Internet DRAFT - draft-nakano-rocca-s


Network Working Group                                          Y. Nakano
Internet-Draft                                              K. Fukushima
Intended status: Informational                       KDDI Research, Inc.
Expires: 27 July 2024                                           T. Isobe
                                                     University of Hyogo
                                                         24 January 2024

                      Encryption algorithm Rocca-S


   This document defines Rocca-S encryption scheme, which is an
   Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD), using a 256-bit
   key and can be efficiently implemented utilizing the AES New
   Instruction set (AES-NI).

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 27 July 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Background  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.2.  Design Concept  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     1.3.  Conventions Used in This Document . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   2.  Algorithm Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.1.  Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.2.  The Round Function  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     2.3.  Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       2.3.1.  Initialization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       2.3.2.  Processing the Associated Data  . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       2.3.3.  Encryption  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       2.3.4.  Finalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       2.3.5.  Rocca-S Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       2.3.6.  A Raw Encryption Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       2.3.7.  A Keystream Generation Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       2.3.8.  Support for Shorter Key Length  . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       2.3.9.  Settings as AEAD Algorithm Specifications . . . . . .  12
     2.4.  Security Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       2.4.1.  Classic Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       2.4.2.  Quantum Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   3.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     3.1.  Security Against Attacks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     3.2.  Other Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     3.3.  Nonce Reuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     3.4.  Tag Verificatoin Failure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   4.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   5.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     5.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     5.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Appendix A.  Software Implementation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     A.1.  Implementation with SIMD Instructions . . . . . . . . . .  16
     A.2.  Test Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25

1.  Introduction

1.1.  Background

   Countries such as the USA, China, and South Korea are adapting to the
   fifth-generation mobile communication systems (5G) technology at an
   increasingly rapid pace.  There are more than 1500 cities worldwide
   with access to 5G technology.  Other countries are also taking
   significant steps to make 5G networks commercially available to their
   citizens.  As the research in 5G technology is moving toward global
   standardization, it is important for the research community to focus

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   on developing solutions beyond 5G and for the 6G era.  The first
   white paper on 6G [WP-6G] was published by 6G Flagship, University of
   Oulu, Finland under the 6Genesis project in 2019.  This white paper
   identified the key drivers, research requirements, challenges, and
   essential research questions related to 6G.  One of the main
   requirements as listed in this paper was to look at the problem of
   transmitting data at a speed of over 100 Gbps per user.

   Additionally, 3GPP requires that the cryptographic algorithms
   proposed for 5G systems should support 256-bit keys [SPEC-5G].  Apart
   from the need of speeds of more than 100 Gbps and supporting 256-bit
   keys, 3GPP also discusses the possible impacts of quantum computing
   in the coming years, especially due to Grover's algorithm.  While
   describing the impact of quantum computers on symmetric algorithms
   required for 5G and beyond, 3GPP states the following in Section 5.3
   of [SPEC-5G]:

   "The threat to symmetric cryptography from quantum computing is lower
   than that for asymmetric cryptography.  As such there is little
   benefit in transitioning symmetric algorithms without corresponding
   changes to the asymmetric algorithms that accompany them."

   However, it has been shown in numerous articles that quantum
   computers can be used to either efficiently break or drastically
   reduce the time necessary to attack some symmetric-key cryptography
   methods.  These results require a serious reevaluation of the premise
   that has informed beyond 5G quantum security concerns up to this
   point.  Additionally, since NIST will finally standardize quantum-
   resistant public key algorithms in the coming few years, we believe
   it is important for the research community to also focus on symmetric
   algorithms for future telecommunications that would provide security
   against quantum adversaries.  The effectiveness of post-quantum
   asymmetric cryptography would only be improved if the symmetric
   cryptography used with it is also quantum resistant.  Thus, a
   symmetric cryptographic algorithm that

   *  supports 256-bit key and provides 256-bit security with respect to
      key recovery and forgery attacks,

   *  has an encryption/decryption speed of more than 100 Gbps, and

   *  is at least as secure as AES-256 against quantum adversaries (for
      128-bit security against a quantum adversary)

   is needed.

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   Rocca-S has been designed as an encryption algorithm for a high speed
   communication such as future internet and beyond 5G mobile
   communications.  Rocca-S achieves an encryption/decryption speed of
   more than 200 Gbps in both the raw encryption scheme and the AEAD
   scheme on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900K.  It can provide 256-bit and
   128-bit security against key recovery attacks in classical and
   quantum adversaries respectively.  The high throughput of Rocca-S can
   be achieved by utilizing the AES-NI [AES-NI].  A similar approach has
   been taken by the AEGIS family [AEGIS] and Tiaoxin-346 [TIAOXIN],
   both two submissions to the CAESAR competition [CAESAR].  SNOW-V
   [SNOW-V] also uses the AES round function as a component so AES-NI
   can be used.

1.2.  Design Concept

   In this document, we present an AES-based AEAD encryption scheme with
   a 256-bit key and 256-bit tag called Rocca-S.

   To achieve such a dramatically fast encryption/decryption speed,
   Rocca-S adopts the design principle such as the SIMD-friendly round
   function and an efficient permutation-based structure.  We explore
   the class of AES-based structures to further increase its speed and
   reduce the state size.  Specifically, we take the following different

   *  To minimize the critical path of the round function, we focus on
      the structure where each 128-bit block of the internal state is
      updated by either one AES round (aesenc) or XOR while Jean and
      Nikolic consider the case of applying both aesenc and XOR in a
      cascade way for one round.

   *  We introduce a permutation between the 128-bit state words of the
      internal state in order to increase the number of possible
      candidates while maintaining efficiency because executing such a
      permutation is a cost-free operation in the target software, which
      was not taken into account in [DESIGN].

1.3.  Conventions Used in This Document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

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2.  Algorithm Description

   In this section, the notations and the specification of our designs
   will be described.

2.1.  Notations

   The following notations will be used in the document.  Throughout
   this document, a block means a 2-octet value.  For the constants Z0
   and Z1, we utilize the same ones as Tiaoxin-346 [TIAOXIN].

   1.   X ^ Y: The bitwise Exclusive OR (XOR) of X and Y.

   2.   X#Y: For a number X and a positive integer Y, the Y-th power of

   3.   f#(N): For a function f and a non-negative integer N, the N-th
        iteration of function f.

   4.   |X|: The length of X in bits.

   5.   X||Y : The concatenation of X and Y.

   6.   ZERO(l): A zero string of length l bits.

   7.   PAD(X): X||ZERO(l), where l is the minimal non-negative integer
        such that |PAD(X)| is a multiple of 256.

   8.   PADN(X): X||ZERO(l), where l is the minimal non-negative integer
        such that |PADN(X)| is a multiple of 128.

   9.   LE128(X): the little-endian encoding of 128-bit integer X.

   10.  Write X as X = X[0]||X[1]|| ... ||X[n] with |X[i]| = 256, where
        n is |X|/256 - 1.  In addition, X[i] is written as X[i] =
        X[i]_0||X[i]_1 where X[i]_0 and X[i]_1 are 128-bit.

   11.  S: The state of Rocca-S, which is composed of 7 blocks, i.e., S
        = (S[0], S[1], ..., S[6]), where S[i] (0 <= i <= 6) are blocks
        and S[0] is the first block.

   12.  Z0: A 128-bit constant block defined as Z0 =

   13.  Z1: A 128-bit constant block defined as Z1 =

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   14.  A(X): The AES round function without the constant addition
        operation, as defined below:
        A(X) = MixColumns( ShiftRows( SubBytes(X) ) ), where MixColumns,
        ShiftRows and SubBytes are the same operations as defined in AES

   15.  AES(X,Y): One AES round is applied to the block X, where the
        round constant is Y, as defined below:
        AES(X,Y) = A(X) ^ Y.
        This operation is the same as aesenc, which is one of the
        instructions of AES-NI and performs one regular (not the last)
        round of AES on an input state X with a subkey Y.

   16.  R(S,X0,X1): The round function is used to update the state S, as
        defined in Section 2.2.

2.2.  The Round Function

   The input of the round function R(S,X0,X1) of Rocca-S consists of the
   state S and two blocks (X0,X1).  If denoting the output by Snew,
   Snew:=R(S,X0,X1) can be defined as follows:

   Snew[0] = S[6] ^ S[1],
   Snew[1] = AES(S[0],X_0),
   Snew[2] = AES(S[1],S[0]),
   Snew[3] = AES(S[2],S[6]),
   Snew[4] = AES(S[3],X_1),
   Snew[5] = AES(S[4],S[3]),
   Snew[6] = AES(S[5],S[4]).

   The corresponding illustration can be found in Figure 1.

   +----+      +----+  +----+  +----+ +----+      +----+  +----+
   |S[0]|      |S[1]|  |S[6]|  |S[2]| |S[3]|      |S[4]|  |S[5]|
   +-+-++      ++-+-+  ++-+-+  ++---+ +-+-++      ++-+-+  ++---+
     | |        | |     | |     |       | |        | |     |
     | +-----+  | +--+  | +--+  |       | +-----+  | +--+  |
     v       |  v    |  v    |  v       v       |  v    |  v
   +---+     | +---+ | +---+ | +---+  +---+     | +---+ | +---+
   |AES|<-X0 +>|AES| +>|XOR| +>|AES|  |AES|<-X1 +>|AES| +>|AES|
   +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+   +-+-+  +-+-+       +-+-+   +-+-+
     |           |       |       |      |           |       |
     v           v       v       v      v           v       v
   +----+     +----+   +----+  +----+ +----+     +----+  +----+
   |Snew|     |Snew|   |Snew|  |Snew| |Snew|     |Snew|  |Snew|
   | [1]|     | [2]|   | [0]|  | [3]| | [4]|     | [5]|  | [6]|
   +----+     +----+   +----+  +----+ +----+     +----+  +----+

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                Figure 1: Illustration of the Round Function

2.3.  Specification

   Rocca-S is an AEAD scheme composed of four phases: initialization,
   processing the associated data, encryption, and finalization.  The
   input consists of a 256-bit key K = K0||K1, a nonce N of between 12
   and 16 octets (both inclusive) in length, the associated data AD, and
   the message M.  The output is the corresponding ciphertext C and a
   256-bit tag T.

   The settings described below are required for the parameters:

   *  The key K MUST be unpredictable for each invocation.

   *  PADN(N), where N is the nonce, MUST be unique per invocation with
      the same key, so N MUST NOT be randomly generated.

2.3.1.  Initialization

   First, (N,K0,K1) is loaded into the state S in the following way:

     S[0] = K1,
     S[1] = PADN(N),
     S[2] = Z0,
     S[3] = K0,
     S[4] = Z1,
     S[5] = PADN(N) ^ K1,
     S[6] = ZERO(128)

   Then, 16 iterations of the round function R(S,Z0,Z1), which is
   written as R(S,Z0,Z1)#(16), are applied to state S.

   After 16 iterations of the round function, two 128-bit keys are XORed
   with the state S in the following way:

   S[0] = S[0] ^ K0,
   S[1] = S[1] ^ K0,
   S[2] = S[2] ^ K1,
   S[3] = S[3] ^ K0,
   S[4] = S[4] ^ K0,
   S[5] = S[5] ^ K1,
   S[6] = S[6] ^ K1.

2.3.2.  Processing the Associated Data

   If AD is empty, this phase will be skipped.  Otherwise, AD is padded
   to PAD(AD), and the state is updated as follows:

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      for i = 0 to d - 1
         R(S, PAD(AD)[i]_0, PAD(AD)[i]_1),
      end for

   where d = |PAD(AD)| / 256.

2.3.3.  Encryption

   The encryption phase is similar to the phase to process the
   associated data.  If M is empty, the encryption phase will be
   skipped.  Otherwise, M is first padded to PAD(M), and then PAD(M)
   will be absorbed with the round function.  During this procedure, the
   ciphertext C is generated.  If the last block of M is incomplete and
   its length is b bits, i.e., 0 < b < 256, the last block of C will be
   truncated to the first b bits.  A detailed description is shown

      for i = 0 to m - 1
         C[i]_0 = AES(S[3] ^ S[5], S[0]) ^ PAD(M)[i]_0,
         C[i]_1 = AES(S[4] ^ S[6], S[2]) ^ PAD(M)[i]_1,
         R(S, PAD(M)[i]_0, PAD(M)[i]_1),
      end for

   where m = |PAD(M)| / 256.

2.3.4.  Finalization

   The state S will again pass through 16 iterations of the round
   function R(S,LE128(|AD|),LE128(|M|)) and then the 256-bit tag T is
   computed in the following way:

      T = (S[0] ^ S[1] ^ S[2] ^ S[3]) || (S[4] ^ S[5] ^ S[6])

2.3.5.  Rocca-S Algorithm

   A formal description of Rocca-S can be seen in Figure 2, and the
   corresponding illustration is shown in Figure 3.

   // Rocca-S Algorithm. The specification of Rocca-S
      procedure RoccaEncrypt(K0, K1, N, AD, M)
         S = Initialization(N,K0,K1)
         if |AD| > 0 then
            S = ProcessAD(S,PAD(AD))
         if |M| > 0 then
            S =  Encryption(S,PAD(M),C)
            Truncate C
         T = Finalization(S, |AD|, |M|)
         return (C, T)

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      procedure RoccaDecrypt(K0, K1, N, AD, C, T)
         S = Initialization(N,K0,K1)
         if |AD| > 0 then
         S = ProcessAD(S,PAD(AD))
         if |C| > 0 then
            S = Decryption(S,PAD(C),M)
            Truncate M
         if T == Finalization(S, |AD|, |C|) then
            return M
            return nil

      procedure Initialization(N, K0, K1)
         S[0] = K1,
         S[1] = PADN(N),
         S[2] = Z0,
         S[3] = K0,
         S[4] = Z1,
         S[5] = PADN(N) ^ K1,
         S[6] = ZERO(128)
         for i = 0 to 15 do
            S = R(S, Z0, Z1)
         S[0] = S[0] ^ K0,
         S[1] = S[1] ^ K0,
         S[2] = S[2] ^ K1,
         S[3] = S[3] ^ K0,
         S[4] = S[4] ^ K0,
         S[5] = S[5] ^ K1,
         S[6] = S[6] ^ K1
         return S

      procedure ProcessAD(S, AD)
         d = |PAD(AD)|/256
         for i = 0 to d - 1 do
            S =  R(S, AD[i]_0, AD[i]_1)
         return S

      procedure Encryption(S, M, C)
         m = |PAD(M)|/256
         for i = 0 to m - 1 do
            C[i]_0 = AES(S[3] ^ S[5], S[0]) ^ M[i]_0
            C[i]_1 = AES(S[4] ^ S[6], S[2]) ^ M[i]_1
            S = R(S,M[i]_0, M[i]_1)
         return S

      procedure Decryption(S, M, C)
         c = |C|/256
         for i = 0 to c - 1 do

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            M[i]_0 = AES(S[3] ^ S[5], S[0]) ^ C[i]_0
            M[i]_1 = AES(S[4] ^ S[6], S[2]) ^ C[i]_1
            S = R(S,M[i]_0, M[i]_1)
         return S

      procedure Finalization(S, |AD|, |M|)
         for i = 0 to 15 do
            S = R(S, |AD|, |M|)
         T0 = S[0] ^ S[1] ^ S[2] ^ S[3]
         T1 = S[4] ^ S[5] ^ S[6]
         return T0||T1

                   Figure 2: The Specification of Rocca-S

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            Z1         AD[0]_1  AD[1]_1
            |             |       |
            v             v       v
         +------+       +---+   +---+
PADN(N)->|      |       |   |   |   |
         |R#(16)+------>| R +-->| R +->...---+
 K0||K1->|      |   ^   |   |   |   |        |
         +------+   |   +---+   +---+        |
            ^     K0||K1  ^       ^          |
            |             |       |          |
            Z0         AD[0]_0  AD[1]_0      |
|             C[0]_1        C[1]_1        C[m-1]_1
|               ^             ^              ^
|               |             |              |                  |AD|
|             +-+-+         +-+-+          +-+-+                 |
|   AD[d-1]_1 |XOR|<-M[0]_1 |XOR|<-M[1]_1  |XOR|<-M[m-1]_1       |
|        |    +---+   |     +---+   |      +---+   |             |
|        v      ^     v       ^     v        ^     v             |
|       +---+   |   +---+     |   +---+      |   +---+           v
|       |   +---+   |   +-----+   |   |     -+   |   |       +------+
|       |   |       |   |         |   |          |   |       |      |
+------>| R +------>| R +-------->| R +->...---->| R +------>|R#(16)+->T
        |   |       |   |         |   |          |   |       |      |
        |   +---+   |   +-----+   |   |     -+   |   |       +------+
        +---+   |   +---+     |   +---+      |   +---+           ^
         ^      v     ^       v     ^        v     ^             |
         |    +---+   |     +---+   |      +---+   |             |
              |XOR|<-M[0]_0 |XOR|<-M[1]_0  |XOR|<-M[m-1]_0      |M|
    AD[d-1]_0 +-+-+         +-+-+          +-+-+
                |             |              |
                v             v              v
              C[0]_0        C[1]_0        C[m-1]_0

                  Figure 3: The Procedure of Rocca-S

2.3.6.  A Raw Encryption Scheme

   If the phases of processing the associated data and finalization are
   removed, a raw encryption scheme is obtained.

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2.3.7.  A Keystream Generation Scheme

   If the phases of processing the associated data and finalization are
   removed, and there is no message injection into the round function
   such that R(S,0,0), a keystream generation scheme is obtained.  This
   scheme can be used as a general stream cipher and for random bit

2.3.8.  Support for Shorter Key Length

   For Rocca-S to support 128-bit or 192-bit keys, the given key needs
   to be expanded to 256 bits.  When a 128-bit key is given, it will be
   set to K0, and K1 is defined as K1 = ZERO(128).  When a 192-bit key
   is given, the first 128-bit will be set to K0, and the remaining
   64-bit will be set to K1_p.  Then K1 is defined as K1 =

   The use of Key Derivation Functions (KDF) [KDF] to stretch the key
   length to 256-bit could be another option.  The given 128-bit or
   192-bit key will be used as a key derivation key, and the output of
   the KDF will be 256-bit.

2.3.9.  Settings as AEAD Algorithm Specifications

   To comply with the requirements defined in Section 4 of [RFC5116],
   the settings of the parameters for Rocca-S are defined as follows:

   *  K_LEN (key length) is 32 octets (256 bits), and K (key) does not
      require any particular data format.

   *  P_MAX (maximum size of the plaintext) is 2#125 octets.

   *  A_MAX (maximum size of the associated data) is 2#61 octets.

   *  N_MIN (minimum size of the nonce) = 12 octets, and N_MAX (maximum
      size of the nonce) = 16 octets.

   *  C_MAX (the largest possible AEAD ciphertext) = P_MAX + tag length
      = 2#125 + 32 octets.

   In addition,

   *  Rocca-S does not structure its ciphertext output with the
      authentication tag.

   *  Rocca-S is not randomized or is not stateful in the meanings of
      the section 4 of [RFC5116].

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2.4.  Security Claims

2.4.1.  Classic Setting

   As described in Section 3, Rocca-S provides 256-bit security against
   key-recovery and 192-bit security against forgery attacks in the
   nonce-respecting setting.  We do not claim its security in the
   related-key and known-key settings.

   The message length for a fixed key is limited to at most 2#128, and
   we also limit the number of different messages that are produced for
   a fixed key to be at most 2#128.  The length of the associated data
   for a fixed key is up to 2#64.

2.4.2.  Quantum Setting

   Rocca-S provides 128-bit security against key-recovery and forgery
   attacks against quantum adversary with classical online queries.
   Rocca-S does not claim security against online quantum superposition

3.  Security Considerations

3.1.  Security Against Attacks

   Rocca-S is secure against the following attacks:

   1.  Key-Recovery Attack: 256-bit security against key-recovery

   2.  Differential Attack: Secure against differential attacks in the
       initialization phase.

   3.  Forgery Attack: 192-bit security against forgery attacks.

   4.  Integral Attack: Secure against integral attacks.

   5.  State-recovery Attack:

       *  Guess-and-Determine Attack: The time complexity of the guess-
          and-determine attack cannot be lower than 2#256.

       *  Algebraic Attack: The system of equations, which needs to be
          solved in algebraic attacks to Rocca-S, cannot be solved with
          time complexity 2#256.

   6.  The Linear Bias: Secure against a statistical attack.

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   The details can be found in the paper [ROCCA-S].

3.2.  Other Attacks

   While there are many attack vectors for block ciphers, their
   application to Rocca-S is restrictive, as the attackers can only know
   partial information about the internal state from the ciphertext
   blocks.  In other words, reversing the round function is impossible
   in Rocca-S without guessing many secret state blocks.  Therefore,
   only the above potential attack vectors are taken into account.  In
   addition, due to the usage of the constant (Z0,Z1) at the
   initialization phase, the attack based on the similarity in the four
   columns of the AES state is also excluded.

3.3.  Nonce Reuse

   Inadvertent reuse of the same nonce by two invocations of the Rocca-S
   encryption operation, with the same key, undermines the security of
   the messages processed with those invocations.  A loss of
   confidentiality ensues because an adversary will be able to
   reconstruct the bitwise exclusive-or of the two plaintext values.

3.4.  Tag Verificatoin Failure

   When the tag verification fails during the decryption phase, it is
   reccomended to erase the plaintext and computed tag.

4.  IANA Considerations

   IANA has assigned value TBD in the AEAD Algorithms registry to

5.  References

5.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC5116]  McGrew, D., "An Interface and Algorithms for Authenticated
              Encryption", RFC 5116, DOI 10.17487/RFC5116, January 2008,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

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5.2.  Informative References

   [AEGIS]    Preneel, B., "AEGIS: A fast authenticated encryption
              algorithm", Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC 2013)
              pp.185-201, 2013.

   [AES]      National Institute of Standards and Technology, "FIPS 197
              Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)", 2001,

   [AES-NI]   Gueron, S., "Intel Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) New
              Instructions Set", 2010,

   [CAESAR]   "CAESAR: Competition for Authenticated Encryption:
              Security, Applicability, and Robustness", 2018,

   [DESIGN]   Jean, J. and I. Nikolic, "Efficient Design Strategies
              Based on the AES Round Function", In: Peyrin, T. (eds)
              Fast Software Encryption. FSE 2016. Lecture Notes in
              Computer Science, vol 9783, 2016,

   [KDF]      Chena, L., "Recommendation for Key Derivation Using
              Pseudorandom Functions (Revised)", NIST Special
              Publication 800-108, 2009,

   [ROCCA-S]  Anand, R., Banik, S., Caforio, A., Fukushima, K., Isobe,
              T., Kiyomoto, S., Liu, F., Nakano, Y., Sakamoto, K., and
              N. Takeuchi, "An Ultra-High Throughput AES-Based
              Authenticated Encryption Scheme for 6G: Design and
              Implementation", 28th European Symposium on Research in
              Computer Security, ESORICS 2023, 2024,

   [SNOW-V]   Ekdahl, P., Johansson, T., Maximov, A., and J. Yang, "A
              new SNOW stream cipher called SNOW-V", IACR Transactions
              on Symmetric Cryptology, 2019(3), 1-42, 2019,

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   [SPEC-5G]  3GPP SA3, "Study on the support of 256-bit algorithms for
              5G", 2018,

   [TIAOXIN]  Nikolic, I., "Tiaoxin-346: VERSION 2.0", CAESAR
              Competition, 2014,

   [WP-6G]    Latva-aho, M. and K. Leppaenen, "Key drivers and research
              challenges for 6G ubiquitous wireless intelligence", 2019.

Appendix A.  Software Implementation

A.1.  Implementation with SIMD Instructions

   Figure 4 shows a sample implementation of Rocca-S.

 #include <memory.h>
 #include <immintrin.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdint.h>

 #define ROCCA_KEY_SIZE       (32)
 #define ROCCA_IV_SIZE        (16)
 #define ROCCA_MSG_BLOCK_SIZE (32)
 #define ROCCA_TAG_SIZE       (32)
 #define ROCCA_STATE_NUM      ( 7)

 typedef struct ROCCA_CTX {
    uint8_t key[ROCCA_KEY_SIZE/16][16];
    uint8_t state[ROCCA_STATE_NUM][16];
    size_t size_ad;
    size_t size_m;
 } rocca_context;

 #define load(m)    _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(m))
 #define store(m,a) _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(m),a)
 #define xor(a,b)   _mm_xor_si128(a,b)
 #define and(a,b)   _mm_and_si128(a,b)
 #define enc(a,k)   _mm_aesenc_si128(a,k)
 #define setzero()  _mm_setzero_si128()

 #define ENCODE_IN_LITTLE_ENDIAN(bytes, v) \
   bytes[ 0] = ((uint64_t)(v) << (        3)); \
   bytes[ 1] = ((uint64_t)(v) >> (1 * 8 - 3)); \
   bytes[ 2] = ((uint64_t)(v) >> (2 * 8 - 3)); \
   bytes[ 3] = ((uint64_t)(v) >> (3 * 8 - 3)); \

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   bytes[ 4] = ((uint64_t)(v) >> (4 * 8 - 3)); \
   bytes[ 5] = ((uint64_t)(v) >> (5 * 8 - 3)); \
   bytes[ 6] = ((uint64_t)(v) >> (6 * 8 - 3)); \
   bytes[ 7] = ((uint64_t)(v) >> (7 * 8 - 3)); \
   bytes[ 8] = ((uint64_t)(v) >> (8 * 8 - 3)); \
   bytes[ 9] = 0; \
   bytes[10] = 0; \
   bytes[11] = 0; \
   bytes[12] = 0; \
   bytes[13] = 0; \
   bytes[14] = 0; \
   bytes[15] = 0;

 #define FLOORTO(a,b) ((a) / (b) * (b))

 #define S_NUM     ROCCA_STATE_NUM
 #define M_NUM     ( 2)
 #define INIT_LOOP (16)
 #define TAG_LOOP  (16)

 #define VARS4UPDATE \
   __m128i k[2], state[S_NUM], stateNew[S_NUM], M[M_NUM];

 #define VARS4ENCRYPT \
   __m128i Z[M_NUM], C[M_NUM];

 #define COPY_TO_LOCAL(ctx) \
   for(size_t i = 0; i < S_NUM; ++i) \
   { state[i] = load(&((ctx)->state[i][0])); }

 #define COPY_FROM_LOCAL(ctx) \
   for(size_t i = 0; i < S_NUM; ++i) \
   { store(&((ctx)->state[i][0]), state[i]); }

 #define COPY_TO_LOCAL_IN_TAG(ctx) \
   COPY_TO_LOCAL(ctx)    for(size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) \
   { k[i] = load(&((ctx)->key[i][0])); }

 #define COPY_FROM_LOCAL_IN_INIT(ctx) \
   COPY_FROM_LOCAL(ctx)  for(size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) \
   { store(&((ctx)->key[i][0]), k[i]); }

 #define UPDATE_STATE(X) \
   stateNew[0] = xor(state[6], state[1]); \
   stateNew[1] = enc(state[0],     X[0]); \
   stateNew[2] = enc(state[1], state[0]); \
   stateNew[3] = enc(state[2], state[6]); \

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   stateNew[4] = enc(state[3],     X[1]); \
   stateNew[5] = enc(state[4], state[3]); \
   stateNew[6] = enc(state[5], state[4]); \
   for(size_t i = 0; i < S_NUM; ++i) \
   {state[i] = stateNew[i];}

 #define INIT_STATE(key, iv) \
   k[0] = load((key) + 16*0); \
   k[1] = load((key) + 16*1); \
   state[0] = k[1]; \
   state[1] = load(iv); \
   state[2] = load(Z0); \
   state[3] = k[0]; \
   state[4] = load(Z1); \
   state[5] = xor(state[1], state[0]); \
   state[6] = setzero(); \
   M[0] = state[2]; \
   M[1] = state[4]; \
   for(size_t i = 0; i < INIT_LOOP; ++i) { \
   } \
   state[0] = xor(state[0], k[0]); \
   state[1] = xor(state[1], k[0]); \
   state[2] = xor(state[2], k[1]); \
   state[3] = xor(state[3], k[0]); \
   state[4] = xor(state[4], k[0]); \
   state[5] = xor(state[5], k[1]); \
   state[6] = xor(state[6], k[1]);

 #define MAKE_STRM \
   Z[0] = enc(xor(state[3], state[5]), state[0]); \
   Z[1] = enc(xor(state[4], state[6]), state[2]);

 #define MSG_LOAD(mem, reg) \
   reg[0] = load((mem) +  0); \
   reg[1] = load((mem) + 16);

 #define MSG_STORE(mem, reg) \
   store((mem) +  0, reg[0]); \
   store((mem) + 16, reg[1]);

 #define XOR_BLOCK(dst, src1, src2) \
   dst[0] = xor(src1[0], src2[0]); \
   dst[1] = xor(src1[1], src2[1]);

 #define MASKXOR_BLOCK(dst, src1, src2, mask) \
   dst[0] = and(xor(src1[0], src2[0]), mask[0]); \

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   dst[1] = and(xor(src1[1], src2[1]), mask[1]);

 #define ADD_AD(input) \
   MSG_LOAD(input, M) \

 #define ADD_AD_LAST_BLOCK(input, size) \
   uint8_t tmpblk[ROCCA_MSG_BLOCK_SIZE] = {0}; \
   memcpy(tmpblk, input, size); \
   MSG_LOAD(tmpblk, M) \

 #define ENCRYPT(output, input) \
   MSG_LOAD(input, M) \
   XOR_BLOCK(C, M, Z) \
   MSG_STORE(output, C) \

 #define ENCRYPT_LAST_BLOCK(output, input, size) \
   uint8_t tmpblk[ROCCA_MSG_BLOCK_SIZE] = {0}; \
   memcpy(tmpblk, input, size); \
   MSG_LOAD(tmpblk, M) \
   XOR_BLOCK(C, M, Z) \
   MSG_STORE(tmpblk, C) \
   memcpy(output, tmpblk, size); \

 #define DECRYPT(output, input) \
   MSG_LOAD(input, C) \
   XOR_BLOCK(M, C, Z) \
   MSG_STORE(output, M) \

 #define DECRYPT_LAST_BLOCK(output, input, size) \
   uint8_t tmpblk[ROCCA_MSG_BLOCK_SIZE] = {0}; \
   uint8_t tmpmsk[ROCCA_MSG_BLOCK_SIZE] = {0}; \
   __m128i mask[M_NUM]; \
   memcpy(tmpblk, input, size); \
   memset(tmpmsk, 0xFF , size); \
   MSG_LOAD(tmpblk, C   ) \
   MSG_LOAD(tmpmsk, mask) \
   MASKXOR_BLOCK(M, C, Z, mask) \
   MSG_STORE(tmpblk, M) \
   memcpy(output, tmpblk, size); \

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 #define SET_AD_BITLEN_MSG_BITLEN(sizeAD, sizeM) \
   uint8_t bitlenAD[16]; \
   uint8_t bitlenM [16]; \
   ENCODE_IN_LITTLE_ENDIAN(bitlenM , sizeM ); \
   M[0] = load(bitlenAD); \
   M[1] = load(bitlenM );

 #define MAKE_TAG(sizeAD, sizeM, tag) \
   for(size_t i = 0; i < TAG_LOOP; ++i) { \
   } \
   __m128i tag128a = setzero(); \
   for(size_t i = 0; i <= 3; ++i) { \
     tag128a = xor(tag128a, state[i]); \
   } \
   __m128i tag128b = setzero(); \
   for(size_t i = 4; i <= 6; ++i) { \
     tag128b = xor(tag128b, state[i]); \
   } \
   store((tag)   , tag128a); \
   store((tag)+16, tag128b);

 static const uint8_t Z0[] = {0xcd,0x65,0xef,0x23,0x91, \
 static const uint8_t Z1[] = {0xbc,0xdb,0x89,0x81,0xa5, \

 void rocca_init(rocca_context * ctx, const uint8_t * key, \
 const uint8_t * iv) {
    INIT_STATE(key, iv);
    ctx->size_ad = 0;
    ctx->size_m  = 0;

 void rocca_add_ad(rocca_context * ctx, const uint8_t * in, size_t size)
    size_t i = 0;
    for(size_t size2 = FLOORTO(size, ROCCA_MSG_BLOCK_SIZE); \
    i < size2; i += ROCCA_MSG_BLOCK_SIZE) {
       ADD_AD(in + i);

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    if(i < size) {
       ADD_AD_LAST_BLOCK(in + i, size - i);
    ctx->size_ad += size;

 void rocca_encrypt(rocca_context * ctx, uint8_t * out, \
 const uint8_t * in, size_t size) {
    size_t i = 0;
    for(size_t size2 = FLOORTO(size, ROCCA_MSG_BLOCK_SIZE); \
    i < size2; i += ROCCA_MSG_BLOCK_SIZE) {
       ENCRYPT(out + i, in + i);
    if(i < size) {
       ENCRYPT_LAST_BLOCK(out + i, in + i, size - i);
    ctx->size_m += size;

 void rocca_decrypt(rocca_context * ctx, uint8_t * out, \
 const uint8_t * in, size_t size) {
    size_t i = 0;
    for(size_t size2 = FLOORTO(size, ROCCA_MSG_BLOCK_SIZE); \
    i < size2; i += ROCCA_MSG_BLOCK_SIZE) {
       DECRYPT(out + i, in + i);
    if(i < size) {
       DECRYPT_LAST_BLOCK(out + i, in + i, size - i);
    ctx->size_m += size;

 void rocca_tag(rocca_context * ctx, uint8_t *tag) {
    MAKE_TAG(ctx->size_ad, ctx->size_m, tag);

              Figure 4: Reference Implementation with SIMD

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A.2.  Test Vector

   This section gives three test vectors of Rocca-S.  The least
   significant octet of the vector is shown on the left and the first
   128-bit value is shown on the first line.

   === test vector #1===
   key =
   nonce =
   associated data =
   plaintext =
   ciphertext =
   tag =

   === test vector #2===
   key =
   nonce =
   associated data =
   plaintext =
   ciphertext =

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   tag =

   === test vector #3===
   key =
   nonce =
   associated data =
   plaintext =
   ciphertext =
   tag =

   === test vector #4===
   key =
   nonce =
   associated data =

   plaintext =
   ciphertext =
   tag =

   === test vector #5===

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   key =
   nonce =
   associated data =

   plaintext =
   ciphertext =
   tag =

   === test vector #6===
   key =
   nonce =
   associated data =

   plaintext =
   ciphertext =
   tag =

   === test vector #7===
   key =
   nonce =
   associated data =

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   plaintext =
   ciphertext =
   tag =


   This draft is partially supported by a contract of "Research and
   development on new generation cryptography for secure wireless
   communication services" among "Research and Development for Expansion
   of Radio Wave Resources (JPJ000254)", which was supported by the
   Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan.

Authors' Addresses

   Yuto Nakano
   KDDI Research, Inc.
   2-1-15 Ohara, Fujimino-shi, Saitama,

   Kazuhide Fukushima
   KDDI Research, Inc.
   2-1-15 Ohara, Fujimino-shi, Saitama,

   Takanori Isobe
   University of Hyogo
   7-1-28 Minatojima Minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo,

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