Internet DRAFT - draft-mpls-hpark-hybrid-forwarding


Internet Draft                                              Hyeon   Park
draft-mpls-hpark-hybrid-forwarding-00.txt                   Kyeseon  Lee
Expires: May 2004                                           Sun H.  Yang
                                                            Bong T.  Kim
                                                            October 2003    
       Hybrid data forwarding for Economy Class Services in MPLS


Status of this Memo

   This document is an Internet-Draft and is subject to all provisions
   of Section 10 of RFC2026.

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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


   This document describes the efficient mechanism to set up and 
   maintain the   LSP for the economy class services (called
   ES-LSP: Economy class Services LSP). The mechanism is to 
   reduce the overload of MPLS networks and to continue the 
   economy class services when the ES-LSP is failed.  

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   There are two parts to fulfill this mechanism. Firstly, it is to 
   minimize the information to establish and to keep the ES-LSP.
   Secondly, in this mechanism, the nodes adjacent to the failure
   point may switch over the data packet to IP forwarding 
   instead of MPLS label swapping. On the other hand, the 
   adjacent nodes switch over the data packets to the label 
   swapping of MPLS at the restoration of the failure. However, in general,
   the ES-LSP session is withdrawn, the ES-LSP itself is reestablished into 
   the different route or the ES is discontinued by the ES-LSP failure[1]. 
   Thus, for the service continuity of the failed ES-LSP, this mechanism 
   uses the hybrid data forwarding of MPLS label swapping and IP forwarding.

1.  Introduction

   For the Qos in MPLS networks the reliability of the LSP depends on the
   service priority or class. That is, the survivability of the networks 
   is accomplished by the protection, restoration mechanisms, the queue 
   handling mechanism in the network processor and so on. However, these
   may increase the overload of the overall network as well as each node 
   and then the services may not be provided eventually in normal. 
   To resolve this problem the existing mechanisms have proposed to 
   increase the survivability of the premium [2] or high priority service.
   However, this document describes the mechanism that sets up the ES-LSP 
   for the economy service or the low priority service and processes its
   own failure so that to decease the whole overload of the networks.
   As a result, this mechanism appliance relatively increases the 
   survivability of the premium service or the high priority service and 
   it will continuously preserve the ES using the IP forwarding in spite 
   of the ES-LSP failure.
   To minimize the overload for the transmission of the message needed to 
   setup and keep the ES-LSP it reduces the transport period of the 
   KeepAlive message of the LDP. Furthermore, the reestablishment of ES-LSP 
   is not necessary because it can offer IP forwarding of data packet to 
   the failed span or spans on ES-LSP.  

   To implement this mechanism the ingress node adjusts the transmission 
   period of the KeepAlive message and sends the message according to the 
   period at the ES-LSP establishment. At the ES-LSP failure, the nodes 
   adjacent to the point of the failure expire the timer of KeepAlive
   message and do not send the Notification or Release message to the end 
   nodes of the ES-LSP. This means that the nodes adjacent to the point of 
   the failure periodically send Hello message to aware the failure 
   recovery, whereas the rest nodes recognize the ES-LSP as if 
   it is normal. The adjacent  nodes switch over the data packet to
   the IP forwarding. When the restoration of the failure is
   recognized by the Hello message, the adjacent nodes switch over 
   the data packets to the label swapping of MPLS.      

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Internet Draft         Hybrid data forwarding       October 2003

2.  Procedure for the ES-LSP Set-up

   This section describes the procedure of ES-LSP establishment as 
   mentioned above. The procedure is as follows and the extended FEC TLV
   contains the FEC element format described in Section V.

 	Step 1. Ingress node classifies the application services from the 
            data packet of end users for the ES-LSP (for instance,
            FEC Prefix Filtering).
 	Step 2. The ingress node adds the extended FEC TLV to LDP Mapping
            message for the ES-LSP when the LSP of LDP set up. And the 
            added FEC TLV (exactly, FEC element) indicates that the LSP 
            is ES-LSP. In ingress node, the transmission period of 
            KeepAlive message is adjusted to reduce the transmission 
            frequency of the message.
 	Step 3. Each node over ES-LSP sets the block/unblock flag in the 
            ES-LSP session management table. This flag is to manage the 
            data flow mechanism whether the current ES-LSP is kept by 
            the label swapping of MPLS or IP forwarding.    
 	Step 4. Once the ES-LSP is set up, the ES-LSP reestablishment in 
            the ingress node is not necessary whatever the failure 
            occurred. So, the network may reduce the overload to 
            reestablish the ES-LSP.

3.  Procedure for the service continuity under the ES-LSP failure
   This section describes how the data flow through the ES-LSP of MPLS 
   switches over to IP forwarding when the failure is occurred on a span
   over the ES-LSP. And it also describes how the data flow through IP 
   forwarding switches over to the ES-LSP of MPLS when the failure is 
   recovered. As shown in Fig. 1, ES-LSP path is ABCDE and the moment the 
   failure is occurred between node C and D the procedure to keep the 
   continuous data flow is as follow.

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Internet Draft         Hybrid data forwarding       October 2003

	Step 1. Node C and D detect the failure of the ES-LSP 1.

	Step 2. Node C and D expire the timer of KeepAlive message 
            instead of sending the Notification or Release message to 
            the end nodes of the ES-LSP. And then node A, B, and E 
            recognize the ES-LSP as if it is normal.
	Step 3. Node C sets the flag as the block status in the session 
            management table as mentioned Session III (after this, 
            the data packet flow deals with IP forwarding).  

	Step 4. Node D also sets the flag as the block status in the session 
            management table as Step 3 above.

	Step 5. The ES-LSP status in node C, D is block and the data packet 
            incoming from the end users to node C is delivered to node D 
            by IP forwarding instead of MPLS label swapping. Node D 
            receives the data packet from node C by IP forwarding and 
            delivers it to node E by MPLS label swapping. The switching 
            over to IP forwarding is able to apply to the ES-LSP in this 
            document because IP forwarding do not guarantee the Qos.
	Step 6. Node C and D continually send Hello message to the neighbor 
            to perceive the ES-LSP recovery.

	Step 7. When node C and D discover its neighbor and keep the session 
            again, each node sets the flag in the session management table
            to unblock (data flow by MPLS label swapping). 

	Step 8. Node C and D react the timer of the KeepAlive message and 
            then the service of the ES-LSP is available by MPLS 
            label swapping.  

              [A]---[B]-----[C]-~~-[D]---[E]---> ES-LSP 1
                              \   /      

            <Figure 1> IP forwarding under the ES-LSP failure

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4.  The extended FEC Element TLV 

   New FEC elements [1]are introduced in this document to support ES-LSP. 
   A FEC TLV containing a FEC of Element type ES-LSP (0x16) is 
   a ES-LSP Prefix FEC TLV. A FEC TLV containing a FEC of Element 
   type ES-LSP (0x17) is a ES-LSP Host Address FEC TLV. 

   FEC Element       Type      Value
   type name

   ES-Prefix         0x16      Same value defined in [RFC3036]; See below. 
   ES-Host Addr      0x17      Same value defined in [RFC3036]; see below. 

   ES-LSP Prefix FEC Element value encoding:

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      | ES-Prefix (16)|     Address Family            |     PreLen    |
      |                     Prefix                                    |

      Address Family
         Two octet quantity containing a value from ADDRESS FAMILY
         NUMBERS in [RFC1700] that encodes the address family for the
         address prefix in the Prefix field.

         One octet unsigned integer containing the length in bits of the
         address prefix that follows.  A length of zero indicates a
         prefix that matches all addresses (the default destination); in
         this case the Prefix itself is zero octets).

         An address prefix encoded according to the Address Family
         field, whose length, in bits, was specified in the PreLen
         field, padded to a byte boundary.

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Internet Draft         Hybrid data forwarding       October 2003

      ES-LSP Host Address FEC Element encoding:

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |ES-HostAddr(17)|     Address Family            | Host Addr Len |
      |                                                               |
      |                     Host Addr                                 |
      |                                                               |

      Address Family
         Two octet quantity containing a value from ADDRESS FAMILY
         NUMBERS in [RFC1700] that encodes the address family for the
         address prefix in the Prefix field.

      Host Addr Len
         Length of the Host address in octets.

      Host Addr
         An address encoded according to the Address Family field.


5.  References

	 [1] Andersson, L., Doolan, P., Feldman, N., Fredette, A. 
         and B. Thomas,"LDP Specification", RFC 3036, January 2001.

     [2] S. Blake, D. Black, et al, "An Architecture for Differentiated
         Services," RFC2475, December 1998.

     [3] M. Leelanivas, Y. Rekhter, R. Aggarwal, "Graceful Restart 
         Mechanism for Label Distribution Protocol," RFC3478, February 2003.

     [4] F. Le Faucheur, L. Wu, et al, "Multi-Protocol Label Switching 
         (MPLS) Support of Differentiated Services," RFC3270, May 2002.

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Author's Addresses

   Hyeon Park
   Senior Engineering Staff,
   ETRI, 161 Gajeong-Dong, Yuseong-Gu, Daejon, 305-350, South Korea

   Kyeseon  Lee
   Engineering Staff,
   ETRI, 161 Gajeong-Dong, Yuseong-Gu, Daejon, 305-350, South Korea
   Sun H.  Yang
   Project Leader,
   ETRI, 161 Gajeong-Dong, Yuseong-Gu, Daejon, 305-350, South Korea

   Bong T.  Kim
   Project Leader,
   ETRI, 161 Gajeong-Dong, Yuseong-Gu, Daejon, 305-350, South Korea

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