Internet DRAFT - draft-nichols-iotops-defined-trust-transport


Network Working Group                                         K. Nichols
Internet-Draft                                               Pollere LLC
Intended status: Informational                               V. Jacobson
Expires: 2 April 2024                                               UCLA
                                                                 R. King
                                                   Operant Networks Inc.
                                                       30 September 2023

      Defined-Trust Transport (DeftT) Protocol for Limited Domains


   This document describes a broadcast-oriented, many-to-many Defined-
   trust Transport (DeftT) framework that makes it simple to express and
   enforce application and deployment specific integrity,
   authentication, access control and behavior constraints directly in
   the protocol stack.  DeftT's communication model is one of
   synchronized collections of secured information rather than one-to-
   one optionally secured connections.  DeftT is part of a Defined-trust
   Communications approach with a specific example implementation
   available.  Combined with IPv6 multicast and modern hardware-based
   methods for securing keys and code, it provides an easy to use
   foundation for secure and efficient communications in Limited Domains
   (RFC8799), in particular for Operational Technology (OT) networks.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 2 April 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft       Defined-Trust Transport (DeftT)      September 2023

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Environment and use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     1.2.  Transporting information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     1.3.  Securing information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     1.4.  Defined-trust Communications Domains  . . . . . . . . . .  11
     1.5.  Current status  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   2.  DeftT and Defined-trust Communications  . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     2.1.  Inside DeftT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     2.2.  syncps: a set reconciliation protocol . . . . . . . . . .  15
     2.3.  DeftT formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       2.3.1.  Top level container TLVs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       2.3.2.  Leaf TLVs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
       2.3.3.  TLV header details  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
       2.3.4.  Design rationale  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
     2.4.  Application and network interface . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     2.5.  Synchronizing a collection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
     2.6.  Distributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
       2.6.1.  Certificate distributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
       2.6.2.  Group key distributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
       2.6.3.  Other distributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
     2.7.  Schema-based information movement . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
     2.8.  Congestion control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
   3.  Defined-trust management engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
     3.1.  Communications schemas  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
     3.2.  A schema language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
   4.  Certificates and identity bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  41
     4.1.  Obviate CA usage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
     4.2.  Identity bundles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43
   5.  Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  44
     5.1.  Secure Industrial IoT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45
     5.2.  Secure access to Distributed Energy Resources (DER) . . .  47
   6.  Using Defined-trust Communications without DeftT  . . . . . .  49
   7.  Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  51
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54
   10. Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54
   11. Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54

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   Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62

1.  Introduction

   Decades of success in providing IP connectivity over any physical
   media ("IP over everything") has commoditized IP-based
   communications.  This makes IP an attractive option for Internet of
   Things (IoT), Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Operational
   Technologies (OT) applications like building automation, embedded
   systems and transportation control, that previously required
   proprietary or analog connectivity.  For the energy sector in
   particular, the growing use of Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
   like residential solar has created interest in low cost commodity
   networked devices but with added features for security, robustness
   and low-power operation [MODOT][OPR][CIDS].  Other emerging uses
   include connecting controls and sensors in nuclear power plants
   [DIGN] and carbon capture monitoring [IIOT].

   While use of an IP network layer is a major advance for OT, current
   Internet transport options are a poor match to its needs.  TCP
   generalized the Arpanet transport notion of a packet "phone call"
   between two endpoints into a generic, reliable, bi-directional
   bytestream working over IP's stateless unidirectional best-effort
   delivery model.  Just as the voice phone call model spawned a global
   voice communications infrastructure in the 1900s, TCP/IP's two-party
   packet sessions are the foundation of today's global data
   communication infrastructure.

   Yet "good for global communication" isn't the same as "good for
   everything".  A signficant number of OT uses can be characterized as
   Limited Domains [RFC8799]: localized and communication-intensive with
   a primary function of coordination and control and communication
   patterns that are many-to-many.  Implementing many-to-many
   applications over two-party transport sessions changes the
   configuration burden and traffic scaling from the native media's
   O(_n_) to O(_n_^2) (see Section 1.2).  Further, as OT devices have
   specific, highly prescribed roles with strict constraints on "who can
   say what to which", the opacity of modern encrypted two-party
   sessions can make it impossible to enforce or audit these

   This memo describes Defined-trust Transport (DeftT) for Limited
   Domains [RFC8799] in which multipoint communications are enabled
   through use of a named collection abstraction and secured by an
   integrated trust management engine.  DeftT employs multicast (e.g.,
   IPv6 link-local [RFC4291]), a distributed set reconciliation
   communications model, a flexible pub/sub API, chain-of-trust

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   membership identities, and secured rules that define the local
   context and communication constraints of a deployment in a
   declarative language.  These rules are used by DeftT's runtime trust
   management engine to enforce adherence to the constraints.  The
   resulting system is efficient, secure and scalable: communication,
   signing and validation costs are constant per-publication,
   independent of the richness and complexity of the deployment's
   constraints or the number of entites deployed.  Like QUIC, DeftT is a
   user-space transport protocol that sits between an application and a
   system-provided transport like UDP or UDP multicast (see Figure 1).
   DeftT's intended use is for communications in the constrained
   environments that can be characterized as Limited Domains (LDs).
   Though the properties enumerated in [RFC8799] are necessary, we do
   not claim they are sufficient.

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/defttlayer-rfc.svg)

                   Figure 1: DeftT's place in an IP stack

   DeftT is IP-compatible but not Internet-compatible (e.g., not
   routable).  In contrast with IETF standards track protocols like the
   client-server COAP [RFC7252], DeftT is intended to serve the
   communication needs of a closed community with common objectives, a
   zero-trust Limited Domain (_trust domain_).  Foremost among those
   needs is the ability to enforce community-specific policy constraints
   ("who can say what to which").  ABAC (Attribute-Based Access Control)
   [NIST] provides a model sufficient to express and enforce these
   constraints but a fundamental architectural choice remains to either:

   (a) Start with Internet-based communication protocols then "harden
   them" by layering an ABAC framework on top, or

   (b) Start with an ABAC framework that verifiably enforces the policy
   constraints then augment it with the minimum necessary communication
   primitives needed to function in a community's deployment

   Existing IETF protocols use approach (a) and, given how few
   enforceable security policies are possible on the open Internet, it's
   a reasonable choice.  For LDs, approach (a) imports all the
   (otherwise unneeded) Internet abstraction maintenance machinery
   (DHCP, DNS, CAs, PDPs/PIPs, routing, address plans, etc.).  When
   communication is expressed in terms of Internet abstractions (e.g., a
   TLS connection between two IP endpoints), there needs to be a
   translation layer to map between these abstractions and the
   community's entities, requirements and objectives.  All this
   machinery is configuration intensive and recent history has
   demonstrated that it's all prime attack surface.  DeftT has been

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   created as a self-contained ABAC framework where the PEP and PDP are
   in the transport narrow pub/sub waist and embeds the PIP function in
   certificate signing chains so it's self-authenticating and self-
   distributing.  Further, DeftT's efficient use of its communications
   schema obviates the ABAC expectation that "the more granular the
   controls, the higher the overhead."

   Like COAP/OSCORE nodes, DeftT members start with a pre-existing
   identity obtained out of band which means that existing and evolving
   bootstrap and enrollment protocols and methodologies can be used.
   But DeftT identities are more than a single key pair and only convey
   membership in a _specific_ Trust Domain that is using a _particular_
   set of rules and a _particular_ trust anchor (TA).  Member identities
   are in the form of certificate chains containing all relevant
   attributes or roles with a private key corresponding to a unique
   identity cert at the chain's leaf.  As with MUD, members of a trust
   domain have specific capabilities and permitted communications that
   are explicitly specified.  Unlike MUD, each member gets the
   communications rules for the domain distributed in binary form in a
   cert signed by the same trust anchor that is at the root of the
   member identity.  This _schema_ specifies the format for membership
   identity chains as well as the format of all legal communications and
   the attributes required to issue them.  Each DeftT has an integrated
   trust management engine that makes use of the schema at run-time.
   DeftT enrollment consists of configuring a device with _identity
   bundles_ that contains the trust anchor certificate, a compact and
   secured copy of the communication rules, and a membership identity
   (for domain communications) which comprises all the certs in its
   signing chain (used to confer attributes) terminated at the trust
   anchor.  The private key corresponding to the leaf certificate of the
   identity should be securely configured (i.e., not exposed to any
   third party) while the security of the identity bundle can be
   deployment-specific (i.e., the public certificates it contains may
   optionally be protected from third parties).  The identity chains of
   all communicating members share a common trust anchor as do the rules
   that define the permissible signing chains of a Domain, so the bundle
   suffices for a member to authenticate and authorize communication
   from peers and vice-versa.  The identity bundle, DeftT's trust
   management engine, and a trust domain's certificate collection
   (obtained via DeftT as members initiate connection) allow new members
   to join and communicate with no specific knowledge of other members,
   thus obviating labor intensive and error-prone device-to-device
   association configuration.  (More on certificates and identities in
   DeftT in Section 2.6 and Section 4.)

   In synchronized collections, members communicate about their local
   version of the collection state and send additions to the collection
   the other members are missing.  Along with the out-of-band identity

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   bundle, DeftT makes use of both its synchronized collections and its
   integrated trust management engine to securely join a particular
   Trust Domain.  As understanding how a DeftT joins a Trust Domain
   should be helpful in in understanding DeftT and how it differs from
   other approaches, its certificate distributor module is briefly
   described here.  A state diagram of the joining process is Figure 2.
   During configuration, the private identity key should always be
   stored so it is both private and secure.  The identity key is not
   used for signing DeftT packets, but for signing a cert that is
   locally created so that signing certs can be updated more often
   without the need for update of the identity.  In addition, the
   identity key can remain within protected hardware like a TPM for
   signing while the signing key is intended for use in the
   communications path where we can tradeoff the possibility of more
   exposure vs the need for speed.  Once the signing pair is created and
   a cert signed, the DeftT starts the process of joining the Trust
   Domain by subscribing to the Domain certificate collection whereupon
   it receives the state of the collection.  The local signing chain is
   added to the local copy of the cert collection then the local
   collection state can be compared to the received collection state and
   any certs that are not already in that received state will be sent on
   the network to be added to the Domain collection.  Note this will
   always include the identity cert and the signing cert of a new
   member, but other certificates of the chain may already have been
   added by previously joined members.  A DeftT does not consider itself
   joined until it receives a collection state from the network that
   contains all of its certs, indicating that at least one other member
   will be able to receive its signed packets.  Whether joined or not,
   the cert distributor handles all certs received from the network,
   adding them to its local collection when an entire validated signing
   chain is received.

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/certSD-rfc.svg)

    Figure 2: DeftT certificate distributor enables joining Trust Domain

   OSCORE [RFC8613] adds object security to COAP specifically to get
   around the vulnerability of using only DTLS/TLS with proxies.  OSCORE
   uses pre-shared keys either acquired out-of-band or via a key
   establishment protocol.  OSCORE encrypts/signs a COAP message and
   carries it as payload in a COAP message with the OSCORE option.  A
   Security Context is between two endpoints, specific to sender ID and
   recipient ID.  Sender IDs may be establish o-o-b.  As Internet
   compatible protocols, COAP/OSCORE/ACE[RFC9200] use 1) cleartext
   options in their headers and 2) trusted third parties or resource
   servers, both of which can be exploited.  A DeftT PDU uses a hash of
   its compiled rules cert to identify its trust domain with no options.
   In the Internet, PDU headers tell nodes how the packet should be

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   handled.  In a DeftT trust domain, the hash in the PDU identifies the
   packet as part of the domain whose rules will be enforced by any
   receiver.  These are very different architectures both for
   communicating and for securing communications and are expected to
   serve different roles although the application spaces may overlap.
   Further, DeftT and Defined-trust Communications are early-stage work
   compared to COAP/OSCORE and other IETF work, but deployments are
   underway by Operant and Pollere.

1.1.  Environment and use

   Due to physical deployment constraints and the high cost of wiring,
   many OT networks preferentially use radio as their communication
   medium.  Use of wires is impossible in many installations (untethered
   Things, adding connected devices to home and infrastructure networks,
   vehicular uses, etc.).  Wiring costs far exceed the cost of current
   System-on-Chip Wi-Fi IoT devices and the cost differential is
   increasing [WSEN][COST].  For example, the popular ESP32 is a
   32bit/320KB SRAM RISC with 60 analog and digital I/O channels plus
   complete 802.11b/g/n and bluetooth radios on a 5mm die that consumes
   70uW in normal operation.  It currently costs $0.13 in small
   quantities while the estimated cost of pulling cable to retrofit
   nuclear power plants is presently $2000/ft [NPPI].

   Many OT networks are Limited Domains having a defined membership and
   communications that are often local, have a many-to-many pattern, and
   use application-specific identifiers ("topics") for rendezvous.  This
   fits the generic Publish/Subscribe communications model ("pub/sub")
   and, as table 1 in [PRAG] shows, nine of the eleven most widely used
   IoT protocols use a topic-based pub/sub transport.  For example MQTT,
   an open standard developed in 1999 to monitor oil pipelines over
   satellite [MQTT][MHST], is now likely the most widely used
   application communication protocol in IoT (
   cases/ (  Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS,
   Google Cloud, and Cloudflare all offer hosted MQTT brokers for
   collecting and connecting sensor and control data in addition to
   providing local pub/sub in buildings, factories and homes.  Pub/sub
   protocols communicate by using the same topic but need no knowledge
   of one another.  These protocols are typically _implemented_ as an
   application layer protocol over a two-party Internet transports like
   TCP or TLS which require in-advance configuration of peer addresses
   and credentials at each endpoint and incur unnecessary communications
   overhead Section 1.2.

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1.2.  Transporting information

   The smart lighting example of Figure 3 illustrates a topic-based pub/
   sub application layer protocol in a wireless broadcast subnet.  Each
   switch is set up to do triple-duty: one click of its on/off paddle
   controls some particular light(s), two clicks control all the lights
   in the room, and three clicks control all available lights (five
   kitchen plus the four den ceiling).  Thus a switch button push may
   require a message to as many as nine light devices.  On a broadcast
   transmission network each packet sent by the switch is heard by all
   nine devices.  IPv6 link-level multicast provides a network layer
   that can take advantage of this but current IP transport protocols
   cannot.  Instead, each switch needs to establish nine bi-lateral
   transport associations in order to send the published message for all
   lights to turn on.  Communicating devices must be configured with
   each other's IP address and enrolled identity so, for _n_ devices,
   both the configuration burden and traffic scale as O(_n^2_).  For
   example, when an "_all_" event is triggered, every light's radio will
   receive nine messages but discard the eight determined to be "not
   mine."  If a device sleeps, is out-of-range, or has partial
   connectivity, additional application-level mechanisms have to be
   implemented to accommodate it.

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/iotDeftt-rfc.svg)

                  Figure 3: Smart lighting use of Pub/Sub

   MQTT and other broker-based pub/sub approaches mitigate this by
   adding a _broker_ where all transport connections terminate
   (Figure 4).  Each entity makes a single TCP transport connection with
   the broker and tells the broker the topics to which it subscribes.
   Thus the kitchen switch uses its single transport session to publish
   commands to topic kitchen/counter, topic kitchen or all.  The kitchen
   counter light uses its broker session to subscribe to those same
   three topics.  The kitchen ceiling lights subscribe to topics kitchen
   ceiling, kitchen and all while den ceiling lights subscribe to topics
   den ceiling, den and all.  Use of a broker reduces the configuration
   burden from O(_n_^2) to O(_n_): 18 transport sessions to 11 for this
   simple example but for realistic deployments the reduction is often
   greater.  There are other advantages: besides their own IP addresses
   and identities, devices only need to be configured with those of the
   broker.  Further, the broker can store messages for temporarily
   unavailable devices and use the transport session to confirm the
   reception of messages.  This approach is popular because the pub/sub
   application layer protocol provides an easy-to-use API and the broker
   reduces configuration burden while maintaining secure, reliable
   delivery and providing short-term in-network storage of messages.
   Still the broker implementation doubles the per-device configuration

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   burden by adding an entity that exists only to implement transport
   and traffic still scales as O(_n^2_), e.g., any switch publishing to
   all lights results in ten (unicast) message transfers over the wifi
   network.  Further, the broker introduces a single point of failure
   into a network that is richly connected physically.

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/iotMQTT-rfc.svg)

     Figure 4: Brokers enable Pub/Sub over connection/session protocols

   Clearly, a transport protocol able to exploit a physical network's
   broadcast capabilities would better suit this problem.  (Since
   unicast is just multicast restricted to peer sets of size 2, a
   multicast transport handles all unicast use cases but the converse is
   not true.)

   More general solutions for this communications paradigm are possible
   by moving the view of the problem from message exchange to the
   concept of coordinating shared objectives.  In the distributed
   systems literature, communication associated with coordinating shared
   objectives has long been modeled as _distributed set reconciliation_
   [WegmanC81][Demers87].  In this approach, each domain of discourse is
   a named set, e.g., _myhouse.iot_. Each event or action, e.g., a
   switch button press, is added as a new element to the instance of
   _myhouse.iot_ at its point of origin then the reconciliation process
   ensures that every instance of _myhouse.iot_ has this element.  In
   2000, [MINSKY03] developed a broadcast-capable set reconciliation
   algorithm whose communication cost equaled the set instance
   _differences_ (which is optimal) but its polynomial computational
   cost impeded adoption.  In 2011, [DIFF] used Invertible Bloom Lookup
   Tables (IBLTs) [IBLT][MPSR] to create a simple distributed set
   reconciliation algorithm providing optimal in both communication and
   computational cost.  DeftT uses this algorithm (see Section 2.2) and
   takes advantage of IPv6's self-configuring link local multicast to
   avoid all manual configuration and external dependencies.  This
   restores the system design to Figure 3 where each device has a
   single, auto-configured transport that makes use of the broadcast
   radio medium without need for a broker or multiple transport
   associations.  Each button push is broadcast exactly once to be added
   to the distributed set.  (See Section 2.5 to see how members fill in
   missing elements.)

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1.3.  Securing information

   Conventional session-based transports combine multiple publications
   with independent topics and purposes under a single session key,
   providing privacy by encrypting the sessions between endpoints.  The
   credentials of endpoints (e.g., a website) are usually attested by a
   third party certificate authority (CA) and bound to a DNS name; each
   secure transport association requires the exchange of these
   credentials which allows for secure exchange of a nonce symmetric
   key.  In Figure 4 each transport session is a separate security
   association where each device needs to validate the broker's
   credential and the broker has to validate each device's.  This
   ensures that transport associations are between two enrolled devices
   (protecting against outsider and some MITM attacks) but, once the
   transport session has been established there are no constraints
   whatsoever on what devices can say.  Clearly, this does not protect
   against the insider attacks that currently plague OT, e.g., [CHPT]
   description of a lightbulb taking over a network.  For example, the
   basic function of a light switch requires that it be allowed to tell
   a light to turn on or off but it almost certainly shouldn't be
   allowed to tell the light to overwrite its firmware (fwupd), even
   though "on/off" and "fwupd" are both standard capabilities of most
   smart light APIs.  Once a TLS session is established, the transport
   handles "fwupd" publications _the same way_ as "on/off" publications.
   Such attacks can be prevented using trust management that operates
   per-publication, using rules that enable the "fwupd" from the light
   switch to be rejected.  Combining per-publication trust decisions
   with many-to-many communications over broadcast infrastructure
   requires per-publication signing rather than session-based signing.

   Securing each publication rather than the path it arrives on deals
   with a wider spectrum of threats while avoiding the quadratic session
   state and traffic burden.  In OT, valid messages conform to rigid
   standards on syntax and semantics
   [IEC61850][ISO9506MMS][ONE][MATR][OSCAL][NMUD][ST][ZCL] that can be
   combined with site-specific requirements on identities and
   capabilities to create a system's communication rules.  These rules
   can be employed to secure publications in a trust management system
   such as [DLOG] where each publisher is responsible for supplying all
   of the "who/what/where/when" information needed for each subscriber
   to _prove_ the publication complies with system policies.

   Instead of vulnerable third-party CAs [W509], sites employ a *local*
   root of trust and _locally_ created certificates.  When the
   communication rules are expressed in a _declarative_ language [DLOG],
   they can be validated for consistency and completeness then converted
   to a compact runtime form which can be authorized and secured via
   signing with the system trust anchor.  This _communication schema_

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   can be distributed as a certificate, then validated using on-device
   trusted enclaves [TPM][HSE][ATZ] as part of the device enrollment
   process.  In DeftT's publication-based transport, the schema is used
   to both construct and validate publications, guaranteeing that _all_
   parts of the system _always_ conform to and enforce the same rules,
   even as those rules evolve to meet new threats (more in Section 3.1).
   DeftT embeds the trust management mechanism described above directly
   in the publish and subscribe data paths as shown below:

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/trustElements-rfc.svg)

               Figure 5: Trust management elements of DeftT.

   This approach extends LangSec's [LANGSEC] "be definite in what you
   accept" principle by using the authenticated common rules of the
   schema for belt-and-suspenders enforcement at both publication and
   subscription functions of the transport.  If an application asks the
   Publication Builder to publish something and the schema shows it
   lacks credentials, an error is thrown and nothing is published.
   Independently, the Publication Validator ignores publications that:

   *  don't have a locally validated, complete signing chain for the
      credential that signed it
   *  the schema shows its signing chain isn't appropriate for this
   *  have a publication signature that doesn't validate

   Note that since an application's subscriptions determine which
   publications it wants, only certificates from chains that can sign
   publications matching the subscriptions need to be validated or
   retained.  Thus a device's communication state burden and computation
   costs are a function of how many different things are allowed to talk
   to it but _not_ how many things it talks to or the total number of
   devices in the system.  In particular, event driven, publish-only
   devices like sensors spend no time or space on validation.  Unlike
   most 'secure' systems, adding additional constraints to schemas to
   reduce attack surface results in devices doing _less_ work.

1.4.  Defined-trust Communications Domains

   A Defined-trust Communications Limited Domain (or simply, _trust
   domain_) is a Limited Domain where all the members communicate via a
   DeftT (Figure 6) and are configured with the same trust anchor and
   schema as well as an individual schema-conformant DeftT identity cert
   chain that terminates at the trust anchor and the private key
   corresponding to the identity chain's leaf cert.  The particular
   rules for any deployment are application-specific (e.g., Is it home
   IoT or a nuclear power plant?) and site-specific (specific form of

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   credential and idiosyncrasies in rules) which DeftT accommodates by
   being invoked with a ruleset (schema) particular to a deployment.  We
   anticipate that the efforts to create common data models (e.g.,
   [ONE]) for specific sectors will lead to easier and more forms-based
   configuration of DeftT deployments.

   A trust domain is perimeterless and may operate over one or more
   subnets, sharing physical media with non-member entities.  Domain
   member entities' DeftTs publish and subscribe using Publication
   Builders and Validators as shown in Figure 5.  Publications become
   the elements of a set, or named collection, that is synchronized
   across each subnet.  DeftT uses a distributed set reconciliation
   protocol on _each_ collection and _each_ subnet independently.  Every
   DeftT maintains at least two collections: *pubs* for application
   information Publications and *cert* where identity signing chains are

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/trustdomain-rfc.svg)

                           Figure 6: Trust domain

   Trust domains are extended across physically separated subnets,
   subnets using different media and/or subdomains on the same subnet
   (see Section 2.7) by using *relays* that have a DeftT in each subnet
   and pass Publications between subnets as long as they are valid at
   the receiving DeftT Figure 7.  Since set reconciliation does not
   accept duplicates, relays are powerful elements in creating efficient
   configuration-free meshes.  The subnets of the figure could be
   different colocated media (e.g. bluetooth, wifi, ethernet) or may be
   physically distant.  The triangle relay-only subnet can be carried
   over a unicast link.  The set reconciliation protocol ensures that
   items only transit a subnet once: an item must be specifically
   requested in order to be transmitted.  Any part of a verifiable
   defined-trust identity can be used in the delineation of subdomains,
   e.g. specific component(s) of identity names for all DeftTs of a
   subdomain can be constrained to be the same so that Publications are
   effectively only relayed to a particular "group" as identified by
   those components and this is enforced via the secured schema
   (non-"group" Publications will not validate).  Relay discussion is in
   Section 2.7 and Section 5.

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/relayedtrustdomain-rfc.svg)

                       Figure 7: Relayed trust domain

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1.5.  Current status

   An open-source Defined-trust Communications Toolkit [DCT] with an
   example implementation of DeftT is maintained by the corresponding
   author's company.  [DCT] currently has examples of using DeftT to
   implement secure brokerless message-based pub/sub using multicast
   UDP/IPv6 and unicast UDP/TCP and include extending a trust domain via
   a unicast connection or between two broadcast network segments.

   Massive build out of the renewable energy sector is driving
   connectivity needs for both monitoring and control.  Author King's
   company, Operant, is currently developing extensions of DeftT in a
   mix of open-source and proprietary software tailored for commercial
   deployment in support of distributed energy resources (DER).  Current
   small scale use cases have performed well and expanded usage is
   underway.  Pollere is also working on home IoT uses.  The development
   philosophy for DeftT is to start from solving useful problems with a
   well-defined scope and extend from there.  As the needs of our use
   cases expand, the Defined-trust communications framework will evolve
   with increased efficiencies.  DeftT's code is open source, as befits
   any communications protocol, but even more critical for one
   attempting to offer security.  DCT itself makes use of the open
   source cryptographic library libsodium [SOD] and the project is open
   to feedback on potential security issues as well as hearing from
   potential collaborators.

   The well-known issues with 802.11 multicast [RFC9119] can make DeftT
   less efficient than it should be.  Target OT deployments primarily
   use smaller packet sizes and DeftT's set reconciliation provides
   robust delivery that currently mitigates these concerns.  DeftT use
   may become another force for improved multicast on 802.11, joining
   the critical network infrastructure applications of neighbor
   discovery, address resolution, DHCP, etc.

   Cryptographic signing takes most of the application-to-network time
   in DeftT.  Though not prohibitively costly (e.g., under 20
   microseconds on a Mac Studio), increased use of signing in transports
   may incentivize creation of more efficient signing algorithms.

2.  DeftT and Defined-trust Communications

   DeftT synchronizes and secures communications between enrolled
   members of a Limited Domain [RFC8799].  DeftT's multi-party
   synchronized collections of named, schema-conformant Publications
   contrast with the bilateral session of TCP or QUIC where a source and
   a destination coordinate with one another to transport
   undifferentiated streams of information.  DeftTs in a trust domain
   may hold different subsets of the collection at any time (e.g.,

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   immediately after entities add elements to the collection) but the
   synchronization protocol ensures all converge to holding the complete
   set of elements within a few round-trip-times following the changes.

   Applications use DeftT to add to and access from a collection of
   Publications.  DeftT enforces "who can say what to which" as well as
   providing required integrity, authenticity and confidentiality.
   Transparently to applications, a DeftT both constructs and validates
   all Publications against its schema's formal, validated rules.  The
   compiled binary communications schema is distributed as a trust-root-
   signed certificate and that certificate's thumbprint (see
   Section and Section 7) _uniquely_ identifies each trust
   domain.  Each DeftT is configured with the trust anchor used in the
   domain, the schema cert, and its own credentials for membership in
   the domain.  To communicate, DeftTs must be in the same domain.
   Identity credentials comprise a unique private identity key along
   with a public certificate chain rooted at the domain's trust anchor.
   Certificates in identity chains are specified in the schema and
   contain the attributes granted to the identity.  Thus, attributes are
   stored in the identity *not* on an external server.

   As illustrated in Figure 2, each member publishes its credentials to
   the certificate collection in order to join the domain.  DeftT
   validates credentials as a certificate chain against the schema and
   does not accept Publications without a fully validated signer.  This
   unique approach enables fully distributed policy enforcement without
   a secured-perimeter physical network and/or extensive per-device
   configuration.  DeftT can share an IP network with non-DeftT traffic
   as well as DeftT traffic of a different Domain.  Privacy via AEAD
   (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data) is automatically
   handled within DeftT if selected in the schema.

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/transportBD0v2-rfc.svg)

              Figure 8: DeftT's interaction in a network stack

   Figure 8 shows the data flow in and out of a DeftT.  DeftT uses its
   schema to package application information into Publications that are
   added to its local view of the collection.  Application information
   is packaged in Publications which are carried in collection addition
   (cAdd) PDUs that are used along with collection state (cState) PDUs
   to communicate about and synchronize Collections. cStates report the
   state of the local collection; cAdds carry Publications to other
   members that need them.  These PDUs are broadcast on their subnet
   (e.g., UDP multicast).

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2.1.  Inside DeftT

   DeftT's example implementation [DCT] is organized in functional
   library modules that interact to prepare application-level
   information for transport and to extract application-level
   information from packets, see Figure 9.  Extensions and alternate
   module implementations are possible but the functionality and
   interfaces must be preserved.  Internals of DeftT are completely
   transparent to an application and the example implementation is
   efficient in both lines of code and performance.  The schema
   determines which modules are used.  A DeftT participates in two
   required collections and _may_ participate in others if required by
   the schema-designated signature managers.  One of the required
   collections, *pubs*, contains application Publications.  The other
   required collection, *cert*, contains the certificates of the trust
   domain.  Specific signature managers _may_ require group key
   distribution in descriptively named collection *keys*.

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/DeftTmodules-rfc.svg)

                     Figure 9: Run-time library modules

   A _shim_ serves as the translator between application semantics and
   the named information objects (Publications) whose format is defined
   by the schema.  The *syncps* module is the set reconciliation
   protocol used by DeftT (see Section 2.2).  New signature managers,
   distributors, and face modules may be added to the library to extend
   features.  More detail on each module can be found at [DCT] in both
   code files and documents.

   The signing and validation modules (_signature managers_) are used
   for both Publications and cAdds.  Following good security practice,
   DeftT's Publications are constructed and signed _early_ in their
   creation, then are validated (or discarded) early in the reception
   process.The _schemaLib_ module provides certificate store access
   throughout DeftT along with access to _distributors_ of group keys,
   Publication building and structural validation, and other functions
   of the trust management engine.  This organization of interacting
   modules is not possible in a strictly layered implementation.

2.2.  syncps: a set reconciliation protocol

   DeftT requires a method or protocol that keeps collections of
   Publications synchronized.  Required functionality for such a
   protocol can be understood through the example of the *syncps*
   protocol included in the example implementation.  The *syncps*
   protocol uses IBLTs [DIFF][IBLT][MPSR] to solve the multi-party set-
   difference problem efficiently without the use of prior context and

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   with communication proportional to the size of the difference between
   the sets being compared.  The state of a local collection is encoded
   in an IBLT.  A syncps announces its local _collection state_ (set of
   currently known Publications) by sending a cState (Section
   that also serves as a query for additional data not reflected in its
   local state.  Receipt of a cState performs three simultaneous
   functions: (1) announces new Publications, (2) notifies of
   Publications that member(s) are missing and (3) acknowledges
   Publication receipt.  The first may prompt the recipient to share its
   cState to get the new Publication(s).  The second results in the
   recipient sending a cAdd Section containing all the locally
   available missing Publications that fit.  The third is used
   optionally and may result in a progress notification sent to other
   local modules so anything waiting for delivery confirmation can

   On broadcast media, syncps uses any cStates it hears to reduce
   (suppress) sending excess cStates and listens for cAdds that may add
   to its collection.  This means that one-to-many Publications cause
   sending a single cState and a single cAdd independently of the number
   of members desiring the Publication (the theoretical minimum possible
   for reliable delivery).  The digest size of a cState can be
   controlled by Publication lifetime, dynamically constructing the
   digest to maximize communication progress [Graphene][Graphene19] and,
   if necessary for a large network, dynamically adapting topic

   A cAdd with new Publication(s) responds to a particular cState as per
   (Section item 1).  Any DeftT that is missing a Publication
   (due to being out-of-range, asleep, channel errors, etc.) can receive
   it from any other DeftT.  A syncps will continue to send cAdds as
   long as cStates are received that are missing any of its active
   Publications.  This results in reliability that is subscriber-
   oriented, not publisher-oriented, kept efficient with protocol
   features that prevent multiple redundant broadcasts.  The example
   implementation of syncps prevents redundant broadcasts by having
   originating publishers send their responding Publications immediately
   while others delay before supplying missing Publications, canceling
   if a responding cAdd is overheard.  Other approaches are possible.

   The collection synchronization work of a syncps module is shown as a
   state diagram in Figure 10.  When a new syncps is started, it always
   sends its local cState (starts unsuppressed) on the network and sets
   an expiration timer for the cState.  If this timer expires, the "new
   local cState" actions are repeated and the cState may be suppressed
   (thus not sent).  For most collections, the initial cState will show
   an empty collection (certificate collections will have the local
   identity chain).  The events that can move the collection forward are

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   (1) the arrival of a cState from the network, (2) the arrival of a
   cAdd from the network whose csID matches a hash value stored from a
   previously received or sent cState, or (3) arrival of a new
   Publication from its shim.  For an arriving cAdd, each Publication is
   extracted, validated, and passed to any registered subscriber
   callback(s).  Non-validating packets are silently discarded (may
   optionally set alerts or count discards).  Reception of new Pub(s)
   may cause an application process to create and add new Publications
   to the local collection.  Sending of new Pubs is deferred until the
   entire cAdd has been processed.  If there are no new Pubs to send,
   syncps moves to its "set sendCStateTimer" state where a cancelable
   sendCState timer is set to the estimated dispersion delay of this
   local subnet.  (Dispersion should be << cState lifetime.  More on
   dispersion delay in Section 2.5.)

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/syncpsSD-rfc.svg)

                Figure 10: State diagram of a syncps module

   Since new Publications are always eligible to send, if any were
   created while in "process cAdd", the next state is "process Pubs to
   send" with csID set to the csID field of the cAdd on entry to
   "process cAdd".  In "process Pubs to send" any pending sendCState
   will be canceled and eligible Pubs are packaged as content for a new
   cAdd.  Packaged Publications are subject to a hold time (during which
   they are ineligible to send) of twice the dispersion delay to avoid
   responding to cStates sent before reception of a cAdd containing the
   Pub. If there are Pubs to send, a cAdd with that content and the
   passed in csID is sent, then the set sendCStateTimer state is
   entered; when there are no Pubs to send, the action moves there

   Another path to exit the "wait for event" state is reception of a
   cState which moves to "process cState" where incoming cStates are
   recorded, If this cState matches the local cState, the syncps returns
   to the wait state.  Otherwise, the IBLT is extracted from the cState,
   an IBLT is computed on the local Pub collection, and they are peeled
   to find the ones the received cState has that are not in the local
   collection ("needs") and the ones that are in the local collection
   and not in the received cState ("haves").  Syncps enters the "process
   Pubs to send" state with csID set to the hash of the cState's name.
   Eligible Pubs are "haves" that do not have a hold time set and
   locally generated Publications are sent preferentially.  Publications
   obtained from others are not immediately eligible to send; members
   delay to give the originator time to respond, sending these when
   further cStates indicate a member continues to need them.

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   A syncps also exits the wait state when the attached shim has a
   Publication to send.  Since a new Pub will not appear in any
   previously issued cState, any one can be used, including one issued
   locally.  In "get stored cState", the best one (the most recent
   cState from the network if available) is retrieved and passed to the
   "peel IBLT values" state where its cState.csID is used for the csID
   value.  There will always be at least the one new Publication to send
   in this case.

   This state diagram is intended to capture the major functionality of
   a syncps module while excluding excessive detail.  In particular,
   Figure 10 does not show "housekeeping" tasks on the collection, e.g.,
   removal of expired Publications.

2.3.  DeftT formats

   All DeftT Information is represented using TLV (Type, Length, Value)
   tuples.  Types can either be containers (they contain a concatenated
   sequence of TLVs) or leaves (they contain a single non-TLV value with
   well-defined semantics and serialization).  All TLVs have a boolean
   'valid()' method that returns 'true' if and only if their content
   satisfies all the constraints associated with the TLV's type.  For
   container types this means, at minimum, that the sum of all the
   enclosed TLV Lengths and header sizes exactly equals the Length of
   the container and that the valid() method of each of the enclosed
   TLVs returns true.  Most container types have additional constraints
   on the type, ordering and value of the enclosed TLVs that are
   described below.

2.3.1.  Top level container TLVs

   As shown in Figure 9 there are two kinds of top level containers:
   PDUs which are exchanged with the system-provided transport and carry
   Pubs, the other top level container, which are the elements of the
   set synchronization protocol.  PDUS and Pubs have similar structure
   and share most of their code but are designed to be unambiguously
   distinguishable.  As indicated in Figure 8 and Figure 9, syncps uses
   a pub/sub model for both its shim facing and network facing
   interfaces.  Thus the first TLV in any top level container is a Name
   container comprising the topic name used to mediate the pub/sub
   rendezvous.  The other TLVs in the top level container depend on its

   There are two kinds of PDU containers: cState and cAdd and two kinds
   of of Publications, pubs and certs.  All four are described in the
   following section.

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Internet-Draft       Defined-Trust Transport (DeftT)      September 2023  cState PDUs

   A cState PDU (TLV type 5) announces the items a member holds in a
   specific collection of a specific trust domain subnet.  It must
   contain the following three TLVs and they must be in this order:

   1.  Name TLV containing exactly three type Generic (aka, byte array
       or binary blob) components:

       C1:  Trust domain id consisting of the first 8 bytes of the
            SHA-256 thumbprint of the domain's schema cert.
       C2:  Collection name
       C3:  Run-length compressed IBLT of the items in the publisher's
            instance of the collection (see Section 2.2 for more
            information on IBLTs).

   2.  Nonce (TLV type 10, leaf) whose value must be 4 random bytes
       chosen by the publisher at the time the cState is built.
       Duplicate cStates can arise from multiple members announcing the
       same Name because they hold the same items or because the network
       doesn't handle multicast well and lets PDUs loop.  The nonce
       allows these two cases to be distinguished so looping cStates can
       be dropped.

   3.  Lifetime (TLV type 12, leaf) whose value is the lifetime
       (measured in milliseconds since this PDU's arrival) serialized as
       an unsigned big-endian integer with all leading zero bytes
       suppressed.  A member receiving the cState and capable of
       publishing into the collection can hold onto the cState for this
       lifetime.  If the member has an item to publish before the end of
       the cState's lifetime, the Publication can be sent immediately in
       a responding cAdd.

   For example, the initial PDU sent by the home IoT "gate controller"
   sample app (in examples/hmIot of [DCT]) looks like:

5 (cState) size 128:
| 7 (Name) size 116:
| | 8 (Generic) size 8:  55d5 7f99 7d8d ba91
| | 8 (Generic) size 4:  cert
| | 8 (Generic) size 98:  8201 dd76 eb0f 46ed  89a8 8101 dd76 eb0f  46..
| |                       beb5 9922 fdd6 7401  cbbe 5bc1 5b57 1c63  84..
| |                       79aa ca17 8501 cbbe  5bc1 5b57 1c63 8801  ce..
| |                       92f8
| 10 (Nonce) size 4:  8b9f 8134
| 12 (Lifetime) size 2:  4789

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   Note that the format inspections of this section are produced by
   using the dctwatch tool from [DCT] with the -f option.  cAdd PDUs

   Note: cAdds, Publications and Certificates all share the same Data
   (TLV type 6) container format but are distinguished by its Metainfo
   TLV.  They all contain the same five TLVs in the same order but each
   has different constraints on the value of those TLVs.

   A cAdd PDU (TLV type 6) supplies one or more Pubs in response to some
   cState.  It must contain the following five TLVs and they must be in
   this order:

   1.  Name TLV derived from the cState's Name: the first two
       components, domain id and collection name, are the same but the
       IBLT component is replaced by a csID (TLV type 35, leaf) whose
       value must be the 32 bit big-endian Murmurhash of the cState's
       entire Name TLV.  (This is done because "Repeat the question and
       append the answer" is the common strategy for matching responses
       to requests in multicast protocols but an IBLT can be hundreds of
       bytes which would drastically reduce the cAdd's payload space so
       "the question" is replaced with a compact hash proxy.)

   2.  Metainfo (TLV type 20) saying the PDU's ContentType is cAdd (42),
       i.e., contains one or more Pubs and nothing else so it must be
       'structurally validated' on arrival.

   3.  Content container (TLV type 21) which must contain one or more
       complete, valid Pubs.  The Pubs must NOT already be in the
       cState's IBLT.  I.e., the Pubs must be newly created on the cAdd
       publisher or in the 'need' set when the difference between the
       publisher's IBLT and the cState's IBLT is 'peeled' (see [DIFF]
       and the DeftT example implementation's handleCState code
       syncps.hpp#L460) for details).

   4.  SigInfo container (TLV type 22) which must contain a SigType (TLV
       27, leaf) containing a valid keyed or unkeyed signature type from
       the types listed in Section 2.3.2.  If and only if the signature
       type is keyed (i.e., validation requires the public key cert of a
       public/private keypair), the SigInfo must contain KeyLocator (TLV
       28) containing a KeyDigest (TLV 29, leaf) of length 32 bytes
       containing the thumbprint of the cert needed for validation.  The
       SigType must match the type of the PDU signature validator
       associated with the collection.

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   5.  SigValue (TLV type 23, leaf) containing the result of signing the
       cAdd PDU with using the algorithm and key, if any, specified by
       the SigInfo.  The Length of the TLV must match the length used by
       the signature type as per Section 2.3.2.  The PDU signature
       validator must successfully validate the signature.

   For example, what follows is the frontdoor's cAdd responding to the
   cState shown above.  The collection being synced here is the
   certificate distributor which can't use any of the signature types
   that depend on keys since it's responsible for obtaining the keys
   that would be needed to validate a PDU's signature.  Thus it is the
   only collection allowed to use an unkeyed [RFC7693] BLAKE2 MAC to
   integrity check the PDU.  Since the content of the cAdd is self
   authenticating public key certs, this doesn't cause security issues.

6 (Data) size 561:
| 7 (Name) size 22:
| | 8 (Generic) size 8:  55d5 7f99 7d8d ba91
| | 8 (Generic) size 4:  cert
| | 35 (csID) size 4:  f6d7 3d84
| 20 (MetaInfo) size 3:
| | 24 (ContentType) size 1:  42 (CAdd)
| 21 (Content) size 489:
         ... (489 bytes of Content elided)
| 22 (SigInfo) size 3:
| | 27 (SigType) size 1:  9 (RFC7693)
| 23 (SigValue) size 32:  af8e 1412 e659 103f  5237 f1e1 0e7b 0af8  9c..

   Except for this collection, PDU and Pub signature types are specified
   in the schema.  PDUs typically use AEAD with a locally elected cover
   key distributor to protect the content privacy.  Pubs typically use
   EdDSA to provide provenance and ABAC attributes via the signing chain
   or a combined AEAD and EdDSA signature type (AEADSGN) to constrain
   content disclosure to some limited group.  All encrypted content must
   remain encrypted, in motion or at rest, from point of origin to
   point(s) of use.  The syncps subscribe upcall may decrypt a piece of
   content for _ephemeral_ use but the callee must NOT retain the
   plaintext form.  Publications

   As noted above, a Publication must be in a Data TLV containing the
   same five TLVs in the same order as cAdds and Certificates.
   Publications are distinguished by having a Metainfo ContentType of
   Blob (0).

   A Publication (TLV type 6) must contain the following five TLVs and
   they must be in this order:

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   1.  Name TLV which must contain at least three components and the
       first component's length must be non-zero.  The schema specifies
       the format of the Name including number and type of components,
       allowed values, allowed signers, etc.  Implementations must
       construct and sign Pubs so that they are consistent with the
       schema.  (The example implementation's applications show that
       this can be done automatically with minimal application
       involvement, e.g., see the phone app
       phone.cpp) in the office control example.)  Implementations must
       fully validate Publications both cryptographically and against
       the schema before adding them to the collection.  Implementations
       must NOT add a Publication to a collection that already contains

   2.  Metainfo (TLV type 20) saying the Publication's ContentType is
       Blob (0), i.e., contains arbitrary bytes that can't be
       'structurally' validated (but are always cryptographically
       validated for integrity and authorization by the signature

   3.  Content container (TLV type 21) containing _Length_ bytes.
       _Length_ may be zero.

   4.  SigInfo container (TLV type 22) which must contain exactly two
       TLVs: a SigType (TLV type 27, leaf) containing a valid keyed
       signature type from the types listed in Section 2.3.2 followed by
       a KeyLocator (TLV type 28) containing a KeyDigest (TLV type 29,
       leaf) of length 32 bytes containing the thumbprint of the cert
       needed to validate the signature.  The SigType in the Publication
       must match the collection's Publication validator which must
       match the #pubValidator specified in the schema.

   5.  SigValue (TLV type 23, leaf) containing the result of signing the
       Publication using the algorithm and key specified by the SigInfo.
       The Length of the TLV must match the length used by the signature
       type as per Section 2.3.2.  The collection's publication
       signature validator must successfully validate the signature.

   For example, what follows are two consecutive Publications made to
   the pubs collection.  First, operator alice publishes a command for
   all lock devices to lock themselves (similar to the multiple
   subscriptions per-light shown in Figure 3, the schema requires that
   all lockable devices subscribe to the iot1/lock/command/all prefix in

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6 (Data) size 216:
| 7 (Name) size 68:
| | 8 (Generic) size 4:  iot1
| | 8 (Generic) size 4:  lock
| | 8 (Generic) size 7:  command
| | 8 (Generic) size 3:  all
| | 8 (Generic) size 4:  lock
| | 8 (Generic) size 17:  p38863@aphone.local
| | 37 (SequenceNum) size 4:  b4a1 ea2a
| | 37 (SequenceNum) size 0:
| | 36 (Timestamp) size 7:  23-09-18@19:40:45.591793
| 20 (MetaInfo) size 3:
| | 24 (ContentType) size 1:  0 (Blob)
| 21 (Content) size 32:  Msg #3 from operator:alice-38863
| 22 (SigInfo) size 39:
| | 27 (SigType) size 1:  8 (EdDSA)
| | 28 (KeyLocator) size 34:
| | | 29 (KeyDigest) size 32:  7096 5de9 6848 7543  d2c8 e459 24fb 7b0..
| 23 (SigValue) size 64:  61b3 fc3c 03df 2c89  7a0c ddae 27a2 f883  dd..
|                         2699 899f 1c91 46c1  3127 9da8 8948 e783  68..

   Three milliseconds later, the gate publishes that it has locked

6 (Data) size 214:
| 7 (Name) size 69:
| | 8 (Generic) size 4:  iot1
| | 8 (Generic) size 4:  lock
| | 8 (Generic) size 5:  event
| | 8 (Generic) size 4:  gate
| | 8 (Generic) size 6:  locked
| | 8 (Generic) size 17:  p59280@rpi2.local
| | 37 (SequenceNum) size 4:  e131 5a4b
| | 37 (SequenceNum) size 0:
| | 36 (Timestamp) size 7:  23-09-18@19:40:45.594867
| 20 (MetaInfo) size 3:
| | 24 (ContentType) size 1:  0 (Blob)
| 21 (Content) size 29:  Msg #3 from device:gate-59280
| 22 (SigInfo) size 39:
| | 27 (SigType) size 1:  8 (EdDSA)
| | 28 (KeyLocator) size 34:
| | | 29 (KeyDigest) size 32:  3dde 0f21 beae 2c20  3ea3 5c2e 77ca 9d4..
| 23 (SigValue) size 64:  3913 011d 7e74 807c  94b5 e725 a8e7 5b2f  09..
|                         bc99 9c8b fa9f f929  4722 f23a 1fbe cd84  b6..

   As described in Section 8, these Publications' schema is designed for
   spoofing and replay protection.  Section 2.2 notes that the per-
   publication EdDSA signature prevents spoofing or modification.  Since

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   all collections ignore duplicates of an existing publication, replays
   of anything in the collection will be ignored.  To keep collections
   from growing without bound, publications are removed after a
   collection-dependent lifetime but arriving are pubs are ignored as
   "expired" if their timestamp (name component 9) plus a collection-
   dependent "expiry time" is after the node's local time. "lifetime" is
   substantially larger then "expiry time" to account for clock skew so
   the combination of these two mechanisms prevents all replay.  Certificates

   As noted above, a Certificate must be in a Data TLV containing the
   same five TLVs in the same order as cAdds and Publications.
   Certificates are distinguished by having a Metainfo ContentType of
   Key (2) and by having a Validity Period specified according to a more
   rigorous subset of the rules in [RFC1422] section 3.3.6 as described
   in item 5 below.

   A Certificate (TLV type 6) must contain the following five TLVs and
   they must be in this order:

   1.  Name TLV which must contain at least five components and the
       first component's length must be non-zero.  The schema specifies
       the format of the Name including number and type of components,
       allowed values, allowed signers, etc.  Implementations must
       construct and sign certs so that they are consistent with the
       schema.  (Tools to do this are supplied with the example
       implementation.)  Implementations must fully validate certs both
       cryptographically and against the schema before adding accepting
       them.  "Fully validating" requires that the cert's signer has
       been accepted thus a cert cannot be accepted until its entire
       signing chain has been accepted.

   2.  Metainfo (TLV type 20) saying the Cert's ContentType is Key (2),
       This means the container has no TLV structure to validate.

   3.  Content container (TLV type 21) containing _Length_ bytes.
       _Length_ must equal the size of the public key associated with
       the cert's SigInfo SigType

   4.  SigInfo container (TLV type 22) which must contain exactly two
       TLVs: a SigType (TLV type 27, leaf) containing a valid keyed
       signature type from the types listed in Section 2.3.2 followed by
       a KeyLocator (TLV type 28) containing a KeyDigest (TLV type 29,
       leaf) of length 32 bytes containing the thumbprint of the cert
       needed to validate the signature.  The KeyDigest must be followed
       by a Validity Period (TLV 253) containing a NotBefore (TLV 254,
       leaf) containing a valid 15 character ISO 8601-1:2019 format GMT

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       timepoint followed by a NotAfter (TLV 255, leaf) containing a
       valid 15 character ISO 8601-1:2019 format GMT timepoint.  The
       cert must be ignored if the NotBefore value is >= the NotAfter
       value, if the NotAfter value is < the current time or if the
       validity period is not completely contained within its signing
       cert's validity period.  The SigType in the Cert must match the
       #certValidator type specified in the schema.

   5.  SigValue (TLV type 23, leaf) containing the result of signing the
       Cert using the algorithm and key specified by the SigInfo.  The
       Length of the TLV must match the length used by the signature
       type as per Section 2.3.2.

   For example, what follows is the frontdoor's identity cert used in
   the home IoT example:

6 (Data) size 240:
| 7 (Name) size 50:
| | 8 (Generic) size 4:  iot2
| | 8 (Generic) size 6:  device
| | 8 (Generic) size 9:  frontdoor
| | 8 (Generic) size 3:  KEY
| | 8 (Generic) size 4:  0eaf f793
| | 8 (Generic) size 3:  dct
| | 36 (Timestamp) size 7:  23-02-18@18:17:46.088971
| 20 (MetaInfo) size 3:
| | 24 (ContentType) size 1:  2 (Key)
| 21 (Content) size 32:  de19 4605 7f77 a7bd  1317 de41 002c fe15  1bc..
| 22 (SigInfo) size 81:
| | 27 (SigType) size 1:  8 (EdDSA)
| | 28 (KeyLocator) size 34:
| | | 29 (KeyDigest) size 32:  8c7f 1de9 ebc9 17b6  a8e9 dce9 056a 74c..
| | 253 (Validity) size 38:
| | | 254 (NotBefore) size 15:  20230219T021746
| | | 255 (NotAfter) size 15:  20240219T021746
| 23 (SigValue) size 64:  c8b9 5883 4b9a 8aac  9ad0 e5e4 5eef 0a18  4b..
|                         1b3a 1574 58d4 0528  1740 883e d90c 836f  ed..

2.3.2.  Leaf TLVs

   Most of DeftT's leaf TLVs were described above but there are two
   important enumeration types, name components and signature types,
   with particular constraints and implications.

   There are four types of components allowed in a Name (TLV 7):

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     | Type        | TLV | Description                               |
     | Generic     | 8   | Arbitrary blob of bytes                   |
     | csID        | 35  | 32-bit murmurhash of cState name (number) |
     | Timestamp   | 36  | GMT time point in microseconds (number)   |
     | SequenceNum | 37  | unsigned 64-bit integer (number)          |

                       Table 1: Name Component Types

   "Number" types are encoded in big-endian order (MSB first) with all
   leading zero bytes suppressed.  Thus their length can be zero to
   eight bytes.  For example, a SequenceNum of 0 would be [37, 0], 100
   would be [37, 1, 100] and 1,000,000 would be [37, 3, 15, 66, 64].

   There are five types of signature allowed in a SigType (TLV 27) and
   each requires the SigValue (TLV 23) in a Data with that SigType have
   a particular size:

       | Type      | Value | SigValue | Description               |
       |           |       | length   |                           |
       | stSHA256  | 0     | 32       | SHA256 data integrity     |
       | stAEAD    | 7     | 40       | [RFC8103] content privacy |
       |           |       |          | plus full data integrity  |
       | stEdDSA   | 8     | 64       | Ed25519 provenance and    |
       |           |       |          | full data integrity       |
       | stRFC7693 | 9     | 64       | [RFC7693] full data       |
       |           |       |          | integrity                 |
       | stAEADSGN | 13    | 104      | [RFC8103] content privacy |
       |           |       |          | with Ed25519 provenance   |
       |           |       |          | and data integrity        |

                         Table 2: Signature Types

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2.3.3.  TLV header details

   All TLV headers use the same format.  They occupy either 2 or 4
   bytes, depending on the value of _L_. _L_ specifies the length in
   bytes of _V_. Lengths in the range 0 to 252 occupy one byte.  A
   length of zero is allowed and indicates there are no _V_ bytes.
   Lengths in the range 253 to 65535 occupy three bytes: a 'flag byte'
   of 253 followed by the two bytes of the 16 bit length in big endian
   order.  Lengths greater than 65535 (deliberately) can not be
   represented so a DeftT object can be no larger than 65535+4 = 65539
   bytes.  (Objects of arbitrary size can be handled by a segmentation/
   reassembly layer above DeftT such as dct/shims/mbps.hpp in the
   example implementation.)

   _L_ must use the minimum description length coding.  For example, a
   length of 0 must be encoded as the single byte [0], not as the 3
   bytes [253, 0, 0], 252 is encoded as [252], 253 as [253, 0, 253], 256
   as [253, 1, 0] and 65535 as [253, 255, 255].

   _T_ specifies the type of data in the container.  It occupies one
   byte, must be an element of the valid types set defined below, and
   must conform to that element's rules.

2.3.4.  Design rationale

   DeftT's Publication, PDU and serialization formats were strongly
   influenced by the [LANGSEC] observation that most security issues are
   due to improper input handling.  For example, Part II of [LangSecErr]
   found that this class of errors accounted for 75% of the 47 OpenSSL
   security vulnerabilities reported in the 18 months following
   2015-1-1.  Also, as of 2023-7-5, _all_ 25 of the protobuf CVEs listed
   in the NIST National Vulnerability Database (
   are of this class.

   [LangSecErr] suggests these vulnerabilities could have been avoided
   by designing the protocol following three rules:

   |  The acceptable input to a program should be:
   |  1.  _well-defined_ (i.e., via a grammar)
   |  2.  _as simple as possible_ (on the Chomsky scale of syntactic
   |      complexity)
   |  3.  _fully validated before use_ (no "shotgun parsing")

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   A DeftT domain's "acceptable inputs" are specified using its
   _communication rules_ declarative language (see Section 3.1) then
   compiled by an LALR parser into a compact binary "schema" that avoids
   any need for runtime parsing -- given the schema, the DeftT runtime
   can construct or validate any legal domain input in constant time.
   The compiler will fail to construct a schema if the domain
   communication rules are incomplete or inconsistent.

   After successful compilation, the schema is authorized, authenticated
   and integrity protected by cryptographic signing using the domain's
   trust anchor.  This signed schema is supplied to every member as part
   of their identity bundle (Section 4.2) and the SHA-256 thumbprint
   (see Section of the schema is the first component of every
   PDU's topic name.  This ensures not only that the rules are well
   defined but also that all publishers and subscribers are playing by
   the _same_ rules.  Making DeftT 'as simple as possible'

   All DeftT Information is represented using TLV (Type, Length, Value)
   tuples for the reasons noted by Dan Berstein

   *  Unlike delimitter-based approaches like XML or JSON, TLVs are
      resistant to buffer overflow and false pairing attacks.
   *  TLVs are self-describing and trivial to parse or validate.
   *  They can be used recursively -- containers can contain other
   *  TLVs are fast, cache friendly and not resource intensive.
   *  TLVs make no assumptions about contents and can store binary data
      without escaping or encoding.
   *  TLVs are transport agnostic.

   Attackers regard the 'seams' between protocol layers as prime attack
   surface since a lower layer can pass up partial information that it
   later finds to be inconsistent or invalid (an anti-pattern known as
   _shotgun parsing_ [LangSecErr]).  DeftT deliberately reuses a small
   set of formatting conventions to construct its TLV containers in
   contrast to the Internet convention of constructing its PDUs in
   separate layers with rules chosen by different committees.  For
   example, DeftT PDUs, Publications and Certs have essentially the same
   format so they can _all_ be structurally validated (e.g., the
   contents of a container are the type expected in the order expected
   and exactly fill their container) by _one_ simple, generic, recursive
   descent validation pass over each arriving PDU performed at the point
   where it arrives.

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   As described in Section 1.3, DeftT validates every Publication and
   PDU both cryptographically and syntactically using the domain's
   _communications rules_ to enforce who-can-say-what-to-which-where-
   when.  DeftT does both serialization and validation using rules bound
   at runtime (Figure 5) not compile time.  It can do this at rates
   competitive with protobufs by taking advantage of the "definiteness"
   of local-domain communication:

   *  Since the same rules are used both to produce and validate
      Publications/PDUs, encoding order is fixed and known in advance.
      Thus every top-level object can be validated by a single
      sequential pass through it.

   *  Every party to the communication is guaranteed to be using the
      same rules so there are no options and no negotiation thus no
      combinatorial explosion of variants to check.

   *  Communication rules can be extended and amended at any time and
      the resultant binary schema published to members with no changes
      to their code.  Thus the current ruleset should always be the
      _minimum_ necessary to support existing applications and policies,
      not the open-ended monster needed to support any possible future.

2.4.  Application and network interface

   Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the blocks and modules application
   information passes through in DeftT.  Refer to those figures for this
   discussion of how application information originates at a trust
   domain member and progressing to a Publication in a collection that
   is sent in a PDU via the system network layer to be received by other
   members of the domain.  (For more detail, see the library at [DCT].)
   DeftT uses a *shim* to interface with the application's model of
   information exchange.  The only currently available shims in the
   example implementation [DCT] provides a message-based publish/
   subscribe (_mbps_) model to the application, although it should be
   possible to construct a shim that provides a different model (e.g.,
   streaming).  All the necessary DeftT startup is kicked off when an
   mbps object is instantiated by the application.  After startup, the
   *pub* syncps of each member will maintain a cState containing the
   IBLT of its view of the collection.  (In the stable, synchronized
   state, all members of a collection will have the same IBLTs.)

   Applications use an mbps _subscribe_ method to either subscribe to
   all messages or to a subset by topic, passing a callback function to
   handle matching items.  These application-level subscriptions are
   turned into syncps subscriptions via mbps.  When the application has
   new information to communicate, topic items (as parameters) and
   message are passed to mbps with a _publish_ call.  Only these topic

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   components and the message, if any, are passed between the
   application and mbps.  The message may be segmented into multiple
   Publications by mbps, if the message size exceeds Publication
   content.  For each Publication, mbps-specific components are added to
   the parameter list and the services of *schemaLib* are invoked in
   order to build and publish a valid Publication according to the
   schema (no Publication will be built if the correct attributes are
   not contained in the member's identity chain).  The Publication is
   signed using the _sign_ method of the appropriate *sigmgr* and passed
   to *syncps*.

   *syncps* adds this Publication to its collection and updates its IBLT
   to contain the new Publication.  Since its application just created
   it, syncps knows this is a new addition to the collection and it is a
   response to the current cState.  Thus the Publication is packaged
   into a cAdd and signed using the _sign_ method of the designated
   *sigmgr* and passed to the face.  The updated IBLT is packaged into a
   new cState that is handed to the face.

   Trust domain members only process cAdds that share their trust domain
   identifier (Section and Section  When a new cAdd is
   received at a member, the face ensures it matches an outstanding
   cState and, if so, passes it on to matching syncps(es).  Syncps
   validates (both structurally and cryptographically) the cAdd using
   the appropriate sigmgr's _validate_ and continues, removing
   Publications, if valid.  Each Publication is structurally validated
   via a sigmgr and valid Publications are added to the local collection
   and IBLT. syncps passes this updated cState to the local face.  If
   this Publication matches a subscription it is passed to mbps,
   invoking the sigmgr's decrypt if the Publication is encrypted
   (Publication decryption is _not_ available at Relays.) mbps receives
   the Publication and passes any topic components of interest to the
   application along with the content (if any) to the application via
   the callback registered when it subscribed.  (If the original content
   was spread across Publications, mbps will wait until all of the
   content is received.  The _sCnt_ component of a mbps Publication Name
   is used for this.)

2.5.  Synchronizing a collection

   This section has thus far covered implementation of DeftT at a member
   and the format of its communications.  Although DeftT works on
   unicast (as a special case of multicast) links, it is designed to
   take full advantage of a multicast subnet (e.g., link-level IPv6
   multicast on broadcast media).  This subsection is an introduction to
   how syncps orchestrates its collection-based communications on a
   shared channel.  A sequence diagram of the interaction of multiple
   members' syncps modules interacting on a multicast subnet to keep

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   their collections synchronized is shown in Figure 11.  Starting with
   all members _connected_ to the collection (having confirmed
   publication of their identity credentials) and with an empty *pubs*
   collection (i.e., no members have active Publications), member2's
   application passes content to its DeftT (via an mbps.publish()),
   which creates and sends a cAdd PDU.  The cAdd uses a hash of the
   shared (empty) cState as its cState identifier (third component of
   the Name Section item 1) to indicate the Publication(s) it
   carries are additions to the collection in that state.  Member2's new
   local cState (with the new Publication) is scheduled to be sent at a
   computed delay of twice the subnet's dispersion time (_d)_ plus a
   small random value (_r_).  (Dispersion time is an estimate of the
   expected time for a cAdd to reach every member's collection.  It may
   be a fixed or adaptive estimate and syncps is robust to inaccuracies:
   an overestimate may lead to longer delays and an underestimate may
   mean more cState traffic.)  Members receive and validate the cAdd,
   then extract and validate Publication(s), passing it to
   subscriptions.  To avoid excessive cState traffic, each member
   schedules the acknowledging cState for _d+r_. (Scheduling a
   sendCState cancels any pending value.)  When the sendCState timer
   expires, a new local cState is created with an IBLT that contains the
   new Publication.  This cState's expiration time is scheduled (value
   significantly longer than _d_) and the member sends the cState unless
   it is suppressed. *syncps* suppresses cStates that are identical to
   one that has been heard twice.  If member2 is waiting to confirm the
   Publication, it can do so with the first of these cStates it
   receives.  In Figure 11, member6 did not receive the cAdd but
   reception of one of the new cStates shows it there is a new
   Publication in the collection so it immediately sends its own local
   cState (which has an empty collection, lacking member2's
   Publication).  Here, all members receive that cState, but member2, as
   the originator, responds preferentially, sending a new cAdd
   immediately.  All other members set a timer (to 2*_d+r_) to send a
   cAdd with the Publication.  That timer is cancelled when an overheard
   cAdd responding to that cState contains the Publication.  Meanwhile,
   member6 receives this new cAdd, adds the Publication to its
   collection and schedules a new cState for _d+r_. That cState should
   be suppressed as it will match those already sent by the other
   members.  Now the distributed collection is synchronized with a state
   of one Publication (p1).  If no other application content is created,
   cStates will be sent at ~cStateLifetime.  On the wire, we will see
   one cState per ~cStateLifetime since they overlap enough to suppress
   others.  When p1 expires, it will be removed at each local collection
   and the subsequent cState will show an empty collection.

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/syncseq-rfc.svg)

         Figure 11: Seven members using DeftT on a multicast subnet

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   Although Figure 11 shows one Publication at a time for clarity, the
   logic works if multiple members are publishing simultaneously or at
   close intervals (less than _d_ or the cStateLifeTime).  The
   distributed collection is always moving toward synchronization but
   during periods of intense interaction, times when all members are
   synchronized may be infrequent; this is not considered problematic.

2.6.  Distributors

   Distributors implement services a Deft requires for its operation.
   Distributors optional to general operation are specified in the
   communications schema.

2.6.1.  Certificate distributor

   DeftT's certificate distributor is a required module.  It implements
   a collection of all the signing chain certificates in the Domain.
   When a new DeftT is instantiated, it must publish all the
   certificates from its identity bundle as well as its locally created
   signing certificate.  This joining process was shown in Figure 2.
   Since many certificates in a member's chain are shared, that will be
   reflected in each cState and those certs will not be sent on the
   subnet.  A member DeftT must receive a cState showing its signing
   chain in another member's local collection before a DeftT can be
   considered "connected" to the trust domain.  This ensures there is at
   least one other member that can receive the PDUs it sends.

2.6.2.  Group key distributors

   Group key distributors are optional in DeftT but required, and
   automatically supplied, if encryption is specified in the schema.
   When present, they are instantiated after their local certificate
   distributor has "connected."  The example implementation contains two
   types of group key distributors.  A group key distributor handles
   creation and distribution of a single symmetric key to all members of
   the Domain to use to encrypt either Publications or PDUs (if both are
   encrypted, there is a group key distribuor for each).  A subscriber
   group key distributor distinguishes subscribers that can decrypt PDUs
   and/or Publication and publishers that encrypt PDUs and/or
   Publications (a member can be both subscriber and publisher).  The
   group key distributor is briefly described here.

   A trust domain using group key encryption must have at least one
   member with the attribute or capability of "keymaker" in its identity
   chain.  Keymaker-capable members of a Domain elect a keymaker that
   makes a new symmetric encryption key upon winning the election.  The
   non-keymakers publish key requests that the keymaker uses to create a
   list of current members.  Requests and the symmetric key both have

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   limited lifetimes.  The keymaker uses each member's signing cert to
   encrypt a copy of the current key and creates and publishes as many
   Publications as needed to carry all the encrypted keys.  In these
   Publication, entries are indexed by the thumbprint of associated
   signing cert and the range of thumbprints is used in the Publication
   name.  Members only accept such Publications from keymaker-capable
   signers and, in case of conflict, use the key sent by a member whose
   signing cert thumbprint is the smallest.

   If the keymaker receives a new key request in between making new
   keys, a copy of the key will be encrypted for it and published.
   There is no explicit revocation but a blacklist can be implemented
   and either published or passed from an application and a new group
   key can be made and distributed to non-blacklisted members ahead of
   the normal schedule.

2.6.3.  Other distributors

   Distributors may be used for other types of key distribution and for
   distributing other types of information, e.g. blacklisted members,
   domain statistics.

2.7.  Schema-based information movement

   Although the Internet's transport and routing protocols emphasize
   universal reachability with packet forwarding based on destination, a
   significant number of applications neither need nor desire to transit
   the Internet (e.g., see [RFC8799]).  This is true for a wide class of
   OT application.  Further, liberal acceptance of packets while
   depending on the good sending practices of others leaves critical
   applications open to misconfiguration and attacks.  Internet
   protocols use header information to tell them how to forward packets.
   DeftT's header only contains a trust domain id and a collection name.
   Each DeftT has a trust management engine with a copy of rules for its
   domain.  DeftT *only* creates and moves its Publications in
   accordance with that fully specified communications schema and never
   moves a PDU between subnets.  This approach differs in both intent
   and execution from Internet forwarding and may not be appropriate for
   all use cases but offers new opportunities to address the specific
   security requirements of many Limited Domain use cases.

   DeftTs on the same subnet may be in different trust domains and
   DeftTs in the same trust domain may not be on the same subnet.  In
   some cases, it is useful to define sub-domains whose DeftTs have a
   compatible, but more limited, version of the trust domain's
   communications schema (introduced in Section 1.3 and further
   discussed in Section 3).  "Compatible" means there is at least one
   Publication type and associated signer specification in common or one

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   schema may be a subset of the other.  In the case of sub-domains,
   they may be deployed on the same subnet or on different subnets.
   (The rules of a sub-domain compiled to a binary schema distributed as
   a schema cert will have a different thumbprint from that of the full
   trust domain.)  A possible use for multi-subnet trust domains with
   different sub-schemas is where a unicast link is used to connect two
   remotely located subnets of the same parent trust domain but only
   certain types of Publications should go through the unicast link and
   there may be slightly different rules used at each subnet.  Different
   sub-schemas on the same subnet might be used where certain members
   have more limited access, either due to the technology of their
   devices or to limit their access (e.g., guests of a network).  Relays
   could limit Publications by filtering Publications or subscribing to
   limited Publication subsets but delineating these limits in a schema
   provides _enforcement_ of Publication movement.

   In the case of DeftTs on the same subnet but in different trust
   domains or different sub-domains, the cState and cAdd PDUs of
   different domains are differentiated by the _domain id_ (thumbprint
   of the domain's schema certificate as in Section item C1)
   which can be used at the face module to determine whether or not to
   process a PDU.  A particular sync collection is managed on a single
   subnet: cState and cAdds are not forwarded off that subnet nor
   between DeftTs with different domain ids on the same subnet.
   Instead, schema-compliant Relays connect Publications between
   separate sync collections of the same trust domain.  Collections are
   differentiated by both subnet (the physical media) and domain id (a
   required field of the cState and cAdd PDUs).  Consequently, cStates
   and cAdds are subnet-specific while Publications belong to a trust
   domain (or sub-domain).

   A Relay is implemented [DCT] as an entity running on a device with a
   DeftT interface on each subnet (two or more) or with multiple DeftT
   interfaces to the same subnet Figure 12 where each uses a different
   but compatible version of the others' schema.  Each DeftT
   participates in different sync collections and uses a communication
   identity valid for the schema used by the DeftT.  Only Publications
   (including certs) are relayed between DeftTs and the Publication must
   validate against the schema of each DeftT.  Consequently cAdd
   encryption is unique per collection while Publication encryption
   holds across the domain.

   As Relays do not originate Publications, their DeftT API module (a
   "shim", see Section 2.1) performs _pass-through_ of valid
   Publications.  The Relay of Figure 12-left is on three separate
   wireless subnets.  If all three DeftTs are using an identical schema,
   a new validated cert added to the cert store of an incoming DeftT is
   then passed to the other two, which each validate the cert before

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   adding to their own cert stores (superfluous in this case, but not a
   lot of overhead for additional security).  When a valid Publication
   is received at one DeftT, it is passed to the other two DeftTs to
   validate against their schemas and published if it passes.

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/relayextend-rfc.svg)

                     Figure 12: Relays connect subnets

   A Relay may have different identities and schemas for each DeftT but
   _must_ have the same trust anchor and schemas must be identical
   copies, proper subsets or overlapping subsets of the domain schema.
   Publications that are undefined for a particular DeftT will be
   silently discarded when they do not validate upon relay, just as they
   are when received from a face.  This means the Relay application of
   Figure 12-left can remain the same but Publications will only be
   published to a different subnet if its DeftT has that specification
   in its schema.  Relays may filter Publications at the application
   level or restrict subscriptions on some of their DeftT interfaces.
   Figure 12-right shows extending a trust domain geographically by
   using a unicast connection (e.g., over a cell line or tunnel over the
   Internet) between two Relays which also interface to local broadcast
   subnets.  Everything on each local subnet shows up on the other.  A
   communications schema subset could be used here to limit the types of
   Publications sent on the remote link, e.g., logs or alerts.  Using
   this approach in Figure 12-right, local communications for subnet 1
   can be kept local while subnet 2 might send commands and/or collect
   log files from subnet 1.

   More generally, Relays can form a mesh of broadcast subnets with no
   additional configuration (i.e., Relays on a broadcast network do not
   need to be configured with others' identities and can join at any
   time).  The mesh is efficient: Publications are only added to an
   individual DeftT's collection once regardless of how it is received.
   Relays with overlapping broadcast physical media will only add a
   Publication to any of its DeftTs *once*; syncps ensures there are no
   duplicates.  More on the applicability of DeftT meshes is in
   Section 5.

2.8.  Congestion control

   Each DeftT manages its collection on a single broadcast subnet (since
   unicast is a proper subset of multicast, a point-to-point connection
   is viewed as a trivial broadcast subnet) thus only has to deal with
   that subnet's congestion.  As described in the previous section, a
   device connected to two or more subnets may create DeftTs having the
   same collection name on each subnet with a *Publication* Relay
   between them but DeftT _never_ forwards *PDUs* between subnets.  It

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   is, of course, possible to run DeftT over an extended broadcast
   network like a PIM multicast group but the result will generally
   require more configuration and be less reliable, efficient and secure
   than DeftT's self-configuring peer-to-peer Relay mesh.

   DeftT sends _at most one_ copy of any Publication over any fully
   connected subnet, _independent_ of the number of publishers and
   subscribers on the subnet.  Thus the total DeftT traffic on a subnet
   is strictly upper bounded by the application-level publication rate.
   As described in Section 2.2, DeftTs publish a cState specifying the
   set elements they currently hold.  If a DeftT receives a cState
   specifying the same elements (Publications) it holds, it doesn't send
   its cState.  Thus the upper bound on cState publication rate is the
   number of members on the subnet divided by the cState lifetime
   (typically seconds to minutes) but is typically one per cState
   lifetime due to the duplicate suppression.  Each member can send at
   most one cAdd in response to a cState.  This creates a strict
   request/response flow balance which upper bounds the cAdd traffic
   rate to (number of members - 1) times the cState publication rate.
   The flow balance ensures an instance can't send a new cState until
   it's previous one is either obsoleted by a cAdd or times out.
   Similarly a cAdd can only be sent in response to the cState which it
   obsoletes.  Thus the number of outstanding PDUs per instance is at
   most one and DeftT cannot cause subnet congestion collapse.

   If a Relay is used to extend a trust domain over a path whose
   bandwidth delay product is many times larger than typical subnet MTUs
   (1.5-9KB), the one-outstanding-PDU per member constraint can result
   in poor performance (1500 bytes per 100ms transcontinental RTT is
   only 120Kbps).  DeftT can run over any lower layer transport and
   stream-oriented transports like TCP or QUIC allow for a 'virtual MTU'
   that can be set large enough for DeftT to relay at or above the
   average publication rate (the default is 64KB which can relay up to
   5Mbps of Publications into a 100ms RTT).  In this case there can be
   many lower layer packets in flight for each DeftT cAdd PDU but their
   congestion control is handled by TCP or QUIC.

3.  Defined-trust management engine

   OT applications are distinguished (from general digital
   communications) by well-defined roles, behaviors and relationships
   that constrain the information to be communicated (e.g., as noted in
   [RFC8520]).  The capabilities and attributes of Things can be
   characterized in structured abstract profiles that can be machine-
   readable (e.g., [ONE][RFC8520][ZCL]).  Energy applications in
   particular have defined strict attribute- and role-based access
   controls [IEC] though proposed enforcement approaches require
   interaction of a number of mechanisms across the communications stack

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   [NERC].  In Defined-trust Communications, structured profiles and
   rules strictly define permitted behaviors including what types of
   messages can be issued or acted on; undefined behaviors are not
   permitted.  These rules, along with local configuration, are
   incorporated directly into the schemas used by DeftT's integrated
   trust management engine both to prohibit undefined behaviors and to
   construct compliant Publications.  This not only provides a fine-
   grained security but a highly _usable_ security, an approach that can
   make an application writer's job easier since applications do not
   need to contain local configuration and security considerations.

   DCT [DCT] includes a language for expressing the rules of
   communication, its compiler, and other tools to create the
   credentials a DeftT needs at run-time.  DCT is example code that is
   provided as open source.  It is frequently updated to improve
   features and performance but may have bugs or unoptimized features in
   any particular release..

3.1.  Communications schemas

   Defined-trust's use of communications schemas has been influenced by
   [SNC][SDSI] and the field of _trust management_ defined by Blaze et.
   al.  [DTM] as the study of security policies, security credentials,
   and trust relationships.  Li et. al.  [DLOG] refined some trust
   management concepts arguing that the expressive language for the
   rules should be _declarative_ (as opposed to the original work).
   Communications schemas also have roots in the _trust schemas_ for
   Named-Data Networking, described in [STNDN] as "an overall trust
   model of an application, i.e., what is (are) legitimate key(s) for
   each data packet that the application produces or consumes."  [STNDN]
   gave a general description of how trust schema rules might be used by
   an authenticating interpreter finite state machine to validate
   packets.  A new approach to both a trust schema language and its
   integration with communications was introduced in [NDNW] and extended
   in [DNMP][IOTK][DCT].  In this approach, a schema is analogous to the
   plans for constructing a building.  Construction plans serve multiple

   1.  Allow permitting authorities to check that the design meets
       applicable codes
   2.  Show construction workers what to build
   3.  Let building inspectors validate that as-permitted matches as-

   Construction plans get this flexibility from being declarative: they
   describe "what", not "how".  As noted on paragraph 4 of [DLOG]:

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   |  a _declarative trust management specification_ based on a formal
   |  foundation guarantees all parties to a communication have the same
   |  notion of what constitutes compliance.

   This is a critical part of Defined-trust Communications which uses
   the more descriptive term _communication schema_ (or _schema_ where
   its use is clearly with respect to defined-trust communications) for
   the rules that define the communications of a trust domain.  A single
   schema, securely provided to all members, provides the same
   protection as dozens of manually configured, per-node ACL rules.

   VerSec, an approach to creating schemas, is included with the
   Defined-trust Communications Toolkit [DCT].  VerSec includes a
   declarative schema specification language with a compiler that checks
   the formal soundness of a specification (case 1 above) then converts
   it to a signed, compact, binary form.  The diagnostic output of the
   compiler (including a digraph listing) can be used to inspect that
   the intent for the communications schema has indeed been implemented.
   The binary form is used by DeftT to build (case 2) or validate (case
   3) the Publications (format covered in Section
   Certificates (Section are a type of Publication, allowing
   them to be distributed and validated using DeftT, but they are
   subject to many additional constraints that ensure DeftT's security
   framework is well-founded.

3.2.  A schema language

   The VerSec language follows LangSec [LANGSEC] principles to minimize
   misconfiguration and attack surface.  Its structure is amenable to a
   forms-based input or a translator from the structured data profiles
   often used by standards [ONE][RFC8520][ZCL].  Declarative languages
   are expressive and strongly typed, so they can express the constructs
   of these standards in their rules.  VerSec continues to evolve and
   add new features as its application domain is expanded; the latest
   released version is at [DCT].  Other languages and compilers are
   possible as long as they supply the features and output needed for

   A communication schema expresses the intent for a domain's
   communications in fine-grained rules: "who can say what."
   Credentials that define "who" are specified along with complete
   definitions of "what".  Defined-trust communications has been
   targeted at OT networking where administrative control is explicit
   and it is not unreasonable to assume that identities and
   communication rules can be securely configured at every device.  The
   schema details the meaning and relationship of individual components
   of the filename-like names (URI syntax [RFC3986]) of Publications and
   certificates.  A simple communications schema (Figure 13) defines a

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   Publication in this domain as *#pub* with a six component name.  The
   strings between the slashes are the tags used to reference each
   component in the structured format and in the run-time schema
   library.  An example of this usage is the component constraint
   following the "&" where _ts_ is a timestamp (64-bit unix timepoints
   in microseconds) which will be set with the current time when a
   Publication is created.  The first component gets its value from the
   variable "domain" and #pubPrefix is designated as having this value
   so that the schema contains information on what part of the name is
   considered common prefix.  For the sake of simplicity, the Figure 13
   schema puts no constraints on other name components (not the usual
   case for OT applications) but requires that Publications of template
   #pub are signed by ("<=") a *mbrCert* whose format and signing rule
   (signed by a netCert) is also defined.  The Validator lines specify
   cryptographic signing and validation algorithms from DCT's run-time
   library for both the Publication and the cAdd PDU that carries
   Publications.  Here, both use EdDSA signing.  This schema has no
   constraints on the inner four name components (additional constraints
   could be imposed by the application but they won't be enforced by
   DeftT).  Member identity comes from a *mbrCert* which allows it to
   create legal communications (using the associated private key in
   signing).  A signing certificate must adhere to the schema;
   Publications or cAdds with unknown signers are discarded.  The
   timestamp component is used to prevent replay attacks.  A DeftT adds
   its identity certificate chain to the domain certificate collection
   (see Section 4.2) at its startup, thus announcing its identity to all
   other members.  Using the pre-configured trust anchor and schema, any
   member can verify the identity of any other member.  This approach
   means members are not pre-configured with identities of other members
   of a trust domain and new entities can join at any time.

 #pub: /_domain/trgt/topic/loc/arg/_ts & { _ts: timestamp() } <= mbrCert
 mbrCert:       _domain/_mbrType/_mbrId/_keyinfo <= netCert
 netCert:        _domain/_keyinfo
 #pubPrefix:     _domain
 #pubValidator:  "EdDSA"
 #cAddValidator: "EdDSA"
 _domain:        "example"
 _keyinfo:       "KEY"/_/"dct"/_

      Figure 13: An example communication schema in VerSec [DCT]

   To keep the communications schema both compact and secure, it is
   compiled into a binary format that becomes the content of a schema
   certificate.  The [DCT] _schemaCompile_ converts the text version
   (e.g.  Figure 13) of the schema into binary as well as reporting
   diagnostics (see Figure 14) used to confirm the intent of the rules
   (and to flag problems).

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   Publication #pub:
     parameters: trgt topic loc arg
     tags: /_domain/trgt/topic/loc/arg/_ts
   Publication #pubPrefix:
     tags: /_domain
   Publication #pubValidator:
     tags: /"EdDSA"
   Publication #cAddValidator:
     tags: /"EdDSA"
   Certificate templates:
     cert mbrCert: /"example"/_mbrType/_mbrIdId/"KEY"/_/"dct"/_
     cert netCert: /"example"/"KEY"/_/"dct"/_
   binary schema is 301 bytes

    Figure 14: schemaCompile diagnostic output for example of Figure 13

   Even this simple schema provides useful security, using _enrolled
   identities_ both to constrain communications actions (via its #*pub*
   format) and to convey membership.  To increase security, more detail
   can be added to Figure 13.  For example, different types of members
   can be created, e.g., "admin" and "sensor", and communications
   privacy can added by specifying AEAD Validator to encrypt cAdds or
   AEADSGN (signed AEAD) to encrypt Publications.  To make those member
   types meaningful, a security policy could be employed by defining
   Publications such that only admins can issue _commands_ and only
   sensors can issue _status_. Specifying the AEAD validator for the
   cAddValidator means that at least one member of a subnet will need a
   key maker attribute, which is conferred via a _capability
   certificate_ in a member's signing chain.  Since DeftT identities
   include the member cert and its entire signing chain, adding
   attributes via _capability certificates_ to a signing chain lets
   attribute-based security policies be implemented without the need for
   separate servers accessed at run-time (and the attendant security
   weaknesses).  More on certs will be covered in Section 4.

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   If AEADSGN is specified for the pubValidator, at least one member of
   the trust domain will need key maker capability.  In Figure 14 key
   maker capability is added to the signing chain of all sensors.  WIth
   AEAD specified, a key maker is elected during DeftT start up and that
   key maker creates, publishes, and periodically updates the shared
   encryption key.  (Late joining entities are able to discover that a
   key maker has already been chosen.)  These are the _only_ changes
   required in order to increase security and add privacy: neither code
   nor binary needs to change and DeftT handles all aspects of
   validators.  The unique approach to integrating communication rules
   into the transport makes it easy to produce secure application code.

   adminCert:  mbrCert & { _mbrType: "admin" } <= netCert
   sensorCert: mbrCert & { _mbrType: "sensor" } <= kmCap
   capCert:    _network/"CAP"/_capId/_capArg/_keyinfo <= netCert
   kmCap:      capCert & { _capId: "KM" }
   #reportPub: #pub & {topic:"status"} <= sensorCert
   #commandPub: #pub & {topic:"command"} <= adminCert
   #cAddValidator: "EdDSA"

            Figure 15: Enhancing security in the example schema

   Converting desired behavioral structure into a schema is the major
   task of applying Defined-trust Communications to an application
   domain.  Once completed, all the deployment information is contained
   in the schema.  Although a particular schema cert defines a
   particular trust domain, the text version of a schema can be re-used
   for related applications.  For example, a home IoT schema could be
   edited to be specific to a particular home network or a solar rooftop
   neighborhood and then signed with a chosen trust anchor.

4.  Certificates and identity bundles

   Defined-trust's approach is partially based on the seminal SDSI
   [SDSI] approach to create user-friendly namespaces that establish
   transitive trust through a certificate (cert) chain that validates
   locally controlled and managed keys, rather than requiring a global
   Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).  When certificates are created, they
   have a particular context in which they should be utilized and
   trusted rather than conferring total authority.  This is particularly
   useful in OT where communicating entities share an administrative
   control and using a third party to certify identity is both
   unnecessary and a potential security vulnerability.  Well-formed
   certificates and identity deployment are critical elements of this
   framework.  This section describes certificate requirements and the
   identity _bundles_ that are securely distributed to trust domain
   members.  (DCT includes utilities to create certs and bundles.)

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4.1.  Obviate CA usage

   Use of third party certificate authorities (CAs) is often
   antithetical to OT security needs.  Any use of a CA (remote or local)
   results in a single point of failure that greatly reduces system
   reliability.  An architecture with a single, local, trust root cert
   (trust anchor) and no CAs simplifies trust management and avoids the
   well-known CA federation and delegation issues and other weaknesses
   of the X.509 architecture (summarized at [W509], original references
   include [RSK][NVR]).  DCT certificates (see Section can be
   generated and signed locally (using supplied utilities) so there is
   no reason to aggregate a plethora of unrelated claims into one cert
   (avoiding the Aggregation problem [W509]).

   A DCT cert's one and only Subject Name is the Name of the Publication
   that contains the public key as its content and neither name nor
   content are allowed to contain any optional information or
   extensions.  Certificates are created with a lifetime; local
   production means cert lifetimes can be just as long as necessary (as
   recommended in [RFC2693]) so there's no need for the code burden and
   increased attack surface associated with certificate revocation lists
   (CRLs) or use of on-line certificate status protocol (OSCP).  Keys
   that require longer lifetimes, like device keys, get new certs before
   the current ones expire and may be distributed through DeftT (e.g.,
   using a variant of the group key distributors in DCT).  If there is a
   need to exclude previously authorized identities from a domain, there
   are a variety of options.  The most expedient is via use of an AEAD
   cAdd or Publication validator by ensuring that the group key maker(s)
   of a domain exclude that entity from subsequent symmetric key
   distributions until its identity cert expires (and it is not issued
   an update).  Another option is to publish an identity that supplants
   that of the excluded member.  Though more complex, it is also
   possible to distribute a new schema and identities (without changing
   the trust anchor), e.g., using remote attestation via the TPM.

   From Section 3, a member cert is granted attributes in the schema via
   the certs that appear in its member identity chain.  Member certs are
   _always_ accompanied by their full chain-of-trust, both when
   installed and when the member publishes its identity to the cert
   collection.  Every signing chain in the domain has the same trust
   anchor at its root and its legal form specified in the schema.
   Without the entire chain, a signer's right to issue Publications
   cannot be validated.  Cert validation is according to the schema
   which may specify attributes and capabilities for Publication signing
   from any certificate in the chain.  For this model to be well
   founded, each cert's *key locator* must _uniquely_ identify the cert
   that actually signed it.  This property ensures that each locator
   resolves to one and only one signing chain.  A cert's key locator is

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   a *thumbprint*, a SHA256 hash of the _entire_ signer's Publication
   (name, content, key locator, and signature), ensuring that each
   locator resolves to one and only one cert and signing chain.  Use of
   the thumbprint locator ensures that certs are not open to the
   substitution attacks of name-based locators like X.509's "Authority
   Key Identifier" and "Issuer" [ConfusedDep][CAvuln][TLSvuln].

4.2.  Identity bundles

   Identity bundles comprise the certificates needed to participate in a
   trust domain: trust anchor, schema, and the member's identity chain.
   The private key corresponding to the leaf certificate of the member's
   identity chain should be installed securely when a device is first
   commissioned (e.g., out-of-band) for a network.  The public certs of
   the bundle may be placed in a file in a well-known location or may,
   in addition, have their integrity attested or even be encrypted.
   Secure device configuration and on-boarding should be carried out
   using the best practices most applicable to a particular deployment.
   The process of enrolling a device by provisioning an initial secret
   and identity in the form of public-private key pair and using this
   information to securely onboard a device to a network has a long
   history.  Current and emergent industry best practices provide a
   range of approaches for both secure installation and update of
   private keys.  For example, the private key of the bundle can be
   secured using the Trusted Platform Module, the best current practice
   in IoT [TATT][DMR][IAWS][TPM][OTPM][SIOT][QTPM][SKH][RFC8995], or
   secure enclave or trusted execution environment (TEE) [ATZ] where
   available.  In that case, an authorized configurer adding a new
   device can use TPM tools to secure the private signing key and
   install the rest of the bundle file in a known location before
   deploying the device in the network.  Where entities have public-
   private key pair identities of _any_ (e.g., non-DCT) type, these can
   be leveraged for DeftT identity installation.  Figure 16 shows the
   steps involved in configuring entities and their correspondence of
   the steps to the "building plans" model.  (The corresponding tools
   available in DCT are shown across the bottom and the relationship to
   the "building plans" model is shown across the top.)

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/tools.config-rfc.svg)

            Figure 16: Creating and configuring identity bundles

   In the examples at [DCT], an identity bundle is given directly to an
   application via the command line, useful for development, and the
   application passes callbacks to utility functions that supply the
   certs and a signing pair separately.  For deployment, good key
   hygiene using best current practices must be followed e.g., [COMIS].
   In deployment, a small application manager may be programmed for two

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   specific purposes.  First, it is registered with a supervisor [SPRV]
   (or similar process control) for its own (re)start to serve as a
   bootstrap for the application.  Second, it can have access to the TPM
   functions and the ability to create "short-lived" (~hours to several
   days) public/private key pair(s) that are signed by the installed
   (commissioned) private identity key using the TPM.  This Publication
   signing key pair is created at (re)start and recreated at the
   periodicity of the signing cert lifetime.  Since the signing of the
   public cert happens via requests to the TPM, the _identity_ key (used
   to sign the cert) cannot be exfiltrated.  The locally created
   _signing_ key is used in the communications path where TPM signing
   overhead is prohibitive.

   The DCT examples and library use configured member identities to sign
   locally created signing certs (with associated private keys) so the
   example schemas give the format for these signing cert names.  A
   DeftT will request a new signing cert shortly before expiration of
   the one in use.  Upon each signing cert update, only the new cert
   needs to be published via DeftT's cert distributor.  Figure 17
   outlines a representative procedure.

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/InstallIdbundle-rfc.svg)

    Figure 17: Representative commissioning and signing key maintenance

   All DCT certs have a validity period.  Publication signing key pairs
   (with public signing certs) are generated locally so they can easily
   be refreshed as needed.  Trust anchors, schemas, and the member
   identity chain are higher value and often require generation under
   hermetic conditions by some authority central to the organization.
   Their lifetime should be application- and deployment-specific, but
   the higher difficulty of cert production and distribution often
   necessitates liftetimes of weeks to years.

   Updating schemas and other certificates over the deployed network
   (OTA) is application-domain specific and can either make use of
   domain best practices or develop custom DeftT-based distribution.
   Changing the trust anchor is considered a re-commissioning.  The
   example here is merely illustrative; with pre-established secure
   identities and well-founded approaches to secure on-line
   communications, a trust domain could be created OTA using secure
   identities established through some other system of identity.

5.  Use Cases

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5.1.  Secure Industrial IoT

   IIoT sensors offer significant advantages in industrial process
   control including improved accuracy, process optimization, predictive
   maintenance and analysis, higher efficiency, low-cost remote
   accessibility and monitoring, reduced downtime, power savings, and
   reduced costs [IIOT].  Critical Digital Assets (CDA) are a class of
   industrial assets such as power plants or chemical factories which
   must be carefully controlled to avoid loss-of-life accidents and
   where IIoT sensors require tight security.  Even when IIoT sensors
   are not used for direct control of CDA, spoofed sensor readings can
   lead to destructive behavior.  There are real-life examples (such as
   uranium centrifuges) of nation-state actors changing sensor readings
   through cyberattacks leading to equipment damage.  These risks result
   in a requirement for stringent security reviews and regulation of CDA
   sensor networks.  Despite the advantages of deploying CDA sensors,
   adequate security is prerequisite to deploying the CDA sensors.
   Information conveyed via DeftT has an ensured provenance and may be
   efficiently encrypted making it ideal for this use.

   IIoT sensors may be fixed or mobile (including drone-based); mobility
   and envirnomental factors may cause different sensor gateways to
   receive measurements from a particular sensor over time.  A DeftT
   mesh captures Publications _anywhere_ within its combined network
   coverage area and ensures it efficiently reaches all members as long
   as they are in range of at least one member that has received the
   information.  An out-of-service or out-of-range member can receive
   all active subscribed Publications once it is in range and/or able to
   communicate.  DeftT forms meshes with no additional configuration
   (beyond DeftT's usual identity bundle and private key) needed to make
   devices recognize one another in the trust domain.  To see how DeftT
   propagates information throughout a partially connected mesh,
   consider Figure 18 where sensor S1's signal can reach devices D1-D4
   but not D5 and D6.  (Refer to Section 2.2 and Section 2.5.)

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/robust-rfc.svg)

     Figure 18: Members out-of-range of a Publication's originator can
                    receive from non-originating members

   1.  S1 sends a cAdd with its latest measurement Publication that is
       received by D1-D4 and added to their collections after which they
       synchronize their cStates
   2.  Either a device in range of D5 and/or D6 sends a cState that
       shows the new Publication which results in a cState from D5 and/
       or D6 that serves as a request for that Publication *or* D5 and/
       or D6 send a periodic cState update that lacks the new
       Publication and is received by at least one of D1-D4.

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   3.  When devices that have received the Publication hear those
       lacking cStates, they wait a _dispersion delay_ (plus a small
       random value) so that the originator or some other device might
       respond, after which they send the Publication in a cAdd unless a
       cAdd responding to the specific lacking cState is overheard.

   The large physical scale of many industrial processes necessitates
   that expensive cabling costs be avoided through wireless transport
   and battery power.  Wireless sensor deployments in an industrial
   environment can suffer from signal outages due to shielding walls and
   interference caused by rotating machinery and electrical
   generators.In particular, nuclear power plant applications have
   radioactive shielding walls of very thick concrete and security
   regulations make any plant modifications to add cabling subject to
   expensive and time-consuming reviews and permitting.  Consider such
   an industrial setting where LoRa sensors collect a wide range of
   information (e.g., temperature, movement/vibration, light levels,
   etc.) they broadcast in layer 2 LoRaWAN messages (see Figure 19).  A
   WiFi network includes fixed displays, mobile tablets, and devices
   with both a LoRaWAN gateway interface and a WiFi interface
   (Gateways).  Any particular WiFi-enabled device may subscribe to a
   subset of the information available through DeftT.  Privacy of data
   is ensured by encrypting cAdd PDUs.  The presence of several Gateways
   within a single sensor's broadcast range reduces the number of lost
   sensor packets and the DeftT WiFi mesh is resilient against
   transmission outages, further facilitating reliability.  Publications
   are sent once and heard by all in-range members while Publications
   missing from one DeftT's set can be supplied by another within range.
   Figure 19's example deploys WiFi devices near the doorways in
   shielded walls to connect mesh members.  A Controller is sited in a
   control room and connected via an Ethernet cable to an enhanced
   Gateway with an Ethernet interface and running a DeftT relay.  Mobile
   WiFi devices can move throughout the site and maintain connection to
   both the sensors (through the gateways) and the Controller with its
   longer-term storage of sensor readings.

   Figure 19 assumes LoRaWAN server components are integrated with the
   Gateway devices (as in many existing MQTT-based deployments) but
   these devices communicate via DeftT over adhoc WiFi.  Only one
   Gateway has the join server _capability_ (via the communications
   schema).  Multiple _Gateways_ can receive sensor messages which they
   package as Publications with the device identifier (DevAddr) and
   unique count (uplink FCnt) as part of the name and publish in a
   collection of sensor measurements.  If Publications are encrypted
   with a group key, the full name will be unique and only those members
   of the collection who did not receive the broadcast directly from a
   sensor will obtain it via the DeftT WiFi interface.  (Collection
   synchronization performs the deduplication process.)  Otherwise, if

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   packets are signed with the identity of the Gateway, the shim can
   discard duplicates before passing to the subscribing application.
   All Gateways participate in a collection for join messages but only
   the join server originates LoRaWAN join-accept Publications.  The
   join server may distribute the (encrypted) application key to
   Gateways that display sensor information or to WiFi devices that may
   perform more sophisticated tasks e.g., a tablet that analyzes and
   displays historical sensor input.  The Controller receives
   Publications of sensor data via a TCP connection to the TCP face of
   the DeftT relay.

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/meshEx-rfc.svg)

       Figure 19: IIOT meshed gateways connect a single trust domain

   In addition to specifying encryption and signing types, the schema
   rules control which users can access specific sensors.  For example,
   an outside predictive maintenance analysis vendor can be allowed
   access to the vibration sensor data from critical motors, relayed
   through the Internet, while only plant Security can see images from
   on-site cameras.

5.2.  Secure access to Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

   The electrical power grid is evolving to encompass many smaller
   generators with complex interconnections.  Renewable energy systems
   such as smaller-scale wind and solar generator sites must be
   economically accessed by multiple users such as building owners,
   renewable asset aggregators, utilities, and maintenance personnel
   with varying levels of access rights.  North American Electric
   Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection (NERC CIP)
   regulations specify requirements for communications security and
   reliability to guard against grid outages [DER].  Legacy NERC CIP
   compliant utility communications approaches, using dedicated
   physically secured links to a few large generators, are no longer
   practical.  DeftT offers multiple advantages over bilateral TLS
   sessions for this use case:

   *  Security.  Encryption, authentication, and authorization of all
      information objects.  Secure brokerless pub/sub avoids single-
      point broker vulnerabilities.  Large generation assets of hundreds
      of megawatts to more than 1 gigawatt, particularly nuclear power
      plants must be controlled securely or risk large-scale loss of
      life accidents.  Hence, they are attractive targets for
      sophisticated nation-state cyber attackers seeking damage with
      national security implications.  Even small-scale DER generators
      are susceptible to a coordinated attack which could still bring
      down the electric grid.

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   *  Scalability.  Provisioning, maintaining, and distributing multiple
      keys with descriptive, institutionalized, hierarchical names.
      DeftT allows keys to be published and securely updated on-line.
      Where historically a few hundred large-scale generators could
      supply all of the energy needs for a wide geographic area, now
      small-scale DER such as residential solar photovoltaic (PV)
      systems are located at hundreds of thousands of geographically
      dispersed sites.  Many new systems are added daily and must be
      accommodated economically to spur wider adoption.
   *  Resiliency.  A mesh network of multiple client users, redundant
      servers, and end devices adds reliability without sacrificing
      security.  Generation assets must be kept on-line continuously or
      failures risk causing a grid-wide blackout.  Climate change is
      driving frequent natural disasters including wildfires,
      hurricanes, and temperature extremes which can impact the
      communications infrastructure.  If the network is not resilient
      communications breakdowns can disable generators on the grid
      leading to blackouts.
   *  Efficiency.  Data can be published once from edge gateways over
      expensive cellular links and be accessed through servers by
      multiple authorized users, without sacrificing security.  For
      small residential DER systems, economical but reliable
      connectivity is required to spur adoption of PV compared to
      purchasing from the grid.  However, for analytics, maintenance and
      grid control purposes, regular updates from the site by multiple
      users are required.  Pub/sub via DeftT allows both goals to be met
   *  Flexible Trust rules: Varying levels of permissions are possible
      on a user-by-user and site-by-site basis to tightly control user
      security and privacy at the information object level.  In an
      energy ecosystem with many DER, access requirements are quite
      complex.  For example, a PV and battery storage system can be
      monitored on a regular basis by a homeowner.  Separate equipment
      vendors for batteries and solar generation assets, including
      inverters, need to perform firmware updates or to monitor that the
      equipment is operating correctly for maintenance and warranty
      purposes.  DER aggregators may contract with a utility to supply
      and control multiple DER systems, while the utility may want to
      access production data and perform some controls themselves such
      as during a fire event where the system must be shut down.
      Different permissions are required for each user.  For example,
      hourly usage data which gives detailed insight into customer
      behaviors can be seen by the homeowner, but for privacy reasons
      might only be shared with the aggregator if permission is given.
      These roles and permissions can be expressed in the communication
      rules and then secured by DeftT's use of compiled schemas.

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   The specificity of the requirements of NERC CIP can be used to create
   communication schemas that contain site-specifics, allowing
   applications to be streamlined and generic for their functionality,
   rather than containing security and site-specifics.

6.  Using Defined-trust Communications without DeftT

   Parts of the defined-trust communications framework could be used
   without the DeftT protocol, e.g., to secure structured messages..
   There are two main elements used in DeftT: the integrated trust
   management engine and the multi-party communications networking layer
   that makes use of the properties of a broadcast medium.  It's
   possible to make use of either of these without DeftT.  For example,
   a message broker could implement the trust management engine on
   messages as they arrive at the broker (e.g., via TLS) to ensure the
   sender has the proper identity to publish such a message.  If a
   credential is required in order to subscribe to certain messages,
   that could also be checked.  Set reconciliation could be used at the
   heart of a transport protocol without using defined-trust security,
   though signing, encryption, or integrity hashing could still be

7.  Terms

   *  certificate thumbprint: the 32 byte SHA256 digest of an _entire_
      certificate including its signature ensuring that each thumbprint
      resolves to one and only one cert and signing chain
   *  collection: a set of elements denoted by a structured name that
      includes the identifier of a particular communications schema
   *  communications schema: defined set of rules that cover the
      communications for a particular application domain.  Where it is
      necessary to distinguish between the human readable version and
      the compiled binary version, the modifiers "text" or "binary" will
      be used.  The binary version is placed in a certificate signed by
      the domain trust anchor.
   *  DCT: Defined-trust Communications Toolkit.  Running code, examples
      and documentation for defined-trust communications tools, a schema
      language and compiler, a DeftT implementation, and illustrative
   *  face: maintains tables of DeftT's cState PDUs to manage efficient
      communications with the system transport in use (UDP multicast,
      TCP, etc.)
   *  identity: a certificate signing chain with a particular domain's
      trust anchor at its root and a unique member certificate as the
      leaf.  The public certificates in the chain contain attributes and
      capabilities for the leaf member cert.  The secret key associated
      with the public key of the member cert should be securely
      configured for member use.

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   *  identity bundle - entities in a trust domain are commissioned with
      an identity bundle of trust anchor, signed communication schema
      cert, and the signing chain associated with a particular identity
   *  Publication: a named information object exchanged used by DeftT
      where name structure and the required identity roles and
      capabilities for Publications are specified by the schema.
      Publications are the elements of the sets that are reconciled by
      DeftT's sync protocol.  (Capitalization is used to distinguish
      this specific use from both the action and more generic use of the
   *  protocol data unit (PDU): a single unit of information transmitted
      among entities of a network composed of protocol-specific control
      information and user data.  DeftT uses two types: cState: (from
      "collection state") and cAdd: (from "collection additions")
   *  sync protocol: a synchronization protocol that implements set
      reconciliation of Publications on a subnet making use of cState
      and cAdd PDUs
   *  Things: as per [RFC8520], networked digital devices specifically
      not intended to be used for general purpose computing
   *  trust anchor: NIST SP 800-57 Part 1 Rev. 5 definition "An
      authoritative entity for which trust is assumed.  In a PKI, a
      trust anchor is a certification authority, which is represented by
      a certificate that is used to verify the signature on a
      certificate issued by that trust-anchor.  The security of the
      validation process depends upon the authenticity and integrity of
      the trust anchor's certificate.  Trust anchor certificates are
      often distributed as self-signed certificates."  In defined-trust
      communications, a trust anchor is a self-signed certificate which
      is the ultimate signer of all certificates in use in a trust
      domain, including the communications schema.  From [RFC4949]:
      trust anchor definition: An established point of trust (usually
      based on the authority of some person, office, or organization)
      which allows the validation of a certification chain.
   *  trust domain: a shorthand form for _Defined-trust Communications
      Limited Domain_, a zero trust domain governed by a single trust
      anchor and communications schema which is enforced at run-time by
      a library (e.g., DCT) using a signed binary copy of the schema at
      each member.  Nothing is accepted without validation; non-
      conforming communications are silently discarded.  As the schema
      cert is signed by the trust anchor, a trust comain is uniquely
      identified by the schema cert's thumbprint.  Where context is
      clear, just _domain_ may be used.
   *  trust-based Relay: (or just Relay) a special-purpose entity that
      connects a trust domain across different subnets

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8.  Security Considerations

   This document presents a transport protocol that secures the
   information it conveys (COMSEC in the language of [RFC3552]).
   Security of data in the application space is out-of-scope for this
   document, but use of a trusted execution environment (TEE), e.g.,
   ARM's TrustZone, is recommended where this is of concern.

   Unauthorized changes to DeftT code could bypass validation of
   received PDUs or modify the content of outgoing PDUs prior to signing
   (but only valid PDUs are accepted at receiver; invalid PDUs are
   dropped by uncompromised member).  Although securing DeftT's code is
   out-of-scope for this document, DeftT has been designed to be easily
   deployed with a TEE.  Revisiting Figure 5, Figure 20 highlights how
   all of the DeftT code and data can be placed in the secure zone
   (long-dashed line), reachable _only_ via callgates for the Publish
   and Subscribe API calls.

   (Artwork only available as svg: ./figs/hwtrust-rfc.svg)

       Figure 20: DeftT secured with a Trusted Execution Environment

   Providing crypto functions is out-of-scope of this document.  The
   example implementation uses *libsodium*, an open source library
   maintained by experts in the field [SOD].  Crypto functions used in
   any alternative implementation should be of similar high quality.

   Enrollment of devices is out of scope.  A range of solutions are
   available and selection of one is dependent on specifics of a
   deployment.  Example approaches include the Open Connectivity
   Foundation (OCF) onboarding and BRSKI [RFC8995].  NIST NCCOE network
   layer onboarding might be adapted, treating a communications schema
   like a MUD URL.

   Protecting private identity and signing keys is out-of-scope for this
   document.  Good key hygiene should be practiced, securing private
   credentials using best practices for a particular application class,
   e.g.  [COMIS][OWASP].

   DeftT's unit of information transfer is a Publication.  It is an
   atomic unit sized to fit in a lower layer transport PDU (if needed,
   fragmentation and reassembly are done in shim or application).  All
   Publications must be signed and the signature must be validated.  All
   Publications start with a Name (Section  Publications are
   used both for ephemeral communication, like commands and status
   reports, and long-lived information like certs.  The set
   reconciliation-based syncps protocol identifies Publications using a
   hash of the _entire_ Publication, including its signature.  A sync

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   collection can contain at most one instance of any Publication so
   replays of Publications in the collection are discarded as duplicates
   on arrival.  The current DeftT implementation requires weakly
   synchronized clocks with a known maximum skew.  Publications have a
   lifetime enforced by their sync collection; their names include a
   timestamp used both to enforce that lifetime and prevent replay
   attacks by keeping a Publication in the local collection (but not
   advertising its existence) until its lifetime plus the skew has
   passed.  (Lifetimes in current applications range from days or years
   for certs to milliseconds for status and command communications).
   Publications arriving a skew time before their timestamp or a skew
   time plus lifetime after their timestamp are discarded.

   An attacker can modify, drop, spoof, or replay any DeftT PDU or
   Publication but DeftT is designed for this to have minimal effect:

   1.  modification - all DeftT cAdd PDUs must be either signed or AEAD
       encrypted with a securely distributed nonce group key.  This
       choice is specified in the schema and each DeftT checks at
       startup that one of these two properties holds for the schema and
       throws an error if not.

       *  for signed PDUs each receiving DeftT must already have the
          complete, fully validated signing chain of the signer or the
          PDU is dropped.  The signing cert must validate the PDU's
          signature or the PDU is dropped.

       *  for encrypted PDUs (and Publications) the symmetric group key
          is automatically and securely distributed using signing
          identities.  Each receiver uses its copy of the current
          symmetric key to validate the AEAD MAC and decrypt the PDU
          content.  Invalid or malformed PDUs and Publications are

       cState modification to continually send an older, less complete
       state in order to generate the sending of cAdds could create a
       DoS attack but counter measures could be implemented using
       available DeftT information in order to isolate that entity or
       remove it from the trust domain.

   2.  dropped PDUs - DeftT's sync protocol periodically publishes
       cStates regardless of whether the collection has changed,
       resulting in (re)sending dropped cAdds (if any).  Unlike
       connection-oriented transports, DeftT can and will obtain any
       Publications missing from its collection from any member that has
       a valid copy.

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   3.  spoofing - DeftT uses a trust management engine that validates
       the signing.  Malformed Publications and PDUs are dropped as
       early as possible.

   4.  replay - A cAdd is sent in response to a specific cState, so a
       replayed cAdd must match a current cState and, if so, the cAdd's
       Publication(s) will be filtered for duplicates and obsolescence
       as described above.  A cAdd that doesn't match a current cState
       will be dropped on arrival.

   Peer member authentication in DeftT comes through the integrated
   trust management engine.  Every DeftT instance is started with an
   identity bundle that includes the domain trust anchor, the schema in
   certificate format signed by this trust anchor, and its own member
   identity chain with a private identity key and the chain signed at
   the root by trust anchor.  Members publish their identity chains
   before any Publications are sent.  The trust management engine
   unconditionally drops any Publication or PDU that does not have a
   valid signer or whose signer lacks the role or capabilities required
   for that particular Publication or PDU.

   DeftT takes a modular approach to signing/validation of its PDUs and
   Publications, so a number of approaches to integrity, authenticity,
   and confidentiality are possible (and several are available at
   [DCT]).  Security features that are found to have vulnerabilities
   will be removed or updated and new features are easily added.

   A compromised member of a trust domain can only build messages that
   match the role and attributes in its signing chain.  Thus, a
   compromised lightbulb can lie about its state or refuse to turn on,
   but it can't tell the front door to unlock or send camera footage to
   a remote location.  Multiple PDUs could be generated, resulting in
   flooding the subnet.  There are possible counter-measures that could
   be taken if some detection code is added to the current DeftT, but
   this is deferred for specific applications with specific types of
   threats and desired responses.

   DeftT's modular structure allows for any cryptographic methods to be
   used as sigmgrs.  New methods can easily be added to the transport as
   long as they present the same API.

   The example implementation's encryption modules provide for
   encryption on both cAdd PDUs and Publications.  The latter _must_ be
   signed by the originator in addition to being encrypted.  This is not
   required for cAdd PDUs, so the specific entity that sent the cAdd
   cannot be determined but the Publications it carries _must_ be
   signed, even if not encrypted.  In DeftT, any member can resend a
   Publication from any other member (without modification) so group

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   encryption (in effect, group signing) is no different.  Some other
   encryption approaches are provided whose potential vulnerabilities
   are described with their implementations and a signed, encrypted
   approach is also available [DCT].  [DCT] relies on the crypto library
   libsodium and on linux random implementations with respect to entropy
   issues.  In general, these are quite application-dependent and should
   be further addressed for particular deployments.

9.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

10.  Normative References

   [RFC1422]  Kent, S., "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic
              Mail: Part II: Certificate-Based Key Management",
              RFC 1422, DOI 10.17487/RFC1422, February 1993,

   [RFC8613]  Selander, G., Mattsson, J., Palombini, F., and L. Seitz,
              "Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments
              (OSCORE)", RFC 8613, DOI 10.17487/RFC8613, July 2019,

   [RFC8799]  Carpenter, B. and B. Liu, "Limited Domains and Internet
              Protocols", RFC 8799, DOI 10.17487/RFC8799, July 2020,

   [RFC9119]  Perkins, C., McBride, M., Stanley, D., Kumari, W., and JC.
              Zúñiga, "Multicast Considerations over IEEE 802 Wireless
              Media", RFC 9119, DOI 10.17487/RFC9119, October 2021,

   [RFC9200]  Seitz, L., Selander, G., Wahlstroem, E., Erdtman, S., and
              H. Tschofenig, "Authentication and Authorization for
              Constrained Environments Using the OAuth 2.0 Framework
              (ACE-OAuth)", RFC 9200, DOI 10.17487/RFC9200, August 2022,

11.  Informative References

   [ATZ]      Ngabonziza, B., Martin, D., Bailey, A., Cho, H., and S.
              Martin, "TrustZone Explained: Architectural Features and
              Use Cases", 2016, <>.

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   [CAvuln]   Marlinspike, M., "More Tricks for Defeating SSL in
              Practice", 2009, <

   [CHPT]     CheckPoint, "The Dark Side of Smart Lighting: Check Point
              Research Shows How Business and Home Networks Can Be
              Hacked from a Lightbulb", February 2020,

   [CIDS]     OperantNetworks, "Cybersecurity Intrusion Detection System
              for Large-Scale Solar Field Networks", 2021,

   [COMIS]    Lydersen, L., "Commissioning Methods for IoT", February

   [COST]     Guy, W., "Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance, Wired
              vs. Wireless: Cost and Reliability", October 2005,

              Support, G. C., "Additional authenticated data guide",
              July 2021, <

   [DCT]      Pollere, "Defined-trust Communications Toolkit", 2022,

   [DER]      NERC, "North American Electric Reliability Corporation:
              Distributed Energy Resources: Connection, Modeling, and
              Reliability Considerations", February 2017,

   [DIFF]     Eppstein, D., Goodrich, M. T., Uyeda, F., and G. Varghese,
              "What's the difference?: efficient set reconciliation
              without prior context", 2011.

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   [DIGN]     Bandyk, M., "As Dominion, others target 80-year nuclear
              plants, cybersecurity concerns complicate digital
              upgrades", November 2019,

   [DLOG]     Li, N., Grosof, B., and J. Feigenbaum, "Delegation logic",
              February 2003, <>.

   [DMR]      al., M. C. E., "Device Management Requirements to Secure
              Enterprise IoT Edge Infrastructure", April 2021,

   [DNMP]     Nichols, K., "Lessons Learned Building a Secure Network
              Measurement Framework Using Basic NDN", September 2019.

   [DTM]      Blaze, M., Feigenbaum, J., and J. Lacy, "Decentralized
              Trust Management", June 1996,

   [Demers87] Demers, A. J., Greene, D. H., Hauser, C., Irish, W.,
              Larson, J., Shenker, S., Sturgis, H. E., Swinehart, D. C.,
              and D. B. Terry, "Epidemic Algorithms for Replicated
              Database Maintenance", 1987,

   [Graphene] Ozisik, A. P., Andresen, G., Bissias, G., Houmansadr, A.,
              and B. N. Levine, "Graphene: A New Protocol for Block
              Propagation Using Set Reconciliation", 2017,

              Ozisik, A. P., Andresen, G., Levine, B. N., Tapp, D.,
              Bissias, G., and S. Katkuri, "Graphene: efficient
              interactive set reconciliation applied to blockchain
              propagation", 2019,

   [HSE]      Kapersky, "Secure Element", 2022,

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   [IAWS]     Ganapathy, K., "Using a Trusted Platform Module for
              endpoint device security in AWS IoT Greengrass", November
              2019, <Using a Trusted Platform Module for endpoint device
              security in AWS IoT Greengrass>.

   [IBLT]     Goodrich, M. T. and M. Mitzenmacher, "Invertible bloom
              lookup tables", 2011,

   [IEC]      IEC, "Power systems management and associated information
              exchange - Data and communications security - Part 8:
              Role-based access control for power system management",
              2022, <>.

   [IEC61850] Wikipedia, "IEC 61850", 2021,

   [IIOT]     Rajiv, "Applications of Industrial Internet of Things
              (IIoT)", June 2018, <

   [IOTK]     Nichols, K., "Trust schemas and {ICN:} key to secure home
              IoT", 2021, <>.

              ISO, "Industrial automation systems --- Manufacturing
              Message Specification --- Part 1: Service definition",
              2003, <

   [LANGSEC]  LANGSEC, "LANGSEC: Language-theoretic Security "The View
              from the Tower of Babel"", 2021, <>.

              Momot, F., Bratus, S., Hallberg, S. M., and M. L.
              Patterson, "The Seven Turrets of Babel: {A} Taxonomy of
              LangSec Errors and How to Expunge Them", 2016,

   [MATR]     Alliance, C. S., "Matter is the foundation for connected
              things", 2021, <>.

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   Lixia Zhang

   Roger Jungerman
   Operant Networks Inc.

   Roger contributed significantly to Section 5.

Authors' Addresses

   Kathleen Nichols
   Pollere LLC

   Van Jacobson

   Randy King
   Operant Networks Inc.

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