Internet DRAFT - draft-peng-detnet-deadline-based-forwarding


Network                                                     Shaofu. Peng
Internet-Draft                                           ZTE Corporation
Intended status: Standards Track                            Zongpeng. Du
Expires: 2 September 2024                                   China Mobile
                                                         Kashinath. Basu
                                               Oxford Brookes University
                                                           Zuopin. Cheng
                                                    New H3C Technologies
                                                              Dong. Yang
                                             Beijing Jiaotong University
                                                              Chang. Liu
                                                            China Unicom
                                                            1 March 2024

                Deadline Based Deterministic Forwarding


   This document describes a deterministic forwarding mechanism to IP/
   MPLS network, as well as corresponding resource reservation,
   admission control, policing, etc, to provide guaranteed latency.
   Especially, latency compensation with core stateless is discussed to
   replace reshaping to be suitable for Diff-Serv architecture

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 2 September 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   2.  EDF Scheduling Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.1.  Planned Residence Time of the DetNet Flow . . . . . . . .   6
     2.2.  Delay Levels Provided by the Network  . . . . . . . . . .   7
     2.3.  Relationship Between Planned Residence Time and Delay
           Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     2.4.  Relationship Between Service Burst Interval and Delay
           Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   3.  Sorted Queue  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.1.  Scheduling Mode for PIFO  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.2.  Schedulability Condition for PIFO . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       3.2.1.  Conditions for Leaky Bucket Constraint Function . . .   9
       3.2.2.  Schedulability Condition Analysis for On-time Mode  .  10
     3.3.  Buffer Size Design  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   4.  Rotation Priority Queues  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.1.  Alternate Queue Allocation Rules  . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     4.2.  Scheduling Mode for RPQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     4.3.  Schedulability Condition for RPQ  . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       4.3.1.  Schedulability Condition for Alternate QAR  . . . . .  15
       4.3.2.  Conditions for Leaky Bucket Constraint Function . . .  15
       4.3.3.  Schedulability Condition Analysis for On-time Mode  .  16
     4.4.  Buffer Size Design  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   5.  Reshaping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   6.  Latency Compensation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     6.1.  Get Accumulated Residence Time Deviation  . . . . . . . .  18
     6.2.  Get Allowable Queueing Delay  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     6.3.  Scheduled by Allowable Queueing Delay . . . . . . . . . .  19
   7.  Option-1: Reshaping plus Sorted Queue . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   8.  Option-2: Reshaping plus RPQ  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   9.  Option-3: Latency Compensation plus Sorted Queue  . . . . . .  23
     9.1.  Packet Disorder Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   10. Option-4: Latency Compensation plus RPQ . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     10.1.  Packet Disorder Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
   11. Jitter Performance by On-time Scheduling  . . . . . . . . . .  30
   12. Resource Reseravtion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
     12.1.  Delay Resource Definition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34

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     12.2.  Traffic Engineering Path Calculation . . . . . . . . . .  36
   13. Admission Control on the Ingress  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
   14. Overprovision Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
   15. Compatibility Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
   16. Deployment Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  41
   17. Evaluations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
     17.1.  Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  44
   18. Taxonomy Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  47
   19. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  47
   20. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
   21. Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
   22. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
     22.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
     22.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50
   Appendix A.  Proof of Schedulability Condition for RPQ  . . . . .  51
   Appendix B.  Proof of Schedulability Condition for Alternate QAR of
           RPQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  55

1.  Introduction

   [RFC8655] describes the architecture of deterministic network and
   defines the QoS goals of deterministic forwarding: Minimum and
   maximum end-to-end latency from source to destination, timely
   delivery, and bounded jitter (packet delay variation); packet loss
   ratio under various assumptions as to the operational states of the
   nodes and links; an upper bound on out-of-order packet delivery.  In
   order to achieve these goals, deterministic networks use resource
   reservation, explicit routing, service protection and other means.
   Resource reservation provides dedicated resources (such as bandwidth,
   buffer space, time slots, etc.) to DetNet flows.  Explicit routing
   ensures the stability of the route and does not change with the real-
   time change of network topology.  Service protection reduces the
   packet loss by sending multiple DetNet flows along multiple disjoint
   paths at the same time.

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   [P802.1DC] described some Quality of Service (QoS) features specified
   in IEEE Std 802.1Q, such as per-stream filtering and policing,
   queuing, transmission selection, stream control and preemption, in a
   network system which is not a bridge.  The internal structure of IP/
   MPLS routers may also be based on these components to describe the
   scheduling process of packets.  In the presence of admission control,
   policing, reshaping, a large number of packet scheduling techniques
   can provide bounded latency.  However, many solutions may result in
   an inefficient use of network resources, or provide an overestimated
   latency.  Currently the underlying scheduling mechanisms in IP/MPLS
   networks generally use SP (Strict Priority) and WFQ (Weighted Fair
   Queuing), and manage a small number of priority based queues.  They
   are rate based schedulers.

   For SP, the highest priority queue can consume the total port
   bandwidth, while for WFQ scheduler, each queue may be configured with
   a pre-set rate limit.  Both of them can provide the worst-case
   latency, but evaluation is generally overestimated.  In the case
   where the network core supports reshaping per flow (or optimized
   reshaping as provided by [IR-Theory]), the worst-case latency of a
   flow is approximately equal to the aggregated burst of its traffic
   class divided by the rate limit of that traffic class (note that a
   rate-based scheduler may refer to [Net-Calculus] to obtain its rate-
   latency service curve and get a more tighter evaluation).  When the
   network core does not implement reshaping, multiple flows sharing the
   same priority may form burst cascade, making it more difficult or
   even impossible to evaluate the worst-case latency of a single flow.
   [EF-FIFO] discusses the SP scheduling behavior in this core-stateless
   situation, which requires the overall network utilization level to be
   limited to a small portion of its link capacity in order to provide
   an appropriate bounded latency.

   To address the overestimation issue of rate based scheduling (i.e.,
   if want a low latency, may be forced to allocate a large service
   rate.), according to [EDF-algorithm], an EDF (earliest-deadline-
   first) scheduler, which always selects the packet with the shortest
   deadline for transmission, is an optimal scheduler for a bounded
   delay service in the sense that it can support the delay bounds for
   any set of connections that can be supported by some other scheduling
   method.  EDF is a delay-based scheduler, which further distinguishes
   traffic in terms of time urgency, rather than rough traffic classes.

   This document introduces EDF scheduling mechanism to IP/MPLS network,
   as well as corresponding resource reservation, admission control,
   policing, etc, to provide guaranteed latency, as a supplement to IEEE
   802.1 TSN mechanisms (please refer to
   [I-D.hp-detnet-tsn-queuing-mechanisms-evaluation] for their
   challenges meeting large scaling requirements).  Especially, a

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   latency compensation based option is recommonded to replace reshaping
   to be suitable for Diff-Serv architecture [RFC2475].  This document
   also discusses two scheduling behaviors: in-time scheduling and on-
   time scheduling.  The former only provide bounded delay, while the
   latter further provide bounded jitter.

1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

2.  EDF Scheduling Overview

   The EDF scheduler assigns a deadline for each incoming packet, which
   is equal to the time the packet arrives at the node plus the latency
   limit, i.e., planned residence time (D), see Section 2.1.  The EDF
   scheduling algorithm always selects the packet with the earliest
   deadline for transmission.

   The precondition for EDF to work properly is that the traffic of any
   DetNet flow must always satisfy the given traffic constraint function
   when it reaches a certain EDF scheduler.  Therefore, it should
   generally implement traffic regulation at the network entrance to
   ensure that the admitted traffic complies with the constraints; And,
   implement reshaping on each intermediate node to temporarily cache
   packets to ensure that packets entering the EDF scheduler queue
   comply with the constraints.  However, reshaping per flow is a
   challenge in large-scaling networks.  Some core stateless
   optimization method need to be considered.

   Another challenge of EDF scheduling is that queued packets must be
   sorted and stored according to their deadline, and whenever a new
   packet arrives at the scheduler, it needs to perform search and
   insert operations on the corresponding data structure, e.g, a List, a
   PIFO (put-in first-out) queue, or other type of sorted queue, at line
   rate.  [RPQ] described rotating-priority-queues that approximate EDF
   scheduling behavior, and do not require deadline based sorting of
   queued packets, simplifying enqueueing operations.

   According to the above two challenges and the potential optimization
   methods, we will obtain four combination solutions.  Operators should
   choose appropriate solutions based on the actual network situation.
   This document suggests using option-3 or option-4, which are referred
   to as CEDF (latency Compensation EDF).  CEDF adjusts and sorts the
   arrival flows through the latency compensation factor carried in the

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   packets, ensuring that the flows arrived at the EDF scheduler always
   conform to their constraints, avoiding the network core from
   maintaining the flow states to meet large scaling requirements.

   *  option-1: Reshaping plus sorted queue.

   *  option-2: Reshaping plus RPQ.

   *  option-3: Latency Compensation plus sorted queue.

   *  option-4: Latency Compensation plus RPQ.

2.1.  Planned Residence Time of the DetNet Flow

   The planned residence time (termed as D) of the packet is an offset
   time, which is based on the arrival time of the packet and represents
   the maximum time allowed for the packet to stay inside the node.

   For a deterministic path based on deadline scheduling, the path has
   deterministic end-to-end delay requirements.  The delay includes two
   parts, one is the accumulated residence delay and the other is the
   accumulated link propagation delay.  The end-to-end delay is
   subtracted from the accumulated link propagation delay to obtain the
   accumulated residence delay.  A simple method is that the accumulated
   residence delay is shared equally by each node along the path to
   obtain the planning residence time of each node.  Note that the link
   propagation delay in reality may be not always fixed, e.g, due to the
   affection of temperature, we assume that the tool for detecting the
   link propagation delay can sense the changes beyond the preset
   threshold and trigger the recalculation of the deterministic path.

   There are many ways to indicate the planned residence time of the

   *  Carried in the packet.  The ingress PE node, when encapsulating
      DetNet flows, can explicitly insert the planned residence time
      into the packet according to SLA.  The transit node, after
      receiving the packet, can directly obtain the planned residence
      time from the packet.  Generally, only a single planned residence
      time needs to be carried in the packet, which is applicable to all
      nodes along the path; Or insert a stack composed of multiple
      planned residence time, one for each node.
      [I-D.peng-6man-deadline-option] defined a method to carry the
      shared planned residence time in the IPv6 packets.
      [I-D.pb-6man-deterministic-crh] defined a method to carry the
      stack of planned residence time in the IPv6 packets.

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   *  Included in the matched local FIB entry or policy entry.  An
      implementation should support the policy to forcibly override the
      planned residence time obtained from the packet.

2.2.  Delay Levels Provided by the Network

   The network may provide multiple delay levels on the outgoing port,
   each with its own delay resource pool.  For example, some typical
   delay levels may be 10us, 20us, 30us, etc.

   In theory, any additional delay level can be added dynamically, as
   long as the buffer and remaining bandwidth on the data plane allow.

   The quantification of delay resource pool for each delay level is
   actually based on the schedulability conditions of EDF.  This
   document introduces two types of resources per delay level:

   *  Burst: represents the amount of bits bound that a delay level

   *  Bandwidth: represents the amount of bandwidth bound that a delay
      level provided.

   For more information on the construction of resource pools, please
   refer to Section 3.2 and Section 4.3.

2.3.  Relationship Between Planned Residence Time and Delay Level

   The planned residence time (D) is the per-hop latency requirement of
   individual flow, while the delay level (d) is the capability provided
   by the link.

   Generally, we only need to design a limited number of delay levels to
   support a larger number of per-hop latency requirement.  For example,
   there are delay levels such as d_1, d_2, ..., and d_n, In the
   resource management of the control plane, we assign d_i resources to
   all D that meet d_i <= D < d_i+1.

2.4.  Relationship Between Service Burst Interval and Delay Level

   Although we generally prefer to have the service burst interval (SBI)
   greater than the maximum delay level, there is actually no necessary
   association between SBI and delay level.

   Firstly, can a flow with small SBI (such as 10us) request a larger
   delay level (such as 100us)?  Yes. It seems that during a longer
   residence time caused by delay level, there will be multiple rounds
   of burst interval packets leading to bursts accumulation.  However,

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   these packets can be distinguished and sent in sequence.  In fact, we
   can multiply the original SBI by several times to obtain the expanded
   SBI (which includes multiple original bursts), with a length greater
   than the requested delay level, to get the preferred paradigm.

   Secondly, can a flow with large SBI (such as 1ms) request a smaller
   delay level (such as 10us)?  This is certainly yes.

3.  Sorted Queue

   [PIFO] defined the push-in first-out queue (PIFO), which is a
   priority queue that maintains the scheduling order or time.  A PIFO
   allows elements to be pushed into an arbitrary position based on an
   element's rank (the scheduling order or time), but always dequeues
   elements from the head.

3.1.  Scheduling Mode for PIFO

   A PIFO queue may be configured as either in-time or on-time
   scheduling mode, but cannot support both modes simultaneously.

   In the in-time scheduling mode, as long as the queue is not empty,
   packets always departured from the head of queue (HoQ) for
   transmission.  The actual bandwidth consumed by the scheduler may
   exceed its preset service rate C.

   In the on-time scheduling mode, if the queue is not empty and the
   rank of the HoQ packet is equal to or earlier than the current system
   time, the HoQ packet will be sent.  Otherwise, not.

3.2.  Schedulability Condition for PIFO

   [RPQ] has given the schedulability condition for classic EDF that
   based on any type of sorted queue with in-time scheduling mode.

   Suppose for any delay level d_i, the corresponding accumulated
   constraint function is A_i(t).  Let d_i < d_(i+1), then the
   schedulability condition is:

      sum{A_i(t-d_i) for all i} <= C*t (Equation-1)

   where, C is service rate of the EDF scheduler.

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   It should be noted that for a delay level d_i, its residence time is
   actually contributed by its own flows and all other more urgent delay
   levels.  Based on the schedulability conditions, we can choose the
   traffic arrival constraint function according to the preset delay
   level, or we can choose the delay level according to the preset
   traffic arrival constraint function.

   The test of schedulability conditions needs to be based on the whole
   network view.  When we need to add new traffic to the network, we
   need to consider which links the related path will pass through, and
   then check in turn whether these links will still meet the
   schedulability conditions after adding new traffic.

   Here, A_i(t) defines the upper limit of eligible arrivals of delay
   level d_i, and should not be treated as the actual arrivals (we mark
   it as a_i(t) for distinction).  As described in this document, a_i(t)
   may contain ineligible arrivals that need firstly to be converted (or
   sorted) into eligible arrivals, e.g, by method of regulation
   (Section 5) or latency compensation (Section 6), and then processed
   by the EDF scheduler.

3.2.1.  Conditions for Leaky Bucket Constraint Function

   Assume that we want to support n delay levels (d_1, d_2,..., d_n) in
   the network, and the traffic arrival constraint function of each
   delay level d_i is the leaky bucket arrival curve A_i(t) = b_i + r_i
   * t.  Equation-1 can be expressed as:

      b_1 <= C*d_1 - M

      b_1 + b_2 + r_1*(d_2-d_1) <= C*d_2 - M

      b_1 + b_2 + b_3 + r_1*(d_3-d_1) + r_2*(d_3-d_2) <= C*d_3 - M

      ... ...

      sum(b_1+...+b_n) + r_1*(d_n-d_1) + r_2*(d_n-d_2) + ... +
      r_n_1*(d_n-d_n_1) <= C*d_n - M

   where, C is the service rate of the deadline scheduler, M is the
   maximum size of the interference packet.

   Note that the preset value of b_i does not depend on r_i, but r_i
   generally refers to b_i (and burst interval) for setting.  For
   example, the preset value of r_i may be small, while the value of b_i
   may be large.  Such parameter design is more suitable for
   transmitting traffic with large service burst interval, large service
   burst size, but small bandwidth requirements.

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   An extreme example is that the preset r_i of each level d_i is close
   to 0 (this is because the burst interval of the served flow is too
   large, e.g, one hour or one day), but the preset b_i is close to the
   maximum value (e.g, b_1 = C*d_1 - M, note that this also requires
   that the depth of the leaky bucket used to regulate the traffic is
   large enough), then when the concurrent flow of all delay levels is
   scheduled, the time 0~d_1 is all used to send the burst b_1, the time
   d_1~d_2 is all used to send the burst b_2, the time d_2~d_3 is all
   used to send the burst b_3, and so on.

   However, the usual allocation scheme is that the preset r_i of each
   level d_i will divide C roughly equally.  For example, we may firstly
   pre-allocate b_1 = C*d_1 - M, r_1 = C/n; Then recursively pre-
   allocate b_2 = C*(d_2-d_1)*(n-1)/n, r_2 = C/n; And so on.  The pre-
   allocated parameters b_i and r_i of each level d_i constitute the
   delay resources of that level of the link.  A path can reserve
   required burst and bandwidth from delay resources of the specific
   delay level d_i, and the reservation is successful only if the two
   resources are successfully reserved at the same time.  As long as
   neither b_i nor r_i is free, the delay resource of level d_i is

   Alternatively, a more tight allocation scheme is to not preset the
   parameters of A_i(t), but to dynamically accumulate the parameters of
   A_i(t) based on the actual flows steup demand, and always check
   whether the schedulability condition is meeted based on the updated
   A_i(t) during the flow steup procedure.  In this case, it is still
   necessary to set a resource limit for each delay level to prevent the
   flows of a certain delay level from consuming all resources.  For
   example, we may set the resource limit of each delay level d_i to
   b_i_limit = C*(d_i - d_(i-1)) - M, r_i_limit = C/n.  In this case,
   the dynamically updated b_i and r_i should be treated as utilized
   resources, and participate in schedulability condition checks.

3.2.2.  Schedulability Condition Analysis for On-time Mode

   Compared with in-time mode, on-time mode is non-work-conserving,
   which can be considered as the combination of damper and EDF
   scheduler.  On-time scheduling mode applied on a flow try to maintain
   the time interval between any adjacent packets of that flow to be
   consistent with the regulated interval on the flow entrance node.
   The maintenance of time intervals does not lead to an increase in the
   bandwidth occupied by that flow and cause the arrival curve to
   violate the traffic constraint function.  So that the schedulability
   condition (i.e., Equation-1) can also be applied to on-time
   scheduling mode.  See Section 11 for more information about jitter

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3.3.  Buffer Size Design

   The service rate of the deadline scheduler, termed as C, can reach
   the link rate, but generally only needs to be configured as part of
   the link bandwidth, such as 50%. Allow hierarchical scheduling, for
   example, the deadline scheduler may participate in higher-level SP
   scheduling along with other schedulers.

   If flows are rate-controlled (i.e., reshaping is done inside the
   network, or on-time mode is applied), the maximum depth of PIFO
   should be the total amount of burst resource of all delay levels.
   Otherwise, more buffer is necessary to store the accumulated bursts,
   that is, the PIFO zone where the distance from HoQ exceeds the
   largest delay level is just used to store accumulated bursts.  Please
   refer to Section 16 for more considerations.

4.  Rotation Priority Queues

   [RPQ] described rotating priority queues, and the priority
   granularity of the queue is the same as that of the flows.  If the
   deadline of the flow is used as priority, it requires a lot of
   priority and corresponding queues, with scalability issues.
   Therefore, this section provides rotating priority queues with count-
   down time range whose rotation interval is more refined, with the
   following characteristics:

   *  Each queue has CT (Count-down Time) that is decreased by RTI
      (Rotation Time Interval).  The CT difference between two adjacent
      queues is CTI (CT Interval).  RTI must be less than or equal to
      CTI, with CTI = K * RTI, where the natural number K >= 1.

   *  The smaller the CT, the higher the priority.  At the beginning,
      all queues have different initial CT values, i.e., staggered from
      each other, e.g, one queue has the minimum CT value (termed as
      MIN_CT), and one queue has the maximum CT value (termed as
      MAX_CT), and the CT values of all queues increase equally by
      CTI.It should be noted that CT is just the countdown of the HoQ,
      and the countdown of the end of the queue (EoQ) is near CT+CTI.
      So the CT attribute of a queue is actually a range [CT, CT+CTI).

   *  For a queue whose CT is MIN_CT, after a new round of CTI, its CT
      will become MIN_CT - CTI and immediately return to MAX_CT.

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   The above CTI, RTI, MIN_CT and MAX_CT value should be choosed
   according to the hardware capacity.  Each link can independently use
   different CTI.  The general principle is that the larger bandwidth,
   the smaller CTI.  The CTI must be designed large enough to include
   interference delay caused by a single low priority packet with
   maximum size.

   The choose of RTI should consider the latency granularity of various
   DetNet flows, so that CT updated per RTI can match the delay
   requirements of different flows.  For example, if the delay
   difference of different DetNet flows is several microseconds, RTI can
   be choosed as 1 us.  If the delay difference of different DetNet
   flows is several 10 microseconds, RTI can be choosed as 10 us.

   According to different scheduling mode configured to the RPQ, MIN_CT
   may be designed to different values.  For in-time mode, MIN_CT may be
   0.  For on-time mode with option E|D decoupling (see Section 11),
   MIN_CT may also be 0, assuming that the packet allows departure from
   pre-scheduler, the time it takes to send to post-scheduler can be
   ignored.  For on-time mode with option E+D integration, MIN_CT may be
   -N*CTI, where N is the amount of delay levels, considering the
   transmission time to the output link cannot be ignored.

   A specific example of RPQ configured with in-time scheduling mode is
   depicted in Figure 1.

   +------------------------------+   +------------------------------+
   | RPQ Group:                   |   | RPQ Group:                   |
   |    queue-1(CT=50us)   ###### |   |    queue-1(CT=49us)   ###### |
   |    queue-2(CT=40us)   ###### |   |    queue-2(CT=39us)   ###### |
   |    queue-3(CT=30us)   ###### |   |    queue-3(CT=29us)   ###### |
   |    queue-4(CT=20us)   ###### |   |    queue-4(CT=19us)   ###### |
   |    queue-5(CT=10us)   ###### |   |    queue-5(CT= 9us)   ###### |
   |    queue-6(CT=0us)    ###### |   |    queue-6(CT=-1us)   ###### |
   +------------------------------+   +------------------------------+

   +------------------------------+   +------------------------------+
   | Other Queue Group:           |   | Other Queue Group:           |
   |    queue-7  ############     |   |    queue-7  ############     |
   |    queue-8  ############     |   |    queue-8  ############     |
   |    queue-9  ############     |   |    queue-9  ############     |
   |    ... ...                   |   |    ... ...                   |
   +------------------------------+   +------------------------------+

    T0                                 T0+1us                       time

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                      Figure 1: Example of RPQ Groups

   In this example, the CTI for RPQ group is configured to 10us.
   Queue-1 ~ queue-6 are members of RPQ group.  Each queue has its
   initial CT attribute, and the CT of all queues are staggered from
   each other.  For example, the CT of queue-1 is 50us (MAX_CT), the CT
   of queue-2 is 40uS, ..., the CT of queue-6 is 0 (MIN_CT).

   Suppose the scheduling engine initiates a rotation timer with a time
   interval of 1us, i.e., CTI = 10 * RTI in this case.  As shown in the
   figure, at T0 + 1us, the CT of queue-1 becomes 49us, the CT of
   queue-2 becomes 39us, etc.

   At T0 + 10us, the CT of queue-6 will return to 50us (MAX_CT).

   Note that the minimum D requested by a DetNet flow should not be
   smaller than d_1+F, where d_1 is the most urgent delay level, F is
   the intra node forwarding delay.  Therefore any packets with in-time
   scheduling should have Q (i.e., D + E - F) that is not be smaller
   than d_1, and should never be inserted to a queue when its CT is

4.1.  Alternate Queue Allocation Rules

   There may be extreme scenarios that multiple delay levels of eligible
   bursts arrive sequentially, with lower priority burst arriving first
   and higher priority burst arriving later, and then simultaneously
   releasing flood.  In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the
   higher priority burst is sent first to meet its deadline.

   Therefore it may further let a RPQ queue (act as the virutal parent
   queue) contain multiple sub-queues, each for a delay level.  The
   physical sub-queue with small delay level (e.g, 10us) is ranked
   before the physical sub-queue with large delay level (e.g, 20us).
   Packets are actually stored in the physical sub-queues.  That is,
   packets with different D are inserted into different sub-queues and
   protected.  In this way, for two packets with the same Q but
   different D, we can decide to firstly schedule the packet with the
   smallest D.

   This alternate queue allocation rule enables eligible arrivals always
   have a place to store, avoiding conflicts in local positions of the
   RPQ queue group and causing overflow.

4.2.  Scheduling Mode for RPQ

   A RPQ group may be configured as either in-time or on-time scheduling
   mode, but cannot support both modes simultaneously.

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   In the in-time scheduling mode, in all non empty queues, the packets
   in each queue are sequentially sent in the order of high priority
   queue to low priority queue.  The actual bandwidth consumed by the
   scheduler may exceed its set service rate C.

   In the on-time scheduling mode, only in all non empty queues with CT
   <= 0, the packets in each queue are sequentially sent in the order of
   high priority queue to low priority queue.

   For a virtual parent queue that is allowed to be sent, for the
   multiple non empty physical sub-queues it contains, packets are
   sequentially sent from the non empty physical sub-queues along the
   direction from the physical sub-queues with small delay levels to the
   physical sub-queues with large delay levels.  Only when a physical
   sub-queue is cleared can the next non empty physical sub-queue be

4.3.  Schedulability Condition for RPQ

   In this section, we discuss the schedulability condition based on RPQ
   with in-time scheduling mode firstly.

   Suppose for any delay level d_i, the corresponding accumulated
   constraint function is A_i(t), and let d_i < d_(i+1).  Suppose for
   any planned residence time D_i, the the corresponding constraint
   function is A'_i(t).  For simplicity, we take intra node forwarding
   delay F as 0.  Then the schedulability condition is:

   *  A_1(t-d_1) + sum{A_i(t+CTI-d_i) for all i>=2} <= C*t, if a d_i
      contains only one D_i.  (Equation-2)

   *  sum{A_i(t+CTI-d_i) for all i>=1} <= C*t, if d_i contains multiple
      D_i.  (Equation-3)

   where CTI is the CT interval between adjacency queue, C is service
   rate of the deadline scheduler.

   The proof is similar with that in [RPQ], except that the rotation
   step is fine-grained by RTI and the priority of each queue is CT
   range.  Please refer to Appendix A for the proof.

   Note that the key difference between the above two conditions (i.e.,
   Equation-2, Equation-3) and one based on sorted queue (i.e.,
   Equation-1) is the CTI factor.

   Other common considerations are the same as Section 3.2.

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4.3.1.  Schedulability Condition for Alternate QAR

   According to Section 4.1, a RPQ queue may further contain multiple
   sub-queues, each for a delay level.  Under the same parent queue, all
   sub-queues are sorted in descending order of delay level.  In this
   case, the precise workload should exclude packets with higher delay
   levels than the observed packet.

   In the case that d_i contains only one D_i, the schedulability
   condition is Equation-1.

   In the case that d_i contains multiple D_i, the schedulability
   condition is still Equation-3.

   Please refer to Appendix B for the proof.

4.3.2.  Conditions for Leaky Bucket Constraint Function

   Assume that we want to support delay levels (d_1, d_2,..., d_n) in
   the network, and the traffic arrival constraint function of each
   delay level d_i is the leaky bucket arrival curve A_i(t) = b_i + r_i
   * t.  Equation-2 can be expressed as:

      b_1 <= C*d_1 - M

      b_1 + b_2 + (r_1+r_2)*CTI <= C*d_2 - M

      b_1 + b_2 + b_3 + (r_1+r_2)*2*CTI + r_3*CTI <= C*d_3 - M

      ... ...

      sum(b_1+...+b_n) + (r_1+r_2)*(n-1)*CTI + r_3*(n-2)*CTI + ... +
      r_n*CTI <= C*d_n - M

   where, C is the service rate of the deadline scheduler, M is the
   maximum size of the interference packet.

   Equation-3 can be expressed as:

      b_1 + r_1*CTI <= C*d_1 - M

      b_1 + b_2 + r_1*2*CTI + r_2*CTI <= C*d_2 - M

      b_1 + b_2 + b_3 + r_1*3*CTI + r_2*2*CTI + r_3*CTI <= C*d_3 - M

      ... ...

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      sum(b_1+...+b_n) + r_1*n*CTI + r_2*(n-1)*CTI + ... + r_n*CTI <=
      C*d_n - M

4.3.3.  Schedulability Condition Analysis for On-time Mode

   Compared with in-time mode, on-time mode is non-work-conserving,
   which can be considered as the combination of damper and EDF
   scheduler.  On-time scheduling mode applied on a flow try to maintain
   the time interval between any adjacent packets of that flow to be
   consistent with the regulated interval on the flow entrance node.
   The maintenance of time intervals does not lead to an increase in the
   bandwidth occupied by that flow and cause the arrival curve to
   violate the traffic constraint function.  So that the schedulability
   condition (i.e., Equation-2/3) can also be applied to on-time
   scheduling mode.  See Section 11 for more information about jitter

4.4.  Buffer Size Design

   The buffer size of each physical RPQ queue may be desgined to CTI * C
   - M, where M is the maximum size of the packet with low priority.  An
   implementation may let all physical queues share the common buffer
   with the total buffer cost as the sum of burst resources of all delay

   Especially if alternet QAR (Section 4.1) is applied, the actual
   buffer cost of a virtual parent queue is contributed by all the
   physical sub-queues it contains.  The actual buffer cost of each
   physical sub queue is dynamically allocated based on whether there is
   a packet inserted.  According to Section 4.3, the maximum buffer cost
   of a physical sub-queue may reach the upper limit of burst resources
   for the corresponding delay level (such as C * CTI - M).  However,
   all physical sub-queues with the same delay level under all virtual
   parent queues cannot simultaneously reach the maximum buffer cost,
   but their sum may reach the maximum buffer cost.

   If flows are rate-controlled (i.e., reshaping is done inside the
   network, or on-time scheduling mode is applied), the MAX_CT may be
   designed as the maximum delay level, and total necessary buffer
   shared by all queues should be the total amount of burst resource of
   all delay levels.  Otherwise, MAX_CT should be larger than the
   maximum delay level, and with more necessary buffer, to store the
   accumulated bursts, that is, all the queues with CT larger than the
   maximum delay level are just used to store accumulated bursts.
   Please refer to Section 16 for more considerations.

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5.  Reshaping

   Reshaping per flow inside the network, as described in [RFC2212], is
   done at all heterogeneous source branch points and at all source
   merge points, to restore (possibly distorted) traffic's shape to
   conform to the TSpec.  Reshaping entails delaying packets until they
   are within conformance of the TSpec.

   A network element MUST provide the necessary buffers to ensure that
   conforming traffic is not lost at the reshaper.  Note that while the
   large buffer makes it appear that reshapers add considerable delay,
   this is not the case.  Given a valid TSpec that accurately describes
   the traffic, reshaping will cause little extra actual delay at the
   reshaping point (and will not affect the delay bound at all).

   Maintaining a dedicated shaping queue per flow can avoid burstiness
   cascading between different flows with the same traffic class, but
   this approach goes against the design goal of packet multiplexing
   networks.  [IR-Theory] describes a more concise approach by
   maintaining a small number of interleaved regulators (per traffic
   class and incoming port), but still maintaining the state of each
   flow.  With this regulator, packets of multiple flows are processed
   in one FIFO queue and only the packet at the head of the queue is
   examined against the regulation constraints of its flow.  However, as
   the number of flows increases, the IR operation may become burdensome
   as much as the per-flow reshaping.

   For any observed EDF scheduler in the network, when the traffic
   arriving from all incoming ports is always reshaped, then these flows
   comply with their arrival constraint functions, which is crucial for
   the schedulability conditions of EDF scheduling.  Based on this, it
   can quantify the delay resource pool which is open and reserved for
   DetNet flows.

6.  Latency Compensation

   [RFC9320] presents a latency model for DetNet nodes.  There are six
   type of delays that a packet can experience from hop to hop.  The
   processing delay (type-4), the regulator delay (type-5) , the
   queueing subsystem delay (type-6), and the output delay (type-1)
   together contribute to the residence time in the node.

   In this document, the residence time in the node is simplified into
   two parts: the first part is to lookup the forwarding table when the
   packet is received from the incoming port (or generated by the
   control plane) and deliver the packet to the line card where the
   outgoing port is located; the second part is to store the packet in
   the queue of the outgoing port for transmission.  These two parts

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   contribute to the actual residence time of the packet in the node.
   The former can be called forwarding delay (termed as F) and the
   latter can be called queueing delay (termed as Q).  The forwarding
   delay is related to the chip implementation and is generally constant
   (with a maximum value); The queueing delay is unstable.

6.1.  Get Accumulated Residence Time Deviation

   The accumulated residence time deviation, also termed as latency
   deviation (E), equals accumulated planned residence time minus
   accumulated actual residence time.  This value can be zero, positive,
   or negative.

   The accumulated planned residence time of the packet refers to the
   sum of the planned residence time of all upstream nodes before the
   packet is transmitted to the current node.  The accumulated actual
   residence time of the packet, refers to the sum of the actual
   residence time of all upstream nodes before the packet is transmitted
   to the current node.

   In the case of in-time scheduling, E may be a very large positive
   value.  While in the case of on-time scheduling, E may be 0, or a
   small value close to 0.

   The setting of "accumulated residence time deviation" in the packet
   needs to be friendly to the chip for reading and writing.  For
   example, it should be designed as a fixed position in the packet.
   The chip may support flexible configuration for that position.

   [I-D.peng-6man-delay-options] and [I-D.pb-6man-deterministic-crh]
   respectively define the methods for carrying accumulated residence
   time deviation in the IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Options Header and Routing

6.2.  Get Allowable Queueing Delay

   When a node receives a packet from the upstream node, it can first
   get the latency deviation (E), and add it to the planned residence
   time (D) of the packet at this node to obtain the adjustment
   residence value, and then deduct the forwarding delay (F) of the
   packet in the node, to obtain the allowable queueing delay (Q) for
   that packet.

   *  Q = D + E - F

   In detailed, assume that the current node in a deterministic path is
   h, all upstream nodes are from 1 to h-1.  For any node i, denote the
   planned residence time as D[i], the actual residence time as R[i],

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   the input latency deviation (contributed by all upstream nodes) as
   E[i], the forwarding delay intra-node as F[i], then the allowable
   queueing delay (Q) of the packet on node h is:

      Q[h] = D[h] + E[h] - F[h]

      E[h] = D[h-1] + E[h-1] - R[h-1]

      D[0], E[0], R[0] = 0

6.3.  Scheduled by Allowable Queueing Delay

   The packet will be sheduled based on its Q, that is, the packet is
   scheduled based on latency compensation contributed by E, instead of
   only D.  The earliest literature similar to the idea of latency
   compensation based on E can be found in [Jitter-EDF].

   The core stateless latency compensation can achieve the effect of
   reshaping per flow to get the eligible arrivals pattern.  Q can be
   used to sort ineligible arrvials of one delay level and prevent them
   from interferring with the scheduling of eligible arrvials of other
   delay levels.

   Firstly, at the flow (e.g, flow i) entrance node, all packets (after
   regulation) of flow i will be released to the EDF scheduler one after
   another at different time (termed as ideal arrival time), but with
   the same allowable queueing delay (Q), with initial E = 0, i.e., Q =
   D, assuming no link propagation delay and intra-node forwarding delay
   for simplicity.  We denote this arrival pattern faced by the
   shceduler on the flow entrance node as arrival_pattern_0, which
   contains a sequence of packets with varaint of intervals between
   adjacent packets.  We say that arrival_pattern_0 is eligible arrivals
   because its arrival curve is less than the constraint function
   A_i(t).  For any packet p in arrival_pattern_0, assuming its ideal
   arrival time is t_p_0.

   Then, we can get arrival_pattern_1 = arrival_pattern_0 + D that is
   also eligible arrivals, where, arrival_pattern_0 + D means that the
   ideal arrival time (at the scheduler of flow entrance node) of each
   packet in arrival_pattern_0 is added with D.  In fact,
   arrival_pattern_1 is the eligible arrivals on the second node.  That
   is, the second node may recovery the eligible arrivals
   arrival_pattern_1 from the actual arrivals with the help of latency
   compensation, and then to schedule based on arrival_pattern_1.  How
   did arrival_pattern_1 recover?  For any packet p, assuming it
   experiences an actual queuing delay q on the flow enrance node, and
   will actually arrive at the second node at time t_p_0 + q, with E = D
   - q carried in the sending packet.  The second node will recovery the

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   eligible arrival time of packet p by, eligible arrival time = actual
   arrival time + E = t_p_0 + q + D - q = t_p_0 + D.  Therefore
   arrival_pattern_1 is recovered.

   Similarly, the third node may recover arrival_pattern_2 =
   arrival_pattern_0 + 2*D, and the fourth node may recover
   arrival_pattern_3 = arrival_pattern_0 + 3*D, and so on.  On any node
   h, packet p will be sorted in the scheduler queue based on its
   eligible arrival time plus D, i.e., ideal departure time, for

   Because the scheduler always schedules based on eligible arrivals,
   its scheduling power will not be overwhelmed by actual arrivals that
   may include burst accumulation.

   We may think the packets sorted in the queue with ideal departure
   time as a virtual regulation, because the rank distance between the
   adjacent packets of the flow i is exactly maintained consistently
   with the corresponding regulated interval between these two adjacent
   packets on the flow entrance node.  There is no need to require that
   this virtual regulation and a real regulation component must have
   exactly the same result, as long as their result are both less than
   the arrival constraint function A_i(t).

   Although, lantency compensation has the effect of reshaping, but it
   is not equivalent to reshaping.  Considering an accumulated bursts
   that violates the traffic constraint function and arrives at a node,
   if reshaping is used, it will substantially introduce shaping delay
   for the ineligible bursts, which will then enter the queueing
   subsystem.  While if latency compensation is used, this ineligible
   bursts will only be penalized with a larger Q and tolerated to be
   placed in the queueing sub-system, and in the case of in-time mode it
   may be immediately sent if higher priority queues are empty.

   Note that the premise of latency compensation is that a flow must be
   based on a fixed explicit path.  If multiple packets from the same
   flow arrive at the intermediate node via multiple paths with
   different propagation lengths, even if these packets are all
   eligible, bursts accumulation may still form and cannot even be

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7.  Option-1: Reshaping plus Sorted Queue

   As shown in Figure 2, a receivd packet is inserted to the PIFO queue
   according to rank = A + D - F, where, A is the time that packet
   arrived at the scheduler, i.e., arrive_time_S in the figure.
   Depending on the situation of the accumulated burst arrived at the
   input port, different packets may face different shaping delays.  The
   shaper will convert the input ineligible arrivals pattern (if
   possible) into an eligible arrivals pattern.  Here, D - F may be
   denoted as the allowable queueing delay Q.

         |    +---+    +-+    +--------+    +-----------+    |
         |    |   |    |X|    |        |    | Scheduler |    |
   Input |    | S |    |X|    |        |    |  (PIFO)   |    |  Output
   port -O -> | & | -> |X| -> | Shaper | -> | top->[==] | -> O- port
         |    | F |    |X|    |        |    |      [==] |    |
         |    |   |    |X|    |        |    |rank->[==] |    |
         |    |   |    |X|    |        |    |      [==] |    |
         |    +---+    +-+    +--------+    +-----------+    |
         |                                  |
     arrive_time_I                      arrive_time_S        time
         |<-------- F ------->|<---- S ---->|<----- Q ------>|

                   Figure 2: Reshaping plus Sorted Queue

   Enqueue rule:

   *  For two packets with different rank, the packet with a smaller
      rank is closer to the head of the queue.

   *  For two packets with the same rank, the packet with a smaller D is
      closer to the head of the queue.

   *  For two packets with the same rank and D, the packet that arrive
      at the scheduler first is closer to the head of the queue.

   The planned residence time (D) should be carried in the packet.

   The scheduling mode (in-time or on-time) should also be carried in
   the packet, and used to insert packet into PIFO with the
   corresponding scheduling mode.

   Dequeue rule:

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   *  As mentioned in Section 3.1, for a PIFO with in-time scheduling
      mode, as long as the queue is not empty, packets are always
      departured from the HoQ for transmission; while for PIFO with on-
      time scheduling mode, only if the queue is not empty and the rank
      of the HoQ packet is equal to or earlier than the current system
      time, the HoQ packet can be sent.

   However, in this option the dequeue rule of on-time mode can not
   guarantee jitter, due to lack of factor E to absorb jitter per hop.
   The dequeue rule of on-time mode only controls the starting time when
   packets are allowed to be scheduled, but cannot guarantee that
   different packets have the same queuing delay.

8.  Option-2: Reshaping plus RPQ

   As shown in Figure 3, a receivd packet is inserted to the appropriate
   RPQ queue with specific CT to meet CT <= Q < CT+CTI when the packet
   arrived at the scheduler, where Q = D - F.  Depending on the
   situation of the accumulated burst arrived at the input port,
   different packets may face different shaping delays.  The shaper will
   convert the input ineligible arrivals pattern (if possible) into an
   eligible arrivals pattern.

         |    +---+    +-+    +--------+    +------------+    |
         |    |   |    |X|    |        |    | Scheduler  |    |
   Input |    | S |    |X|    |        |    |   (RPQ)    |    |  Output
   port -O -> | & | -> |X| -> | Shaper | -> |   CT1 #### | -> O- port
         |    | F |    |X|    |        |    |   CT2 #### |    |
         |    |   |    |X|    |        |    |Q->CT3 #### |    |
         |    |   |    |X|    |        |    |   CT4 #### |    |
         |    +---+    +-+    +--------+    +------------+    |
         |                                  |
     arrive_time_I                      arrive_time_S         time
         |<-------- F ------->|<---- S ---->|<------ Q ------>|

                        Figure 3: Reshaping plus RPQ

   Enqueue rule:

   *  For a packet with Q, select the target RPQ queue (i.e., the
      virtual parent queue) with corresponding CT, that meet CT <= Q <

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   *  Under the selected virtual parent queue, select the target
      physical sub-queue with corresponding delay level d_i, which is
      closest to D-F and not greater than D-F.

   The planned residence time (D) should be carried in the packet.

   The scheduling mode (in-time or on-time) should also be carried in
   the packet, and used to insert packet into RPQ with the corresponding
   scheduling mode.

   Dequeue rule:

   *  As mentioned in Section 4.2, for a RPQ group with in-time
      scheduling mode, in all non empty queues, the packets in each
      queue are sequentially sent in the order of high priority queue to
      low priority queue; while for a RPQ group with on-time scheduling
      mode, only in all non empty queues with CT <= 0, the packets in
      each queue are sequentially sent in the order of high priority
      queue to low priority queue.

   However, in this option the dequeue rule of on-time mode can not
   guarantee jitter, due to lack of factor E to absorb jitter per hop.
   The dequeue rule of on-time mode only controls the starting time when
   packets are allowed to be scheduled, but cannot guarantee that
   different packets have the same queuing delay.

9.  Option-3: Latency Compensation plus Sorted Queue

   As shown in Figure 4, a receivd packet is inserted to the PIFO queue
   according to rank = A1 + E + D, or rank = A2 + E + D - F, where, A1
   is the time that packet arrived at the input port (i.e.,
   arrive_time_I in the figure), A2 is the time that packet arrived at
   the scheduler (i.e., arrive_time_S in the figure).  Note that E is
   initially 0 on the flow entrance node, and generally not 0 on other
   nodes and will update per hop.  Depending on the situation of the
   accumulated burst arrived at the input port, different packets may
   have different input latency deviation E.  Latency compensation will
   convert the input ineligible arrivals pattern (if possible) into an
   eligible arrivals pattern.  Here, E + D - F may be denoted as the
   allowable queueing delay Q.

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         |     +---+     +-+     +-----------+     |
         |     |   |     |X|     | Scheduler |     |
   Input |     | S |     |X|     |  (PIFO)   |     |  Output
   port -O --> | & | --> |X| --> | top->[==] | --> O- port
         |     | F |     |X|     |      [==] |     |
         |     |   |     |X|     |rank->[==] |     |
         |     |   |     |X|     |      [==] |     |
         |     +---+     +-+     +-----------+     |
         |                       |
     arrive_time_I           arrive_time_S        time
         |<--------- F --------->|<------ Q ------>|

              Figure 4: Latency Compensation plus Sorted Queue

   The planned residence time (D) and latency deviation (E) should be
   carried in the packet.

   The enqueue and dequeue operations are the same as Section 7.

   In this option the dequeue rule of on-time mode can guarantee jitter
   with the help of factor E to absorb jitter per hop.  See Section 11
   for more information.

9.1.  Packet Disorder Considerations

   Suppose that two packets, P1, P2, are generated instantaneously from
   a specific flow at the source, and the two packets have the same
   planned residence time.  P1 may face less interference delay than P2
   in their journey.  When they arrive at an intermediate node in turn,
   P2 will have less allowable queueing delay (Q) than P1 to try to stay
   close to P1 again.  It should be noted that to compary who is ealier
   is based on the time arriving at the scheduler plus packet's Q.  The
   time difference between the arrival of two packets at the scheduler
   may not be consistent with the difference between their Q.  It is
   possible to get an unexpected comparision result.

   As shown in Figure 5, P1 and P2 are two back-to-back packets
   belonging to the same flow.  The arrival time when they are received
   on the scheduler is shown in the figure.  Suppose that the Q values
   of two adjacent packets P1 and P2 are 40us and 39us, and arrive at
   the scheduler at time T1 and T2 respectively.  P1 will be sorted
   based on T1 + 40us, while P2 will be sorted based on T2 + 39us.
   Ideally, T2 should be T1 + 1us.  However, this may be not the case.
   For example, it is possible that T2 = T1 + 0.9us, Q1 = 40, Q2 = 39.1,
   but just because the calculation accuracy of Q1 and Q2 is

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   microseconds, so they are, e.g, with half-adjust, approximately 40 us
   and 39 us, respectively.  This means that P2 will be sorted before P1
   in the PIFO, resulting in disorder.

                                                 packets arrived later
   packets arrived earlier                               |
                |                                        |
                V                                        V
   ... ... | .P1.................P2....................... | ... ...
             |                     |
             T1                    T2 (=T1+0.9us)                 time
             |  ___________________|
             | |
             v v
   PIFO ##############################################################

                  Figure 5: Disorder Illustration of PIFO

   DetNet architecture [RFC8655] provides Packet Ordering Function
   (POF), that can be used to solve the above disorder problem caused by
   the latency compensation.

   Alternatively, if the POF is not enabled, we can also maintain states
   for DetNet flows to record the last queueing information to address
   this issue.

   For example, one ore more OGOs (order guarantee object) are
   maintained per delay level and incoming port, on each outgoing port.
   An OGO records the rank (i.e., arrival time at the incoming interface
   plus D) of the last inserted packet mapped to this OGO.

   When a packet arrives at the scheduler, it is first mapped to its
   OGO, and get the rank of OGO, and put behind that rank.

   Note that in practical situations, two back-to-back packets of the
   same flow are generally evenly distributed within the burst interval
   by regulation, which means that the distance between these two
   packets is generally much greater than the calculation accuracy
   mentioned above, meaning that the disordered phenomenon will not
   really occur.  For example, the regulated result meets a Length Rate
   Quotient (LRQ) constraint, and the time interval between two

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   consecutive packets of size l_i and l_j should be at least l_i/r,
   where r is the flow rate (i.e., the reserved bandwidth of the flow).
   This can be done by LRQ based regulation, or enhanced leaky bucket
   based regulation, depending on implementation.

10.  Option-4: Latency Compensation plus RPQ

   As shown in Figure 6, a receivd packet is inserted to the appropriate
   RPQ queue with specific CT to meet CT <= Q < CT+CTI when the packet
   arrived at the scheduler, where Q = D + E - F.  Depending on the
   situation of the accumulated burst arrived at the input port,
   different packets may have different input latency deviation E.
   Latency compensation will convert the input ineligible arrivals
   pattern (if possible) into an eligible arrivals pattern.

         |     +---+     +-+     +-------------+     |
         |     |   |     |X|     |  Scheduler  |     |
   Input |     | S |     |X|     |    (RPQ)    |     |  Output
   port -O --> | & | --> |X| --> |    CT1 #### | --> O- port
         |     | F |     |X|     |    CT2 #### |     |
         |     |   |     |X|     |Q-> CT3 #### |     |
         |     |   |     |X|     |    CT4 #### |     |
         |     +---+     +-+     +-------------+     |
         |                       |
     arrive_time_I           arrive_time_S           time
         |<--------- F --------->|<------ Q ------>|

                  Figure 6: Latency Compensation plus RPQ

   The planned residence time (D) and latency deviation (E) should be
   carried in the packet.

   The enqueue and dequeue operations are the same as Section 8.

   In this option the dequeue rule of on-time mode can guarantee jitter
   with the help of factor E to absorb jitter per hop.  See Section 11
   for more information.

   Figure 7 depicts an example of packets inserted to the RPQ queues.

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       P2             P1              +------------------------------+
   +--------+      +--------+         | RPQ Group:                   |
   | D=20us |      | D=30us |         |    queue-1(CT=45us) ######   |
   | E=15us |      | E=-8us |   +--+  |    queue-2(CT=35us) ######   |
   +--------+      +--------+   |\/|  |    queue-3(CT=25us) ######   |
   ------incoming port-1------> |/\|  |    queue-4(CT=15us) ######   |
                                |\/|  |    queue-5(CT=5us)  ######   |
       P4             P3        |/\|  |    queue-6(CT=-5us) ######   |
   +--------+      +--------+   |\/|  |    queue-7(CT=-15us)######   |
   |        |      | D=30us |   |/\|  |    ... ...                   |
   +--------+      | E=-30us|   |\/|  +------------------------------+
                   +--------+   |/\|
   ------incoming port-2------> |\/|  +------------------------------+
                                |/\|  | Other Queue Group:           |
       P6              P5       |\/|  |    queue-8  ############     |
   +--------+      +--------+   |/\|  |    queue-9  ############     |
   |        |      | D=40us |   |\/|  |    queue-10 ############     |
   +--------+      | E=40us |   |/\|  |    ... ...                   |
                   +--------+   +--+  +------------------------------+
   ------incoming port-3------>       ----------outgoing port--------->

   arrival time                        +F                          time

              Figure 7: Time Sensitive Packets Inserted to RPQ

   As shown in Figure 7, the node successively receives six packets from
   three incoming ports, among which packet 1, 2, 3 and 5 have
   corresponding deadline information, while packet 4 and 6 are best-
   effort packets.  These packets need to be forwarded to the same
   outgoing port.  It is assumed that they arrive at the line card where
   the outgoing port is located at almost the same time after the
   forwarding delay (F = 5us).  At this time, the queue status of the
   outgoing port is shown in the figure.  Then:

   *  The allowable queueing delay (Q) of packet 1 is 30 - 8 - 5 = 17us,
      and it will be put into queue-4 (its CT is 15us), meeting the
      condition that Q is in the range [15, 25).

   *  The allowable queueing delay (Q) of packet 2 is 20 + 15 - 5 =
      30us, and it will be put into queue-3 (its CT is 25us), meeting
      the condition that Q is in the range [25, 35).

   *  The allowable queueing delay (Q) of packet 3 is 30 - 30 - 5 =
      -5us, and it will be put into queue-6 (its CT is -5us), meeting
      the condition that Q is in the range [-5, 5).

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   *  The allowable queueing delay (Q) of packet 5 in the node is 40 +
      40 - 5 = 75us, and the queue it is placed on is not shown in the
      figure (such as a hierarchical queue).

   *  Packets 4 and 6 will be put into the non-deadline queue in the
      traditional way.

   According to Section 4.3, An eligible packet (i.e., E = 0) from a
   specific delay level, even at the end of the inserted queue, can
   ensure that it does not exceed its deadline, which is the key role of
   the CTI factor in the condition equation.  Now, assuming that a
   packet is penalized to a lower priority queue based on its positive
   E, this penalty will not result in more than expected delay, apart
   from potential delay E.

   For example, when a packet is inserted queue based on

      CT_x <= Q < CT_x + CTI

   even if it is at the end of the queue, according to D = Q - E, i.e.,
   after time E (the penalty time), we have

      CT_x - E <= Q - E < CT_x - E + CTI

   That is

      CT_y <= D < CT_y + CTI

   So, in essence, it is still equivalent to an eligible packet entering
   the corresponding queue based on its delay level, and apply the
   schedulability condition.

10.1.  Packet Disorder Considerations

   Suppose that two packets, P1, P2, are generated instantaneously from
   a specific flow at the source, and the two packets have the same
   planned residence time.  P1 may face less interference delay than P2
   in their journey.  When they arrive at an intermediate node in turn,
   P2 will have less allowable queueing delay (Q) than P1 to try to stay
   close to P1 again.  It should be noted that to compary who is ealier
   is based on queue's CT and packet's Q, according to the above
   queueing rule (CT <= Q < CT+CTI), and the CT of the queue is not
   changed in real-time, but gradually with the decreasing step RTI.  It
   is possible to get an unexpected comparision result.

   As shown in Figure 8, P1 and P2 are two packets belonging to the same
   flow.  The arrival time when they are received on the scheduler is
   shown in the figure.  Suppose that CTI is 10us, the decreasing step

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   RTI is 1us, and the transmission time of each packet is 0.01us.  Also
   suppose that the Q values of two adjacent packets P1 and P2 are 40us
   and 39us respectively, and they are both received in the window from
   T0 to T0+1us.  P1 will enter queue-B with CT range [40, 50), while P2
   will enter queue-A with CT range [30, 40) just before the rotation
   event occurred.  This means that P2 will be scheduled before P1,
   resulting in disorder.

                                                 packets arrived later
   packets arrived earlier                               |
                |                                        |
                V                                        V
   ... ... | .P1.................P2....................... | ... ...
             |                     |                     |
             T0                    T0+1us                T0+2us   time
             queue-A.CT[30,40)     queue-A.CT[29,39)
             queue-B.CT[40,50)     queue-B.CT[39,49)
             queue-C.CT[50,60)     queue-C.CT[49,59)

                   Figure 8: Disorder Illustration of RPQ

   DetNet architecture [RFC8655] provides Packet Ordering Function
   (POF), that can be used to solve the above disorder problem caused by
   the latency compensation.

   Alternatively, if the POF is not enabled, we can also maintain states
   for DetNet flows to record the last queueing information to address
   this issue.

   For example, one ore more OGOs (order guarantee object) are
   maintained per delay level and incoming port, on each outgoing port.
   An OGO records the queueing information which is the queue that all
   the packets mapped to this OGO was inserted recently.  For
   simplicity, a count-down time (CT), which is copied from the recent
   inserted queue, can be recorded in OGO.  Note that the CT of OGO
   needs to decrease synchronously with that of other queues, with the
   same decreasing step RTI.  If the CT of OGO decreases to 0, it will
   remain at 0.

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   When a packet arrives at the deadline scheduler at the outgoing port
   , it is first mapped to its OGO, and get the CT of OGO, termed as
   OGO.CT.  Then, according to the above queueing rule (CT <= Q <
   CT+CTI), get the CT of a preliminarily selected queue, termed as
   preliminary CT.

   *  Let Q' is MAX{OGO.CT, preliminary CT}, and put the packet in the
      target queue according to CT <= Q' < CT+CTI

   *  Update the value of OGO.CT to the CT of target queue.

   Note that in practical situations, two back-to-back packets of the
   same flow are generally evenly distributed within the burst interval
   by policing, which means that the distance between these two packets
   is generally much greater than the calculation accuracy mentioned
   above, meaning that the disordered phenomenon will not really occur.
   For example, the regulated result meets a Length Rate Quotient (LRQ)

11.  Jitter Performance by On-time Scheduling

   The enqueue and dequeue rule of on-time mode described in Section 9
   and Section 10 will absorb latency deivation E on each hop, and
   archieve a low jitter.  The ultimate E2E jitter depends on the delay
   experienced on the last node of the flow, which may be from 0 to the
   delay bound, i.e., the corresponding delay level d_i.

   Depending on different methods of absorbing E, there are slight
   differences in scheduling behavior.

   *  E+D integration: E will be added to D to get the adjusted D'; The
      packet is scheduled by the scheduler configured with on-time mode
      based on D'.

   *  E|D decoupling: There are 2-tier schedulers; The packet is
      scheduled by pre-sheduler configured with on-time mode based on E,
      then scheduled by post-scheduler configured with in-time mode
      based on D.

   In the case of E+D integration, it may explicitly introduce the
   mandatory hold time, and cause that the actual departure time of the
   packet may be after its deadline.  Asumming that the eligible
   arrivals pattern of all delay levels cause the scheduler to work at
   full speed (i.e., service rate C), for in-time mode, the worst case
   is that there may be a packet of a specific delay level to be sent
   just before its deadline during the busy period; While for E+D
   integration case, the busy period may just start at its deadline and
   cause the sending time of the packet to exceed its deadline.

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   However, as mentioned above, the worst case of this exceeding value
   will not exceed the delay level value, which is intuitive because it
   is equivalent to the situation where the observed packet arrives
   asynchronously after the delay level value.  Note that this exceeding
   deadline does not accumulate with the number of hops.  The E2E
   latency is in the range [D*hops, D*hops+d_i].

   In the case of E|D decoupling, the explicitly mandatory hold time is
   only contributed by E ensured by the pre-scheduler (configured with
   on-time mode), and the actual departure time (from the post-
   scheduler) of the packet will always be before its deadline.
   Asumming that the eligible arrivals pattern of all delay levels cause
   the post-scheduler (configured with in-time mode) to work at full
   speed, for E|D decoupling case, the worst case is that there may be a
   packet of a specific delay level to be sent just before its deadline
   during the busy period.  The E2E latency is in the range [D*(hops-1),

   The following Figure 9 shows the difference between on-time
   scheduling and in-time scheduling.

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   arrival flows:
   A_1: #1         #2         #3         #4         #5 ...
   A_2: $1         $2         $3         $4         $5 ...
   A_5: &1         &2         &3         &4         &5 ...

   In-time Scheduling:
         #1$1...&1 #2$2...&2  #3$3...&3  #4$4...&4  #5$5...&5 ...

   On-time Scheduling (E+D integration):
                   #1        #2        #3        #4        #5
                             $1        $2        $3        $4
                                                ... ...

   On-time Scheduling (E|D decoupling):
         #1$1...&1 #2$2...&2  #3$3...&3  #4$4...&4   #5$5...&5 ...

   ------+---------+---------+---------+--... ...--+---------+---->
          \_ d_1 _/                                            time
          \______ d_2 ______/
          \___________ d_3 ___________/
                             ... ...
          \_____________________ d_n _______________________/

        Figure 9: Difference between In-time and On-time Scheduling

   As shown in the figure, each burst of A_1 (corresponding to delay
   level d_1) is termed as #num, each burst of A_2 (corresponding to
   delay level d_2) as $num, and each burst of A_5 (corresponding to
   delay level d_5) as &num.  A single burst may contain multiple
   packets.  For example, burst #1 may contain several packets, and the
   actual time interval between #1 and #2 may be small.  Although the
   figure shows the example that the burst interval of multiple flows is
   the same and the phase is aligned, the actual situation is far from
   that.  However, this example depicts the typical scheduling behavior.

   In the in-time scheduling, all concurrent traffic of multiple levels
   will be scheduled as soon as possible according to priority, to
   construct a busy period.  For example, in the duration d_1, in
   addition to the burst #1 that must be sent, the burst $1~&1 may also
   be sent, but the latter is not necessarily scheduled to be sent
   before the burst #2 as shown in the figure.  Here we clearly see that
   in-time scheduling cannot guarantee jitter.

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   While in the case of on-time scheduling with E+D integration option,
   each burst is scheduled at its deadline, which may just be the begin
   of the busy period.  Because of the scheduling delay, the
   transmission of the burst will exceed its deadline.  The last packet
   of the burst will face more delay than the first packet.  For
   example, when burst #5 enters the PIFO, it may have the same deadline
   with bursts from $4 of A_2 to &1 of A_5.  When the deadlines of
   multiple packets are the same, use planned residence time (D) as
   tiebreaker, i.e., the smaller the D, the smaller the rank.  So, #5
   send first and may exceed the deadline by one d_1; Then send $4 and
   may exceed the deadline by one d_2; ...; Finally, send &1 and may
   exceed the deadline by one d_5.

   In the case of on-time scheduling with E|D decoupling, assuming that
   the latency deviation E for each burst is 0 in the above figure, all
   concurrent traffic of multiple levels, similar to in-time, will also
   be scheduled as soon as possible according to priority, to construct
   a busy period.  For example, in the duration d_1, in addition to the
   burst #1 that must be sent, the burst $1~&1 may also be sent.
   However, $1~&1 will receive punishment based on their E on the next
   node (not shown in the figure).

12.  Resource Reseravtion

   Generally, a path may carry multiple DetNet flows with different
   delay levels.  For a certain delay level d_i, the path will reserve
   some resources from the delay resource pool of the link.  The delay
   resource pool here, as leaky bucket constraint function shown in
   Section 3.2.1 or Section 4.3.2, is a set of preset parameters that
   meet the schedulability conditions.  For example, the level d_1 has a
   burst upper limit of b_1 and a bandwidth upper limit of r_1.  A path
   j may allocate partial resources (b_i_j, r_i_j) from the resource
   pool (b_i, r_i) of the link's delay level d_i.  A DetNet flow k that
   carried in path j, may use resources (b_i_j_k, r_i_j_k) according to
   its T_SPEC.  It can be seen that the values of b_i_j and r_i_j
   determine the scale of the number of paths that can be supported,
   while the values of b_i_j_k and r_i_j_k determine the scale of the
   number of flows that can be supported.  The following expression

   *  sum(b_i_j_k) <= b_i_j, for all flow k over the path j.

   *  sum(r_i_j_k) <= r_i_j, for all flow k over the path j.

   *  sum(b_i_j) <= b_i, for all path j through the specific link.

   *  sum(r_i_j) <= r_i, for all path j through the specific link.

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12.1.  Delay Resource Definition

   The delay resources of a link can be represented as the corresponding
   burst and bandwidth resources for each delay level.  Basically, what
   delay levels (e.g, 10us, 20us, 30us, etc) are supported by a link
   should be included in the link capability.

   Figure 10 shows the delay resource model of the link.  The resource
   information of each delay level includes the following attributes:

   *  Delay Bound: Refers to the delay bound intra node corresponding to
      this delay level.  It is a pre-configuration value.

   *  Maximum Reservable Bursts: Refers to the maximum amount of bit
      quota corresponding to this delay level.  It is a pre-allocated
      value or resource limit set based on the schedulability condition.

   *  Utilized Bursts: Refers to the burst utilization of this delay

   *  Maximum Reservable Bandwidth: Refers to the maximum amount
      bandwidth corresponding to this delay level.  It is a pre-
      allocated value or resource limit set based on the schedulability

   *  Utilized Bandwidth: Refers to the bandwidth utilization of this
      delay level.

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       d_n        +----------------------------------------+
                  | Maximum Reservable Bursts:     MRBur_n |
                  | Utilized Bursts:               UBur_n  |
                  | Maximum Reservable Bandwidth:  MRBan_n |
                  | Utilized Bandwidth:            UBan_n  |
       ...                      ... ...
       ...                      ... ...

       d_2        +----------------------------------------+
                  | Maximum Reservable Bursts:     MRBur_2 |
                  | Utilized Bursts:               UBur_2  |
                  | Maximum Reservable Bandwidth:  MRBan_2 |
                  | Utilized Bandwidth:            UBan_2  |

       d_1        +----------------------------------------+
                  | Maximum Reservable Bursts:     MRBur_1 |
                  | Utilized Bursts:               UBur_1  |
                  | Maximum Reservable Bandwidth:  MRBan_1 |
                  | Utilized Bandwidth:            UBan_1  |
                           Unidirectional Link

                   Figure 10: Delay Resource of the Link

   For a specific link:

   *  If Maximum Reservable Bursts and Maximum Reservable Bandwidth are
      used to participate schedulability condition checking, they need
      to set reasonable values at the beginning to meet the
      schedulability condition, and in the future, there is no need to
      excecute schedulability condition checking during the setup
      procedure of any flow passing through this link, but only need to
      check that the aggregated burst and bandwidth of all flows
      belonging to the same delay level do not exceed Maximum Reservable
      Bursts and Maximum Reservable Bandwidth, respectively.

   *  If Utilized Bursts and Utilized Bandwidth are used to participate
      schedulability condition checking, there is necessary to excecute
      schedulability condition checking during the setup procedure of
      any flow passing through this link.

   The IGP/BGP extensions to advertise the link's capability and delay
   resource is defined in

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12.2.  Traffic Engineering Path Calculation

   A candidate path may be selected according to the end-to-end delay
   requirement of the flow.  Subtract the accumulated link propagation
   delay from the end-to-end delay requirement, and then divide it by
   the number of hops to obtain the average planned residence time (D)
   for each node.  By default, select the appropriate delay level d_i
   (d_i <= D-F) closest to the average planned residence time (D), and
   then reserve resources from delay level d_i on each hop.  However,
   for any node h along the path, it may select to use delay level d_i_h
   that may be different with the selection by other nodes.  A local
   policy may allow more larger D to consume resources with smaller
   delay levels.

   Note that it is D, not d_i, carried in the forwarding packets.

13.  Admission Control on the Ingress

   On the ingress PE node, traffic regulation must be performed on the
   incoming port, so that DetNet flow does not exceed its T-SPEC.  This
   kind of regulation is usually the shaping using leaky bucket combined
   with the incoming queue that receives flows.  A DetNet flow may
   generate discrete multiple bursts within its periodic service burst

   According to [RFC9016], the values of Burst Interval,
   MaxPacketsPerInterval, MaxPayloadSize of the DetNet flow will be
   written in the SLA between the customer and the network provider, and
   the network entry node will set the corresponding bucket depth
   according to MaxPayloadSize to forcibly delay the excess bursts.  The
   entry node also sets the corresponding bucket rate according to the
   promised arrival rate.

   The leaky bucket shaping will essentially make all the bursts within
   the service burst interval evenly distributed within the service
   burst interval, which may be inconsistent with the original arrival
   curve of the DetNet flow.  Therefore, some bursts within the service
   burst interval may face more shaping delay.  For example, on the head
   of the service burst interval, it contains two discrete bursts with
   the same size, but the bandwidth reserved by the flow is very small
   (i.e., total burst size/burst interval).  Assuming that the bucket
   depth is the size of a single burst, the shaping delay faced by the
   second burst is approximately half of the service burst interval.

   Although the shaped curve and the original arrival curve can be as
   consistent as possible by increasing the bucket depth, to minimize
   the shaping delay of each burst, but this means that the flow will
   occupy more burst resources, and reduce the service scale that the

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   network can support according to the schedulability conditions.
   Unless, customers are willing to spend more money to buy a larger
   burst resource.

   On the entry node, for the burst that faces the shaping delay, its
   shaping delay cannot be included in the latency compensation
   equation, otherwise, it will make that burst catch up with the
   previous burst, resulting in damage to the shaping result and
   violation of the arrival constraint function.  Please refer to
   [I-D.peng-detnet-policing-jitter-control] for the elimination of
   jitter caused by shaping delay on the entry node.

   Then, the regulated traffic arrives at the deadline scheduler on the
   outgoing port.  Since the traffic of each delay level meets the leaky
   bucket arrival constraint function and the parameters of the shaping
   curve do not exceed the limits of the parameters provided by the
   schedulability conditions, the traffic can be successfully scheduled.

   Note that the flow arrived at the next hop, after reshaping or
   latency compensation, will still follow the arrival constraint
   function of that flow.  When this flow is aggregated with other flows
   and sent to the same outgoing port, within any d_i duration, the
   aggregated d_i traffic will not exceed the burst and bandwidth
   resources of delay level d_i reserved by these flows on the outgoing

   Figure 11 depicts an example of deadline based traffic regulated and
   scheduled on the ingress PE node in the case of option-4.  In the
   figure, the shaping delay caused by the previous burst is termed as
   S#, and forwarding delay termed as F.

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          1st burst
   received   v
             +-+ +-+      +----+ +-+ +--+        +------+
             |1| |2|      | 3  | |4| |5 |        |  6   | <= burst
             +-+ +-+      +----+ +-+ +--+        +------+    sequence
             |   |        |      |   |           |
             ~+0 ~+S1     ~+0    ~+S3~+S4        ~+0
             ~+F ~+F      ~+F    ~+F ~+F         ~+F
             |      |      |       |      |       |
    UNI      v      v      v       v      v       v
   ingr-PE -+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+---->
    NNI     |  Auth  |  Auth  |  Auth  |  Auth  |  Auth  |  Auth  | time
            |  time  |  time  |  time  |  time  |  time  |  time  |

             1,2 in    3 in     4 in    5 in      6 in
             Queue-A  Queue-B  Queue-C  Queue-D  Queue-E
             (CT<=Q)  (CT<=Q)  (CT<=Q)  (CT<=Q)  (CT<=Q)
            |        |        |        |        |
            ~+Q      ~+Q      ~+Q      ~+Q      ~+Q
            |        |        |        |        |
    sending v        v        v        v        v
            +-+ +-+  +----+   +-+      +--+     +------+
            |1| |2|  | 3  |   |4|      |5 |     |  6   |
            +-+ +-+  +----+   +-+      +--+     +------+

              Figure 11: Deadline Based Packets Orchestrating

   There are 6 bursts received from the client.  The burst-2, 4, 5 has
   regulation delay S1, S3, S4 that caused by previous burst
   respectively.  While burst-1, 3, 6 has zero regulation delay because
   the number of tokens is sufficient.  The regulation makes 6 bursts
   roughly distributed within the service burst interval.

   Suppose that each burst passes through the same intra-node forwarding
   delay F, and when they arrive at the deadline scheduler in turn.  In
   the case of latency compensation plus RPQ, they will have the same
   allowable queueing delay (Q), regardless of whether they have
   experienced shaping delay before.  When the packets of burst-1, 2
   arrive at the scheduler, according to CT <= Q < CT+CTI, they will be
   placed in Queue-A with matched CT and waiting to be sent.  Similarly,
   when the packets of burst-3/4/5/6 arrive at the scheduler, they will
   be placed in Queue-B/C/D/E respectively and waiting to be sent.

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14.  Overprovision Analysis

   For each delay level d_i, the delay resource of the specific link is
   (b_i, r_i).  A path j may allocate partial resources (b_i_j, r_i_j)
   from the resource pool (b_i, r_i).  In order to support more d_i
   flows in the network, it is necessary to set larger b_i and r_i.
   However, as mentioned earlier, the values of b_i and r_i are set
   according to schedulability conditions and cannot be modified at
   will.  Therefore, the meaningful analysis is the service scale that
   the network can support under the premise of determined b_i and r_i.

   For bandwidth resource reservation case, the upper limit of the total
   bandwidth that can be reserved for all aggregated flows of delay
   level d_i is r_i, which is the same as the behavior of traditional
   bandwidth resource reservation.  There is no special requirement for
   the measurement interval of calculating bandwidth value.

   For the burst resource reservation case, the upper limit of the total
   burst that can be reserved for all aggregated flows of delay level
   d_i is b_i.  If the burst of each flow of level d_i is b_k, then the
   number of flows can be supported is b_i/b_k, which is the worst case
   considering the concurrent arrival of these flows.  However, the
   burst resource reservation is independent of bandwidth resource,
   i.e., it does not take the calculation result of b_k/d_i to get an
   overprovision bandwidth and then to affect the reservable bandwidth

   By providing multiple delay levels, we can allocate 100% of the link
   bandwidth to DetNet flows, as can be seen from the schedulability
   condition equation.

15.  Compatibility Considerations

   Deadline is suitable for end-to-end and interconnection between
   different networks.  A large-scale network may span multiple
   networks, and one of the goals of DetNet is to connect each network
   domain to provide end-to-end deterministic delay service.  The
   adoption techniques and capabilities of each network are different,
   and the corresponding topology models are either piecewise or nested.

   For a particular path, if only some nodes in the path upgrade support
   the deadline mechanism defined in this document, the end-to-end
   deterministic delay/jitter target will only be partially achieved.
   Those legacy devices may adopt the existing priority based scheduling
   mechanism, and ignore the possible deadline information carried in
   the packet, thus the intra node delay produced by them cannot be
   perceived by the adjacent upgraded node.  The more upgraded nodes
   included in the path, the closer to the delay/jitter target.

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   Although, the legacy devices may not support the data plane mechanism
   described in this document, but they can be freely programmed (such
   as P4 language) to measure and insert the deadline information into
   packets, in this case the delay/jitter target may be achieved.

   Only a few key nodes are upgraded to support deadline mechanism,
   which is low-cost, but can meet a flow with relatively loose time
   sensitive.  Figure 12 shows an example of upgrading only several
   network border nodes.  In the figure, only R1, R2, R3 and R4 are
   upgraded to support deadline mechanism.  A deterministic path across
   domain 1, 2, and 3 is established, which contains nodes R1, R2, R3,
   and R4, as well as explicit nodes in each domain.  Domain 1, 2 and 3
   use the traditional strict priority based forwarding mechanism.  The
   encoding of the packet sent by R1 includes the planned residence time
   and the latency deviation.  Especially, DS filed in IP header
   ([RFC2474]) are also set to appropriate values.  The basic principle
   of setting is that the less the planned residence time, the higher
   the priority.  In order to avoid the interference of non
   deterministic flow to deterministic flow, the priority of
   deterministic flow should be set as high as possible.

   The delay analysis based on strict priority without re-shaping in
   each domain can be found in [SP-LATENCY], which gives the equation to
   evaluate the worst-case delay of each hop during the resource
   reservation procedure.  The worst-case delay per hop depends on the
   number of hops and the burst size of interference flows that may be
   faced on each hop.  [EF-FIFO] also shows that, for FIFO packet
   scheduling be used to support the EF (expedited forwarding) per-hop
   behavior (PHB), if the network utilization level alpha < l/(H-l), the
   worst-case delay bound is inversely proportional to 1-alpha*(H-1),
   where H is the number of hops in the longest path of the network.

   Although the EDF scheduling with in-time mode, the SP scheduling and
   EF FIFO scheduling are all work-conserving, the EDF scheduling can
   further distinguish between urgent and non urgent according to
   deadline information other than traffic class.  Therefore, when
   analyzing the latency of EDF scheduling, the latency is not evaluated
   just according to the order in which the packets arrive at the
   scheduler, but also according to the deadline of the packets.  An
   intuitive phenomenon is that if a packet unfortunately faces more
   interference delays at the upstream nodes, it will become more urgent
   at the downstream node, and will not always be unfortunate.  This
   operation of dynamically modifying the key fields, e.g, the latency
   deviation (E), of the packet can avoid always overestimating worst-
   case latency on all hops as SP.  According to schedulability
   condition, the worst-case latancy per hop is d_i.

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   For a specific DetNet flow, if it experiences too much latency in the
   SP domain (due to unreasonable setting of DS field and the inability
   to distinguish between deterministic and non deterministic flows),
   even if the boundary node accelerates the transmission, it may not be
   able to achieve the target of low E2E latency strictly, but rather a
   loose result.  If the traffic experiences less latency within the SP
   domain, on-time scheduling may work on the egress of domain to
   achieve the end-to-end jitter target.

         _____  ___           _____  ___           _____  ___
        /     \/   \___      /     \/   \___      /     \/   \___
       /               \    /               \    /               \
   +--+                 +--+                 +--+                 +--+
   |R1| Strict Priority |R2| Strict Priority |R3| Strict Priority |R4|
   +--+     domian 1    +--+     domian 2    +--+     domian 3    +--+
       \____         __/    \____         __/    \____         __/
            \_______/            \_______/            \_______/

                   Figure 12: Example of partial upgrade

16.  Deployment Considerations

   According to the above schedulability conditions, the delay levels
   (e.g, d_i) that can be provided in the network is related to the
   entire deployed DetNet flows.  Each delay level d_i has independent
   delay resources, and the smaller d_i, the more valuable it is.  The
   operator needs to match the corresponding d_i for each flow.

   In the case of option-3 and 4 with in-time scheduling behavior, more
   buffer is required to store accumulated bursts.

   For a specific flow, the accumulated bursts on a intermediate node
   consists of multiple rounds of burst interval.  For example, the
   packets generated by the source within the first round of burst
   interval (always experiencing the worst case delay along the path) is
   caught up by the packets generated within the second round of burst
   interval (always experiencing the best case delay along the path).
   For delay level d_i, the worst case delay is d_i, the best case delay
   is l/R, where l is the smallest packet size of the flow, R is the
   port rate.  For simplicity to get the estimate size of accumulated
   bursts, here we just take the best case delay as 0.  Drawing on the
   method provided in [SP-LATENCY], the accumulated bursts of d_i is:

   *  ACC_BUR_i = ((d_i * h) / burst_interval) * b_i

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   For example, d_i is 10 us, burst_interval is 250 us, this means that
   within the 25th hop, there will only be one b_10 burst in the queue.
   If it exceeds 25 hops and is within 50 hops, there may be two b_10
   burst simutaneously in the queue.

   The accumulated bursts of other delay levels can be similarly
   estimated.  Operators need to evaluate the required buffer size based
   on network hops and the supported delay levels.  The benefit of in-
   time scheduling is to obtain an E2E latency of no more than D*hops as
   small as possible.

   Operators may also apply on-time scheduling to simplify the design of
   buffers.  On-time scheduling absorbed latency deviation E on each hop
   and can get a jitter for each delay level to the value of delay level
   in theory (i.e., the worst case is that on the last node there are
   full traffic contributed by all delay levels that are discharging
   floodwater at the same time, however, in reality, the DetNet flow of
   the output port facing the destination customer side may only involve
   one delay level, then the jitter may be only one CTI (e.g, 10us)).

   In summary, the in-time scheduling with latency compensation, can
   suffer from the uncertainty caused by burst accumulation, and it is
   recommended only deployed in small networks, i.e., a limited domain
   with a small number of hops, where the burst accumulation issue is
   not serious; The on-time scheduling is recommended to be used in
   large networks.

17.  Evaluations

   Now we summarize how the deadline mechanism ensures latency as below:

      1) Partition delay resource for each delay level on the outgoing
      port according to the schedulability condition, i.e., preset
      parameters of the arrival constraint function.

      2) Execute delay resource reservation on each port of each
      calculated path on the control plane.  This step is also known as
      admission condition check.

      3) Execute policing on the network entry, to let the admited
      traffic obey its constraint function (i.e., TSpec).

      4) Execute reshaping or latency compensation (recommended) in the
      network core for each flow, to convert the ineligible arrivals to
      eligible arrivals that still obey the constraint function of each

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      5) Guarantee bounded delay by in-time scheduling mode; Guarantee
      bounded delay and jitter by on-time scheduling mode.

   The following table is the evaluation results of the Deadline
   mechanism based on the requirements that is defined in

   |     requiremens      | Evaluation |              Notes            |
   | 3.1 Tolerate Time    |    Yes     | No time sync needed, only need|
   |     Asynchrony       |            | frequency sync (3.1.3).       |
   | 3.2 Support Large    |            | The eligible arrival of       |
   |     Single-hop       |    Yes     | flows is independent with the |
   |     Propagation      |            | link propagation delay.       |
   |     Latency          |            |                               |
   | 3.3 Accommodate the  |            | The higher service rate, the  |
   |     Higher Link      |  Partial   | more buffer needed for each   |
   |     Speed            |            | delay level. And, extra       |
   |                      |            | instructions to calculate E.  |
   | 3.4 Be Scalable to   |            | Multiple delay levels, each   |
   |     the Large Number |            | with limited delay resources, |
   |     of Flows and     |            | can support lots of flows,    |
   |     Tolerate High    |    Yes     | without overprovision.        |
   |     Utilization      |            | Utilization may reach 100%    |
   |                      |            | link bandwidth.               |
   |                      |            | The unused bandwidth of the   |
   |                      |            | high delay level can be used  |
   |                      |            | by the low levels or BE flows.|
   | 3.5 Tolerate Failures|            | Independent of queueing       |
   |     of Links or Nodes|    N/A     | mechanism.                    |
   |     and Topology     |            |                               |
   |     Changes          |            |                               |
   | 3.6 Prevent Flow     |            | Flows are permitted based on  |
   |     Fluctuation      |    Yes     | the resources reservation of  |
   |                      |            | delay levels, and isolated    |
   |                      |            | from each other.              |
   | 3.7 Be scalable to a |            | E2E latency is liner with hops|
   |     Large Number of  |            | , from ultra-low to low       |
   |     Hops with Complex|    Yes     | latency by multiple delay     |
   |     Topology         |            | levels.                       |

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   |                      |            | E2E jitter is low by on-time  |
   |                      |            | scheduling.                   |
   | 3.8 Support Multi-   |            | Independent of queueing       |
   |     Mechanisms in    |    N/A     | mechanism.                    |
   |     Single Domain and|            |                               |
   |     Multi-Domains    |            |                               |

            Figure 13: Evaluation for Large Scaling Requirements

17.1.  Examples

   This section will describe the example of how the deadline mechanism
   supports service flows with different latency requirements.  As shown
   in Figure 14:

   *  Network transmission capacity: each link has rate 10 Gbps.
      Assuming the service rate of deadline scheduler allocate the total
      port bandwidth.

   *  TSpec of each flow, maybe:

      -  burst size 1000 bits, and average arrival rate 1 Mbps.

      -  or, burst size 1000 bits, and average arrival rate 10 Mbps.

      -  or, burst size 1000 bits, and average arrival rate 100 Mbps.

      -  or, burst size 10000 bits, and average arrival rate 1 Mbps.

      -  or, burst size 10000 bits, and average arrival rate 10 Mbps.

      -  or, burst size 10000 bits, and average arrival rate 100 Mbps.

   *  RSpec of each flow, maybe:

      -  E2E latency 100us, and E2E jitter less than 10us or 100us.

      -  or, E2E latency 200us, and E2E jitter less than 20us or 200us.

      -  or, E2E latency 300us, and E2E jitter less than 30us or 300us.

      -  or, E2E latency 400us, and E2E jitter less than 40us or 400us.

      -  or, E2E latency 500us, and E2E jitter less than 50us or 500us.

      -  or, E2E latency 600us, and E2E jitter less than 60us or 600us.

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      -  or, E2E latency 700us, and E2E jitter less than 70us or 700us.

      -  or, E2E latency 800us, and E2E jitter less than 80us or 800us.

      -  or, E2E latency 900us, and E2E jitter less than 90us or 900us.

      -  or, E2E latency 1ms, and E2E jitter less than 100us or 1ms.

               @         #         $
               v         v         v
             +---+ @@@ +---+ ### +---+ $$$         &&& +---+
    src ---> | 0 | --- | 1 | --- | 2 | --- ... ... --- | 9 | ---> dest
   (flow i:*)+---+ *** +---+ *** +---+ ***         *** +---+ ***
               |         |@        |#                    |&
               |         |v        |v                    |v
             +---+     +---+     +---+                 +---+
         --- |   | --- |   | --- |   | --- ... ... --- |   | ---
             +---+     +---+     +---+                 +---+
               |         |         |                     |
               |         |         |                     |
            ... ...   ... ...   ... ...               ... ...

                     Figure 14: Common Topology Example

   For the observed flow i (marked with *), its TSpec and RSpec may be
   any of the above.  Assuming that the path calculated by the
   controller for the flow i passes through 10 nodes (i.e., node 0~9).
   Especially, at each hop, flow i may conflict with other deterministic
   flows, also with similar TSpec and RSpec as above, originated from
   other sources, e.g, conflicts with flow-set "@" at node 0, conflicts
   with flow-set "#" at node 1, and so on.

   For each link along the path, it may provide delay resources with
   multiple delay levels, e.g, d1 (10us), d2 (20us), ..., d10 (100us)
   for any flows passing through it to consume.  Assuming no link
   propagation delay and intra node forwarding delay, if flow i uses d1
   resources, it can ensure an E2E latency of 100us (i.e., d1 * 10
   hops), and jitter of 10us(on-time mode) or 100us (in-time mode).  The
   results of using resources of other delay levels are similar.

   The table below shows the possible tight allocation of delay
   resources on each link based on Equation-1, as well as the
   corresponding service scale supported, where, b = utilized burst
   resource (K bits), r = utilized bandwidth resource (Mbps), s =
   service scale (number), assuming that the resource limit of each
   delay level is b_limit = 100000 bits, r_limit = 1 Gbps.

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   Note that in the table each column only shows the data where all
   flows served by all delay levels have the same TSpec (e.g, in colunm-
   1, TSpec per flow is burst size 1000 bits and arrival rate 1 Mbps),
   while in reality, flows served by different delay levels generally
   have different TSpec.  It is easy to add colunms to describe various

                   | d1 | d2 | d3 | d4 | d5 | d6 | d7 | d8 | d9 | d10|
   | column-1  | b | 100| 99 | 98 | 97 | 96 | 95 | 94 | 93 | 92 | 91 |
   |           |---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   |TSpec:     | r | 100| 99 | 98 | 97 | 96 | 95 | 94 | 93 | 92 | 91 |
   | 1000 bits |---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   | 1 Mbps    | s | 100| 99 | 98 | 97 | 96 | 95 | 94 | 93 | 92 | 91 |
   | column-2  | b | 100| 90 | 81 | 73 | 66 | 60 | 53 | 48 | 43 | 39 |
   |           |---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   |TSpec:     | r |1000| 900| 810| 729| 656| 590| 531| 478| 430| 387|
   | 1000 bits |---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   | 10 Mbps   | s | 100| 90 | 81 | 72 | 65 | 59 | 53 | 47 | 43 | 38 |
   | column-3  | b | 100| 90 | 80 | 70 | 60 | 50 | 40 | 30 | 20 | 10 |
   |           |---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   |TSpec:     | r |1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|
   | 1000 bits |---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   | 100 Mbps  | s | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
   | column-4  | b | 100| 100| 100| 100| 100| 100| 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 |
   |           |---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   |TSpec:     | r | 10 | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  |
   | 10000 bits|---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   | 1 Mbps    | s | 10 | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  |
   | column-5  | b | 100| 99 | 98 | 97 | 96 | 95 | 94 | 93 | 92 | 91 |
   |           |---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   |TSpec:     | r | 100| 99 | 98 | 97 | 96 | 95 | 94 | 93 | 92 | 91 |
   | 10000 bits|---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   | 10 Mbps   | s | 10 | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  | 9  |
   | column-6  | b | 100| 90 | 81 | 73 | 66 | 59 | 53 | 48 | 43 | 39 |
   |           |---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   |TSpec:     | r |1000| 900| 810| 729| 656| 590| 531| 478| 430| 387|
   | 10000 bits|---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   | 100 Mbps  | s | 10 | 9  | 8  | 7  | 6  | 5  | 5  | 4  | 4  | 3  |

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          Figure 15: Delay Resource Pool and Service Scale Example

18.  Taxonomy Considerations

   [I-D.joung-detnet-taxonomy-dataplane] provides criteria for
   classifying data plane solutions.  CEDF is a non-periodic,
   asynchronous, class level, work-conserving/non-work-conserving
   configurable, in-time/on-time configurable, delay based solution.

   *  Non-periodic: The scheduling power of an EDF is measured over an
      arbitrarily long non repetitive time range, scheduling in an
      orderly manner according to the urgency of the packets, and there
      is no defined periodic quantification unit of scheduling power.

   *  Asynchronous: The EDF scheduler always assumes that all DetNet
      flows arrive asynchronously and does not require these flows to be
      interleaved with each other.  The EDF schedulers in the network do
      not need to synchronize their states (e.g, busy periold) with each
      other, but work independently.

   *  Class level: DetNet Flows may be grouped by similar service
      requirements, i.e., delay levels, on the network entrance.
      Packets will be provided EDF service based on delay level, without
      checking flow characteristic.

   *  Work-conserving/non-work-conserving configurable: The EDF
      scheduler configured with in-time scheduling mode is work-
      conserving (i.e., to send packets as soon as possible), while the
      EDF scheduler configured with on-time scheduling mode is non work-
      conserving (i.e., to ensure that the packet always experiences the
      worst-case delay per hop).

   *  In-time/on-time configurable: The EDF scheduler configured with
      in-time scheduling mode is in-time to get bounded end-to-end
      latency, while the EDF scheduler configured with on-time
      scheduling mode is on-time to get bounded end-to-end delay jitter.

   *  Delay based: A DetNet flow is scheduled based on its expected
      delay level, but not on its reserved bandwidth (i.e., rate), to
      fit well the case of low bandwidth but urgent flows.

   In addition, the per hop latency dominant factor of CEDF is simply
   delay levels that is defined according to schedulability condition.

19.  IANA Considerations

   There is no IANA requestion for this document.

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20.  Security Considerations

   Security considerations for DetNet are described in detail in
   [RFC9055].  General security considerations for the DetNet
   architecture are described in [RFC8655].  Considerations specific to
   the DetNet data plane are summarized in [RFC8938].

   Adequate admission control policies should be configured in the edge
   of the DetNet domain to control access to specific delay resources.
   Access to classification and mapping tables must be controlled to
   prevent misbehaviors, e.g, an unauthorized entity may modify the
   table to map traffic to an expensive delay resource, and competes and
   interferes with normal traffic.

21.  Acknowledgements


22.  References

22.1.  Normative References

              Yan, J., Han, Y., Peng, S., and Y. Gao, "Analysis and
              Evaluation for TSN Queuing Mechanisms", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-hp-detnet-tsn-queuing-mechanisms-
              evaluation-01, 20 December 2023,

              Liu, P., Li, Y., Eckert, T. T., Xiong, Q., Ryoo, J.,
              zhushiyin, and X. Geng, "Requirements for Scaling
              Deterministic Networks", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-ietf-detnet-scaling-requirements-05, 20 November
              2023, <

              Joung, J., Geng, X., Peng, S., and T. T. Eckert,
              "Dataplane Enhancement Taxonomy", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-joung-detnet-taxonomy-dataplane-01,
              25 February 2024, <

              Peng, S. and R. Bonica, "Deterministic Routing Header",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-pb-6man-

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              deterministic-crh-00, 1 March 2024,

              Peng, S., Tan, B., and P. Liu, "Deadline Option", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-peng-6man-deadline-option-
              01, 11 July 2022, <

              Peng, S., "Delay Options", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-peng-6man-delay-options-00, 18 January 2024,

              Peng, S., Liu, P., and K. Basu, "Policing Caused Jitter
              Control Mechanism", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-peng-detnet-policing-jitter-control-00, 18 January
              2024, <

              Peng, S., "IGP Extensions for Deterministic Traffic
              Engineering", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              peng-lsr-deterministic-traffic-engineering-01, 4 July
              2023, <

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC2212]  Shenker, S., Partridge, C., and R. Guerin, "Specification
              of Guaranteed Quality of Service", RFC 2212,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2212, September 1997,

   [RFC2474]  Nichols, K., Blake, S., Baker, F., and D. Black,
              "Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS
              Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers", RFC 2474,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2474, December 1998,

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   [RFC2475]  Blake, S., Black, D., Carlson, M., Davies, E., Wang, Z.,
              and W. Weiss, "An Architecture for Differentiated
              Services", RFC 2475, DOI 10.17487/RFC2475, December 1998,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8655]  Finn, N., Thubert, P., Varga, B., and J. Farkas,
              "Deterministic Networking Architecture", RFC 8655,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8655, October 2019,

   [RFC8938]  Varga, B., Ed., Farkas, J., Berger, L., Malis, A., and S.
              Bryant, "Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Data Plane
              Framework", RFC 8938, DOI 10.17487/RFC8938, November 2020,

   [RFC9016]  Varga, B., Farkas, J., Cummings, R., Jiang, Y., and D.
              Fedyk, "Flow and Service Information Model for
              Deterministic Networking (DetNet)", RFC 9016,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9016, March 2021,

   [RFC9055]  Grossman, E., Ed., Mizrahi, T., and A. Hacker,
              "Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Security
              Considerations", RFC 9055, DOI 10.17487/RFC9055, June
              2021, <>.

   [RFC9320]  Finn, N., Le Boudec, J.-Y., Mohammadpour, E., Zhang, J.,
              and B. Varga, "Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Bounded
              Latency", RFC 9320, DOI 10.17487/RFC9320, November 2022,

22.2.  Informative References

              "A framework for achieving inter-application isolation in
              multiprogrammed, hard real-time environments", 1996,

   [EF-FIFO]  "Fundamental Trade-Offs in Aggregate Packet Scheduling",
              2001, <>.

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              "A Theory of Traffic Regulators for Deterministic Networks
              with Application to Interleaved Regulators", 2018,

              "Delay Jitter Control for Real-Time Communication in a
              Packet Switching Network", 1991,

              "Network Calculus: A Theory of Deterministic Queuing
              Systems for the Internet", 2001,

   [P802.1DC] "Quality of Service Provision by Network Systems", 2023,

   [PIFO]     "Programmable Packet Scheduling at Line Rate", 2016,

   [RPQ]      "Exact Admission Control for Networks with a Bounded Delay
              Service", 1996,

              "Guaranteed Latency with SP", 2020,

Appendix A.  Proof of Schedulability Condition for RPQ

   Figure 16 below gives the proof of schedulability condition for RPQ.

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        | Planned Residence Time
        |                          |    |
        |CT_t+CTI+2*RTI -> =====   |    |
        |     CT_t+CTI+RTI -> =====|    |
   CT_t + - - - - - - - - - - - - >+====+ -\
   +CTI |                          |    |  |
        |                          |    |  |
        |                          |    |   > Phycical queue-x
    D_p + - - - - - - - - - - - - >|    |  |
        |                          |    |  |
   CT_t + - - - - - - - - - - - - >+====+ -/
        |                          |    |===== <- CT_t-RTI
        |                          |    |    ===== <- CT_t-2*RTI
        |                          |    |
        | RTI|  ... ...  | RTI| RTI| RTI| RTI| RTI| RTI|
        0      ^                   ^   ^            ^         time
               |                   |   |            |
              t-tau'            t-ofst t           t+tau
        (busy period begin)          (arrival)   (departure)

                      Figure 16: RPQ Based Scheduling

   Suppose that the observed packet, with planned residence time D_p,
   arrives at the scheduler at time t and leaves the scheduler at time
   t+tau.  It will be inserted to physical queue-x with count-down time
   CT_t at the current timer interval RTI with starting time t-ofst and
   end time t-ofst+RTI.  According to the above packet queueing rules,
   we have CT_t <= D_p < CT_t+CTI.  Also suppose that t-tau' is the
   beginning of the busy period closest to t.  Then, we can get the
   amount of packets within time interval [t-tau', t+tau] that must be
   scheduled before the observed packet.  In detailed:

   *  For all flow i with planned residence time D_i meeting CT_t <= D_i
      < CT_t+CTI, the workload is sum{A'_i[t-tau', t]}.

         Explanation: since the packets with planned residence time D_i
         in the range [CT_t, CT_t+CTI) arrived at time t will be sent
         before the observed packet, the packets with the same D_i
         before time t will become more urgent at time t, and must also
         be sent before the observed packet.

   *  For all flow i with planned residence time D_i meeting D_i >=
      CT_t+CTI, the workload is sum{A'_i[t-tau', t-ofst-(D_i-CT_t-

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         Explanation: although the packets with planned residence time
         D_i larger than CT_t+CTI arrived at time t will be sent after
         the observed packet, but the packets with the same D_i before
         time t, especially before time t-ofst-(D_i-CT_t-CTI), will
         become more urgent at time t, and must be sent before the
         observed packet.

   *  For all flow i with planned residence time D_i meeting D_i < CT_t,
      the workload is sum{A'_i[t-tau', t+(CT_t-D_i)]}.

         Explanation: the packets with planned residence time D_i less
         than CT_t at time t will certainly be sent before the observed
         packet, at a future time t+(CT_t-D_i) the packets with the same
         D_i will still be urgent than the observed packet (even the
         observed packet also become urgent), and must be sent before
         the observed packet.

   *  Then deduct the traffic that has been sent during the busy period,
      i.e., C*(tau+tau').

   Let tau as D_p, and remember that CT_t <= D_p, the above workload is
   less than

      sum{A'_i(tau'+CT_t+CTI-D_i) for all D_i >= CT_t} +
      sum{A'_i(tau'+CT_t-D_i) for all D_i < CT_t} - C*(tau'+D_p)

   It is further less than

      sum{A'_i(tau'+D_p+CTI-D_i) for all D_i >= D_2} + A'_1(tau'+D_p-
      D_1) - C*(tau'+D_p)

   Then, denote x as tau'+D_p, we have

      sum{A'_i(x+CTI-D_i) for all D_i >= D_2} + A'_1(x-D_1) - C*(x)

   In the case that d_i contains only one D_i, we have A_i = A'_i, d_i =
   D_i, so the above workload is

      sum{A_i(x+CTI-d_i) for all d_i >= d_2} + A_1(x-d_1) - C*(x)

   Let the above workload be less than zero, then we get Equation-2.

   In the case that d_i contains multiple D_i, e.g, d_1 is the minimum
   delay level with 10us, D_1 ~ D_10 is 10 ~ 19us respectively, d_2 is
   20us, D_11 ~ D_20 iS 20 ~29us respectively, etc.  Let D_1 ~ D_10
   consume the resources of d_1, and D_11 ~ D_20 consume the resources
   of d_2, etc.  Then, the above workload is less than

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      sum{A'_i(x+CTI-d_i) for all D_i belongs to d_i} - C*(x)

   That is sum{A_i(x+CTI-d_i) for all d_i} - C*(x), and let it less than
   zero, then we get Equation-3.

Appendix B.  Proof of Schedulability Condition for Alternate QAR of RPQ

   In the case that d_i contains only one D_i, the schedulability
   condition is Equation-1.  This is because, in the workload, for all
   D_i meeting D_i >= CT_t+CTI, their contributed workload is changed to
   sum{A'_i[t-tau', t-ofst-(D_i-CT_t)]} based on the analysis of
   Equation-2, that is, the amount of workload A'_i(CTI) (that is placed
   in queue-x) is excluded.

   In the case that d_i contains multiple D_i, the schedulability
   condition is still Equation-3.  This is because multiple D_i may
   belong to the same delay level as D_p.  Assuming that within time
   zone [t-ofst, t-ofst+I] the list of all arrived D_i in the same
   parent queue-x with [CT_t, CT_t+CTI) as the observed packet (with
   D_p) is:

   *  D_a1~D_am, where D_a1 is closer to CT_t+CTI, they are larger than
      D_p (but smaller than CT_t+CTI) and belongs to a larger delay
      level than d_p (corresponding delay level of D_p).

   *  D_b1~D_bm, they are larger than D_p and belongs to the same delay
      level as d_p.

   *  D_p.

   *  D_c1~D_cm, they are smaller than D_p, and may belongs to the same
      delay level as d_p or a lower delay level than d_p.

   So that both D_b1~D_bm and D_c1~D_cm should be scheduled before the
   observed packet.  This is also true for these set of packets that
   have arrived in history.

   Strictly, for D_a1, the contributed workload is sum{A'_i[t-tau',
   t-ofst+I-CTI]}, that is, only before time t-ofst+I-CTI the arrived
   packets of D_a1 will be placed in a more urgent queue-y with [CT_t,
   CT_t + CTI) than queue-x (at this history time its CT is [CT_t+CTI,
   CT_t + 2AT)) and should be shceduled before the observed packet.
   Similarly, for D_a2, the contributed workload is sum{A'_i[t-tau',
   t-ofst+I-CTI+I]}, for D_am, the contributed workload is
   sum{A'_i[t-tau', t-ofst+I-CTI+(m-1)*I]}.

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   Note that queue-x also contains packets with D_i (e.g, D_a0, larger
   than D_a1) that have arrived in history.  For D_a0, the contributed
   workload is sum{A'_i[t-tau', t-ofst+I-CTI-(D_a0-D_a1)]}.

   However, the number of m is not fixed.  For safety, we can
   appropriately overestimate workload time zone of D_a1~D_am to time
   instant t and regard that they need to be scheduled before the
   observed packet.  Based on this, we can get the Equation-3.

Authors' Addresses

   Shaofu Peng
   ZTE Corporation

   Zongpeng Du
   China Mobile

   Kashinath Basu
   Oxford Brookes University
   United Kingdom

   Zuopin Cheng
   New H3C Technologies

   Dong Yang
   Beijing Jiaotong University

   Chang Liu
   China Unicom

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