Internet DRAFT - draft-momose-mip6-mipsock


Network Working Group                                          T. Momose
Internet-Draft                                                       NEC
Expires: December 3, 2005                                       K. Shima
                                                             A. Tuominen
                                                               June 2005

The application interface to exchange mobility information with Mobility
                subsystem (Mobility Socket, AF_MOBILITY)

Status of this Memo

   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
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   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on December 3, 2005.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


   This memo describes the interface to exchange mobility related
   information between processes or between processes and a kernel,
   using a socket interface.  A new address family is defined for the

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1.  Introduction

   We sometimes need to implement applications which need to be aware of
   the status of mobility protocols such as Mobile IPv6 and NEMO.  A
   user space Mobile IPv6/NEMO protocol stack is one of such
   applications.  Another example is a program to synchronize binding
   information between home agents for redundancy, such as HA-HA
   protocol implementation.  When implementing those applications, we
   need an interface to get/set such information from/to the module
   which implements the mobility functions.  We call the module a
   mobility subsystem.

   We define Mipsock (mobility socket) as a new socket to exchange
   mobility related informations between a mobility subsystem and other
   applications.  Mipsock uses a new address family (AF_MOBILITY) that
   is a variation of raw sockets and acts like the PF_ROUTE socket
   mechanism.  A message sent to an AF_MOBILITY socket is delivered to a
   mobility subsystem and all other applications which listen an
   AF_MOBILITY socket.  In addition to the broadcasting mechanism, an
   unicast mechanism to deriver messages to a specific process is also

   Applications can get/set mobility related informations by simply
   reading/writing an AF_MOBILITY socket and can also be notified as
   soon as the information is updated thanks to the asynchronous nature
   of the socket mechanism.

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2.  Related works

   Draft-yokote-mobileip-api [5] is a proposal which defines an API to
   get mobility information.  The API defined in the draft consists of
   functions to get the information and the callback mechanism to
   receive any asynchronous events from a mobility subsystem.  The
   proposal provides more abstract interface compared to our Mipsock
   API, which may be easier to use for application programmer.  On the
   other hand, the proposal does not mention the mechanism of message
   exchange between mobility entities.  Our proposal can fill the gap
   between such an abstract API set and the lower layer message

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3.  AF_MOBILITY Address Family

3.1  Conceptual Model

   This section provides the conceptual description of the AF_MOBILITY
   socket mechanism.

   The AF_MOBILITY is an application interface to exchange mobility
   related information used in Mobile IPv6 [1] and NEMO [2].
   AF_MOBILITY is located between the mobility subsystem and the
   application layer and provides a socket interface to both layers.
   Figure 1 shows the concept of AF_MOBILITY.  The similar concept is
   also adopted by PF_ROUTE and PF_KEY [3].

     +--------------+                     +---------------+
     |              |---[ AF_MOBILITY ]---|               |
     |              |                     |               |----+
     |   Mobility   |   <---- set -----   |  Application  |    |
     |   Subsystem  |                     |               |    |----+
     |              |   --- notify --->   |               |    |    |
     |              |                     +---------------+    |    |
     +--------------+   <---- get ----->        |              |    |
                                                +--------------+    |
                                                      |             |

                                 Figure 1

   The implementation of a mobility subsystem can be done both in a
   kernel or in a user space.  It depends on the design of the
   implementation of the system.  The important point is that all
   mobility related entities can exchange information using a common
   interface as long as the design chooses the AF_MOBILITY mechanism as
   the interface between them.

3.2  AF_MOBILITY Socket

   The AF_MOBILITY address family is defined in <sys/socket.h>.  All
   message structures used by the AF_MOBILITY socket are defined in
   <net/mipsock.h>.  The socket is created as follows:

   #include <sys/types.h>
   #include <sys/socket.h>
   #include <net/mipsock.h>

   int s;
   s = socket(AF_MOBILITY, SOCK_RAW, 0);

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   The AF_MOBILITY socket only supports the SOCK_RAW socket type.  The
   protocol parameter does not have any meaning.  It should be 0
   currently.  The AF_MOBILITY socket can be created and operated by a
   privileged process, since the socket will insert or delete binding
   information stored in a mobility subsystem which affects the routing
   behavior of the node.

3.3  Mipsock message

   The following messages are defined in this document.  Actual
   parameters used in each messages are different by each message type.

   #define MIPM_BC_ADD        2
   #define MIPM_BC_UPDATE     3
   #define MIPM_BC_REMOVE     4
   #define MIPM_BC_FLUSH      5
   #define MIPM_BC_GET        6
   #define MIPM_BUL_ADD       7
   #define MIPM_BUL_UPDATE    8
   #define MIPM_BUL_REMOVE    9
   #define MIPM_BUL_FLUSH     10
   #define MIPM_BUL_GET       11
   #define MIPM_MD_INFO       12
   #define MIPM_HOME_HINT     13
   #define MIPM_RR_HINT       14
   #define MIPM_BE_HINT       15


   MIPM_NODETYPE_INFO set or get of the current node type.
   mipm_nodetype_info structure is used as a parameter.  This message is
   delivered to all processes which listen to a AF_MOBILITY socket.

   Any process which need to change its behavior based on the mobility
   functions can use this message to get the node type.

   A special process, which handles mobility protocol signaling
   messages, may change the node type by issuing this message.  For
   example, a user space Mobile IPv6 or NEMO protocol stack will use
   this message to enable or disable mobility functions.

3.3.2  MIPM_BC_ADD

   [Do we need MIPM_BC_ADD, in addition to MIPM_BC_UPDATE??]

   MIPM_BC_ADD message is sent when a new binding cache entry is

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   created. mipm_bc_info structure is used as a parameter.  This message
   is delivered to all processes which listen to a AF_MOBILITY socket.

   This message is issued by a user space mobility protocol subsystem,
   which provides a correspondent node or a home agent function
   including a home agent.  Such a mobility program may add a new
   binding cache entry for route optimization after the program
   completes some kind of authorization procedure to confirm the binding
   information between the home address and the care-of address of the
   mobile node, which the correspondent node is now communicating, is


   MIPM_BC_UPDATE message is sent when existing binding cache entry is
   updated. mipm_bc_info structure is used as a parameter.  This message
   is delivered to all processes which listen to a AF_MOBILITY socket.

   This message is issued by a user space mobility protocol subsystem,
   which provides a correspondent node or a home agent function
   including a home agent.  Such a mobility program may update an
   existing binding cache entry for route optimization after the program
   completes some kind of authorization procedure to confirm the binding
   information between the home address and the care-of address of the
   mobile node, which the correspondent node is now communicating, is


   MIPM_BC_REMOVE deletes a binding cache entry and is sent when an
   existing binding cache entry need to be deleted. mipm_bc_info
   structure is used as a parameter.  This message is delivered to all
   processes which listen to a AF_MOBILITY socket.

   This message is issued by a user space mobility protocol subsystem,
   which provides a correspondent node or a home agent function
   including a home agent.  Such a mobility program may remove an
   existing binding cache entry, when the lifetime of the entry expires
   or when some kind of error condition which need to remove the binding
   information occurs.


   MIPM_BC_FLUSH deletes all of binding cache entries.  This message is
   delivered to all processes which listen to a AF_MOBILITY socket.

   This message is used by a user space mobility protocol subsystem,
   which provides a correspondent node function including a home agent.

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   The typical usage of this message is to clear all binding cache
   information in a kernel when stopping a correspondent node or a home
   agent function.

3.3.6  MIPM_BC_GET

   MIPM_BC_GET requests an information os a specified binding cache
   entry.  The result will be send back in the same MIPM_BC_GET message.
   This message is delivered to all processes which listen to an
   AF_MOBILITY socket.

   This message is issued by a user space program which need to know the
   information of a binding cache entry.  A program issues the message
   with mip_bc_info structure filled with the address of the binding
   cache entry which the program need to know.  The message will be
   resent again by kernel or other responsible mobility programs with
   all information filled.


   [Do we need MIPM_BUL_ADD, in addition to MIPM_BUL_UPDATE??]

   MIPM_BUL_ADD message is sent when a new binding update list entry is
   created. mipm_bul_info structure is used as a parameter.  This
   message is delivered to all processes which listen to a AF_MOBILITY

   This message is issued by a user space mobility protocol subsystem,
   which provides a mobile host or a mobile router function.  Such a
   mobility program may add a binding update list entry to register its
   binding information to its home agent, or to perform route
   optimization with correspondent nodes.


   MIPM_BUL_UPDATE message is sent when existing binding update list
   entry is updated. mipm_bul_info structure is used as a parameter.
   This message is delivered to all processes which listen to a
   AF_MOBILITY socket.

   This message is issued by a user space mobility protocol subsystem,
   which provides a mobile host or a mobile router function.  Such a
   mobility program may update an existing binding update list entry.


   MIPM_BUL_REMOVE deletes a binding cache entry. mipm_bul_info
   structure is used as a parameter.  This message is delivered to all

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   processes which listen to a AF_MOBILITY socket.

   This message is issued by a user space mobility protocol subsystem,
   which provides a mobile host or a mobile router function.  Such a
   mobility program may delete a binding update list entry when its
   lifetime expires.


   MIPM_BUL_FLUSH deletes all of binding cache entries.  This message is
   delivered to all processes which listen to a AF_MOBILITY socket.

   This message is used by a user space mobility protocol subsystem,
   which provides a mobile node function.  The typical usage of this
   message is to clear all binding information in a kernel when stopping
   a mobile node function.

3.3.11  MIPM_BUL_GET

   MIPM_BUL_GET requests an information os a specified binding update
   list entry.  The result will be send back in the same MIPM_BUL_GET
   message.  This message is delivered to all processes which listen to
   an AF_MOBILITY socket.

   This message is issued by a user space program which need to know the
   information of a binding update list entry.  A program issues the
   message with mip_bul_info structure filled with the address of the
   binding update list entry which the program need to know.  The
   message will be resent again by kernel or other responsible mobility
   programs with all information filled.

3.3.12  Should we consider these messages ?

   These messages are very Shisa [6] dependent.  I don't think it should
   be on standardization track.

   #define MIPM_MD_INFO       10
   #define MIPM_HOME_HINT     11
   #define MIPM_RR_HINT       12
   #define MIPM_BE_HINT       13

3.4  AF_MOBILITY Operation

3.5  AF_MOBILITY Message Filtering

   AF_MOBILITY socket will generate a lot of messages related to
   mobility activities on a node.  For some programs, not all messages

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   are necessary to receive.  To reduce the number of messages which
   need to be processed by a program, the following filter mechanism is

   struct mip_filter;

   void MIP_FILTER_SETPASSALL(struct mip_filter *);
   void MIP_FILTER_SETBLOCKALL(struct mip_filter *);

   void MIP_FILTER_SETPASS(int, struct mip_filter *);
   void MIP_FILTER_SETBLOCK(int, struct mip_filter *);

   int MIP_FILTER_WILLPASS(int, struct mip_filter *);
   int MIP_FILTER_WILLBLOCK(int, struct mip_filter *);

   The filter is set by the setsockopt() system call.  The current value
   can be get by the getsockopt() system call.

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4.  AF_MOBILITY Message Format

   An AF_MOBILITY message consisits of two parts.  One is common header
   as mip_msghdr.  The common header part is commonly used for all
   messages.  Message type specific part is followed.

4.1  mip_msghdr

   mip_msghdr structure is a common header part of all AF_MOBILITY

   struct mip_msghdr {
           uint16_t mipm_msglen;   /* message length */
           uint8_t  mipm_version;  /* version number */
           uint8_t  mipm_type;     /* message type */
           uint32_t mipm_flags;    /* flags, e.g. MIPF_DONE */
           uint32_t mipm_pid;      /* identify sender */
           uint32_t mipm_seq;      /* identifier of each message */
           uint32_t mipm_errno;    /* why failed */
   #define MIPF_DONE 0x01 /* message confirmed */

   mipm_msglen: The length of the entire message.  The length of a
      message varies depend on the message type and its optional

   mipm_version: A version number of the message set.  Currently, all
      messages must specify 1 as a version number.

   mipm_type: The type number of a message.

   mipm_flags: The flags associated to the message contents.

   mipm_seq: A sequence number to identify a particular message.

   mipm_pid: A unique identifier of each message.  This field used to be
      identified which process originated this message.  When kernel
      issued a message, this field should be 0.

   mipm_errno: An error number which indicates why the request failed.

4.2  mip_bc_info

   mip_bc_info structure is used to inject a binding cache entry to
   kernel.  This structure is used with MIPM_BC_ADD, MIPM_BC_UPDATE,
   MIPM_BC_REMOVE messages.

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   struct mip_bc_info {
           struct mip_msghdr mipmci_hdr;
           uint16_t mipmci_seqno;
           uint16_t mipmci_flags;
           uint32_t mipmci_lifetime;
           struct sockaddr mipmci_addr[0];
   #define mipmci_msglen mipmci_hdr.mipm_msglen
   #define mipmci_version mipmci_hdr.mipm_version
   #define mipmci_type mipmci_hdr.mipm_type
   #define mipmci_flags mipmci_hdr.mipm_flags
   #define mipmci_pid mipmci_hdr.mipm_pid
   #define mipmci_seq mipmci_hdr.mipm_seq
   #define mipmci_errno mipmci_hdr.mipm_errno
   #define MIPMCI_HOA(mipmci) (&(mipmci)->mipmci_addr[0])
   #define MIPMCI_COA(mipmci)                              \
       ((struct sockaddr *)((caddr_t)(MIPMCI_HOA(mipmci))  \
       + (MIPMCI_HOA(mipmci))->sa_len))
   #define MIPMCI_CNADDR(mipmci)                           \
       ((struct sockaddr *)((caddr_t)(MIPMCI_COA(mipmci))  \
       + (MIPMCI_COA(mipmci))->sa_len))

   mipmci_msglen: The length of the entire message.

   mipmci_version: 1


   mipmci_seqno: The sequence number value in the binding update message
      sent from a mobile node.

   mipmci_flags: The flag value in the binding update message sent from
      a mobile node.

   mipmci_lifetime: The lifetime of this binding cache entry.  The unit
      is second, not same as the value in the binding update message.

   MIPMCI_HOA: The position where the home address of a peer mobile node
      is stored.

   MIPMCI_COA: The position where the care-of address of a peer mobile
      node is stored.

   MIPMCI_CNADDR: The position where the local address of the node is

   TODO: include prefix information when a node is acting as a NEMO

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4.3  mip_bul_info

   mip_bul_info structure is used to inject a binding update list to
   kernel.  This structure is used with MIPM_BUL_ADD, MIPM_BUL_UPDATE,
   MIPM_BUL_REMOVE messages.

   struct mip_bul_info {
           struct mip_msghdr mipmui_hdr;
           uint16_t mipmui_flags;
           uint16_t mipmui_hoa_ifindex;
           uint8_t  mipmui_coa_ifname[IFNAMSIZ];
           uint8_t mipmui_state;
           struct sockaddr mipmui_addr[0];
   #define mipmui_msglen mipmui_hdr.mipm_msglen
   #define mipmui_version mipmui_hdr.mipm_version
   #define mipmui_type mipmui_hdr.mipm_type
   #define mipmui_flags mipmui_hdr.mipm_flags
   #define mipmui_seq mipmui_hdr.mipm_seq
   #define mipmui_pid mipmui_hdr.mipm_pid
   #define mipmui_errno mipmui_hdr.mipm_errno
   #define MIPMUI_HOA(mipmui) (&(mipmui)->mipmui_addr[0])
   #define MIPMUI_COA(mipmui)                              \
       ((struct sockaddr *)((caddr_t)(MIPMUI_HOA(mipmui))  \
       + (MIPMUI_HOA(mipmui))->sa_len))
   #define MIPMUI_PEERADDR(mipmui)                         \
       ((struct sockaddr *)((caddr_t)(MIPMUI_COA(mipmui))  \
       + (MIPMUI_COA(mipmui))->sa_len))

   mipmui_msglen: The length of the entire message.

   mipmui_version: 1


   mipmui_flags: The flag in a binding update message

   mipmui_hoa_ifindex The interface index assigned home address

   mipmui_coa_ifname The interface name assigned a care-of address

   mipmui_state The state of the binding update list entry.  Currently,
      this is shisa specific use.

   MIPMUI_HOA: The position where the home address of a node is stored.

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   MIPMUI_COA: The position where the care-of address of a node is

   MIPMUI_PEERADDR: The position where the address of a peer node is

   TODO: include prefix information when a node is acting as a NEMO

4.4  mip_nodetype_info

   mip_nodetype_info structure is used to set or get the type of a node.
   This structure is used with MIPM_NODETYPE_INFO message.

   struct mipm_nodetype_info {
           struct mip_msghdr mipmni_hdr;
           uint8_t mipmni_nodetype;
           uint8_t mipmni_enable;    /* set 1 to enable, 0 to disable */
   #define mipmni_msglen mipmni_hdr.mipm_msglen
   #define mipmni_version mipmni_hdr.mipm_version
   #define mipmni_type mipmni_hdr.mipm_type
   #define mipmni_flags mipmni_hdr.mipm_flags
   #define mipmni_pid mipmni_hdr.mipm_pid
   #define mipmni_seq mipmni_hdr.mipm_seq
   #define mipmni_errno mipmni_hdr.mipm_errno

   mipmni_msglen: The length of the entire message.

   mipmni_version: 1

   mipmni_type: MIPM_NODETYPE_INFO

   mipmni_nodetype: Type of node as listed bellow.

   #define MIPMNI_NONE                     0x00
   #define MIPMNI_MIP6_HOME_AGENT          0x02
   #define MIPMNI_MIP6_MOBILE_NODE         0x04
   #define MIPMNI_MIP6_MOBILE_ROUTER       0x08

   mipmni_enable: Set 1 when enabling the feature of the specified node
      type.  Set 0 when disabling the feature.

4.5  mip_home_hint

   mipm_home_hint structure is used to notify returning home event

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   detected inside kernel to movement detection programs.  This
   structure is used with MIPM_HOME_HINT message.

   struct mip_home_hint {
           struct mip_msghdr mipmhh_hdr;
           uint16_t mipmhh_ifindex;           /* ifindex of interface
                                                 which received RA */
           uint16_t mipmhh_prefixlen;         /* Prefix Length */
           struct sockaddr mipmhh_prefix[0];  /* received prefix */
   #define mipmhh_msglen mipmhh_hdr.mipm_msglen
   #define mipmhh_version mipmhh_hdr.mipm_version
   #define mipmhh_type mipmhh_hdr.mipm_type
   #define mipmhh_flags mipmhh_hdr.mipm_flags
   #define mipmhh_pid mipmhh_hdr.mipm_pid
   #define mipmhh_seq mipmhh_hdr.mipm_seq
   #define mipmhh_errno mipmhh_hdr.mipm_errno

   mipmhh_msglen: The length of the entire message.

   mipmhh_version: 1

   mipmhh_type: MIPM_HOME_HINT

   mipmhh_ifindex: The interface index number of the network interface
      which is considered to be the home network of a mobile node.

   mipmhh_prefixlen: The prefix length of the mipmhh_prefix member

   mipmhh_prefix: The prefix value which is considered to be one of home
      prefixes, received from the network interface specified by the
      mipmhh_ifindex member variable.

4.6  mip_md_info

   mipm_mdinfo structure is used to notify movement info from movement
   detection programs to mobile node or mobile router programs.  This
   structure is used with MIPM_MD_INFO message.

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   struct mip_md_info {
           struct mip_msghdr mipmmi_hdr;
           uint8_t mipmmi_command;
           uint8_t mipmmi_hint;
           uint16_t mipmmi_ifindex;
           struct sockaddr mipm_md_addr[0];
   #define mipmmi_msglen mipmmi_hdr.mipm_msglen
   #define mipmmi_version mipmmi_hdr.mipm_version
   #define mipmmi_type mipmmi_hdr.mipm_type
   #define mipmmi_flags mipmmi_hdr.mipm_flags
   #define mipmmi_pid mipmmi_hdr.mipm_pid
   #define mipmmi_seq mipmmi_hdr.mipm_seq
   #define mipmmi_errno mipmmi_hdr.mipm_errno
   #define MIPMMI_HOA(mipmmi) (&(mipmmi)->mipmmi_addr[0])
   #define MIPMMI_COA(mipmmi)                              \
       ((struct sockaddr *)((caddr_t)(MIPMMI_HOA(mipmmi))  \
       + (MIPMMI_HOA(mipmmi))->sa_len))
   #define MIPMMI_COA2(mipmmi)                             \
       ((struct sockaddr *)((caddr_t)(MIPMMI_COA(mipmmi))  \
       + (MIPMMI_COA(mipmmi))->sa_len))

   #define MIPMMI_CMD_REREG         0x01
   #define MIPMMI_CMD_DEREGHOME     0x02
   #define MIPMMI_CMD_SCAN          0x04

   #define MIPMMI_HINT_INDEX  0x01
   #define MIPMMI_HINT_ADDR   0x02
   #define MIPMMI_HINT_HOME   0x03

   mipmmi_msglen: The length of the entire message.

   mipmmi_version: 1

   mipmmi_type: MIPM_MD_INFO

   mipmmi_command: The supplemental command number.

      MIPM_CMD_REREG: set when the message implies attachment to a
         foreign network.

      MIPM_CMD_DEREGHOME: set when the message implies returning home.

      MIPM_CMD_DEREGFOREIGN: set when the message implies a mobile node
         stops its function and trying to deregister from a foreign

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   mipmmi_ifindex: TBD XXX

   MIPMMI_HOA: The position where the home address of a mobile node is

   MIPMMI_COA: The position where the new care-of address of a mobile
      node is stored.

   MIPMMI_COA2: The position where the additional new care-of address of
      a mobile node is stored.  This value exists only the multiple
      care-of address registration mechanism described in [4] is used.

4.7  mip_rr_hint

   mipm_rr_hint structure is used to notify mobile node or mobile router
   programs that they should initiate the return routability procedure.
   This structure is used with MIPM_RR_HINT message.

   struct mip_rr_hint {
           struct mip_msghdr mipmrh_hdr;
           struct sockaddr mipmrh_addr[0];
   #define mipmrh_msglen mipmrh_hdr.miph_msglen
   #define mipmrh_version mipmrh_hdr.miph_version
   #define mipmrh_type mipmrh_hdr.miph_type
   #define mipmrh_flags mipmrh_hdr.miph_flags
   #define mipmrh_pid mipmrh_hdr.miph_pid
   #define mipmrh_seq mipmrh_hdr.miph_seq
   #define mipmrh_errno mipmrh_hdr.miph_errno
   #define MIPMRH_HOA(mipmrh) ((mipmrh)->mipmrh_addr)
   #define MIPMRH_PEERADDR(mipmrh)                         \
       ((struct sockaddr *)((caddr_t)(MIPMRH_HOA(mipmrh))  \
       + (MIPMRH_HOA(mipmrh))->sa_len))

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   mipmrh_msglen: The length of the entire message.

   mipmrh_version: 1

   mipmrh_type: MIPM_RR_HINT

   MIPMRH_HOA: The position where the address of the home address is

   MIPMRH_PEERADDR: The position where the peer address which caused
      this hint message is stored.  Typically, when a mobile node
      sends(or receives) a packet to(or from) a correspondent node via a
      bi-directional tunnel between the mobile node and its home agent,
      this message is generated.

4.8  mip_be_hint

   mipm_be_hint structure is used to notify mobility programs that they
   should send a Binding Error message.  This structure is used with
   MIPM_BE_HINT message.

   struct mip_be_hint {
           struct mip_msghdr mipmbeh_hdr;
           u_int8_t mipmbeh_status;
           struct sockaddr mipmbeh_addr[0];
   #define mipmbeh_msglen mipmbeh_hdr.miph_msglen
   #define mipmbeh_version mipmbeh_hdr.miph_version
   #define mipmbeh_type mipmbeh_hdr.miph_type
   #define mipmbeh_flags mipmbeh_hdr.miph_flags
   #define mipmbeh_seq mipmbeh_hdr.miph_pid
   #define mipmbeh_seq mipmbeh_hdr.miph_seq
   #define mipmbeh_errno mipmbeh_hdr.miph_errno
   #define MIPMBEH_PEERADDR(mipmbeh) ((mipmbeh)->mipmbeh_addr)
   #define MIPMBEH_COA(mipmbeh)                                    \
       ((struct sockaddr *)((caddr_t)(MIPMBEH_PEERADDR(mipmbeh))   \
       + (MIPMBEH_PEERADDR(mipmbeh))->sa_len))
   #define MIPMBEH_HOA(mipmbeh)                                    \
       ((struct sockaddr *)((caddr_t)(MIPMBEH_COA(mipmbeh))        \
       + (MIPMBEH_COA(mipmbeh))->sa_len))

   mipmbeh_msglen: The length of the entire message.

   mipmbeh_version: 1

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   mipmbeh_type: MIPM_BE_HINT

   mipmbeh_status: The status value which should be included in the
      status field of a Binding Error message.

   MIPMBEH_PEERADDR: The position where the address which should be the
      source address of a Binding Error message is stored.

   MIPMBEH_COA: The position where the care-of address of the peer
      mobile node which should be the destination address of a Binding
      Error message is stored.

   MIPMBEH_HOA: The position where the home address of the peer mobile
      which should be included in a Binding Error message is stored.

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5.  Constants

   #define MIP_VERSION 1

   #define MIPM_BC_ADD        2
   #define MIPM_BC_UPDATE     3
   #define MIPM_BC_REMOVE     4
   #define MIPM_BC_FLUSH      5
   #define MIPM_BUL_ADD       6
   #define MIPM_BUL_UPDATE    7
   #define MIPM_BUL_REMOVE    8
   #define MIPM_BUL_FLUSH     9
   #define MIPM_MD_INFO       10
   #define MIPM_HOME_HINT     11
   #define MIPM_RR_HINT       12
   #define MIPM_BE_HINT       13

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6.  Security Considerations

   The mobility socket framework enables applications to create, modify,
   remove and get mobility related informations.  Some messages issued
   by applications such as creating, modifying and removing would affect
   the behavior of mobility protocol subsystem.  And it could cause
   serious problems.  Thus, such operation should be restricted to only
   trusted and privileged users and processes.

   The getting method might be restricted to trusted and privileged
   users and processes as well if there are concerns of privacy.

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7.  Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to thank Ryuji Wakikawa, Romain Kuntz and
   Thierry Ernst for their input.

8.  References

   [1]  Johnson, Perkins, and Arkko, "Mobility Support in IPv6",
        RFC 3775.

   [2]  Devarapalli, Wakikawa, Petrescu, and Thubert, "Network Mobility
        (NEMO) Basic Support Protocol", RFC 3963.

   [3]  McDonald, Metz, and Phan, "PF_KEY Key Management API, Version
        2", RFC 2367.

   [4]  Wakikawa, Uehara, Ernst, and Nagami, "Multiple Care-of Address
        Registration", draft-wakikawa-mobileip-multiplecoa-04 (work in

   [5]  Yegin, Muhammad, Yokote, Fu, Williams, and Takeshita, "Mobile IP
        API", draft-yokote-mobileip-api-02 (work in progress).

   [6]  Shisa Development Team, "SHISA:A Mobile IPv6/NEMO Stack
        implementation on BSD".

Authors' Addresses

   Tsuyoshi Momose
   NEC Corporation
   7-1, Shiba 5-chome
   Minato-ku, Tokyo  108-8001

   Phone: +81 3 3454 1111

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Internet-Draft        Mobility Socket, AF_MOBILITY             June 2005

   Keiichi Shima
   Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
   Jinbo-cho Mitsui Bldg.
   1-105 Kanda, Jinbo-cho
   Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo  101-0051

   Phone: +81 3 5205 6500

   Antti Tuominen
   Helsinki University of Technology
   Computer Science Building
   Konemiehentie 2
   Espoo  FI-02150

   Phone: +358 9 451 5136

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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This document is subject
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