Internet DRAFT - draft-murillo-mile-cps


Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                        M. Murillo
Request for Comments: 6684                                          IEEE
Category: Informational                                     January 2014
ISSN: 2070-1721
Expires: July 11, 2014

     IODEF extension for Reporting Cyber-Physical System Incidents


   This draft document will extend the Incident Object Description
   Exchange Format (IODEF) defined in [RFC5070] to support the reporting
   of incidents dealing with attacks to physical infrastructure through
   the utilization of IT means as a vehicle or as a tool.  These systems
   might also be referred as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Operational
   Technology Systems, Industrial Control Systems, Automatic Control
   Systems, or simply Control Systems.  These names are used
   interchangeably in this document.  In this context, an incident is
   generally the result of a cybersecurity issue whose main goal is to
   affect the operation of a CPS.  It is considered that any
   unauthorized alteration of the operation is always malign.  This
   extension will provide the capability of embedding structured
   information, such as identifier- and XML-based information.  In its
   current state, this document provides important considerations for
   further work in implementing Cyber-Physical System incident reports,
   either by utilizing any already existing industry formats (XML-
   encoded) and/or by utilizing atomic data.

   In addition, this document should provide appropriate material for
   helping making due considerations in making an appropriate decision
   on how a CPS reporting is done: 1) through a data format extension to
   the Incident Object Description Exchange Format [RFC5070], 2) forming
   part of an already existing IODEF-extension for structured
   cybersecurity information (currently draft
   draft-ietf-mile-sci-11.txt), or others.  While the format and
   contents of the present document fit more the earlier option, these
   can also be incorporated to the later.

Citations and references

   Some of the text in this document has been taken from other MILE
   documents, most notably draft-ietf-mile-sci-11.txt and RFC-5901.  In
   addition, some of the text has been taken from the references at the
   end of the document.  We have tried to adequately reference.  Once
   this document turns into an "official draft", these issues will be
   taken care of and additional references added.  For the sake of
   circulating the document so as to get feedback on its focus, we leave

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   this task for the immediate future.

Status of This Memo

   This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is
   published for informational purposes.
   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working
   documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task
   Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that other
   groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. 
   Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as
   Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-Drafts can be 
   accessed at
   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Not all documents
   approved by the IESG are a candidate for any level of Internet
   Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 5741.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.
   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     1.1.  What are Cyber-Physical Systems? . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     1.2.  Components of a Cyber-Physical System  . . . . . . . . . .  6
     1.3.  Incidents in Cyber-Physical Systems  . . . . . . . . . . .  7
       1.3.1.  Mainstream IT computer security incident . . . . . . .  8
       1.3.2.  Cyber-physical system incident . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     1.4.  Why the appropriate reporting of a control system is
           needed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     1.5.  Examples of physical system attacks/incidents
           (Eventual case studies for validation of the incident
           report)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     1.6.  What types of incidents to report? . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     1.7.  Why a special extension is needed  . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

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     1.8.  Relation to the IODEF Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   2.  Terminology Used in This Document  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     2.1.  Requirements Language  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   3.  The Elements of a physical system attack . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     3.1.  Cyber-Physical System Extensions to the IODEF-Document . . 14
   4.  Cyber-physical Reporting via IODEF-Documents . . . . . . . . . 14
     4.1.  Report Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     4.2.  CyberPhysicalReport Report XML (possible/alternative)
           Representations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     4.3.  Syntactical Correctness of Cyber-Physical Reports  . . . . 17
   5.  SCyberPhysicalReport Element Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     5.1.  CyberPhysicalReport Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     5.2.  Reuse of IODEF-Defined Elements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
     5.3.  Element and Attribute Specification Format . . . . . . . . 18
     5.4.  Version Attribute  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     5.5.  IncdntType Attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     5.6.  The IncidentTitle element  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     5.7.  The ReportingParty element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     5.8.  The ReportReliability element  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     5.9.  The IncidentType element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     5.10. The Industry element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     5.11. The TargetSystems element  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     5.12. The CyberPhysicalDepth element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     5.13. The TransportMedium element  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     5.14. The Exploit element  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     5.15. The EntryPoint element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     5.16. The PerpetratingParty element  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     5.17. The DetectionMethod element  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     5.18. The CommandAndControlCenters element . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     5.19. The CompromisedPhysicalInfrastrucute element . . . . . . . 20
     5.20. The ConstrolSystem element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     5.21. The OrganizationalImpact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     5.22. The RecurrencePreventionMeasures element . . . . . . . . . 21
     5.23. The BriefDescriptionOfIncident element . . . . . . . . . . 21
     5.24. The Logs element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     5.25. The References element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     5.26. The ProtocolType element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     5.27. The NetworkType element  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
   6.  Mandatory IODEF and CyberPhysicalReport Elements . . . . . . . 21
     6.1.  An Example XML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     6.2.  An XML Schema for the Extension  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
   7.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     7.1.  Transport-Specific Concerns  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     7.2.  Using the iodef:restriction Attribute  . . . . . . . . . . 22
   8.  IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
   9.  Manageability Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
   10. Appendix A: XML Schema Definition for Extension  . . . . . . . 23
   11. Appendix B: Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

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   12. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
     12.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
     12.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

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1.  Introduction

   Cyber-Physical and related systems have taken a key role in all types
   of infrastructures for decades.  These are now at a higher risk to be
   the target of attacks by motivated and highly-skilled attackers,
   these being individuals, groups, or nation-states [ACS].  Among the
   issues that catalyse this higher risk are: i) these systems are
   gradually becoming more interconnected, ii) legacy systems do not
   have proper cybersecurity protection, iii) the existence of highly-
   skilled individuals and motivations, iv) some these systems are
   generally considered critical, v) these are a natural extension of IT
   cyber-attacks, vi) the emergence of the Internet of Things (IOT), and
   vi) these attacks can be carried out remotely and quite

   While over 90% of critical control system infrastructure is currently
   owned by private enterprises, these can have direct repercussions on
   national security [SFC].  Indeed, various of these systems are key
   parts of nuclear reactor facilities, missile systems, transportation
   systems, electric power distribution, oil and natural gas
   distribution, water and waste-water treatment, dam infrastructure,
   and others.  They are also at the core of health-care devices and
   transportation management.  The disruption of these control systems
   could have a significant impact on public health, safety, and lead to
   large economic losses.

   Sections Section 2 and Section 3 of this document provide an overview
   of the terminology, architecture, and process of a cyber-physical
   event.  Section Section 4 introduces the high-level report format and
   how to use it.  Sections Section 5 and Section 6 will describe the
   data elements of the cyber-physical extensions.  The appendices will
   include an XML schema for the extensions and a few examples Cyber-
   Physical Systems reports.

1.1.  What are Cyber-Physical Systems?

   Cyber-Physical Systems are computer- or microprocessor- or
   microcontroller-based systems that monitor and control physical
   processes [ACS].  A basic example of a control system is the heating
   system of a room.  The system is composed of a regulation knob,
   regulating box, heating device, thermostat, and appropriate cabling
   that links these devices.  A human sets the desired temperature and
   the control system continuously regulates the heating device in order
   to maintain the desired temperature throughout the day.  The current
   temperature of the room, which naturally will be much influenced by
   outside conditions, is continuously read by the controller through
   one or many sensors.  Such reading is fed back to the regulating box,
   which holds a control system algorithm that provides the rules on how

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   this regulation will take place.  More complex control systems are
   the core of industries such as oil, gas, water, nuclear, electric
   grid, and others.  For example, the electricity industry utilizes
   industry control systems to control the nuclear processes for the
   delivery of electricity.  In this case, the operators will be located
   in control rooms that continuously display the health of the systems
   and request asynchronous input from the operators.

   "Industrial control system" is a general term that include
   supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, distributed
   control systems (DCS), and others.  One of the primary differences
   between the two is that DCS are usually located within a more
   confined factory or plant-centric area, when compared to
   geographically dispersed SCADA field sites [RKAL].

1.2.  Components of a Cyber-Physical System

   Figure 1 illustrates a general composition of an industrial control
   system [ACS], [SFC].  Devices located at the Corporation Workspace
   (a), network (b), and operation workstation (c) could be considered
   mainstream IT infrastructure; these workstations run special programs
   that display the status of processes and are connected to a Local
   Area Network, a Wide Area Network, and possibly the Internet.

   From the control network (d) downwards, the infrastructure differs,
   with specialized protocols for control networks, specialized devices
   (PLCs and RTUs) that house automation algorithms (e), sensors and
   actuators that operate and measure physical variables (g), and
   specialized networking infrastructure and protocols (f).  The
   Operator Workstation (b) provides supervisory commands which are
   generally given by humans.  Partly as a result of the advent of the
   Internet and new powerful devices, control system infrastructure is
   increasingly inheriting some infrastructure from IT systems [SFC].

   Sensors (g) are devices that can measure temperature, pressure, water
   level, nuclear centrifuge rotor speed, and others.  Actuators (g)
   enable/disable/regulate heating elements, motor speed, water pumps,
   reservoir locks, and others.  Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
   (e) house special control system algorithms that read sensors and
   command the actuators based on these readings and a multitude of
   control schemes; such task is done automatically in real-time.  PLCs
   are generally utilized to coordinate work in closed environments,
   while Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) are generally utilized to
   coordinate remote operations, task generally coordinated by control
   servers (c).

   An important fact about ICS is that Control networks are often more
   complex than plain IT systems and require a different level of

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   expertise: control networks are typically managed by control
   engineers, not IT personnel [SFC].

                    |          Corporation  Workspace           |   (a)
                               ^                      ^
       ------------------------|----------------------|------------------------  Corporate
                               |                      |             (b)          Network
                               v                      v                          (mainstream IT system)
                     +--------------------+  +--------------------+
                     |Operator Workstation|  |   Control Servers  | (c)
                     +--------------------+  +--------------------+
                               ^                      ^
                               |                      |
                               v                      v             (d)
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------  Control
                   ^                      ^                      ^               Network
                   |                      |                      |               (wired/wireless)
                   v                      v                      v
           +-----------------+    +-----------------+    +-----------------+
           |  | RTU/PLC |    |    |  | RTU/PLC |    |    |  | RTU/PLC |    | (e)
           |  +---------+    |    |  +---------+    |    |  +---------+    |
           |    ^     |      |    |    ^     |      |    |    ^     |      | (f)
       ----|----|-----|------|----|----|-----|----------------|-----|----------  Field
           |    |     v      |    |    |     v      |    |    |     v      |     Area
           |------+ +--------|    |------+ +--------|    |------+ +--------|     Network
           |Sensor| |Actuator|    |Sensor| |Actuator|    |Sensor| |Actuator| (g)
       |                                                                      |
       |           P H Y S I C A L    I N F R A S T R U C T U R E             | (h)
       |                                                                      |

         Figure 1: A general Cyber-Physical System infrastructure

1.3.  Incidents in Cyber-Physical Systems

   In the context of cyber-physical systems (i.e. industrial control
   systems), an incident can be a mainstream IT incident itself (a, b,
   c) or the misbehaviour of a cyber-physical system (d, e, f, g, h) as
   a result of an IT incident.  See Figure 1.  The IT incident might
   intentionally seek to infiltrate the very PLCs and RTUs with aim to
   monitor and, in extreme scenarios, alter the operation of these
   devices and thus influence the operation of physical infrastructure.
   Incidents are known to be originated because numerous reasons,

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   including adversarial sources such as hostile governments, terrorist
   groups, industrial spies, disgruntled employees, malicious intruders,
   and natural sources such as system complexities, human errors and
   accidents, equipment failures, and natural disasters [SFC].

1.3.1.  Mainstream IT computer security incident

   As per IODEFs, an incident can be a:

   a.  Benign configuration issue

   b.  computer/network incident

   c.  infraction to a service level agreement (SLA)

   d.  system compromise

   e.  socially engineered phishing attack

   f.  denial-of-service (DoS) attack

   g.  others

1.3.2.  Cyber-physical system incident

   A Cyber-physical incident can imply the presence of all the above IT
   computer security incidents.  However, given the extra tasks carried
   out at lower layers (i.e. d - h) and the presence of dynamic physical
   infrastructure, the following issues are added to the incident list:

   a.  Control room alarm as a result of a 1) IT system misbehaviour
       (i.e one or more of the above), or 2) as a result of a physical
       system misbehaviour due to and IT system compromise, which might
       or might not have been detected

   b.  Misbehaviour of a physical system as noticed at the physical
       infrastructure level: explosion, flooding, pressure loss, and

   c.  Misconfiguration or degradation of control system performance, as
       noticed by an operator.  Extremely sophisticated attacks carried
       out by control system experts might carry out these types of
       attacks (i.e. compromising/missconfiguring control system schemes
       such as feedback control, robust control, optimal control, fault
       detection and estimation, others)

   d.  The disruption of control systems operation due to the blocking
       of the flow of information through corporate or control networks

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       (d, f), thus causing information transfer bottlenecks or denial
       of service by IT-resident services (such as DNS) [SFC]

   e.  Illegal or unauthorized changes made to programmed instructions
       or variables in PLCs, RTUs, DCS, or SCADA controllers (alarm
       thresholds changed, unauthorized commands issued to control
       equipment).  This change can be benign or malign, with goals of
       damaging or disabling equipment (if tolerances are exceeded),
       premature shutdown of processes (i.e. electricity or gas
       transmission lines), and physical damage (explosion, flooding,
       and others).

   f.  False information sent to control system operators or to
       corporate HQ either to disguise unauthorized changes or to
       initiate inappropriate actions by system operators or other
       stakeholders SFC [SFC]

   g.  The modification of control system software or configuration
       settings, producing unpredictable results

   h.  Malicious software (e.g., virus, worm, Trojan horse) introduced
       into the system

   i.  Recipes (i.e., the materials and directions for creating a
       product) or work instructions modified in order to bring about
       damage to products, equipment, or personnel

   It is important to note that, regardless on how the attack in
   originated (Internet, portable storage, insider job), there will
   generally always be, at least, IT components involved.  Whether
   critical infrastructure is connected to the Internet is not a
   determinant on whether such will be attacked.

1.4.  Why the appropriate reporting of a control system is needed

   Control system incidents can cause irreparable harm to the physical
   system being controlled and to individuals.  The reporting of a
   control system incident could save lives.  A main goal of a well
   designed CPS attack will generally be to be unperceived and bypass
   basic (or mainstream) IT security defences in order to affect the
   physical world.  In these situations, a possible incident will be
   abnormal operation of a physical system, generally represented by a
   control room alarm, perceived odd behaviour, or, in extreme
   scenarios, explosions, flooding, or other forms of physical
   infrastructure misbehaviour.

   In this context, holding to report a physical incident until an IT
   incident surfaces (in case of a zero-day-worm attack, for example)

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   can be a matter of life and death, more when other similar facilities
   are operated in other points, or when these operate in conjunction
   with the others (i.e. electric grid, gas pipelines).  This is the
   case of the STUXNET worm, whose first observed symptom were the
   misbehaviour of nuclear centrifuges, with no control room alarms.  It
   was months until researchers were able to detect the IT worm.  The
   reporting of control system incidents from different locations could
   have possibly lead to its earlier detection.

   Thus, the reporting of a cyber-physical incident is extremely
   important.  By using a common format, it becomes easier for
   organizations to engage in coordination as well as correlation of
   information from multiple data sources or products into a cohesive
   view.  As the number of data sources increases, a common format
   becomes even more important, since otherwise multiple tools would be
   needed to interpret the different sources of data.  An important
   advantage of a common format is the ability to automate many of the
   analysis tasks and significantly speed up the response activities.

1.5.  Examples of physical system attacks/incidents (Eventual case
      studies for validation of the incident report)

   a.  Australia

   b.  US

   c.  Iran

   d.  Others

1.6.  What types of incidents to report?

   a.  Physical system incident, as observed by a stakeholder outside
       the control room (i.e. flooding, explosion, etc)

   b.  All incidents of Section Section 1.3.2

   c.  Mainstream cybersecurity incident in a control system
       infrastructure context, as observed by mainstream IT tools and
       reported by IODEF and its structured cybersecurity extension

   d.  Incidents related of the Internet of Things, especially in the
       context of the automation of buildings, vehicles, and other

   e.  A combination of the above

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1.7.  Why a special extension is needed

   IODEF provides a means to describe a cyber-physical incident
   information, but it would need to include various non-structured
   types of incident-related data tailored to physical systems in order
   to convey more specific details about what is occurring.  Similarly,
   the IODEF-extension for structured cybersecurity information,
   currently a draft (draft-ietf-mile-sci-11.txt), would increase the
   machine readability of CPS incidents; however it would still need to
   be considerably modified in order to provide appropriate contextual
   machine readability.

   Further structure within IODEF through any means increases the
   machine-readability of the document thus providing a means for better
   automating certain cybersecurity operations.  Furthermore, because
   Cyber-Physical Systems are real-time and are for the most part
   automated, machine friendly data is paramount for effective incident
   response and coordination.  This is even more relevant when very
   frequent reports are needed in these real-time systems that can have
   complex dynamics.  Naturally this is also applicable, at a degree, to
   information in control room and even in corporate headquarters.

   For instance, a worm might use zero-day attack and a PLC rootkit to
   attack a nuclear reactor.  Special anomaly detection technology and
   backup sensors might detect unusual centrifuge control system input
   and output patterns.  The institution might have similar facilities
   in different points in the nation.  Then, enriched IODEF incident
   reports would be sent to other plants and to a central database.
   Such exchange of information would increase the chances to know
   quicker the source of the problem and to provide remediation.  In the
   context of several independent systems, incident reports would help
   control equipment vendors quickly pinpoint weaknesses or exploits
   that were taken advantage of and make adequate fixes.  In the case
   that a physical system is damaged, prompt incident reporting would
   avoid the same happening in other points.

   This reporting is not limited to public or mainstream private
   infrastructure (industry), but also to home automation systems and
   various environments that form part of the Internet of Things and
   could pose significant physical dangers if compromised.

1.8.  Relation to the IODEF Data Model

   Instead of defining a new report format, this document seeks to
   define an extension to [RFC5070].  The IODEF defines a flexible and
   extensible format and supports a granular level of specificity.
   These cyber-physical extensions will reuse subsets of the IODEF data
   model and specify new data elements.  Leveraging an existing

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   specification allows for more rapid adoption and reuse of existing
   tools in organizations.  For clarity, and in order to eliminate
   duplication, only the additional structures necessary for describing
   the exchange of cyber-physical activity will be provided; however the
   context of the location (i.e. different levels) will be considered in
   making appropriate decisions.

2.  Terminology Used in This Document

   Since many people use different but similar terms to mean the same
   thing, we underline the use of the following terminology in this

   a.  Cyber-Physical System.  Also referred in this document as
       Operational Technology Systems or Industry Control System or
       Automatic Control Systems.  Portions of a cyber-physical system
       can be considered a subset of Information Technology.

   b.  Cyber-physical event.  The compromise of the Control Network,
       Field Area Network, Physical Infrastructure, or the compromise of
       any resource that influences the operation of the those entities

   c.  Physical infrastructure.  Any physical infrastructure and
       premises that is part of a Cyber-physical system.  Among many
       others, this categorization includes: nuclear reactors, oil and
       gas pipelines, water and electricity distribution systems,
       electricity generation systems, chemical plants, oil refineries,
       weapons systems, railway systems, traffic control systems,
       health-related systems, and critical infrastructure that form
       part of the Internet of Things.

   d.  Control room.  Part of a control system infrastructure where
       humans monitor the overall status of the processes and make
       appropriate changes.  These changes can be: set-points for
       processes (i.e. the power/level at which nuclear centrifuges will
       function), shutting down processes under a failure, and others..

2.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

3.  The Elements of a physical system attack

   A cyber-physical attacks are normally comprised of the following
   components.  Data related to these elements or actors is key to
   capture in order make the event analysis and correlation with other

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   events more useful:

   a.  The main attacker or party perpetrating the sabotaging activity.
       Most times this party is not readily identifiable.

   b.  The command and control centre.  Generally compromised servers
       are at different locations.  These can be used for sending
       instructions and for acquiring data, among others.

   c.  The ultimately targeted physical infrastructure (nuclear
       centrifuges, boilers, pressure chambers, pipelines, liquid
       control systems, dams, room heating, traffic lights, railway
       systems etc).  Note that IT cybersecurity events might not have
       as a goal to target physical infrastructure, however might cause
       adverse consequences to these, as a result of a DoS attack, for

   d.  The devices that control the physical infrastructure: Control
       Network node(s), Field Area Network devices, Control Severs, and
       the wired and wireless networks and special protocols that
       connect them

   e.  Sensors and/or actuators that measure and manipulate physical

   f.  The wired and/or wireless control network or field area network

   g.  The special control system algorithms that reside in PLCs,
       Control Servers, or sensor networks.  These algorithms are based
       on control theory that determines the type of control to use
       (basic feedback control, robust control, optimal control, and
       others) and its gain parameters (proportional, integral,
       derivative, etc) [SFC]

   h.  Special supervisory and fault detection and estimation agents
       that monitor processes.[MMJS]

   i.  Sensor networks, generally locally distributed sets of wireless
       devices that measure and actuate physical devices.  These are
       gradually being part of critical infrastructure.

   j.  The Internet or a removable device through which the malware
       infects the cyber-physical system

   k.  A human being, whom, willingly or unwillingly transports (and in
       some cases, injects) malware

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   l.  A control room operator (or operators) that regulate set-points,
       react to alarms, and carry out supervisory duties

   m.  Detection information and Analysis output

   n.  Input/Output logs.

3.1.  Cyber-Physical System Extensions to the IODEF-Document

   Cyber-Physical System events are reported in a Cyber-physical
   activity report, which is an instance of an XML IODEF-Document
   Incident element with added EventData and AdditionalData elements.
   The additional fields in the EventData specific to cyber-physical
   incidents are enclosed in a CyberPhysicalReport XML element.

   As a Cyber-Physical System attack may generate multiple reports to an
   incident team, multiple CyberPhysicalReports may be combined into one
   EventData structure, and multiple EventData structures may be
   combined into one incident report.  One IODEF incident report may
   record one or more individual Cyber-physical events and may include
   multiple EventData elements.

   This document will define new extension elements for the EventData
   IODEF XML elements and identifies those required in a
   CyberPhysicalReport.  The appendices will contain sample activity
   reports and a complete schema.  This Cyber-physical extension reuses
   subsets of the IODEF data model and, where appropriate, utilizes
   other extensions or specifies new data elements.

   The IODEF Extensions defined in this document comply with Section 4,
   "Extending the IODEF Format" in [RFC5070].

4.  Cyber-physical Reporting via IODEF-Documents

4.1.  Report Types

   As described in the following subsections, reporting cyber-physical
   events has three primary components: choosing a report type, a format
   for the data, and how to check the correctness of the format.

   Similarly, there are three actions relating to reporting CPS events.
   First, a reporter or an automated system may *create* and exchange a
   new report on a new event.  Secondly, a reporter may *update* a
   previously exchanged report to indicate new information.  Lastly, a
   reporter may have realized that the report is in error or contains
   significant incorrect data and that the prudent reaction is to
   *delete* the report.

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   The three types of reports are denoted through the use of the ext-
   purpose attribute of an Incident element.  A new report contains an
   empty or a "create" ext-purpose value; an updated report contains an
   ext-value value of "update"; a request for deletion contains a
   "delete" ext-purpose value.  Note that this is actually an advisory
   for the report originator or recipients; operations might decide to
   file a new report with updated information.  The nature of industry
   control systems will generally favour the later one, with exception
   of erroneously human-generated serious incidents.

   Furthermore, administrators might decide to utilize this reporting in
   order to coordinate operations among different facilities, including
   SCADA networks.  The machine friendliness of the report favour such,
   especially when automated reports are needed and when new
   infrastructure arises.  Utilized in an automated way, it can be a
   tool to determine the health of most of the CPS infrastructure and
   conveniently inform various stakeholders in an standardized and
   straightforward manner.  Other applications within CPS systems can
   vary, including its incorporation as a mainstream communication

4.2.  CyberPhysicalReport Report XML (possible/alternative)

   The IODEF Incident element ([RFC5070], Section 3.2) is summarized
   below.  It and the rest of the data model presented in Section
   Section 5 is expressed in Unified Modeling Language (UML) syntax as
   used in the IODEF specification.  The UML representation is for
   illustrative purposes only; elements are specified in XML as defined
   in Appendix A.

   | Incident           |
   | ENUM purpose       |<>----------[ IncidentID ]
   | STRING ext-purpose |<>--{0..1}--[ AlternativeID ]
   | ENUM lang          |<>--{0..1}--[ RelatedActivity ]
   | ENUM restriction   |<>--{0..1}--[ DetectTime ]
   |                    |<>--{0..1}--[ StartTime ]
   |                    |<>--{0..1}--[ EndTime ]
   |                    |<>----------[ ReportTime ]
   |                    |<>--{0..*}--[ Description ]
   |                    |<>--{1..*}--[ Assessment ]
   |                    |<>--{0..*}--[ Method ]
   |                    |<>--{1..*}--[ Contact ]
   |                    |<>--{0..*}--[ EventData ]
   |                    |              |<>--[ AdditionalData ]

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   |                    |                     |<>--[ CyberPhysicalReport ]
   |                    |<>--{0..1}--[ History ]
   |                    |<>--{0..*}--[ AdditionalData ]
   (i) No re-utilization of other extensions

        | Incident      |
        | ENUM purpose  |<>---------[IncidentID]
        | STRING        |<>--{0..1}-[AlternativeID]
        |   ext-purpose |<>--{0..1}-[RelatedActivity]
        | ENUM lang     |<>--{0..1}-[DetectTime]
        | ENUM          |<>--{0..1}-[StartTime]
        |   restriction |<>--{0..1}-[EndTime]
        |               |<>---------[ReportTime]
        |               |<>--{0..*}-[Description]
        |               |<>--{1..*}-[Assessment]
        |               |<>--{0..*}-[Method]
        |               |            |<>--{0..*}-[AdditionalData]
        |               |                  |<>--{0..*}-[AttackPattern]
        |               |                  |<>--{0..*}-[Vulnerability]
        |               |                  |<>--{0..*}-[Weakness]
        |               |<>--{1..*}-[Contact]
        |               |<>--{0..*}-[EventData]
        |               |            |<>--{0..*}-[ AdditionalData ]
        |               |            |             |<>--[ CyberPhysicalReport ]
        |               |            |<>--{0..*}-[Flow]
        |               |            |     |<>--{1..*}-[System]
        |               |            |           |<>--{0..*}-[AdditionalData]
        |               |            |                 |<>--{0..*}-[Platform]
        |               |            |<>--{0..*}-[Expectation]
        |               |            |<>--{0..1}-[Record]
        |               |                  |<>--{1..*}-[RecordData]
        |               |                        |<>--{1..*}-[RecordItem]
        |               |                              |<>--{0..*}-[EventReport]
        |               |<>--{0..1}-[History]
        |               |<>--{0..*}-[AdditionalData]
        |               |            |<>--{0..*}-[Verification]
        |               |            |<>--{0..*}-[Remediation]
        (ii) Utilization of IODEF-extension for structured cybersecurity information

            Figure 2: The IODEF XML Incident Element - Options

   A cyber-physical report is composed of one iodef:Incident element
   that contains one or more related CyberPhysicalReport elements

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RFC 6684                     IODEF Extension               December 2013

   embedded in the iodef:AdditionalData element of iodef:EventData.  The
   CyberPhysicalReport element is added to the IODEF using its defined
   extension procedure documented in Section 5 of [RFC5070].

   One IODEF-Document may contain information on multiple incidents with
   information for each incident contained within an iodef:Incident
   element ([RFC5070], Section 3.12).

4.3.  Syntactical Correctness of Cyber-Physical Reports

   The cyber-physical report MUST pass XML validation using the schema
   defined in [RFC5070] and the extensions that will be defined in
   Appendix A of this document.

5.  SCyberPhysicalReport Element Definitions

   A CyberPhysicalReport consists of an extension to the
   Incident.EventData.AdditionalData element with a dtype of "xml".  The
   elements of the CyberPhysicalReport will specify information about
   the components of activity identified in Section Section 5.
   Additional forensic information and commentary can be added by the
   reporter as necessary to show relation to other events, to show the
   output of an investigation, or for archival purposes.  The inclusion
   of already existing reporting standards is possible through an
   appropriate element.

5.1.  CyberPhysicalReport Structure

   A CyberPhysicalReport element is structured as follows.  The
   components of a CyberPhysicalReport are introduced in functional
   grouping, as some parameters are related and some elements may not
   make sense individually.

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RFC 6684                     IODEF Extension               December 2013

      | STRING Version   |<>--{0..1}--[IncidentTitle]
      | ENUM IncdntType  |<>--{0..1}--[ReportingParty]
      | STRING ext-value |<>--{0..1}--[ReportReliability]
      |                  |<>--{0..1}--[IncidentType]
      |                  |<>--{0..1}--[Industry]
      |                  |<>--{0..1}--[TargetSystems]
      |                  |<>--{0..1}--[CyberPhysicalDepth]
      |                  |<>--{0..1}--[TransportMedium]
      |                  |<>--{0..1}--[Exploit]
      |                  |<>--{0..1}--[EntryPoint]
      |                  |<>--{1..*}--[PerpetratingParty]
      |                  |<>--{0..*}--[DetectionMethod]
      |                  |<>--{0..*}--[CommandAndControlCenters]
      |                  |<>--{0..*}--[CompromisedPhysicalInfrastrucute]
      |                  |<>--{0..*}--[ConstrolSystem]
      |                  |<>--{0..1}--[OrganizationalImpact]
      |                  |<>--{0..1}--[RecurrencePreventionMeasures]
      |                  |<>--{0..1}--[BriefDescriptionOfIncident]
      |                  |<>--{0..1}--[ProtocolType]
      |                  |<>--{0..1}--[NetworkType]
      |                  |<>--{0..1}--[Logs]
      |                  |<>--{0..1}--[References]

                 Figure 3: The CyberPhysicalReport Element

5.2.  Reuse of IODEF-Defined Elements

   Elements, attributes, and parameters defined in the base IODEF
   specification are to be used whenever possible in the definition of
   the CyberPhysicalReport XML element.

5.3.  Element and Attribute Specification Format

   1.  A terse XML-type identifier for the element or attribute.

   2.  An indication of whether the element or attribute is REQUIRED or
       optional.  Mandatory items are noted as REQUIRED.  If not
       specified, elements are optional.  Note that when optional
       elements are included, they may REQUIRE specific sub-elements.

   3.  A description of the element or attribute and its intended use.

   Elements that contain sub-elements or enumerated values are further

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RFC 6684                     IODEF Extension               December 2013

   sub-sectioned.  Note that there is no "trickle-up" effect in
   elements.  That is, the required elements of a sub-element are only
   populated if the sub-element is used.

5.4.  Version Attribute

   REQUIRED.  STRING.  The version shall be the value ___, to be
   compliant with this document.

5.5.  IncdntType Attribute

   REQUIRED.  One ENUM.  The IncdntType attribute describes the type of
   incident activity described in this CyberPhysicalReport.  The
   IncidentType element indicates whether the incident is accidental, on
   purpose, or the result of other actions.

5.6.  The IncidentTitle element

   Briefly states the nature of the incident.  This is mostly to convey
   understanding to humans.

5.7.  The ReportingParty element

   Describes the stakeholder that files the report

5.8.  The ReportReliability element

   Determines the degree of confidence of that the report information is

5.9.  The IncidentType element

   Indicates whether the incident is accidental, on purpose, or the
   result of other actions

5.10.   The Industry element

   Determines the type of industry where the incident took/is taking
   place (petroleum, automotive, etc)

5.11.  The TargetSystems element

   Describes the main target: network, IT systems, control systems, etc.

5.12.  The CyberPhysicalDepth element

   Identifies the depth and all of the levels involved in the attack:
   control network, field area network, etc.  See Diagram 1.

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RFC 6684                     IODEF Extension               December 2013

5.13.  The TransportMedium element

   Identifies how the worm or other tool penetrated the facilities:
   Internet, removable media, wireless, or others.

5.14.  The Exploit element

   Describes the characteristics of the exploit that was used for making
   the attack.

5.15.  The EntryPoint element

   Describes the device (router, PC, etc.) through which a worm or other
   threat entered the system.  Note that the exploit does not necessary
   reside at the EntryPoint.

5.16.  The PerpetratingParty element

   Identifies the originator of the attack, this being a human being,
   nation state or others.

5.17.  The DetectionMethod element

   Describes how the detection was carried out, including the use of
   tools and the existence of irregularities in any device

5.18.  The CommandAndControlCenters element

   Describes the remote or local systems that are in control of the

5.19.   The CompromisedPhysicalInfrastrucute element

   Describes the elements of a physical infrastructure that was

5.20.  The ConstrolSystem element

   Describes the parameters that were altered in the control system
   algorithm (proportional, integral, derivative, etc)

5.21.  The OrganizationalImpact

   Describes the economic and other aspect impact that the incident had
   on the institution

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5.22.  The RecurrencePreventionMeasures element

   Describes the measures that must be taken for the incident not to

5.23.  The BriefDescriptionOfIncident element

   Describes a human friendly description of the incident.  While the
   previousreporting elements should be enough to characterize an
   incident, this might provide additional information.

5.24.  The Logs element

   Takes the raw control system input/output, supervisory and other

5.25.  The References element

   Provides with any resources that were used in the detection and
   amelioration of the incident.

5.26.  The ProtocolType element

   Describes the (field) protocol type.  Allen Bradley; DF1,DH and DH+;
   GE Fanuc; Siemens Sinaut; Mitsubishi; Modbus RTU / ASCII; Omron;
   Toshiba; Westinghouse; Other Vendor Protocols

5.27.  The NetworkType element

   Provides with more idea of the network.  Wide area networks: Analog
   point to point and multi-point modem networks, frame relay/Cell relay
   type point to point and multi-point networks, wireless Radio/
   Satellite networks, fibre optic based networks

6.  Mandatory IODEF and CyberPhysicalReport Elements

   A report Cyber-Physical System report requires certain identifying
   information that is contained within the standard IODEF Incident data
   structure and the CyberPhysicalReport extensions.  The required
   attributes are a combination of those required by the base IODEF
   element and those eventually required by this document.  Attributes
   identified as required SHALL be populated in conforming Cyber-
   Physical System reports.

   In case this draft extension will eventually embed structured
   cybersecurity information defined by other specifications, the
   implementation of this draft MUST be capable of sending and receiving
   the XML conforming to the specification listed in an initial IANA

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RFC 6684                     IODEF Extension               December 2013

   table without error.  The receiver MUST be capable of validating
   received XML documents that are embedded inside that against their
   schemata.  Note that the receiver can look up the namespace in an
   IANA table to understand what specifications the embedded XML
   documents follows.

6.1.  An Example XML

   To be populated

6.2.  An XML Schema for the Extension

   To be populated

7.  Security Considerations

   This document specifies a format for encoding a particular class of
   security incidents appropriate for exchange across organizations.  As
   merely a data representation, it does not directly introduce security
   issues.  However, given the comprehensiveness a report might have and
   the frequency of reports, third parties might be able to generate
   infrastructure characteristics, dynamics, and other parameters that,
   in extreme scenarios, might constitute industrial espionage.  For
   this reason, the underlying message format and transport protocol
   used MUST ensure the appropriate degree of confidentiality,
   integrity, and authenticity for the specific environment.
   Organizations that exchange data using this document are URGED to
   develop operating procedures that document the following areas of

7.1.  Transport-Specific Concerns

   The critical security concerns are that cyber-physical incident
   reports may be falsified or the CyberPhysicalReport may become
   corrupt during transit.  In areas where transmission security or
   secrecy is questionable, the application of a digital signature
   and/or message encryption on each report will counteract both of
   these concerns.  We expect that each exchanging organization will
   determine the need, and mechanism, for transport protection.

7.2.  Using the iodef:restriction Attribute

   In some instances, data values in particular elements may contain
   data deemed sensitive by the reporter.  Although there are no
   general-purpose rules on when to mark certain values as "private" or
   "need-to-know" via the iodef:restriction attribute, the reporter is
   cautioned not to apply element-level sensitivity markings unless they
   believe the receiving party (i.e., the party they are exchanging the

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RFC 6684                     IODEF Extension               December 2013

   event report data with) has a mechanism to adequately safeguard and
   process the data as marked.  Information that is considered sensitive
   can be marked as such using the restriction parameter of each data

8.  IANA Considerations

   This document uses URNs to describe XML namespaces and XML schemata
   [XMLschemaPart1] [XMLschemaPart2] conforming to a registry mechanism
   described in [RFC3688].

   It is still to be determined whether this memo will create a registry
   for IANA to manage.

9.  Manageability Considerations

   If any of the operational and/or management considerations listed in
   Appendix A of [RFC5706] apply to this extension, they will be
   addressed in this section.  If no such considerations apply, this
   section can be omitted.

10.  Appendix A: XML Schema Definition for Extension

   The XML Schema describing the elements defined in the Extension
   Definition section will be given here.  Each of the examples in
   Section 11 will be verified to validate against this schema by
   automated tools.

11.  Appendix B: Examples

   This section will contain example IODEF Documents illustrating the
   extension.  If example situations are outlined in the applicability
   section, documents for those examples should be provided in the same
   order as in the applicability section.  Example documents will be
   tested to validate against the schema given in the appendix.

12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

   [RFC5070]  Danyliw, R., Meijer, J., and Y. Demchenko, "The Incident
              Object Description Exchange Format", RFC 5070,
              December 2007.

12.2.  Informative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

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RFC 6684                     IODEF Extension               December 2013

   [RFC3067]  Arvidsson, J., Cormack, A., Demchenko, Y., and J. Meijer,
              "TERENA'S Incident Object Description and Exchange Format
              Requirements", RFC 3067, February 2001.

   [RFC3552]  Rescorla, E. and B. Korver, "Guidelines for Writing RFC
              Text on Security Considerations", BCP 72, RFC 3552,
              July 2003.

   [RFC5226]  Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an
              IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 5226,
              May 2008.

   [RFC5706]  Harrington, D., "Guidelines for Considering Operations and
              Management of New Protocols and Protocol Extensions",
              RFC 5706, November 2009.

   [RFC6545]  Moriarty, K., "Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID)",
              RFC 6545, April 2012.

   [ACS]      Amin, S., Cardenas, A., and S. Sastry, "Safe and secure
              networked control systems under denial-of-service
              attacks", 2009.

   [SFC]      Stouffer, K., Falco, J., and K. Scarfonw, "Guide to
              Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security",
              Organization US National Institute of Standards and
              Technology, June 2011.

   [RKAL]     Kalapatapu, R., "SCADA protocols and communication
              trends", Organization ISA, 2004.

   [MMJS]     Murillo, M. and J. Slipp, "Application of WINTeR
              Industrial Testbed to the Analysis of Closed-Loop Control
              Systems in Wireless Sensor Networks", Organization The 8th
              ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information
              Processing in Sensor Networks, 2009.

Author's Address

   Martin Murillo
   Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
   1400 East Angela Blvd.
   South Bend, Indiana
   United States

   Phone: +1 613 366 6003

Murillo                       Expires: July 11, 2014           [Page 24]