Internet DRAFT - draft-newton-how-do-you-do


Network Working Group                                          A. Newton
Internet-Draft                                                     ICANN
Intended status: Experimental                          12 September 2023
Expires: 15 March 2024

                       The How Do You Do Protocol


   This document describes a system to discover the identifiers of
   natural persons while preserving their privacy.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 15 March 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Background  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Functional Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  One Way Confirmation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.2.  Two Way Confirmation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   4.  Identifier Canonicalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   5.  Internet HTTP Binding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.1.  Use of HTTP Signatures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.2.  JSON Vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.3.  Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.4.  One-Way Confirmation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     5.5.  Two-Way Confirmation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     5.6.  Message Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       5.6.1.  Simple Message Types  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       5.6.2.  Cryptographic Message Types . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     5.7.  Message Sets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     5.8.  Distribution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     5.9.  Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     6.1.  All Bits Set  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     6.2.  Shallow Bit Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     6.3.  Well Known Identifiers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     6.4.  Strengthened Acknowledgement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   7.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   Appendix A.  Other Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     A.1.  Fediverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     A.2.  NOSTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     A.3.  LANS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     A.4.  MIMI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   Appendix B.  Design Issues  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     B.1.  Murmur and Known Salts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     B.2.  JOSE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   Appendix C.  Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24

1.  Background

   In a song written by children's author Shel Silverstein and made
   famous by Johnny Cash, a young man seeks out and identifies his long,
   astranged father using an old, worn photograph.  Upon finding his
   father, the young man gives his name and asks of his father, "how do
   you do?"

   This document describes a system, called the "How Do You Do" protocol
   or "Howdy" for brevity, to aid in the discovery of identifers for
   natural persons while preserving their privacy.  The system uses a

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   publicly visible [Bloom] filter along with an exchange of messages
   between agents acting on behalf of users.  When an agent suspects
   that another agent possesses the identifier of a user, the agents may
   interrogate each other to either confirm or deny the suspicion.  Upon
   confirmation, the agents notify their respective users so that the
   users may exchange other information, such as new or different

   Confirmation of identifiers can either be one-way or two-way.
   Consider the following scenario.

   User Alice has an old acquaintance, User Bob. Many years ago, Bob was
   a frequent reader and commenter on Alice's blog at (

   Alice has placed into her agent the hashes of several of her
   identifiers.  The hash value for her blog's URL is 12345.  Bob has
   placed into his agent the hash values for identifiers of many of his
   acquaintances, among them that of Alice's blog URL.  Both Alice and
   Bob are using a hash algorithm prone to collision, and therefore the
   hash value 12345 may also be the hash value for another identifier
   probably unrelated to either Alice or Bob.

   Bob's agent obtains the list of hash values from Alice's agent, and
   discovers that the hash value 12345 exists in both Bob's set and
   Alice's set.

   If Alice desires contact from all readers of her blog, even the ones
   whom she may not know, Alice's agent let's this be known.  Here,
   Bob's agent can seek one-way confirmation of Alice's identifier
   through a series of further exchanges using different hash values
   and/or stronger hash algorithms.

   If Alice desires contact from only known commenters of her blog, then
   Bob's agent must engange in two-way confirmation.  Here, Bob has
   placed into his agent the hash value for his email address,, which is 67890.  As Bob was a known commenter on
   Alice's blog, Alice has also placed this hash value in her agent.
   The hash algorithm used to calculate this value is the same as the
   one used to calculate the hash value of Alice's blog URL, and
   therefore has a probability of generating the same value for other,
   unrelated identifiers.  When Bob's agent initiates confirmation, it
   does so by offering the hash value 67890.  As with one-way
   confirmation, the agent's exchange a series of messages to seek
   further confirmation of the identifiers using different hash values
   and/or stronger hash algorithms.

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2.  Functional Components

   The agents holding the hash values and conducting identifier
   confirmation communications are known as Exchange Agents (EA).  Users
   interact with User Agents (UA).  User Agents hold the identifiers of
   the user and the identifiers being sought by the user, and User
   Agents calculate the hash values for identifiers which are then
   placed into Exchange Agents.

   For convenience and quicker exchanges, User Agents and Exchange
   Agents may be combined into one operating entity.  Conversely, there
   is no explicit one-to-one match between User Agents and Exchange
   Agents.  Exchange Agents may serve many User Agents, and User Agents
   may utilize more than one Exchange Agent.  This document does not
   define the communications between User Agents and Exchange Agents.

   An Exchange Agent initiating a one-way (see Section 3.1) or two-way
   (see Section 3.2) confirmation communication flow are known as
   Requesting Exchange Agents (REA) and the other agent is known as a
   Confirming Exchange Agent (CEA).

                  | Action     | Type           | Name |
                  | Requesting | User Agent     | RUA  |
                  | Requesting | Exchange Agnet | REA  |
                  | Confirming | User Agent     | CUA  |
                  | Confirming | Exchange Agnet | CEA  |

                                 Table 1

   The identifier of a user is called a UID.  For each UID, the UA
   calculates a hash value from the UID using a collision-prone hash
   algorithm such as FNV (see [I-D.eastlake-fnv]).  This hash value is
   called UH1.

   A second hash value, called UH2 is also calculated for each UID.
   This hash value uses a separate, different collision-prone hash
   algorithm such as Murmur (see [Murmur3]).

   Finally, for each UID a third hash value is also calculated.  This
   value is called UH3 and is calculated with a hash algorithm that is
   more collision-resistent such as SHA-512 ([RFC6234]).

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   All three hash values, UH1, UH2, and UH3, are provisioned into the
   CEA by the CUA.  The UID is not.

         | Hash of | Type                | Name | Example        |
         | UID     | Collision Prone     | UH1  | fnv( UID )     |
         | UID     | Collision Prone     | UH2  | murmur3( UID ) |
         | UID     | Collision Resistent | UH3  | sha512( UID )  |

                                  Table 2

   The identifiers of a user's acquaintances, perhaps held in a contact
   database, have the same set of values generated by the UA and
   provisioned into the EA.  Each acquaintance identifier is called an
   AID, and the hash values are AH1, AH2, and AH3.

         | Hash of | Type                | Name | Example        |
         | AID     | Collision Prone     | AH1  | fnv( AID )     |
         | AID     | Collision Prone     | AH2  | murmur3( AID ) |
         | AID     | Collision Resistent | AH3  | sha512( AID )  |

                                  Table 3

3.  Flows

   Preceding confirmation flows, the CEA should make UH1 values known
   through a publication mechanism.  Confirmation may then take place
   where an REA has a suspicion that a CEA contains the same UID.
   Publication of UH1 MUST include a signal determining the type of
   confirmation to be used with that value.

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   SEQUENCE: 1. Provision Hashses

   +-----+       +-----+           +-----+       +-----+
   | CUA |       | CEA |           | RUA |       | REA |
   +-----+       +-----+           +-----+       +-----+
      |             |                 |             |
      |~~~hashes~~~>|                 |             |
      |             |                 |             |
      |<------------|                 |             |
      |             |                 |             |
      |             |                 |~~~hashes~~~>|
      |             |                 |             |
      |             |                 |<------------|
      |             |                 |             |
      |          ------------------   |             |
      |          | Publishes UH1s |   |             |
      |          ------------------   |             |
      |             |                 |             |
   +-----+       +-----+           +-----+       +-----+
   | CUA |       | CEA |           | RUA |       | REA |
   +-----+       +-----+           +-----+       +-----+

   SEQUENCE: 2. Confirmation

   +-----+  +-----+
   | REA |  | CEA |
   +-----+  +-----+
      |        |
   | confirmation |
      |        |
      |        |
      |        |
   +-----+  +-----+
   | REA |  | CEA |
   +-----+  +-----+

                         Figure 1: High Level Flow

   Identifier confirmation occurs in two types of communication flows:
   one-way and two-way.  Each flow type has a set of steps specific to
   that flow.  One-way confirmation is a flow in which a UID is
   confirmed.  Two-way confirmation is a flow in which both a UID and an
   AID are confirmed.

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3.1.  One Way Confirmation

   These are the steps for one-way confirmation:

   _Step 1:_ The REA sends a message containing a UH1 and UH2.
   Preceding this step, the REA could have learned of the UH1 value via
   publication by the CEA.  UH1 and UH2 MUST be hashed with different
   algorithms, both being collision prone.  By providing a message with
   UH1 and UH2, the REA is suggesting it may possess the value of UID.

   _Step 2:_ If both the UH1 and UH2 are associated with the same UID,
   the CEA confirms this assertion by responding with the UH3 of that
   UID.  As UH3 is more collision resistent, the value of UID is
   confirmed.  This step also includes a message to the user associated
   with the AID.

   _Step 3:_ Having established confirmation, subsequent messages are
   possible.  Optionally, the REA may followup with messages for the
   user using UH1 and UH3 as credentials.  These messages would then be
   passed by the CEA to the CUA.

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   SEQUENCE: One-Way Confirmation

   +-----+                                +-----+
   | REA |                                | CEA |
   +-----+                                +-----+
      |                                      |
      |~~~step 1: UH1 + UH2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>|
      |                                      |
      |<--step 2: UH3 + msg_for_AID----------|
      |                                      |
      |~~~step 3: UH1 + UH3 + msg_for_UID~~~>|
      |                                      |
      |                                      |
   +-----+                                +-----+
   | REA |                                | CEA |
   +-----+                                +-----+

   SEQUENCE: Message to Users

   +-----+            +-----+ +-----+            +-----+
   | REA |            | RUA | | CEA |            | CUA |
   +-----+            +-----+ +-----+            +-----+
      |                  |       |                  |
      |~~~msg_for_AID~~~>|       |                  |
      |                  |       |                  |
      |<-----------------|       |                  |
      |                  |       |                  |
      |                  |       |~~~msg_for_UID~~~>|
      |                  |       |                  |
      |                  |       |<-----------------|
      |                  |       |                  |
   +-----+            +-----+ +-----+            +-----+
   | REA |            | RUA | | CEA |            | CUA |
   +-----+            +-----+ +-----+            +-----+

                       Figure 2: One Way Confirmation

3.2.  Two Way Confirmation

   These are the steps for two-way confirmation:

   _Step 1:_ The REA sends a message containing a UH1 and AH1.  As this
   is two-way confirmation, the AH1 is associated with an AID believed
   to be known by the user identified by the UID.

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   _Step 2:_ If the CEA can associate the AH1 with the UH1 (that is, the
   AID is associated with the UID), it responds with a simple positive
   acknowledgement of the match.

   _Step 3:_ Next, the REA sends the UH2 and AH2 corresponding to the
   UH1 and AH1 in the first message.  UH1 and UH2 MUST be hashsed with
   different algorithms, and AH1 and AH2 MUST be hashed with different

   _Step 4:_ If the CEA can associate the UH2 with the UH1 of the first
   message and the AH2 with the AH1 of the first message, the CEA
   confirms by sending the UH3 and AH3 thus confirming the CEAs
   knowledge of both association with the UID and AID.  This step
   includes a message for the user associated with the AID.

   _Step 5:_ Finally, the REA confirms the AID by sending a message to
   the CEA containing the AH3.  This is similar to step 3 in
   Section 3.1.

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   SEQUENCE: Two-Way Confirmation

   +-----+                                +-----+
   | REA |                                | CEA |
   +-----+                                +-----+
      |                                      |
      |~~~step 1: UH1 + AH1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>|
      |                                      |
      |<--step 2: OK-------------------------|
      |                                      |
      |~~~step 3: UH2 + UH2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>|
      |                                      |
      |<--step 4: UH3 + AH3 + msg_for_AID----|
      |                                      |
      |~~~step 5: AH3 + msg_for_UID~~~~~~~~~>|
      |                                      |
      |                                      |
   +-----+                                +-----+
   | REA |                                | CEA |
   +-----+                                +-----+

   SEQUENCE: Message to Users

   +-----+            +-----+ +-----+            +-----+
   | REA |            | RUA | | CEA |            | CUA |
   +-----+            +-----+ +-----+            +-----+
      |                  |       |                  |
      |~~~msg_for_AID~~~>|       |                  |
      |                  |       |                  |
      |<-----------------|       |                  |
      |                  |       |                  |
      |                  |       |~~~msg_for_UID~~~>|
      |                  |       |                  |
      |                  |       |<-----------------|
      |                  |       |                  |
   +-----+            +-----+ +-----+            +-----+
   | REA |            | RUA | | CEA |            | CUA |
   +-----+            +-----+ +-----+            +-----+

                       Figure 3: Two Way Confirmation

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4.  Identifier Canonicalization

   Some identifiers have extraneous characters that are insignificant to
   the usage of those identifiers.  For such identifiers, User Agents
   MUST remove insignificant characters from those identifiers before
   creating hashes.

   For phone numbers, User Agents MUST remove all non-digit characters.
   For email addresses, the display name and any characters used to
   distinguish the display name from the email address must be removed
   (e.g.  Bob <> should be

5.  Internet HTTP Binding

   The following sections describe a binding of Howdy to Internet HTTP
   ([RFC9110]) where Exchange Agents are accessible as publicly
   available resources.  Appendix A discusses other environments and
   deployment scenarios for Howdy.

   Exchange Agents communicate by issuing HTTP requests using the paths
   and query parameters defined in this document.  They are configured
   to communicate with each other using a "base URL" upon which the
   request componets defined herein are then appended.

5.1.  Use of HTTP Signatures

   Exchange Agents use HTTPS to communicate, and use HTTP Signatures
   [I-D.ietf-httpbis-message-signatures] to sign requests, with an
   exception being the HTTP GET request to fetch the HTTP signing key of
   a requester.

   The keyId used in the HTTP signature MUST be an HTTPS URL, and the
   URL MUST resolve to a resource that is a PEM-encoded public key.
   Exchange Agents MAY cache keys according to HTTP caching headers.

   Both the host and date HTTP headers MUST be signed, and the value of
   the host header SHOULD be equivalent to the host of the authority
   component of the URL that is the value of the keyId (e.g. host:
   foo.example matches https://foo.example/key.pem).

      |  TODO: There is probably a need to specify the key types and
      |  signature algorithms to use.

5.2.  JSON Vocabulary

   The messages described in the following section contain JSON.  The
   meaning of these JSON values are:

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   *  version - this is a simple integer and MUST be 1.
   *  bit set values:
      -  bitset_base64 - a JSON string containg a bit set in Base 64
         ([RFC4648]) format.
      -  bitset_length - the length of the bit set.
      -  bitset_alg - the algoritm of the UH1 values used in calculating
         the bit set.
   *  paging values:
      -  next - a string value which maybe used in subsequent requests
         as the next query parameter.
      -  prev - a string value which maybe used in subsequent requests
         as the prev query parameter.
   *  hash_values - an array of JSON objects, each containing hashes.
   *  two_way - indicates that confirmation of an identifier requires
      the two-way process.
   *  created - an RFC 3339 data and time in UTC with no more than
      seconds resolution indicating when an associated item was placed
      in the Exchange Agent.
   *  UID related values:
      -  uh1_u32 - an unsigned 32-bit integer that is a UH1.
      -  uh1_alg - the name of the hash algorithm used to generate UH1.
      -  uh2_u32 - an unsigned 32-bit integer that is a UH2.
      -  uh2_alg - the name of the hash algorithm used to generate UH2.
      -  uh3_base64 - a Base64 ([RFC4648]) string containing a UH3.
      -  uh3_alg - the name of the hash algorithm used to generate UH3.
   *  AID related values:
      -  ah1_u32 - an unsigned 32-bit integer that is a AH1.
      -  ah1_alg - the name of the hash algorithm used to generate AH1.
      -  ah2_u32 - an unsigned 32-bit integer that is a AH2.
      -  ah2_alg - the name of the hash algorithm used to generate AH2.
      -  ah3_base64 - a Base64 ([RFC4648]) string containing a AH3.
      -  ah3_alg - the name of the hash algorithm used to generate AH3.
   *  message values:
      -  msgs - an array containing message objects.
      -  msg_type - a string signifying the type of the message content.
      -  msg_content - the JSON type of this value is dependent on the
         accompanying msg_type value.
   *  exchange_agents - an array containg exchange agent location
   *  agent_url - a string containing a URL of an agent.
   *  notifications_accepted - a boolean indicating if an Exchange Agent
      accepts notifications.

      |  TODO: specify an IANA registry of algorithms to use.

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5.3.  Publication

   Publication occurs by first querying for a bit set, which is a space-
   efficient set of flags indicating if an Exchange Agent has probable
   knowledge of specific hash values.  This is done by sending an HTTP
   GET to the /bitset path (i.e. <base URL>/bitset).  This query returns
   JSON of the form:

  "version": 1,
  "notifications_accepted": true,
  "bitset_base64": "AAECAwQFBgcICQoLDA0ODxAREhMUFRYXGBkaGxwdHh8gISIjJCUmJygpKjQ1Njc4OTo7PD0+Pg0"
  "bitset_length": 1024,
  "bitset_alg": "FNV"

   The bitset_base64 value is a bit set encoded using [RFC4648].  The
   bit set is calculated by bitwise ORing the modulo of each UH1 value
   by the bit set length. bitset_length indicates the bitset length and
   MUST be a multiple of 8. bitset_alg signifies the algorithm used to
   calculate UH1.  All UH1 values MUST use the same algorithm.

   An REA must then construct a bit set using its AH1 values in the same
   manner.  For each bit set positively in both sets, the REA then
   requests a list of UH1 matches and their corresponding confirmation
   type.  This is done use the /hashes path (i.e. <base URL>/hashes).
   This request must have the query parameters uh1_u32 and uh1_alg.

   This request may optionally have the next and prev query parameters,
   the value of each being a string.  These parameters are used to
   paginate the values in the request, where next is an indicator that
   only hash values created before its value are to be in the returned
   result, and prev is an indicator that only hash value created after
   its value are to be in the returned result.  The format for neither
   value is defined, and agents should omit the use of both parameter to
   request the latest values.

   The values are returned as a JSON object with the following form (see
   Section 5.2):

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     "version": 1,
     "next" : "abcdefg",
     "prev" : "hijklmn",
     "hash_values": [
         "uh1_u32": 11112,
         "uh1_alg": "FNV",
         "two_way": false,
         "created": "20230102T12:59:00Z"
         "uh1_u32": 22221,
         "uh1_alg": "FNV",
         "two-way": true,
         "created": "20230101T12:59:00Z"

   If the next string is not given, this indicates there are no more
   hash values available using the next query parameter.  If the prev
   string is not given, this indicates there are no more hash values
   available using the prev query parameter.  All other values MUST be
   given, but the hash_values array MAY be empty.  However, if it is not
   empty each JSON object MUST be in reverse chronological order
   according to the value in created.

   If the REA finds a UH1 value matching one of its AH1 values, it may
   begin an identifier confirmation based on the two_way value for that

5.4.  One-Way Confirmation

   One-way confirmation begins with the REA sending an HTTP POST to the
   CEA at the path /one_way (i.e. <base URL>/one_way).  The data posted
   is a JSON object of the form (see Section 5.2):

     "version": 1,
     "uh1_u32": 11112,
     "uh1_alg": "FNV",
     "created": "20230102T12:59:00Z",
     "uh2_u32": 44443,
     "uh2_alg": "Murmur3"

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   The CEA uses the UH1 value and the created value to reference a set
   of user identifier hashes (UH1, UH2, and UH3).  If the UH2 value
   given matches the UH2 value in that set of hashes, the CEA responds
   with the UH3 in this form (see Section 5.2):

  "version": 1,
  "uh3_base64": "b6fb35773416f37e51eb893a0b0682e23b4f758d5004542450be61607253f899",
  "uh3_alg": "SHA-512",
  "msgs" : [
      "msg_type": "json_text",
      "msg_content": "I moved my blog, it is at"

   If the REA can match this UH3 value to its corresponding value, then
   the REA may send a subsequent HTTP POST to the path /one_way_msg
   (i.e. <base URL>/one_way_msg) with data of the form (see
   Section 5.2):

  "version": 1,
  "uh1_u32": 11112,
  "uh1_alg": "FNV",
  "created": "20230102T12:59:00Z",
  "uh3_base64": "b6fb35773416f37e51eb893a0b0682e23b4f758d5004542450be61607253f899",
  "uh3_alg": "SHA-512",
  "msgs" : [
      "msg_type": "json_text",
      "msg_content": "hi Alice, it's Bob."

5.5.  Two-Way Confirmation

   Two-way confirmation begins with the REA sending an HTTP POST to the
   CEA at the path two_way_step1 (i.e. <base URL>/two_way_step1).  The
   data posted is a JSON object of the form (see Section 5.2):

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     "version": 1,
     "uh1_u32": 22221,
     "uh1_alg": "FNV",
     "created": "20230102T12:59:00Z",
     "ah1_u32": 33331,
     "ah1_alg": "FNV",

   If CEA allows two-way confirmation for the given UH1 and it has an
   AH1 associated with the UH1 value, it replys with a simple HTTP OK.

   If the REA receives an OK, it may continue by sending an HTTP POST to
   the CEA at the path two_way_step3 (i.e. <base URL>/two_way_step3)
   (see step 3 in Section 3.2).  The data posted is a JSON object of the
   form (see Section 5.2):

     "version": 1,
     "uh2_u32": 44443,
     "uh2_alg": "Murmur3",
     "created": "20230102T12:59:00Z",
     "ah1_u32": 33331,
     "ah1_alg": "FNV",
     "ah2_u32": 55556,
     "ah2_alg": "Murmur3",

   If the CEA matches the given UH2 with its UH2 and created values, and
   the AH1 and AH2 values match to a set of AH1 and AH2 values
   associated with the user of UH2, then the CEA responds with a JSON
   object of the form (see Section 5.2):

  "version": 1,
  "uh3_base64": "b6fb35773416f37e51eb893a0b0682e23b4f758d5004542450be61607253f899",
  "uh3_alg": "SHA-512",
  "ah3_base64": "b6fb35773416f37e51eb893a0b0682e23b4f758d5004542450be61607253f899",
  "ah3_alg": "SHA-512",
  "msgs" : [
      "msg_type": "json_text",
      "msg_content": "Hi Bob. I moved my blog, it is at"

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   If the REA can match this UH3 value to its corresponding value, then
   the REA may send a subsequent HTTP POST to the path /two_way_msg
   (i.e. <base URL>/two_way_msg) with data of the form (see
   Section 5.2):

  "version": 1,
  "uh1_u32": 11112,
  "uh1_alg": "FNV",
  "created": "20230102T12:59:00Z",
  "ah3_base64": "b6fb35773416f37e51eb893a0b0682e23b4f758d5004542450be61607253f899",
  "ah3_alg": "SHA-512",
  "msgs" : [
      "msg_type": "json_text",
      "msg_content": "hi Alice, it's Bob. My new email is"

5.6.  Message Types

   In the previous sections, the examples used the message type
   json_text to convey simple, JSON compatible strings.  However, the
   protocol supports multiple messages of various types.  Each type is
   to be listed in an IANA registry.

5.6.1.  Simple Message Types

   This document defines the following "simple" message types.

   *  json_text - the msg_content is a JSON compatible string.
   *  email - the msg_content is a JSON string containing an [RFC6530]
      compliant email address.
   *  web - the msg_content is a JSON string containing an [RFC3982] URL
      of a resource intended to be used with a web browser.
   *  profile - the msg_content is a JSON string containing an [RFC3982]
      URL that resolves to a message set (see Section 5.7).

5.6.2.  Cryptographic Message Types

   If the message type is pem_pubkey, the msg_content is an array of
   JSON strings containing an [RFC1422] PEM encoded [RFC5280] public
   key.  Each string of the array represents a "line" of text of the PEM

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   "msg_type": "pem_pubkey",
   "msg_content": [
     "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----",
     ""-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----"

   If the message type is pem_cms, the msg_content is an array of JSON
   strings containing an [RFC1422] PEM encoded CMS ([RFC5280]) object in
   the form described above.

   If the message type is self_pem_cms, the msg_content is an array of
   JSON strings of the same type as pem_cms, however the key material
   used for the CMS is either the UID or AID, or known to be associated
   with the UID or AID (such as key id).

      |  TODO: This needs some more work, obviously.

5.7.  Message Sets

   A set of messages can be grouped together for access using the
   following form:

     "version": 1,
     "msgs" : [
         "msg_type": "email",
         "msg_content": ""
         "msg_type": "web",
         "msg_content": ""

   Howdy defines no URL pattern for access to message sets, however
   Exchange Agents MAY make them publicly accessible based on
   permissions from a User Agent (e.g.
   (  See the profile message type in
   Section 5.6.1.

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5.8.  Distribution

   An Exchange Agent may request the locations of other agents from a
   known agent using the /exchange_agents path (i.e. <base
   URL>/exchange_agents).  This request may optionally have the next and
   prev query parameters, the value of each being a string.  These
   parameters are used to paginate the values in the request, where next
   is an indicator that only agents created before its value are to be
   in the returned result, and prev is an indicator that only agents
   created after its value are to be in the returned result.  The format
   for neither value is defined, and agents should omit the use of both
   parameter to request the latest values.

   The values are returned as a JSON object with the following form (see
   Section 5.2):

     "version": 1,
     "next" : "abcdefg",
     "prev" : "hijklmn",
     "notifications_accepted": true
     "exchange_agents" : [
         "agent_url": "https://agent1.example",
         "created": "20230102T12:59:00Z"
         "agent_url": "https://agent2.example",
         "created": "20230101T12:59:00Z"

5.9.  Notifications

   Exchange Agents may provide each other with unsolicited
   notifications.  An Exchange Agent indicates if it is willing to
   receive notifications using the notifications_accepted value found in
   the JSON messages of Section 5.8 and Section 5.3.

   Notifications are received using the /notifications path (i.e. <base
   URL/notifications) and have the following form (see Section 5.2):

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     "version": 1,
     "hash_values": [
         "uh1_u32": 11112,
         "alg": "FNV",
         "two_way": false,
         "created": "20230102T12:59:00Z"
         "uh1_u32": 22221,
         "alg": "FNV",
         "two-way": true,
         "created": "20230101T12:59:00Z"
     "exchange_agents" : [
         "agent_url": "https://agent1.example",
         "created": "20230102T12:59:00Z"
         "agent_url": "https://agent2.example",
         "created": "20230101T12:59:00Z"

   The hash_values array is the same as is used Section 5.3 and the
   exchange_agents array is the same is used in Section 5.8.

6.  Security Considerations

6.1.  All Bits Set

   The bit set defined in Section 5.3 can be manipulated to allow an
   exchange agent to be an attractive nuisance by simply setting all the
   bits.  REAs SHOULD limit contact to CEAs with every bit set.
   Likewise, REAs SHOULD limit contact with CEAs which yield a large
   number of false positive matches, where a false positive match is a
   failed identifier confirmation.

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6.2.  Shallow Bit Set

   The bit set discussed in Section 5.3 creates only one flag per UID,
   created from the UH1 value.  Experimentation, implementation, and
   experience may require additional bits to set for each UID to prevent
   an abundance of false positives.  It may be necessary to encorporate
   the modulo of the UH2 value into the bit set, thus providing more
   than one bit indicating the possible knowledge of a UID.

6.3.  Well Known Identifiers

   Identifiers of users are not generally secrets and are sometimes very
   well known.  This invites a type of attack where an Exchange Agent
   may purposefully be populated with hashes of well-known identifiers
   for the purposes of attracting victims.  For Howdy, this is
   especially easy to accomplish with one-way confirmation.  When using
   one-way confirmation, User Agents MUST inform users to take
   additional measures of confirmation using out-of-band communications
   if possible.

6.4.  Strengthened Acknowledgement

   In the confirmation flows, the exchange of the UH2/AH2 values and
   then the UH3/AH3 values makes both exchange agents express
   association with the UID/AID.  Without this double exchange, the CEA
   can falsely profess to association with a UID.  However, the hash
   algorithm used for UH2/AH2 may need to be strengthened.
   Experimentation, implementation, and experience may determine this

7.  Normative References

   [Bloom]    Bloom, B. H., "Space/time trade-offs in hash coding with
              allowable errors.", Communications of the ACM ACM 13,

              Fowler, G., Noll, L. C., Vo, K., Eastlake, D. E., and T.
              Hansen, "The FNV Non-Cryptographic Hash Algorithm", Work
              in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-eastlake-fnv-20, 10
              July 2023, <

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              Backman, A., Richer, J., and M. Sporny, "HTTP Message
              Signatures", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              httpbis-message-signatures-19, 26 July 2023,

   [Murmur3]  Appleby, A., "Murmur Hash 3",

   [RFC1422]  Kent, S., "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic
              Mail: Part II: Certificate-Based Key Management",
              RFC 1422, DOI 10.17487/RFC1422, February 1993,

   [RFC3982]  Newton, A. and M. Sanz, "IRIS: A Domain Registry (dreg)
              Type for the Internet Registry Information Service
              (IRIS)", RFC 3982, DOI 10.17487/RFC3982, January 2005,

   [RFC4648]  Josefsson, S., "The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data
              Encodings", RFC 4648, DOI 10.17487/RFC4648, October 2006,

   [RFC5280]  Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S.,
              Housley, R., and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
              (CRL) Profile", RFC 5280, DOI 10.17487/RFC5280, May 2008,

   [RFC6234]  Eastlake 3rd, D. and T. Hansen, "US Secure Hash Algorithms
              (SHA and SHA-based HMAC and HKDF)", RFC 6234,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6234, May 2011,

   [RFC6530]  Klensin, J. and Y. Ko, "Overview and Framework for
              Internationalized Email", RFC 6530, DOI 10.17487/RFC6530,
              February 2012, <>.

   [RFC9110]  Fielding, R., Ed., Nottingham, M., Ed., and J. Reschke,
              Ed., "HTTP Semantics", STD 97, RFC 9110,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9110, June 2022,

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Appendix A.  Other Environments

A.1.  Fediverse

   This document describes how Howdy works over the Internet by layering
   it over HTTP.  However, there may be other environments where parts
   of Howdy can be used to achieve similar purposes.  For example, the
   Activity Pub protocol and the conventions established around the
   Fediverse provide enough properties to to layer Howdy in Activity Pub
   itself, making the integration of Howdy more seemless with that


   NOSTR is another environment similar to the Fediverse but with
   different goals.  NOSTR uses cryptographic public keys as user
   identifiers.  Howdy could be used in NOSTR to map NOSTR public keys
   to email addresses and other user identifiers, including other NOSTR
   public keys.  Additionally, a binding of Howdy to the NOSTR protocol
   could make exchange of user identifiers more seamless in that

A.3.  LANS

   Other environments, such as local area networks, may take parts of
   Howdy and use them with mDNS or Bluetooth to facilitate the discovery
   of Exchange Agents.  This scenario being that a user with a smart
   phone containing both a User Agent and Exchange Agent may be notified
   that an acquaintance is physically nearby using Howdy.

A.4.  MIMI

   The IETF's More Instant Messaging Interoperability (MIMI) working
   group is defining protocols for the interchange of instant messages
   across protocol boundaries.  Howdy could be used for the discovery of
   identifiers and mapping of identifiers between the varous instant
   messaging systems.

Appendix B.  Design Issues

B.1.  Murmur and Known Salts

   Notes on the Murmu3 algorithm suggest that it is fast, but produces
   different results depending on CPU architecture.  If true, this
   algorithm would present significant interoperability issues and could
   not be used.

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   Instead of using multiple algorithms, another approach might be to
   use "known salts" (salts are typically random), which are appended to
   identifiers before hashing.  Such a scheme might be that all agents
   create hashes with a large, predefined set of known salts but only
   use a small set during confirmation.

B.2.  JOSE

   More effort needs to be given towards the use of JOSE standards.  The
   PEM based approach was selected because it is well-known but also
   that canonicalization is unnecessary when hashing public keys.  Being
   able to use a public key as an identifier that is then used to sign a
   message seems particularly useful.

Appendix C.  Acknowledgements

   A conversation had with libations and Eric Osterweil was the
   inspiration for Howdy.

Author's Address

   Andy Newton

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