Internet DRAFT - draft-petithuguenin-computerate-specification


Network Working Group                                  M. Petit-Huguenin
Internet-Draft                                    Impedance Mismatch LLC
Intended status: Experimental                            3 February 2024
Expires: 6 August 2024

                       Computerate Specification


   This document specifies computerate specifications, which are the
   combination of a formal and an informal specification such as parts
   of the informal specification are generated from the formal

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 6 August 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  AsciiDoc  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     3.1.  Literate Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  Code Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       3.2.1.  Inline Code Macro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       3.2.2.  Block Code Macro  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.3.  IdrisDoc Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Idris2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.1.  "Asciidoc" Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       4.1.1.  Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       4.1.2.  Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       4.1.3.  Implementing Asciidoc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.2.  "Xml2rfc" Module  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.2.1.  Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.2.2.  Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       4.2.3.  Top-level Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       4.2.4.  Document  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   5.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Appendix A.  Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   Appendix B.  Package asciidoc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     B.1.  Module Asciidoc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     B.2.  Module Asciidoc.Xml2rfc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   Changelog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26

1.  Introduction

   An informal specification is any document that is the combination of
   text, diagrams, tables, lists, and examples and whose purpose is to
   describe an engineering system.  An RFC is an example of informal
   specification when it describes network elements and the protocols
   that help these elements to interoperate.

   Informal specifications are nowadays written on a computer, which
   makes them easier to write but not easier to reason about their
   correctness.  Computers can be used to model the engineering system
   that a specification is meant to describe, to verify that some
   properties hold for that model, and to automatically derive parts of
   the text, diagrams, list and examples that compose that
   specification.  This could be done in an ad-hoc way by copying and
   pasting results from external software, but this adds the burden for
   the specification authors of having to keep the software model and
   the specification synchronized.

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   A well-known consequence is when an example in a specification does
   not match the text, most likely because one of the two was modified
   without verifying that the other was updated.

   To simplify the integration of code in a specification we introduce
   the concept of "Computerate Specifying", which is similar in
   appearance to literate programming [LitProg], but reversing the
   intent.  Literate programming is about interspersing code with the
   elements of a document, with the intent of producing a piece of code
   that can then be executed.  On the other hand computerate specifying
   is about interspersing a document with code, with the intent of
   producing a document that have some of its elements generated from
   the result of computations that uses that code.

   "Computerate Specifying" is a play on "Literate Computing", itself a
   play on "Structured Computing" (see [Knuth92] page 99).  Note that
   "computerate" is a British English word.  To keep on the joke, an
   informal specification could be said to be an incomputerate
   specification, "incomputerate" being an Australian English word.

2.  Terminology

   AsciiDoc:  The formal language in which the document part of a
      computerate specification is written.

   Asciidoc:  An Idris2 package that is used to generate AsciiDoc

   Asciidoctor:  An extensible processor for AsciiDoc document.

3.  AsciiDoc

   There is a large variety of target formats in which a specification
   can be written (HTML, PDF, Word, Confluence), so we use [AsciiDoc] as
   a common format from which any of the target formats can be

   AsciiDoc is a text format, making it easy to mix with code and to
   integrate with the tools that programmers are most familiar with.  It
   has been chosen because it is derived from DocBook and because its
   main implementation, [Asciidoctor], can be easily extended and
   already have a large set of backends for various target formats:

   *  the HTML5, DocBook5, and Manpage back-ends are built-in
   *  the PDF, Epub3, Reveal.js (slides) and many others are distributed
      as add-ons
   *  [Metanorma] distributes a set of back-end add-ons for the
      development of standard documents

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   *  an alternate XML2RFC v3 [draft-petithuguenin-xml2rfc-asciidoc]
      backend add-on is also available
   *  a Confluence backend add-on is under development.

   The AsciiDoc syntax is enriched with several extensions designed to
   support computerate specifications:

   *  the support for literate programming, by commenting out any line
      that starts with the '>' character in the leftmost column
   *  an inline macro that inserts the result of a computation as
      AsciiDoc formatted text
   *  a block macro that inserts the result of a computation as AsciiDoc

   These syntax extensions, which are described in the following
   sections, are implemented in the "asciidoctor-idris2" add-on.

3.1.  Literate Programming

   Idris2 shares with Haskell and other Haskell relatives built-in
   support for literate programming.  We use the Bird mode which marks
   lines of code with a '>' symbol in the leftmost column.  The literate
   programming rule that states that a block of code must always be
   separated from normal text by at least one blank line applies.

   The following example contains a block of two lines of Idris2 code:

      Some text

      > a : Int
      > a = 2

      More text

   Note that the '>' symbol is also used by AsciiDoc as an alternate way
   of defining a blockquote which is consequently not available in a
   computerate specification.  The normal syntax for blockquotes must be
   used instead.

   The code will not appear in the rendered document, but self-inclusion
   can be used to copy part of the code into the document, thus
   guaranteeing that this code is verified by the type-checker:

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      > -- tag::currying[]
      > total
      > currying : ((a, b) -> c) -> (a -> b -> c)
      > currying f = \x => \y => f (x, y)
      > -- end::currying[]


   Because Idris2 does not resolve forward references by default, self-
   inclusion can also be used to reorder paragraphs when the flow of
   explanations does not coincide with the flow of the code.

   Alternating paragraphs of text and code permits to keep both
   representations as close as possible and is an effective way to
   quickly discover that the code and the text are diverging.  The
   convention is to insert the code beneath the text it is related to.

   To be treated as a literate programming file, the AsciiDoc document
   must use the suffix ".lidr".  This generally means that a document
   will be split in multiple documents, some with the ".adoc" extension
   and some with the ".lidr" extension.  These files are put back
   together by using, directly or indirectly, AsciiDoc "include"
   statements in the files.

3.2.  Code Macros

   Using code macros in lieu of the equivalent constants in a document
   ensures that the text stays consistent during the development of the

   The type of the code passed to the macro must implement the Asciidoc
   interface so it is converted into properly escaped Asciidoc.
   Section 4.1.3 explains how to implement the Asciidoc interface for
   user defined types.

   A code macro searches first for an Asciidoc implementation that has
   the same name than the back-end, then fallback to an unnamed
   implementation when a named implementation cannot be found.  This
   permits to use all the extensions specific to a particular back-end.

3.2.1.  Inline Code Macro

   The code:[] inline macro is used when the result is to be inserted as
   AsciiDoc inline text.

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   For instance the following excerpt taken from the computerate
   specification of [RFC8489]:

      > retrans' : Nat -> Int -> Maybe (List1 Int)
      > retrans' rc = fromList . take rc . scanl (+) 0
      >  . unfoldr (bimap id (*2) . dup)

      > retrans : Nat -> Int -> String
      > retrans rc = maybe "Error"
      >   (foldr1By (\e, a => show e ++ " ms, " ++ a)
      >     (\x => "and " ++ show x ++ "ms")) . retrans' rc

      > timeout : Nat -> Int -> Int -> String
      > timeout rc rto rm = maybe "Error"
      >   (\e => show (last e + rm * rto)) (retrans' rc rto)

      > rc : Nat; rc = 7
      > rto : Int; rto = 500
      > rm : Int; rm = 16

      For example, assuming an RTO of code:[rto]ms, requests would be
      sent at times code:[retrans rc rto].
      If the client has not received a response after code:[timeout] ms,
      the client will consider the transaction to have timed out.

   is rendered as

   "For example, assuming an RTO of 500ms, requests would be sent at
   times 0 ms, 500 ms, 1500 ms, 3500 ms, 7500 ms, 15500 ms, and 31500ms.
   If the client has not received a response after 39500 ms, the client
   will consider the transaction to have timed out."

3.2.2.  Block Code Macro

   The "code::[]" block macro (notice the double colon) is used to
   generate AsciiDoc blocks in a way similar to the inline code macro.

3.3.  IdrisDoc Generation

   The API documentation (IdrisDoc) generator in Idris has been extended
   to generate AsciiDoc instead of HTML.  An Asciidoctor include
   processor has been added to build and integrate that generated
   document as part of the document rendering.

   For instance, the following generates the IdrisDoc for the
   asciidoc.ipkg package and includes the output in the document:


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   The document is generated with the main section at level one so the
   "leveloffset" attribute is used to update the actual section level.

4.  Idris2

   The code in a computerate specification uses the programming language
   [Idris2] in literate programming [Knuth92] mode.  Although most
   programming languages could have been used, Idris2 has been chosen
   for the following features:

   *  purely functional
   *  eager evaluation, with optional laziness
   *  totality checking
   *  dependent and linear type system.
   *  reflection and meta-programming support
   *  REPL.

   The most important of these features are totality checking and the
   dependent type system, which permit to ensure an high level of
   correctness to the code.  Generating portions of a document from a
   programming language that lacks these features would only bring
   marginal improvements in the quality of a specification.

   The next sections describe an Idris2 package that can be used to
   simplify the generation of IdrisDoc.  Appendix B lists the API for
   that same package.

4.1.  "Asciidoc" Module

   The Asciidoc module provides a way to programmatically build an
   AsciiDoc fragment without having to worry about the particular
   formatting details.

   The elements of an AsciiDoc document are grouped in 4 categories:

   *  Content
   *  Block
   *  Top-level section
   *  Document

4.1.1.  Content

   Content is the sum type of the possible parts that compose an
   AsciiDoc text:

   TextContent:  Plain text.
   BreakContent:  An hard line break.
   ItalicContent:  Italicized text.

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   LinkContent:  An hyperlink.
   IndexContent:  A word that will be cross-referenced in the index.
   BoldContent:  Bold text.
   SubscriptContent:  Subscripted text.
   SuperscriptContent:  Superscripted text.
   MonospaceContent:  Monospaced text.
   CrossrefContent:  A cross reference to another part of the whole
   PassContent:  Text that is copied in the output document without
      further processing.

   OtherContent is used to extend the Content sum type with content that
   is specific to a backend.

4.1.2.  Block

   Block is the sum type of the possible blocks that compose an AsciiDoc

   ParagraphBlock:  A paragraph.
   LiteralBlock:  A pretty-printed block of text.
   ImageBlock:  An image.
   SourceBlock:  A pretty-printed block of source code.
   SidebarBlock:  Visually separated content.
   QuoteBlock:  A prose excerpt, quote, or verse.
   DefinitionListBlock:  An association list.
   OrderedListBlock:  An ordered list.
   UnorderedListBlock:  An unordered list.
   TableBlock:  An table.
   IndexBlock:  A word that will be cross-referenced in the index.
   PassBlock:  Text that is copied in the output document without
      further processing.

   OtherBlock is used to extend the Block sum type with blocks that are
   specific to a backend.

4.1.3.  Implementing Asciidoc

   User-defined Idris2 types can implement the Asciidoc interface to
   streamline their conversion into AsciiDoc, in a way that is similar
   to the use of the standard Show and Pretty interfaces.

   The Asciidoc interface defines two functions, contents and blocks
   which, after implementation, generates respectively a non-empty list
   of Content instances or a non-empty list of Block instances.  The
   former is called when using an inline code macro, the latter when
   using a block code macro.  Both functions are implemented by default
   so it is mandatory to implement only one of the two.

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   For example the following fragment defines how to render the result
   of a decision function in a specification:

   > Asciidoc (Dec a) where
   >   contents (Yes prf) = singleton (TextContent "yes")
   >   contents (No contra) = singleton (TextContent "no")

   Is 1 + 1 = 2? code:[decEq (1 + 1) 2]. +
   Is 1 + 1 = 3? code:[decEq (1 + 1) 3].

   The Asciidoc interface can be implemented multiple times using named
   implementations.  This is used to generate different content or

   The Asciidoc interface is implemented for the builtin types String,
   Char, Integer, Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Bits8, Bits16, Bits32,
   Bits64, and Double.

   The "asciidoctor-idris2" must know if an implementation of the
   Asciidoc is available on a separate package.  These package
   dependencies must be added to the document header attribute
   ":idris2-packages:", separated by spaces or a comma.  The "contrib"
   and "asciidoc" packages are always added as dependencies, and so do
   not need to be listed in the ":idris2-packages:" attribute.

   Additional packages containing implementations of the Asciidoc
   interface that are useful when writing an Internet-Draft will be
   documented in separate documents.

4.2.  "Xml2rfc" Module

   This module supplements the Asciidoc module with types that implement
   the AsciiDoc extensions specific to the "xml2rfc" Asciidoctor

4.2.1.  Content

   CrossrefXml2rfc extends the Crossref content with additional

   LinkXml2rfc extends the Link content with additional attributes

   Bcp14 is an additional content.

   Comment is an additional content.

   Unicode is an additional content.

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4.2.2.  Block

   ParagraphXml2rfc extends the Paragraph block with additional

   LiteralXml2rfc extends the Literal block with additional attributes

   ImageXml2rfc extends the Image block with additional attributes

   SourceXml2rfc extends the Source block with additional attributes

   Alt is an additional block.

   Figure is an additional block.

   DefinitionListXml2rfc extends the DefinitionList block with
   additional attributes

   OrderedListXml2rfc extends the OrderedList block with additional

   UnorderedListXml2rfc extends the UnorderedList block with additional

4.2.3.  Top-level Section

   TopSection is the sum type of the possible top-level sections that
   compose an AsciiDoc document:

   Note is an additional top-level section.

   AbstracTopSection:  An abstract section.
   NormalTopSection:  A section.
   BibliographyTopSection:  A bibliography.
   AppendixTopSection:  An appendix .
   IndexTopSection:  An index.

4.2.4.  Document

   Document represents a complete AsciiDoc document.

5.  Informative References

   [AsciiDoc] "AsciiDoc", Accessed 23 April 2021, 8 March 2021,

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              "Asciidoctor Documentation Home :: Asciidoctor Docs",
              Accessed 23 April 2021,

              Petit-Huguenin, M., "Mappings Between XML2RFC v3 and
              AsciiDoc", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              petithuguenin-xml2rfc-asciidoc-04, 27 January 2024,

   [Idris2]   "Documentation for the Idris 2 Language — Idris2 0.0
              documentation", Accessed 31 January 2023,

   [Knuth92]  Knuth, D. E., "Literate Programming", 1 January 1992.

   [LitProg]  "Literate programming", Accessed 31 January 2023, 9
              January 2023,

              Inc, R., "Metanorma", Accessed 23 April 2021,

   [RFC8489]  Petit-Huguenin, M., Salgueiro, G., Rosenberg, J., Wing,
              D., Mahy, R., and P. Matthews, "Session Traversal
              Utilities for NAT (STUN)", RFC 8489, DOI 10.17487/RFC8489,
              February 2020, <>.

Appendix A.  Installation

   A computerate specification can be converted into an informal
   specification with the "computerate" command that is distributed as a
   Docker image that can be built as follow:

      docker build git:// -t computerate

   An AsciiDoc file can then be converted with the following command:

      docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/workspace computerate <file>

   Note that only the files in the repository and sub-repositories where
   the command is executed are visible to that command.  That means that
   files or symbolic links to files outside that hierarchy cannot be
   used.  On the other hand external directories mounted with the "--
   bind" option can be used.

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   The "computerate" command is configured to include the following
   Asciidoctor add-ons:

   *  asciidoctor-xml2rfc [draft-petithuguenin-xml2rfc-asciidoc]
   *  asciidoctor-pdf
   *  asciidoctor-revealjs
   *  asciidoctor-epub3
   *  asciidoctor-idris2 [This document]
   *  asciidoctor-diagram

   The following diagram generators are available for use by

   *  actdiag
   *  blockdiag
   *  graphviz
   *  nwdiag
   *  packetdiag
   *  plantuml
   *  rackdiag
   *  seqdiag

   The following additional Idris2 packages are installed in the Docker

   *  asciidoc [This document]

Appendix B.  Package asciidoc

   An Idris2 package to generate a document, an embeddable document, or
   an inline document in AsciiDoc.

   Version:  0.0
   Author(s):  Marc Petit-Huguenin
   License:  AGPL-3.0-or-later
   Dependencies:  contrib

B.1.  Module Asciidoc

   A module that defines types for the generic AsciiDoc syntax.

   data Align : Type

      Left : Align
         Left alignment.

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      Center : Align
         Center alignment.

      Right : Align
         Right alignment.

   interface Asciidoc a
      Things that have an AsciiDoc representation.

      Implemented by String, Char, Integer, Int, Int8, Int16, Int32,
      Int64, Bits8, Bits16, Bits32, Bits64, Double, List1.

      contents : a -> List1 Content
         Converts a value into inline AsciiDoc.

      blocks : a -> List1 Block
         Converts a value into embedded AsciiDoc.

   data Block : Type
      Types of blocks.

      ParagraphBlock : Paragraph -> Block
         A block of text.

      LiteralBlock : Literal -> Block
         A pretty-printed block of text.

      ImageBlock : Image -> Block
         An image.

      SourceBlock : Source -> Block
         A pretty-printed block of source code.

      SidebarBlock : Sidebar -> Block
         Visually separated blocks.

      QuoteBlock : Quote -> Block
         A block of prose excerpt, quote or verse.

      DefinitionListBlock : DefinitionList -> Block
         An association list.

      OrderedListBlock : OrderedList -> Block
         An ordered list.

      UnorderedListBlock : UnorderedList -> Block
         An unordered list.

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      TableBlock : Table -> Block
         A table.

      IndexBlock : Index -> Block
         An entry in the index.

      PassBlock : Pass -> Block
         Text that is passed directly to the backend.

      NullBlock : Block

      OtherBlock : Renderer a => a -> Block
         Extended block.

   data Content : Type
      Types of inline content.

      TextContent : String -> Content
         Plain text content.

      BreakContent : Content
         An hard line break.

      ItalicContent : List Content -> Content
         Italicized content.

      LinkContent : Link -> Content
         An hyperlink.

      IndexContent : Index -> Content
         An entry in the index.

      BoldContent : List Content -> Content
         Bold content.

      SubscriptContent : List Content -> Content
         Subscript content.

      SuperscriptContent : List Content -> Content
         Superscript content.

      MonospaceContent : List Content -> Content
         Monospaced content.

      CrossrefContent : Crossref -> Content
         A cross-reference to another part of the document.

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      PassContent : String -> Content
         Text that is passed directly to the backend.

      OtherContent : Renderer a => a -> Content
         Extended content.

   record Crossref
      A cross-reference content.

         (target : String) -> (content : List Content) -> Crossref

         target:  An identifier for the target of the cross-reference.
         content:  The text for the cross-reference.

   record DefinitionList
      A definitition list.

         (id : Maybe String) ->
         (content : List1 (DefinitionTerm, Item)) -> DefinitionList

         id:  Identifier.
         content:  A non-empty list of definition term.

   record DefinitionTerm
      A definition term.

         (id : Maybe String) -> (content : List Content) ->

         id:  Identifier.
         content:  List of content.

   record Image
      An image.

         (align : Maybe Align) -> (alt : Maybe String) ->
         (id : Maybe String) -> (src : String) -> Image

         align:  Alignment.
         alt:  Alternate description.
         id:  Identifier.
         src:  SVG source.

   record Index

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      An index term content

         (item : String) -> (primary : Maybe ()) ->
         (subitem : Maybe String) -> Index

         item:  The primary term.
         subitem:  The secondary term.

   record Item
      A list or table cell.

         (id : Maybe String) -> (ref : Maybe String) ->
         (align : Maybe Align) -> (colspan : Maybe Nat) ->
         (rowspan : Maybe Nat) ->
         (content : Either (List1 Block) (List Content)) -> Item

         id:  Identifier.
         align:  Alignment.
         content:  Either a non-empty list of blocks or a list of

   record Link
      A link content.

         (target : String) -> (content : String) -> Link

         target:  A URL.
         content:  The text for the link.

   record Literal

         (id : Maybe String) -> (style : Maybe String) ->
         (content : Doc ()) -> Literal

         id:  Identifier.
         style:  Style.
         content:  Pretty-printable content.

   data Marker : Type
      Unordered list label style.

      Circle : Marker

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      NoBullet : Marker
         No symbol, but indented.

      Unstyled : Marker
         No symbol, but not indented.

   data NumberType : Type
      Ordered list label type.

      Lowercase : NumberType
         Lower case alphabetic.

      Uppercase : NumberType
         Upper case alphabetic.

      Decimal : NumberType
         Decimal numbers.

      LowercaseRoman : NumberType
         Lower case roman numeral.

      UppercaseRoman : NumberType
         Upper case roman numeral.

   record OrderedList
      An ordered list.

         (id : Maybe String) -> (group : Maybe String) ->
         (start : Maybe Nat) -> (type : Maybe NumberType) ->
         (content : List1 Item) -> OrderedList

         id:  Identifier.
         group:  Numbering group.
         start:  Numbering start.
         type:  Labels type.
         content:  A non-empty list of items.

   record Paragraph
      A paragraph.

         (id : Maybe String) -> (content : List Content) -> Paragraph

         id:  Identifier.
         content:  The list of content.

   record Pass

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         (id : Maybe String) -> (content : String) -> Pass

         id:  Identifier.
         content:  Text passed through.

   record Quote
      A quote.

         (id : Maybe String) -> (cite : Maybe String) ->
         (quotedFrom : Maybe String) ->
         (content : Either (List1 Block) (List1 Content)) -> Quote

         id:  Identifier.
         cite:  Source of the citation.
         quotedFrom:  Origin of the quote.
         content:  Either a non-empty list of blocks or a non-empty list
            of content.

   record Row
      A table row.

         (id : Maybe String) -> (content : List1 (Either Item Item)) ->

         id:  Identifier.
         content:  A non-empty list of items.

   record Sidebar
      A sidebar,

         (id : Maybe String) -> (content : List Block) -> Sidebar

         id:  Identifier.
         content:  List of blocks.

   record Source
         (id : Maybe String) -> (type : Maybe String) ->
         (content : Doc ()) -> Source

   record Table
      A table.

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         (id : Maybe String) -> (title : Maybe (List Content)) ->
         (align : Maybe Align) -> (head : Maybe (List1 Row)) ->
         (body : List1 Row) -> (foot : Maybe (List1 Row)) -> Table

         id:  Identifier.
         title:  Title.
         align:  Alignment.
         head:  An non-empty list of rows for the header.
         body:  An non-empty list of rows.
         foot:  An non-empty list of rows for the footer.

   record UnorderedList
      An unordered list.

         (id : Maybe String) -> (title : Maybe (List Content)) ->
         (marker : Marker) -> (content : List1 Item) -> UnorderedList

         id:  Identifier.
         title:  Title.
         marker:  Type of symbol.
         content:  A non-empty list of items.

   blocks' : {ty : Type} -> (v : ty) -> Name -> Elab (List1 Block)

   contents' : {ty : Type} -> (v : ty) -> Name ->
   Elab (List1 Content)

   renderBlocks : List1 Block -> String
      Converts a non-empty list of Block into an embeddable AsciiDoc

   renderContents : List1 Content -> String
      Converts a non-empty list of Content into an inline AsciiDoc

B.2.  Module Asciidoc.Xml2rfc

   A Module that defines types for the AsciiDoc extensions of the
   "xml2rfc" back-end.

   record Abstract
         (id : Maybe String) -> (title : Maybe (List Content)) ->
         (blocks : List Block) -> Abstract

   record Alt

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         (id : Maybe String) -> (content : List1 Block) -> Alt

   record Appendix
         (id : Maybe String) -> (title : Maybe (List Content)) ->
         (notNumbered : Maybe ()) -> (removeInRfc : Maybe ()) ->
         (toc : Maybe Bool) -> (blocks : List Block) ->
         (sections : List Section) -> Appendix

   record Bcp14
         (content : String) -> Bcp14

   record Bibliography
         (id : Maybe String) -> (title : Maybe (List Content)) ->
         (blocks : List Block) -> Bibliography

   data Category : Type
      Intended category.

      StdCategory : Category
         Standard category.

      BcpCategory : Category
         BCP category.

      ExpCategory : Category
         Experimental category.

      InfoCategory : Category
         Informational category.

      HistoricCategory : Category
         Historic category.

   record Comment
         (id : Maybe String) -> (noDisplay : Maybe ()) ->
         (source : Maybe String) -> (content : List Content) -> Comment

   record CrossrefXml2rfc
         (target : String) -> (format : Maybe Format) ->
         (relative : Maybe String) -> (section : Maybe String) ->
         (sectionFormat : Maybe SectionFormat) ->
         (content : List Content) -> CrossrefXml2rfc

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   record DefinitionListXml2rfc
         (id : Maybe String) -> (indent : Maybe Nat) ->
         (newline : Maybe ()) -> (compactSpacing : Maybe ()) ->
         (content : List1 (DefinitionTerm, Item)) ->

   record Document
         (title : String) -> (abbrev : Maybe String) ->
         (category : Category) -> (consensus : Maybe ()) ->
         (docName : Maybe String) -> (ipr : Maybe Ipr) ->
         (obsoletes : Maybe String) -> (sortRefs : Maybe ()) ->
         (submissionType : Maybe Submission) ->
         (noSymRefs : Maybe ()) -> (tocDepth : Maybe Nat) ->
         (noTocInclude : Maybe ()) -> (updates : Maybe String) ->
         (sections : List TopSection) -> Document

   record Figure
         (id : Maybe String) -> (name : List Content) ->
         (content : List1 Block) -> Figure

   data Format : Type
      Crossref format.

      Implements Show.

      TitleFormat : Format
         Title format.

      CounterFormat : Format
         Counter format.

      NoneFormat : Format
         No format.

   record ImageXml2rfc
         (align : Maybe Align) -> (alt : Maybe String) ->
         (id : Maybe String) -> (src : String) ->
         (type : Maybe String) -> (top : Maybe ()) ->
         (bottom : Maybe ()) -> (content : String) -> ImageXml2rfc

   data Ipr : Type
      Intellectual Property Rights.

      Trust200902Ipr : Ipr

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      NoModificationTrust200902Ipr : Ipr

      NoDerivativesTrust200902Ipr : Ipr

      Pre5378Trust200902Ipr : Ipr

      Trust200811Ipr : Ipr

      NoModificationTrust200811Ipr : Ipr

      NoDerivativesTrust200811Ipr : Ipr

      Full3978Ipr : Ipr

      NoModification3978Ipr : Ipr

      NoDerivatives3978Ipr : Ipr

      Full3667Ipr : Ipr

      NoModification3667Ipr : Ipr

      NoDerivatives3667Ipr : Ipr

      Full2026Ipr : Ipr

      NoDerivativeWorks2026Ipr : Ipr

      None : Ipr

   record LinkXml2rfc
         (angleBrackets : Maybe ()) -> (target : String) ->
         (content : String) -> LinkXml2rfc

   record LiteralXml2rfc
         (align : Maybe Align) -> (style : Maybe String) ->
         (alt : Maybe String) -> (id : Maybe String) ->
         (name : Maybe String) -> (type : Maybe String) ->
         (top : Maybe String) -> (bottom : Maybe String) ->
         (content : Doc ()) -> LiteralXml2rfc

   record Note
         (id : Maybe String) -> (title : Maybe (List Content)) ->
         (blocks : List Block) -> Note

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   record OrderedListXml2rfc
         (id : Maybe String) -> (group : Maybe String) ->
         (indent : Maybe Nat) -> (compactSpacing : Maybe ()) ->
         (start : Maybe Nat) ->
         (type : Maybe (NumberType, Maybe (String, String))) ->
         (content : List1 Item) -> OrderedListXml2rfc

   record ParagraphXml2rfc
         (id : Maybe String) -> (indent : Maybe Nat) ->
         (keepWithNext : Maybe ()) -> (keepWithPrevious : Maybe ()) ->
         (content : List Content) -> ParagraphXml2rfc

   record Section
         (id : Maybe String) -> (title : Maybe (List Content)) ->
         (notNumbered : Maybe ()) -> (removeInRfc : Maybe ()) ->
         (toc : Maybe Bool) -> (blocks : List Block) ->
         (sections : List Section) -> Section

   data SectionFormat : Type
      External reference format.

      Implements Show.

      CommaSectionFormat : SectionFormat
         Comma as separator.

      ParensSectionFormat : SectionFormat
         Parentheses as separator.

      BareSectionFormat : SectionFormat
         Same link withing parentheses.

   record SourceXml2rfc
         (id : Maybe String) -> (markers : Maybe ()) ->
         (name : Maybe String) -> (type : Maybe String) ->
         (top : Maybe String) -> (bottom : Maybe String) ->
         (content : Doc ()) -> SourceXml2rfc

   data Submission : Type
      Intended stream.

      IetfSubmission : Submission
         IETF stream.

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      IabSubmission : Submission
         IAB stream.

      IrtfSubmission : Submission
         IRTF stream.

      IndependentSubmission : Submission
         Independent stream.

      EditorialSubmission : Submission
         Editorial stream.

   data TopSection : Type
      Types of top sections.

      AbstractTopSection : Abstract -> TopSection
         The abstract.

      NormalTopSection : Section -> TopSection
         A section.

      BibliographyTopSection : Bibliography -> TopSection
         A bibliography.

      AppendixTopSection : Appendix -> TopSection
         An appendix.

      IndexTopSection : TopSection
         The index.

      OtherTopSection : Renderer a => a -> TopSection
         Extended top-level section.

   record Unicode
         (id : Maybe String) -> (ascii : Maybe String) ->
         (format : Maybe String) -> (content : String) -> Unicode

   record UnorderedListXml2rfc
         (id : Maybe String) -> (title : Maybe (List Content)) ->
         (marker : Marker) -> (indent : Maybe Nat) ->
         (compactSpacing : Maybe ()) -> (content : List1 Item) ->

   renderDocument : (d : Document) -> String
      Converts a Document into an Asciidoc document.

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      d:  the document.

   renderSection : Nat -> Section -> String


   No technology that cannot explain its own results (LLM, AI/ML) have
   been involved in the creation of this document or its associated


   Stéphane Bryant

   Stephane is a co-founder of the Nephelion project, project that
   started back in 2014 during a week-end visiting national parks in
   Utah.  Computerate Specifying is the successor of this project, and
   it could not have been done without the frequent reviews and video
   calls with Stephane during these last 10 years.


   This section is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

      *  Document:
         -  Update

      *  Document:
         -  Nits
      *  Tooling:
         -  Patched Idris2 with support for external IdrisDoc generation
            (docgen) extension.

      *  Document:
         -  Nits
         -  Add explanations for IdrisDoc generation.
         -  Add explanations for ":idris2-packages:" header attribute.
      *  Tooling:
         -  Patched Idris2 with support for external IdrisDoc generation
            (docgen) extension.
         -  Add Asciidoc docgen implementation.
         -  Add support for including a ipkg file to generate and
            include the generated IdrisDoc as an AsciiDoc section.

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         -  The content of the ":idris2-packages:" header attribute is
            passed to the idris2 instance.

Author's Address

   Marc Petit-Huguenin
   Impedance Mismatch LLC

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