Internet DRAFT - draft-nottingham-gendispatch-discuss-criteria


Network Working Group                                      M. Nottingham
Internet-Draft                                              24 July 2023
Updates: 2026 (if approved)                                             
Intended status: Best Current Practice                                  
Expires: 25 January 2024

                            DISCUSS Criteria


   This document describes the role of the 'DISCUSS' position in the
   IESG review process.  It gives some guidance on when a DISCUSS should
   and should not be issued.  It also discusses procedures for DISCUSS

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Status information for this document may be found at

   information can be found at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Note to Readers

   This document is currently a copy of the DISCUSS criteria published
   criteria/ (
   discuss-criteria/); the only changes are to the material in the
   Introduction regarding the status of the document.

   As such, it serves as a proposal: to put control over the criteria
   that the IESG uses to evaluate documents in the hands of the IETF

   Because the balloting system is not defined by RFC, an unresolved
   issue is how that should be referred to.  Two possible options are a)
   also publishing it a BCP, or b) abstracting this document to talk
   about the general criteria that the IESG can use to hold up
   publication of a document, without using the 'DISCUSS' terminology.

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Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 January 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Document Classes Reviewed by the IESG . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Protocol Action Criteria  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  DISCUSS Criteria  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  DISCUSS Non-Criteria  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.3.  Saying No to A Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   4.  DISCUSS Resolution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   5.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   7.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9

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1.  Introduction

   The Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) is responsible for the
   final review of IETF documents.  Members of the IESG have the option,
   when they review a document, of stating a 'DISCUSS' position.  The
   DISCUSS identifies one or more issues that must be discussed in
   relation to the document before the document can become an RFC.  As
   such, 'DISCUSS' is a blocking position; the document cannot proceed
   until any issues are resolved to the satisfaction of the Area
   Director who issued the DISCUSS.  For cases where the reasoning for
   an unresolved DISCUSS does not reflect the consensus of the IESG,
   override procedures can be invoked to unblock documents.

   The criteria set forward in this document are intended to serve two
   purposes: to educate and to improve consistency.  When new members
   join the IESG, it might not be immediately clear when it is
   appropriate to issue a DISCUSS and when a non-blocking comment should
   be preferred.  Even among the standing IESG (at the time this
   document was written), it is clear that different Area Directors use
   different criteria for issuing a DISCUSS.  While this is not innately
   problematic, greater consistency in evaluating the severity of an
   issue would reduce unnecessary document delays and blockages.

   This document approaches IESG review of Proposed Standard documents
   as a review of "last resort".  Most such documents reviewed by the
   IESG are produced and reviewed in the context of IETF working groups.
   In those cases, the IESG cannot overrule working group consensus
   without good reason; informed community consensus should prevail.

   These criteria are not intended to constrain the IESG from issuing
   DISCUSSes on documents that are genuinely problematic, but rather to
   set reasonable expectation among the IESG and the community about the
   propriety of and justification for blocking IETF documents.

2.  Document Classes Reviewed by the IESG

   The IESG reviews several classes of document, and applies different
   criteria to each of these document types.  The exemplary questions
   that follow appear on each IESG agenda to remind the Area Directors
   of the appropriate level of review for these classes:

   Protocol Actions:  "Is this document a reasonable basis on which to
      build the salient part of the Internet infrastructure?  If not,
      what changes would make it so?"

   Document Actions (WG):  "Is this document a reasonable contribution
      to the area of Internet engineering which it covers?  If not, what
      changes would make it so?"

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   Document Actions (Individual):  "Is this document a reasonable
      contribution to the area of Internet engineering which it covers?
      If not, what changes would make it so?"

   Document Actions (from RFC-Editor):  "Does this document represent an
      end run around the IETF's working groups or its procedures?  Does
      this document present an incompatible change to IETF technologies
      as if it were compatible?"

   Of these document classes, the fundamental distinction between
   "Protocol Actions" and "Document Actions" involves the relation of
   these documents to the IETF Standards Track.  Only Standards Track
   and Best Common Practice documents are considered for "Protocol
   Action"; Informational and Experimental documents are considered for
   "Document Action".

   Protocol Actions are naturally subject to greater scrutiny than
   Document Actions; Area Directors are not even required to state a
   position on a Document Action (the default being "No Objection").
   Accordingly, the exact criteria used to evaluate Protocol Actions
   would benefit from greater scrutiny.  The remainder of this document
   focuses on the use of DISCUSS for standards-track and BCP documents.

3.  Protocol Action Criteria

3.1.  DISCUSS Criteria

   The following are legitimate reasons that an Area Director might
   state a DISCUSS position on a Protocol Action.  This cannot be an
   exhaustive list, but this set should be taken as exemplary of the
   common causes for DISCUSSes seen by the IESG in the past.

   *  The specification is impossible to implement due to technical or
      clarity issues.

   *  The protocol has technical flaws that will prevent it from working
      properly, or the description is unclear in such a way that the
      reader cannot understand it without ambiguity.

   *  It is unlikely that multiple implementations of the specification
      would interoperate, usually due to vagueness or incomplete

   *  Widespread deployment would be damaging to the Internet or an
      enterprise network for reasons of congestion control, scalability,
      or the like.

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   *  The specification would create serious security holes, or the
      described protocol has self-defeating security vulnerabilities
      (e.g. a protocol that cannot fulfill its purpose without security
      properties it does not provide).

   *  It would present serious operational issues in widespread
      deployment, by for example neglecting network management or
      configuration entirely.

   *  Failure to conform with IAB architecture (e.g., [RFC1958], or
      [RFC3424]) in the absence of any satisfactory text explaining this
      architectural decision.

   *  The specification was not properly vetted against the I-D
      Checklist.  Symptoms include broken ABNF or XML, missing Security
      Considerations, and so on.

   *  The draft omits a normative reference necessary for its
      implementation, or cites such a reference merely informatively
      rather than normatively.

   *  The document does not meet criteria for advancement in its
      designated standards track, for example because it is a document
      going to Full Standard that contains 'down references' to RFCs at
      a lower position in the standards track, or a Standards Track
      document that contains only informational guidance.

   *  IETF process related to document advancement was not carried out;
      e.g., there are unresolved and substantive Last Call comments
      which the document does not address, the document is outside the
      scope of the charter of the WG which requested its publication,
      and so on.

   *  The IETF as a whole does not have consensus on the technical
      approach or document.  There are cases where individual working
      groups or areas have forged rough consensus around a technical
      approach which does not garner IETF consensus.  An AD may DISCUSS
      a document where she or he believes this to be the case.  While
      the Area Director should describe the technical area where
      consensus is flawed, the focus of the DISCUSS and its resolution
      should be on how to forge a cross-IETF consensus.

3.2.  DISCUSS Non-Criteria

   *  Disagreement with informed WG decisions that do not exhibit
      problems outlined in Section 3.1.  In other words, disagreement in
      preferences among technically sound approaches.

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   *  Reiteration of the issues that have been raised and discussed as
      part of WG or IETF Last Call, unless the AD believes they have not
      been properly addressed.

   *  Pedantic corrections to non-normative text.  Oftentimes, poor
      phrasing or misunderstandings in descriptive text are corrected
      during IESG review.  However, if these corrections are not
      essential to the implementation of the specification, these should
      not be blocking comments.

   *  Stylistic issues of any kind.  The IESG are welcome to copy-edit
      as a non-blocking comment, but this should not obstruct document

   *  The motivation for a particular feature of a protocol is not clear
      enough.  At the IESG review stage, protocols should not be blocked
      because they provide capabilities beyond what seems necessary to
      acquit their responsibilities.

   *  There are additional, purely informational references that might
      be added to the document, such as pointers to academic papers or
      new work.  Although the cross-area perspective of the IESG invites
      connections and comparison between disparate work in the IETF,
      IESG review is not the appropriate time to append external sources
      to the document.

   *  The document fails to cite a particular non-normative reference.
      This is an appropriate non-blocking comment, but not a blocking

   *  Unfiltered external party reviews.  While an AD is welcome to
      consult with external parties, the AD is expected to evaluate, to
      understand and to concur with issues raised by external parties.
      Blindly cut-and-pasting an external party review into a DISCUSS is
      inappropriate if the AD is unable to defend or substantiate the
      issues raised in the review.

   *  New issues with unchanged text in documents previously reviewed by
      the AD in question.  Review is potentially an endless process; the
      same eyes looking at the same document several times over the
      course of years might uncover completely different issues every

   *  "IOU" DISCUSS.  Stating "I think there's something wrong here, and
      I'll tell you what it is later" is not appropriate for a DISCUSS;
      in that case, the AD should state the position DEFER (or, if the
      document has already been DEFERed once, "No Objection").

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   *  When an extension or minor update is made to an existing protocol
      that has unaddressed issues, it would not be appropriate to hold a
      DISCUSS on that document demanding that the problem in the base
      protocol specification be addressed; rather, the way to address
      problems of this sort is to update the base protocol
      specification.  For example, a lack of consideration for pervasive
      monitoring in an existing specification would not justify holding
      a DISCUSS on the extension or minor update.

3.3.  Saying No to A Document

   In some cases an AD may believe that a document has fundamental flaws
   that cannot be fixed.  Normally in such cases the AD will write up a
   description of these flaws and enter an "Abstain" position on the
   ballot.  Such a position does not support publication of the document
   but also does not block the rest of the IESG from approving the
   document.  Normally, entering an Abstain position is a sufficient
   mechanism for an AD to voice his or her objections.

   However, there may be cases where an AD believes that the mechanisms
   described in a document may cause significant damage to the Internet
   and/or that the mechanisms described in a document are sufficiently
   incompatible with the Internet architecture that a document must not
   be published, despite the fact that the document is within scope for
   the WG and represents WG consensus.  This situation should be
   extremely rare, and an AD should not take this position lightly, but
   this does represent an important cross-area "back-stop" function of
   the IESG.

   In this situation, the AD will enter a "DISCUSS" position on the
   ballot and explain his or her position as clearly as possible in the
   tracker.  The AD should also be willing to explain his or her
   position to the other ADs and to the WG.

   It is possible in such a situation that the WG will understand the
   AD's objections and choose to withdraw the document, perhaps to
   consider alternatives, and the situation will be resolved.

   Another possibility is that the WG will disagree with the AD, and
   will continue to request publication of the document.  In those cases
   the responsible AD should work with both the WG and the AD holding
   the DISCUSS to see of a mutually agreeable path can be found.

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4.  DISCUSS Resolution

   The traditional method of DISCUSS resolution is the initiation of a
   discussion about the issues in question.  This discussion may include
   only the IESG, particularly if the DISCUSS is resolved quickly during
   or following the IESG agenda when the document is presented.  Usually
   the discussion extends to document editors and working group chairs,
   and entire working groups, as necessary.  Increasingly, one of the
   working group chairs may coordinate the resolution of the DISCUSS
   (see [RFC4858]).

   As the conclusion of this discussion, revisions to the document may
   or may not be required.  If revisions are required, it is customary
   for the Area Director to clear their DISCUSS only when the revision
   containing the necessary emendations has been published in the
   Internet-Drafts repository.

   While in many cases, DISCUSSes are resolved expeditiously, there are
   common cases where a DISCUSS can take weeks or months to resolve,
   given that revisions are frequently required, and such revisions need
   to be checked by the AD that issued the DISCUSS.  Accordingly,
   DISCUSSes should be used sparingly.

   If a DISCUSS cannot be resolved by the working group, and the AD
   continues to hold his or her DISCUSS, the IESG has an alternative
   balloting procedure that can be used to override a single discuss
   position.  In the alternative procedure, all ADs are required to
   enter a "yes" or "no" position on the document.  A document will be
   published if two-thirds of the IESG state a position of "yes", and no
   more than two ADs state a "no" position.  Two-thirds of the IESG is
   formally defined as two-thirds of the sitting ADs (current 9), except
   for those who are recused from voting on the document in question,
   rounded up to the next whole number.  If three or more ADs hold a
   "no" position on a document using the alternative balloting
   procedure, or if a document fails to gather the required number of
   "yes" positions, the document will be returned to the WG with a "no"
   answer, which is one of the options described in RFC 2026.

   When an AD is replaced for any reason, the successor should promptly
   evaluate DISCUSS ballots left by his or her predecessor, and either
   re-assert them, if they still meet the criteria of Section 3.1, or
   register "No Objection" if they do not.  The successor AD is
   responsible for handling such DISCUSS ballots just as if they were
   his or her own.

   The criteria provided in this document are intended to help the IESG
   to restrict the usage of a DISCUSS to cases where it is necessary.

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5.  IANA Considerations

   This document contains no considerations for the IANA.

6.  Security Considerations

   This is a procedural document without security implications.
   However, the ability of the IESG to review the security properties of
   the submitted protocol specifications, point out and help resolve
   security flaws in them is vital for Internet security.

7.  Informative References

   [RFC1958]  Carpenter, B., Ed., "Architectural Principles of the
              Internet", RFC 1958, DOI 10.17487/RFC1958, June 1996,

   [RFC3424]  Daigle, L., Ed. and IAB, "IAB Considerations for
              UNilateral Self-Address Fixing (UNSAF) Across Network
              Address Translation", RFC 3424, DOI 10.17487/RFC3424,
              November 2002, <>.

   [RFC4858]  Levkowetz, H., Meyer, D., Eggert, L., and A. Mankin,
              "Document Shepherding from Working Group Last Call to
              Publication", RFC 4858, DOI 10.17487/RFC4858, May 2007,

Author's Address

   Mark Nottingham

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