Internet DRAFT - draft-nandakumar-mimi-transport


Network Working Group                                      S. Nandakumar
Internet-Draft                                               C. Jennings
Intended status: Informational                                     Cisco
Expires: 27 April 2023                                   24 October 2022

               Cached and Async meSsage Transport (CAST)


   This specification defines message transport, called CAST, based on
   publish/subscribe semantics for interoperable inter-server messaging
   that is rooted in modern, cloud friendly and scalable architectural

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 27 April 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Motivation
   2.  Modern Messaging Federation Transport
     2.1.  Load Balancing and Reliability
   3.  Security Considerations
   Appendix A.  Acknowledgements
   Authors' Addresses

1.  Motivation

   When designing federation systems for message exchange, one common
   way to implement a messaging transport would follow architectural
   patterns like "Send and Forget Architecture".

   In this type of architecture, the requirement of the message
   transport is to attempt to send the message from the source domain to
   the target domain with no additional protections against losses in
   transit or causes that render messages not being delivered.

   As depicted in the diagram below, the happy path flow results in the
   message being from to be delivered to

              ┌────────────┐ (2)Post:hi bob  ┌────────────┐
              │            │                 │            │
          ┌──▶│   │──┬────────────▶ │   │───┐
          │   │            │  │              │            │   │
          │     ───────────┘  │              └────────────┘   │
(1)Post:hi│bob       ▲        │                             (4│Post:hi bob
          │          │        │                               │
          │          └────────┘                               │
          │                                                   ▼
    .─────────.     (3)Delete:hi bob                    .─────────.
    ╱           ╲                                       ╱           ╲
  (                                     ( )
    `.         ,'                                       `.         ,'
      `───────'                                           `───────'

                  Figure 1: Send and Forget Pattern

   One of the shortcomings of this architecture is the federation
   message transport doesn't provide protections or options to recover
   from reasons that might result in messages being undelivered.  As
   shown in the below depiction, when one/more resources at the target
   domain becomes unavailable (due to server(s) failure, server down due
   to maintenance), the message from misses its delivery
   to  Also to note, mechanisms to retry may be
   unsuccessful under these circumstances.  In such cases, the onerous
   task is on the message sender to realize and retry/resend the
   messages.  This is either done out of band with human intervention

                                                   ▮      ▮
                                                   ▮▮   ▮▮
                 ┌────────────┐ (2)Post:hi bob  ┌───▮▮─▮▮────┐
                 │            │                 │     ▮▮     │
             ┌──▶│   │──┬────────────▶ │  xy▮▮▮▮m   │
             │   │            │  │              │   ▮   ▮▮▮  │
             │     ───────────┘  │              └──▮──────▮▮─┘
   (1)Post:hi│bob       ▲        │               ▮▮        ▮▮
             │          │        │
             │          └────────┘
        .─────────.     (3)Delete:hi bob                    .─────────.
       ╱           ╲                                       ╱           ╲
      (                                     ( )
       `.         ,'                                       `.         ,'
         `───────'                                           `───────'

           Figure 2: Send and Forget Pattern, Failure Case

   SMTP and XMPP based federation transports are typical examples where
   "Send and Forget" architecture is employed.

   This specification proposes a message interop transport suited for
   modern messaging and cloud friendly architectures which intends to
   address shortcoming with existing transports.

2.  Modern Messaging Federation Transport

   Any considerations for building interop messaging protocol for modern
   messaging workloads needs to meet certain functional requirements as
   listed below:

   *  Leverage modern cloud native architectures

   *  Scale to large number of messages and consumers

   *  Be less onerous on the message senders to ensure the delivery

   *  Easy to build high reliability cloud design

   *  Easy to build horizontal scalability cloud design

   *  Better aligned with internal architecture of some existing

   *  Easy to build gateways to existing APIs

   CAST is publish/subscribe based interoperable messaging transport for
   inter-server message delivery.  Such a transport can be used for
   delivering messages between servers within the same domain of
   operation or for cross domain message delivery.

   An example set of CAST messages exchanged for delivering messages for
   the flow depicted are given below

                 (1)Add Subscription
                 messages/* ->

                            ▮ ▮ ▮
                            ▮     ▮
                            ▮     ▮       (0)Sub:messages/*
                 ┌──────────▾─┐   ▮                       ┌────────────┐
                 │            │◀──▮───────────────────────│            │
           ┌────▶│   │                           │   │─────┐
           │     │            │───▮──────────────────────▶│            │     │
           │     └───────────▲┘   ▮                           ─────────┘     │
           │                 ▮    ▮            (4)Publish                    │
           │                 ▮    ▮            Name:...                      │
           │                   ▮▮▮                                           │
           │                                                                 │
           │       (3)Store:
           │       Publish message                             (5)Publish
           │                                                   Name:messages/
                                                               Msg:{body:"hi bob"....}
    Msg:{body:"hi bob"..}                                                     │
           │                                                            .─────────.
      .─────────.                                                      ╱           ╲
     ╱           ╲                                                    ( )
    (                                                    `.         ,'
     `.         ,'                                                       `───────'

                     Figure 3: CAST Message Flow

   In the example, the target domain,, is interested in having
   messages from the domain to be delivered.  Such a setup may
   be possible due to business relationships between the domains or any
   entity within the target domain expresses such an interest.

   1.  The CAST endpoint in the domain sends "Subscribe" message
       to CAST endpoint in the "" indicating its interest to
       receive any message that matches the name "messages/*",
       i.e any message targetted to the domain ""

   2.  On receiving the "Subscribe" message, the CAST entity at the
       domain "" creates an active subscription entry for the
       name "messages/*" against the domain "".  Thus
       created subscriptions remain active until they expire or are
       canceled.  Subscriptions can be renewed periodically to keep them
       active as well.

   3.  When Alice from publishes message to Bob at, by
       sending "Publish" message, the CAST entity (within
       performs the following steps on receiving the message: - Store
       the message (with name messages/ for at least for 24
       hours.  - Look up for any active subscriptions that matches the
       name - Forward the message to the CAST endpoint that matches the
       name from the previous step - In this example, since there exists
       an active subscription for the pattern "messages/*",
       Alice's message will be delivered to the CAST entity at ""
       based on the lookup result

   4.  On receiving the CAST Publish message, the CAST entity at the
       domain "" will have sufficient information in the message
       to forward it to the right target within its domain, in this
       case, to Bob

   Messages within CAST are cached for at least 24 hours by default,
   regardless of the status of message delivery.  This allows, for
   example, "" to ask for the message again if the transaction to
   store it is unsuccessful.

   In scenarios where subscriber CAST entity is unavailable at the time
   of the message delivery, the CAST entity resyncs its state by
   reissuing a "Subscribe" message, when it's back in operation and thus
   retrieve any cached messages as well as stream new messages that get
   published in the future.

2.1.  Load Balancing and Reliability

   To horizontally scale to a huge volume of messages, the servers in
   the domain can use any of the traditional techniques for load
   balancing requests across a cluster of servers including DNS, IP
   hashing, and others.  Allowing the receiving domain,, to load
   balance the incoming message across many servers can be slightly more
   complicated.  The technique proposed here is to allow the
   subscription to filter a subset of message and make sure there is a
   sperate subscription for each incoming set.  The filter criteria is
   is done by taking the hash of the UUID for the message and computing
   a modulo for it and checking it that matches a constant provide for
   each subscription.  For example if the wanted to split the
   data across 3 connection, it would specify a module of 3 and then
   each connection would specify 0,1,2 respectively as the constant.

   The fact that the domain retains the message for some period
   of time and they can be requested a second time if needed allows the
   messages processing to be pipelined and batched with no
   acknowledgement which can greatly increase the speed of processing
   some sort of transaction where the sender can discard the message
   once the receivers acknowledge having it.  The UUID in the messages
   allow the receiver to easily deal with receiving the same message
   more than once.

3.  Security Considerations

   The assumption is all messages are end to end encrypted and neither
   domain can read the contents of any message between alice and bob.

   The assumption is that a major mitigation of SPAM will be that alice
   sends a connection request to bob and bob accepts that before any
   messages with user generated content can be sent between alice and

   Within the CAST architecture, the interacting domains are trusted to
   deliver each other messages for their users and are bound by business
   agreements that further constrain the rules related to use of
   messages exchanged, dealing with spam and any other policies that
   govern the successful federation.  This is meant for major services
   to connect to other major services and not designed to deal with the
   issue of a domain with no business relationship to another domain
   connected to it.

   A given domain like does not reveal to all the users
   it has but if alice in abc sends a message to bob in xyz, it does
   reveal to abc the existence of bob, and to xyz the existence of

Appendix A.  Acknowledgements


Authors' Addresses

   Suhas Nandakumar

   Cullen Jennings