Byte |         1,500 Byte | Can only do 1,500 Byte |
   |         9,000 Byte |         9,000 Byte | Can only do 9,000 Byte |
   | 9,000 & 1,500 Byte | 9,000 & 1,500 Byte | Can do one or both     |

               Table 4: BGP session setup for IXP customers

   If the two customers at on both the 1,500 Byte and 9,000 Byte
   fabrics; then special care should be taken by the IXP customers to
   confirm their path prefers the 9,000 Byte fabric.  This is done so
   the advantages of the Jumbo Frame fabric will be realized.

   This can be done by only enabling the Jumbo Frame BGP session or by
   keeping the 1,500 Byte BGP session active; but with a lower priority
   so the routes prefer the next-hop associated with the Jumbo Frame

   IXP customers should note that an extra BGP session will require
   additional BGP resources; but provide resilience should the Jumbo
   Frame fabric fail for any reason.

   Outside of the IXPs general operating rules, the BGP session
   configuration is not within the control of the IXP.

10.3.  IXP Operator Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

   This document does not state if an IXP operator has to change its SLA
   to handle Jumbo Frames.  That's within the control of the IXP

11.  Customer Requirements outside of the IXP operator's control

   Many Customers may opt to implement Jumbo Frame services from an IXP,

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   even if they never will send a packet greater than 1,500 Bytes.  The
   IXP operator should not discourage this behavior as it could be
   considered as future-proofing their network.

   If the IXP has a higher charge for Jumbo Frames and a customer
   decides to accept those additional charges; but never send a large
   packet, then this is also acceptable.  The customer is allowed to do
   anything they want, within technical reason.

   Customers may have requirement from their own customer-base to
   provide where possible end-to-end large MTU services even if their
   customer-base never sends a large packet.  This is very hierarchal
   nature of the Internet and is not the concern of the IXP operator as
   long as the IXP operator is satisfied with the service level they are

12.  IANA Considerations

   This memo includes no request to IANA.

13.  Security Considerations

   The support of Jumbo Frames at IXPs doesn't have any direct impact on
   Internet infrastructure security.

   If there was a security issue related to using Jumbo Frames then
   providing Jumbo Frame support within IXPs simply extends the
   potential source location of that thread.  Firewalling, filtering or
   protection at any point on the path does not change when Jumbo Frames
   on IXPs is provided.

   It's possible that security monitoring facilities should be upgraded
   to be tolerant of and handle Jumbo Frames.  Existing hardware may
   only capture and report on packets up to 1,500 Byte.

14.  Acknowledgements

   I would like to thank the encouragement and many contributions I
   received from people with large MTU experience.  Bobby Cates (NASA),
   Greg Hankins (Brocade, was Force10 [HANKINS2008]), Kurt-Erik
   Lindqvist (NETNOD).  Peter Lothberg (STUPI and now DTAG), Kevin
   Oberman (retired from ESnet), Joe St Sauver, Ph.D. (University of
   Oregon [SAUVER2003]), Maksym Tulyu (AMS-IX [TULYU2011]) and Mathias
   Wolkert (NETNOD).

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   A special thanks goes out to Selina Lo, whom in the late 90's
   introduced me to the wonders of a working Ethernet Jumbo Frame

   I would also like to also thank the contributions from people with
   extensive global peering experience: Andy Davidson (LoNAP & Hurricane
   Electric), Roque Gagliano (Cisco), Mike Leber (Hurricane Electric)
   and Doug Wilson (Yahoo!).

15.  References

15.1.  Normative References

   [RFC1042]  Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Standard for the transmission
              of IP datagrams over IEEE 802 networks", STD 43, RFC 1042,
              February 1988.

   [RFC1191]  Mogul, J. and S. Deering, "Path MTU discovery", RFC 1191,
              November 1990.

   [RFC1390]  Katz, D., "Transmission of IP and ARP over FDDI Networks",
              STD 36, RFC 1390, January 1993.

   [RFC1981]  McCann, J., Deering, S., and J. Mogul, "Path MTU Discovery
              for IP version 6", RFC 1981, August 1996.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2516]  Mamakos, L., Lidl, K., Evarts, J., Carrel, D., Simone, D.,
              and R. Wheeler, "A Method for Transmitting PPP Over
              Ethernet (PPPoE)", RFC 2516, February 1999.

   [RFC2923]  Lahey, K., "TCP Problems with Path MTU Discovery",
              RFC 2923, September 2000.

   [RFC894]   Hornig, C., "A Standard for the Transmission of IP
              Datagrams over Ethernet Networks", RFC 894, April 1984.

15.2.  Informative References

              Hankins, G., Provo, R., and T. Scholl, "Peering Survey
              2008 Results", May 2008, <

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              "802.1ad - Provider Bridges", May 2006,

              "802.1Q - Virtual LANs", November 2006,

              "Internet2 Land Speed Record", November 2011,

   [JET2007]  "Recommendation on IP MTU for the JET community",
              April 2007, <

              Mathis, M., "Raising the Internet MTU", November 2002,

              Cottrell, L., "Achieving Record Speed TransAtlantic End-
              to-end TCP Throughput", June 2003, <

              Scholl, T., "NANOG42 - Increasing the MTU of the
              Internet", February 2008, <

   [PING]     "ping, ping6 - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts",
              November 2007,

              St Sauver, J., "Practical Issues Associated With 9K MTUs",
              February 2003,

              Summerhill, R., ""Jumbo" Frames and Internet2",
              February 2003, <

              Kuznetsov, A., "tracepath, tracepath6 - traces path to a
              network host discovering MTU along this path",
              November 2007,

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              Tulyu, M., "Jumbo Frames in AMS-IX version 0.3",
              November 2011, <

Author's Address

   Martin J. Levy
   Hurricane Electric
   760 Mission Court
   Fremont, CA  94359

   Phone: +1 510 580-4100

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