Internet DRAFT - draft-montpetit-transport-strawman



Transport-Services                                        M.J. Montpetit
Internet Draft                                                       MIT
Intended status: Informational                           I. Zhovnirovsky
Expires: August 11, 2014                                         QFactor
                                                              B. Reuther
                                            University of Kaiserslautern
                                                       February 11, 2014

                Transport Services Strawman Architecture

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   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
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   This document presents one possible architecture to provide

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   appropriate transport services to applications. It uses a shim
   layer between the application and the transports. The transport
   is chosen via the shim based on parameters that reflect the needs
   of the applications.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Conventions used in this document

3. Basic Architectural Concepts
 3.1 Parameters
 3.2 Transport Selection

4. Implementation Aspects

5. Security Considerations

6. IANA Considerations

7. Conclusions

8. References

9. Acknowledgments


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1. Introduction

   The need for a new approach to providing transport services has been
   presented in [3] and corresponding APIs were sketched in [4]. This
   draft presents a transport-services strawman architecture that
   relies on a shim layer between an application and the different
   transports. This is only one approach and of course there could be
   more than one way to support TAPS. A shim approach may imply
   some changes to the apps if they communicate directly with it
   but could leave applications unchanged when they use existing
   middleware that can interact with the shim. The rest of the
   draft is dedicated to a summary of the architecture.

2. Conventions used in this document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119[1].

   In this document, these words will appear with that interpretation
   only when in ALL CAPS. Lower case uses of these words are not to be
   interpreted as carrying RFC-2119 significance.

3. Basic Architectural Concepts

   It is assumed that there exists a "TAPS shim layer"  between an
   application and the transport services. The purpose of this "shim
   layer" is to decouple applications from transport protocols. An
   application may (and should) use the "shim layer" so that the
   transport protocols become transparent for the application. Thus the
   "shim layer" is responsible to select and configure the most
   appropriate transport protocol based on application requirements and
   other parameters if appropriate. 

   The "TAPS shim layer" may be used only at one side of a
   communication, thus the "shim layer" must not implement any mandatory
   protocol on its own.

   The shim should introduce common mechanisms to a range of applications
   when these are needed to provide path robustness. Examples include 
   support for dealing with middleboxes traversal, uPNP or MIF functions,
   methods to leverage PMTUD etc., basic mechanisms that should be done
   for all transports, but are in practice often only added to TCP. 
   Putting them in the shim enables better integration of generic
   transport functionality.

   One embodiment of the functionality is to have the application open
   a generic socket and then specify some parameters that will allow to
   select the "best" transport.

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3.1 Parameters

   The "TAPS shim layer" will select and configure a transport protocol.
   This will be done at runtime, i.e. when the application is trying to
   open a socket (or something similar). At this point in time several
   parameters might be available that should be considered in order to
   make a good decision: application requirements, network resources,
   platform resources and administrative policies. 
   An application has two kinds of requirements: First mandatory
   requirements; these must be fulfilled, otherwise it is likely that
   the application does not work correctly; the set of all mandatory
   requirements define the transport service required by the
   application. [From my perspective this is one outcome of discussions
   on "How to identify transport services" on the mailing list]. Second
   there are optional requirements which should be considered in order
   to select the most appropriate transport service whenever more than
   one transport protocol might be used. 

   Defining a list of transport services that will be offered by TAPS
   is subject of further work. It is likely that the service definition
   will cover:
   * reliable transmission (yes or no)
   * encryption (yes or no)
   * supported data type: byte stream, packet or message

   Optional requirements of applications may be: 
   * performance (delay, loss...)
   * security preference considerations

   Parameters about network resources may be:
   * mobile (yes or no)
   * classification of available bandwidth (high, moderate, low)
   * classification of expected delay (high, moderate, low)

   Parameters about platform resources may be:
   * device feature specifics (battery level or battery requirements,
     location etc.)
   * CPU requirements
   * memory limitations

   Administrative Policies may be:
   * use encryption if applicable
   [From my point of view "Administrative Policies" define requirements
   which are not defined by the application itself. May be we do not
   need to mention this, because it can be implemented just by
   overriding application requirements]

3.2. Transport Service Selection

   The matching of the parameters to the transports will be part of
   later versions.

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   In addition the "TAPS shim layer" is also responsible for selecting
   an alternative transport if the preferred transport can not be used.
   The "TAPS shim layer" may therefore implement a mechanisms similar to
   happy eyeballs[2] or may simply use TCP as a fallback if appropriate.
   It is essential that the mechanisms for transport service selection
   do not introduce too much delay or network traffic or to much any
   other kind of resource utilization (for example several parallel
   connection attempts may cause unnecessary load at the server side) 

3.3. Services beyond TCP

   [We need to discuss how TAPS may support offering transport
   functionality beyond TCP e.g. TAPS may come with a library
   implementing an alternative protocol at application layer as a

3.4 Error Handling

   tbd [must be generic]

4. Implementation Aspects

   This architecture requires to define an interface between the
   application and the shim and between the shim and the transports.
   The actual implementation of this interface is outside the scope
   of an ID, but other topics that may need to be addressed include:
   * dynamics
     the best transport could change over time if for example the
     performance is not acceptable anymore or the location has changed
     (likely in mobile or wireless); initially a transport could be
     chosen for a session or being fixed for an application or class
     of applications
   * extensibility
     define how can a new transport can be added without recompiling
     or rebuilding applications, and changing middleware and shim
   * scalability
     the shim implementation may become a bottleneck if not implemented

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5. Security Considerations

   None relating to the document. Specific use case security
   requirements to be detailed later.

6. IANA Considerations

   This document makes no request of IANA.

   Note to RFC Editor: this section may be removed on publication as an

7. Conclusion

8. References

8.1.  Normative References

   [1]   Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
         Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

         [2]   D. Wing and A. Yourtchenko, "Happy Eyeballs: Success with
         Dual-Stack Hosts", RFC 6555, April 2012.

8.2.  Informative References

   [3]   T. Moncaster, Ed. J. Crowcroft, M. Welzl, D. Ros, M. Tuexen,
         "Problem Statement: Why the IETF Needs Defined Transport
         Services", draft-moncaster-tsvwg-transport-services-01,
         December 4, 2013.

   [4]   P. Hurtig, Ed., S. Gjessing, M. Welzl, M. Sustrik, "Transport
         APIs", draft-hurtig-tsvwg-transport-apis-00,
         December 15, 2013.

9.  Acknowledgments

   The author would like to thank Michael Welzl for suggestions and
   technical discussions prior to and during the preparation of
   this draft.

   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors.
   All rights reserved.


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Authors' Addresses

Marie-Jose Montpetit

Igor Zhovnirovsky
QFactor Communications

Bernd Reuther
University of Kaiserslautern

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