Internet DRAFT - draft-nadeau-sdn-problem-statement


Network Working Group                                     T. Nadeau, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                     CA Technologies, Inc.
Intended status: Informational                     
Expires: April 31, 2012                                      P. Pan, Ed.
                                                        October 31, 2011

               Software Driven Networks Problem Statement


   Software Driven Networks (SDN) is an approach to networks that 
   enables applications to converse with and manipulate the control 
   software of network devices and resources. SDNs are comprised of 
   applications, control software, and interfaces to services that 
   are hosted in an overlay or logical/virtual network as well as 
   those possibly same components that comprise the underlying 
   physical network. Modern applications require the ability
   to easily interact and manipulate these resources. Applications can 
   benefit from knowing the available resources and from requesting 
   that the network makes the resources available in specific ways. 
   To this end, there is a requirement to couple applications more 
   closely to the underlying resources on which they depend, consume 
   and interact with. 

   SDN infrastructure and components exist in most deployed networks 
   today. Some of these components are being standardized by various 
   organizations, as as well some being already standardized by the 
   IETF. However, no standards or open specifications currently exist 
   to facilitate end-to-end operation of a software defined network, 
   specificlly one that provides open APIs for applications to control 
   the network services and functions offered by device control planes 
   or other "controlling" software. The goal of this document is to 
   outline the problem area of SDN for the IETF.

Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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                SDN Problem Statement                October 31, 2011

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on September 30, 2012.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2011 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  5
     1.1.  Terminology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  5
     1.2.  SDN Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  9
   2.  SDN Interconnect Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  9
   3.  SDN Interconnect Model & Problem Area for IETF . . . . . .. . 11
     3.1.  Candidate SDN Problem Area for IETF . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   4.  Design Approach for Realizing the SDN APIs  . . . . . . . . . 15
     4.1.  Relationship to the OSI network model  . . . . . . . .. . 15
     4.2.  "Reuse Instead of Reinvent" Principle  . . . . . . . .. . 16
     4.3.  Application to SDN Orchestrator Interface . . . . . . . . 16
     4.4.  SDN Orchestrator to Plug-In Interface . . . . . . . . . . 18
     4.5.  SDN Logging Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     4.6.  SDN Orchestrator to Location Services Interface . . . . . 20
     4.7.  SDN Orchestrator to Policy Database Interface . . . . . . 20
     4.8.  SDN Orchestrator to SDN Orchestrator Interface. . . . . . 20

   5.  Gap Analysis of relevant Standardization and Research
       Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

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     5.1.  Open Network Forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
   6.  Relationship to relevant IETF Working Groups . . . . . . . . . 23
     6.1.  ALTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
   7.  IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
   8.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
   9.  Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
   10. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
     10.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
     10.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
   Appendix A.  Additional Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
     A.1.  Non-Goals for IETF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
     A.2.  Prioritizing the SDN Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
     A.3.  Related standardization activities . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
     A.4.  Related Research Projects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
       A.4.1.  IRTF Cross Stratum Optimizaiton Research Group . . . . 35
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

1.  Introduction

   Software Driven Networks (SDN) is an approach to networks that 
   enables applications to converse with and manipulate the control 
   software of network devices and resources. Modern applications 
   require the ability to easily interact and manipulate resources 
   provisioned and controlled by networks. Applications can benefit 
   from knowing the available resources and from requesting that the 
   network makes the resources available in specific ways. 

   To this end, there is a requirement to couple applications more 
   closely to the underlying resources on which they depend, consume 
   and interact with. In particular, modern applications require 
   interaction with and the manipulation of both physical and virtual 
   compute, storage and connectivity resources and abstract interfaces 
   to these things. These abstractions must also allow applications to 
   manipulate resources at varying levels of granularity, policy and 
   security.  It is also worth noting that modern Software Driven 
   Networks (SDNs) are comprised of applications, control
   software, and interfaces to services that are hosted in an overlay 
   or logical/virtual network as well as those possibly same 
   components that comprise the underlying physical network.

   These services include path computation, topology discovery, 
   firewall services, domain name services, network address 
   translation services, virtual private networks and the like. These 
   services and elements may be physical or virtual.

   One requirement is to create a means by which applications can 

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   communicate with the control planes of the underlying network 
   devices or entities which control and own network resources on 
   which they depend. Note that the "control planes" of network 
   devices will be referred to as "controlling software" to abstract 
   away the concept of the software that controls a device's data 
   plane. The control planes of devices, whether physically co-located 
   with a device and its data plane, or externally located for 
   example in the case of an OpenFlow "controller", provide coherent 
   control of the network apparatus. However, the "controlling 
   software" of a virtual machine might be a hypervisor. There is a 
   desire by network operators and service providers to control, 
   configure, mange or set policy on controlling software and do so 
   using applications for different network control and manipulation 

   Software Defined Networks infrastructure exists in most deployed 
   networks today. Some of these components are being standardized by 
   various organizations, as as well some being already standardized 
   by the IETF. However, no standards or open specifications 
   currently exist to facilitate end-to-end operation of a software 
   defined network, specificlly one that provides open APIs
   for applications to control the network services and functions 
   offered by device control planes or other "controlling" software. 
   The goal of this document is to outline the problem area of SDN for 
   the IETF.

   Section 2 discusses the use cases for SDN.  Section 3
   presents the SDN model and problem area to be considered by the
   IETF.  Section 4 discusses how existing protocols can be reused to
   define the SDN interfaces, service discovery and object models.

1.1.  Terminology

   This document uses the following terms:

   Control Plane: In a router or switch, the control plane is the 
   part of the router firmware/software architecture that is in charge
   of the logic behind things such as constructing a map of the network 
   topology, running network protocols or management functions and
   then ultimately instructing the device's data plane to realize 
   any forwarding or switching actions that must be enabled. While 
   conceptually separate in a logical sense, the control plane is 
   often physically separated from the data plane of a device either
   by running on a processor dedicated to this function, or even run 
   externally from the device on another device or process (i.e.:
   in the case of OpenFlow, centralized routing, etc...). 

   Data Plane:  This is the part of a network device that is responsible

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   for the actual (i.e.: physical) forwarding and manipulation of
   data that comes into and is transmitted out of a device.  The
   data plane of a device is typically very tightly bound to the
   specific nature of the hardware of that particular forwarding
   component of a device, and as such is often kept seperated from
   the more generic control plane.  An example of a data plane
   would be the switching fabric and port processors of a router.

   Controlling Software: In the case of network devices, this is
   analagous to the control plane. However, in the case of 
   virtualization technologies, this may be present in the form of 
   a hypervisor, for example.

   Application Programming Interface (API): is a particular set 
   of rules and specifications that software programs can follow 
   to communicate with each other. It serves as an interface between 
   different software programs and facilitates their interaction, 
   similar to the way the user interface facilitates interaction 
   between humans and computers.

   Software As a Service (SaaS): Sometimes referred to as 
   "on-demand software," is a software delivery model in which 
   software and its associated data are hosted by a service provider
   and connected back to the customer via The Internet.  These
   are sometimes referred to as "cloud services" as well.

   Managed Network Service Provider (MSP): Provides network-based 
   connectivity and services to End Users, as well a managed
   service. For example, one popular MSP might offer virtualized
   machines (VMs) and a virtual private network (VPN) connectivity 
   between these VMs with external connectivity to this VPN
   of machines via a managed business grade metro ethernet link
   to the customer's premise.

   Communications Service Provider (CSP): A traditional "telco"
   service provider that offers data connectivity as a service
   to its customers. 

1.2.  SDN Background

   Readers are assumed to be familiar with the architecture, features
   and operation of SDNs.  For readers less familiar with the operation
   of SDNs, the following resources may be useful:

   [Provide references TBD]

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2.  SDN Use Cases

   An increasing number of MSPs are deploying SDNs in order to 
   both offer more cost-effective service offerings, but also 
   to reduce internal costs of managing and operating those
   Since SDNs allow for a more consistent and shorter time-to-market
   model of developing management software for various network-based
   services, service providers are moving towards using various
   proprietary schemes for this. SDNs are being used to deliver 
   various types of services that provide externally consumable
   SaaS offerings, as well as those used internally to manage and
   manipulate their network infrastructure. 

   Some MSPs operate over multiple geographies and couple infrastructure
   from different MSPs, SPs and possibly SaaS offerings. In these 
   cases, it is important to provide the MSP that offers the ultimate
   service to the customer with a clean, consistent and effient 
   interface to all of the infrastructure it relies on. Furthermore,
   from their perspective, being able to unwind the "russian doll" 
   of nested infrastructure and services that might be rolled together
   for their service offering in cases where trouble shooting is
   required for example, is paramount.

   In the simplest of cases it may not seem obvious that the use of
   a standardized SDN infrastructure would be necessary; however,
   in typical medium and large data center offerings that are quite
   common today, the management of the physical elements is a small
   part of the larger puzzle for the MSP or CSP.  When network elements
   become virtualized and are then used to construct components of 
   services being offered, an operator can quickly multiply the number
   of management "devices" or more commonly "elements", by many orders
   of magnitude. It is here that the problem of lack of open interfaces 
   for SDN component interconnection and discovery becomes clear.

  Again, for this requirement, SDN operators
   (over-the-top SDN operators or NSPs) are faced with a lack of open
   specifications and best practices.

   Use cases for SDN Interconnection are further discussed in <TBD>

3.  SDN Model & Problem Area for The IETF

   Managing a network of deployed SDN components involves interactions 
   among multiple different functions and components that exist within
   the network. Some of these components are virtual and some of these 

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   components are real; all should be made available to be managed and 
   manipulated, given the appropriate access, authentication, and policy
   hurdles have been crossed. Only some of those
   require standardization.  The SDN model and problem area proposed
   for IETF work is illustrated in Figure 1.  The candidate problem area
   (and respectively the non-goals) for IETF work are shown in Figure 2.

     v             ^
+----------+       |
| Location |       |  <--- Application-to-
| Services |       |       Ochestrator protocol
+----------+       v                               
     ^          ReST API                          
     |    +-------------------+        +------------------+
     |----| Orchestrator_0..N + -----> | Policy Data Base |
          +-------------------+        +------------------+
                   |   <--- Orchestrator-to-Plug-In Protocol
              | Plug-In  |
              | ReST API | 
          * Control Software *
          * For Device_0..M  * 
          =   Data Plane    =
          = For Device_0..M = 

  <-->  interfaces and objects inside the scope of SDN

  <**>  interfaces and objects may be within the scope of SDN
  +**+  insofar as modifcations are needed to support SDN

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  <==>  interfaces and objects outside the scope of SDN

         Figure 1: SDN Problem Area

3.1.  Candidate SDN Problem Area for IETF

   Listed below are the the interfaces required to connect 
   an application with the SDN components and protocols in a network. 
   This constitutes the problem space that is proposed to be
   addressed by a potential SDN working group in the IETF.  The use of
   the term "interface" is meant to encompass the protocol over which
   SDN data representations (e.g.  SDN Metadata records) are exchanged
   as well as the specification of the data representations themselves
   (i.e. what properties/fields each record contains, its structure,

   o  SDN Orchestrator-to-Application Interface: This interface allows 
      the SDN Orchestrator or "controller" system to be interconnected 
      with applications. This interface may support the following:
      *  Allow bootstrapping of the interface between the Orchestrator
         and interested applications.
      *  Allow the applications to authenticate.
      *  Allow applications to learn of which objects they have 
         authorization to manipulate, or to interact with objects 
         beloning to controlling software. 

   o  SDN Orchestratort-to-Plug-In Interface: This interface allows
      the SDN Orchestrator to interconnect with the controlling software
      of devices.

   o  SDN Orchestratort-to-Policy Database Interface: This interface 
      allows the SDN Orchestrator to interconnect with policy, 
      authentication and authorization databases. 

   o  SDN Orchestratort-to-location services Interface: This interface 
      allows the SDN Orchestrator to interconnect with location 
      services in order to:
      * Register itself as a local Orchestrator.
      * Allow other Orchestrators and applications to find it.

   o  SDN Orchestrator-to-SDN Orchestrator Interface: This interface 
      allows one SDN Orchestrator to interconnect with one or more 
      in order to:
      * Form a failover/high-availability relationship
      * distribute mappings of controlling software-to-Orchestrator

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      * bootstrapping of the other SDN Orchestrators.
      * configuration of the other SDN Orchestrators.

   o  SDN Logging interface: This interface allows the Logging system
      in interconnected SDN Orchestrators to communicate the relevant 
      activity logs in order to allow log consuming applications to 
      operate in multi-SDN Orchestrator environments. For example, 
      this interface can be used to collect logs from SDN 
      Orchestrators to provide reporting and monitoring to the M/CSP 
      of SDN activities.
   As part of the development of the SDN interfaces and solutions it
   will also be necessary to develop and agree on common mechanisms
   for how to define the object schemas used to query object model
   stores of each controlling software element. 

4.  Design Approach for Realizing the SDN APIs

   This section expands on how SDN interfaces can reuse and leverage
   existing protocols.  First the "reuse instead of reinvent" design
   principle is restated, then each inetrface is discussed individually
   with example candidate protocols that can be considered for reuse or
   leverage.  This discussion is not intended to pre-empt any WG
   decision as to the most appropriate protocols, technologies and
   solutions to select to solve SDN but is intended as an illustration
   of the fact that the SDN interfaces need not be created in a vacuum
   and that reuse or leverage of existing protocols is likely possible.

4.1.  Relationship to the OSI network model

   The SDN interfaces called out above in Section 3.1 within the SDN 
   problem area all operate at the application layer (Layer 7 in the
   OSI network model).  Since it is not expected that these interfaces
   would exhibit unique session, transport or network requirements as
   compared to the many other existing applications in the Internet, it
   is expected that the SDN interfaces will be defined on top of
   existing session, transport and network protocols.

4.2.  "Reuse Instead of Reinvent" Principle

   Although a new application protocol could be designed specifically
   for SDN we assume that this is unnecessary and it is recommended
   that existing application protocols be reused or leveraged such 
   as HTTP[RFC2616] to devine the SDN interfaces.

4.3.  Application to SDN Orchestrator Interface

4.4.  SDN Orchestrator to Plug-In Interface

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4.5.  SDN Logging Interface

   The SDN Logging interface enables details of logs or events to be
   exchanged between interconnected SDN Orchestrators, where events 
   could be:

   o  Log lines related to the connection of a new Orchestrator, or
      disconnection of an existing one.
   o  A fail-over, switch-over event. Similarly, high-availability
      synchronication messaging.
   o  Real-time or near-real time events before, during or after 
      SDN Orchestrator commands noting which application instructed
      it to perform the operation.
   o  Operations and diagnostic messages.

   Several protocols already exist that could potentially be used to
   exchange SDN Orchestrator logs including SNMP Traps or Informs, 
   syslog, s/ftp, HTTP POST, or ReST, etc. although it is likely that 
   some of the candidate protocols may not be well suited to meet all 
   the requirements of SDN.  For example SNMP Traps pose scalability
   concerns, and syslog may have potential compatability issues.

   Although it is not necessary to define a new protocol for exchanging
   logs across the SDN Logging interface, a SDN WG would still need to

   o  The recommended protocol to use.
   o  A default set of log fields and their syntax & semantics.  Today
      there is no standard set of common log fields across different
      content delivery protocols and in some cases there is not even a
      standard set of log field names and values for different
      implementations of the same delivery protocol.
   o  A default set of events that trigger logs to be generated.

4.6. SDN Orchestrator to Location Services Interface

4.7  SDN Orchestrator to Policy Database Interface

4.8  SDN Orchestrator to SDN Orchestrator Interface

5.  Gap Analysis of relevant Standardization and Research Activities

   There are a number of other standards bodies and industry forums that
   are working in areas related to SDNs, and in some cases related to
   SDN.  This section outlines any potential overlap with the work of
   the SDN WG and any component that could potentially be reused by

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   A number of standards bodies have produced specifications related to
   SDNs, namely:

   o  Open Network Forum has a dedicated specification called Open Flow
      which specifies a relationship to an external "control plane"
      interfacing to a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) that is 
      implemented on Open Flow-capable hardware.

6.  Relationship to relevant IETF Working Groups

6.1.  ALTO

   As stated in the ALTO Working Group charter [ALTO-Charter]:

   "The Working Group will design and specify an Application-Layer
   Traffic Optimization (ALTO) service that will provide applications
   with information to perform better-than-random initial peer
   selection.  ALTO services may take different approaches at balancing
   factors such as maximum bandwidth, minimum cross-domain traffic,
   lowest cost to the user, etc.  The WG will consider the needs of
   BitTorrent, tracker-less P2P, and other applications, such as content
   delivery networks (SDN) and mirror selection."

   In particular, the ALTO service can be used by an SDN-aware
   application to improve its selection of an SDN Orchestrator.  For 
   example, an application wishing to provision MPLS L3 VPNs on behalf 
   of some virtual machines in a local data center cluster may with 
   to take advantage of the ALTO service in its decision for 
   selecting a relatively close SDN Orchestrator to complete its 

   However, the work of ALTO is complementary to and does not overlap
   with the work proposed in this document because the integration
   between ALTO and a SDN would fall under the category of using 
   an existing protocol. One area for further study is whether 
   additional information should be provided by an ALTO service
   to facilitate SDN Orchestrator selection. For example, loading
   or fail-over characterists could be one consideration.

7.  IANA Considerations 

   This document makes no request of IANA.

   Note to RFC Editor: this section may be removed on publication as an

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8.  Security Considerations

   SDNs comes with a range of security considerations such as how to 
   enforce control of and access to objects managed by the SDN 
   Orchestrators and making sure that in line with the M/CSP policy.  

9.  Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to thank David Meyer, Ping Pan, Lyndon Ong, 
   Danny McPhereson for their review comments and contributions to the

10.  References

10.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

10.2.  Informative References

   [RFC2616]  Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H.,
              Masinter, L., Leach, P., and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext
              Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999.

              "IETF ALTO WG Charter

   [Draft-Lee] L. Young, Bernstein, G., Kim, T., Shiomoto, K., and 
               Dios, O.,
              "Research Proposal for Cross Stratum Optimization (CSO) 
               between Data Centers and Networks",

Appendix A.  Additional Material

   Note to RFC Editor: This appendix is to be removed on publication as
   an RFC.

A.1.  Non-Goals for IETF

   Listed below are aspects of content delivery that the authors propose
   be kept outside of the scope of a potential SDN working group:
   o  The interface between Controlling Software (i.e.: control plane)
      and the device's data plane. 
   o  Definition of any hardware abstraction layer (HAL)

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A.2.  Prioritizing the SDN Work

A.3.  Related standardization activities

        OpenFlow has pioneered the concept of software-defined
        network via a concept called a FlowVisor. It has introduced 
        a new packet forwarding methodology to be applied on hardware 
        or software L2 switches. OpenFlow Version 1.0 and 1.1 have 
        been in research trials and testing in virtualized environments. 
        The new versions will address issues such as extendibility, 
        modularity and carrier-grade. Currently, OpenFlow does not 
        support a mechanism to interface with network devices
        through the existing IP/MPLS control-plane protocols, although
        some work has begun to investigate this.
        NETCONF/YANG provides a XML-based solution for network device
        configuration. It has been in wide-deployment. By definition, 
        it supports client-to-server configuration, and server-to-client
        alarms or feedback (The servers are the devices/systems to be
        configured, the clients are the network configuration/management
        systems). NETCONF provides support for executing configuration
        change transactions over multiple devices.
        ALTO is a server solution designed to gather network abstraction
        information and interface with applications (such as P2P) for 
        more efficient traffic distribution. It does not require 
        configuring the underlying network devices.
        PCE is a client-server protocol that operates in MPLS networks 
        that enables the network operators to compute and potentially 
        provision optimal point-to-point and point-to-multipoint 
        connections. However, PCE does not interface with applications 
        to optimize traffic from user applications.
        DMTF is a cloud computing standardization organization, which 
        have defined many virtualization management interfaces using 
        Restful API. However, it does not include any interface to the 
        underlying networks.

A.4.  Related Research Projects

A.4.1.  IRTF Cross Stratum Optimizaiton Research Group

   Some information on SDN motivations and technical motivations
   in the IRTF's Cross Stratum Optimization Group [Draft-Lee].

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Authors' Addresses

   Thomas D. Nadeau (editor)
   CA Technologies, Inc.
   273 Corporate Drive
   Portsmouth, NH 03801

   Ping Pan
   Infinera Corporation
   169 Java Drive
   Sunnyvale, CA 94089
   Phone: (408) 572-5200

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