Internet DRAFT - draft-pedro-nmrg-ai-framework


NMRG                                              P. Martinez-Julia, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                                      NICT
Intended status: Informational                                  S. Homma
Expires: 24 April 2024                                               NTT
                                                             D. R. Lopez
                                                         22 October 2023

        Artificial Intelligence Framework for Network Management


   The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in network management
   (NM) solutions is the way to resolve many of the complex management
   problems arising from the adoption of NFV and SDN technologies.  The
   AINEMA framework, as discussed in this document, includes the
   functions, capabilities, and components that MUST be provided by AI
   modules and models to be successfully applied to NM.  This is
   enhanced by the consideration of seamless integration of different
   services, including the ability of having multiple AI models working
   in parallel, as well as the ability of complex reasoning and event
   processing.  In addition, disparate sources of information are put
   together without increasing complexity, through the definition of a
   control and management service bus.  It allows, for instance, to
   involve external events in NM operations.  Using all available
   sources of information --- namely, intelligence sources --- allows NM
   solutions to apply proper intelligence processes that provide
   explainable results instead of simple AI-based guesses.  Such
   processes are highly based in reasoning and formal and target-based
   intelligence analysis and decision --- providing evidence-based
   conclusions and proofs for the decisions --- in the form of AI method
   outputs with explanations.  This will allow computer and network
   system infrastructures --- and user demands --- to grow in complexity
   while keeping dependability.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

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Internet-Draft             AI Framework for NM              October 2023

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 24 April 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Background  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Virtual Computer and Network Systems  . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  SDN and NFV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.3.  Management and Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.4.  Network Slice Controller (NSC)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.5.  Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning  . . . . . .   7
   4.  AI Framework for NM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.1.  Target Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.2.  Intent Support  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.3.  Network Digital Twin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.4.  AINEMA Operation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.4.1.  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       4.4.2.  Monitoring / Executing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       4.4.3.  Deliberation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       4.4.4.  Involving Data Fabric and Fog . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       4.4.5.  Involving External Event Detector . . . . . . . . . .  15
     4.5.  Effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     4.6.  Closed Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     4.7.  Network Intelligence: From Data to Wisdom . . . . . . . .  18
     4.8.  External Event Detectors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     4.9.  Anticipation of Network Requirements  . . . . . . . . . .  20
     4.10. Intelligent Reasoning and Explainable AI  . . . . . . . .  21
   5.  Gaps and Standardization Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22

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   6.  AINEMA Information Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     6.1.  Tree Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
       6.1.1.  event-payloads  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23  basic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24  seismometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24  big-data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
       6.1.2.  external-events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
       6.1.3.  notifications/event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     6.2.  YANG Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   7.  The Autonomic Resource Control Architecture (ARCA)  . . . . .  27
   8.  ARCA Integration With ETSI-NFV-MANO . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     8.1.  Functional Integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     8.2.  Target Experiment and Scenario  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
     8.3.  OpenStack Platform  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
     8.4.  Initial Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
   9.  Relation to Other IETF/IRTF Initiatives . . . . . . . . . . .  38
   10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
   11. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
   12. Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
   13. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
     13.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
     13.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  41

1.  Introduction

   The current network ecosystem is quickly evolving from an almost
   rigid environment based on static network to a highly flexible,
   powerful, and somehow hybrid system.  Software Defined Networking
   (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) provide the basis for
   such evolution.  Thus, the management and control of such systems
   MUST be automated.  It has motivated the move towards autonomic
   networking (ANIMA) and the inclusion of AI solutions alongside the
   management plane of the network, enough justified by the increasing
   size and complexity of the network, which exposes complex problems
   that MUST be resolved in scales that escape human possibilities.
   Therefore, in order to allow current computer and network system
   infrastructures to constantly grow in complexity, in parallel to the
   demands of users, the AI solutions MUST work together with other
   network management solutions.

   However, exploiting the possibilities of AI is not an easy task.
   There has been a lot of effort to make Machine Learning (ML)
   solutions reliable and acceptable but, at the same time, other
   mechanisms have been forgotten.  It is the particular case of
   reasoning.  Although it can provide enormous benefits to management
   solutions by, for example, inferring new knowledge and applying
   different kind of rules (e.g. logical) to choose from several

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   actions, it has received little attention.  While ML solutions work
   with data, so they only require to retrieve data from the network
   infrastructure, reasoning solutions MUST work in collaboration to the
   network they are managing.  This makes the challenges arisen from
   intelligent reasoning to be a key for the evolution of network
   management towards the full adoption of AI.

   The present document aims to define the AINEMA framework, gathering
   the necessary information for getting the most benefits from the
   application of intelligent reasoning to bring explainable AI methods
   to network management, including, but not limited to, defining the
   gaps that MUST be covered for reasoning to be correctly integrated
   into network management solutions.

   The construction and maintenance of AINEMA-compatible components MUST
   consider the existence several mechanisms, which are extended beyond
   ML.  For instance, intelligent reasoning is a key aspect of AINEMA
   that MUST be taken into account by autonomic management components
   and solutions.  It will provide enormous benefits to NM solutions by,
   for example, inferring new knowledge and applying different kind of
   rules (e.g. logical) to choose from several actions.  While ML
   solutions work with data, so they only require to retrieve data from
   the network infrastructure, AINEMA modules MUST work in collaboration
   to the network it is managing.  This makes the challenges arisen from
   intelligent reasoning essential for the evolution of NM.  They will
   be addressed within the context of AINEMA.

2.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

3.  Background

3.1.  Virtual Computer and Network Systems

   The continuous search for efficiency and cost reduction to get the
   most optimum exploitation of available resources (e.g.  CPU power and
   electricity) has conducted current physical infrastructures to move
   towards virtualized infrastructures.  Also, this trend enables end
   systems to be centralized and/or distributed, so that they are
   deployed to best accomplish customer requirements in terms of
   resources and features.

   A high degree of flexibility and reliability is thus required --- and
   it is provided by computing and network virtualization.  Both
   characteristics are subject to the underlying technologies but, while

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   the latter has been always enforced to computer and network systems,
   flexibility is relatively new and MUST be achieved with support from
   virtualization and cloud technologies.

3.2.  SDN and NFV

   SDN and NFV are conceived to bring high degree of flexibility and
   conceptual centralization qualities to the network.  On the one hand,
   with SDN, the network can be programmed to implement a dynamic
   behavior that changes its topology and overall features.  Moreover,
   with NFV the functions that are typically provided by physical
   network equipment are now implemented as virtual appliances that can
   be deployed and linked together to provide customized network
   services.  SDN and NFV complement to each other to actually implement
   the network aspect of the aforementioned virtual computer and network

   Although centralization can lead us to think of the single-point-of-
   failure concept, it is not the case for these technologies.
   Conceptual centralization highly differs from centralized deployment.
   It brings all benefits of having a single point of decision but
   retaining the benefits of distributed systems.  For instance, control
   decisions in SDN can be centralized while the mechanisms that enforce
   such decisions into the network (SDN controllers) can be implemented
   as highly distributed systems.  The same approach can be applied to
   NFV.  Network functions can be implemented in a central computing
   facility, but they can also take advantage of several replication and
   distribution techniques to achieve the properties of distributed
   systems.  Nevertheless, NFV also allows the deployment of functions
   on top of distributed systems, so they benefit from both distribution
   alternatives at the same time.

3.3.  Management and Control

   The introduction of virtualization into the computer and network
   system landscape has increased the complexity of both underlying and
   overlying systems.  On the one hand, virtualizing underlying systems
   adds extra functions that MUST be managed properly to ensure the
   correct operation of the whole system, which not just encompasses
   underlying elements but also the virtual elements running on top of
   them.  Such functions are used to actually host the overlying virtual
   elements, so there is an indirect management operation that involves
   virtual systems.  Moreover, such complexities are inherited by final
   systems that get virtualized and deployed on top of those
   virtualization infrastructures.

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   In parallel, virtual systems are empowered with additional, and
   widely exploited, functionality that MUST be managed correctly.  It
   is the case, virtual resources MUST be dynamically adapted to their
   operation environments, or even the composition of distributed
   elements across heterogeneous underlying infrastructures, and
   probably providers.

   Taking both complex functions into account, either separately or
   jointly, makes clear that management requirements are difficult to be
   fulfilled by direct human action, so automation has become essential
   to accomplish most common tasks.

3.4.  Network Slice Controller (NSC)

   Network slicing is a concept to provide connectivity coupled with a
   set of specific commitments of network resources between a number of
   endpoints, and the framework is defined in
   [I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices].  The network slice controller
   (NSC), also defined in[I-D.ietf-teas-ietf-network-slices], is the key
   component for control and management of IETF network slices, and it
   takes requests for IETF network slicing services and implements,
   changes, or deletes the IETF network slices using suitable underlying
   technologies.  NSC has northbound interfaces for communicating with
   higher level operation systems, and AINEMA may collect information of
   IETF network slices, and control them via NSC.

   Moreover, an NSC MUST be used to support handling services provided
   on network slices in addition to controlling them because an NSC is
   the edge node on an end-to-end network slice (E2E-NS).

   Therefore, the NSC exposes the following requirements:

   *  Data plane for NSs as infrastructure.

   *  Control/management plane for NSs as infrastructure.

   *  Data plane for services on NSs.

   *  Control/management plane for services on NSs.

   In summary, NSC provides the required functions for the enforcement
   of AI decisions in multi-domain (and federated) network slices, so it
   will play a key role in general network management.

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3.5.  Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

   Intelligence does not directly imply intelligent behavior.  On the
   one hand, intelligence emphasizes data gathering and management,
   which can be processed by systematic methods or intelligent methods.
   On the other hand, intelligent behavior emphasizes the reasoning and
   understanding of data to actually "posses" the intelligence.

   The justification of applying AI in network (and) management is
   sometimes overlooked.  First, management decisions are more and more
   complex.  We have moved from asking simple questions ("Where is the
   problem in my system?") to much more complex ones ("Where should I
   migrate this VM to accomplish my goals?").  Moreover, operational
   environments are more and more dynamic.  On the one hand,
   softwarization and programmability elevate flexibility and allow
   networks to be totally adapted to their static and/or dynamic
   requirements.  On the other hand, network virtualization highly
   enables network automation.

   The new functions and possibilities allow network devices to become
   autonomic.  However, they take complex decisions by themselves,
   without human intervention, realizing the "dream" of Zero-Touch
   Networks, which exploit fully programmable elements and advanced
   automation methods (ETSI ZSM).  Nevertheless, we have to remember
   that AI methods are just resources, not solutions.  They will not
   replace the human decisions, just complement and "automate" them.

   Finally, ML is not AI.  AI has a broader spectrum of methods, some of
   them are already exploited in the network for a long time.
   Perception, reasoning, and planning are still not fully exploited in
   the network.

4.  AI Framework for NM

   The basic concept is to develop a generic, scalable, deployable and
   trustworthy AI framework for network management (AINEMA).  The
   framework will be used to design, deploy, instantiate, scale and
   validate AI models and related algorithms applied to network
   operation, administration and management (OAM).  AINEMA will
   particularly target E2E network management.  AINEMA is underpinned by
   the principle that a generic and scalable AI framework will allow for
   more general-purpose AI solutions to network OAM, which can be scaled
   from one network domain to multiple network domains, and to multi-
   site and multi-tenant scenarios.

   In a broader way, the key components of AINEMA are:

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   *  The data framework.  It is responsible for acquiring, modeling,
      storing, and distributing data, both historical, collected off-
      line, and real-time, on-line, from different parts of a network in
      a unified and efficient manner.  It also provides the internal
      communication layer to the AI framework and serves as the
      communication path between the AI framework and network
      orchestration entities.

   *  The AI modules.  They contain the AI functions that individually
      or collectively accomplish local, E2E or global intelligent tasks
      for network OAM.

   *  The AI hub.  It receives data, knowledge, and localized decisions
      from AI modules and outputs desired actions as recommendations to
      network management entities.  The AI hub is also in charge of the
      life cycle management of the AI modules.

4.1.  Target Challenges

   The document [I-D.irtf-nmrg-ai-challenges] presents the most
   outstanding challenges for exploiting AI in NM.  Most of them focus
   on the evaluation of different methods and assessment of results.
   However, other challenges target specific capabilities that must be
   provided by AI methods, such as resolving action planning for AI
   decisions and obtaining AI output explanation.  These challenges are
   aimed by AINEMA.  The action planning challenge is resolved with the
   definition of the capabilities that MUST be offered by the planner
   (see below).  Additionally, AINEMA proposes to obtain explanations of
   AI decisions by defining the intelligent reasoning methods that a
   solution for NM MUST include.

4.2.  Intent Support

   AINEMA operation, described below, is able to create and manage
   network services.  The creation process is guided by a set of
   requirements, while the management cycle is guided by policies.  Both
   requirements and policies are established by network service
   administrators or tenants.  AINEMA supports different ways to specify
   the requirements and policies, among which we highlight the network
   intent defined in RFC 9316 [RFC9316].

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   The translation of network intents to requirements or policies is
   supported by different AI mechanisms.  For instance, to support
   intents written in natural language, AINEMA proposes to use natural
   language processing (NLP) tools with pre-trained models to parse
   input sentences and understand their grammatical content.  Other AI
   mechanisms are needed to extract the important semantic concepts to
   achieve overall understanding of an intent and, thus, set boundaries
   to its application, following specifications gathered in RFC 9316

4.3.  Network Digital Twin

   Many situations occurring to network services cannot be easily
   traceable to causes or be easily anticipated, as discussed below.
   The former usually occurs because of the length of the cause-effect
   chain hindered behind some situation.  The latter usually occurs
   because of the limitations of typical time-series analysis methods.

   To overcome those problems, AINEMA includes the support for
   constructing a network digital twin (NDT) that represents a network
   service.  The most basic structure of NDT will be a huge dictionary
   of key-value pairs that represents a huge knowledge base of subject-
   predicate-object triples.  For it, AINEMA defines a dynamic ontology
   for representing aspects of network services as well as processing
   mechanisms that obtain the results of what-if scenarios.  Those
   mechanisms heavily rely on AI methods, such as ensembles of time-
   series data projection and fault pattern learning and matching
   algorithms.  These processes require the collection of particular
   telemetry data in a particular format, as considered in
   [I-D.zcz-nmrg-digitaltwin-data-collection].  Therefore, AINEMA
   collection, which is part of the monitor defined below, is based on
   knowledge handling, understands high dimensional data, and includes
   functions to processes data to obtain valid knowledge in the
   monitoring sources, which largely supports the NDT operation.

4.4.  AINEMA Operation

   A monitor-analyze-plan-execute cycle ---MAPE cycle--- MUST be
   implemented for the exploitation of AI in network management, as
   shown by ARCA [TNSM-2018], among others.  Thus, AINEMA defines the
   MAPE functions that MUST be incorporated in separate elements, and
   defines a management service bus that MUST be incorporated to enable
   AINEMA compliant services to be plugged without requiring them to
   support connecting to each other expressly.  The service bus ---as
   middleware--- MUST route messages between services and replicate them
   when required.

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4.4.1.  Overview

+----------+   +----------+   +----------+   +----------------+
| Analyzer |   | Planner  |   | AI Model |   | Knowledge Base |
+----------+   +----------+   +----------+   +----------------+
     |              |               |                |
   |                Control and Mgmt Service Bus                  |
     |              |             |             |               |
+----------+   +----------+   +-------+   +----------+   +-------------+
| Monitor  |   | Executer |   |  NDT  |   |  Fabric  |   | Fog Monitor |
+----------+   +----------+   +-------+   +----------+   +-------------+
     |              |                                           |
+-------------------------+                              +-------------+
|           VIM           |                              | Fog Element |
+-------------------------+                              +-------------+

                    Figure 1: AINEMA Architecture

   In a specific way, as shown in Figure 1, the components that MUST be
   implemented to realize AINEMA are:

   *  The control and management service bus provides a pub/sub system
      for AINEMA components to exchange the information they need.  It
      shares the information items published by some elements to any
      other element interested on it --- namely, subscribed to the
      appropriate topic.

   *  Elements of the MAPE cycle:

      -  The monitor service retrieves monitoring data items from an
         underlying virtual infrastructure manager (VIM) and other
         telemetry sources, such as NFs, and communicates them, or a
         more processed version of them in the form of monitoring
         information items, to any other component requiring them
         through the service bus, as shown in Figure 2.

      -  The analyzer service subscribes to monitoring data ---
         telemetry data) and other data and state notifications, such as
         data published by the telemetry data fabric (shown in
         Figure 4), data published by the fog monitoring (also shown in
         Figure 4), or external event notifications published by the
         external event detector (EED, as shown in Figure 5).  The
         service receives all the data, analyzes it to find the new
         state of the managed network service, and publishes a new state
         through the service bus.  As detailed below, the deliberation
         process involves interacting with different elements, if

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         available --- and connected to the service bus.  Although the
         analysis includes the application of ML-based classification,
         as well as the interaction with the AI model instances (as
         detailed below), a key part of the analysis is the intelligent
         reasoning.  This implies the application of both logical
         reasoning as well as higher-order reasoning.  It also includes
         the application of complex event processing (CEP) and the
         exploitation of available theories to extract as much
         conclusions as possible from provided information and

      -  The planner service subscribes to the messages regarding the
         state of the managed network service.  If the state is outside
         the boundaries of a target state, as indicated by
         administrators --- and stored in the knowledge base ---, the
         planner service builds an action plan to correct the problem
         and publishes the plan through the service bus.

      -  The executer service subscribes to action plans and translates
         them to commands that the underlying VIM or others MUST

   *  The AI model service can appear multiple times in an AINEMA
      compliant system.  Each service instance subscribes to knowledge
      objects published through the service bus and uses them to update
      its structures.  After that, the service publishes its predictions
      through the service bus, so other elements, such as the analyzer,
      can know them.  Thus, multiple answers to the same stimulus can be
      obtained and published throughout the service bus.

   *  The knowledge base service provides a knowledge-oriented database
      that enables other components to get state persistence.  It will
      be subscribed to the topics that indicate new data and will
      publish most of the data it has.  In some scenarios, it is able to
      dynamically publish some data under demand.  The implementation
      determines the efficiency of this operation.

   *  The network digital twin (NDT) service implements a digital
      version of the managed network service and updates it with the new
      information provided through the service bus (see
      [I-D.zcz-nmrg-digitaltwin-data-collection]).  When some new state
      is found --- projected after running a "what-if" process --- it
      will publish the new state for other elements such as the

   *  The fabric service connects the service bus, and the AINEMA
      instance, to other --- generally bigger --- source of telemetry
      data, information, and knowledge.

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   *  The fog monitor service (see [I-D.bernardos-anima-fog-monitoring])
      publishes monitoring data and telemetry knowledge objects (TKOs)
      obtained external fog elements, which are not directly managed by
      the AINEMA instance, but whose behavior will have some impact in
      the operation of the managed network service.  This is a
      particular case of an EED.

4.4.2.  Monitoring / Executing

    +-------+   +---------+   +----------+   +---------+   +----------+
    |  VIM  |   | Monitor |   | Analyzer |   | Planner |   | Executer |
    +-------+   +---------+   +----------+   +---------+   +----------+
        |             |            |              |             |
        | Telemetry   |            |              |             |
        | Data        |            |              |             |
        +------------>|            |              |             |
        |             | Telemetry  |              |             |
        |             | Knowledge  |              |             |
        |             | Object     |              |             |
        |             +----------->|              |             |
        |             |            |              |             |
        |             |            |      ...     |             |
        |             |            |              |             |
        |             |            |              | Actions     |
        |             |            |              +------------>|
        |             |            |              |             |
        |             |            |              |    Commands |
        |             |            |              |             |

                      Figure 2: AINEMA<->VIM Workflow

   The overall monitoring and execution operation of a management cycle
   is shown in Figure 2.  This is the external point of attachment and
   vaguely involves AI processes, although some AI tools are envisioned
   to be used by the monitoring and execution processes to respectively
   ensure collected data and planned commands are correct.

   In the process, the monitor element retrieves monitoring data ---
   telemetry data --- from the monitored sources and formats it
   according to some ontology and semantic data format to get a
   telemetry knowledge object (TKO), which is then sent through the bus
   to the analyzer, and it will be retrieved by any other element
   interested on it --- subscribed to this type of publications.

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   The resulting action plan of a deliberation, obtained as described
   below, is sent through the service bus to the executer service.  This
   translates the plan to a set of commands and executes them in the

4.4.3.  Deliberation

    +----------+   +-------+   +----------+   +---------+   +---------+
    | Analyzer |   |  NDT  |   | AI Model |   | K. Base |   | Planner |
    +----------+   +-------+   +----------+   +---------+   +---------+
         |             |            |              |             |
         | Knowl.   +->|         +->|              |             |
         | Update  /   |        /   |              |             |
         +--------+------------+------------------>|             |
         |             |            |              |             |
         |   NDT State |            |              |             |
         |<------------+            |              |             |
         |             |            |              |             |
         | Predictions |            |              |             |
         |<-------------------------+              |             |
         |             |            |              |             |
      Analyze          |            |              |             |
       State           |            |              |             |
         |             |            |              |             |
         | State    +->|         +->|              |             |
         | Update  /   |        /   |              |             |
         +--------+------------+------------------>|             |
         |             |            |              |             |
         | Found or    |            |              |             |
         | Predicted   |            |           +->|             |
         | Exception   |            |          /   |             |
         |             |            |              |             |
         |             |            |              |            Plan
         |             |            |              |          Actions
         |             |            |              |             |

                   Figure 3: AINEMA Deliberation Workflow

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   The deliberation operation is continuously run by the analyzer.
   After some new data or knowledge objects are received, it creates a
   processed knowledge update message and sends it through the bus to
   the network digital twin (NDT)---see its location within AINEMA
   above---, the AI models, and the knowledge base.  The latter will
   just store the knowledge update.  Meanwhile, the NDT will use the
   knowledge update to update its digital view of the managed network
   service.  Each AI model instance will also use the knowledge update
   to update their views of the managed network service and obtain new

   The new NDT state and predictions are published by the NDT and AI
   models, respectively.  They are retrieved by the analyzer and put
   together to generate a state update, which is published for all
   previous elements to get an even newer view of the network --- which
   includes both actual state and predicted and projected states.

   If a problem is found, the analyzer publishes a message indicating
   it.  This is received and stored by the knowledge base.  It is also
   received by the planner, which uses additional AI mechanisms to get
   an action plan that resolves the problem and publishes the action
   plan through the service bus.  The planner will generally use the
   services from AI modules by publishing messages to the appropriate
   topics and subscribing to the corresponding topics.  The action plan
   is retrieved by the executer, as discussed above.

4.4.4.  Involving Data Fabric and Fog

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    +-------+   +--------+   +----------+   +----------+   +----------+
    |  VIM  |   | Fabric |   | Fog Mon. |   | Analyzer |   | Executer |
    +-------+   +--------+   +----------+   +----------+   +----------+
        |             |            |             |              |
        |             | Telemetry  |             |              |
        |             | Knowledge  |             |              |
        |             | Object     |             |              |
        |             +------------------------->|              |
        |             |            |             |              |
        |             |            | Telemetry   |              |
        |             |            | Knowledge   |              |
        |             |            | Object      |              |
        |             |            +------------>|              |
        |             |            |             |              |
        |             |            |             |     ...      |
        |             |            |             |              |
        |             |            |             | Actions      |
        |             |            |             +------------->|
        |             |            |             |              |
        |             |            |             |     Commands |
        |             |            |             |              |

               Figure 4: AINEMA<->VIM<->Fog<->Fabric Workflow

   The flexibility provided by the service bus to AINEMA is particularly
   shown in the ability to seamlessly integrate disparate components
   without adding complexity.  For instance, AINEMA envisions the
   connection of a fog monitor (see
   [I-D.bernardos-anima-fog-monitoring]).  It provides monitoring
   information from fog elements that can be correlated with other
   performance and external event notifications to get a better view of
   the state of the managed network service.  It is also the case of the
   data fabric (ref ??), which interfaces with an external system that
   processes telemetry and exposes the processing outputs to the service
   bus, so that other elements of the corresponding AINEMA instance are
   able to receive (consume) data provided by the fabric --- namely, the

4.4.5.  Involving External Event Detector

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    +-------+   +----------+   +----------+   +-------+   +----------+
    |  EED  |   | Analyzer |   | AI Model |   |  NDT  |   | Executer |
    +-------+   +----------+   +----------+   +-------+   +----------+
        |            |              |              |            |
        |         +->|           +->|              |            |
        | TKO    /   |          /   |              |            |
        +-------+--------------+------------------>|            |
        |            |              |              |            |
        |            |      ...     |              |            |
        |            |              |              |            |
        |         Analyze           |              |            |
        |          State            |              |            |
        |            |              |              |            |
        |            | Actions      |              |            |
        |            +----------------------------------------->|
        |            |              |              |            |
        |            |              |              |   Commands |
    [To VIM and others through the bus]<------------------------+
        |            |              |              |            |

                   Figure 5: AINEMA<->VIM<->EED Workflow

   In order to get the best possible analysis results --- and plans ---,
   AINEMA also considers the incorporation of an external event detector
   (EED).  It publishes to the service bus notifications of external
   events.  For example, it can notify of a physical event (e.g.,
   earthquake) or it can provide information about a common
   vulnerabilities and exposures report --- namely a CVE report.  Other
   services connected to the service bus, such as the analyzer, AI
   models, or NDT, will receive such notifications and consider them in
   their procedures.

4.5.  Effectiveness

   The correct and pertinent operation of AINEMA provides significant
   benefits, mainly in terms of making complex management operations
   feasible and improving the performance of typically expensive tasks.
   By taking advantage of these benefits, the amount of data that can be
   analyzed to make decisions on the network can be hugely increased.

   As shown in Figure 5 AINEMA makes possible to leverage intelligence
   for network management operations.  Instead of just being focused on
   the analysis of performance measurements retrieved from the managed
   network and the subsequent decision (proaction or reaction), the
   extension of management operation enabled by AINEMA encompasses
   different sub-processes.

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   First, AINEMA has a sub-process for retrieving the performance
   measurements from the managed network.  This is the same found in
   typical management processes.  Moreover, AINEMA encourages the
   application of the same ML techniques to obtain some insight of the
   situation of the managed network.

   Second, AINEMA incorporates a reasoning sub-process.  It receives
   both the output of the previous sub-process and additional context
   information, which can be provided by an external event detector, as
   described below.  Then, this sub-process finds out and particularizes
   the rules that are governing the situation described above.  Such
   rules are semantically constructed and will abstract the situation of
   the network in terms of logical and other semantic concepts, together
   with actions and transformations that can be applied to those rules.
   All such constructions will be stored in the Intelligent Network
   Management Knowledge Base (INMKB), which will follow a pre-determined
   ontology and will also extend the knowledge by applying basic and
   atomic logic inference statements.

   Third, AINEMA defines the solving sub-process.  It works as follows.
   Once obtained the abstracted situation of the managed network and the
   rules to it, the solving subprocess builds a graph with all semantic
   constructions.  It reflects the managed network, since all network
   elements have their semantic counterpart, but it also has all
   situations, rules, actions, and even the measurements.  The solving
   sub-process applies ontology transformations to find a graph that is
   acceptable in terms of the associated situation and its adherence to
   administrative goals.

   Fourth, AINEMA incorporates the planning sub-process.  It receives
   the solution graph obtained by the previous sub-process and makes a
   linear plan of actions to execute in order to enforce the required
   changes into the network.  The actions used by this planning sub-
   process are the building blocks of the plan.  Each block will be
   defined with a precondition, invariant, and postcondition.  A
   planning algorithm should be used to obtain such plan of actions by
   linking the building blocks so they can be enforced to finally adapt
   the managed network to get the desired situation.

   All these processes MUST be executed in parallel, using strong inter-
   process communication and synchronization constraints.  Moreover, the
   requests to the underlying infrastructure for the adaptation of the
   managed network will be sent to the corresponding controllers without
   waiting for finishing the deliberation cycle.  This way, the time
   needed by the whole cycle is highly reduced.  This can be possible
   because of the assumptions and anticipations tied to AINEMA and the
   intelligence it denotes.

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4.6.  Closed Loop

   AINEMA follows the closed loop methodology to achieve and assess the
   accomplishment of network management goals.  It ensures that the
   state of the network is continuously within the working parameters
   desired by its administrators.  This is enforced among all management
   cycles along the full life-cycle of the network.

   To obtain the benefits from integrating AI within the closed loop,
   AINEMA processes MUST be re-wired to connect their outputs to their
   inputs, so obtaining feedback analysis.  Moreover, an additional
   process MUST be defined for ensuring that the objectives defined in
   the last steps of AINEMA are actually present in the near future
   situation of the managed network.

   In addition, the data plane elements, such as the NSC described
   above, MUST provide some capabilities to make them coherent to the
   closed control loop.  Particularly, they MUST provide symmetric
   enforcement and telemetry interfaces, so that the elements composing
   the managed network can be modified and monitored using the same
   identifiers and having the same assumptions about their topology and
   context.  For instance, NSC MUST be able to provide the needed
   functionality to enable AINEMA to request NSC to set up and connect
   the necessary structures for telemetry collection and request changes
   in the network.

4.7.  Network Intelligence: From Data to Wisdom

   Enabling AINEMA with full intelligence process extends the analytics
   and decision power beyond current AI and ML solutions.  Instead of
   just analyzing observations, the incorporation of intelligence
   processes to AINEMA makes hypotheses on the current and projected
   situation of the managed system and finds evidences to justify it.
   This process is much faster and much more effective than relying on
   data.  This is because the hypotheses will be formally formulated
   within the scope and policies established by administrators.

   Several hypotheses can be formulated in parallel.  After gathering
   evidences for all of them, the one that has the strongest evidences
   can be taken as real and the potential effects can be fixed or
   prevented (anticipated) as discussed below.  As AI methods gain
   access to a huge amount of intelligence data from the systems they
   manage, they become more and more able to take strategic decisions,
   mainly deriving such data to knowledge towards wisdom.  This supports
   the well known DIKW process (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom)
   that enables elements to operate autonomously, subject to the goals
   established by administrators.

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   In such way, AI methods can be guided by the events or situations
   found in underlying networks in a constantly evolving model.  We can
   call it the Knowledge (and Intelligence) Driven Network.  The
   structure itself of the network results from reasoning on
   intelligence data.  The network adapts to new situations without
   requiring human involvement but administrative policies are still
   enforced to decisions.  Nevertheless, intelligence data MUST be
   managed properly to exploit all its potential.  Data with high
   accuracy and high frequency will be processed in real-time.
   Meanwhile, fast and scalable methods for information retrieval and
   decision enforcement become essential to the objectives of the

   To achieve such goals, AI algorithms MUST be adapted to work on
   network problems.  Joint physical and virtual network elements can
   form a multi-agent system focused on achieving such system goals.  It
   can be applied to several use-cases.  For instance, it can be used
   for predicting traffic behavior, iterative network optimization, and
   assessment of administrative policies.

4.8.  External Event Detectors

   Current mechanisms for automated management and control rely only on
   the continuous monitoring of the resources they control or the
   underlying infrastructure that host them.  However, there are several
   other sources of information that can be exploited to make the
   systems more robust and efficient.  It is the case of the
   notifications that can be provided by physical or virtual elements or
   devices that are watching for specific events, hence called external
   event detectors.

   The external event detectors are a huge source of intelligence data
   that can be used as evidence to demonstrate the hypotheses formulated
   by AINEMA.  More specifically, although the notifications provided by
   these external event detectors are related to successes that occur
   outside the boundaries of the controlled system, such success
   episodes can affect the typical operation of controlled systems.  For
   instance, a heavy rainfall or snowfall can be detected and correlated
   to a huge increase in the amount of requests experienced by some
   emergency support service.  Therefore, the evidence they provide can
   be even stronger than performance measurements obtained by the
   managed system and, in general, they will be used for anticipating
   requirements much more effectively.

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4.9.  Anticipation of Network Requirements

   One of the main goals of the NFV MANO mechanisms is to ensure the
   virtual computer and network system they manage meets the
   requirements established by their owners and administrators.  It is
   currently achieved by observing and analyzing the performance
   measurements obtained either by directly asking the resources forming
   the managed system or by asking the controllers of the underlying
   infrastructure that hosts such resources.  Thus, under changing or
   eventual situations, the managed system MUST be adapted to cope with
   the new requirements, increasing the amount of resources assigned to
   it, or to make efficient use of available infrastructures, reducing
   the amount of resources assigned to it.

   However, the time required by the infrastructure to make effective
   the adaptations requested by the MANO mechanisms is longer than the
   time required by client requests to overload the system and make it
   discard further client requests.  This situation is generally
   undesired but particularly dangerous for some systems, such as the
   emergency support system mentioned above.  Therefore, in order to
   avoid the disruption of the service, the change in requirements MUST
   be anticipated to ensure that any adaptation has finished as soon as
   possible, preferably before the target system gets overloaded or

   AINEMA exploits ARCA (Section 7).  ARCA is integrated to NFV-MANO to
   implement a closed loop network management that integrates external
   events.  ARCA provides to AINEMA the ability to correlate previous
   external events (causes) with current performance measurements
   (effects).  It also is able to find the preventive actions
   (anticipated countermeasures) that MUST be enforced to avoid the
   effects once the causes have been detected.  Thus, AINEMA is able to
   enforce the necessary adaptations to avoid failure of the managed
   system beforehand, particularly before the system performance metrics
   have actually changed.

   The following abstract algorithm formalizes the workflow expected to
   be followed by the different implementations of the operation
   proposed here.

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   while TRUE do
       event = GetExternalEventInformation()
       if event != NONE then
           anticipated_resource_amount = Anticipator.Get(event)
           if IsPolicyCompliant(anticipated_resource_amount) then
               current_resource_amount = anticipated_resource_amount
               anticipation_time = NOW
           end if
       end if
       anticipated_event = event
       if anticipated_event != NONE and
               (NOW - anticipation_time) > EXPIRATION_TIME then
           current_resource_amount = DEFAULT_RESOURCE_AMOUNT
           anticipated_event = NONE
       end if
       state = GetSystemState()
       if not IsAcceptable(state, current_resource_amount) then
           current_resource_amount = GetResourceAmountForState(state)
           if anticipated_event is not NONE then
                   (anticipated_event, current_resource_amount)
               anticipated_event = NONE
           end if
       end if
   end while

   This algorithm considers both internal and external events to
   determine the necessary control and management actions to achieve the
   proper anticipation of resources assigned to the target system.  We
   propose the different implementations to follow the same approach so
   they can guess what to expect when they interact.  For instance, a
   consumer, such as an Application Service Provider (ASP), can expect
   some specific behavior of the Virtual Network Operator (VNO) from
   which it is consuming resources.  This helps both the ASP and VNO to
   properly address resource fluctuations.

4.10.  Intelligent Reasoning and Explainable AI

   It is trivial for anybody to understand that the behavior of the
   network results from user activity.  For instance, more users means
   more traffic.  However, it is not commonly considered that user
   activity has a direct dependency on events that occur outside the
   boundaries of the networks they use.  For example, if a video becomes
   trendy, the load of the network that hosts the video increases, but
   also the load of any network with users watching the video.  In the
   same way, if a natural incident occurs (e.g. heavy rainfall,
   earthquake), people try to contact their relatives and the load of a
   telephony network increases.  From this we can easily find out that

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   there is a clear causality relation between events occurring in the
   real and digital world and the behavior of the network.

   Network management outcomes, in terms of system stability,
   performance, reliability, etc., would greatly improve by exploiting
   such causality relation.  An easy and straightforward way to do so is
   to apply AI reasoning methods.  These methods can be used to "guess"
   the effect for a given cause.  Moreover, reasoning can be used to
   choose the specific events that can impact the system, so being the
   cause for some effect.

   Meanwhile, reasoning on network behavior from performance
   measurements and external events places some challenges.  First,
   external event information MUST cross the administrative domain of
   the network to which it is relevant.  This means that there MUST be
   interfaces and security policies that regulate how information is
   exchanged between the external event detector, which can be some
   sensor deployed in some "smart" place (e.g. smart city, smart
   building), and the management solution, which resides inside the
   administrative domain of the managed network.  This function MUST be
   highly conformed and regulated, and the protocols used to achieve it
   MUST be widely accepted and tested, in order for it to exploit the
   overall potential of external events.

   Second, enough meta-data MUST be associated to performance
   measurements to clearly identify all aspects of the effects, so that
   they can be traced back to the causes (events).  Such meta-data MUST
   follow an ontology (information model) that is somewhat common and
   widely accepted or, at least, to be able to easily transform it among
   the different formats and models used by different vendors and

   Third, the management ontology MUST be extended by all concepts from
   the boundaries of the managed network, its external environment
   (surroundings), and any entity that, albeit being far away, can
   impact on the function of the managed network.

5.  Gaps and Standardization Issues

   Several gaps and standardization issues arise from applying AI and
   reasoning to network management solutions:

   *  Methods from different providers/vendors MUST be able to coexist
      and work together, either directly or by means of a translator.
      They must, however, use the same concepts, albeit using different
      naming, so they actually share a common ontology.

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   *  Information retrieval MUST be assessed for quality so that the
      outputs from AI reasoning, and thus management solutions, can be

   *  Ontological concepts MUST be consistent so that the types and
      qualities of information that is retrieved from a system or object
      are as expected.

   *  The protocols used to communicate (or disseminate, or publish) the
      information MUST respond to the constraints of their target usage.

6.  AINEMA Information Model

   In this section we introduce the basic information model that MUST be
   supported by AINEMA modules to gain the ability of reasoning on
   external events.  It basically includes the concepts and structures
   used to describe external events and notify (communicate) them to the
   interested sink, the network controller/manager, through the control
   and management plane, depending on the specific instantiation of the

6.1.  Tree Structure

   module: ietf-nmrg-nict-ainema
     +--rw events
        +--rw event-payloads
        +--rw external-events

       +---n event

   The main models included in the tree structure of the module are the
   events and notifications.  On the one hand, events are structured in
   payloads and the content of events itself (external-events).  On the
   other hand, there is only one notification, which is the event

6.1.1.  event-payloads

   +--rw event-payloads
      +--rw event-payloads-basic
      +--rw event-payloads-seismometer
      +--rw event-payloads-bigdata

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   The event payloads are, for the time being, composed of three types.
   First, we have defined the basic payload, which is intended to carry
   any arbitrary data.  Second, we have defined the seismometer payload
   to carry information about seisms.  Third, we have defined the big-
   data payload that carries notifications coming from BigData sources.  basic

   +--rw event-payloads-basic* [plid]
      +--rw plid string
      +--rw data? union

   The basic payload is able to hold any data type, so it has a union of
   several types.  It is intended to be used by any source of events
   that is (still) not covered by other model.  In general, any source
   of telemetry information (e.g.  OpenStack [OPENSTACK] controllers)
   can use this model as such sources can encode on it their
   information, which typically is very simple and plain.  Therefore,
   the current model is tightly interrelated to a framework to retrieve
   network telemetry (see RFC 9232 [RFC9232]).  seismometer

   +--rw event-payloads-seismometer* [plid]
      +--rw plid string
      +--rw location? string
      +--rw magnitude? uint8

   The seismometer model includes the main information related to a
   seism, such as the location of the incident and its magnitude.
   Additional fields can be defined in the future by extending this
   model.  big-data

   +--rw event-payloads-bigdata* [plid]
      +--rw plid string
      +--rw description? string
      +--rw severity? uint8

   The big-data model includes a description of an event (or incident)
   and its estimated general severity, unrelated to the system.  The
   description is an arbitrary string of characters that would normally
   carry information that describes the event using some higher level
   format, such as Turtle or N3 for carrying RDF knowledge items.

6.1.2.  external-events

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   +--rw external-events* [id]
      +--rw id string
      +--rw source? string
      +--rw context? string
      +--rw sequence? int64
      +--rw timestamp? yang:date-and-time
      +--rw payload? binary

   The model defined to encode external events, which encapsulates the
   payloads introduced above, is completed with an identifier of the
   message, a string describing the source of the event, a sequence
   number and a timestamp.  Additionally, it includes a string
   describing the context of the event.  It is intended to communicate
   the required information about the system that detected the event,
   its location, etc.  As the description of the Big Data payload, this
   field can be formatted with a high level format, such as RDF.

6.1.3.  notifications/event

     +---n event
        +--ro id? string
        +--ro source? string
        +--ro context? string
        +--ro sequence? int64
        +--ro timestamp? yang:date-and-time
        +--ro payload? binary

   The event notification inherits all the fields from the model of
   external events defined above.  It is intended to allow software and
   hardware elements to send, receive, and interpret not just the events
   that have been detected and notified by, for instance, a sensor, but
   also the notifications issued by the underlying infrastructure
   controllers, such as the OpenStack controller.

6.2.  YANG Module

   Preamble and group definitions:

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   module ietf-nmrg-nict-ainema {
     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-nmrg-nict-ainema";
     prefix rant;
     import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; }

     grouping external-event-information {
       leaf id { type string; }
       leaf source { type string; }
       leaf context { type string; }
       leaf sequence { type int64; }
       leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; }
       leaf payload { type binary; }

     grouping event-payload-basic {
       leaf plid { type string; }
       leaf data { type union { type string; type binary; } }

     grouping event-payload-seismometer {
       leaf plid { type string; }
       leaf location { type string; }
       leaf magnitude { type uint8; }

     grouping event-payload-bigdata {
       leaf plid { type string; }
       leaf description { type string; }
       leaf severity { type uint8; }

   Event notifications for EED:

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     notification event {
       uses external-event-information;

     container events {
       container event-payloads {
         list event-payloads-basic {
           key "plid";
           uses event-payload-basic;
         list event-payloads-seismometer {
           key "plid";
           uses event-payload-seismometer;
         list event-payloads-bigdata {
           key "plid";
           uses event-payload-bigdata;
       list external-events {
         key "id";
         uses external-event-information;


7.  The Autonomic Resource Control Architecture (ARCA)

   ARCA is a reference implementation of AINEMA that includes the
   minimum services to showcase and evaluate its benefits and
   compatibility with other services, such as using OpenStack as VIM and
   Open Source MANO (OSM) to provide orchestration throughout the
   control and management service bus.  As deeply discussed in TNSM 2018
   [TNSM-2018] and ICIN 2018 [ICIN-2018], ARCA leverages the elastic
   adaptation of resources assigned to virtual computer and network
   systems by calculating or estimating their requirements from the
   analysis of load measurements and the detection of external events.
   These events can be notified by physical elements (things, sensors)
   that detect changes on the environment, as well as software elements
   that analyze digital information, such as connectors to sources or
   analyzers of Big Data.  For instance, ARCA is able to consider the
   detection of an earthquake or a heavy rainfall to overcome the
   damages it can make to the controlled system.

   The policies that ARCA enforces are specified by administrators
   during the configuration of the control/management engine.  Then,
   ARCA continues running autonomously, with no more human involvement

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   unless some parameter MUST be changed.  ARCA and its modules MUST
   adopt the control and management operations needed to adapt the
   controlled system to the new situation or requirements.  The main
   goal of ARCA is thus to reduce the time needed for resource
   adaptation from hours/minutes to seconds/milliseconds.  With the
   aforementioned statements, system administrators are able to specify
   the general operational boundaries in terms of lower and upper system
   load thresholds, as well as the minimum and maximum amount of
   resources that can be allocated to the controlled system to overcome
   any eventual situation, including the natural crossing of such

   ARCA functional goal is to run autonomously while the performance
   goal is to keep the resources assigned to the controlled resources as
   close as possible to the optimum (e.g. 5 % from the optimum) while
   avoiding service disruption as much as possible, keeping client
   request discard rate as low as possible (e.g. below 1 %).  To achieve
   both goals, ARCA relies on the Autonomic Computing (AC) paradigm, in
   the form of interconnected micro-services.  Therefore, ARCA includes
   the four main elements and activities defined by AC, incarnated as:

   Collector  Is responsible of gathering and formatting the
             heterogeneous observations that will be used in the control

   Analyzer  Correlates the observations to each other in order to find
             the situation of the controlled system, especially the
             current load of the resources allocated to the system and
             the occurrence of an incident that can affect to the normal
             operation of the system, such as an earthquake that
             increases the traffic in an emergency-support system, which
             is the main target scenario studied in this paper.

   Decider   Determines the necessary actions to adjust the resources to
             the load of the controlled system.

   Enforcer  Requests the underlying and overlying infrastructure, such
             as OpenStack, to make the necessary changes to reflect the
             effects of the decided actions into the system.

   Being a micro-service architecture means that the different
   components are executed in parallel.  This allows such components to
   operate in two ways.  First, their operation can be dispatched by
   receiving a message from the previous service or an external service.
   Second, the services can be self-dispatched, so they can activate
   some action or send some message without being previously stimulated
   by any message.  The overall control process loops indefinitely and
   it is closed by checking that the expected effects of an action are

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   actually taking place.  The coherence among the distributed services
   involved in the ARCA control process is ensured by enforcing a common
   semantic representation and ontology to the messages they exchange.

   ARCA semantics are built with the Resource Description Framework
   (RDF) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL), which are well known and
   widely used standards for the semantic representation and management
   of knowledge.  They provide the ability to represent new concepts
   without needing to change the software, just plugin extensions to the
   ontology.  ARCA stores all its knowledge is stored in the Knowledge
   Base (KB), which is queried and kept up-to-date by the analyzer and
   decider micro-services.  It is implemented by Apache Jena Fuseki,
   which is a high-performance RDF data store that supports SPARQL
   through an HTTP/REST interface.  Being de-facto standards, both
   technologies enable ARCA to be easily integrated to virtualization
   platforms like OpenStack.

8.  ARCA Integration With ETSI-NFV-MANO

   In this section we describe how to fit ARCA on a general SDN/NFV
   underlying infrastructure and introduce a showcase experiment that
   demonstrates its operation on an OpenStack-based experimentation
   platform.  We first describe the integration of ARCA with the NFV-
   MANO reference architecture.  We contextualize the significance of
   this integration by describing an emergency support scenario that
   clearly benefits from it.  Then we proceed to detail the elements
   forming the OpenStack platform and finally we discuss some initial
   results obtained from them.

8.1.  Functional Integration

   The most important functional blocks of the NFV reference
   architecture promoted by ETSI (see ETSI-NFV-MANO [ETSI-NFV-MANO]) are
   the system support functions for operations and business (OSS/BSS),
   the element management (EM) and, obviously. the Virtual Network
   Functions (VNFs).  But these functions cannot exist without being
   instantiated on a specific infrastructure, the NFV infrastructure
   (NFVI), and all of them MUST be coordinated, orchestrated, and
   managed by the general NFV-MANO functions.

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   Both the NFVI and the NFV-MANO elements are subdivided into several
   sub-components.  The NFVI has the underlying physical computing,
   storage, and network resources, which are assigned and virtualized to
   conform the virtual computing, storage, and network resources that
   will host the VNFs.  In addition, the NFV-MANO is subdivided in the
   NFV Orchestrator (NFVO), the VNF manager (VNFM) and the Virtual
   Infrastructure Manager (VIM).  As their name indicates, all high-
   level elements and sub-components have their own and very specific
   objective in the NFV architecture.

   During the design of ARCA we enforced both operational and
   interfacing aspects to its main objectives.  From the operational
   point of view, ARCA processes observations to manage virtual
   resources, so it plays the role of the VIM mentioned above.
   Therefore, ARCA has been designed with appropriate interfaces to fit
   in the place of the VIM.  This way, ARCA provides the NFV reference
   architecture with the ability to react to external events to adapt
   virtual computer and network systems, even anticipating such
   adaptations as performed by ARCA itself.  However, some interfaces
   were extended to fully enable ARCA to perform its work within the NFV

   Once ARCA is placed in the position of the VIM, it enhances the
   general NFV architecture with its autonomic management capabilities.
   In particular, it discharges some responsibilities from the VNFM and
   NFVO, so they can focus on their own business while the virtual
   resources are behaving as they expect (and request).  Moreover, ARCA
   improves the scalability and reliability of the managed system in
   case of disconnection from the orchestration layer due to some
   failure, network split, etc.  It is also achieved by the autonomic
   capabilities, which, as described above, are guided by the rules and
   policies specified by the administrators and, here, communicated to
   ARCA through the NFVO.  However, ARCA will not be limited to such
   operation so, more generally, it will accomplish the requirements
   established by the Virtual Network Operators (VNOs), which are the
   owners of the virtual resources that is managed by a particular
   instance of NFV-MANO, and therefore ARCA.

   In addition to the operational functions, ARCA incorporates the
   necessary mechanisms to engage the interfaces that enable it to
   interact with other elements of the NFV-MANO reference architecture.
   More specifically, ARCA is bound to the Or-Vi (see ETSI-NFV-IFA-005
   [ETSI-NFV-IFA-005]) and the Nf-Vi (see ETSI-NFV-IFA-004
   [ETSI-NFV-IFA-004] and ETSI-NFV-IFA-019 [ETSI-NFV-IFA-019]).  The
   former is the point of attachment between the NFVO and the VIM while
   the latter is the point of attachment between the NFVI and the VIM.
   In our current design we decided to avoid the support for the point
   of attachment between the VNFM and the VIM, called Vi-Vnfm (see

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   ETSI-NFV-IFA-006 [ETSI-NFV-IFA-006]).  We leave it for future
   evolutions of the proposed integration, that MUST be enabled by
   solutions that provide the functions of the VNFM needed by ARCA.

   Through the Or-Vi, ARCA receives the instructions it will enforce to
   the virtual computer and network system it is controlling.  As
   mentioned above, these are specified in the form of rules and
   policies, which are in turn formatted as several statements and
   embedded into the Or-Vi messages.  In general, these will be high-
   level objectives, so ARCA will use its reasoning capabilities to
   translate them into more specific, low-level objectives.  For
   instance, the Or-Vi can specify some high-level statement to avoid
   CPU overloading and ARCA will use its innate and acquired knowledge
   to translate it to specific statements that specify which parameters
   it has to measure (CPU load from assigned servers) and which are
   their desired boundaries, in the form of high threshold and low
   threshold.  Moreover, the Or-Vi will be used by the NFVO to specify
   which actions can be used by ARCA to overcome the violation of the
   mentioned policies.

   All information flowing the Or-Vi interface is encoded and formatted
   by following a simple but highly extensible ontology and exploiting
   the aforementioned semantic formats.  This ensures that the
   interconnected system is able to evolve, including the replacement of
   components, updating (addition or removal) the supported concepts to
   understand new scenarios, and connecting external tools to further
   enhance the management process.  The only capability that MUST be
   implemented to ensure this feature is the support for the mentioned
   ontology and semantic formats.  Although it is not a finished task,
   the development of semantic technologies allows the easy adaptation
   and translation of existing information formats, so it is expected
   that more and more software pieces become easily integrable with the
   ETSI-NFV-MANO [ETSI-NFV-MANO] architecture.

   In contrast to the Or-Vi interface, the Nf-Vi interface exposes more
   precise and low-level operations.  Although this makes it easier to
   be integrated to ARCA, it also makes it to be tied to specific
   implementations.  In other words, building a proxy that enforces the
   aforementioned ontology to different interface instances to
   homogenize them adds undesirable complexity.  Therefore, new
   components have been specifically developed for ARCA to be able to
   interact with different NFVIs.  Nevertheless, this specialization is
   limited to the collector and enforcer.  Moreover, it allows ARCA to
   have optimized low-level operations, with high improvement of the
   overall performance.  This is the case of the specific
   implementations of the collector and enforcer used with Mininet and
   Docker, which are used as underlying infrastructures in previous
   experiments described in ICIN 2017 [ICIN-2017].  Moreover, as

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   discussed in the following section, this is also the case of the
   implementations of the collector and enforcer tied to OpenStack
   telemetry and compute interfaces, respectively.  Hence it is
   important to ensure that telemetry is properly addressed, so a common
   framework MUST be adopted in such endpoint (see RFC 9232 [RFC9232]).

   Although OpenStack still lacks some functionality regarding the
   construction of specific virtual networks, we use it as the NFVI
   functional block in the integrated approach.  Therefore, OpenStack is
   the provider of the underlying SDN/NFV infrastructure and we
   exploited its APIs and SDK to achieve the integration.  More
   specifically, in our showcase we use the APIs provided by Ceilometer,
   Gnocchi, and Compute services as well as the SDK provided for Python.
   All of them are gathered within the Nf-Vi interface.  Moreover, we
   have extended the Or-Vi interface to connect external elements, such
   as the physical or environmental event detectors and Big Data
   connectors, which is becoming a mandatory requirement of the current
   virtualization ecosystem and it conforms our main extension to the
   NFV architecture.

8.2.  Target Experiment and Scenario

   From the beginning of our work on the design of ARCA we are targeting
   real-world scenarios, so we get better suited requirements.  In
   particular we work with a scenario that represents an emergency
   support service that is hosted on a virtual computer and network
   system, which is in turn hosted on the distributed virtualization
   infrastructure of a medium-sized organization.  The objective is to
   clearly represent an application that requires high dynamicity and
   high degree of reliability.  The emergency support service
   accomplishes this by being barely used when there is no incident but
   also being heavily loaded when there is an incident.

   Both the underlying infrastructure and virtual network share the same
   topology.  They have four independent but interconnected network
   domains that form part of the same administrative domain
   (organization).  The first domain hosts the systems of the
   headquarters (HQ) of the owner organization, so the VNFs it hosts
   (servants) implement the emergency support service.  We defined them
   as ``servants'' because they are Virtual Machine (VM) instances that
   work together to provide a single service by means of backing the
   Load Balancer (LB) instances deployed in the separate domains.  The
   amount of resources (servants) assigned to the service will be
   adjusted by ARCA, attaching or detaching servants to meet the load
   boundaries specified by administrators.

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   The other domains represent different buildings of the organization
   and will host the clients that access to the service when an incident
   occurs.  They also host the necessary LB instances, which are also
   VNFs that are controlled by ARCA to regulate the access of clients to
   servants.  All domains will have physical detectors to provide
   external information that can (and will) be correlated to the load of
   the controlled virtual computer and network system and thus will
   affect to the amount of servants assigned to it.  Although the
   underlying infrastructure, the servants, and the ARCA instance are
   the same as those those used in the real world, both clients and
   detectors will be emulated.  Anyway, this does not reduce the
   transferability of the results obtained from our experiments as it
   allows to expand the amount of clients beyond the limits of most
   physical infrastructures.

   Each underlying OpenStack domain will be able to host a maximum of
   100 clients, as they will be deployed on a low profile virtual
   machine (flavor in OpenStack).  In general, clients will be
   performing requests at a rate of one request every ten seconds, so
   there would be a maximum of 30 requests per second.  However, under
   the simulated incident, the clients will raise their load to reach a
   common maximum of 1200 requests per second.  This mimics the shape
   and size of a real medium-size organization of about 300 users that
   perform a maximum of four requests per second when they need some

   The topology of the underlying network is simplified by connecting
   the four domains to the same, high-performance switch.  However, the
   topology of the virtual network is built by using direct links
   between the HQ domain and the other three domains.  These are
   complemented by links between domains 2 and 3, and between domains 3
   and 4.  This way, the three domains have three paths to reach the HQ
   domain: a direct path with just one hop, and two indirect paths with
   two and three hops, respectively.

   During the execution of the experiment, the detectors notify the
   incident to the controller as soon as it happens.  However, although
   the clients are stimulated at the same time, there is some delay
   between the occurrence of the incident and the moment the network
   service receives the increase in the load.  One of the main targets
   of our experiment is to study such delay and take advantage of it to
   anticipate the amount of servants required by the system.  We discuss
   it below.

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   In summary, this scenario highlights the main benefits of ARCA to
   play the role of VIM and interacting with the underlying OpenStack
   platform.  This means the advancement towards an efficient use of
   resources and thus reducing the CAPEX of the system.  Moreover, as
   the operation of the system is autonomic, the involvement of human
   administrators is reduced and, therefore, the OPEX is also reduced.

8.3.  OpenStack Platform

   The implementation of the scenario described above reflects the
   requirements of any edge/branch networking infrastructure, which are
   composed of several distributed micro-data-centers deployed on the
   wiring centers of the buildings and/or storeys.  We chose to use
   OpenStack to meet such requirements because it is being widely used
   in production infrastructures and the resulting infrastructure will
   have the necessary robustness to accomplish our objectives, at the
   time it reflects the typical underlying platform found in any SDN/NFV

   We have deployed four separate network domains, each one with its own
   OpenStack instantiation.  All domains are totally capable of running
   regular OpenStack workload, i.e. executing VMs and networks, but, as
   mentioned above, we designate the domain 1 to be the headquarters of
   the organization.  The different underlying networks required by this
   (quite complex) deployment are provided by several VLANs within a
   high-end L2 switch.  This switch represents the distributed network
   of the organization.  Four separated VLANs are used to isolate the
   traffic within each domain, by connecting an interface of OpenStack's
   controller and compute nodes.  These VLANs therefore form the
   distributed data plane.  Moreover, other VLAN is used to carry the
   control plane as well as the management plane, which are used by the
   NFV-MANO, and thus ARCA.  It is instantiated in the physical machine
   called ARCA Node, to exchange control and management operations in
   relation to the collector and enforcer defined in ARCA.  This VLAN is
   shared among all OpenStack domains to implement the global control of
   the virtualization environment pertaining to the organization.
   Finally, other VLAN is used by the infrastructure to interconnect the
   data planes of the separated domains and also to allow all elements
   of the infrastructure to access the Internet to perform software
   installation and updates.

   Installation of OpenStack is provided by the Red Hat OpenStack
   Platform, which is tightly dependent on the Linux operating system
   and closely related to the software developed by the OpenStack Open
   Source project.  It provides a comprehensive way to install the whole
   platform while being easily customized to meet our specific
   requirements, while it is also backed by operational quality support.

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   The ARCA node is also based on Linux but, since it is not directly
   related to the OpenStack deployment, it is not based on the same
   distribution.  It is just configured to be able to access the control
   and management interfaces offered by OpenStack, and therefore it is
   connected to the VLAN that hosts the control and management planes.
   On this node we deploy the NFV-MANO components, including the micro-
   services that form an ARCA instance.

   In summary, we dedicate nine physical computers to the OpenStack
   deployment, all are Dell PowerEdge R610 with 2 x Xeon 5670 2.96 GHz
   (6 core / 12 thread) CPU, 48 GiB RAM, 6 x 146 GiB HD at 10 kRPM, and
   4 x 1 GE NIC.  Moreover, we dedicate an additional computer with the
   same specification to the ARCA Node.  We dedicate a less powerful
   computer to implement the physical router because it will not be
   involved in the general execution of OpenStack nor in the specific
   experiments carried out with it.  Finally, as detailed above, we
   dedicate a high-end physical switch, an HP ProCurve 1810G-24, to
   build the interconnection networks.

8.4.  Initial Results

   Using the platform described above we execute an initial but long-
   lasting experiment based on the target scenario introduced at the
   beginning of this section.  The objective of this experiment is
   twofold.  First, we aim to demonstrate how ARCA behaves in a real
   environment.  Second, we aim to stress the coupling points between
   ARCA and OpenStack, which will raise the limitations of the existing

   With such objectives in mind, we define a timeline that will be
   followed by both clients and external event detectors.  It forces the
   virtualized system to experience different situations, including
   incidents of many severities.  When an incident is found in the
   timeline, the detectors notify it to the ARCA-based VIM and the
   clients change their request rates, which will depend on the severity
   of the incident.  This behavior is widely discussed in ICIN 2018
   [ICIN-2018], remarking how users behave after occurring a disaster or
   another similar incident.

   The ARCA-based VIM will know the occurrence of the incident from two
   sources.  First, it will receive the notification from the event
   detectors.  Second, it will notice the change of the CPU load of the
   servants assigned to the target service.  In this situation, ARCA has
   different opportunities to overcome the possible overload (or
   underload) of the system.  We explore the anticipation approach
   deeply discussed in ICIN 2018 [ICIN-2018].  Its operation is enclosed
   in the analyzer and decider and it is based on an algorithm that is
   divided in two sub-algorithms.

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   The first sub-algorithm reacts to the detection of the incident and
   ulterior correlation of its severity to the amount of servants
   required by the system.  This sub-algorithm hosts the regression of
   the learner, which is based on the SVM/SVR technique, and predicts
   the necessary resources from two features: the severity of the
   incident and the time elapsed from the moment it happened.  The
   resulting amount of servants is established as the minimum amount
   that the VIM can use.

   The second sub-algorithm is fed with the CPU load measurements of the
   servants assigned to the service, as reported by the OpenStack
   platform.  With this information it checks whether the system is
   within the operating parameters established by the NFVO.  If not, it
   adjusts the resources assigned to the system.  It also uses the
   minimum amount established by the other sub-algorithm as the basis
   for the assignation.  After every correction, this algorithm learns
   the behavior by adding new correlation vectors to the SVM/SVR

   When the experiment is running, the collector component of the ARCA-
   based VIM is attached to the telemetry interface of OpenStack by
   using the SDK to access the measurement data generated by Ceilometer
   and stored by Gnocchi.  In addition, it is attached to the external
   event detectors in order to receive their notifications.  On the
   other hand, the enforcer component is attached to the Compute
   interface of OpenStack by also using its SDK to request the
   infrastructure to create, destroy, query, or change the status of a
   VM that hosts a servant of the controlled system.  Finally, the
   enforcer also updates the lists of servers used by the load balancers
   to distribute the clients among the available resources.

   During the execution of the experiment we make the ARCA-based VIM to
   report the severity of the last incident, if any, the time elapsed
   since it occurred, the amount of servants assigned to the controlled
   system, the minimum amount of servants to be assigned, as determined
   by the anticipation algorithm, and the average load of all servants.
   In this instance, the severities are spread between 0 (no incident)
   and 4 (strongest incident), the elapsed times are less than 35
   seconds, and the minimum server assignation (MSA) is below 10,
   although the hard maximum is 15.

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   With such measurements we illustrate how the learned correlation of
   the three features (dimensions) mentioned above is achieved.  Thus,
   when there is no incident (severity = 0), the MSA is kept to the
   minimum.  In parallel, regardless of the severity level, the
   algorithm learned that there is no need to increase the MSA for the
   first 5 or 10 seconds.  This shows the behavior discussed in this
   paper, that there is a delay between the occurrence of an event and
   the actual need for updated amount of resources, and it forms one
   fundamental aspect of our research.

   By inspecting the results, we know that there is a burst of client
   demands that is centered (peak) around 15 seconds after the
   occurrence of an incident or any other change in the accounted
   severity.  We also know that the burst lasts longer for higher
   severities, and it fluctuates a bit for the highest severities.
   Finally, we can also notice that for the majority of severities, the
   increased MSA is no longer required after 25 seconds from the time
   the severity change was notified.

   All that information becomes part of the knowledge of ARCA and it is
   stored both by the internal structures of the SVM/SVR and, once
   represented semantically, in the semantic database that manages the
   knowledge base of ARCA.  Thus, it is used to predict any future
   behavior.  For instance, is an incident of severity 3 has occurred 10
   seconds ago, ARCA knows that it will need to set the MSA to 6
   servants.  In fact, this information has been used during the
   experiment, so we can also know the accuracy of the algorithm by
   comparing the anticipated MSA value with the required value (or even
   the best value).  However, the analysis of such information is left
   for the future.

   While preparing and executing the experiment we found several
   limitation intrinsic to the current OpenStack platform.  First,
   regardless of the CPU and memory resources assigned to the underlying
   controller nodes, the platform is unable to record and deliver
   performance measurements at a lower interval than every 10 seconds,
   so it is currently not suitable for real time operations, which is
   important for our long-term research objectives.  Moreover, we found
   that the time required by the infrastructure to create a server that
   hosts a somewhat heavy servant is around 10 seconds, which is too far
   from our targets.  Although these limitations can be improved in the
   future, they clearly justify that our anticipation approach is
   essential for the proper working of a virtual system and, thus, the
   integration of external information becomes mandatory for future
   system management technologies, especially considering the
   virtualization environments.

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   Finally, we found it difficult for the required measurements to be
   pushed to external components, so we had to poll for them.
   Otherwise, some component of ARCA MUST be instantiated along the main
   OpenStack components and services so it has first-hand and prompt
   access to such features.  This way, ARCA could receive push
   notifications with the measurements, as it is for the external
   detectors.  This is a key aspect that affects the placement of the
   NFV-VIM, or some subpart of it, on the general architecture.
   Therefore, for future iterations of the NFV reference architecture,
   an integrated view between the VIM and the NFVI could be required to
   reflect the future reality.

9.  Relation to Other IETF/IRTF Initiatives


10.  IANA Considerations

   This memo includes no request to IANA.

11.  Security Considerations

   As with other AI mechanisms, the major security concern for the
   adoption of intelligent reasoning on external events to manage SDN/
   NFV systems is that the boundaries of the control and management
   planes are crossed to introduce information from outside.  Such
   communications MUST be highly and heavily secured since some
   malfunction or explicit attacks might compromise the integrity and
   execution of the controlled system.  However, it is up to
   implementers to deploy the necessary countermeasures to avoid such
   situations.  From the design point of view, since all operations are
   performed within the control and/or management planes, the security
   level of reasoning solutions is inherited and thus determined by the
   security measures established by the systems conforming such planes.

12.  Acknowledgements


13.  References

13.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

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   [RFC9232]  Song, H., Qin, F., Martinez-Julia, P., Ciavaglia, L., and
              A. Wang, "Network Telemetry Framework", RFC 9232,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9232, May 2022,

   [RFC9316]  Li, C., Havel, O., Olariu, A., Martinez-Julia, P., Nobre,
              J., and D. Lopez, "Intent Classification", RFC 9316,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9316, October 2022,

13.2.  Informative References

              ETSI NFV GS NFV-IFA 004, "Network Functions Virtualisation
              (NFV); Acceleration Technologies; Management Aspects
              Specification", 2016.

              ETSI NFV GS NFV-IFA 005, "Network Functions Virtualisation
              (NFV); Management and Orchestration; Or-Vi reference point
              - Interface and Information Model Specification", 2016.

              ETSI NFV GS NFV-IFA 006, "Network Functions Virtualisation
              (NFV); Management and Orchestration; Vi-Vnfm reference
              point - Interface and Information Model Specification",

              ETSI NFV GS NFV-IFA 019, "Network Functions Virtualisation
              (NFV); Acceleration Technologies; Management Aspects
              Specification; Release 3", 2017.

              ETSI NFV GS NFV-MAN 001, "Network Functions Virtualisation
              (NFV); Management and Orchestration", 2014.

              Bernardos, C. J., Mourad, A., and P. Martinez-Julia,
              "Autonomic setup of fog monitoring agents", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-bernardos-anima-fog-
              monitoring-07, 4 July 2023,

              Farrel, A., Drake, J., Rokui, R., Homma, S., Makhijani,
              K., Contreras, L. M., and J. Tantsura, "A Framework for

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              Network Slices in Networks Built from IETF Technologies",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-teas-ietf-
              network-slices-25, 14 September 2023,

              François, J., Clemm, A., Papadimitriou, D., Fernandes, S.,
              and S. Schneider, "Research Challenges in Coupling
              Artificial Intelligence and Network Management", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-irtf-nmrg-ai-challenges-
              01, 10 July 2023, <

              Zhou, C., Chen, D., Martinez-Julia, P., and Q. Ma, "Data
              Collection Requirements and Technologies for Digital Twin
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Internet-Draft             AI Framework for NM              October 2023

Authors' Addresses

   Pedro Martinez-Julia (editor)
   4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo
   Phone: +81 42 327 7293

   Shunsuke Homma

   Diego R. Lopez
   Telefonica I+D
   Don Ramon de la Cruz, 82
   28006 Madrid

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