Internet DRAFT - draft-peng-rtgwg-apn-yang


Network Working Group                                            S. Peng
Internet-Draft                                                     Z. Li
Intended status: Standards Track                     Huawei Technologies
Expires: 5 September 2024                                        R. Pang
                                                            China Unicom
                                                                H. Zhang
                                                           China Telecom
                                                            4 March 2024

          A YANG Model for Application-aware Networking (APN)


   Application-aware Networking (APN) is a framework, where APN data
   packets convey APN attribute (incl.  APN ID and/or APN Parameters) to
   enable fine grained service provisioning.  This document defines a
   YANG module for APN.

   The YANG modules in this document conform to the Network Management
   Datastore Architecture (NMDA).

Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 5 September 2024.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  APN Configuration data model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     3.1.  APN YANG Model Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     3.2.  APN ID Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.3.  APN ID Marking  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.4.  APN Policy Mapping  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  APN YANG Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   7.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   8.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18

1.  Introduction

   Application-aware Networking (APN) is introduced in
   [] and [].
   APN data packets convey the APN attribute (incl.  APN ID and/or APN
   Parameters).  The APN ID is a structured value, treated as an opaque
   object in the network, to which the network operator applies policies
   in various nodes/service functions along the path so to provide
   corresponding services.  In an IPv6 network, a design proposal of
   such structured value can refer to [].  The APN
   attribute can be encapsulated in various data plane adopted within a
   Network Operator controlled limited domain, e.g.  IPv6, MPLS, and
   other tunnel technologies, which wait to be further specified.

   This document defines a data model for APN using the YANG data
   modeling language [RFC7950].  This YANG model supports the APN
   Attribute options [].

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   The modeling in this document complies with the Network Management
   Datastore Architecture (NMDA) defined in [RFC8342].

2.  Terminologies

   APN: Application-aware Networking

   APN ID: APN Identifier

   The terminology for describing YANG data models is found in

   Tree diagrams used in this document follow the notation defined in

3.  APN Configuration data model

3.1.  APN YANG Model Structure

   The APN YANG model includes the data plane protocol indication, the
   global actions, the apn-id-template configuration, the apn-id-
   marking, and the mapping policies for APN.  The structure of the APN
   YANG model is shown in Figure 1.

   The APN YANG model can cover several data plane protocols.  In this
   model, only IPv6 is presented.

   One global action is defined currently, i.e., the apn-id-inherit,
   which is used to configure the APN ID carried in the inner packet to
   be inherited (copied and encapsulated) into the outer tunnel header.

   The apn-id-templates configures the templates of the APN ID.  More
   than one templates can be configured.

   The apn-id-marking configures the APN ID on the flow which is
   identified by the selected filter.

   The mapping-policies configures the APN ID based on the selected
   template, and the to-be-mapped-into policy based on the configured
   APN ID.  More than one policies can be configured.

module: ietf-apn
  +--rw apn!
     +--rw ipv6!
        +--rw global
        |  +--rw apn-id-inherit?   apn-id-inherit-type
        +--rw apn-id-templates

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        |  +--rw apn-id-template* [name]
        |     +--rw name                string
        |     +--rw app-info-fields!
        |     |  +--rw app-fields
        |     |     +--rw app-field* [index]
        |     |        +--rw index     uint32
        |     |        +--rw name      string
        |     |        +--rw length?   uint32
        |     +--rw user-info-fields!
        |        +--rw user-fields
        |           +--rw user-field* [index]
        |              +--rw index     uint32
        |              +--rw name      string
        |              +--rw length?   uint32
        +--rw apn-id-marking!
        |  +--rw filter
        |  |  +--rw filter-type?   apn-filter-type
        |  |  +--rw ace-name?      -> /acl:acls/acl/aces/ace/name
        |  +--rw apn-ipv6-template    -> /apn/ipv6/apn-id-templates/apn-id-template/name
        |  +--rw app-fields
        |  |  +--rw app-field* [name]
        |  |     +--rw name     -> /apn/ipv6/apn-id-templates/apn-id-template[apn:name=current()/../../../apn-ipv6-template]/app-info-fields/app-fields/app-field/name
        |  |     +--rw value    uint32
        |  +--rw user-fields
        |     +--rw user-field* [name]
        |        +--rw name     -> /apn/ipv6/apn-id-templates/apn-id-template[apn:name=current()/../../../apn-ipv6-template]/user-info-fields/user-fields/user-field/name
        |        +--rw value    uint32
        +--rw mapping-policys
           +--rw mapping-policy* [color]
              +--rw color              uint32
              +--rw name               string
              +--rw description?       string
              +--rw apn-id-template?   -> /apn/ipv6/apn-id-templates/apn-id-template/name
              +--rw apn-ipv6-maps
                 +--rw apn-ipv6-map* [index]
                    +--rw index              uint32
                    +--rw app-fields
                    |  +--rw app-field* [name]
                    |     +--rw name     -> /apn/ipv6/apn-id-templates/apn-id-template[apn:name=current()/../../../../../apn-id-template]/app-info-fields/app-fields/app-field/name
                    |     +--rw value    uint32
                    +--rw user-fields
                    |  +--rw user-field* [name]
                    |     +--rw name     -> /apn/ipv6/apn-id-templates/apn-id-template[apn:name=current()/../../../../../apn-id-template]/user-info-fields/user-fields/user-field/name
                    |     +--rw value    uint32
                    +--rw (match-tunnel)
                       |  +--rw color?       uint32

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                          +--rw native-ip?   empty

             Figure 1. APN YANG Model Structure

3.2.  APN ID Template

   The APN ID template can be configured with the defined fields,
   including the app-info-fields and the user-info-fields, each of which
   can have several fields with their name and length configurable.

           +--rw apn-id-templates
              +--rw apn-id-template* [name]
                 +--rw name                string
                 +--rw app-info-fields!
                 |  +--rw app-fields
                 |     +--rw app-field* [index]
                 |        +--rw index     uint32
                 |        +--rw name      string
                 |        +--rw length?   uint32
                 +--rw user-info-fields!
                    +--rw user-fields
                       +--rw user-field* [index]
                          +--rw index     uint32
                          +--rw name      string
                          +--rw length?   uint32

3.3.  APN ID Marking

   The APN ID Marking uses the selected filter to identify the flow on
   which APN is applied.  Multiple filter types exist.  ACL [RFC8519] is
   a common way to specify a flow.

   Upon the identified flow, the APN template is used to configure the
   APN ID with the defined fields, including the app-info-fields and the
   user-info-fields, each of which can have several fields with their
   name and length configurable.

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        +--rw apn-id-marking!
           +--rw filter
           |  +--rw filter-type?   apn-filter-type
           |  +--rw ace-name?      -> /acl:acls/acl/aces/ace/name
           +--rw apn-ipv6-template    -> /apn/ipv6/apn-id-templates/apn-i
           +--rw app-fields
           |  +--rw app-field* [name]
           |     +--rw name     -> /apn/ipv6/apn-id-templates/apn-id-tempn-ipv6-template]/app-info-fields/app-fields/app-field/name
           |     +--rw value    uint32
           +--rw user-fields
              +--rw user-field* [name]
                 +--rw name     -> /apn/ipv6/apn-id-templates/apn-id-tempn-ipv6-template]/user-info-fields/user-fields/user-field/name
                 +--rw value    uint32

3.4.  APN Policy Mapping

   The APN policy mapping is for mapping to corresponding policies based
   on the APN ID being structured with the configured fields.  The
   mapping into SR policy is presented in the model below.

        +--rw mapping-policys
           +--rw mapping-policy* [color]
              +--rw color              uint32
              +--rw name               string
              +--rw description?       string
              +--rw apn-id-template?   -> /apn/ipv6/apn-id-templates/apn-id-template/name
              +--rw apn-ipv6-maps
                 +--rw apn-ipv6-map* [index]
                    +--rw index              uint32
                    +--rw app-fields
                    |  +--rw app-field* [name]
                    |     +--rw name     -> /apn/ipv6/apn-id-templates/apn-id-template[apn:name=current()/../../../../../apn-id-template]/app-info-fields/app-fields/app-field/name
                    |     +--rw value    uint32
                    +--rw user-fields
                    |  +--rw user-field* [name]
                    |     +--rw name     -> /apn/ipv6/apn-id-templates/apn-id-template[apn:name=current()/../../../../../apn-id-template]/user-info-fields/user-fields/user-field/name
                    |     +--rw value    uint32
                    +--rw (match-tunnel)
                       |  +--rw color?       uint32
                          +--rw native-ip?   empty

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4.  APN YANG Module

module ietf-apn {
  namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-apn";
  prefix apn;

  import ietf-access-control-list {
  prefix "acl";
      "RFC 8519: YANG Data Model for Network Access Control
       Lists (ACLs)";


    "Web: <>
     WG List: <>

    "This YANG module specifies a vendor-independent data
     model for the Application-aware Networking (APN).

    Copyright (c) 2020 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
    authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
    without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
    to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
    set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
    Relating to IETF Documents

    This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX; see the
    RFC itself for full legal notices.";

  revision 2021-10-20 {
    description "Initial revision.";
    reference "draft-peng-apn-yang";


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  identity base-filter {
       "Base identity to represent a filter. A filter is used to
       specify the flow to mark the APN ID. ";

  identity acl-filter {
    base base-filter;
       "Apply ACL rules to specify the flow.";


  typedef apn-id-inherit-type {
    type enumeration {
      enum "enable" {
        value 1;
          "Inherit the APN ID.";
      enum "disable" {
        value 2;
          "Not inherit the APN ID.";
      "APN ID inherit type.";

  typedef template-state-type {
    type enumeration {
      enum "unavailable" {
        value 0;
          "The APN ID template is unavailable.";
      enum "anvailable" {
        value 1;
          "The APN ID template is available.";
      "APN ID template state type.";

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  typedef apn-filter-type {
    type identityref {
      base base-filter;
       "Specifies a known type of filter.";


   grouping apn-filter {
     description "A grouping for APN filter definition";

     leaf filter-type {
       type apn-filter-type;
       description "filter type";

     leaf ace-name {
       when "../filter-type = 'apn:acl-filter'";
       type leafref {
         path "/acl:acls/acl:acl/acl:aces/acl:ace/acl:name";
       description "Access Control Entry name.";

  container apn {
    presence "Enter apn view.";
      "Application-aware Networking.";
    container ipv6 {
      presence "Enter apn-ipv6 view.";
        "Application-aware Networking IPv6.";
      container global {
          "Configure APN6 global config.";
          leaf apn-id-inherit {
            type apn-id-inherit-type;
              "Enable/disable APN ID inherit.";

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      container apn-id-templates {
          "List of APN ID templates.";
        list apn-id-template {
          key "name";
            "Configure an APN ID template.";
          leaf name {
            type string {
              length "1..31";
              pattern '[^ \?]*';
              "APN ID template name.";

          container app-info-fields {
            presence "Enter app-info-fields view.";
              "APP information fields.";
            container app-fields {
                "List of APP fields.";
              list app-field {
                key "index";
                unique "name";
                max-elements "4";
                  "Configure an APP field.";
                leaf index {
                  type uint32 {
                    range "1..255";
                    "APP field index.";
                leaf name {
                  type string {
                    length "1..15";
                    pattern '[^ \?]*';
                  must "not(../../../../user-info-fields/user-fields/user-field[name=current()])";
                  mandatory true;
                    "APP field name.";
                leaf length {
                  type uint32 {

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                    range "1..32";
                  default "16";
                    "APP field length.";
          container user-info-fields {
            presence "Enter user-info-fields view.";
              "User information fields.";
            container user-fields {
                "List of user fields.";
              list user-field {
                key "index";
                unique "name";
                max-elements "4";
                  "Configure an user field.";
                leaf index {
                  type uint32 {
                    range "1..255";
                    "User field index.";
                leaf name {
                  type string {
                    length "1..15";
                    pattern '[^ \?]*';
                  must "not(../../../../app-info-fields/app-fields/app-field[name=current()])";
                  mandatory true;
                    "User field name.";
                leaf length {
                  type uint32 {
                    range "1..32";
                  default "16";
                    "APP field length.";

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      }  ///apn-id-templates

        container apn-id-marking {
      presence "Enter user-info-fields view.";
        "Configure apn id marking.";

          container filter {
        uses apn-filter;
             "The filter which is used to indicate the flow to apply

          leaf apn-ipv6-template {
        type leafref {
          path "/apn:apn/apn:ipv6/apn:apn-id-templates/apn:apn-id-template/apn:name";
        mandatory true;
          "APN IPv6 template.";
      container app-fields {
          "List of APP fields.";
        list app-field {
          key "name";
          max-elements "4";
            "Configure an APP field.";
          leaf name {
            type leafref {
              path "/apn:apn/apn:ipv6/apn:apn-id-templates/apn:apn-id-template[apn:name=current()/../../../apn:apn-ipv6-template]/apn:app-info-fields/apn:app-fields/apn:app-field/apn:name";
              "APP field name.";
          leaf value {
            type uint32 {
              range "1..4294967295";
            mandatory true;
              "APP field value.";

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      container user-fields {
          "List of user fields.";
        list user-field {
          key "name";
          max-elements "4";
            "Configure an user field.";
          leaf name {
            type leafref {
              path "/apn:apn/apn:ipv6/apn:apn-id-templates/apn:apn-id-template[apn:name=current()/../../../apn:apn-ipv6-template]/apn:user-info-fields/apn:user-fields/apn:user-field/apn:name";
              "User field name.";
          leaf value {
            type uint32 {
              range "1..4294967295";
            mandatory true;
              "User field value.";
    } /// apn-id-marking

        container mapping-policys {
            "List of mapping policys.";
          list mapping-policy {
            key "color";
            unique "name";
              "Configure a mapping policy.";
            leaf color {
              type uint32 {
                range "0..4294967295";
                "Color of a mapping policy.";
            leaf name {
              type string {
                length "1..31";
                pattern '[^ \?]*';

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              mandatory true;
                "Mapping policy name.";
            leaf description {
              type string {
                length "1..242";
                "Description of a mapping policy.";

            leaf apn-id-template {
             /// when "../match-type='apn-ipv6'";
              type leafref {
                path "/apn:apn/apn:ipv6/apn:apn-id-templates/apn:apn-id-template/apn:name";
              must "(count(/apn:apn/apn:ipv6/apn:apn-id-templates/apn:apn-id-template[apn:name=current()]/apn:app-info-fields/apn:app-fields/apn:app-field) + count(/apn:apn/apn:ipv6/apn:apn-id-templates/apn:apn-id-template[apn:name=current()]/apn:user-info-fields/apn:user-fields/apn:user-field) >= 1)";
                "APN ID template.";

            container apn-ipv6-maps {
              /// when "../match-type='apn-ipv6'";
                "List of APN IPv6 maps.";
              list apn-ipv6-map {
                key "index";
                  "Configure an APN IPv6 map.";
                leaf index {
                  type uint32 {
                    range "1..4294967295";
                  must "((../index = 4294967295 and (count(../app-fields/app-field) + count(../user-fields/user-field)) = 0) or (../index != 4294967295 and (count(../app-fields/app-field) + count(../user-fields/user-field)) > 0))";
                container app-fields {
                  when "../index != 4294967295";
                    "List of APP fields.";
                  list app-field {
                    key "name";
                    max-elements "4";
                      "Configure an APP field.";

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                    leaf name {
                      type leafref {
                        path "/apn:apn/apn:ipv6/apn:apn-id-templates/apn:apn-id-template[apn:name=current()/../../../../../apn-id-template]/apn:app-info-fields/apn:app-fields/apn:app-field/apn:name";
                        "APP field name.";
                    leaf value {
                      type uint32 {
                        range "1..4294967295";
                      mandatory true;
                        "APP field value.";
                container user-fields {
                  when "../index != 4294967295";
                    "List of user fields.";
                  list user-field {
                    key "name";
                    max-elements "4";
                      "Configure an user field.";
                    leaf name {
                      type leafref {
                        path "/apn:apn/apn:ipv6/apn:apn-id-templates/apn:apn-id-template[apn:name=current()/../../../../../apn-id-template]/apn:user-info-fields/apn:user-fields/apn:user-field/apn:name";
                        "User field name.";
                    leaf value {
                      type uint32 {
                        range "1..4294967295";
                      mandatory true;
                        "User field value.";
                choice match-tunnel {
                  mandatory true;
                    "Match tunnel.";
                  case sr-policy {

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                      "Flow match sr-policy.";
                    leaf color {
                      type uint32 {
                        range "0..4294967295";
                      must "not(../../apn-ipv6-map[color=current()][index!=current()/../index])";
                        "Color of an SR Policy.";
                  case ip {
                      "Flow match native-ip.";
                    leaf native-ip {
                      type empty;
                      must "not(../../apn-ipv6-map[index!=current()/../index]/native-ip)";
                        "Native-ip configured.";
        } /// mapping-policys

5.  IANA Considerations

   RFC Ed.: In this section, replace all occurrences of 'XXXX' with the
   actual RFC number (and remove this note).

   IANA is requested to assign a new URI from the IETF XML Registry
   [RFC3688].  The following URI is suggested:

   URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-apn

   Registrant Contact: The IESG.

   XML: N/A; the requested URI is an XML namespace.

   This document also requests a new YANG module name in the YANG Module
   Names registry [RFC7950] with the following suggestion:

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   name: ietf-apn

   namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-apn

   prefix: apn

   reference: RFC XXXX

6.  Security Considerations

   The NETCONF access control model [RFC6536] provides the means to
   restrict access for particular NETCONF or RESTCONF users to a
   preconfigured subset of all available NETCONF or RESTCONF protocol
   operations and content.

   There are a number of data nodes defined in this YANG module that are
   writable/creatable/deletable (i.e., config true, which is the
   default).  These data nodes may be considered sensitive or vulnerable
   in some network environments.  Write operations (e.g., edit-config)
   to these data nodes without proper protection can have a negative
   effect on network operations.

7.  Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to thank the careful reviews and valuable
   comments from Mengdi Li, Qingyu Guan, Sheng Fang, and Stefano

8.  Normative References

              Li, Z., Peng, S., Li, C., Xie, C., Voyer, D., Li, X., Liu,
              P., Liu, C., and K. Ebisawa, "Application-aware IPv6
              Networking (APN6) Encapsulation", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-li-6man-app-aware-ipv6-network-03,
              22 February 2021, <

              Li, Z., Peng, S., Voyer, D., Li, C., Liu, P., Cao, C., and
              G. S. Mishra, "Application-aware Networking (APN)
              Framework", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-li-
              apn-framework-07, 3 April 2023,

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              Li, Z., Peng, S., and S. Zhang, "Application-aware
              Networking (APN) Header", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-li-apn-header-04, 12 April 2023,

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Authors' Addresses

Peng, et al.            Expires 5 September 2024               [Page 18]
Internet-Draft             YANG Model for APN                 March 2024

   Shuping Peng
   Huawei Technologies

   Zhenbin Li
   Huawei Technologies

   Ran Pang
   China Unicom

   Huiyue Zhang
   China Telecom

Peng, et al.            Expires 5 September 2024               [Page 19]