Internet DRAFT - draft-moreau-dnsext-sdda-rr


INTERNET DRAFT                                            Thierry Moreau
Document: draft-moreau-dnsext-sdda-rr-02.txt                   CONNOTECH
Category: Informational                                      April, 2006
Expires: October, 2006

    The SEP DNSKEY Direct Authenticator DNS Resource Record (SDDA-RR)

Status of this Memo

     Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
     Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
     other groups may also distribute working documents as

     Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
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     The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at 

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     Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).

IPR Disclosure Acknowledgment

     By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
     applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware
     have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes
     aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.


     This document specifies a generic DNS resource record format for
     "direct authentication" of DSNKEY records with the SEP bit (Secure
     Entry Point) set to "1". Although a generic record format is
     specified with type fields allowing standardized or proprietary
     extensions, the only use of SDDA RR in DNSSEC operations is the
     support of trust anchor key management operations. Schemes using
     the SDDA-RR format are to be specified in other documents.

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3

2. Resource Record Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     2.1 General Characteristics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     2.2 SDDA RR Wire Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
          2.2.1 Key Tag Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
          2.2.2 Algorithm Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
          2.2.3 Authentication Mechanism Type Field . . . . . . . . .  6
          2.2.4 Authentication Context Type Field . . . . . . . . . .  6
          2.2.5 Authentication Expiration Field . . . . . . . . . . .  6
          2.2.6 Authentication Inception Field  . . . . . . . . . . .  7
          2.2.7 Algorithm Extension Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
          2.2.8 Authentication Mechanism Type Extension Field . . . .  7
          2.2.9 Authentication Context Data Field . . . . . . . . . .  8
          2.2.10 Algorithm-Related Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
      Authentication Algorithm Type . . . . . . . .  8
      Authentication Algorithm Common Parameters  .  8
          2.2.11 Authentication Mechanism Data Field  . . . . . . . .  9
     2.3 The SDDA RR Presentation Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     2.4 Additional Zone Management Requirements  . . . . . . . . . . 10

3. Resolver Procedures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     3.1 Resolver State for Automated Trust Anchor Key Rollover . . . 11
     3.2 SDDA Rollover Procedure within Chain of Trust Validation . . 12
     3.3 SDDA RRset Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     3.4 Resolver Provisions for Emergency Rollover . . . . . . . . . 13

4. Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5. IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

6. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

7. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Document Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     From revision -01 to revision -02  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     From revision -00 to revision -01  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

IPR Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     Intellectual Property  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     Copyright Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

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1. Introduction

     The SEP DNSSEC Direct Authenticator Resource Record (SDDA RR)
     provides a generic RR format for authentication mechanisms
     applicable to DNSKEY records with the SEP bit set. An SDDA record
     points to the DNSKEY record, somehow like a DS record in a DNSSEC
     secure delegation, except that the SDDA record and the targeted
     DNSKEY record are both located at a DNS zone apex.

     The present specification builds on the DNSSEC protocol ([RFC4033],
     [RFC4034], [RFC4035]), and also on the DNS zone manager practice of
     distinguishing between a KSK (Key Signing Key) and a ZSK (Zone
     Signing Key) with the DNSKEY SEP bit ([RFC3757], [RFC2541bis]).

     Authentication mechanisms used with SDDA records are expected to
     require and/or exploit outside arrangements, e.g. out-of-band
     distribution of configuration data or a pre-existing security
     association. An authentication mechanism using the SDDA record
     needs an additional specification, not provided in the present

     The SDDA specification is intended to fulfill the need of trust
     anchor key management, notably automated trust anchor key rollover.
     Typically, trust anchor key management operations are assisted by
     cryptographic mechanisms outside of the DNSSEC core specifications.
     The SDDA record specification provide a placeholder for
     cryptographic mechanisms data fields.

     The present specification turns the operational concept of "key
     effectiveness period" (defined in [RFC2541bis]) into protocol
     provisions, i.e. field definitions, for applicability to trust
     anchor keys.

     The section 3 of the present specification suggests detailed
     resolver procedures for applying the SDDA RR to automate trust
     anchor key rollover, assuming some properties of the authentication

     The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
     this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

2. Resource Record Specifications

2.1 General Characteristics

     The Type value for the SDDA RR type is [[to be determined]].
     Experimentation with the present specification may be undertaken
     with the private SDDA RR type value 0xFF3F or 65343.

     The SDDA RR is class independent.

     The SDDA RR has no special TTL requirements.

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2.2 SDDA RR Wire Format

     The RDATA for an SDDA record consists of a 2 octet key tag field,
     three 1 octet type fields, an authentication expiration field, an
     authentication inception field, and a number of other fields as
     implied, directly or indirectly, by the type indications. The type
     fields are respectively for
       o  an algorithm type field,
       o  an authentication mechanism type field,
       o  an authentication context type field.

     It is not expected that a decoding software be able to parse the
     variable-length fields unless it is fully compliant with the set of
     type indication values.

                     1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|            Key Tag            |   Algorithm   | Auth Mech Type|
| Auth Ctx Type |           Authentication Expiration           |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+/ /+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|               |           Authentication Inception            |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+/ /+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|               |                                               /
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+/          other fields                          /
/                                                               /

     The SDDA RR fields are listed in the table below in their order in
     the SDDA RR wire encoding. Some fields are optional and/or can be
     repeated. The group of two fields starting with Authentication
     Algorithm in section 2.2.10 may be repeated more than once. The
     Authentication Mechanism Data value lies at the end of SDDA RR wire
     encoding; its length is implied by the length of the RDATA portion
     of the SDDA RR.

     An SDDA record points to a DNSKEY record using the fields NAME, Key
     Tag, Algorithm, and optionally Algorithm Extension. As explained in
     Appendix B of [RFC4034], DNSSEC key tags are not always referring
     unambiguously to a single DNSKEY RR within the allowed set. An
     authentication mechanism specification must ensure that colliding
     key tags ambiguities can be resolved with the data contents of
     other fields, notably by validating the DNSKEY authentication based
     on these other fields.

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Section   Field Description,
                    Occurrence Rule
=======   ==================================
2.2.1     Key Tag,
                    Always present
2.2.2     Algorithm,
                    Always present
2.2.3     Authentication Mechanism Type,
                    Always present
2.2.4     Authentication Context Type,
                    Always present
2.2.5     Authentication Expiration,
                    Always present
2.2.6     Authentication Inception,
                    Always present
2.2.7     Algorithm Extension,
                    Optional based on Algorithm
2.2.8     Authentication Mechanism Type Extension,
                    Optional based on Authentication Mechanism Type
2.2.9     Authentication Context Data,
                    Optional based on Authentication Context Type  Authentication Algorithm Type,
                    Zero or more occurrences based on Authentication
                    Mechanism Type  Authentication Algorithm Common Parameters,
                    Zero or more occurrences based on immediately
                    preceding Authentication Algorithm Type
2.2.11    Authentication Mechanism Data,
                    Zero or one occurrence based on Authentication
                    Mechanism Type and any Authentication Algorithm Type

2.2.1 Key Tag Field

     The Key Tag field holds the key tag of the DNSKEY RR referred to by
     the SDDA record, in network byte order. The Key Tag used by the
     SDDA RR is as specified in Appendix B of [RFC4034].

2.2.2 Algorithm Field

     The Algorithm field lists the algorithm number of the DNSKEY RR
     referred to by the SDDA record.

     The algorithm number used by the SDDA RR is identical to the
     algorithm number used by DNSKEY RRs. Appendix A.1 in [RFC4034]
     lists the algorithm number types. For private DNSSEC algorithm
     types, the Algorithm Extension field, see section 2.2.7, holds the
     encoding that Appendix section A.1.1. in [RFC4034] assigns to the
     beginning of either the public key area in the DNSKEY RR or the
     signature area in the RRSIG RR.

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2.2.3 Authentication Mechanism Type Field

     The SDDA RR provides authentication information for a DNSKEY RR
     according to an authentication mechanism. The Authentication
     Mechanism type field identifies the specific mechanism applicable
     to the SDDA record, and partly determines the format of the RDATA
     variable part after the Authentication Inception field.

     The currently allocated authentication mechanisms are
     0:   reserved,
     1:   TAKREM key rollover message authentication defined in
          reference [TAKREM-DNSSEC],
     253: Private mechanism identified by a domain-name-encoded
          extension field, see section 2.2.8,
     254: Private mechanism identified by an ISO Object Identifier
          extension field, see section 2.2.8,
     255: reserved.

     Mechanism numbers 253 and 254 are reserved for private use and
     neither will be assigned to a specific mechanism. Private
     mechanisms use the Authentication Mechanism Type Extension optional
     field specified in section 2.2.8.

2.2.4 Authentication Context Type Field

     Some authentication mechanism may need a reference to previously
     established parameters, e.g. a security association or a simple
     symmetric secret key. In cases where the Name field of the SDDA
     record does not provide sufficient context indication, a non-zero
     value in the Authentication Context Type field tells the format of
     reference information found in the Authentication Context Data
     field. The semantic rules of Authentication Context Data field
     should be specified with any authentication mechanisms that use a
     given format.

     The currently allocated authentication context types are
     0:   none, i.e. the domain name provides adequate context
     1:   a DNS name (not compressed) is present in the Authentication
          Context Data field;
     2:   an opaque 32 bits value (encoded in network order) is present
          in the Authentication Context Data field.

     Values in the range from 128 to 191 inclusive may be specified in
     the limited context of the authentication mechanism identified by
     the Authentication Mechanism Type field value.

2.2.5 Authentication Expiration Field

     The Authentication Expiration field and Authentication Inception
     field specify a validity period for the DNSKEY authentication.
     Since the present specifications is a generic mechanism, no
     provisions specifically mandate processing rules for the inception

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     and expiration fields. The intent of these fields is to implements
     the "key effectivity period" defined in [RFC2541bis]. Thus, an
     authentication scheme should have provisions such that, once an
     SDDA record authentication is validated, the DNSKEY targeted by the
     SDDA record must not be used as a trust anchor outside of the
     inception and expiration range.

     A special situation arises if an empty inception to expiration
     range occurs in an SDDA RR. Such encoding can be used by an
     authentication scheme to signal or confirm the expiry of a DNSKEY
     public key, but such DNSKEY must not be part of the DNSKEY RRset
     (i.e. otherwise it might be authenticated without expiry indication
     by a parental DS). The present document uses the term "obituary
     SDDA" for such an SDDA RR that has its Authentication Expiration
     field value not later than its Authentication Inception field

     The Authentication Expiration field and Authentication Inception
     field values specify a date and time in the form of a 32-bit
     unsigned number of seconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00
     UTC, ignoring leap seconds, in network byte order. The longest
     interval that can be expressed by this format without wrapping is
     approximately 136 years. An SDDA RR can have an Authentication
     Expiration field value that is numerically smaller than the
     Authentication Inception field value if the expiration field value
     is near the 32-bit wrap-around point or if the signature is long
     lived. Because of this, all comparisons involving these fields MUST
     use "Serial number arithmetic", as defined in [RFC1982]. As a
     direct consequence, the values contained in these fields cannot
     refer to dates more than 68 years in either the past or the future.

2.2.6 Authentication Inception Field

     See the description in above subsection 2.2.5.

2.2.7 Algorithm Extension Field

     When the Algorithm field value implies the presence of an extension
     field, this subsection applies. See appendix A.1 in [RFC4034] for
     encoding details.

2.2.8 Authentication Mechanism Type Extension Field

     When the Authentication Mechanism Type field value implies the
     presence of the present extension field, this subsection
     specification applies.

     If the Authentication Mechanism Type field value is 253, the
     present extension field contains a wire encoded domain name, which
     must not be compressed. The domain name indicates the private
     mechanism to use. Entities should only use domain names they
     control to designate their private mechanisms.

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     If the Authentication Mechanism Type field value is 254, the
     present extension field contains an unsigned length byte followed
     by a BER encoded Object Identifier (ISO OID) of that length. The
     OID indicates the private mechanism to use. Entities should only
     use OIDs they control to designate their private mechanisms.

2.2.9 Authentication Context Data Field

     The Authentication Context Data field contains the security context
     identification data in a format identified by the Authentication
     Context Type field. This field may be present if a non-zero value
     is present in the Authentication Context Type field. An
     authentication mechanism may need this information in an SDDA RR
     instance for a complete reference to previously established
     security parameters.

2.2.10 Algorithm-Related Fields

     A given authentication mechanism may rely on one or more
     cryptography algorithms, e.g. a digital signature mechanism may use
     two such algorithms: a cryptographic hash function and a public key
     primitive. For each cryptographic algorithm, a set of
     algorithm-related fields may be present. This allows the selection
     of a specific algorithm among a family of alternatives, and/or the
     specification of common parameters applicable to an algorithm
     instance. The Authentication Mechanism Type indication in an SDDA
     RR implicitly specifies the presence of one or more sets, and the
     algorithm-specific field contents and semantic for each set.

     A set of algorithm-related fields comprises at least the
     Authentication Algorithm Type field described in section,
     and optionally the Authentication Algorithm Common Parameters field
     described in section When more than one algorithm deserve
     some algorithm-related fields, they should appear by groups, e.g.
     Authentication Algorithm Type, and Authentication Algorithm Common
     Parameters for a first algorithm, then these two fields for the
     next algorithm, and so on. Authentication Algorithm Type

     The Authentication Algorithm Type field is optional and significant
     in the context of the Authentication Mechanism field value of a
     given SDDA RR encoding. The size and encoding rules for this field
     are specified with the authentication mechanism. Authentication Algorithm Common Parameters

     Some cryptographic algorithm require the specification of common
     parameters, e.g. the Diffie-Hellman cryptosystem, other algorithms
     based on the discrete logarithm problem and elliptic curve
     cryptographic algorithms. The Authentication Algorithm Common
     Parameters field allows the specification of these parameters,
     using algorithm-specific rules. These rules may specify the common

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     parameter values directly or by reference to values published
     elsewhere (e.g the United States NIST organization publishes
     elliptic curve parameters).

2.2.11 Authentication Mechanism Data Field

     The Authentication Mechanism Data field contains the "payload" data
     relevant to the authentication mechanism applied to the DNSKEY RR
     linked to the SDDA RR. The rules applicable to this data field are
     governed by the authentication mechanism and any authentication
     algorithm specified in the previous fields of this SDDA RR.

2.3 The SDDA RR Presentation Format

     The presentation format of the RDATA portion is as follows:

     The Key Tag field MUST be represented as an unsigned decimal

     The Algorithm field MUST be represented either as an unsigned
     decimal integer or as an algorithm mnemonic as specified in
     Appendix A.1 of [RFC4034].

     The Authentication Mechanism Type MUST be represented as an
     unsigned decimal integer.

     The Authentication Context Type MUST be represented as an unsigned
     decimal integer.

     The Authentication Expiration Time field and Authentication
     Inception Time field values MUST be represented either as an
     unsigned decimal integer indicating seconds since 1 January 1970
     00:00:00 UTC, or in the form YYYYMMDDHHmmSS in UTC, where:
       o  YYYY is the year (0001-9999, but see Section 2.2.5);
       o  MM is the month number (01-12);
       o  DD is the day of the month (01-31);
       o  HH is the hour, in 24 hour notation (00-23);
       o  mm is the minute (00-59); and
       o  SS is the second (00-59).
     Note that it is always possible to distinguish between these two
     formats because the YYYYMMDDHHmmSS format will always be exactly 14
     digits, while the decimal representation of a 32-bit unsigned
     integer can never be longer than 10 digits.

     The remaining portion of the RDATA field MUST be represented as a
     Base64 encoding of its contents. Whitespace is allowed within the
     Base64 text. For a definition of Base64 encoding, see [RFC3548].

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2.4 Additional Zone Management Requirements

     For an SDDA RR having an Authentication Expiration field later than
     its Authentication Inception field (i.e. not an obituary SDDA), an
     authoritative nameserver SHALL NOT include an SDDA RR in a zone
     SDDA RRset unless the NAME field is the apex of the zone, a DNSKEY
     RR exists (in the zone with the same SOA SERIAL field) with the
     same NAME and Algorithm field as the SDDA RR, the SEP bit set, and
     the DNSKEY RR key tag computation matching the Key Tag field in the
     SDDA RR. Such SDDA RR with its targeted DNSKEY RR SHALL NOT be
     included in the zone data outside of the inception to expiration
     range, i.e. neither before the time indicated in the Authentication
     Inception field value nor at or after the Authentication Expiration
     field value.

     If the inclusion of SDDA RR in a zone is intended to support
     automated trust anchor key rollover operation as originally
     intended, some zone signing requirements apply (other uses of the
     SDDA record format rules might lead to different zone signing
     requirements). Specifically, there SHOULD be an RRSIG for the SDDA
     RRset at a zone apex, if any, using each DNSKEY targeted by one of
     the SDDA RR. In addition, a DNS zone apex DNSKEY RRset SHOULD be
     signed by each DNSKEY targeted by an SDDA RR in the SDDA RRset, if

     An obituary SDDA RR MAY be included in a zone SDDA RRset including
     a currently valid (non-obituary) SDDA RR with the same
     Authentication Mechanism Type field and the same Authentication
     Mechanism Type Extension field as the case may be. As indicated in
     subsection 2.2.5, an obituary SDDA RR has an empty inception to
     expiration range and no targeted DNSKEY RR in the current DNSKEY
     RRset. The inclusion of an obituary SDDA RR in a zone by the
     legitimate user of a trust anchor key can assist trust anchor key
     compromise recovery and counter or deter key replay attacks. If the
     compromise is detected during the key effectiveness period, an
     obituary issued immediately might assist some resolvers in
     terminating the use of the broken key. Replay attack prevention
     might be effective for resolvers not having seen the broken trust
     anchor key when it was first used, if they keep track of unknown
     obituaries for later validation of new trust anchor keys, because a
     new trust anchor might be a replay attempt by an ill-intentioned
     party having access to the past broken private signature key.

3. Resolver Procedures

     The present specification is limited to record format rules, and
     some minor provisions for name server procedures. It does not
     change the DNS resolver procedures. However, this section describes
     generic resolver procedures that may be possible assuming some
     properties of the authentication mechanism.

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3.1 Resolver State for Automated Trust Anchor Key Rollover

     The SDDA RR is intended for trust anchor key rollover support,
     preferably as a fully automated procedure. Inescapably, trust
     anchor key management implies that the resolver maintain some state
     information about current valid trust anchor keys, and perhaps
     other relevant data.

     The present section assumes that a rollover scheme requires some
     Trust Anchor Key initial data configuration (TAK-i) and the
     rollover operation contributes some additional data (TAK-r) that
     changes the state maintained by the resolver. Furthermore, the
     TAK-i data contains indications of which domain name(s) may be
     subject to DNSKEY rollover supported by the SDDA mechanism.
     Moreover, resolver queries for the DNSKEY and SDDA RRsets for such
     a domain name would, upon successful completion, provide current
     updated TAK-r. Accordingly, the TAK-r information can not "enroll"
     a domain name in future trust anchor key rollover operations.

     For a domain name covered by the TAK-i data, and at a given point
     in time, the TAK-i data plus the cumulative TAK-r data received so
     far by a resolver provide trust status for one or more DNSKEY
     values, including expiration and inception times provided by the
     SDDA RR. Thus, a domain name can have one of the following

     TAK-i with current trust
       o  the domain name is covered by TAK-i data, and the cumulative
          TAK-r data provides current trust for at least one DNSKEY

     TAK-i without trust
       o  the domain name is covered by TAK-i data, and the cumulative
          TAK-r data provides no currently trusted DNSKEY value (e.g.
          before receipt of any valid TAK-r data or outside the most
          restrictive inception and expiration times of every received
          SDDA for every trust anchor key observed so far),

     TAK-i with valid parental DS
       o  the domain name is covered by TAK-i data, the cumulative TAK-r
          data provides no currently trusted DNSKEY value (as with TAK-i
          without trust), and a validated parental DS has been received
          for this DNSKEY value (ignoring RRSIG expiration times for
          this DS RR),

     local trust policy
       o  not being covered by TAK-i data, the domain name is considered
          a trust anchor according to local policy,

     no trust information
       o  the domain name is not covered by any of the trust
          characterization above.

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3.2 SDDA Rollover Procedure within Chain of Trust Validation

     When presented with a application query, the resolver might
     immediately determine that a domain name at or above the name in
     the query would be characterized as "TAK-i without trust" while no
     lower domain is characterized as "local trust policy" or "TAK-i
     with current trust." In such a case, it may be reasonable for the
     resolver to start name server queries at this domain name for the
     DNSKEY RRset and the SDDA RRset.

     Otherwise, the DNS resolver decision process for an SDDA
     authentication attempt overlaps the normal DNS resolver chain of
     trust validation process. At some point, a DNS resolver has at hand
     a set of candidate RRSIG RRs (in a single zone) which could be
     validated, including only the supported signature algorithms. From
     this logical set of candidate RRSIG RRs, a logical set of DNSKEY
     RRs is deduced as candidates for authentication. This set may be
     augmented by examination of available and supported RRSIG RRs that
     sign the DNSKEY RRset (e.g. this implements a KSK signature of a
     ZSK). Then, the SDDA authentication may be attempted when the
     resolver has some TAK-i data for the zone name (i.e. a status
     different from "no trust information") and at least one candidate
     DNSKEY RR has the SEP bit set to "1". This SDDA authentication
     attempt should be avoided if the zone name has a "local trust
     policy" or "TAK-i with current trust" status including sufficient
     DNSKEY RR for the current chain of trust validation.

     This SDDA authentication attempt should also be avoided for a
     "TAK-i with valid parental DS" zone status. This recommendation
     reflects a deployment policy accommodating interim islands of
     trust. Nonetheless, upon failure of a normal attempt to validate a
     parental DS for the zone name, the zone status should revert to
     "TAK-i without trust" and SDDA authentication should be attempted.

3.3 SDDA RRset Examination

     An SDDA authentication attempt consists of a DNS query (with the DO
     bit set, [RFC3225]) for the SDDA RRset, followed by examination of
     the SDDA RRset response. The SDDA RRset examination by a resolver
     should occur by checking each SDDA for the following conditions:
       o  it has a supported authentication mechanism,
       o  the current time falls within the SDDA RR inception and
          expiration range, i.e. not before the Authentication Inception
          field but before the Authentication Expiration field,
       o  it targets at least a DNSKEY RR in the above set (if in the
          course of a chain of trust validation) or any DNSKEY RR in the
          DNSKEY RRset with the SEP bit set to "1" and a supported
       o  the SDDA RRset is signed with an RRSIG RR using the targeted
          DSNKEY RR,
       o  it passes the trust anchor key replay attack detection test
          explained in subsection 3.4 below (item c)).
     Then, the mechanism-specific SDDA RR authentication should be

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     validated. Invalid SDDA RRs should have no impact on the trust
     characterization of a domain name in the resolver state. Following
     any such validation, the trust characterization for the zone name
     can turn to"TAK-i with current trust." In the course of SDDA RRset
     examination, the occurrence of obituary SDDA RRs should be
     processed according to following subsection 3.4 (item b)).

     The circumstances at the end of the above process (including failed
     validation, successful validation ending in "TAK-i without trust",
     or "TAK-i with current trust" not providing trust for any required
     DNSKEY for the current chain of trust validation) may require a
     normal attempt to validate a parental DS for the zone name, which
     might turn the characterization from "TAK-i without trust" into
     "TAK-i with valid parental DS."

3.4 Resolver Provisions for Emergency Rollover

     As a precaution against the replay of an old trust anchor key, a
     resolver should remember the DNSKEY expiry event and abstain from
     re-entrusting the same key after this expiry.

     A resolver can detect a trust anchor expiry under diverse

       a) as the time elapses past the earliest SDDA RR Authentication
          Expiration time validated for this DNSKEY value,

       b) if, after having validated a DNSKEY value as a trust anchor,
          the SDDA RRset examination detects an obituary SDDA RR
          targeting this DNSKEY,

       c) if an otherwise validated DNSKEY value is found in the SDDA
          RRset but an obituary has been received previously by the DNS
          resolver (this circumstances is a trust anchor replay attack

     In order to implement the case c) above, the DNS resolver updatable
     state information TAK-r must store the obituary SDDA RRs received
     (and validated) targeting an unknown DNSKEY value.

4. Security Considerations

     The present document specifies a DNS record format for
     authentication mechanisms that should rely on end-to-end
     cryptographic means for providing security services, i.e. trust
     anchor key authentication. The DNS as a transport mechanism for
     security-relevant information should be considered as an insecure
     transmission mechanism.

     Notably the digital signature present in a RRSIG record covering
     the SDDA RRset should not be trusted blindly (actually, if there is
     an a-priori reason to trust the signature of the SDDA RRset, there
     is almost certainly no justification to use an SDDA scheme in the

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Internet-Draft                  SDDA-RR                     April, 2006

     first place).

     The security considerations specific to each authentication
     mechanism should be referred to. It is expected that such security
     schemes will rely on the proper performance of procedural steps by
     DNS zone managers, on proper protection of DNS resolver systems
     against ill-intentioned configuration tampering, and the like.

5. IANA Considerations

     IANA is requested to assign the value [[to be determined]] as the
     DNS type code for the SDDA resource record (referred in section
     2.1). This IANA assignment is from the "Specification Required"
     portion of the DNS Resource Record Type registry. IANA is therefore
     requested to make the appropriate registration.

     The present document creates two "name spaces" ([RFC2434]) of
     relevance to IANA:
       o  the SDDA record Authentication Mechanism Type (section 2.2.3)
       o  the SDDA record Authentication Context Type (section 2.2.4).

     For the SDDA record Authentication Mechanism name space, the
     present document section 2.2.3 assigns values 1, 253, and 254, and
     reserves values 0 and 255. Values from 2 to 127 inclusive are
     available for assignment by IESG Approval. Values from 128 to 252
     inclusive are available for assignment by IANA using a
     "Specification Required" policy.

     For the SDDA record Authentication Context name space, the present
     document section 2.2.4 assigns values 0, 1, and 2, and delegates
     values from 128 to 191 inclusive to the specification for an
     authentication mechanism, i.e. values from this range are assigned
     by the authorial organization responsible for the mechanism
     indicated by the Authentication Mechanism Type field. Values from 3
     to 127 inclusive and from 192 to 255 inclusive are available for
     assignment by IESG Approval.

     Other name spaces in the present document are either already
     covered by provisions of existing standards (algorithm types from
     [RFC4034], used in section 2.2.2 with extension encoding in section
     2.2.7) or delegated to the specification for an authentication
     mechanism (authentication algorithm type, section

6. Normative References

[RFC1982] R. Elz, R. Bush, "Serial Number Arithmetic", RFC 1982, August

[RFC2119] S. Bradner, "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
          Levels", RFC2119, March 1997

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Internet-Draft                  SDDA-RR                     April, 2006

[RFC2434] T. Narten, H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA
          Considerations Section in RFCs", RFC 2434, October 1998

[RFC3225] D. Conrad, "Indicating Resolver Support of DNSSEC", RFC3225,
          December 2001

[RFC3548] S. Josefsson, Ed., "The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data
          Encodings", RFC 3548, July 2003

[RFC3757] O. Kolkman, J. Schlyter, E. Lewis, "Domain Name System KEY
          (DNSKEY) Resource Record (RR) Secure Entry Point (SEP) Flag",
          RFC 3757, April 2004

[RFC4033] R. Arends, R. Austein, M. Larson, D. Massey, S. Rose, "DNS
          Security Introduction and Requirements", RFC 4033, March 2005

[RFC4034] R. Arends, R. Austein, M. Larson, D. Massey, S. Rose,
          "Resource Records for the DNS Security Extensions", RFC 4034,
          March 2005

[RFC4035] R. Arends, R. Austein, M. Larson, D. Massey, S. Rose,
          "Protocol Modifications for the DNS Security Extensions",
          RFC 4035, March 2005

[TAKREM-DNSSEC]     T. Moreau, "The Trust Anchor Key Renewal Method
                    Applied to DNS Security (TAKREM-DNSSEC)", work-in-
                    progress, Internet Draft
                    draft-moreau-dnsext-takrem-dns-02.txt, April 2006

7. Informative References

[RFC2541bis]   O. Kolkman, R. Gieben, "DNSSEC Operational Practices",
               March 6, 2006, approved for RFC publication obsoleting

Document Revision History

     [[This document section to be removed upon RFC publication.]]

>From revision -01 to revision -02

     Major document editing with some technical changes and corrections,

       a) Document made informational instead of standard track,
          accordingly removed the list of changes to code DNSSEC
          protocol documents (RFC4033/4/5), but at the same time
          introduced limited use of RFC2119 keywords.

       b) Revised the provisions for RRSIG signatures of the SDDA RRset
          (and DNSKEY RRset).

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Internet-Draft                  SDDA-RR                     April, 2006

       c) More detailed procedures for DNS resolver handling of
          automated trust anchor key rollover.

       d) Introduced the acronyms TAK-i and TAK-r to describe resolver
          initial configuration and state accumulated dirung resolver

       e) Modified a few field definitions (without impact on the single
          existing scheme based on the generic SDDA format), including
          the addition of an Algorithm Extension field for private
          algorithms (like the DNSKEY and RRSIG format instead of the DS

       f) Fixed a design bug with the introduction of the obituary SDDA,
          luckily with no impact on services provided by the SDDA scheme
          and its single existing scheme.

       g) The IANA considerations were worked out more comprehensively.

>From revision -00 to revision -01

       a) Removal of the digest fields from the in the SDDA RDATA
          definition. An authentication mechanism specification may use
          a digest field in the optional fields, e.g. as a set of
          algorithm-related fields.

       b) As a consequence of digest removal from the always present
          RDATA fields, a provision is made in above section 2.2.1 that
          an authentication mechanism specification MUST ensure that
          colliding key tags ambiguities can be resolved with the data
          contents of other fields.

       c) Introduction of authentication expiration and inception times,
          creating a semantic similar to the expiration and inception
          times of an RRSIG for a parental DS RRset.

       d) Introduction of a mandatory provision that an SDDA RRset is
          signed with the target DNSKEY of each SDDA RR in the set, thus
          mandating self-signed authentication for SDDA fields, notably
          the expiration and inception times. This is an application of
          the RRSIG semantic for enhanced security in the trust anchor
          key management.

       e) Resolver procedures are now covered by the informational
          provisions of section 3.

       f) Editorial harmonizing changes for the above technical changes.

       g) An interim private SDDA RR type is specified in above section

       h) Minor editorial clarifications and corrections.

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Internet-Draft                  SDDA-RR                     April, 2006

Author's Address

     Thierry Moreau
     CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc.
     9130 Place de Montgolfier
     Montreal, Qc, Canada
     Tel.: +1-514-385-5691

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     Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).

     This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
     contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
     retain all their rights.


     This document and the information contained herein are provided on

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