Internet DRAFT - draft-mosko-icnrg-selectors


ICNRG                                                           M. Mosko
Internet-Draft                                                PARC, Inc.
Intended status: Experimental                                May 8, 2019
Expires: November 9, 2019

                     CCNx Selector Based Discovery


   CCNx selector based discovery uses exclusions and interest name
   suffix matching to discover content in the network.  Participating
   nodes may respond with matching Content Objects from cache using an
   encapsulation protocol.  This document specifies the available
   selectors, their encoding in a name segment, and the encapsulation

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on November 9, 2019.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2019 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of

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   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Protocol Description  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Name Labels and TLV types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  Child Selector  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.2.  Interest Min(Max)SuffixComponents . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.3.  Name Excludes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       3.3.1.  Exclude Singleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       3.3.2.  Exclude Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       3.3.3.  Examples  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   4.  Content Store and Caching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   5.  Annex A: Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14

1.  Introduction

   Content Discovery is an important feature of CCNx [CCNxSemantics].
   This document specifies a discovery mechanism that uses a name
   segment to encode a discovery query in an Interest.  Nodes that
   participate in discovery may reply with a Content Object if it
   matches the encoded query.  The query uses exclusions to work around
   incorrect responses.

   This document updates CCNx Messages [CCNxMessages] with a new name
   TLV type, T_SELECTOR, for selector query.  It also specifies a new
   Content Object PayloadType that encapsulates another Content Object.
   The inner Content Object is used to return a Content Object with a
   longer name than in an interest.  The inner object's signature should
   verify as normal.

   Not all nodes along the Interest path need to participate in the
   discovery process.  A non-participating node should forward the
   Interest and encapsulating Content Object as normal.  A participating
   node should verify that the inner Content Object matches the selector
   query in the PIT entry befor returning it and erasing the PIT entry.

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   Note that Selector discovery is not needed when asking for a Content
   Object by its Content-Object Hash, as there should only ever be one
   match for that.

   Selector discovery in CCNx 1.0 differs in three ways from the prior
   CCNx 0.x selector discovery.  First, CCNx 1.0 uses a distinguished
   field for the Content-Object Hash restriction.  It is not appended to
   the name to form the so-called "full name."  This means that there is
   no implicit digest name segment.  Thus, using a MinSuffixComponents
   and MaxSuffixComponents of 0 will match the exact name in the
   Interest without needing to add one extra component to account for
   the implicit digest.  Second, there is a HashExcludes field that
   lists Content-Object Hash restrictions to exclude instead of
   appending them as an implicit name component.  Third, the encoding of
   Excludes differs from prior encodings and uses a simpler formulation
   with the same expressiveness that also takes in to consideration that
   name segments in CCNx 1.0 have TLV types associated with them.

   CCNx 1.0 allows Content Objects to have no name and be retrieved by
   hash only.  As they have no name, they are not discoverable via name-
   based selector discovery.

   Packets are represented as 32-bit wide words using ASCII art.
   Because of the TLV encoding and optional fields or sizes, there is no
   concise way to represent all possibilities.  We use the convention
   that ASCII art fields enclosed by vertical bars "|" represent exact
   bit widths.  Fields with a forward slash "/" are variable bitwidths,
   which we typically pad out to word alignment for picture readability.

1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2.  Protocol Description

   Selector based discovery uses seven query variables to discover
   content.  These selectors are encoded as a single name segment
   affixed to an Interest name.  The selectors operate on the prefix up
   to, but not including the selector name segment.  The selector name
   segment should be the last name segment.

   The selectors are:

   o  MinSuffixComponents: the minimum number of additional name
      segments a matching Content Object must have in its name.  The
      default value is 0.

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   o  MaxSuffixComponents: The maximum number of additional name
      segments a matching Content Object may have in its name.  The
      default value is unlimited.

   o  ChildSelector: Answer with the left-most or right-most child.

   o  NameExcludes: A set of range and singleton exclusions to eliminate
      Content Objects.  The exclusions match against the name segment
      that would immediately follow the Interest name prefix up to but
      not including the Selector name segment.

   o  InnerKeyId: Matches the KeyId of the encapsulated object.

   o  HashExcludes: A list of ContentObjectHashRestrictions to exclude.

   o  SelectorNonce: A number to make the query unique.

   A node using Selector discovery appends a Selector name segment to
   the end of the Interest name.  Even if no selectors are used, the
   Selector name segment is added to the end, which indicates to a
   participating node that it should apply Selector based matching to
   the Interest.  In this case, the default values -- if any -- of each
   selector are used.

   A node receiving a Selector Interest should match against the Content
   Store using the selector rules.  Based on the sort order, it should
   pick the appropriate Content Object, if any, and return it in an
   Encapsulation Object.  If no Content Objects match, the Interest
   should be forwarded or NACKed as normal.

   An Encapsulation Object is a Content Object that matches the Selector
   Interest and whose payload is the discovered Content Object.  The
   ContentType of an Encapsulation Object is "ENCAP".  The outer name
   matches the Selector Interest name.  The inner Content Object name
   matches the Selector discovery.

   The KeyIdRestriction of the Interest matches the outer KeyId of the
   outer Content Object, as normal.  This allows a responding cache or
   producer to sign (or MAC or MIC) the response.  The InnerKeyId of the
   Selector matches the inner ContentObject in the same way.  This
   allows the selector to discriminate discovery including the inner

   The HashExcludes eliminate any Content Objects whose
   ContentObjectHash matches any of the listed values.  It should not
   matter if matching objects are discarded before name prefix selector
   matching or after.  A Content Object must always pass both the
   HashExcludes filter and the name prefix selector filters, wether it

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   is done first or last does not matter.  HashExcludes are encoded the
   same way as a ContentObjectHashRestriction value in an Interest.
   Note that this Selector does not exist in NDN or CCNx 0.x.  We use an
   explicit set of HashExcludes rather than constructing a full name
   with the implicit digest component at the end.

   A consumer MAY include a SelectorNonce.  This nonce is to make the
   query unqiue to bypass cached reponses to the same Selectors at non-
   participating nodes.  A conumser SHOULD use this field if it receives
   an non-conforming response in an encapsulated ContentObject and
   cannot further exclude that response.  If an attacker were able to
   inject an incorrect response into a non-participating cache then that
   non-participating node cannot determine that the response it is
   serving from cache is correct or not.  Therefore, a consumer can use
   the SelectorNonce to make its requrest name different from the cached
   name.  Note that if all nodes are participating, then this field has
   no effect as it is not processed by them.  The SelectorNone is not
   used for loop detection and may be as few bytes as needed to avoid a
   cached response.

   If an authoritative producer receives a Selector discovery, it SHOULD
   generate the inner Content Object as normal and encapsulate it as
   normal.  It MAY also respond with an Interest Return or not respond
   at all.  At the present, responding directly to the Selector Interest
   with data without encapsulating it is not supported.  Note that an
   application is NOT REQUIRED to implement Selector discovery; if the
   application wishes to make use of this mechanism, then it must
   implement it, if it does not use this mechanism then it does not need
   to implement it.

   Normally, the outer Content Object does not have a Validation
   section.  A responding node MAY include a CRC32C or other integrity
   check.  Signing or MACing an outer Content Object is possible, but
   should only be used in environments where that degree of trust is
   necessary.  Signing the outer Content Object in no way replaces the
   signature (if any) of the inner Content Object.  The outer signature
   only identifies the responding cache (or producer).

3.  Name Labels and TLV types

   The Selector name segment type T_SELECTOR has type %x0010.

   The PayloadType of T_PAYLOADTYPE_ENCAP has the value 8.

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   | Type |      Symbol     |    Name    | Description                 |
   |  1   |   T_MINSUFFIX   | Selectors: | Minimum number of           |
   |      |                 | Min Suffix | additional name components  |
   |      |                 | Components | after given name to match   |
   |      |                 |            | (0 default if missing).     |
   |      |                 |            |                             |
   |  2   |   T_MAXSUFFIX   | Selectors: | Maximum number of           |
   |      |                 | Max Suffix | additional name components  |
   |      |                 | Components | after given name to match   |
   |      |                 |            | (unlimited default is       |
   |      |                 |            | missing).                   |
   |      |                 |            |                             |
   |  3   |     T_CHILD     | Selectors: | 0 = left, 1 = right         |
   |      |                 |   Child    | (default)                   |
   |      |                 |  Selector  |                             |
   |      |                 |            |                             |
   |  4   | T_NAME_EXCLUDES |    Name    | Encloses ExcludeComponents  |
   |      |                 |  Excludes  |                             |
   |      |                 |            |                             |
   |  1   |   T_EX_SINGLE   |  Exclude   | Exclude a single name       |
   |      |                 | Singleton  | segment.                    |
   |      |                 |            |                             |
   |  2   |    T_EX_RANGE   |  Exclude   | Exclude an half-open range, |
   |      |                 |   Range    | beginning at this value and |
   |      |                 |            | continuing up to the next   |
   |      |                 |            | Singleton, or to infinity   |
   |      |                 |            | if omitted on the last      |
   |      |                 |            | entry.                      |
   |      |                 |            |                             |
   |  5   |  T_INNER_KEYID  |   Inner    | A restriction on the inner  |
   |      |                 |   KeyId    | keyid.  If present, it must |
   |      |                 |            | match the KeyId of the      |
   |      |                 |            | inner Content Object in the |
   |      |                 |            | encapsulated response.      |
   |      |                 |            |                             |
   |  6   | T_HASH_EXCLUDES |    Hash    | Excludes a set of           |
   |      |                 |  Excludes  | ContentObjectHash from the  |
   |      |                 |            | allowed responses.  Each    |
   |      |                 |            | restriction is encoded      |
   |      |                 |            | using its Hash Function     |
   |      |                 |            | Type Registry type (e.g.    |
   |      |                 |            | T_SHA-256) from             |
   |      |                 |            | [CCNxMessages].             |

                          Table 1: Selector Types

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3.1.  Child Selector

   If there are multiple choices to answer an Interest, the Child
   Selector specifies the desired ordering of responses.  %x00 =
   leftmost, %x01 = rightmost.

                        1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |    T_CHILD    |       1       |   selector    |

3.2.  Interest Min(Max)SuffixComponents

   The Min and Max suffix components are encoded as a minimum-length
   unsigned integer in network byte order number inside the value.  A
   "0" is represented as a single byte %0x00.  A length 0 value is
   interpreted the same as the type not being present.

                        1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     type      |     length    |                               /
   +---------------+---------------+                               /
   /                      Min(Max)SuffixComponents                 /

3.3.  Name Excludes

   Interest Excludes specify a set of singletons and ranges to exclude
   when matching Content Object names to an Interest.  They match the
   name component immediately following the last component of the
   Interest name (not including the Selector TLV).  The excludes must be
   sorted in ascending order, using the Exclude sorting rules below.

   A name exclusion is the full TLV expression of a name component, not
   just it's value.

   Exclude Sorting: An exclusion value A is less than B iff the TLV type
   of A is less than the TLV type of B, or being equal, the TLV value of
   A is shortlex less than the TLV value of B.  A shortlex comparison
   means that X is less than Y is X is shorter than Y or the lengths
   being equal, X lexicagraphically sorts before Y.

   Using the normal 2+2 TLV encoding of [CCNxMessages], the Exclude
   Sorting can be done by a byte-by-byte memcmp() of two TLVs.  This is
   because the fixed length Type ensures correct type sorting and fixed

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   length Length ensures correct shortlex length sorting.  This will not
   necessarily be true of other encodings.

   A zero-length exclusion is the minimum exclusion and must appear
   before any other exclusion.  Note that a zero-length exlcusion has no
   TLV type for the name component, so it will match any name segment
   TLV type.  It is equivalent to minus infinity.

   The zero-length name component is the minimum name component of that
   name component type (e.g.T_NAMESEGMENT).

   An exclude may contain either an Exclude Range type or an Exclude
   Singleton type.  An Exclude Range type means the given value starts a
   half-open exclusion range that begins inclusive of the Range value
   and ends open at the next Singleton or at infinity if it is the last
   exclude component.  An Exclude Singleton means to exclude the exact
   value given.

   Note that this syntax does not require the "ANY" exclude component
   that is part of the NDN and CCNx 0.x syntax.

                         1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |          T_EXCLUDES           |            length             |
   / Zero or more exclude-components                               /

   exclude-components = *component [start-range-tlv]
   component = (start-range-tlv singleton-tlv) / singleton-tlv

   The ABNF of the exclude-component allows for zero or more components
   followed by an option start-range-tlv.  A component is either a half-
   open range (start-range-tlv singleton-tlv) or a singleton-tlv.

   The optional final start-range-tlv has no terminating singleton-tlv.
   This means it extends out to plus infinity.

   Note that to exclude from negative infinity to some value "foo", we
   do not need to include an ANY element because the zero-length name
   component is, by definition, the minimum element and we use inclusive
   range start.  Therefore, begining an exlcusion with the zero-length
   range effectively excludes from minus infinity.

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3.3.1.  Exclude Singleton

   A singleton exclude component means to exclude a name segment exactly
   matching the given value.

                        1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |          T_EX_SINGLE          |            length             |
   /                        TLV name segment                       /

3.3.2.  Exclude Range

   A Range exclude means to exclude the from the given value up to but
   not including the next Singleton.  If the Range is the last component
   in the Exclude, it means to exclude to infinity.

                        1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |          T_EX_RANGE           |            length             |
   /                        TLV name segment                       /

3.3.3.  Examples

   In these examples, we will use the notation S[foo] to represent a
   singleton exclusion "foo" and R[foo] to represent a range exclusion
   beginning at "foo."  In the column Range, we use standard open
   (parenthesis) and closed (square bracket) interval notation.  We
   assume all TLV name types of T_NAMESEGMENT if there is no explicit
   name segment type given.  In our notation, something like S[VER=bar]
   would exclude a TLV type Version and value "bar".

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   | Exclude       | Range                                             |
   | Pattern       |                                                   |
   | S[ace]        | NAME=ace                                          |
   |               |                                                   |
   | S[ace] R[bat] | NAME=ace, [NAME=bat, infty)                       |
   |               |                                                   |
   | R[ace] S[bat] | [NAME=ace, NAME=bat)                              |
   |               |                                                   |
   | R[CHUNK=0]    | [CHUNK=0, CHUNK=20)                               |
   | S[CHUNK=20]   |                                                   |
   |               |                                                   |
   | R[] S[ace]    | (-infty, NAME=ace), matches any preceeding TLV    |
   |               | types using a zero-length Range exclude           |
   |               |                                                   |
   | R[NAME=]      | [NAME=, NAME=ace)                                 |
   | S[ace]        |                                                   |
   |               |                                                   |
   | R[]           | (-infty, +infty)                                  |
   |               |                                                   |
   | S[zoo] S[ape] | Invalid range, not sorted                         |
   |               |                                                   |
   | R[NAME=ace]   | [NAME=ace, CHUNK=0), this will span TLV ranges    |
   | S[CHUNK=0]    | type between T_NAMESEGMENT and T_CHUNK            |
   |               |                                                   |
   | R[CHUNK=]     | [CHUNK=, CHUNK+1=), excludes all CHUNK TLV        |
   | S[CHUNK+1=]   | possibilities                                     |

                         Table 2: CCNx Name Types

4.  Content Store and Caching

   The encapsulated responses to discovery are cachable, like all
   Content Objects.  A participating forwarder MAY cache the inner
   Content Object separately from the outer Content Object assuming it
   passes the selector tests.  A non-participating forwarder MAY only
   cache the outer Content Object (encapsulating the inner).

   A participating content store MUST obey both the outer and inner
   cache control directives: ExpiryTime and RecommendedCacheTime.  At a
   participating node, the outer and inner Content Objects are
   independent and cached independently.  This is allowed because a
   participating node has verified that the inner ContentObject comes
   from an on-path direction of the routing prefix, so it cannot be an
   off-path injection of bad content.

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   A non-participating content store must obey the outer cache control
   directives, as normal.  The inner content object is opaque data to

   It is RECOMMENDED that a participating node creating the encapsulated
   response set a short ExpiryTime and MAY set a 0 ExpiryTime (to
   prevent all caching).  This is desirable because non-participating
   nodes only look at the outer ExpiryTime and cannot determine if the
   inner ContentObject actually satisfies the Selector query.  Note that
   a consumer can also use a SelectorNonce to avoid bad cache entries at
   non-participating nodes, so it is not necessary for correctness to
   use a 0 ExpiryTime.

   Note that cached respones are, in general, not a problem for the
   discovery process.  Participating nodes will always do a full
   selector match, so a consumer can work around incorrect responses as
   normal.  Because Selector interests with differnent Exclude blocks
   will result in different names, prior responses will not match in the
   caches of non-participating nodes, esepcially if the ExpiryTime is
   set to 0.

5.  Annex A: Examples

   We use the CCNx URI scheme [ccnx-uri], CCNx Chunking [ccnx-chunking],
   and CCNx versioning [ccnx-version].  For example purposes, will use
   content stored under the name ccnx://  The
   names stored in a repository are, in sorted order:

   o  ccnx:/example/file.txt/Serial=%00/Chunk=%00

   o  ccnx:/example/file.txt/Serial=%01/Chunk=%00

   o  ccnx:/example/file.txt/Serial=%02/annotations/Serial=%00/Chunk=%00

   o  ccnx:/example/file.txt/Serial=%02/Chunk=%00

   o  ccnx:/example/file.txt/Serial=%02/Chunk=%01

   o  ccnx:/example/file.txt/Serial=%02/%f001=foo

   o  ccnx:/example/file.txt/Serial=%02/%f001=foo/%f002=bar

   Remember that name segments without an explicit type have type Name
   Segment, which is normalized to %x0001.  Chunk is %x0010 and Serial
   is %x0013.  This means the sort order is as above.

   To discovery the latest version of file.txt, we would issue an
   Interest with a name of "ccnx:/example/file.txt/

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   Selector={MINSUFFIX=1}." We use the notation {...} to indicate that
   the enclosed selectors are encoded as a single TLV name segment.
   This query ensures that there is at least 1 additional name segment
   beyond "file.txt."  The default is to return the right-most child,
   which in this case is the Content Object corresponding to

   By parsing the returned name, we know that Serial 2 is the latest
   version and could begin retrieving the content by asking for chunk 0.
   If we wished to discovery the ending chunk number of Serial 2, we
   could use an Interest like "ccnx:/example/file.txt/Serial=%02/
   Selector={MINSUFFIX=1, MAXSUFFIX=1}" to try and find a response with
   only a Chunk number.  Unfortunately, there is more junk content with
   the name "ccnx:/example/file.txt/Serial=%02/%f001=foo."

   Once we recieve the junk content, we need to exclude it and try
   again.  This could be done by including a hash exclusion.  Assuing
   the SHA256 hash of the returned junk is, we would re-
   issue the discovery Interest with name
   MAXSUFFIX=1,}." We would now recieve the
   desired content for chunk 1 of Serial 2.

   A better way to discover structured names is to use exclusions so we
   only find objects with a Chunk segment after the serial number.  In
   this case, the discovery Interest would be name
   MAXSUFFIX=1, EXCLUDES=R[] S[Chunk=0] R[CHUNK+1=]}." This exclusion
   eliminates everything from -infinity up to, but not including,
   Chunk=0 and also excludes everything from Chunk+1 (%x0011) to

6.  IANA Considerations

   This memo includes no request to IANA.  TODO: If this document is
   submitted as an official draft, this section must be updated to
   reflect the IANA registries described in [CCNxMessages]

7.  Security Considerations

   Because respones use encapsulation, there is size expansion in the
   response from the original Content Object.  The expansion will be the
   length of the encapsulating Selector name plus the size of any
   validation uses on the outer Content Object (e.g. a CRC32C), plus
   framing overhead.  This means that one cannot respond with a Content
   Object that is too close to the maximum packet size.

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   Participating nodes should be able to filter incorrect responses just
   as they do in NDN or CCNx 0.x.  If all node participate, then one has
   equivalent in-network filtering behavior as those other protocols.

   If the outer Content Object is signed, the consumer should, as
   normal, verify the signature for accuracy.  However, the trust of the
   outer signature is normally not important and usually reflects
   operation in a specific environment.  An outer Validation section is
   usually used only for integrity checks.

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, <https://www.rfc-

8.2.  Informative References

              Mosko, M., "CCNx Content Object Chunking", Work in
              Progress, draft-mosko-icnrg-ccnxchunking-02, June 2016.

              Mosko, M. and C. Wood, "The CCNx URI Scheme", Work in
              Progress, draft-mosko-icnrg-ccnxurischeme-01, April 2016.

              Mosko, M., "CCNx Publisher Serial Versioning", Work in
              Progress, draft-mosko-icnrg-ccnxserialversion-00, January

              Mosko, M., Solis, I., and C. Wood, "CCNx Messages in TLV
              Format (Internet draft)", 2019,

              Mosko, M., Solis, I., and C. Wood, "CCNx Semantics
              (Internet draft)", 2019, <

Mosko                   Expires November 9, 2019               [Page 13]
Internet-Draft               CCNx Selectors                     May 2019

   [RFC3552]  Rescorla, E. and B. Korver, "Guidelines for Writing RFC
              Text on Security Considerations", BCP 72, RFC 3552,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3552, July 2003, <https://www.rfc-

   [RFC5226]  Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an
              IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", RFC 5226,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5226, May 2008, <https://www.rfc-

Author's Address

   Marc Mosko
   PARC, Inc.
   Palo Alto, California  94304

   Phone: +01 650-812-4405

Mosko                   Expires November 9, 2019               [Page 14]