Internet DRAFT - draft-moran-suit-manifest


SUIT                                                            B. Moran
Internet-Draft                                             H. Tschofenig
Intended status: Informational                               Arm Limited
Expires: January 9, 2020                                     H. Birkholz
                                                          Fraunhofer SIT
                                                           July 08, 2019

                SUIT CBOR manifest serialisation format


   This specification describes the format of a manifest.  A manifest is
   a bundle of metadata about the firmware for an IoT device, where to
   find the firmware, the devices to which it applies, and cryptographic
   information protecting the manifest.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on January 9, 2020.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2019 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
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   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of

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   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

   This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF
   Contributions published or made publicly available before November
   10, 2008.  The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this
   material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow
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   Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) controlling
   the copyright in such materials, this document may not be modified
   outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative works of it may
   not be created outside the IETF Standards Process, except to format
   it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other
   than English.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Conventions and Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Distributing firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  Workflow of a device applying a firmware update . . . . . . .   5
   5.  SUIT manifest goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   6.  SUIT manifest design overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     6.1.  Manifest Design Evaluation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     6.2.  Severable Elements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     6.3.  Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     6.4.  Payloads  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   7.  Manifest Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     7.1.  Outer wrapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     7.2.  Manifest  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     7.3.  SUIT_Dependency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     7.4.  SUIT_Component_Reference  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     7.5.  Manifest Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       7.5.1.  SUIT_Parameter_Strict_Order . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
       7.5.2.  SUIT_Parameter_Coerce_Condition_Failure . . . . . . .  20
     7.6.  SUIT_Parameter_Encryption_Info  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     7.7.  SUIT_Parameter_Compression_Info . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     7.8.  SUIT_Parameter_Unpack_Info  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     7.9.  SUIT_Parameters CDDL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     7.10. SUIT_Command_Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     7.11. SUIT_Condition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
       7.11.1.  Identifier Conditions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
       7.11.2.  suit-condition-image-match . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
       7.11.3.  suit-condition-image-not-match . . . . . . . . . . .  25
       7.11.4.  suit-condition-use-before  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
       7.11.5.  suit-condition-minimum-battery . . . . . . . . . . .  25
       7.11.6.  suit-condition-update-authorised . . . . . . . . . .  26
       7.11.7.  suit-condition-version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26

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       7.11.8.  SUIT_Condition_Custom  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
       7.11.9.  Identifiers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
       7.11.10. SUIT_Condition CDDL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     7.12. SUIT_Directive  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
       7.12.1.  suit-directive-set-component-index . . . . . . . . .  30
       7.12.2.  suit-directive-set-dependency-index  . . . . . . . .  31
       7.12.3.  suit-directive-abort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
       7.12.4.  suit-directive-run-sequence  . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
       7.12.5.  suit-directive-try-each  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
       7.12.6.  suit-directive-process-dependency  . . . . . . . . .  32
       7.12.7.  suit-directive-set-parameters  . . . . . . . . . . .  33
       7.12.8.  suit-directive-override-parameters . . . . . . . . .  33
       7.12.9.  suit-directive-fetch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
       7.12.10. suit-directive-copy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
       7.12.11. suit-directive-swap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
       7.12.12. suit-directive-run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
       7.12.13. suit-directive-wait  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
       7.12.14. SUIT_Directive CDDL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
   8.  Dependency processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
   9.  Access Control Lists  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
   10. SUIT digest container . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
   11. Creating conditional sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  41
   12. Full CDDL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43
   13. Examples  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
     13.1.  Example 0: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
     13.2.  Example 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49
     13.3.  Example 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52
     13.4.  Example 3: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54
     13.5.  Example 4: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  57
     13.6.  Example 5: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  61
     13.7.  Example 6: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65
   14. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  68
   15. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  68
   16. Mailing List Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
   17. Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
   18. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
     18.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
     18.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
     18.3.  URIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71

1.  Introduction

   A firmware update mechanism is an essential security feature for IoT
   devices to deal with vulnerabilities.  While the transport of
   firmware images to the devices themselves is important there are
   already various techniques available, such as the Lightweight
   Machine-to-Machine (LwM2M) protocol offering device management of IoT

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   devices.  Equally important is the inclusion of meta-data about the
   conveyed firmware image (in the form of a manifest) and the use of
   end-to-end security protection to detect modifications and
   (optionally) to make reverse engineering more difficult.  End-to-end
   security allows the author, who builds the firmware image, to be sure
   that no other party (including potential adversaries) can install
   firmware updates on IoT devices without adequate privileges.  This
   authorization process is ensured by the use of dedicated symmetric or
   asymmetric keys installed on the IoT device: for use cases where only
   integrity protection is required it is sufficient to install a trust
   anchor on the IoT device.  For confidentiality protected firmware
   images it is additionally required to install either one or multiple
   symmetric or asymmetric keys on the IoT device.  Starting security
   protection at the author is a risk mitigation technique so firmware
   images and manifests can be stored on untrusted respositories; it
   also reduces the scope of a compromise of any repository or
   intermediate system to be no worse than a denial of service.

   It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the high-level
   firmware update architecture [Architecture].

   The SUIT manifest is heavily optimised for consumption by constrained
   devices.  This means that it is not constructed as a conventional
   descriptive document.  Instead, of describing what an update IS, it
   describes what a recipient should DO.

   While the SUIT manifest is informed by and optimised for firmware
   update use cases, there is nothing in the [Information] that
   restricts its use to only firmware use cases.  Software update and
   delivery of arbitrary data can equally be managed by SUIT-based

2.  Conventions and Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   -  SUIT: Sofware Update for the Internet of Things, the IETF working
      group for this standard.

   -  Payload: A piece of information to be delivered.  Typically
      Firmware for the purposes of SUIT.

   -  Resource: A piece of information that is used to construct a

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   -  Manifest: A piece of information that describes one or more
      payloads, one or more resources, and the processors needed to
      transform resources into payloads.

   -  Update: One or more manifests that describe one or more payloads.

   -  Update Authority: The owner of a cryptographic key used to sign
      updates, trusted by recipient devices.

   -  Recipient: The system, typically an IoT device, that receives a

   -  Condition: A test for a property of the Recipient or its

   -  Directive: An action for the Recipient to perform.

   -  Command: A Condition or a Directive.

   -  Trusted Execution: A process by which a system ensures that only
      trusted code is executed, for example secure boot.

3.  Distributing firmware

   Distributing firmware in a multi-party environment is a difficult
   operation.  Each party requires a different subset of data.  Some
   data may not be accessible to all parties.  Multiple signatures may
   be required from parties with different authorities.  This topic is
   covered in more depth in [Architecture].

4.  Workflow of a device applying a firmware update

   The manifest is designed to work with a pull parser, where each
   section of the manifest is used in sequence.  The expected workflow
   for a device installing an update can be broken down into 5 steps:

   1.  Verify the signature of the manifest

   2.  Verify the applicability of the manifest

   3.  Resolve dependencies

   4.  Fetch payload(s)

   5.  Install payload(s)

   When installation is complete, similar information can be used for
   validating and running images in a further three steps:

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   1.  Verify image(s)

   2.  Load image(s)

   3.  Run image(s)

   When multiple manifests are used for an update, each manifest's steps
   occur in a lockstep fashion; all manifests have dependency resolution
   performed before any manifest performs a payload fetch, etc.

5.  SUIT manifest goals

   The manifest described in this document is intended to meet several
   goals, as described below.

   1.  Meet the requirements defined in [Information].

   2.  Simple to parse on a constrained node

   3.  Simple to process on a constrained node

   4.  Compact encoding

   5.  Comprehensible by an intermediate system

   6.  Expressive enough to enable advanced use cases on advanced nodes

   7.  Extensible

   The SUIT manifest can be used for a variety of purposes throughout
   its lifecycle.  The manifest allows:

   1.  the Firmware Author to reason about releasing a firmware.

   2.  the Network Operator to reason about compatibility of a firmware.

   3.  the Device Operator to reason about the impact of a firmware.

   4.  the Device Operator to manage distribution of firmware to

   5.  the Plant Manager to reason about timing and acceptance of
       firmware updates.

   6.  the device to reason about the authority & authenticity of a
       firmware prior to installation.

   7.  the device to reason about the applicability of a firmware.

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   8.  the device to reason about the installation of a firmware.

   9.  the device to reason about the authenticity & encoding of a
       firmware at boot.

   Each of these uses happens at a different stage of the manifest
   lifecycle, so each has different requirements.

6.  SUIT manifest design overview

   In order to provide flexible behaviour to constrained devices, while
   still allowing more powerful devices to use their full capabilities,
   the SUIT manifest encodes the required behaviour of a Recipient
   device.  Behaviour is encoded as a specialised byte code, contained
   in a CBOR list.  This promotes a flat encoding, which simplifies the
   parser.  The information encoded by this byte code closely matches
   the operations that a device will perform, which promotes ease of
   processing.  The core operations used by most update and trusted
   execution operations are represented in the byte code.  The byte code
   can be extended by registering new operations.

   The specialised byte code approach gives benefits equivalent to those
   provided by a scripting language or conventional byte code, with two
   substantial differences.  First, the language is extremely high
   level, consisting of only the operations that a device may perform
   during update and trusted execution of a firmware image.  Second, the
   language specifies behaviours in a linearised form, without reverse
   branches.  Conditional processing is supported, and parallel and out-
   of-order processing may be performed by sufficiently capable devices.

   By structuring the data in this way, the manifest processor becomes a
   very simple engine that uses a pull parser to interpret the manifest.
   This pull parser invokes a series of command handlers that evaluate a
   Condition or execute a Directive.  Most data is structured in a
   highly regular pattern, which simplifies the parser.

   The results of this allow a Recipient to implement a very small
   parser for constrained applications.  If needed, such a parser also
   allows the Recipient to perform complex updates with reduced
   overhead.  Conditional execution of commands allows a simple device
   to perform important decisions at validation-time.

   Dependency handling is vastly simplified as well.  Dependencies
   function like subroutines of the language.  When a manifest has a
   dependency, it can invoke that dependency's commands and modify their
   behaviour by setting parameters.  Because some parameters come with
   security implications, the dependencies also have a mechanism to
   reject modifications to parameters on a fine-grained level.

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   Developing a robust permissions system works in this model too.  The
   Recipient can use a simple ACL that is a table of Identities and
   Component Identifier permissions to ensure that only manifests
   authenticated by the appropriate identity have access to operate on a

   Capability reporting is similarly simplified.  A Recipient can report
   the Commands, Parameters, Algorithms, and Component Identifiers that
   it supports.  This is sufficiently precise for a manifest author to
   create a manifest that the Recipient can accept.

   The simplicity of design in the Recipient due to all of these
   benefits allows even a highly constrained platform to use advanced
   update capabilities.

6.1.  Manifest Design Evaluation

   To evaluate this design, it is compared to the goals stated above.

   Goal evaluation:

   1.  Each command and condition is anchored to a manifest information
       element in [Information]

   2.  The use of a byte code encourages flat encoding and reduces
       nesting depth.  This promotes a simple encoding.

   3.  The encoded information closely matches the operations that a
       device will perform, making the format easy to process.

   4.  Encoding efficiency exceeds 50% when compared to raw data.

   5.  Tooling will be required to reason about the manifest.

   6.  The core operations used by most update and trusted execution
       operations are represented in the byte code.  The use cases
       listed in [Information] are enabled.

   7.  Registration of new standard byte code identifiers enables
       extension in a comprehensible way.

   The manifest described by this document meets the stated goals.
   Meeting goal 5-comprehensible by intermediate systems-will require
   additional tooling or a division of metadata.

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6.2.  Severable Elements

   Because the manifest can be used by different actors at different
   times, some parts of the manifest can be removed without affecting
   later stages of the lifecycle.  This is called "Severing."  Severing
   of information is achieved by separating that information from the
   signed container so that removing it does not affect the signature.
   This means that ensuring authenticity of severable parts of the
   manifest is a requirement for the signed portion of the manifest.
   Severing some parts makes it possible to discard parts of the
   manifest that are no longer necessary.  This is important because it
   allows the storage used by the manifest to be greatly reduced.  For
   example, no text size limits are needed if text is removed from the
   manifest prior to delivery to a constrained device.

   Elements are made severable by removing them from the manifest,
   encoding them in a bstr, and placing a SUIT_Digest of the bstr in the
   manifest so that they can still be authenticated.  The SUIT_Digest
   typically consumes 4 bytes more than the size of the raw digest,
   therefore elements smaller than (Digest Bits)/8 + 4 SHOULD never be
   severable.  Elements larger than (Digest Bits)/8 + 4 MAY be
   severable, while elements that are much larger than (Digest Bits)/8 +
   4 SHOULD be severable.

6.3.  Conventions

   The map indices in this encoding are reset to 1 for each map within
   the structure.  This is to keep the indices as small as possible.
   The goal is to keep the index objects to single bytes (CBOR positive
   integers 1-23).

   Wherever enumerations are used, they are started at 1.  This allows
   detection of several common software errors that are caused by
   uninitialised variables.  Positive numbers in enumerations are
   reserved for IANA registration.  Negative numbers are used to
   identify application-specific implementations.

   CDDL names are hyphenated and CDDL structures follow the convention
   adopted in COSE [RFC8152]: SUIT_Structure_Name.

6.4.  Payloads

   Payloads can take many forms, for example, binary, hex, s-record,
   elf, binary diff, PEM certificate, CBOR Web Token, serialised
   configuration.  These payloads fall into two broad categories: those
   that require installation-time unpacking and those that do not.
   Binary, PEM certificate, and CBOR Web Token do not require
   installation-time unpacking.  Hex, s-record, and serialised

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   configuration require installation-time unpacking.  Elf may or may
   not require unpacking depending on the target.

   Some payloads cannot be directly converted to a writable binary
   stream.  Hex, s-record, and elf may contain gaps and they have no
   guarantee of monotonic increase of address, which makes pre-
   processing them into a binary stream difficult on constrained
   platforms.  Serialised configuration may be unpacked into a
   configuration database, which makes it impossible to preprocess into
   a binary stream, suitable for direct writing.

   Where a specialised unpacking algorithm is needed, a digest is not
   always calculable over an installed payload.  For example, an elf,
   s-record or hex file may contain gaps that can contain any data,
   while not changing whether or not an installed payload is valid.
   Serialised configuration may update only some device data rather than
   all of it.  This means that the digest cannot always be calculated
   over an installed payload when a specialised installer is used.

   This presents two problems for the manifest: first, it must indicate
   that a specialised installer is needed and, second, it cannot provide
   a hash of the payload that is checkable after installation.  These
   two problems are resolved in two ways:

   1.  Payloads that need a specialised installer must indicate this in

   2.  Payloads that need specialised verification must indicate this in
       the SUIT_Parameter_Image_Digest by indicating a SUIT_Digest
       algorithm that correctly validates their information.

7.  Manifest Structure

   The manifest is divided into several sections in a hierarchy as

   1.  The outer wrapper

       1.  The authentication wrapper

       2.  The manifest

           1.   Critical Information

           2.   Information shared by all command sequences

                1.  List of dependencies

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                2.  List of payloads

                3.  List of payloads in dependencies

                4.  Common list of conditions, directives

           3.   Dependency resolution Reference or list of conditions,

           4.   Payload fetch Reference or list of conditions,

           5.   Installation Reference or list of conditions, directives

           6.   Verification conditions/directives

           7.   Load conditions/directives

           8.   Run conditions/directives

           9.   Text / Reference

           10.  COSWID / Reference

       3.  Dependency resolution conditions/directives

       4.  Payload fetch conditions/directives

       5.  Installation conditions/directives

       6.  Text

       7.  COSWID / Reference

       8.  Intermediate Certificate(s) / CWTs

       9.  Inline Payload(s)

7.1.  Outer wrapper

   This object is a container for the other pieces of the manifest to
   provide a common mechanism to find each of the parts.  All elements
   of the outer wrapper are contained in bstr objects.  Wherever the
   manifest references an object in the outer wrapper, the bstr is
   included in the digest calculation.

   The CDDL that describes the wrapper is below

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SUIT_Outer_Wrapper = {
    suit-authentication-wrapper   => bstr .cbor
                                     SUIT_Authentication_Wrapper / nil,
    ? suit-dependency-resolution  => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence,
    ? suit-payload-fetch          => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence,
    ? suit-install                => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence,
    ? suit-text-external          => bstr .cbor SUIT_Text_Info,
    ? suit-coswid-external        => bstr .cbor COSWID

SUIT_Authentication_Wrapper = [ + (COSE_Mac_Tagged / COSE_Sign_Tagged /
                                  COSE_Mac0_Tagged / COSE_Sign1_Tagged)]
SUIT_Encryption_Wrapper = COSE_Encrypt_Tagged / COSE_Encrypt0_Tagged

SUIT_Manifest_Wrapped //= (suit-manifest  => bstr .cbor SUIT_Manifest)
SUIT_Manifest_Wrapped //= (
    suit-manifest-encryption-info => bstr .cbor SUIT_Encryption_Wrapper,
    suit-manifest-encrypted       => bstr

   All elements of the outer wrapper must be wrapped in a bstr to
   minimize the complexity of the code that evaluates the cryptographic
   integrity of the element and to ensure correct serialisation for
   integrity and authenticity checks.

   The suit-authentication-wrapper contains a list of 1 or more
   cryptographic authentication wrappers for the core part of the
   manifest.  These are implemented as COSE_Mac_Tagged or
   COSE_Sign_Tagged blocks.  The Manifest is authenticated by these
   blocks in "detached payload" mode.  The COSE_Mac_Tagged and
   COSE_Sign_Tagged blocks are described in RFC 8152 [RFC8152] and are
   beyond the scope of this document.  The suit-authentication-wrapper
   MUST come first in the SUIT_Outer_Wrapper, regardless of canonical
   encoding of CBOR.  All validators MUST reject any SUIT_Outer_Wrapper
   that begins with any element other than a suit-authentication-

   A manifest that has not had authentication information added MUST
   still contain the suit-authentication-wrapper element, but the
   content MUST be nil.

   The outer wrapper MUST contain only one of

   -  a plaintext manifest: SUIT_Manifest

   -  an encrypted manifest: both a SUIT_Encryption_Wrapper and the
      ciphertext of a manifest.

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   When the outer wrapper contains SUIT_Encryption_Wrapper, the suit-
   authentication-wrapper MUST authenticate the plaintext of suit-

   suit-manifest contains a SUIT_Manifest structure, which describes the
   payload(s) to be installed and any dependencies on other manifests.

   suit-manifest-encryption-info contains a SUIT_Encryption_Wrapper, a
   COSE object that describes the information required to decrypt a
   ciphertext manifest.

   suit-manifest-encrypted contains a ciphertext manifest.

   Each of suit-dependency-resolution, suit-payload-fetch, and suit-
   payload-installation contain the severable contents of the
   identically named portions of the manifest, described in Section 7.2.

   suit-text contains all the human-readable information that describes
   any and all parts of the manifest, its payload(s) and its

   suit-coswid contains a Concise Software Identifier.  This may be
   discarded by the recipient if not needed.

7.2.  Manifest

   The manifest describes the critical metadata for the referenced
   payload(s).  In addition, it contains:

   1.  a version number for the manifest structure itself

   2.  a sequence number

   3.  a list of dependencies

   4.  a list of components affected

   5.  a list of components affected by dependencies

   6.  a reference for each of the severable blocks.

   7.  a list of actions that the recipient should perform.

   The following CDDL fragment defines the manifest.

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SUIT_Manifest = {
    suit-manifest-version         => 1,
    suit-manifest-sequence-number => uint,
    suit-common                   => bstr .cbor SUIT_Common,
    ? suit-dependency-resolution  => Digest / bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence,
    ? suit-payload-fetch          => Digest / bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence,
    ? suit-install                => Digest / bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence
    ? suit-validate               => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence
    ? suit-load                   => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence
    ? suit-run                    => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence
    ? suit-text-info              => Digest / bstr .cbor SUIT_Text_Map
    ? suit-coswid                 => Digest / bstr .cbor COSWID

SUIT_Common = {
    ? suit-dependencies           => bstr .cbor [ + SUIT_Dependency ],
    ? suit-components             => bstr .cbor [ + SUIT_Component_Identifier ],
    ? suit-dependency-components  => bstr .cbor [ + SUIT_Component_Reference ],
    ? suit-common-sequence        => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence,

   Several fields in the Manifest can be either a CBOR structure or a
   SUIT_Digest.  In each of these cases, the SUIT_Digest provides for a
   severable field.  Severable fields are RECOMMENDED to implement.  In
   particular, text SHOULD be severable, since most useful text elements
   occupy more space than a SUIT_Digest, but are not needed by recipient
   devices.  Because SUIT_Digest is a CBOR Array and each severable
   element is a CBOR bstr, it is straight-forward for a recipient to
   determine whether an element is been severable.  The key used for a
   severable element is the same in the SUIT_Manifest and in the
   SUIT_Outer_Wrapper so that a recipient can easily identify the
   correct data in the outer wrapper.

   The suit-manifest-version indicates the version of serialisation used
   to encode the manifest.  Version 1 is the version described in this
   document. suit-manifest-version is REQUIRED.

   The suit-manifest-sequence-number is a monotonically increasing anti-
   rollback counter.  It also helps devices to determine which in a set
   of manifests is the "root" manifest in a given update.  Each manifest
   MUST have a sequence number higher than each of its dependencies.
   Each recipient MUST reject any manifest that has a sequence number
   lower than its current sequence number.  It MAY be convenient to use
   a UTC timestamp in seconds as the sequence number. suit-manifest-
   sequence-number is REQUIRED.

   suit-common encodes all the information that is shared between each
   of the command sequences, including: suit-dependencies, suit-

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   components, suit-dependency-components, and suit-common-sequence.
   suit-common is REQUIRED to implement.

   suit-dependencies is a list of SUIT_Dependency blocks that specify
   manifests that must be present before the current manifest can be
   processed. suit-dependencies is OPTIONAL to implement.

   In order to distinguish between components that are affected by the
   current manifest and components that are affected by a dependency,
   they are kept in separate lists.  Components affected by the current
   manifest only list the component identifier.  Components affected by
   a dependency include the component identifier and the index of the
   dependency that defines the component.

   suit-components is a list of SUIT_Component blocks that specify the
   component identifiers that will be affected by the content of the
   current manifest. suit-components is OPTIONAL, but at least one
   manifest MUST contain a suit-components block.

   suit-dependency-components is a list of SUIT_Component_Reference
   blocks that specify component identifiers that will be affected by
   the content of a dependency of the current manifest. suit-dependency-
   components is OPTIONAL.

   suit-common-sequence is a SUIT_Command_Sequence to execute prior to
   executing any other command sequence.  Typical actions in suit-
   common-sequence include setting expected device identity and image
   digests when they are conditional (see Section 11 for more
   information on conditional sequences). suit-common-sequence is

   suit-dependency-resolution is a SUIT_Command_Sequence to execute in
   order to perform dependency resolution.  Typical actions include
   configuring URIs of dependency manifests, fetching dependency
   manifests, and validating dependency manifests' contents. suit-
   dependency-resolution is REQUIRED when suit-dependencies is present.

   suit-payload-fetch is a SUIT_Command_Sequence to execute in order to
   obtain a payload.  Some manifests may include these actions in the
   suit-install section instead if they operate in a streaming
   installation mode.  This is particularly relevant for constrained
   devices without any temporary storage for staging the update. suit-
   payload-fetch is OPTIONAL.

   suit-install is a SUIT_Command_Sequence to execute in order to
   install a payload.  Typical actions include verifying a payload
   stored in temporary storage, copying a staged payload from temporary
   storage, and unpacking a payload. suit-install is OPTIONAL.

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   suit-validate is a SUIT_Command_Sequence to execute in order to
   validate that the result of applying the update is correct.  Typical
   actions involve image validation and manifest validation. suit-
   validate is REQUIRED.  If the manifest contains dependencies, one
   process-dependency invocation per dependency or one process-
   dependency invocation targeting all dependencies SHOULD be present in

   suit-load is a SUIT_Command_Sequence to execute in order to prepare a
   payload for execution.  Typical actions include copying an image from
   permanent storage into RAM, optionally including actions such as
   decryption or decompression. suit-load is OPTIONAL.

   suit-run is a SUIT_Command_Sequence to execute in order to run an
   image. suit-run typically contains a single instruction: either the
   "run" directive for the bootable manifest or the "process
   dependencies" directive for any dependents of the bootable manifest.
   suit-run is OPTIONAL.  Only one manifest in an update may contain the
   "run" directive.

   suit-text-info is a digest that uniquely identifies the content of
   the Text that is packaged in the OuterWrapper. text is OPTIONAL.

   suit-coswid is a digest that uniquely identifies the content of the
   concise-software-identifier that is packaged in the OuterWrapper.
   coswid is OPTIONAL.

7.3.  SUIT_Dependency

   SUIT_Dependency specifies a manifest that describes a dependency of
   the current manifest.

   The following CDDL describes the SUIT_Dependency structure.

   SUIT_Dependency = {
       suit-dependency-digest => SUIT_Digest,
       ? suit-dependency-prefix => SUIT_Component_Identifier,

   The suit-dependency-digest specifies the dependency manifest uniquely
   by identifying a particular Manifest structure.  The digest is
   calculated over the Manifest structure instead of the COSE
   Sig_structure or Mac_structure.  This means that a digest may need to
   be calculated more than once, however this is necessary to ensure
   that removing a signature from a manifest does not break dependencies
   due to missing signature elements.  This is also necessary to support
   the trusted intermediary use case, where an intermediary re-signs the

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   Manifest, removing the original signature, potentially with a
   different algorithm, or trading COSE_Sign for COSE_Mac.

   The suit-dependency-prefix element contains a
   SUIT_Component_Identifier.  This specifies the scope at which the
   dependency operates.  This allows the dependency to be forwarded on
   to a component that is capable of parsing its own manifests.  It also
   allows one manifest to be deployed to multiple dependent devices
   without those devices needing consistent component hierarchy.  This
   element is OPTIONAL.

7.4.  SUIT_Component_Reference

   The SUIT_Component_Reference describes an image that is defined by
   another manifest.  This is useful for overriding the behaviour of
   another manifest, for example by directing the recipient to look at a
   different URI for the image or by changing the expected format, such
   as when a gateway performs decryption on behalf of a constrained
   device.  The following CDDL describes the SUIT_Component_Reference.

   SUIT_Component_Reference = {
       suit-component-identifier => SUIT_Component_Identifier,
       suit-component-dependency-index => uint

7.5.  Manifest Parameters

   Many conditions and directives require additional information.  That
   information is contained within parameters that can be set in a
   consistent way.  Parameters MUST only be:

   1. Integers
   2. Byte strings
   3. Booleans

   This allows reduction of manifest size and replacement of parameters
   from one manifest to the next.  Byte strings MAY contain CBOR-encoded

   The defined manifest parameters are described below.

   | Parame | CBOR  | Defa | Scope         | Name     | Description    |
   | ter    | Type  | ult  |               |          |                |
   | Code   |       |      |               |          |                |
   | 1      | boole | True | Global        | Strict   | Requires that  |
   |        | an    |      |               | Order    | the manifest   |

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   |        |       |      |               |          | is processed   |
   |        |       |      |               |          | in a strictly  |
   |        |       |      |               |          | linear         |
   |        |       |      |               |          | fashion. Set   |
   |        |       |      |               |          | to 0 to enable |
   |        |       |      |               |          | parallel       |
   |        |       |      |               |          | handling of    |
   |        |       |      |               |          | manifest       |
   |        |       |      |               |          | directives.    |
   |        |       |      |               |          |                |
   | 2      | boole | Fals | Command       | Coerce C | Coerces the    |
   |        | an    | e    | Segment       | ondition | success code   |
   |        |       |      |               | Failure  | of a command   |
   |        |       |      |               |          | segment to     |
   |        |       |      |               |          | success even   |
   |        |       |      |               |          | when aborted   |
   |        |       |      |               |          | due to a       |
   |        |       |      |               |          | condition      |
   |        |       |      |               |          | failure.       |
   |        |       |      |               |          |                |
   | 3      | bstr  | nil  | Component/Glo | Vendor   | A RFC4122 UUID |
   |        |       |      | bal           | ID       | representing   |
   |        |       |      |               |          | the vendor of  |
   |        |       |      |               |          | the device or  |
   |        |       |      |               |          | component      |
   |        |       |      |               |          |                |
   | 4      | bstr  | nil  | Component/Glo | Class ID | A RFC4122 UUID |
   |        |       |      | bal           |          | representing   |
   |        |       |      |               |          | the class of   |
   |        |       |      |               |          | the device or  |
   |        |       |      |               |          | component      |
   |        |       |      |               |          |                |
   | 5      | bstr  | nil  | Component/Glo | Device   | A RFC4122 UUID |
   |        |       |      | bal           | ID       | representing   |
   |        |       |      |               |          | the device or  |
   |        |       |      |               |          | component      |
   |        |       |      |               |          |                |
   | 6      | bstr  | nil  | Component/Dep | URI      | A URI from     |
   |        |       |      | endency       |          | which to fetch |
   |        |       |      |               |          | a resource     |
   |        |       |      |               |          |                |
   | 7      | bstr  | nil  | Component/Dep | Encrypti | A COSE object  |
   |        |       |      | endency       | on Info  | defining the   |
   |        |       |      |               |          | encryption     |
   |        |       |      |               |          | mode of a      |
   |        |       |      |               |          | resource       |
   |        |       |      |               |          |                |
   | 8      | bstr  | nil  | Component     | Compress | A SUIT_Compres |

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   |        |       |      |               | ion Info | sion_Info      |
   |        |       |      |               |          | object         |
   |        |       |      |               |          |                |
   | 9      | bstr  | nil  | Component     | Unpack   | A SUIT_Unpack_ |
   |        |       |      |               | Info     | Info object    |
   |        |       |      |               |          |                |
   | 10     | uint  | nil  | Component     | Source C | A Component    |
   |        |       |      |               | omponent | Index          |
   |        |       |      |               |          |                |
   | 11     | bstr  | nil  | Component/Dep | Image    | A SUIT_Digest  |
   |        |       |      | endency       | Digest   |                |
   |        |       |      |               |          |                |
   | 12     | bstr  | nil  | Component/Dep | Image    | Integer size   |
   |        |       |      | endency       | Size     |                |
   |        |       |      |               |          |                |
   | 24     | bstr  | nil  | Component/Dep | URI List | A CBOR encoded |
   |        |       |      | endency       |          | list of ranked |
   |        |       |      |               |          | URIs           |
   |        |       |      |               |          |                |
   | 25     | boole | Fals | Component/Dep | URI List | A CBOR encoded |
   |        | an    | e    | endency       | Append   | list of ranked |
   |        |       |      |               |          | URIs           |
   |        |       |      |               |          |                |
   | nint   | int/b | nil  | Custom        | Custom P | Application-   |
   |        | str   |      |               | arameter | defined        |
   |        |       |      |               |          | parameter      |

   CBOR-encoded object parameters are still wrapped in a bstr.  This is
   because it allows a parser that is aggregating parameters to
   reference the object with a single pointer and traverse it without
   understanding the contents.  This is important for modularisation and
   division of responsibility within a pull parser.  The same
   consideration does not apply to Conditions and Directives because
   those elements are invoked with their arguments immediately

7.5.1.  SUIT_Parameter_Strict_Order

   The Strict Order Parameter allows a manifest to govern when
   directives can be executed out-of-order.  This allows for systems
   that have a sensitivity to order of updates to choose the order in
   which they are executed.  It also allows for more advanced systems to
   parallelise their handling of updates.  Strict Order defaults to
   True.  It MAY be set to False when the order of operations does not
   matter.  When arriving at the end of a command sequence, ALL commands
   MUST have completed, regardless of the state of
   SUIT_Parameter_Strict_Order.  If SUIT_Parameter_Strict_Order is

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   returned to True, ALL preceding commands MUST complete before the
   next command is executed.

7.5.2.  SUIT_Parameter_Coerce_Condition_Failure

   When executing a command sequence inside SUIT_Run_Sequence and a
   condition failure occurs, the manifest processor aborts the sequence.
   If Coerce Condition Failure is True, it returns Success.  Otherwise,
   it returns the original condition failure.
   SUIT_Parameter_Coerce_Condition_Failure is scoped to the enclosing
   SUIT_Directive_Run_Sequence.  Its value is discarded when
   SUIT_Directive_Run_Sequence terminates.

7.6.  SUIT_Parameter_Encryption_Info

   Encryption Info defines the mechanism that Fetch or Copy should use
   to decrypt the data they transfer.  SUIT_Parameter_Encryption_Info is
   encoded as a COSE_Encrypt_Tagged or a COSE_Encrypt0_Tagged, wrapped
   in a bstr

7.7.  SUIT_Parameter_Compression_Info

   Compression Info defines any information that is required for a
   device to perform decompression operations.  Typically, this includes
   the algorithm identifier.

   SUIT_Parameter_Compression_Info is defined by the following CDDL:

   SUIT_Compression_Info = {
       suit-compression-algorithm => SUIT_Compression_Algorithms
       ? suit-compression-parameters => bstr

   SUIT_Compression_Algorithms /= SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_gzip
   SUIT_Compression_Algorithms /= SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_bzip2
   SUIT_Compression_Algorithms /= SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_deflate
   SUIT_Compression_Algorithms /= SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_LZ4
   SUIT_Compression_Algorithms /= SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_lzma

7.8.  SUIT_Parameter_Unpack_Info

   SUIT_Unpack_Info defines the information required for a device to
   interpret a packed format, such as elf, hex, or binary diff.
   SUIT_Unpack_Info is defined by the following CDDL:

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   SUIT_Unpack_Info = {
       suit-unpack-algorithm => SUIT_Unpack_Algorithms
       ? suit-unpack-parameters => bstr

   SUIT_Unpack_Algorithms //= SUIT_Unpack_Algorithm_Delta
   SUIT_Unpack_Algorithms //= SUIT_Unpack_Algorithm_Hex
   SUIT_Unpack_Algorithms //= SUIT_Unpack_Algorithm_Elf

7.9.  SUIT_Parameters CDDL

   The following CDDL describes all SUIT_Parameters.

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SUIT_Parameters //= (suit-parameter-strict-order => bool)
SUIT_Parameters //= (suit-parameter-coerce-condition-failure => bool)
SUIT_Parameters //= (suit-parameter-vendor-id => bstr)
SUIT_Parameters //= (suit-parameter-class-id => bstr)
SUIT_Parameters //= (suit-parameter-device-id => bstr)
SUIT_Parameters //= (suit-parameter-uri => bstr)
SUIT_Parameters //= (suit-parameter-encryption-info => bstr .cbor SUIT_Encryption_Info)
SUIT_Parameters //= (suit-parameter-compression-info => bstr .cbor SUIT_Compression_Info)
SUIT_Parameters //= (suit-parameter-unpack-info => bstr .cbor SUIT_Unpack_Info)
SUIT_Parameters //= (suit-parameter-source-component => bstr .cbor SUIT_Component_Identifier)
SUIT_Parameters //= (suit-parameter-image-digest => bstr .cbor SUIT_Digest)
SUIT_Parameters //= (suit-parameter-image-size => uint)
SUIT_Parameters //= (suit-parameter-uri-list => bstr .cbor SUIT_URI_List)
SUIT_Parameters //= (suit-parameter_custom => int/bool/bstr)

SUIT_URI_List = [ + [priority: int, uri: tstr] ]

SUIT_Encryption_Info= COSE_Encrypt_Tagged/COSE_Encrypt0_Tagged
SUIT_Compression_Info = {
    suit-compression-algorithm => SUIT_Compression_Algorithms
    ? suit-compression-parameters => bstr

SUIT_Compression_Algorithms /= SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_gzip
SUIT_Compression_Algorithms /= SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_bzip2
SUIT_Compression_Algorithms /= SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_deflate
SUIT_Compression_Algorithms /= SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_LZ4
SUIT_Compression_Algorithms /= SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_lzma

SUIT_Unpack_Info = {
    suit-unpack-algorithm => SUIT_Unpack_Algorithms
    ? suit-unpack-parameters => bstr

SUIT_Unpack_Algorithms //= SUIT_Unpack_Algorithm_Delta
SUIT_Unpack_Algorithms //= SUIT_Unpack_Algorithm_Hex
SUIT_Unpack_Algorithms //= SUIT_Unpack_Algorithm_Elf

7.10.  SUIT_Command_Sequence

   A SUIT_Command_Sequence defines a series of actions that the
   recipient MUST take to accomplish a particular goal.  These goals are
   defined in the manifest and include:

   1.  Dependency Resolution

   2.  Payload Fetch

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   3.  Payload Installation

   4.  Image Validation

   5.  Image Loading

   6.  Run or Boot

   Each of these follows exactly the same structure to ensure that the
   parser is as simple as possible.

   Lists of commands are constructed from two kinds of element:

   1.  Conditions that MUST be true-any failure is treated as a failure
       of the update/load/boot

   2.  Directives that MUST be executed.

   The lists of commands are logically structured into sequences of zero
   or more conditions followed by zero or more directives.  The
   *logical* structure is described by the following CDDL:

   Command_Sequence = {
       conditions => [ * Condition],
       directives => [ * Directive]

   This introduces significant complexity in the parser, however, so the
   structure is flattened to make parsing simpler:

   SUIT_Command_Sequence = [ + (SUIT_Condition/SUIT_Directive) ]

   Each condition and directive is composed of:

   1.  A command code identifier

   2.  An argument block

   Argument blocks are defined for each type of command.

   Many conditions and directives apply to a given component, and these
   generally grouped together.  Therefore, a special command to set the
   current component index is provided with a matching command to set
   the current dependency index.  This index is a numeric index into the
   component ID tables defined at the beginning of the document.  For
   the purpose of setting the index, the two component ID tables are
   considered to be concatenated together.

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   To facilitate optional conditions, a special directive is provided.
   It runs several new lists of conditions/directives, one after
   another, that are contained as an argument to the directive.  By
   default, it assumes that a failure of a condition should not indicate
   a failure of the update/boot, but a parameter is provided to override
   this behaviour.

7.11.  SUIT_Condition

   Conditions are used to define mandatory properties of a system in
   order for an update to be applied.  They can be pre-conditions or
   post-conditons of any directive or series of directives, depending on
   where they are placed in the list.  Conditions include:

    | Condition Code | Condition Name    | Argument Type              |
    | 1              | Vendor Identifier | nil                        |
    |                |                   |                            |
    | 2              | Class Identifier  | nil                        |
    |                |                   |                            |
    | 3              | Image Match       | nil                        |
    |                |                   |                            |
    | 4              | Use Before        | Unsigned Integer timestamp |
    |                |                   |                            |
    | 5              | Component Offset  | Unsigned Integer           |
    |                |                   |                            |
    | 24             | Device Identifier | nil                        |
    |                |                   |                            |
    | 25             | Image Not Match   | nil                        |
    |                |                   |                            |
    | 26             | Minimum Battery   | Unsigned Integer           |
    |                |                   |                            |
    | 27             | Update Authorised | Integer                    |
    |                |                   |                            |
    | 28             | Version           | List of Integers           |
    |                |                   |                            |
    | nint           | Custom Condition  | bstr                       |

   Each condition MUST report a success code on completion.  If a
   condition reports failure, then the current sequence of commands MUST
   terminate.  If a recipient encounters an unknown Condition Code, it
   MUST report a failure.

   Positive Condition numbers are reserved for IANA registration.
   Negative numbers are reserved for proprietary, application-specific

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7.11.1.  Identifier Conditions

   There are three identifier-based conditions: suit-condition-vendor-
   identifier, suit-condition-class-identifier, and suit-condition-
   device-identifier.  Each of these conditions match a RFC 4122
   [RFC4122] UUID that MUST have already been set as a parameter.  The
   installing device MUST match the specified UUID in order to consider
   the manifest valid.  These identifiers MAY be scoped by component.

   The recipient uses the ID parameter that has already been set using
   the Set Parameters directive.  If no ID has been set, this condition
   fails. suit-condition-class-identifier and suit-condition-vendor-
   identifier are REQUIRED to implement. suit-condition-device-
   identifier is OPTIONAL to implement.

7.11.2.  suit-condition-image-match

   Verify that the current component matches the digest parameter for
   the current component.  The digest is verified against the digest
   specified in the Component's parameters list.  If no digest is
   specified, the condition fails. suit-condition-image-match is
   REQUIRED to implement.

7.11.3.  suit-condition-image-not-match

   Verify that the current component does not match the supplied digest.
   If no digest is specified, then the digest is compared against the
   digest specified in the Components list.  If no digest is specified
   and the component is not present in the Components list, the
   condition fails. suit-condition-image-not-match is OPTIONAL to

7.11.4.  suit-condition-use-before

   Verify that the current time is BEFORE the specified time. suit-
   condition-use-before is used to specify the last time at which an
   update should be installed.  One argument is required, encoded as a
   POSIX timestamp, that is seconds after 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
   Timestamp conditions MUST be evaluated in 64 bits, regardless of
   encoded CBOR size. suit-condition-use-before is OPTIONAL to

7.11.5.  suit-condition-minimum-battery

   suit-condition-minimum-battery provides a mechanism to test a
   device's battery level before installing an update.  This condition
   is for use in primary-cell applications, where the battery is only
   ever discharged.  For batteries that are charged, suit-directive-wait

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   is more appropriate, since it defines a "wait" until the battery
   level is sufficient to install the update. suit-condition-minimum-
   battery is specified in mWh. suit-condition-minimum-battery is
   OPTIONAL to implement.

7.11.6.  suit-condition-update-authorised

   Request Authorisation from the application and fail if not
   authorised.  This can allow a user to decline an update.  Argument is
   an integer priority level.  Priorities are application defined. suit-
   condition-update-authorised is OPTIONAL to implement.

7.11.7.  suit-condition-version

   suit-condition-version allows comparing versions of firmware.
   Verifying image digests is preferred to version checks because
   digests are more precise.  The image can be compared as:

   -  Greater

   -  Greater or Equal

   -  Equal

   -  Lesser or Equal

   -  Lesser

   Versions are encoded as a CBOR list of integers.  Comparisons are
   done on each integer in sequence.  Comparison stops after all
   integers in the list defined by the manifest have been consumed OR
   after a non-equal match has occured.  For example, if the manifest
   defines a comparison, "Equal [1]", then this will match all version
   sequences starting with 1.  If a manifest defines both "Greater or
   Equal [1,0]" and "Lesser [1,10]", then it will match versions 1.0.x
   up to, but not including 1.10.

   The following CDDL describes SUIT_Condition_Version_Argument

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SUIT_Condition_Version_Argument = [
    suit-condition-version-comparison: SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types,
    suit-condition-version-comparison: SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Value
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Greater
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Greater_Equal
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Equal
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Lesser_Equal
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Lesser
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Greater = 1
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Greater_Equal = 2
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Equal = 3
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Lesser_Equal = 4
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Lesser = 5

SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Value = [+int]

   While the exact encoding of versions is application-defined, semantic
   versions map conveniently.  For example,

   -  1.2.3 = [1,2,3]

   -  1.2-rc3 = [1,2,-1,3]

   -  1.2-beta = [1,2,-2]

   -  1.2-alpha = [1,2,-3]

   -  1.2-alpha4 = [1,2,-3,4]

   suit-condition-version is OPTIONAL to implement.

7.11.8.  SUIT_Condition_Custom

   SUIT_Condition_Custom describes any proprietary, application specific
   condition.  This is encoded as a negative integer, chosen by the
   firmware developer, and a bstr that encodes the parameters passed to
   the system that evaluates the condition matching that integer.
   SUIT_Condition_Custom is OPTIONAL to implement.

7.11.9.  Identifiers

   Many conditions use identifiers to determine whether a manifest
   matches a given recipient or not.  These identifiers are defined to
   be RFC 4122 [RFC4122] UUIDs.  These UUIDs are explicitly NOT human-
   readable.  They are for machine-based matching only.

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   A device may match any number of UUIDs for vendor or class
   identifier.  This may be relevant to physical or software modules.
   For example, a device that has an OS and one or more applications
   might list one Vendor ID for the OS and one or more additional Vendor
   IDs for the applications.  This device might also have a Class ID
   that must be matched for the OS and one or more Class IDs for the

   A more complete example: A device has the following physical
   components: 1.  A host MCU 2.  A WiFi module

   This same device has three software modules: 1.  An operating system
   2.  A WiFi module interface driver 3.  An application

   Suppose that the WiFi module's firmware has a proprietary update
   mechanism and doesn't support manifest processing.  This device can
   report four class IDs:

   1.  hardware model/revision

   2.  OS

   3.  WiFi module model/revision

   4.  Application

   This allows the OS, WiFi module, and application to be updated
   independently.  To combat possible incompatibilities, the OS class ID
   can be changed each time the OS has a change to its API.

   This approach allows a vendor to target, for example, all devices
   with a particular WiFi module with an update, which is a very
   powerful mechanism, particularly when used for security updates.  Creating UUIDs:

   UUIDs MUST be created according to RFC 4122 [RFC4122].  UUIDs SHOULD
   use versions 3, 4, or 5, as described in RFC4122.  Versions 1 and 2
   do not provide a tangible benefit over version 4 for this

   The RECOMMENDED method to create a vendor ID is: Vendor ID =
   UUID5(DNS_PREFIX, vendor domain name)

   The RECOMMENDED method to create a class ID is: Class ID =
   UUID5(Vendor ID, Class-Specific-Information)

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   Class-specific information is composed of a variety of data, for

   -  Model number

   -  Hardware revision

   -  Bootloader version (for immutable bootloaders)

7.11.10.  SUIT_Condition CDDL

   The following CDDL describes SUIT_Condition:

SUIT_Condition //= (suit-condition-vendor-identifier, nil)
SUIT_Condition //= (suit-condition-class-identifier,  nil)
SUIT_Condition //= (suit-condition-device-identifier, nil)
SUIT_Condition //= (suit-condition-image-match,       nil)
SUIT_Condition //= (suit-condition-image-not-match,   nil)
SUIT_Condition //= (suit-condition-use-before,        uint)
SUIT_Condition //= (suit-condition-minimum-battery,   uint)
SUIT_Condition //= (suit-condition-update-authorised, int)
SUIT_Condition //= (suit-condition-version,           SUIT_Condition_Version_Argument)
SUIT_Condition //= (suit-condition-component-offset,  uint)
SUIT_Condition //= (suit-condition-custom,            bstr)

SUIT_Condition_Version_Argument = [
    suit-condition-version-comparison: SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types,
    suit-condition-version-comparison: SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Value
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= suit-condition-version-comparison-greater
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= suit-condition-version-comparison-greater-equal
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= suit-condition-version-comparison-equal
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= suit-condition-version-comparison-lesser-equal
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= suit-condition-version-comparison-lesser

SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Value = [+int]

7.12.  SUIT_Directive

   Directives are used to define the behaviour of the recipient.
   Directives include:

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                 | Directive Code | Directive Name       |
                 | 12             | Set Component Index  |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 13             | Set Dependency Index |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 14             | Abort                |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 15             | Try Each             |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 16             | Reserved             |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 17             | Reserved             |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 18             | Process Dependency   |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 19             | Set Parameters       |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 20             | Override Parameters  |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 21             | Fetch                |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 22             | Copy                 |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 23             | Run                  |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 29             | Wait                 |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 30             | Run Sequence         |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 31             | Run with Arguments   |
                 |                |                      |
                 | 32             | Swap                 |

   When a Recipient executes a Directive, it MUST report a success code.
   If the Directive reports failure, then the current Command Sequence
   MUST terminate.

7.12.1.  suit-directive-set-component-index

   Set Component Index defines the component to which successive
   directives and conditions will apply.  The supplied argument MUST be
   either a boolean or an unsigned integer index into the concatenation
   of suit-components and suit-dependency-components.  If the following
   directives apply to ALL components, then the boolean value "True" is
   used instead of an index.  True does not apply to dependency

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   components.  If the following directives apply to NO components, then
   the boolean value "False" is used.  When suit-directive-set-
   dependency-index is used, suit-directive-set-component-index = False
   is implied.  When suit-directive-set-component-index is used, suit-
   directive-set-dependency-index = False is implied.

   The following CDDL describes the argument to suit-directive-set-

   SUIT_Directive_Set_Component_Index_Argument = uint/bool

7.12.2.  suit-directive-set-dependency-index

   Set Dependency Index defines the manifest to which successive
   directives and conditions will apply.  The supplied argument MUST be
   either a boolean or an unsigned integer index into the dependencies.
   If the following directives apply to ALL dependencies, then the
   boolean value "True" is used instead of an index.  If the following
   directives apply to NO dependencies, then the boolean value "False"
   is used.  When suit-directive-set-component-index is used, suit-
   directive-set-dependency-index = False is implied.  When suit-
   directive-set-dependency-index is used, suit-directive-set-component-
   index = False is implied.

   Typical operations that require suit-directive-set-dependency-index
   include setting a source URI, invoking "Fetch," or invoking "Process
   Dependency" for an individual dependency.

   The following CDDL describes the argument to suit-directive-set-

   SUIT_Directive_Set_Manifest_Index_Argument = uint/bool

7.12.3.  suit-directive-abort

   Unconditionally fail.  This operation is typically used in
   conjunction with suit-directive-try-each.

7.12.4.  suit-directive-run-sequence

   To enable conditional commands, and to allow several strictly ordered
   sequences to be executed out-of-order, suit-directive-run-sequence
   allows the manifest processor to execute its argument as a
   SUIT_Command_Sequence.  The argument must be wrapped in a bstr.

   When a sequence is executed, any failure of a condition causes
   immediate termination of the sequence.

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   The following CDDL describes the SUIT_Run_Sequence argument.

 SUIT_Directive_Run_Sequence_Argument = bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence

   When suit-directive-run-sequence completes, it forwards the last
   status code that occurred in the sequence.  If the Coerce on
   Condition Failure parameter is true, then suit-directive-run-sequence
   only fails when a directive in the argument sequence fails.

   SUIT_Parameter_Coerce_Condition_Failure defaults to False when suit-
   directive-run-sequence begins.  Its value is discarded when suit-
   directive-run-sequence terminates.

7.12.5.  suit-directive-try-each

   This command runs several suit-directive-run-sequence one after
   another, in a strict order.  Use this command to implement a "try/
   catch-try/catch" sequence.  Manifest processors MAY implement this

   SUIT_Parameter_Coerce_Condition_Failure is initialised to True at the
   beginning of each sequence.  If one sequence aborts due to a
   condition failure, the next is started.  If no sequence completes
   without condition failure, then suit-directive-try-each returns an
   error.  If a particular application calls for all sequences to fail
   and still continue, then an empty sequence (nil) can be added to the
   Try Each Argument.

   The following CDDL describes the SUIT_Try_Each argument.

   SUIT_Directive_Try_Each_Argument = [
       + bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence,
       nil / bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence

7.12.6.  suit-directive-process-dependency

   Execute the commands in the common section of the current dependency,
   followed by the commands in the equivalent section of the current
   dependency.  For example, if the current section is "fetch payload,"
   this will execute "common" in the current dependency, then "fetch
   payload" in the current dependency.  Once this is complete, the
   command following suit-directive-process-dependency will be

   If the current dependency is False, this directive has no effect.  If
   the current dependency is True, then this directive applies to all

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   dependencies.  If the current section is "common," this directive
   MUST have no effect.

   When SUIT_Process_Dependency completes, it forwards the last status
   code that occurred in the dependency.

   The argument to suit-directive-process-dependency is defined in the
   following CDDL.

   SUIT_Directive_Process_Dependency_Argument = nil

7.12.7.  suit-directive-set-parameters

   suit-directive-set-parameters allows the manifest to configure
   behaviour of future directives by changing parameters that are read
   by those directives.  When dependencies are used, suit-directive-set-
   parameters also allows a manifest to modify the behaviour of its

   Available parameters are defined in Section 7.5.

   If a parameter is already set, suit-directive-set-parameters will
   skip setting the parameter to its argument.  This provides the core
   of the override mechanism, allowing dependent manifests to change the
   behaviour of a manifest.

   The argument to suit-directive-set-parameters is defined in the
   following CDDL.

   SUIT_Directive_Set_Parameters_Argument = {+ SUIT_Parameters}

   N.B.: A directive code is reserved for an optimisation: a way to set
   a parameter to the contents of another parameter, optionally with
   another component ID.

7.12.8.  suit-directive-override-parameters

   suit-directive-override-parameters replaces any listed parameters
   that are already set with the values that are provided in its
   argument.  This allows a manifest to prevent replacement of critical

   Available parameters are defined in Section 7.5.

   The argument to suit-directive-override-parameters is defined in the
   following CDDL.

   SUIT_Directive_Override_Parameters_Argument = {+ SUIT_Parameters}

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7.12.9.  suit-directive-fetch

   suit-directive-fetch instructs the manifest processor to obtain one
   or more manifests or payloads, as specified by the manifest index and
   component index, respectively.

   suit-directive-fetch can target one or more manifests and one or more
   payloads. suit-directive-fetch retrieves each component and each
   manifest listed in component-index and manifest-index, respectively.
   If component-index or manifest-index is True, instead of an integer,
   then all current manifest components/manifests are fetched.  The
   current manifest's dependent-components are not automatically
   fetched.  In order to pre-fetch these, they MUST be specified in a
   component-index integer.

   suit-directive-fetch typically takes no arguments unless one is
   needed to modify fetch behaviour.  If an argument is needed, it must
   be wrapped in a bstr.

   suit-directive-fetch reads the URI or URI List parameter to find the
   source of the fetch it performs.

   The behaviour of suit-directive-fetch can be modified by setting one
   or more of SUIT_Parameter_Encryption_Info,
   SUIT_Parameter_Compression_Info, SUIT_Parameter_Unpack_Info.  These
   three parameters each activate and configure a processing step that
   can be applied to the data that is transferred during suit-directive-

   The argument to suit-directive-fetch is defined in the following

   SUIT_Directive_Fetch_Argument = nil/bstr

7.12.10.  suit-directive-copy

   suit-directive-copy instructs the manifest processor to obtain one or
   more payloads, as specified by the component index. suit-directive-
   copy retrieves each component listed in component-index,
   respectively.  If component-index is True, instead of an integer,
   then all current manifest components are copied.  The current
   manifest's dependent-components are not automatically copied.  In
   order to copy these, they MUST be specified in a component-index

   The behaviour of suit-directive-copy can be modified by setting one
   or more of SUIT_Parameter_Encryption_Info,
   SUIT_Parameter_Compression_Info, SUIT_Parameter_Unpack_Info.  These

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   three parameters each activate and configure a processing step that
   can be applied to the data that is transferred during suit-directive-

   *N.B.* Fetch and Copy are very similar.  Merging them into one
   command may be appropriate.

   suit-directive-copy reads its source from

   The argument to suit-directive-copy is defined in the following CDDL.

   SUIT_Directive_Copy_Argument = nil

7.12.11.  suit-directive-swap

   suit-directive-swap instructs the manifest processor to move the
   source to the destination and the destination to the source
   simultaneously.  Swap has nearly identical semantics to suit-
   directive-copy except that suit-directive-swap replaces the source
   with the current contents of the destination in an application-
   defined way.  If SUIT_Parameter_Compression_Info or
   SUIT_Parameter_Encryption_Info are present, they must be handled in a
   symmetric way, so that the source is decompressed into the
   destination and the destination is compressed into the source.  The
   source is decrypted into the destination and the destination is
   encrypted into the source. suit-directive-swap is OPTIONAL to

7.12.12.  suit-directive-run

   suit-directive-run directs the manifest processor to transfer
   execution to the current Component Index.  When this is invoked, the
   manifest processor MAY be unloaded and execution continues in the
   Component Index.  Arguments provided to Run are forwarded to the
   executable code located in Component Index, in an application-
   specific way.  For example, this could form the Linux Kernel Command
   Line if booting a linux device.

   If the executable code at Component Index is constructed in such a
   way that it does not unload the manifest processor, then the manifest
   processor may resume execution after the executable completes.  This
   allows the manifest processor to invoke suitable helpers and to
   verify them with image conditions.

   The argument to suit-directive-run is defined in the following CDDL.

   SUIT_Directive_Run_Argument = nil/bstr

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7.12.13.  suit-directive-wait

   suit-directive-wait directs the manifest processor to pause until a
   specified event occurs.  Some possible events include:

   1.  Authorisation

   2.  External Power

   3.  Network availability

   4.  Other Device Firmware Version

   5.  Time

   6.  Time of Day

   7.  Day of Week

   The following CDDL defines the encoding of these events.

SUIT_Wait_Events //= (suit-wait-event-authorisation => int)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (suit-wait-event-power => int)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (suit-wait-event-network => int)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (suit-wait-event-other-device-version
    => SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Other_Device_Version)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (suit-wait-event-time => uint); Timestamp
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (suit-wait-event-time-of-day
    => uint); Time of Day (seconds since 00:00:00)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (suit-wait-event-day-of-week
    => uint); Days since Sunday

SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Authorisation = int ; priority
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Power = int ; Power Level
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Network = int ; Network State
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Other_Device_Version = [
    other-device: bstr,
    other-device-version: [+int]
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Time = uint ; Timestamp
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Time_Of_Day = uint ; Time of Day (seconds since 00:00:00)
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Day_Of_Week = uint ; Days since Sunday

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7.12.14.  SUIT_Directive CDDL

   The following CDDL describes SUIT_Directive:

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SUIT_Directive //= (suit-directive-set-component-index,  uint/bool)
SUIT_Directive //= (suit-directive-set-dependency-index, uint/bool)
SUIT_Directive //= (suit-directive-run-sequence,
                    bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence)
SUIT_Directive //= (suit-directive-try-each,
SUIT_Directive //= (suit-directive-process-dependency,   nil)
SUIT_Directive //= (suit-directive-set-parameters,
                    {+ SUIT_Parameters})
SUIT_Directive //= (suit-directive-override-parameters,
                    {+ SUIT_Parameters})
SUIT_Directive //= (suit-directive-fetch,                nil)
SUIT_Directive //= (suit-directive-copy,                 nil)
SUIT_Directive //= (suit-directive-run,                  nil)
SUIT_Directive //= (suit-directive-wait,
                    { + SUIT_Wait_Events })
SUIT_Directive //= (suit-directive-run-with-arguments,   bstr)

SUIT_Directive_Try_Each_Argument = [
    + bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence,
    nil / bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence

SUIT_Wait_Events //= (suit-wait-event-authorisation => int)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (suit-wait-event-power => int)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (suit-wait-event-network => int)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (suit-wait-event-other-device-version
    => SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Other_Device_Version)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (suit-wait-event-time => uint); Timestamp
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (suit-wait-event-time-of-day
    => uint); Time of Day (seconds since 00:00:00)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (suit-wait-event-day-of-week
    => uint); Days since Sunday

SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Authorisation = int ; priority
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Power = int ; Power Level
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Network = int ; Network State
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Other_Device_Version = [
    other-device: bstr,
    other-device-version: [+int]
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Time = uint ; Timestamp
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Time_Of_Day = uint ; Time of Day (seconds since 00:00:00)
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Day_Of_Week = uint ; Days since Sunday

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8.  Dependency processing

   Dependencies need careful handling on constrained systems.  A
   dependency tree that is too deep can cause recursive handling to
   overflow stack space.  Systems that parse all dependencies into an
   object tree can easily fill up available memory.  Too many
   dependencies can overrun available storage space.

   The dependency handling system in this document is designed to
   address as many of these problems as possible.

   Dependencies MAY be addressed in one of three ways:

   1.  Iterate by component

   2.  Iterate by manifest

   3.  Out-of-order

   Because each manifest has a list of components and a list of
   components defined by its dependencies, it is possible for the
   manifest processor to handle one component at a time, traversing the
   manifest tree once for each listed component.  This, however consumes
   significant processing power.

   Alternatively, it is possible for a device with sufficient memory to
   accumulate all parameters for all listed component IDs.  This will
   naturally consume more memory, but it allows the device to process
   the manifests in a single pass.

   It is expected that the simplest and most power sensitive devices
   will use option 2, with a fixed maximum number of components.

   Advanced devices may make use of the Strict Order parameter and
   enable parallel processing of some segments, or it may reorder some
   segments.  To perform parallel processing, once the Strict Order
   parameter is set to False, the device may fork a process for each
   command until the Strict Order parameter is returned to True or the
   command sequence ends.  Then, it joins all forked processes before
   continuing processing of commands.  To perform out-of-order
   processing, a similar approach is used, except the device consumes
   all commands after the Strict Order parameter is set to False, then
   it sorts these commands into its preferred order, invokes them all,
   then continues processing.

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9.  Access Control Lists

   To manage permissions in the manifest, there are three models that
   can be used.

   First, the simplest model requires that all manifests are
   authenticated by a single trusted key.  This mode has the advantage
   that only a root manifest needs to be authenticated, since all of its
   dependencies have digests included in the root manifest.

   This simplest model can be extended by adding key delegation without
   much increase in complexity.

   A second model requires an ACL to be presented to the device,
   authenticated by a trusted party or stored on the device.  This ACL
   grants access rights for specific component IDs or component ID
   prefixes to the listed identities or identity groups.  Any identity
   may verify an image digest, but fetching into or fetching from a
   component ID requires approval from the ACL.

   A third model allows a device to provide even more fine-grained
   controls: The ACL lists the component ID or component ID prefix that
   an identity may use, and also lists the commands that the identity
   may use in combination with that component ID.

10.  SUIT digest container

   RFC 8152 [RFC8152] provides containers for signature, MAC, and
   encryption, but no basic digest container.  The container needed for
   a digest requires a type identifier and a container for the raw
   digest data.  Some forms of digest may require additional parameters.
   These can be added following the digest.  This structure is described
   by the following CDDL.

   The algorithms listed are sufficient for verifying integrity of
   Firmware Updates as of this writing, however this may change over

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   SUIT_Digest = [
    suit-digest-algorithm-id : $suit-digest-algorithm-ids,
    suit-digest-bytes : bytes,
    ? suit-digest-parameters : any

   digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha224
   digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha256
   digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha384
   digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha512
   digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha3-224
   digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha3-256
   digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha3-384
   digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha3-512

   algorithm-id-sha224 = 1
   algorithm-id-sha256 = 2
   algorithm-id-sha384 = 3
   algorithm-id-sha512 = 4
   algorithm-id-sha3-224 = 5
   algorithm-id-sha3-256 = 6
   algorithm-id-sha3-384 = 7
   algorithm-id-sha3-512 = 8

11.  Creating conditional sequences

   For some use cases, it is important to provide a sequence that can
   fail without terminating an update.  For example, a dual-image XIP
   MCU may require an update that can be placed at one of two offsets.
   This has two implications, first, the digest of each offset will be
   different.  Second, the image fetched for each offset will have a
   different URI.  Conditional sequences allow this to be resolved in a
   simple way.

   The following JSON representation of a manifest demonstrates how this
   would be represented.  It assumes that the bootloader and manifest
   processor take care of A/B switching and that the manifest is not
   aware of this distinction.

      "structure-version" : 1,
      "sequence-number" : 7,
      "common" :{
          "components" : [
          "common-sequence" : [

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                  "directive-set-var" : {
                      "size": 32567
                  "try-each" : [
                          {"condition-component-offset" : "<offset A>"},
                              "directive-set-var": {
                                  "digest" : "<SHA256 A>"
                          {"condition-component-offset" : "<offset B>"},
                              "directive-set-var": {
                                  "digest" : "<SHA256 B>"
                      [{ "abort" : null }]
      "fetch" : [
              "try-each" : [
                      {"condition-component-offset" : "<offset A>"},
                          "directive-set-var": {
                              "uri" : "<URI A>"
                      {"condition-component-offset" : "<offset B>"},
                          "directive-set-var": {
                              "uri" : "<URI B>"
                  [{ "directive-abort" : null }]

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Internet-Draft          Firmware Manifest Format               July 2019

          "fetch" : null

12.  Full CDDL

   In order to create a valid SUIT Manifest document the structure of
   the corresponding CBOR message MUST adhere to the following CDDL data

SUIT_Outer_Wrapper = {
    suit-authentication-wrapper => bstr .cbor SUIT_Authentication_Wrapper / nil,
    suit-manifest               => bstr .cbor SUIT_Manifest,
    suit-dependency-resolution  => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence,
    suit-payload-fetch          => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence,
    suit-install                => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence,
    suit-text                   => bstr .cbor SUIT_Text_Map,
    suit-coswid                 => bstr .cbor concise-software-identity
suit-authentication-wrapper = 1
suit-manifest = 2
suit-dependency-resolution = 7
suit-payload-fetch = 8
suit-install = 9
suit-text = 13
suit-coswid = 14

SUIT_Authentication_Wrapper = [ * (
    COSE_Mac_Tagged /
    COSE_Sign_Tagged /
    COSE_Mac0_Tagged /

COSE_Mac_Tagged = any
COSE_Sign_Tagged = any
COSE_Mac0_Tagged = any
COSE_Sign1_Tagged = any
COSE_Encrypt_Tagged = any
COSE_Encrypt0_Tagged = any

SUIT_Digest = [
  suit-digest-algorithm-id : $suit-digest-algorithm-ids,
  suit-digest-bytes : bytes,
  ? suit-digest-parameters : any

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; Named Information Hash Algorithm Identifiers
suit-digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha256
suit-digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha256-128
suit-digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha256-120
suit-digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha256-96
suit-digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha256-64
suit-digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha256-32
suit-digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha384
suit-digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha512
suit-digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha3-224
suit-digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha3-256
suit-digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha3-384
suit-digest-algorithm-ids /= algorithm-id-sha3-512

SUIT_Manifest = {
    suit-manifest-version         => 1,
    suit-manifest-sequence-number => uint,
    ? suit-dependencies           => [ + SUIT_Dependency ],
    ? suit-components             => [ + SUIT_Component ],
    ? suit-dependency-components  => [ + SUIT_Component_Reference ],
    ? suit-common                 => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence,
    ? suit-dependency-resolution  => SUIT_Digest / bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence,
    ? suit-payload-fetch          => SUIT_Digest / bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence,
    ? suit-install                => SUIT_Digest / bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence
    ? suit-validate               => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence
    ? suit-load                   => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence
    ? suit-run                    => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence
    ? suit-text-info              => SUIT_Digest / bstr .cbor SUIT_Text_Map
    ? suit-coswid                 => SUIT_Digest / bstr .cbor concise-software-identity

suit-manifest-version = 1
suit-manifest-sequence-number = 2
suit-dependencies = 3
suit-components = 4
suit-dependency-components = 5
suit-common = 6
suit-dependency-resolution = 7
suit-payload-fetch = 8
suit-install = 9
suit-validate = 10
suit-load = 11
suit-run = 12
suit-text-info = 13
suit-coswid = 14

concise-software-identity = any

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SUIT_Dependency = {
    suit-dependency-digest => SUIT_Digest,
    suit-dependency-prefix => SUIT_Component_Identifier,

suit-dependency-digest = 1
suit-dependency-prefix = 2

SUIT_Component_Identifier =  [* bstr]

SUIT_Component = {
    suit-component-identifier => SUIT_Component_Identifier,
    ? suit-component-size => uint,
    ? suit-component-digest => SUIT_Digest,

suit-component-identifier = 1
suit-component-size = 2
suit-component-digest = 3

SUIT_Component_Reference = {
    suit-component-identifier => SUIT_Component_Identifier,
    suit-component-dependency-index => uint

suit-component-dependency-index = 2

SUIT_Command_Sequence = [ + { SUIT_Condition // SUIT_Directive // SUIT_Command_Custom} ]

SUIT_Command_Custom = (nint => bstr)

SUIT_Condition //= (SUIT_Condition_Vendor_Identifier => RFC4122_UUID) ; SUIT_Condition_Vendor_Identifier
SUIT_Condition //= (2 => RFC4122_UUID) ; SUIT_Condition_Class_Identifier
SUIT_Condition //= (3 => RFC4122_UUID) ; SUIT_Condition_Device_Identifier
SUIT_Condition //= (4 => SUIT_Digest) ; SUIT_Condition_Image_Match
SUIT_Condition //= (5 => SUIT_Digest) ; SUIT_Condition_Image_Not_Match
SUIT_Condition //= (6 => uint) ; SUIT_Condition_Use_Before
SUIT_Condition //= (7 => uint) ; SUIT_Condition_Minimum_Battery
SUIT_Condition //= (8 => int) ;  SUIT_Condition_Update_Authorised
SUIT_Condition //= (9 => SUIT_Condition_Version_Argument) ; SUIT_Condition_Version
SUIT_Condition //= (10 => uint) ; SUIT_Condition_Component_Offset
SUIT_Condition //= (nint => bstr) ; SUIT_Condition_Custom

SUIT_Condition_Vendor_Identifier = 1
RFC4122_UUID = bstr .size 16

SUIT_Condition_Version_Argument = [
    suit-condition-version-comparison: SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types,

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    suit-condition-version-comparison: SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Value
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Greater
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Greater_Equal
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Equal
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Lesser_Equal
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Types /= SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Lesser

SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Greater = 1
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Greater_Equal = 2
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Equal = 3
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Lesser_Equal = 4
SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Lesser = 5

SUIT_Condition_Version_Comparison_Value = [+int]

SUIT_Directive //= (11 => uint/bool) ; SUIT_Directive_Set_Component_Index
SUIT_Directive //= (12 => uint/bool) ; SUIT_Directive_Set_Manifest_Index
SUIT_Directive //= (13 => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence) ; SUIT_Directive_Run_Sequence
SUIT_Directive //= (14 => bstr .cbor SUIT_Command_Sequence) ; SUIT_Directive_Run_Sequence_Conditional
SUIT_Directive //= (15 => nil) ; SUIT_Directive_Process_Dependency
SUIT_Directive //= (16 => {+ SUIT_Parameters}) ; SUIT_Directive_Set_Parameters
SUIT_Directive //= (19 => {+ SUIT_Parameters}) ; SUIT_Directive_Override_Parameters
SUIT_Directive //= (20 => nil/bstr) ; SUIT_Directive_Fetch
SUIT_Directive //= (21 => nil/bstr) ; SUIT_Directive_Copy
SUIT_Directive //= (22 => nil/bstr) ; SUIT_Directive_Run
SUIT_Directive //= (23 => { + SUIT_Wait_Events }) ; SUIT_Directive_Wait

SUIT_Wait_Events //= (1 => SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Authorisation)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (2 => SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Power)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (3 => SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Network)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (4 => SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Other_Device_Version)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (5 => SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Time)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (6 => SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Time_Of_Day)
SUIT_Wait_Events //= (7 => SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Day_Of_Week)

SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Authorisation = int ; priority
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Power = int ; Power Level
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Network = int ; Network State
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Other_Device_Version = [
    other-device: bstr,
    other-device-version: [+int]
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Time = uint ; Timestamp
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Time_Of_Day = uint ; Time of Day (seconds since 00:00:00)
SUIT_Wait_Event_Argument_Day_Of_Week = uint ; Days since Sunday

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SUIT_Parameters //= (1 => bool) ; SUIT_Parameter_Strict_Order
SUIT_Parameters //= (2 => bool) ; SUIT_Parameter_Coerce_Condition_Failure
SUIT_Parameters //= (3 => bstr) ; SUIT_Parameter_Vendor_ID
SUIT_Parameters //= (4 => bstr) ; SUIT_Parameter_Class_ID
SUIT_Parameters //= (5 => bstr) ; SUIT_Parameter_Device_ID
SUIT_Parameters //= (6 => bstr .cbor SUIT_URI_List) ; SUIT_Parameter_URI_List
SUIT_Parameters //= (7 => bstr .cbor SUIT_Encryption_Info) ; SUIT_Parameter_Encryption_Info
SUIT_Parameters //= (8 => bstr .cbor SUIT_Compression_Info) ; SUIT_Parameter_Compression_Info
SUIT_Parameters //= (9 => bstr .cbor SUIT_Unpack_Info) ; SUIT_Parameter_Unpack_Info
SUIT_Parameters //= (10 => bstr .cbor SUIT_Component_Identifier) ; SUIT_Parameter_Source_Component
SUIT_Parameters //= (11 => bstr .cbor SUIT_Digest) ; SUIT_Parameter_Image_Digest
SUIT_Parameters //= (12 => uint) ; SUIT_Parameter_Image_Size
SUIT_Parameters //= (nint => int/bool/bstr) ; SUIT_Parameter_Custom

SUIT_URI_List = [ + [priority: int, uri: tstr] ]

SUIT_Encryption_Info = COSE_Encrypt_Tagged/COSE_Encrypt0_Tagged
SUIT_Compression_Info = {
    suit-compression-algorithm => SUIT_Compression_Algorithms
    ? suit-compression-parameters => bstr
suit-compression-algorithm = 1
suit-compression-parameters = 2

SUIT_Compression_Algorithms /= SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_gzip
SUIT_Compression_Algorithms /= SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_bzip2
SUIT_Compression_Algorithms /= SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_lz4
SUIT_Compression_Algorithms /= SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_lzma

SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_gzip = 1
SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_bzip2 = 2
SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_deflate = 3
SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_lz4 = 4
SUIT_Compression_Algorithm_lzma = 7

SUIT_Unpack_Info = {
    suit-unpack-algorithm => SUIT_Unpack_Algorithms
    ? suit-unpack-parameters => bstr
suit-unpack-algorithm  = 1
suit-unpack-parameters = 2

SUIT_Unpack_Algorithms /= SUIT_Unpack_Algorithm_Delta
SUIT_Unpack_Algorithms /= SUIT_Unpack_Algorithm_Hex
SUIT_Unpack_Algorithms /= SUIT_Unpack_Algorithm_Elf

SUIT_Unpack_Algorithm_Delta = 1
SUIT_Unpack_Algorithm_Hex = 2

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SUIT_Unpack_Algorithm_Elf = 3

SUIT_Text_Map = {int => tstr}

13.  Examples

   The following examples demonstrate a small subset of the
   functionality of the manifest.  However, despite this, even a simple
   manifest processor can execute most of these manifests.

   None of these examples include authentication.  This is provided via
   RFC 8152 [RFC8152], and is omitted for clarity.

13.1.  Example 0:

   Secure boot only.

   The following JSON shows the intended behaviour of the manifest.

       "structure-version": 1,
       "sequence-number": 1,
       "run-image": [
           { "directive-set-component": 0 },
           { "condition-image": null },
           { "directive-run": null }
       "common": {
           "common-sequence": [
                   "directive-set-var": {
                       "digest": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"
                       "size": 34768
           "components": [

   Converted into the SUIT manifest, this produces:

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    / auth object / 1 : None
    / manifest / 3 : h'a40101020103583ca2024c818245466c6173684300340104'
                     h'0003f617f6' \
        / structure-version / 1 : 1
        / sequence-number / 2 : 1
        / common / 3 : h'a2024c818245466c6173684300340104582a8213a20b58'
                       h'cdeffedcba98765432100c1987d0' \ {
            / components / 2 : h'818245466c61736843003401' \
                [h'466c617368', h'003401'],
            / common / 4 : h'8213a20b582000112233445566778899aabbccddee'
            \ [
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / digest / 11 :h'00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff01'
                    / size / 12 : 34768
        / run-image / 12 : h'860c0003f617f6' \ [
            / set-component-index / 12, 0,
            / condition-image / 3, None,
            / run / 23, None,

   Total size of outer wrapper without COSE authentication object: 83



13.2.  Example 1:

   Simultaneous download and installation of payload.

   The following JSON shows the intended behaviour of the manifest.

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       "structure-version": 1,
       "sequence-number": 2,
       "apply-image": [
           { "directive-set-component": 0 },
               "directive-set-var": {
                   "uri": ""
           { "directive-fetch": null }
       "common": {
           "common-sequence": [
                   "directive-set-var": {
                       "digest": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"
                       "size": 34768
           "components": [

   Converted into the SUIT manifest, this produces:

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    / auth object / 1 : None
    / manifest / 3 : h'a40101020203583ca2024c818245466c6173684300340104'
                     h'6d2f66696c652e62696e15f6' \
        / structure-version / 1 : 1
        / sequence-number / 2 : 2
        / common / 3 : h'a2024c818245466c6173684300340104582a8213a20b58'
                       h'cdeffedcba98765432100c1987d0' \ {
            / components / 2 : h'818245466c61736843003401' \
                [h'466c617368', h'003401'],
            / common / 4 : h'8213a20b582000112233445566778899aabbccddee'
            \ [
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / digest / 11 :h'00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff01'
                    / size / 12 : 34768
        / apply-image / 9 : h'860c0013a106781b687474703a2f2f6578616d70'
                            h'6c652e636f6d2f66696c652e62696e15f6' \ [
            / set-component-index / 12, 0,
            / set-vars / 19, {
                / uri / 6 :
            / fetch / 21, None,

   Total size of outer wrapper without COSE authentication object: 114



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13.3.  Example 2:

   Compatibility test, simultaneous download and installation, and
   secure boot.

   The following JSON shows the intended behaviour of the manifest.

    "structure-version": 1,
    "sequence-number": 3,
    "common": {
        "common-sequence": [
                "directive-set-var": {
                    "vendor-id": "fa6b4a53-d5ad-5fdf-be9d-e663e4d41ffe",
                    "class-id": "1492af14-2569-5e48-bf42-9b2d51f2ab45",
                    "digest": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"
                    "size": 34768
            { "condition-vendor-id": null },
            { "condition-class-id": null }
        "components": [
    "apply-image": [
        { "directive-set-component": 0 },
            "directive-set-var": {
                "uri": ""
        { "directive-fetch": null }
    "run-image": [
        { "directive-set-component": 0 },
        { "condition-image": null },
        { "directive-run": null }

   Converted into the SUIT manifest, this produces:

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    / auth object / 1 : None
    / manifest / 3 : h'a501010203035864a2024c818245466c6173684300340104'
                     h'696e15f60c47860c0003f617f6' \
        / structure-version / 1 : 1
        / sequence-number / 2 : 3
        / common / 3 : h'a2024c818245466c617368430034010458528613a40350'
                       h'0c1987d001f602f6' \ {
            / components / 2 : h'818245466c61736843003401' \
                [h'466c617368', h'003401'],
            / common / 4 : h'8613a40350fa6b4a53d5ad5fdfbe9de663e4d41ffe'
                           h'abcdeffedcba98765432100c1987d001f602f6' \ [
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / vendor-id / 3 : h'fa6b4a53d5ad5fdfbe9de663e4d41f'
                    / class-id / 4 : h'1492af1425695e48bf429b2d51f2ab45'
                    / digest / 11 :h'00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff01'
                    / size / 12 : 34768
                / condition-vendor-id / 1, None,
                / condition-class-id / 2, None,
        / apply-image / 9 : h'860c0013a106781b687474703a2f2f6578616d70'
                            h'6c652e636f6d2f66696c652e62696e15f6' \ [
            / set-component-index / 12, 0,
            / set-vars / 19, {
                / uri / 6 :
            / fetch / 21, None,
        / run-image / 12 : h'860c0003f617f6' \ [
            / set-component-index / 12, 0,
            / condition-image / 3, None,

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            / run / 23, None,

   Total size of outer wrapper without COSE authentication object: 163



13.4.  Example 3:

   Compatibility test, simultaneous download and installation, load from
   external storage, and secure boot.

   The following JSON shows the intended behaviour of the manifest.

    "structure-version": 1,
    "sequence-number": 4,
    "common": {
        "common-sequence": [
                "directive-set-var": {
                    "vendor-id": "fa6b4a53-d5ad-5fdf-be9d-e663e4d41ffe",
                    "class-id": "1492af14-2569-5e48-bf42-9b2d51f2ab45"
            { "directive-set-component": 0 },
                "directive-set-var": {
                    "digest": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"
                    "size": 34768
            { "directive-set-component": 1 },
                "directive-set-var": {
                    "digest": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"
                    "size": 34768

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            { "condition-vendor-id": null },
            { "condition-class-id": null }
        "components": [
    "apply-image": [
        { "directive-set-component": 0 },
            "directive-set-var": {
                "uri": ""
        { "directive-fetch": null }
    "run-image": [
        { "directive-set-component": 0 },
        { "condition-image": null },
        { "directive-set-component": 1 },
            "directive-set-var": {
                "source-index": 0
        { "directive-fetch": null },
        { "condition-image": null },
        { "directive-run": null }

   Converted into the SUIT manifest, this produces:

    / auth object / 1 : None
    / manifest / 3 : h'a50101020403589ba20254828245466c6173684300340182'

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                     h'15f603f617f6' \
        / structure-version / 1 : 1
        / sequence-number / 2 : 4
        / common / 3 : h'a20254828245466c61736843003401824352414d420004'
                       h'effedcba98765432100c1987d001f602f6' \ {
            / components / 2 : h'828245466c61736843003401824352414d4200'
                               h'04' \
                [h'466c617368', h'003401'],
                [h'52414d', h'0004'],
            / common / 4 : h'8e13a20350fa6b4a53d5ad5fdfbe9de663e4d41ffe'
                           h'f602f6' \ [
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / vendor-id / 3 : h'fa6b4a53d5ad5fdfbe9de663e4d41f'
                    / class-id / 4 : h'1492af1425695e48bf429b2d51f2ab45'
                / set-component-index / 12, 0,
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / digest / 11 :h'00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff01'
                    / size / 12 : 34768
                / set-component-index / 12, 1,
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / digest / 11 :h'00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff01'
                    / size / 12 : 34768
                / condition-vendor-id / 1, None,
                / condition-class-id / 2, None,

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        / apply-image / 9 : h'860c0013a106781b687474703a2f2f6578616d70'
                            h'6c652e636f6d2f66696c652e62696e15f6' \ [
            / set-component-index / 12, 0,
            / set-vars / 19, {
                / uri / 6 :
            / fetch / 21, None,
        / run-image / 12 : h'8e0c0003f60c0113a10a0015f603f617f6' \ [
            / set-component-index / 12, 0,
            / condition-image / 3, None,
            / set-component-index / 12, 1,
            / set-vars / 19, {
                / source-component / 10 : 0
            / fetch / 21, None,
            / condition-image / 3, None,
            / run / 23, None,

   Total size of outer wrapper without COSE authentication object: 228



13.5.  Example 4:

   Compatibility test, simultaneous download and installation, load and
   decompress from external storage, and secure boot.

   The following JSON shows the intended behaviour of the manifest.

    "structure-version": 1,
    "sequence-number": 5,
    "common": {
        "common-sequence": [

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                "directive-set-var": {
                    "vendor-id": "fa6b4a53-d5ad-5fdf-be9d-e663e4d41ffe",
                    "class-id": "1492af14-2569-5e48-bf42-9b2d51f2ab45"
            { "directive-set-component": 0 },
                "directive-set-var": {
                    "digest": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"
                    "size": 34768
            { "directive-set-component": 1 },
                "directive-set-var": {
                    "digest": "0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210"
                    "size": 34768
            { "condition-vendor-id": null },
            { "condition-class-id": null }
        "components": [
    "apply-image": [
        { "directive-set-component": 0 },
            "directive-set-var": {
                "uri": ""
        { "directive-fetch": null }
    "load-image": [
        { "directive-set-component": 0 },
        { "condition-image": null },
        { "directive-set-component": 1 },

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            "directive-set-var": {
                "source-index": 0,
                "compression-info": {
                    "algorithm": "gzip"
        { "directive-copy": null }
    "run-image": [
        { "condition-image": null },
        { "directive-run": null }

   Converted into the SUIT manifest, this produces:

    / auth object / 1 : None
    / manifest / 3 : h'a60101020503589ba20254828245466c6173684300340182'
                     h'f60a0016f60c458403f617f6' \
        / structure-version / 1 : 1
        / sequence-number / 2 : 5
        / common / 3 : h'a20254828245466c61736843003401824352414d420004'
                       h'778899aabbccddeeff0c1987d001f602f6' \ {
            / components / 2 : h'828245466c61736843003401824352414d4200'
                               h'04' \
                [h'466c617368', h'003401'],
                [h'52414d', h'0004'],
            / common / 4 : h'8e13a20350fa6b4a53d5ad5fdfbe9de663e4d41ffe'

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                           h'f602f6' \ [
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / vendor-id / 3 : h'fa6b4a53d5ad5fdfbe9de663e4d41f'
                    / class-id / 4 : h'1492af1425695e48bf429b2d51f2ab45'
                / set-component-index / 12, 0,
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / digest / 11 :h'00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff01'
                    / size / 12 : 34768
                / set-component-index / 12, 1,
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / digest / 11 :h'0123456789abcdeffedcba987654321000'
                    / size / 12 : 34768
                / condition-vendor-id / 1, None,
                / condition-class-id / 2, None,
        / apply-image / 9 : h'860c0013a106781b687474703a2f2f6578616d70'
                            h'6c652e636f6d2f66696c652e62696e15f6' \ [
            / set-component-index / 12, 0,
            / set-vars / 19, {
                / uri / 6 :
            / fetch / 21, None,
        / load-image / 11 : h'8a0c0003f60c0113a20841f60a0016f6' \ [
            / set-component-index / 12, 0,
            / condition-image / 3, None,
            / set-component-index / 12, 1,
            / set-vars / 19, {
                / unknown / 8 : h'f6'
                / source-component / 10 : 0
            / copy / 22, None,
        / run-image / 12 : h'8403f617f6' \ [
            / condition-image / 3, None,
            / run / 23, None,

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   Total size of outer wrapper without COSE authentication object: 234



13.6.  Example 5:

   Compatibility test, download, installation, and secure boot.

   The following JSON shows the intended behaviour of the manifest.

    "structure-version": 1,
    "sequence-number": 6,
    "common": {
        "common-sequence": [
                "directive-set-var": {
                    "vendor-id": "fa6b4a53-d5ad-5fdf-be9d-e663e4d41ffe",
                    "class-id": "1492af14-2569-5e48-bf42-9b2d51f2ab45"
            { "directive-set-component": 0 },
                "directive-set-var": {
                    "digest": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"
                    "size": 34768
            { "directive-set-component": 1 },
                "directive-set-var": {
                    "digest": "0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210"
                    "size": 34768

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            { "condition-vendor-id": null },
            { "condition-class-id": null }
        "components": [
    "apply-image": [
        { "directive-set-component": 0 },
            "directive-set-var": {
                "uri": ""
        { "directive-fetch": null }
    "load-image": [
        { "directive-set-component": 1 },
        { "condition-not-image": null },
        { "directive-set-component": 0 },
        { "condition-image": null },
        { "directive-set-component": 1 },
            "directive-set-var": {
                "source-index": 0
        { "directive-fetch": null }
    "run-image": [
        { "directive-set-component": 1 },
        { "condition-image": null },
        { "directive-run": null }

   Converted into the SUIT manifest, this produces:

    / auth object / 1 : None
    / manifest / 3 : h'a60101020603589ea202578282467b1b4595ab2143003401'

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                     h'03f60c0113a10a0015f60c47860c0103f617f6' \
        / structure-version / 1 : 1
        / sequence-number / 2 : 6
        / common / 3 : h'a202578282467b1b4595ab21430034018245466c617368'
                       h'445566778899aabbccddeeff0c1987d001f602f6' \ {
            / components / 2 : h'8282467b1b4595ab21430034018245466c6173'
                               h'68420004' \
                [h'7b1b4595ab21', h'003401'],
                [h'466c617368', h'0004'],
            / common / 4 : h'8e13a20350fa6b4a53d5ad5fdfbe9de663e4d41ffe'
                           h'f602f6' \ [
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / vendor-id / 3 : h'fa6b4a53d5ad5fdfbe9de663e4d41f'
                    / class-id / 4 : h'1492af1425695e48bf429b2d51f2ab45'
                / set-component-index / 12, 0,
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / digest / 11 :h'00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff01'
                    / size / 12 : 34768
                / set-component-index / 12, 1,
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / digest / 11 :h'0123456789abcdeffedcba987654321000'
                    / size / 12 : 34768

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                / condition-vendor-id / 1, None,
                / condition-class-id / 2, None,
        / apply-image / 9 : h'860c0013a106581b687474703a2f2f6578616d70'
                            h'6c652e636f6d2f66696c652e62696e15f6' \ [
            / set-component-index / 12, 0,
            / set-vars / 19, {
                / uri / 6 : h'687474703a2f2f6578616d706c652e636f6d2f66'
            / fetch / 21, None,
        / load-image / 11 : h'8e0c011819f60c0003f60c0113a10a0015f6' \ [
            / set-component-index / 12, 1,
            / condition-not-image / 25, None,
            / set-component-index / 12, 0,
            / condition-image / 3, None,
            / set-component-index / 12, 1,
            / set-vars / 19, {
                / source-component / 10 : 0
            / fetch / 21, None,
        / run-image / 12 : h'860c0103f617f6' \ [
            / set-component-index / 12, 1,
            / condition-image / 3, None,
            / run / 23, None,

   Total size of outer wrapper without COSE authentication object: 241



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13.7.  Example 6:

   Compatibility test, 2 images, simultaneous download and installation,
   and secure boot.

   The following JSON shows the intended behaviour of the manifest.

    "structure-version": 1,
    "sequence-number": 7,
    "common": {
        "common-sequence": [
                "directive-set-var": {
                    "vendor-id": "fa6b4a53-d5ad-5fdf-be9d-e663e4d41ffe",
                    "class-id": "1492af14-2569-5e48-bf42-9b2d51f2ab45"
            { "directive-set-component": 0 },
                "directive-set-var": {
                    "digest": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"
                    "size": 34768
            { "directive-set-component": 1 },
                "directive-set-var": {
                    "digest": "0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210"
                    "size": 76834
            { "condition-vendor-id": null },
            { "condition-class-id": null }
        "components": [

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    "apply-image": [
        { "directive-set-component": 0 },
            "directive-set-var": {
                "uri": ""
        { "directive-set-component": 1 },
            "directive-set-var": {
                "uri": ""
        { "directive-set-component": true },
        { "directive-fetch": null }
    "run-image": [
        { "directive-set-component": true },
        { "condition-image": null },
        { "directive-set-component": 0 },
        { "directive-run": null }

   Converted into the SUIT manifest, this produces:

    / auth object / 1 : None
    / manifest / 3 : h'a5010102070358a0a20257828245466c6173684300340182'
                     h'696e0cf515f60c49880cf503f60c0017f6' \
        / structure-version / 1 : 1
        / sequence-number / 2 : 7
        / common / 3 : h'a20257828245466c617368430034018245466c61736843'

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        \ {
            / components / 2 : h'828245466c617368430034018245466c617368'
                               h'43000402' \
                [h'466c617368', h'003401'],
                [h'466c617368', h'000402'],
            / common / 4 : h'8e13a20350fa6b4a53d5ad5fdfbe9de663e4d41ffe'
                           h'2201f602f6' \ [
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / vendor-id / 3 : h'fa6b4a53d5ad5fdfbe9de663e4d41f'
                    / class-id / 4 : h'1492af1425695e48bf429b2d51f2ab45'
                / set-component-index / 12, 0,
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / digest / 11 :h'00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff01'
                    / size / 12 : 34768
                / set-component-index / 12, 1,
                / set-vars / 19, {
                    / digest / 11 :h'0123456789abcdeffedcba987654321000'
                    / size / 12 : 76834
                / condition-vendor-id / 1, None,
                / condition-class-id / 2, None,
        / apply-image / 9 : h'8c0c0013a106781c687474703a2f2f6578616d70'
                            h'6d2f66696c65322e62696e0cf515f6' \ [
            / set-component-index / 12, 0,
            / set-vars / 19, {
                / uri / 6 :
            / set-component-index / 12, 1,
            / set-vars / 19, {
                / uri / 6 :

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            / set-component-index / 12, True,
            / fetch / 21, None,
        / run-image / 12 : h'880cf503f60c0017f6' \ [
            / set-component-index / 12, True,
            / condition-image / 3, None,
            / set-component-index / 12, 0,
            / run / 23, None,

   Total size of outer wrapper without COSE authentication object: 264



14.  IANA Considerations

   Several registries will be required for:

   -  standard Commands

   -  standard Parameters

   -  standard Algorithm identifiers

   -  standard text values

15.  Security Considerations

   This document is about a manifest format describing and protecting
   firmware images and as such it is part of a larger solution for
   offering a standardized way of delivering firmware updates to IoT
   devices.  A more detailed discussion about security can be found in
   the architecture document [Architecture] and in [Information].

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16.  Mailing List Information

   The discussion list for this document is located at the e-mail
   address [1].  Information on the group and information
   on how to subscribe to the list is at [2]

   Archives of the list can be found at:
   archive/web/suit/current/index.html [3]

17.  Acknowledgements

   We would like to thank the following persons for their support in
   designing this mechanism:

   -  Milosch Meriac

   -  Geraint Luff

   -  Dan Ros

   -  John-Paul Stanford

   -  Hugo Vincent

   -  Carsten Bormann

   -  Oeyvind Roenningstad

   -  Frank Audun Kvamtroe

   -  Krzysztof Chru&#347;ci&#324;ski

   -  Andrzej Puzdrowski

   -  Michael Richardson

   -  David Brown

   -  Emmanuel Baccelli

18.  References

18.1.  Normative References

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   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC4122]  Leach, P., Mealling, M., and R. Salz, "A Universally
              Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace", RFC 4122,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4122, July 2005,

   [RFC8152]  Schaad, J., "CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE)",
              RFC 8152, DOI 10.17487/RFC8152, July 2017,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

18.2.  Informative References

              Moran, B., "A Firmware Update Architecture for Internet of
              Things Devices", January 2019,

              Moran, B., "Firmware Updates for Internet of Things
              Devices - An Information Model for Manifests", January
              2019, <

   [RFC6920]  Farrell, S., Kutscher, D., Dannewitz, C., Ohlman, B.,
              Keranen, A., and P. Hallam-Baker, "Naming Things with
              Hashes", RFC 6920, DOI 10.17487/RFC6920, April 2013,

18.3.  URIs




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Authors' Addresses

   Brendan Moran
   Arm Limited


   Hannes Tschofenig
   Arm Limited


   Henk Birkholz
   Fraunhofer SIT


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