Internet DRAFT - draft-moskowitz-hip-rg-dex


Network Working Group                                       R. Moskowitz
Internet-Draft                                                   Verizon
Intended status: Standards Track                            May 25, 2012
Expires: November 26, 2012

                        HIP Diet EXchange (DEX)


   This document specifies the details of the Host Identity Protocol
   Diet EXchange (HIP DEX).  HIP DEX is a variant of the HIP Base
   EXchange (HIP BEX) [RFC5201-bis] specifically designed to use as few
   crypto primitives as possible yet still deliver the same class of
   security features as HIP BEX.

   The design goal of HIP DEX is to be usable by sensor devices that are
   memory and processor constrained.  Like HIP BEX it is expected to be
   used together with another suitable security protocol, such as the
   Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP).  HIP DEX can also be used
   directly as a keying mechanism for a MAC layer security protocol as
   is supported by IEEE 802.15.4 [IEEE.802-15-4.2011].

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
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   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on November 26, 2012.

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   Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents

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   than English.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     1.1.  The HIP Diet EXchange (DEX)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     1.2.  Memo Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   2.  Terms and Definitions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     2.1.  Requirements Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     2.2.  Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
   3.  The DEX Host Identifier Tag (HIT) and Its Representations  . .  6
     3.1.  Host Identity Tag (HIT)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     3.2.  Generating a HIT from an HI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   4.  Protocol Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     4.1.  Creating a HIP Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
       4.1.1.  HIP Puzzle Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
       4.1.2.  Puzzle Exchange  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
       4.1.3.  HIP State Machine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       4.1.4.  HIP DEX Security Associations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
       4.1.5.  User Data Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
   5.  Packet Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     5.1.  HIP Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
       5.1.1.  HIP_CIPHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
       5.1.2.  HIT_SUITE_LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
       5.1.3.  ENCRYPTED_KEY  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
       5.1.4.  HIP_MAC_3  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
     5.2.  HIP Packets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
       5.2.1.  I1 - the HIP Initiator Packet  . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
       5.2.2.  R1 - the HIP Responder Packet  . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
       5.2.3.  I2 - the Second HIP Initiator Packet . . . . . . . . . 21

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       5.2.4.  R2 - the Second HIP Responder Packet . . . . . . . . . 22
     5.3.  ICMP Messages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
   6.  Packet Processing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
     6.1.  Solving the Puzzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
     6.2.  HIP_MAC Calculation and Verification . . . . . . . . . . . 25
       6.2.1.  CMAC Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
     6.3.  HIP DEX KEYMAT Generation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
     6.4.  Processing Incoming I1 Packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
       6.4.1.  R1 Management  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
     6.5.  Processing Incoming R1 Packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
     6.6.  Processing Incoming I2 Packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
     6.7.  Processing Incoming R2 Packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
     6.8.  Sending UPDATE Packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
     6.9.  Handling State Loss  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
   7.  HIP Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
   8.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
   9.  IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
   10. Acknowledgments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
   11. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
     11.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
     11.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
   Appendix A.  Using Responder Puzzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
   Appendix B.  Generating a Public Key Encoding from an HI . . . . . 36

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1.  Introduction

   This memo specifies the details of the Host Identity Protocol Diet
   EXchange (HIP DEX).  HIP DEX uses the smallest possible set of
   established cryptographic primitives, in such a manner that does not
   change our understanding of their behaviour, yet in a different
   formulation to achieve assertions normally met with different

   HIP DEX builds on the HIP Base Exchange (HIP BEX) [RFC5201-bis], and
   only the differences between BEX and DEX are documented here.

   There are a few key differences between BEX and DEX.

      Minimum collection of cryptographic primitives.

         AES-CTR for symmetric encryption and AES-CMAC for MACing

         Static Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key pairs used to encrypt
         the session key.

         A simple truncation function for HIT generation.

      Forfeit of Perfect Forward Secrecy with the dropping of ephemeral

      Forfeit of digital signatures with the removal of a hash function.
      Reliance of DH derived key used in HIP_MAC to prove ownership of
      the private key.

      Provide a Password Authentication within the exchange.  This may
      be supported by BEX as well, but not defined there.

      Operate in an aggressive retransmission manner to deal with the
      high packet loss nature of sensor networks.

1.1.  The HIP Diet EXchange (DEX)

   The HIP diet exchange is a two-party cryptographic protocol used to
   establish communications context between hosts.  The first party is
   called the Initiator and the second party the Responder.  The four-
   packet design helps to make HIP DoS resilient.  The protocol
   exchanges Static Diffie-Hellman keys in the 2nd and 3rd packets,
   transmits session secrets in the 3rd and 4th packets, and
   authenticates the parties also in the 3rd and 4th packets.
   Additionally, the Responder starts a puzzle exchange in the 2nd
   packet, with the Initiator completing it in the 3rd packet before the

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   Responder stores any state from the exchange.

   Thus DEX is operationally similar to BEX.  The model is fairly
   equivalent to 802.11-2007 [IEEE.802-11.2007] Master Key and Pair-wise
   Transient Key, but handled in a single exchange.

   HIP DEX does not have the option of encrypting the Host Identity of
   the Initiator in the 3rd packet.  The Responder's Host Identity is
   also not protected.  Thus there is no attempt at anonymity as in BEX.

   Data packets start to flow after the 4th packet.  Simiarly to HIP
   BEX, DEX does not have an explicit transition to connected state for
   the Responder.

   This is learned when the Responder starts receiving protected
   datagrams, indicating that the Initiator received the R2 packet.  As
   such the Intitator should take care to NOT send the first data packet
   until some delta time after it received the R2 packet.  This is to
   provide time for the Responder to process any aggressively
   retransmitted I2 packets.

   An existing HIP association can be updated using the update mechanism
   defined in this document, and when the association is no longer
   needed, it can be closed using the defined closing mechanism.

   Finally, HIP is designed as an end-to-end authentication and key
   establishment protocol, to be used with Encapsulated Security Payload
   (ESP) [rfc5202-bis] and other end-to-end security protocols.  The
   base protocol does not cover all the fine-grained policy control
   found in Internet Key Exchange (IKE) [RFC4306] that allows IKE to
   support complex gateway policies.  Thus, HIP is not a replacement for

1.2.  Memo Structure

   The rest of this memo is structured as follows.  Section 2 defines
   the central keywords, notation, and terms used throughout the rest of
   the document.  Section 4 gives an overview of the HIP base exchange
   protocol.  Section 6 define the rules for packet processing.
   Finally, Sections 7, 8, and 9 discuss policy, security, and IANA
   considerations, respectively.

2.  Terms and Definitions

2.1.  Requirements Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",

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   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2.2.  Notation

   [x]   indicates that x is optional.

   {x}   indicates that x is encrypted.

   X(y)   indicates that y is a parameter of X.

   <x>i   indicates that x exists i times.

   -->   signifies "Initiator to Responder" communication (requests).

   <--   signifies "Responder to Initiator" communication (replies).

   |  signifies concatenation of information-- e.g., X | Y is the
      concatenation of X with Y.

   Ltrunc (M(x), K)   denotes the lowest order K bits of the result of
      the mac function M on the input x.

3.  The DEX Host Identifier Tag (HIT) and Its Representations

   The DEX Host Identity Tag (HIT) is distinguished in two ways from the

      The HIT SUITE ID Section 5.1.2 is ONLY a DEX ID.

      The HIT DEX HIT is not generated via a cryptographic hash.  Rather
      it is a truncation of the Elliptic Curve Host Identity.

3.1.  Host Identity Tag (HIT)

   The DEX Host Identity Tag is a 128-bit value -- a truncation of the
   Host Identifier appended with a prefix.  There are two advantages of
   using a Host Identity Tag over the actual Host Identity public key in
   protocols.  Firstly, its fixed length makes for easier protocol
   coding and also better manages the packet size cost of this
   technology.  Secondly, it presents a consistent format to the
   protocol whatever underlying identity technology is used.

   BEX uses RFC 4843-bis [RFC4843-bis] specified 128-bit hash-based
   identifiers, called Overlay Routable Cryptographic Hash Identifiers
   (ORCHIDs).  Their prefix, allocated from the IPv6 address block, is
   defined in [RFC4843-bis].

   In DEX, a cryptographic hash is NOT used to form the HIT.  Rather the

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   HI is truncated to 96 bits.

3.2.  Generating a HIT from an HI

   The DEX HIT is not an ORCHID, as there is no hash function in DEX.
   Since a HI that is an ECDH key is directly computed from a random
   number it is already collision resistant.  The DEX HIT is the left-
   truncated 96 bits of the HI.  This 96 bit value is used in place of
   the hash in the ORCHID.  The HIT suite (see Section 9) is used for
   the four bits of the Orchid Generation Algorithm (OGA) field in the
   ORCHID.  The same IPv6 prefix used in BEX is used for DEX.

4.  Protocol Overview

   The following material is an overview of the differences between the
   BEX and DEX implementations of the HIP protocol.  It is expected that
   [RFC5201-bis] is well understood first.

4.1.  Creating a HIP Association

   By definition, the system initiating a HIP exchange is the Initiator,
   and the peer is the Responder.  This distinction is forgotten once
   the base exchange completes, and either party can become the
   Initiator in future communications.

   The HIP Diet EXchange serves to manage the establishment of state
   between an Initiator and a Responder.  The first packet, I1,
   initiates the exchange, and the last three packets, R1, I2, and R2,
   constitute an authenticated secret key wrapped by a Diffie-Hellman
   derived key for session key generation.  The HIP association keys are
   drawn from this keying material.  If other cryptographic keys are
   needed, e.g., to be used with ESP, they are expected to be drawn from
   the same keying material.

   The second packet, R1, starts the actual exchange.  It contains a
   puzzle -- a cryptographic challenge that the Initiator must solve
   before continuing the exchange.  The level of difficulty of the
   puzzle can be adjusted based on level of trust with the Initiator,
   current load, or other factors.  The R1 also contains lists of
   cryptographic algorithms supported by the Responder.  Based on these
   lists, the Initiator can continue, abort, or restart the base
   exchange with a different selection of cryptographic algorithms.

   In the I2 packet, the Initiator must display the solution to the
   received puzzle.  Without a correct solution, the I2 message is
   discarded.  The I2 also contains a key wrap parameter that carries
   the key for the Responder.  This key is only half the final session
   key.  The packet is authenticated by the sender (Initiator).

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   The R2 packet finalizes the base exchange.  The R2 contains a key
   wrap parameter that carries the rest of the key for the Initiator.
   The packet is authenticated by the sender (Initiator).

   The base exchange is illustrated below.  The term "key" refers to the
   Host Identity public key, "secret" refers to a random value encrypted
   by a public key, and "sig" represents a signature using such a key.
   The packets contain other parameters not shown in this figure.

      Initiator                              Responder

                                             select precomputed R1
                   R1: puzzle, PK
   solve puzzle                              remain stateless
   PK Encrypt x
                 I2: solution, PK, ECR(DH,secret x), mac
                                             check puzzle
                                             check mac
                                             PK Encrypt y
                           R2: PK, ECR(DH,secret y), mac
   check mac

4.1.1.  HIP Puzzle Mechanism

   The purpose of the HIP puzzle mechanism is to protect the Responder
   from a number of denial-of-service threats.  It allows the Responder
   to delay state creation until receiving I2.  Furthermore, the puzzle
   allows the Responder to use a fairly cheap calculation to check that
   the Initiator is "sincere" in the sense that it has churned CPU
   cycles in solving the puzzle.

   DEX uses the CMAC function instead of a hash function as in BEX.

   The puzzle mechanism has been explicitly designed to give space for
   various implementation options.  It allows a Responder implementation
   to completely delay session-specific state creation until a valid I2
   is received.  In such a case, a correctly formatted I2 can be
   rejected only once the Responder has checked its validity by
   computing one CMAC function.  On the other hand, the design also
   allows a Responder implementation to keep state about received I1s,
   and match the received I2s against the state, thereby allowing the
   implementation to avoid the computational cost of the CMAC function.

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   The drawback of this latter approach is the requirement of creating
   state.  Finally, it also allows an implementation to use other
   combinations of the space-saving and computation-saving mechanisms.

   Generally speaking, the puzzle mechanism works in DEX the same as in
   BEX.  There are some implementation differences, using CMAC rather
   than a hash.

   See Appendix A for one possible implementation.  Implementations
   SHOULD include sufficient randomness to the algorithm so that
   algorithmic complexity attacks become impossible [CRO03].

4.1.2.  Puzzle Exchange

   The Responder starts the puzzle exchange when it receives an I1.  The
   Responder supplies a random number I, and requires the Initiator to
   find a number J.  To select a proper J, the Initiator must create the
   concatenation of the HITs of the parties and J, and feed this
   concatenation using I as the key into the CMAC algorithm.  The lowest
   order K bits of the result MUST be zeros.  The value K sets the
   difficulty of the puzzle.

   To generate a proper number J, the Initiator will have to generate a
   number of Js until one produces the CMAC target of zeros.  The
   Initiator SHOULD give up after exceeding the puzzle lifetime in the
   PUZZLE parameter ([RFC5201-bis]).  The Responder needs to re-create
   the concatenation of the HITs and the provided J, and compute the
   CMAC using I once to prove that the Initiator did its assigned task.

   To prevent precomputation attacks, the Responder MUST select the
   number I in such a way that the Initiator cannot guess it.
   Furthermore, the construction MUST allow the Responder to verify that
   the value was indeed selected by it and not by the Initiator.  See
   Appendix A for an example on how to implement this.

   Using the Opaque data field in an ECHO_REQUEST_UNSIGNED parameter
   ([RFC5201-bis]), the Responder can include some data in R1 that the
   Initiator must copy unmodified in the corresponding I2 packet.  The
   Responder can generate the Opaque data in various ways; e.g., using
   some secret, the sent I, and possibly other related data.  Using the
   same secret, the received I (from the I2), and the other related data
   (if any), the Receiver can verify that it has itself sent the I to
   the Initiator.  The Responder MUST periodically change such a used

   It is RECOMMENDED that the Responder generates a new puzzle and a new
   R1 once every few minutes.  Furthermore, it is RECOMMENDED that the
   Responder remembers an old puzzle at least 2*Lifetime seconds after

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   the puzzle has been deprecated.  These time values allow a slower
   Initiator to solve the puzzle while limiting the usability that an
   old, solved puzzle has to an attacker.

4.1.3.  HIP State Machine

   The HIP protocol itself has little state.  In HIP DEX, as in BEX,
   there is an Initiator and a Responder.  Once the security
   associations (SAs) are established, this distinction is lost.  If the
   HIP state needs to be re-established, the controlling parameters are
   which peer still has state and which has a datagram to send to its

   The HIP DEX state machine has the same states as the BEX state
   machine.  However, there is an optional aggressive transmission
   feature to provide better performance in sensor networks with high
   packet loss.  The following section documents the few differences in
   the DEX state machine.  HIP Aggressive Transmission Mechanism

   HIP DEX may be used on networks with high packet loss.  DEX deals
   with this by using an aggressive transmission practice for I1 and I2
   packets.  The Initiator SHOULD continually send I1 and I2 packets at
   some short interval t msec, based on local policy.  The transmission
   stops on receipt of the corresponding R1 or R2 packet, which acts as
   an acknowledgment receipt.

   Since the Responder is stateless until it receives an I2, it does not
   need any special behaviour on sending R1 other than to send one
   whenever it receives an I1.  The Responder sends an R2 after receipt
   every I2.  The Responder does need to know that R2 was received by
   the Initiator.  Like in BEX, the Responder can learn this when it
   starts receiving datagrams.

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Internet-Draft           HIP Diet EXchange (DEX)                May 2012  HIP States

   | State               | Explanation                                 |
   | UNASSOCIATED        | State machine start                         |
   |                     |                                             |
   | I1-SENT             | Initiating base exchange                    |
   |                     |                                             |
   | I2-SENT             | Waiting to complete base exchange           |
   |                     |                                             |
   | R2-SENT             | Waiting to complete base exchange           |
   |                     |                                             |
   | ESTABLISHED         | HIP association established                 |
   |                     |                                             |
   | CLOSING             | HIP association closing, no data can be     |
   |                     | sent                                        |
   |                     |                                             |
   | CLOSED              | HIP association closed, no data can be sent |
   |                     |                                             |
   | E-FAILED            | HIP exchange failed                         |

                            Table 1: HIP States  HIP State Processes

   System behavior in state I1-SENT, Table 2.

   | Trigger             | Action                      |
   | t msec              | Send I1 and stay at I1-SENT |

                     Table 2: I1-SENT - Initiating HIP

   System behavior in state I2-SENT, Table 3.

   | Trigger             | Action                      |
   | t msec              | Send I2 and stay at I2-SENT |

                 Table 3: I2-SENT - Waiting to finish HIP

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   System behavior in state R2-SENT, Table 4.

   | Trigger              | Action                      |
   | Receive duplicate I2 | Send R2 and stay at R2-SENT |

                 Table 4: R2-SENT - Waiting to finish HIP  Simplified HIP State Diagram

   The following diagram shows the major state transitions.  Transitions
   based on received packets implicitly assume that the packets are
   successfully authenticated or processed.

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                             +-+        +------------------------------+
        I1 received, send R1 | |        |                              |
                             | v        v                              |
         Datagram to send  +--------------+  I2 received, send R2      |
   Send I1  +--------------| UNASSOCIATED |--------------+             |
        +-+ | +-+          +--------------+              |             |
   send | | | | |                                        |             |
   I1 t | | | | | Alg. not supported, send I1            |             |
   msec v | v | v                                        |             |
       +---------+  I2 received, send R2                 |             |
 +---->| I1-SENT |-------------------------------------+ |             |
 |     +---------+                                     | |             |
 |            |               +----------------------+ | | +-+receive  |
 | send I2+-+ | R1 received,  | I2 received, send R2 | | | | |I2,      |
 | t msec | v v send I2       |                      v v v | v send R2 |
 |     +---------+            |                     +---------+        |
 |  +->| I2-SENT |------------+                     | R2-SENT |<--+    |
 |  |  +---------+                                  +---------+   |    |
 |  |          |                                     |            |    |
 |  |          |                                 data|            |    |
 |  |receive   |                                   or|            |    |
 |  |R1, send  |                           EC timeout| receive I2,|    |
 |  |I2        |R2 received +--------------+         |     send R2|    |
 |  |          +----------->| ESTABLISHED  |<--------+            |    |
 |  |                       +--------------+                      |    |
 |  |                         |    |     |  receive I2, send R2   |    |
 |  |        recv+------------+    |     +------------------------+    |
 |  |      CLOSE,|                 |                              |    |
 |  |        send|   No packet sent|                              |    |
 |  |   CLOSE_ACK|   /received for |                   timeout    |    |
 |  |            |   UAL min, send |    +---------+<-+ (UAL+MSL)  |    |
 |  |            |           CLOSE +--->| CLOSING |--+ retransmit |    |
 |  |            |                      +---------+    CLOSE      |    |
 +--|------------|----------------------+| |  | |                 |    |
    +------------|-----------------------+ |  | +-----------------+    |
    |            |             +-----------+  +-------------------|----+
    |            +-----------+ | receive CLOSE,   CLOSE_ACK       |    |
    |                        | | send CLOSE_ACK   received or     |    |
    |                        | |                  timeout         |    |
    |                        | |                  (UAL+MSL)       |    |
    |                        v v                                  |    |
    |                       +--------+  receive I2, send R2       |    |
    +-----------------------| CLOSED |----------------------------+    |
                            +--------+       /-------------------------+
                              ^ |   \-------/  timeout (UAL+2MSL),
                              | |              move to UNASSOCIATED
               CLOSE received, send CLOSE_ACK

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4.1.4.  HIP DEX Security Associations

   HIP DEX establishes two Security Associations (SA), one for the
   Diffie-Hellman derived key, or Master Key, and one for session or
   Pair-wise Key.  Master Key SA

   The Master Key SA is used to secure DEX parameters and authenticate
   HIP packets.  Since so little data will be protected by this SA it
   can be very longed lived.

   The Master Key SA contains the following elements.

      Source HIT

      Destination HIT

      HIP_Encrypt Key

      HIP_MAC Key

   Both keys are extracted from the Diffie-Hellman derived key via
   Section 6.3.  Their length is determined by HIP_CIPHER.  Pair-wise Key SA

   The Pair-wise Key SA is used to secure and authenticate user data.
   It is refreshed (or rekeyed) using the UPDATE packet exchange.

   The Pair-wise Key SA elements are defined by the data transform (e.g.
   ESP_TRANSFORM [rfc5202-bis]).

   The secrets in ENCRYPTED_KEY from I2 and R2 are concatenated to form
   the input to a Key Derivation Function (KDF).  If the data transform
   does not have its own KDF, then Section 6.3 is used.  Even though
   this input is randomly distributed, a KDF Extract phase may be needed
   to get the proper length for input to the KDF Expand phase.

4.1.5.  User Data Considerations

   There is only one difference in User Data Considerations between BEX
   and DEX.  Loss of state due to system reboot may be a critical
   performance issue.  Thus implementors MAY choose to use non-volatile,
   secure storage for HIP state so that it survives system reboot.  This
   will limit state loss during reboots to only those situtations that
   there is an SA timeout.

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5.  Packet Formats

5.1.  HIP Parameters

   The HIP Parameters are used to carry the public key associated with
   the sender's HIT, together with related security and other
   information.  They consist of parameters, ordered according to their
   numeric type number and encoded in TLV format.

   The following new parameter types are currently defined for DEX, in
   addition to those defined for BEX.  Also listed are BEX parameters
   that have additional values for DEX.

   For the BEX parameters, DIFFIE_HELLMAN, DH_GROUP_LIST, and HOST_ID,
   only the ECC values are valid in DEX.

   | TLV              | Type  | Length   | Data                        |
   | ENCRYPTED_KEY    | 643   | variable | Encrypted container for key |
   |                  |       |          | generation exchange         |
   |                  |       |          |                             |
   | HIP_MAC_3        | 61507 | variable | CMAC-based message          |
   |                  |       |          | authentication code         |
   |                  |       |          |                             |
   | HIP_CIPHER       | 579   | variable | List of HIP encryption      |
   |                  |       |          | algorithms                  |
   |                  |       |          |                             |
   | HIT_SUITE_LIST   | 715   | variable | Ordered list of the HIT     |
   |                  |       |          | suites supported by the     |
   |                  |       |          | Responder                   |

5.1.1.  HIP_CIPHER

   The HIP ciphers in DEX are limited to:

        Suite ID           Value

        RESERVED           0
        NULL-ENCRYPT       1     ([RFC2410])
        AES-128-CTR        5     ([RFC3686])

   The HIP_CIPHER parameter is limited to NULL or AES-CTR.

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   The HIT suites in DEX are limited to:

        HIT suite              ID
        ECDH/DEX                8

   The HIT_SUITE_LIST parameter contains a list of the supported HIT
   suite IDs of the Responder.  Since the HIT of the Initiator is a DEX
   HIT, the Responder MUST only respond with a DEX HIT suite ID.
   Currently, only one such suite ID has been defined.


      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |             Type              |             Length            |
     |                           Reserved                            |
     /                        Encrypted value                        /
     /                                                               /
     /                               +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                               /
     /                            Nonce                              /
     /                               +-------------------------------+
     /                               |            Padding            |

     Type           643
     Length         length in octets, excluding Type, Length, and
     Encrypted      The value is encrypted using an encryption algorithm
       value        as defined in the HIP_CIPHER parameter.
     Nonce          Nonce included in encrypted text.

   The ENCRYPTED parameter encapsulates a value and a nonce.  The value
   is typically a random number used in a key creation process and the
   nonce is known to the receiver to validate successful decryption.

   Some encryption algorithms require an IV (initialization vector).
   The IV MUST be known to the receiver through some source other than
   within the Encrypted_key block.  For example the Puzzle value, I, can
   be used as an IV.

   Text on CTR use here.

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   Some encryption algorithms require that the data to be encrypted must
   be a multiple of the cipher algorithm block size.  In this case, the
   above block of data MUST include additional padding, as specified by
   the encryption algorithm.  The size of the extra padding is selected
   so that the length of the unencrypted data block is a multiple of the
   cipher block size.  The encryption algorithm may specify padding
   bytes other than zero; for example, AES [FIPS.197.2001] uses the
   PKCS5 padding scheme (see section 6.1.1 of [RFC2898]) where the
   remaining n bytes to fill the block each have the value n.  This
   yields an "unencrypted data" block that is transformed to an
   "encrypted data" block by the cipher suite.  This extra padding added
   to the set of parameters to satisfy the cipher block alignment rules
   is not counted in HIP TLV length fields, and this extra padding
   should be removed by the cipher suite upon decryption.

   Note that the length of the cipher suite output may be smaller or
   larger than the length of the value and nonce to be encrypted, since
   the encryption process may compress the data or add additional
   padding to the data.

   Once this encryption process is completed, the Encrypted_key data
   field is ready for inclusion in the Parameter.  If necessary,
   additional Padding for 8-byte alignment is then added according to
   the rules of TLV Format in [RFC5201-bis].

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5.1.4.  HIP_MAC_3

     0                   1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |             Type              |             Length            |
    |                                                               |
    |                             CMAC                              |
    /                                                               /
    /                               +-------------------------------+
    |                               |            Padding            |

    Type           61507
    Length         length in octets, excluding Type, Length, and
    CMAC           CMAC computed over the HIP packet, excluding the
                   HIP_MAC parameter itself.  The checksum field MUST
                   be set to zero and the HIP header length in the HIP
                   common header MUST be calculated not to cover any
                   excluded parameters when the CMAC is calculated.  The
                   size of the CMAC is the natural size of the AES block
                   depending on the AES key size.

   The CMAC calculation and verification process is presented in
   Section 6.2.1.

5.2.  HIP Packets

   DEX uses the same eight basic HIP packets (see [RFC5201-bis]) as in
   BEX.  Four are for the HIP exchange, one is for updating, one is for
   sending notifications, and two are for closing a HIP association.
   There are some differences in the HIP parameters in the exchange
   packets between BEX and DEX.  This section will cover the DEX

   An important difference between BEX and DEX HIP packets is that there
   is no HIP_SIGNATURE parameter available in DEX.  Thus R1 is
   completely unprotected and can be spoofed.  The I2, R2, UPDATE,
   NOTIFY, CLOSE, and CLOSE_ACK parameters only have a HIP_MAC_3
   parameter for packet authentication.  The processing of these packets
   are changed accordingly.

   In the future, an OPTIONAL upper-layer payload MAY follow the HIP
   header.  The Next Header field in the header indicates if there is
   additional data following the HIP header.  The HIP packet, however,
   MUST NOT be fragmented.  This limits the size of the possible

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   additional data in the packet.

5.2.1.  I1 - the HIP Initiator Packet

   The HIP header values for the I1 packet:

       Packet Type = 1
       SRC HIT = Initiator's HIT
       DST HIT = Responder's HIT, or NULL

     IP ( HIP ( DH_GROUP_LIST ) )

     Minimum size = 40 bytes

   The I1 packet contains the fixed HIP header and the Initiator's

   Valid control bits: none

   The Initiator HIT MUST be a DEX HIT.  The HIT Suite ID MUST be of a
   DEX type.  Currently only ECDH/DEX is defined.

   The Initiator receives the Responder's HIT either from a DNS lookup
   of the Responder's FQDN, from some other repository, or from a local
   table.  The Responder's HIT MUST be a DEX HIT.  If the Initiator does
   not know the Responder's HIT, it may attempt to use opportunistic
   mode by using NULL (all zeros) as the Responder's HIT.  See also "HIP
   Opportunistic Mode" [RFC5201-bis].

   Since this packet is so easy to spoof even if it were signed, no
   attempt is made to add to its generation or processing cost.

   The Initiator includes a DH_GROUP_LIST parameter in the I1 to inform
   the Responder of its preferred DH Group IDs.  Only ECDH Groups may be
   included in this list.  Note that the DH_GROUP_LIST in the I1 packet
   is not protected by a MAC.

   Implementations MUST be able to handle a storm of received I1
   packets, discarding those with common content that arrive within a
   small time delta, but distinguishing this from arriving at a set time
   delta.  This behaviour is the expected behaviour for an Initiator on
   a network with high packet loss.  The HIP state machine calls out
   this behaviour in this case and the Initiator will stop sending I1
   packets after it receives an R1 packet.

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5.2.2.  R1 - the HIP Responder Packet

   The HIP header values for the R1 packet:

       Packet Type = 2
       SRC HIT = Responder's HIT
       DST HIT = Initiator's HIT

     IP ( HIP ( [ R1_COUNTER, ]
                [ <, ECHO_REQUEST_UNSIGNED >i ])

     Minimum size = 120 bytes

   Valid control bits: A

   If the Responder's HI is an anonymous one, the A control MUST be set.

   The Initiator's HIT MUST match the one received in I1.  If the
   Responder has multiple HIs, the Responder's HIT used MUST match
   Initiator's request.  If the Initiator used opportunistic mode, the
   Responder may select freely among its HIs.  See also "HIP
   Opportunistic Mode" [RFC5201-bis].

   The R1 generation counter is used to determine the currently valid
   generation of puzzles.  The value is increased periodically, and it
   is RECOMMENDED that it is increased at least as often as solutions to
   old puzzles are no longer accepted.

   The Puzzle contains a Random #I and the difficulty K.  The difficulty
   K indicates the number of lower-order bits, in the puzzle CMAC
   result, that MUST be zeros; see Section 4.1.2.

   The Initiator HIT does not provide the HOST_ID key size.  The
   Responder selects its HOST_ID based on the Initiator's preference
   expressed in the DH_GROUP_LIST parameter in the I1.  The Responder
   sends back its own preference based on which it chose the HOST_ID as
   DH_GROUP_LIST.  This allows the Initiator to determine whether its
   own DH_GROUP_LIST in the I1 was manipulated by an attacker.  There is
   a further risk that the Responder's DH_GROUP_LIST was manipulated by
   an attacker, as R1 cannot be authenticated in DEX as it can in BEX.
   Thus it is repeated in R2 allowing for a final check at that point.

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   In DEX, the Diffie-Hellman HOST_ID values are static.  They are NOT

   The HIP_CIPHER contains the encryption algorithms supported by the
   Responder to protect the key exchange, in the order of preference.
   All implementations MUST support the AES-CBC [RFC3602].

   The ECHO_REQUEST_UNSIGNED contains data that the sender wants to
   receive unmodified in the corresponding response packet in the

5.2.3.  I2 - the Second HIP Initiator Packet

   The HIP header values for the I2 packet:

       Type = 3
       SRC HIT = Initiator's HIT
       DST HIT = Responder's HIT

     IP ( HIP ( [R1_COUNTER,]
                ENCRYPTED_KEY {DH, secret-x|I},
                [ ENCRYPTED {DH, ENCRYPTED_KEY {passwd, challenge } },]
                [<, ECHO_RESPONSE_UNSIGNED>i )] )

     Minimum size = 180 bytes

   Valid control bits: A

   The HITs used MUST match the ones used previously.

   If the Initiator's HI is an anonymous one, the A control MUST be set.

   The Initiator MAY include an unmodified copy of the R1_COUNTER
   parameter received in the corresponding R1 packet into the I2 packet.

   The Solution contains the Random #I from R1 and the computed #J.  The
   low-order K bits of the CMAC(S, | ... | J) MUST be zero.

   In DEX, the Diffie-Hellman HOST_ID values are static.  They are NOT

   The HIP_CIPHER contains the single encryption transform selected by
   the Initiator, that will be used to protect the HI exchange.  The

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   chosen transform MUST correspond to one offered by the Responder in
   the R1.  All implementations MUST support the AES-CBC transform

   The ECHO_RESPONSE_UNSIGNED contain the unmodified Opaque data copied
   from the corresponding echo request parameter.

   The ENCRYPTED_KEY contains an Initiator generated random secret x
   that MUST be uniformly distributed that is concatenated with I from
   the puzzle.  The secret x's length matches the keysize of the
   selected encryption transform.  I from the puzzle is used as the IV
   in the encryption transform.  This acts as a nonce from the Responder
   to prove freshness of the secret wrapping from the Initiator.  I in
   the ENCRYPTED block enables the Responder to validate a proper
   decryption of the block.  The key for the encryption is the
   HIP_Encrypt key.

   If the Initiator has prior knowledge that the Responder is expecting
   a password authenication, the Initiator encrypts the
   ECHO_REQUEST_UNSIGNED with the password, then wraps the ENCRYPTED
   parameter in the secret x.  I from the puzzle is used as the nonce
   here as well.  There is no signal within R1 for this behaviour.
   Knowledge of password authencation must be externally configured.

   The MAC is calculated over the whole HIP envelope, excluding any
   parameters after the HIP_MAC_3, as described in Section 6.2.1.  The
   Responder MUST validate the HIP_MAC_3.

5.2.4.  R2 - the Second HIP Responder Packet

   The HIP header values for the R2 packet:

       Packet Type = 4
       SRC HIT = Responder's HIT
       DST HIT = Initiator's HIT

                ENCRYPTED_KEY {DH, secret-y|I},

     Minimum size = 108 bytes

   Valid control bits: none

   The Responder repeats the DH_GROUP_LIST parameter in R2.  This MUST
   be the same list as included in R1.  The DH_GROUP_LIST parameter is
   repeated here because R2 is MACed and thus cannot be altered by an

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   attacker.  This allows the Initiator to determine whether its own
   DH_GROUP_LIST in the I1 was manipulated by an attacker.

   The ENCRYPTED contains an Responder generated random secret y that
   MUST be uniformly distributed that is concatenated with I from the
   puzzle.  The secret y's length matches the keysize of the selected
   encryption transform.  I from the puzzle is used as the IV in the
   encryption transform.  This acts as a nonce from the Initiator to
   prove freshness of the secret wrapping from the Responder.  I in the
   ENCRYPTED block enables the Responder to validate a proper decryption
   of the block.  The key for the encryption is the HIP_Encrypt key.

   The HIP_MAC_3 is calculated over the whole HIP envelope, with
   Responder's HOST_ID parameter concatenated with the HIP envelope.
   The HOST_ID parameter is removed after the CMAC calculation.  The
   procedure is described in Section 6.2.1.

   The Initiator MUST validate the HIP_MAC_3.

5.3.  ICMP Messages

   When a HIP implementation detects a problem with an incoming packet,
   and it either cannot determine the identity of the sender of the
   packet or does not have any existing HIP association with the sender
   of the packet, it MAY respond with an ICMP packet.  Any such replies
   MUST be rate-limited as described in [RFC2463].  In most cases, the
   ICMP packet will have the Parameter Problem type (12 for ICMPv4, 4
   for ICMPv6), with the Pointer field pointing to the field that caused
   the ICMP message to be generated.

6.  Packet Processing

   Each host is assumed to have a single HIP protocol implementation
   that manages the host's HIP associations and handles requests for new
   ones.  Each HIP association is governed by a conceptual state
   machine, with states defined above in Section 4.1.3.  The HIP
   implementation can simultaneously maintain HIP associations with more
   than one host.  Furthermore, the HIP implementation may have more
   than one active HIP association with another host; in this case, HIP
   associations are distinguished by their respective HITs.  It is not
   possible to have more than one HIP association between any given pair
   of HITs.  Consequently, the only way for two hosts to have more than
   one parallel association is to use different HITs, at least at one

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6.1.  Solving the Puzzle

   This subsection describes the puzzle-solving details.

   In R1, the values I and K are sent in network byte order.  Similarly,
   in I2, the values I and J are sent in network byte order.  The mac is
   created by concatenating, in network byte order, the following data,
   in the following order and using the CMAC algorithm with I as the

      128-bit Initiator's HIT, in network byte order, as appearing in
      the HIP Payload in R1 and I2.

      128-bit Responder's HIT, in network byte order, as appearing in
      the HIP Payload in R1 and I2.

      n-bit random value J (where n is CMAC-len), in network byte order,
      as appearing in I2.

   In order to be a valid response puzzle, the K low-order bits of the
   resulting CMAC MUST be zero.


      i) All the data in the CMAC input MUST be in network byte order.

      ii) The order of the Initiator's and Responder's HITs are
      different in the R1 and I2 packets; see [RFC5201-bis].  Care must
      be taken to copy the values in the right order to the CMAC input.

   The following procedure describes the processing steps involved,
   assuming that the Responder chooses to precompute the R1 packets:

   Precomputation by the Responder:
      Sets up the puzzle difficulty K.
      Creates a R1 and caches it.

      Selects a suitable cached R1.
      Generates a random number I.
      Sends I and K in an R1.
      Saves I and K for a Delta time.

      Generates repeated attempts to solve the puzzle until a matching J
      is found:
      Ltrunc( CMAC( I, HIT-I | HIT-R | J ), K ) == 0
      Sends I and J in an I2.

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      Verifies that the received I is a saved one.
      Finds the right K based on I.
      Computes V := Ltrunc( CMAC( I, HIT-I | HIT-R | J ), K )
      Rejects if V != 0
      Accept if V == 0

6.2.  HIP_MAC Calculation and Verification

   The following subsections define the actions for processing the
   HIP_MAC_3 parameter.

6.2.1.  CMAC Calculation

   Both the Initiator and the Responder should take some care when
   verifying or calculating the HIP_MAC_3.  Specifically, the Responder
   should preserve other parameters than the HOST_ID when sending the
   R2.  Also, the Initiator has to preserve the HOST_ID exactly as it
   was received in the R1 packet.

   The scope of the calculation for HIP_MAC_3 is:

   CMAC: { HIP header | [ Parameters ] }

   where Parameters include all HIP parameters of the packet that is
   being calculated with Type values from 1 to (HIP_MAC's Type value -
   1) and exclude parameters with Type values greater or equal to
   HIP_MAC's Type value.

   During HIP_MAC calculation, the following applies:

   o  In the HIP header, the Checksum field is set to zero.

   o  In the HIP header, the Header Length field value is calculated to
      the beginning of the HIP_MAC parameter.

   Parameter order is described in [RFC5201-bis].

   The HIP_MAC parameter is defined in Section 5.1.4.  The CMAC
   calculation and verification process is as follows:

   Packet sender:

   1.  Create the HIP packet, without the HIP_MAC or any other parameter
       with greater Type value than the HIP_MAC parameter has.

   2.  Calculate the Header Length field in the HIP header.

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   3.  Compute the CMAC using either HIP-gl or HIP-lg integrity key
       retrieved from KEYMAT as defined in Section 6.3.

   4.  Add the HIP_MAC_3 parameter to the packet and any parameter with
       greater Type value than the HIP_MAC's (HIP_MAC_3's) that may

   5.  Recalculate the Length field in the HIP header.

   Packet receiver:

   1.  Verify the HIP header Length field.

   2.  Remove the HIP_MAC_3 parameter, as well as all other parameters
       that follow it with greater Type value, saving the contents if
       they will be needed later.

   3.  Recalculate the HIP packet length in the HIP header and clear the
       Checksum field (set it to all zeros).

   4.  Compute the CMAC using either HIP-gl or HIP-lg integrity key as
       defined in Section 6.3 and verify it against the received CMAC.

   5.  Set Checksum and Header Length field in the HIP header to
       original values.

6.3.  HIP DEX KEYMAT Generation

   The HIP DEX KEYMAT process is used for both the Diffie-Hellman
   Derived Master key and the Encrypted secrets Pair-wise key.  The
   former uses both the Extract and Expand phases, while the later MAY
   need the Extract and Expand phases if the key is longer than 128
   bits.  Othewise it only needs the Expand phase.

   The Diffie-Hellman Derived Master key is exchanged in R1 and I2 and
   used in I2, R2.  UPDATE, NOTIFY, and ACK packets.  The Encrypted
   secrets Pair-wise key is not used in HIP, but is available as the
   datagram protection key.  Some datagram protection mechanisms have
   their own Key Derivation Function, and if so that SHOULD be used
   rather than the HIP DEX KEYMAT.

   The KEYMAT has two components, CKDF-Extract and CKDF-Expand.  The
   Extract function COMPRESSES a non-uniformly distributed key, as is
   the output of a Diffie-Hellman key derivation, to EXTRACT all the key
   entropy into a fixed length output.  The Expand function takes either
   the output of the Extract function or directly uses a uniformly
   distributed key and EXPANDS the length of the key, repeatedly
   distributing the key entropy, to produce the keys needed.

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   The CKDF-Extract function is following operation; the | operation
   denotes concatenation.

      CKDF-Extract(DHK, info, L) -> CK


        info    =  sort(HIT-I | HIT-R) | "CKDF-Extract"
        BigK    =  Diffie-Hellman Derived or Session (x | y) Key
        I       =  I from PUZZLE Parameter

   The output CK is calculated as follows:

        CK      = CMAC(I, BigK | info)

   The CKDF-Expand function is following operation; the | operation
   denotes concatenation.

      CKDF-Expand(CK, info, L) -> OKM


        info    =  sort(HIT-I | HIT-R) | "CKDF-Expand"
        CK      =  CK from CKDF-Extract or (x | y)
        PRKlen  =  Length of PRK in octets
        maclen  =  Length of CMAC in octets = 128/8 = 16
        L        length of output keying material in octets
                 (<= 255*macLen)

        If PRKlen != macLen then PRK = CMAC(0^128, PRK)

   The output OKM is calculated as follows:

        N = ceil(L/macLen)
        T = T(1) | T(2) | T(3) | ... | T(N)
        OKM = first L octets of T


        T(0) = empty string (zero length)
        T(1) = CMAC(CK, T(0) | info | 0x01)
        T(2) = CMAC(CK, T(1) | info | 0x02)
        T(3) = CMAC(CK, T(2) | info | 0x03)

   (where the constant concatenated to the end of each T(n) is a

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   single octet.)

   Sort(HIT-I | HIT-R) is defined as the network byte order
   concatenation of the two HITs, with the smaller HIT preceding the
   larger HIT, resulting from the numeric comparison of the two HITs
   interpreted as positive (unsigned) 128-bit integers in network byte

   x and y values are from the ENCRYPTED parameters from I2 and R2

   The initial keys are drawn sequentially in the order that is
   determined by the numeric comparison of the two HITs, with comparison
   method described in the previous paragraph.  HOST_g denotes the host
   with the greater HIT value, and HOST_l the host with the lower HIT

   The drawing order for initial keys:

      HIP-gl encryption key for HOST_g's outgoing HIP packets

      HIP-gl integrity (CMAC) key for HOST_g's outgoing HIP packets

      HIP-lg encryption key for HOST_l's outgoing HIP packets

      HIP-lg integrity (CMAC) key for HOST_l's outgoing HIP packets

   The number of bits drawn for a given algorithm is the "natural" size
   of the keys.  For the mandatory algorithms, the following sizes

   AES  128 or 256 bits

   If other key sizes are used, they must be treated as different
   encryption algorithms and defined separately.

6.4.  Processing Incoming I1 Packets

   An implementation SHOULD reply to an I1 with an R1 packet, unless the
   implementation is unable or unwilling to set up a HIP association.
   An I1 in DEX is handled identically to BEX with the exception that in
   constructing the R1, the Responder SHOULD select a HIT that is
   constructed with the MUST algorithm, which is currently ECDH.

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6.4.1.  R1 Management

   All compliant implementations MUST produce R1 packets.  An R1 in DEX
   is handled identically to BEX.

6.5.  Processing Incoming R1 Packets

   A system receiving an R1 MUST first check to see if it has sent an I1
   to the originator of the R1 (i.e., it is in state I1-SENT).  An R1 in
   DEX is handled identically to BEX with the following differences.

   If the system has been sending out a stream of I1 packets to work
   around high packet loss on a network, it stops sending the I1 packets
   AFTER successfully processing a R1 packet.

   There is no HIP_SIGNATURE in the R1 packet.  It is an
   unauthentication packet.

   The following steps define the conceptual processing rules for
   responding to an R1 packet that are different than in BEX:

   1.  If the system is configured with an authentication password for
       the responder, it constructs the authentication response to
       include in the I2.

   2.  The system prepares and sends an I2, as described in
       Section 5.2.3.  The system MAY be configured to continually send
       this I2 until it receives and validates an R2.

6.6.  Processing Incoming I2 Packets

   Upon receipt of an I2, the system MAY perform initial checks to
   determine whether the I2 corresponds to a recent R1 that has been
   sent out, if the Responder keeps such state.  An I2 in DEX is handled
   identically to BEX with the following differences.

   The HIP implementation SHOULD process the I2.  This includes
   validation of the puzzle solution, extracting the ENCRYPTED key for
   processing I2, decrypting the Initiator's Host Identity, verifying
   the mac, creating state, and finally sending an R2.

   There is no HIP_SIGNATURE on this packet.  Authentication is
   completely based on the HIP_MAC_3 parameter.

   The following steps define the conceptual processing rules for
   responding to an I2 packet:

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   1.  If the system's state machine is in the I2-SENT state, the system
       makes a comparison between its local and sender's HITs (similarly
       as in Section 6.3).  If the local HIT is smaller than the
       sender's HIT, it should drop the I2 packet, and continue using
       the R1 received and I2 sent to the peer earlier.  Otherwise, the
       system should process the received I2 packet and drop any
       previously derived Diffie-Hellman keying material Kij and
       ENCRYPTED keying material it might have formed upon sending the
       I2 previously.  The peer Diffie-Hellman key, ENCRYPTED keying
       material and the nonce J are taken from the just arrived I2
       packet.  The local Diffie-Hellman key and the nonce I are the
       ones that were earlier sent in the R1 packet.

   2.  The system MUST validate the solution to the puzzle by computing
       the mac described in Section 5.2.3 using the CMAC algorithm.

   3.  The system must extract the keying material from the ENCRYPTED
       parameter.  This key is used to derive the HIP data keys.

   4.  If the checks above are valid, then the system proceeds with
       further I2 processing; otherwise, it discards the I2 and its
       state machine remains in the same state.  If the system has been
       sending a stream of R1 packets to the HIT in the I2 the system
       stops sending the R1s.

6.7.  Processing Incoming R2 Packets

   An R2 received in states UNASSOCIATED, I1-SENT, or ESTABLISHED
   results in the R2 being dropped and the state machine staying in the
   same state.  If an R2 is received in state I2-SENT, it SHOULD be

   There is no HIP_SIGNATURE on this packet.  Authentication is
   completely based on the HIP_MAC_3 parameter.

   The conceptual processing rules for an incoming R2 packet in DEX are
   identical to BEX with the following differences.

   1.  The system checks the DH_GROUP_LIST as in R1 packet processing.
       If the list is different from R1's there may have been a DH
       downgrade attack against the unprotected R1 packet.  If the
       DH_GROUP_LIST presents a better list than recieved in the R1
       packet, the system may either resend I1 within the retry bounds
       or abandon the HIP exchange.

   2.  The system must extract the keying material from the ENCRYPTED
       parameter.  This key is concatanated with that sent in the I2
       packet to form the HIP data keys.

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6.8.  Sending UPDATE Packets

   A host sends an UPDATE packet when it updates some information
   related to a HIP association.  DEX UPDATE handling is the similar in
   DEX as in BEX.  The key difference is the HIP_SIGNATURE is not

6.9.  Handling State Loss

   In the case of system crash and unanticipated state loss, the system
   SHOULD delete the corresponding HIP state, including the keying
   material.  That is, the state SHOULD NOT be stored on stable storage.
   If the implementation does drop the state (as RECOMMENDED), it MUST
   also drop the peer's R1 generation counter value, unless a local
   policy explicitly defines that the value of that particular host is
   stored.  An implementation MUST NOT store R1 generation counters by
   default, but storing R1 generation counter values, if done, MUST be
   configured by explicit HITs.

7.  HIP Policies

   There are a number of variables that will influence the HIP exchanges
   that each host must support.  All HIP implementations MUST support
   more than one simultaneous HI, at least one of which SHOULD be
   reserved for anonymous usage.  Although anonymous HIs will be rarely
   used as Responders' HIs, they will be common for Initiators.  Support
   for more than two HIs is RECOMMENDED.

   Many Initiators would want to use a different HI for different
   Responders.  The implementations SHOULD provide for an ACL of
   Initiator's HIT to Responder's HIT.  This ACL SHOULD also include
   preferred transform and local lifetimes.

   The value of K used in the HIP R1 packet can also vary by policy.  K
   should never be greater than 20, but for trusted partners it could be
   as low as 0.

   Responders would need a similar ACL, representing which hosts they
   accept HIP exchanges, and the preferred transform and local
   lifetimes.  Wildcarding SHOULD be supported for this ACL also.

8.  Security Considerations

   HIP is designed to provide secure authentication of hosts.  HIP also
   attempts to limit the exposure of the host to various denial-of-
   service and man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks.  In so doing, HIP
   itself is subject to its own DoS and MitM attacks that potentially
   could be more damaging to a host's ability to conduct business as

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   HIP DEX replaces the SIGMA authenticated Diffie-Hellman key exchange
   of BEX with a random generated key exchange encrypted by a Diffie-
   Hellman derived key.  Both the Initiator and Responder contribute to
   this key.

      The strength of the key is based on the quality of the secrets
      generated the Initiator and Responder.  Since the Initiator is
      commonly a sensor there is a natural concern about the quality of
      its random number generator.

      DEX lacks Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS).  If the Initiator's HI is
      compromised, ALL HIP connections protected with that HI are

      The puzzle mechanism using CMAC may need further study that it
      does present the desired level of difficulty.

      The DEX HIT extraction MAY present new attack opportunities;
      further study is needed.

   The R1 packet is unprotected and offers an attacker new resource
   attacks against the Initiator.  This is mitigated by the Initator
   only processing a received R1 when it has sent an I1.  This is
   another DoS attack, but for battery powered Initiators, it could be a

9.  IANA Considerations

   IANA has reserved protocol number 139 for the Host Identity Protocol.

   The following HIT suites are defined for DEX HIT generation.

   | Index | Hash       | Signature algorithm  | Description           |
   |       | function   | family               |                       |
   |     5 | LTRUNC     | ECDH                 | ECDH HI truncated to  |
   |       |            |                      | 96 bits               |

                            Table 5: HIT Suites

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10.  Acknowledgments

   The drive to put HIP on a cryptographic 'Diet' came out of a number
   of discussions with sensor vendors at IEEE 802.15 meetings.  David
   McGrew was very

11.  References

11.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]             Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to
                         Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
                         March 1997.

   [RFC2460]             Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol,
                         Version 6 (IPv6) Specification", RFC 2460,
                         December 1998.

   [RFC2463]             Conta, A. and S. Deering, "Internet Control
                         Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet
                         Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Specification",
                         RFC 2463, December 1998.

   [RFC3602]             Frankel, S., Glenn, R., and S. Kelly, "The AES-
                         CBC Cipher Algorithm and Its Use with IPsec",
                         RFC 3602, September 2003.

   [RFC3686]             Housley, R., "Using Advanced Encryption
                         Standard (AES) Counter Mode With IPsec
                         Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)",
                         RFC 3686, January 2004.

   [RFC3972]             Aura, T., "Cryptographically Generated
                         Addresses (CGA)", RFC 3972, March 2005.

   [RFC4309]             Housley, R., "Using Advanced Encryption
                         Standard (AES) CCM Mode with IPsec
                         Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)",
                         RFC 4309, December 2005.

   [RFC4843-bis]         Laganier, J. and F. Dupont, "An IPv6 Prefix for
                         Overlay Routable Cryptographic Hash Identifiers
                         (ORCHID)", draft-ietf-hip-rfc4843-bis-00 (work
                         in progress), August 2010.

   [RFC5201-bis]         Moskowitz, R., Heer, T., Jokela, P., and T.
                         Henderson, "Host Identity Protocol Version 2
                         (HIPv2)", draft-ietf-hip-rfc5201-bis-08 (work

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                         in progress), March 2012.

   [RFC6090]             McGrew, D., Igoe, K., and M. Salter,
                         "Fundamental Elliptic Curve Cryptography
                         Algorithms", RFC 6090, February 2011.

   [rfc5202-bis]         Jokela, P., Moskowitz, R., Nikander, P., and J.
                         Melen, "Using the Encapsulating Security
                         Payload (ESP) Transport Format with the Host
                         Identity Protocol (HIP)",
                         draft-ietf-hip-rfc5202-bis-00 (work in
                         progress), September 2010.

11.2.  Informative References

   [AUR03]               Aura, T., Nagarajan, A., and A. Gurtov,
                         "Analysis of the HIP Base Exchange Protocol",
                         in Proceedings of 10th Australasian Conference
                         on Information Security and Privacy, July 2003.

   [CRO03]               Crosby, SA. and DS. Wallach, "Denial of Service
                         via Algorithmic Complexity Attacks", in
                         Proceedings of Usenix Security Symposium 2003,
                          Washington, DC., August 2003.

   [FIPS.197.2001]       National Institute of Standards and Technology,
                         "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)", FIPS PUB
                         197, November 2001, <

   [IEEE.802-11.2007]    "Information technology - Telecommunications
                         and information exchange between systems -
                         Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific
                         requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium
                         Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)
                         Specifications", IEEE Standard 802.11,
                         June 2007, <

   [IEEE.802-15-4.2011]  "Information technology - Telecommunications
                         and information exchange between systems -
                         Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific
                         requirements - Part 15.4: Wireless Medium
                         Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)
                         Specifications for Low-Rate Wireless Personal
                         Area Networks (WPANs)", IEEE Standard 802.15.4,
                         September 2011, <

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   [RFC2434]             Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for
                         Writing an IANA Considerations Section in
                         RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 2434, October 1998.

   [RFC2898]             Kaliski, B., "PKCS #5: Password-Based
                         Cryptography Specification Version 2.0",
                         RFC 2898, September 2000.

   [RFC4306]             Kaufman, C., "Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2)
                         Protocol", RFC 4306, December 2005.

   [rfc4423-bis]         Moskowitz, R., "Host Identity Protocol
                         Architecture", draft-ietf-hip-rfc4423-bis-02
                         (work in progress), February 2011.

Appendix A.  Using Responder Puzzles

   As mentioned in Section 4.1.1, the Responder may delay state creation
   and still reject most spoofed I2s by using a number of pre-calculated
   R1s and a local selection function.  This appendix defines one
   possible implementation in detail.  The purpose of this appendix is
   to give the implementors an idea on how to implement the mechanism.
   If the implementation is based on this appendix, it MAY contain some
   local modification that makes an attacker's task harder.

   The Responder creates a secret value S, that it regenerates
   periodically.  The Responder needs to remember the two latest values
   of S.  Each time the S is regenerated, the R1 generation counter
   value is incremented by one and the Responder generates an R1 packet.

   When the Initiator sends the I1 packet for initializing a connection,
   the Responder gets the HIT and IP address from the packet, and
   generates an I value for the puzzle.

       I value calculation:
       I = Ltrunc( CMAC ( S, HIT-I | HIT-R | IP-I | IP-R ), n)
       where n = CMAC-len

   From an incoming I2 packet, the Responder gets the required
   information to validate the puzzle: HITs, IP addresses, and the
   information of the used S value from the R1_COUNTER.  Using these
   values, the Responder can regenerate the I, and verify it against the
   I received in the I2 packet.  If the I values match, it can verify
   the solution using I, J, and difficulty K.  If the I values do not
   match, the I2 is dropped.

      V := Ltrunc( CMAC( I2.I | I2.I,  I2.hit_i | I2.hit_r | I2.J ), K )

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      if V != 0, drop the packet

   If the puzzle solution is correct, the I and J values are stored for
   later use.  They are used as input material when keying material is

   Keeping state about failed puzzle solutions depends on the
   implementation.  Although it is possible for the Responder not to
   keep any state information, it still may do so to protect itself
   against certain attacks (see Section 4.1.1).

Appendix B.  Generating a Public Key Encoding from an HI

   The following pseudo-code illustrates the process to generate a
   public key encoding from an HI for ECDH.

Author's Address

   Robert Moskowitz
   1000 Bent Creek Blvd, Suite 200
   Mechanicsburg, PA


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