Internet DRAFT - draft-oh-nmrg-ai-adp


Internet Research Task Force                                     S-B. Oh
Internet-Draft                                                       KSA
Intended status: Informational                                 Y-G. Hong
Expires: 25 April 2024                                Daejeon University
                                                               J-S. Youn
                                                     DONG-EUI University
                                                                 HJ. Lee
                                                              H-K. Kahng
                                                        Korea University
                                                         23 October 2023

   AI-Based Distributed Processing Automation in Digital Twin Network


   This document discusses the use of AI technology and digital twin
   technology to automate the management of computer network resources
   distributed across different locations.  Digital twin technology
   involves creating a virtual model of real-world physical objects or
   processes, which is utilized to analyze and optimize complex systems.
   In a digital twin network, AI-based network management by automating
   distributed processing involves utilizing deep learning algorithms to
   analyze network traffic, identify potential issues, and take
   proactive measures to prevent or mitigate those issues.  Network
   administrators can efficiently manage and optimize their networks,
   thereby improving network performance and reliability.  AI-based
   network management, utilizing digital twin network technology, also
   aids in optimizing network performance by identifying bottlenecks in
   the network and automatically adjusting network settings to enhance
   throughput and reduce latency.  By implementing AI-based network
   management through automated distributed processing, organizations
   can improve network performance, and reduce the need for manual
   network management tasks.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

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Internet-Draft      Automating Distributed Processing       October 2023

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 April 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Conventional Task Distributed Processing Techniques and
           Problems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     2.1.  Challenges and Alternatives in Task Distributed
           Processing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     2.2.  Considerations for Resource Allocation in Task Distributed
           Processing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   3.  Requirements of Conventional Task Distributed Processing  . .   8
   4.  Automating Distributed Processing with Digital Twin and AI  .   8
   5.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   7.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   8.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10

1.  Introduction

   Due to industrial digitalization, the number of devices connected to
   the network is increasing rapidly.  As the number of devices
   increases, the amount of data that needs to be processed in the
   network is increasing due to the interconnection between various

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   Existing network management was managed manually by administrators/
   operators, but network management becomes complicated, and the
   possibility of network malfunction increases, which can cause serious

   Therefore, this document considers the configuration of systems using
   both digital twin technology and artificial intelligence (AI)
   technology for network management and operation, in order to adapt to
   the dynamically changing network environment.  In this regard, AI
   technologies play a key role by maximizing the utilization of network
   resources.  They achieve this by providing resource access control
   and optimal task distribution processing based on the characteristics
   of nodes that offer network functions for network management
   automation and operation[I-D.irtf-nmrg-ai-challenges].

2.  Conventional Task Distributed Processing Techniques and Problems

2.1.  Challenges and Alternatives in Task Distributed Processing

   Conventional Task Distributed Processing Techniques refer to methods
   and approaches used to distribute computational tasks among multiple
   nodes in a network.  These techniques are typically used in
   distributed computing environments to improve the efficiency and
   speed of processing large volumes of data.

   Some common conventional techniques used in task distributed
   processing include load balancing, parallel processing, and
   pipelining.  Load balancing involves distributing tasks across
   multiple nodes in a way that minimizes the overall workload of each
   node, while parallel processing involves dividing a single task into
   multiple sub-tasks that can be processed simultaneously.  Pipelining
   involves breaking a task into smaller stages, with each stage being
   processed by a different node.

   However, conventional task distributed processing techniques also
   face several challenges and problems.  One of the main challenges is
   ensuring that tasks are distributed evenly among nodes, so that no
   single node is overburdened while others remain idle.  Another
   challenge is managing the communication between nodes, as this can
   often be a bottleneck that slows down overall processing speed.
   Additionally, fault tolerance and reliability can be problematic, as
   a single node failure can disrupt the entire processing workflow.

   To address these challenges, new techniques such as edge computing,
   and distributed deep learning are being developed and used in modern
   distributed computing environments.  The optimal resource must be
   allocated according to the characteristics of the node that provides
   the network function.  Cloud servers generally have more powerful

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   performance.  However, to transfer data from the local machine to the
   cloud, it is necessary to move across multiple access networks, and
   it takes high latency and energy consumption because it processes and
   delivers a large number of packets.  The MEC server is less powerful
   and less efficient than the cloud server, but it can be more
   efficient considering the overall delay and energy consumption
   because it is placed closer to the local machine[MEC.IEG006].  These
   architectures combine computing energy, telecommunications, storage,
   and energy resources flexibly, requiring service requests to be
   handled in consideration of various performance trade-offs.

   The existing distributed processing technique can divide the case
   according to the subject performing the service request as follows.

   (1) All tasks are performed on the local machine.

                                Local Machine
                            | Perform all tasks |
                            | on local machine  |
                            |                   |
                            |    +---------+    |
                            |    |         |    |
                            |    |         |    |
                            |    |         |    |
                            |    |         |    |
                            |    +---------+    |
                            |       Local       |

                    Figure 1: All tasks on local machine

   (2) Some of the tasks are performed on the local machine and some are
   performed on the MEC server.

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                   Local Machine              MEC Server
               +-------------------+    +-------------------+
               |   Perform tasks   |    |   Perform tasks   |
               | on local machine  |    |   on MEC server   |
               |                   |    |                   |
               |    +---------+    |    |  +-------------+  |
               |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |
               |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |
               |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |
               |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |
               |    +---------+    |    |  +-------------+  |
               |       Local       |    |        MEC        |
               +-------------------+    +-------------------+

            Figure 2: Some tasks on local machine and MEC server

   (3) Some of the tasks are performed on local machine and some are
   performed on cloud server

                   Local Machine            Cloud Server
               +-------------------+    +-------------------+
               |   Perform tasks   |    |   Perform tasks   |
               | on local machine  |    |  on cloud server  |
               |                   |    |                   |
               |    +---------+    |    |  +-------------+  |
               |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |
               |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |
               |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |
               |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |
               |    +---------+    |    |  +-------------+  |
               |       Local       |    |       Cloud       |
               +-------------------+    +-------------------+

           Figure 3: Some tasks on local machine and cloud server

   (4) Some of the tasks are performed on local machine, some on MEC
   servers, some on cloud servers

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      Local Machine              MEC Server             Cloud Server
  +-------------------+    +-------------------+    +-------------------+
  |   Perform tasks   |    |   Perform tasks   |    |   Perform tasks   |
  | on local machine  |    |   on MEC server   |    |  on cloud server  |
  |                   |    |                   |    |                   |
  |    +---------+    |    |  +-------------+  |    |  +-------------+  |
  |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |    |  |             |  |
  |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |    |  |             |  |
  |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |    |  |             |  |
  |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |    |  |             |  |
  |    +---------+    |    |  +-------------+  |    |  +-------------+  |
  |       Local       |    |        MEC        |    |        Cloud      |
  +-------------------+    +-------------------+    +-------------------+

 Figure 4: Some tasks on local machine, MEC server, and cloud server

   (5) Some of the tasks are performed on the MEC server and some are
   performed on the cloud server

                     MEC Server              Cloud Server
               +-------------------+    +-------------------+
               |   Perform tasks   |    |   Perform tasks   |
               |   on MEC server   |    |  on cloud server  |
               |                   |    |                   |
               |    +---------+    |    |  +-------------+  |
               |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |
               |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |
               |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |
               |    |         |    |    |  |             |  |
               |    +---------+    |    |  +-------------+  |
               |        MEC        |    |       Cloud       |
               +-------------------+    +-------------------+

            Figure 5: Some tasks on MEC server and cloud server

   (6) All tasks are performed on the MEC server

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                                  MEC Server
                            | Perform all tasks |
                            |   on MEC server   |
                            |                   |
                            |    +---------+    |
                            |    |         |    |
                            |    |         |    |
                            |    |         |    |
                            |    |         |    |
                            |    +---------+    |
                            |        MEC        |

                     Figure 6: All tasks on MEC server

   (7) All tasks are performed on cloud servers

                                Cloud Server
                            | Perform all tasks |
                            |  on cloud server  |
                            |                   |
                            |    +---------+    |
                            |    |         |    |
                            |    |         |    |
                            |    |         |    |
                            |    |         |    |
                            |    +---------+    |
                            |       Cloud       |

                    Figure 7: All tasks on cloud server

2.2.  Considerations for Resource Allocation in Task Distributed

   In addition, it is necessary to consider various environments
   depending on the delay time and the importance of energy consumption
   to determine which source is appropriate to handle requests for
   resource use.  The importance of delay time and energy consumption
   depends on the service requirements for resource use.  There is a
   need to adjust the traffic flow according to service requirements.

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3.  Requirements of Conventional Task Distributed Processing

   The requirements of task distributed processing refer to the key
   elements that must be considered and met to effectively distribute
   computing tasks across multiple nodes in a network.  These
   requirements include:

   *  Scalability: The ability to add or remove nodes from the network
      and distribute tasks efficiently and effectively, without
      compromising performance or functionality.

   *  Fault tolerance: The ability to handle node failures and network
      outages without disrupting overall system performance or task

   *  Load balancing: The ability to distribute tasks evenly across all
      nodes, ensuring that no single node becomes overwhelmed or

   *  Task coordination: The ability to manage task dependencies and
      ensure that tasks are completed in the correct order and on time.

   *  Resource management: The ability to manage system resources such
      as memory, storage, and processing power effectively, to optimize
      task completion and minimize delays or errors.

   *  Security: The ability to ensure the integrity and confidentiality
      of data and tasks, and protect against unauthorized access or

   Meeting these requirements is essential to the successful
   implementation and operation of task distributed processing systems.
   The effective distribution of tasks across multiple nodes in a
   network can improve overall system performance and efficiency, while
   also increasing fault tolerance and scalability.

4.  Automating Distributed Processing with Digital Twin and AI

   Automating distributed processing utilizing digital twin technology
   involves digitally modeling physical objects and processes from the
   real world, enabling real-time tracking and manipulation.  This
   technology enables real-time monitoring and manipulation,
   revolutionizing how we understand and manage complex networks.

   When combined with AI technology, these digital twins form a robust
   automated distributed processing system.  For instance, digital twins
   can project all nodes and devices within a network digitally, The AI
   model can utilize various types of information, such as:

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   *  Network data: Network-related data such as network traffic, packet
      loss, latency, bandwidth usage, etc., can be valuable for
      distributed processing automation.  This data helps in
      understanding the current state and trends of the network,
      optimizing task distribution, and processing.

   *  Task and task characteristic data: Data that describes the
      characteristics and requirements of the tasks processed in the
      distributed processing system is also important.  This can include
      the size, complexity, priority, dependencies, and other attributes
      of the tasks.  Such data allows the AI technology to distribute
      tasks appropriately and allocate them to the optimal nodes.

   *  Performance and resource data: Data related to the performance and
      resource usage of the distributed processing system is crucial.
      For example, data representing the processing capabilities of
      nodes, memory usage, bandwidth, etc., can be utilized to
      efficiently distribute tasks and optimize task processing.

   *  Network configuration and device data: External environmental
      factors should also be considered.  Data such as network topology,
      connectivity between nodes, energy consumption, temperature, etc.,
      can be useful for optimizing task distribution and processing.

   AI algorithms, based on this digital twin data, can automatically
   optimize network operations.  For example, if overload is detected on
   a specific node, AI can redistribute tasks to other nodes, minimizing
   congestion.  The real-time updates from digital twins enable
   continuous, optimal task distribution, allowing the network to adapt
   swiftly to changes.

   By integrating digital twins and AI, the automated distributed
   processing system maximizes network performance while minimizing
   bottlenecks.  This technology reduces the burden on network
   administrators, eliminating the need for manual adjustments and
   enhancing network flexibility and responsiveness.

5.  IANA Considerations

   There are no IANA considerations related to this document.

6.  Security Considerations

   When providing AI services, it is essential to consider security
   measures to protect sensitive data such as network configurations,
   user information, and traffic patterns.  Robust privacy measures must
   be in place to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.

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   Implementing effective access control mechanisms is essential to
   ensure that only authorized personnel or systems can access and
   modify the network management infrastructure.  This involves managing
   user privileges, using authentication mechanisms, and enforcing
   strong password policies.

   Maintaining the security and integrity of the training data used for
   AI models is vital.  It is important to ensure that the training data
   is unbiased, representative, and free from malicious content or data
   poisoning.  This is crucial for the accuracy and reliability of the
   AI models.

7.  Acknowledgements


8.  Informative References

              François, J., Clemm, A., Papadimitriou, D., Fernandes, S.,
              and S. Schneider, "Research Challenges in Coupling
              Artificial Intelligence and Network Management", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-irtf-nmrg-ai-challenges-
              00, 10 May 2023, <

              ETSI, "Mobile Edge Computing; Market Acceleration; MEC
              Metrics Best Practice and Guidelines", Group
              Specification ETSI GS MEC-IEG 006 V1.1.1 (2017-01),
              January 2017.

Authors' Addresses

   SeokBeom Oh
   Digital Transformation Center, 5
   Teheran-ro 69-gil, Gangnamgu
   South Korea
   Phone: +82 2 1670 6009

   Yong-Geun Hong
   Daejeon University
   62 Daehak-ro, Dong-gu

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   South Korea
   Phone: +82 42 280 4841

   Joo-Sang Youn
   DONG-EUI University
   176 Eomgwangno Busan_jin_gu
   South Korea
   Phone: +82 51 890 1993

   Hyunjeong Lee
   Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
   218 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu
   South Korea
   Phone: +82 42 860 1213

   Hyun-Kook Kahng
   Korea University
   2511 Sejong-ro
   Sejong City

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