Internet DRAFT - draft-mohanty-idr-rtc-hierarchical-rr


Network Working Group                                       S R. Mohanty
Internet-Draft                                                J. Alcaide
Intended status: Standards Track                                M. Ghosh
Expires: 13 May 2024                                 Cisco Systems, Inc.
                                                        10 November 2023

 A solution to the Hierarchical Route Reflector issue in RT Constraints


   Route Target Constraints (RTC) is used to build a VPN route
   distribution graph such that routers only receive VPN routes
   corresponding to specified route-targets (RT) that they are
   interested in.  This is done by exchanging the route-targets as
   routes in the RTC address-family and a corresponding "RT filter" is
   installed that influences the VPN route advertisement.  In networks
   employing hierarchical Route Reflectors (RR) the use of RTC can lead
   to incorrect VPN route distribution and loss in connectivity as
   detailed in an earlier draft . Two solutions were provided to
   overcome the problem.

   This draft presents a method with suggested modifications to the RTC
   RFC in order to solve the hierarchical RR RTC problem in an efficient

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 13 May 2024.

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   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft       Hierarchical RR RT-Constraints        November 2023

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Table of Contents

   1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   3.  RTC and RR Rules  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   4.  Problem Definition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   5.  Topology Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   6.  Proposed Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     6.1.  Overwriting of Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     6.2.  Receiver Acceptance Rule  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     6.3.  Optimization when only one Client advertises RTC  . . . .  11
   7.  Conclusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   9.  Operational Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   10. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   11. Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   12. Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13

1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

2.  Introduction

   Hierarchical RR [RFC4456] deployments with VPN [RFC4364] working in
   conjunction with RTC [RFC4684] may result in sub-optimal and
   incorrect VPN route distribution that is nicely described in
   [I-D.ietf-idr-rtc-hierarchical-rr].  The root reason for this is the
   way the RR rules for RTC are defined in [RFC4684].  The authors of
   [I-D.ietf-idr-rtc-hierarchical-rr] furnish two solutions for the
   problem, one based on add-paths and the other based on diverse-paths
   constructs.  In this memo, we present another another solution to the
   very same problem.

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3.  RTC and RR Rules

   When advertising RT membership NLRI to a route-reflector client,
   Section 3.2 of [RFC4684] advocates the advertising RR to set the
   ORIGINATOR_ID attribute [RFC4456] to its own router-id, and the Next-
   hop attribute to be set to the local address for that session.
   However, this creates the issue in hierarchical RR setups as
   explained in [I-D.ietf-idr-rtc-hierarchical-rr].  Fig. 1 represents
   the same Figure as in [I-D.ietf-idr-rtc-hierarchical-rr].  When RR-2
   and RR-3 advertise RT-1 to RR-1, the latter will choose one of the
   routes to be best and will advertise the same to RR-2 and RR-3
   respectively after setting the ORIGINATOR_ID and next-hop to itself.
   Note that RR-1 will also add its own CLUSTER_ID [RFC4456]to the
   CLUSTER_LIST but importantly not overwrite the CLUSTER_ID of the
   sender.  This leads to the issue explained in

4.  Problem Definition

   In the Fig 1, when RR-1 chooses the route from RR-2 as the best
   route, and formats the next-hop and ORIGINATOR_ID as explained above
   and then advertises the route to RR-2, RR-2 will drop the route
   reflected from RR-1 because of the CLUSTER_ID check.

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                       |              +----+             |
                       |        Clu-1 |RR-1|             |
                       |             /+----+\            |
                       |            /        \           |
                       |         +----+    +----+        |
                       |  Clu-2  |RR-2|    |RR-3|  Clu-3 |
                       |         +-/--+    +/--\+        |
                       |          /        /    \        |
                       |     +----+    +----+    +----+  |
                       |     |PE-1|    |PE-2|    |PE-3|  |
                       |     +----+    +----+    +----+  |
                       |       |          |         |    |
                          RT-1 |     RT-1 |         | RT-1
                       +--------+   +--------+    +--------+
                       |  VPN-1 |   |  VPN-1 |    |  VPN-1 |
                       +--------+   +--------+    +--------+

                Figure 1 Hierarchical RR Setup with RTC

                                  Figure 1

   RR-2 will therefore not form the outbound filter of RT-1 towards RR-1
   which means that after convergence RR-2 will not advertise VPN routes
   to RR-1 anymore.  This leads to an incorrect VPN route distribution
   across the network.

   In the scenario of Fig 2.  CE-1 is multi-homed to PE-1 and PE-2 and
   wants to communicate with CE-2 which is behind PE-4.  As explained
   earlier, because RR-1 chooses RR-2 path as best in the RTC family,
   RR-1 is only receiving the VPN route from RR-3 (and not RR-2) in the
   steady state.

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                     |              +----+    +-----+  |  +------------+
                     |        Clu-1 |RR-1| ---|PE-4 |- - -| VPN-1 (CE2)|
                     |             /+----+\   +-----+  |  +------------+
                     |            /        \           |
                     |         +----+    +----+        |
                     |  Clu-2  |RR-2|    |RR-3|  Clu-3 |
                     |         +-/--+    +--\-+        |
                     |          /            \         |
                     |     +----+           +----+     |
                     |     |PE-1|           |PE-2|     |
                     |     +----+           +--/-+     |
                     |         \             /         |
                                 \   RT-1  /
                                 +--------+ ----|
                                 |  VPN-1 (CE1) |

             Figure 2 Hierarchical RR Setup with RTC with dual-homed CE

                               Figure 2

   Notice that even though the link between between RR-3 and RR-1 comes
   down, The RR-2 PATH still remains as best in the RTC address-family
   at RR-1 and the VPN route advertisements to RR-1 from RR-2 still
   continue to be blocked.  Thus even though there is an alternative
   connectivity from CE-1 to PE-4 via PE-1, RR-2 and RR-1, the BGP VPN
   routes cannot be sent.  In fact CE-1 is completely cut-off from rest
   of the network.  Generalizing, it means that in a hierarchical RR
   with only a single first-level RR as its client, the solution is
   completely broken.  Notice that without RTC, RR-1 would have both VPN
   paths and the loss of connectivity to RR-3 would just result in local
   convergence at RR-1 subject to the time when the path from RR-2
   becomes best.

   The solutions presented in [I-D.ietf-idr-rtc-hierarchical-rr] are
   based on

   a.  Addpath, RR-1 will advertise both the paths from RR-2 and RR-3 to
       RR-2 and RR-3 so that each of the first level RRS will accept at
       least one of the routes and install the filter

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   b.  When RR-1 will advertise the best-path to a client or non-client
       speaker, and that speaker is the one whose path is the best, the
       advertising router will use the most "diverse" path (different
       next-hop and ORIGINATOR_ID than the best-path) to accomplish the
       same goal, i.e. the path will be accepted at the receiving

   One of the problems of solution 1 are a higher management burden
   (higher level RR need to be identified, add-paths need to be
   configured) and therefore an increase in the number of paths to be
   advertised.  The decision on what paths to be advertised also
   increase management burden (1 extra path, as suggested, may not be
   enough – there are scenarios where the CLUSTER_LIST of the second
   best path will contain the cluster-id of the peer).  Even advertising
   all the paths, a NPR scheme cannot be guaranteed, as it can be
   inferred from some of the examples we’ll present below.

   For solution 2, a measure of how disjoint are the paths is not well
   defined.  But suffers of the same problems than solution 1.  In
   addition, the new requirement is sending a different update for every
   client.  This effectively breaks the shared peer update-formatting
   implementation than most vendors use.

   In the next section, we provide a solution, that does not require
   add-path and also improves upon [RFC4684] while solving this
   hierarchical RR issue in RTC.

5.  Topology Considerations

   By the rules of [RFC4456], route-reflector client is a property
   defined by a given BGP speaker to each of its peering session
   (independently on whether the BGP peer defines it as well or not).
   This flexible definition can be used to configure non-canonical RR
   networks (for instance, two peer BGP speakers defining each other as
   route-reflector clients).  Regardless of the recommendation of using
   this non-canonical networks, they can be used in a RR network without
   loss of connectivity.

   Within the scope of RTC, only RR canonical networks are supported.
   By a RR canonical network, we define a network where each speaker can
   have the role of a given level within the hierarchy (e.g.  RR 1st
   tier, RR 2nd tier, client), and a higher level can only have as a
   client a speaker of a lower level.  In a RR canonical network, a
   speaker advertising a route to a client, will never receive this
   route back.  The requirement for a canonical network to propagate RTC
   routs is implicit in [RFC4684], but is hereby formalized.

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   An additional consideration, as we will see in some of the examples
   below, it’s also desirable for VPN routes to fully propagate (.e.
   equivalent to not having RTC routes at all).

6.  Proposed Solution

   To solve the problem described, a given client needs to use the RTC
   route to be create a VPN filter towards the RR, also when the RR is
   sending back the RTC route advertised by the client.  Loop prevention
   is avoided in [RFC4684] by overwriting attributes that could trigger
   it.  But, as described, this overwriting is only effective when there
   is only one level of RRs.

   Two solutions are proposed, one for the sender of RTC routes, that
   generalizes [RFC4684], and one for the receiver of RTC routes, that
   uses a different paradigm than the one described on [RFC4684].  Only
   one need to be implemented.  Implementing both, one at the receiver
   and one at the sender, allows easier interoperability with non-
   compliant implementations.  If sender option is implemented, it will
   have preference over receiver option (that will become a NOOP).

6.1.  Overwriting of Attributes

   This rule is to be used by the sender of RTC routes.

   When a RR reflects RTC route from RR client to RR client, some
   attributes of the route may be overwritten when advertising the best
   RTC route.  This overwrite is particular for RTC address family and
   will not happen for other address-families.  It disables loop
   detection via those attributes when the best RTC route routes are
   advertised back to its originators.  This is needed in case there are
   other non-best RTC routes; it allows the originator of the best RTC
   route to receive a RTC for the route-target of interest and to create
   its own VPN RT filter towards the RR.

   The above is a described in [RFC4684], by overwriting ORIGINATOR_ID
   and NEXT_HOP attributes ((section 3.2, rule (i)).  The proposed new
   rules are a generalization of this concept by the means of
   overwriting replacing CLUSTER_LIST as well.  This new behavior allows
   the correct propagation of RTC routes at higher level RR.

   When reflecting the (best-path) RTC route from RR client to RR
   client, the following rules will apply:

   *  When RTC route has CLUSTER_LIST, overwrite all CLUSTER_ID of
      CLUSTER_LIST to local CLUSTER_ID.  Note that when advertising that
      RTC route, the local CLUSTER_LIST will still be prepending per
      usual rules.

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   *  ORIGINATOR_ID is set or overwritten with local router-id.

   *  NEXT_HOP is overwritten with local peering address (next-hop-

   *  A RTC route will be always advertised to the client we received it

   Note that the rules above only exposes RTC routes to routing loops
   (by overwriting attributes) in the client to client top to down
   direction (i.e. from client to client).  Thus, this draft restricts
   RFC4684 into disallowing attribute overwrite into non-client to
   client direction.

   In Figure 3, consider a case similar to the case in Figure 1 but with
   3 levels of RR.  Assume there is one physical link for each BGP
   peering, each with the same IGP cost.  Both PE-4 and PE-5 originate a
   RTC route.  Propagation of RTC routes is PE-4->RR-4->RR-2->RR-1 and
   PE-5->RR-5->RR-3->RR-1.  RR-1 choses as best the RTC route from RR-2.
   It reflects it back to RR-2 and RR-3 with ORIGINATOR_ID=router-id-of-
   RR-1 and CLUSTER_LIST ={ Clu-1, Clu-1, Clu-1}. RR-2 still prefers the
   route from RR-4, but it accepts the route received from RR-1.  Thus
   RR-2 creates a VPN filter towards RR-1 to propagate the VPN route.
   In this case, the RTC route received from RR-1 stops at RR-2, so only
   the overwriting of the first cluster-id of the CLUSTER_LIST was
   strictly necessary.

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 |              +----+             |
 |              |RR-1|   Clu-1     |
 |             /+----+\            |
 |            /        \           |
 |       +----+        +----+      |
 |Clu-2  |RR-2|        |RR-3| Clu-3|
 |       +-|--+        +--|-+      |
 |         |              |        |
 |       +----+        +----+      |
 |Clu-4  |RR-4|        |RR-5| Clu-5|
 |       +--|-+        +--|-+      |
 |          |             |        |
 |       +--|-+        +--|-+      |
 |       |PE-4|        |PE-5|      |
 |       +----+        +----+      |
 |          |             |        |
       RT-1 |             | RT-1
       +--------+      +--------+
       |  VPN-1 |      |  VPN-1 |
       +--------+      +--------+

 Figure 3 Example of overwriting CLUSTER_LIST with different cluster-ids

                                Figure 3

   Consider a similar scenario in Figure 4.  In this case, tier II and
   tier III of RRs have each the same cluster-id.  IGP costs are not
   exactly defined but assume that they are the cause of the route-
   propagation that follows.  Both PE-4 and PE-5 originate a RTC route.
   One propagation is PE-5->RR-5->RR-3->RR-1.  The IGP costs are such
   that RR-2 prefers the route received from RR-1.  RR-2 reflects the
   route from RR-1 to RR-4, and RR-4 accepts it because it receives
   CLUSTER_LIST = {Clu-2, Clu-1, Clu-1, Clu-1} (after RR-1 overwrote and
   RR-2 prepended).  Similarly, RR-3 reflects the route received from
   RR-5 to RR-4, and RR-4 accepts it because it receives CLUSTER_LIST =
   {Clu-2, Clu-2} (after RR-3 overwrote it).

   Consider now a different set rule: only the first cluster-id of the
   CLUSTER_LIST is overwritten.  In this case, then RR-4 would have
   received CLUSTER_LIST = {Clu-2, Clu-1, Clu-1, Clu-3}. RR-4 would have
   discarded the update.  The end result is that RR-4 would not install
   the VPN filter towards RR-2 and it would not advertise VPN routes
   towards RR-2.  This becomes a network where the VPN routes are not
   fully propagated (i.e. the propagation of VPN routes is different
   than if there were no RTC routes at all).  In this kind of network,

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   VPN routes still reach PE-6.  However, if RR-3/RR-5 went down, VPN
   routes would not immediately reach RT-1.  RTC routes would have to
   reconverge and then a filter would be installed to allow RR-4 to
   advertise routes to RR-2.  Thus, convergence would suffer.

   It can be seen that for the general case it’s necessary to overwrite
   all the cluster-id of the CLUSTER_LIST.

   |              +----+    +-----+   | RT-1 +-------+
   |        Clu-1 |RR-1| ---|PE-6 |----------| VPN-1 |
   |             /+----+\   +-----+   |      +-------+
   |            /        \            |
   |       +----+         +----+      |
   |Clu-2  |RR-2|         |RR-3| Clu-2|
   |       +-|--+\      / +--|-+      |
   |         |     \  /      |        |
   |       +----+    X    +--|-+      |
   |Clu-3  |RR-4| -/   \ -|RR-5| Clu-3|
   |       +--|-+         +--|-+      |
   |          |   \     /    |        |
   |       +--|-+   \  /  +--|-+      |
   |       |PE-4|     X   |PE-5|      |
   |       +----+ -- / \--+----+      |
   |          |             |         |
         RT-1 |             | RT-1
         +--------+      +--------+
         |  VPN-1 |      |  VPN-1 |
         +--------+      +--------+

   Figure 4 Example of overwriting CLUSTER_LIST with same

                                  Figure 4

   RFC4684 is not explicit about it, but the underlying assumption is
   that a route received from a route-reflector-client MUST be reflected
   back to that client.  Hereby, this is made explicit.

   The following recommended (NEXT_HOP-IGNORE) rules can be implemented:

   *  When reflecting a RTC route, NEXT_HOP overwrite is disabled.

   *  When receiving A RTC route, it is not discarded even if the
      received NEXT_HOP is one of the IP addresses of the speaker.

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   The NEXT_HOP-IGNORE rules effectively allow using the same the same
   NEXT_HOP across the network.  They are a change respect [RFC4684]
   even for a single level of RR.  Note that disabling NEXT_HOP check
   doesn’t create any more loop conditions in a canonical network.

   An advantage of using the NEXT_HOP-IGNORE rules is that the selection
   of best-path RTC route is now determined by the IGP cost to the
   original next-hop.  Otherwise, propagation of RTC routes is more
   unforeseeable and it depends on the IGP costs towards the peering
   address of each individual peer.

6.2.  Receiver Acceptance Rule

   This rule is to be used by the receiver of RTC routes.

   When receiving a RTC route, the following rules will apply:

   1.  CLUSTER_ID, ORIGINATOR_ID and NEXT_HOP checks will be considered,
       but instead of discarding the routes, the route will be kept in
       Adj-RIB-IN as a Received-only route.

   2.  A route in Received-only state will not be considered for best
       -path nor advertised to any peer

   3.  A route in Received-only state will be considered to install a
       VPN filter.

   The rules above apply also to just one level of RR, and it’s a
   solution not contemplated in RFC4684.

   The rules above will allow propagation of RTC routes in a different
   way than using the sender option rules (with sender option, non-
   client to client propagation will not be stopped).  But the creation
   of VPN filters will be the same in a standard RR topology.

6.3.  Optimization when only one Client advertises RTC

   An additional optional route is defined to optimize the propagation
   of RTC routes to the RR when unnecessary.

   When reflecting the (best-path) RTC route from RR client to RR
   client, the following rule will apply:

   1.  -When the RR best RTC route is from a client and that RTC route
       is not being received from any other peer, the RR MAY skip the
       advertisement towards that client.

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   The rule above can be used as an optimization even if only the
   receiver rule is implemented.

7.  Conclusion

   With the procedures it is not necessary for the RR to know in which
   level it is operating.  The above rules are compatible.  We always
   advertise best-path for any rule and it is easily seen that RR-2 will
   accept the RT Constraint path advertised from RR-1 . Since the path
   is accepted, the RT Filter at RR-2 will pass the VPN routes, and the
   problem scenarios are resolved accordingly.

   With this specification in the RT-Constraint address-family, we solve
   both the incorrect and sub-optimal issues as mentioned above.  There
   is no need for add-paths.  We can also optimize over [RFC4684] on RTC
   advertisements based on diversity of ORIGINATOR_ID and CLUSTER_ID so
   that a higher level RR does not have to be populated with VPN routes
   with a specific RT if that RT is not present in other clusters.

8.  IANA Considerations


9.  Operational Considerations


10.  Security Considerations

   This document raises no new security issues for RT Constraints.

11.  Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to thank Swadesh Agrawal and M.  Mirza for
   useful discussions related to hierarchical RR RTC.

12.  Normative References

              Dong, J., Chen, M., and R. Raszuk, "Extensions to RT-
              Constrain in Hierarchical Route Reflection Scenarios",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-idr-rtc-
              hierarchical-rr-03, 3 July 2017,

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   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC4364]  Rosen, E. and Y. Rekhter, "BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private
              Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4364, DOI 10.17487/RFC4364, February
              2006, <>.

   [RFC4456]  Bates, T., Chen, E., and R. Chandra, "BGP Route
              Reflection: An Alternative to Full Mesh Internal BGP
              (IBGP)", RFC 4456, DOI 10.17487/RFC4456, April 2006,

   [RFC4684]  Marques, P., Bonica, R., Fang, L., Martini, L., Raszuk,
              R., Patel, K., and J. Guichard, "Constrained Route
              Distribution for Border Gateway Protocol/MultiProtocol
              Label Switching (BGP/MPLS) Internet Protocol (IP) Virtual
              Private Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4684, DOI 10.17487/RFC4684,
              November 2006, <>.

Authors' Addresses

   Satya Ranjan Mohanty
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   225 West Tasman Drive
   San Jose, CA 95134
   United States of America

   Juan Alcaide
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   225 West Tasman Drive
   San Jose, CA 95134
   United States of America

   Mrinmoy Ghosh
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   225 West Tasman Drive
   San Jose, CA 95134
   United States of America

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