Internet DRAFT - draft-moore-email-addrquery


Network Working Group                                           K. Moore
Internet-Draft                                          Network Heretics
Updates: 5231, 6409 (if approved)                              C. Newman
Intended status: Standards Track                                  Oracle
Expires: January 20, 2016                                  July 19, 2015

        SMTP and SUBMISSION Service Extensions For Address Query


   This document defines several mechanisms which can be used by a
   client such as a Mail User Agent or Mail Submission Agent, to query
   an SMTP server which is configured to accept incoming mail for a mail
   domain, to obtain information associated with an email address based
   in that domain.  Among other purposes, these mechanisms are intended
   to facilitate discovery of senders' and/or recipients' public keys
   for use in automatic verification of whole-message digital signatures
   and automatic whole-message encryption of email sent to recipients.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on January 20, 2016.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect

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   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Conventions and Terminology Used In This Document . . . . . .   3
   3.  SMTP Service Extension for Address Query  . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  AQRY SMTP Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
       3.1.1.  Client Use of AQRY command  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       3.1.2.  Normal AQRY Response  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       3.1.3.  Redirect AQRY Response  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       3.1.4.  Other response codes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   4.  Mail Submission Service Extension for Address Query Proxy . .  11
     4.1.  AQPX Command  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.2.  AQPX responses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   5.  Address Query Information Data Model  . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   6.  Trustworthiness Of Address Query Responses  . . . . . . . . .  17
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     8.1.  Registration for AQRY SMTP service extension  . . . . . .  19
     8.2.  Registration for AQPX Submission service extension  . . .  19
     8.3.  Registration for new Enhanced Status Codes  . . . . . . .  19
     8.4.  Register new SMTP reply codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     8.5.  Create registry for AQRY data model elements  . . . . . .  22
     8.6.  possibly reserve port number for use in AQRY redirects  .  22
   9.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     9.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     9.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   Appendix A.  Rationale For Design Choices . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26

1.  Introduction

   At least since the introduction of MIME [RFC1321] there has been a
   desire to allow message senders to discover capabilities of email
   recipients, so that senders could avoid sending message contents to
   recipients who were unable to make use of such contents.  Similarly,
   deployment of per-message encryption (e.g.  PEM [RFC1113], S/MIME
   [RFC5751], and OpenPGP [RFC4880]) has long been hampered for lack of
   a standard and widely supported means to discover and verify
   authenticity of senders' and recipients' public key(s).

   The issue surfaced recently as part of the DANE working group
   discussion in Dallas, and specifically in an effort to adapt TLSA DNS
   records [RFC6698] for use in discovery of email recipients' public

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   keys.  The problem there was that there is no clean way to map
   recipient email addresses onto DNS labels, because the interpretation
   of a local-part of an email address is entirely left to the SMTP
   server(s) that accept incoming mail for that address's mail domain,
   and different mail domains have configured their SMTP servers to
   interpret their email addresses in different ways.  The "local parts"
   of email addresses may be case-sensitive or case-insensitive,
   subaddresses may be allowed, there may be some sort of fuzzy
   matching, an address may be forwarded elsewhere, and so on.  Also,
   having public keys for email recipients advertised in DNS would have
   facilitated email traffic analysis by an observer watching DNS
   queries and responses in cleartext.

   Since the knowledge of how to interpret an email address is
   inherently embedded in the code and configuration of the SMTP servers
   that accept incoming mail for that address's email domain, it appears
   that the best way to advertise public keys and other information
   associated with email addresses is to do so using the same SMTP
   servers that accept such incoming mail.  That way, the logic that
   maps from address to associated information will be the same logic
   that maps from recipient address to recipient mailbox (or forwarding
   address).  A separate lookup service could be used, but this would
   introduce a high probability that the service would interpret the
   address differently than that mail domain's SMTP servers, if for no
   other reason than configuration errors.  However as a compromise for
   large mail service providers, and especially those that serve large
   numbers of mail domains, the proposed SMTP extension also includes a
   "redirect" mechanism that can be used to refer a client to a separate
   service which then provides the requested information.  Finally, this
   document defines an extension to the Mail Submission service which
   allows that service to perform an address information lookup
   operation on behalf of its authenticated client, which can be useful
   to circumvent the common practice of blocking outbound port 25

2.  Conventions and Terminology Used In This Document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

   This specification expresses syntax using the Augmented Backus-Naur
   Form (ABNF) as described in [RFC5234], including the core rules in
   Appendix B and rules from [RFC5322].

   In examples illustrating protocol interactions, "C:" and "S:"
   indicate lines sent by the client and server respectively.  If a
   single "C:" or "S:" label applies to multiple lines, then the line

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   breaks between those lines are for editorial clarity only and are not
   part of the actual protocol exchange.

3.  SMTP Service Extension for Address Query

   This section defines a service extension to the Simple Message
   Transfer Protocol (SMTP) [RFC5321] which can be used by a client to
   query the server for information about an email address for which the
   server accepts incoming mail.

   o  The Name of this extension is "Address Query".

   o  Servers implementing this extension advertise an additional EHLO
      keyword of "ADDRQUERY", which has no associated parameters.

   o  This extension introduces one new SMTP command, AQRY, described

   o  This extension does not alter any existing SMTP commands, nor does
      this extension change the minimum line length that an
      implementation of SMTP including this extension must support.

3.1.  AQRY SMTP Command

   The AQRY SMTP command is used to query an SMTP server about an
   address containing a domain name for which the server is configured
   to act as a mail exchanger, i.e. to accept incoming mail for
   delivery.  A SMTP server which accepts incoming mail for a domain is
   in a unique position to interpret email addresses containing that
   domain, since only such a server can reliably know whether the local
   part of that email address is case-sensitive (i.e. whether and are distinct users), whether
   subaddressing applies to that domain (e.g. whether refers to the same user as,
   whether a particular recipient has mail forwarded, and so on.
   Therefore an SMTP server MUST reject an AQRY command which contains
   an address for which the server is not explicitly configured to
   accept incoming mail.

   In addition, to ensure the integrity of the information provided to
   the client and to deter both passive and active attacks, any SMTP
   server supporting ADDRQUERY MUST also support the STARTTLS service
   extension, and MUST reject any AQRY command not appearing in a TLS-
   protected session.  Clients using the AQRY command MUST support the
   TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) [RFC6066] extension, and MUST supply
   the host name of the server to which they wish to connect in the
   ServerNameList portion of the extension_data field of the extended
   client hello message.  (This requirement also applies to Mail

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   Submission servers that implement the Address Query Proxy extension.)
   This host name will either be the target of the MX record associated
   with the address being queried, or the "host" field as obtained from
   an AQRY or AQPX redirect response as defined below.  Servers
   supporting the Address Query extension SHOULD support SNI and use it
   to provide an appropriate server certificate, if available.

   The syntax of the AQRY command is as follows:

   aqry = "AQRY" SP "<" Mailbox ">"
          [ "REFERBY=" address-literal ]
          [ "RRVS=" date-time ] [ "COOKIE=" Atom ] CRLF

   where address-literal, Atom, and Mailbox are as defined in [RFC5321]
   (or if the SMTP server supports the SMTPUTF8 extension, Mailbox is as
   defined in [RFC6531]), and date-time is as defined in [RFC3339], with
   the added restriction that a "time-secfrac" MUST NOT be used.  (XXX
   amend the above to use the right nonterminal ABNF symbol for servers
   that support SMTPUTF8.  Similarly for AQPX command.)

   The AQRY command requests that the SMTP server return public
   information about the email address ("Mailbox") specified in the
   command.  If the optional RRVS parameter is included, it specifies
   that the email address must have been valid at least since that date
   and time.  If the server knows that the address has not been valid
   that long, it MUST return either an error, or a redirect to a server
   that will return an "address not found" error.
   (Note: Although the RRVS parameter to the AQRY command has the same
   syntax as the RRVS parameter to the RCPT command as defined in
   [RFC7293], the two are separate and have different purposes.  An SMTP
   server MAY support the Address Query extension even if it does not
   support the RRVS extension.)

   The COOKIE and REFERBY parameters are used only in redirects, as
   described below.

   (XXX consider max length of COOKIE parameter and whether this affects
   minimum SMTP command line length that the server must support.)

3.1.1.  Client Use of AQRY command

   Clients wishing to query for email address information MUST first
   perform a DNS [RFC1035] lookup with query type of MX, specifying the
   domain name that appears in the email address.  The selection of SMTP
   servers among those returned from the DNS query follows the same
   algorithm used for selection of SMTP servers to be used for
   forwarding mail [RFC5321]: servers with lower MX precedence values
   are queried before servers with higher MX precedence values.

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   Clients MUST NOT send an AQRY command to a server that isn't listed
   in DNS as a mail exchanger for the mail domain of the address to be
   queried.  Exception: a client MAY send an AQRY command to an
   arbitrary SMTP server without first obtaining that from a DNS MX
   lookup, if this is done specifically and entirely for the purpose of
   fault diagnosis or configuration checking and the results are not
   used to encrypt email nor validate a digital signature.

   Note: In contrast to DNS lookups for normal mail routing, the
   presence of one or more MX records for the mail domain of the address
   being queried is REQUIRED.  In particular, the AQPX command described
   below, when used without a SERVER argument, will not query an SMTP
   server if there are no MX records pointing to it, and only A or AAAA

   Clients wishing to use AQRY MUST first negotiate use of TLS
   encryption using the STARTTLS command [RFC3207].  If the server does
   not advertise STARTTLS, or the TLS negotiation fails, the client MUST
   NOT attempt to use AQRY.  Furthermore, the client MUST NOT attempt to
   use AQRY before first establishing the identity of the server using
   the server's certificate, and in particular, that the server's TLS
   certificate contains either a DNS-ID (subjectAltName of dNSName type,
   see [RFC5280]) or a CN-ID (CN attribute from subject name, see
   [RFC6125]) that matches either the DNS name that is the target of the
   MX record, or the DNS name appearing in the email address for which
   information is being requested.  (Exception: the check of the TLS
   certificate MAY be skipped if the AQRY operation is done specifically
   and entirely for the purpose of fault diagnosis or configuration
   checking, and the results are not used to encrypt email nor validate
   a digital signature.)

   Note: The above rule does not, by itself, establish that the SMTP
   server is an authoritative source of information about the
   address(es) to be presented to AQRY, because (for example) an MX
   record might have been spoofed (unless signed by DNSSEC and the
   signature was appropriately verified), or the DNS name associated
   with the MX record might not actually have an arrangement with the
   SMTP server.  However, if the server certificate fails this test,
   there's no point in the client doing the AQRY at all.  See Section 6.

   In response to an AQRY command, the server MUST return one of: a
   normal response, a redirect response, or an error response.

   A normal response contains information about the email address for
   which the request was issued which is specific to that email address,
   and/or information about the mail domain name which appears in that
   email address.  A normal response MAY also contain information such
   as address(es) to which incoming mail will be forwarded.  In some

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   such cases the client will need to perform additional AQRY
   operations, perhaps of other SMTP servers serving other domains, in
   order to learn information about the addresses that would eventually
   receive mail sent to the originally queried address.

   A redirect response does not contain information about the requested
   email address, but does contain one or more URLs which may then be
   queried to learn about that address and/or its mail domain.

3.1.2.  Normal AQRY Response

   The normal (non-redirect, non-error) response to a valid AQRY command
   consists of multiple lines.  Each line but the last line of the
   response begins with "212-".  The remainder of each line beginning
   with "212-" consists of JSON text [RFC7159] subsequently encoded in
   BASE64 format as defined in [RFC2045].  BASE64 is used to avoid the
   need for the server to produce JSON text which conforms to SMTP line-
   length restrictions.

   A normal response is not an indication that the address supplied in
   the AQRY command is valid.  An implementation that does not wish to
   disclose whether recipients are valid MAY return "fake" information
   in response to AQRY requests for nonexistent recipients.  However the
   implementation MUST NOT return "fake" information for valid

   The data structure encoded in the JSON object is further described in
   section Section 5.

   The last line of the response is of the form:

   "212" SP "." CRLF

   To produce the normal response to an AQRY command, the server first
   produces or obtains the requested information in JSON format.  The
   server then encodes the entire JSON object using the BASE64
   algorithm, such that each line of the BASE64 output does not exceed
   76 characters, not including the CRLF character sequence that
   terminates each line.  The server then prepends "212-" to the
   beginning of each line of the BASE64 output.  Finally, the server
   appends a single line consisting of "212 ." to the output.  Per
   normal SMTP convention, each line of the reply MUST be terminated by

   Note: If a address is configured to forward mail to one or more other
   addresses, this can affect the contents of the JSON object or result
   in an error.  See Section 5.

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   To recover the JSON from the AQRY reply text, the client first
   collects the text and ensures that the terminating "212 ." line is
   present.  The terminating line is then discarded, and the "212-"
   prefix is removed from each of the preceding lines.  The resulting
   text is then fed to the BASE64 decoder to produce a JSON object.  The
   resulting JSON object may then be interpreted.

3.1.3.  Redirect AQRY Response

   In the case where the SMTP server is configured to accept incoming
   mail for the address presented in the AQRY command, but either of the
   following two conditions apply:

   (a)  in the currently active TLS session, the SMTP server did not
        present a server certificate with a subjectAltName with dNSName
        type that matches the domain name portion of the email address
        presented in the AQRY command; OR

   (b)  the SMTP server is configured to return a redirect for other
        reasons, e.g. to shed load from the SMTP server to another
        server which is better equipped to service that kind of query;

   the SMTP server MAY return a multi-line redirect response with a
   response code of 213.  Similar in presentation format to the normal
   response, the redirect response consists of BASE64-encoded JSON, with
   each line of the BASE64 text preceded by "213-" and the last line of
   the response consisting entirely of "213 ." followed by CRLF.
   However, the data structure represented in JSON for a redirect
   response is different than that of a normal response.  The data
   structure encoded in a redirect response consists of an array of
   objects describing SMTP servers to which the query can be referred.
   Each such object may contain the following elements:

      DNS name, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address of an SMTP server.

      Optional port number to be used to contact the SMTP server.  Port
      25 is assumed if this element is not supplied.

      Optional cookie to be passed in the COOKIE parameter to the AQRY
      command when querying the server.  This parameter may be used for
      any purpose by mutual agreement between the server issuing the
      redirect response, and the server to which the redirect response
      refers.  For example: it may be used to encode an encrypted
      database record identifier of the named recipient; or it may be
      used to encode an encrypted timestamp at which the referral was

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      issued by the server, so that the referred-to server can refuse to
      return a response if that timestamp is missing or not recent.

   There is no significance to the order in which the list items, or the
   elements of any of the objects in the list, appear in the JSON.

   Example: A client issues a query for information about, and the server returns a redirect response:

   C: AQRY <>
   S: 213-W3siaG9zdCI6ICJmb28uZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCAiY29va2llIjogImxranNl
   S: 213-b3J1IiwgInBvcnQiOiA5ODc2fSwgeyJob3N0IjogIjEwLjEuMi4zIiwgImNv
   S: 213-b2tpZSI6ICJzZndlcnYzMyJ9LCB7Imhvc3QiOiAiMjAwMTpEQjg6YWJjZDo6
   S: 213-MToyIiwgImNvb2tpZSI6ICJsa2pzZW9ydSIsICJwb3J0IjogNDMyNX1d
   S: 213 .

   The client decodes this and obtains the following data structure
   (formatted for readability below):

      { "host": "", "port": 9876,
         "cookie": "lkjseoru" },
      { "host": "", "cookie": "sfwerv33" },
      { "host": "2001:DB8:abcd::1:2", "port": 4325,
        "cookie": "lkjseoru" }

   The client could then obtain the requested information via any of the

   o  Open a connection to, port 9876, negotiate
      STARTTLS, then issue the command: "AQRY <>

   o  Open a connection to, port 25, negotiate STARTTLS, then
      issue the command: "AQRY <> COOKIE=sfwerv33", OR

   o  Open a connection to 2001:DB8:abcd::1:2, port 4325, negotiate
      STARTTLS, then issue the command "AQRY <>
      COOKIE=lkjseoru" .

   In each of the above instances, the client will supply the "host"
   parameter from the object as the TLS Server Name Indication (SNI)
   HostName.  Any RRVS parameter appearing in the original AQRY command
   is also supplied when issuing the AQRY command to the redirect
   servers.  In addition the AQRY REFERBY parameter is supplied with its
   value set to the Internet Protocol (v4 or v6) address of the SMTP
   server from which the redirect was obtained.

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   Since the SMTP servers returned in a referral response are not
   expected to be able to process incoming mail, they are not required
   to implement the full SMTP protocol.  They need only implement the
   following commands: EHLO (advertising STARTTLS and ADDRQUERY),
   STARTTLS, AQRY, and QUIT.  Such a server SHOULD also implement the
   PIPELINING extension.  [RFC2920]

3.1.4.  Other response codes

   In addition to reply codes defined in [RFC5321], the following reply
   codes SHOULD be used to indicate the error conditions described
   below.  In each case below the enhanced status code [RFC5248] that
   appears immediately following the 3-digit SMTP reply code is
   suggested for use by server implementations supporting the SMTP
   ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES extension [RFC2034].  However, the appropriate
   status code may depend to some degree on the nature of the SMTP
   server implementation or configuration, and there may be cases in
   which a different enhanced status code is appropriate.  (The SMTP
   reply code and enhanced status code serve distinct purposes: The
   reply code is intended for use by SMTP clients, and in particular
   signals transitions in the SMTP client's state machine.  The enhanced
   status code is intended for use in Delivery Status Notifications
   [RFC3464] and serves as an indication of the likely nature of a
   problem with the mail system or network.  The relationship between
   the two is loose rather than strict.)

   IANA NOTE: Some of these codes need to be assigned; these are marked
   with IANA- followed by some number.  See Section 8.  (RFC Editor:
   please remove this paragraph on publication.)

   411 4.4.3 database lookup temporary failure
      This failure occurs whenever the SMTP server must consult some
      external database or other service in order to provide the
      requested information, and that service fails to respond within a
      reasonable time.  The client may reasonably retry the command
      after some interval.  [[XXX specify timeout for AQRY]]

   511 5.4.IANA-1 no information available for this address
      The address appears to be valid but there is no information
      available that is associated with either the address or the mail
      domain.  This reply code is intended to reflect the case where
      there is not actually an error detected on the server, but rather,
      a simple absence of information associated with that address and/
      or mail domain.  If there is some sort of error detected on the
      server, say while trying to obtain the requested information from
      a separate database, a different reply code and enhanced status
      code would be reported.

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      Note: Strictly speaking, this is not an error condition, and would
      not normally be assigned a 5xx reply code or 5.y.z enhanced status
      code, since there is no requirement that information be available
      for every address or mail domain.  However, if the client has been
      instructed (for example) to not deliver mail without first
      encrypting it with the recipient's public key, this is the reply
      code that the server should return and (absent some better error-
      detection code in the client) the enhanced status code included
      with this reply would be reported to the sender as the error which
      caused failure of the message to be sent.

   513 5.3.IANA-2 service not supported for this domain
      The server is configured to accept incoming mail for the domain
      name appearing in the address, but the server is not configured to
      perform queries for addresses in that domain.

   550 5.1.1 no such address
      The address does not exist.  Note: Depending on the specific
      nature of the error, there are several enhanced status codes that
      could reasonably be used with the 550 reply code in response to
      AQRY, including 5.1.1, 5.5.4, 5.6.7, and others.  [[XXX should
      probably explain when it's appropriate to use other SMTP reply
      codes than those listed in this document, either that or list a
      few more valid responses.]]

   557 5.3.IANA-3 server does not accept incoming mail for this domain
      The server is not configured to accept incoming mail for the
      domain name appearing in the address.

   523 5.7.IANA-4 TLS required but not negotiated
      This reply code is returned whenever a client attempts an AQRY
      command in a SMTP session that is not protected by TLS.

4.  Mail Submission Service Extension for Address Query Proxy

   This section defines a service extension to the Mail Submission
   Protocol [RFC6409] which can be used by an authenticated, authorized
   client to query an SMTP server on port 25 for information about an
   email address.  This is intended only as a workaround for port 25
   blocking, so the extension is minimally tailored for that purpose.

   o  The Name of this extension is "Address Query Proxy".

   o  Servers implementing this extension advertise an additional EHLO
      keyword of "ADDRQUERYPROXY", which has no associated parameters.

   o  This extension introduces one new Submission command, AQPX,
      described below.

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   o  This extension does not alter any existing Submission service
      commands, nor does this extension change the minimum line length
      that an implementation of the Submission protocol including this
      extension must support.

4.1.  AQPX Command

   The AQPX command is used to query an Submission server for
   information about an email address.  The client user MUST have
   already been authenticated and verified to be authorized to use that
   Submission server.  Use of this command by a mail client (such as a
   Mail User Agent) is OPTIONAL; this specification does not prohibit a
   client directly contacting an SMTP server.  However, it is expected
   that clients will often need a service as a workaround for the common
   practice of blocking outbound traffic on TCP port 25.

   The AQRY command requires a TLS-protected session, either by using a
   server port that automatically establishes TLS on connect, or by
   using a cleartext port and the STARTTLS command.  Clients MUST NOT
   attempt to use the AQRY command if the session is not protected with
   TLS; and servers MUST refuse an AQRY command that appears in a
   session not protected with TLS.

   When this command is received, the Submission server will then:

   o  verify that the user is authenticated via a TLS-protected session

   o  consult the SMTP server specified in the AQPX command,

   o  negotiate a TLS session using STARTTLS,

   o  verify that the server's certificate is valid and has an
      appropriate subjectAltName for the address, and if so,

   o  issue an AQRY command to that server, and

   o  return the response from the AQRY command.

   If some error occurs in the process of performing the above, the
   Submission server will return an appropriate response code.

   The syntax of the AQPX command is as follows:

   aqpx = "AQPX" SP "<" Mailbox ">"
          [ "SERVER=" ( Domain
                        / IPv4-address-literal
                        / IPv6-address-literal) ]
          [ "RRVS=" date-time ] [ "COOKIE=" Atom ] CRLF

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   where IPv4-address-literal, IPv6-address-literal, Atom, Domain, and
   Mailbox are as defined in [RFC5321] (or if the Submission server
   supports the SMTPUTF8 extension, Domain and Mailbox are as defined in
   [RFC6531]), and date-time is as defined in [RFC3339] with the added
   restriction that a "time-secfrac" MUST NOT be used.

   The optional SERVER parameter specifies an SMTP server to consult.
   Since this may be any server included in either a response to a DNS
   MX query, or a server returned in a redirect from a previous query to
   an SMTP server, the Submission server SHOULD NOT restrict the servers
   to which a client may issue a query.  There is no provision for
   specifying the port at which the SMTP server is to be contacted; the
   client is assumed to be able to directly contact servers on ports
   other than 25.  If no SERVER parameter is supplied, the Submission
   server will perform an MX lookup of the domain portion of the
   address, and attempt to issue the AQRY command to one or more servers
   (if any are found) in order of increasing precedence until it either
   receives a result that is not a temporary failure; that result is
   returned to the Submission client.  Regardless of whether a SERVER
   parameter is specified, Submission servers SHOULD implement a
   reasonable timeout for obtaining the information necessary to respond
   to the AQPX command.  If the timeout expires, the server should
   return a 431 error (see below).

   The RRVS and COOKIE parameters are passed to the AQRY command issued
   to the SMTP server.

4.2.  AQPX responses

   Since this is a proxy service that is intended to return a response
   from a remote SMTP server, any valid response to the SMTP AQRY
   command (including a normal response, redirect response, or error
   response) is also a valid response to a Submission service AQPX

   The submission service SHOULD NOT follow redirects returned by an
   SMTP server, and MUST return the SMTP server's response intact and
   without modification.

   In addition, the following AQPX-specific response codes are

   o  431 4.4.2 connection or query to remote SMTP server timed out

   o  541 5.7.IANA-5 invalid remote server certificate

   o  542 5.7.IANA-6 server certificate for <smtp-server-name> does not
      match <domain>

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   o  43x 4.x.y DNS query timed out

   o  5xx 5.x.y No MX records found

5.  Address Query Information Data Model

   Note: This section is preliminary and is expected to require
   considerable work, and to be moved to a separate document.

   XXX consider using JSON Web Signature (JWS) as an optional means of
   authenticating returned information.

   The response to the AQRY command is a single JSON object.  This JSON
   object contains zero or more members, each of which is itself an
   object.  The members of the top-level object either supply
   information about a mail domain, or a specific email address.  Mail
   domain objects are named using the DNS name of their mail domain
   (which does not contain an "@"), while email address objects are
   named for their email address (which does contain an "@").  In either
   case the domain or email address used to name the second-level
   objects are in the same format as would be presented to a SMTP MAIL
   command.  (i.e.  If the SMTP server supports the SMTPUTF8 extension
   [RFC6531], the address MAY be in UTF-8; otherwise the address MUST be
   in ASCII).

   Both mail domain objects and email address objects are "flat", that
   is to say, the members of these objects are either strings, numbers,
   booleans, or arrays whose members consist exclusively of one or more
   of these.  For ease of use in some programming languages, the names
   of the elements of both mail domain and email address objects MUST
   begin with an ASCII letter ("a"-"z" or "A"-"Z") and MUST consist only
   of letters, digits, and underscore ("_").

   The requirement for a flat structure is to discourage creation of
   complex data models to represent mail domain and address information.
   (Note in draft: this is subject to change, but it seems to one of the
   authors that one result of the ability to define very complex
   structures to represent information is that there is a resulting
   tendency to model information using more complexity than is useful or
   helpful.  Having a relatively simple data model for representation of
   such information may also make it easier to store and manipulate such
   data in existing SMTP implementations that are implemented in a
   variety of programming langauges, and in existing databases that are
   used to store address validity and forwarding information.

   The objects included in the AQRY response are expected to provide
   information about the domain and/or email address supplied in the
   AQRY command.  However, multiple domain and/or email address objects

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   MAY be included if the information is relevant and potentially useful
   to the client, and the server is authoritative for such information.
   For instance, if has his mail forwarded to, the response to AQRY of MAY
   include domain objects for both "" and "",
   and email address objects for both "" and
   "".  However, for this information to be useful to
   the client, the server's TLS certificate SHOULD include DNS-ID
   attributes matching both "" and "" (whether
   or not wildcard objects are used), and the returned information for
   "" SHOULD reveal that that address is being
   forwarded to "".  (Note: Encryption of mail to be
   forwarded is tricky to get right for various reasons, including that
   a recipient may not wish to publicly reveal his forwarding
   address(es), and also that a sender may not wish his encrypted mail
   to be encrypted for, and forwarded to, one or more different persons
   or addresses than the originally-specified recipient.)

   Examples of attributes that might appear within mail domain objects
   might include:

      A string describing the policy with which messages originated by
      addresses at this email domain are signed by the domain's mail
      submission service, if not signed by the sender of the message.
      e.g. "always", "when-able" (only when the recipient advertises
      support for a signature algorithm that the sending domain
      supports), "only-by-sender" (messages are only signed when
      presented to the submission service already signed by the sender's
      MUA), "on-sender-request" (the submission service will sign a
      message if requested to do so by the sender's MUA), "never".  This
      information could be used by a recipient to determine whether a
      particular received message should have been signed.  (XXX However
      since this policy can vary over time, this doesn't help when
      looking at an old message.)

      An array of [ keytype, key ] pairs, where keytype is a string, and
      key is a representation of the public key used to sign outgoing

      Describes the policy by which outgoing messages are encrypted to
      be read by recipients.  One of: "always", "when-able", "only-by-
      sender", "on-sender-request", "never".  This information could be
      used by a recipient to determine whether a particular message
      should have been encrypted.  (But see the note above about time

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      Either true or false depending on whether the submission service
      will permit already-encrypted messages to be submitted.

      A list of encryption formats/algorithms which the domain itself
      can decrypt on behalf of its recipients, if the message is
      encrypted using the domain's public key.

      Either true or false depending on whether received encrypted
      messages that were encrypted for the recipient's key, rather than
      the mail domain's key, will be accepted and be passed to the
      recipient's message store in encrypted form.

      Similar to the above, but describes whether encrypted messages may
      be forwarded in encrypted form to the recipient's forwarding

   Examples of attributes that might appear within mail address objects

      Describes the conditions in which the sender signs outgoing mail.

      A set of [format, key] pairs, where format is a string describing
      the format and signature algorithm, and key is the public key in
      an appropriate format for that signature format.  There may be
      multiple keys with the same format string.

      Describes the conditions in which the sender encrypts outgoing

      Describes the encrypted message formats accepted by the recipient.

      A set of [ format, key ] pairs listing the message formats and
      public keys for which the recipient is able to decrypt mail.

      A list of signed message formats that the recipient can
      potentially verify.


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      A list of forwarding addresses that the recipient wishes to
      publicly disclose.

6.  Trustworthiness Of Address Query Responses

   As described above, the JSON object returned in a normal AQRY
   response may itself contain multiple member objects, each providing
   information about a separate email address or mail domain.  The
   trustworthiness of each member MUST be evaluated separately.

   A member object of a normal AQRY response MUST NOT be considered
   trustworthy for any purpose, unless the TLS server certificate used
   to authenticate the session in which the information was obtained
   contained a DNS-ID identifier (subjectAltName of dNSName type
   [RFC5280]) or a CN-ID (CN attribute from subject name, [RFC6125])
   specifying a dNSName matching either the domain used to name the
   section, or the domain portion of the email address used to name the

   A redirect AQRY response that does not meet the above criteria (i.e
   neither any DNS-ID nor the CN-ID from the server's certificate
   matches the domain name of the address presented to AQRY) MAY be used
   to identify redirect servers.  However, the above certificate checks
   MUST be applied when consulting redirect servers and determining the
   trustworthiness of their results.  In other words, while it's
   acceptable for the mail exchangers for a mail domain that are listed
   in DNS to not have certificates that match that mail domain, it's not
   acceptable for the redirect AQRY servers for that mail domain to have
   have certificates that match that mail domain.

   A Submission server implementing the AQPX extension MUST evaluate the
   trustworthiness of each named object in the response and only return
   those sections which are verified to be trustworthy according to the
   above rule.

   A Submission client using the AQPX extension MUST follow the
   certificate checking rules in [I-D.ietf-uta-email-tls-certs].

7.  Security Considerations

   o  This service relies on the SMTP server's TLS server certificate to
      authenticate per-domain and per-address information, including
      potentially public keys for use with encryption and digital
      signatures.  While it appears to have the advantage of being
      deployable, as most service providers will already be familiar
      with TLS and X.509 certificate management, the Address Query
      service may invest more trust in such servers and their key
      management practices than was designed for.

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   o  The Address Query Proxy extension to the Submission service
      inherently requires the client and user to trust the Submission
      server to do correct validation and correct name matching of SMTP
      servers' certificates, as there is no good way to transfer the
      integrity and authenticity assurances provided by the TLS protocol
      to the Submission server from the remote SMTP server, to the
      Submission client.

   o  With AQRY as it's currently specified, a mail service provider
      supporting multiple client domains will either need to manage
      multiple certificates and private keys (one or more for each
      client domain), or refer queries to a separate server, managed by
      the client, for each client.  A client may prefer to not expose
      its private key to a mail service provider.  However this choice
      MAY be made on a per-client basis.

   o  Especially since the Address Query SMTP service extension does not
      require authentication, and since it may potentially provide
      arbitrary information about an email address or mail domain,
      attackers may attempt to use it to "mine" or "harvest" information
      about arbitrary mail addresses and their users.  It is recommended
      that only the minimum information necessary for the desired level
      of mail operation be exposed through this service.  In addition,
      servers MAY return "fake" information for nonexistent recipients
      in order to discourage probing of arbitrary addresses.  Servers
      MAY also implement rate limiting of AQRY command processing,
      though this may not be effective against distributed information
      gathering networks.

   o  As compared to most uses of SMTP and Submission protocols which
      primarily transmit data from client to server, this extension is
      specifically designed to transmit potentially-significant amounts
      of data from the server to the client.  As such, client
      implementations MUST NOT fail or corrupt internal data when
      receiving large amounts of data in an SMTP response, nor when
      processing the returned data (whether or not correctly formatted).

   o  There is some potential for the AQPX Submission service extension
      to be used as a means of traffic laundering when attacking other
      services.  However this potential is believed to be minimal
      (except for data harvesting attack described above) as this
      service only communicates with other hosts on TCP port 25 and is
      limited to a very specific SMTP command sequence.  Submission
      servers MUST require authentication before accepting AQPX
      commands, SHOULD implement rate limiting of such commands or other
      mechanism to prevent single clients from overusing the service,
      and SHOULD log at least the number of AQPX queries on a per-user

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   o  The proposed data model anticipates this service being useful for
      any of several modes of per-message encryption.  In addition to
      end-to-end encryption (in which encryption is done by the sender's
      MUA and decryption is done by the recipient's MUA), it is also
      possible for encryption to be done by the sender's Submission
      agent, or for the decryption to be done by the recipient's SMTP
      server or delivery agent or message store (if the sender's MUA or
      Submission agent encrypt the message for the recipient domain's
      encryption key).  While end-to-end encryption is in some sense the
      ideal situation, as it theoretically minimizes the potential for
      exposure of messages, there are several "real world" barriers to
      its universal adoption.  One such barrier is that the majority of
      mail users today use webmail services in which end-to-end is a
      fairly meaningless concept.  Another such barrier is the
      widespread use of spam filters and message filtering firewalls
      which require exposure to received messages in cleartext to be
      useful.  Another such barrier is the legal or other requirement
      that many organizations have for archival of email communications.
      Finally, many kinds of personal computer are notoriously insecure,
      so a user's messages and credentials might actually be better
      protected on a well-managed server than on his or her own PC.  By
      permitting flexibility in how email encryption is done it is hoped
      that encryption may be more widely deployed and that it will
      provide an upgrade path to optimal security for everyone.

8.  IANA Considerations

   (this section requires elaboration.)

8.1.  Registration for AQRY SMTP service extension

   (to be written)

8.2.  Registration for AQPX Submission service extension

   (to be written)

8.3.  Registration for new Enhanced Status Codes

   Code:  X.4.IANA-1 (XXX replace IANA-1)

   Sample Text:  no information available for this address

   Associated Status Code(s):  511

   Description:  This code is used in response to an AQRY command when
      the server has no information associated with an address.  This
      condition is distinct from a temporary condition such as the

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      server being unable to contact a database to obtain such

   Reference:  (XXX this document)

   Submitter:  K.  Moore, C.  Newman

   Change controller:  IESG

   Code:  X.3.IANA-2 (XXX replace IANA-2)

   Sample Text:  service not supported for this domain

   Associated Status Code(s):  513

   Description:  The server is configured to accept incoming mail for
      the domain name appearing in the address, but the requested
      service is not supported for that domain.  Used, for instance, in
      response to the AQRY command.

   Reference:  (XXX this document)

   Submitter:  K.  Moore, C.  Newman

   Change controller:  IESG

   Code:  X.3.IANA-3 (XXX replace IANA-3)

   Sample Text:  incoming mail not accepted for this domain

   Associated Status Code(s):  557

   Description:  This server does not accept incoming mail for the
      domain in the supplied address.  Originally intended for use in
      response to AQRY command.  Should not be used in response to RCPT
      command because there is a long history of RCPT returning other
      response codes for this condition.

   Reference:  (XXX this document)

   Submitter:  K.  Moore, C.  Newman

   Change controller:  IESG

   Code:  X.4.IANA-4 (XXX replace IANA-4)

   Sample Text:  TLS required but not negotiated

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   Associated Status Code(s):  523

   Description:  The requested service (which was not an authentication
      command) is required to be issued within an authenticated TLS
      session, but was not issued within such a session.

   Reference:  (XXX this document)

   Submitter:  K.  Moore, C.  Newman

   Change controller:  IESG

   Code:  X.4.IANA-5 (XXX replace IANA-5)

   Sample Text:  invalid remote server certificate

   Associated Status Code(s):  541

   Description:  This code is used when the requested service must
      consult with some remote service to fulfill its function, and the
      remote server did not provide a valid TLS server certificate that
      matched its domain name.  Originally used with AQPX Submission
      service command.

   Reference:  (XXX this document)

   Submitter:  K.  Moore, C.  Newman

   Change controller:  IESG

   Code:  X.4.IANA-6 (XXX replace IANA-6)

   Sample Text:  service certificate provided by <server-name> does not
      match <domain>

   Associated Status Code(s):  542

   Description:  This code is used when the requested service must
      consult some remote service to fulfill its function, and the
      certificate provided by the remote service was not correct to
      establish the authenticity of the requested information.

   Reference:  (XXX this document)

   Submitter:  K.  Moore, C.  Newman

   Change controller:  IESG

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8.4.  Register new SMTP reply codes


8.5.  Create registry for AQRY data model elements


8.6.  possibly reserve port number for use in AQRY redirects


9.  References

9.1.  Normative References

   [RFC1035]  Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - implementation and
              specification", STD 13, RFC 1035, DOI 10.17487/RFC1035,
              November 1987, <>.

   [RFC2045]  Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail
              Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message
              Bodies", RFC 2045, DOI 10.17487/RFC2045, November 1996,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC2920]  Freed, N., "SMTP Service Extension for Command
              Pipelining", STD 60, RFC 2920, DOI 10.17487/RFC2920,
              September 2000, <>.

   [RFC3207]  Hoffman, P., "SMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP over
              Transport Layer Security", RFC 3207, DOI 10.17487/RFC3207,
              February 2002, <>.

   [RFC3339]  Klyne, G. and C. Newman, "Date and Time on the Internet:
              Timestamps", RFC 3339, DOI 10.17487/RFC3339, July 2002,

   [RFC5234]  Crocker, D., Ed. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
              Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5234, January 2008,

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   [RFC5280]  Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S.,
              Housley, R., and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
              (CRL) Profile", RFC 5280, DOI 10.17487/RFC5280, May 2008,

   [RFC5321]  Klensin, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC 5321,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5321, October 2008,

   [RFC5322]  Resnick, P., Ed., "Internet Message Format", RFC 5322,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5322, October 2008,

   [RFC6066]  Eastlake 3rd, D., "Transport Layer Security (TLS)
              Extensions: Extension Definitions", RFC 6066,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6066, January 2011,

   [RFC6125]  Saint-Andre, P. and J. Hodges, "Representation and
              Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity
              within Internet Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509
              (PKIX) Certificates in the Context of Transport Layer
              Security (TLS)", RFC 6125, DOI 10.17487/RFC6125, March
              2011, <>.

   [RFC6409]  Gellens, R. and J. Klensin, "Message Submission for Mail",
              STD 72, RFC 6409, DOI 10.17487/RFC6409, November 2011,

   [RFC7159]  Bray, T., Ed., "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data
              Interchange Format", RFC 7159, DOI 10.17487/RFC7159, March
              2014, <>.

              Melnikov, A., "Updated TLS Server Identity Check Procedure
              for Email Related Protocols", draft-ietf-uta-email-tls-
              certs-03 (work in progress), June 2015.

9.2.  Informative References

   [RFC1113]  Linn, J., "Privacy enhancement for Internet electronic
              mail: Part I - message encipherment and authentication
              procedures", RFC 1113, DOI 10.17487/RFC1113, August 1989,

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   [RFC1321]  Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC 1321,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC1321, April 1992,

   [RFC2034]  Freed, N., "SMTP Service Extension for Returning Enhanced
              Error Codes", RFC 2034, DOI 10.17487/RFC2034, October
              1996, <>.

   [RFC3464]  Moore, K. and G. Vaudreuil, "An Extensible Message Format
              for Delivery Status Notifications", RFC 3464,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3464, January 2003,

   [RFC4880]  Callas, J., Donnerhacke, L., Finney, H., Shaw, D., and R.
              Thayer, "OpenPGP Message Format", RFC 4880,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4880, November 2007,

   [RFC5248]  Hansen, T. and J. Klensin, "A Registry for SMTP Enhanced
              Mail System Status Codes", BCP 138, RFC 5248,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5248, June 2008,

   [RFC5751]  Ramsdell, B. and S. Turner, "Secure/Multipurpose Internet
              Mail Extensions (S/MIME) Version 3.2 Message
              Specification", RFC 5751, DOI 10.17487/RFC5751, January
              2010, <>.

   [RFC6531]  Yao, J. and W. Mao, "SMTP Extension for Internationalized
              Email", RFC 6531, DOI 10.17487/RFC6531, February 2012,

   [RFC6698]  Hoffman, P. and J. Schlyter, "The DNS-Based Authentication
              of Named Entities (DANE) Transport Layer Security (TLS)
              Protocol: TLSA", RFC 6698, DOI 10.17487/RFC6698, August
              2012, <>.

   [RFC7293]  Mills, W. and M. Kucherawy, "The Require-Recipient-Valid-
              Since Header Field and SMTP Service Extension", RFC 7293,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7293, July 2014,

Appendix A.  Rationale For Design Choices

   This section is not normative.

   o  As described above, the choice of using an SMTP extension for this
      purpose, and using mail exchangers for the authoritative sources

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      of this information, resulted from the observation that only the
      SMTP servers for incoming mail for a mail domain reliably know how
      to interpret an email address from that mail domain.

   o  The redirect response was included because many mail service
      providers accept incoming mail for large numbers of mail domains,
      and that it is infeasible and generally inappropriate for a large
      mail service provider to maintain server certificates that name
      each of the mail domains for which it provides service.  The
      redirect response thus permits referral of a request to a specific
      server for each mail domain.  The redirect response also may be
      useful in the case where the listed MX servers for a mail domain
      do not handle incoming mail directly, but rather forward it to or
      through one or more internal servers (e.g. firewalls, spam
      filters) before the message reaches the server responsible for
      address interpretation and delivery.  Finally, the redirect
      response may be useful in allowing a heavily-loaded server to
      devote its resources to mail delivery by referring queries about
      email address information elsewhere.

   o  Originally the redirect response contained https URLs, and the
      queries to other servers were to use http/1 or http/2.  This
      appeared to make client implementations unnecessarily complex, for
      several reasons: differences in error reporting between SMTP and
      HTTP required two sets of error codes and different logic on the
      client side for each, the existence of HTTP redirects coupled with
      the need to verify subjectAltName in server certificates appeared
      to make it difficult to reuse ordinary HTTP library routines.  So
      redirects were changed to specify the DNS name or address, and
      port, of one or more SMTP servers, thus allowing reuse of the same
      code on the client for both kinds of query.

   o  As indicated above, the Submission extension was created as a
      workaround for the common practice of blocking outbound TCP
      traffic to a destination port of 25.  However, it also seemed
      appropriate for a Submission server to support this functionality
      based on an anticipated desire for a Submission server to support
      additional extensions (not defined in this document) for server-
      side signing and/or encryption of submitted mail.

   o  The Submission AQPX command doesn't support arbitrary ports
      because it seemed like too much of an opportunity for clients to
      use that facility for malicious purposes, even if the clients do
      have to be authenticated.  It might be worth considering reserving
      a specific port for SMTP AQRY referrals.

   o  The Submission AQPX command doesn't handle MX lookup, referrals,
      or retries because of concern over timeout hazards, and because it

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      seemed better to let clients perform these operations than to
      burden servers with them.

Authors' Addresses

   Keith Moore
   Network Heretics
   PO Box 1934
   Knoxville, TN  37901


   Chris Newman
   440 E. Huntington Dr., Suite 400
   Arcadia, CA  91006


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