Internet DRAFT - draft-multi-party-sdn-trust-arch


SDNRG                                             Saurabh Chattopadhyay
Internet-Draft                                    HCL Technologies
Intended status: Informational                    Kaushik Datta
Expires: July 22, 2015                            HCL Technologies
                                                  January 2015

   Multi-party Multi-Domain Trust Architecture Recommendations for SDN 
Deployment in Carrier Network


   This draft analyzes implementation methodologies for addressing the 
   security requirements of SDN adopted network architecture through 
   Public Key Infrastructure. The draft analyzes the relevant design 
   patterns of PKI based Trust Models to address the challenges faced 
   during SDN Adoption. And, the draft defines the considerations for 
   setting up a Trust Relationship Management framework suitable for PKI
   based SDN integrated environment.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on July 22, 2015.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2
     1.1.  Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2
     1.2.  Document Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   2.  Basics Terminologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     2.1.  Basic PKI Terminologies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     2.2.  Basic SDN Terminologies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   3.  Prime Considerations for Establishing Trust in Integrated SDN
       Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     3.1.  Multi-Party Diversities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     3.2.  Trust Model in Multi-Domain Environment  . . . . . . . . .  6
     3.3.  Layer of Security Enforcement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     3.4.  Need for Integrated Operational Framework  . . . . . . . .  7
   4.  SDN Trust Architecture - Building Blocks . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   5.  Continuous Multi-Domain Trust Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     5.1.  SDN Multi-Domain Bridge Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     5.2.  SDN Multi-Domain Direct Cross Certification Model. . . . . 10
     5.3.  SDN Unifying Domain Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   6.  Discontinuous trust model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     6.1.  SDN-security domains with independent PKI infrastructure . 14
     6.2.  Discontinuous SDN-security domains with varying
     Security Infrastructure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
   7.  Integrated Operational Framework for Trust
       Relationship Management  . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 16
   8.  References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.  Introduction
1.1.  Overview

   Adoption of Software Defined Networking transforms certain inherent 
   characteristics of traditional carrier network. The newer network 
   architecture invites more stakeholders to the networking ecosystem, 
   consolidates the distributed autonomous control functions into 
   logically centralized and federated Controller plane, and supports 
   developing innovative applications and services on top of this 
   network architecture.
   This change in the architecture also introduces a set of 
   vulnerabilities which the network administrators previously didn't 
   have to deal with. The logical centralization of Control Plane may 
   expose itself as single high-value asset to the attackers. And 
   involvement of more stakeholders to the networking ecosystem, and 
   integration of their infrastructure to carrier's network, exposes 
   more potential entry points for attackers.

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   Thus, planning and implementing the security support infrastructure 
   becomes one of the most important success factors for adopting SDN. 
   Most Technical Reports and Specifications published by Open 
   Networking Foundation and other SDN focused industry and standard 
   bodies have recommended PKI based Infrastructure for SDN security 
   implementation. Towards this, this document consolidates different 
   Security Practices, Framework, and Guidelines currently in use for 
   establishing PKI, and analyzes the refined implementation scope to 
   address the security requirements of SDN adopted network 
   architecture. The document limits its scope to analyze the relevant 
   design patterns of PKI based Trust Models, and define the 
   requirements for operational framework suitable for Trust 
   Relationship Management for SDN integrated environment.

1.2.  Document Outline

   Section 2 of this document introduces the basic terminologies that 
   are used in context of PKI as well as SDN Technologies. Section 3 
   outlines the prime challenges to establish Trust Architecture in SDN 
   integrated environment. Section 4 establishes the building blocks of 
   the PKI based Security Architecture for SDN integrated environment. 
   Section 5 considers different design patterns of Continuous Trust 
   Models as can be implemented in different deployment scenarios. 
   Section 6 considers design patterns of Discontinuous Trust Model as 
   integration approach for dis-joint trust relationships. Section 7 
   summarizes the considerations for integrated operational framework 
   for Trust Relationship Management, as perceived required for SDN 
   Security Architecture. Section 8 lists down the References for this 

2.  Basic Terminologies
2.1 Basic PKI Terminologies

   The following terms are used throughout this document.  Where 
   possible, definitions found in RFC 4949 [RFC4949] and RFC 5217 
   [RFC5217] have been used.

   Public Key Infrastructure (PKI):  A system of CAs that perform some 
   set of certificate management, archive management, key management, 
   and token management functions for a community of users in an 
   application of asymmetric cryptography and share trust relationships,
   operate under the same Certificate Policy Document specifying a 
   shared set of Policy OID(s), and are either operated by a single 
   organization or under the direction of a single organization.

   PKI domain:  A set of two or more PKIs that have chosen to enter into
   trust relationships with each other through the use of 
   cross-certificates. Each PKI that has entered into the PKI domain is 
   considered a member of that PKI domain.
   Certificate:  A digitally signed data structure that attests to the 
   binding of a system entity's identity to a public key value (based on
   the definition of public key certificate in RFC 4949 [RFC4949]).

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   Certification Authority (CA):  An entity that issues certificates
   (especially X.509 certificates) and vouches for the binding between
   the data items in a certificate (RFC 4949 [RFC4949]).

   End Entity (EE):  A system entity that is the subject of a
   certificate and that is using, or is permitted and able to use, the
   matching private key only for a purpose or purposes other than
   signing a certificate; i.e., an entity that is not a CA (RFC 4949

   Relying party:  A system entity that depends on the validity of 
   information (such as another entity's public key value) provided by a
   certificate (from the RFC 4949 [RFC4949] definition of certificate 

   Root CA:  A CA that is at the top of a hierarchy, and itself should 
   not issue certificates to end entities (except those required for its
   own operation) but issues subordinate CA certificates to one or more

   Subordinate CA:  A CA whose public key certificate is issued by 
   another superior CA, and itself must not be used as a trust anchor 

   Principal CA (PCA):  A CA that should have a self-signed certificate 
   is designated as the CA that will issue cross-certificates to 
   Principal CAs in other PKIs, and may be the subject of 
   cross-certificates issued by Principal CAs in other PKIs.

   Trust anchor CA:  The trust anchor CA for an end entity is usually 
   the CA that issued the end entity's certificate. The trust anchor CA 
   must be the CA that has a self-signed certificate.
   Unifying CA:  A CA that is at the top of a hierarchy, and itself 
   should not issue certificates to end entities (except those required 
   for its own operation) but establishes unilateral cross-certification
   with other CAs.  A Unifying CA must permit CAs to which it issues 
   cross-certificates to have self-signed certificates.

   Bridge CA:  A CA that, itself, does not issue certificates to end 
   entities (except those required for its own operation) but 
   establishes unilateral or bilateral cross-certification with other 

   Certification Path:  An ordered sequence of certificates where the 
   subject of each certificate in the path is the issuer of the next 
   certificate in the path.  A certification path begins with a trust 
   anchor certificate and ends with an end entity certificate.

2.2 Basic SDN Terminologies

   The following terms are used throughout this document.  Where 
   possible, definitions found in "SDN Layers and Architecture 
   Terminology" draft of SDNRG Research Group have been used.

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   Software Defined Network (SDN): A programmable networks approach that
   supports the separation of Control and Forwarding Planes via 
   standardized interfaces.

   SDN-security Domain: Within an integrated SDN infrastructure, each 
   subset of infrastructure that contains independent setup of PKI will 
   be considered as separate SDN-security Domains. An SDN-security 
   domain is thus same as a PKI Domain if considered in the scope of PKI
   implementation in SDN Infrastructure. In case a subset of SDN 
   infrastructure adopts PKI implementation, while other subset 
   leverages non-PKI infrastructure, each subset of SDN Infrastructure 
   will be considered as separate SDN-security Domain.
   Device: A device that performs one or more network operations related
   to packet manipulation and forwarding.  This reference model makes no
   distinction whether a network device is physical or virtual. A device
   can also be considered as a container for resources and can be a
   resource in itself.

   Application (App): A piece of software that utilizes underlying 
   services to perform a function.  Application operation can be 
   parameterized, for example by passing certain arguments at call time,
   but it is meant to be a standalone piece of software: an App does not
   offer any interfaces to other applications or services.

   Service: A piece of software that performs one or more functions and 
   provides one or more APIs to applications or other services of the 
   same or different layers to make use of said functions and returns 
   one or more results.  Services can be combined with other services, 
   or called in a certain serialized manner, to create a new service.

   SDN Element: SDN Element is a generic reference of either a Device or
   Application or Service as deployed in a Software Defined Network.

   Forwarding Plane (FP): The network device part responsible for 
   forwarding traffic.

   Control Plane (CP): Part of the network functionality that is 
   assigned to control one or more network devices.  CP instructs 
   network devices with respect to how to treat and forward packets. The
   control plane interacts primarily with the forwarding plane and less
   with the operational plane.

   Management Plane (MP): Part of the network functionality responsible
   for monitoring, configuring and maintaining one or more network
   devices.  The management plane is mostly related with the operational
   aspect and less with the forwarding plane.

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3.  Prime Considerations for Establishing Trust in Integrated SDN 
   The SDN Transformation in Operator's environment is intended to bring
   newer services, with launch cycles faster than ever before. Such 
   service roll-out capabilities are enabled by the SDN centralized 
   control layer, and the ability to host application layer on top. One 
   of the critical success factors is the robustness of security 
   infrastructure as can be designed, to support the SDN integrated 
   network architecture.

   The Security Architecture for SDN requires dealing with the following
   crucial aspects.

3.1 Multi-Party Diversities
   In a simplistic representation, the Elements and the Controllers are 
   envisioned as the resources owned by Network Provider, the SDN 
   applications running on top of the controllers could be deployed as 
   internal or external applications deployed by 3rd party Application 
   Providers. And the services of the applications and network will need
   to be extended to Customer Enterprises, making the Enterprise network
   environment seamlessly integrated. This essentially creates the 
   demand of multi-party environment where each stakeholder's part of 
   the environment can be logically separate, and under the purview of 
   independent organization.
   The actual business environment can have different Infrastructure 
   Providers and Network Function Providers augmenting to Network 
   Provider's environment. And multiple levels of tenancy models may 
   need to be provisioned to support the particular business aligned 
   implementation. This essentially increases the complexity of setting 
   up secured interoperable environment, since different organizations 
   follow different security policy and practices, and complexities to 
   maintain a coherent design for interoperable trust become 
   proportional to the level of diversities.

3.2 Trust Model in Multi-Domain Diversities

   Each organization's security policies and practices are generally 
   supported by deploying its own security infrastructure. Within an 
   integrated SDN infrastructure, each subset of infrastructure that 
   contains independent setup of security / PKI infrastructure will be 
   considered as separate security domain. Thus, every organization will
   generally have one or more security domains. In addition, IT 
   administration practices in organization prefer creating multiple 
   domains even inside single organization's infrastructure to address 
   complex deployment requirements. For example, security requirements 
   for Access Network and Data Center can be very different, and similar
   diversification of security requirements may be required in different
   countries depending on laws of the land, if Network Provider's 
   environment span across multiple such geographies. Now, while the 
   Network Provider's infrastructure evolve towards being SDN Enabled, 
   the requirements for establishing interoperable trust rise to greater
   magnitude due to SDN's focus on establishing interoperable 
   multi-domain environment.

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3.3 Layer of Security Enforcement

   An integrated SDN environment will have multiple applications require
   supporting diverse transport technologies (such as PBB, MPLS, VxLAN, 
   NvGRE etc.). A secure and ubiquitous SDN transport fabric would thus 
   need to comply with the service continuity and connectivity 
   requirements of such integrated SDN environment.
   On the other hand, the choice of application layer protocols for SDN 
   control plane have become diversified as well. OpenFlow being one of 
   the primary preferences, other protocols are also being leveraged to 
   meet the requirements of control plane separation in SDN environment.
   Thus, the Trust Architecture shall not get tightly coupled with any 
   particular Application Layer Protocol or Transport Technologies.
   In addition, in certain scenarios an overlay network may also be 
   designed by the SDN Applications, which can contain its own security 
   infrastructure in the application purview. In such cases, trust 
   establishment methods in underlaying SDN network shall not interfere 
   with security requirements of the overlaying network.
   Thus, security enforcement method selected at the SDN transport 
   fabric shall interoperate seamlessly with various deployment 
   scenarios of integrated SDN Environment.

3.4 Need for Integrated Operational Framework

   Multi-party involvement, and inclusion of multiple security domains, 
   increases the operational complexity of SDN Security infrastructure. 
   Technology options exercised in different stakeholders' PKI 
   infrastructure can vary significantly for PKI operations and 
   management, leading to complex interoperability requirements. 
   Specifically, the variations in Identity Metadata, Certification 
   metadata, policy attributes, constraints, and certification status 
   attributes from one SDN-security domain to another significantly 
   impact the Trust Relationship Management across SDN-security domains.
   Thus, setting up a framework appears necessary to manage the complex 
   interoperability requirements through set of processes, practice and 
   The integrated point of presence however shall not introduce a single
   point of attack or single point of failure, and the design needs to 
   be carefully considered to ensure this. Thus, the integration may not
   necessarily result into a centralized application for operations, 
   instead, can be an aggregation of distributive set of applications, 
   processes, and practice to establish seamless functioning over 
   multi-party, multi-domain security operations.

4. SDN Trust Architecture - Building Blocks

   There are certain building-blocks for setting up PKI based Trust 
   Architecture in the integrated SDN environment, and these building 
   blocks mostly will remain unchanged despite of variations in 
   deployment scenarios. This section of the document summarizes these 
   building blocks, as followed -

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   (a) For operational and business purposes, integrated SDN environment
   should be subdivided into separate SDN-security domains each with 
   specific business scope and administration scope. While these domains
   can be owned by Application Providers, Network Provider and Customer 
   Enterprises, a generic representation of these domains have been 
   considered here onwards to achieve a business-independent and 
   technology-aligned analysis stand-point. To enable this, let's assume
   an integrated SDN Environment S that comprises of all Elements 
   required for setting up SDN aligned Network, Hosted SDN Applications,
   and Integration with Subscriber Enterprises. The Integrated SDN 
   Environment S thus assumed to be divided into multiple SDN-security 
   domains { S1, S2, S3, ........ Sn}. Each of these domains may contain
   an arbitrary number of controllers, switches and other SDN enabling 

   b) It is recommended that each individual SDN-security domain S1, S2,
   S3, ..... Sn must have their own PKI infrastructure. If one or more 
   of the domains doesn't conform to this, an integration approach with 
   Discontinuous Trust Model shall be worked out for interoperating PKI 
   based domains with security mechanisms available for non-PKI based 

   c) Within an individual SDN-security domain, a specific number of 
   trust authorities can be deployed. The responsibilities of these 
   trust authorities would be to grant/revoke/maintain X.509 PKI 

   d) In order for the PKI of a SDN-security domain to participate in 
   one or more PKI of SDN-security domains, that PKI must have the A 
   Certificate Policy Document documenting the requirements for 
   operation of that PKI.  The Certificate Policy Document should be in 
   RFC 3647 [RFC3647] format. In addition, the PKI of particular 
   SDN-security domain shall also have a defined Principal CA, and One 
   or more Policy OIDs defined in the Certificate Policy Document shall 
   be asserted in all certificates issued by that PKI.

   e) TLS can be considered as the preferred layer for Trust Enforcement
   and recent versions of TLS (TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2) implementations shall 
   be leveraged.

   f) Within an SDN-security domain, it is recommended to have logical 
   representation of TLS Client CA and TLS Server CA, dedicated for role
   specific certificate issuance. The TLS Client CA of the domain should
   issue certificates to the TLS clients of the domain, which will need 
   to establish TLS connection with other TLS servers in the same or 
   different domain. The TLS server CA of the domain shall issue 
   certificates to the TLS servers of the domain, which will need to 
   establish TLS connection with the TLS clients in the same domain or 
   different domain.

   g) An SDN-security domain may choose to combine two or more of the 
   CAs. For example, the same CA may be used to issue TLS client & TLS 
   server certificate both or both-end entity TLS and IPSec 
   certificates. Furthermore, the same CA may be used to issue both-end 
   entity certificates, and cross certificates as well depending on the 
   nature of deployment.

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5. Continuous Multi-Domain Trust Model

   The integrated trust models have certain common patterns while being 
   used in continuous chain of trust, some of these important patterns 
   were described in prior art RFC 5217 [Memorandum for Multi-Domain 
   Public Key Infrastructure Interoperability]. This section thus 
   identifies some of these patterns, and suggests deployment scenarios 
   in which the specific pattern of implementation will suit the most 
   for SDN integrated environment. Presumably, each of the Trust Model 
   will require to be adopted while supporting diverse deployment 
   requirements in a particular SDN Environment, and this essentially 
   will steer the infrastructure to adopt an overall hybrid model of 
   trust architecture. However, this draft focuses on establishing the 
   design viability of the fundamental trust models, and thus limits the
   discussion on Bridge Model, Direct Cross-Certification and Unifying 
   Domain Model only.

5.1 SDN Multi-Domain Bridge Model

   This is the first model which can be leveraged in SDN multi-party and
   multi-domain architecture.

   In this model, every SDN-security domain trusts each other by 
   cross-certification through a Bridge CA, as shown in Figure below. 
   The trust relationship is not established between a subscriber domain
   and a relying-party domain directly, but established from the 
   Principal CA of the relying-party's domain via a Bridge CA.
   Following are certain deployment scenarios and specific 
   implementation considerations for this Trust Model -

   a) If an SDN Application Provider and particular Customer Enterprise 
   don't have direct business relationship, however requires 
   establishing Trust Relationship due to nature of SDN Application's 
   integration requirements, adopting Bridge Model can be considered as 
   a viable solution. The Bridge CA can be hosted in Network Provider's 
   environment, and can be leveraged by both Application Provider and 
   Enterprise to set up cross-domain trust relationship. Typically a 
   mid-size to large organization, either Application Provider or 
   Customer Enterprise, can have multiple CAs in their internal security
   infrastructure, setting up a BCA to cross-certify multiple CAs of 
   each organization will make the implementation much modular and 
   b) If the security policies for Customer Enterprise and Network 
   Provider require detailed policy mapping and constraint management 
   for cross-certification, an operationally effective approach would be
   to address the cross-domain trust requirements by setting up 
   dedicated Bridge CA. This approach helps centralizing the policy 
   mapping into the Bridge CA Servers only, and in turn reduces the 
   operational overhead.

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   c) For the same reason as mentioned above, if the security policies 
   for SDN Application Provider and Network Provider requires detailed 
   policy mapping for cross-certification, dedicated Bridge CA setup 
   should be leveraged.

        Cross-certified                        Cross-certified
  SDN-security domain 1 with BCA         SDN-security domain 3 with BCA
                  +---------> +-----------+ -----+
                  |           | Bridge CA |      |
                  | +-------- +-----------+ <--+ |
                  | |                 ^ |      | |
                  | | Cross-certified | |      | |
                  | |SDN-sec domain 2 | |      | |
                  | |     with BCA    | |      | |
        +---------|-|---+ +-----------|-|-+ +--|-|-----------------+
        |SDN-sec  | |   | | SDN-sec   | | | |  | |  SDN-sec        |
        |domain 1 | v   | | domain 2  | v | |  | v  domain 3       |
        |       +-----+ | |       +-----+ | | +-----+ ----+        |
        |   +---| PCA | | |       | PCA | | | | PCA |     |        |
        |   |   +-----+ | |       +-----+ | | +-----+ <-+ |        |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | ^     | v        |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | |   +----+       |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | |   | CA |---+   |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | |   +----+   |   |
        |   |      |    | |          v    | |   v |    ^ |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |       +----+  | | +----+   | |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |   +---| CA |  | | | CA |---+ |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |   |   +----+  | | +----+     |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |   |      |    | |   |        |     |   |
        |   v      v    | |   v      v    | |   v        v     v   |
        | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ +----+ |
        | | EE | | EE | | | | EE | | EE | | | | EE | | EE | | EE | |
        | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ +----+ |
        +---------------+ +---------------+ +----------------------+

        Figure 5: Bridge Model

        PCA - Principal Certificate Authority.
        BCA - Bridge Certificate Authority.
        CA  - Certificate Authority
        EE  - End Entities (Applications/Controllers/Switches)

5.2 SDN Multi-Domain Direct Cross Certification Model

   This is the second model which can be used in SDN multi-domain 

   In this model, each PKI domain trusts each other by issuing a 
   cross-certificate directly between each Principal CA, as shown in the
   figure below. This model shortens the certification path between the 
   SDN-security domains and establishes a trust relationship 

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   Following are certain deployment scenarios and specific 
   implementation considerations for this Trust Model -

   a) This model offers a flexible deployment provision if two different
   SDN-security domains of the Network Provider's infrastructure 
   requires a cross-domain trust provision while the infrastructure 
   evolve towards SDN enabled infrastructure.

   b) A SDN-security domain in this model needs to take into account 
   that the other SDN-security domain may cross-certify with any other 
   SDN-security domains. If a particular SDN-security domain requires 
   restricting a certification path, it should not rely on the 
   validation policy of the relying party, but should include the 
   constraints in the cross-certificate explicitly.

   c) Considering the performance requirements of SDN enabled carrier 
   network, reducing the number of CAs appearing in a certification path
   validation will directly impact the performance and response time of 
   authentication. This model thus offers a performance friendly 
   approach for cross-domain certification. While designing the 
   cross-certification for Network Provider and Application Provider or 
   Customer Enterprise, if the number of SDN-security domains require to
   interoperate from both sides are not many, direct peer to peer 
   cross-certification between all possible combination of CAs from both
   the organization will offer a performance optimized architecture. 
   However, managing the policy-mapping and constraints across all 
   combinations of cross-certified SDN-security domains of both 
   organizations will add operational overhead. Thus, the design shall 
   be carefully considered based on amount of cross-domain 
   certifications requirements and number of SDN-security domains 

        +---------------+                 +------------------------+
        |  SDN-sec      | cross-certified |       SDN-sec          |
        |  domain 1     |    each other   |       domain 2         |
        |      +-----+ --------------------> +-----+ ----+         |
        |      | PCA |  |                 |  | PCA |     |         |
        |      +-----+ <-------------------- +-----+ <-+ |         |
        |         |     |                 |     ^      | v         |
        |         |     |                 |     |    +----+        |
        |         |     |                 |     |    | CA |---+    |
        |         |     |                 |     |    +----+   |    |
        |         v     |                 |     v     ^ |     |    |
        |       +----+  |                 |   +----+  | |     |    |
        |   +---| CA |  |                 |   | CA |--+ |     |    |
        |   |   +----+  |                 |   +----+    |     |    |
        |   |      |    |                 |     |       |     |    |
        |   v      v    |                 |     v       v     v    |
        | +----+ +----+ |                 |   +----+ +----+ +----+ |
        | | EE | | EE | |                 |   | EE | | EE | | EE | |
        | +----+ +----+ |                 |   +----+ +----+ +----+ |
        +---------------+                 +------------------------+

        Figure 6: Direct Cross-Certification Model

        PCA - Principal Certificate Authority.
        CA  - Certificate Authority
        EE  - End Entities (Applications/Controllers/Switches)

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5.3 SDN Unifying Domain Model

   This is another Trust model discussed in the context which can be 
   applied to a SDN-security domain.
   In this Unifying Trust Model, a SDN-security domain is created by 
   establishing a joint, superior CA that issues unilateral 
   cross-certificates to each SDN-security domain, as shown in following
   Figure. Such a joint, superior CA is defined as a Unifying CA, and 
   the Principal CAs in each SDN-security domain have the hierarchical 
   CA relationship with that Unifying CA.  In this model, any relying 
   party from any of the SDN-security domains must specify the Unifying 
   CA as its trust anchor CA, in order 
   to validate a subscriber of other SDN-security domains.  If the 
   relying party does not desire to validate subscribers of other 
   SDN-security domains, the relying party may continue to use the 
   Principal CA from its own SDN-security domain as its trust anchor CA.

   Following are certain deployment scenarios and specific 
   implementation considerations for this Trust Model -

   a) If existing security specific domains in Network Provider's 
   infrastructure are not maintaining trust relationship yet, and SDN 
   enablement is driving towards a re-designing effort, it's worthwhile 
   to consider establishing a hierarchical model of trust through 
   Unifying Domain model for the relevant part of the infrastructure. 
   This essentially provides a defined structure for establishing trust 
   model for the relevant SDN-security domains that can fit well into 
   the scheme. However, a careful consideration will be required to 
   identify the particular SDN-security domains that can integrate 
   seamlessly into this, as the model reduces the implementation 
   flexibility by letting the Root CA to govern the security policies.

   b) This model enforces the Root CA to have direct control over the 
   subordinate CAs. Thus, if a Customer Enterprise or SDN Application 
   Provider utilizes Network Provider's hosted infrastructure and 
   follows Network Provider's security policy, unifying domain model can
   be leveraged for that part of the infrastructure. This approach can 
   help maintaining the SDN-security domain for business level 
   differentiations but can govern the trust establishment through a 
   strictly defined structure.

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          Cross-certified                         Cross-certified
           Unifying CA                             Unifying CA
     to SDN-security domain 1 +--------------+  to SDN-security domain 3
                    +---------|  Unifying CA |---+
                    |         +--------------+   |
                    |                   |        |
                    |  Cross-certified  |        |
                    |   Unifying CA     |        |
                    |to SDN-sec domain 2|        |
        +-----------|---+ +-------------|-+ +----|-----------------+
        |  SDN-sec  |   | |  SDN-sec    | | |    |  SDN-sec        |
        |  domain 1 |   | |  domain 2   | | |    |  domain 3       |
        |           v   | |             v | |    v                 |
        |       +-----+ | |       +-----+ | | +-----+ ----+        |
        |   +---| PCA | | |       | PCA | | | | PCA |     |        |
        |   |   +-----+ | |       +-----+ | | +-----+ <-+ |        |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | ^     | v        |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | |   +----+       |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | |   | CA |---+   |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | |   +----+   |   |
        |   |      |    | |          v    | |   v |    ^ |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |       +----+  | | +----+   | |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |   +---| CA |  | | | CA |---+ |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |   |   +----+  | | +----+     |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |   |      |    | |   |        |     |   |
        |   v      v    | |   v      v    | |   v        v     v   |
        | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ +----+ |
        | | EE | | EE | | | | EE | | EE | | | | EE | | EE | | EE | |
        | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ +----+ |
        +---------------+ +---------------+ +----------------------+

        Figure 7: Unifying Trust Point (Unifying Domain) Model

        PCA - Principal Certificate Authority.
        CA  - Certificate Authority
        EE  - End Entities (Applications/Controllers/Switches)

6. Discontinuous trust model

   From Architectural stand point, discontinuous trust model is not 
   preferred over Continuous Trust Model, however certain 
   interoperability requirements arising from business and operational 
   perspective drive the architecture to adopt this approach. In a 
   discontinuous trust model, like a 3-leg Or 2-leg authentication 
   model, there can be SDN-security domains which are independent of 
   each other and show no mutual Trust relationship. In such case, the 
   PKI infrastructure within each of the domains will need to be 
   independent of one another. In certain other scenarios, one 
   particular domain can have PKI infrastructure while the other can 
   have completely different non-PKI based security infrastructure, and 
   thus showing no trust relationship.

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   Following are some of the deployment scenarios where such approaches 
   may need to be adopted -
   (i) Certain SDN-Security Domain(s) owned by Application Provider or 
   Customer Enterprise don't require to maintain continuous 
   certification path with Network Provider's SDN-Security domains - 
   such deployment may be preferred for loose coupled integration and/or
   ad-hoc integration for multi-party infrastructure

   (ii) Overlaying application network requires implementing non-PKI 
   security infrastructure but underlying SDN Transport adopts PKI 

6.1  SDN-security domains with independent PKI infrastructure
   The trust list model design [RFC 5217] can be leveraged in a 
   discontinuous PKI setup for the above mentioned scenario (i). Trust 
   across multiple disjoint SDN-security domains can be created by 
   maintaining locally configured list of trust anchors within each 
   specific SDN-security domains, or by maintaining the trust list 
   entities external to the SDN-security domains. This configured lists 
   known as trust lists contain a set of one or more trust anchors or 
   Certificate Authorities. Such a trust list contains one or more trust
   anchors used by a relying party OR the end entities to explicitly 
   trust one or more SDN-security domain.

   The discontinuous trust model assumes that each independent 
   SDN-security domain contains a local certificate authority (CA) Or 
   Trust Anchor which would grant certificates to the End Entities. It 
   also assumes that the CA Or Trust Anchor would possess a self-signed 
   CA certificate which would be used to sign and generate the end 
   entity Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and Certificate 
   The following Figure 4 shows how two different SDN-security domains 
   will discretely interoperate while leveraging the trust list model. 
   The relying party would thus trust the Trust Anchors present in the 
   trust list. As shown in the below diagram, the End Entity EE1 within 
   SDN security domain 1, would trust the Certificates granted by Trust 
   Anchor 1 and Trust Anchor 2. This would mean that EE1 of SDN-security
   domain 1 would trust the Trust Anchor 2 and EE2 of SDN-security 
   domain 2 would trust the Trust Anchor 1, thus extending the trust 
   across multiple disjoint/discontinuous SDN-security domains. In this 
   type of model, end entities belonging to different and disjoint 
   SDN-security domains cannot go through actual and explicit 
   authentication exchanges due to the unavailability of direct 
   certification path, but obtains implicit trust relationship by 
   depending on the Trust List configurations.

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    |      SDN-security       |           |      SDN-security       |
    |       domain S1         |           |       domain S2         | 
    | +--------------------+  |           | +--------------------+  |
    | |CA (Trust Anchor 1) |  |           | |CA (Trust Anchor 2) |  |   
    | +--------------------+  |           | +--------------------+  |  
    |           |             |           |           |             |
    |           |             |           |           |             |  
    |           |             |           |           |             |   
    |           |             |           |           |             |
    |     Cert  | Grant       |           |     Cert  | Grant       |
    |   +-------+--------+    |           |   +-------+--------+    |
    |   |                |    |           |   |                |    |
    |   |                |    |           |   |                |    |
    |   |                |    |           |   |                |    |
    |   v    Explicit    v    |           |   v    Explicit    v    |
    | +-----+ 2/3 Leg +-----+ |           | +-----+ 2/3 Leg +-----+ |
    | | EE1 |<------->| EE2 | |           | | EE1 |<------->| EE2 | |
    | +-----+  Auth   +-----+ |           | +-----+  Auth   +-----+ |
    +----^---------------^----+           +----^---------------^----+
         |               |                     |               |
         |               |                     |               |
         +-----Implicit Auth/Trust-------------+               | 
                         |                                     |
                         +------- Implicit Auth/Trust----------+  

     i) Disjoint/independent SDN-security domains

      +-------------------------------------------- -+
      | End Entity 1 / EE1 (SDN-security domain S1)  |
      | +-----------------------------------------+  |
      | | Trust List                              |  |
      | | +----------------+  +----------------+  |  |
      | | | SDN domain S1  |  | SDN domain S2  |  |  |       
      | | | Trust Anchor 1 |  | Trust Anchor 2 |  |  |      
      | | +----------------+  +----------------+  |  |
      | +-----------------------------------------+  |

     ii) Trust List maintained by EE1 (SDN-security domain S1)

      | End Entity 2 / EE2 (SDN-security domain 2)  |
      | +-----------------------------------------+ |
      | | Trust List                              | |
      | | +----------------+  +----------------+  | |
      | | | SDN domain S1  |  | SDN domain S2  |  | |       
      | | | Trust Anchor 1 |  | Trust Anchor 2 |  | |      
      | | +----------------+  +----------------+  | |
      | +-----------------------------------------+ |
    iii) Trust List maintained by EE2 (SDN-security domain S2)
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        S1  - SDN-security domain S1
        S2  - SDN-security domain S2
        CA  - Certificate Authority
        EE1/EE2  - End Entities (Applications/Controllers/Switches)   

  Figure 4: SDN Trust List Model between independent SDN-security 

6.2  Discontinuous SDN-security domains with varying Security 

   In certain type of deployments, SDN Applications will impose an 
   overlaying network on top of underlying software defined network 
   infrastructure, as described above as Scenario (ii). In such 
   scenarios, SDN Application Infrastructure can maintain separate 
   security infrastructure while underlying transport fabric will 
   maintain its own security infrastructure.
   This draft considers this variation manageable if underlying 
   transport maintains PKI based Security Infrastructure and non-PKI 
   security infrastructure associated to overlaying application network 
   subscribes to underlying SDN-security domain for the necessary 
   interconnection part. The document doesn't suggest any other method 
   to make PKI based SDN-security domain interoperate with non-PKI 
   security infrastructure associated to overlaid networks.

7. Integrated Operational Framework for Trust Relationship Management

   Continuous and discontinuous trust models across multi-party and 
   multi-domain environment drive the requirements for setting up an 
   integrated operational framework for Trust Relationship Management. 
   Applications developed on top of SDN integrated network requires this
   framework to be seamlessly interoperable across multi-party 
   environment to facilitate on demand application delivery. In many 
   cases, SDN Applications developed by multiple Providers, and hosted 
   by Network Provider, will essentially be consumed by Customer 
   Enterprises or individual subscribers at real time or near real time 
   and on-demand. Application delivery will thus require maintaining an 
   automated workflow for order management, fulfillment and assurance. 
   While Trust Relationship Management activities are typically kept 
   outside of such automated workflow, the integrated operational 
   framework should offer provisions to make this demand driven. Thus, 
   certain characteristics of the integrated operational framework were 
   identified and described as followed.

   (i) All parties and their SDN-security domains require to be 
   logically modelled in hierarchical topology within the integrated 
   operational framework to identify all on-boarded stakeholders of the 
   Ecosystem and Customers. The hierarchical topology should also 
   clarify the zoned security models as implemented and overlapped to 
   the specific parts of the integrated topology.

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   (ii) Each stakeholder logically modelled in this framework requires 
   to be associated to an asset repository containing the published 
   security practice statement and policy statements on trust 
   interoperability. The users of the framework should be able to lookup
   the assets corresponding to particular stakeholder.

   (iii) The integrated framework should maintain pre-identified policy 
   mapping provisions across all possible SDN-security domains, for the 
   cases -
       (a) where the policy mapping configurations were applied to 
       establish a trust relationship
       (b) where the policy mapping configurations are not yet applied 
       as no trust relationship modelling requirement has been 
       identified yet

   (iv) For established trust relationship, the integrated framework 
   requires to model the relationship in the hierarchical topology 
   across the specific combinations of SDN-security domains. The 
   relationship needs to be recognizable from the framework and further 
   lookup should be possible to acquire more information on enforced 

   (v) The integrated framework requires providing option to update 
   existing set of policies already enforced over the specific 
   SDN-security domains, which are engaged in particular trust 
   relationship. The update operation should carry out making necessary 
   changes with immediate effect.

   (vi) To support dynamic application delivery requirements, on-demand 
   Application subscription request should be entertained by setting up 
   the underlying Trust relationship. Pre-identified policy mapping 
   configurations across the participating SDN-security domains should 
   be applied on demand to set this up. 

   (vii) On demand extension of certificate chain should be supported 
   for on-demand modifications of application delivery requirements. In 
   certain cases, if SDN Application delivery environment requires 
   increased coverage by introducing more SDN-security domains into the 
   application delivery network, the certificate chains need to be 
   extended accordingly. This requires modifying the existing trust 
   relationship as well as provisioning new trust relationship as per 
   the requirements of extended certification path. The integrated 
   framework should be able to offer these provisions.

   (viii) For every trust relationship established and modelled in the 
   integrated framework, the constraints on the specific certificate 
   path should be explicitly configured through the framework. The 
   framework should offer Constraint Management capabilities for 
   representation of the constraints in the hierarchical topology, 
   ability to establish, modify and remove these constraints across 
   certification paths.

   (ix) Integrated Constraint Management capability in the framework 
   should be devised for real-time manageability over activation and 
   de-activation of particular certificate path.

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   (x) For on-demand un-subscription of applications or services, the 
   integrated framework requires to remove the existing trust 
   relationship configurations across participating SDN-security 
   domains. The removal process shall be carefully designed so that 
   certificate path used for other application delivery context shall 
   not get impacted by this.

   (xi) The integrated framework requires providing the manageability 
   over Trust Lists configured for supporting discontinuous trust 
   relations. The hierarchical topology in the integrated framework 
   should model the discontinuous trust relationships as well. The Trust
   List details should be retrievable corresponding to the particular 

   (xii) The integrated Framework may also maintain references of 
   further applications and processes that are used in the scope of 
   SDN-security domains for PKI Infrastructure specific operations and 
   management. Such operations and management may include Certificate 
   Management, Key Management, Certification Status & CRL Management, 
   Certificate Delivery Management and other related aspects.

   While an integrated operational framework for Trust Relationship 
   Management can consist a distributive set of applications / tools, 
   processes, Policies, and Practice Statements, the integrated 
   abstraction of such framework should offer an end to end span of 
   control for managing the Trust Relationships. Above mentioned 
   suggested characteristics for managing the relationships were 
   considered in the context of such end to end span of control, while 
   keeping the alignment to the evolving needs of SDN integrated 
   environment. However, the draft doesn't claim these to be the sole 
   considerations for setting up an extensive integrated framework for 
   managing multi-party, multi-domain trust relationship. 

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8. References

      1) RFC 5280 "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate 
      and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile"

      2) RFC 5217 "Memorandum for Multi-Domain Public Key Infrastructure

      3) RFC 6402 "Certificate Management over CMS (CMC) Updates"

      4) RFC 7030 "Enrollment over Secure Transport"

      5) RFC 4778 "Operational Security Current Practices in Internet 
      Service Provider Environments"
      6) RFC 7426 "Software-Defined Networking (SDN): Layers and 
      Architecture Terminology"

      7) draft-mrw-sdnsec-openflow-analysis-02 "Security Analysis of the
      Open Networking Foundation (ONF) OpenFlow Switch Specification"

      8) draft-sin-sdnrg-sdn-approach-01 "Software-Defined Networking: A
      Service Provider's Perspective"

      9) NFV Security Problem Statement, ETSI NFV ISG

Authors' Addresses

   Saurabh Chattopadhyay
   Noida, India


   Kaushik Datta
   Bangalore, India


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Internet Draft    Multi-Party SDN Trust Architecture        January 2015