Internet DRAFT - draft-moonesamy-ietf-newcomers



Network Working Group                                       S. Moonesamy
Intended Status: Informational                                          
Expires: December 11, 2012                                  June 9, 2012

       The Internet Engineering Task Force: A guide for newcomers


   This document describes the inner workings of Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  It is an informal guide for newcomers to the

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

Copyright and License Notice

   Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document. Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as

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   described in the Simplified BSD License.

   This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF
   Contributions published or made publicly available before November
   10, 2008.  The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this
   material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow
   modifications of such material outside the IETF Standards Process. 
   Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) controlling
   the copyright in such materials,this document may not be modified
   outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative works of it may
   not be created outside the IETF Standards Process, except to format
   it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other
   than English.

Table of Contents

   1. Background  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     1.1. About this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   2. What Is the IETF  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     2.1. Note Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   3. Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     3.1. Internet Architecture Board (IAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     3.2.  Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) . . . . . . . .  5
       3.2.1. Working Groups  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     3.4 Internet Research Task Force (IRTF)  . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   4. Participating in the IETF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     4.1. IETF Mailing Lists  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
   5. IETF Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     5.1. Registration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     5.2. Agenda  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     5.3. Planning your week  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       5.3.1. Dress Code  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
       5.3.2. Social Event  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
       5.3.3. Working Group Sessions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
       5.3.4. Birds of a Feather (BOF)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     5.4. Proceedings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   6. Where Do I Fit In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     6.1. Newcomers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     6.2. IT Managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     6.3. Network Operators and ISPs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     6.4. Networking Hardware and Software Vendors  . . . . . . . . . 15
     6.5. Academics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     6.6. Press Coverage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
   7. Getting an RFC Published  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     7.1. Letting Go Gracefully . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     7.2. Internet-Draft  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
       7.2.1 Internet-Draft Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

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       7.2.2. Writing an Internet-Draft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
       7.2.3. Submitting an Internet-Draft  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
       7.2.4. Last Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
       7.2.5. IESG Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
   8. Administrative Support  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     8.1. IETF Administrative Support Activity  . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     8.2. IETF Secretariat  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
   9. Organizational Relationships  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     9.1. IETF Trust  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     9.2. Internet Society  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     9.3. RFC Editor  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     9.4. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)  . . . . . . . . 22
     9.5. Liaisons between the IETF and other Standards
          Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
   10.  Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
   11. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
     11.1. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
   Appendix A.  Acronyms and Abbreviations Used . . . . . . . . . . . 25
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

1. Background

   The first IETF meeting was held in January 1986 at Linkabit in San
   Diego, with 21 attendees.  The 4th IETF, held at SRI in Menlo Park in
    October 1986, was the first that vendors attended.  The concept of
   Working Groups was introduced at the 5th IETF meeting at the NASA
   Ames Research Center in California in February 1987.  The 7th IETF,
   held at MITRE in McLean, Virginia, in July 1987, was the first
   meeting with more than 100 attendees. The 14th IETF meeting was held
   at Stanford University in July 1989. It marked a major change in the
   structure of the IETF.

   The structure of the IAB (then the Internet Activities Board, now the
   Internet Architecture Board), which until that time oversaw many
   "task forces", was changed, leaving it with only two: the IETF and
   the IRTF.  The IRTF is tasked to consider long-term research problems
   in the Internet.  The IETF also changed at that time.

   After the Internet Society (ISOC) was formed in January 1992, the IAB
   proposed to ISOC that the IAB's activities should take place under
   the auspices of the Internet Society.  During INET92 in Kobe, Japan,
   the ISOC Trustees approved a new charter for the IAB to reflect the
   proposed relationship.

   The IETF met in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in July 1993.  This was
   the first IETF meeting held in Europe, and the US/non-US attendee

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   split was nearly 50/50.  The IETF first met in Asia (in Adelaide,
   Australia) in 2000.

1.1. About this document

   Attendance at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) meetings has
   grown phenomenally since the early years.  When the meetings were
   small, it was relatively easy for a newcomer to understand how the
   IETF works.  Nowadays a newcomer meets many more new people, some
   previously known only as the authors of documents or through email
   messages.  This document describes several aspects of the IETF with
   the goal of explaining to newcomers how the IETF works.  The acronyms
   and abbreviations used in this document are expanded in place and are
   explained in Appendix A.  The RFCs cited as references provide more
   details about the IETF. 

2. What Is the IETF

   The IETF is not a traditional standards organization although many
   specifications that are produced become standards [RFC2026][RFC6410].
    The IETF is unusual in that it is not registered as an organization
   or incorporated in any country.  It does not have members or a board
   of directors.  The IETF is open to anyone; it does not charge any
   fees or has any requirements for participation.  The closest thing
   there is to being an IETF member is by participating in the
   discussions on the IETF mailing lists.

   The IETF is made up of volunteers, many of whom meet three times a
   year at IETF meetings.  Anyone may register for a meeting and then
   attend.  Many of the attendees are new to the IETF at each meeting. 
   Some of those go on to become regular attendees.

   The goal of the IETF is to make the Internet work better.  The
   Mission Statement documented in RFC 3935 [RFC3935] describes what the
   IETF is trying to achieve.  The IETF in no way runs the Internet. The
   IETF makes voluntary standards which are often adopted by Internet

   A summary of the IETF work and events of the last day is available at

2.1. Note Well

   The "Note Well" (see ) lays
   out the rules for IETF process and intellectual property rights.  You
   should read it carefully because you are deemed to agree to the "Note
   Well" by participating in the IETF.


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3. Hierarchy

3.1. Internet Architecture Board (IAB)

   The IAB [RFC2850] is responsible for keeping an eye on the "big
   picture" of the Internet.  The IAB stays informed about important
   long-term issues in the Internet. It brings these topics to the
   attention of people it thinks should know about them.  IAB members
   are selected for two-year positions by the IETF community.

   The IAB focuses on long-range planning and coordination among the
   various areas of IETF activity.  It pays special attention to
   emerging activities in the IETF.  When a new IETF Working Group is
   proposed, the IAB reviews its charter for architectural consistency
   and integrity.  Even before the group is chartered, IAB members
   discuss new ideas with the people proposing them.

   The IAB sponsors and organizes the Internet Research Task Force and
   convenes invitational workshops that provide in-depth reviews of
   specific Internet architectural issues.  Typically, the workshop
   reports make recommendations to the IETF community and to the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). The IAB also approves the
   nominations of IESG members and acts acts as the appeals board for
   appeals against IESG.

3.2.  Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG)

   The IESG [RFC3710] is responsible for technical management of IETF
   activities and the Internet standards process.  It administers the
   process.  The IESG doesn't exercise much direct leadership, such as
   the kind you will find in many other standards organizations.  As its
   name suggests, its role is to set directions rather than to give
   orders.  The IESG gets IETF Working Groups (WGs) started and finished
   and makes sure that the Internet-Drafts that are about to become IETF
   RFCs are correct.

   The IESG consists of the Area Directors (ADs) appointed for two
   years.  The process for choosing the members of the IAB and IESG is
   detailed in RFC 3777 [RFC3777].  The current Areas and abbreviations
   are shown below.

     Area                    Description
     Applications (APP)      Protocols seen by user programs such as
                             email and the web

     General (GEN)           IETF process and catch-all for WGs that
                             don't fit in other Areas (which is

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     Internet (INT)          Different ways of moving IP packets and
                             DNS information

     Operations and          Operational aspects, network monitoring,
     Management (OPS)        and configuration

     Real-time               Delay-sensitive interpersonal
     Applications and        communications
     Infrastructure (RAI)

     Routing (RTG)           Getting packets to their destinations

     Security (SEC)          Authentication and privacy

     Transport (TSV)         Special services for special packets

   The IESG has a great deal of influence on whether Internet-Drafts
   become RFCs.  IETF participants sometimes reverently ask Area
   Directors for their opinion on a particular subject.  When asked for
   specific technical comments the Area Directors often defer to IETF
   participants whom they feel have more knowledge than they do on that

   The entire IESG reviews each Internet-Draft that is proposed to
   become a RFC to help avoid having IETF protocols which are at odds
   with each other.  For example, the result of one Working Group might
   clash with a technology developed in a Working Group from another
   Area.  The Area Directors for a particular Area are expected to know
   more about the combined work of the Working Groups in that Area than
   anyone else.  The IESG usually moves in a reactive fashion because of
   its high workload.

3.2.1. Working Groups

   The vast majority of the IETF's work is done in many Working Groups
   [RFC2418]; at the time of this writing, there are about 115 different
   Working Groups.  Each Working Group has one or two chairs.

   A Working Group is really just a mailing list (see ).  Anyone can join the Working
   Group by subscribing to the mailing list.  Each Working Group has a
   charter that the Working Group is supposed to follow.  The charter
   states the scope of discussion for the Working  Group, as well as its
   goals.  The Working Group's mailing list and face-to-face meetings
   are supposed to focus on just what is in the charter and not to

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   wander off on other topics.  The large majority of the discussion
   should be on the topics listed in the charter.  Some Working Group
   charters specify what the Working Group will not do, particularly if
   there were some attractive but nebulous topics brought up during the
   drafting of the charter.

   The IESG usually approves most Working Group requests for Internet-
   Drafts to be published as RFCs. It may step in when something has
   gone wrong.  The quality of the IETF standards comes both from the
   review they get in a Working Group and the scrutiny that they gets
   from the IESG.

3.4 Internet Research Task Force (IRTF)

   The Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) [RFC2014] has responsibility
   for organizing groups to investigate research topics related to the
   Internet protocols, applications, and technology.  The products of a
   Research Group are research results that may be disseminated by
   publication in scholarly journals and conferences, as white papers
   for the community or as Informational RFCs.

4. Participating in the IETF

   Read -  Review the Internet-Drafts in your area of expertise and
   comment on them in the Working Groups.  Participate in the discussion
   in a friendly and helpful manner with the goal of improving the
   proposal.  Listen much more than you speak.  If you disagree, debate
   the technical issues: never attack the people.

   Implement - Write programs that use the current Internet standards. 
   The standards aren't worth much unless they are available to Internet
   users.  Implement even the minor standards, since they will become
   less minor if they appear in more software.  Report any problems you
   find with the standards so that the standard can be clarified in
   later revisions.  One of the oft-quoted tenets of the IETF is
   "running code wins", so you can help support the standards you want
   to become more widespread by creating more running code.  You can
   help the development of protocols before they become standards by
   implementing (but not deploying) from I-Ds to ensure that the authors
   have done a good job.  If you find errors or omissions, offer
   improvements based on your implementation experience.

   Write - Edit or co-author Internet-Drafts in your area of expertise. 
   Do this for the benefit of the Internet community, not to get your
   name (or, even worse, your company's name) on a document.  Authors of
   Internet-Drafts are subject to all kinds of technical and sometimes
   personal criticism.  Receive it with equanimity and use it to improve
   your draft in order to produce the best and most interoperable

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4.1. IETF Mailing Lists

   The IETF announcement mailing list (see ) is where all
   important information, RFC announcements and Last Calls are sent. 
   The is IETF general discussion list (see ) where IETF participants
   comment about Internet-Drafts going through Last Call.  Non-
   subscribers may have their postings to an IETF mailing list delayed
   until the messages are approved by the mailing list moderator.

   The IETF general discussion list is unmoderated.  IETF participants
   generally post messages to it to express their opinions about issues
   affecting the IETF or the Internet.  The IETF general discussion list
   is not a place for companies or individuals to solicit or advertise,
   as noted in the IETF Discussion List Charter [RFC3005].  The list
   have two "sergeants at arms" who keep an eye open for inappropriate
   postings.  There is a process for banning persistent offenders from
   the list, but fortunately this is extremely rare.

   The IETF mailing lists represent the IETF participants at large.  It
   is important to note that attending an IETF meeting does not mean
   you'll be automatically added to IETF mailing lists.  It is worth
   noting that neither attendee names and addresses nor IETF  mailing
   lists are ever offered for sale.

5. IETF Meetings

   The computer industry is rife with conferences, seminars,
   expositions, and all manner of other kinds of meetings.  IETF face-
   to-face meetings are nothing like these.  The meetings, held three
   times a year, are week-long gatherings whose primary goal is to
   reinvigorate the Working Groups to get their tasks done, and whose
   secondary goal is to promote a fair amount of mixing between the
   Working Groups and the Areas.  The cost of the meetings is paid by
   the people attending and by the corporate host for each meeting. 
   IETF meetings are of little interest to sales and marketing folks,
   but of high interest to engineers and developers.

   The general flow of an IETF meeting is that it begins with tutorials
   and an informal gathering on Sunday, and that there are WG and BoF
   sessions from Monday to Friday.  A WG session lasts between one to
   two and a half hours.  Some WGs have several sessions during the

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   There are two plenary sessions, one technical and one administrative,
   in the evenings during the week.  The technical plenary is organized
   by the IAB and usually has one or two panels of experts on topics of
   interest across many WGs and Areas.  The administrative plenary,
   organized by the IETF Chair, covers things like progress reports from
   the RFC Editor and announcements of upcoming meetings.  The plenaries
   are a good time to share with the IESG and IAOC.  Praise is welcome. 
   It is more often a venue for people to raise their concerns or
   complain about the IETF.

   The IETF meets in North America, Europe and Asia approximately once a
   year in each region.  The past few meetings have had about 1,200
   attendees.  There have been more than 83 IETF meetings so far, and a
   list of upcoming meetings is available on the IETF web pages,

   Newcomers to IETF face-to-face meetings are often in a bit of shock. 
   They expect them to be like other standards bodies or like computer
   conferences.  Fortunately, the shock wears off after a day or two,
   and many new attendees get quite animated about how much fun they are
   having.  Some IETF participants can be surprisingly rude, such as
   talking loudly during functions when someone is speaking at the
   microphone or pushing through a crowd to get to food or drinks.  This
   type of anti-social behavior seems to be more common at IETF meetings
   than at computer conferences.  Newcomers should be patient with the
   old folks; these folks sometimes provide good advice.

   One particular feature of IETF meetings is the use of wireless
   Internet connections throughout the meeting space.  It is common to
   see people in a Working Group meeting apparently reading email or
   perusing the web during presentations they find boring.   Sometimes
   they may be consulting the drafts under discussion, looking up
   relevant material online or following another WG meeting using
   instant messaging.

5.1. Registration

   To attend an IETF meeting, you have to register and pay a
   registration fee.  The meeting site and advance registration are
   announced about two months ahead of the meeting.  An announcement
   goes out via email to the IETF-announce mailing list, and information
   is posted on the IETF web site,, that same day.

   You can register and pay on the web before the meeting or in person
   at the meeting.  To get a lower registration fee, you must pay by the
   early registration deadline (about one week before the meeting).  The
   registration fee covers all of the week's sessions, the Sunday
   evening welcome reception (cash bar), daily continental breakfasts,

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   and afternoon beverage and snack breaks.

   Registration is open throughout the week of the meeting.  It is
   highly recommended that attendees arrive for early registration,
   usually beginning at noon on Sunday and continuing throughout the
   Sunday evening reception.  The reception is a popular event where you
   can get a small bite to eat and socialize with other early arrivals.

   If you need to leave messages for other attendees, you can do so at
   the cork boards that are often near the registration desk.  These
   cork boards will also have last-minute meeting changes and room
   changes.  You can also turn in lost-and-found items to the
   registration desk.  At the end of the meeting, anything left over
   from the lost-and-found will usually be turned over to the hotel or
   brought back to the IETF Secretariat's office.

   The IETF registration desk is often a convenient place to arrange to
   meet people.  If someone says "meet me at registration", you should
   clarify if they mean the IETF registration desk, or the hotel
   registration desk.  This has been a common cause of missed

5.2. Agenda

   The agenda for the IETF meetings is a very fluid thing.  It is
   available on the web starting a few weeks before the meeting.  Some
   Working Groups meet multiple times during a meeting.

   The final agenda is simply the version that went to the printer.  A
   map showing the room locations are also shown on the agenda
   distributed at the meeting.  Room assignments can change as the
   agenda changes.  The Secretariat will post agenda changes on the
   bulletin board near the IETF registration desk (not the hotel
   registration desk).

5.3. Planning your week

   IETF Working Group sessions are scheduled from Monday morning through
   Friday afternoon.  It is best to plan to be present the whole week,
   to benefit from cross-fertilization between Working Groups and from
   hallway discussions.  As noted below, the agenda is fluid, and there
   have been many instances of participants missing important sessions
   due to last-minute scheduling changes after their travel plans were
   fixed.  Being present the whole week is the only way to avoid this

   If you cannot find meetings all week to interest you, you can still
   make the most of the IETF meeting by working between sessions.  Most

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   IETF attendees carry laptop computers.  It is common to see many in
   the hallways working during meeting sessions.  There is often good
   wireless Internet coverage in many places of the meeting venue
   (restaurants, coffee shops, and so on), so catching up on email when
   not in meetings is a fairly common task for IETFers.

5.3.1. Dress Code

   Many newcomers are often embarrassed when they show up Monday morning
   in suits, to discover that everybody else is wearing  T-shirts, jeans
   (shorts, if weather permits) and sandals. The general rule is "dress
   for the weather" (unless you plan to work so hard that you won't go
   outside, in which case, "dress for comfort" is the rule).

   People attending an IETF meeting usually wear a name tag.  Members of
   the press wear orange-tinted badges.  Some people have a little
   colored dot on their name tag.  A few people have more than one. 
   These dots identify people who have volunteered to do a lot of extra
   work.  The colors have the meanings shown below.

       Color     Meaning
       Blue      Working Group/BOF chair
       Green     Host group
       Red       IAB member
       Yellow    IESG member
       Orange    Nominating Committee member
       Purple    IAOC
       Pink      IRSG member
       Teal      RSE

   Local hosts are the people who can answer questions about restaurants
   and points of interest in the area.

5.3.2. Social Event

   The social event is sometimes high-tech-related event, or it might be
   in an art museum or a reception hall.  Not all IETF meetings have
   social events.  The social event is designed to give people a chance
   to meet on a social rather than technical level.  Everyone is
   encouraged to wear their name tags and leave their laptops behind.

5.3.3. Working Group Sessions

   The heart of an IETF meeting is the Working Group sessions. Different
   WGs chairs have very different styles, so it is impossible to
   generalize how a WG meeting will feel.  Even though nearly all WGs
   have agendas for their meetings, some meetings stick tightly to their

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   agenda while others are run more loosely.

   There are a few important things that are true for all WG sessions at
   an IETF meeting.  Near the beginning of the meeting, the chair will 
   pass around the "blue sheets", which are paper forms on which
   everyone prints their name and puts their email address.  These are 
   used for long-term archival purpose to show how many people came to a
   particular meeting and, in rare cases, exactly who showed up.  The
   normal etiquette is to watch where the blue sheets came from and to 
   pass them along in the same direction.

   When speaking in a meeting, you should always go to the microphones
   in the room.  For controversial topics, there will be a line at the
   mic, but do not hesitate to be the first person at the mic if you 
   have a question or a contribution to the discussion.  The WG chair or
   presenter will indicate when you can speak.  Although it would be
   easier to just raise your hand from where you are sitting, the mics 
   perform a very useful task: they let the people listening remotely
   and in the room hear your question or comment.  It is also expected
   that you will say your name at the mic so that the person taking
   minutes will know who is speaking.

   IETF procedures require all decisions to be confirmed "on the list"
   and you will often hear a Working Group chair say, "Let's take it to
   the list" to close a discussion.

5.3.4. Birds of a Feather (BOF)

   In order to form a Working Group, you need a charter and someone who
   is able to be chair.  In order to get those things, you need to get
   people interested so that they can help focus the charter and
   convince an Area Director that the project is worthwhile.  A face-to-
   face meeting is useful for this.  A few WGs get started by an Area
   Director; most start after a face-to-face BOF because attendees have
   expressed interest in the topic.

   A Birds of a Feather (BOF) meeting has to be approved by the Area
   Director in the relevant Area before it can be scheduled.  If you
   think you really need a new WG, approach an AD informally with your
   proposal and see what he or she thinks.  The next step is to request
   a meeting slot at the next face-to-face meeting.  Of course, you
   don't need to wait for that meeting to get some work done, such as
   setting up a mailing list and starting to discuss a charter.

   BOF sessions have a very different tone than do WG meetings.  The
   purpose of a BOF is to make sure that a good charter with good
   milestones can be created and that there are enough people willing to
   do the work needed in order to create standards.  Some BOFs have

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   Internet-Drafts already in process, whereas others start from 

   An advantage of having a draft before the BOF is to help focus the
   discussion.  On the other hand, having a draft might tend to limit
   what the other folks in the BOF want to do in the charter.  It's
   important to remember that most BOFs are held in order to get support
   for an eventual Working Group, not to get support for a particular

   Some BOFs don't turn into WGs for a variety of reasons.  A common
   problem is that not enough people can agree on a focus for the work. 
   Another typical reason is that the work wouldn't end up being a
   standard -- if, for example, the document authors don't really want
   to relinquish change control to a WG.  Only two meetings of a BOF can
   be scheduled on a particular subject; either a WG has to form or the
   topic should be dropped.

5.4. Proceedings

   IETF proceedings are compiled two months after each meeting and are
   available on the web.  Be sure to look through a copy - the
   proceedings are filled with information about IETF that you're not
   likely to find anywhere else.  For example, you'll find snapshots of
   most WG charters at the time of the meeting, giving you a better
   understanding of the evolution of any given effort.

   The proceedings sometimes start with an informative message.  Each
   volume contains the final (hindsight) agenda, an IETF overview, Area
   and Working Group reports, and slides from the protocol and technical
   presentations.  The Working Group reports and presentations are
   sometimes incomplete, if the materials haven't been turned in to the
   Secretariat in time for publication.

   An attendee list is also included, which contains names and
   affiliations as provided on the registration form.  For information
   about obtaining copies of the proceedings, see the web listing at

6. Where Do I Fit In

   The IETF is different things to different people.  There are many
   people who have been very active in the IETF who have never attended
   an IETF meeting.  Some people attend an IETF  meeting to get a feel
   for the IETF.  The following guidelines (based on stereotypes of
   people in various industries) might help you decide whether you
   actually want to come and, if so, what might be the best use of your

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   time at your first meeting.

6.1. Newcomers

   Newcomers are encouraged to attend the Newcomer's Orientation on
   Sunday afternoon which is designed for first-time attendees.  The
   orientation is intended to provide introductory information about the
   IETF.  The session covers the structure of the IETF and how the IETF

   Later in the afternoon is the Newcomer's Meet and Greet, which is
   only open to newcomers and WG chairs.  This is a great place to try
   to find people knowledgeable in the areas in which you are
   interested.  Feel free to approach any Working Group chair, not just
   those in your area, to either learn about their Working Group or to
   have them help find you someone in yours.

   Newcomers to the IETF not be afraid to strike up conversations with
   people who have dots on their name tag.  If the IAB and IESG members
   and Working Group and BOF chairs didn't want to talk to anybody, they
   wouldn't be wearing the dots in the first place.

   IETF meetings are usually intense times for Area Directors.  Talking
   to an Area Director during an IETF meeting will often lead to a
   request to send her or him email about two weeks later.  When you
   start a hallway conversation with an Area Director (or even a Working
   Group chair, for that matter), it is often good to give them about 30
   seconds of context for the discussion.

6.2. IT Managers

   An IETF meeting is not the places to go if your intention is to find
   out what will be hot in the Internet industry next year.  You can
   safely assume that going to  Working Group meetings will confuse you
   more than it will help you understand what is happening, or will be
   happening, in the industry.

   As an IT manager you might want to consider sending specific people
   who are responsible for technologies that are under development in
   the IETF.  As these people read the current Internet-Drafts and the
   messages on the relevant Working Group lists, they will get a sense
   of whether or not their presence would be worthwhile for your company
   or for the Working Groups.

6.3. Network Operators and ISPs

   Running a network is hard enough without having to grapple with new
   protocols or new versions of the protocols with which you are already

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   dealing.  If you work for the type of network that is always using
   the very latest hardware and software, and you are following the
   relevant Working Groups, you could certainly find participating in
   the IETF valuable.  A fair amount of IETF work also covers many other
   parts of operations of ISPs and large enterprises, and the input of
   network operators is quite valuable to keep this work vibrant and
   relevant.  Many of the best operations documents from the IETF come
   from real-world operators, not vendors and academics.

6.4. Networking Hardware and Software Vendors

   The image of the IETF being mostly ivory tower academics may have
   been true in the past, but the jobs of typical attendees are now in
   industry.  In most areas of the IETF, employees of vendors are the
   ones writing the protocols and leading the Working Groups.  If you
   create Internet hardware or software, and no one from your company
   has ever attended an IETF meeting, it behooves you to come to a
   meeting if for no other reason than to tell the others how relevant
   the meeting was or was not to your business.

   It isn't likely useful, for everyone from a technical department to
   go, particularly if they are not all reading the Internet-Drafts and
   following the Working Group mailing lists.  Many companies have just
   a few designated meeting attendees who are chosen for their ability
   to do complete and useful trip reports.  In addition, many companies
   have internal coordination efforts and a standards strategy.  If a
   company depends on the Internet for some or all of its business, the
   strategy should probably cover the IETF.

6.5. Academics

   IETF meetings are often excellent places for computer science folks
   to find out what is happening in the way of soon-to-be-deployed
   protocols.  Professors and grad students (and sometimes overachieving
   undergraduates) who are doing research in networking or
   communications can get a wealth of information by following Working
   Groups in their specific fields of interest.  Wandering into
   different Working Group meetings can have the same effect as going to
   symposia and seminars in your department.  Academics and Researchers
   are likely to be interested in IRTF activities (see ).

6.6. Press Coverage

   Given that the IETF is one of the best-known bodies that is helping
   move the Internet forward, it's normal for the computer press (and
   even the trade press) to want to cover its actions.  A small number
   of magazines have assigned reporters and editors to cover the IETF in

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   depth over a long period of time.  The default press contact for the
   IETF is the IETF Administrative Director (IAD), who can be reached at

   The main reason why a reporter might want to attend an IETF meeting
   is not to cover hot technologies (since that can be done in the
   comfort of your office by reading the mailing lists) but to meet
   people face-to-face.  Unfortunately, the most interesting people are
   the ones who are also the busiest during the IETF meeting, and some
   folks have a tendency to run away when they see a press badge.  IETF
   meetings are excellent places to meet and speak with document authors
   and Working Group chairs. This can be quite valuable for reporters
   who are covering the progress of protocols.

   Press errors can occur by saying that the IETF is considering
   something when in fact there is only an Internet-Draft.  It's
   impossible to determine what will happen with a draft by looking at
   the draft or talking to the author of the draft.  The press is not
   fully to blame for the mistake since they are usually alerted to the
   story by a company trying to get publicity for a protocol that they
   developed or at least support.  Reporters who want to find out about
   what the IETF is doing on a particular topic would be well-advised to
   talk to more than one person who is active on that topic in the IETF.
    They should try to talk to the WG chair or Area Director in any

   Having a bit of press publicity for protocols that are almost near
   completion and will become significant in the industry in the next
   year can be a good thing.  However, it is rare that a reporter can
   resist over-hyping a nascent protocol as the next big thing for the
   Internet.  Such stories do much more harm than good, both for the
   readers of the article and for the IETF.

7. Getting an RFC Published

   One of the most common questions seasoned IETF participants hear from
   newcomers is, "How do I get an IETF standard published?"  A much
   better question is, "Should I write an IETF standard?" since the
   answer is not always "yes".  If you do decide to try to write a
   document that becomes an IETF standard, be warned that the overall
   process may be arduous, even if the individual steps are fairly
   straightforward.  Very few people get through the process unscathed

   One of the first things you must decide is whether you want your
   document to be considered in a Working Group, of you want it to be 
   considered as an individual (that is, non-WG) submission to the IETF.
    Even though most IETF standards come from Working Groups, some are

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   individual efforts: there might be no appropriate Working Group, or a
   potentially-appropriate Working Group might be to busy on other work
   to consider your idea.

   Every IETF standard, published as an RFC (Request for Comments),
   starts out as an Internet-Draft (often called an "I-D" or just
   "draft").  The basic steps for getting something published as an IETF
   standard are as follows:

     1. Submit the document as an Internet-Draft

     2. Convince IETF participants to review and comments on the

     3. Edit your draft based on the comments.

     4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 a few times.

     5. Ask an Area Director to sponsor the draft (if it's an
        individual submission).  If the draft is an official Working
        Group product, the WG chair will help you with the publication

     6. If the Area Director accepts to sponsor the draft, he or she
        will do an initial review, and maybe ask for updates before
        they move it forward.

     7. Discuss concerns with the IESG members.  Their concerns might
        be resolved with a simple answer or they might require
        additions or changes to the document.

7.1. Letting Go Gracefully

   Some people do not understand that is that they must give up change
   control of the protocol for it to be published as a RFC.  That is, as
   soon as you propose that your protocol become an IETF standard, you
   must fully relinquish control of the protocol.  If there is general
   agreement, parts of the protocol can be completely changed, whole
   sections can be ripped out, new things can be added, and the name can
   be changed.

   Some authors find it very hard to give up control of their pet
   protocol.  If you are one of those people, don't even think about
   trying to get your protocol to become an IETF standard.  On the other
    hand, if your goal is the best standard possible with the widest
   implementation, then you might find the IETF process to your liking.

   The change control on Internet standards doesn't end when the

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   protocol is put on the standards track.  The protocol itself can be
   changed later for a number of reasons, the most common of which is
   that implementers discover a problem as they implement the standard. 
   These later changes are also under the control of the IETF, not the
   editors of the standards document.

   IETF standards exist so that people will use them to write Internet
   programs that interoperate.  They don't exist to document the ideas
   of their authors, nor do they exist so that a company can say, "We
   have an IETF standard".  If a RFC only has one implementation
   (whereas two are required for it to advance on the standards track),
   it was probably a mistake to publish it in the first place.

7.2. Internet-Draft

   Internet-Drafts are tentative documents.  They are meant for readers
   to comment on.  The author decides which comments to incorporate in
   the draft.  Internet-Drafts automatically expire from the six months.
    A person who doesn't understand RFCs (or is intentionally trying to
   fool people) may brag about having published an Internet-Draft; it
   takes no significant effort.

   When you submit an Internet-Draft, you give some publication rights
   to the IETF.  This is so that your Internet-Draft is freely available
   to everyone who wants to read and comment on it.  The rights you do
   and don't give to the IETF are described in BCP 78 [RFC5378], "IETF
   Rights in Contributions".  Note that authors cannot take someone
   else's document and pass it off as their own; see BCP 78, section
   5.6, point (a).

7.2.1 Internet-Draft Names

   There are some informal rules for Internet-Draft naming that have
   evolved over the years.  The author's name is used as part of the
   filename.  Internet-Drafts that revise existing RFCs often have draft
   names with "bis" in them, meaning "again" or "twice"; for example, a
   draft might be called  "draft-author-rfc2345bis-00.txt".

   If an Internet-Draft is an official Working Group product, the name
   will start with "draft-ietf-" followed by the designation of the WG,
   followed by a descriptive word or two, followed by "00.txt".  For
   example, a draft in the GROW WG about BGP might be named "draft-ietf-
   grow-bgp-00.txt".  If it is not the product of a Working Group, the
   name will start with "draft-" and the last name of one of the authors
   followed by a descriptive word or two, followed by "00.txt".  After
   the first revision of a draft, the number in the filename is
   incremented; for instance, the second edition of the GROW draft named
   above would be "draft-smith-grow-bgp-01.txt".

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   The filename changes after one or more versions, such as when a
   personal effort is adopted as a Working Group draft; when a draft has
   its filename changed, the number reverts to -00.  The WG chairs will
   let the Internet-Drafts administrator know the previous name of the
   draft when such a name change occurs so that the databases can be
   kept accurate.

7.2.2. Writing an Internet-Draft

   It is important that multiple readers and implementers of a standard
   have the same understanding of a document.  To this end, information
   should be orderly and detailed.  The reader is more likely to have
   general networking knowledge and experience rather than expertise in
   a particular protocol.  An explanation of the protocol and its use
   will give the reader a reference point for understanding the protocol
   and where it fits in the Internet. The "Guide for Internet Standards
   Writers" [RFC2360] provides tips that will help you write a standard
   that leads to interoperability.  For instance, it explains how to
   choose the right number of protocol options, how to respond to out-
   of-spec behavior, and how to show state diagrams.

   An Internet-Draft does not need to look exactly like an RFC.  If you
   follow the I-D guidelines given at
   guidelines.txt, chances are quite good that your draft will be fine.

   One way to make it more likely that developers will create
   interoperable implementations of standards is to be clear about
   what's being mandated in a specification.  Early RFCs used all kinds
   of expressions to explain what was needed, so implementors didn't
   always know which parts were suggestions and which were requirements.
   As a result, standards writers in the IETF generally agreed to limit
   their wording to a few specific words with a few specific meanings. 
   The "Key words for use in  RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels" are
   defined in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

   An Internet-Draft may contain two types of references; normative and
   informative.  A normative reference is a reference to a document that
   must be followed in order to implement the standard.  A informative
   reference is one that is helpful to an implementer but is not needed.
    An IETF standard may make a normative reference to any other
   standards-track RFC that is at the same standards level or higher, or
   to any "open standard" that has been developed outside the IETF.

   If you are writing an Internet-Draft and you know of a patent that
   applies to the technology you're writing about, don't list the patent
   in the document.  Read the IETF IPR page at
   and BCP 79 [RFC3979][RFC4879] and file an IPR disclosure. 
   Intellectual property rights aren't mentioned in RFCs because RFCs

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   never change after they are published but knowledge of IPR can change
   at any time.

   There is a tool called "xml2rfc" available from  It takes XML-formatted text and generates
   an Internet-Draft. Security Considerations

   Every RFC requires a "Security Considerations" section.  This section
   should describe any known vulnerabilities of the protocol, possible
   threats and mechanisms or strategies to address them.  Don't gloss
   over this section -- in particular, don't say, "Here's our protocol,
   if you want security, just use IPsec".  This won't do at all because
   it doesn't answer the question of how IPsec interacts with your
   protocol, and vice versa.  See "Guidelines for Writing RFC Text on
   Security Considerations" [RFC3552] for more information on writing
   good security considerations sections. IANA Considerations

   Many IETF protocols make use of values which are uniquely assigned to
   ensure consistent interpretation between independent implementations.
    These assignments are defined in the IETF Protocol Parameter
   Registries [RFC6220].  For historical reasons these registries are
   operated by IANA.  If you are writing an Internet standard which
   needs an assignment, read the RFC ( )
   which defines the registration requirements.  Registration is
   generally done in the "IANA Considerations" [RFC5226] section of an

7.2.3. Submitting an Internet-Draft

   Internet-Drafts can be submitted at  The IETF Tools web pages ( ) has pointers to tools that will automate
   some of your work for the IETF.  There is a very useful checking tool
   at which can be used to help
   prevent the draft from being rejected due to errors in form and
   formatting.  There is a list of common issues ( ) that have been known to stop
   documents in the IESG.

7.2.4. Last Call

   The purpose of IETF Last Call is to get community-wide discussion on
   an Internet-Draft so the IESG determine whether it has IETF
   consensus.  It is also a time when people in the Working Group who

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   feel that they weren't heard can make their comments to everyone. 
   The IETF Last Call is at least two weeks for Working Group drafts and
   four weeks for individual submissions.  The discussion for a Last
   Call is held on the IETF general discussion list
   <> and is open to everyone.  IETF Last Call
   comments posted by people who have just read the draft for the first
   time can expose issues that IETF and Working Group regulars may have
   completely missed.  

   It is generally considered bad form to send IETF Last Call comments
   on documents that you have not read, or to send comments but not be
   prepared to discuss your views.  The IETF Last Call is not a vote. 
   Campaigns aimed at getting people to post messages in support or
   opposition to a document usually backfire.

7.2.5. IESG Evaluation

   Any Area Director may record a "DISCUSS" ballot position against an
   Internet-Draft if he or she has serious concerns.  If these concerns
   cannot be resolved by discussion, an override procedure is defined
   such that at least two IESG members must express concerns.  This
   procedure helps to ensure that an Area Director's "pet peeve" cannot
   indefinitely block something.  If the IESG approves the draft they
   ask the RFC Editor to publish it as a RFC.

8. Administrative Support

8.1. IETF Administrative Support Activity

   The IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA) [RFC4071] provides
   the administrative structure required to support the IETF standards
   process and to support the IETF's technical activities.  Within this
   activity is the office of the IETF Administrative Director (IAD) and
   the IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC).

8.2. IETF Secretariat

   A few people, who are part of the IETF Secretariat, are paid to
   provide day-to-day logistical support for the IETF, coordinate IETF
   meetings.  The IETF Secretariat is also responsible for keeping the
   official Internet-Drafts directory up to date and orderly,
   maintaining the IETF web site, and for helping the IESG do its work. 
   It provides various tools for use by the community and the IESG.  The
   IETF Secretariat is under contract to IASA, which in turn is
   financially supported by the fees collected for attending the IETF


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   There is a list of e-mail addresses to contact ( ) the IETF Secretariat. 

9. Organizational Relationships

9.1. IETF Trust

   The IETF Trust was set up in 2005 to have a stable and legally-
   identifiable entity for the IETF.  The IETF Trust holds and licenses
   the intellectual property of the IETF.  The members of the IETF
   Administrative Oversight Committee serve as IETF Trustees.  You can
   find out more about the IETF Trust at their web site ( ).

9.2. Internet Society

   The Internet Society (ISOC) provides insurance coverage for many of
   the people holding leadership positions in the IETF process and acts
   as a public relations channel for the times that one of the "I"
   groups wants to say something to the press.  Since 2005 the Internet
   Society employs the IETF Administrative Director (IAD) who works
   full-time overseeing IETF meeting planning and operational aspects of
   the IETF Secretariat.

9.3. RFC Editor

   The RFC Editor [RFC4844] edits, formats, and publishes Internet-
   Drafts as RFCs, working in conjunction with the IESG.  An important
   secondary role is to provide one definitive repository for all RFCs
   (see ).  Once an RFC is published, it is
   never revised.  If the specification it describes changes, the
   standard will be re-published in another RFC that "obsoletes" the

   Up through the end of 2009 the RFC Editor was a single entity.  The
   function was split by the IAB into several roles that can be
   performed by different people or organizations.

9.4. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)

   The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) activities are
   currently performed by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
   and Numbers (ICANN).  IANA services to the IETF are provided for free
   as specified in [RFC2860].  The IETF is not involved in domain name
   and IP address assignment functions.

9.5. Liaisons between the IETF and other Standards Organizations


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   The IETF tries to have cordial relationships with other standards
   organizations.  The IETF has liaisons ( )
   with large standards organizations, including the ITU-T (the
   Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the International
   Telecommunication Union), the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), the
   IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and the
   Unicode Consortium.  Liaisons are kept as informal as possible and
   must be of demonstrable value in improving the quality of IETF
   specifications [RFC2850].  In practice, the IETF prefers liaisons to
   take place directly at Working Group level with formal relationships
   and liaison documents [RFC4053] in a backup role.

10.  Acknowledgments

   This document contains a large amount of text from RFC 4677 which is
   is known as the Tao of the IETF.

   RFC 4677 was co-authored by Paul Hoffman and Susan Harris. 
   Contributors include Brian Carpenter, Scott Bradner, Michael Patton,
   Donald E. Eastlake III, Tony Hansen, Pekka Savola, Lisa Dusseault,
   Russ Housley, the IETF Secretariat, members of the User Services
   Working Group, and members of the PESCI (Process Evolution
   Consideration for the IETF) design team.

   The original version of RFC 4677, published in 1994, was written by
   Gary Malkin.  His knowledge of the IETF, insights, and unmatched
   writing style set the standard for this later revision, and his
   contributions to the RFC 4677 are also much appreciated.

11. References

11.1. Informative References

   [RFC2014]  Weinrib, A. and J. Postel, "IRTF Research Group Guidelines
              and Procedures", BCP 8, RFC 2014, October 1996.

   [RFC2026]  Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision
              3", BCP 9, RFC 2026, October 1996.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2360]  Scott, G., "Guide for Internet Standards Writers", BCP 22,
              RFC 2360, June 1998.

   [RFC2418]  Bradner, S., "IETF Working Group Guidelines and
              Procedures", BCP 25, RFC 2418, September 1998.


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   [RFC2850]  Internet Architecture Board and B. Carpenter, Ed.,
              "Charter of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB)",
              BCP 39, RFC 2850, May 2000.

   [RFC2860]  Carpenter, B., Baker, F., and M. Roberts, "Memorandum of
              Understanding Concerning the Technical Work of the
              Internet Assigned Numbers Authority", RFC 2860, June 2000.

   [RFC3005]  Harris, S., "IETF Discussion List Charter", BCP 45,
              RFC 3005, November 2000.

   [RFC3552]  Rescorla, E. and B. Korver, "Guidelines for Writing RFC
              Text on Security Considerations", BCP 72, RFC 3552, July

   [RFC3710]  Alvestrand, H., "An IESG charter", RFC 3710, February

   [RFC3777]  Galvin, J., Ed., "IAB and IESG Selection, Confirmation,
              and Recall Process: Operation of the Nominating and Recall
              Committees", BCP 10, RFC 3777, June 2004.

   [RFC3935]  Alvestrand, H., "A Mission Statement for the IETF",
              BCP 95, RFC 3935, October 2004.

   [RFC3979]  Bradner, S., Ed., "Intellectual Property Rights in IETF
              Technology", BCP 79, RFC 3979, March 2005.

   [RFC4053]  Trowbridge, S., Bradner, S., and F. Baker, "Procedures for
              Handling Liaison Statements to and from the IETF",
              BCP 103, RFC 4053, April 2005.

   [RFC4071]  Austein, R., Ed., and B. Wijnen, Ed., "Structure of the
              IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA)", BCP 101,
              RFC 4071, April 2005.

   [RFC4844]  Daigle, L., Ed., and Internet Architecture Board, "The RFC
              Series and RFC Editor", RFC 4844, July 2007.

   [RFC4879]  Narten, T., "Clarification of the Third Party Disclosure
              Procedure in RFC 3979", BCP 79, RFC 4879, April 2007.

   [RFC5226]  Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an
              IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 5226,
              May 2008.

   [RFC5378]  Bradner, S., Ed., and J. Contreras, Ed., "Rights
              Contributors Provide to the IETF Trust", BCP 78, RFC 5378,

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              November 2008.

   [RFC6220]  McPherson, D., Ed., Kolkman, O., Ed., Klensin, J., Ed.,
              Huston, G., Ed., and Internet Architecture Board,
              "Defining the Role and Function of IETF Protocol Parameter
              Registry Operators", RFC 6220, April 2011.

   [RFC6410]  Housley, R., Crocker, D., and E. Burger, "Reducing the
              Standards Track to Two Maturity Levels", BCP 9, RFC 6410,
              October 2011.

Appendix A.  Acronyms and Abbreviations Used

   Some of the acronyms and abbreviations from this document are listed

     Term          Meaning
     AD            Area Director
     BCP           Best Current Practice
     BOF           Birds of a Feather
     IAB           Internet Architecture Board
     IAD           IETF Administrative Director
     IANA          Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
     IAOC          IETF Administrative Oversight Committee
     IASA          IETF Administrative Support Activity
     ICANN         Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
     I-D           Internet-Draft
     IESG          Internet Engineering Steering Group
     IETF          Internet Engineering Task Force
     IPR           Intellectual property rights
     IRTF          Internet Research Task Force
     ISOC          Internet Society
     PS            Proposed Standard (RFC)
     RFC           Request for Comments
     STD           Standard (RFC)
     WG            Working Group

Authors' Addresses

   S. Moonesamy
   76, Ylang Ylang Avenue
   Quatre Bornes


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