Internet DRAFT - draft-peng-detnet-packet-timeslot-mechanism


DetNet                                                      Shaofu. Peng
Internet-Draft                                                       ZTE
Intended status: Standards Track                               Peng. Liu
Expires: 5 September 2024                                   China Mobile
                                                         Kashinath. Basu
                                               Oxford Brookes University
                                                              Aihua. Liu
                                                              Dong. Yang
                                             Beijing Jiaotong University
                                                             Guoyu. Peng
                      Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
                                                            4 March 2024

               Timeslot Queueing and Forwarding Mechanism


   IP/MPLS networks use packet switching (with the feature store-and-
   forward) and are based on statistical multiplexing.  Statistical
   multiplexing is essentially a variant of time division multiplexing,
   which refers to the asynchronous and dynamic allocation of link
   timeslot resources.  In this case, the service flow does not occupy a
   fixed timeslot, and the length of the timeslot is not fixed, but
   depends on the size of the packet.  Statistical multiplexing has
   certain challenges and complexity in meeting deterministic QoS, and
   its delay performance is dependent on the used queueing mechanism.
   This document further describes a generic time division multiplexing
   scheme in IP/MPLS networks, which we call timeslot queueing and
   forwarding (TQF) mechanism.  It aims to bring timeslot resources to
   layer-3, to make it easier for the control plane to calculate the
   delay performance based on the timeslot resources, and also make it
   easier for the data plane to create more flexible timeslot mapping.
   The functions of TQF can better meet large scaling requirements.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 5 September 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   3.  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.1.  Timeslot Resource Reservation in Control-plane  . . . . .  11
       3.1.1.  Timeslot Mapping Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . .  12  Deduced by BTM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12  Deduced by BOM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
       3.1.2.  Timeslot Resource Definition  . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       3.1.3.  Arrival Postion in the Orchestration Period . . . . .  18
       3.1.4.  Proccess of Each Reservation Sub-task . . . . . . . .  21  Resource Reservation on the Ingress Node  . . . .  23  Resource Reservation on the Transit Node  . . . .  24  Resource Reservation on the Egress Node . . . . .  25  End-to-end Delay and Jitter . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     3.2.  Timeslot Resource Access in Data-plane  . . . . . . . . .  26
       3.2.1.  Round Robin Queue: Conversion of Timeslot ID  . . . .  27
       3.2.2.  PIFO: Directly Using Outgoing Timeslots . . . . . . .  29
   4.  Global Timeslot ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
   5.  Summary of Timeslot Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
   6.  In-time Scheduling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
   7.  Queue Design  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
     7.1.  Round Robin Queues  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
       7.1.1.  Full Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
       7.1.2.  Non-full Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35

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     7.2.  PIFO Queue  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
   8.  Multiple Orchestration Periods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
   9.  Admission Control on the Headend  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
   10. Frequency Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
   11. Evaluations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
     11.1.  Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  41
   12. Taxonomy Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  44
   13. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45
   14. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45
   15. Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45
   16. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  46
     16.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  46
     16.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  47
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48

1.  Introduction

   IP/MPLS networks use packet switching (with the feature store-and-
   forward) and are based on statistical multiplexing.  The discussion
   of supporting multiplexing in the network was first seen in the time
   division multiplexing (TDM), frequency division multiplexing (FDM)
   and other technologies of telephone communication network (using
   circuit switching).  Statistical multiplexing is essentially a
   variant of time division multiplexing, which refers to the
   asynchronous and dynamic allocation of link resources.  In this case,
   the service flow does not occupy a fixed timeslot, and the length of
   the timeslot is not fixed, but depends on the size of the packet.  In
   contrast, synchronous time division multiplexing means that a
   sampling frame (or termed as time frame) includes a fixed number of
   fixed length timeslots, and the timeslot at a specific position is
   allocated to a specific service.  The utilization rate of link
   resources in statistical multiplexing is higher than that in
   synchronous time division multiplexing.  However, if we want to
   provide deterministic end-to-end delay in packet switched networks
   based on statistical multiplexing, the difficulty is greater than
   that in synchronous time division multiplexing.  The main challenge
   is to obtain a deterministic upper bound on the queueing delay, which
   is closely related to the queueing mechanism used in the network.

   In addition to IP/MPLS network, other packet switched network
   technologies, such as ATM, also discusses how to provide
   corresponding transmission quality guarantee for different service
   types.  Before service communication, ATM needs to establish a
   connection to reserve virtual path/channel resources, and use fixed-
   length short cells and timeslots.  The advantage of short cell is
   small interference delay, but the disadvantage is low encoding
   efficiency.  The mapping relationship between ATM cells and timeslots
   is not fixed, so it still depends on a specific cells scheduling

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   mechanism (such as [ATM-LATENCY]) to ensure delay performance.
   Although the calculation of delay performance based on short and
   fixed-length cells is more concise than that of IP/MPLS networks
   based on variable length packets, they all essentially depend on the
   queueing mechanism.

   [TAS] introduces a synchronous time-division multiplexing method
   based on gate control list (GCL) rotation in Ethernet LAN.  Its basic
   idea is to calculate when the packets of the service flow arrive at a
   certain node, then the node will turn on the green light (i.e., the
   transmission state is set to OPEN) for the corresponding queue
   inserted by the service flow at that time duration, which is defined
   as TimeInterval between two adjacent items in gating cycle.  The
   TimeInterval is exactly the timeslot resource that can be reserved
   for service flow.  A set of queues is controlled by the GCL, with
   round robin per gating cycle.  The gating cycle (e.g, 250 us)
   contains a lot of items, and each item is used to set the OPEN/CLOSED
   states of all traffic class queues.  By strictly controlling the
   release time of service flow at the network entry node, multiple
   flows always arrive sequentially during each gating cycle at the
   intermediate node and are sent during their respective fixed timeslot
   to avoid conflicts, with extremely low queueing delay.  However, the
   GCL state (i.e., items set, and different TimeInterval value between
   any two adjacent items) is related with all ordered flows that passes
   through the node.  Calculating and installing GCL states separately
   on each node has scalability issues.

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   [CQF] introduces a synchronous time-division multiplexing method
   based on fixed-length cycle in Ethernet LAN.  [ECQF] is a further
   enhancement of the classic CQF and may be applicable to large scaling
   networks.  CQF with 2-bin mode or ECQF with 3-bin mode only uses a
   small number of cycles to establish the cycle mapping between a port-
   pair of two adjacent nodes, which is independent of the individual
   service flow.  The cycle mapping may be maintained on each node and
   swaped based on a single cycle id carried in the packet during
   forwarding ([I-D.eckert-detnet-tcqf]), or all cycle mappings are
   carried in the packet as a cycle stack and read per hop during
   forwarding ([I-D.chen-detnet-sr-based-bounded-latency]).  According
   to [ECQF], how many cycles (i.e., x-bin mode) are required depends on
   the proportion of the variation in intra-node forwarding delay
   relative to the cycle size.  If the proportion is small, 3-bin is
   enough, otherwise, more than 3 bins needed.  Compared to TAS, CQF/
   ECQF no longer maintains GCL on each node, but instead replaces the
   large number of variable length of timeslots related to service flows
   in GCL with a small number of fixed length cycles unrelated to
   service flows.  Thus, CQF/ECQF simplifies the data plane, but leaves
   the complexity to the control plane, by calculating and controlling
   the release time of service flow at the network entry, to guarantee
   no conflicts between flows in any cycle on any intermediate nodes.

   In order to meet the large scaling requirements, this document
   describes a scheduling mechanism for enhancing TAS.  Firstly, it
   brings timeslot type of resources to layer-3 and construct timeslot
   resources on each link within gating cycle, which are advertised in
   the network, and opened and reserved for DetNet flows to implement
   timeslot orchestration (i.e., flow interleaving).  Secondly, it
   defines timeslot based queueing mechanism on the data plane with on-
   time or in-time behavior.  We call this mechanism as Timeslot
   Queueing and Forwarding (TQF), as a supplement to IEEE 802.1 TSN TAS.
   In TQF, The selected length of gating cycle depends on the length of
   the supported service burst interval.

   Similar to TAS and CQF/ECQF, TQF is also TDM based scheduling

   *  Compared to classic TAS, TQF may use round robin queues
      corresponding to the count of timeslots during gating cycle, while
      TAS only maintains queues corresponding to the number of traffic
      classes and one of them is used for the Scheduled Traffic (i.e.,
      DetNet flows).  That means TQF need more queues than TAS (i.e.,
      multiple timeslot queues vs single traffic class queue).  However,
      TAS needs to use other complex methods to control the arrival
      order of all flows sharing the same traffic class queue to isolate
      them (so that each flow faces almost zero queuing delay), while
      TQF's timeslot queue naturally isolates flows by timeslot id of

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      gating cycle.  And, TQF with in-time scheduling mode may use a
      single PIFO (put in first out) queue to approximate the ultra-low
      delay of TAS.

   *  Compared to CQF/ECQF, TQF on-time scheduling maintains round robin
      queues corresponding to the count of timeslots during gating
      cycle, while CQF/ECQF maintains extra tolerating queues depending
      on the proportion of the variation in intra-node forwarding delay
      relative to the cycle size.  There is no gating cycle with its
      timeslot resources designed by CQF/ECQF, it needs to use
      additional flow interleaving method to control the arrival order
      of flows sharing the same cycle queue to isolate flows (or
      alternatively tolerate overprovision), while TQF's timeslot queue
      naturally isolates flows by timeslot id of gating cycle.  This is
      also the semantic difference between cycle id and timeslot id,
      where the former is used to indicate the NO. of the aggregated
      queues such as sending, receiving, or tolerating queue, rather
      than indicating the individual timeslot resource within the gating
      cycle like the later.  That is, after defining timeslot resources
      in IP/MPLS, TQF does not limit the implementations of the data
      structure type corresponding to timeslot resources on the data
      plane, which may be round robin queues, or a single PIFO queue.

1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

2.  Terminology

   The following terminology is introduced in this document:

   Timeslot:  The unit of TQF scheduling.  It needs to design a
       reasonable value, such as 10us, to send at least one complete
       packet.  Different nodes can be configured with different length
       of timeslot.

   Timeslot Scheduling:  The packet is stored in the buffer zone
       corresponding to a specific timeslot id, and may be sent before
       (in-time mode) or within (on-time mode) that timeslot.  The
       timeslot id is always a NO. from the orchestration period.

   Service Burst Interval:  The traffic specification of DetNet flow

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       generally follows the principle of generating a specific burst
       amounts within a specific length of periodic burst interval.  For
       example, a service generates 1000 bits of burst per 1 ms, where 1
       ms is the service burs interval.

   Orchestration Period:  The orchestration period is used to
       orchestrate the DetNet flow and depends on the service burst
       interval of DetNet flows.  It is actually the gating cycle in
       TAS, and its length depends on the length of the service burst
       interval of all deterministic flows.  It contains a fixed count
       (termed as N and numbered from 0 to N-1) of timeslots.  For
       example, the orchestration period include 1000 timeslots and each
       timeslot length is 10 us.  The timeslot resources within the
       orchestration period can be allocated for DetNet flows, i.e.,
       which timeslots are occupied by flows and how many bits are
       occupied in a timeslot.  The orchestration period is the Least
       Common Multiple of all service burst intervals.  It is also a
       multiple of the scheduling period.  It is recommended that all
       nodes of the network be configured with the same length of
       orchestration period (note that timeslot length may still be
       different), because it is service-related and also crucial for
       establishing a stable timeslot mapping relationship.  It is
       possible to configure multiple instances of orchestration period
       with different lengths, however, nodes communicate with each
       other based on the same length of orchestration period.

   Ongoing Sending Period:  The orchestration period which the ongoing
       sending timeslot belongs to.

   Scheduling Period:  The scheduling period depends on the hardware's
       buffer resources that is supported by the device.  Its length
       reflects the count of the timeslot resources (termed as M and
       numbered from 0 to M-1) that is actually instantiated on the data
       plane, which is limited by hardware capabilities.  Scheduling
       period length may be less than or equal to orchestration period
       length in the case of on-time mode, or larger than or equal to
       orchestration period length in the case of in-time mode.
       Different nodes can be configured with different scheduling
       period length.  When the orchestration period is larger than the
       scheduling period, different parts of the orchestration period
       can be mapped to a single scheduling period using appropriate
       mapping methods.

   Incoming Timeslot:  For the headend of the path, when the application
       flow received from the client side reaches the UNI port, the
       corresponding timeslot of the UNI port after traffic policing is
       the incoming timeslot of the packet.  For an intermediate node in
       a specific path, the timeslot contained in the packet received

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       from the upstream node (i.e., the outgoing timeslot of the
       upstream node) is its incoming timeslot.  An incoming timeslot is
       the timeslot id in the orchestration period.

   Outgoing Timeslot:  When sending a packet to the outgoing port,
       according to resource reservation or certain rules, it chooses to
       send packet in the specified timeslot of that port, which is the
       outgoing timeslot.  An outgoing timeslot is the timeslot id in
       the orchestration period.

   Ongoing Sending Timeslot:  When the end of the incoming timeslot to
       which the packet belongs reaches a specific port, the timeslot
       currently in the sending state is the ongoing sending timeslot of
       that port.  Note that the ongoing sending timeslot is different
       with the outgoing timeslot.  An ongoing sending timeslot is the
       timeslot id in the orchestration period.

3.  Overview

   This scheme introduces the time-division multiplexing scheduling
   mechanism based on the fixed length timeslot in the IP/MPLS network.
   Note that the time-division multiplexing here is a L3 packet-level
   scheduling mechanism, rather than the TDM port (such as SONET/SDH)
   implemented in L1.  The latter generally involves the time frame and
   the corresponding framing specification, which is not necessary in
   this document.  The data structure associated with timeslot resources
   may be implemented using round robin queues, or a single PIFO queue,

   Figure 1 shows the TQF scheduling behavior implemented by the
   intermediate node P through which a deterministic path passes.

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             incoming slots:
       +---+                 +---+                 +---+
       |PE1| --------------- | P | --------------- |PE2|
       +---+                 +---+                 +---+

                                orchestration period (OP)
                            | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | ... ... |N-1|
                    reserve        |
                    Outgoing slots |
                    a,b,c @OP      |
     path -------------------------o------------------->
                                   | \    (rank by a,b,c @OP)
                     access slots: |  \-----------------------+
                     a',b',c' @SP  v                          |
                        /  +-------------------+    __        v
                        |  |  queue-0 @slot 0  |   /  \     +---+
                        |  +-------------------+  |    |    +---+
                        |  |  queue-1 @slot 1  |  |    |    +---+
            Scheduling <   +-------------------+  |         +---+
            Period (SP) |  |  ... ...          |  |    ^    +---+
                        |  +-------------------+  |    |    +---+
                        |  |  queue-n @slot M-1|   \__/     +---+
                        \  +-------------------+            +---+
                            (Round Robin Queue)             (PIFO)

               Figure 1: Timeslot Based Scheduling Mechanism

   Where, both the orchestration period and the scheduling period
   consist of multiple timeslots, the number of timeslots supported by
   orchestration period is related to the length of the service burst
   interval, while the number of timeslots supported by scheduling
   period is limited by hardware capabilities, and it may be
   instantiated by a Round Robin queue or PIFO.

   The total amount of bits that can be reserved or sent in each
   timeslot can be preset, generally not exceeding the result of the
   service rate multiplied by the timeslot length.  The TQF scheduler
   may configure a specific service rate, which must not exceed the port

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   The orchestration period of all nodes in the network does not require
   phase alignment.  However, within each node, the phase of timeslot of
   orchestration period and the scheduling period are strictly aligned.
   This is indeed natural because multiple scheduling periods forms an
   orchestration period.  In other words, different parts of the
   orchestration period share and reuse the same scheduling period.
   That is, within a node, no synchronization mechanism is required
   between orchestration period and scheduling period.

   In the figure, the path allocates timeslots a, b, c from the
   orchestration period of the outgoing port (link P-PE2) for incoming
   timeslots i, j, k respectively.  It finally accesses the mapped
   timeslot from scheduling period.  There is a mapping relationship
   between the timeslot z of orchestration period and the timeslot z' of
   scheduling period, i.e., z' = f(z).  There are many mapping options,
   such as z'=z, z'=z+offset, z'=z%M, and z'=random(z), etc.  Which
   option to use depends on the data structure instantiated for timeslot
   resources and the specific resource reservation method.  In this
   document, we mainly discuss two mapping option, one is z'=z%M (in the
   case of round robin queue), the other is z'=z (in the case of PIFO).
   Section 3.2.1 provides more information on option z'=z%M.  Note that
   option z'=z does not mean that the scheduling period physically
   instantiates every timeslot resource of the orchestration period.

   In general, TQF mechanism implemented on all nodes in the network may
   use the same length of timeslot and scheduling period.  However,
   considering the capability differences of each node in the network
   (for example, the capabilities of the edge nodes are weaker than the
   core nodes), it is feasible for different nodes/links to use
   different length of timeslot and scheduling period.

   A TQF enabled link may configure multiple instances of orchestration
   period with different lengths.  Nodes communicate (i.e., control
   plane messages, or data plane packets) with each other based on the
   same length of orchestration period.  A specific orchestration
   periold instance constrains the scale of timeslot resources, and is
   used for both control plane and data plane.  That is, orchestration
   periold instance should not be considered as just a management

   The scheme involves two aspects: the path calculation and timeslot
   resource reservation in the control plane, and timeslot resource
   access in the data plane.

   EDITOR'S NOTE: according to WG's discussion this document may be
   separated to two documents in the future, one focuses on timeslot
   resource reservation and the other on timeslot resource based

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3.1.  Timeslot Resource Reservation in Control-plane

   The control plane (centralized controller or distributed protocol)
   can reserve corresponding timeslot resources along the deterministic
   path.  Note that if a path carries multiple DetNet flows, then the
   path may reserve timeslot resources for the aggregated DetNet flow,
   and may reserve the burst resources in multiple timeslots in the
   orchestration period at the same time.  However, it would still be
   beneficial to distinguish between reservation sub-tasks corresponding
   to different DetNet flows in the combined reservation task.  In this
   document, we refer to a reservation sub-task as an individual
   timeslot resource reservation action related to a DetNet flow.  Note
   that one or more reservation sub-tasks for a specific DetNet flow may
   be derived based on its TSpec, and each reservation sub-task will
   allocate corresponding timeslot.  The intermediate nodes do not
   maintain the state of DetNet flow and only reserve timeslot resources
   based on the reservation sub-tasks.

   During resource reservation, it is necessary to distinguish the
   requirements between low latency service and non-low latency service.
   For low latency service requirements, the physical offset between the
   reserved outgoing timeslot and the incoming timeslot is small; while
   for loose latency service requirements, this physical offset can be
   large.  It is necessary to maintain the end-to-end total residence
   delay budget for each reservation sub-task.  This is used to select
   outgoing timeslot at each node.  The sum of residence delays caused
   by all nodes should not exceed the total residence delay budget.

   Multiple reservation sub-tasks may generate different incoming/
   outgoing timeslot mapping relationships on node P.  For example:

   *  The timeslot mapping relationship created by the sub-task-1:

         <(incoming port a, incoming slot id 3), (outgoing port b,
         outgoing slot id 60)>

   *  The timeslot mapping relationship created by the sub-task-2:

         <(incoming port a, incoming slot id 3), (outgoing port b,
         outgoing slot id 61)>

   Special care should be taken not to confuse the use of different
   mapping relationships.  For specific DetNet flows, P need to
   explicitly use specific timeslot mapping relationships.

   It is recommended, but not mandatory, to reserve timeslot resources
   on the outgoing port of each hop from the headend of the path to the
   endpoint, that is, first determine the timeslot reserved on the

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   headend, then determine the timeslot reserved on the next hop , and
   so on.  We assume that the DetNet flow has a periodic arrival time
   (i.e., the time when the regulated packet reaches the scheduler), and
   there is an ideal position relationship between the arrival time and
   the orchestration period of the headend, so selecting the outgoing
   timeslot closed to the arrival time or within the expected offset
   range in the orchestration period can minimize the residency delay of
   the packet on the headend.  However, sometimes it is necessary to get
   a larger residence delay on the headend and a smaller residence delay
   on other nodes to ensure successful path calculation.

3.1.1.  Timeslot Mapping Relationship

   In order to reserve outgoing timeslot resources for the DetNet flow ,
   it is necessary to first determine the ongoing sending timeslot that
   the incoming timeslot falls into, i.e., the mapping relationship
   between the incoming timeslot and the ongoing sending timeslot.

   Two methods are provided in the following sub-sections to determine
   the mapping relationship between the incoming timeslot and the
   ongoing sending timeslot.  Deduced by BTM

   Figure 2 shows that there are three nodes U, V, and W in turn along
   the path.  All nodes are configured with orchestration period of the
   same length (termed as OPL), which is crucial for establishing a
   fixed timeslot mapping relationship.

   *  Port_u2 has timeslot length L_u2, and an orchestration period
      contains N_u2 timeslots.

   *  Port_v1 has timeslot length L_v1, and an orchestration period
      contains N_v1 timeslots.

   *  Port_v2 has timeslot length L_v2, and an orchestration period
      contains N_v2 timeslots.

   Hence, L_u2*N_u2 = L_v1*N_v1 = L_v2*N_v2.  In general, the link
   bandwidth of edge nodes is small, and they will be configured with a
   larger timeslot length than the aggregated/backbone nodes.

   It has been mathematically proven that if the least common multiple
   of L_u# and L_v# is LCM, OPL is also a multiple of LCM.

   Node U may send a detection packet from the end (or head, the process
   is similar) of an arbitrary timeslot i of port_u2 connected to node
   V.  After a certain link propagation delay (D_propagation), the

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   packet is received by the incoming port of node V, and i is regarded
   as the incoming timeslot by V.  At this time, the ongoing sending
   timeslot of port_v1 is j', and there is time T_ij' left before the
   end of the timeslot j'.

   This mapping relationship is termed as:

   *  <instance OPL, port_u2 slot i, port_v1 slot j', T_ij'>

   To avoid confusion, we refer to this mapping relationship as the base
   timeslot mapping (BTM), as it is independent of the DetNet flows.
   Later, we will see the timeslot mapping relationship related to
   DetNet flow, which is the mapping relationship between the outgoing
   timeslot of port_u2 and the outgoing timeslot of port_v2, which is
   based on timeslot resource reservation and termed as the forwarding
   timeslot mapping (FTM).

   BTM is generally maintained by node V when processing probe message
   received from node U.  However, node U may also obtain this
   information from node V, e.g, by an ACK message.  The advantage of
   maintaining BTM by node U is that it is consistent with the
   unidirectional link from node U to V, so it is more appropriate for
   node U (rather than V) to advertise it in the network.  How to detect
   BTM and then advertise it in the network (including contoller), will
   be described in separate documents.

   Note that this document does not recommend directly detecting and
   maintaining BTM between the outgoing timeslot of port_u2 and the
   ongoing sending timeslot of port_v2 (i.e., the outgoing port of
   downstream node V), as this is too trivial.  In fact, as shown above,
   maintaining only BTM between the outgoing timeslot of port_u2 and the
   ongoing sending timeslot of port_v1 (i.e., the incoming port of
   downstream node V) is sufficient to derive other mapping

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     | port_u1
   Node U
     | port_u2
     | |<---------------------- OP of port_u2 -------------------->|
     | +-----------+---+-------------------------------------------+
     | |  ... ...  | i |                ... ...                    |
     | +-----------+---+-------------------------------------------+
     | (departured from port_u2)
     |                 |
     |                  \ (link delay)
     |                   v
     |   |<---------------------- OP of port_u2 -------------------->|
     |   +-----------+---+-------------------------------------------+
     |   |  ... ...  | i |                 ... ...                   |
     |   +-----------+---+-------------------------------------------+
     |    (arrived at port_v1)
     |                   |
     |                   |<-T_ij'->|
     |                   v (i map to j')
     |     +-----------+-----------+-----------------------------------+
     |     |  ... ...  |     j'    |              ... ...              |
     |     +-----------+-----------+-----------------------------------+
     |     |<--------------------- OP of port_v1 --------------------->|
     | port_v1            \
     v                     |
   Node V                  |
     |                      \ (intra-node forwarding delay)
     | port_v2               v
     |     +---------------+-------+-----------------------------------+
     |     |    ... ...    |   j   |              ... ...              |
     |     +---------------+-------+-----------------------------------+
     |     |<--------------------- OP of port_v2 --------------------->|
     | port_w1
   Node W

                          Figure 2: BTM Detection

   Based on the above detected BTM, and knowing the intra-node
   forwarding delay (F) including parsing, table lookup, internal fabric
   exchange, we can derive BTM between any outgoing timelot x of port_u2
   and the ongoing timeslot y of port_v2.

   Let t is the offset between the end of the timeslot x of port_u2 and
   the beginning of the orchestration period of the port_v2.

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   *  t = ((j'+1)*L_v1 - T_ij' + OPL + (x-i)*L_u2 + F) % OPL


   *  y = [t/L_v2]

   And the time T_xy left before the end of the timeslot y is:

   *  T_xy = (y+1)*L_v2 - t

   This document recommends that the time of each port within the same
   node must be synchronized, that is, all ports of a node share the
   same local system time, which is easy to achieve.  It is also
   recommended that the begin time of the orchestration period for all
   ports within the same node be the same or differ by an integer
   multiple of OPL, e.g, maintaining a global initial time as the
   logical begin time for the first round of orchestration period for
   all ports.  Whether node restart or port restart, this initial time
   should continue to take effect to avoid affecting the timeslot
   mapping relationship between each node.  Depending on the
   implementation, considering that the initial time may be a historical
   time that is too far away from the current system time, regular
   updates may be made to it (e.g, self increasing k*OPL, where k is a
   natural number) to be closer to the current system time.  Deduced by BOM

   Figure 3 shows that there are three nodes U, V, and W in turn along
   the path.  Similar to Section, it still has L_u2*N_u2 =
   L_v1*N_v1 = L_v2*N_v2.

   Node U may send a detection packet from the head (or end, the process
   is similar) of the orchestration period of port_u2 connected to node
   V.  After a certain link propagation delay (D_propagation), the
   packet is received by the incoming port of node V.  At this time,
   there is time P_uv left before the end of the ongoing sending period
   of port_v1.

   This mapping relationship is termed as:

   *  <instance OPL, port_u2, port_v1, P_uv>

   We refer to this mapping relationship as the base orchestration-
   period mapping (BOM), which it is independent of the DetNet flows.

   BOM is generally maintained by node V when processing probe message
   received from node U.  However, node U may also obtain this
   information from node V, e.g, by an ACK message.  The advantage of

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   maintaining BOM by node U is that it is consistent with the
   unidirectional link from node U to V, so it is more appropriate for
   node U (rather than V) to advertise it in the network.  How to detect
   BOM and then advertise it in the network (including contoller), will
   be described in separate documents.

     | port_u1
   Node U
     | port_u2
     | |<---------------------- OP of port_u2 -------------------->|
     | +-----------+---+-------------------------------------------+
     | |  ... ...  |   |                  ... ...                  |
     | +-----------+---+-------------------------------------------+
     | (departured from port_u2)
     |  \
     |   \ (link delay)
     |    \
     |     |<---------------------- OP of port_u2 -------------------->|
     |     +-----------+---+-------------------------------------------+
     |     |  ... ...  |   |                  ... ...                  |
     |     +-----------+---+-------------------------------------------+
     |     (arrived at port_v1)
     |     |
     |     |<---------------------- P_uv -------------------------->|
     |     v
     |  +-----------+-----------+-----------------------------------+
     |  |  ... ...  |           |              ... ...              |
     |  +-----------+-----------+-----------------------------------+
     |  |<--------------------- OP of port_v1 --------------------->|
     | port_v1
     v      \
   Node V    \ (intra-node forwarding delay)
     |        \
     | port_v2 \
     |  +---------------+-------+-----------------------------------+
     |  |    ... ...    |       |              ... ...              |
     |  +---------------+-------+-----------------------------------+
     |  |<--------------------- OP of port_v2 --------------------->|
     | port_w1
   Node W

                          Figure 3: BOM Detection

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   Based on BOM, and knowing the intra-node forwarding delay (F), we can
   derive the mapping relationship between any outgoing timelot x of
   port_u2 and the ongoing timeslot y of port_v2.

   Let t is the offset between the end of the timeslot x of port_u2 and
   the beginning of the orchestration period of the port_v2.

   *  t = ((x+1)*L_u2 + OPL - P_uv + F) % OPL


   *  y = [t/L_v2]

   And the time T_xy left before the end of the timeslot y is:

   *  T_xy = (y+1)*L_v2 - t

3.1.2.  Timeslot Resource Definition

   The timeslot resources of a link can be represented as the
   corresponding bit amounts of all timeslots included in an
   orchestration period.  Basically, the link capability should contain
   the following information:

   *  Timeslot Length (TL): Represents the length of the timeslot, in
      units of us.  Generally, the length of each timeslot included in
      the orchestration period is the same.

   *  Orchestration Period Length (OPL): Represents the length of the
      orchestration period, in units of us.  The orchestration period
      contains N timeslots, numbered sequentially from 0 to N-1.  That
      is, OPL = N*TL.

   *  Scheduling Period Length (SPL): Represents the length of the
      scheduling period, in units of us.  The scheduling period contains
      M timeslots, numbered sequentially from 0 to M-1.  That is, SPL =

   Figure 4 shows the timeslot resource model of the link, with an
   orchestration period instance consisting of N timeslots numbered from
   0 to N-1.  The resource information of each timeslot includes the
   following attributes:

   *  Timeslot ID: Indicates the NO. of the timeslot in the
      orchestration period instance.  The NO. of the first timeslot is
      0, and the NO. of the last timeslot is N-1.

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   *  Maximum Reservable Bursts (MRB): Refers to the maximum amount of
      bit quota corresponding to this timeslot, with unit of bits.  It
      is a configurable preset value that is related to the service rate
      (termed as C) and the length of the timeslot (termed as TL), and
      the Maximum Reservable Bursts should be set to a value not
      exceeding C*TL.  Generally, the Maximum Reservable Bursts of each
      timeslot included in the orchestration period are all the same.

   *  Unreserved Bursts (UB): Refers to the amount of unreserved bits
      reservable corresponding to this timeslot, with unit of bits.

       #N-1       +-------------------------------------+
                  | Timeslot Length:           TL(n-1)  |
                  | Maximum Reservable Bursts: MRB(n-1) |
                  | Unreserved Bursts:         UB(n-1)  |
       ...                      ... ...
       ...                      ... ...

       #1         +-------------------------------------+
                  | Timeslot Length:           TL(1)    |
                  | Maximum Reservable Bursts: MRB(1)   |
                  | Unreserved Bursts:         UB(1)    |

       #0         +-------------------------------------+
                  | Timeslot Length:           TL(0)    |
                  | Maximum Reservable Bursts: MRB(0)   |
                  | Unreserved Bursts:         UB(0)    |
               Timeslot Resources of an OP Instance of the Link

                     Figure 4: Timeslot Resources Model

   The IGP/BGP extensions to advertise the link's capability and
   timeslot resource is defined in

3.1.3.  Arrival Postion in the Orchestration Period

   Generally, a DetNet flow has its TSpec, such as periodically
   generating traffic of a specific burst size within a specific length
   of burst interval, which regularly reaches the network entry.  The
   headend executes traffic regulation (e.g, setting appropriate
   parameters for leaky bucket shaping), which generally make packets
   evenly distributed within the service burst interval, i.e, there are

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   one or more shaped sub-burst in the service burst interval.  There is
   an ideal positional relationship between the departure time (when
   each sub-burst leaves the regulator) and the orchestration period of
   UNI port, that is, each sub-burst corresponds to an ideal incoming
   timeslot of UNI port.  Based on the ideal incoming timeslot, an ideal
   outgoing timeslot of NNI port is reserved for the sub-burst.

   For example, if a DetNet flow distributes m sub-bursts during the
   orchestration period, the network entry should maintain m states for
   that flow:

   *  <OPL, ideal incoming slot i_1, ideal outgoing slot z_1>

   *  <OPL, ideal incoming slot i_2, ideal outgoing slot z_2>

   *  ... ...

   *  <OPL, ideal incoming slot i_m, ideal outgoing slot z_m>

   However, the packets arrived at the network entry are not always
   ideal, and the departure time from regulator may not be in a certain
   ideal incoming timeslot.  Therefore, an important operation that
   needs to be performed by the network entry is to determine the ideal
   incoming timeslot i based on the actual departure time.  This can
   first determine the actual incoming timeslot based on the actual
   departure time, and then select an ideal incoming timeslot that is
   closest to the actual incoming timeslot and not earlier than the
   actual incoming timeslot.

   Figure 5 shows, for some typical DetNet flows, the relationship
   between the service burst interval (SBI) and the length of
   orchestration period (OPL) of headend, as well as the possible
   timeslot resource reservation results for these DetNet flows.

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               |<--------------------- OPL ---------------------->|
               | #0 | #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 |  ... ... |#N-1|

    Flow 1:    |     |b1|                                         |
               |<------------------- SBI ------------------------>|

                            +--+                        +--+
    Flow 2:    |            |b1|                        |b2|
               |<------------------- SBI ------------------------>|

    Flow 3:    |                           |  b1  |
               |<------------------- SBI ------------------------>|

                    +--+             +--+             +--+
    Flow 4:    |    |b1|        |    |b1|        |    |b1|        |
               |<----- SBI ---->|<----- SBI ---->|<----- SBI ---->|

                 Figure 5: Relationship between SBI and OP

   As shown in the figure, the length of service burst intervals for
   flows 1, 2, 3 is equal to the length of orchestration period, while
   the length of the service burst interval for flow 4 is only 1/3 of
   the orchestration period.

   *  Flow 1 generates a very small single burst amounts within its
      burst interval, which may reserve timeslot 2 or other subsequent
      timeslot in the orchestration period;

   *  Flow 2 generates two small discrete sub-bursts within its burst
      interval and also be shaped, which may reserve slots 4 and N-1 in
      the orchestration period for each sub-burst respectively;

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   *  Flow 3 generates a large single burst amount within its burst
      interval but not be really shaped (due to purchasing a larger
      burst resource and served by a larger bucket depth), which may
      also be split to multiple back-to-back sub-bursts and reserve
      multiple timeslots in the orchestration period, such as timeslots
      8 and 9.

   *  The length of the service burst interval for flow 4 is only 1/3 of
      the orchestration period.  Hence, construct flow 4' with 3
      occurrence of the flow 4 within an orchestration period.  So flow
      4' is similar to flow 2, generating a small amount of three
      separate sub-bursts within its burst interval.  It may reserve
      timeslots 3, 7, and N-1 in the orchestration period.

   Each sub-burst corresponds to a reservation sub-task.  For
   simplicity, each regulated sub-burst in the service burst interval
   always reserves timeslot resources according to the maximum sub-bust

   For a specific DetNet flow, to determine how many reservation sub-
   tasks are required, can be summarized as:

   *  First, align the service burst interval with the orchestration
      period of the headend to ensure that the two are of equal length.
      If the service burst interval is only a fraction of the
      orchestration period, multiply it several times to obtain the
      expanded service burst interval to get a new flow'.

   *  Check how many discrete sub-bursts will be generated during the
      orchestration period, and for each sub-burst:

      -  If the proportion of the sub-burst size to the MRB of a single
         timeslot does not exceed a specific value, then the sub-burst
         corresponds to a reservation sub-task;

      -  Otherwise, continue to split the sub-burst into multiple sub-
         sub-bursts (note that each sub-sub-burst must contain a
         complete packet), so that the proportion of each sub-sub-burst
         size to the MRB of a single timeslot does not exceed the
         specific value, and each sub-sub-burst corresponds to a
         reservation sub-task.

3.1.4.  Proccess of Each Reservation Sub-task

   Each reservation sub-task contains a separate parameter set, which is
   used in the process of timeslot resource reservation.  Note that this
   set may be a local information for the path compuation engine (e.g, a
   controller), or may signal between nodes (e.g, RSVP-TE).

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   *  Total Residence Budget: It is the sum of the residence delay
      allowed by the DetNet flow within all nodes in the path, which is
      equal to the end-to-end delay requirement of the DetNet flow minus
      the propagation delay of all links included in the path.

   *  Node Residence Budget: It refers to the residence delay budget of
      the current node traversed during the process of reserving
      timeslot resources on each node along the path in sequence.  A
      simple way is to divide the Total Residence Budget by the number
      of nodes included in the path to obtain the average residence
      delay budget as the Node Residence Budget for each node, or use a
      specified budget list to specify the residence delay budget for
      each node separately.

   *  Accumulated Node Residence Budget: It refers to the accumulated
      residence delay budget of those nodes that have executed resource

   *  Accumulated Node Residence Evaluation: It refers to the
      accumulated evaluation value of the residence delay of nodes that
      have executed resource reservation.  The residence delay
      evaluation value of a node refers to the residence delay
      evaluation value calculated based on the delay formula (see below)
      when the node actually reserves a certain outgoing timeslot for
      the reservation sub-task.  Generally, if a node is able to reserve
      the expected outgoing timeslot according to its residence delay
      budget, the residence delay evaluation value does not differ from
      the residence delay budget.  However, in some cases, due to
      insufficient resources in the expected timeslot, resources have to
      be reserved in the timeslot adjacent to the expected timeslot,
      which can lead to a difference between the residence delay
      evaluation value and the budget value.

   *  Accumulated Node Residence Deviation: It is equal to the
      Accumulated Node Residence Budget minus the Accumulated Node
      Residence Evaluation.

   *  Node Residence Budget Adjustment: It is equal to the Node
      Residence Budget plus the Accumulated Node Residence Deviation.

   The usage for the above parameter set is:

   *  For specific reservation sub-task, determine the Node Residence
      Budget for each node in the path, which can be taken from the
      average residence delay budget per node or the specified budget

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   *  From the headend to the endpoint, on each node's outgoing port in
      sequence, reserve outgoing timeslot resources based on the Node
      Residence Budget Adjustment, to let the residence delay evaluation
      value of the node obtained from the reserved outgoing timeslot be
      equal to or close to the Node Residence Budget Adjustment.

      -  On the headend, the Accumulated Node Residence Deviation is the
         initial value of 0.  Therefore, the Node Residence Budget
         Adjustment is equal to the Node Residence Budget.

      -  On any other nodes, the Accumulated Node Residence Deviation is
         generally not 0.  If the residence delay evaluation value of
         the node obtained from the reserved outgoing timeslot be equal
         to the Node Residence Budget Adjustment, it will cause the
         Accumulated Node Residence Deviation faced by the downstream
         node in the path to be 0 again.

   Note that the above parameter set is only an implementation choice
   and is not mandatory.  There may be more intelligent path calculation
   methods available.  Resource Reservation on the Ingress Node

   On the headend H, as mentioned above, each sub-burst corresponds to
   an ideal incoming timeslot i of UNI port.  After the intra-node
   forwarding delay (F), the end of the incoming timeslot i reaches the
   outgoing port, the timeslot currently in the sending state (i.e., the
   ongoing sending timeslot of NNI port) is j, and there is time T_ij
   left before the end of the timeslot j.

   The outgoing timeslot reserved for the sub-burst by the headend is
   offset by o (>=1) timeslots after timeslot j, which means the
   outgoing timeslot is z = (j+o)%N_h2, where N_h2 is the number of
   timeslots in the orchestration period of NNI port.

   Note that o must be less than M. (where o is the offset and M is the
   number of timeslot in the scheduling period as mentioned in
   Section 3.1.2)

   Thus, on the headend H the residence delay evaluation value obtained
   from the reserved outgoing timeslot z is:

      Best Node Residence Evaluation = F + T_ij + (o-1)*L_h2

      Worst Node Residence Evaluation = F + L_h1 + T_ij + o*L_h2

      Average Node Residence Evaluation = F + T_ij + (L_h1 + (2o-

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      where, L_h1 is the timeslot length of UNI port, L_h2 is the
      timeslot length of NNI port.

   The Best Node Residence Evaluation occurs when the sub-burst is at
   the end of the ideal incoming timeslot i, and sent at the head of
   outgoing timeslot z.  The Worst Node Residence Evaluation occurs when
   the sub-burst is at the head of the ideal incoming timeslot i, and
   sent at the end of outgoing timeslot z.  The delay jitter within the
   headend is (L_h1 + L_h2).  However, the jitter of the entire path is
   not the sum of the jitters of all nodes.

   Depending on the implementation, the above Best Node Residence
   Evaluation, Worst Node Residence Evaluation, or Average Node
   Residence Evaluation can be used to compare with the Node Residence
   Budget Adjustment, so that when selecting the appropriate outgoing
   timeslot z, the two are equal or nearly equal, and the corresponding
   Unreserved Burst resources of the outgoing timeslot z meet the burst
   demand of the sub-burst.  However, this document suggests using the
   Average Node Residence Evaluation to compare with the Node Residence
   Budget Adjustment, because the characteristic of the forwarding
   behavior based on TQF is that adjacent nodes on the path will not
   simultaneously face the best or worst residency delay.

   Note that there is a runtime jitter (i.e., the resource reservation
   process on the control plane is not aware of it), as mentioned
   earlier, which depends on the deviation between the actual incoming
   timeslot i' and the ideal incoming timeslot i.  Assuming that i =
   (i'+e)%N_h1, where e is the deviation, N_h1 is the number of
   timeslots in the orchestration period of UNI port, then the
   additional runtime jitter is e*L_h1, that should be carried in the
   packet to eliminate jitter at the network egress.  Resource Reservation on the Transit Node

   On the transit node V, as described in Section 3.1.1, there is a
   timeslot mapping relationship between the outgoing timeslot i of
   port_u2 and the ongoing sending timeslot j of port_v2, and there is
   time T_ij left before the end of the timeslot j.

   For a specific sub-task, assume that outgoing timeslot i is reserved
   for it on port_u2, and the outgoing timeslot z reserved for it on
   port_v2 is offset by o (>=1) timeslots after timeslot j, i.e., z =
   (j+o)%N_v2, where N_v2 is the number of timeslots in the
   orchestration period of port_v2.

   Note that o must be less than M.

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   Thus, on the transit node V the residence delay evaluation value
   obtained from the reserved outgoing timeslot z is:

      Best Node Residence Evaluation = F + T_ij + (o-1)*L_v2

      Worst Node Residence Evaluation = F + T_ij + L_u2 + o*L_v2

      Average Node Residence Evaluation = F + T_ij + (L_u2+(2o-

      where, L_u2 and L_v2 is the timeslot length of port_u2 and port_v2

   The Best Node Residence Evaluation occurs when the packet is received
   at the end of incoming timeslot i and sent at the head of outgoing
   timeslot z; The Worst Node Residence Evaluation occurs when the
   packet is received at the head of incoming timeslot i and sent at the
   end of outgoing timeslot z.  The delay jitter within the node is
   (L_u2 + L_v2).  However, the jitter of the entire path is not the sum
   of the jitters of all nodes.

   Depending on the implementation, the above Best Node Residence
   Evaluation, Worst Node Residence Evaluation, or Average Node
   Residence Evaluation can be used to compare with the Node Residence
   Budget Adjustment, so that when selecting the appropriate outgoing
   timeslot z, the two are equal or nearly equal, and the corresponding
   Unreserved Burst resources of the outgoing timeslot z meet the burst
   demand of the sub-burst.  However, this document suggests using the
   Average Node Residence Evaluation to compare with the Node Residence
   Budget Adjustment, because the characteristic of the forwarding
   behavior based on TQF is that adjacent nodes on the path will not
   simultaneously face the best or worst residency delay.  Resource Reservation on the Egress Node

   Generally, for the deterministic path carrying the DetNet flow, the
   flow needs to continue forwarding from the outgoing port of the
   egress node to the client side, and also faces the issues of
   queueing.  However, the outgoing port facing the client side is not
   part of the deterministic path.  If it is necessary to continue
   supporting TQF mechanism on that port, timeslot resources should be
   reserved on the higher-level DetNet path (an overlay path) using the
   above reservation method.  In this case, the underlay DetNet path
   will serve as a virtual link of the overlay path, providing a
   deterministic delay performance.

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   Therefore, for deterministic paths, the residence dalay evaluation
   value on the egress node is only contributed by the forwarding delay
   (F) including parsing, table lookup, internal fabric exchange, etc.  End-to-end Delay and Jitter

   Figure 6 shows that a path from headend P1 to endpoint E, for each
   node Pi, the timeslot length of the outgoing port is L_i, the intra-
   node forwarding delay is F_i, the remaining time from the end of the
   mapped ongoing sending timeslot is T_i, the number of timeslots
   offset by outgoing timeslot relative to ongoing sending timeslot is
   o_i, especially on node P1 the timeslot length of UNI is L_h, then
   the end to end delay can be evaluted as follows (not including link
   propagation delay):

      Best E2E Delay = sum(F_i+T_i+o_i*L_i, for 1<=i<=n) - L_n + F_e

      Worst E2E Delay = sum(F_i+T_i+o_i*L_i, for 1<=i<=n) + L_h + F_e

       +---+     +---+     +---+             +---+     +---+
       | P1| --- | P2| --- | P3| --- ... --- | Pn| --- | E |
       +---+     +---+     +---+             +---+     +---+

                       Figure 6: TQF Forwarding Path

   The Best E2E Delay occurs when the sub-burst is at the end of the
   ideal incoming timeslot and sent at the head of outgoing timeslot of
   each node pi.  The Worst E2E Delay occurs when the sub-burst is at
   the head of the ideal incoming timeslot and sent at the end of
   outgoing timeslot of each node Pi.  The E2E delay jitter is (L_h +

3.2.  Timeslot Resource Access in Data-plane

   The headend of the path needs to maintain the timeslot resource
   information with the granularity of sub-burst, so that each sub-burst
   of the DetNet flow can access the mapped timeslot resources.
   However, the intermediate node does not need to maintain this mapping
   state.  The intermediate node only access the timeslot resources
   based on the timeslot id carried in the packets or indicated by FIB

   Note that the incoming and outgoing timeslots mentioned here are both
   timeslot id within the orchestration period.

   [I-D.pb-6man-deterministic-crh] defined a method to carry the stack
   of timeslot id in the IPv6 packets.

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   By default, the following subsections discuss on-time scheduling

3.2.1.  Round Robin Queue: Conversion of Timeslot ID

   Figure 1 shows that the scheduling period implemented on the data
   plane is not completely equivalent to the orchestration period of the
   control plane.  The scheduling period includes M timeslots (from 0 to
   M-1), while the orchestration period includes N timeslots (from 0 to
   N-1).  In the orchestration period, from timeslot 0 to M-1 is the
   first scheduling period, from timeslot M to slot 2M-1 is the second
   scheduling period, and so on.  Therefore, it is necessary to convert
   the outgoing timeslot of the orchestration period to the target
   timeslot of the scheduling period, and insert the packet to the round
   robin queue corresponding to the target timeslot for transmission.

   A simple conversion method is:

   *  target scheduling timeslot = outgoing timeslot % M

   This is safe because during resource reservation, o < M is always
   followed, and N is an integer multiple of M.

   According to the timeslot resource reservation process mentioned
   above, when the sub-burst corresponding to any outgoing timeslot
   (e.g, z) arrived at the outgoing port of any node of the path, the
   ongoing sending timeslot (e.g, j) in the orchestration period of the
   outgoing port must be offset by o before the outgoing timeslot (z),
   and meet o < M, which means that the sub-burst does not randomly
   arrive at this node, but strictly conform to the time so that when it
   reaches the outgoing port, it will definitely fall into the ongoing
   sending timeslot (j).

   Next, we briefly demonstrate that the sub-burst that arrives at the
   outgoing port during the ongoing sending timeslot (j) can be safely
   inserted into the corresponding queue in the scheduling period, and
   that queue will not overflow.

   Assuming that each timeslot in the orchestration period has a virtual
   queue, the length of the virtual queue is the MRB of that timeslot.
   For example, termed the virtual queue corresponding to the outgoing
   timeslot z as queue-z, the packets that can be inserted into queue-z
   may only come from the following bursts:

      During the ongoing sending timeslot j = (z-M+1+N)%N, the bursts
      that arrive at the outgoing port, that is, these bursts may
      reserve the outgoing timeslot (z) according to o = M-1.

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      During the ongoing sending timeslot j = (z-M+2+N)%N, the bursts
      that arrive at the outgoing port, that is, these bursts may
      reserve the outgoing timeslot (z) according to o = M-2.

      ... ...

      During the ongoing sending timeslot j = (z-1+N)%N, the bursts that
      arrive at the outgoing port, that is, these bursts may reserve the
      outgoing timeslot (z) according to o = 1;

      The total reserved amount of all these bursts does not exceed the
      MRB of the outgoing timeslot (z).

   Then, when the ongoing sending timeslot changes to z, queue-z will be
   sent and cleared.  In the following time, starting from timeslot z+1
   to the last timeslot N-1 in the orchestration period, there are no
   longer any packets inserted into queue-z.  Obviously, this virtual
   queue is a great waste of queue resources.  In fact, queue-z can be
   reused by the subsequent outgoing timeslot (z+M)%N.  Namely:

      During the ongoing sending timeslot j = (z+1)%N, the bursts that
      arrive at the outgoing port, that is, these bursts may reserve the
      outgoing timeslot (z+M)%N according to o = M-1.

      During the ongoing sending timeslot j = (z+2)%N, the bursts that
      arrive at the outgoing port, that is, these bursts may reserve the
      outgoing timeslot (z+M)%N according to o = M-2.

      ... ...

      During the ongoing sending timeslot j = (z+M-1)%N, the bursts that
      arrive at the outgoing port, that is, these bursts may reserve the
      outgoing timeslot (z+M)%N according to o = 1.

      The total reserved amount of all these bursts does not exceed the
      MRB of the outgoing timeslot (z+M)%N.

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   It can be seen that queue-z can be used by any outgoing timeslot
   (z+k*M)%N, where k is a non negative integer.  By observing
   (z+k*M)%N, it can be seen that the minimum z satisfies 0<= z< M, that
   is, the entire orchestration period actually only requires M queues
   to store packets, which are the queues corresponding to M timeslots
   in the scheduling period.  That is to say, the minimum z is the
   timeslot id in the scheduling period, while the outgoing timeslot
   (z+k*M)% N is the timeslot id in the orchestration period.  The
   latter obtains the former by moduling M, which can then access the
   queue corresponding to the former.  In short, the reason why a queue
   can store packets from multiple outgoing timeslots without being
   overflowed is that the packets stored in the queue earlier (more than
   M timeslots ago) have already been sent.

3.2.2.  PIFO: Directly Using Outgoing Timeslots

   Figure 1 also shows that the scheduling period may also be
   instantiated by a PIFO queue.  The buffer cost of PIFO queue is the
   same as that of round robin queues.  It can directly use the begin
   time of the outgoing timeslot z as the rank of the packet and insert
   the packet into the PIFO for transmission.

   *  rank = z.begin

   Here, the outgoing timeslot z refers to the outgoing timeslot z that
   is after the arrival time at the scheduler and closest to the arrival

   The rule of the on-time scheduling mode is that if the PIFO is not
   empty and the rank of the head of queue is equal to or earlier than
   the current system time, the head of queue will be sent; otherwise,

4.  Global Timeslot ID

   The outgoing timeslots we discussed in the previous sections are
   local timeslots style for all nodes.  This section discusses the
   situation based on global timeslot style.

   Global timeslot style refers to that all nodes in the path are
   identified with the same timeslot id, which of course requires all
   nodes to use the same timeslot length.  The advantages are that the
   resource reservation based on global timeslots is simple, always
   reserving a specified outgoing timeslot for the DetNet flow.  There
   is no need to establish FTM on each node or carry FTM in packets.
   The packet only needs to carry the unique global timeslot id.
   However, the disadvantage is that the latency performance of the path
   may be large, which depends on BOM between the adjacent nodes.

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   Another disadvantage is that the success rate of finding a path that
   matches the service requirements is not as high as local timeslot

   Global timeslot style requires that the orchestration period is equal
   to the scheduling period, mainly considering that arrival packets
   with any global timeslot id can be successfully inserted into the
   corresponding queue without overflow.  However, as the ideal design
   goal is to keep the scheduling period less than the orchestration
   period, further research is needed on other methods (such as
   basically aligning orchestration period between nodes), to ensure
   that packets with any global timeslot id can queue normally when the
   scheduling period is less than the orchestration period.

   Compared to the local timeslot style, global timeslot style means
   that the incoming timeslot i must map to the outgoing timeslot i too.
   As the example shown in Figure 7, each orchestration period contains
   6 timeslots.  Node V has three connected upstream nodes U1, U2, and
   U3.  During each hop forwarding, the packet accesses the outgoing
   timeslot corresponding to the global timeslot id and forwards to the
   downstream node with the global timeslot id unchanged.  For example,
   U1 sends some packets with global slot-id 0, termed as g0, in the
   outgoing timeslot 0.  The packets with other global slot-id 1~5 are
   similarly termed as g1~g5 respectively.  The figure shows the
   scheduling results of these 6 batches of packets sent by upstream
   nodes when node V continues to send them.

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         0   1   2   3   4   5   0   1   2   3   4   5   0   1   2
   U1  | g0| g1| g2|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

          1   2   3   4   5   0   1   2   3   4   5   0   1   2   3
   U2   |   |   | g3| g4|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

         5   0   1   2   3   4   5   0   1   2   3   4   5   0   1
   U3  | g5|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

           0   1   2   3   4   5   0   1   2   3   4   5   0   1   2
   V     |   |   |   | g3| g4| g5| g0| g1| g2|   |   |   |   |   |   |

                  Figure 7: Global Timeslot Style Example

   In this example:

   *  BTM between the outgoing timeslot of U1 and the ongoing sending
      timeslot of V is i -> i, so the reserved outgoing timeslot for the
      incoming timeslot i is i+6 (i.e., belongs to next round of
      orchestration periold).

   *  BTM between the outgoing timeslot of U2 and the ongoing sending
      timeslot of V is i -> i-1, so the reserved outgoing timeslot for
      the incoming timeslot i is i (i.e., belongs to current round of
      orchestration periold).

   *  BTM between the outgoing timeslot from U3 and the ongoing sending
      timeslot of V is i -> i+1, so the reserved outgoing timeslot for
      the incoming timeslot i is i+6 (i.e., belongs to next round of
      orchestration periold).

   It can be seen that packets from U1 and U3 has large residency delay
   in the node V, while packets from U2 has small residency delay in the
   node V.

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   It should be noted that for the orginal mapping relationship i -> i
   or i -> i+1, the packets need to be stored in a buffer prior to the
   TQF scheduler (such as the buffer on the input port side) for a fixed
   latency (such as serveral timeslots) and then released to the
   scheduler.  Instead, directly inserting the queue may cause queue
   overflow.  This fixed-latency buffer is only introduced for specific
   upstream nodes.  It can be determined according to the initial
   detection result of BTM between the outgoing timeslot of the upstream
   node and the ongoing sending timeslot of this node.  If the original
   detection result is i -> i or i -> i+1, it needs to be introduced,
   otherwise not.  After the introduction of fixed-latency buffer, the
   new detection result of BTM will no longer be i -> i or i -> i+1.

   For the headend, the residence delay is similar to Section,
   except that determining the offset o is simpler.  Suppose that for
   the ideal incoming timeslot i (note that at the headend this incoming
   timeslot i is not the reserved timeslot resource), the ongoing
   sending timeslot of the ougtoing port is j, and the sub-burst reserve
   global timeslot z, then, o equals (N+z-j)%N.

   For transit nodes, the residence delay is similar to Section,
   except that determining the offset o is simpler.  Suppose that for
   the incoming timeslot z, the ongoing sending timeslot of the ougtoing
   port is j, and the sub-burst continues to reserve global timeslot z,
   then, o equals (N+z-j)%N.

   The end-to-end delay equation is similar to Section

5.  Summary of Timeslot Style

   Depending on the strategy of reserving timeslot resources, different
   timeslot styles will be presented, as shown in the table below.

       |  Strategy     |      Timeslot Style    |   Referrence     |
       | Flexible o    | Local timeslot style   | section 3.1.4    |
       | (1<=o<M)      |                        |                  |
       | Constant o    | Global timeslot style  | section 4        |
       | (o=(N+i-j)%N) |                        |                  |
       | Constant o    | ECQF                   | [ECQF]           |
       | (o=1)         |                        |                  |

                         Figure 8: Timeslot Styles

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   A local policy may be configured in the path computation engine to
   use which strategy on different nodes, as long as the calculated E2E
   delay meet the flow's requirement.  For example, it is possible to
   use strategy "constant o=1" on all transit nodes and use strategy
   "flexible o" on ingress node.

   Based on the same topology, the success rate of path calculation for
   strategy "flexible o" applied on transit nodes is higher than that
   for strategy "constant o" applied.

6.  In-time Scheduling

   So far, in the TQF mechanism presented above, both for local timeslot
   style and global timeslot style, the goal is to reserve a fixed
   outgoing timeslot for the sub-burst in the orchestration period, and
   just send the sub-burst in that timeslot.  This is on-time

   In this section, we discuss another scheduling variant of TQF, i.e.,
   in-time scheduling.  In this case, timeslot resources are still
   reserved based on delay requirement, but in actual forwarding,
   packets do not necessarily have to wait until the reserved outgoing
   timeslot for sending.

   As is known, in-time scheduling may cause burst accumulation, so that
   scheduling period implemented with limited amount of round robin
   queues is not suitable for this purpose, while PIFO with excess
   length is more suitable.  [SP-LATENCY] provides guidance for
   evaluating excess buffer requirements.

   Similar to Section 3.2.2, it can directly use the begin time of the
   outgoing timeslot z as the rank of the packet and insert the packet
   into the PIFO for transmission.  However, due to in-time scheduling
   behavior, the outgoing timeslot z may not be the outgoing timeslot z
   that is after the arrival time at the scheduler and closest to the
   arrival time, instead, it may be an outgoing timeslot z far away from
   the arrival time.

   A time deviation (E) may be carried in the packet to help determine
   the outgoing timeslot z.

   On the headend node:

   *  E initially equals to the begin time of the ideal incoming
      timeslot minus the actual departure time from the regulator.

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   *  Use the result of "departure time + E" (note that it is just the
      begin time of the ideal incoming timeslot, and the main purpose
      here is to describe how E works) to determine the expected
      outgoing timeslot z that is after this result and closest to this

   *  rank = z.begin

   *  When the packet leaves the headend, E is updated to z.begin minus
      the actual sending time from the PIFO.  The updated E will be
      carried in the sending packet.

   On the transit node:

   *  Obtain E from the received packet.

   *  Use the result of "arrival time + E" to determine the expected
      outgoing timeslot z that is after this result and closest to this
      result.  Here, the arrival time is the time that the packet
      arrived at the scheduler.

   *  rank = z.begin

   *  When the packet leaves the headend, E is updated to z.begin minus
      the actual sending time from the PIFO.  The updated E will be
      carried in the sending packet.

   The rule of the in-time scheduling mode is that as long as the PIFO
   is not empty, packets are always obtained from the head of queue for

   In summary, the in-time scheduling with the help of time deviation
   (E), can suffer from the uncertainty caused by burst accumulation,
   and it is recommended only deployed in small networks, i.e., a
   limited domain with a small number of hops, where the burst
   accumulation issue is not serious; The on-time scheduling is
   recommended to be used in large networks.

7.  Queue Design

7.1.  Round Robin Queues

   Round robin queues operate in on-time scheduling mode by default.

   The number of round robin queues should be designed according to the
   number of timeslots included in the scheduling period.  Each timeslot
   corresponds to a separate queue, in which the buffered packets must
   be able to be sent within a timeslot.

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   The length of the queue, i.e., the total number of bits that can be
   reserved or sent for a timeslot, equals to the allocated bandwidth of
   the corresponding OP instance (see Section 8) multiplied by the
   timeslot length.

7.1.1.  Full Queues

   Case: 1-to-1 mapping between the orchestration period timeslot and
   the scheduling period timeslot.

   When the scheduling period length is equal to the orchestration
   period length, the node will implement full queues.  The advantage is
   that the actual forwarding resources are the same view as the
   resources used for reservation, so that the resource reservation
   process is simple (e.g, the global timeslot style).  However, the
   disadvantage is that because the scheduling period is generally large
   to cover all services requirements, the number of queues maintained
   by the node will be large.

   For example, if the total length of all queues supported by the
   hardware is 4G bytes, the queue length corresponding to a timeslot of
   10us at a port rate of 100G bps is 1M bits, then a maximum of 32K
   timeslot queues can be provided, and the maximum length of the
   orchestration period supported is 320ms.  However, considering the
   queue resource requirements of other non-DetNet flows, the TQF
   function can only use some of the queue resources, such as 10K~20K
   queues.  In this case, the length of the orchestration period
   supported by the node may be 100~200 ms.

7.1.2.  Non-full Queues

   Case: Many-to-1 mapping between the orchestration period timeslot and
   the scheduling period timeslot.

   When the length of the scheduling period is less than the length of
   the orchestration period, the node will implement a non-full queues.
   The advantages and disadvantages are opposite to the full queues
   option.  The actual forwarding resources are inconsistent with the
   view of the resources reservation.  But the number of queues
   maintained by the node is small.

7.2.  PIFO Queue

   PIFO can be configured to operate in either in-time or on-time
   scheduling mode.

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   For on-time mode, the buffer cost is the same as that of round robin
   queues.  The rank of the packet equals to the begin time of the
   outgoing timeslot z, that can be safely obtained a "z" closet to the
   arrival time at the scheduler.

   For in-time mode, excess buffers are required to cope with burst
   accumulation.  [SP-LATENCY] provides guidance for evaluating excess
   buffer requirements.  The rank of the packet equals to the begin time
   of the expected outgoing timeslot z, that can be obtained based on a
   "z" closet to the result of arrival time at the scheduler plus time
   deviation E.

8.  Multiple Orchestration Periods

   A single orchestration period may not be able to cover a wide range
   of service needs, such as some with a burst interval of microseconds,
   while others have a burst interval of minutes or even larger.  When
   using a single orchestration period to simultaneously serve these
   services, the timeslot length must be microseconds, but the
   orchestration period length is minutes or more, resulting in the need
   to include a large number of timeslots in the orchestration period.
   The final result is a proportional increase in the number of queues
   required for the scheduling period (to avoid the potential timeslot

   Multiple orchestration periods each with different length may be
   provided by the network.  A TQF enabled link can be configured with
   multiple TQF scheduling instances each corresponding to specific
   orchestration period length.  For simplicity, the orchestration
   period length itself can be used to identify a specific instance.

   For example, one orchestration period length is 300 us, termed as
   OPL-300us, which is the LCM of the burst interval of the set of flows
   served.  Another orchestration period length is 100 ms, termed as
   OPL-100ms, which is the LCM of the burst interval of another set of
   flows served.  Each orchestration period instance has its own
   timeslot length.  The timeslot length of a long orchestration period
   instance should be longer than that of a short orchestration period
   instance, and the former is an integer multiple of the latter.  But
   the long orchestration period itself may not necessarily be an
   integer multiple of the short orchestration period.

   As shown in Figure 9, both link-a and link-b are configured with n
   orchestration period instances, with the corresponding orchestration
   period lengths OPL_1, OPL_2, ..., OPL_n in descending order.  For
   each orchestration period length OPL_i, the bandwidth resource
   allocated is BW_U_i for node U (or BW_V_i for node V), and the
   timeslot length is TL_U_i for node U (or TL_V_i for node V).  For

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   each TQF enabled link, the sum of bandwidth resources allocated to
   all orchestration period instances must not exceed the total
   bandwidth of the link.

       +---+    link-a            +---+    link-b            +---+
       | U | -------------------- | V | -------------------- | W |
       +---+                      +---+                      +---+
              OPL_1:                    OPL_1:
                     TL_U_1                    TL_V_1
                     BW_U_1                    BW_V_1
              OPL_2:                    OPL_2:
                     TL_U_2                    TL_V_2
                     BW_U_2                    BW_V_2

              ... ...                   ... ...

              OPL_n:                    OPL_n:
                     TL_U_n                    TL_V_n
                     BW_U_n                    BW_V_n

                      Figure 9: Multiple OP Instances

   Due to the fact that long orchestration periods serve DetNet flows
   with large burst intervals, for a given burst size, the larger the
   burst interval, the less bandwidth consumed by the DetNet flow.
   Therefore, it is recommended that the bandwidth resources allocated
   to long orchestration period instances are less than those allocated
   to short orchestration period instances, which is also beneficial for
   reducing the queue length required for long orchestration period

   Interworking between different nodes is based on the same
   orchestration period instance.  That means that the timeslot mapping
   described in Section 3.1.1 should be maintained in the context of the
   specific orchestration period instance, and the timeslot resource
   reservation along the path for a sub-task should also be in the
   context of the specific orchestration period instance.  The
   orchestration period length should be carried in the forwarding
   packets to let the DetNet flow to access the timeslot resources
   corresponding to that orchestration period instance.

   If round robin queues are used, each orchestration period instance
   has its own separate queue set.  Time division multiplexing
   scheduling is based on the granularity of the minimum timeslot length
   of all instances.  Within each time unit of this granularity, the
   queues in the sending state of all instances are always scheduled in
   the order of OPL_1, OPL_2, ..., OPL_n.

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   If PIFO queue is used, all orchestration period instances may share a
   single PIFO queue.

9.  Admission Control on the Headend

   On the network entry, traffic regulation must be performed on the
   incoming port, so that the DetNet flow does not exceed its T-SPEC
   such as burst interval, burst size, maximum packet size, etc.  This
   kind of regulation is usually the shaping using leaky bucket combined
   with the incoming queue that receives DetNet flow.  A DetNet flow may
   contain discrete multiple sub-bursts within its periodic burst
   interval.  The leaky bucket depth should be larger than the maximum
   packet size, and should be consistent with the reserved burst
   resources required for the maximum sub-burst.

   The scheduling mechanism described in this document has a requirement
   on the arrival time of DetNet flows on the network entry.  It is
   expected that the distribution of sub-bursts (after regulation) of
   the DetNet flow will always appear in an ideal position within the
   orchestration period of UNI port.  Based on this ideal position, any
   packets of the DetNet flow will be matched to the sub-burst
   forwarding state that contains the ideal incoming timeslot and
   corresponding reserved outgoing timeslot.  Note that the network
   entry may maintain multiple sub-burst forwarding states for a single
   DetNet flow, due to many sub-bursts within the service burst

   For example, the network entry may maintain up to 3 sub-burst
   forwarding states for a flow.  Ideally, all packets of this flow are
   split into 3 sub-bursts after regulation, each sub-burst matching one
   of the states.  Here, 3 is the maximum sub-bursts for this flow, and
   it does not always contain so many bursts within the burst interval
   during actual sending.

   For a specific sub-burst, some amount of deviation (i.e., the
   deviation between the actual incoming timeslot and the ideal incoming
   timeslot) is permitted.  Generally, the headend will select an ideal
   incoming timeslot closet to the actual incoming timeslot for the

   For on-time scheduling, the position deviation should not exceed o-1
   for late arrival case, or M-o-1 for early arrival case, where o is
   the offset between the reserved outgoing timeslot and ongoing sending
   timeslot as mentioned above.  Intuitively, large o can tolerate large
   late arrival deviations, while small o (or large M even for large o)
   can tolerate large early arrival deviations.

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   This position deviation limitation is beneficial for on-time
   scheduling, to achieve the ideal design goal that scheduling period
   is smaller than the orchestration period, and packets can always be
   successfully inserted into the scheduling queue without conflicts.
   For example, there may contain one or more scheduling periods between
   the departure time from the regulator and the choosed ideal incoming
   timeslot, and therefore there is an overflow risk when inserting
   packets into the queue based on the corresponding ideal outgoing
   timeslot z at the departue time.

   Otherwise, for randomly arriving DetNet flows, it can be supported by
   taking a large M (or even M = N) (option-1) to accommodate random
   arrival, or it can be supported by introducing an explicit buffer put
   before the scheduler on the network entry to let the arrival time
   always meet the fixed position (option-2).

   *  Note that due to randomness of arrival time, the packet may just
      miss the scheduling (or arrive too earlier) and need to wait in
      the scheduling queue (in the case of option-1) or the explicit
      buffer (in the case of option-2) for the next orchestration

   For in-time scheduling, the position deviation should not exceed o-1
   for late arrival case.  We only focus on late arrivals here, as in-
   time scheduling naturally handles early arrivals.  If the late
   arrival exceed the above limitation, the sub-burst may need to be
   sent during the next orchestration period in the worst case, or may
   be lucky to be scheduled immediately.

   Note that the position deviation is a runtime latency during
   forwarding, and the resource reservation process on the control plane
   is not aware of it.  It should be carried in the packet to eliminate
   jitter at the network egress on demand.  Please refer to
   [I-D.peng-detnet-policing-jitter-control] for the elimination of
   jitter caused by policing delay on the network entry node.  The
   runtime position deviation should be considered as a part of policing

10.  Frequency Synchronization

   The basic explanation for frequency synchronization is that the
   crystal frequency of the hardware is consistent, which enables all
   nodes in the network to be in the same inertial frame and have the
   same time lapse rate.  This is a prerequisite for all latency based
   scheduling mechanisms.  This frequency synchronization mechanism,
   such as IEEE 1588-2008 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) [IEEE-1588] and
   synchronous Ethernet (syncE) [syncE], is not within the scope of this

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   Sometimes, people also refer to the frequency asynchrony as the
   timeslot rotation frequency difference caused by different node
   configurations with different timeslot lengths.  This document
   supports the interconnection between nodes with this type of
   frequency asynchrony.

11.  Evaluations

   This section gives the evaluation results of the TQF mechanism based
   on the requirements that is defined in

   |     Requirements     | Evaluation |              Notes            |
   | 3.1 Tolerate Time    |    Yes     | No time sync needed, only need|
   |     Asynchrony       |            | frequency sync (3.1.3).       |
   | 3.2 Support Large    |            | The timeslot mapping covers   |
   |     Single-hop       |    Yes     | any value of link propagation |
   |     Propagation      |            | delay.                        |
   |     Latency          |            |                               |
   | 3.3 Accommodate the  |            | The higher the service rate,  |
   |     Higher Link      |  Partial   | the more buffer needed for the|
   |     Speed            |            | same timeslot length.         |
   | 3.4 Be Scalable to   |            | Multiple OPL instance, each   |
   |     the Large Number |            | for a set of serivce flows,   |
   |     of Flows and     |            | without overprovision.        |
   |     Tolerate High    |            | Utilization may reach 100%    |
   |     Utilization      |    Yes     | link bandwidth.               |
   |                      |            | The unused bandwidth of the   |
   |                      |            | timeslot can be used by       |
   |                      |            | best-effot flows.             |
   |                      |            | Calculating paths is NP-hard. |
   | 3.5 Tolerate Failures|            | Independent of queueing       |
   |     of Links or Nodes|    N/A     | mechanism.                    |
   |     and Topology     |            |                               |
   |     Changes          |            |                               |
   | 3.6 Prevent Flow     |            | Flows are permitted based on  |
   |     Fluctuation      |    Yes     | timeslot reservation, isolated|
   |                      |            | from each other through       |
   |                      |            | timeslots.                    |

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   | 3.7 Be scalable to a |            | E2E latency is liner with hops|
   |     Large Number of  |            | , from ultra-low to low       |
   |     Hops with Complex|    Yes     | latency by multiple OPL.      |
   |     Topology         |            | E2E jitter is low by on-time  |
   |                      |            | mode.                         |
   |                      |            | Calculating paths is NP-hard. |
   | 3.8 Support Multi-   |            | Independent of queueing       |
   |     Mechanisms in    |    N/A     | mechanism.                    |
   |     Single Domain and|            |                               |
   |     Multi-Domains    |            |                               |

            Figure 10: Evaluation for Large Scaling Requirements

11.1.  Examples

   This section will describe the example of how the TQF mechanism
   supports DetNet flows with different latency requirements.  As shown
   in Figure 11:

   *  Network transmission capacity: each link has rate 10 Gbps.
      Assuming the service rate of TQF scheduler allocate the total port

   *  TSpec of each flow, maybe:

      -  burst size 1000 bits, SBI 1 ms, and average arrival rate 1

      -  or, burst size 1000 bits, SBI 100 us, and average arrival rate
         10 Mbps.

      -  or, burst size 1000 bits, SBI 100 us, and average arrival rate
         100 Mbps.

      -  or, burst size 10000 bits, SBI 10 ms, and average arrival rate
         1 Mbps.

      -  or, burst size 10000 bits, SBI 1 ms, and average arrival rate
         10 Mbps.

      -  or, burst size 10000 bits, SBI 100 us, and average arrival rate
         100 Mbps.

   *  RSpec of each flow, maybe:

      -  E2E latency 100us, and E2E jitter less than 10us or 100us.

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      -  or, E2E latency 200us, and E2E jitter less than 20us or 200us.

      -  or, E2E latency 300us, and E2E jitter less than 30us or 300us.

      -  or, E2E latency 400us, and E2E jitter less than 40us or 400us.

      -  or, E2E latency 500us, and E2E jitter less than 50us or 500us.

      -  or, E2E latency 600us, and E2E jitter less than 60us or 600us.

      -  or, E2E latency 700us, and E2E jitter less than 70us or 700us.

      -  or, E2E latency 800us, and E2E jitter less than 80us or 800us.

      -  or, E2E latency 900us, and E2E jitter less than 90us or 900us.

      -  or, E2E latency 1000us, and E2E jitter less than 100us or 1ms.

               @         #         $
               v         v         v
             +---+ @@@ +---+ ### +---+ $$$         &&& +---+
    src ---> | 0 | --- | 1 | --- | 2 | --- ... ... --- | 9 | ---> dest
   (flow i:*)+---+ *** +---+ *** +---+ ***         *** +---+ ***
               |         |@        |#                    |&
               |         |v        |v                    |v
             +---+     +---+     +---+                 +---+
         --- |   | --- |   | --- |   | --- ... ... --- |   | ---
             +---+     +---+     +---+                 +---+
               |         |         |                     |
               |         |         |                     |
            ... ...   ... ...   ... ...               ... ...

                     Figure 11: Common Topology Example

   For the observed flow i (marked with *), its TSpec and RSpec may be
   any of the above.  Assuming that the path calculated by the
   controller for the flow i passes through 10 nodes (i.e., node 0~9).
   Especially, at each hop, flow i may conflict with other deterministic
   flows, also with similar TSpec and RSpec as above, originated from
   other sources, e.g, conflicts with flow-set "@" at node 0, conflicts
   with flow-set "#" at node 1, etc.

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   For each link along the path, it may configure OPL-10ms instance with
   allocated bandwidth 10 Gbps, containing 1000 timeslots each with
   length 10us.  Assuming no link propagation delay and intra node
   forwarding delay, if flow i reserve outgoing timeslot by o=1, it can
   ensure an E2E latency of 100us (i.e., o * TL * 10 hops), and jitter
   of 20us(on-time mode) or 100us (in-time mode).  The reservation by
   other o values is similar.

   The table below shows the possible supported service scales.  As
   flows arrived synchronously, the reservation for each timeslot in the
   orchestration period may be caused by any value of o.  For example,
   if the ideal incoming timeslots of all flows are perfectly
   interleaved, then they can all reserve timeslots by o=1 to get per-
   hop latency 10us, or all reserve timeslots by o=2 to get per-hop
   latency 20us, etc.  However, due to the fixed length of OPL, after
   all timeslot resources are exhausted by specific o value, it means
   that there are no timeslot resources to be reserved by other o
   values.  Another example is that the ideal incoming timeslots of all
   flows are the same, then some of them reserve timeslots by o=1, some
   reserve timeslots by o=2, and so on.  In either case, the total
   service scale is OPL * C / burst_size, that is composed of sum(s_i),
   where s_i is the service scale for o=i.  The table provides the total
   scale and the average scale corresponding to each o value.

   Note that in the table each column only shows the data where all
   flows served based on all o values have the same TSpec (e.g, in the
   first colunm, TSpec per flow is burst size 1000 bits and arrival rate
   1 Mbps), while in reality, flows served based on different o values
   generally have different TSpec.  It is easy to add colunms to
   describe various combinations.

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                   | o=1| o=2| o=3| o=4| o=5| o=6| o=7| o=8| o=9|o=10|
   |TSpec:         |                  total = 10000                  |
   |  1000 bits    |----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   |  SBI 1 ms     |1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|
   |TSpec:         |                  total = 1000                   |
   |  1000 bits    |----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   |  SBI 100 us   | 100| 100| 100| 100| 100| 100| 100| 100| 100| 100|
   |TSpec:         |                  total = 100                    |
   |  1000 bits    |----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   |  SBI 10 us    | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
   |TSpec:         |                  total = 10000                  |
   |  10000 bits   |----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   |  SBI 10 ms    |1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|1000|
   |TSpec:         |                  total = 1000                   |
   |  10000 bits   |----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   |  SBI 1 ms     | 100| 100| 100| 100| 100| 100| 100| 100| 100| 100|
   |TSpec:         |                  total = 100                    |
   |  10000 bits   |----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----|
   |  SBI 100 us   | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |

         Figure 12: Timeslot Reservation and Service Scale Example

12.  Taxonomy Considerations

   [I-D.joung-detnet-taxonomy-dataplane] provides criteria for
   classifying data plane solutions.  TQF is a periodic, frequency
   synchronous, class level, work-conserving/non-work-conserving
   configurable, in-time/on-time configurable, time based solution.

   *  Periodic: Periodicity of TQF contains two characteristics, the
      first is that there is a time period P (i.e., orchestration
      periold) containing multiple time slots, and the second is that a
      flow is assigned repeatly to a particular set of time slots in the

   *  Frequency synchronous: TQF requires frequency synchronization
      (i.e., crystal frequency of the hardware) so that all nodes in the
      network have the same time lapse rate.  TQF does not require
      different nodes to use the same timeslot length.

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   *  Class level: DetNet Flows may be grouped by similar service
      requirements, i.e., timeslot id(s), on the network entrance.
      Packets will be provided TQF service based on timeslot id(s),
      without checking flow characteristic.

   *  Work-conserving/non-work-conserving configurable: The TQF
      scheduler configured with in-time scheduling mode is work-
      conserving (i.e., to send the packet as soon as possible before
      its outgoing timeslot), while the TQF scheduler configured with
      on-time scheduling mode is non work-conserving (i.e., to ensure
      that the packet can always be sent within its outgoing timeslot).

   *  In-time/on-time configurable: The TQF scheduler configured with
      in-time scheduling mode is in-time to get bounded end-to-end
      latency, while the TQF scheduler configured with on-time
      scheduling mode is on-time to get bounded end-to-end delay jitter.

   *  Time based: A DetNet flow is scheduled based on its expected
      outgoing timeslot(s).  All DetNet flows are interleaved and
      arranged in different timeslots to obtain the maximum number of
      admission flows.

   In addition, the per hop latency dominant factor of TQF is the offset
   between incoming timeslot and outgoing timeslot that is reserved to
   the flow.

13.  IANA Considerations


14.  Security Considerations

   Security considerations for DetNet are described in detail in
   [RFC9055].  General security considerations for the DetNet
   architecture are described in [RFC8655].  Considerations specific to
   the DetNet data plane are summarized in [RFC8938].

   Adequate admission control policies should be configured in the edge
   of the DetNet domain to control access to specific timeslot
   resources.  Access to classification and mapping tables must be
   controlled to prevent misbehaviors, e.g, an unauthorized entity may
   modify the table to map traffic to an unallowed timeslot resource,
   and competes and interferes with normal traffic.

15.  Acknowledgements


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16.  References

16.1.  Normative References

              Chen, M., Geng, X., Li, Z., Joung, J., and J. Ryoo,
              "Segment Routing (SR) Based Bounded Latency", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-chen-detnet-sr-based-
              bounded-latency-03, 7 July 2023,

              Eckert, T. T., Li, Y., Bryant, S., Malis, A. G., Ryoo, J.,
              Liu, P., Li, G., Ren, S., and F. Yang, "Deterministic
              Networking (DetNet) Data Plane - Tagged Cyclic Queuing and
              Forwarding (TCQF) for bounded latency with low jitter in
              large scale DetNets", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-eckert-detnet-tcqf-05, 5 January 2024,

              Liu, P., Li, Y., Eckert, T. T., Xiong, Q., Ryoo, J.,
              zhushiyin, and X. Geng, "Requirements for Scaling
              Deterministic Networks", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-ietf-detnet-scaling-requirements-05, 20 November
              2023, <

              Joung, J., Geng, X., Peng, S., and T. T. Eckert,
              "Dataplane Enhancement Taxonomy", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-joung-detnet-taxonomy-dataplane-01,
              25 February 2024, <

              Peng, S. and R. Bonica, "Deterministic Routing Header",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-pb-6man-
              deterministic-crh-00, 1 March 2024,

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Internet-Draft      Timeslot Queueing and Forwarding          March 2024

              Peng, S., Liu, P., and K. Basu, "Policing Caused Jitter
              Control Mechanism", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-peng-detnet-policing-jitter-control-00, 18 January
              2024, <

              Peng, S., "IGP Extensions for Deterministic Traffic
              Engineering", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              peng-lsr-deterministic-traffic-engineering-01, 4 July
              2023, <

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8655]  Finn, N., Thubert, P., Varga, B., and J. Farkas,
              "Deterministic Networking Architecture", RFC 8655,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8655, October 2019,

   [RFC8938]  Varga, B., Ed., Farkas, J., Berger, L., Malis, A., and S.
              Bryant, "Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Data Plane
              Framework", RFC 8938, DOI 10.17487/RFC8938, November 2020,

   [RFC9055]  Grossman, E., Ed., Mizrahi, T., and A. Hacker,
              "Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Security
              Considerations", RFC 9055, DOI 10.17487/RFC9055, June
              2021, <>.

16.2.  Informative References

              "Bounded Latency Scheduling Scheme for ATM Cells", 1999,

   [CQF]      "Cyclic queueing and Forwarding", 2017,

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   [ECQF]     "Enhancements to Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding", 2023,

              "IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization
              Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems",
              2008, <

              "Guaranteed Latency with SP", 2020,

   [syncE]    "Timing and synchronization aspects in packet networks",
              2013, <>.

   [TAS]      "Time-Aware Shaper", 2015,

Authors' Addresses

   Shaofu Peng

   Peng Liu
   China Mobile

   Kashinath Basu
   Oxford Brookes University
   United Kingdom

   Aihua Liu

   Dong Yang
   Beijing Jiaotong University

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   Guoyu Peng
   Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

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