Internet DRAFT - draft-moore-exclusionary-language


GENDISPATCH                                                     K. Moore
Internet-Draft                                          Network Heretics
Intended status: Standards Track                          26 August 2020
Expires: 27 February 2021

                 Avoiding Exclusionary Language in RFCs


   It has been asserted that some language in IETF documents is
   "exclusionary" - that it offends some readers or groups of people,
   and/or discourages participation in IETF by doing so.  While there is
   some debate about exactly which language is exclusionary, at least
   some cited examples of such language can credibly have such effects.
   It is believed that most instances of such language are accidental,
   and that most document authors and editors wish to avoid use of
   language that may be offensive.  This memo therefore attempts to
   establish procedures that warn document authors and editors about
   language that may credibly having such effects, and thereby, to
   reduce both accidental and deliberate use of such language.

   At the same time, it is recognized that in some cases there an be
   strong and conflicting opinions about whether or not particular
   language is desirable or appropriate.  IETF's primary function is
   providing technical direction for the benefit of the Internet
   community, rather than social engineering.  If a document can be
   blocked or substantially delayed over disputes about the proprietary
   of language in that document, this can be disruptive to IETF's
   primary function.  This memo therefore makes recommendations to
   prevent such disputes from blocking progress on technical documents.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 27 February 2021.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2020 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Simplified BSD License text
   as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Language That Offends or Distracts is Counterproductive to
           IETF's Goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Reasons for Caution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     3.1.  Potential Harm to Accessibility of IETF Documents . . . .   3
     3.2.  Small Benefit, Potentially Large Cost . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.3.  Potential For Unproductive Distraction  . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.4.  Late Substitution of Words Considered Harmful . . . . . .   5
     3.5.  No Sweet Spot For Non-Technical Discussions . . . . . . .   6
     3.6.  Need to Minimize Disruption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.1.  RFC Editor Requested To Advise Community About Potentially
            Exclusionary Language  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.2.  Complaints Preferred From Aggrieved Parties . . . . . . .   7
     4.3.  Authors/Editors Entrusted To Avoid Exclusionary
            Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.4.  Embellishment of Internet-Drafts Tools  . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.5.  Working Group Chairs May Limit Discussion of Language . .   8
     4.6.  IESG Should Defer To Working Group Consensus On
            Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.7.  Blocking Based On Language Must be Based On IETF
            Consensus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.8.  No Automatic Substitution Of Identified Words . . . . . .   8
     4.9.  No Requirement To Revise Existing RFCs  . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.10. Evaluation Of These Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   5.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9

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1.  Introduction

   Various parties have raised concerns that language in some IETF
   documents is offensive to some readers or groups, that such language
   may have the effect of discouraging use of IETF documents and/or
   discouraging participation in IETF.  This memo therefore considers
   both potential positive and potential negative effects of regulating
   use of certain words and kinds of language that are asserted to cause
   such harm.

2.  Language That Offends or Distracts is Counterproductive to IETF's

   The community of IETF participants wishes for its standards and other
   documents to be as widely usable as possible.  Broadly speaking,
   language that offends some set of readers of a document is
   counterproductive, because it may discourage use of the document and/
   or distract from the technical content of the document.  More
   broadly, such language in one RFC may discourage use of other RFCs if
   the IETF organization is seen as unfairly biased.  Finally, such
   language may discourage participation in IETF by the aggrieved

   Most such offenses in existing RFCs are believed to be accidental,
   especially when using terms that have become well-established in
   technical vocabulary, or in the English language itself, long before
   today's emerging realization that such terms can be offensive or
   distracting.  Also, many assertions of harm caused by particular
   words are believed to be uncontroversial, such that document authors
   and editors will willingly avoid use of such language if made aware
   of the potential harm.

3.  Reasons for Caution

3.1.  Potential Harm to Accessibility of IETF Documents

   Any efforts to prohibit use of certain words should, in general, be
   regarded with caution because of the harm that censorship can do to
   expression.  However, because IETF's work is almost entirely
   technical in nature, this may be less of a concern for IETF than for
   language in general.  While there may be disagreement about some
   terms that have multiple meanings, it is difficult to imagine that
   IETF has a need to use terms that are generally seen as derogatory or
   pejorative to any group of people.

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3.2.  Small Benefit, Potentially Large Cost

   Broadly speaking, it seems worthwhile to attempt to evolve the
   technical language we use to make it less likely to offend or
   distract.  However, it should be realized that actual benefit from
   doing so is likely to be small, while the energy drain to IETF from
   doing so is potentially quite large.  No matter how well intended,
   IETF changes to its language cannot significantly address great
   injustices done in the past or present.  Such changes may have the
   effect of making IETF documents more accessible, or they may have the
   effect of making it appear that IETF is sweeping those injustices
   under a rug.  Different people may reasonably have different opinions
   about these matters.

   What this suggests is that IETF should consider and carry out such
   changes with humility, and with as little disruption to its ordinary
   work as possible, and that IETF should not inflate these actions with
   a sense of great purpose.  (This may also make it easier to reach
   broad agreement on such actions.)

3.3.  Potential For Unproductive Distraction

   Long debates about offensive or distracting language can potentially
   be significant and unproductive diversions away from IETF's work.
   This is for several reasons:

   *  Getting an RFC approved for publication can require many months or
      even years of effort, including working group discussion and
      multiple revisions, multiple working group last calls and
      additional revisions, followed by potentially multiple IESG last
      calls, and subsequent processing by the RFC Editor.  Any effort
      that even implicitly threatens to block or significantly delay
      publication of documents, especially for non-technical reasons,
      may have a broad chilling effect on IETF work.  It is therefore
      unsurprising if some efforts to restrict language invite
      significant community opposition.

   *  For some words there is no consensus about whether use of that
      particular word actually causes harm or what appropriate
      substitutions might be.  Arguments that the word causes (or does
      not cause) harm may be contentious even if (especially if) lacking
      in substance or robust supporting evidence.

   *  Different people, even among the groups supposedly aggrieved by
      use of certain words, may reasonably have different ideas about
      the amount of harm or distraction caused by certain words.
      Debates over the propriety of some words and some kinds of
      language may never terminate.

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   *  Views about the propriety of certain words can be expected to
      change over time, which might potentially compel some documents to
      be revised multiple times in order to track then-current usage.

   *  Experience suggests that there is a tendency to exaggerate the
      importance of rules governing the use of specific words.  For
      example, RFC 2119 specifies words that have special meanings when
      written entirely in upper-case letters, in documents that
      explicitly invoke RFC 2119.  This has often been mis-interpreted
      in various ways, including that words "should", "must" etc. must
      be written in upper-case letters when used in RFCs.

3.4.  Late Substitution of Words Considered Harmful

   Late substitution of offensive (or supposedly-offensive) words in
   documents, with other words, may harm the clarity and readability of
   such documents.

   Technical language borrows terms from ordinary language (or
   sometimes, other subject domains) in order to utilize readers'
   familiarity with other meanings of those terms.  This often helps
   readers understand the technical meanings of those terms without
   their needing to learn entirely new words.  This tactic generally
   improves the accessibility of the technical language.

   Generally the author(s) or editor(s) of a document will have
   carefully selected the technical terms in the document to optimize
   readability and accessibility of the document.  Other language in the
   document will have been crafted around use of those selected terms.
   Late substitution of alternate terms may impair readability if the
   new terms are not as readable or accessible, and may require
   significant document revision in order to try to restore clarity to
   the document, precisely because the newly-chosen words may be
   semantically somewhat different than the original ones.  Ideally the
   best terms to use, taking all known factors into account, are chosen
   early in the process of writing a document.  In some cases, clarity
   of a new document may be enhanced when its terminology is aligned
   with other documents (whether or not produced by IETF) needed to
   understand the new document or implement the specified protocol.  In
   general the author(s), editor(s), and perhaps the working group, are
   likely in a better position to decide what terms to use, than any
   subsequent party.

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   It is possible that substitution of new terms in place of well-
   established or more descriptive terms may create confusion among
   readers, and thus make the technical content less accessible than
   otherwise.  Thus there is a balance of interests that must be
   considered if the overall goal is to maximize the benefit of IETF-
   produced documents to Internet users.  (To be fair, there may also be
   cases where substitution of new terms improves clarity.)

3.5.  No Sweet Spot For Non-Technical Discussions

   When making technical decisions there is often a "sweet spot" which
   appears to maximize technical benefit even when viewed from various
   points of view.  It is less clear that such a "sweet spot" generally
   exists for "social" decisions such as the choice of language.

3.6.  Need to Minimize Disruption

   For the above reasons it is believed that measures taken by IETF to
   reduce use of offensive and distracting language should be mostly-
   voluntary on the part of authors and document editors, should
   leverage existing mechanisms and processes when possible in
   preference to creating new mechanisms or processes, and in general
   should be chosen to minimize disruption to IETF technical work.

4.  Recommendations

   The following recommendations are made in light of the above

4.1.  RFC Editor Requested To Advise Community About Potentially
      Exclusionary Language

   The RFC Editor is requested to maintain, perhaps as part of its style
   guide, advice about language that may be offensive or distracting.
   Such advice should generally be stated in broad terms rather than
   specific words, but specific words may be cited as examples of
   language that is potentially offensive or distracting.  The RFC
   Editor MAY also publish a list of specific words that are seen as
   potentially offensive or distracting, for the purpose of alerting
   document authors and editors to such potential.

   If the RFC Editor is unwilling to provide such services, or funding
   for such services cannot be arranged, an alternate neutral party
   chosen by IETF Consensus may instead provide such services.

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4.2.  Complaints Preferred From Aggrieved Parties

   Any requests that RFCs avoid language that offends a certain group or
   individual SHOULD ideally come from the aggrieved parties - i.e. from
   aggrieved individuals or credible representatives of an aggrieved
   group or individual, rather than by other individuals or groups
   purporting to speak on behalf of the aggrieved parties.

   Requests credibly originating from aggrieved parties should be
   treated as sincere expressions from those parties.  Requests
   originating from third parties should be viewed with skepticism,
   unless perhaps accompanied by documentation of peer-reviewed
   controlled research with clearly described, robust and repeatable
   methods, ample sample sizes, and publicly-accessible detailed

4.3.  Authors/Editors Entrusted To Avoid Exclusionary Language

   In order to minimize disruption and delay in publishing documents,
   and also to distribute the workload associated with avoiding such
   language, the principal effort to avoid offensive or distracting
   language SHOULD be a voluntary one among document authors and
   editors.  Authors and editors MAY of course consult with their
   Working Groups, Area Directors, or other advisors

4.4.  Embellishment of Internet-Drafts Tools

   To assist authors and editors in identifying potentially offensive or
   distracting language, Internet-Draft processing tools MAY be modified
   to indicate which words in a document have been identified as
   potentially offensive or distracting language, with messages
   containing references to the RFC Editor's advice about such language.
   However, the presence of such words MUST NOT be considered errors
   (since context is often very important), and MUST NOT block
   publication of the Internet-Draft.  (but see below) Any messages
   issued by such tools about such words should be clearly described as
   advisory in nature.

   Separate from the above, if there is IETF Consensus that specific
   words must be forbidden in Internet-Drafts, the Internet-Draft
   processing tools SHOULD treat presence of such words as errors and
   refuse to publish documents containing them.

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4.5.  Working Group Chairs May Limit Discussion of Language

   While complaints about the use of language in a working group draft
   may be submitted to the working group at any time, working group
   Chairs MAY defer discussion of potentially offensive or distracting
   words until the first Working Group Last Call for a document in which
   such language appears.  Working Group chairs MAY also limit debate
   about language in real-time meetings and/or on the mailing list.  The
   intent is to avoid constant and endless discussion of such words
   which can distract from discussion of technical issues and delay
   progress in resolving such issues.  It is also hoped that deferring
   group discussion of such language may provide an incentive for
   opposing parties to work out their differences in private email.

4.6.  IESG Should Defer To Working Group Consensus On Language

   When considering use of language in working group documents, and in
   the absence of established IETF Consensus on the topic, IESG SHOULD
   defer to the working group's consensus about whether use of contested
   language is appropriate (given that the working group are subject
   matter experts).

4.7.  Blocking Based On Language Must be Based On IETF Consensus

   Any policies that prohibit use of certain words or language, or
   impose additional process that may block or significantly delay
   documents containing certain words or language, MUST be described in
   IETF Consensus documents.

4.8.  No Automatic Substitution Of Identified Words

   Since an effective choice of alternative language may depend on the
   specific requirements of a particular specification, there MUST NOT
   be any automatic substitution of prohibited or otherwise identified

4.9.  No Requirement To Revise Existing RFCs

   Existing RFCs SHOULD NOT be revised merely because of the use of
   language that is now considered inappropriate.  Revising published
   RFCs for any reason can be difficult and draining on IETF resources
   that could be better applied to addressing technical issues,
   especially as such revision provides an opportunity to revisit many
   old issues.  Revising published RFCs also increases the burden on the
   users and implementers of such RFCs who must then attempt to
   reconcile the (potentially conflicting) different versions with their

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   As an alternative to revising old RFCs, a brief list of changes in an
   existing RFC's language MAY be published as Informational or BCP

4.10.  Evaluation Of These Recommendations

   The desirability of these recommendations should be judged by their
   effect on RFCs published, as evaluated after some time, rather than
   by the strictness of the measures taken.

5.  Security Considerations

   It is recognized that debates about proprietary of language may in
   some cases not be easily resolved, and that in some cases such debate
   may be deliberately used as a way to disrupt the normal operation of
   IETF.  This document recommends some measures to limit debate whether
   or not it is a deliberate attempt to disrupt IETF.

Author's Address

   Keith Moore
   Network Heretics


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