
    Internet Draft                                              Paul Tan 
    draft-paultan-seamless-ipv6-handoff-802-00.txt                   ICR 
    Expires: Aug 2003                                           Feb 2003 
            Recommendations for Achieving Seamless IPv6 Handover  
                          in IEEE 802.11 Networks 
 Status of this Memo 
    This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with 
    all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026 [1].  
    Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
    Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that      
    other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
    Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six 
    months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents 
    at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as 
    reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." 
    The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at 
    The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at 
 Copyright Notice 
    Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002).  All Rights Reserved. 
    To achieve seamless layer 3 handover, mobile nodes must be able to 
    perform movement detection and neighborhood candidate access routers 
    discovery quickly and efficiently.  
    In this document, we present a conceptual overview on how to extend 
    the IEEE 802.11 Management frames to carry extensible application-
    specific Information Element, which allow access points to advertise 
    the capabilities information of its associated network/provider and 
    to improve movement detection. We believe that mobile nodes can thus 
    dynamically discover neighboring candidate access routers or 
    networks more quickly and efficiently, and also to obtain valuable 
    capabilities information so as to select the 'best' target access 
    router to initiate seamless handover.  
 Paul Tan                Expires - August 2003                [Page 1] 

             Recommendations for Achieving Seamless IPv6 Handover 
                           in IEEE 802.11 Networks         February 2003 
 1. Terminology 
    The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
    "silently ignore" in this document are to be interpreted as 
    described in RFC 2119. This document uses the terminology defined in 
    [2] and [3]. The following terminology and abbreviations are used in 
    this document.   
    Mobile Node (MN) 
    A Mobile IPv6 host 
    Access Router (AR) 
    An Access Network Router residing on the edge of an Access Network 
    and offers IP connectivity to mobile nodes 
    New Access Router (NAR) 
    The MN's anticipated default router subsequent to its handover 
    Candidate AR (CAR) 
    An AR to which a MN has a choice of performing IP-level handover. 
    This implies that the MN has the right radio interface to connect to 
    an AP that is served by this AR, as well as the coverage of this AR 
    overlaps with that of the AR to which the MN is currently attached 
    Target AR (TAR) 
    An AR with which the procedures for the MN's IP-level handover are 
    initiated. The TAR is selected after running a TAR Selection 
    algorithm that takes into account the capabilities of CARs, 
    preferences of the MN and any other local policies. 
    New CoA (NCoA) 
    The MN's Care of Address valid on NAR 
    A process of terminating existing connectivity and obtaining new IP 
    Router Solicitation for Proxy (RtSolPr) 
    A message from the MN to the PAR requesting information for a 
    potential handover 
    Proxy Router Advertisement (PrRtAdv) 
    A message from the PAR indicating a MN to undergo handover 
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             Recommendations for Achieving Seamless IPv6 Handover 
                           in IEEE 802.11 Networks         February 2003 
    Access Point (AP) 
    An L2 entity that has station functionality and provides access to 
    the distribution services, via the wireless medium for associated 
    The service used to establish access point/station (AP/STA) mapping 
    and enable STA access to the Distribution System.  
    Basic Service Set (BSS) 
    A set of stations controlled by a single coordination function, 
    where the coordination function may be centralized (e.g., in a 
    single AP) or distributed (e.g., for an ad-hoc network).  The BSS 
    can be thought of as the coverage area of a single AP.  
    Distribution System (DS) 
    A system used to interconnect a set of basic service sets (BSSs) and 
    integrated local area networks (LANs) to create an extended service 
    Extended Service Set (ESS) 
    A set of one or more interconnected basic service sets (BSSs) and 
    integrated local area networks (LANs) that appears as a single BSS 
    to the logical link control layer at any station associated with one 
    of those BSSs.  The ESS can be thought of as the coverage area 
    provided by a collection of APs all interconnected by the 
    Distribution System.  It may consist of one or more IP subnets.  

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             Recommendations for Achieving Seamless IPv6 Handover 
                           in IEEE 802.11 Networks         February 2003 
 2. Introduction 
    In Mobile IPv6 [1], a mobile node can effectively maintain its 
    connectivity to the Internet when it changes its point-of-attachment 
    to the Internet. During the handover, the mobile node is unable to 
    send/receive IPv6 packets both due to its L2/L3 handover operations. 
    This handover latency is unacceptable to real-time or delay 
    sensitive traffic/applications. 

 2.1 Movement Detection based on Router Advertisements 
    Whenever a mobile node moves, it is required to perform movement 
    detection by discovering (sending Router Solicitation) its current 
    In Mobile IPv6 [1], the movement detection algorithm relies on the 
    periodic Router Advertisements to enable the mobile node to 
    determine their current location. To achieve optimum detection 
    performance, Router Advertisements can be broadcast at a faster 
    rate, which eventually results in poor link utilization. The 
    algorithm can be triggered through the indication from the 
    underlying L2 driver. However, we noted that not all L2 mobility 
    indication from the L2 driver indicates movement of the mobile node 
    to a new subnet (i.e. L3 movement).  
    Movement detection, which is achieved through the use of Neighbour 
    Discovery [4] requires routers to send unsolicited Router 
    Advertisement at a minimum interval of 3 seconds [section 6.2.4 of 
    [4]]. Upon receipt of a Router Solicitation message, the router MUST 
    delay its response (i.e. Router Advertisement) by a random time. 
    Lastly, the protocol also requires the mobile node to delay its 
    transmission of the initial solicitation for a random amount of 
    time. Such delay is simply not desirable in achieving seamless 
    handover. However, mobile IPv6 [1] relaxes such limit to allow 
    mobile nodes to quickly detect their movement by listening to Router 
    Advertisements, which are sent at a much faster rate.  

 2.2 Fast-Handoff Protocol 
    The fast handover protocol [2] is designed to achieve seamless 
    handoff of mobile nodes between the access routers.  
    In a mobile-initiated anticipated fast-handover described in [2], 
    the mobile node first sends a Router Solicitation for Proxy(RtSolPr) 
    to the current access router containing the link-layer address of 
    the new access point. The current access router replies with 
    RtrAdvPr, which contains the [AP-ID, AR-MAC, AR-IP] tuple. These 
    message exchanges allows a mobile node to obtain the new access 

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             Recommendations for Achieving Seamless IPv6 Handover 
                           in IEEE 802.11 Networks         February 2003 
    router's MAC address, which is needed to send packets once the 
    mobile node attaches to the new access router, and also to perform 
    'anticipative' configuration of the new IP address on the new subnet 
    using the New Router Prefix Information option carried in the 
    RtrAdvPr message. 
    However, the above protocol assumes that the L2 protocol is capable 
    of delivering the L2 identifier of the new access point to the 
    mobile node. More important, to initiate seamless handover, the 
    current AR must be capable of mapping this new L2 identifier into 
    the IP address of the new AR [6]. Lastly, it assumes that the mobile 
    node or the current access router have a priori knowledge (e.g. 
    capabilities) of the target of the handover (i.e. target access 

 3. Proposal Overview 
    One of the challenges in achieving seamless L3 handover is the 
    ability of MN to perform movement detection and to discover and 
    select its new neighboring candidate access router quickly and 
    efficiently that matches closely to the mobile node preferences or 
    In this document, we present an overview on how to extend the IEEE 
    802.11 Management frames to carry extensible application-specific 
    Information Element, which allow access points to advertise the 
    capabilities information of its associated network/provider. The 
    recommendation also improves in the movement detection mechanism by 
    avoiding unnecessary L3 messaging over the wireless link. More 
    importantly, we believe that mobile nodes can dynamically discover 
    neighboring candidate access routers or networks more quickly and 
    efficiently, and also to obtain valuable capabilities information so 
    as to select the 'best' target access router to initiate seamless 
    handover. The recommendation also allows new/removed access routers 
    and access points to be discovered without much human interventions.  

 3.1 Instantaneous/Faster Movement Detection 
    In this section, we describe how to configure the Extended Service 
    Set Identifier (ESSID) of an infrastructure 802.11 network such that 
    it includes the L3 identifier/Information of its associated AR or 
    With this embedded identifier (e.g. IP address or prefix 
    information), MN can quickly detect movement to a new L3 subnet, 
    thus avoiding transmitting unnecessary L3 messages (i.e. Router 
    Solicitation/Advertisement) and delays.  

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             Recommendations for Achieving Seamless IPv6 Handover 
                           in IEEE 802.11 Networks         February 2003 
    To perform instantaneous movement detection, we recommend that APs 
    to include the subnet prefix information for their associated AR 
    (Subnet-Router-Anycast-Address) into the ESSID. This recommendation 
    allows MN to discover new network when it established a L2 
    connection with the new AP in an instantaneous manner.  
                                                |        | 
                 +-----+                     +-----+  +-----+ 
                 | AR1 |                     | AR1 |  | AR2 | 
                 +-----+                     +-----+  +-----+ 
                    |                           |        | 
                +---+---+                       |        | 
                |       |                       |        | 
             +-----+ +-----+                 +-----+  +-----+ 
             | AP1 | | AP2 |                 | AP1 |  | AP2 | 
             +-----+ +-----+                 +-----+  +-----+ 
                /\      /\                      /\      /\ 
               /  \    /  \                    /  \    /  \ 
              /    \  /    \                  /    \  /    \ 
             /      \/      \                /      \/      \ 
            /       /\       \              /       /\       \ 
           /       /  \       \            /       /  \       \ 
                (mn) -----> 
          |-----  essid_1 -----|          |----  essid_1  ----| 
       Figure 1: Typical/Possible 802.11 Network Deployment 
    However, to improve the inter-cell (802.11) handoff performance, 
    several APs belonging to different administrative domains (different 
    subnets) may choose to share similar ESSID. Therefore, as MN moves 
    across these cells, it only needs to initiate re-association instead 
    of the plain association process, which can take significantly 
    longer. In this case, instead of embedding network prefix 
    information into the ESSID, which is specific to each subnet, AP can 
    include Network-Prefix-Information (section 5.1.1) object using the 
    Application-Specific Information Element (section 5.1) into the 
    beacon frames.  
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             Recommendations for Achieving Seamless IPv6 Handover 
                           in IEEE 802.11 Networks         February 2003 
    The table below shows an example of a list of beacon information 
    advertised by the neighboring APs received by the MN on a specific 
    wireless interface with an identifier, mniid. 
    |Subnet-prefix|     ESSID     | AP-MAC | RSSI | Care-of-Address |Status| 
    |  prefix1    |     essid1    |  MAC1  |x dbm |  prefix1:mniid  |  -   | 
    |  prefix2    |     essid1    |  MAC2  |x dbm |  prefix2:mniid  |active| 
    |  prefix3    |     essid2    |  MAC3  |x dbm |  prefix3:mniid  |  -   | 
    |  prefix4    |     essid3    |  MAC4  |x dbm |  prefix4:mniid  |  -   | 
                       Table 1: Beacon Lists 
    When MN moves, the underlying driver can indicate such movement 
    using triggers (e.g. onL2Up during the 802.11 Assoc/Re-Assoc events) 
    to the mobile IP stack. Based on the earlier cached configuration of 
    the new subnet, MN can immediately perform mobile IP operations 
    without performing movement detection using Router Solicitation and 

 4. Dynamic Candidate Access Router Discovery 
    MN constantly listens for any beacons frame advertised by the 
    neighboring APs. When MN discovers a new AP/Advertisement, it stores 
    the advertised capabilities information, which is encapsulated 
    inside the Network-Capabilities-Information Object (section 5.1) 
    into its Neighborhood CAR list. 
    | Subnet-prefix |     ESSID     |  Cost   | Fast-HO | QoS |Security| 
    |    prefix1    |    essid1     | 0 units |    n    |  n  |   n    | 
    |    prefix2    |    essid1     | 1 units |    n    |  n  |   y    | 
    |    prefix3    |    essid2     | 2 units |    n    |  y  |   n    | 
    |    prefix4    |    essid3     | 3 units |    y    |  y  |   y    | 
                  Table 2: Neighborhood CAR list 

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             Recommendations for Achieving Seamless IPv6 Handover 
                           in IEEE 802.11 Networks         February 2003 
    MN can store these discovered information ordered by either the 
    signal strength or other parameters (e.g. Pricing). To 
    achieve/assist fast handoff operation, information such as L2/L3 
    address mapping of the AR can be obtained from the Access-Router-
    Information Object (section 5.1.3). 
    Therefore, the ability to dynamically discover neighboring CAR's 
    capabilities allows the MN to perform the selection of TAR based on 
    the mobile node's preference or requirements [6]. 

 4.1 Operations  
    In this section, we will briefly describe the operation on the MN. 
                MN              AP1            AP2          AP3 AR3 
     -           | advertisement |              |            |   | 
     |           | <------------ |              |            |   | 
     |           | advertisement |              |            |   | 
                 | <--------------------------- |            |   | 
    NDP          |               |              |            |   | 
                 .               .              .            .   . 
     |           .               .              .            .   . 
                 .                advertisement              .   . 
     -           | <---------------------------------------- |   | 
                 |               |              |            |   | 
     -           |                assoc/re-assoc             |   | 
     |           | ----------------------------------------> |   | 
    PP           |                   L3 HO                   |   | 
     |           | --------------------------------------------> | 
     -           |               |              |            |   | 
    - Neighborhood Discovery Phase (NDP) 
      - MN discovers neighboring APs or networks and creates a list of  
        CARs with their advertised information (Table 2) 
      - Optionally, during the neighborhood discovery phase, MN can 
        configure in advance new CoA for each discovered APs on various  
        different subnets. 
    - 'Panic' Phase (PP) 
       - If the current associated AP's signal strength drops or if the       
         MN discovers a new AP, which offers 'better' service/pricing,  
         MN can immediately perform a handover to this new AP/AR. 
       - MN decides to perform association/re-association with a new AP  
         (e.g. AP3) based on MN's preference/requirements 
       - We assumed here that AP3 is associated with a different subnet; 
         MN will know that it has moved to a new network using the   
         cached information. 
       - Assuming MN is still attached to AP1, it quickly initiates  
         fast-handoff using the cached information of AP3(AR3-L2-ID,  
 Paul Tan                Expires - August 2003                [Page 8] 

             Recommendations for Achieving Seamless IPv6 Handover 
                           in IEEE 802.11 Networks         February 2003 
       - Or if the MN has already obtain a valid CoA for which the new  
         AR has reserved/defended, it can quickly initiate a  
         'lightweight-FHO' (a trigger to indicate movement confirmation) 

 5. Extensible Application-Specific Information Elements 
    We proposed to extend the current IEEE 802.11 Management frames to 
    carry extensible application-specific information elements. For 
    example, the IEEE 802.11 Beacon frame with the newly proposed IE is 
    shown in the figure 2.  
    The Extensible Application-specific IE allows future 
    applications/protocols to encapsulate their information into the 
    IEEE 802.11 frame easily, hopefully without much software 
    modification. With the new IE, we believe that valuable information 
    can then be easily included in the IEEE 802.11 Management frames and 
    discovered by roaming MN. 
     0                       1                 2                   3 
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
    |        Frame Control          |            Duration           | 
    |                      Destination Address                      | 
    |                               |         Source Address        | 
    |                        Source Address                         | 
    |                     Basic Service Set ID                      | 
    |                               |         Sequence Control      | 
    |    Capability Information     |       Beacon Interval         | 
    |         Timestamp             |     SSID (2-34 octets)        | 
    |                   Supported Rates (3-7 octets)                | 
    .                                                               . 
    |                Extensible-Application-Specific IE             | 
    .                                                               . 
    |                       Frame Check Sequence                    | 
    Figure 2. 802.11 Beacon Frame with new Ext-Application-Specific IE 
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             Recommendations for Achieving Seamless IPv6 Handover 
                           in IEEE 802.11 Networks         February 2003 
    The above application-specific IE consists of the following fields: 
    Element ID, Length, and Extensible-Application-Specific Information. 
     0                   1                   2                   3 
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
    |    Element ID |     Length    |           ..                  | 
    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                               + 
    |                                                               | 
    +                  Application-Specific Object                  + 
    |                                                               | 
    Figure 3. Extensible-Application-Specific Information Element 
    As defined in [3], the element ID field is 1 octet long and 
    specifies the type of IE. The length field is 1 octet long and 
    specifies the length (number of octets) of the application-specific 
    Information field. Lastly, the application-specific object field 
    carries the specific application object using the following 
     0                   1                   2                   3 
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
    |     App ID    |     Length    |           ..                  | 
    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                               + 
    |                                                               | 
    +                Application-Specific Information               + 
    |                                                               | 
    Figure 4. Generic Application-Specific Object Structure 

 5.1 Application-Specific Information Objects 
    In this conceptual document, we have proposed several application-
    specific objects to achieve our intended objective. We believed that 
    future application objects could be easily defined and carried 
    through the Extensible-Application Information Element without 
    defining new IEEE 802.11 information elements. 

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             Recommendations for Achieving Seamless IPv6 Handover 
                           in IEEE 802.11 Networks         February 2003 
 5.1.1 Network-Prefix-Information Object 
    The format of the Network-Prefix-Information object is: 
     0                   1                   2                   3 
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
    | App_NwPrfInfo |     Length    |  Prefix-Length  |             | 
    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+             | 
    |                           Prefix Value                        | 
    App-ID          App_NwPrfInfo (1) 
    Length          1 + Length of the prefix value in octets 
    Prefix-Value    An IPv6 address or its prefix. The Prefix Length 
                    field contains the number of valid leading bits in 
                    the prefix. 

 5.1.2 Network-Capabilities-Information Object 
    The format of the Network-Capabilities-Information object is: 
     0                   1                   2                   3 
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
    | App_NwCapInfo |     Length    |           ..                  | 
    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                               | 
    |                         Capabilities-Info                     | 
    App-ID      App_NwCapInfo (2) 
    Length      1 
    Capabilities-Info TBD 

 5.1.3 Access-Router-Information Object 
    The format of the Access-Router-Information object is: 
     0                   1                   2                   3 
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
    |   App_ARInfo  |     Length    |           ..                  | 
    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                               + 
    |                           MAC Address                         | 
    .                                                               . 
    |                          IPv6 Address                         | 
    .                                                               . 

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             Recommendations for Achieving Seamless IPv6 Handover 
                           in IEEE 802.11 Networks         February 2003 
    App-ID          App_ARInfo (3) 
    Length          22 
    MAC Address     A MAC address for the access router 
    IPv6 Address    An IPv6 address for the access router 

 6. Requirements 
    MN should be capable of receiving and passing the new Extensible 
    Application information up from the 802.11 driver to IP layer.  
    The IEEE 802.11 AP should be configurable such that new Application-
    specific information can be carried in the 802.11 frames without 
    much hassle. The AP should also be able to include this new IE into 
    the beacon or even the association/re-association frames. 
    [1]  D.Johnson, C.Perkins and J.Arkko, Mobility Support in Ipv6, 
         draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6-18.txt, May 2002 
    [2]  Dommety, G., et. al., Fast Handovers for Mobile Ipv6, draft-
    [3]  IEEE, "Part II: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and 
         Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications, 1999 
    [4]  T.Narten, E. Nordmark and W.Simpson, Neighbor Discovery for IP 
         Version 6 (IPv6), RFC 2461, December 1998 
    [5]  Alper E. Yegin, Daichi Funato, Karim El Malki, Youngjune Gwon, 
         James Kempf, Mattias Pettersson, Phil Roberts, Hesham Soliman, 
         Atushi Takeshita, Supporting Optimisation Handover for IP 
         Mobility - Requirement for Underlying Systems, draft-
    [6]  Trossen, D., Krisharmurthi, G. Chaskar, H., Kempf, J, Issues 
         in Candidate Access Router Discovery for seamless IP-level 
         handoffs, draft-ietf-seamoby-cardiscovery-issues-04.txt, work 
         in progress, October 2002 
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             Recommendations for Achieving Seamless IPv6 Handover 
                         in IEEE 802.11 Networks         February 2003 

   The author would like to thank James Kempf and Parijat (I2R) for 
   their review and suggestions.   

   Author's Addresses 
   Paul Tan      
   Institute of Communications Research (ICR) 
   20, TeleTech Park, 
   #02-34/37, Singapore Science Park II, 
   Singapore 117674 
   Phone: +65 68709324 
   Email: tanpaul@i2r.a-star.edu.sg 

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