Internet DRAFT - draft-palmero-opsawg-ps-almo


OPSA Working Group                                            M. Palmero
Internet-Draft                                              F. Brockners
Intended status: Informational                             Cisco Systems
Expires: 31 December 2023                                       S. Kumar
                                                     NC State University
                                                              C. Cardona
                                                                D. Lopez
                                                          Telefonica I+D
                                                            29 June 2023

      Asset Lifecycle Management and Operations, Problem Statement


   This document presents a problem statement for assets lifecycle
   management and operations.  It describes the framework, the
   motivation and requirements for asset-centric metrics including but
   not limited to asset adoption, usability, entitlements, supported
   features and capabilities, enabled features and capabilities.  An
   information model is proposed whose primary objective is to measure
   and improve the network operators' experience along the lifecycle
   journey, from technical requirements and technology selection through
   renewal, including the end of life of an asset.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 31 December 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft                    ALMO                         June 2023

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Motivation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.1.  Entitlement Inventory and Activation  . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.2.  Risk Mitigation Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.3.  Bug Fixes and Errata  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.4.  Security Advisory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.5.  Optimal Software Version  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       4.5.1.  Software Conformance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       4.5.2.  What-if Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.6.  Asset Retirement - End of Life  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   5.  ALMO Information Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   Change log  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12

1.  Introduction

   The virtualization of hardware assets and the development of
   applications using microservice architecture for cloud-native
   infrastructure created new utilization and licensing models.  For
   example, a service can be deployed by composing multiple assets
   together; where an asset refers to hardware, software, application,
   system or service.  The service could also be instantiated
   dynamically.  As an example, cloud-native infrastructures from one
   vendor may be hosted on the physical server from another vendor or a
   combination of multiple cloud-native functions from one or more
   vendors can be combined to execute any service.

   This introduces challenges for both lifecycle and adoption management
   of the assets.  For example, an operator may need to identify the
   capability availability of different assets or measure the usage of
   each capability (or the combination) from any specific asset to

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   measure its optimal potential.  Moreover, an operator could pinpoint
   the reason of this non-optimum use of the asset, e.g., the software
   application could not be optimally deployed, or is not simple to use,
   or is not well documented, etc.  The operator may then feed this
   information back to the support engineers and the developers, so they
   can focus their work effort only on features that users are adopting,
   or even determine when the lifecycle of the development could end.

   This creates the need to collect and analyze asset-centric lifecycle
   management and operations data.  From now on, this data will be
   referred as Asset Lifecycle Management and Operations (ALMO) for an
   asset; where ALMO is not limited to virtualized or cloud
   environments, it covers all types of networking environments in which
   technology assets are deployed.

   ALMO data is the set of data required to measure asset-centric
   lifecycle metrics including but not limited to asset adoption and
   usability, entitlement, supported features and capabilities, enabled
   features and capabilities.

   The main challenge in collecting ALMO data, especially in a
   multivendor environment, relies on the ability to produce and consume
   such data in a vendor-agnostic, consistent, and synchronized way.
   Another challenge is to maintain/cleanup the data (e.g., update it
   with external data such as End of Support (EoS)).

   This document describes the motivation for ALMO, lists use cases,
   followed by a proposed information model for ALMO.  The list of use
   cases describes the need for new functional blocks and their
   interactions.  The current version of this document focuses on
   assets, entitlement information, features, and feature's usage.  A
   more specific document will follow this reference with the
   specification of the YANG data model for the specific four modules

   This document is organized as follows.  Section 2 establishes the
   terminology and abbreviations.  In Section 3, the goals and
   motivation of ALMO are discussed.  In Section 4, use cases are
   introduced.  Section 5 proposes the information model for ALMO.

2.  Terminology

   The document makes use of the following terms:

   *  Asset: refers to hardware, software, applications, or services.
      An asset can be physical or virtual.

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   *  Consumer: refers to an entity that utilizes the ALMO data.  A
      consumer can be an operator, an asset developer, or some other
      interested third party.

   *  Developer: refers to the entity that creates or develops an asset
      or an asset component.

   *  Features: are options or functional capabilities available in an

   *  Entitlement: also known as license, is issued by an entity such as
      the developer or the Open Source community and allows the operator
      to use the asset.  Entitlements determine how the asset can be
      leveraged and what is required in cases the asset is changed.

   *  Event report: refers to record of details of an incident that an
      operator reports, e.g., a trouble ticket.

   *  Lifecycle Management and Operations (LMO) connects to: 1.  Assets
      as a generalized entity subject to LCM.  2.  Entitlements as the
      essential policy root for LCM.  3.  Metrics as the evidence for
      LCM transitions.  4.  Reports (no incidents) as the way of
      collecting input from users.

   *  Optimal Software Version (OSV): refers to the elected software
      version considered optimal in the user environment.

   *  Usage: refers to how an asset is used (e.g., which features are

   *  Operator: refers to owner or consumer of the asset.  Operator
      belongs to an organization.  Within the organization there are
      entities that: a) use the assets in their operations, b) manage
      the assets.  For example supply chain and risk management teams
      will also be operators.  For example, running what-if scenarios to
      anticipate decommissioning operations or assess the impact of
      component exhaustion, etc.  This document uses the terms "user"
      and "operator" interchangeably.

   *  User Experience: how a user interacts with and experiences a
      particular asset.  It includes a user's perceptions of ease of
      use, efficiency, and utility of an asset.


   *  ALMO: Asset Lifecycle Management and Operations.

   *  EoL: End of Life.

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   *  EoS: End of Support.

   *  LCM: Lifecycle Management.

   *  PID: Product Identifier.

3.  Motivation

   The operator experience with a specific asset can be organized into
   four classes:

   1.  Asset characteristic class: covering anything related to asset,
       entitlement, features, etc.

   2.  Utilization class: measuring how the assets and features are
       used, duration of usage, uptime, etc.

   3.  Notification class: covering any security advisory, retirement,

   4.  Incident class: to record and report any problem the operator has
       faced with the asset.

   The ability to measure, produce, and consume ALMO data could benefit
   the operator in addressing issues such as:

   *  Entitlements may not have been obtained at the optimum level of
      usage for a given asset or feature, where a user might have bought
      entitlements that are not activated.

   *  Features of an asset might not be used as needed in all
      deployments within the organization.

   *  Resolution of incidents involving an asset and the developer of a
      technology used within the asset.

   *  Virtualized asset lifecycle events, such as scaling or migration.

   *  Facilitating DevOps deployment, including automated testing/
      certification procedures.

   *  A link to supply chain management and/or connect it with the
      provenance information.

   ALMO could allow developer organizations to optimize their features.
   For example, they could consider deprecating features that are used
   infrequently or focus on introducing more features for the assets
   that are widely deployed in various infrastructures.

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   ALMO also covers the need of communication between users and the
   developer.  ALMO can provide the capability for users to provide
   feedback about any asset (e.g., potential deficiency of a feature,
   feature enhancement request).  An administrator in the user
   organization may include specific metrics that identify a potential
   problem of that specific feature or a capability of the asset.  An
   engineer in the developer organization can determine the impact of
   the potential deficiency from the number of users providing feedback.
   Note that this channel is different from a "call to a Technical
   Assistance Center" in which the user may request help in resolving
   operational issues with the asset.

4.  Use Cases

   This section presents some use cases where ALMO is required.

4.1.  Entitlement Inventory and Activation

   An Ops engineer would like to understand which entitlements are
   activated and which are actually used and/or consumed.  It is also
   important for asset operators to understand which features might need
   an entitlement and how to activate them.

   It is relatively straightforward to have an inventory of existing
   entitlements when there is only one asset developer (providing the
   asset) and one asset family.

   But complexity grows when there are many different developers,
   systems and processes involved.  New service offerings have
   introduced new attributes and datasets and require alignment with new
   business models (pay-per-product, subscription model, pay-as-you-go
   model, etc.).  They might support different entitlement types and
   models: asset activation keys, trust-based model, systems that act as
   proxy from the back end owned by the asset developer to support the
   control of entitlements, etc.

   Sometimes it is a challenge to report which entitlements have been
   bought by the asset user, or who in the user organization owns that
   entitlement because that information might rely on different asset
   developers; even within the same asset developer, entitlements may
   correspond to different types or groups of assets.  Asset users often
   need to interact with different entitlement systems and processes.

   Information on how assets are entitled could be delivered from a
   combination of attributes such as: sales order, purchase order, asset
   activation key, serial number, etc.

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   If there is no consistency on how to deal with those data points,
   complexity increases for the consumer, potentially requiring
   expensive manual procedures.  Automating those manual steps or
   exceptions becomes time-consuming, eventually leading to higher costs
   for the asset consumer.

   Having a common reference for ALMO eases the integration between
   different data sources, processes, and consolidation of the
   information under a common reference.

   The information model and the future data model for ALMO will include
   data to support metrics that might be required by consumption-based
   charging and entitlement of asset usage.

4.2.  Risk Mitigation Check

   Asset operators would like to be aware of issues known by the asset
   developer that are causing assets to crash or perform badly so that
   they can act to remediate the issue quickly, or even prevent the
   crash if alerts are triggered on time.  There are analytics tools
   that can process memory core dumps and crash-related files, providing
   the ability to the asset developers to determine the root cause.

   Accordingly, asset users can remediate the problem, automate the
   remedy to enable incident deflection, allowing the support staff to
   focus on other problems.

   Risk Mitigation Check (RMC) could also include the possibility to be
   aware of current and historical restarts allowing network and
   software engineers to enhance the service quality to asset users.
   Also RMC could run what-if scenarios to identify which assets would
   be impacted when a certain component is faulty.

4.3.  Bug Fixes and Errata

   Both hardware and software critical issues or Errata need development
   to automate asset user matching:

   *  Hardware Errata match on product identifiers (PIDs) + serial
      numbers along with additional hardware attributes.

   *  Software Errata match on software type and software version along
      with some additional device attributes.

   Engineering might develop the logic to check whether any critical
   issue applies to a single serial number or a specific software

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   The information to be correlated includes customer identification,
   activated features, and asset information that the asset user might
   own.  All this information needs to be correlated with hardware and
   softwae errata, and EOL information to show which part of the asset
   inventory might be affected.

4.4.  Security Advisory

   The Security Advisory use case automates the matching of asset user
   data to security bulletins published by asset developers.
   Security Advisory logic implemented by developers could apply to a
   specific software release.

   This is a specific use case of tSection 4.3.

4.5.  Optimal Software Version

   The objective of the Optimal Software Version (OSV) use case is that
   consumers can mark software images as OSV for their assets; based on
   this, it is easier for them to control and align their hardware and
   software assets to the set of OSVs.

   Based on the logic of OSV, use cases like software compliance, risk
   trend analysis, acknowledge bugs, security advisories, errata, what-
   if analysis, etc., could be realized.

4.5.1.  Software Conformance

   All the assets should be at their latest recommended software
   version; notably in case of a required security update for a specific

   The Software Conformance use case provides a view to the asset users
   and informs the users whether the assets that belong to a specific
   group conforms to the OSV.  It can provide the users with a report,
   including a representation of software compliance for the entire
   network and software applications.  This report could include the
   current software version running on the asset and the recommended
   software version.  The report could enable users to quickly highlight
   which group of assets might need the most attention to inspire
   appropriate actions.

   The Software Conformance use case uses data that might not be
   provided by the asset itself.  Data needs to be provided and
   maintained also by the asset developers, through e.g., asset catalog
   information.  Similar logic applies to a feature catalog, where the
   asset developer maintains the data and updates it adequately based on
   existing bugs, security advisories, etc.

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   The Software Conformance process needs to correlate the Software
   catalog information with the software version running on the asset.

4.5.2.  What-if Analysis

   The What-if Analysis use case allows asset users to plan for new
   hardware or software, giving them the possibility to change the
   config parameters or model how new hardware or software might change
   the software suggestions generated by OSV.

   OSV and the associated use cases involve dependencies on attributes
   that might need to be collected from assets directly, including
   related inventory information (serial numbers, asset identifiers,
   software versions, etc.), but also dynamic information could be
   required, like:

   *  Information on features that might be enabled on the particular

   *  Catalogs, that might include information related to release notes.
      For example, consider a feature catalog.  This catalog could
      include software versions that support a specific feature; the
      software releases that a feature is supported in; or the latest
      version that a feature is supported in, in case the feature is

   *  Data sources to correlate information coming from reports on
      critical issues or errata, security advisory, End of Life, etc.

   Those catalogs and data sources with errata information, EOL, etc.
   need to be maintained and updated by asset developers, making sure,
   that the software running on the assets is safe to run and up to

4.6.  Asset Retirement - End of Life

   Hardware EOL reports need to map Hardware EOL PIDs, focusing on base
   PIDs so that bundles, spares, non-base PIDs, etc., do not provide
   false EOL reporting to asset users.

   Software EOL reports are used to automate the matching of user
   software type and software version to software EOL bulletins.

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5.  ALMO Information Model

   The broad metric classes defined in Section 3 that quantify user
   experience can be modeled as shown in Figure 1.  There is a reference
   to the assets that the user possesses.  Each asset may be entitled to
   one or more entitlements; a entitlement may contain one or more sub-
   entitlements.  The level of usage for each feature and entitlement
   associated with the asset is measured.

   For example, a user needs to measure the utilization of a specific
   entitlement for a specific type of asset.  The information about the
   entitlement may reside in a entitlement server.  The state (activated
   or not) of the entitlement may reside with the asset itself or a
   proxy.  They can be aggregated/correlated as per the information
   model shown in Figure 1 to give information to the user regarding the
   utilization of the entitlements.  The user experience is thus
   enhanced by having accurate knowledge about the utility of the given

    may_be_part_of                                    may_be_part_of
      +------+                 entitled_by               +-------+
      |      | +---------------------------------------+ |       |
      |      | |                                       | |       |
      |      V V                                       | V       |
   +------------+  entitled_by            tracked_by   +------------+
   |Entitlements|<------------+          +-------------|   Usage    |
   +------------+-----------+ | may_be_  | +---------->+------------+
   |Entitlement | entitles  | | part_of  | | tracks    |  Features  |
   | attributes |           | | +------+ | |           | and usage  |
   +------------+           | | |      | | |           | attributes |
                            v | |      v v |           +------------+
                           |     Asset      |
                           +----------------+    future_association
                           |     Asset      |<----------------+
                           |   attributes   |---------------+ |
                           +----------------+               | |
                                                            v |
                                                       |  Future    |
                                                       | Expansion  |

                    Figure 1: Information Model

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   The model allows for future expansion by new metrics that will
   quantify user experience.  Notice that future association
   relationship and future expansion might be linked to asset or to one
   of the other datasets: Feature, Feature Usage or Entitlements.

6.  Security Considerations

   The security considerations mentioned in section 17 of [RFC7950]

   ALMO brings several security and privacy implications because of the
   various components and attributes of the information model.  For
   example, each functional component can be tampered with to give
   manipulated data.  ALMO when used alone or with other relevant data,
   can identify an individual, revealing Personal Identifiable
   Information (PII).  Misconfigurations can lead to data being accessed
   by unauthorized entities.

   Methods exist to secure the communication of management information.
   The transport entity of the functional model MUST implement methods
   for secure transport.  This document also contains an Information
   model and Data-Model in which none of the objects defined are
   writable.  If the objects are deemed sensitive in a particular
   environment, access to them MUST be restricted using appropriately
   configured security and access control rights.  The information model
   contains several optional elements which can be enabled or disabled
   for the sake of privacy and security.  Proper authentication and
   audit trail MUST be included for all the users/processes that access
   the ALMO.

Change log

   RFC Editor Note: This section is to be removed during the final
   publication of the document.

   version 00

   *  Initial version.

   *  Reference to DMLMO draft, looking to simplify the objective and
      understanding of it, with focus on the framework and the main
      functional models, reducing scope to assets, features, usage and
      entitlements; with special highlight to the interrelation between

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   The authors wish to thank Martin Beverley, Ignacio Dominguez
   Martinez, and Gonzalo Salgueiro (by alphabetical order) for their
   helpful comments and suggestions.


   This document was created by meaningful contributions (by
   alphabetical order) from Shwetha Bhandari, Yenu Gobena, Nagendra
   Kumar Nainar, Jan Lindblad, Josh Suhr, Dhiren Tailor, Yannis
   Viniotis, and Éric Vyncke.

Informative References

   [RFC7950]  Bjorklund, M., Ed., "The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language",
              RFC 7950, DOI 10.17487/RFC7950, August 2016,

Authors' Addresses

   Marisol Palmero
   Cisco Systems

   Frank Brockners
   Cisco Systems

   Sudhendu Kumar
   NC State University

   Camilo Cardona

   Diego Lopez
   Telefonica I+D

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