Internet DRAFT - draft-pfeairheller-ptel


TODO Working Group                                        P. Feairheller
Internet-Draft                                                     GLEIF
Intended status: Informational                              28 July 2023
Expires: 29 January 2024

                  Public Transaction Event Logs (PTEL)


   TODO Abstract

Discussion Venues

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 29 January 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft                    PTEL                         July 2023

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Transaction Event Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.2.  Verifiable Credential Registry  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     1.3.  Management TEL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       1.3.1.  Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       1.3.2.  Registry Inception Event  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       1.3.3.  Registry Rotation Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     1.4.  Verifiable Credential TELs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       1.4.1.  Self Addressing Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       1.4.2.  Derivation Process  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     1.5.  Self-Addressing Identifiers in a TEL  . . . . . . . . . .  10
     1.6.  Credential Issuance/Revocation TEL  . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       1.6.1.  Simple Credential Issuance Event  . . . . . . . . . .  11
       1.6.2.  Simple Credential Revocation Event  . . . . . . . . .  12
       1.6.3.  Credential Issuance Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       1.6.4.  Credential Revocation Event . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     1.7.  Use Case  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     1.8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   2.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13

1.  Introduction

   The _Transaction Event Log_ (TEL) is a hash linked data structure of
   transactions that can be used to track state.  A _Public Verifiable
   Credential Registry_ can be represented in several TELs to establish
   issuance or revocation state of a Verifiable Credential (VC).  The
   KEL is used to establish control authority over the keys used to
   commit to the events of the TEL and sign the VC.  The events of the
   TEL are used to establish the issuance or revocation state of the VCs
   issued by the controller of the identifier represented by the KEL.
   This document specifies a design for _public_ VCs only.  The use of a
   hash digest of the VC contents as the identifier of that VC or an
   attribute in a TEL event allows for correlation of uses of the VC.

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1.1.  Transaction Event Log

   A KERI KEL can control a TEL by anchoring the TEL to key events of
   the KEL with the following:

   1.  Create the inception event for the TEL with the TEL specific
       unique identifier.

   2.  Generate a hash digest of the serialized content of the TEL
       inception event.

   3.  Attach anchoring seals from the KEL events to the TEL events they
       are authorizing.

   4.  Sign the KEL event as usual to commit to the digest of the
       serialized TEL event.

   Any validator can cryptographically verify the authoritative state by
   validating the signatures of the referenced KEL.  The TEL events do
   not have to be signed as the commitment to the event is in the form
   of the digest in the seal in the anchoring KEL event and the
   signatures on that event.  Like KEL events, all TEL events have the
   fields i, s, and t.  However, the s or sequence number field in TEL
   events represents the "clock" for that transaction set.  Each
   transaction set can have its own "clock" (e.g. bitcoin block height,
   wall clock, etc) and is independent of the sequence number of the KEL
   events.  In the case of the Verifiable Credential Registry, the s
   field is simply a monotonically increasing integer.

   The events are anchored back to the KEL using Event Source Seals
   whose JSON representation is as follows.

   { "s": "3", "d": "ELvaU6Z-i0d8JJR2nmwyYAZAoTNZH3UfSVPzhzS6b5CM" }

   For TEL events, this seal back to the KEL will be delivered as an
   attachment of event source seal triples in duple of (s, d).


   Event source seal attachment example (line feeds added for

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1.2.  Verifiable Credential Registry

   A _Public Verifiable Credential Registry_ (Registry) is a form of a
   _Verifiable Data Registry_ that tracks the issuance/revocation state
   of credentials issued by the controller of the KEL.  Two types of
   TELs will be used for this purpose.  The first type of TEL is the
   management TEL and will signal the creation of the Registry and track
   the list of Registrars that will act as Backers for the individual
   TELs for each VC.  The second type of TEL is the VC TEL which will
   track the issued or revoked state of each VC and will contain a
   reference to it's corresponding management TEL.

   The following events will be used to create and maintain the TELs for
   the Registry.

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     | Ilk | TEL        | Name              | Description            |
     | vcp | Management | Registry          | Inception statement    |
     |     |            | Inception Event   | for the Registry       |
     | vrt | Management | Registry Rotation | Rotation event for     |
     |     |            | Event             | updating Backers       |
     | iss | VC         | Simple Credential | Issue credential with  |
     |     |            | Issuance Event    | no Backers             |
     | rev | VC         | Simple Credential | Revoke previously      |
     |     |            | Revocation Event  | issued credential with |
     |     |            |                   | no Backers             |
     | bis | VC         | Credential        | Issue credential       |
     |     |            | Issuance Event    |                        |
     | brv | VC         | Credential        | Revoke previously      |
     |     |            | Revocation Event  | issued credential      |
     | iis | VC         | Simple Credential | Issue credential with  |
     |     |            | Issuance Event    | no Backers, VC Hash as |
     |     |            | with VC Hash      | separate field         |
     | irv | VC         | Simple Credential | Revoke previously      |
     |     |            | Revocation Event  | issued credential with |
     |     |            | with VC Hash      | no Backers, VC Hash as |
     |     |            |                   | separate field         |
     | ibs | VC         | Credential        | Issue credential, VC   |
     |     |            | Issuance Event    | Hash as separate field |
     |     |            | with VC Hash      |                        |
     | ibr | VC         | Credential        | Revoke previously      |
     |     |            | Revocation Event  | issued credential, VC  |
     |     |            | with VC Hash      | Hash as separate field |

                                  Table 1

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1.3.  Management TEL

   The state tracked by the Management TEL will be the list of Registrar
   identifiers that serve as backers for each TEL under its provenance.
   This list of Registrars can be rotated with events specific to this
   type of TEL.  In this way, Registrar lists are analogous to Backer
   lists in KERI KELs.  Additional metadata can be tracked in this TEL,
   for example references to Schema.  The Management TEL will have two
   events: vcp for Registry inception and vrt for rotation of the list
   or Registrars.  The events will reference the controlling identifier
   in the ii field and be anchored to the KEL with an event seal triple

   The Registry specific identifier will be self-addressing (see below
   (Section 1.4.1) for definition) using its inception data for its
   derivation.  This requires a commitment to the anchor in the
   controlling KEL and necessitates the event location seal be included
   in the event.  The derived identifier is then set in the i field of
   the events in the management TEL.

   Though it is possible for a given identifier KEL to issue multiple
   types of credentials, it is anticipated that there will be relatively
   few (usually one) Management TELs anchored to a given KEL.  A more
   scalable approach to issuing multiple credential types from a single
   identifier would be to use delegated identifiers for the different
   types of credentials to be issued.

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       | Label | Description                | Notes                |
       | v     | version string             |                      |
       | i     | namespaced identifier of   |                      |
       |       | Registry                   |                      |
       | s     | sequence number of event   |                      |
       | t     | message type of event      |                      |
       | p     | prior event digest         |                      |
       | c     | list of Configuration      | allows for config of |
       |       | Traits/Modes               | no backer registry   |
       | a     | digest seal of attachment  |                      |
       |       | meta-data for registry     |                      |
       | ii    | issuer identifier          |                      |
       | vi    | hash digest of VC contents |                      |
       | b     | list of backer identifiers |                      |
       |       | for credentials associated |                      |
       |       | with this registry         |                      |
       | bt    | backer threshold           |                      |
       | ba    | list of backers to add     |                      |
       |       | (ordered backer set)       |                      |
       | br    | list of backers to remove  |                      |
       |       | (ordered backer set)       |                      |

                                  Table 2

1.3.1.  Configuration

   The simplest (and most common) case for Registries relies on the
   witnesses of the controlling KEL and their receipts of the KEL events
   instead of Registry specific backers.  To accommodate this case, the
   c element is added to the management TEL inception event with the
   configuration option NB to specify that the Registry will never have
   backers configured in the management TEL.  In this case, there will
   only be one event in the management TEL for this Registry and the

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   simple events iss and rev will be used for "simple issue" and "simple
   revoke" respectively in the VC specific TELs.  For these events, the
   ri field will be the simple identifier referencing the management

       | Option | Description | Notes                             |
       | NB     | No Backers  | No registry specific backers will |
       |        |             | be configured for this Registry   |

                                 Table 3

1.3.2.  Registry Inception Event

   { "v" : "KERI10JSON00011c_", "i" :
   "ELh3eYC2W_Su1izlvm0xxw01n3XK8bdV2Zb09IqlXB7A", "ii":
   "EJJR2nmwyYAfSVPzhzS6b5CMZAoTNZH3ULvaU6Z-i0d8", "s" : "0", "t" :
   "vcp", "b" : ["BbIg_3-11d3PYxSInLN-Q9_T2axD6kkXd3XRgbGZTm6s"], "c" :
   [] "a" : { "d": "EEBp64Aw2rsjdJpAR0e2qCq3jX7q7gLld3LjAwZgaLXU" } }-

   Registry inception event for establishing the list of Backers

   { "v" : "KERI10JSON00011c_", "i" :
   "ELh3eYC2W_Su1izlvm0xxw01n3XK8bdV2Zb09IqlXB7A", "ii":
   "EJJR2nmwyYAfSVPzhzS6b5CMZAoTNZH3ULvaU6Z-i0d8", "s" : "0", "t" :
   "vcp", "b" : [], "c" : ["NB"] }-

   Registry inception event for "backer-less" configuration

1.3.3.  Registry Rotation Event

   { "v" : "KERI10JSON00011c_", "i" :
   "ELh3eYC2W_Su1izlvm0xxw01n3XK8bdV2Zb09IqlXB7A", "p" :
   "EY2L3ycqK9645aEeQKP941xojSiuiHsw4Y6yTW-PmsBg", "s" : "1", "t" :
   "vrt", "ba" : ["BXhpfP_H41hw8f-LluTidLfXxmC4EPwaENHI6CuruE6g"], "br"
   : ["BbIg_3-11d3PYxSInLN-Q9_T2axD6kkXd3XRgbGZTm6s"] }-

   Registrar rotation event updates the list of Backers

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1.4.  Verifiable Credential TELs

   The binary state (issued or revoked) of each verifiable credential
   (VC) will be tracked in individual TELs associated with each VC.  The
   state changes will be represented by 4 sets of 2 events: iss for
   simple VC issuance and rev for simple revocation, bis for the
   issuance of the VCs with backers and brv for revocation of the VCs
   with backers and corresponding events iis, irv and ibs, ibr to be
   used when the identifier of the VC is not the self-addressing
   identifier of the VC and that identifier must be included is the
   separate vi field in the event.  The events will be anchored to the
   KEL with an event seal triple attachment signified by the grouping
   counter -e##.

1.4.1.  Self Addressing Identifiers

   The advantage of a content addressable identifier is that it is
   cryptographically bound to the contents.  It provides a secure root-
   of-trust.  Any cryptographic commitment to a content addressable
   identifier is functionally equivalent (given comparable cryptographic
   strength) to a cryptographic commitment to the content itself.

   A self-addressing identifier is a special class content-addressable
   identifier that is also self-referential.  The special class is
   distinguished by a special derivation method or process to generate
   the self-addressing identifier.  This derivation method is determined
   by the combination of both a derivation code prefix included in the
   identifier and the context in which the identifier appears.  The
   reason for a special derivation method is that a naive cryptographic
   content addressable identifier must not be self-referential, i.e. the
   identifier must not appear within the contents that it is
   identifying.  This is because the naive cryptographic derivation
   process of a content addressable identifier is a cryptographic digest
   of the serialized content.  Changing one bit of the serialization
   content will result in a different digest.  A special derivation
   method or process is required.

1.4.2.  Derivation Process

   This process is as follows:

   *  replace the value of the id field in the content that will hold
      the self-addressing identifier with a dummy string of the same
      length as the eventually derived self-addressing identifier

   *  compute the digest of the content with the dummy value for the id

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   *  prepend the derivation code to the digest and encode appropriately
      to create the final derived self-addressing identifier replace the
      dummy value with the self-addressing identifier

   As long as any verifier recognizes the derivation method, the 'self-
   addressing` identifier is a cryptographically secure commitment to
   the contents in which it is embedded.  It is a cryptographically
   verifiable self-referential content addressable identifier.

   Because a self-addressing identifier is both self-referential and
   cryptographically bound to the contents it identifies, anyone can
   validate this binding if they follow the binding protocol outlined

   To elaborate, this approach of deriving self-referential identifiers
   from the contents they identify, we call self-addressing.  It allows
   a verifier to verify or re-derive the self-referential identifier
   given the contents it identifies.  To clarify, a self-addressing
   identifier is different from a standard content address or content
   addressable identifier in that a standard content addressable
   identifier may not be included inside the contents it addresses.  The
   standard content addressable identifier is computed on the finished
   immutable contents and therefore is not self-referential.

1.5.  Self-Addressing Identifiers in a TEL

   ii issuer identifier is the controller prefix is self-certifying and
   may be also self-addressing (but may not be) wrt to its inception
   event (For GLEIF TELS the issuer identifier must be self-addressing)

   ri, i registry identifier is self-addressing wrt the registry
   inception event i VC identifier is self-addressing wrt to the VC

   There are two options for including a cryptographic commitment to the
   VC in the TEL VC events.  The identifier of the VC can self-
   addressing using the same technique KERI uses for self-addressing
   identifiers.  The VC identifier can be created by padding the VC id
   field and taking a hash digest of the serialized contents of the VC.
   This form of self-addressing identifier can be used as the i field in
   the TEL iss, rev, bis and brv events and no other reference to the VC
   is required.  When the identifier of the VC is derived from some
   other method, the TEL events iis, irv, ibs and ibr are used, and a
   hash digest of the contents of the VC is placed in the vi field.

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   The VC identifier can be namespaced using DID syntax.  In this case,
   the VC identifier in the TEL events would be the method specific
   identifier of the full DID.  For informational purposes, the fully
   qualified DID can be included as an attachment to the TEL events.

   The list of backers needed to sign each VC TEL event is maintained by
   the management TEL.  Since that list can change over time with the
   rot management events listed above, the non-simple VC events (bis,
   brv) must be anchored to the event in the management TEL at the point
   when the VC event is published with the ra field.  This way, the
   backer signatures can be indexed into the proper list of backers at
   the time of issuance or revocation.

1.6.  Credential Issuance/Revocation TEL

        | Label | Description                             | Notes |
        | v     | version string                          |       |
        | i     | namespaced identifier of VC             |       |
        | s     | sequence number of event                |       |
        | t     | message type of event                   |       |
        | dt    | issuer system data/time in iso format   |       |
        | p     | prior event digest                      |       |
        | ri    | registry identifier from management TEL |       |
        | ra    | registry anchor to management TEL       |       |

                                  Table 4

1.6.1.  Simple Credential Issuance Event

   { "v" : "KERI10JSON00011c_", "i" : "Ezpq06UecHwzy-
   K9FpNoRxCJp2wIGM9u2Edk-PLMZ1H4", "s" : "0", "t" : "iss", "dt":
   "2021-05-27T19:16:50.750302+00:00", "ri":
   "ELh3eYC2W_Su1izlvm0xxw01n3XK8bdV2Zb09IqlXB7A" }-

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1.6.2.  Simple Credential Revocation Event

   { "v" : "KERI10JSON00011c_", "i" : "Ezpq06UecHwzy-
   K9FpNoRxCJp2wIGM9u2Edk-PLMZ1H4", "s" : "1", "t" : "rev", "dt":
   "2021-05-27T19:16:50.750302+00:00", "p" :
   "EY2L3ycqK9645aEeQKP941xojSiuiHsw4Y6yTW-PmsBg" }-

1.6.3.  Credential Issuance Event

   { "v" : "KERI10JSON00011c_", "i" : "Ezpq06UecHwzy-
   K9FpNoRxCJp2wIGM9u2Edk-PLMZ1H4", "s" : "0", "t" : "bis", "dt":
   "2021-05-27T19:16:50.750302+00:00", "ra": { "i":
   "ELh3eYC2W_Su1izlvm0xxw01n3XK8bdV2Zb09IqlXB7A", "s": "2", "d":
   "Ezpq06UecHwzy-K9FpNoRxCJp2wIGM9u2Edk-PLMZ1H4" } }-

1.6.4.  Credential Revocation Event

   { "v" : "KERI10JSON00011c_", "i" : "Ezpq06UecHwzy-
   K9FpNoRxCJp2wIGM9u2Edk-PLMZ1H4", "s" : "1", "t" : "brv", "dt":
   "2021-05-27T19:16:50.750302+00:00", "p" :
   "EY2L3ycqK9645aEeQKP941xojSiuiHsw4Y6yTW-PmsBg", "ra": { "i":
   "ELh3eYC2W_Su1izlvm0xxw01n3XK8bdV2Zb09IqlXB7A", "s": "4", "d":
   "Ezpq06UecHwzy-K9FpNoRxCJp2wIGM9u2Edk-PLMZ1H4" } }-

1.7.  Use Case

   The _Verifiable Legal Entity Identifier_ (vLEI) provides a
   lightweight, easy to understand use case for a _Transaction Event
   Log_ as a _Verifiable Credential Registry_. Issuing a VC has been
   described above.  Verification of a VC will start with the
   presentation of a vLEI VC as proof (all vLEI VCs are public and
   therefore proof presentation will include the entire vLEI VC).  The
   verifier will extract the DID of the issuer from the VC, and
   calculate the hash digest of the serialized contents of the VC.  By
   parsing the namespaced identifier of the VC, the verifier will
   perform the following steps:

   1.  Retrieve the key state from the KERI did method (or appropriate
       DID method tunnel) using the controller identifier embedded in
       the VC identifier

   2.  Retrieve and verify the KEL against the key state of the issuer

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   3.  Retrieve the management TEL using the Registry identifier
       embedded in the VC identifier and determine the Registrars to use
       to retrieve the VC TEL.

   4.  Retrieve the VC TEL and calculate the issuance/revocation state
       of the VC from the events in the TEL.

   5.  Using the keys from the KERI event to which the iss event is
       anchored, verify the signature on the VC.

1.8.  Security Considerations

   1.  To avoid DDoS attack by flooding an Endorser with TEL events that
       are not associated with any identifiers they are associated with,
       TEL events need to be placed in escrow until an anchoring KEL
       event is seen for the TEL identifier.

2.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.


   TODO acknowledge.

Author's Address

   Phil Feairheller

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