Internet DRAFT - draft-moran-suit-behavioural-manifest


SUIT                                                            B. Moran
Internet-Draft                                                   T. Ibbs
Intended status: Informational                               G. Psimenos
Expires: September 12, 2019                                  ARM Limited
                                                          March 11, 2019

An Information Model for Behavioural Description of Firmware Update and
                           Related Operations


   This specification describes an approach to formally defining the
   behaviour of a system under firmware update and secure boot
   conditions.  The behavioural documents described here can be used
   with [Information] to construct a firmware update manifest.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on September 12, 2019.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2019 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of

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   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

   This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF
   Contributions published or made publicly available before November
   10, 2008.  The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this
   material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow
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   Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) controlling
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   it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other
   than English.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Conventions and Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Design Principles of the Behavioural Manifest . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  Structure of a behavioural manifest . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     4.1.  Processing Steps  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  Commands  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.1.  Verify Recipient Identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.2.  Verify Image Presence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.3.  Verify Component Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.4.  Verify System Properties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.5.  Verify 3rd-party Authorisation  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.6.  Process sub-behaviours  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.7.  Process Dependencies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.8.  Set Parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     5.9.  Move an Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     5.10. Invoke an Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     5.11. Wait for an Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   6.  Parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     6.1.  Strict Order  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     6.2.  Soft Failure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     6.3.  Source List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     6.4.  Processing Step Configurations  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     6.5.  Image Identifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   7.  ACLs/permissions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   8.  Workflows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   9.  Examples  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     9.1.  Example 1: Boot an image on an XIP processor  . . . . . .  16
     9.2.  Example 2: Download an image  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     9.3.  Example 3: Check compatibility, download, and boot  . . .  17
     9.4.  Example 4: Check compatibility, download, load from
           external, and boot  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17

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     9.5.  Example 5: Check compatibility, download, load with
           decompress, and boot  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     9.6.  Example 6: Check compatibility, download, install-from-
           external and boot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     9.7.  Example 7: Download and boot an image with a dependency .  21
     9.8.  Example 8: Download and boot an image with a dependency
           using override. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   11. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   12. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     12.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     12.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   Appendix A.  Mailing List Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27

1.  Introduction

   Conventional hierarchical, descriptive documents, such as draft-
   moran-manifest-03 imply the behaviour of the recipient without
   specifying that behaviour.  This creates a situation where recipients
   must construct the assumed behaviour in accordance with a
   specification, handling many edge cases and introducing significant
   complexity.  Capabilities are difficult to specify because they imply
   behaviours, rather than data, but the descriptive document only
   specifies data, not capabilities.  This leaves the document author to
   interpret capabilities (supported behaviours) into allowable
   combinations of data.  This disconnect demonstrates that devices
   require both an information model and a behavioural model.

   This creates a situation where the behaviour of a system is
   imprecisely specified by the documents that it uses to perform secure
   boot and secure firmware update.  In high security applications,
   precise specification of behaviour is beneficial, and can even be
   used for formal verification.

   By specifying the behaviour of a device in a document rather than
   just the information, the gap between specified information and
   specified behaviour can be closed.

2.  Conventions and Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC
   2119 [RFC2119].

   -  SUIT: Sofware Update for the Internet of Things, the IETF working
      group for this standard.

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   -  Image: A piece of information to be delivered.  Typically Firmware
      for the purposes of SUIT.

   -  Document, Behavioural Document: The data that defines the
      behaviour of a recipient.

   -  Component: A target for storage of the Image

   -  Dependency: Another Behavioural Document upon which the current
      Document relies.

   -  Recipient: The system, typically an IoT device, that receives a
      Behavioural Document.

   -  Condition: A test for a property of the Recipient or its

   -  Directive: An action for the Recipient to perform.

   -  Command: A Condition or a Directive.

3.  Design Principles of the Behavioural Manifest

   In order to provide flexible behaviour to constrained devices, while
   still allowing more powerful devices to use their full capabilities,
   the SUIT manifest takes a new approach, encoding the required
   behaviour of a Recipient device, instead of just presenting the
   information used to determine that behaviour.  This gives benefits
   equivalent to those provided by a scripting language or byte code,
   with two substantial differences.  First, the language is extremely
   high level, consisting of only the operations that a device may
   perform during update and secure boot of a firmware image.  The
   language specifies behaviours in a linearised form, without branches
   or loops.  Conditional processing is supported, and parallel and out-
   of-order processing may be performed by sufficiently capable devices.

   By structuring the data in this way, the manifest processor becomes a
   very simple engine that uses a pull parser to interpret the manifest.
   This pull parser consists of command handlers that evaluate a
   Condition or execute a Directive.  Most data is structured in a
   highly regular pattern, which simplifies the parser.

   The results of this allow a Recipient with minimal functionality to
   perform complex updates with reduced overhead.  Conditional execution
   of commands allows a simple device to perform important decisions at
   validation-time, such as which differential update to download for a
   given current version, or which hash to check, based on the
   installation address.

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   Dependency handling is vastly simplified as well.  Dependencies
   function like subroutines of the language.  When a manifest has a
   dependency, it can invoke that dependency's commands and modify their
   behaviour by setting parameters.  Because some parameters come with
   security implications, the dependencies also have a mechanism to
   reject modifications to parameters on a fine-grained level.

   Developing a robust permissions system works in this model too.  The
   Recipient can use a simple ACL that is a table of Identities and
   Component Identifier permissions to ensure that only manifests
   authenticated by the appropriate identity have access to define a

   Capability reporting is similarly simplified.  A Recipient can report
   the Commands and Parameters that it supports.  This is sufficiently
   precise for a manifest author to create a manifest that the Recipient
   can accept.

   Because the behavioural description is precise, and the machine
   definition upon which it relies is very simple it can be augmented
   with a proof that the effects of an update fall within a specified
   policy, in the same way as Proof Carrying Code.  By combining this
   capability with formal verification of the document processor, it is
   possible to prove the result of a firmware update, prior to
   application, either on the target or on an intermediate system.  The
   proof can be discarded before distribution to constrained nodes,
   creating no additional overhead.

   The simplicity of design in the Recipient due to all of these
   benefits allows even a highly constrained platform to use advanced
   update capabilities.

4.  Structure of a behavioural manifest

   Behavioural manifests are divided into sections based on the
   behaviours of the Recipient.  There are 8 conceptual sections of a
   behavioural manifest, listed below.

   1.  Document-global data

   2.  Common behaviour

   3.  Dependency Resolution behaviour

   4.  Image Acquisition behaviour

   5.  Image Application behaviour

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   6.  System Validation behaviour

   7.  Image Loading behaviour

   8.  Image Invocation behaviour

   Document-global data contains the information that is required to
   enable most behaviours along with a security parameter.  The
   information contained is listed below.

   1.  Document Structure Version

   2.  Document Sequence Number

   3.  List of Dependencies

       1.  List of Components affected by each Dependency

   4.  List of Components affected by this Document

   Common behaviour is executed prior to each other behaviour.  It is
   used to make common decisions for all other behaviours.

   Dependency Resolution is used to ensure that all required documents
   have been collected prior to attempting to acquire any image.  Where
   a document has no dependencies, this section is not required.

   Image Acquisition is used to obtain images from local or remote
   sources and stage them for use by the Recipient.  If a Document lists
   no affected components, then Image Acquisition is not required.  If a
   device operates in a simultaneous Acqusition & Application mode (for
   example, streaming installation), then Image Acquisition should be
   discarded in favour of Image Application.  Image Acquisition can be
   used in combination with several processing steps defined in
   Section 4.1.

   Image Application is used to place an image into its long-term
   storage.  An image can be moved either from a staging area or from
   another source (including a remote) into its long-term storage.  This
   can be done in combination with several processing steps defined in
   Section 4.1.

   System validation is used to ensure that all required dependencies
   are present and that all required images are present.  This process
   is equivalent to that used in the validation portion of Secure Boot

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   Image Loading is used to ensure that all required images are moved
   from long-term storage to active use storage.  This can include steps
   like copying from external Flash to RAM, as defined by Component
   information.  This can be done in combination with several of the
   processing steps defined in Section 4.1.

   Image Invocation is used to finalise the manifest processor's
   behaviour and forward execution to a designated component.  This is
   equivalent to Bootloader behaviour.

   Some behaviours need only a single successful invocation.  These
   behaviours can then be discarded, provided that the Document
   serialisation provides a mechanism to do so.  Typically discarded
   behaviours are Dependency Resolution, Image Acquisition, and Image

4.1.  Processing Steps

   Processing steps are the translation that is performed on an image
   prior to its execution.  These steps typically include, in order,
   symmetric cryptographic operations, decompression operations,
   unpacking operations.

   Each of these operation may need additional information, such as
   which algorithm is in use or arguments to that algorithm, such as key
   identifiers for cryptographic operations.  This information can be
   encoded in Processing Step parameters, as described in Section 6.4.

5.  Commands

   Behaviours are constructed as lists of commands, each of which may
   have arguments.  The behaviours listed in any of the specified
   sections derives from a short list of commands.  These commands are
   divided into two types, Conditions (verification operations) and
   Directives (action operations)

   The lists of commands are logically structured into sequences of zero
   or more conditions followed by zero or more directives.  The
   *logical* structure is described by the following CDDL:

   Behaviour = [
       + {
           conditions => [ * Condition],
           directives => [ * Directive]

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   The conditions form preconditions that MUST be true for the following
   sequence of directives to be executed.

   However, this organisation could introduce significant complexity in
   a parser, so the structure MAY be flattened into the following:

   Behaviour = [ * (Condition/Directive) ]

   This does not alter the logical organisation of sequences of
   preconditions that precede sequences of directives, but it simplifies
   the consumption of commands in behaviours.

   The Conditions are, broadly, those listed below.

   1.  Verify device identity

   2.  Verify image presence (correctness) or absence

   3.  Verify component properties

   4.  Verify system properties

   5.  Verify 3rd-party authorisation

   The Directives are those listed below.

   1.  Process sub-behaviours

   2.  Process dependencies

   3.  Set parameters

   4.  Move an Image or Document

   5.  Invoke an Image

   6.  Wait for an event

5.1.  Verify Recipient Identity

   This is used to ensure that the document is being processed by the
   appropriate device and to eliminate incompatibility failures.
   Identity can include what sort of device is targeted, what software
   it uses, or who made it.  Identity can also include the particular
   device that is targeted.

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5.2.  Verify Image Presence

   This is used to ensure that a required image is present.  This often
   includes the use of cryptographic checksums to validate the contents
   of an image contained in a component.

5.3.  Verify Component Properties

   This can be used to verify several properties of a targeted
   component, such as the current nominal version of its APIs, or the
   base address or offset that it will use.

5.4.  Verify System Properties

   This can be used to verify several properties of the system
   including, the current power state, such as battery level or presence
   of external power, the current time reported by the device, or the
   current state of a controlled piece of equipment.

5.5.  Verify 3rd-party Authorisation

   This can be used to ensure that some third-party has approved an
   action, in a system specific way.  Options include checking a remote
   system for authorisation, looking for a cryptographic token, or
   invoking a user-interface.

5.6.  Process sub-behaviours

   In some use-cases, a decision must be made as to which of several
   behaviours must be invoked.  To enable this use-case, sub-behaviours
   provide a mechanism to permit soft-failure of a Condition.  A
   parameter of the sub-behaviour controls its response to a Condition
   check failure, allowing the command following the sub-behaviour to be
   the next to execute, or causing failure of the whole behaviour,
   depending on its value.

   This allows the construction of a conditional behaviour.  A sub-
   behaviour is invoked allowing condition checks to soft-fail.  Once
   the conditions that inform the conditional behaviour have succeeded,
   the soft-failure parameter is switched to hard-failure, so that
   further condition failures will be detected.

5.7.  Process Dependencies

   Dependencies are processed by invoking two behaviours within the
   dependency; first the common behaviour is invoked, then the behaviour
   matching the current behaviour of the current document is invoked.
   So, if "Image Application" is active when "Process Dependencies" is

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   invoked, then each dependency's "Common" behaviour will be invoked,
   followed by its "Image Application" behaviour.

   It can be advantageous to process dependencies in a particular order,
   so dependencies are processed in the order specified.

   A failure of processing of any dependency results in a failure of the
   Process Dependencies behaviour.

5.8.  Set Parameters

   Many Commands are partially governed by configuration present in the
   form of parameters.  Parameters control the source used for Image
   Acquisition, the processing steps applied to those images, the order
   in which commands are processed and more.  See Section 6 for more

   Parameters can be set in one of three ways.  They can be set-if-unset
   (the default), append-if-set (typically used for source lists), set-
   always (used for critical parameters).  Parameters are either global
   or scoped by Component/Component Group.

5.9.  Move an Image

   This Command directs the document processor to acquire an Image or
   Document and store it to a specified Component or Document storage,
   respectively.  The source can be local or remote, or a prioritised
   list of local and remote sources.  The source or source list is
   specified by the source parameter.  The Image or document can
   optionally be modified in transit by a sequence of processing steps,
   as defined in Section 6.

5.10.  Invoke an Image

   This command forwards execution to the specified image in much the
   same way as a bootloader.  As with bootloaders, the semantics of
   forwarding execution are application defined.  An argument may be
   provided to the Image.  The semantics of the argument are

5.11.  Wait for an Event

   Frequently, a behaviour needs to wait for a property of the system to
   change.  This may be a message from a remote, a time, a power state,
   a user-interaction, or some other system parameter.

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6.  Parameters

   Available parameters may vary by implementation, but some core
   parameters are usually present.

   Typical parameters are listed below.

   1.  Strict Order

   2.  Soft-Failure

   3.  Source List

   4.  Processing Step Configuration

   5.  Image Identifier

   In some use-cases, device identity may also be configured in a

6.1.  Strict Order

   Some advanced devices may have particular requirements regarding
   command ordering within a behaviour.  Others may enable parallel
   execution of commands.  When the Strict Order parameter is set to
   False, these extended capabilities are enabled.  An advanced device
   may then aggregate all successive commands up until the behaviour
   ends or the Strict Order parameter is returned to True and process
   those commands in parallel or reorder them as it requires.  Strict
   Order defaults to True.  If a device does not support command
   reordering or parallel processing, Strict Order = False has no

6.2.  Soft Failure

   When a device invokes a sub-behaviour, any condition check failure
   and any directive failure causes the behaviour to immediately abort.
   However, if the Soft Failure parameter is True, then an abort due to
   a condition failure does not cause the sub-behaviour to report
   failure.  If the Soft Failure parameter is True, indicating hard
   failure, then any abort causes the sub-behaviour to report failure as

6.3.  Source List

   The source list is scoped to an individual component or dependency.
   It is a prioritised search path for the Move command to use in order

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   to find an image or document.  It can contain either local sources,
   such as other components, or remote ones, such as URIs.

6.4.  Processing Step Configurations

   Many processing steps require configuration to operate, or
   configuration informs whether or not to use them.  Common processing
   steps include symmetric cryptography, compression or decompression
   operations, and packing or unpacking, for example relocation,
   differential compression, or hex file interpretation.

   Processing step configuration is scoped to an individual component or

6.5.  Image Identifier

   In order to determine whether an image is present, the verify image
   presence condition requires an identifier for the image.  This could
   be a version number or a cryptographic identity such as a digest.

7.  ACLs/permissions

   To manage permissions in documents, there are three models that can
   be used.

   First, the simplest model requires that all documents are
   authenticated by a single identity.  This mode has the advantage that
   only a single document needs to be authenticated, since each
   document's dependencies are uniquely identified in that document.

   This simplest model can be extended by adding key delegation without
   much increase in complexity.

   A second model requires an ACL to be presented to the device,
   authenticated by a trusted party or stored on the device.  This ACL
   grants access rights for specific Components or Component Groups to
   the listed identities or identity groups.  Any identity may verify
   that an image is present, but Moving an image into or out of a
   Component requires approval from the ACL.

   A third model allows a Document Processor to provide even more fine-
   grained controls: The ACL lists the Component or Component Group that
   an identity may use, and also lists the commands that the identity
   may use in combination with that Component/Group.

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8.  Workflows

   The two most common workflows are image installation and image
   invocation.  Both of these workflows use a common component:

   do_commands uses the following pseudocode:

function do_commands(section, sequence)
    rc = SUCCESS
    foreach (command in $sequence)
        choose $command[Type]:
            case Sub-Behaviour:
                Load commands = $command[Argument][commands]
                Load parameters = System Parameters
                Load soft_failure = $parameters[Soft Failure]
                Call rc = do_commands(commands)
                if (soft_failure AND is_condition_failure(rc))
                    rc = SUCCESS
            case Process Dependency:
                ; Note Dependency selection can be done via argument or
                ; parameter. May process multiple dependencies in a list.
                Load Dependency
                Load common = $Dependency[Common Sequence]
                Call rc = do_commands(Common, $common)
                if (rc is SUCCESS?)
                    Load $sequence = $Dependency[$section]
                    Call rc = do_commands($section, $sequence)
            case Set Parameters:
                Load parameter_list = $command[Argument][Parameter List]
                foreach (parameter in parameter_list)
                    if (is_append(parameter)?)
                        Append argument value to $parameter
                    elseif (is_set($parameter[Name]))
                        Set $parameter[Name] = $parameter[Value]
            case Move:
                ; Note Component selection can be done via argument or
                ; parameter. May process multiple components in a list.
                ; Note Dependency selection can be done via argument or
                ; parameter. May process multiple dependencies in a list.
                ; Source

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                Load component_list = $command[Argument][Component List]
                Load dependency_list = $command[Argument][Dependency List]
                foreach (target_list in [component_list, dependency_list])
                    foreach (target in $target_list)
                        Load $target parameters
                        Set source = choose_best_source($parameters[Source List])
                        Acquire data from $source
                        foreach (processing_step in $parameters[Processing Step Configuration])
                            rc = Process_Data($processing_step, $data)
                        Store $data to $target
            case Invoke:
                ; Note Component selection can be done via argument or
                ; parameter. May process multiple components in a list.
                Select component
                Load Argument = $command[Argument]
                Transfer execution to $component with $Argument;
            case Wait:
                Load arguments = $command[Argument][Wait Arguments]
                Load type = $command[Argument][Wait Type]
                Wait ($type, $arguments)
            case Device Identity:
                ; Note Device Identity selection can be done via argument or
                ; parameter. May process multiple Device Identities in a list.
                Load device_identity = $parameters[Device Identity]
                if ($device_identity is nil)
                    Load device_identity = $command[Argument][Device Identity]
                rc = Compare $device_identity to $parameters
            case Image Present/not Present:
                ; Note Component selection can be done via argument or
                ; parameter. May process multiple components in a list.
                ; Note Dependency selection can be done via argument or
                ; parameter. May process multiple dependencies in a list.
                Load component_list = $command[Argument][Component List]
                Load dependency_list = $command[Argument][Dependency List]
                foreach (target_list in [component_list, dependency_list])
                    foreach (target in $target_list)
                        Load $target parameters
                        Set image_identifier = $parameters[Image Identifier]
                        rc = Compare $component to $image_identifier;

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            case Verify Authorisation
                Request authorisation
                Wait for authorisation
                rc = Check Response
    endwhile (no)

   Installation, is represented by the following pseudocode.

function install(Document)
    Load $Document[Common Data] into parameters
    foreach (sequence in [Common, Dependency Resolution, Image Acquisition, Image Application])
        rc = do_commands($sequence, $Document[$sequence]);
        if (rc is not SUCCESS)

   Image invocation is represented by the following pseudocode.

function invoke(Document)
    Load $Document[Common Data] into parameters
    foreach (sequence in [Common, System Validation, Image Loading, Image Invocation])
        rc = do_commands($sequence, $Document[$sequence]);
        if (rc is not SUCCESS)

   Each operation represented here is already present in a device
   capable of firmware update or secure boot.  This approach simply
   defines the mechanism by which these operations are orchestrated, and
   enforces that the behaviour of the system is defined by the
   Behavioural Document, rather than implied by it.

9.  Examples

   These examples demonstrate the serialisation of the behaviours of an
   update.  They are serialised in JSON for readability, but JSON is not
   recommended for use on constrained devices.

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9.1.  Example 1: Boot an image on an XIP processor

       "structure-version" : 1,
       "sequence-number" : 1,
       "components": [
               "id" : <Component Identifier>,
               "digest":"<SHA256 of Image>",
               "size" : <Size of Image>
       "validate" : [
               "condition-validate-image" : {"component" : 0}
       "image-invocation" : [
               "directive-run-component":{"component" : 0}

9.2.  Example 2: Download an image

       "structure-version" : 1,
       "sequence-number" : 2,
       "components": [
               "id" : <Component Identifier>,
               "digest":"<SHA256 of Image>",
               "size" : <Size of Image>
       "image-acquisition" : [
               "directive-move" : {
                   "source": "",
                   "destination" : 0

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9.3.  Example 3: Check compatibility, download, and boot

    "structure-version" : 1,
    "sequence-number" : 3,
    "components": [
            "id" : <Component Identifier>,
            "digest":"<SHA256 of Image>",
            "size" : <Size of Image>
    "common" : [
        {"condition-vendor-id" : "fa6b4a53-d5ad-5fdf-be9d-e663e4d41ffe"},
        {"condition-class-id" : "1492af14-2569-5e48-bf42-9b2d51f2ab45"}
    "image-application" : [
            "directive-move" : {
                "source": "",
                "destination" : 0
    "validate" : [
            "condition-validate-image" : {"component" : 0}
    "image-invocation" : [
            "directive-run-component":{"component" : 0}

9.4.  Example 4: Check compatibility, download, load from external, and

    "structure-version" : 1,
    "sequence-number" : 4,
    "components": [
            "id" : <Flash Component Identifier>,
            "digest":"<SHA256 of Image>",
            "size" : <Size of Image>

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            "id" : <RAM Component Identifier>,
            "digest":"<SHA256 of Image>",
            "size" : <Size of Image>
    "common" : [
        {"condition-vendor-id" : "fa6b4a53-d5ad-5fdf-be9d-e663e4d41ffe"},
        {"condition-class-id" : "1492af14-2569-5e48-bf42-9b2d51f2ab45"}
    "image-application" : [
            "directive-move" : {
                "source": "",
                "destination" : 0
    "validate" : [
            "condition-validate-image" : {"component" : 0}
    "load-image" : [
            "directive-move" : {
                "source": 0,
                "destination" : 1
    "image-invocation" : [
            "condition-validate-image" : {"component" : 1}
            "directive-run-component":{"component" : 1}

9.5.  Example 5: Check compatibility, download, load with decompress,
      and boot

    "structure-version" : 1,
    "sequence-number" : 5,
    "components": [

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            "id" : <Flash Component Identifier>,
            "digest":"<SHA256 of Compressed Image>",
            "size" : <Size of Compressed Image>
            "id" : <RAM Component Identifier>,
            "digest":"<SHA256 of Image>",
            "size" : <Size of Image>
    "common" : [
        {"condition-vendor-id" : "fa6b4a53-d5ad-5fdf-be9d-e663e4d41ffe"},
        {"condition-class-id" : "1492af14-2569-5e48-bf42-9b2d51f2ab45"}
    "image-application" : [
            "directive-move" : {
                "source": "",
                "destination" : 0
    "validate" : [
            "condition-validate-image" : {"component" : 0}
    "load-image" : [
            "directive-move" : {
                "source": 0,
                "destination" : 1,
                "processing-step-compression-algorithm" : "gzip"
    "image-invocation" : [
            "condition-validate-image" : {"component" : 1}
            "directive-run-component":{"component" : 1}

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9.6.  Example 6: Check compatibility, download, install-from-external
      and boot

    "structure-version" : 1,
    "sequence-number" : 6,
    "components": [
            "id" : <External Flash Component Identifier>,
            "digest":"<SHA256 of Image>",
            "size" : <Size of Image>
            "id" : <Internal Flash Component Identifier>,
            "digest":"<SHA256 of Image>",
            "size" : <Size of Image>
    "common" : [
        {"condition-vendor-id" : "fa6b4a53-d5ad-5fdf-be9d-e663e4d41ffe"},
        {"condition-class-id" : "1492af14-2569-5e48-bf42-9b2d51f2ab45"}
    "image-acquisition" : [
            "directive-move" : {
                "source": "",
                "destination" : 0
    "validate" : [
            "sub-behaviour" : [
                "soft-failure" : True,
                "condition-validate-not-image" : {"component" : 1}
                "soft-failure" : False
                "condition-validate-image" : {"component" : 0}
    "load-image" : [
            "sub-behaviour" : [
                "soft-failure" : True,
                "condition-validate-not-image" : {"component" : 1}
                "soft-failure" : False
                "directive-move" : {
                    "source": 0,

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                    "destination" : 1
    "image-invocation" : [
            "condition-validate-image" : {"component" : 1}
            "directive-run-component":{"component" : 1}

9.7.  Example 7: Download and boot an image with a dependency

        "structure-version" : 1,
        "sequence-number" : 7,
        "components": [
                "id" : <Component Identifier 0>,
                "digest":"<SHA256 of Image>",
                "size" : <Size of Image>
        "common" : [
            {"condition-vendor-id" : "fa6b4a53-d5ad-5fdf-be9d-e663e4d41ffe"},
            {"condition-class-id" : "1492af14-2569-5e48-bf42-9b2d51f2ab45"}
        "image-application" : [
                "directive-move" : {
                    "source": "",
                    "destination" : 0
        "validate" : [
                "condition-validate-image" : {"component" : 0}
        "image-invocation" : [
                "directive-run-component":{"component" : 0}

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        "structure-version" : 1,
        "sequence-number" : 8,
        "dependencies" : [
                "digest" : "<SHA256 of Document 0>"
                "components" : [<Component Identifier 0>]
        "components": [
                "id" : <Component Identifier 1>,
                "digest":"<SHA256 of Image>",
                "size" : <Size of Image>
        "dependency-resolution" : [
                "directive-move" : {
                    "source": "",
                    "destination" : <Document 0 ID>
                "condition-validate-image" : {"dependency" : 0}
        "image-application" : [
                "directive-move" : {
                    "source": "",
                    "destination" : 1
            { "process-dependency" : 0 }
        "validate" : [
                "condition-validate-image" : {"dependency" : 0}
            { "process-dependency" : 0 },
                "condition-validate-image" : {"image" : 1}

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        "image-invocation" : [
            { "process-dependency" : 0 }

9.8.  Example 8: Download and boot an image with a dependency using

   Override fetch location for dependency.

        "structure-version" : 1,
        "sequence-number" : 7,
        "components": [
                "id" : <Component Identifier 0>,
                "digest":"<SHA256 of Image>",
                "size" : <Size of Image>
        "common" : [
            {"condition-vendor-id" : "fa6b4a53-d5ad-5fdf-be9d-e663e4d41ffe"},
            {"condition-class-id" : "1492af14-2569-5e48-bf42-9b2d51f2ab45"}
        "image-application" : [
                "set-parameter" : {
                    "component" : 0
                    "source": "",
                "directive-move" : {
                    "destination" : 0
        "validate" : [
                "condition-validate-image" : {"component" : 0}
        "image-invocation" : [
                "directive-run-component":{"component" : 0}

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        "structure-version" : 1,
        "sequence-number" : 8,
        "dependencies" : [
                "digest" : "<SHA256 of Document 0>"
                "components" : [<Component Identifier 0>]
        "components": [
                "id" : <Component Identifier 1>,
                "digest":"<SHA256 of Image>",
                "size" : <Size of Image>
        "dependency-resolution" : [
                "directive-move" : {
                    "source": "",
                    "destination" : <Document 0 ID>
                "condition-validate-image" : {"dependency" : 0}
        "image-application" : [
                "directive-move" : {
                    "source": "",
                    "destination" : 1
                "set-parameter" : {
                    "component" : 0
                    "source": "",
            { "process-dependency" : 0 }
        "validate" : [
                "condition-validate-image" : {"dependency" : 0}

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            { "process-dependency" : 0 },
                "condition-validate-image" : {"image" : 1}
        "image-invocation" : [
            { "process-dependency" : 0 }

10.  IANA Considerations

   In any given serialisation of this approach, several registries will
   be required for:

   -  Standard Commands

   -  Standard Parameters

   This document requires no action from IANA.

11.  Security Considerations

   This document describes the distribution of firmware updates and the
   invocation of complex behaviours on a device.  As such, the contents
   of a document following the described approach to updates MUST be
   authenticated as described in Section 7.  A more detailed discussion
   about security can be found in the architecture document

12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

12.2.  Informative References

              Moran, B., "A Firmware Update Architecture for Internet of
              Things Devices", July 2018, <

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              Moran, B., "Firmware Updates for Internet of Things
              Devices - An Information Model for Manifests", July 2018,

12.3.  URIs




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Appendix A.  Mailing List Information

   The discussion list for this document is located at the e-mail
   address [1].  Information on the group and information
   on how to subscribe to the list is at [2]

   Archives of the list can be found at:
   archive/web/suit/current/index.html [3]

Authors' Addresses

   Brendan Moran
   ARM Limited


   Tony Ibbs
   ARM Limited


   George Psimenos
   ARM Limited

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