Internet DRAFT - draft-mwdt-ccamp-mw-yang


CCAMP                                                        J. Ahlberg 
Internet Draft                                                 Ericsson 
Intended status: Standards Track                                  M. Ye 
                                                                  X. Li 
                                                NEC Laboratories Europe 
                                                              K. Kawada 
                                                        NEC Corporation 
                                                          CJ. Bernardos 
Expires: June 2017                                    December 23, 2016 
          A YANG Data Model for Microwave Radio Link 



   This document defines a YANG data model in order to 
   control and manage the radio link interfaces, and the 
   connectivity to packet (typically Ethernet) interfaces 
   in a microwave/millimeter wave node.  

Status of this Memo 

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance 
   with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. 

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet 
   Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups 
   may also distribute working documents as Internet-
   Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at 

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum 
   of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted 
   by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to 
   use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite 
   them other than as "work in progress." 

   This Internet-Draft will expire on June 23, 2017. 

Copyright Notice 

   Copyright (c) 2016 IETF Trust and the persons identified 
   as the document authors. All rights reserved. 
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Internet-Draft    Microwave YANG Model        December 2016 

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's 
   Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents 
   ( in effect on the 
   date of publication of this document. Please review 
   these documents carefully, as they describe your rights 
   and restrictions with respect to this document. Code 
   Components extracted from this document must include 
   Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e 
   of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without 
   warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License. 

Table of Contents 

   1. Terminology and Definitions ........................2 
   2. Introduction........................................3 
   3. YANG Data Model (Tree Structure)....................3 
   4. YANG Module.........................................7 
   5. Security Considerations ...........................63 
   6. IANA Considerations ...............................63 
   7. References.........................................63 
      7.1. Normative References .........................63 
      7.2. Informative References .......................63 
1. Terminology and Definitions 

   The following terms are used in this document: 

   Carrier Termination (CT) is an interface for the 
   capacity provided over the air by a single carrier. It 
   is typically defined by its transmitting and receiving 

   Radio Link Terminal (RLT) is an interface providing 
   packet capacity and/or TDM capacity to the associated 
   Ethernet and/or TDM interfaces in a node and used for 
   setting up a transport service over a 
   microwave/millimeter wave link. 

   The following acronyms are used in this document: 
   ACM  Adaptive Coding Modulation 
   ATPC Automatic Transmit Power Control  
   CM   Coding Modulation 
   CT   Carrier Termination 
   RLT  Radio Link Terminal 
   RTPC Remote Transmit Power Control 
   XPIC Cross Polarization Interference Cancellation 

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   MIMO Multiple-Input Multiple-Output  
2. Introduction 

   This document defines a YANG data model for management 
   and control of the radio link interface(s) and the 
   relationship to packet (typically Ethernet) and/or TDM 
   interfaces in a microwave/millimeter wave node. The date 
   model includes configuration and state data. 

   The design of the data model follows the framework for 
   management and control of microwave and millimeter wave 
   interface parameters defined in [mw-fmwk]. This 
   framework identifies the need and the scope of the YANG 
   data model, the use cases and requirements that the 
   model needs to support. Moreover, it provides a detailed 
   gap analysis to identify the missing parameters and 
   functionalities of the existing and established models 
   to support the specified use cases and requirements, and 
   based on that recommends how the gaps should be filled 
   with the development of the new model. 

   According to the conclusion of the gap analysis, the 
   structure of the data model is based on the structure 
   defined in [I-D.ahlberg-ccamp-microwave-radio-link] and 
   it augments RFC 7223 to align with the same structure 
   for management of the packet interfaces. More 
   specifically, the model will include interface layering 
   to manage the capacity provided by a radio link terminal 
   for the associated Ethernet and TDM interfaces, using 
   the principles for interface layering described in RFC 
   7223 as a basis.  

   The designed YANG data model uses the IETF: Radio Link 
   Model [I-D.ahlberg-ccamp-microwave-radio-link] and the 
   ONF: Microwave Modeling [ONF-model] as the basis for the 
   definition of the detailed leafs/parameters, and 
   proposes new ones to cover identified gaps which are 
   analyzed in [mw-fmwk]. 

3. YANG Data Model (Tree Structure)  

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module: ietf-microwave-radio-link 
    +--rw radio-link-protection-groups         
    |  +--rw radio-link-protection-group* [name] 
    |     +--rw name                             string 
    |     +--rw protection-architecture-type?    identityref 
    |     +--rw protection-operation-type?       enumeration        
    |     +--rw working-entity*                  if:interface-ref 
    |     +--rw revertive-wait-to-restore?       uint16 
    |     +--rw radio-link-protection-members*   if:interface-ref 
    |     +---x protection-external-commands 
    |        +---w input 
    |           +---w protection-external-command?  identityref 
    +--ro radio-link-protection-groups-state 
    |  +--ro radio-link-protection-group* [name] 
    |     +--ro name                 string 
    |     +--ro protection-status?   identityref 
    +--rw xpic-pairs {xpic}? 
    |  +--rw xpic-pair* [name] 
    |     +--rw name            string 
    |     +--rw enabled?        boolean 
    |     +--rw xpic-members*   if:interface-ref 
    +--rw mimo-groups {mimo}? 
       +--rw mimo-group* [name] 
          +--rw name            string 
          +--rw enabled?        boolean
          +--rw mimo-members*   if:interface-ref 			 
  augment /if:interfaces/if:interface: 
    +--rw id?                     string 
    +--rw mode                    identityref 
    +--rw carrier-terminations*   if:interface-ref 
    +--rw rlp-groups*             -> /radio-link-protection-groups
    +--rw xpic-pairs*            -> /xpic-pairs/xpic-pair/name {xpic}? 
    +--rw mimo-group?            -> /mimo-groups/mimo-group/name {mimo}? 
    +--rw tdm-connections* [tdm-type] {tdm}? 
       +--rw tdm-type           identityref
       +--rw tdm-connections    unit16
  augment /if:interfaces/if:interface: 
    +--rw carrier-id?                  string 
    +--rw tx-enabled?                  boolean 
    +--rw tx-frequency                 uint32 
    +--rw rx-frequency?                uint32  
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    +--rw rx-frequency-config?         boolean 
    +--rw duplex-distance              uint32 
    +--rw channel-separation           decimal64 
    +--rw polarization?                enumeration 
    +--rw power-mode                   enumeration 
    +--rw selected-output-power        power 
    +--rw atpc-lower-threshold         power 
    +--rw atpc-upper-threshold         power 
    +--rw coding-modulation-mode       enumeration 
    +--rw selected-cm                  identityref 
    +--rw selected-min-acm             identityref 
    +--rw selected-max-acm             identityref 
    +--rw if-loop?                     enumeration 
    +--rw rf-loop?                     enumeration 
    +--rw ct-performance-thresholds 
       +--rw received-level-alarm-threshold?      power 
       +--rw transmitted-level-alarm-threshold?   power 
       +--rw ber-alarm-threshold?                 enumeration 
  augment /if:interfaces-state/if:interface: 
    +--ro tx-oper-status?             enumeration 
    +--ro actual-transmitted-level?   power 
    +--ro actual-received-level?      power 
    +--ro actual-tx-cm?               identityref 
    +--ro actual-snir?                decimal64 
    +--ro actual-xpi?                 decimal64 {xpic}? 
    +--ro capabilities 
       +--ro min-tx-frequency?             uint32 
       +--ro max-tx-frequency?             uint32 
       +--ro min-rx-frequency?             uint32 
       +--ro max-rx-frequency?             uint32 
       +--ro available-min-output-power?   power 
       +--ro available-max-output-power?   power 
       +--ro available-min-acm?            identityref 
       +--ro available-max-acm?            identityref 
  augment /if:interfaces-state/if:interface/if:statistics: 
    +--ro bbe?        yang:counter32 
    +--ro es?         yang:counter32 
    +--ro ses?        yang:counter32 
    +--ro uas?        yang:counter32 
    +--ro min-rltm?   power 
    +--ro max-rltm?   power 
    +--ro min-tltm?   power 
    +--ro max-tltm?   power  
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4. YANG Module 

   <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-microwave-radio-link.yang" 

module ietf-microwave-radio-link { 
  yang-version 1.1; 
  namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-microwave-radio-link"; 
  prefix mrl; 

  import ietf-yang-types { 
    prefix yang; 

  import ietf-interfaces { 
    prefix if; 

  import iana-if-type { 
    prefix ianaift; 
    "IETF CCAMP Working Group"; 

    "This is a module for the entities in a generic 
     microwave system.";  
  revision 2016-12-22 { 
      "Draft revision covering a complete scope for  
      configuration and state data for radio link  
      reference ""; 
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  revision 2016-10-29 { 
      "Draft revision."; 
    reference ""; 
  * Features 

  feature xpic { 
      "Indicates that the device supports XPIC."; 

  feature mimo { 
      "Indicates that the device supports MIMO."; 

  feature tdm {
      "Indicates that the device supports TDM.";

  * Interface identities 

  identity radio-link-terminal { 
    base ianaift:iana-interface-type; 
      "Interface identity for a radio link terminal."; 
  identity carrier-termination { 
    base ianaift:iana-interface-type; 
      "Interface identity for a carrier termination."; 
  * Radio-link-terminal mode identities 
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  identity rlt-mode { 
      "A description of the mode in which the radio  
      link terminal is configured. The format is X  
      plus Y. X represent the number of bonded  
      carrier terminations. Y represent the number  
      of protecting carrier terminations.";   

  identity one-plus-zero { 
    base rlt-mode; 
      "1 carrier termination only."; 

  identity one-plus-one { 
    base rlt-mode; 
      "1 carrier termination 
       and 1 protecting carrier termination."; 

  identity two-plus-zero { 
    base rlt-mode; 
      "2 bonded carrier terminations."; 
  * Coding and modulation identities 

  identity coding-modulation { 
      "The coding and modulation schemes."; 

  identity half-bpsk-strong { 
    base coding-modulation; 
    "Half BPSK strong coding and modulation scheme."; 
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  identity half-bpsk { 
    base coding-modulation; 
      "Half BPSK coding and modulation scheme."; 

  identity half-bpsk-light { 
    base coding-modulation; 
      "Half BPSK light coding and modulation scheme."; 

  identity bpsk-strong { 
    base coding-modulation; 
      "BPSK strong coding and modulation scheme."; 

  identity bpsk {
    base coding-modulation;
      "BPSK coding and modulation scheme.";

    identity bpsk-light {
    base coding-modulation;
      "BPSK light coding and modulation scheme.";

  identity qpsk {
    base coding-modulation;
      "QPSK coding and modulation scheme.";

  identity qam-4-strong {
    base coding-modulation;
      "4 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-4 {
    base coding-modulation;
      "4 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";
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  identity qam-4-light {
    base coding-modulation;
      "4 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-16-strong {
    base coding-modulation;
      "16 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-16 {
    base coding-modulation;
      "16 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-16-light {
    base coding-modulation;
      "16 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";

  identity qam-32-strong {
    base coding-modulation;
      "32 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-32 {
    base coding-modulation;
      "32 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-32-light {
    base coding-modulation;
      "32 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-64-strong {
    base coding-modulation;
      "64 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";
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  identity qam-64 {
    base coding-modulation;
      "64 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-64-light {
    base coding-modulation;
      "64 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-128-strong {
    base coding-modulation;
      "128 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-128 {
    base coding-modulation;
      "128 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";

  identity qam-128-light {
    base coding-modulation;
      "128 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-256-strong {
    base coding-modulation;
      "256 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-256 {
    base coding-modulation;
      "256 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-256-light {
    base coding-modulation;
      "256 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";
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  identity qam-512-strong {
    base coding-modulation;
      "512 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-512 {
    base coding-modulation;
      "512 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-512-light {
    base coding-modulation;
      "512 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";

  identity qam-1024-strong {
    base coding-modulation;
      "1024 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-1024 {
    base coding-modulation;
      "1024 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-1024-light {
    base coding-modulation;
      "1024 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-2048-strong {
    base coding-modulation;
      "2048 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-2048 {
    base coding-modulation;
      "2048 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";

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  identity qam-2048-light {
    base coding-modulation;
      "2048 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-4096-strong {
    base coding-modulation;
      "4096 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";
  identity qam-4096 {
    base coding-modulation;
      "4096 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";

  identity qam-4096-light {
    base coding-modulation;
      "4096 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";

   * Protection architecture type identities
  identity protection-architecture-type {
      "protection architecture type";

  identity one-plus-one-type {
    base protection-architecture-type;
      "One carrier termination and
      one protecting carrier termination.";
  identity one-to-n-type { 
    base protection-architecture-type; 
      "One carrier termination protecting 
       n other carrier terminations."; 
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   * Protection states identities
  identity protection-states {
     "Identities describing the status of the protection,
     in a group of carrier terminations configured in 
     a radio link protection mode.";
  identity unprotected {
    base protection-states;
    description "Not protected";
  identity protected {
    base protection-states;
    description "Protected";

  identity unable-to-protect {
    base protection-states;
    description "Unable to protect";

   * protection-external-commands identities

  identity protection-external-commands{
      "Protection external commands for trouble shooting 
  identity manual-switch{
    base protection-external-commands;
      "A switch action initiated by an operator command. 
      It switches normal traffic signal to the protection 
      transport entity.";
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  * TDM-type identities 
  identity tdm-type {
      "A description of the type of TDM connection,
      also indicating the supported capacity of the
  identity E1 {
    base tdm-type;
      "E1 connection, 2,048 Mbit/s.";
  identity STM-1 {
    base tdm-type;
      "STM-1 connection, 155,52 Mbit/s.";
   * Typedefs
  typedef power {
    type decimal64 {
      fraction-digits 1;
      "Type used for power values, selected and measured.";
  * Radio Link Terminal (RLT) - Configuration data nodes 
  augment "/if:interfaces/if:interface" {
    when "if:type = 'mrl:radio-link-terminal'";
      "Addition of data nodes for radio link terminal to 
       the standard Interface data model, for interfaces of
       the type 'radio-link-terminal'.";

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    leaf id {
      type string;
      default ""; 
        "ID of the radio link terminal. Used by far-end when
         checking that it's connected to the correct RLT.";
    leaf mode {
      type identityref {
        base rlt-mode;
      mandatory true;
        "A description of the mode in which the radio link 
         terminal is configured. The format is X plus Y.
         X represent the number of bonded carrier terminations.
         Y represent the number of protecting carrier 
    leaf-list carrier-terminations {
      type if:interface-ref;
      must "/if:interfaces/if:interface[if:name = current()]"
         + "/if:type = 'mrl:carrier-termination'" {
          "The type of interface must be 
      min-elements 1;
        "A list of references to carrier terminations
         included in the radio link terminal.";
    leaf-list rlp-groups {
      type leafref {
        path "/mrl:radio-link-protection-groups/"
           + "mrl:radio-link-protection-group/mrl:name";
        "A list of references to the carrier termination
         groups configured for radio link protection in this 
         radio link terminal.";
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    leaf-list xpic-pairs {
      if-feature xpic;
      type leafref {
        path "/mrl:xpic-pairs/mrl:xpic-pair/mrl:name";
        "A list of references to the XPIC pairs used in this 
         radio link terminal. One pair can be used by two 
    leaf mimo-group {
      if-feature mimo;
      type leafref {
        path "/mrl:mimo-groups/mrl:mimo-group/mrl:name";
        "A reference to the MIMO group used in this 
         radio link terminal. One group can be used by more
         than one terminal.";
    list tdm-connections {
      if-feature tdm;
      key "tdm-type";
       "A list stating the number of TDM connections of a 
       specified tdm-type that is supported by the RLT.";  
      leaf tdm-type {
        type identityref {
          base tdm-type;
          "The type of TDM connection, which also indicates
          the supported capacity.";

      leaf tdm-connections {
        type uint16;
        mandatory true;
        description "Number of connections of the specified type.";
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   * Carrier Termination - Configuration data nodes
  augment "/if:interfaces/if:interface" {
    when "if:type = 'mrl:carrier-termination'";
      "Addition of data nodes for carrier termination to  
      the standard Interface data model, for interfaces  
      of the type 'carrier-termination'."; 
    leaf carrier-id {
      type string;
      default "A";
        "ID of the carrier. (e.g. A, B, C or D)
         Used in XPIC & MIMO configurations to check that 
         the carrier termination is connected to the correct 
         far-end carrier termination. Should be the same 
         carrier ID on both sides of the hop.
         Defaulted when not MIMO or XPIC.";
    leaf tx-enabled {
      type boolean;
      default "false";
        " Disables (false) or enables (true) the  
        transmitter.Only applicable when the interface  
        is enabled (interface:enabled = true) otherwise  
        it's always disabled."; 

    leaf tx-frequency {
      type uint32;
      units "kHz";
      mandatory true;
        "Selected transmitter frequency.";

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    leaf rx-frequency {
      type uint32;
      units "kHz";
        "Selected receiver frequency.
         Mandatory and writeable when rx-frequency-config=true.
         Otherwise read-only and calculated from tx-frequency 
         and duplex-distance.";
    leaf rx-frequency-config {
      type boolean;
      default "true";
        "Enable (true) or disable (false) direct  
         configuration of rx-frequency and instead  
         using a defined duplex distance."; 

    leaf duplex-distance {
      when "../rx-frequency-config = 'false'";
      type uint32;
      units "kHz";
      mandatory true;
        "Distance between Tx & Rx frequencies.
         Used to calaculate rx-frequency when 
    leaf channel-separation {
      type decimal64 {
        fraction-digits 1;
      units "MHz";
      mandatory true;
        "The amount of bandwidth allocated to a carrier.";
    leaf polarization {
      type enumeration {
        enum "horizontal" {
          description "Horizontal polarization.";
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        enum "vertical" {
          description "Vertical polarization.";
        enum "not-specified" {
          description "Polarization not specified.";
      default "not-specified";
        "Polarization - A textual description for info only.";
    leaf power-mode {
      type enumeration {    
        enum rtpc {
          description "Remote Transmit Power Control (RTPC).";
        enum atpc {
          description "Automatic Transmit Power Contro 
      mandatory true;
        "A choice of Remote Transmit Power Control (RTPC)
         or Automatic Transmit Power Control (ATPC).";
    leaf selected-output-power {
      type power {
        range "-99..40";
      units "dBm";
      mandatory true;
        "Selected output power in RTPC mode and selected 
        maximum selected maximum output power in ATPC mode. 
        Minimum ouput power in ATPC mode is the same as the
        system capability, available-min-output-power."; 

    leaf atpc-lower-threshold {
      when "../power-mode = 'atpc'";
      type power {
        range "-99..-30";
      units "dBm";
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      mandatory true;
        "The lower threshold for the input power at far-end used in
        the ATPC mode.";
    leaf atpc-upper-threshold {
      when "../power-mode = 'atpc'";
      type power {
        range "-99..-30";
      units "dBm";
      mandatory true;
        "The upper threshold for the input power  
         at far-end used in the ATPC mode."; 

    leaf coding-modulation-mode {
      type enumeration {
        enum fixed {
          description "Fixed coding/modulation."; 
        enum adaptive {
          description "Adaptive coding/modulation.";
      mandatory true;
        "A selection of fixed or 
         adaptive coding/modulation mode.";
    leaf selected-cm {
      when "../coding-modulation-mode = 'fixed'";
      type identityref {
        base coding-modulation;        
      mandatory true;
        "Selected fixed coding/modulation.";
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    leaf selected-min-acm {
      when "../coding-modulation-mode = 'adaptive'";
      type identityref {
        base coding-modulation;
      mandatory true;
        "Selected minimum coding/modulation.
         Adaptive coding/modulation shall not go
         below this value.";

    leaf selected-max-acm {
      when "../coding-modulation-mode = 'adaptive'";
      type identityref {
        base coding-modulation;
      mandatory true;
        "Selected maximum coding/modulation.
         Adaptive coding/modulation shall not go
         above this value.";
    leaf if-loop {
      type enumeration {
        enum disabled {
          description "Disables the IF Loop.";
        enum client {
          description "Loops the signal back to the client side.";
        enum radio {
          description "Loops the signal back to the radio side.";
      default "disabled";
        "Enable (client/radio) or disable (disabled) the IF loop,
        which loops the signal back to the client side or the  
        radio side."; 

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    leaf rf-loop {
      type enumeration {
        enum disabled {
          description "Disables the RF Loop.";
        enum client {
          description "Loops the signal back to the client side.";
        enum radio {
          description "Loops the signal back to the radio side.";
      default "disabled";
        "Enable (client/radio) or disable (disabled) the RF loop,
        which loops the signal back to the client side or
        the radio side.";

    container ct-performance-thresholds {
        "Specification of thresholds for when alarms should
         be sent and cleared for various performance counters.";

      leaf received-level-alarm-threshold {
        type power {
          range "-99..-30";
        units "dBm";
        default "-99";
          "Specification of at which received power level an alarm
          should be raised.";
      leaf transmitted-level-alarm-threshold {
        type power {
          range "-99..40";
        units "dBm";
        default "-99";
          "An alarm is sent when the transmitted power level 
           is below the specified threshold."; 

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      leaf ber-alarm-threshold {
        type enumeration {
          enum "10e-9" {
            description "Threshold at 10e-9.";
          enum "10e-8" {
            description "Threshold at 10e-8.";
          enum "10e-7" {
            description "Threshold at 10e-7.";
          enum "10e-6" {
            description "Threshold at 10e-6.";
          enum "10e-5" {
            description "Threshold at 10e-5.";
          enum "10e-4" {
            description "Threshold at 10e-4.";
          enum "10e-3" {
            description "Threshold at 10e-3.";
          enum "10e-2" {
            description "Threshold at 10e-2.";
          enum "10e-1" {
            description "Threshold at 10e-1.";
        default "10e-6";
          "Specification of at which BER an alarm should 
           be raised.";
   * Radio Link Terminal - Operational state data nodes
   * Currently nothing in addition to the general
   * interface-state model.
   * Carrier Termination - Operational state data nodes
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  augment "/if:interfaces-state/if:interface" {
    when "if:type = 'mrl:carrier-termination'";
      "Addition of state data nodes for carrier termination to 
       the standard Interface state data model, for interfaces 
       of the type 'carrier-termination'.";
    leaf tx-oper-status {
      type enumeration {
        enum "off" {
          description "Transmitter is off.";
        enum "on" {
          description "Transmitter is on.";
        enum "standby" {
          description "Transmitter is in standby.";
        "Shows the operative status of the transmitter.";

    leaf actual-transmitted-level { 
        type power { 
          range "-99..40"; 
      units "dBm";
        "Actual transmitted power level (0.1 dBm resolution).";
    leaf actual-received-level {
      type power {
        range "-99..-20";
      units "dBm";
        "Actual received power level (0.1 dBm resolution).";
    leaf actual-tx-cm {
      type identityref {
         base coding-modulation;
        "Actual coding/modulation in transmitting direction.";
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    leaf actual-snir {
      type decimal64 {
        fraction-digits 1;
        range "0..99";
      units "dB";
        "Actual signal to noise plus interference ratio.
         (0.1 dB resolution).";
    leaf actual-xpi {
      if-feature xpic;
      type decimal64 {
        fraction-digits 1; 
        range "0..99";
      units "dB";
        "The actual carrier to cross-polar interference.
         Only valid if XPIC is enabled. (0.1 dB resolution).";
    container capabilities {
        "Capabilities of the the installed equipment and 
         some selected configurations.";        

      leaf min-tx-frequency {
        type uint32;
        units "kHz";
          "Minimum Tx frequency possible to use.";
      leaf max-tx-frequency {
        type uint32;
        units "kHz";
          "Maximum Tx frequency possible to use."; 

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      leaf min-rx-frequency {
        type uint32;
        units "kHz";
          "Minimum Rx frequency possible to use.";
      leaf max-rx-frequency {
        type uint32;
        units "kHz";
          "Maximum Tx frequency possible to use.";
      leaf available-min-output-power {
        type power; 
        units "dBm";
          "The minimum output power supported.";

      leaf available-max-output-power {
        type power;
        units "dBm";
          "The maximum output power supported.";
      leaf available-min-acm {
        type identityref {
          base coding-modulation;
          "Minimum coding-modulation possible to use.";
      leaf available-max-acm {
        type identityref {
          base coding-modulation;
          "Maximum coding-modulation possible to use.";

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Internet-Draft    Microwave YANG Model        December 2016 
  augment "/if:interfaces-state/if:interface/if:statistics" {
    when "../if:type = 'mrl:carrier-termination'";
      "Addition of state data nodes in the container statistics
       for carrier terminations to the standard Interface data 
       model, for interfaces of the type 'carrier-termination'.";
    leaf bbe {
      type yang:counter32;
      units "number of block errors";
        "Number of Background Block Errors (BBE) during the
        interval. A BBE is an errored block not occurring as
        part of an SES.";
    leaf es {
      type yang:counter32;
      units "seconds";
      "Number of Errored Seconds (ES) since last  
       reset. An ES is a one-second period with  
       one or more errored blocks or at least one  
    leaf ses {
      type yang:counter32;
      units "seconds";
        "Number of Severely Errored Seconds (SES) during the
         interval. SES is a one-second period which contains
         equal or more than 30% errored blocks or at least
         one defect. SES is a subset of ES.";
    leaf uas {
      type yang:counter32;
      units "seconds";
        "Number of Unavailable Seconds (UAS), that is, the
         total time that the node has been unavailable during
         a fixed measurement interval.";

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    leaf min-rltm {
      type power {
        range "-99..-20";
      units "dBm";
        "Minimum received power level since last reset.";
    leaf max-rltm {
      type power {
        range "-99..-20";
      units "dBm";
        "Maximum received power level since last reset.";
    leaf min-tltm {
      type power {
        range "-99..40";    
      units "dBm";
        "Minimum transmitted power level since last reset.";
    leaf max-tltm {
      type power {
        range "-99..40";
      units "dBm";
        "Maximum transmitted power level since last reset.";
   * Radio Link Protection Groups - Configuration data nodes

  container radio-link-protection-groups {
      "Configuration of radio link protected groups  
      (1+1) of carrier terminations in a radio link.  
      More than one protected group per radio-link-terminal
      is allowed."; 

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    list radio-link-protection-group {
      key "name";
      "List of protected groups of carrier terminations
      in a radio link.";
      leaf name {
        type string;
          "Name used for identification of the radio
           link protection group";
      leaf protection-architecture-type { 
        type identityref{ 
          base protection-architecture-type; 
        default "one-plus-one-type"; 
          "The type of protection architecture  
          used, e.g. one carrier termination  
          protecting one carrier termination."; 
      leaf protection-operation-type { 
        type enumeration { 
          enum "non-revertive" { 
              "In non revertive operation, the  
              traffic does not return to the  
              working carrier termination if the  
              switch requests are terminated. "; 
          enum "revertive" { 
              "In revertive operation, the  
              traffic always returns to (or  
              remains on) the working carrier  
              termination if the switch requests  
              are terminated. "; 
          default "non-revertive"; 
            "The type of protection operation, i.e.  
            revertive or non-revertive operation."; 

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      leaf-list working-entity  { 
        when "../protection-operation-type =  'revertive'"; 
        type if:interface-ref; 
        must "/if:interfaces/if:interface[if:name = current()]" 
           + "/if:type = 'mrl:carrier-termination'" { 
             "The type of a working-entity must be  
           min-elements 1; 
           "The carrier terminations over which the  
           traffic normally should be transported  
           over when there is no need to use the  
           protecting carrier termination."; 
      leaf revertive-wait-to-restore { 
        when "../protection-operation-type = 'revertive'"; 
        type uint16; 
        units "seconds"; 
        default "0"; 
          "The time to wait before switching back  
          to the working carrier termination if  
          protection-operation-type is revertive."; 
      leaf-list radio-link-protection-members { 
        type if:interface-ref; 
        must "/if:interfaces/if:interface[if:name = current()]" 
          + "/if:type = 'mrl:carrier-termination'" { 
            "The type of a protection member must  
            be 'carrier-termination'."; 
          min-elements 2; 
            "Association to a group of carrier  
            terminations configured for radio link  
            protection and used in the radio link terminal."; 

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      action protection-external-commands { 
        input { 
          leaf protection-external-command { 
            type identityref { 
              base protection-external-commands; 
              "Execution of protection external
               commands for trouble shooting purpose.";    
  * Radio Link Protection - Operational state data nodes 
  container radio-link-protection-groups-state {     
    config false; 
      "State data for radio link protected groups  
      of carrier terminations in a radio link.";    
      list radio-link-protection-group { 
        key "name"; 
          "List of protected groups of carrier  
          terminations in a radio link."; 
      leaf name { 
        type string; 
          "Name used for identification of the  
           radio link protection group."; 
      leaf protection-status { 
        type identityref { 
          base protection-states; 
          "Status of the protection, in a group of  
          carrier terminations configured in a  
          radio link protection mode."; 

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  * XPIC & MIMO - Configuration data nodes 

  container xpic-pairs { 
    if-feature xpic; 
        "Configuration of carrier termination pairs 
        for operation in XPIC mode."; 
    list xpic-pair { 
      key "name"; 
        "List of carrier termination pairs in XPIC mode."; 
    leaf name { 
      type string; 
        "Name used for identification of the XPIC pair."; 
    leaf enabled { 
        type boolean; 
        default "false"; 
          "Enable(true)/disable(false) XPIC"; 
      leaf-list xpic-members { 
        type if:interface-ref; 
        must "/if:interfaces/if:interface[if:name = current()]" 
          + "/if:type = 'mrl:carrier-termination'" { 
            "The type of a xpic-member must be  
          min-elements 2; 
          max-elements 2; 
            "Association to XPIC pairs used in the  
            radio link terminal."; 

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  container mimo-groups { 
    if-feature mimo; 
      "Configuration of carrier terminations 
      for operation in MIMO mode."; 
      list mimo-group { 
        key "name"; 
          "List of carrier terminations in MIMO mode."; 
      leaf name { 
        type string; 
        "Name used for identification of the MIMO group."; 
      leaf enabled { 
        type boolean;     
        default "false"; 
          "Enable(true)/disable(false) MIMO"; 
      leaf-list mimo-members { 
        type if:interface-ref; 
        must "/if:interfaces/if:interface[if:name = current()]" 
           + "/if:type = 'mrl:carrier-termination'" { 
             "The type of a mimo-member must be  
           min-elements 2; 
             "Association to a MIMO group if used in  
             the radio link terminal."; 


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5. Security Considerations 

   The YANG module defined in this memo is designed to be 
   accessed via the NETCONF protocol [RFC6241].  The lowest 
   NETCONF layer is the secure transport layer and the 
   mandatory-to-implement secure transport is SSH 
   [RFC6242].  The NETCONF access control model [RFC6536] 
   provides the means to restrict access for particular 
   NETCONF users to a pre-configured subset of all 
   available NETCONF protocol operations and content. 

   There are a number of data nodes defined in the YANG 
   module which are writable/creatable/deletable (i.e., 
   config true, which is the default).  These data nodes 
   may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some 
   network environments. Write operations (e.g., <edit-
   config>) to these data nodes without proper protection 
   can have a negative effect on network operations. 

   The security considerations of [RFC7223] also apply to 
   this document. 

6. IANA Considerations 

7. References 

7.1. Normative References 

   [RFC7223] Bjorklund M., "A YANG Data Model for Interface 
            Management", RFC 7223, DOI 10.17487/RFC7223, 
            May 2014, <http://www.rfc-

7.2. Informative References 

            Ahlberg J., et al., " A framework for 
            Management and Control of microwave and 
            millimeter wave interface parameters ", draft-
            ietf-ccamp-microwave-framework-00 (work in 
            progress), December 2016.  
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Internet-Draft    Microwave YANG Model        December 2016 
            Ahlberg J., Carlson J., Lund H., Olausson T., 
            Ye M., and Vaupotic M., "Microwave Radio Link 
            YANG Data Models", draft-ahlberg-ccamp-
            microwave-radio-link-01 (work in progress), 
            May 2016. 

            "Microwave Modeling - ONF Wireless Transport 
            Group", May 2016. 

   [RFC6241] Enns, R., Bjorklund, M., Schoenwaelder, J., 
            and A.Bierman, "Network Configuration Protocol 
            (NETCONF)",RFC 6241, June 2011. 

   [RFC6242] Wasserman, M., "Using the NETCONF Protocol 
            over SecureShell (SSH)", RFC 6242, June 2011. 

   [RFC6536] Bierman, A. and M. Bjorklund, "Network 
            ConfigurationProtocol (NETCONF) Access Control 
            Model", RFC 6536,March 2012. 

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Authors' Addresses 

   Jonas Ahlberg 
   Ericsson AB 
   Lindholmspiren 11 
   Goeteborg 417 56 

   Ye Min 
   Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 
   No.1899, Xiyuan Avenue 
   Chengdu 611731  

   Xi Li 
   NEC Laboratories Europe 
   Kurfursten-Anlage 36 
   69115 Heidelberg 

   Koji Kawada 
   NEC Corporation 
   1753, Shimonumabe Nakahara-ku 
   Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-8666 

   Carlos J. Bernardos 
   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 
   Av. Universidad, 30 
   Leganes, Madrid  28911 


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