Internet DRAFT - draft-nakhjiri-radius-mip4


                    RADIUS Mobile IPv4 extensions        October 2005 
   Internet Draft                                       Madjid Nakhjiri 
   draft-nakhjiri-radius-mip4-02.txt                      Motorola Labs 
   Category: Internet draft                            Kuntal Chowdhury 
   Expires: May 2006                                   Starent Networks 
                                                               Avi Lior 
                                                    Bridgewater systems 
                                                             Kent Leung 
                                                          Cisco Systems 
                                                           October 2005 
                       RADIUS Mobile IPv4 extensions 
Status of this Memo 
   This document is an Internet-Draft and is subject to all provisions 
   of Section 3 of RFC 3667.  By submitting this Internet-Draft, each 
   author represents that any applicable patent or other IPR claims of 
   which he or she is aware have been or will be disclosed, and any of 
   which he or she become aware will be disclosed, in accordance with 
   section 6 of BCP 79. 
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that      
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months 
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any 
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference 
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." 
   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at 
   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at 
   This document is an Internet-Draft and is subject to all provisions
   of Section 3 of RFC 3667. This Internet-Draft will expire in May, 2006. 
   Copyright Notice 
      Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). 
   Mobile IPv4 specifies mechanisms that need assistance from a AAA 
   server and a AAA infrastructure. Examples of such mechanisms are 
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   those providing key management and authentication services during a 
   registration process of the mobile node with MN-AAA authentication 
   extension. Although Diameter Mobile IP application is being specified 
   to support the needs of Mobile IPv4 from the point of view of the AAA 
   infrastructure, such support does not exist within RADIUS framework. 
   This document defines the RADIUS attributes that provide support for 
   Mobile IPv4 operation. 
Conventions used in this document 
   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119. 
Table of Contents 
   1. Introduction...................................................2 
   2. Terminology and Assumptions....................................3 
   3. Protocol Overview..............................................4 
      3.1 Direct registration to Home Agent..........................5 
      3.2 Registration through a Foreign Agent.......................9 
   4. RADIUS entity requirements....................................14 
      4.1 RADIUS client requirements................................14 
      4.2 RADIUS server and routing requirements....................15 
      4.3 Mobile IP agent requirements..............................16 
   5. Attributes....................................................18 
      5.1 Use of existing attributes................................18 
      5.2 Suggested attributes for RADIUS-Mobile support............19 
      5.3 Attribute List............................................31 
   6. Diameter compatibility considerations.........................32 
   7. IANA considerations...........................................33 
   8. Security considerations.......................................33 
   9. References....................................................34 
   Author's Addresses...............................................35 
  1. Introduction
   Mobile IP provides routing services to the nodes that need to change 
   their IP address due to mobility [MIPv4]. To help setting up such 
   routing services, the mobile node (MN) needs to engage in an 
   authenticated registration message exchange with the Mobile IP 
   agents. Message authentication is performed by inclusion of specific 
   authentication extensions to the mobility registration messages and 
   relies on existence of trust relationships between the mobile node 
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   and its mobility agents. These trust relationships include, among 
   other things, keys that are shared between the mobile node and these 
   Many times such trust does not exist in advance and hence there is a 
   need for dynamic key management methods in conjunction with Mobile IP 
   Mobile IPv4 working group has developed extensions for the 
   registration process to allow the MN and mobility agents to request 
   assistance from the AAA server in authentication [MIP4CHAL] and 
   creation of the key material [MIPKEYS], all based on the pre-
   established trust relationship between the MN and its home AAA 
   However, on the AAA side, currently only Diameter provides 
   specification for interaction with Mobile IP agents [DIAMIP]. The 
   available RADIUS support for Mobile IP is mostly vendor proprietary 
   and lacks support for interoperability between vendors. The goal of 
   this document is to provide a specification for IETF RADIUS 
   attributes supporting Mobile IPv4. 
  2. Terminology and Assumptions 
   The scope of this draft is to introduce RADIUS functionality and 
   attributes, designed to support Mobile IP registration for roaming 
   within or beyond the administrative domain of the mobile node. The 
   design in this document also serves inter-domain scenarios in which 
   both a foreign AAA server (AAAF) and the home AAA server (AAAH) are 
   involved. However, to keep the scenario discussions simple we treat 
   the entire AAA infrastructure as consisting of a AAAF and a AAAH, but 
   note that in the multi-domain scenario, the operation may involve a 
   number of AAA proxies (AAA nodes operating between AAAF and AAAH) to 
   provide Mobile IP-RADIUS interaction for a roaming mobile node. 
   A critical assumption in this draft is that the MN shares a key, 
   called MN-AAA key with its home RADIUS server (AAAH). 
   MN-AAA key 
     The MN-AAA key is the basis for the creation of all the keys that 
     are created dynamically between MN and its mobility agents.  
   Mobility Security Association (MSA) 
     The security associations that are created as a result of Mobile 
     IP-AAA signaling are called mobility security association 
   Home agent (HA) 

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     A Mobile IP Home Agent that is responsible for generating and 
     keeping a binding between mobile node home address and its care of 
   Foreign Agent (FA) 
     A Mobile IP Foreign agent that is responsible for serving the 
     mobile node in foreign networks. 
   Mobile IP Agent (MA) 
     Mobile IP Agent: Refers to HA or FA or both. 
   Home AAA server (AAAH) 
     The AAAH is a RADIUS server that operates in the home network.  
     The home network is the network that holds the user record. 
   Foreign AAA server (AAAF) 
     The AAAF is a RADIUS server that acts as a "forwarding server", 
     forwarding RADIUS packets to the AAAH. The AAAF resides in the 
     same domain that hosts the FA in the foreign network or hosts the 
     HA when the HA is also in the foreign network. Other Broker AAA 
     ‘‘proxy servers’’ may exist between the AAAF and the AAAH.  The role 
     of these "proxy servers" is not germane to this document and will 
     not be discussed henceforth. 
      This means an IP address set to either or 
     In this document the terms AAAF and AAAH refer to RADIUS servers. 
  3. Protocol Overview 
   In this section we will provide an overview of a preferred method on 
   how a mobility agent and a RADIUS server can interact during a mobile 
   node registration process, to perform registration, authentication 
   and key distribution. Different standard developing organizations 
   (such as 3GPP2 and WiMAX) may have alternative signaling procedures 
   to implement Mobile IP-RADIUS interaction, depending on their 
   architecture or trust assumptions. Our main objective is to 
   standardize a set of RADIUS attributes to provide support for such 
   activities. Depending on the type of Care-of Address and the mobility 
   agents used during Mobile IPv4 registration there are two possible 
   cases to consider: 
     1) When the MN acquires a co-located CoA (CCoA), it performs a 
     direct registration with the HA without the interaction of a 
     Mobile IP foreign agent.  
     2a) When the MN acquires a CoA from a Mobile IP foreign agent (FA) 
     on the foreign network, the MN must register through the FA and 
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     use the FA based CoA for Mobile IP registration. The FA forwards 
     the registration to the HA for processing. b) When the MN acquires 
     a CCoA but the FA requires the MN to register via the FA (R-bit 
     set in Agent Advertisement), the MN must send the registration 
     request to the FA. The FA forwards the registration messages 
     to/from the HA. 
  3.1 Direct registration to Home Agent 
   In the case where the MN acquires a co-located CoA (CCoA), the MN 
   registers its CCoA with the HA directly. When the MN has a mobility 
   security association (MSA) with the HA, the HA can authenticate MN 
   registration directly. However, when this MSA does not exist, the HA 
   needs to outsource the authentication to the AAA infrastructure. Note 
   that, this outsourcing requires a pre-established security 
   association between MN and the AAA server (MN-AAA key).  
   The HA may reside in the home domain of the mobile node. In such 
   cases, the HA can reach the AAAH directly or the HA may reside in a 
   foreign domain, which means the HA must reach the AAAH via the AAA 
   infrastructure. In the following picture we do not show the AAA 
   infrastructure (AAAF) that routes this messaging to the AAAH, since 
   it does not impact the discussion in this draft. The HA in this model 
   acts as a conversion point, turning Mobile IP registration messages 
   into RADIUS messages and vice versa.  
                                             |  AAAH  |  
                                             |        |  
                                             | server |  
                                               ^  |  
                                        Access |  | Access 
                                       Request |  | Response 
                                               |  v  
                   +--------+       RRQ      +---------+  
                   | Mobile | -------------> |  Home   |  
                   | Node   |      RRP       |  Agent  |  
                   +--------+ <------------  +---------+  
                        Figure 1a: Direct registration with HA 
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               MN          HA                   AAAH Server    
               |  Reg Req. |                           | 
               |---------> |                           | 
               |           |  Access Request           | 
               |           | ------------------------> |   
               |           |   Access Accept (key mtrl)| 
               |           | <-------------------------| 
               |Reg Rep.   |                           |  
               | <---------|                           | 
   Figure 1b: Mobile IP and RADIUS messaging for direct registration. 
   The operation is as follows: 
     . The Mobile Node creates a registration request (RRQ) that 
        includes MN-AAA Authentication extension and various key 
        generation nonce request extensions [MIPKEY]. The latter 
        extensions are included by the MN to request key material that 
        is needed for establishment of MSA between the MN and the Mobile 
        IP HA. The former extension is included to help the AAAH to 
        authenticate the MN on behalf of the HA as 
         Authenticator = MD5( 0 || Key ||  
         MD5(Preceding Mobile IP data || 
         Type, Subtype (if present), Length, SPI) ||  
         237 octets of zeros) 
         (Note: the 0 octets in the authenticator for the co-located 
         case are inserted instead of the octets used from the challenge 
         in the FA-based CoA case [MIP4CHAL] to preserve 
         interoperability). The use of challenge in co-located case is 
         not required.). 
     . Upon receiving a registration request (RRQ), the home agent (HA) 
        examines the contents of the RRQ. If the HA finds the 
        construction of RRQ acceptable, and is acting as a RADIUS NAS, 
        it builds a RADIUS Access Request message and deals with the 
        information within the RRQ as described in section for generic 
        consideration for Mobile IP agents (section 4.3). The following 
        shows the complete list of attributes included in the RADIUS 
        Access Request formed by the HA. When forming the MIP-feature-
        vector attribute for co-located MNs, the HA shall set the ‘‘Co-
        located Mobile Node’’ flag as well as other appropriate flags to 
        indicate the request from MN for keying material. The values 
        insides parentheses following the attributes represent 
        recommended attribute values. For more details on the 
        recommendations, the reader is referred to section on Mobile IP 
        agent requirements (4.2). Attributes included inside ‘‘<>’’ are 
        optional. However, note that at least one of User-Name or MIP-
        MN-HoA MUST be present. 
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                  RADIUS-Access Request { 
                  <User-Name>, (1) (MN NAI, when available in RRQ) 
                  <MIP-MN-HoA>, (from RRQ, when not ALL_ZEROs_OR_ONES) 
                  <MIP-HA-IP address> (from RRQ, when available) 
                  NAS-ID (32, as per RADIUS specifications) 
                  MIP-MA-Type (1 to indicate client as HA) 
                  (see section 6 on Diameter compatibility) 
                  MIP-feature-vector (with co-located MN flag set) 
                  Message-Authenticator (80)} 
     . The AAAH verifies the authentication data, by computing the MN-
        AAA-Authenticator value (as described in section 4.2) and 
        comparing to what received in MIP-MN-AAA-Authenticator 
        attribute. After successful authentication, the AAAH prepares 
        the RADIUS Access Accept to be sent to the HA as follows 
            -The User-Name or MIP-HA-HoA attribute (depending on 
            presence) copied from the Access-Request. 
            -If the ‘‘MN-HA-Key-Nonce-Request’’ flag was set in the MIP-
            feature-vector attribute in the RADIUS Access Request, the 
            AAAH looks up the SPI value in the MIP-MN-AAA-SPI attribute 
            to index the key generation method to derive the MN-HA key 
            in accordance to RFC 3957.  The following attributes are 
            included in the Access Accept to convey the information in 
            the MSA: MIP-MN-AAA-SPI, MIP-MN-to-HA-SPI, MIP-HA-to-MN-SPI, 
            MIP-MN-HA-key (for the HA), MIP-MN-HA-Nonce (for the MN), 
            -If the ‘‘Mobile-Node-Home-Address-Requested’’ flag in MIP-
            feature-vector attribute in RADIUS Access Request was set, 
            the AAAH includes the MIP-MN-HoA attribute for the assigned 
            Home Address, which may not be the same as the hint in the 
            MIP-MN-HoA attribute of the Access Request message. 
            -If the ‘‘Home-Agent-Requested’’ flag in MIP-feature-vector 
            attribute in RADIUS Access Request was set, the AAAH 
            includes the MIP-HA-IP attribute for the assigned Home 
            -Policy set on the AAAH may dictate that value for the flags 
            (e.g. ‘‘Home Agent in Foreign network’’) in the attribute. 
         The AAAH then sends a RADIUS Access Accept message to the home 
         agent. The Access Accept message includes the attributes listed 
         below ([] indicates need for specific security protection): 
                  RADIUS Access Accept { 
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                  MIP-MA-Type (1 to indicate client is an HA) 
                  MIP-MN-to-HA SPI, 
                  Message-Authenticator (80) 
     . In case of authentication failure or failure to identify the MN 
        based on the provided User-Name or MN-HoA attributes, the AAAH 
        generates a RADIUS Access-Reject packet. 
     . Reception of RADIUS Access Accept is an indication of successful 
        MN authentication. Thus, the HA processes the Mobile IP RRQ and 
        generates a Mobile IP registration reply (RRP). The following 
        describes how the RADIUS attributes are used in preparation of 
        the RRP:  
            -The value of the User-Name attribute is included in the MN-
            NAI Extension. 
            -If the MIP-MN-HoA attribute exists, Home Address field in 
            the RRP is set to the Address field value. 
            -If the MIP-HA-IP attribute exists, the HA checks if it owns 
            the IP address in the Address field.  If so, the value is 
            placed into the Home Agent field of the RRP.  Otherwise, HA 
            puts its IP address in the Home Agent field and the HA 
            address from the RADIUS server in the Redirected HA 
            Extension as specified in [MIPDYNHA]. 
            -The values in the MIP-MN-to-HA SPI, MIP-MN-AAA-SPI, MIP-MN-
            provide the information in the ‘‘MN-HA Key Generation Nonce 
            Reply Extension’’. Specifically, the String field in the MIP-
            MN-HA-Nonce attribute is extracted and put the MN-HA Key 
            Generation Nonce Reply Extension. 
            -The values in the MIP-HA-to-MN SPI, MIP-MN-to-HA SPI, MIP 
            MN-HA-MSA-LIFETIME are used to create the MSA for MN on the 
            Home Agent.  
         The home agent also calculates an MN-HA Authentication 
         extension based on the HA-to-MN SPI and received MN-HA key and 
         includes in the RRP destined towards the MN. 
     . If the MN-HA Key Generation Nonce Reply Extension is in the 
        Registration Reply, the MN extracts the necessary information 
        from the extension to derive the MN-HA key [MIPKEYS] and verify 
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        the MN-HA authentication extension. If successful, the MN builds 
        the MSA with the HA. 
  3.2 Registration through a Foreign Agent 
   When the MN uses FA based CoAs, it needs to send its registration 
   request to the FA. The block and message diagrams are shown in 
   Figures 2a and 2b. 
                       +--------+    Access Request(2a) +--------+ 
                       |  AAAF  |---------------------->| AAAH   | 
                       |        |                       |        | 
                       | server |< ---------------------|server  | 
                       +--------+    Access Accept (3a) +--------+ 
                      (2)  ^  |  (3)                   (5)  ^  |  (6) 
                    Access |  | Access               Access |  | Access 
                   Request |  | Accept              Request |  | Accept 
                           |  V                             |  V 
   +--------+RRQ (1)  +---------+         RRQ (4)     +----------+ 
   | Mobile | ------->| Foreign | ------------------->|  Home    | 
   | Node   | RRP (8) |  Agent  |         RRP (7)     |  Agent   | 
   |        |<--------|         |<--------------------|          | 
   +--------+         +---------+                     +----------+ 
   Figure 2a. Mobile IP and RADIUS entities when registration takes 
   place through the FA (FA-based CoA or CcoA with R-bit set).  
   The operation is as follows: 
        MN            FA          HA      AAAF       AAAH  
        --            ---        ----     ---        ---- 
        |              |          |        |          | 
        |Ad+Challenge  |          |        |          | 
        | <---------   |          |        |          | 
        | RRQ-----.   | 
                                  |        |          | 
        |              |Access Request(RRQ)| Access   | 
        |              | ----------------> | Req (RRQ)| 
        |              |          |        |-------. | 
        |              |          |        |Acc. Accpt| 
        |              |          |        |(key mtrl | 
        |              |          |        | for FA   | 
        |              |          |        |< --------| 
        |              | Access Accept     |          | 
        |              | <-----------------|          |  
        |              |  RRQ     |        |          | 
        |              | -------->|        |          | 
        |              |          | Acc. Request(RRQ) | 
        |              |          |  ----------->     | 

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        |              |          | Acc. Accept       | 
        |              |          |(key mtrl for HA)  | 
        |              |(RRP)     |< -----------------| 
        |     RRP      |<-------  |        |          | 
        | < --------   |          |        |          | 
   Figure 2b- Mobile IP and RADIUS messaging when registration takes 
   place through the FA (FA-based CoA or CcoA with R-bit set). 
     . An MN being served by an FA, with whom the MN does not have an 
        MSA, forms a registration request (RRQ) including MN-HA-key-
        generation-nonce-request, MN-FA-key-generation-nonce-request 
        [MIPKEYS], challenge extensions [MIP4CHAL] and MN-AAA 
        authentication extension and sends this message to FA. The MN 
        calculates the MN-AAA-Authenticator as follows 
         Authenticator = MD5( 
         High-order byte from Challenge || Key || 
         MD5(Preceding Mobile IP data || 
         Type, Subtype (if present), Length, SPI) || 
         Least-order 237 bytes from Challenge) 
     . The FA checks the challenge [MIP4CHAL] and process the necessary 
        information from the RRQ to form the attributes to be included 
        in a RADIUS Access Request message as described in section 4.3. 
        When creating the Access Request and forming the MIP-feature-
        vector attribute, the FA may set the appropriate flags within 
        MIP-feature vector to indicate to the AAAH that it requires keys 
        for FA-MN-MSA and FA-HA-MSA and perform the operation described 
        by [MIPKEYS]. If the HA IP address field within the RRQ is not 
        available, the FA inserts the HA NAI (if available) from the RRQ 
        inside the MIP-HA-ID attribute. The FA includes its own 
        identifier (e.g. NAI) inside the NAS-ID. The FA forms a RADIUS 
        Access Request towards the AAA infrastructure(either AAAF or to 
        AAAH directly) as follows 
                  RADIUS-Access Request { 
                  <User-Name>, (1) (MN NAI, when available in RRQ) 
                  <MIP-MN-HoA>, (from RRQ, when not ALL_ZEROs_OR_ONES) 
                  <MIP-HA-IP address> (from RRQ, when available) 
                  MIP-MA-Type (0 to indicate client is an FA) 
                  NAS-ID ((32, as per RADIUS specification)  
                  <MIP-MN-CoA> (from RRQ) 

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                  MIP-feature-vector (with co-located MN flag cleared) 
     . The RADIUS Access request will eventually arrive at the AAAH 
        through the AAA infrastructure. The AAAH server computes its own 
        copy of the MN-AAA authenticator as follows (described in 
        section 4.2): 
         Authenticator = MD5( 
         High-order byte from Challenge || Key || 
         Value of MIP-HASH-RRQ || 
         Least-order 237 bytes from Challenge) 
         The challenge is the value within the MIP-MN-FA-Challenge. 
     . The AAAH compares this value with what it has received in MIP-
        MN-AAA-Authenticator attribute from FA. After successful 
        authentication, the AAAH prepares the RADIUS Access Accept as 
            -The User-Name or MIP-HA-HoA attribute (depending on 
            presence) copied from the Access-Request. 
            -If the ‘‘MN-FA-Key-Nonce-Request’’ flag was set in the MIP-
            feature-vector attribute in the RADIUS Access Request, the 
            AAAH looks up the SPI value in the MIP-MN-AAA-SPI attribute 
            to index the key generation method to derive the MN-HA key 
            in accordance to RFC 3957.  The following attributes are 
            included in the Access Accept to convey the information in 
            the MSA: MIP-MN-AAA-SPI, MIP-MN-to-FA-SPI, MIP-FA-to-MN-SPI, 
            MIP-MN-FA-key (for the FA), MIP-MN-FA-Nonce (for the MN), 
            -If the ‘‘FA-HA-Key-Request’’ flag was set in the MIP-feature-
            vector attribute in the RADIUS Access Request, the following 
            attributes are included in the Access Accept to convey the 
            information in the MSA: MIP-MN-AAA-SPI, MIP-FA-to-HA-SPI, 
            MIP-HA-to-FA-SPI, MIP-MN-FA-key (for the FA), MIP-MN-FA-
            Nonce (for the MN), MIP-FA-HA-ALGORITHMID, MIP-FA-HA-MSA-
            -Policy set on the AAAH may dictate that value for the flags 
            (e.g. ‘‘Home Agent in Foreign network’’) in the attribute. 
         The AAA server sends a RADIUS Access-Accept message including 
         the following attributes to the FA ([] indicates need for 
         specific security protection): 
                  RADIUS Access Accept { 
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                  MIP-MA-Type (0 to indicate client is an FA)  
                  <MIP-HA-IP address> (If HA is being delivered by AAA) 
                  [MIP-FA-HA key], 
                  Encrypted [MIP-MN-FA key], 
                  Message-Authenticator (80) 
     . Reception of RADIUS Access Accept by the FA is an indication of 
        successful MN authentication. The FA needs to at this point 
        extract the information regarding the MSAs with the MN and HA, 
        build the SAs and follow the Mobile IP processing as defined in 
        [MIPv4] and other specifications (such [MIPCHAL], [MIPKEYS], 
        [MIPDYNHA], as set by policies). Processing of the attributes in 
        the RADIUS Access Accept is as follows  
          -If the MIP-HA-IP or MIP-HA-ID attributes exist, the FA uses 
          the information for routing of the RRQ, while leaving the 
          initial RRQ in tact (otherwise the MN-AAA-AE will not be 
          computed by the AAA properly later)   
          -If the MIP-MN-HoA attribute exists, the FA checks to see if 
          there is a match with the MIP-MN-HoA received in RRQ (what if 
          it is not?). 
            -The values in the MIP-MN-to-FA SPI, MIP-MN-AAA-SPI, MIP-MN-
            provide the information in the ‘‘MN-HA Key Generation Nonce 
            Reply Extension’’. Specifically, the String field in the MIP-
            MN-HA-Nonce attribute is extracted and put the MN-HA Key 
            Generation Nonce Reply Extension. 
            - The values of MIP-MN-to-FA-SPI, MIP-FA-to-MN-SPI, MIP-MN-
            FA-key (for the FA), MIP-MN-FA-Nonce (for the MN), MIP-MN-
            are used to create the MSA for MN and for HA at the Foreign 
     . After building the MSA with the HA, the relays the initial 
        registration request including the MN-AAA Authentication 
        extension to the HA. The FA May append the FA-HA Authentication 
        extension with the authenticator computed using the received FA-
        HA key. The FA-HA authentication extension also includes the SPI 
        that is copied from the received MIP-FA-to-HA-SPI attribute. 
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     . Upon receiving the registration request from the FA, The HA 
        creates a new RADIUS Access Request for the AAAH and includes 
        the attributes shown below. The HA follows the guidelines in 
        processing the RRQ fields as described in section 4.3 (including 
        building hash from RRQ). The HA sets the appropriate flags 
        within the MIP-feature-vector attribute to request keys and 
        nonces from the AAAH for the HA-MN-MSA and HA-FA-MSA and clears 
        the ‘‘co-located Mobile Node’’ flag. Note, if an HA-FA-MSA exists, 
        the HA can simply verify the authenticator within FA-HA-
        Authenticator, without requesting the key for this MSA from the 
        AAA server. This would mean the feature vector needs to be 
        configured accordingly. Otherwise, the HA will store the FA-HA-
        Authentication extension for future verification. 
                  RADIUS-Access Request { 
                  <User-Name> (1) (MN NAI, when available in RRQ) 
                  <MIP-MN-HoA>, (from RRQ, when not ALL_ZEROs_OR_ONES) 
                  NAS-ID (HA ID as per RADIUS specification) 
                  MIP-MA-Type (1 to indicate client is an HA) 
                  <MIP-HA-IP address>, 
                  <MIP-FA-IP address>, 
                  <MIP-FA-ID>   (FA ID as per RADIUS specification) 
                  MIP-MN-FA challenge, 
                  Message_Authenticator (80)} 
     . The AAAH finds the FA-HA MSA based on the included MIP-FA-to-HA-
        SPI and/or MIP-MN-AAA-SPI. The AAAH verifies the MN-AAA 
        Authenticator in the same manner as explained in section 4.2. If 
        successful, the AAAH creates the MN-HA key and the corresponding 
        nonces for MN-HA MSAs and sends a RADIUS Access Accept to the HA 
        including the following attributes. Notes that both the all 
        nonces for the MN (including those for MN-FA MSAs) are sent 
        through this message to help the HA with one stop processing of 
        the registration reply. The HA-FA and the MN-HA keys must be 
        encrypted with the security association shared by the AAAH and 
        HA ([] indicates need for specific security protection). 
                  RADIUS Access Accept { 
                  MIP-MA-Type (1 to indicate client is an HA) 
                  <MIP-HA-IP address> (If HA is being delivered by AAA) 

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                  [MIP-FA-HA key], 
                  [MIP-MN-HA key], 
                  MIP-MN-to-HA SPI, 
                  Message-Authenticator (80) 
     . Reception of RADIUS Access Accept by the HA is an indication of 
        successful MN authentication. The HA retrieves the key materials 
        and the keys from the attributes included in the RADIUS access 
        Accept message from the AAAH. If the HA had received material 
        regarding an MSA with the FA and had earlier received at FA-HA 
        Authentication extension within the RRQ from FA, the AF 
        validates the authenticator at this point [MIPKEYS]. The HA 
        processes the RRQ and builds a Mobile IP registration reply for 
        the mobile node. The HA includes MIP-MN-FA-Nonce and MIP-MN-HA-
        Nonce and related information into specified nonce reply 
        extensions [MIPKEYS], builds MN-HA authentication extension and 
        FA-HA Authentication extension (computed with received MN-HA key 
        and FA-HA key, respectively) and sends the RRP to the FA. 
     . The FA relays the RRP back to the MN as described in [RFC 3344] 
        and [MIPKEYS] after building the MN-FA authentication extension 
        when required. 
  4. RADIUS entity requirements 
  4.1 RADIUS client requirements 
   User-Password (2), CHAP-Password(3), CHAP challenge(60), and ARAP-
   Password(70) MUST not be present in an Access-Request packet 
   containing the attributes discussed in this document. 
   As per RFC2869, packets that do not contain the above attribute MUST 
   contain the Message-Authenticator (80).   

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   As mentioned in section 8 and [MIPKEYS], the AAA server needs the MN 
   identifier from the RADIUS Access Request sent by the RADIUS client. 
   The MN identifier is either the MN's NAI, if present in the 
   Registration Request, or the Home Address from the Registration 
   Request otherwise. Hence the RADIUS Access Request MUST include at 
   least one of the User-Name or MIP-MN-HoA attributes in the RADIUS 
   Access Request.  
   The NAS ID used in RADIUS Access Request packets SHALL be an 
   identifier that complies with the RADIUS infrastructure (it may be 
   the IP address that the HA uses towards the RADIUS server and 
   different from the IP address included in MIP-HA_IP address). 
   When the HA acts as a RADIUS NAS, the HA IP address included inside 
   the optional MIP-HA-IP address attribute is retrieved from the 
   initial RRQ (if included), while the NAS ID SHALL be an identifier 
   that complies with the RADIUS infrastructure (it may or may not be 
   the IP address that the HA uses towards the RADIUS server and 
   different from the IP address included in MIP-HA-IP address). 
   Besides, the attributes listed in this specification, the Access 
   Request may include other RADIUS attributes such as NAS-IP-Address 
   (4), Service-Type(6),etc required for RADIUS messaging.  
  4.2 RADIUS server and routing requirements 
   The RADIUS servers are required to be able to understand and process 
   the attributes described in this specification. The RADIUS server is 
   also required to be able to support the authentication, key and nonce 
   generation procedures described in this document.  
   Upon receiving the Access-Request messages that contain Message-
   Authenticator (80) attribute, the RADIUS server MUST validate the 
   value of the Message-Authenticator (80) as described in [RFC2869].  
   If the authenticator fails to validate, the RADIUS server MUST 
   silently discard the Access-Request.  An Access-Request which does 
   not contain a Message-Authenticator (80) MUST be silently discarded. 
   Message-Authenticator (80) SHOULD also be included in the Access-
   Accept message.  The Message-Authenticator (80) calculation is 
   described in RFC2869. 
   In addition to the processing defined in this document after 
   successful authentication the RADIUS server MAY include other 
   authorization attributes in the Access-Accept packets that correspond 
   to other features that are supported by the mobility agents. 
   If a RADIUS forwarding server does not have enough information to 
   route the packet, it shall send an Access Reject towards the NAS. 
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   If a RADIUS server does not have enough information to identify the 
   user for authentication purposes, the server MUST send an Access 
  4.3 Mobile IP agent requirements 
   In this document both the FA and HA operate as RADIUS clients.  They 
   are responsible for passing user information to designated RADIUS 
   servers, and acting on the responses received thereafter.  In the 
   context of RFC-2865 the FA and HA are NASes. This also means when 
   sending RADIUS Access Requests, the HA and FA need to use their 
   RADIUS-infrastructure-compatible identifier (can be an IP address) 
   inside NAS-ID attribute. On the other hand, HA or FA need to 
   specifically use the IP addresses that they use when interacting with 
   the MN during MIP signaling inside MIP-HA-IP-address and MIP-FA-IP-
   address attributes. Since both FA and HA can act as NASes during the 
   registration process, it is especially important for the NAS to 
   include its IP address towards the MN (used for MIP signaling) in the 
   RADIUS Access Requests, especially in cases where the MIP agent is 
   using different IP interfaces towards the MN and towards the RADIUS 
   server. This way, the server will know that it is receiving Access 
   Requests from a Mobile IP capable NAS and it knows whether it is 
   creating keys for an MN-FA or an MN-HA MSA. However, when the Access 
   Request is sent from the FA to the AAAH, the IP address or NAI of the 
   HA needs to be included to the message for authentication and key 
   generation purposes. The use of MIP-HA-NAI and MIP-FA-NAI may be 
   required for Mobile IP signaling.  
   When receiving an RRQ from the MN, the Mobile IP agents (MA: HA or 
   FA) and creating a RADIUS Access Request towards the AAA server, the 
   MA will perform the following operations: 
            -NAI-extension: If the HA finds a MN-NAI extension inside 
            the RRQ with a NAI value, the HA includes the NAI value 
            inside the User-Name attribute.  
            -Home Address If the HA finds a routable HoA (other than 
            ALL_ZEROs_OR_ONES) for the MN, the HA includes the value 
            inside the MIP-MN-HoA. 
            -Home Agent address field: If the HA finds a IP address 
            other than ‘‘ALL_ZEROS_OR_ONES’’ inside the HA IP address 
            field of the RRQ, the HA will include that inside the MIP-
            HA-IP address attribute. However, if the HA field is set to 
            ‘‘ALL_ZEROS_OR_ONES’’ inside the RRQ from the MN, the HA SHALL 
            set the value of ‘‘Home-Agent-Requested’’ inside MIP-feature-
            vector to indicate to the AAA server that MN has requested 
            an HA assignment.   
            -Requested HA extension: If an Requested HA Extension 
            [MIPDYNHA] exists in the RRQ, the HA SHALL set the value of 
            ‘‘Home-Agent-Requested’’ inside MIP-feature-vector to indicate 
            to the AAA server that MN has requested an HA assignment. 
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             - If the MN-HA Key Generation Nonce Request Extension is in 
            the RRQ, then the HA sets the value of ‘‘MN-HA-Key-Nonce-
            Request’’ inside MIP-feature-vector attribute.  Also, the HA 
            includes the SPI value in the MN-AAA Authentication 
            Extension to the MIP-MN-AAA-SPI attribute. 
            -Registration Request: The Mobile IP registration request 
            can include a large number of extensions, especially when 
            key generation material is requested and authentication 
            extensions including lengthy authenticators are present. To 
            avoid the upper size limit for RADIUS attributes, the HA 
            will create a hash of RRQ and inserts it in MIP-hash-RRQ 
   A Foreign Agent that is forwarding an RRQ to the HA after having 
   received a RADIUS Access Accept from the AAAH, will forward the 
   initial RRQ to the HA as is, even though the Access Accept provides 
   updated information (e.g. when the RRQ was missing HoA, while the 
   AAAH has provided this information). This is to preserve the validity 
   of the MN-AAA-AE added to the RRQ by the MN.  
   Furthermore, note that creating a RADIUS Access Request based on a 
   RRQ is within the discretion of HA or FA. If the MIP agent deems the 
   RRQ or its contents (such as the HoA or HA-IP included in the RRQ) or 
   lack thereof (such as NAI) inappropriate for processing, it MAY 
   reject the RRQ without creating a RADIUS Access Request. For 
   instance, in cases the RRQ does not include a routable HoA and lack 
   MN-NAI extension, the HA may simply reject the RRQ. The details are 
   outside the scope of this document. 
   In roaming situations, RADIUS proxies typically route the Access-
   Request using the User-Name(1) attribute that contains an NAI [RFC 
   2486bis].  Therefore, Mobile IP Agents SHOULD populate the User-
   Name(1) attribute with the NAI value received in the RRQ when the MN-
   NAI extension is provided. 
   When the MN-NAI extension is not provided, the User-Name (1) should 
   be constructed using the MN HoA IP address. 
   User-Password(2), CHAP-Password(3), CHAP challenge(60), and ARAP-
   Password(70) MUST not be present in an Access-Request packet 
   containing the attributes discussed in this document.  In these 
   cases, the Mobile IP agent must include the Message-Authenticator 
   (80) in the Access-Accept packet.  The Message-Authenticator (80) is 
   to be computed as per RFC2869. 
   If the Access-Accept packet contains a Message-Authenticator (80) 
   then the Mobile IP agent MUST validate the contents by computing the 
   authenticator as describe in RFC2869.  If the authenticator is not 
   valid then the Mobile IP agent MUST silently discard the Access-
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   Accept packet.  If the Mobile IP agent receives an Access-Accept 
   packet that does not contain the Message-Authenticator it MUST 
   silently discard the Access-Accept. 
   Once the Message-Authenticator (80) attribute has been validated, the 
   Mobile-IP agent decrypts the protected attributes as per RFC2868. 
   In order to verify the value of authenticator within the MN-AAA-
   Authentication extension, the AAA server must follow the following 
   Authenticator = MD5( 
         High-order byte from Challenge || Key || 
         Value from MIP-Hash-RRQ attribute || 
         Least-order 237 bytes from Challenge) 
   Since the MIP-Hash-RRQ includes  
         MD5(Preceding Mobile IP data || 
         Type, Subtype (if present), Length, SPI) 
   The AAA server will in a sense follows the same calculation performed 
   by the RADIUS clients (HA or FA): 
   Authenticator = MD5( 
         High-order byte from Challenge || Key || 
         MD5(Preceding Mobile IP data || 
         Type, Subtype (if present), Length, SPI) || 
         Least-order 237 bytes from Challenge) 
   The challenge value is from MIP-FA-Challenge if present in the RADIUS 
   Access Request or 0 octets, otherwise. 
   This document does not address RADIUS accounting from the Mobile-IP 
   agent and therefore whether RADIUS accounting packet are sent is not 
   within scope of this document. 
   This section describes the full set of attributes required for 
   RADIUS-Mobile IP interaction. Some of the attributes listed are 
   already standardized (as noted by the attribute type value), while 
   others will require standardization and IANA type assignments.  
  5.1 Use of existing attributes 
   This subsection describes the use of those RADIUS attributes that are 
   already standardized (e.g. by RFC 2865 and 3579). 
     . User-Name (1)(per RFC 2865) 
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   This is the same as User-Name attribute defined in RFC 2865. When an 
   MN-NAI extension is available with Mobile IP RRQ, the NAI value is 
   inserted into the value field of User-Name attribute.  
   It should be noted that Mobile IP signaling does not mandate the use 
   of MN-NAI extension when the MN has an HoA.  
     . NAS_IP (4)  (per RFC 2865) 
     The IPv4 address of the mobility agent, acting as the RADIUS NAS. 
     . NAS_ID (32) (per RFC 2865) 
     The identifier (such as NAI) of the mobility agent, acting as the 
     RADIUS NAS. In case the MN supports AAA NAI processing [RFC 3846] 
     the MN may add the MIP-HA-NAI. 
  5.2 Suggested attributes for RADIUS-Mobile support 
   This section describes a proposal for a set of new attributes for 
   RADIUS-Mobile IP support. 
     . MIP-MA-Type 
   0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |           Unsigned8  
     Mobility Agent Type 
     To be assigned by IANA 
   Unsigned value 
      1 if the Mobile IP agent is an HA 
      0 if the Mobile IP agent is an FA 
      Note: An alternative to creation of a new MIP-MA-Type is to extend 
   the existing value set for attribute NAS-Port-Type (61) to include a 
   value for HA and for FA as new NAS port values. TBD during RADIUS 
   expert review. 
     . MIP-MN-HoA 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            Address 
   |           Address (cont)      | 
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     Mobile Node Home IPv4 address 
     To be assigned by IANA 
     Mobile Node Home IPv4 address  
   When NAI extension is not added to the registration requests, MN HoA 
   IP address is used to identify the MN (key management draft [MIPKEYS, 
   section 5]). The AAAH should be able to use HoA for identifying the 
   MN, when NAI is not provided. 
     . MIP-MN-CoA 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            Address 
   |           Address (cont)      | 
     Mobile Node IPv4 care of address 
     To be assigned by IANA 
     Mobile Node IPv4 care of address  
     . MIP-HA-IP address 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            Address 
            Address (cont)         | 
     Home Agent Ipv4 Address 
     To be assigned by IANA 
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        Home Agent Ipv4 Address 
   If the MN is assigned an HA and has included the IP address of the HA 
   in its registration request (HA address other than 
   ALL_ZEROS_OR_ONES), then this attribute is used in RADIUS access 
   request. The Address field MUST be populated with the destination 
   address of the received RRQ at the HA. This attribute is required 
   when FA-HA AE is needed (the FA is requesting FA-HA-MSA keying 
   material). For dynamic HA assignments via RADIUS, this field MAY be 
   set to ALL_ZEROS_OR_ONES at the FA to indicate to the RADIUS server 
   that the MN is requesting a dynamic HA assignment. It is however 
   preferred that the FA uses the appropriate bit within the MIP-
   feature-vector attribute for that purpose. 
     . MIP-HA-IP address 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            Address 
               Address (cont)         | 
     Home Agent IPv4 Address 
     To be assigned by IANA 
                Home Agent Ipv4 Address 
     . MIP-FA-IP address 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            Address 
   |        Address (cont)       
     Foreign Agent IPv4 Address 
     To be assigned by IANA 
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                Foreign Agent IPv4 Address 
     . MIP-HASH-RRQ  
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            String ...  
     Mobile IPv4 hashed Registration Request  
     To be assigned by IANA 
   MD5(Preceding Mobile IP data from MN-AAA AE|| Type, Subtype (if 
   present), Length, SPI) 
   This attribute includes an MD5 hash version of Mobile IP registration 
   request (similar to RFC 3012 section 8). This attribute is carried by 
   the Access request. 
   The Mobile IP registration request can include a large number of 
   extensions, especially when key generation material is requested and 
   authentication extensions including lengthy authenticators are 
   present. To avoid the upper size limit for RADIUS attributes, the HA 
   or FA will create a hash of RRQ and insert it in MIP-hash-RRQ 
   The AAA server uses the value of MIP-HASH_RRQ to calculate the 
   authenticator in MN-AAA Authenticator as follows. 
   Authenticator = MD5( 
         High-order byte from Challenge || Key || 
         Value of MIP-HASH-RRQ || 
         Least-order 237 bytes from Challenge) 
      The challenge is the value within the MIP-MN-FA-Challenge or 0. 
     . MIP-FA challenge 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            String ...  
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     Mobile IPv4 Foreign Agent Challenge 
     To be assigned by IANA 
     > 3 
      Mobile IPv4 Foreign Agent Challenge 
   There is a Challenge Extension defined in RFC 3012 section 4.  
   This attribute can be included in Access Request from FA to AAA and 
   from the HA to the AAA, since it is used in the MN-AAA authentication 
     . MIP-MN-AAA SPI 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            Unsigned32          
     Mobile IPv4 Node SPI 
     To be assigned by IANA 
          AAA SPI [MIPKEYS]. 
   The AAA server uses this SPI to locate the security context needed to 
   verify the MN-AAA authenticator calculated by the MN over the 
   registration request data. The security context includes the MN-AAA 
   key, and key related information and the algorithm used for 
   calculation of authenticator fields.  
     . MIP-MN-AAA-Authenticator 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            String ...  
     Mobile IPv4 Mobile Node-AAA Authenticator value 
     To be assigned by IANA 
     > 3 
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      MN-AAA authenticator value 
   This attribute carries the value of MN-AAA-authenticator within the 
   MN-AAA Authentication extension.  
   The value is calculated based on a hash of RRQ and other information. 
   The general expression (used for FA-based mobile nodes) is as follows 
   Authenticator = MD5( 
         High-order byte from Challenge || Key || 
         MD5(Preceding Mobile IP data || 
         Type, Subtype (if present), Length, SPI) || 
         Least-order 237 bytes from Challenge) 
   For co-located mobile nodes, which register directly with the HA, no 
   challenge value exists and therefore the values related to challenge 
   are replaced with zero octets in the expression above. 
     . MIP feature vector  
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            Unsigned32  
      Mobile IPv4 feature vector 
     To be assigned by IANA 
      Mobile IPv4 feature vector 
   This a flag vector of type Unsigned32, where each set flag represents 
   a condition, such keys requested for FA or HA and so on. The flag 
   values are as provided by Diameter, in order to facilitate 
   interoperability between RADIUS and Diameter: 
               1   Mobile-Node-Home-Address-Requested  
                   (When MN does not have an HoA) 
               2   Home-Address-Allocatable-Only-in-Home-Realm 
               4   Home-Agent-Requested (when MN not allocated an HA)      
               8   Foreign-Home-Agent-Available  
               16 MN-HA-Key-Nonce-Request (key material for MN-HA MSA is 
               32 MN-FA-Key-Nonce-Request  
               64 FA-HA-Key-Request  
               128 Home Agent in Foreign network 
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               256 Co-located-Mobile-Node  
   This attribute is added to the RADIUS Access Request message. 
   For instance, when the MN has included a nonce generation request 
   extension for MN-HA SA, the mobility agent (FA in FA CoA case and HA 
   in CcoA case) sets the MN-HA key request flag in the MIP feature 
   vector attribute included in the RADIUS Access Request message to 
   indicate to the AAA that the MN requires nonces for MN-HA SA. 
   The same goes for MN-FA nonce generation request extension from MN. 
   When an FA is being used and FA requires keying material from the AAA 
   server, the FA sets the FA-HA-key request flag.  
     . MIP-MN-to-HA SPI 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            Unsigned32  
     Mobile Node to Home Agent SPI 
     To be assigned by IANA 
      Mobile node to Home Agent SPI 
   This attribute can be included in the Access Request (from HA to 
   AAAH) and Access Accept message (from AAAH to HA) and points to the 
   MN-to-HA MSA that includes security context material (MN-HA Key 
   Generation nonce, AAA SPI, Replay Method, Lifetime, and Algorithm 
   Identifier) for the MN. This SPI is allocated by the HA. 
     . MIP-HA-to-MN SPI 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            Unsigned32  
     Home agent to Mobile Node SPI 
     To be assigned by IANA 
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      Home Agent to Mobile Node SPI 
   This attribute can be included in the Access Request (from HA to 
   AAAH) and Access Accept message (from AAAH to HA) and points to the 
   HA-to-MN MSA that includes security context material (MN-HA Key, 
   Replay Method, Lifetime, and Algorithm Identifier??) for the HA. This 
   SPI is allocated by the MN and is included in the initial Mobile-
   Home-Key generation nonce request extension within the RRQ generated 
   by the MN. 
     . MIP-MN-HA-key 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            String ...  
     Home Agent-Mobile Node MSA key 
     To be assigned by IANA 
     > 3 
      MN-HA key 
   This attribute can be included in the Access Accept message from the 
   AAAH to HA and includes MN-HA key for the HA to use when interacting 
   with the MN. This attribute MUST be encrypted using procedures 
   defined in RFC 2868 [RADTUNN]. 
     . MIP-MN-HA-Nonce 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            String ...  
     Home Agent-Mobile Node MSA nonce 
     To be assigned by IANA 
     > 3 
      MN-HA nonce 
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   This attribute can be included in the Access Accept message from the 
   AAAH to HA and includes MN-HA nonce for the MN to use for calculating 
   the MN-HA key used when interacting with the MN. 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |           Unsigned8  
     Home Agent-Mobile Node MSA Algorithm identifier 
     To be assigned by IANA 
      MN-HA MSA algorithm identifier 
   This attribute can be included in any message that includes the MIP-
   MN-to-HA SPI or MIP-HA-to-MN SPI and identifies the algorithm that is 
   used for MSA between MN and HA. Suggested values: 
      1 MD5 
      2 HMAC-MD5 
      3 SHA1  
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            Unsigned8 
     Home Agent-Mobile Node MSA replay mode 
     To be assigned by IANA 
      MN-HA MSA replay mode identifier 
   This attribute can be included in any message that includes the MIP-
   MN-to-HA SPI or MIP-HA-to-MN SPI and identifies the replay mode that 
   is used for MSA between MN and HA. Suggested values: 
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   1  timestamp 
   2  nonce 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            Unsigned32  
     Home Agent-Mobile Node MSA life time 
     To be assigned by IANA 
      MN-HA MSA life time 
   This attribute can be included in any message that includes the MIP-
   MN-to-HA SPI or MIP-HA-to-MN SPI and identifies the life time value 
   for MSA between MN and HA. 
     . MIP-MN-to-FA SPI 
   Similar to MN-to-HA SPI. 
     . MIP-FA-to-MN SPI 
   Similar to HA-to-MN SPI. 
     . MIP-MN-FA-key  
   Similar to MIP-MN-HA-key. 
     . MIP-MN-FA-Nonce 
   Similar to MIP-MN-HA-Nonce 
     . MIP-FA-to-HA-SPI 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            Unsigned32             
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     Foreign agent to Home agent SPI 
     To be assigned by IANA 
      Foreign agent to Home Agent SPI 
   This attribute carries the SPI pointing to the security context 
   between the FA and the HA for the HA. The SPI is allocated by the HA. 
   The signaling in this draft does not require this attribute, since 
   the SPI can be carried in Mobile IP extensions. 
     . MIP-HA-to-FA SPI 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            Unsigned32  
     Home agent to Foreign agent SPI 
     To be assigned by IANA 
      Home agent to Foreign agent SPI 
   This attribute carries the SPI pointing to the security context 
   between the FA and the HA for the FA. The SPI is allocated by the FA. 
   This attribute is included in the access request from FA to AAAH and 
   later in access accept from AAAH to HA. 
     . MIP-FA-HA-key  
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            String ...  
     Foreign agent to Home Agent to key 
     To be assigned by IANA 
     > 3 
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      FA-HA key 
   This attribute is sent to FA and to HA in an Access Accept messages 
   from the AAAH to these agents. The key is used by FA and HA for 
   integrity protection. This attribute MUST be encrypted using 
   procedures defined in RFC 2868 [RADTUNN]. 
    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            String ...  
     Foreign Agent-Home Agent MSA Algorithm identifier 
     To be assigned by IANA 
     > 3 
      FA-HA MSA algorithm identifier 
   This attribute can be included in any message that includes the MIP-
   FA-to-HA SPI or MIP-HA-to-FA SPI and identifies the algorithm that is 
   used for MSA between MN and HA. 
   0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            Unsigned32 
     Foreign Agent-Home Agent MSA life time 
     To be assigned by IANA 
      FA-HA MSA life time 
   This attribute can be included in any message that includes the MIP-
   FA-to-HA SPI or MIP-HA-to-FA SPI and identifies the life time value 
   for MSAs between FA and HA. 
Nakhjiri et. al.          Expires -- May 2006                 [Page 30] 
                    RADIUS Mobile IPv4 extensions        October 2005 
     . MIP-FA-HA-Authenticator 
   0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |    Length     |            String ...  
             string (cont)         | 
     Foreign Agent-Home Agent Authenticator value 
     To be assigned by IANA 
     > 3 (2+128) 
      FA-HA Authenticator 
   This attribute is included in message from HA to AAAH for 
   verification of authenticator added the FA for HA, when HA is not 
   aware of the MSAs it shares with the FA. 
  5.3 Attribute List 
   This list will be completed as an attribute table that includes 
   information on the messages that are allowed to carry each attribute 
   and whether each attribute must be protected in the next version of 
   the draft. 
   Request  Accept   Reject   Challenge   #  Attribute 
   0-1      0-1      0        0           1  User-Name, 
   0-1      0        0        0           4  NAS-IP, 
   0-1      0        0        0           32 NAS-ID, 
   0-1      0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MA-Type 
   0-1      0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-HoA, 
   0-1      0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-CoA, 
   0-1      0        0        0           NA MIP-HA-ID, 
   0-1      0        0        0           NA MIP-FA-ID,   
   0-1      0        0        0           NA MIP-HA-IP address, 
   0-1      0        0        0           NA MIP-FA-IP address, 
   0-1      0        0        0           NA MIP-HASH-RRQ, 
   0-1      0        0        0           NA MIP-MN-FA challenge, 
   0-1      0        0        0           NA MIP-MN-AAA-Authenticator, 
   0-1      0        0        0           NA MIP-feature-vector 
   1        1        1        1           80 Message Authenticator 
   0-1      0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-AAA-SPI, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-to-HA SPI, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-HA-to-MN-SPI, 
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   0-1      0-1      0        0           NA MIP-FA-to-HA-SPI, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-HA-to-FA-SPI, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-to-FA SPI, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-FA-to-MN-SPI, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-HA-key, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-FA-key, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-FA-HA key, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-HA-Nonce, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-FA-Nonce, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-HA-ALGORITHMID, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-FA-HA-ALGORITHMID, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-FA-ALGORITHMID, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-HA-REPLAY, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-FA-REPLAY, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-HA-MSA-LIFETIME 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-FA-HA-MSA-LIFETIME, 
   0        0-1      0        0           NA MIP-MN-FA-MSA-LIFETIME 
  6. Diameter compatibility considerations 
   Diameter Mobile IP application has defined new command codes for 
   support of Mobile IP signaling such as, AA-Mobile node request (AMR), 
   AA-Mobile Node answer (AMA), Home agent MIP-request (HMR), Home agent 
   MIP-answer (HMA). RADIUS currently does not have any messages that 
   correspond to these Diameter commands. However RADIUS provides the 
   flexibility of defining new command codes. The solution in this draft 
   is designed based on the assumption that the RADIUS community (and 
   RADEXT) is not interested in defining new RADIUS messages hence we 
   will be using RADIUS access request and RADIUS access accept for 
   providing messaging from mobility agents to RADIUS server and vice 
   versa. The following pictures show the Diameter messaging to support 
   Mobile IP signaling as described in [DIAMIP]. 
                                  | server |                           
                           Diameter ^  |Diameter 
                            AMR     |  | AMA 
                                    |  | 
                           RRQ      |  V 
                     +--- + -----> +----+  
                     | MN |    RRP | HA |  
                     +----+ <----- +----+      
            Figure 3a Diameter messaging for co-located MNs 
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                      +-----+    Diameter HAR     +--------+ 
                      | HA  |-------------------->|Diameter| 
                      |     |< -------------------|server  | 
                      +-----+    Diameter HAA     +--------+ 
                                                      ^  |   
                                             Diameter |  |Diameter 
                                                AMR   |  |   AMA 
                                                      |  V 
                                      +----+ RRQ     +----+  
                                      | MN | ------->| FA | 
                                      |    | RRP (8) |    | 
            Figure 3b Diameter messaging for FA-based MNs 
   Comparing the Diameter messaging (figure 2) with our suggestion for 
   RADIUS messaging (figure 3), the following simple rules apply to 
   Diameter to RADIUS translation, as long as the new MIP-MA-Type 
   identifying the type the Mobile IP agent (FA or HA) is used. 
      Diameter HAR <-> RADIUS Access Request 
      Diameter HAA <-> RADIUS Access Accept/Reject (MIP-MA-Type=1) 
      Diameter AMR <-> RADIUS Access Request 
      Diameter AMA <-> RADIUS Access Accept/Reject (MIP-MA-Type=0) 
   The attributes defined in this specification follow the Diameter AVP 
   definition to the extent possible for RADIUS. Exceptions are cases 
   where a Diameter AVP is of grouped type or potentially has a size 
   that exceeds the RADIUS attribute size limit (253 byte).  
   For grouped type Diameter AVPs, we simply convert each data field of 
   the Diameter AVP into a separate RADIUS attribute. This is 
   implemented for all the MSA-related AVP/ attributes. 
   One specific such case is the use of Diameter MIP-Reg-Request AVP.  
     For RADIUS we suggest hashing all the data in RRQ up to the MN-
     AAA-Authentication extension and including the hash inside MIP-
     HASH-RRQ to adhere to RADIUS attribute size limitation (253 
     bytes). This is explained in the attributes section as well as in 
     the section dealing with RADIUS server considerations. 
  7. IANA considerations 
   This draft introduces new RADIUS attributes. Therefore there is need 
   for defining new attribute type numbers by IANA. 
  8. Security considerations 

Nakhjiri et. al.          Expires -- May 2006                 [Page 33] 
                    RADIUS Mobile IPv4 extensions        October 2005 
   We recommend the use of the optional Mobile IP (RFC 3344) Foreign-
   Home authentication extension for protecting the integrity of 
   messaging between FA and HA to protect the HA from DoS attacks 
   launched by the FA.  
   Another possible attack is DoS attacks by MNs using large numbers of 
   Mobile IP RRQs. Therefore, we require that the FA implements the 
   challenge response mechanism in RFC 3012 and forwards the challenge 
   inside RRQ to the HA. 
   Another security concern is on the distribution of keys from the AAA 
   server to mobility agents. The AAAH creates and distributes keys for 
   the Mobile IP agents and nonces for mobile nodes. The key transfer 
   must happen in a secure manner. This means, the MSA-attributes 
   including HA and FA keys must be encrypted with the security 
   associations between the AAAH and the mobility agents. Such security 
   association may be based on RADIUS shared secrets (hop by hop) or 
   methods similar to those defined in [KEYWRAP] based on end-to-end SAs 
   (possibly IPsec) between the AAAH and the mobility agents. For 
   foreign agents, other trusted AAA servers (such as AAAF and AAAF-AAAH 
   keys) may have to be involved. Also, it is important that the keys 
   for each mobility agent are kept hidden from other mobility agents. 
   For instance keys for FA must be kept secret from HA. This means the 
   AAA server must have separate keys with each of the HA and FAs.  On 
   the other hand, the nonces generated by the AAA server, destined to 
   the mobile can be transmitted in the clear. The MN-FA and MN-HA 
   nonces are protected by the FA and HA authentications to the MN. 
   However, to prevent man-in-the-middle tampering with the nonces in 
   transit from AAAH to the HA and to FA to the MN, We recommend that 
   the AAAH also authenticates the nonce-reply-extensions with the AAA 
   SA it shares with the MN. 
   Finally, we assume the following formula [MIPKEYS] is used by the MN 
   for generating the key out of the nonce: 
   Key = HMAC-SHA1 (AAA-key, {Key Generation Nonce || MN identifier}) 
   ,which means the AAA server needs the MN identifier from the RADIUS 
   Access Request to generate the keys corresponding the nonces.  
   For RADIUS threats and vulnerabilities please refer to the Security 
   Section in RFC3579. 
  9. References
   [MIPv4]     C. Perkins, IP Mobility Support, IETF, RFC 3344, August 

Nakhjiri et. al.          Expires -- May 2006                 [Page 34] 
                    RADIUS Mobile IPv4 extensions        October 2005 
   [MIP4CHAL]  C. Perkins, P. Calhoun, Mobile IP Challenge/Response 
   Extensions, draft-ietf-mip4-rfc3012bis-04.txt., June 2005.    
   [MIPKEYS]   C. Perkins, P. Calhoun, AAA Registration Keys for Mobile 
   IP, IETF, RFC 3957, March 2005. 
   [MIPDYNHA]   M. Kulkarni, A. Patel, K. Leung, ‘‘Mobile IPv4 Dynamic 
   Home Agent Assignment’’, draft-ietf-mip4-dynamic-assignment-06.txt 
   August 2005. 
   [DIAMIP] P. Calhoun, C. Perkins, Diameter Mobile IP application, 
   IETF, RFC 4004, May 2004. 
   [RADTUNN], G. Zorn, Et. Al., RADIUS Attributes for Tunnel Protocol 
   Support, IETF, RFC 2868, June 2000. 
   [KEYWRAP], G. Zorn, Et. Al., RADIUS Attributes for Key Delivery, 
   The authors would like to give special thanks to Farid Adrangi for 
   the initial discussions and recommendations on the attribute design 
   work. The authors would also like to thank Charlie Perkins for 
   consultation on the use of RFC 3012 procedures. 
Author's Addresses 
   Madjid Nakhjiri 
   Motorola Inc. 
   Contact Email: 
   Kuntal Chowdhury 
   Starent Networks 
   Contact Email: 
   Avi Lior 
   Bridgewater systems 
   Contact Email: 
   Kent Leung 
   Cisco Systems 
   Contact Email: 
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   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any 
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to 
Nakhjiri et. al.          Expires -- May 2006                 [Page 35] 
                    RADIUS Mobile IPv4 extensions        October 2005 
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   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights 
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   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an 
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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This document is subject 
   to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and 
   except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights. 
   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the 
   Internet Society. 
   This Internet-Draft will expire on January 14, 2006. 

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